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103 785 bytes (101.35K)
File date:
2004-04-19 23:06:29
Download count:
all-time: 495


<· start of dead eyes - no light, no beauty by ranx / jedIarts ·>

      _____________ ___________ _________\__      /_____        ·
 -sg /    ._      /_\____     /    ._      /     /     / _____ / __________
    /     |/     /.     _    /     |/     /     /     /.      /         _ /_.
  _/      /_______|_________/|_____/     /.____/_______|     /          \/  |
  \________|                      /_______|    .            / Jedi^Arts·    |
                                               |__   ·Ranx /              __|
                                                 /_______ / ______________\
                    of                                  ·

   oOOo.  .
  OO°  °·    °   .     ·                            .          .oOo.
  °Oo.               ______               .    ______    °  . ·°  °OOo.
   OOOo             |      |__________________|      |_______ _     °OOo
    °OOO       _____|_     |    _       /     _      \__   _//       °OOO
     OOO    _ /      /     |    /______/.     \      |      |        oOO°
    oOO°    //_____________|\______     |____________|______|       oO°Oo
  .oOO°                           |_____|  _______            ·  . ·°  °Oo
 oOO°     ________________________________/     _/__  _____________    oO°
 °O°  ____\_______     _       _        __    _____/__\     ______/____°Oo
  Oo  \        ___\    \__     /________/      \/    __\________      / °OOo
   °.  \        /        /       \     \        \    \__       /     /    °Oo
        \_______        /\________\     \______        /       _____/>vNZ! OOo
   ·          /________/                     /________/\________\         oOOO
          .                                                            .oOOOO°
      °       . ...o..  .  ..oOo.. .  .    .   . ...oOo... .  . ...oOOOOOOO°

  r a n x  -  s h o c k  g  -  m a x i m  -  r e f l e x  -  h o o l i g a n

    .........................   ...................   ...................
    :::                   :::                         :                 :
 ______________________________________   ___________________________________
 \     _     /   _    /   _    /\    _/_./  _     /    _     /      _/\    _/_.
  \ _  / ___/    /   /.   /  _/. \      |   /   _/.   |/    /|      |  \      |
 . \/     \|     \____|________;________|_________;___|_____\|      |_________|
 |_________|_____|                                    :      |______|   .
                          :::                         :                 :
rX  :::...................:::   :::::::::::::::::::   :.................:  jA!

                                  ::        ::
                                  ::        ::
                    _ ___________________________________ _

                _ _)                                        (_ _
                \ \                                          / /
                        Sky is not so blue as i knew.
               :::::::: if anyone asked me,            ::::::::::
               :        I couldn't quite remember you.          :
               :                                                :
               :        I don't believe in faith,               .
               .        as i don't believe in you.              .
               .                                                .
                        No light in the eyes so bright.         :
               .        No beauty in the eyes of so stupid.     .
               :                                                .
               .        Dead eyes,                              :
               :        dead eyes.                              :
               :                                                :
               :::::::: No light, :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
               _ ___    no beauty.                          ___ _
               \ \ /                                        \ / /

                    _ ____________________________________ _

                                  ::        ::

       ____________________                      ____________________
      :                    :      sTZ!/sE       |                    |
      |                 \\ ¦                    |                 \\ :
      :____              \ |       ____         ¦ ______           \ |
      |   (_.______________:      |   (_.   ____:_)_   /__ __________:____
______|     |  ._   /  _.   \_____|     | ._) _.   /  /  /_\   _.   /  __/___.
\    (|     |  |/__/   \|    \_  (|     | |   \|__/____    \_  \|__/_____    |
 \__________|___________\_____/_________| |_______.     ____/________________|
      |                    :                    : |____/             |
      :                    |                    ¦                    :
      |_____          _____:                    |_____          _____|
          ._)        (_.                            ._)        (_.
          |            |                            |            |
          :            :                            :____        :
          _________ ______    ____   _____________ ._)   |___________
        ._)  ._    \\ ._  \ ._)   |__\_____/  _._/_|_.   |    .    __|
        |    |/    /  |/   \|     |    /   |  \|     |        |    |
        |____|____/________/|_________/____|___      |___|    |____|
                                               \_____|   |____|
                      ____                         ___           _______
  _________ ______  ._)   |    _________________ ._)  |___ ______)__   /___
._)  ._    \\ ._  \ |     |____)_  _.   /  _.   \|    |  /_\      __| /   /_
|    |/    /  |/   \|     |)    /  \|__/   \|    \_   |    \_     |____     \_
|____|____/________/|__________/____________\_____/_________/___._|    ______/
          ·                                                      ·
          :             _____________________________            :
          |____         \                           /        ____|
               )_________\    d.E.A.D   e.Y.E.s    /________(

        ..............  .................................................
        ::          ::                                                 ::
        ::          ::  Garbage garbage garbage .. garbage in my eyes  ::
        ::          ::  garbage in my ears .. can't hear can't see...  ::
        ::   . .....::  got dead eyes and theres no light.. no beauty  ::
        ::                                                        __ _ ::
     _____________ ________ _________ _________ __________ ______ \_________
     \ _   _     /   _    /    _    / \    ___/_\__      /   ___/_.   _    /
      \/   /____/    /   /|    /  _/.      __/    _     /    \    |   /  _/.
      |      \_|_____\____;_________|       \__________/|_____\___|____    |
       \______\/                    |________|                       \/___/
 rX/jA! ::
        ::                                                             :
        ::  My fourteenth pack. nothing more than requests this time.  :
        ::                                                             :
        ::  nothing to say really.. for a news flash i could say that  .
        ::                                                             .
        ::  all jedIarts releases since my co-op with Shock G's are &  :
        ::                                                             .
        ::  will be released as JA!-xxxx.TXT. atleast I hope so.. big  :
        ::                                                             :
        ::  thanks to sTZ for the awesome title logo.. Style.. that's  .
        ::                                                             .
        ::  the right name for your group. Not to mention  the others  :
        ::                                                             :
        ::  who provided me logos..!                                   .
        ::                                                             :
        ::                                                             :
        ::                                                             :
        ::  Yours .. Ranx/jedIarTs/Fairlight/Orange/Komeda  23.fEB.96  .
        ::                                                             .
        ::                                                             .
        ::                                                             :

                ..... . .                           . .. .....
                :                                            :
           :::                                                  :::
           :::                                                  :::
_ _)                                                                      (_ _
  \ _               . . C . O . N . T . E . N . T . S . .                _ /

·         .. logo....................................requested by ..         ·
 \ ________________________________________________________________________ /
 |\ _                                                                      /|
 | \/                                                                     · |
 |                     f   i   l   e   _   i   d   '   s                    |
 |                                                                          |
 |           atre............................................atre           |
 |           bad karma....................................traitor           |
 |           dat..........................................traitor           |
 |           drone.......................................presence           |
 |           euphoria.....................................traitor           |
 |           lsd..........................................traitor           |
 |                                                                          |
 |                     b   i   g       l   o   g   o   s                    |
 |                                                                          |
 |           abuse........................................darkman           |
 |           asylum...................................madmax&juan           |
 |           atre............................................atre           |
 |           clique 100%.................................trespass           |
 |           cod presents...................................meeba           |
 |           concrete roots...............................stratos           |
 |           contra.......................................stratos           |
 |           credits.......................................threaz           |
 |           damnation.......................................mage           |
 |           damnation #2....................................mage           |
 |           deathscape....................................strode           |
 |           divide overflow.........................squarepusher           |
 |           divine stylers..................................dino
 |           dualcrew shining................................haka           |
 |           eastern front...................................haka           |
 |           ecstasy.....................................exorcist           |
 |            |
 |           europol........................................snafu           |
 |           fairy tales of million dollar happines.......shock g           |
 |           genocide....................................subsonic           |
 |           graphics......................................anyone           |
 |           hard disk cafe.............................patrician           |
 |           hellblazer.......................................jam           |
 |           index.......................................sin fame           |
 |           index #2......................................threaz           |
 |            |
 |           juan.....................................madmax&juan           |
 |           komeda........................................komeda           |
 |           logoff........................................anyone           |
 |           loop............................................loop           |
 |           main board.....................................abuse           |
 |           madmax..................................madmax&juan!           |
 |           madness......................................detroit           |
 |           msw..............................................msw           |
 |           the oase.........................................msw           |
 |           presence....................................presence           |
 |           punk in drublic..............................shock g           |
 |           shock g......................................shock g           |
 |           snafu..........................................snafu           |
 |           stratos......................................stratos           |
 |           stratos #2...................................stratos           |
 |           tehdas..................................squarepusher           |
 |           two steps from the move.......................threaz           |
 |___        words.......................................sin fame        ___|
 |\ /                      ·                                             \ /|
 | /                       .                                              \ |
 /                         .                                                \
·                          :                                                 \
                           :                                                  ·
       ·    ::                        ::
        \_______ ____ _  _   _        ::
         \                                                          ·
         _\  All i saw was a girl not as bright as the others ..   /
         \/                                _ ___ ________________ /_
                                      ::                        \/
                                      ::                   ..




           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ atrediz for atre                                   \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

                  ___\__    |__       /  _     /  _     /
                  \     _    /       /   /    /.  \____/.
                 rX\________/_______/    \_____|________|jA!
               _ _______ _ /_______ |____| _______________ _
               \\\_      \/                             _///
                  :                                     :
                  .                                     .

           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/  bad karma diz for traitor                         \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

                  ____  B a d   K a r m a  p r e s e n t s
                 |    |___________________ ________________
                 |   _    /\__   /  _    /                /
                 |   /   /  _   /   /   /rX            _ /
                 |______/|_____/|______/               \/

                  ___  What ever you have to offer..
                 |   |____ _________________  _____________
                 |   /   /_\__   / _    /   \/    /\__    /
                 |  /   /.  _   /  /   /.   \/   /. _    /

           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ dat diz for traitor                                \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

                   ____________ _____________________
                  |    _      /_\__      \_        _/....rX
                  |    /     /   _       /|        | ::::::
                  |_________/|__________/ |________|      :
                  .  . ...................................:

           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ drone diz for presence                             \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

                  ________ ______ ______ _________ ______
                 |  _    /  _   /   _   |  _     /  _   /.
                 |  /   /   /  /.   /   |  /    /   /  / |
                 |_____/    \___|\_____/|_/    /|________|
                ::                                       ::
                ::                                       .:
                ::....... ... .. .                        .

           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ euphoria diz for traitor                           \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

                  product name is to be around here ......
                            ____   ________
                  _________/   /__|  _    /._______________
                  \   _   /   /   |  /___/ |     /   _    /
                  .\  / _/._______|    |   _    /    /   /
                  . \_____| _    /|    |___/   /|\______/
                  :    |    /   / |    |__/_____| rX/jA!
                  |_   |    \_____|____|\__    /     ____
                  |/   |____|        \    _   /      \  /

           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ lsd diz for traitor                                \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

                   product name
                   ......... ..                . .. ......
                   :::         __________              :::
                   :'__________\       _/ .____________:::
                    /         /.\         |   _       /:::
                 _ /         / |__________|   /      / :::
                 \/____________|         ___________/ rX::
                   ...           l s d ! \ _           :::
                   :::..... ..            \/  . .......:::


             ·    ::                    :::
              \_______ ____ _  _   _    :::
               \                                                  ·
               _\  Didn't know she was going to cry though ..    /
               \/                                _ ___ ________ /_
                                        :::                   \/
                                        :::                 ..


           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ abuse for darkman                                  \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

          ............... .. .    .
          :::                                 ___
           __________ ______________ _________\ (______   __________
      __ __\__      / \     _ /.     \        /\     _/_./   _     /____
      \/|    _     /        \/ |      \_     /  \       |    /   _/| _ /
        |_________/|___________|\______/____/|__________|__________| \/

          :::  a b u s e !                                        rX/jA!
          :::........................ .. .    .      .

           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ asylum for madmax&juan                             \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

         ..................... ....
    __________________________  ____________    __________  __  ________
    \     _     /      _/__   |/     /      |---\        /--\ \/       /
    |\   _     /\         /   /    _/       |_   \     \/    \ /      / rX/jA!
    |____/    /|_________/|________|_________/__________\_____/      /|
_______ /______| ___________________________________________ /|_______| _____
\ _                                                        \/             _ /
 \/  asulym!                                                      :::     \/
                                      .    ..  ...... ............:::

           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ atre for atre                                      \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

           .------------------------------------.                   .--- - -
           |        ________._________________________________      :
.------------ - ____\___    |__        /   _      /   _      / - -------------.
|          :    \       _    /        /    /     /.   \_____/.      :         |
`------------- - \__________/________/     \______|__________|  - ------------'
           :                         |_____|    .                   .
           |                                    |                   | rX/jA!
-  - ------'    a t r e !                       `-------------------'

           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ clique 100% for trespass                           \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

     ........ ... . .
     :::                _______
     _________ ________|    _ / __________ _____  _________________
    /       _/.\       |    \/ |    _     |     \|      /   _     /
    \         |        |_      |    /     |      \     /    /    /|  rX/jA!
     :..                            _ /________ _________________   __  __
     ::: c l i q u e  1 0 0 %       \/ \_      |    _   .    _   |  \/ / /
     :::                                |      |    /   |    /   |    / /__
     :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|      |\_______|\_______|   /_/ \/
                                        |______|                  _ /

           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ cod esitt„„ for meeba                              \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

                      __________ ._________.___________
                      \       _/_|    _    |   _      /
                       \         |    /    |   /     /

.   __  __________________________________  ________ ___________________ _____.
|---\ \/     /   _     /   _     /   _    |/       / \ _   \__      /   |     |
|    \ /    /    /    /    /    /    /    |       /.  \/   |/      /    _     |
|_____/    /|________/|___/    /|________/|________|_______|      /|____|_____|
     |______|___   __  ___\_____|______ _____  __________ |______/_
     |   _     /---\ \/     /   _     / \ _  |/   _     /--\_     /
     |   /    /.    \ /    /    /  __/   \/  |    /    /.   /    /. rX/jA!
     |_________|_____/    /|_______| |_______|    \_____|_________|
                    |______|                |_____|

               __________________    _________ ____   __  _____
               \__     /    _    \  |      __/ \   |--\ \/    /
               .\_    /|    /    /  |      _/      |   \ /   /. 30FIM
               |_______|\_______/   |______|_______|____/     |

           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ concrete roots for stratos                         \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

   \                                                                       /
   |        c   o   n   c   r   e   t   e       r   o   o   t   s          |
  ______   ________________  ______ .   _______  ________ _________  _______
 /    _/ ./   _    \  _    \/    _/ |   \_     \/   _    \\__      \/  _    \
/        |    /    /  /    /        |    /     /.   /    /./       /   /    /.
\________|________/  /    /\________|    \______|_________|_______/__________|
   .    ________  ___\_____| _______|____|_____  ________      _ /
 rX|    \_      \/    _    \/   _    \__       \/      _/__    \/          |jA!
   |     /      /.    /    /    /     /        /\         /                |
   |     \_______|________/\_________/________/__________/_________________|_
   |_____|                        _ /                                      |
                                  \/                                       .

           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ contra for stratos                                 \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

       |                                                              |
       |                        _______                               |
    _________ __________.______|    ___|________   ________  _________
   /       _/.    _     |      \    \_ .      _/---\_      \/    _    \   ____
   \         |    /     |     \ \    | :      |     /      /.    /     \ | _ /
    \________|\________/|_____|\_____|_:      |_____\_______|____\_______| \/
       |  c o n t r a !                                               | rX/jA!

           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ credits for threaz                                 \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

.  ... .......    .... . .  .
            ::    ::
 ____________ __________ __________ ____________ _______  _ _______________
 \         _/    _     /    _     /    _       / \      |       _/\      _/_
  \         .    /    /.    /    /.    /      /         |       |  \        |
   \________| _ /______|__________|__________/|_________|       |___________|__
              \/                                        |_______|           _ /
  .         ::    ::                                                        \/|
    credits ::::::::                                                          |
  .                                                                           |
  .                                                                           :
  :                                                                           :
  :                                                                           .
  | ·                                                                         .
_ /                                                                           .
\/|___________________________________________________________ _____ __ _  _  .


           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ damnation for mage                                 \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

                _______________     __  ____________________
 _______________\_     /  _    \    \ \/       \_    _      \ _ _____________
 \ _       _     /    /   _     \ _  \ /       /|    /      /             _ /
 |\/       |         /    \      \/  _/       / |   /      /___________   \/|
 |  dam-   |________/      \_____    \__________|---\_______|     ___ /     |
 | nation!  \__     \__        _/      |   _    |     _      \    \ //      |
 |       ___ /  _     |        |       |   /    |     /      /     \/rX/jA! |
 |______ \ //   /     |        |       |        |    /      /| _ ___________|
          \/__________|________|       |\_______|----\_______|

           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ damnation #2 for mage                              \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

 ____________  __________  __  _____  _________|_ __________________
|     _     /__\__      /--\ \/     |/   _      /_\__      /      _/
|     /    /     _     /    \       |    /     /    _     /       |
|_________/|__________/|_____\______|___/     /|_________/|_______|  rX/jA!
                                        \______|_________________  ___________
                                               |        /   _    |/   _      /
 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: |       /    /    |    /     /
 ::                                            |______/\________/|___/     /|
 ::.... .... .  .  d a m n a t i o n !         |                     \______|

           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ deathscape for strode                              \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

               __________ ________ __________ ___________ _____
             . \  _     /  _     /_\__      /      _/    |     |
  :::::::::: |    /    /   /   _/.  _      /       \     _     | ::::::::::::
  :          |________/|_________|________/\________\    \ ____|            :
  :  Death                                         |______\       Scape !   :
  :          _  _/\  ______________________________________\ _              :
  :                \/                                       \/              :
  :          ________  ________   ____________________________              :
  :          \     _/_.     __/ ._\__    _     _    /   _    /              :
  ::::::::: . \       |         |   _    \     /___/    /   /  . ::::::::::::
            |_________|\________|________/\      | \___________|
                                         |_______|                  rX/jA!

           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ divide overflow for squarepusher                   \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

          __________________ _____  ____________ _________ __________
  ...... |   _     \       /|     \/     /     /|   _     \   _     / ......
  :::::: |   /     /        |     /     /       |   /     /   /    /. ::::::
  :rX/jA!|________/|________|\_________/|_______|________/|_________|      :
  _____________  _______________________________________ _____________    _____
 /   _   \     \/    /  _    /    _     /      ___/     |    _   \    \/\/    /
/    /    \    /    /   /   /.    /    /.      _/       |_   /    \          /
\_________/\_______/|________|    \_____|______|_________/________/\___/\___/
  .                         |_____|
  : divide overflow!                                                       :
  .                                                                        .

           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ divine stylers for dino and the others             \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

           :::                                                  :::
           :::             _______ d i v i n e  s t y l e r s ! :::
           __________ ____|      /______ ____ ______________ ________
         . \  _     / \   |     /      / \   |     _.      /   _    /
         |    /    /      |     \     /      |     \|     /    /___/ .
         |________/|______|\_____\___/|______|\     \_____\__________|
                                            _ /_____/
           :::                              \/                  :::
           :::        _________                                 :::
      ________ _______\__     /____ _______ _________ __________________
      \     _/_\_       /_   /    /       / \  _    /   ._     /\     _/_.
     . \       |/      /\/  /    /       /.    /___/ .  |/    /. \       |
     |_________|______/|_________|________|__________|  /______|_________|
           :::                                          :       :::  rX/jA!

           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ dualcrew shining for haka                          \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

   .\ _                                                                _ /.
   | \/                                                                \/ |
 ____________   _______   _____________________                           -
.\   _      /---\      \__\__       /         /                      __________
|    /     /    /      /    _      /         /_ ____  ___________ ___\        /
|_________/|__________/|_____.____/|___:_______|    \/   _      /    /\     \/
                           ./          |     /      /.   /     /.      \     \
   |   d u a l   c r e w   |___________|     \_______|__________|____/\______/
   |                        ___        |______|
   -                        \ /                          s h i n i n g    -
        _______ ____ _____ __\___ _________  _____ _________  ______      |
   -   /     _/.\   |     |      |   _     \ \ _  |   _     \/    _/____  |
   | . \       |    _     |      |   /     /  \/  |   /     /     \     | |
   | |_________|____/     |______|_ /     /.______|_ /     /|______\    | |
   |             _ /_______/        \______|         \______|       \___| |
   |             \/                                                       |
   | rX/jA!                                                               |
   |                                                                      |

           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ eastern front for haka                             \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

      _________ _________  _______.____________________________  __________
.___ /   _    /|     _   \/     _/|__       /   _    /.  _     \/    _     \ _.
|  ./    /  _/ |    _    /\        /       /    /  _/ |  /     /.    /     /  |
|  |___________|____/_____________/_______/|__________|  \______|___/     /|  |
|          ________________  ________  _________._/_______|         \______|  |
| rX/jA!  /     __/   _    \/   _    |/   _     |___      \                   |
|       ./     __/    /    /.   /    |    /      /        /  eastern front!   |
|______ |_______|     \_____|_______/|___/      /|_______/ ___________________|
  _____________ |______| ________________\_______| __________________________
  \                                                                         /
   \    info here                                                          /
    \                                                                     /
   _/                                                                     \_
   \ _                                                                   _ /

           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ ecstasy for exorcist                               \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

   __________ _________________ .__________ _________________________  ______
  /   _     //        /\     _/_|_        /_\__      /\     _/_.     |/     /
./    /    /.        /. \       |/       /    _     /  \       |     /    _/
                               /                                       rX/jA!
    e c s t a s y !         _ /____________________________________ ____ _  _

           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ elitelandia for guardian                           \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

    ________________|    _ /___________ ________
  .-\_      /       |    \/ \_       _/-\_     /____________________________
  |  /     /|       |_       |       |   /    /|                         _ /
  |_________|________/_______|_______|_________|rX/jA!    ______         \/
                  _______    ______  __________   _______|_     |   ______
________________ _\      |---\_    \|    _     \--\_      /     |---\_    \
\ _              |       |_   /     \    /     /   /     /      |    /     \ _
 \/ elitelandia! |________/___\______|__/     /|________/|______|____\______\/

           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ europol for snafu                                  \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

 ____________________________________________________________________ _  \ /
 \ _                                                                      /
  \/      __________                                                     /
__________\_       /___ ______________________  ____________________ __ /_____
\    _     /      /    |     _     /    _     |/   _      /    _    |  /     /
 \   /   _/_     /|    |     /    /.    /     |    /   __/     /    | /     / .
  \_________|__________|     \_____|_________/|________| |__________|_________|
       \   e u r o p o l .                                         / rX/jA!
        \  _ _ ___________________________________________________/
         \ _

           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ fairy tales of million dollar happines for shock g \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

            ____________ __________ _____  ________________  _______
 _______ _ |         __/_\__      / \    |/    _     /     |/      /_ ________
 \ _       |        __/    _     /       |     /    /.     |     _/        _ /
 .\/       |_________|__________/|_______|     \_____|___________|         \/.
 :           ____________ _______________|__ __|_________________            :
 |           \__        /_\__       /       |/   _     /\      _/_           |
 |  rX/jA!   ./        /    _      /        |_   /   _/. \        | of       |
 |           |________/|__________/|_________/_________|__________|          |
 | ______  _____  _________________________  _______  ______________________ |
 | \ _   \/     | \ _    |        .        | \      |/   _     |    _      / |
 | |\/     /    |  \/    |        |_       |_       |    /     |   |/     /  |
 | |     \/_____|________|_________/________/_______|_________/|___/_____/   |
 | |_____|____________________ ________________   _____________________      |
 |      |    _      /    _    |        .       |__\__      /   _      /      |
 |      |    /     /     /    |        |_      |_   _     /    /     /.      |
 .      |_________/|_________/|_________/_______/________/     \______|      .
 ____ ____  ___________________________ ___ _____________|_____|_____ _______
|    |    |_\__     /  _     /  _     / \  |   _     /  _    /\    _/_\    _/_
|    _    |   _    /   /  __/   /  __/     |  |/    /   /  _/. \      |\      |
|____/    |_______/|______| |______| |_____|__/    /|________|________|_______|
 .  |_____|                                   \_____|                        .
 |_                                                                         _|
 |/  f a i r y t a l e s o f m i l l i o n d o l l a r h a p p i n e s s !  \|
.                                                                             .

           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ genocide for subsonic                              \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

    ................... .... .    .
    :::                                   -
  _________   ___________ ________________| ________ ______  _________ ________
 /    ____/.--\_     /   \\     |    _    |/       / \ _   |-\_      /-\_     /
 \    \    |   /   _/.    \     |    /    |       /.  \/   |  /     /   /   _/.
    ...                         |
    ::: g e n o c i d e !       -
    :::............................................... ...... .....   .    .

           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ graphics for anyone with use                       \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

__________    __________________ __________ ___________ - ______ _________
\    ____/____\_     /\___     /-\_     /  |    _/  _ / |/     /_\      _/__
 \   \    _/   /    /.   _    /   /  __/   _    |   \/  |     /  |\_       /
rX\___\___|    \_____|_______/|______|_____|    |_______|________|________/jA!
_ __ _____|____|___________________________|____|_____________________________
                                                                           _ /

           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ hard disk cafe for patrician                       \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

   ·                                                                        ·
    \ ____________________________________________________________________ /
     \ _                                                                _ /
     |\/                                                                \/|
     ______ _____  ________________________________                       :
     \     |     |_\__      /    _     /    _     /                       .
     .\    _     |   _     /     /    /.    /    /
     | \   \_____|________/|     \_____|________/                         _
     |______\ _         _ _|_____|_______  _ _  __________  ______ ______ /
     .       \/            |    _       /  \____\       _/_|      /      /
     .                     :    /      /        :\         |      \     /.
     :                     .__________/|        |__________|      |\_____|
    ___________   _________.___________|________|_         |______|
    \        _/_ _\__      :/       __/    _     /                        .
     \          |   _      /        _/     /    /.                        .
     .\_________|_________/|________|\___________| rX/jA!                 :
     :_                                                                  _|
     |/                                                                  \|
    /                                                                      \
   ·                                                                        ·

           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ hellblazer for jam                                 \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

_______|      | __________________________  __________________________________
\_     |      |-\_      /.       .        |                                _ /
 |            |  /     / |       |_       |_  h e l l b l a z e r !        \/
 |_____|______|__________|________/________/___________  _________    ________
____________ \_        _ /        .\   _    \___      /.-\_      /.---\_     /.
\ _           |        \/|        |_   _     |/      / |  /     / |    /    / |
 \/           |__________|_________/___/     |_________|__________|__ /_______|
                                      /______|                      \/ rX/jA!

           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ index for sin fame                                 \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

   ______ rX/jA!
  |     /.___________  ________  ______________ _______  i n d e x !
  |  _ / |     _     \-\_      \-\_      \     |      /
  |  \/  |     /   _ /  /      /  /     _/\    _     /. ::::::::::::::::::::
  |______|____/    \/_________/\_________|_____/______| ::::::::::::::::::::
              \______|                                                     :



           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ index for threaz (or anyone else)                  \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

  ___.  _______________________________________________ _____ /
  \ _|  \ _    |     _     /    _      /   _     /     |     / ______________
   \/|   \/    |     /    /.    /     /    /    /.          /.            _ /
     |_________|___ /______|_________/|__________|_____|_____| rX/jA!     \/:
                  \/                                                        :
   i n d e x !                                                              .

_ |___________________________________________________ ____ __   _

           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ infinity for someone                               \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

    ______  ________  __________ ____  _____________________________________
___|      |-\_      \/       __/ \ _ |-\_      \     \_       _/    /      /___
\  |      |  /      /       __/   \/ |  /      /      |       |____/      /   /
 \ |______|_/      /|_______|________|_/      /|______|_______|   /      /|  /
  \         \_______|                  \_______|                  \_______| /
   \ _                                                                   _ /
    \/ i n f i n i t y !                                                 \/

           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ juan for madmax&juan                               \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

                 \                                        /
                  \  juan!                               /
           _________ ________  _________   ______________________
      ____ \         \       \|        /---\_       _    _       \ ____
      \ _ . \         \       \       /     /       |    /       /  _ /
       \/ |___________/\_______\_____/      \_______|__ /       /|  \/
                                     |______|           \________|
               ___                                        ___       rX/jA!
               \ /                                        \ /

           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ komeda for komeda                                  \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .


     _ __|_________________________________________________________.
         |                                                         |
         .                 -                                       .
   ______  ________________|   __  ________________  ___________________
   \     |/     /    _     |   \ \/    |    _     /--\_       /   _     \
   |     /     /\    /     |    \ /    |    /   _/.   /      /    \      \.
         .                                                         .
   rX    |    K o m e d a   W o r l d   H e a d Q u a r t e r s    |    jA!
         |_________________________________________________________|__ _

           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ logoff for anyone with use                         \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

               ................ ..  ..  .         .
  ________  ____________________   __________________.___________
 .\ _     |/    _     /     ___/ ./    _     /       __       __/ _____________
 | \/     |_    /    /      \    |     /    /        _/       _/            _ /
 |_________/________/|_______\   |_________/|        |________| rX/jA!      \/
               ...            \__|          |________|
               :::.............. ... ...   .

           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ loop for loop                                      \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

  |                                                         _ /
  |     __________  _________  ______________________       \/
  -     \         |/   _     |/   _    \_   _       /_________________
 loop!  |\        |_   /     /    /     |   /   ___/      _      ___ /  rX/jA!
  -     |__________/________/|__________|_______|         /      \ //
  |                      _ /                             /        \/

           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ main board for abuse                               \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

 _______  _____  _______________ _____________
 \      \/     |_\__      /     |            /____________________________
 .\     \/     |   _     /      |     /     /                             |
 | \     \_____|________/|______|____/     /|                             |
 |________\ _ ______________________/_______|_________________________    |
           \/|        _ /    _     /_\__      /          /    _      /    |
 ___________ |        \/\    /    /    _     /     /    /.    /     /_____|
|            |__________|\_______/|_________/      \_____|_________/
|                                          |_______|                 rX/jA!
| m a i n b o a r d
                                                                        _ /

           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ madmax for madmax&juan!                            \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

        .............. ... .   .
   __  _______ __________    ___________ __  _______ __________________ _______
.--\ \/      /-\   _     \---\_        /-\ \/      / \   _       _     |      /
|   \ /     /|     /      \   /       /   \ /     /|     /      \/     _     /|
       _ _________________________________________________________\ _
rX/jA!                                                             \/ madmax!
                                              .    .. .............:::

           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ madness for detroit                                \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

rX  __  _______   ______   __________  ________  _________  _______   _______
.---\ \/      /---\_    \--\_       /--\_      \/  _     / /     _/__/     _/__
|    \ /     /     /     \  /      /    /      /   /    /|-\        /\        /
|_____/     /|_____\______\_______/|___/      /|_________|_________/_________/
   _ /_______| _______________________ \_______| ___________________________
   \/                                                                    _ /
      m a d n e s s !                                                    \/ jA!

           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .

        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ msw for msw                                        \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

               _____ __  _________________ ____ \_________
               \ _   \ \/      /\       _/__    /\       /
  :::::::::::: .\/    \ /     /  \         /   /        /|
  ::           |_______/     /|___________/\____/\_______| rX/jA!
  ::..................|_______|..................................... . .   .

           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ the oase for msw                                   \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

       _____________________________________________________________ __ _
      |          _______
__________._____|     _/_________ _____________ __________________   _________
\_        |     |     |/   _    / \     _     /_\__      /\     _/__/   _    /
./        |     _     |    /   /.  \    /    /    _     /  \       /    /   /.
|________/|_____/_____|_________|   \_______/|_________/|_________/|_________|

     t h e   o a s e !                                                rX/jA!
   _ _____________________________________________________________________
      |                                                                _ /
      |                                                                \/


           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ presence for presence                              \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

          ::                                                    _ / ::
          ::                           .                        \/  ::
  ___________ ________________________ .__________________________ .__________
  \     _   /-\ _    /   _    /\    _/_:   _    /   _    \      _/_:   _     /
  .\    /__/    /   /|   /   /. \      |   /   /.  |/    /\        |   /    /.
  |_______|     \____|________|________|________|__|______|\ ______|_________|
          |_____|                                  |        \/
                  p r e s e n c e                  .                ::
          :: ù                                                      ::
          ::/.......................................................:: rX/jA!
         _ /

           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ punk in drublic for shock g                        \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

                   ______           ________
   _______________/     / __________\___    |________
  |    _      /   \     \|     _       /    /       / _____________________
  |    /  ___/    |\     \    |/      /     \      /.                   _ /
  |_______| |_____________\___/______/______|\______|                   \/
          . ______ _____________
          | \ _   |    _       /
          |  \/   |   |/      /   p u n k   i n   d r u b l i c
          |_______|___/______/ ______
  ____________________________/     / ___________________ ________  _________
 |    _      /    _      /    \     \|       _ /        / \       |/     ___/ .
 |    /     /     /     /.    |\     \       \/.       / .        |      \    |
 |_________/      \______|____________\________|_________|________|_______\___|

           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ shock g for shock g / jedIarts                     \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

   .\ _                                                       /
   | \/                                                _____ / rX/jA!
 ________ _______ _____ __________  _______     _ __  /     / ___________
 \     _/_\      |     |     _    |/     __|___     |/     /__\      ___/____
. \        \     _     |     /    |           /     /     /.\/ \     \      /
|__________|\    \_____|\________/|__________/|_____\___ /_|    \_____\     \.
           |______\ _                                   /              \_____|
   -               \/   s h o c k   g   /   j e d I  _ /  a r t s !
   |_________________________________________________\/_________________ __ _

           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ snafu for snafu                                    \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

              ................. ...... . .    .
              :::  s n a f u !                               ___________
           ________  ___________   __________  ______________\         /
     _ _  /      _/_ \   _      \__\__       \/        __/    \       /
     \ \_ \         |    /      /    _       /        __/      \_    /
        |___________|___/      /.___________/_________| \_______/___/
                        \_______|        _ /                  ...
                                         \/                   ::: rX/jA!
                               .    . .. ... .................:::

           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ stratos for stratos                                \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

                 . .. ... ........       ............
                               :::       :::      :::
    ________ __________  _______  ______________________________  ________
   /      _/__       _/--\_     \/    _     \_       _/    _    \/      _/__
  _\         /       |    /     /.    /      |       |     /    /\         /
  |_________/________|__ /_______|----\______|  _____|\________/__________/rX
   ____________________\/_______________________\ _
   \ ___                                         \/ :  stratos / (ontra!
    \\ /                       :::       :::      .::
     \/                        :::.......:::      :::...... ..   .

           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ another stratos .. a bit better i think            \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

           ....... .... .    . ...............................
           :::                                             :::
           :::                  _                          :::
__________ __________  ________ /_______________________________________
\       _/_.       _/--\_      / \__       /       _/    _    \       _/_ _____
_\         |       |    /     /.   _      /|       |     /    /\         |  _ /
|__________|_______|__ /_______|_________/ |  _____|\________/___________|  \/
 ____________________\/____________________|__\ _
 \ ___                                     |   \/    stratos / (ontra!
  \\ /     :::                             ·               ...
   \/      :::                                             :::

           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ tehdas for squarepusher                            \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

 \                    |     ______
 |_________________________|    _/__________________________
 |\__      __/   _    /    |    |   _     /\__      /     _/_
 |  |      |/    /   /.    _    |   /    /   _     /\_       |
 |  |      |__________|____|____|_______/|________/|_________| rX/jA!
 |__|      |__________._______________________________________________________
                      |                                                  ___ /
                      |   t e h d a s !                                  \ //
                      |                                                   \/

           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ two steps from the move for threaz                 \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

                   t w o  s t e p s  f r o m  t h e  m o v e              .
    .                         __________                                  .
   _.________ _    ___________\_       /___________________ ______________:_
   \|              \__         /      /\     \      _     /               |/
    \ _            ./         /      /        \     /    /              _ /
    |\/            |_________/|_______/\       \________/               \/:
    :        _________ _________________\_______|_________________        .
    .        \      _/_\__        /   _     /    _      /\      _/_
            . \        |/        /    /    /.    /   __/  \        |      .
    .       |__________|        /|__________|________| |___________|
                 ______|_______/_________________    __  _______
                /       __/   _      /      _    |---\ \/      /          .
    .         ./       __/    /     /.      /    |    \ /     /
              |_________|     \______|\_____.___/|_____/     /.           .
    .                ___|_____|______|      | ________|_______|
    .                \__        /    |      |/   _     /
    .                ./        /     _      |    /    /.                  .
    :                |________/\     \______|__________|                  .
    :          .   __  _______|_______\ ______  _________________         .
    |_      - -|---\ \/      /    _    \      \/      /   _     /         :
    |/         |    \ /     /     /     \      \     /    /    /.        _|_
  _ /          |_____/     /|\__________/\______\___/|__________| rX/jA! \|/
  \/|______________ |_______| ___________________\ _ _____________________/
    :                                             \/                      |
    .                                                                     .

    .                                                                     .

           . . .......    ..........
                   :::    :::    ::: dead eyes no light no beauty .. .
        . \ _                                                    _ / .
        |  \/ words for sin fame                                 \/  |
                   ...    ...    ...
                   :::....:::    :::.......... .... .. .

   _______ ___________________     _________ ___________________ rX/jA!
   \      \\ _      /   _     |    \_      /-\_        /      _/_
::: \      \\/     /    /     |     /     /.  /       /\         | ::::::::::::
:::  \_____/\_____/|__________|     \______|_________/___________| ::::::::::::
:                             |_____|                                         :
:                                                                             .
.                                                                             .


_                                                                         _
 _                                                                         _
 \\                                                                        \\
  \  The End of requested asciis. Credits, greets, contact nfo will follow. \
   \                                                                         \
    ·                     .                                                   ·

                          : ·
                   ::                 :::
                _ _____ ____ _  _   _ :::                   _
                \\                                         _
                 \    Not quite sure if she even did ..   //
                  ·                         _ ___ _______//
                                      :::                ·
                                      :::            ..



.  ... .......    .... . .  .
            ::    ::
 ____________ __________ __________ ____________ _______  _ _______________
 \         _/    _     /    _     /    _       / \      |       _/\      _/_
  \         .    /    /.    /    /.    /      /         |       |  \        |
   \________| _ /______|__________|__________/|_________|       |___________|__
              \/                                        |_______|           _ /
  .         ::    ::                                                        \/|
    credits ::::::::                                                          |
  .                                                                           |
  .                                                                           :
  :    Written, directed & produced ............... ranx / jedIarts           :
  |    1st Ranx logo .............................. shock g / jedIarts        :
  |    2nd Ranx logo .............................. xcluziwe / sos            .
  |    1st jedIarts logo .......................... vinzi / mo'soul           .
  |    2nd jedIarts logo .......................... crusader / e^d            :
  |    Dead eyes title ............................ sTZ / style               :
  |                                                                           :
  |    Release date ............................... 23.Feb.1996               |
  |    Original size .............................. 106287 bytes              :
  |                                                                           |
  |    Systems to reach me ........................ Propaganda                :
  |    __________________________________ _         Zillion Hours             |
  |   |                                    .        Bermuda Triangle          |
  |   | Propaganda +358-0-674934 / jA! WHQ |        (Another Step)            |
  |   .____________________________________|        (Final Impact)            |
  |                                                                           |
  |    Musical inspiration ........................ garbage                   :
  |                                                 smashing pumpkins         :
  |                                                 cmx                       :
  |                                                 enya                      :
  |_                                                                          :
  |/                                                and cod!                  :
_ /                                                                           :
\/|___________________________________________________________ _____ __ _  _  .


                              .     ..           ::::.
            ..::::::..       :·:   .::.          :::::·
        ..::::::······:.    .: ::  ::·:.         ::::·        .
         ·::··         :.  .:: ::   :. :..      :::··       .·
          ·             : .::  ·::  ::  ·:.     ::·        .·
            :          :· ::·····:.  ·:  ·:.   .:·       .:·
           ::       ..·· :::     ::   ::.  ·:. :: ·..  ..:·
           :: ....:··· .::::     :::  ·::.  ·:.:·   ·:.::·
           ::. ·::..  :::::       ::.  ·::.. ·::     .::..
           :::   ·:::.  ···       ·::.  ·:::.      .:::··::.    xCz
           :::     ·::::.          :::.  ··      .::::·   ··:..
           :::.      ·::::..        ::::.       .:::::      ··::...
           ::::        ··:::..      ·::::.     .:::::          ·:::::...
           :::::.        ··::::..    ···     .::::::             ··:::::·
                           ·::::::.        ·:::::::·                ·::·
                             ·::···           ··::·                  :·
                              ·                  ·

             ··  r e m e m b e r s  t h e  f o l l o w i n g  ··

      __)                                                              (__
  ::: \ _           . ...G..R..E..E..T..I..N..G..S... .                _ / :::
  :    \/ _ ________________________________________________________ _ \/    :
  :                                                                          :
  :                                                                          :
  :                 meeba..coroner..maxim..delsion..shock.g                  :
  :                                                                          .
  :            reflex..jaz..ftj..dune..mik.sair..beatnik..phantom            .
  :                                                                          :
  :         wiz..hoplite..cybelius..shocker..gluester..yrwin..mayday         .
  :                                                                          :
  :       poise..lustlord..nup!..hooligan..shamus..xtc..disco..traitor       .
  :                                                                          :
  :         :
  :                                                                          :
  :           + ofcourse all the loved ones who i forgot.........            :
  :                                                                          :
  :                                                                          :
  :     ________________________________________________________________     :
  :   __)                                                              (__   :
  ::: \ _           . ...R..E..S..P..E..C..T..S..!... .                _ / :::
       \/ _ ________________________________________________________ _ \/
       .                                                                .
       :                                                                :
       :   2fast..acid.kid..chrombacher..coco.pops..crusader..danzig    :
  ::::::                                                                ::::::
  :      desoto..dhm..dino..dual..elvis..exocet..fatal..gozz..grimlock       :
  :                                                                          :
  :     h2o..homicide!..juan..karma..mogue..mortimer.twang..nup!..phase      :
  :                                                                          :
  :        ramon..redskin..relief..scarface..shapechanger..stezotehic        :
  :                                                                          :
  :             stylez..treach..u-man..vinzi..wishbringer..zeus              :
  :                                                                          :
  :                                                                          :
      ..                                                                ..
      ::    _  And these houses producing such a fine art ..            ::
   __ :: _ _\\_______________________________________________________ _ :: __
 ._)  ::                                                                ::  (_.
 |    ::^design     ::    |
 |    ::'        ::    |
 |_   ::                                                          _     ::   _|
   )_ :: _ ______________________________________________________//__ _ :: _(
      ::                                                                ::

  __ rX/jA!            ________                                      _________
 _\ \  _______________/      _/________________  ________   ________/       _/
|  \ \/     /  _     /\      \/      _/   _    \/      _/__/ _     /\       \
|   \_/    /|  /   _/--\      \      \    \     \     ___ /  /    /| \       \
|____/______|_________________/______/_____\_____\____\ //_________|_________/
\ _                                                                        _ /
 \/                                                                        \/
:    XCLUZIWE ........... Nice job really with the ascii gazette.            .
:                         but i haven't got an email address.....            :
:                                                                            :
:                                                                            .
:    Artist            Group                       E-Mail Adress             :
:    ------            -----                       -------------             :
:    Ranx            - Jedi Arts                 :
:                                                                            :
:                                                                            .
:                         that isn't mine for sure so i hope the real        :
:                         owner of that address haven't recieved too         :
:                         much mail that should've been for me heh..         :
:                                                                            :
:    FATAL .............. Hi! Good thing you changed your handle back        :
:                         then so you don't have to change it now, heheh..   :
:                                                                            :
:    STRATOS ............ Waiting for your collection.. i hope what you      :
:                         said to me in ZH isn't true afterall heh..  i      :
:                         didn't have time to wait for your logos.. I'll     :
:                         use them in next collection instead.               :
:                                                                            :
:    DINO ............... Just saw your fine collection before I released    :
:                         this and i just had to make you a new DS! logo     :
:                         cause you're still using that old one heh..        :
:_                                                                          _:
:/                                                                          \:
/_ ________________________________________________________________________ _\

      _\______  ____________     __________ _________/_
   .____\    ·|_\_____    ·/__.__\___    ·/_\______·/__. ______________  __
   |cDr  \_   |    _/_____/   |     /    /        \/e^d||              ||  |
   |______.---+---.___________|--.______/--.___________||____________ _||__|
                                                        _ _._
                            _________  ___________ ____/__·|__ _________
    __  _ _____________ .___\____  ·/__\____    ·/_\ ________/_\  _____/___.
   |  ||               ||        '   \    _/   _/   \/     |    \----.    ·|

                       The official JEDI^ARTS releases:

33humppa.txt (Mar'95) - pistepirkko feat. humppaa tai kuole - (c) ranx & maxim
      ench_rnx.5th (Aug'95) - enchanted star shines innovative - (c) ranx
             aos!_rnx.6th (Sep'95) - the art of sketch - (c) ranx
                noon_rnx.txt (Oct'95) - bitter noon - (c) ranx
       pass-rnx.txt (Oct'95) - the passion of ranx/jedi^arts! - (c) ranx
            ja!-ihts.txt (Oct'95) - i heard they suck - (c) shock g
                 tdf-rnx.txt (Oct'95) - to die for - (c) ranx
             fwwm-rnx.txt (Nov'95) - fire walk with me - (c) ranx
                 wt-rnx.txt (Dec'95) - winter tears - (c) ranx
                maria.txt (Dec'95) - marian ilmestys - (c) ranx
               hoo!face.txt (Jan'96) - phuckface - (c) hooligan
          ja!-twt .txt (Jan'96) - time will tell - (c) ranx & shock g
            r_o_jedi.txt (Jan'96) - return of the jedi - (c) reflex
 ja!-tale.txt (Feb'96) - fairy tales of million dollar happiness - (c) shock g
   ja!-royl.txt (Feb'96) - grand royal / a tribute to the best - (c) shock g

       ja!-eyes.txt (Feb'96) - dead eyes - no light no beauty - (c) ranx

           These productions have been released under the label of
     JEDI^ARTS and may not be altered in any other form than adding bbs
      ads.  Removing tags or using logos without crediting is strictly
         forbidden under the etiquette of the worldwide ascii scene.

      _\______  ____________     __________ _________/_
   .____\    ·|_\_____    ·/__.__\___    ·/_\______·/__. ______________  __
   |cDr  \_   |    _/_____/   |     /    /        \/e^d||              ||  |
   |______.---+---.___________|--.______/--.___________||____________ _||__|
                                                        _ _._
                            _________  ___________ ____/__·|__ _________
    __  _ _____________ .___\____  ·/__\____    ·/_\ ________/_\  _____/___.
   |  ||               ||        '   \    _/   _/   \/     |    \----.    ·|

           ______©nUP! ._____
__ _ ____  \     \  ___l_    \--------------
        /---\     \/    /     \ ·jEDI^aRTS·
_ _ _ _/     \     \_  /_      \_ _ _ _
   \\\\_____________/    \______////
        _ __ _ _/          |
__________________________ · _______________

                   .................................. . .
   _ ___________ __:_____. _________       _________ ____________________ _
   \\\_        /   |     |/   _    /      /   _    /   _      /   _     ///
      /       /    _     |    /  _/.    ./    /  _/.  |/     /    /    /
   _ /_______/     |_____|_________|    |__________;__|_____/|________/
   \/       l______;                                  :                rX/jA!
                        t h e  e n d !                :
             .   .. ..................................:

<· end of dead eyes - no light no beauty by ranx / jedIarts ·>