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File size:
60 101 bytes (58.69K)
File date:
2004-04-19 23:06:29
Download count:
all-time: 411



                                                                            _ /


                      _ __/_____

                         /     /

    ______  _____________\     \  ______

_ __\     \/   ___    /   \     \/     /

//   \     \   \_____/\    \     \    /

/__________/_____\_____\____\_____\__/     ·           _ __/_____     ______ _

                                    /     /_______________/     /_   /     //

                                   /    _/   \      _    /    ___/__/     /

_  _ __ _________________________ /     \     \    /____/     \     \     \

                                 /_______\_____\_____\  \______\____/      \

                                                                kRm/       /

                                                                  ·       /


                                           \_ /_

                           _ ________________/

__________________  ________________    ______________  __________________

|   _     / _   _/_|    _     /   _/___|    _    |  _ \|   \___     /   _/____

|   /____/  \      |    /____/\_       |    /____|  \  \    |/     /\_       /

|_____|      \_____|______/ |__________|_______/ |___\______|_____/_________/


                              _____________ _

                              \ _



               ·                                __________

                \_______     _______      ______\        /______

              ___\_     \____\_     \ ____\_     \     _/      /  -sg

             /    /      /.   /      \_    /      \_   \_     /.

.--\------>_/     \_______|   \_______/___/________/____/______| <-------/--.


                                        ·    <rANX/jEDI^aRTS!>


             .__________ ____  ___________  ____________

        _ _  |       __/      |    _     /_|       _    | _______________

        / /  |      __/       |    \    /  |       /____|             _ /

             |      | _______ |_____\      |_________/                \/

             :   ___:_________       \_______;

          ___.___\         __/_______  __________ ________ _______

          \      /\        /    _    \|         /.       _/     _/

           \    /         /     /     \.       / |       \      \.

            \            /______\______|_________|________\______|

             \          /

              \        /_________ ____ __________________ ________

               \      /\        /      \___        /     |      _/

                \    /         /   -    ./        /      _      |

                 \____/\______/    :___ |________/_______|______|

                             /     :

                   _______  /      |______________

    ______________ \_     \/ _     |      ____    |

    \ _             |        /     |      \_______|  _ _

     \/             |____\  /______|_________/       \ \


                              _  __

            ________        ______/

            \_      |_____ |  __________________________________

             |      |  _  \|  \__      __/ __      /    _     _/

             |      |  \   \    |      |   \      /|    /     |

             |______|___\_______|      |____\______|__________|rX/jA!


     \ _                                                               _ /

      \/      ................ this  time i present you my 10th        \/

              pack.  doesn't hold too many requests this time..

              mostly  gifts to poeple deserving them ..........

                some news around here:

              we  were very close on merging with dS! but after

              some  moments of thinking i  decided not to break

              up jedi^arts.. for a couple of reasons..for exmpl

              i like keeping this group  'small & beatiful' heh

              don't want to  bury the name jedi^arts as it goes

              way back  atleast for some  people. maybe not the

              main ascii scene (which doesn't  seem to know the

              whole group at all). people seem to  think we are

              a new group but thats not true at all. i released

              my first ascii collection back in '92. which was

              full o'crap ofcoz but might've very well been the

              first ascii colly made  on PC. don't know - can't

              say for sure .. doesn't matter anyway..


         __   a guy named java! is releasing his packs as ja!-*   \/

         \/   has nothing to do with jediarts whatsoever.......

                end of news ..

              as it's become  a habit .. the name of this colly

              relates to movies.. watched the whole twin  peaks

              serie again .. david lynch, philip ridley , roman

              polanski, terry gilliam, stanley kubrick.........

              the gods...

    _    _  _ _________________________________________________

                                                            _ /___ __  _


                        _______          :_______

                       /   _   \   .____./ _____/_       ______

         ........_____/_   |    \_.¦    ¦ ____/   \_..../     /.....

         : ....  \_____/   |     /_l____l_ l       /_  / xCz /.... :

         : :..: /¯     ¯\__|    /________/___     /  \/     / :..: :

         :  _ _/         \_l___/  l/    |   l____/         /       :

     . ..:..\\\___________/   \_________|      /_____/\    ¯\ _  ..:.. .

         :                                             \_____\\\   :

         :                                                         :

         ·                                                         ·

-        .                                      -                  .

:                                              /

|                                             /                              -


|                                                          _ /               -

|  requests:                                groups:        \/                :

|  ---------                              / -------                          |

|  addies          for sin fame          /  contra           divine stylers  |

:  follow or die!  for nevermind        /   epsilon design   house of style  |

.  inertia!        for meeba           /    honey            style           |

:  last callers    for ratter & nup!  /     whale            twisted         |

.  mayday          for mayday    _ _ /____________________________________ _ |

   nevermind       for nevermind    /                                        |

.  sin fame        for sin fame    /  danzig              desoto             :

   user stats      for ratter     /   dual      the       homicide!          .

-                                /    karma      men!     manta              .

   _ _________________          /     misfit     ----     nup!

                   _ /         /      rave                reflex             .

                   \/         /       relief              shock g

                             /        u-man               trivial            -


 wasn't that hard to read!








             | |                                         /

             | |                                        /

             | |    let's hit it then ..........       /

             |_|    here's the requests .......     _ /__ _



                             |                  |

                             .      ADDIES      .

                       ______. _________________.____

 fIRE wALK wITH mE..  |      |/   _    / _     /     |  . RANX/jA! 10th pACK

____________________ _|      |    /___/  /    /      | _______________________

\ _                  \_______|______/|_______/_______|_                    _ /

 \/                   /  _  \|    _  |___     /     __/                    \/

                    ./   /   \.   /   |/     /\_     \


                             .                  .

                             .   for sin fame   .



    __________ ___________________________ /_____ ____________ _________

   /    _     \|      _      /     _      /      |     _      |       _/____

 ./     /      \.     /     /      /     /       |     /______|\_          /

 |______\_______|__________/|__________ /|_______|_________/ |____________/

                                       /  rX/jA!



                             |                  |

                             .  follow or die!  .

                       ______. _________________.____

 fIRE wALK wITH mE..  |      |/   _    / _     /     |  . RANX/jA! 10th pACK

____________________ _|      |    /___/  /    /      | _______________________

\ _                  \_______|______/|_______/_______|_                    _ /

 \/                   /  _  \|    _  |___     /     __/                    \/

                    ./   /   \.   /   |/     /\_     \


                             .                  .

                             .   for nevermind  .


                             _    _   __ ___


                          \_________________________________  _________

 ______________________________   ________   ________________ \        |

 \_       ____/  _    |       /__|       /__/    _    \      \/\       |

  |       __/    /    |      /   |      /   |    /     \     /         |

  |_______|__________/|__________|__________|_________/ \_____/\_______|

        ___________________     ___________________________ _________

       /   _     /   _   _/__  |    _     /      |    _    |        /

     ./    /    /    /      /  |    /    /       |    /____|\______/

     |_________/-----\_____/   |________/|_______|______/    (____)rX/jA!

                        _ __ _________________

                                           _ /



                             |                  |

                             .     inertia!     .

                       ______. _________________.____

 fIRE wALK wITH mE..  |      |/   _    / _     /     |  . RANX/jA! 10th pACK

____________________ _|      |    /___/  /    /      | _______________________

\ _                  \_______|______/|_______/_______|_                    _ /

 \/                   /  _  \|    _  |___     /     __/                    \/

                    ./   /   \.   /   |/     /\_     \


                             .                  .

                             .     for meeba    .


 _____________________________________________________________  __________

|      \_     _        /    _    |    _    |____       /      |/    _     \!

|       |     /       /     /____|    /       /       /       |     \      \

|_______;____/       /________/       \______/\______/|_______|______\______;

            /______ /__________________________________________________

           -       /                                                _ /rX/jA!

 inertia! .       -     sysop: meeba . running pcb . 14400 bps .    \/


                             |                  |

                             .   last callers   .

                       ______. _________________.____

 fIRE wALK wITH mE..  |      |/   _    / _     /     |  . RANX/jA! 10th pACK

____________________ _|      |    /___/  /    /      | _______________________

\ _                  \_______|______/|_______/_______|_                    _ /

 \/                   /  _  \|    _  |___     /     __/                    \/

                    ./   /   \.   /   |/     /\_     \


                             .                  .

                             .    for ratter    .


 _______  _________  ________ ____________

|       |/    _    \/      _/_\___       /__________________________________

|       |__   /     \._         /       /                                _ /

|_________/   \______|_________/_______/  l a s t  c a l l e r s . . .   \/

   _______     ________  ________ ________  __________ _________    _______

  /    __/____/   _    \|        |        |/     _    |   _   _/___/     _/___

./           /    /     \.       |__      |__    /____|   /       /\_        /

|___________/     \______|_________/________/______/rX/jA!\______/__________/


                             |                  |

                             .      mayday      .

                       ______. _________________.____

 fIRE wALK wITH mE..  |      |/   _    / _     /     |  . RANX/jA! 10th pACK

____________________ _|      |    /___/  /    /      | _______________________

\ _                  \_______|______/|_______/_______|_                    _ /

 \/                   /  _  \|    _  |___     /     __/                    \/

                    ./   /   \.   /   |/     /\_     \


                             .                  .

                             .    for mayday    .


  _______  ______________________  ________________________________  _______

  \_     \/       /   _    \     |/      /   _      /   _    \     |/      /

   |       /    _/    \     \.   /     ./    /     /    \     \.   /     ./

   |_____\/_____\ _    \_____|_________|__________/     /\_____|_________|_

      _  __ _____\/______________________________\_____/____________

                                                                 _ / rX/jA!

      m a y d a y   j u m p e d   i n   f o r   a   c h a t !    \/


                             |                  |

                             .    nevermind     .

                       ______. _________________.____

 fIRE wALK wITH mE..  |      |/   _    / _     /     |  . RANX/jA! 10th pACK

____________________ _|      |    /___/  /    /      | _______________________

\ _                  \_______|______/|_______/_______|_                    _ /

 \/                   /  _  \|    _  |___     /     __/                    \/

                    ./   /   \.   /   |/     /\_     \


                             .                  .

                             .  for nevermind.  .


   _________ _________________________  _____________________________

   \_    _  \        /  _        /    \/      /  _        /  ___   _/_____

    |    \   \      /   /_______/     /      /   /_______/   \_          /

___ |_____\________/__________/ \___________/_________/ \_____/_________/

\ /      _________  ________________________ _________._____________

 \______ \_     _ \/       _______ _ /   _  \      _ /   __        /________

          |     \          |        /    \   \     \/     /       /      _ /

          |______\__/______|_______/______\______________________/rX/jA! \/


                             |                  |

                             .     sin fame     .

                       ______. _________________.____

 fIRE wALK wITH mE..  |      |/   _    / _     /     |  . RANX/jA! 10th pACK

____________________ _|      |    /___/  /    /      | _______________________

\ _                  \_______|______/|_______/_______|_                    _ /

 \/                   /  _  \|    _  |___     /     __/                    \/

                    ./   /   \.   /   |/     /\_     \


                             .                  .

                             .   for sin fame   .



 _________________ _____________   _________________  _____\  _____ __________

 \       __/      |    _       /  |      ____/  _   \|      \/     |      _   |

 _\       \.      |    /      /   |      __/    /    \.            |      /___|

 |_________|______|__./      /    |_______|     \_____|_____\/_____|________/

                     |______/                                         rX/jA!


                             |                  |

                             .    user stats    .

                       ______. _________________.____

 fIRE wALK wITH mE..  |      |/   _    / _     /     |  . RANX/jA! 10th pACK

____________________ _|      |    /___/  /    /      | _______________________

\ _                  \_______|______/|_______/_______|_                    _ /

 \/                   /  _  \|    _  |___     /     __/                    \/

                    ./   /   \.   /   |/     /\_     \


                             .                  .

                             .    for ratter    .


      _ _


        /  _______  _________   ______________________

       /   \      \/     ___/__/    __     |    _    /___

     ./     \      \.__        |     /_____|    /       /  user statistics

     |______________|__________|________/       \______/


    ______________ /    ___|_____       /   _    \____      /   __/_____

_ __\ _           _\_         |/       /    \      \/      /\_         /

     \/           |___________|_______/     /\______|_____/___________/rX/jA!


                      ______   _______

                    ._\     \ /  _    \ ________

                    |  \     \.  \     \.______// /  / jEDI aRTS  !

                    |_________|   \_____|                        -

        _   _ ___ _____________________________________________ /___ _


                    that's it for the requests....            /

                    some respectable ascii groups            /

                    coming up next....


            _  __ _________________________________________________

                                                                _ /



                                       _________ /

    ________  _______ _________ _______\        /_________________ _____ _____

   /   _    \|       |    _   /_\      /\      /   _    \        /    __/   _/

 ./    /     \.      |    /      |    /       /    /     \.     /_    \     \

 |_____\______|______;    \______;\____/\___ /     \______|_______|____\     \.

                                            /                     rX/jA!\_____|

   f o o t w e a r !                       -


            \_ /____________________________________________ ___  _





                             |                  |

                             .      contra      .

                       ______. _________________.____

 fIRE wALK wITH mE..  |      |/   _    / _     /     |  . RANX/jA! 10th pACK

____________________ _|      |    /___/  /    /      | _______________________

\ _                  \_______|______/|_______/_______|_                    _ /

 \/                   /  _  \|    _  |___     /     __/                    \/

                    ./   /   \.   /   |/     /\_     \


                             .                  .

                             .      contra      .



       _______    ______________     \___        /_________   _________

      /      /___/   _     / _  \      /        /  _     _/__/   _     \

    ./      /   /    /    /  \   \    /        /   \        /    \      \.

    |____________________/    \______/        /     \______/      \______|


  __ __ ___________________________________ /____________________  rX/jA!

                                           /                  _ /__ __ __

                                          -                   \/


                             |                  |

                             .  divine stylers  .

                       ______. _________________.____

 fIRE wALK wITH mE..  |      |/   _    / _     /     |  . RANX/jA! 10th pACK

____________________ _|      |    /___/  /    /      | _______________________

\ _                  \_______|______/|_______/_______|_                    _ /

 \/                   /  _  \|    _  |___     /     __/                    \/

                    ./   /   \.   /   |/     /\_     \


                             .                  .

                             .  divine stylers  .




                    |                                 |     _ /

                    :  d i v i n e        -           :     \/

       _____________._____      ______    -___________:___________

       \_    _     /     |     /     /    |     _     ./     _    |

        |    /    /      |    /     /     |    ./     /      /____|

        |________/|______|\________/|     |____|_____/|________/


 _____________________    _____________   ____________________ __________

 \     _ /____       /  |/     /      /_./     _    |    _   /_\      _ /__

 _\_   \/  |/       /   /    _/      /  |      /____|    /     |\_    \/   |

 |_________|_______/|________|__________|________/ |_____\_____|___________|

            ____    .                                 .         rX/jA!

            \ _/    :                  s t y l e r s  :





                             |                  |

                             .  epsilon design  .

                       ______. _________________.____

 fIRE wALK wITH mE..  |      |/   _    / _     /     |  . RANX/jA! 10th pACK

____________________ _|      |    /___/  /    /      | _______________________

\ _                  \_______|______/|_______/_______|_                    _ /

 \/                   /  _  \|    _  |___     /     __/                    \/

                    ./   /   \.   /   |/     /\_     \


                             .                  .

                             .  epsilon design  .


  _ _


                                                                      _ _/

 __________________________________________________  ________________________

|     __    |     _     /      /___       |        |/     _     /     \      |

|     \_____|     /____/\_        /       |        |__    /    /   \   \     |

|________/ \_______|  |__________/        |___________________/-----\________|

 _______________________________          |  ________________________ rX/jA!

|    _      /    __     /      /___       | /   ________      \      |_______

|    /     /     \_____/\_        /       |/    \__    /   \   \     |    _ /

|_________/_________/ \__________/________|___________/-----\________|    \/


                             |                  |

                             .  house of style  .

                       ______. _________________.____

 fIRE wALK wITH mE..  |      |/   _    / _     /     |  . RANX/jA! 10th pACK

____________________ _|      |    /___/  /    /      | _______________________

\ _                  \_______|______/|_______/_______|_                    _ /

 \/                   /  _  \|    _  |___     /     __/                    \/

                    ./   /   \.   /   |/     /\_     \


                             .                  .

                             .  house of style  .



  \_     |___________________      ______________     __________

   |     _        /   _     /-----/    \      _ /____/     _    | ________

   |     /       /    /    /     /     /\_    \/    /      /____|      _ /

   |___./       /_________/\__________/____________/_________/  rX/jA! \/

       |_______/ ________________________   - _______________   ___________

 ___________     \       _ /____        /   |/      /       /_./      _    |

 \ _         oF ./\      \/  |/        /    /     _/       /  |       /____|

  \/            |____________|________/|__________|___________|_________/


                             |                  |

                             .      honey.      .

                       ______. _________________.____

 fIRE wALK wITH mE..  |      |/   _    / _     /     |  . RANX/jA! 10th pACK

____________________ _|      |    /___/  /    /      | _______________________

\ _                  \_______|______/|_______/_______|_                    _ /

 \/                   /  _  \|    _  |___     /     __/                    \/

                    ./   /   \.   /   |/     /\_     \


                             .                  .

                             .     .honey       .


           _______                                               _________

_ ________|     _/____________________________________________  /        /

\ \_     _|     |/    _      _    __        /       _     |   |/        /_ _

   |     \_     |     /      |    |/       /        /_____|   /       _/ / /

   |      |_____|___________/|____/       /|___________/ |____________|

  _|______|______________________/       /rX/jA!

  \ ___                                 -

   \\ /



                             |                  |

                             .       style      .

                       ______. _________________.____

 fIRE wALK wITH mE..  |      |/   _    / _     /     |  . RANX/jA! 10th pACK

____________________ _|      |    /___/  /    /      | _______________________

\ _                  \_______|______/|_______/_______|_                    _ /

 \/                   /  _  \|    _  |___     /     __/                    \/

                    ./   /   \.   /   |/     /\_     \


                             .                  .

                             .       style      .



           _______________________    /____________________________

          /        /____         /   /      /        /      _      |

         _\       /  |/         /         _/        /_      /______|


               _  __ _____________________________________

                                                       _ / rX/jA!

                          . s . t . y . l . e .        \/


                             |                  |

                             .     twisted.     .

                       ______. _________________.____

 fIRE wALK wITH mE..  |      |/   _    / _     /     |  . RANX/jA! 10th pACK

____________________ _|      |    /___/  /    /      | _______________________

\ _                  \_______|______/|_______/_______|_                    _ /

 \/                   /  _  \|    _  |___     /     __/                    \/

                    ./   /   \.   /   |/     /\_     \


                             .                  .

                             .     twisted.     .



 _______________\     __/______________________________________/\___________

 \__      __/   /\     \         /    __/___       _/    ___    /   _      /__

   |      |             \.      /\_        /       |     \_____/    /     / \/

  _|      |\____/\  _____|_____/________  /|____   |_________/_________  /

  \ ______|     __\/__                  \/      \__| ___               \/

   \/           \  _ /  pRIDE  sCARFACE              \ / rX/jA!

                 \ \/  hOTWIRE  rELIEF  tANGO  sAL-1  /



                             |                  |

                             .      .whale      .

                       ______. _________________.____

 fIRE wALK wITH mE..  |      |/   _    / _     /     |  . RANX/jA! 10th pACK

____________________ _|      |    /___/  /    /      | _______________________

\ _                  \_______|______/|_______/_______|_                    _ /

 \/                   /  _  \|    _  |___     /     __/                    \/

                    ./   /   \.   /   |/     /\_     \


                             .                  .

                             .      .whale      .


          _______                          -

    ______\      \__________ _______________\ ____________  ________________

   /     / \      \        /      /   _      \           /_/       _       /

 ./         \      \.    _       /    /       \         /  |       /      /

 |________/\________|____/______/_____\________\ __________|      /______/

  rX/jA!                                        \    ________________/

                                                 -   \ _

                                                      \/ wHALE!

          _  __ _______________________ _  _

                that's that for the group logos ........

                didn't find offspring or some other??

                well offspring can be found in my last

                pack.. and the others??.. request me ..

                        _  __ ___________________

                                              _ /___ _


                               a small bonus

                               logo for bsa.

                     __________  _________  _________

                  __|     _   /./      __/./    _    \______

                  \_|     \    |\_        |     \     \. _ /

                    |__________|__________|_____/\_____| \/

                    :                                  :rX

                    :                                  :

                    -                                  -

                    -                                  -

                                didn't do any

                                other fileids

                                this time....

                                ....thank god

                      ______   _______

                    ._\     \ /  _    \ ________

                    |  \     \.  \     \.______// /  / jEDI aRTS  !

                    |_________|   \_____|                        -

        _   _ ___ _____________________________________________ /___ _

__   next up some logos for various artists..not any hall of fame of  ____ __

\/   mine but some anyway - if you didn't find yourself, request me.  \/\/ \/

     oh yeah .. some of these WERE requested ...







                             |                  |

                             .      danzig      .

                       ______. _________________.____

 fIRE wALK wITH mE..  |      |/   _    / _     /     |  . RANX/jA! 10th pACK

____________________ _|      |    /___/  /    /      | _______________________

\ _                  \_______|______/|_______/_______|_                    _ /

 \/                   /  _  \|    _  |___     /     __/                    \/

                    ./   /   \.   /   |/     /\_     \


                             .                  .

                             .      danzig      .


    ______________________________________________  ____________________

   |     _      /   _    \      _     \__        /_|         _     ____/___.

   |     /     /    /     \     /      /        / \          |     \_      |

   |__________/     \______;___/      /____________\ ________|_____________|

     _ _____ /_______________ /______/___________   \

            /                                 _ /    -  rX/jA!

           -                                  \/


                             |                  |

                             .      desoto      .

                       ______. _________________.____

 fIRE wALK wITH mE..  |      |/   _    / _     /     |  . RANX/jA! 10th pACK

____________________ _|      |    /___/  /    /      | _______________________

\ _                  \_______|______/|_______/_______|_                    _ /

 \/                   /  _  \|    _  |___     /     __/                    \/

                    ./   /   \.   /   |/     /\_     \


                             .                  .

                             .      desoto      .


                                   -                                 -

__________________________________/  _______________________________/

\_     _     /   ___    /      __/__/    _   \___       /   _      /_________

 |     /    /    \_____/\_         /     /     /       /    /     /       _ /

 |_________/_________/ _ _________/___________/       /__________/        \/

     /                                               /rX/jA!

    -                                               -


                             |                  |

                             .       dual       .

                       ______. _________________.____

 fIRE wALK wITH mE..  |      |/   _    / _     /     |  . RANX/jA! 10th pACK

____________________ _|      |    /___/  /    /      | _______________________

\ _                  \_______|______/|_______/_______|_                    _ /

 \/                   /  _  \|    _  |___     /     __/                    \/

                    ./   /   \.   /   |/     /\_     \


                             .                  .

                             .       dual       .




        . _:_____________       __________________  ___________

    _  _   |   _        /      /     __           \/          /_.   _  _

 ·  /  /   |   /       /      /      /     \       \.        /  |   \  \  ·

           |__________/\____________/       \_______|___________|_ .

                                                      rX/jA!    :

                             _ __ ____________                  ·

                                           _ /

                                  d u a l  \/


                             |                  |

                             .    .homicide!    .

                       ______. _________________.____

 fIRE wALK wITH mE..  |      |/   _    / _     /     |  . RANX/jA! 10th pACK

____________________ _|      |    /___/  /    /      | _______________________

\ _                  \_______|______/|_______/_______|_                    _ /

 \/                   /  _  \|    _  |___     /     __/                    \/

                    ./   /   \.   /   |/     /\_     \


                             .                  .

                             .    .homicide!    .


                                                   -  ___ __________________

                                                    \ \_/                _ /

                                     __             |\____               \/ !

 ____ ___________________          __\/___________  |     |___________________

|    |   \__   _  \      \  ______|       /      /__|     _    _     /   _    |

|         /    /   \      \/      |      /      /   |     |    /    /    /____|

|____|____\________/\     \/______|_____/\__________|_____|________/_______/

rX/jA!               \_____\

 _ __________________       \      h  o  m  i  c  i  d  e  !  .  .  .  .

                  _ /        -



                             |                  |

                             .      karma       .

                       ______. _________________.____

 fIRE wALK wITH mE..  |      |/   _    / _     /     |  . RANX/jA! 10th pACK

____________________ _|      |    /___/  /    /      | _______________________

\ _                  \_______|______/|_______/_______|_                    _ /

 \/                   /  _  \|    _  |___     /     __/                    \/

                    ./   /   \.   /   |/     /\_     \


                             .                  .

                             .      karma       .


 _______ ______  ___________________________________  _____________________

|      _/     /./     _     \       _    _/___      \/       \_     _      \

|      \       |      /      \.     /        /     \          |     \       \

|_______\______|      \_______|     \_______/_______\/________|     /\_______;

 _  __ ___________________________________________________________ /____ __ _

                                                                _ /   rX/jA!



                             |                  |

                             .      manta       .

                       ______. _________________.____

 fIRE wALK wITH mE..  |      |/   _    / _     /     |  . RANX/jA! 10th pACK

____________________ _|      |    /___/  /    /      | _______________________

\ _                  \_______|______/|_______/_______|_                    _ /

 \/                   /  _  \|    _  |___     /     __/                    \/

                    ./   /   \.   /   |/     /\_     \


                             .                  .

                             .      manta       .


_________  _______  ____________  __________________________________________

|        \/       |/     _      \|       _      \___           /     _      \

|       \         |      /       \.      /        /           /      /       \.

|________\/______________\________|_____/        /___________/_______\________|


                                                         _ / rX/jA!



                             |                  |

                             .      misfit      .

                       ______. _________________.____

 fIRE wALK wITH mE..  |      |/   _    / _     /     |  . RANX/jA! 10th pACK

____________________ _|      |    /___/  /    /      | _______________________

\ _                  \_______|______/|_______/_______|_                    _ /

 \/                   /  _  \|    _  |___     /     __/                    \/

                    ./   /   \.   /   |/     /\_     \


                             .                  .

                             .      misfit      .


    ________  _________________________    ___________________________

    \__   _ \/        /       /       /___/     ____/    \___        /

    ./    \          /       /\_     /   /      __/        /        /



      misfit! \____________________________________________

                                                        _ /___ __ _



                             |                  |

                             .       nup!       .

                       ______. _________________.____

 fIRE wALK wITH mE..  |      |/   _    / _     /     |  . RANX/jA! 10th pACK

____________________ _|      |    /___/  /    /      | _______________________

\ _                  \_______|______/|_______/_______|_                    _ /

 \/                   /  _  \|    _  |___     /     __/                    \/

                    ./   /   \.   /   |/     /\_     \


                             .                  .

                             .       nup!       .




             __________________   \       \___________________

  _          \_      _        /    \       \       _         /______________

  \_________  |      /       /      \       \.     \________/             _/

              |_____/       /________________|_________|    rX/jA!

                 _ /       /

                 \/       -


                             |                  |

                             .       rave       .

                       ______. _________________.____

 fIRE wALK wITH mE..  |      |/   _    / _     /     |  . RANX/jA! 10th pACK

____________________ _|      |    /___/  /    /      | _______________________

\ _                  \_______|______/|_______/_______|_                    _ /

 \/                   /  _  \|    _  |___     /     __/                    \/

                    ./   /   \.   /   |/     /\_     \


                             .                  .

                             .       rave       .


          ____________   __________         ____________________ _

         /     _     /__/     _    \       /      /     _

        /      /       /      /     \     /      /      /____________

     _ /       \______/       \      \__________/\_________/      _ /

     \/ r a v e                -                                  \/ rX/jA!


                             |                  |

                             .      reflex      .

                       ______. _________________.____

 fIRE wALK wITH mE..  |      |/   _    / _     /     |  . RANX/jA! 10th pACK

____________________ _|      |    /___/  /    /      | _______________________

\ _                  \_______|______/|_______/_______|_                    _ /

 \/                   /  _  \|    _  |___     /     __/                    \/

                    ./   /   \.   /   |/     /\_     \


                             .                  .

                             .   still alive?   .



 ______________  _______________________________   ___________ ______|      /

 \_     _    _/./      _    |     _____/       /_./      _    |\     |     /.

  |     /      |       /____|    ____/        /  |       /____|      _      |

 _|     \______|_________/|_______| |____________|_________/ |_______|______|

 \_______| _ __ ____ _______________________________________________________

  rX/jA!                                                                 _ /



                             |                  |

                             .      relief      .

                       ______. _________________.____

 fIRE wALK wITH mE..  |      |/   _    / _     /     |  . RANX/jA! 10th pACK

____________________ _|      |    /___/  /    /      | _______________________

\ _                  \_______|______/|_______/_______|_                    _ /

 \/                   /  _  \|    _  |___     /     __/                    \/

                    ./   /   \.   /   |/     /\_     \


                             .                  .

                             .      relief      .



   ____________ : __________  _______    _______  __________  ___________

   \_    _   _/_|/     __   |/      /__./       |/    __    |/      ____/

    |    /      |      \____|      /   |        |     \_____|      ___/_____

    |    \______|________/  |__________|_______/|________/  |_______/    _ /

    :                                                        rX/jA!      \/



                             |                  |

                             .     shock g      .

                       ______. _________________.____

 fIRE wALK wITH mE..  |      |/   _    / _     /     |  . RANX/jA! 10th pACK

____________________ _|      |    /___/  /    /      | _______________________

\ _                  \_______|______/|_______/_______|_                    _ /

 \/                   /  _  \|    _  |___     /     __/                    \/

                    ./   /   \.   /   |/     /\_     \


                             .                  .

                             .     shock g      .


                  _______                    ____.

    _____________|     _/_________  _______ |    | _____      _______

   /       _/    |     |     _    \/      /_|    |/    /     /      /_  _____

  .\       \           |     /    /      /  |    /    /.    /      /  |   _ /

  |________/_____|_____|\________/\_________|    \_____|    \_____    |   \/

                                           \_____|rX/jA!         |____|


                             |                  |

                             .     trivial.     .

                       ______. _________________.____

 fIRE wALK wITH mE..  |      |/   _    / _     /     |  . RANX/jA! 10th pACK

____________________ _|      |    /___/  /    /      | _______________________

\ _                  \_______|______/|_______/_______|_                    _ /

 \/                   /  _  \|    _  |___     /     __/                    \/

                    ./   /   \.   /   |/     /\_     \


                             .                  .

                             .     .trivial     .



_____________________________ _____  ______|_     | _________  _________    __

\__      __/ _     __/       |     \/       /     |/   _     \/        /____\/

  |      |   \       |       |     /       /      |    \      \.      /    |

__|      |____\      |_______|\___________/|______|_____\______|______     |

\/|______|     \_____| _____________________________________________ \_____|

                                                                 _ /  rX/jA!

                                                t r i v i a l !  \/


                             |                  |

                             .      .u-man      .

                       ______. _________________.____

 fIRE wALK wITH mE..  |      |/   _    / _     /     |  . RANX/jA! 10th pACK

____________________ _|      |    /___/  /    /      | _______________________

\ _                  \_______|______/|_______/_______|_                    _ /

 \/                   /  _  \|    _  |___     /     __/                    \/

                    ./   /   \.   /   |/     /\_     \


                             .                  .

                             .      .u-man      .


            ________                        -

       _____\       \      ______  _______ /___________  ________________

      /      \       \  _ |    _ \/       /    _       \|     _         /

    ./       |\       \.\ |    \         /     \        \.    /        /

    |__________________|  |_____\__/___ /       \________|  ./        /

                                       /                    |________/rX/jA!


                      ______   _______

                    ._\     \ /  _    \ ________

                    |  \     \.  \     \.______// /  / jEDI aRTS  !

                    |_________|   \_____|                        -

        _   _ ___ _____________________________________________ /___ _


                       ok there were some of the best  ___    /

                       ascii artists i know .........  \_/   /

                       did  some  style-experimenting       /

                       on some of the logos heh......


                       nothing more this time, just the

                       credits and greetings....

                                               _  ____


     ________  _______________________________|_   __|_________________

    /     _ /_|  _      /   ___    /  __       /   \__       __/    __/___

  ./      \/  |  \     /_   \_____/    /      /      |       | \         /

  |___________|___\     |_______/ |__________/|      |_______|__________/rX/jA!


  \ _                                                                 _ /

   \/  written directed and produced by ........ ranx / jediarts!     \/


       karma of arclite     as the author of the first jedi^arts logo

       shock g of jediarts  as the author of the ranx logo

       xcluziwe of s.o.s    as the author of the index logo

       hooligan of ea!      as the author of the second jedi^arts logo


        _______   ________________________________________________

       /   ___/__|  _      /   ___    /   __  \_ /      __/    __/___

     ./    \__   |  \     /_   \_____/    \_____/       | \         /

     |___________|___\     |_______/ |________/ |_______|__________/rX/jA!


   \ _                                                                _ /

    \/  coroner meeba maxim reflex wiz citadel shockg poise spoonman  \/

        shocker  lustlord delsion gluester yrwin hoplite dune toshio

        magic  ftj  jaz (beat)nik miksair(io) orangemembers mellow-d

        fairlightmembers shamus  crack mayday disco  phantom genesis

        xtc  headfuck hooligan nevermind nup  trivial  traitor  slim

                 + all the girls and breweries in the world!

         _  _ _______

                  _ /


        and the ones in business

        shockg reflex karma elvis stz dhm danzig redskin manta uman

        vinzi nup! mogue cocopops dual zeus misfit homicide! relief

                    desoto rave trivial mortimertwang


        \ _                                                     _ /

         \/  request as usual   ranx & jediarts logos from any  \/

             asciiartist reading this ........................

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ  _______  _____________________________

._\      \/    ___   /   _     /      _/   .

|  \      \.   \____/    /    /       |    -


-                                          |

-       a ranx/jediarts collection         |

|           FIRE WALK WITH ME!             |

|                                          |

| Requests + logos for respectable artists |

|    and groups  -  Released 20-Nov-95.    |



                    .                                .

           .        :                        .       :

           :       ,|                        :      .|

           |       ³|                        |      ³|______

 __________|       ³|__________       _______|_     ³|\    /

.\_      . |       ³|   ______/______|        /     ³|_\  /___+

.. \..:.  .|       '|   __)        ¿ |      _/      '|  \/   ¿|

: .:\'_.:___________|________________|_______________|________|hOO/eA=

: ::' ::                          _________     _____

:, ::. ::    .            _______|Ú     _ /____|     |___  _ _______

::: ::.  :..:         ____\__   ¿|³    (_   _ \_     ___/____   ___/______+

:::,  ::. `'...:::. _/     _    ³|`     |    \ \     |      ¿|______     ¿|

::::::, ::::''' , `|:.     /    '|      |       \    |      '|_    /     '|_

::::::::.....::::: |__:__________|______|        \____________/____________/

:::::::::::::::::::.  .                 |_________/

:::::::::::::::::::' .

:::::::::::::::' . .      M  a  x  i  M  -  R  a  n  X  -  R  e  f  l  e  X

                                      -  S  h  o  c  k    G  -

               This has been a RANX/jEDI^aRTS! production.

                               (c) 1995