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File size:
39 348 bytes (38.43K)
File date:
2004-04-19 23:06:29
Download count:
all-time: 526


------------------------------[ Adds - above ]--------------------------------
          · _          _  ·   ___________________
            \\.   _ .  \)    |                   |
             »  . \\ .       |  M I N D L E S S  |      sTZ!/sE
     _________ ____»________ · ______ ______   ______ ______   ______
     \        \\   \\  ._   \__\__   \\    /__ \__   \\    /___\    /___
     /   \/   /    /   |/   /    /   /    /   \_ /___/_____    \_____   \
     \___/   /____/____|   /________/__________/_______________//_______/
        /____\  .     /____\ .                   .   _        _ .
                |            |__               __| · \\.  _   \)
                |            :_/_______________\_:    » . \\ ·
                |                                          » |
                |                                            |
                |                                            |
                |   So the 2:nd release under the mindless   |
                |                                            |
               _|   lable, enjoy!   Anyway  there are more   |_
              \\.                                            .//
                |   to come. If  you feel  like becoming a   | 
                |                                            | 
                |   member  of  this  nice  group  contact   |
_ __ ___________|                                            |___________ __ _
                |   boo-ya or misfit somewhere.              |
                |                                            |
                |                                            |
                :   This little colly  is given to you by:   :
                .                                            .
                ·                                            ·
         ________                           _______
         \      (_____ ________ ________    \     /____ _______
          \    ._    /   _    /   _    / __ /    /    /_\  _   \
          _\   |/   /    /   /_   /   /_(_//_____\   /_    /    \_ -sg
       - -\---------\---------/--------/      `-------/----\_____/

                    And this  time the  name  come from a
                             earth crises song:
                                                         ..  .:.:  :.
          .______.                                    ..  ::  ..:...: ..
          |_ _ __|____   __  ___ .______.___ ______    : bORN  ::.    :..
          ./ \\\___   \./  »»  _\|   _  |  /  __ _ \.  :..: : ..:pAIN  :
          |     _|/    |       \ |  )|__|_/   |//   |      fROM :.   ..
          |_____//     |_____  __|---'  |_____|     |      .:..    :. :
  _ _          /_______|     »»  ._ ________ /______|        .   __ :
  //__ __                        |  \      /________ __  ___ ._  _\   ____
  //  |  \\                      |  _\____/_  _    ./  »»  _\| »» \\ /_   \.
  /  O| . \\_                    |  \______/ )|____|       \ |    _\\/     |
  \___|___//                     |______\  ---'    |_____  __|_____\  /_  _|eD
  (_(___)_)    ._______    _______ .---.                 »»         \/  »»
 __| : : |__   |_   _  \. _\____  \|  _| ________     __________ ______.
`--|-:-:-|--'  ./   /   |/   __/   |  \./   __ _ \. ._\         \/     |
 _ |_:_:_| _   |  _/    |    \-----'   |    |//   | |                  |_ _
 /(_______)\   |  \_____|_____\_   |___|____|     | |_       .     _ ___//
               fTL___\                   _ /___  _|  /______/|______\\
_________________________________________/_    »».     .
                                        //_____  |__   |__.__.__    _   .  ____
_____________________________________          | | //. | /| /| / _  /. /| |
                                   _//_________| |/(_| |/ |/ |/    (_|/_| |____
                                    /_             , |             , |
                                                    \|              \|
                    Oh, anyway.  The name  is just a name 

                    and  nothing  else. Now  over to  the

                    index part:  Hos, House of style, Red

                    demon, Wise-k, Lkr, Gdm , Dmd, Purple

                    dreams,  Mogue,   Sea world,  misfit,
                _                                           _
               _\\  mindless,   sick of it all,  Shock g,  //_
               )\\                                         //(
                 \  Arclite, Mo' soul, Rasta  and  Fatal.  /

          [!][  nOW  oVER  tO  tHE  piECE oF sHiT cALLEd aRT!  ][!]

        .     .                                                .      .
             __                                                __
      .   . /\_\  .     Twinkle, twinkle little star       .  /_/\  .   .
        __  \/_/                                              \_\/  __
  .    /_/\  __ .       and  through the clouds  you         . __  /\_\     .
      .\_\/ /_/\   .                                      .   /\_\ \/_/.
           .\_\/        can read:                Hos          \/_/.
        .       .                                             .       .
             .                                                   .



                 ______bY!      _______________ ______
                      _\________\______       /    __//____ _
                     \\___        /   \)     /_____\        
                 _ _______)      /     \___\/       \_______ 
                         /--------\-----\   \--------\


        .     .                                                .      .
             __                                                __
      .   . /\_\  .     Twinkle, twinkle little star       .  /_/\  .   .
        __  \/_/                                              \_\/  __
  .    /_/\  __ .       and  through the clouds  you         . __  /\_\     .
      .\_\/ /_/\   .                                      .   /\_\ \/_/.
           .\_\/        can read:     House of style          \/_/.
        .       .                                             .       .
             .                                                   .

                      \ /
                     - o_________ ___________ _____
                      /|\        \\          \\    |
                       |          \.           \   |
 _______           ______________          ___________    _____________
 \     _\__________\____        /   ______ \      ___//___\___        /___
  \   \\__        /    \)      /----\     \_\_____\      \   /_______/   /
   \      \________\    \_____/     (\     \       \______\____/        /
    \------\      \------\   /______________\-------\         /--------/
                       |                           |
                       |        [   o F !  ]       |
                       |                           |bY!/mL
       ___________    _______     ___\     \  ______      ___________
       \      ___//__/      /__  /   (\__   \/     /______\__       /___
       _\_____\      \     ___/_/_______//   \    /)      / /______/   /
       \       \______\___/       /     ______\__        /____/       /
        \-------\      . /-------/------\       /-------/    /-------/
                       |                           |

        .     .                                                .      .
             __                                                __
      .   . /\_\  .     Twinkle, twinkle little star       .  /_/\  .   .
        __  \/_/                                              \_\/  __
  .    /_/\  __ .       and  through the clouds  you         . __  /\_\     .
      .\_\/ /_/\   .                                      .   /\_\ \/_/.
           .\_\/        can read:          Red demon          \/_/.
        .       .                                             .       .
             .                                                   .


                   _____________                 _______
                __\\___        /________ ________\____  \
             ___\      \)_____/_       /___        __//  \ __ ___
            |    \      \      /______/   /        \______\\//   |
            |     \------\ ______/       /\---------\            |
            |                   /-------/                        |
        _______                              _______             |
 _______\____  \   ___________ ____\--------/      /___________ _____________
 \        __//  \_\\_        /___   \      /      /___        /_\__         /
  \       \______\  /_______/   /    \    /      /   \)      /    \)       /
   \-------\.    _____/        /\     \--/_____\/     \_____/      \      /
            |        /--------/  \-----\        \------\     \______\    /
            |                                                    /---------\
            |              [  r E D   d E M O N !  ]             .


        .     .                                                .      .
             __                                                __
      .   . /\_\  .     Twinkle, twinkle little star       .  /_/\  .   .
        __  \/_/                                              \_\/  __
  .    /_/\  __ .       and  through the clouds  you         . __  /\_\     .
      .\_\/ /_/\   .                                      .   /\_\ \/_/.
           .\_\/        can read:             Wise-K          \/_/.
        .       .                                             .       .
             .                                                   .


       _____\    \      ________      _________ _ ___                        
      /    /-\    \ ____\_   __//____\\_      /___   \                    
     /    /   \    \     /___\_      / /_____/   /    \ ______               
    /____/     \____\   /     \_____/____/      /\     \     /            
        /-------\  ____/\------\        /------//\\     \___/----/      
                                                   \____/\      /bY!/mL  


        .     .                                                .      .
             __                                                __
      .   . /\_\  .     Twinkle, twinkle little star       .  /_/\  .   .
        __  \/_/                                              \_\/  __
  .    /_/\  __ .       and  through the clouds  you         . __  /\_\     .
      .\_\/ /_/\   .                                      .   /\_\ \/_/.
           .\_\/        can read:                Lkr          \/_/.
        .       .                                             .       .
             .                                                   .

                 __/_____  _\______   [ L O O K E R ]
                  /     /____\__   \ _______     ___________
                 /     /)      /    \      / ___\\__       /
                /_____        /\     \____/--\--/  \)_____/ 
                     /-------/  \----/\       \/    \         

        .     .                                                .      .
             __                                                __
      .   . /\_\  .     Twinkle, twinkle little star       .  /_/\  .   .
        __  \/_/                                              \_\/  __
  .    /_/\  __ .       and  through the clouds  you         . __  /\_\     .
      .\_\/ /_/\   .                                      .   /\_\ \/_/.
           .\_\/        can read:                Gdm          \/_/.
        .       .                                             .       .
             .                                                   .


          ____________           _\_______\_
. ..::::::\      ____//_____ ______\____   \_____\-------/_______/......... .
' `::::::::\     \/        /         __//   \     \     /       /::::::::'
    `:::::::\____/\      \/          \_____\_\     \   /       /:::::::'
 .  .:::::::::::/--------/\-----------\     \_______\-/       /bY!:::::.. .

        .     .                                                .      .
             __                                                __
      .   . /\_\  .     Twinkle, twinkle little star       .  /_/\  .   .
        __  \/_/                                              \_\/  __
  .    /_/\  __ .       and  through the clouds  you         . __  /\_\     .
      .\_\/ /_/\   .                                      .   /\_\ \/_/.
           .\_\/        can read:                Dmd          \/_/.
        .       .                                             .       .
             .                                                   .


                           __:___________)\_______ __ _
              _\_________    |                     ________\_ _
       _________\____    \ __|\-------/______ _____\____    \
       \          __//    \  : \     /      /        __//    \bY!
        \         \_____\__\    \   /     \/         \________\_
         \---------\     \---:---\-/      /\----------\        \
                             |    /------/
      _ __ __________________|__ _

        .     .                                                .      .
             __                                                __
      .   . /\_\  .     Twinkle, twinkle little star       .  /_/\  .   .
        __  \/_/                                              \_\/  __
  .    /_/\  __ .       and  through the clouds  you         . __  /\_\     .
      .\_\/ /_/\   .                                      .   /\_\ \/_/.
           .\_\/        can read:      Purple dreams          \/_/.
        .       .                                             .       .
             .                                                   .

 .___________________ __________.
 |                   \\     ____|________ ___        ___________
 |     ____________   \. __\\____       /   /________\__       /__
 |  __\\____      / _______     \)___/_/   /)      /   /______/  /
 |  \     \/     /--\      \     \  /_____        /_____/       /
 |   \     \____/   (\      \---:-\      /-------/     /-------/
 |    \-----\  ______________\  |
 |               ____________   |bY!/mL   ___________
_|______\___  \_\\___       /___|____ ____\__       / ------/_____ _____
\:        _//  \    \)_____/_   :   /__     _      / \     /     /   __//_____
 \        \_____\    \      /______/  /     \)__\_/   \   /     /____\       /
 |\--------\   \------\ _____/       /\------\   \_____\-/     /      \_____/
 |                          /---:---/                   /-----/\-------\
 |      [ pURPLE dREAMS ]       |

        .     .                                                .      .
             __                                                __
      .   . /\_\  .     Twinkle, twinkle little star       .  /_/\  .   .
        __  \/_/                                              \_\/  __
  .    /_/\  __ .       and  through the clouds  you         . __  /\_\     .
      .\_\/ /_/\   .                                      .   /\_\ \/_/.
           .\_\/        can read:              Mogue          \/_/.
        .       .                                             .       .
             .                                                   .

                               _ __ _
      ____\-------/__|_ __________ ______       ______  _________
      \    \     /    /  _       / _____//___---\     \\\__     /_____
      _\    \   /    /   \)     /  \/       /   (\     \  /____/     /bY!
    //_______\-/    /_____\----/___/\      /____________\__/        /___ _
              /----/ |            /-------/               /------------///


        .     .                                                .      .
             __                                                __
      .   . /\_\  .     Twinkle, twinkle little star       .  /_/\  .   .
        __  \/_/                                              \_\/  __
  .    /_/\  __ .       and  through the clouds  you         . __  /\_\     .
      .\_\/ /_/\   .                                      .   /\_\ \/_/.
           .\_\/        can read:          Sea World          \/_/.
        .       .                                             .       .
             .                                                   .

    ________    __________       ________|_                              |
    \   ___//__\\_       /___ __\\__     :/                              |
\----\__\_      //______/   /     _      /   [   s E A   w O R L D !   ] |
 \       \_____/___/       /      \)____/|                               |
  \-------\       /-------/\-------\     |                               |
                           ______________|__________ __          ______\_|
             __/_____\----\     _       /\___      /  /_______/__\____  \|
              /     /-\    \    \)     /    \)__/_/  /)      /      _//  \ 
             /     /   \    \____\----/      \ /____        /       \____:\
            /_____/     \____\         \------\    /-------/\--------\   |
                 /-------\               |                               |
                                      bY!|                               |
                                         |            /                  |

        .     .                                                .      .
             __                                                __
      .   . /\_\  .     Twinkle, twinkle little star       .  /_/\  .   .
        __  \/_/                                              \_\/  __
  .    /_/\  __ .       and  through the clouds  you         . __  /\_\     .
      .\_\/ /_/\   .                                      .   /\_\ \/_/.
           .\_\/        can read:             Misfit          \/_/.
        .       .                                             .       .
             .                                                   .


                     _ __:_____________)\__ _
                _______  |
 _____\-------/_\____  \ | __________       ______________  _ _/_____. 
 \     \     /      /   \: \      __//____ _\____        /__  /     _|______
  \     \   /     \/     \__\_____\       \     \)___\__/   \/     /)      /
   \_____\-/      /\______\        \_______\      _\  \      \____        /
          /------/       | \--------\      \------\    \______\  /-------/

        .     .                                                .      .
             __                                                __
      .   . /\_\  .     Twinkle, twinkle little star       .  /_/\  .   .
        __  \/_/                                              \_\/  __
  .    /_/\  __ .       and  through the clouds  you         . __  /\_\     .
      .\_\/ /_/\   .                                      .   /\_\ \/_/.
           .\_\/        can read:           Mindless          \/_/.
        .       .                                             .       .
             .                                                   .

                     .  .
                    :' `:|                  ________ __
    _____\-------/__|__  |  ____________ ___\____   \\/
    \     \     /     /  |_\\___       /      __//   \bY!
     \     \   /     /   |     \)     /       \_______\
      \_____\-/     /:. .:______\    /---------\
             /     /::::::    /-------\           [ miNdLESS! ]
            /     /__:'::'_ ___________  __________ 
        __ /     /)  . :' /_\_        /__\      __//___ __________
        \//_____       . /   /_______/   /\_____\      \       __//___ __
               /--------/______/        /        \______\______\      \\/
                              /--------/ \--------\    \        \______\

        .     .                                                .      .
             __                                                __
      .   . /\_\  .     Twinkle, twinkle little star       .  /_/\  .   .
        __  \/_/                                              \_\/  __
  .    /_/\  __ .       and  through the clouds  you         . __  /\_\     .
      .\_\/ /_/\   .                                      .   /\_\ \/_/.
           .\_\/        can read:     Sick of it all          \/_/.
        .       .                                             .       .
             .                                                  .

                                   __\______  _ _:________________ __ _
         ________         : _________ \     \ ___|__
             ___//__|     |     ____/__\__   \  ___/____
     ________\       \    |     \)       /    \/       /
     \        \_____:_\   |      \______/\----/\      /           
      \--------\    |_____|\------\          /---:---/bY!/mL
                               ____________      |
                         ______\___      _/_____ | __/______ 
                         \        _      /     /_|__/__    /_______
         [  oF iT  ]      \       \)____/     /) :    /   /)      /
                           \-------\  /______        /___        /
                                            /----:--/   /-------/
                                                 |_ _


        .     .                                                .      .
             __                                                __
      .   . /\_\  .     Twinkle, twinkle little star       .  /_/\  .   .
        __  \/_/                                              \_\/  __
  .    /_/\  __ .       and  through the clouds  you         . __  /\_\     .
      .\_\/ /_/\   .                                      .   /\_\ \/_/.
           .\_\/        can read:            Shock G          \/_/.
        .       .                                             .       .
             .                                                   .

                   .     .
                   |     |
                   |     |
                   |     | [   s H O C K   G   ]                     .
        __________ |   __|________ ___________ ________              |
        \    ____//|_ \\___      /   _       /   _____//____ _\_ _   |
    \----\___\       \   |/     /    \)     /    \)        /   \ ____|_
     \        \_______\  |     /      \___\/      \______\/     \  ___/____
      \--------\   |     |______\------\   \-------\      \      \/       /
                   |     |                                 \-----/\  .   /
                   .     .  _ __ ____________                   /----|--//\
                                     _______//____/_ _ __ ___________|
                   .     .          _\)          /
                     - -- --- ---------\

        .     .                                                .      .
             __                                                __
      .   . /\_\  .     Twinkle, twinkle little star       .  /_/\  .   .
        __  \/_/                                              \_\/  __
  .    /_/\  __ .       and  through the clouds  you         . __  /\_\     .
      .\_\/ /_/\   .                                      .   /\_\ \/_/.
           .\_\/        can read:                             \/_/.
        .       .                                             .       .
             .                                                   .

          ____ ________
         |    \\       |
         |     \.      |
         |             |
         |             |
         |             |
         |  ____________________ _________
    _ ______\__       /__      /    _____//____
              _      /  \)____/__   \)        /
              \)___\/    \/     /    \_______/  [    a R C L i T E    ]
     -- -------\    \----/\    /\-----\
         .             |/     /
         |       \\    /     /          :______       _____________
         |        \   /     /_____|__   |     /_      \___        /__ __ _
         |           /     /)       /   | _____/-----/   /_______/    
         |          /_____         /____|_\_        /______/        
         |  \          | /--------/        /_______/      /--------- -- -
         |  \\         |
         |             |
         |             |bY!/mL
         |     \       |

        .     .                                                .      .
             __                                                __
      .   . /\_\  .     Twinkle, twinkle little star       .  /_/\  .   .
        __  \/_/                                              \_\/  __
  .    /_/\  __ .       and  through the clouds  you         . __  /\_\     .
      .\_\/ /_/\   .                                      .   /\_\ \/_/.
           .\_\/        can read:           Mo' soul          \/_/.
        .       .                                             .       .
             .                                                   .

           _____ ______________________________ ____ ____ ____
          |     \\                             Y__ _Y__ _Y__ _|
          |      \·                ........       Y____Y_ __Y_|
          |                      .:::::::'               Y____|
          |                    .::::'.::'                     |
______\---|---/______ _______.::::'.::::::                    |
       \     /      /___   .::::'/                            |bY!/mL
        \   /      /   \).::::::::::::::._____________        |_______
 _ ______\-/      /     \_____/     `::::____        /_\-----\       /________
          |------/-------\          .:::'   \)      /   \     \     /)       /
          |                       .::::'     \_____/    (\     \___         /
          |                     .:::::'\------\   ____________._\ /--------/
          |                                                   |
          [  · dESOTO · mARK rYdER · viNZi · nUP · cRUSADER · ]
          .                                                   .
          |                                                   |

        .     .                                                .      .
             __                                                __
      .   . /\_\  .     Twinkle, twinkle little star       .  /_/\  .   .
        __  \/_/                                              \_\/  __
  .    /_/\  __ .       and  through the clouds  you         . __  /\_\     .
      .\_\/ /_/\   .                                      .   /\_\ \/_/.
           .\_\/        can read:              Rasta          \/_/.
        .       .                                             .       .
             .                                                  .

                                _   _\/_   _
                            ____)\  \/\/  /(____ 
                           |                    |
                           |                    |
                           |                    |             
  _______________          |    __________      |bY!/mL        
_\\_____        / ____________  \   _____//___ _/_______.         ___________
       \)______/_\\___       /---\__\         \/      __|_____ __\\___       
        \ \        _        /        \_________\     /)      /     _        
 --------\ \       \)______/\---------\      /______        /      \)______ _
            \-------\      .                    .  /-------/\-------\
                           |                    |
                        _ _|                    |_ _
                        )\\.                    .//(

        .     .                                                .      .
             __                                                __
      .   . /\_\  .     Twinkle, twinkle little star       .  /_/\  .   .
        __  \/_/                                              \_\/  __
  .    /_/\  __ .       and  through the clouds  you         . __  /\_\     .
      .\_\/ /_/\   .                                      .   /\_\ \/_/.
           .\_\/        can read:              Fatal          \/_/.
        .       .                                             .       .
             .                                                   .

                                   ·                            ·
          ____________    ________/_____.             _________/____ 
      _ _\\____      /___\\_     /    __|_____ ______\\_      /    /_______ _
              \)____/   _       /    /)     ./      _        /    /)       
               __\      \)_____/____      .:/       \)______/____    bY!/mL
       - ------\ \-------\    /·:::/:...:::/\.....·:'      /    /-------- -
                             ·   `::::::::::::::::'       ·
                                   `:::::::' `::'
                                     `:::'    `:         
                                       :       .

     [!][  nOW  oVER  tO  tHE  eXTREMLY bORiNG eNd SHiT sO bEWARE! ][!]


        _                                                ._______.
________/_   ._____     ____   ____ _____________   _____|___    |       _
       //____|     \  _/  _//_(____)      __     \./    ____//   |_______/_
______       |  ____\//  /    |    |      |/      |     \|       |      //_____
    _//______|_\\_  \/  /     |    |______|       |      |_______|______
     /_           \    /------'----'    /_________|________\          _//______
          .______. \  /______           ______          ______         /_
          |      |  \/  ____//_       _/    _//____   _/    _//____
          |      |  |   ______//___ ._\________    \._\________    \.
          |      |__|   \|         \|        |/     |        |/     |
          fTL_______|____|_         |       _|______|       _|_____eD
           _ .  . ........ \________|______/        |______/
___________/_      :::                                       _
________            :.                                      //_________________
       /_           :                                   _//____________________
                    .                                    /_

                                   _  __  _
                                   )\ \/ /(

     Ok this is it for this time i'll stay low for a while and then i'll

     strike just as hard again.. I don't feel like doin' any more stupid

                    'endshit' so.. See you later..

                                   _  __  _
                                   )\ \/ /(


                                 Fatal / e^D  

                               Stezotehic / sE

                                Shock G / JA!

                              Chrombacher / e^D
                                 U-man / aL!

                                   _  __  _
                                   )\ \/ /(


                    Relief: Sorry  that i forgot to  send

                    your logo. You'll get  it  sooner  or

                    later :) Hehe. Btw Interested in what

                    Zinko asked you about?     E-mail me.

                    Misfit: We   will  kick   some   ass.

                    The   rest:   Peace   to   ya   ALL !

                                   _  __  _
                                   )\ \/ /(

                    Mindless  official releases so  far :

                  Name:            Artist:    Release date:

                  mL!-siof.txt     Misfit          96-07-16

                  mL!-born.txt     Boo-ya          97-07-17

                                   _  __  _
                                   )\ \/ /(

                       This collection contained 100% pure:
                             _____________________  ·
                           _(                     )_:_  _       \\
             sTZ!/sE      |     HARDCORE ASCII      |            \
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        |    \         __\__  \\    /___\  _/___\   \\  \            |
     _ _|___ \\      _/    _   \_____   \  \    \_  /   /         ___|
        :  (______ _ \_____\____//______/________/_/___/ _ _______)

                    I'm  trying hard  to  build up a life
                    uncomplete by  distraction a question
                    another reply  another  temtation you
                    can't deny truth  is  hurting so much
                    that can't be ignored  disappointment
                    a fact in life i  will  try to  never
                    close my eyes. Failure a part of this
                    life but don't  you think  it's  time

                    for some changes  it's  time to get a

                    grip of  yourself a hard  decision to

                    to make a lot of walls to  break down

                    and  some  obsticalls to get  through

                    forget the past no  more lies and you

                    will be  free  disappointment  a fact

                    in life i will try  to never close my

                    eyes failure a part  of this life but

                    it's time  for  changes it's  time to

                    get  a  grip  of  yourself  truth  is

                    hurting so much disappointment a fact

                    in life searching for an identity but

                    you have crossed reality dismiss your

                    fear  for   another   way  of  living

                    /Raised Fist - Time for changes
     ._____      .         .         _ ______
.____|    /______._________:_________ __    /__      _________________ .______.
|    |   ._     /:   ._   /¦   ._   /./    /_ /._____\___ _/.         ||      |
|    |   l/      ¦   |/    |   |/   .|____._/  |     .__/   |         ||      |
|    |   l_      |   l_    |   l_   |     l/   |     l/     |         ||     .|
                 ¦         :
                 :         .
                                  [ oF: ]

                              m i N D L E S S

                                   [ & ]
       ·               -uMn/aL! |    -> eXiT PLaNEt dUSt! <-
       _\ ______      ______ ___·_    ____         ___________
         \     /_____|_____(_   _/___/_   |______  \     _    |______
        / \         /       /   \     /   /     /   \    /    |     /_ _
       /___________/_______/_________/    \_____\    \________|     _/ /_
            /                   . /_______|                /________|
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        /\_\ \       |      _/ \ /_/    _/    \_  \/   /   \/   / \/_/
        \/_/  \______|______|   Y \_____\______/______/________/

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|                                          |
|bOO-YA  oF [ m i N d L E S S ] giVES  yOU:|
|                                          |
|            'bORN fROM pAiN'              |

                           - No respect, SUCKAZ! -

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