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60 339 bytes (58.92K)
File date:
2004-04-19 23:06:29
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all-time: 429


        " .. as the Playa's come onto the field, the game can begin "

                                 $    __     ._

                           _  . ____ _\  ____ (    .

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                      /..: l o w     p r o f i l e :..\

                         : in one nine nine seven! :






                 |/                                       |

                 |     L  O  W    P  R  O  F  I  L  E     |

                 ._________  ___________ _______    ________

                 |         |/     _     \\      \/\/       /

                 |         |_     /                       /


             ________ _______ _______ _______ ____ ______ _______

         ____\_     //_     //   _   \\    _((____\\    //_     /____

         \    /____/ _/    /     \        _\           /  /____/    /

        /_______|____\ ___________________|__________________________\

              cDr.    \/                                  .m's

                 |                                        |

                 |_   N O W   H I T   T H E   D E C K !  _|

                  /___________________________________ //\_\ _

                         :::::::::::::::::::::::::::    \/_//


                      _  :::::::::::::::::::::::::::  _


                   _\    : representatives of art! :    /_





                     _\  :::::::::::::::::::::::::::  /_

                   _|    :                      ____.   |_

                  _)· _________                |    |   ·(_

               <--\   \.   _   \ .________ .___|__  |     /-->

                       |   /___/_|  _  _ /_|   _ /_ |

                       |_   _     _ /___/   _  /    |_

                  ____. /---(____(/--)_____(/--------(

                 |    |  :      _____  __      rDm :_________

             .___|__  |.________\.   \/  \ .________\.       \

             |   _ /_ ||  _  _ /_|       /_|    _  /_|    _  /_

           _ |_  /      _ /___/   _         _   /     _   /   /_ _


                    .    :                         :    .

                    |_ . :.........................: . _|


                       | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: |

                       | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: |

                _      · ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ·      _


             _\  the worlds most famous crime family is back  /_


                       . ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .

                       | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: |


                 .:    |         .____               |    :.

                 :· _ _|_______ _|  _ |_  _________  |    ·:

               .___\/_\.       \\.  /__/  \.   _   \ :________

               |     /_|    _  /_|    |____|   /___/_|    _  /_

             _ |_       _   /     _         _   _     _   /   /_ _


                 :    _|                             |_    :

                 :   _)   Today your favorite group   (_   :

                 :  _\    of gangja gangstas is goi    /_  :

               <----/     to hit you off hard, with     \---->

        ...............   yet another quality relea   ...............

 .. ... : ...........::.. se of the LowProBizBro's! ..::........... : ... ..

 :: : : : ::::::::::::::: This time red demon puffs ::::::::::::::: : : : ::

 :: : : : ::::::::::::::: out a coollection to bomb ::::::::::::::: : : : ::

 :: :.: : ::::::::::::::: your eyes wit.Be prepared ::::::::::::::: : :.: ::

        :............::   I would like to take this   ::............:

                 .  _     oppertunity to spark a sp     _  .

                 :  (_    liff for lP's latest fami    _)  :

                 :   /_.  ly membas, Zeus & Stratos  ._\   :

                 :     |                             |     :

                 :     |                             |     :

          .____  :     |     . s T A R R i N g .     |     :

 _______ _|  _ |_:     |     _______   _______     . _   _______

.\  _   \\.  /__/: ._______ .\  _   \ .\  _   \ .___\/_ .\      \ ._______

|_  /___/_|    |___|   _  /_|   /___/_|   /___/_|     /_|    _  /_|   _  /_

|_'---     _        _  _     _   _     _   _     _       _   /   /__  / _ /_

 /____(---(/--)____(/--)____(/---(____(/---(____(/------(/--(_____(/____\  (

                 :     |                             |     :     rDm /_____/

                 :     |                             |     :

                 :     | Low Profile logo: Crusader  |     :

    ________ _   :     | Low Profile logo: Tango     |     :  _  __ _____

   .\:::::::::::: :::: | Low Profile logo: Behemoth  | :::: ::::::::::::/.

   |::::::::::::: :::: | FileIdea : Gozz             | :::: :::::::::::::|

   |::::::::::::: ::::_| Respects logo: Stezotehic   |_:::: :::::::::::::|

   ·             :    \|_                           _|/    :             ·

                 : .    /-------)___     ___(-------\    . :

               . : ::.   :::::::::://_ _\\::::::::::   .:: : .

               : :.......············(_)············.......: :

               :....     :::::::::::::|:::::::::::::     ....:

               _         :::::::::::::::::::::::::::         _


            _\  we need money for food, and food for money ..  /_





                 _   _\|                             |/_   _

                 /___)          . s T O R y .          (___\

          " Chu Up Qwik" read the neon letters on the side of the

          Chinese restaurant.An ordinary place, like there are a

          dozen in San Rio.Just as ordinary as the two guys, who

          were walking the sidewalk, on their way to get some

          chicken wings.

          " Nay man, its after the fifth joint when imma start

            feeling really rocked.Heehe, yeah .. but when you

            like had five, you can take another five, and still

            won't be any more stoned, it just doesn't wear off

            us quickly as it would when you did only smoke five "

          The conversation went on as they entered the restaurant,

          where already some people where sitting at their little

          tables.An old man who took his grandchildren to dinner,

          cause of his 85th birthday, some old tarts who ate here

          every once in a month, trying to build a conversation,

          all knowing they cant hear shit.Its was all really


          They two guys walked up to the counter, to place their

          orders.The chinese guy put down his cigar and asked in

          a way only chinese people can ask things:

          " howww ken ay help yoe? We would like to make an order

          sir " the blond one answered." yeah, we would like to

          have a mustard milkshake, heheeaahh .. " Yep, these

          guys really knew how to spend their time in the finest

          ways of all, bothering chinese restaurant holders.

          " What did yoe saaiy?, did yoe saaiy yoe wantid ay

          Mustard Mielksjake?" The two guys, by this point of time

          were laughing their asses off (well, they were both

          laughing their own ass of course)." Yeah, you heard us

          right, a mustard milkshake and roadkill cat with banana

          cream".The chinese looked at them in a strange way, in a

          way only chinese people can look at you (with their eyes

          almost closed, just peaking through their eyelids).

          " well, i will let you in then boys " the chinese guy

          said, in a not so chinese way, more in a texas way.

          They guys looked at eachother, what was this, they never

          knew the chinese invaded Texas?

          " Just move your sorry asses 'round the counter here now"

          the "chinese" continued " and i will let you slip through

          to the back ".Stunned with astounishment the two just did

          what they were told, and after the restaurant owner pulled

          a lever next to the Peking Duck cabinet, they could walk

          through a hidden door, right next to the golden lion statue.

          Mere seconds later, the two were standing in a hall filled

          with slot machines, poker and roullette tables.The room

          was crowded, and no one really paid attention at the two

          who were standing at the door which had already sunk back

          into the wall, and was now invisible to the naked eye.

          Motionless they stood there, as seconds past.

          " wow .. " was the first vibration of sound to leave the

          mouth of the blond guy.And how right he was, for they had

          entered the biggest hall of entertainment in the whole of

          Brazil.Six floors of pure exitement, all that beneath the

          floor of that single chinese restaurant.First level was

          a gambling hall, second was a game arena filled with the

          latest gamemachines and big screen entertainment, third

          was a swimming pool with an underwater booming system,

          moving to the fourth floor you could enjoy a lovely

          massage from one of the chinse servants, the fifth level

          was divided in several smaller areas, were bitches with

          big tits were licking the cream of their steaming bodies.

          And the sixth floor, the sixth was a solid door, with a

          small sign on it, saying " Low Pro Enterprises - Private "

                 _       : red demon ^ low profile :       _

                ·\))_    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::    _((/·

                    /_   :::::::::::::::::::::::::::   _\


                       | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: |

                       ·______     ______  _______   |

                       /     /____/      \|      /___·

                      /     /    //       \     /\   \


      ________ __________________ ________ ____    ______     ______

     /   _    \\____      /      \\   ___/_\___)_ /     /____/    _/____

    /    /____/    /     //       \      _/      /     /    /    _|    /

    \_____|   |    \_____\________/______|______/__________/\__________\



   red demon - axeblade -:ramon - trivial - misfit : zorro - zeus - stratos



                  _      :::::::::::::::::::::::::::       _


               _\  now you know who the evil servants serve  /_




                     _ : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: . _


                       | :                         : |         .____

  _________            | :                         :_________ _|  _ |_

  \.   _   \ .________ .________ .______   .________\.   _   \\.  /__/ rDm

   |   /___/_|  _  _ /_|    _  /_|     /___|  _  _ /_|_  /___/_|    |____

   |_   _     _ /___/   _   /  _  _   /     _ /___/   _'---     _       /_


                       . :                         : .

 o1 - Royal            | : o6 - Out of Bounds      : | 16 - Epsilon Design

 o2 - Storm            | : o7 - Dark Zone          : | 17 - Nemesis

 o3 - Candy Store      | : o8 - Cascade            : | 18 - Occult Crime

 o4 - Icezone          | : o9 - Hellraiser 2       : | 19 - Fallen Empires

 o5 - Grand Royal      | : 1o - Trooper            : | 2o - Java

                       | : 11 - Whodini            : |

  <--/_                | : 12 - Remorse            : |                _\-->

      (_               | : 13 - Bermuda Holland    : |               _)

       //______________|_: 14 - TRSI (diz)         :_|______________\\

                       |/: 15 - Twisted            :\|

                       | :                         : |

                .:.....| ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: |......:.

 .. .... ........·.....| ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: |......·....... .... ..

 :: :  : :::::::: :::::| ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: |:::::: ::::::: :  : ::

 :: :..: :::::::: :::::| ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: |:::::: ::::::: :..: ::

                 :.....| ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: |......:  .____

  _________            | :::::::::::::::::::::::::::_________ _|  _ |_

  \.   _   \ .______rDm|________ .________ .________\.   _   \\.  /__/

   |_  /___/_|     /___|     _ /_|     _ /_|    _  /_|   /___/_|    |____

   |_'---     _   /     _  _ /    _  _ /    _   /     _   _     _       /_

    /____(---(/--------(/  (--/--(/  (--/--(/--------(/---(____(/--)_____(

                       /_____/   /_____/             .

                       . ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: |

  tfp, krs-one, pulley | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | white widow, hash,

   the roots, pharcyde | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | norderlight, skunk

wipeout 2o97, souledge | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | gold, hollands glorie

                      _| ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: |_





                    _\ low profile in oneninenineseven /_


                                   _     _


                               _  (\     /)  _

                           _(\-\--) ». .« (--/-/)_

                        _ /       \       /       \ _

                        \)         \  -  /         (/

                     _  /       _  /-----\  _       \  _

               ______\--)       / _ .   . _ \       (--/______

              _)        \  _    \ /_     _\ /    _  /  )     (_

             _\     ____)  )    (  (-----)  )    (  (____     /_

             /    --\    \  \    \  _   _  /    /  /    /--    \

             `------------\  ·    \-/-·-\-/    ·  /------------'

                     `-----\       )     (       /-----' rDm

                          (/____  /       \  ____\)

                                ~·         ·~

                      " even spiderman is on our side "


             .                                                 |

             |                                                _|_______


            \|                                             _   \ oo1  _

      _  oo1 \   _ sPELLS: rOYAL                           /___|_____\\

      //_____|___\                                             |

             |                                                 |

             |                                                 ·



            _________        .  r  o  y  a  l  .     |    |

            \.   _   \ .________ .____ ___ .________ |  _ |

             |   /___/_|    _  /_|   /   /_|   _   /_|  /_|____

             |_   _     _   /     _    _    _  _      _       /_

              /---(____(/--------(/____\   (/--)_____(/--------(

                                   /_______/ rDm


             .                                                 |

             |                                                _|_______


            \|                                             _   \ oo2  _

      _  oo2 \   _ sPELLS: sTORM                           /___|_____\\

      //_____|___\                                             |

             |                                                 |

             |                                                 ·



            _______ _|  _ |_              _______   ___  __

           .\  _   \\.  /__/   .________ .\  _   \ .\  \/  \ rDm

           |_  /___/_|    |____|    _  /_|   /___/_|       /_

           |_'---     _         _   /     _   _     _       /_



             .                                                 |

             |                                                _|_______


            \|                                             _   \ oo3  _

      _  oo3 \   _ sPELLS: cANDY sTORE                     /___|_____\\

      //_____|___\                                             |

             |                                                 |

             |                                                 ·



                 |                     ____.                    /_.

   _________     |     _________      |    |          c A N D Y   |

   \.   _   \ .________\.       \ .___|__  |.____ ___             |

    |   /___/_|   _   /_|    _  /_|   _ /_ ||   /   /_  s T O R E |

    |_         _  _      _   /     _  /      _    _  /_           |

     /--------(/--)_____(/--(_____(/--------(/____\   (           |

             rDm .               .____        /_______/           |

                 |    _________ _|  _ |_            _________     |

                 |_   \.   _   \\.  /__/   .________\.   _   \ .________

                _|/___ |_  /___/_|    |____|    _  /_|   /___/_|  _  _ /_

                \|     |_'---     _         _   /     _   _     _ /___/ /_



             .                                                 |

             |                                                _|_______


            \|                                             _   \ oo4  _

      _  oo4 \   _ sPELLS: iCEZONE                         /___|_____\\

      //_____|___\                                             |

             |                                                 |

             |                                                 ·




                                            _\                 |

                                           |    i c e z o n e  |

      . _ _________            ________    |      _________    |

   .___\/_\.   _   \ .________ \    _  \ .________\.       \ .________

   |     /_|   /___/_|  _  _ /_|\___\  /_|    _  /_|    _  /_|  _  _ /_

   |_       _         _ /___/   _  ---'   _   /     _   /     _ /___/ /_


                                           |                  _| rDm



             .                                                 |

             |                                                _|_______


            \|                                             _   \ oo5  _

      _  oo5 \   _ sPELLS: gRAND rOYAL                     /___|_____\\

      //_____|___\                                             |

             |                                                 |

             |                                                 ·



                                 _\                      |

                                |                 ____.  |

              _________         | ___________    |    |  |

     .________\.   _   \ .________\.        /.___|__  |  |

     |    _  /_|   /___/_|   _   /_|    _  /_|   _ /_ |  |

     |_   / _   _   _     _  _      _   /     _  /    |_ |

      /_____\  (/---(____(/--)_____(/--(_____(/--------( |  .____

        /______/   _________    |                        |  |    |

                   \.   _   \ .________ .____ ___ .________ |  _ |

                    |   /___/_|    _  /_|   /   /_|   _   /_|  /_|____

                    |_   _     _   /     _    _    _  _      _       /_

                     /---(____(/--------(/____\   (/--)_____(/--------(

                                |         /_______/      |     rDm

                                |                       _|



             .                                                 |

             |                                                _|_______


            \|                                             _   \ oo6  _

      _  oo6 \   _ sPELLS: oUT oF bOUNDS                   /___|_____\\

      //_____|___\                                             |

             |                                                 |

             |                                                 ·



                    |                     /_

                    |   .____               |

                    |  _|  _ |_             |   _________

    .________ .______  \.  /__/      .________ .\  _____/

    |    _  /_|     /___|    |____   |    _  /_|    __\

    |_   /     _   /     _       /_  |_   /     _    /

     /--------(/--------(/--)_____(   /--------(/   / rDm

            .____   |                       |  /___/     ____.

            |  _ |  |                      _______      |    | _______

            |  /_|___ .________ .______   .\      \ .___|__  |.\  _   \

            |    _  /_|    _  /_|     /___|    _  /_|   _ /_ ||_  /___/_

            |_   /     _   /     _   /     _   /     _  /    |__'---   /_


                    |                       |

                    |_                      |


                   \|                                          .

             .                                                 |

             |                                                _|_______


            \|                                             _   \ oo7  _

      _  oo7 \   _ sPELLS: dARK zONE                       /___|_____\\

      //_____|___\                                             |

             |                                                 |

             |                                                 ·


                      ____.                    .____

                     |    |         _________  |  _ |____

                 .___|__  |.________\.   _   \ |  /_/   /

                 |   _ /_ ||   _   /_|   /___/_|    _ _/_

                 |_  /      _  _      _   _     _   /   /_


                 ________           _________    rDm

                 \    _  \ .________\.       \ .________

                 |\___\  /_|    _  /_|    _  /_|  _  _ /_

                 |_  ---'   _   /     _   /     _ /___/ /_



             .                                                 |

             |                                                _|_______


            \|                                             _   \ oo8  _

      _  oo8 \   _ sPELLS: cASCADE                         /___|_____\\

      //_____|___\                                             |

             |                                                 |

             |                                                 ·



                ._\               |

                |  c a s c a d e  |                       ____.

  _________     |     _________ _________                |    |

  \.   _   \ .________\.   _   \\.   _   \ .________ .___|__  |.________

   |   /___/_|   _   /_|_  /___/_|   /___/_|   _   /_|   _ /_ ||  _  _ /_

   |_         _  _      _'---     _         _  _      _  /      _ /___/ /_


                |                _| rDm



                          . sEVENTH iNNING sTRETCH .







                               _ØØØØØP  ØØØØØ#

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 __________               __________________________ __________     ___________

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|          | ___________ |          |  /          / |          |  /          /

l__________l_\__________\l__________l_/__________/  l__________|^/__________/


    ___________ __________ ___________ __________(__/  ___        ___________

   |   |  /   /|   | /___/|   |  /   /|   | /___/|   ||   | ____ |   |__/___/

   |   |_/___/ l___|      l___l_/___/ l___|-     l___|l___l_\___\l___l__

   l___|          _,øØØØ"

                 ÆØØØØØ´ bHm                      sE! ¶ØØØØØç

                ÆØØØØØ                                 ¶ØØØØØ_



                             tonite's playa's are

   ____   ____    ____   ____    ____   ____    ____   ____    ____   ____

  /  . `-' .  \  /  . `-' .  \  /  . `-' .  \  /  . `-' .  \  /  . `-' .  \

 /__/|     |\__\/__/|     |\__\/__/|     |\__\/__/|     |\__\/__/|     |\__\

     |     |        |     |        |     |        |     |        |     |

     |_____|        |_____|        |_____|        |_____|        |_____|

    red demon      axe-blade        ramon         trivial         misfit

                  ____   ____    ____   ____    ____   ____

                 /  . `-' .  \  /  . `-' .  \  /  . `-' .  \

                /__/|     |\__\/__/|     |\__\/__/|     |\__\

                    |     |        |     |        |     |

                    |_____|        |_____|        |_____|

                     zorro          zeus          stratos


             .                                                 |

             |                                                _|_______


            \|                                             _   \ oo9  _

      _  oo9 \   _ sPELLS: hELLRAISER 2                    /___|_____\\

      //_____|___\                                             |

             |                                                 |

             |                                                 ·


                         · H E L L R A I S E R   2 ·

                  .____               .____     .____

                  |  _ |   _________  |    |    |    |

                  |  /_|___\.   _   \ |  _ |    |  _ |

                  |    _  /_|   /___/_|  /_|____|  /_|____

              _ _ |_   /     _         _         _       /_ _ _


        _________               . _ _________       rDm _________

        \.   _   \ .________ .___\/_\.   _   \ .________\.   _   \

         |   /___/_|   _   /_|     /_|_  /___/_|  _  _ /_|   /___/_

       __|_   _     _  _      _       _'---     _ /___/   _   _   /_ __


                            · C H E R N O B Y L ·


             .                                                 |

             |                                                _|_______


            \|                                             _   \ o1o  _

      _  o1o \   _ sPELLS: tROOPER                         /___|_____\\

      //_____|___\                                             |

             |                                                 |

             |                                                 ·



                                                ._\         |

   .____                                        |  tROOPEr  |

  _|  _ |_  _________                           |           | _________

  \.  /__/  \.   _   \ .________ .________ .________ .________\.   _   \

   |    |____|   /___/_|    _  /_|    _  /_|     _ /_|  _  _ /_|   /___/_

   |_         _   _     _   /     _   /     _  _ /    _ /___/   _   _   /_

    /--)_____(/---(____(/--------(/--------(/  (--/--(/--)_____(/---(____(

                                           /_____/          . rDm

                                                .          _|



             .                                                 |

             |                                                _|_______


            \|                                             _   \ o11  _

      _  o11 \   _ sPELLS: wHODINI                         /___|_____\\

      //_____|___\                                             |

             |                                                 |

             |                                                 ·


               .____                    ____.

    _______    |  _ |                  |    |   . _ _________     . _

    \.    /___ |  /_|___ .________ .___|__  |.___\/_\.       \ .___\/_

     |   /\  /_|    _  /_|    _  /_|   _ /_ ||     /_|    _  /_|     /_

     |_         _   /     _   /     _  /      _       _   /     _     /_





             .                                                 |

             |                                                _|_______


            \|                                             _   \ o12  _

      _  o12 \   _ sPELLS: rEMORSE                         /___|_____\\

      //_____|___\                                             |

             |                                                 |

             |                                                 ·


                              . r E M O R S E .

   _________           _____  __           _________ _________

   \.   _   \ .________\.   \/  \ .________\.   _   \\.   _   \ .________

    |   /___/_|  _  _ /_|       /_|    _  /_|   /___/_|_  /___/_|  _  _ /_

    |_   _     _ /___/   _         _   /     _   _     _'---     _ /___/ /_




             .                                                 |

             |                                                _|_______


            \|                                             _   \ o13  _

      _  o13 \   _ sPELLS: bERMUDA hOLLAND                 /___|_____\\

      //_____|___\                                             |

             |                                                 |

             |                                                 ·


   .____                                                  ____.

   |  _ |             _________ _____  __                |    |

   |  /_|___ .________\.   _   \\.   \/  \ .______   .___|__  |.________

   |    _  /_|  _  _ /_|   /___/_|       /_|     /___|   _ /_ ||   _   /_

   |_   /     _ /___/   _   _     _         _   /     _  /      _  _    /_


   .____               .____     .____                         rDm  ____.

   |  _ |              |    |    |    |             _________      |    |

   |  /_|___ .________ |  _ |    |  _ |    .________\.       \ .___|__  |

   |    _  /_|    _  /_|  /_|____|  /_|____|   _   /_|    _  /_|   _ /_ |

   |_   /     _   /     _         _         _  _      _   /     _  /    |_



             .                                                 |

             |                                                _|_______


            \|                                             _   \ o14  _

      _  o14 \   _ sPELLS: tRSI (dIZ)                      /___|_____\\

      //_____|___\                                             |

             |                                                 |

             |                                                 ·



 .____     | TriStar RedSector |

_|  _ |_  _________ _________  |  . _

\.  /__/  \.   _   \\.   _   \ |___\/_

 |    |____|   /___/_|_  /___/_|     /_

 |_         _   _     _'---     _     /_


           . xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx .   rDm

           | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |

          _|_ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _|_



             .                                                 |

             |                                                _|_______


            \|                                             _   \ o15  _

      _  o15 \   _ sPELLS: tWISTED                         /___|_____\\

      //_____|___\                                             |

             |                                                 |

             |                                                 ·



                                            | .____________________

                                            : |                   /_.

   .____                                 .____|                   ____.

  _|  _ |_  _______       . _ _________ _|  _ |_  T W i S T E D  |    |

  \.  /__/  \.    /___ .___\/_\.   _   \\.  /__/   .________ .___|__  |

   |    |____|   /\  /_|     /_|_  /___/_|    |____|  _  _ /_|  _  /_ |

   |_         _         _       _`--      _         _ /___/   _ \     |_


                                              |_                    |rDm




             .                                                 |

             |                                                _|_______


            \|                                             _   \ o16  _

      _  o16 \   _ sPELLS: ePSILON dESIGN                  /___|_____\\

      //_____|___\                                             |

             |                                                 |

             |                                                 ·


      _:_______________________ /)

       |                      /_.     .____

       |   epsilon   _______    |. _  |  _ |             _____ _____

.________ .________ .\  _   \ .___\/_ |  /_|___ .________\.   /    /

|  _  _ /_|     _ /_|_  /___/_|     /_|       /_|    _  /_|    _  /_

|_ /___/   _    /    _'---     _       _         _   /     _   /   /_ _

 /--)_____(/ (---/--(/____(---(/------(/--------(/--------(/--(_____((/-

       |  /_____/  ____.        |

       |          |    | design |  _______     . _           _____ _____

       |_     .___|__  |.________ .\  _   \ .___\/_ .________\.   /    /

      _ /____ |   _ /_ ||  _  _ /_|_  /___/_|     /_|    _  /_|    _  /_

     (/       |_  /      _ /___/   _'---     _       _   /     _   /   /_

             _ /--------(/--)_____(/____(---(/------(/_____   (/--(_____(

             \/                                       /______/ rDm


             .                                                 |

             |                                                _|_______


            \|                                             _   \ o17  _

      _  o17 \   _ sPELLS: nEMESIS                         /___|_____\\

      //_____|___\                                             |

             |                                                 |

             |                                                 ·





             __________       :

_  __ _______\         |      :

        ......... .... | .....:

        :     __|______|

        |    |  :      |

        :....|..:     _|_     :

             |   .----/:\-----|--


                 |            |     :

    _____ ___    |      _____ |__   : . _ _________     . _ _________

    \.   /   \ .________\.   \/  \ .___\/_\.   _   \ .___\/_\.   _   \

     |    _  /_|  _  _ /_|       /_|     /_|_  /___/_|     /_|_  /___/_

     |_   /     _ /___/   _        __       _'---     _       _'---   /_


              .. |            |.....:                               rDm

              :  |    _._    _|

              :  ·----/|\----\ _  · N E M i S i S ·

            ..:....... | ..... \)    ___________ ____   _

              :        |_____:_______\




                  ·       :





             .                                                 |

             |                                                _|_______


            \|                                             _   \ o18  _

      _  o18 \   _ sPELLS: oCCULT cRIME                    /___|_____\\

      //_____|___\                                             |

             |                                                 |

             |                                                 ·


                                                .____     .____

                 _________ _________            |    |   _|  _ |_

        .________\.   _   \\.   _   \ .______   |  _ |   \.  /__/

        |    _  /_|   /___/_|   /___/_|     /___|  /_|____|    |____

        |_   /     _         _         _   /     _       /__       /_


             _________ _________     . _ _____  __    rDm

             \.   _   \\.   _   \ .___\/_\.   \/  \ .________

              |   /___/_|   /___/_|     /_|       /_|  _  _ /_

              |_         _   _     _       _         _ /___/ /_


                        . o C C U L T   C R I M e .


             .                                                 |

             |                                                _|_______


            \|                                             _   \ o19  _

      _  o19 \   _ sPELLS: fALLEN eMPIRES                  /___|_____\\

      //_____|___\                                             |

             |                                                 |

             |                                                 ·



                       |                         /_.

                       |      . f A L L E n .      |

                       | .____     .____           |

        ___________    | |    |    |    |          |  _________

        \.   _____/_____ |  _ |    |  _ |    .________\.       \

         |    __\  _   /_|  /_|____|  /_|____|  _  _ /_|    _  /_

         |_    _   _      _         _         _ /___/   _   /   /_

          /   (/---)_____(/--------(/--------(/--)_____(/--(_____(

         /___/                                           rDm

            _____  __  |            . _ _________  |        _________

   .________\.   \/  \ |________ .___\/_\.   _   \ |________\.   _   \

   |  _  _ /_|       /_|     _ /_|     /_|   /___/_|  _  _ /_|_  /___/_

   |_ /___/   _         _  _ /    _       _   _     _ /___/   _'---   /_

    /--)_____(/--\/____(/  (--/--(/------(/---(____(/--)_____(/____(---(

                       /_____/                     |

                       |     . e M P I R E s .     |

                       |_                          |





             .                                                 |

             |                                                _|_______


            \|                                             _   \ o2o  _

      _  o2o \   _ sPELLS: jAVA                            /___|_____\\

      //_____|___\                                             |

             |                                                 |

             |                                                 ·



                  ._______ .________\.    /___ .________

                  |      /_|   _   /_|   /   /_|   _   /_rDm

                  |_   _    _  _      _         _  _    /_

                   /___\   (/--)_____(/--------(/--)_____(

                    /______/   member of epsilon design


                      _                               _

                   ·-(/__                           __\)-·

                         :                         :



                      _  :::::::::::::::::::::::::::  _


                   _\   this collection holds a title   /_




                    __   :::::::::::::::::::::::::::   __

              .__ _( /---------------------------------\ )_ __.

              | /_\                      .____            /_\ |

    ___________ . _ _________ _________ _|  _ |_              |

    \.   _____/__\/_\.   _   \\.   _   \\.  /__/      .part.  |

     |    __\      /_|   /___/_|_  /___/_|    |____   .one.   |

     |_    _          _   _     _'---     _       /_          |

      /   (/---------(/---(____(/____(---(/--)_____(          |

     /___/ rDm|       .____                       .____       |

           _________ _|  _ |_  _________     . _  |  _ |____  |

           \.   _   \\.  /__/  \.   _   \ .___\/_ |  /_/   /.________

            |_  /___/_|    |____|   /___/_|     /_|    _ _/_|  _  _ /_

            |_'---     _         _   _     _       _   /     _ /___/ /_


              .                                               .

              |_.f. .i. .r. .s. .t.   .s. .t. .r. .i. .k. .e._|

               /_                                           _\





                 _   _\|                             |/_   _

             <---/___)          . s T O R y .          (___\--->

           It was behind the solid door, six floors beneath the

           surface of a chinese restaurant, where the low pro

           posse was spending their so precious time.Known to

           the public as an ascii group, known to the police

           as a group of gangsta's of low profile.Like any group

           of terrorists they used their time wisely, playing

           video games, smokin' blunts and drinkin' booze.

           " yo man, i cant keep my eyes offa this big screen man,

             wipeout 2o97 is the fattest man!. Hahahaa, yeah

             specially is this eight-player-mode, this shit rocks.

             Yo triv, you keepin' on eye on the monitor, to see

             if all is goin' rite on level uno? Naah man, im

             scoopin' out floor five man, hmmm .. see that bitch

             licking that hot cream of her body .. damn see them

             tits swing left to right .. im goin' there rite now

             man .. im goin' .. "

           The door slammed as Trivial changed the sixth floor, for

           the fifth, where wet pussy was awaiting.To give him the

           privacy he deserves, lets move back to the sixth and

           see how things work out there.

           " yo ramone? .. rAMON ?!? .. check out this new pipe i

             bought man, check this out, four hoses to suck your

             weed up man, this baby is the bong man.Yeahyeah deee,

             i knew you would hook me up with some of that green

             shit .. letme take a hit man .. sssjjjhhhsss .. ahh,

             man thas some bad weed man .. damn .. ugh ugh ..

             Yo peeps, check this out " misfit who had just taken

             over trivials place behind the monitor system was

             yellin' " check this out man, them two dudes are

             making some serious money offa our backs man!"

             As the rest of the crime family gathered around the

             video wall to see what Misfit was talking about, they

             saw two guys winning large amounts of money at the


           " how tha hell did them two come in here man? " zorro

           was sayin' as he was slamming his heavy fist into one

           of the playstations scattered around the room.

           " damn, i can't take this shit, tell security to bring

             their asses down here rite now! " Few seconds later

           two gentlemen dresses in black took the two guys from

           the roullette, and gently asked them to follow their

           lead.So they did.They were walking through the large

           hall, to the glass elevator.

           " where do you think they are takin' us man? " the dark

           headed asked." man, i dunno, but i bet we are in trouble

           again, you should have never used that magnet on the

           roullette, it was too clear that we were cheating, peeps

           must have found out 'bout us man .. "

           As one of the man dressed in black turned a key and pushed

           the button with a "six" on it, the elevator started moving

           in a vertical direction.The doors then opened, and gave

           way to yet another door, with a sign on it, which read :

           " Low Pro Enterprises -  Private ".This door too opened

           with a turn of a key, and the group of four walked into

           the private home of the ganja gangsta's.

           As they entered the room, red demon wispered " man, i

             know them two .. i seen them before somewhere .. im

             sure of it man .. " The others too had a feeling they

           met these two somewhere before, although none of them could

           exactly tell where or when." yeah, i know " axeblade said

           " i know them two, that one on the left is Zeus, he's been

             in the ascii game for years man, and the other one is

             Stratos, he's from Contra, those peeps are fly man "

           The men dressed in black left, through a door in the

           back of the room." you were well underway to make a

             fortune at that roullette, weren't ya? " red demon said

           " whadda ya think, we stoopid or sumthin'?, walking

             'round with a magnet the size of notorius B.I.G.? "

           The two guys looked at eachother, first seriously, then

           a grin appeared on the face of ramon, although it was

           problably the weed taking the better of him, it broke

           the silence.Soon all of them were laughing, specially

           when trivial returned with 1o bitches to serve the pro's

           and there new bro's.     - red demon ^ low profile

                   _.   _____________________________   ._

                   \|   \:::::::::::::|:::::::::::::/   |/

                    |_   :::::::::::::::::::::::::::   _|




            _            :::::::::::::|:::::::::::::            _


         _\  presents becomes history, future becomes present ..  /_






                      _| :                       .___|____

                  <---\| :                       |       /_.

            ___________________________________. |         |

          ._\                                  | |         |

   .____  |    lOW pRO hISTORY .____           | | aRTISTs |

   |  _ | |     . _ _________ _|  _ |_         | ·_________·

   |  /_|___ .___\/_\.   _   \\.  /__/   .________\.   _   \ .____ ___

   |    _  /_|     /_|_  /___/_|    |____|    _  /_|   /___/_|   /   /_

   |_   /     _       _'---     _         _   /     _   _     _    _  /_

    /--(_____(/------(/____(---(/--)_____(/--------(/---(____(/____\   (

      rDm .                                    | |         .   /_______/

          | lP!-dEDi.tXT     'bRING dA pAIN'   | | rED dEE |

          | lP!-sPiN.tXT  'lET dA rECORD sPIN' | | tRiViAL |

          | lP!-fORU.tXT  'a tASTE OF pROFiLE' | | tRiViAL |

          | lP!-hAtE.tXT        'H A T E'      | | rAMoNe  |_ .

          | lP!-bOMb.tXT    'bOMb thE sYsTeM'  | | Misfit  |//

          | lP!-LpdS.tXT   'La Pusta deL SoL'  | | rAMoNe  /

          | lP!Plain.Lha         'Plain'       | |  ZorrO /|

          | lP!-uZI.txt         'DriveBy'      | |  ALL    |

          | lP!-lET.tXt      'Low end theory'  | | rN!-aB! |

          | lP!-iNDI.tXT      'iNDIVIDUaRT'    | | rED dEE |

          | lP!-hO!.tXT      'Unnamed Fukkup'  | | tRIViAL |

          | lP!-rESP.tXT   'Blunts, Pieces ..' | | rED dEE |

          | lP!-fATS.tXT   'For all that Shit' | | Misfit  |

          | lP!-oOC!.tXT     ' Out of Cans'    | | tRiViAl |

          | lP!-n4L!.tXT     'Niggaz 4 Life'   | | rAMONe  |

          | lP!-iNSU.tXT       'Inner Sun'     | |  zEUS   |

          | lP!-fS.tXT       'First Strike'   _| |_rED dEE |

         _|___________________________________\|_ /________|

          ·            . :                     |/  : .

                      _| :                     ·   : |_

                <-----\|_:_____               _____:_|/----->

                         :    (---------------)    : ·


                   _    _:::::::::::::::::::::::::::_

                   \) __\:::::::::::::::::::::::::::/__  _           .

                     _)                               (__\--rESPECTS-|-

    _____    _____  |  ____    ______    _____     ____     _____    |____

  .-\__  \_.-\__  \_.-/   /__.-\     \_.-\__  \_.-/  _//__.-\    \_.-/   /__

_/    /  _/.   /___/._____   \_   /___/    /___/     \    \_     _/______   \_

\_____\____|___     |/________/_____\\_____________________/_____| /_________/

[sTZ!/sE ©'96] \____|                                                .

                    . Desoto, Rapid, Stezotehic, H2o, Stylez, Folar  |

                    | Relief, Exocet, U-man, Crusader, Gozz, Trivial |

                    | Mortimer, Axeblade, Flite, One Eyed Pirate .. _|


   __\              |    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::                 |/

<--\   Upperclass   |    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::                 ·

       Arclite      |   _:::::::::::::::::::::::::::_

       House'o Style| _((:-------------------------:))_

       Twisted     _|_\ that was it, go the fuck home /_

       Mo'Soul      |/---:-------------------------:---\

       Low Profile  /    |::::::::::::::::::::::::::

       Jedi Arts   /|    ::::::::::::::::::::::::::|

       Contra       :  _ |:::::::::::::::::::::::::| _

       Artcore      |  /-|-------------------------|-\

                    ·    ·       lOw ProFilE       ·


@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ                 ________     _____________.

               ./       /___./      _     _:

 l     o     W |_      /    |_     _/     \.

 p R o f i l e  /____________/  zZ \_______:


 : the worlds most famous crime family is :

 :   back, the ganja gangsta's bring ya   :

 : "First Strike" part one in the Playa's :

 :  Trilogy from da demon dressed in red  :
