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File size:
63 633 bytes (62.14K)
File date:
2004-04-19 23:06:29
Download count:
all-time: 428


     _____     ___ ___   ____
.____\  _/___ _\  /  /_ _\   \ _.__________________________________________.
|     \___   \   /_    \_ \_  \                                            |
._______./____\.___(____/__/     _       ÷ s k y  t o w e r  b b s ÷       |
|                 -gdm^lkr/______\--- -                              - --- .
| 4 ringdown nodes                   hellfire - freezers - nightfall ehq   |
.  4 telnet nodes                     digital corruption - shelter dkhq    |
|   2 isdn nodes                          unique - audiophiles  whq        |
| -> - y e s -  - ---- -- >      with *amiga*pc*n64*mac*mp3 confs on board | 
|                                                                          7
|        sani: a4ooo with cyberstorm + cyberstorm o6o/5o + 16gb hd         |
|                            ded-moroz : enzo                              |
|                            _____    _____   ___  ___    _____    _____   |
|  arrived at   _____________\_ _/__._) _ /_ _\  /\  /_ __\ __/_ __\_  /___.
7    16:o2:o4   \                   |   (   \          \_ __)   \   __/    | 
|_    o5/o4/98   \._________________|________\.__/\_____/_\______\._\______|

                                                      [ Slt!TextAdd v1.1 ]

                                   . : .
                                \. \c|o/ ./
                          \ ||     |||||     || /
                           \|| FiNE||·||LiNE ||/
      ________ ___ ________ :|___  |: :|____.|: ___ ________ _____
     .\   __ /_\ /_\ _  _  \\  _/__|   |\   ||__\ /_\ _  _  \\  _/____
     |    _/   \/  |\/  /  //  _/   /  |    |/  \/  |\/  /  //  _/   /
     |    |        :/  /  /·   \    \  |    ·       :/  /  /·   \    \
 .   |_   .___________/   \ _________\ |_   |_ ________/   \ _________\ _  .
-:\-_:/___|_---------/______\|     |  _:/____/-----:--/______\---------\/-/:-
 |_\\/    :           |   ___|.   _|__\/  ___|_    |                     /_|
 |                    |  .\  _|___\  _||__\  _/___ |                       |
 |Tristar & Red Sector|  |   \_   \  \_   \\___  / |   Back In The Days!   |
 |Lightforce ^ Ram Jam|  |_   /   /   /   /   /  \ |  Lamers Should Learn  |
 |Looker House ^ Abuse| _:/___)    ___)    _______\|_   From The Past!     |
 |5th Dynasty  ^ Faith| \/   /_____\|/_____\ |     \/                      |
 |   Save Our Souls   |      |     |   |     |     |Rage Against The AmiNet|
 |    Low Profile     |      | /.  |BBS|  .\ |     |100% AmiNet Files free!|
 |_    X-tREK^DC      |      |//___|: :|___\\|     |                      _|
 |(_   FAiRLiGHT      |            ||·||           |                     _)|
            ___________    ____
     ______/   \__//   \__/____\      tHE tIME       14:55:21
   _/   \_/  :           //____\\     tHE dATE      04-05-1998
  /|      :  :  ..      /        \    tHE nODE          00
 | |     ::     ::      \        /    tHE dEWD    ZOLTRiX
 | |     :|     ||     \ \______/
 | |  _  ||     ||  __  |\  /  |      FiNE LiNE bBS aCCEPTS nO SHiT!
  \|     ||     ||      |   / | \
   | ___ || ___ || ____ |  / /_\ \    LEAVE tHE AMiNET oN dA fUCKiNG NET!
   |  _  ||  _  ||  __  | /  /    \
    \___/  \___/ |      |/__/      \  BACK oNLiNE oNCE aGAiN! cALL uS sOON!
                 _\____/    \      /
 WE WANT YOU !  /____             /   100% pURE AMiGA fILEZ nOTHiNG eLSE !!
 FIND US !     /     \           /
 CALL US !     \______\_________/        hOME tO gALAHAD^FLT aGa FiXES


starting bootproces; trap 1 ... online
linking subroutines         ... online
linking external ports      ... online
starting bootproces; trap 2 ... online
linking secondary routines  ... online

found plots, waiting for local response ...
response found, system up and operational

Welcome to FOO mainsystem, currently linked with seven solarsystems.
Current stardate 903.145 in the fourth cycle.

         ......:.  :    :
      :: :     |...:    :     ...............
    .....:   _________  :.....:  _________  :
   _:....... \¾¾¾¾- ¾¾ _________ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾  |  ... .
    |   .. : ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾  :  :
         : : ¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾  :..:_
           : ¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾     |
           . ¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾__¾¾
                       ¾¾¾¾¾__¾¾      ._____
        _______  ______         ______|     |_ ___           _  ______     .
       /     _/ /     /_       /     _/      //   \_     .___\\/     /     .
  .____\     \._\     \\\_.____\     \|     //    _/____ |           \  ...:
  |    \\     \  \_____\  |    \\     \     |     \     \|       /    \ |
  |___________/     ______|___________/_____|____________\_____\/_____/ :..
              |_____\                                                     :
                       FOO operating system version 45.9 alpha _|....  :: :
                                                    . .....     :   :.....:_
                                                          :.....:         |

login user ident: FOO'kAR
searching userbase ........
user found and recognized as eL-kAR of FOO, welcome Emperor.
please prepare for iris scan ........
iris scan complete
confirmed ident, please enter FOO mainsystem FOO'kAR.

:>  link FOO.local

Preparing high frequenty pulse to contact
Pulse activation code: ******
Pulse code confirmed
Scanning solarsystem milkyway ...
Found location
Sending pulse and waiting for response ...
Pulse set on frequenty 189.3 gigahertz
Connection complete

:>  set forground digivoice

Voicecom (tm) and Digiview active ...
Visuals online and send to mainviewer ...

                        <-|:::::::::::::::::::-:--· ·
                          ::::::::::  .
                          |::::     _l_   ·
                          ::     . _(   )_ :
                          :: ·  -|-\     /-|-- -
                          ::    _|  ·   ___|_
                          :    _\ ___  '___ /_
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                                 \  |  :(  /
                          .      \  )_ _( '/
                                 |   /_\   |      ·
                                 | _______ |      :
                                 -\\     //-
                                  | ` , ' |       :
                                  |  :|.  |       :
                                  |  l||  |       :
                                  |  ||;  |      ::
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                                  : /___\    o  :::
                                  .   " _      :::|
                     · --:-:::::::::::::::::::::::|->

 FOO  " eL-kAR of FOO, it is a great honor to meet you in actual visuals "
eL-kAR" do not try to get on my good side FOO!, i heard you lost the low
        profile artists "
 FOO  " sire please forgive me for my incorrect behaviour.
eL-kAR" we missed out on the greatest chance in the history of FOO, to obtain
        creativity.We travelled the six solarsystem to search for creative
        minds, and nowhere they were to be found.Now after three cycles we
        finally our time is here.We must obtain this knowledge "
 FOO  " certainly sire, but we still have the human called Mogue.Currently
        he is being held in captivity.We took him from the ascii scene so
        we could clone him.Now he has returned to the scene, without any
        of the other creative hearts noticing "
eL-kAR" he does not fullfil my artistic desires.I must and will clone the
        members of the Low Profile artistic community, and YOU are going
        to clone them! "
 FOO  " but sire, ... "
eL-kAR" no butts FOO, my master mind already made up an unfailable plan "
 FOO  " ofcourse sire "
eL-kAR" yes ofcourse, since you would never come up with anything as
        ingenius as my plans.You will take the bloodsamples from the human
        artist called Red Demon, found next to the Magic Carpet (tm).Use
        them to clone his body and artistic values.Once we have his skills,
        we can produce ascii collections aswell, and by that bind the other
        artists minds to our believes.Step by step we will drain all the
        talent on earth, and use it to feed the FOO empire "
 FOO  " yes sire, but won't the rest of the earthling artists not notice the
        difference between the two Red Demon's ? "
eL-kAR" not if you do your job correctly, now get started! "
        as you work that out, i will personally see to it that the low profile
        group will not slip through my tentacles again!! "
 FOO  " yes eL-kAR sire, HAIL SEVEN! "
eL-kAR" hail seven "

:>  close link FOO.local

Dropping frequenty rate ...
Closing link ...

:>  logout FOO'kAR

dropping bootproces; trap 1 ...
dropping bootproces; trap 2 ...
releasing all links ...
logout completed

                       .                     _.
                     __|_____      _____     \|
                       |     |    /     \ ._____ _____
                       |     |.  /       \|     |     |
                       |     /_____  _    \     |     |
                       |    /     / _/_____\   _|     |
                   ·<--|____\     \       |____\|     |-->·
                      ___   /_____/             |_____|_   _\______
          _ /______  /   \_                    ___    | .____\     \
           /     _/ /    _/____      ______   /   \_    |    \\     \
      .____\     \ /     \     \_____\     \ /    _/____|     /     /
      |    \\     \____________|     |\     \     \     \_____\_____\ _
      |___________/            |     |/     /____________\           \

                    - to dominate the seven solarsystems -

                                 $    __     ._
                           _  . ____ _\  ____ (    .
                           /  _\\  /_____\  //_  _/
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                       #  __)    . _((-))_ .     )_  __
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       ........      :
  :    ........      :     C A S A  D E L  P R O S
  :    :::::::: _|........ until' we'all drop dead
  :    ::::::::  :       :       .... .
..:.................     :       :
  :    ........  . :     :    :: :
  ·    ::::::::  : :   . :.......:_
       ::::::::  : :   :.        |
       ::::::::  : :
       ::::::::  : :
       ::::::::  : :
       ::::::::  : :
       ::::::::  : :              welcome ladies and gents to
       ::::::::  : :              tonite's jazz show, we bring
       ::::::::  : :              for your entertainment
       ::::::::  : :
       ::::::::  : :                     s T R A T O L Ì N A
       ::::::::  : :
       ::::::::  : :
       ::::::::  : :
       ::::::::  : :              and his backup vocalist
       ::::::::  : :
       ::::::::  : :                     l E ' M Í S F Ì T O
       ::::::::  : :
       ::::::::  : :
       ::::::::  : :
       ::::::::  : :              tonite's drummrolls from
       ::::::::  : :
       ::::::::  : :                     a X E B L A D Í N S K Ì
       ::::::::  : :
       ::::::::  : :
       ::::::::  : :
       ::::::::  : :              on the violin it's yours
       ::::::::  : :
       ::::::::  : :                     z O R R Í N K O
       ::::::::  : :
       ::::::::  : :
       ::::::::  : :
       ::::::::  : :              the sax-attack comes from
       ::::::::  : :
       ::::::::  : :                     e L - T R i V Í A L O
       ::::::::  : :
       ::::::::  : :
       ::::::::  : :
       ::::::::  : :              guided by the master of ceremonies
|      ........  .                       Í L  d i A B O L Ì C
: ::      ... ...:
:.......... : : .....|_
  ........:_  : :    :..... .           ___
  :       |   . :.. ..    .    ______  /   \_         ______
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      :...   ...          |     \          \           \     \
 ........:.  : :...       |     /     ___________      /     /
 :  ...  :...:    : .. .  |___ /     /       rDm |___ /_____/     ______
 :  : :...        :.:  ___     \_____\                        ____\     \
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 |  ·  : .____\     \/    _/________\\/     /               /      /     /
         |     \          \                              _    _____\_____\
         |     /     ___________        /     _______________|_
         |___ /_____/           |_____\/_____/               |

                                  so ladies and gents please put
                                  your hands together for tonights
                                  phunky jazz crew, it's

       :: :      :... .
 .........:               ______
 :..   _____ ._____.____ /     /
...:  /     \|     |    /     /__________________
|    /       \     |    \     \                 /.
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                                          |       ....    : : :....:   :
                                               . .:  : :: : : .. ......:
                                                     :....: : :  :........
                                                            :  ........  :
  " ninetynine bottles of beer on the wall,               ...............:
    down came the pro's of lowless and drank              : .  ........
    them all .. so no more beer on the wall "             : :  ::::::::
                                                          : :  ::::::::
                                                          : :  ::::::::
                                                          : :  ::::::::
                              _|.......................   : :  ::::::::
                               :                   ...:   :................|_
                       . ....  :  ._____|_        _:.........  ........    :
                            :  :  |     |  _______ | ______ :..............:
                          . :..:  |     |_/   .   \_/     /_________________
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  .\   _     / ______      _______|          _____.       __________
. |    /    /__\_    \_  _/   .   \__________\____|_____|/   _     /_________
  |    ____/    /     /_/     |     \    __/      |     /    /____/        _/
: |____|  /     \_______\___________/   _//       |     \__________________\
:.....   /_______|      ....... /_______|/________|     |
   ..:  /        .....  :     :.. .              _|_____|
   :   ........  :   :..: .                       |
  _:................     .:
   |   ........  . :
       ::::::::  : :
       ::::::::  : :              empty your glasses and listen to the
       ::::::::  : :              tales of the storyteller, doin' it live
       ::::::::  : :
       ::::::::  : :
       ::::::::  : :              <markryder> HEY, THERE'S ELVIS!!!!!!!!
       ::::::::  : :              <markryder> haha
       ::::::::  : :              <markryder> bet half of you turned
       ::::::::  : :                          your heads at home...
       ::::::::  : :              <markryder> geeks
       ::::::::  : :              <markryder> :-)
       ::::::::  : :              > ahahaaaa
       ::::::::  : :              <markryder> vodka rawks! now I'm
       ::::::::  : :                       in a good mood!
       ::::::::  : :              > mr: elvis *is* here.. didnt i
       ::::::::  : :                    already tell you bout that?
       ::::::::  : :              > elvis got kicked outta Graceland,
       ::::::::  : :                and walked the surface of this
       ::::::::  : :                earth, untill one day he came up
       ::::::::  : :                to a little house, which had a
       ::::::::  : :                small chimney.From this chimney
       ::::::::  : :                smoke rose.
       ::::::::  : :              > the smell of weed filled the air,
       ::::::::  : :                as Elvis knocked on the front door
       ::::::::  : :              <markryder> red: he is? "if I had to
       ::::::::  : :                          fuck a man, my life depended
       ::::::::  : :                          on it, then I'd fuck Elvis"
       ::::::::  : :              <markryder> red: and red was high as a
       ::::::::  : :                          kite inside..
       ::::::::  : :              > a small kid opened the door, his eyes
       ::::::::  : :                red and his face showed a blurry grin
       ::::::::  : :              <markryder> red: a big hairy man stepped
       ::::::::  : :                          outside..NO, my misstake,
       ::::::::  : :                          that's just Red's mom :)
       ::::::::  : :              > "whattup" the kid said, and elvis said ..
       ::::::::  : :                its me Elvis the smashing Pelvis ..
       ::::::::  : :              > the kid looked at the fat guy standing
       ::::::::  : :                in front of him and replied "is
       ::::::::  : :                that you dad?"
       ::::::::  : :              <markryder> red: and the kid slit
       ::::::::  : :                          Elvis's throat and stole
       ::::::::  : :                          his money to buy more dope!
       ::::::::  : :                          yee yee!
       ::::::::  : :              > although Elvis was a little depressed
       ::::::::  : :                since he wasnt has famous as he liked
       ::::::::  : :                to be .. he liked the little kid,
       ::::::::  : :                plus the fact that the house was
       ::::::::  : :                filled with pills and weed made a
       ::::::::  : :                great difference
       ::::::::  : :              > so Elvis moved his fat ass through
       ::::::::  : :                the door and lived happily ever
       ::::::::  : :                after in the house of Red Demon ..
       ::::::::  : :              > end of story.. now go to sleep
       ::::::::  : :              <markryder> red: I'm like all tears
       ::::::::  : :                          and shite here, that was
       ::::::::  : :                          beautiful man!
       ::::::::  : :              <markryder> Red: ok, ok - let's see
       ::::::::  : :                          what my drunken mind can
       ::::::::  : :                          do...oh, empty..
       ::::::::  : :                          need more vodka..
       ::::::::  : :              markryder is now known as markAWAY
       ::::::::  : :              <markAWAY> getting vodka - all messages
       ::::::::  : :                         can go to hell - fuck off please
       ::::::::  : :              > hmm.. imma role anotha phat one ..
       ::::::::  : :              * rED-dEMON is rollin anotha phat one ..
       ::::::::  : :              *** markAWAY is now known as markryder
       ::::::::  : :              <markryder> back!
       ::::::::  : :              > mr: story
       ::::::::  : :              <markryder> vodka, tropical juice,
       ::::::::  : :                          some sweetening shit and
       ::::::::  : :                          then some vodka, and then
       ::::::::  : :                          some rocks...
       ::::::::  : :              <markryder> red: ok, ok...
       ::::::::  : :              > here we go
       ::::::::  : :              <markryder> the neighbour hood was
       ::::::::  : :                          quiet, no sounds could
       ::::::::  : :                          be heard except the
       ::::::::  : :                          blowing of the wind and
       ::::::::  : :                          a girl crying "please,
       ::::::::  : :                          some one buy my matches,
       ::::::::  : :                          I need money for food"
       ::::::::  : :              > dont tell us bout your girlfriend? .. =]
       ::::::::  : :              <markryder> people just walked on by,
       ::::::::  : :                          heartless...
       ::::::::  : :              > exept mr.. he raped her.. with feeling
       ::::::::  : :              <markryder> no one heard her cries...
       ::::::::  : :                          then a man stopped by her
       ::::::::  : :                          side. "hey little girl.
       ::::::::  : :                          want to earn some money?"
       ::::::::  : :                          the man asked her
       ::::::::  : :              <markryder> with teary eyes, the girl
       ::::::::  : :                          said "yes, please - I need
       ::::::::  : :                          food"
       ::::::::  : :              > hahaa.,, i feel a gross fuckin comin on!
       ::::::::  : :              <markryder> "ok" the man said, then he HIT
       ::::::::  : :                          HER IN THE FACE A COUPLE OF
       ::::::::  : :                          TIMES SO SHE STARTED
       ::::::::  : :                          SCREAMING AND THEN HE JAMMED
       ::::::::  : :                          HIS DICK IN HER MOUTH AND
       ::::::::  : :                          PUMPED AWAY -- BLOOD AND
       ::::::::  : :                          SPERM GOING EVERYWHERE..
       ::::::::  : :              > told ya
       ::::::::  : :              <markryder> and then he stuffed a dollar
       ::::::::  : :                          up her ass and went home.
       ::::::::  : :              <markryder> ok?
       ::::::::  : :              > hahaaa.. mr!!
       ::::::::  : :              <markryder> that's all I could think of.
       ::::::::  : :              <markryder> hey, this fuck'en juice
       ::::::::  : :                          has gone to the bottom
       ::::::::  : :                          of the pint!
       ::::::::  : :
       ::::::::  : :
       ::::::::  : :
  .:...............: ..................|_     c h e e r s
   :   ........  .   :...              :..........
   :......  ............:   ________          .. :  m a t e !
         :  :    _________  \¾¾¾¾ -¾¾ ________ · :  ... .
      _|....:    \¾¾¾¾ ¾ ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ \¾¾¾¾ _¾¾  :..:  __
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       : ::      ¾¾¾¾¾   ¾¾_          ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾¾
       :...........      ¾¾¾                    ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾¾ rDm
           ______ :  ______        ______   ___ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾¾ ______ ..
      .____\     \. /     /_  .____\     \ /   \_     .____\     \: .... .
      |     \     \_\     \\\_|     \     \    _/____ |     \     \ :
      |     /     /  \_____\  |     /     /    \     \|     /     / :..
      |___ /     /|     ______|___ /_____/____________\___ /     /    :
           \_____\|_____\                              ... \_____\    :
                       .........|_ m A R K   r Y D E R : :............:_
                       :        :......................:              |
                       :.. .

    i think Mark knows what im talkin' bout
    when he's see's the title of this colly
    we all have our cross to carry in life ..

  ..     :....     :                     _.
  : .........| ::  :   .:... .           \|
    :              :....: .    _______ ____.    ______     _ /______
    :      S i N S       .:   /     _/     |____\     \     /     _/
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    | ...:  of the       |    \\     \     |     /     /    \\     \
      :                 _|___________/_____|___ /     /|___________/_
      |   F A T H E R    | _________            \_____\           /
     .:.....     _________ \¾¾¾¾- ¾¾   _________        __ _________
      ·    :     ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾   \¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ _____  ¾¾ \¾¾¾¾  ¾¾
           .     ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾       ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾- ¾¾
                 ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾       ¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  __
                 ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾       ¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾
       .         ¾¾¾¾¾__¾¾             ¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾__¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾__¾¾
      _|_________       ._____._____             ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾
       |   _     \ ___  |     |_    |        ___ ¾¾¾¾¾  rDm _____\ _
       |   /_____/    \ |      /    |.      /   \_     .____\     \
       |     _ /       \|     /     /_____ /    _/____ |     \     \  ·
       |     \/    _    \     |    /     //     \     \|     /     /..:
       |_____|_____/_____\ ___|____\     \_____________\___ /     / :
                                   /_____/ ......          _\_____\ :...|_
                                           :    :  .:........\          :
                                 . ........:    :   : ..    :  ........ :
                                               _:...: ··  ..............: .
                                                |         : .  ........  .:
                                                          : :  ::::::::
                                                          : :  ::::::::
                                                          : :  ::::::::
                                                          : :  ::::::::
                                                          : :  ::::::::
                                                          : :  ::::::::
                                                          : :  ::::::::
                                                          : :  ::::::::
  rDm " .. and so i picked up digital pen, filled it some cyber:ink::::
        and started to write again "                      : :  ::::::::
  you " lets hear it man .. "                             : :  ::::::::
                                                          : :  ::::::::
The rain came pouring down, making circles in               .  ........  :
the stream of water moving down the street        ·         :  ::::::::  :
near the gates of a big mansion.It's gates      ..:    ..................:
reminded of the ones seen in the adam's         :...:. :    .  ........
family, and actually so did the house itself.       :  :... :
It didn't look bad, but time certainly made    ...  :     : :  ........
its spell on the building. Nowhere were there  : :........: : .....
any signs of decay, but the millions of drops  :    .       :.:   :
of rain left a signature on the wood outside.  .  . :.............:_
Alltogether the mansion looked normal, like       :.              |
any other businessman's mansion could look. A
dark blue Maseratti stopped in front of the
gates.A sudden beam of light made the car look
almost purple, for only a split second.Then
the gates slided open, by each swinging to one
side.And although the gate itself looked rusty,
they opened with a swiftness and certain
smoothness one would not expect from such old
doors.As the car continued its way up the
lane, the gates closed just as elegant as they
had opened. When the car reached the southern
wing of the mansion, two men holding darkblue
embrella's came out of a side door.They moved
with a fast pace, and handed one of the
embrella's to the man stepping out of the car.
With the engine still running, this manned
entered the side door, accompanied by one from
the couple.

      " the Mas will be placed in section 8, on deck 3, sir "
      " please don't call me sir, James. I'm only 2o years old ya know "
      " well mR. Demon, then could you refer to me as Tommy, since that is
        my name .. "
  rDm " ahh yah, well see, i call all the butlers and runaround's here James,
        so that i don't get people mixed up ya see "
t0mmy " i see, sir "

On the wall an old painting hang.It was probably put there long ago to
bring some color into the dark hallway.Now the colors had faded, and
fagely one could see the shape of a female body.I stopped at the painting,
since i am interested in all sorts of art, not just ascii.The texture was
rough, and the body almost lifelike.It must have costed a fortune.I searched
the cloth for a name of somesort, but it was nowhere to be found.
A door opened and 2orro came out, welcoming me.Turning away from the painting
i spoke:

  rDm " hey ma man, wassup? "
  2o! " chillin' god, just chillin' "
  rDm " yo, i heard you was in some mental house, whats all those rumors? "
  2o! " nah man, i just had to lay low for a while, had some money problems
        and also problems with the government 'bout sum unpaid taxes "
  rDm " i told you before man, if you have any probs with money .. just tell
        me man, i can always hook you up .. "
  2o! " i know, i know, but these are things which i gotta do for maself "
  rDm " true .. so am i the first to arrive here? "
  2o! " no no, Triv and Axeblade are already in the living room.
        let's join them man, they'll be delighted to see you "
  rDm " which room would that be .. there's lots of rooms 'round here "
  2o! " yah, it's the crystal room.. thats what i always call it.
        there's actually 28 rooms in this mansion.. toilets not included "

We entered the maze of hallways, rooms, and more hallways, untill me made
our way to the northern wing.An oakmade door gave entrance to the crystal
room.It was filled with objects made off the finest crystal.From tables to
champagne glasses.Everything was crystal, so that the sun was reflected
into all directions, making the room look like a sixties disco at daytime.

  ^t  " heyhey, look who entered the arena!, ma man rad deee "
  aB! " he's always ready mon .. hahaa.. <pufff> (axeblade has a thing with

        lame jokes, when he starts smokin' .. forgive him) "
  rDm " wassup man, how are ally'all doin' ? "

A regular covertation started, with the regular topics of girls in tight
bikini's, dead presidents, and weed.Nothing out of the ordinary you might say.
Slowly but surely the whole crew walked in, Misfit guided by a bodyguard.
After his abduction, he didn't trust nobody anymore, so even the bodyguard
was actually an android.Which had several advantages over a human.Apart from
strenght, speed, and agility, it also was a lot safer because it didn't
sleep and it was bulletproof.
As cocktails started to fill the crystal tables, and smoke started to fog
the room and our brains, 2orro suddenly popped a peciliar question ..

  2o! " so, what are all you guys doin' here? "

It was that single question that silenced the room, and immediatly cleared
my brain of all the weed and hash.In a blink of an eye I searched the room
for anything out of the ordinary.Devices that could trigger my spider sense
(should i ever get one that is).But nothing seemed not correct, nothing was
misplaced.So i broke the silence.

  rDm " well, i got a 666 on my beeper, which means a special meeting.Since
        this is our new hideout .. i'm here "
  rN! " yups, i got the scoop via the net .. "
  aB! " something is definetly not right here .. TO THE BATCAVE, LET'S GO! "

Although that last comment from Axe was a bit strange (it's probably the weed
talking again), he was right, something was wrong.And although i couldn't
quite put my finger on it, i knew that we had to react.
It was already getting late, and as one of the chica's checked her diamant
wristwatch, i heard the clock strike twelve.The rain kept coming down outside
and the light of the chandelair gave the crystal something more mistique.
We decided to go to the basement to check the net.Since 3 peeps where mailed,
we might try to trace the mail to it's origin.

  rDm " thats it, now i wanna do this horror-kinda-thang, ya know.
        make everything freaky, statues coming to life, and that babe
        from the painting chasing us with a chainsaw! "
  you " yah, i see what you mean, and it's sweet.. still, i would break
        it down like this .. "

Now listen all of you out there, artists of this art we call ascii, here is
a small opertunity to open a new book of artistic skills.Write the second
part to this story.Use our imagination and give this story a twist of your
own style.Make it science fiction, horror, or maybe you like knights with
big swords and sweet babes runnin' and chasing them.Whatever it is you feel
like writing, its yours.. go for it!

          1.                                          : ......|_
                             _.            .:.......    :     :
             .     ._____    \|             :   .  |....:     :     ..
     ·    _ /____  |     |_____.   ___ . ...:   _\______      :  ... :
     :...  /     \ |     |     |  /   \_     .____\     \    .:..| :
 .......: /       \|     |     | /    _/____ |    \\     \    ·    :
 |       /    _    \     |     |/     \     \|     /     /  .......:_
 :      /_____/_____\ ___|_____|_____________\___ /     /   :      |
_:.................. \    rDm          _________  \_____\ _ :.....__
 |                 :  ..|_   _________ \¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ________\ _____ :¾¾
                 . :..: :    \¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾- ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾ .¾¾
                 :.     |    ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  __ ¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾
            .:..........:    ¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  __ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾
             | ..            ¾¾¾¾¾ ..  ¾¾¾¾¾__¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾__¾¾
             : ··            ¾¾¾¾¾ : .........   ¾¾¾¾¾__¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾
             :                       |       :... .        ¾¾¾¾¾
  b e h e m o:t h  -  d a e r o n  - :t o y m a s t e r  -  v e n t u r u s

                                          ..   _|.........      2.
                    ._____  .:............ :    :        : ::
              .     |     |  :  ._____   |      :.....   :....
           _ /____  |    _|____ |     |  :   ........:.      |
            /     \ |    \     \|     |. :...:       ·       :...|_
           /       \|     \     \     /_____ _______________     :
_|....    /    _    \_____/     /    /     /               /. ...:
 :   : · /_____/_____\   /_____/|____\     \            _   | :  ___
 :   :.: ______       rDm      ___   /_____//_______________| . /   \_
 :  .____\     \     ______   /   \_                    ______ /    _/____
 |  |     \     \____\     \ /    _/____     ______ .___\     \     \     \
 :  |     /     /     \     \     \     \ ___\     \|    \     \ __________\
 :  |___ /     /|     /     /____________\   \\     \    /_____/ \
 :.....  \_____\|___ /     /            |     /     /____________/_
   ...| ..           \_____\            |_____\_____\           /
   :............ ..      a  b  h  o  r  r  e  n  c  e          ·
               | ··   ...... .

               \|            ._____       _____       .       3.
           ._____            |     |     /     \ _____|_ ___
           |    /.    ______ |     |.   /       |     | /   \_
           |     |____\     \|     /___/    _         |/    _/____
           |          \\          /     ____\____           \     \
           |_____      /     _____\     \       |      ____________\ _
                _|_____\_____\    /_____/       |_____| rDm         \

                                   ... .
           .:..................|_  :
       ...  :....         .    :   :               4.
    _|..........:   ._____|__  :...:                          .
     :   .__ ______ |     |    ______          ______      _ /_____
     :   |   \     \|     |.  /     /_____.____\     \.____ /     /
     .   |    \     \     /__/__   /|     |    \\     \    /     /
         |    /     /    /     /         _|     /     /    \     \
     ·<--|   /_____/|____\     \_________\|_____\_____\_____\     \-->·
         |_____|    |    /_____/                        rDm /_____/_
                    ·                  p  H  U  N  K             /

                 5.                . .....|_           :...
                                          :   ............:......
          ._  ______   ___       _ /____  :   :  _______  ___   | ::
          |/ /     /  /   \_      /     \ :...| /     _/ /   \_ :.....
        .____\     \ /    _/____ /       \ .____\     \ /    _/____  :
     ·  |    \\     \     \     \    _    \|    \\     \     \     \ .
     : _|___________/____________\ __/_____\___________/____________\
     :  |  ....                             \              rDm
   . :.....:  | ..  ...... .
   :.         :.....:_
         .....:     |

                                 . ..|_      ..            :     6.
                                     :       : ........:.  :
                                     :.........:    .. :  ·:·····
                _______  _____         ______   ___ ·· |     ..
               /     _/ /     \   _____\     \ /   \_  :..... :
          .____\     \ /       \ |     |\     \    _/____   :   ..|_
          |    \\     \    _    \|     |/     /    \     \  :...: :
          |___________/____/_____\___________/____________\       |
                                          /\   . ..: ______      ______
                                     ____/  \____ ___\     \.____\     \
            mayday mayday, come in   \          /    |\     \     \     \
         Houston!.. <click> please    \        /     |/     /     /     /
             come in, sos! sos! ..    /        \ __________/|___ /     /
             SAVE   OUR   SOULS      /____/\____\                \_____\
    _|..... .                                 ._____   rDm
     :..  _______                      ______ |     |     _______
  .....: /     _/________________ _____\     \|     |    /     _/
  : .____\     \                /|     |\     \     |____\     \
  | |    \\     \            _   |     |/     /     |    \\     \
  : |___________//_______________|___________/|_____|___________/
  :             .....
  :.............:   |
                   _:...... .

                          : ..... .
       _|.................  :
        :..    .         :  : ._____
    ......: _ /_____ ___ :..: |     |_ _____       _  ______ _ /____     ·
    :  .____ /     //   \_    |      //     \  .___\\/     /  /     \  ..:
    :  |    /     //    _/____|     //       \ |           \ /       \ :...
    :  |    \     \     \     \     |    _    \|       /    \    _    \   :
    .  |_____\     \___________\____|____/_____\_____\/_____/____/_____\ _:
             /_____/_                                      ......  rDm  \ :
       7.         /                .  .....  k E T A M A   :    :.........:_
                                          :................: .            |

                      8.         ._____                      \|
     _ /_____ _____        ______|     |        _  ______._____   _\______
.____ /     //     \      /     _/     |.   .___\\/     /|     |____\     \
|    /     //       \_____\     \|     /____|           \|     |     \     \
|    \          _         \\          /             /          ·     /     /
|_____\      ___/_____________________\      _____\/_______________ /     /
      /_____/_                        /_____/                   rDm \_____\ _
           /        _______      __________.__________.__________.         \
                    \_     \    .\         |\         |\         |
                     /     /____|          |                     |
                    /     //            _  ·       _  .       _  |

      _|...........              .:.. . _.
       :     .    : ............. :     \|          9.
    :: :  _ /__   : :           :.: .____ _______         ___
  .....:   /   \_ :.:  _______ .    |     \_     \       /   \_
  :       /    _/____ /       /_____|     |/     /____. /    _/____
  :..    /     \     \\      /      /     /     //    |/     \     \
    :   /_____________\______\      \_____\___________|_____________\ _
    :     ....               /______/                           rDm  \
   .:.....:  :   e x i l e                                            ·
    ·       _:..... .

         ____________|_       ______                1o.         _  ______
        /     _      |   .____\     \___________            .___\\/     /
   .____\     \|     |.  |     \               /.___________|           \
   |    \\           /___|     /            _              /        /    \
   |___________     /     ___ /     ____________        _    _____\/_____/
               |____\     \   \_____\           |___________| rDm
                    /_____/   ._____
 ._________                   |     |_                       _______
 |   _     \           ______ |      /           ___        /     _/
 |   /_____/      .____\     \|     /   ______  /   \_ .____\     \   _______
 |     ___________|     \           |___\     \/    _/_|    \\     \ /     _/
 |     \                /     _____      \          \      _____   /_\     \
 |_____        _  ____ /     /     |     /     ____________\    |    \\     \
       |__________\    \_____\     |___ /     /                _|___________/
                                        \_____\                 |
                  s  H  R  O  O  M    F  O  R  T  R  E  S  s    ·

                      .__ ______                    11.
                      |   \     \            ___            ._____
                ______|    \     \___       /   \_          |     |
               /     _     /         \_    /    _/____  ____|_    |
          .____\     \|   /_____     _/___/     \     \/     /    |
          |    \\      _____|  /     \      __________      /     |
         _|___________/       /_____________\         \     \ ____|
          |              .___________ ________         \_____\
          ·              |          /   _     \
                         |_       _     /_____/
                          /_________      _
                                _.  |     \
                                \|  |_____| ._____
                            ._____          |     |
                 _______    |     |         |     |.
                 \_     \   |     |   ______|     /_____    .
                  /     /___|     |___\          /     /____|_
                 /     //     ___     /     _____\          |_
                 \___________|   |   /_____/.    /____       /
                                 |_____     |         |     /
                                      /_____|     rDm |     |

                                            ...      ..:
                                         . .: :    ....:....|_
                                  . ...       :....:   ·    :
               12.                    |  ................:. :. .
   .                                  :..:  ______   ....:  |
  _|__ ____________________     ______ .____\     \  : .....:  ..
   |   \                  /_____\     \|    \\     \ : :  ..... :
   |    \              _         \           /     / : :  :   :
   |    /     _____________      /     ______\_____\ : :  :   :.. .
   |   /_____/             |___ /     /              |    :
   |_____|      _________       \_____\  ___         :....:.  .__ ______
               .\   _    \ rDm  ______  /   \_       ___  ·   |   \     \
               |    \     \_____\     \/    _/____  /   \_    |    \     \
               |    /_____/      \          \     \/    _/____|    /     /
               |___________      /     ___________      \         /_____/
                           |___ /     /          /__________________|_
                                \_____\                             |
                        - p  o  r  n  c  r  e  e  p -

                                                      13.       .
   .              ___         _____   .__ ______                _\______
  _|____/\ _____ /   \_      /     \  |   \     \ ___________.____\     \
   |      \    //    _/____ /       \ |    \     \          /|    \\     \
   |           \     \     \    _    \|    /     /       _   |     /     /
   |_____/\_____\___________\___/_____\   /_____//___________|_____\_____\ _
                            _______ . |_____|                             \
                           /       /______
                           \      /      /
                           /______\      \

                   _ /__    14.       .__ ______
                    /   \_            |   \     \____________
     .____/\ _____ /    _/____  _____ |    \                /.  ______
     |      \    //     \     \/     \|    /             _   |__\     \
     |            ____________            /________________     \\     \
     |_____/\_____\          /    _     ____|              |     /     /
                            /_____/_____\     _______ .    |_____\_____\
                                             /       /______
                                             \      /      /  rDm
                                             /______\      \

                         .         ___
        _____           _|_____   /   \_                    ______
       /     \           |     |_/    _/____    ______ .____\     \
      /       \_______   |            \     \___\     \|    \\     \
     /    _     _     \  |      ___________      \           /     /
  _ /_____/_____/     /__|     |           |     /     ______\_____\ _
<-\/           /     //     ___| a l i e n |___ /     / rDm         \/->
               \___________|      t e c h       \_____\            __
                              _________ _________ ________  _____  ¾¾
            15.              |¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ \¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾
                             :¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾- ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾
                             .¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾  __ ¾¾¾¾¾  __ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾
                              ¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾__¾¾
                              ¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾__¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾__¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾

                                      .             16.
   .          ___                    //\                    _______
   _\______  /   \_              ____/  \____   ______     /     _/___
.____\     \/    _/____  _  _____\          /___\     \____\     \/   \_  .
|     \     \    \     \_\\/     /\        /     \     \   \\     \   _/___\ _
|     /     /___________\        \/        \     /     /__________/   \     \
|___ /     /     rDm |       /    \___/\____\__ /     /      _ /_____________\
     \_____\ _       |_____\/_____/             \_____\       /
            \                      r e m o r s e             ·

              ___       17.           /\                    _______
     ______  /   \_              ____/  \____   ______     /     _/___
.____\     \/    _/____  _  _____\          /___\     \____\     \/   \_
|     \          \     \_\\/     /\              \         \\         _/____
|     /     __________           \/              /     _________      \     \
|___ /     /         |       /     ___/\_______ /     /    rDm /_____________\
     \_____\         |_____\/_____/             \_____\

                                                  : ............|_
    .                                 .:.......     :           :
   _|_________                   . ..  :    . :.... : essence's :....
    |   _     \  ______      ______ :..: _ /_____ : :  ___       .. :
·   |   /_____/__\     \.____\     \.____ /     / :.: /   \_     ·· :
:   |     _|     |\     \    \\     \    /     / __  /    _/____  ..:
:.. |     \|     |/     /     /     /    \     \ \/ /     \     \ :...
  : |_____||___________/|_____\_____\_____\     \  /_____________\   :
  : rDm ......                            /_____/_                   .
 _:.....:    :      ..... .  f U N K - E       /         18.
  |        . :......:_                        ·
           :.       |

                                                       .     ........|_
                                                       .  .: : .. ...:  ..
                                                . ..:. :.....: ·· : .... :
    19.                                             :  .......... : :  :
      _______    _\______ __________       _______  :..| ______ :...:  :
.____\\_     \_____\     \\    _    \_____\\_     \______\     \ ___   | .. .
|      /      /     \     \    /_____/      /      /     |\     \   \_ :.:
|     _      /|     /     /          _     _      /|     |/     /   _/____
|_____\______\|___ /     /|__________\_____\______\|____ /_____/    \     \
                   \_____\ _                             rDm /_____________\

                                         \| ._____            2o.
  .     ______              __________._____|     |       ___      ._____
 _|_____\     \ ___        /     _.  /|     |    _|____  /   \_    |     |
  |     |\     \   \_    ._\     \| /_|          \     \/    _/____|     |
  |     |/     /   _/____|  \_____\    _____      \          \           |
  |____ /____      \      ____________|     |_____/     ___________      |
            /_____________\                      /_____/       rDm |_____|_

                                                          ......  :  .. :
                   _                                      :    :..:  ·· :
                   '                             . ...    :             |
 _ .__ ______  _____   ___        _________    ___   : .: |    _______  :
 \||   \     \|    /. /   \_     .\    _   \_ /   \_ :....:   /     _/  : ..:.
   |    \           |/    _/____ |     /____//    _/____ .____\     \   :.: :
   |    /                 \     \|          _     \     \|    \\     \ .    :
   |   /_____/|_____________________________\________________________//|    |
   |_____| rDm                                                  .....    .: :
                                         P Í E C E S  . ....:.  :   :.......:
        o1  AlÌen Tech                                      :...:_
        o2  Abhorrence          11  Speed of Light              |
        o3  Inhale              12  PornCreep
        o4  Phunk               13  Weapon-X
        o5  Jease               14  Weapon-X
    ·   o6  Save Our Souls      15  AlÌen Tech        i like to tie my dog
  ..:   o7  Ketama              16  Remorse         to the railroad track,
  :.... o8  Kashmir 2ooo        17  Remorse                 chu chu train,
      : o9  Exile               18  Funk-E         is gonna break his back
_|....: 1o  Shroom Fortress     19  Arcade
 :                        ....  2o  Dezibel      we used to call him spot,
 :...............:.       :  :                     now we call him splatt,
             ....:        :  :......... .      thats the kinda person i am

                                                       .   _
                                                     _( )_ /
                                                  ._\\   //_.
             ___________________________________: |         |
           ._\                                  | |         |
    .____  |    lOW pRO hISTORY .____           | | aRTISTs |
    |  _ | |     . _ _________ _|  _ |_         | ·_________·
    |  /_|___ .___\/_\.   _   \\.  /__/   .________\.   _   \ .____ ___
    |    _  /_|     /_|_  /___/_|    |____|    _  /_|   /___/_|   /   /_
    |_   /     _       _'---     _         _   /     _   _     _    _  /_
     /--(_____(/------(/____(---(/--)_____(/----:-:-(/---(____(/____\   (
       rDm .                                    | |         .   /_______/
           | lP!-dEDi.tXT     'bRING dA pAIN'   | | rED dEE |
           | lP!-sPiN.tXT  'lET dA rECORD sPIN' | | tRiViAL |
           | lP!-fORU.tXT  'a tASTE OF pROFiLE' | | tRiViAL |
           | lP!-hAtE.tXT        'H A T E'      | | rAMoNe  |_ .
           | lP!-bOMb.tXT    'bOMb thE sYsTeM'  | | Misfit  |//
           | lP!-LpdS.tXT   'La Pusta deL SoL'  | | rAMoNe  /
           | lP!Plain.Lha         'Plain'       | |  ZorrO /|
           | lP!-uZI.txt         'DriveBy'      | |  ALL!   |
           | lP!-lET.tXt      'Low end theory'  | | rN!-aB! |
           | lP!-iNDI.tXT      'iNDIVIDUaRT'    | | rED dEE |
           | lP!-hO!.tXT      'Unnamed Fukkup'  | | tRIViAL |
           | lP!-rESP.tXT   'Blunts, Pieces ..' | | rED dEE |
           | lP!-fATS.tXT   'For all that Shit' | | Misfit  |
           | lP!-oOC!.tXT     ' Out of Cans'    | | tRiViAL |
           | lP!-n4L!.tXT     'Niggaz 4 Life'   | | rAMONe  |
           | lP!-iNSU.tXT       'Inner Sun'     | |  zEUS   |
           | lP!-fS.tXT       'First Strike'    | | rED dEE |
           | lP!-2xWP.tXT     'Devil Made It'   | | tRiViAL |
           | lP-BROK.TXT   'bROOKLYNs fINEsT!'  : : sTRATOs :
           | lP!-bbS.tXT  'bUCKEt·bONg·sHAbANg' | ! tRiViAL |
           | lP!-sTR2.tXT      ' Strike Two '   | | rED dEE |
           : lP!-sCT1.TXT 'sCANDiNAViAN tOUR!'  | | tRiViAL |
           | lP!-sOA1.LHA ' sTATE oF aRt #1 '   | : tRiViAL |
           | lP!-hSOC.tXT  ' hIGHER sTATE oF..' | | tRiViAL |
           : lP-sKOOL.tXT 'sKOOLofHArdKnoCKz..' | | rAMOna! :
           | lP!-dSK.tXT  ' tHE lONE dERANGEr ' : | tRiViAL |
           : lP!-dMUB.tXT ' dIZ ME uP biTcH!.'  | | triViaL :
           ! lP!-oFF.TXT  'tRiViAL gOES tRIPPin'| : tRivIaL :
           | lP!-sTR3.tXT' tHE uMPIRE sTRIKES ' : | rED dEE |
           ! lP!-LSD.TXT    ' cROOKLYN bEATz '  | | tRiViAL :
           : lP!-SinS.tXT' Sins of the Father ' | | rED dEE |
         __|____________________________________: :_________/
           |                                               /

 _______                  .
 \_     \                _|____/\ _____
  /     /_________________|      \    /
 /     //                /            \
 \_____________       _    _____/\_____\
              /___________| ______           ._________
            .__ ______ .____\     \          |   _     \  _____.  ___
            |   \     \|     \     \         |   /_____/ |     | /   \_
            |    \           /     /_________|     ______|     |/    _/____
            |    /     ____ /               /      \                 \     \
            |   /_____/     \____        _    _____             ____________\
            |_____|              |___________|     |      _____| rDm
                            l O w   p R o F i L e        |
                  still down wit ma crew, thats how we do ..

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ                 ________     _____________.
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 l     o     W |_      /    |_     _/     \.
 p R o f i l e  /____________/  zZ \_______:
 :  Sins of the Father                    :
 :  First Interactive Aski Pack - rDm^lP! :
: 14:55:21          :              . : .
: 04-05-1998        :              _\Y/_
: ZOLTRiX           :           ___)_-_(___
: aRRiVED oN nODE00 :           \. \c|o/ ./
:___________________:            \\_/_\_//
                          \ ||     |||||     || /
                           \|| FiNE||·||LiNE ||/
      ________ ___ ________ :|___  |: :|____.|: ___ ________ _____
     .\   __ /_\ /_\ _  _  \\  _/__|   |\   ||__\ /_\ _  _  \\  _/____
     |    _/   \/  |\/  /  //  _/   /  |    |/  \/  |\/  /  //  _/   /
     |    |        :/  /  /·   \    \  |    ·       :/  /  /·   \    \
 .   |_   .___________/   \ _________\ |_   |_ ________/   \ _________\ _  .
-:\-_:/___|_---------/______\|     |  _:/____/-----:--/______\---------\/-/:-
 |_\\/    :           |   ___|.   _|__\/  ___|_    |                     /_|
 |                    |  .\  _|___\  _||__\  _/___ |                       |
 |Tristar & Red Sector|  |   \_   \  \_   \\___  / |   Back In The Days!   |
 |Lightforce ^ Ram Jam|  |_   /   /   /   /   /  \ |  Lamers Should Learn  |
 |Looker House ^ Abuse| _:/___)    ___)    _______\|_   From The Past!     |
 |5th Dynasty  ^ Faith| \/   /_____\|/_____\ |     \/                      |
 |   Save Our Souls   |      |     |   |     |     |Rage Against The AmiNet|
 |    Low Profile     |      | /.  |BBS|  .\ |     |100% AmiNet Files free!|
 |_    X-tREK^DC      |      |//___|: :|___\\|     |                      _|
 |(_   FAiRLiGHT      |            ||·||           |                     _)|
              _________\ __________________________ _________
            :_\         \\                        (_)       /_:
            |   o5/o4/98 - 16:o2:o4   HELLFiRE           EHQ  |
  _______ _ | _ __  _____ _ ___.__    NiGHtFALL          EHQ  |      S
._\  ___///_|_\\\ \/    /_\\\  |  \_. DiGitAL CORRUPtiON DKHQ |      K
|  \______  |    _/   _/     \__    | FREEZERS           EHQ  |      Y
|        |  |    \     \       |    | SHELtER            DKHQ |
|___________|_____\     \___________| UNiQUE             WHQ  |      T
            |   tGø\_____/            AUDIOPHiLES        WHQ  |      O
            |                                                 |      W
            |       ÷ RiNGDOWN ÷             ÷ tELNEt ÷       |      E
            | SLOt #1: +45-PRiVATE!    SLOt #6: D Y N A M i C |      R
            | SLOt #2: +45-PRiVATE!    SLOt #7: D Y N A M i C |
            | SLOt #3: +45-PRiVATE!    SLOt #8: D Y N A M i C |      P
            | SLOt #4: +45-PRiVATE!    SLOt #9: D Y N A M i C |      O
            |                                                 |      W
            |        ÷ iSDN ÷              ÷ SUPPORtiNG ÷     |      E
            | SLOt #5: +45-PRiVATE!     Amiga/PC/N64/Mac/MP3  |      R
            |                                                 |
            |    RUNNiNG A4000/CYBERSTORM'o6o/5oMHZ/16GB HD   |
            |   .______ _   _ ________. _ ____      _ ______  | _ __________
            |  _|     ///_._\\\ __    |_\\\ _/____._\\\  __/__|_\\\_       /
            |  \_         |     \/    |     \     |     _\    |    /     _/
            |   |         |     /     |     /\    |           |    \      \_
            |   |_________|___________|_____/\____|___________|     \______/
            |__                _                            __|______|
            : /_______________( )___________________________\ :

                                                      [ Slt!TextAdd v1.1 ]