File Archive

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File size:
43 747 bytes (42.72K)
File date:
2004-04-19 23:06:29
Download count:
all-time: 452



                         .........      ________
                         :    __ : ___ ¡        ¡
                         :.. ¡ ..:    ¡|      - | ----------- >
                             !        ||        !
                  __________,._       !!  _______  .__________________
           _______\_    X     /____ ______\_    /--l _     X        _/
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     drn! /_____  !\  __    / .     _____  !/  __    \-----/_     _!  /\t!
                `----'  `----/!----'  .. `----' .`----\      `---'  
                             .        ||        |
               < ----------- | -      ||    ... | ...
                             |        |!___ : __!   :
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                            f r o m                                                    

        +              ____. ____    __     __         +
        |         _____\   |(____)  ) _|   ) _|        |
        +        )     i __| _____ /  \__./  \__.      +
        |        \_      \__      |      |      |      |
        +        __)   |_   |    _|_     |_     |      +
   __ _ |        \_____|/   |____(  )____| )____|      | _  jaw   _ _ __
 |        ____. ________  _________   _________  _______      ___      |
 +   _____\   |_\     . |_\      /__._\__      |       _|__ __\  (_    +
 |  )     i __|       __|       :   |         /____        |       |   |
 +   \_     \__       \         |   |  /_____(    /   _____|  .:  _|   +
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 .        )____|                                                       .
    -       -- ----  -- -- - -  --- ---- - --     --   -    -- - -  -
                           p r e s e n t s                                     



                     a s c i i  c o l l y                                      

                            c a l l e d                                        

                           _______.                               :            
         ___________ _____|       |_______      - - - - - - - - - .            
        |           |     |       |       :    :                  :            
        |___\   )___i     |      _|     __i_   :   " tHE rOCK "   :            
  >-------|       |       _     |    _______|  :                  :---->       
          )_______|_______|     |_________|    : ... .... .. .... :            
   - --  -----------------|_____|jaw-------    :                               
                       ________. ___________  ______  ______ _____             
                     __\       |__          |       |       |     |            
  <-----------------|           _(          |    .__|__     |  ___|---<        
                    l         __\__         |          |       \__             
                    :_______|      | _______| _________| ___i     |            
            --- - -  -------|______|------------------------l_____|            

             ________________._____ ______________________________             
      ________\       __\          |         \     __/_____    __\             
      \       _`_________\_________|       _._)_______     \_____\             
       \__________\     w o r d s  \______)          _______\                  
            \                           \_____________/dwf /.                   
             \ yeah, i'm drawing ascii for killkrazed now //                    
              \ and this is my first release in kkz.     //                     
               \ this colly ain't very big, but i had   //                      
                \ to release something for killkrazed. //                       
                 \ i'm not much of a first words guy  //                        
                  \ but i think this is enough.. not //                         
                   \ well, let's get to the point.  //                          

_ _______|           |       /______    /     ____/         \_______________ _ 
         |___________|______'_     /___/__   ____/__________/          /       
                          /_______/____\  \______\ dwf      \_________/        
                         stats                hbit                             
                         files                jaw                              
                   conferences                jaw                              
                           jaw                jaw                              
                         noise                jaw                              
                  squim valley                jaw                              
                          info                jaw                              
                           bbs                tribe                            
                         manga                tribe                            
                         detox                bizzach                          
                     polar 666                ascizo                           
                        nasone                nasone                           
                           nas                nasone                           
                       zandura                squint                           
        1981 internet services                r1ck                             
                        unique                wkz                              

                   b e g i n n i n g  o f  l o g o s . 

   ____________\    t h e  r o c k.                                            
   |            \\___________________________________________                  
   |             \\   logo:  stats                          /_                 
   _________                    |       \            _________                 
   \      _/______._____________|        \.__________\      _/_____            
    \______       \      \______.         |           \______      \           
    /      ________\    __\     |_________|          __\     _______\          
   /________/__________________________________________\______/ dwf  `         
    \      _/_____                                                             
     \_______     \                ._______          _ __ _________            
     /      _______\_______________|       \._____________.      _/_____       
 // /_______/__            __\     .        |            __\_______     \ \\   
            /________________\_____|        |______________\      _______\     
                                   |________| ©dwf        /_______/            
                                   :        .                                  
   ____________\    t h e  r o c k.                                            
   |            \\___________________________________________                  
   |             \\   logo: files                           /_                 
                                  . __________                                 
           _______________________._\        /_____________________            
   _______(      __\              |  `      '     /      _\      _/_____       
  /        ` _______\_____________|______________/`      __\______      \      
 /__________________________________________________________\     _______\     
       .                                              dwf /_______ __ _        
       :.   jawwin fileet.                                 .. ......... .. .   
       ::                                                  ::                  
       :                                                    :                  
       :                                                    :                  
       :                                                    .                  
       :                                                    :                  
      :.                                                    .:                 
      :..... .. ....... .................. ..   ............::                 
             ________                             .                            
    ________(      __\             __________     :    ________________        
    \        ` _______\__________._\        /_____.___(       _\   ___/____    
     \__________\________________|  `      '     /_____`      __\___       \   
     '     .                    \_______________/ dwf  \_________\     /----'  
           :                                                 /________/        
           .                                                          `        
           :    j a w w i n  f i l s u t.                                      
           :............. . ............... ........................ .. .      
   ____________\    t h e  r o c k.                                            
   |            \\___________________________________________                  
   |             \\   logo: confs                           /_                 
              |·                                               ·|              
              |     .d a.   .c o nferenc e s.                   .      .       
     _________.              _____________             _______________/        
    /       _/_______________\__.        /____________(     __\     _/_____    
   /              /             |       '      /       `_______\______     \   
   \_______ _    /______._______|______/      /___________\©dwf/      ______\  
          /_____/                   /________/                /________/       
         /    .'                                               `.              
        '     |                                                 |              
              |                                                 |              
              |                                                 |              
              |                                                 |              
              |                                                 |              
              |                                                 |              
              .·                                               ·:              
   ____________\    t h e  r o c k.                                            
   |            \\___________________________________________                  
   |             \\   logo: jaw                             /_                 
                  j.             ._________       w.                           
        ________________         |         \               _____________       
  . ____\____ _        /_________|          \.____________/             \  .   
  : \_________________/__________.           |           /               \ :   
  .                          dwf |___________|__________/\_______________/ .   
  .                              :           .                             .   
  :...............................           :.............................:   
                                 :           .                                 
   ____________\    t h e  r o c k.                                            
   |            \\___________________________________________                  
   |             \\   logo: noise                           /_                 
        \          /_______      |             |      __/_____   ____/         
         \________'_      /______|_____________|________      \ ____/          
               /_________/       |             /      _________\____\ dwf      
                                 '            /________/                       
                  .n        .o          .i             .s        .e            
   ____________\    t h e  r o c k.                                            
   |            \\___________________________________________                  
   |             \\   logo: squam valley                    /_                 
  ___________                             _________  . .......... .. .         
   \      __/____________________________/         \________|______            
    \________     \      .    \______   /           \       |      |.______    
    /      ________\___________ _    \______________/_______|      \/      \   
   /________/                \________\  dwf             \________:         \  
       _________     .______                                      |_________/  
_______\       /     |      \    ________       ________                       
\       \     /______|       \.__\      /_______\      /_____________          
 \___________/_______.        |   `    '     /   `    '     /   ____/          
                     |________|_____________/______________/    ___/________   
      . .............|..................... .. .         /_________\      /___ 
                     '                                         /_________/   / 

   ____________\    t h e  r o c k.                                            
   |            \\___________________________________________                  
   |             \\   logo: info                            /_                 
                                  .         :                                  
                                  |         |                                  
                                  |         |                                  
         _____._________________  :         :  _____________________           
        |           |          /_______________\      __\           |          
        |___________|_________'_      /        _`________\____._____|          
                                  :   dwf   :                                  
                                  |         |                                  
                                  |         |                                  
                                  .         :                                  
   ____________\    t h e  r o c k.                                            
   |            \\___________________________________________                  
   |             \\   logo: bbs                             /_                 
    \__________         .b u llet i n.                                         
     \         )________ __ _    .b oar d.                                     
      \_______ï                        .s y st e m.                            
      /_________________ ________                      .                       
                      \          )_________ __________/                        
                       \________ï            \      _/_____                    
                       /___________________ __\____ _      \                   
                      /                  dwf  /     ________\                  
                     '                       /_______/                         
           __________  .b               :                                      
           \         )__________________. .b                                   
            \_______'         \         )__________________  .s                
    . .. ___/__________________\_______ï         \       _/_____.___ .. .      
                           dwf /__________________\_______      \              
                                        .         /      ________\             
                                        :        /________/                    

   ____________\    t h e  r o c k.
   |            \\___________________________________________                  
   |             \\   logo: manga                           /_                 
                       ))\____________  ______________________                 
                      |               |/                      |                
                      |_.             '                     ._|                
                      |                                      \                 
                      |                                       |                
                      :                                       |                
 _______               ________________         _________     :    _____       
/       |.____________|     \         /_________\     __/_________|     \      
\_______\/      \     .______|_______'_     /        ,      /     .______|     
       |________/_____|           /________/--------/______/______|            
                      .                      dwf                                  
                      |                                       .                
                      |_.,                                    |                
                       //                                     |                
                      |     ,                            .    |                

   ____________\    t h e  r o c k.
   |            \\___________________________________________                  
   |             \\   logo: detox                           /_                 
                     _e.                              . _ __ ___x.___________  
     _d. __________    _________   _T.             _o.     ________  _______/  
 _ _____(        //___(       __\__________________________\_.     \/     //   
         `_______/     `     ____\\         __\\            :|_    ï`   __/_   
_ _______________\________________\___________\______________|     .,      \\  
                                                      dwf /________/\________\ 
                                    . _ __ ______________/                     
   ____________\    t h e  r o c k.                                            
   |            \\___________________________________________                  
   |             \\   logo: polar 666                       /_                 
                          .                        .______                     
                          :   __________           |      \     _________      
_ ________._______________.___\        /___________|       \.___\        \     
          \               |    `      '     /______.        |    `     _._)_   
   _ ___.__)______._______|________________/       |________|_________)     \  
_ _______\        .       .                        .            dwf \________\ 
 . .. ....................:........................:............... .. .       
                  6       :                        6                           
                  .       6                        .                           
   ____________\    t h e  r o c k.                                            
   |            \\___________________________________________                  
   |             \\   logo: nasone                          /_                 
              .........                      ................ .. .             
          ............:......................:       ·                         
                      :                      :       .                         
                      .______________        .........                         
____________          |      \     _/________________:_________      _______   
\          /__________|       \_____     \           |        /_____(     __\  
 \        '     /_____.        |    ______\____._____|       ï     / `   ____\ 

  \______/     /      |________|_____/ dwf     :.... \______/     /___________\
       /______/       .        :                   :      /______/             
                      ·        .                   :                           
           . .. ...............:                   .                           
   ____________\    t h e  r o c k.                                            
   |            \\___________________________________________                  
   |             \\   logo: nas                             /_                 
       ________________                .______________________/                
       \\             /________________|.        \\        __/______           
        \\           '       //        .          \\.________      \\          
         \__________/       //_________|:           |        ________\         
                 /__________/ dwf      |____________|_________/                
   ____________\    t h e  r o c k.                                            
   |            \\___________________________________________                  
   |             \\   logo: zandura                         /_                 
       _ ________.________________________ __ _                                
     ________    :________________________      ________________     ._____    
 ____\__    /____|     \.      /______   /_____/      \         \____|     \.  
/_____   --/_____.      |_____'      /__/_____/________\___   _._)___.      |  
    \______\     |______|   /_______/___\ dwf             \________\ |______|  
            `                                _ __ ___________________:__ _     
   ____________\    t h e  r o c k.                                            
   |            \\___________________________________________                  
   |             \\   logo: 1981 internet services          /_                 
           ____.        _________ .                      :|                    
          /    |_______(__     __)____.                   .                    
         /     |        \___.____)    |  .1981 Internet Services.              
        |______|_.___   /       /     |                   .                    
               /_______/       |______|                   |                    
                               :      .                   :                    
_ ______.____________________________________________________________________  
        |        /______   __\      __/         \        /______ __/       __\ 
_ ______|______ '      /_____\___   __\____   _._)_____ '      / __\_________\ 
             /________/ dwf    .\______\  \________\ /________/_____\          
                               |                          .                    
__ _____________________________________________.________________________      
     __/____  __/          \        /----.      |     __/___   __/    __/____  
- --  ______\ __\_____   _._)____________/______|_______ _  \  __\---  ______\ 
_ _____/  \______\   \________\.                       \_____\____\_____/      
                               |.                         .                    
   ____________\    t h e  r o c k.                                            
   |            \\___________________________________________                  
   |             \\   logo: unique                          /_                 
                       ____________ ______________  ______________             
                      |_          /|              \|             .|            
                       /          '                '             ||            
                      |                                           |            
                      :_ .                                        .            
          ________________                                 ________________    
 ________/      \        /_________.___ __________________/      \     ___/    
/_______/________\______'_     /       |      ,  \_______/________\_   __/     
                      /_______/________|______|   \  dwf          . \____\     
                      .                       |____\           ,._|            
                      |.                                        \\             
                      ||                                         \|            
                      |_,                                         |            
                       /              ,                    ,      |            

                e n d  o f  l o g o s .

  __.._____ ____. ____ ____    ____
  \_||_   //   /|/   //   /____)_  \_..__
   vol/   /    _.    /    _.   ____/_||_/
. __./    \    \|    \    \|   \    \ .__ .
:  //____/ \____\___/ \____\_________\:\  :
:   ¡           killkrazed            ¡   :
:   |     dwarf     -    the rock     |   :
:  _¡_                               _¡_  :
: _\|/_______________________________\:/_ :

                                _ __|_   |__ _                                 
                    ___       __\\\__   _._///_                                
  dz\a!  _____   ___\  _____ _\  __/|    | ____                                
        _\ ._ \_ ____ _\ __//_ _.___/_   |_\__ \_   I ' d  l i k e  t o        
  _ __ /_  |_  /_\__ \\ _____/_\|    /_ _\ _.___/__ _  _____________________   
 _\\\.  /___/  _/./  //__\    /_______//_   |/   .///_                     \:  
     |_________\ l___   /______/    |   /________| _     G  R  E  E  T  :   |  
       __  .   l___/____\      __/  :\___|      ___\                        |_ 
         | |                                                                ./ 
           |_   reality.trance.jaw.hbit.tribe.strala.razoredge.distance     |  
           ./   moccasin.geoid.zaner.daeron.wkz.starks.nasone .letharic     |  
           |    volatile .02ff39h .dipswitch .dezibel .asphynx .astarte    _|  
           |                           .                                   \.  

    thanks for asciis goes to: jaw & daeron.
