File Archive

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File size:
27 164 bytes (26.53K)
File date:
2004-04-19 23:06:29
Download count:
all-time: 912


                        .                                .

                       _:_ _                          _ _:_

                      _)¦               __               ¦(_

                     _) |             __\/__             | (_

                    _)  |             \/__\/             |  (_

                   _)  .|               \/               |.  (_

                  _)   :|     /\                  /\     |:   (_

                _)    :|   _/  \   __  __  __   /  \_   |:    (_

               _)     '|_  \_   \_ )/  __  \( _/   _/  _|`     (_

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              \        _ /_\_   ¯  ) \\/\// (  ¯   _/_\ _        /

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		\       (_       _)`\/`'\/'(_       _)       /  ·Mo!/c!·

		 \_ __ __/_    __\_/\ /\ /\_/__    _\__ __ _/

	       _./ Y  Y  Y \._\\\ ___Y__Y___ ///_./ Y  Y  Y \._

	  _____\|  |  |  |___/___\/________\/___\___|  |  |  |/____

       :_/      \__|__|__|\__)                  (__/|__|__|__/     \_:

       |              ...........................                    |

      ______         |       __________               __________

   ___\__   \     ___________\___     /____  _________\___     /   ________

 _/    |/    \____\_     /     _     /     |/     /     _     /____\_     /

 \______      /   _/  __/___________/     _/    _/___________/     _/  __/__

       \_____/____\       /        \______\        /    .   \______\       /

		   \_____/                 \______/     |           \_____/

       |              :    the wise guy..       : lo/wL!             |

       |_             :.........................:                   _|

       : \_________________________________________________________/ :

		       _ __      _ __     _ __

  ___ __ _ _ _ __ _______/(_ ______/(_ _____/(  __/\__ _ __ _____ _ _ __ ___

  \___\__\_\\\___  __  ___    _ ____ _ __    /  \ oO /_ __      ///_/__/___/

	   _ __     |   ¬\ _ ___  ¬\   /____/_  /_ /_\  __\    /___

	      \     _     \_   /    \_       ¬\_  \/ ___ __\  /___/

		    ¦      /  /      /         /      ¬\_   \/  ¬\_ __

       _ __ ___ ____:    _/___     _/___     _/___     _/___     ___ _ zd!

		    \ ___(    \ ___(    \ ___(    \ ___(    \ ___(

		     \/        \/        \/        \/        \/


		  _ __      _ __                _ __   _ __ ___

 __ _ _ __ _   :_ __/(_ __ ___/(_ __ ____ _  ·_ __/(___ __ _ _ \ ._ ____ _ _ __

 \__\_\\\___   ¦   __ _ _________ __  ___///_:   __ _ ______/// \¦   __///_/__/

      _ __   __|   ¬\    _)_  ¬    |   ¬\    ¦   ¬\    _)_ ¬\    \   ¬\

	 \   \\_     \_        \_  _     \_  |     \_        \_   \     __ _

	       |      /         /  ¦      /         /         /  \      /

  _ __ ___ ____¦    _/___     _/___:    _/___     _/___     _/___¦    ___ _

	  .    \ ___(    \ ___(    \ ___(    \ ___(    \ ___(    \ ___(

	  :     \/        \/        \/        \/        \/        \/

	  |                                                        :

	  |              .____   ____. .____  _|_                  :

   _  _ __|___ _  /\     l____) (____l l    '  l____,    ·  /\_ ___¦__ _  _

	  ¦     \/  ·    |    _|_              ____       \/    __ |

	  ¦                    l____, (__|__) (____)           ///\|_

	  ¦                                                    \_\/\_\

	  :     - -- --- ---- ----- ------ ------- ---------------\///


	  :     bBS-dESiGN...


	  `------- ------ ----- ---- --- -- -

- -- --- ---- ----- -------------------------------------- ----- ---- --- -- -


- -- --- ---- ----- -------------------------------------- ----- ---- --- -- -

 _ __ ___ _ __ ___ __ _   · .____  _|_   .____   ____   _ __ ___ __ _ ___ __ _

      ///_/__/___/        l l    )  l__, l    ' (____)       \___\__\_\\\

	__/\__                                                     ·

	\ -- /------------- ------- ------ ----- ---- --- -- -     .

	/_\ _\                                                     :

	  \/      tHERE iS a tHEORY wHiCH sTATES tHAT iF eVER      :

	  |            aNYONE diSCOVERS eXACTLY wHAT tHE           ¦

   _  _ __|___ _  /\    uNiVERSE iS aND fOR wHAT iT iS,  ·  /\_ ___¦__ _  _

	  |     \/  ·    iT wiLL iNSTANTLY diSSAPPEAR     \/       |

	  |              aND bE rEPLACED bY sOMEHTiNG              |

	  |          eVEN mORE biZARRE aND uNEXPLiCABLE...        _|/\__

	  |                                                       \ -- /

	  |     - -- --- ---- ----- ------ ------- ---------------/_ /_\

	  ¦                                                         \/

	  ¦     wELL fUCK tHIS,  yET  aNOTHER  cOLLIE  fROM tHE    

	  ¦     wISE gUYS oF tHE aSCII wORLD.  fOR  sOME fUCKED  

	  ¦     rEASON tHE mORE yOU dO aSCII'S iT dOESN'T  cOME 


	  :     tHIS tIME i'VE  kEPT mY sAME sTYLE fROM oS-cITY 

	  :     sEEN aS i gOT sO mUCH fAN mAIL fOR iT.. aND yOU


	  :     wHAT yA cALL, bETWEEN aSCII gROUPS, sO iF tHERE

	  :     aRE aNY nICE aSCII gOD  lEADERS oUT tHERE, gIVE 

	  :     mE tHE iNVITE tO yA gROUP aND i'LL bE iN!.. aND

	  :     fUCK, iF yOU fEEL i'M tALKING lIKE aN aPE hERE,

	  :     tHEN iT'S pROBABLY cOZ iT'S  sUNNY aS fUCK, aND 

	  :     i'M tAKING iN tHE sMOKE aS i lIST  tO tEMPLE oF 

	  :     bOOM!  fUCK yOU kIDS, lET tHE wISE gUY lIVE  oN 

	  :     aND yOU kNOW hOW iT gOES.. gET sTONED!....



	  :      ________________________/   /________________

	  ·     _\___  ______  _____   _  __   _____   \____  \_

	  `--  /  _____/  __/  /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   / --.

	       \_______\______/   ____/   /___/\______/_______/    ¦

			     /   /   /   / -s1!                    :






	__/\__         (»)·dRAKAR/aTOMIC!^tRSI!^mYTH!·(«)          ·

	\ -- /------------- ------- ------ ----- ---- --- -- -     :

	/_\ _\                                                     :

	  \/                                                       :

   _  _ __|___ _  /\       tHERE iS aNOTHER tHEORY       ·  /\_ ___¦__ _  _

	  ¦     \/  ·            wHiCH sTATES             \/       |

	  ¦            tHAT tHiS hAS aLREADY hAPPENED...          _|/\__

	  :                                                       \ -- /

	  :     - -- --- ---- ----- ------ ------- ---------------/_ /_\

	  ·                                                         \/

	  `------- ------ ----- ---- --- -- - dOUGLAS aDAMS    

- -- --- ---- ----- -------------------------------------- ----- ---- --- -- -


- -- --- ---- ----- -------------------------------------- ----- ---- --- -- -


		      _\                                |

		     |                                  |

		     |                                  |

		     |  i send my greets to all those   |

		     .  great friends of mine in atc!   | (lo!/wl!)

		     |  and catch our new "eat shit!"   |

		     |  intro 4 the lamers at skyline   |

		     |                                  |

		     |                                 _|



	       ____________             _____ ___|_          /

	_______\_    _____/___  ________\___ | ___/_ lo/wl  /________

   _____\___    /_____/      /__\___   \    \_/     \_     /_\_   __/______

   \      _    /     /______/     |/    \____|       /____/       |       /

    \_________/           \_____________/    |______/    \_______________/



		      _\                                |

		     |                                  |

		     |                                  |

		     |  i send my greets to all those   |

		     .  great friends of mine in trsi   | (lo!/wl!)

		     |  and should be getting back in   |

		     |  to the trading on spt of soul   |

		     |                                  |

		     |                                 _|


					       _   __ ___   ___   __ _  _

	    _ __________________________    _/\________  \ (___) /

	    \_\______   ___________     \_  \     ____/__ \_____/

		   |     |_/      /     _/_/ \______     \_      \_

		   |     |\_______\      \_  _____________/______ /

		   `-----:-- --- --\______/\_/-- --- -  ---- -  \/

			 . adk!

	      (*)  T R i S T A R · A N D · R E D · S E C T O R  (*)

		and we give this one the name...

		stoned age... dedicated to the smoke party '95!

		coming soon, for all australasians who enjoy

		being surrounded by smoke while listen to the

		tunes being pumped out by dj.junkE and dj.drakz!


				      ________              ____

    ________ _ ________   _______ ____\      /_____________|    |  _ ________ _

  __\   ___/___        \_/   _   \\_ _ \    /  ____  /    __    | |

 /   \____    /____/   _/    |    |   \   _/   \____/\    \|    | |  hMC

/____________/   |_____\__________:____\  \__________|\_________| |_ _______ _

  _ _ ________________________________ _\/_ _______________________________ _/



 |          aMIGA eLITE     ÷    aMIGA wAREMS    ÷     eLITE zONE 

 |            mUSIC     ÷      cHIP mODULES     ÷    sEGA wAREMS

 |          sUPER nINTENDO wAREMS     ÷    aRT     ÷    eLITE aRT

 |                          ÷    sEE yOU!     ÷

 |                                             _______   _________   __________

 |_ __________________________________ _  _____\___   \_/   _____/__/   ____  /

					\ \   ____/    |    \_     |    \____/|

 _ ____________________________________ _\ \___________|___________|__________|




	 __/\\\                                                    ·

	/\_\/_/------------ ------- ------ ----- ---- --- -- -     :

	\///                                                       :

	  |           «[ · sTONED · aGE · ]»                       :

   _  _ __|___ _  /\                                     ·  /\_ ___¦__ _  _

	  ¦     \/  ·      «[ · aSCII · hEAVEN · ]»       \/    __ |

	  ¦                                                    ///\|_

	  .                       «[ · pART · tWO · ]»        \ \ \ \

	  ¦                                                    \_\/\_\

	  :     - -- --- ---- ----- ------ ------- ---------------\///


	  :     bBS dESIGN!.......    · amiga elite


	  `------- ------ ----- ---- --- -- -




			    \\ (____) //

	______        __ _____          ______________ __ _ _

       /      \_______\//    /__________\  _____    (_  ______

      /            ._ \/ __.         _   \_______/    |/      \

     /___________    \  /     _______|\________________        \

	      |_______\/______|                      /__________\




			     \\ (____) //

			 ______        _______

	     ____________\     |______|    __|______________

	  ___\   _____  _                \_______   _____  /

   __     \    \_______/|      ________      |    \_______/    __

 _\\       \________\   |______|      |______|\________\        //_


	 __/\\\                                                    ·

	/\_\/_/------------ ------- ------ ----- ---- --- -- -     :

	\///                                                       :

	  |           «[ · sTONED · aGE · ]»                       :

   _  _ __|___ _  /\                                     ·  /\_ ___¦__ _  _

	  ¦     \/  ·      «[ · aSCII · hEAVEN · ]»       \/    __ |

	  ¦                                                    ///\|_

	  .                       «[ · pART · tWO · ]»        \ \ \ \

	  ¦                                                    \_\/\_\

	  :     - -- --- ---- ----- ------ ------- ---------------\///


	  :     bBS dESIGN!.......    · amiga


	  `------- ------ ----- ---- --- -- -


			    \\ (____) //

	______        __ _____          ______________ __ _ _

       /      \_______\//    /__________\  _____    (_  ______

      /            ._ \/ __.         _   \_______/    |/      \

     /___________    \  /     _______|\________________        \

	      |_______\/______|                      /__________\



	 __/\\\                                                    ·

	/\_\/_/------------ ------- ------ ----- ---- --- -- -     :

	\///                                                       :

	  |           «[ · sTONED · aGE · ]»                       :

   _  _ __|___ _  /\                                     ·  /\_ ___¦__ _  _

	  ¦     \/  ·      «[ · aSCII · hEAVEN · ]»       \/    __ |

	  ¦                                                    ///\|_

	  .                       «[ · pART · tWO · ]»        \ \ \ \

	  ¦                                                    \_\/\_\

	  :     - -- --- ---- ----- ------ ------- ---------------\///


	  :     bBS dESIGN!.......    · elite zone


	  `------- ------ ----- ---- --- -- -


			     \\ (____) //

			 ______        _______

	     ____________\     |______|    __|______________

	  ___\   _____  _                \_______   _____  /

   __     \    \_______/|      ________      |    \_______/    __

 _\\       \________\   |______|      |______|\________\        //_


	  _____________            ________          ____________

.     ____\________   |____________|   __  \_________\   _____  /    .

:    |     ___________| _  ______  _     \  \     _    \_______/     :

|\\  |__________________|\________/|______\  \_   |\________\      //|



	 __/\\\                                                    ·

	/\_\/_/------------ ------- ------ ----- ---- --- -- -     :

	\///                                                       :

	  |           «[ · sTONED · aGE · ]»                       :

   _  _ __|___ _  /\                                     ·  /\_ ___¦__ _  _

	  ¦     \/  ·      «[ · aSCII · hEAVEN · ]»       \/    __ |

	  ¦                                                    ///\|_

	  .                       «[ · pART · tWO · ]»        \ \ \ \

	  ¦                                                    \_\/\_\

	  :     - -- --- ---- ----- ------ ------- ---------------\///


	  :     bBS dESIGN!.......    · music 


	  `------- ------ ----- ---- --- -- -


					   \\ (____) //

	__ _____       ______

 _______\//    /______|_     |  __________   ________ __________

|    ._ \/ __.         /     |_\   ______/___|      |_\  ______/__

|      \  /     ______________  \__________  ________      |      |

|_______\/______|            |_______________|      |_____________|


	 __/\\\                                                    ·

	/\_\/_/------------ ------- ------ ----- ---- --- -- -     :

	\///                                                       :

	  |           «[ · sTONED · aGE · ]»                       :

   _  _ __|___ _  /\                                     ·  /\_ ___¦__ _  _

	  ¦     \/  ·      «[ · aSCII · hEAVEN · ]»       \/    __ |

	  ¦                                                    ///\|_

	  .                       «[ · pART · tWO · ]»        \ \ \ \

	  ¦                                                    \_\/\_\

	  :     - -- --- ---- ----- ------ ------- ---------------\///


	  :     bBS dESIGN!.......    · mods


	  `------- ------ ----- ---- --- -- -

	    __ _____                         ______

 ___________\//    /________________________|     /_  ______________

|    ._____ \/ __.     ___________    ___________  |_\   __________/___

|          \  /               )               )       \______________  |




	 __/\\\                                                    ·

	/\_\/_/------------ ------- ------ ----- ---- --- -- -     :

	\///                                                       :

	  |           «[ · sTONED · aGE · ]»                       :

   _  _ __|___ _  /\                                     ·  /\_ ___¦__ _  _

	  ¦     \/  ·      «[ · aSCII · hEAVEN · ]»       \/    __ |

	  ¦                                                    ///\|_

	  .                       «[ · pART · tWO · ]»        \ \ \ \

	  ¦                                                    \_\/\_\

	  :     - -- --- ---- ----- ------ ------- ---------------\///


	  :     bBS dESIGN!.......    · sega


	  `------- ------ ----- ---- --- -- -


       _________      ___________|  ______________ _ ______

      _\   ____/______\   _____  |__\  _____    (_  /      \

     |  \________       \__________  \_______/    |/        \

     |_______________________\   |\__________________________\

				 :                 dk!


	 __/\\\                                                    ·

	/\_\/_/------------ ------- ------ ----- ---- --- -- -     :

	\///                                                       :

	  |           «[ · sTONED · aGE · ]»                       :

   _  _ __|___ _  /\                                     ·  /\_ ___¦__ _  _

	  ¦     \/  ·      «[ · aSCII · hEAVEN · ]»       \/    __ |

	  ¦                                                    ///\|_

	  .                       «[ · pART · tWO · ]»        \ \ \ \

	  ¦                                                    \_\/\_\

	  :     - -- --- ---- ----- ------ ------- ---------------\///


	  :     bBS dESIGN!.......    · snes


	  `------- ------ ----- ---- --- -- -


		       /  \

		      /    \

   _ ___________ _ __/______\_____ _ __ __________ _ __ ___________

    __)    ____/____/__)         /______)   _____/_______)    ____/______

    \____________        |                  ________________________   _/

    |         |          |                    |                  |      |

    |         |          |                    |                  |      |

    |____            |___|            |____            |____            |

	|____________|   |____________|   |____________|   |____________|

	      /                   \dk!

	     /                     \

	    /                       \

	   /    s.u.p.e.r            \

	  /      n.i.n.t.e.n.d.o      \

	 /                             \



	 __/\\\                                                    ·

	/\_\/_/------------ ------- ------ ----- ---- --- -- -     :

	\///                                                       :

	  |           «[ · sTONED · aGE · ]»                       :

   _  _ __|___ _  /\                                     ·  /\_ ___¦__ _  _

	  ¦     \/  ·      «[ · aSCII · hEAVEN · ]»       \/    __ |

	  ¦                                                    ///\|_

	  .                       «[ · pART · tWO · ]»        \ \ \ \

	  ¦                                                    \_\/\_\

	  :     - -- --- ---- ----- ------ ------- ---------------\///


	  :     bBS dESIGN!.......    · art


	  `------- ------ ----- ---- --- -- -

	 ___________ _ ___________   _ _________________

	_\_______  (____)     __ _)_____)_   __________/

       /      __/                                    \

      /        |                |                     \

     /_________|________________|        |_____________\



	 __/\\\                                                    ·

	/\_\/_/------------ ------- ------ ----- ---- --- -- -     :

	\///                                                       :

	  |           «[ · sTONED · aGE · ]»                       :

   _  _ __|___ _  /\                                     ·  /\_ ___¦__ _  _

	  ¦     \/  ·      «[ · aSCII · hEAVEN · ]»       \/    __ |

	  ¦                                                    ///\|_

	  .                       «[ · pART · tWO · ]»        \ \ \ \

	  ¦                                                    \_\/\_\

	  :     - -- --- ---- ----- ------ ------- ---------------\///


	  :     bBS dESIGN!.......    · elite art


	  `------- ------ ----- ---- --- -- -


			     \\ (____) //

			 ______        _______

	     ____________\     |______|    __|______________

	  ___\   _____  _                \_______   _____  /

   __     \    \_______/|      ________      |    \_______/    __

 _\\       \________\   |______|      |______|\________\        //_

	 ___________ _ ___________   _ _________________

	_\_______  (____)     __ _)_____)_   __________/

       /      __/                                    \

      /        |                |                     \

     /_________|________________|        |_____________\



	 __/\\\                                                    ·

	/\_\/_/------------ ------- ------ ----- ---- --- -- -     :

	\///                                                       :

	  |           «[ · sTONED · aGE · ]»                       :

   _  _ __|___ _  /\                                     ·  /\_ ___¦__ _  _

	  ¦     \/  ·      «[ · aSCII · hEAVEN · ]»       \/    __ |

	  ¦                                                    ///\|_

	  .                       «[ · pART · tWO · ]»        \ \ \ \

	  ¦                                                    \_\/\_\

	  :     - -- --- ---- ----- ------ ------- ---------------\///


	  :     bBS dESIGN!.......    · seee you!


	  `------- ------ ----- ---- --- -- -



	 ______ _ _ _  ___________ _ _ ______|____

      __/ ____/_______)   _____  /____)   _____  /_________________.

     |\_____________    \_______/       \_______/    |             |

     |         |             |               |       |             |

     |_______________________________________________|             |

		______ _____________ _ ______|_____________________|

      _________|      | _______    /__)      |       |             '

     |         |             __)             |       |

     |         |                             |       |

     |__________      |______________________________|

	       |______|                      :


				       :                              :

				       ::                             ::

				   .   :::.   .                   .   :::.   .

_____________   _________ _____ |\_·...::::...·________ · ________·...::::...·

\      _____/_ /    _    \   __\|     |::::____\____   \:/    _____/_ ::::

_\     |     _/     |     \_   \\     |:::\    ____/    |     |      |::::____

\|\__________\_____________/____\_____|::::\____________|____________|::::  |/

 |  hMC                                ::::                           ::::  |

 |\       iF yOU wANNA gET hOLD oF mE  :::: fOR sOME sTRANGE rEASON   :::: /|

 |/                                     ·::                            ·:: \|

 |               tHEN rING oNE oF tHE    :: fOLLOWING eLITE sYSTEMS     ::  :

/|                                        :                              :  .\

\:                        aND lEAVE mAIL tO "dRAKAR" .. hard eh?            |/

 .                                                                          :

 |\ _          bOARD nAME            sYSOP              nUMBER           _ /|

 | \/ - -------------------------------------------------------------- - \/ |

 .          mELLOW iLLUSION      -zANOK/mTH&aTM    +46 - 8 - aTOMIC&mYTH    |

 |            dIAL hARD         fURY/pSG/mTH/aTX   +41 - 7 - cRUX^aTOMIC    |

 :            tERRA fIRMA         pSYCHE/dVS       +61 - 9 - oTL&pDY&dVS    .

 |             rAVE lAND         h2o/cONTRA&oS!    +49 - 7 - cONTRA&sAD!    |

-|_-- - -------------------------------------------------------------- - --_|-

 |/                                                                        \|


 ______ _ \\ (____) //     _ _ _________         __________      _______

|     (__________________________)      |________\____    /_____|       |

|     |             \    _________      ________   __/    ___   |       |

|     |              \________   |      |     __)  \        /______/    |

|_____|     |______|_____________|______|___________\      /dk!|________|

.- ---|_____|---÷----- --------%------÷---------- ---\    /------÷- ----.

|                                                     \  /              |

|    tHOU hISTORY oF oNE sO wISE aS tHOU wISEST oNE    \/               |

¦    hIMSELF, mAY oNLY bE tOLD bY tALES oF hANDING                      ¦

:    dOWN a sTORY fROM mAN tO sON... bUT hERE iS mY                     :

·    aSCII hISTORY aNYhOW!                                              ·

.                                                                       .

:    after many years of ascii.. i did a pack...  -dk!^JFK.txt          :

¦    next thing, my first offspring pack........  oS!-hRRR.txt          ¦

|    next thing, my last offspring pack.........  oS!-cITY.txt          |

|    then came star wars, back to independancy..  -dk!sTAR.txt          |

|    and still, no ascii group has come along...  -dk!stnd.txt          |

|                                                                       |

`- -------------÷----- --------%------÷---------------÷----------÷- ----'


- ---- -------÷ d·R·A·K·A·R ÷-------- ---- -

 drakar, the wise guy  of ascii, presents a  

 boomed  ascii  collection for ascii heaven    

 part two, with the bold name of stoned age

 ...:::::.::::·:..   casual bbs style logos

.::::: . .::::::'::.. with a touch of  wise      

`::::: ·  '::::.:::.:  magic  and the super   

`::::::::::::::·::::' fame stoned stylez...                       
