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File size:
72 334 bytes (70.64K)
File date:
2004-04-19 23:06:29
Download count:
all-time: 488


  ____________/_______  _______________/    /                 ____________
  \         ______    \_\____    /   _     /_________/_______/        ___/
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         _______ CHief:CapsLockMan CO:GremLin,RH+        \___/ USR 33.6!
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                \___/\________/_____\     /   _/_________/ A3000/33/14MB
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   << AMIGA / ADULTS / /X-TOOLs / ConSoLe / HpA / MaC / tEchno-basE >>

                           CLOSED USER SYSTEM

                                 __  __
                            !__!!__!,__! __! !
                            `  '`---`--'`--' ·
                 yea , i try to see a trip in all of this
                          is pleasure to get by?

                        i will trip on the moments
                      i will love the ground i cruise
                          if i'm along with this,
                            if i get my egotrip
                           want my next next day
                        but with no ordinary touch
                   aint to much...i'm at the checkpoint
                      i try to squeeze the last drop,
                             out of this hour
                     out of every hour,that's the plan
                           if my glow is strong,
                          then it will make sense
                   got it all within areachable distance
                              the basic need,
                          somewhere lost in time,
                       and all the doubtful thoughts
                          therefore cross my mind
                        the message your body gives
                              is how to play
                        the point can't be exposed,
                          in a more explicit way

                      all th!s ¡s a pleasure trip...

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ            ______
  ______----\ ___/___  ______
--\ ___/___   __\   /--\___ /___  ______
    \__      /     /     _/    /--\___ /___
     /    ________/           /      /    /
____/________   _____________/      /    /
.----released a new piece of art called:---.
  p l e a s u r e   t r i p
                              by punk!/head!

               t  h  e                               ::           ::
           ·            .______________              ::        :__::__.
     ______:      _______)____________/      ._______::_ ______|  ·.  (___
  .__)     |____________  _________(____ ____)_______  (__    _|  ·      /
  |        ._          /  \            /  __________/   _/    \!   .    /
  |        !/       _____________    _/   \           ._       ________/
  |________/         /        \_______    ___________:_/\________/::
          /_________/                \_______/       ::           :: g¹
                      p  o  s  s  e                  ·:::::::::::::·

                                                     ::           ::
     ·                 ............
   ..:.................:...       :
   :.:                 :..:       :                                    ...

                d a  p u n k ! /  d a   h e a d!  p o s s @

              ____         ___   ___     ___              ___
             |___/ .___   /___| ¡____   /___| .__ _|_    ¡____
             |     |   ' /_____ _____\ /_____ |  \ l___\ _____\

                               a nEw cOLLY

                 ___                              ___
                /___| .__  _|_    . _|_    |     /___| ___|
               /_____ |  \  l___\ |  l___\ l__\ /_____ \__|

      __)                       (__
     |      ____                   |               _____             _____
   __|__----\  /____  _____     ___|_     _____----\   /___  _____---\ __/___
---\__ /___   /    /--\ __/___--\__ /___--\ __/___  \     /--\__ /___  _\
     /____/  /    /     _\   /   _/    / ____    /  |\   /    _/____/_/
       |_________/     /    /         /     /   /_____________\       _______
_______|    _____----------/_________/---------/               \______|
   __|_ ----\__ /____  _____    ___|_
---\  /_____ _/_____/--\___/__--\__ /____  " p L E A S U R E    t R I p "
     ______/ \      /        /    /_____/
    /     /___\____/        /        |     " p L E A S U R E    t R I p "
_________/       /---------/_________|
-pnk!|                             |       " p L E A S U R E    t R I p "
     |__     pUNK!'s 14 pOt      __|

   \  _/           ______
  __\/______ ______\_   _\_______________________.  __
  \     \   Y___ \____   ____//___     /  ____/  |-_\/_--TRE!---------------.
   \_____\____\/    /\  __\_____\`----/__________| \/\/        i n t r O !  |
--------------/____/  \  /--------------------------------------------------'
    doh.punk is back.seems that punk will never die...
    okay,ladies & gentlemans,first i wanna welcome our new member: rooster
    he joined us in sweden as ascii-artist & co-sysop.
    acid attack (sysop:amon) is head! ^ under pressure dist.side now...
    so call it at: +46 ask!-someone

    yez all this is a pleasure enjoy.
    thanx must go to gangsta/scoopex^head! who gave me a bunch of requestz
    from slurry/its & qba/nah-kolor...

    okay,next is a co-operation colly by gangsta & watchout
    for pungsta! (the new colly)

    as everybody knows,
    writing introductions sucks big time .... so join head! instead


          : h e a d ! - a pleasure trip
          :              _ ______- - - -
   _ _________     _ ___/_____     _ ________     _ ________     _____
 .-\\\  _____/____-\\\ / ____/____-\\\_____ /___.-\\\_____ /____|     |
 |      \____         ·  ___\           __/     !        /      |     |
 |        |________      \             .________|       /       `-----'
 -pnk!    :
          :  g A n g s t A !  ·  r O O s t e r  · p U n k !

   __________ ___________  __________ _________________
---\_       /_\___      /__\__      /_\__     /\       \ ----------------------
   _/______/     /     /     /     /    /____/__\       \/¯¯¯¯¯¯/
 _/      /     _/     /     /     /      ______/_\_     /      /
 \       \     \      \     \     ¯\     \       \/     \      ¯\
  \       \_____\______\______      \_______      \_____/\       \
| nO | title          |  reciever                | comment               !
| o1 | amiga elite    |  slurry / intense        | personal request
| o2 | confs          |  slurry / intense        | personal request
| o3 | console        |  slurry / intense        | personal request
| o4 | daydream       |  slurry / intense        | personal request
| o5 | dave           |  dave / frs^azk          | personal request
| o6 | dylem          |  kalikone / dylem        | personal request
| o7 | exl            |  exl / megahead          | personal request
| o8 | freezers       |  dave / frs^azk          | personal request
| o9 | frs            |  dave / frs^azk          | personal request
| 1o | fuck shit      |  qba / nah-kolor         | personal request
| 11 | gangsta        |  gangsta / scx^h!        | personal request
| 12 | hardcore porno |  slurry / intense        | personal request
| 13 | hotstepper     |  hotstepper / rkm^scs    | personal request
| 14 | impulse        |  ???? / ????             | ????????
| 15 | infestation    |  gangsta / scx^h!        | personal request
| 16 | intense        |  slurry / intense        | personal request
| 17 | jummen         |  jummen / massive        | personal request
| 18 | jungle strike  |  slurry / intense        | personal request
| 19 | kalikone       |  kalikone / dylem        | personal request
| 2o | massive        |  jummen / massive        | personal request
| 21 | megahead       |  exl / megahead          | personal request
| 22 | modules        |  slurry / intense        | personal request
| 23 | nah-kolor      |  qba / nah-kolor         | personal request
| 24 | new user       |  slurry / intense        | personal request
| 25 | nicko          |  nicko / twilight        | global request
| 26 | night life     |  exon / riot^jrm         | global request
| 27 | philosophizer  |  slurry / intense        | personal request
| 28 | pil            |  qba / nah-kolor         | personal request
| 29 | public image l.|  qba / nah-kolor         | personal request
| 30 | qba            |  qba / nah-kolor         | personal request
| 31 | rave network o.|  slurry / intense        | personal request
| 32 | rooster        |  rooster / ssp^h!        | personal request
| 33 | scoopex        |  gangsta / scx^h!        | personal request
| 34 | sinister pack  |  hotstepper / rkm^scs    | personal request
| 35 | slurry         |  slurry / intense        | personal request
| 36 | sokrates       |  sokrates / ???          | personal request
| 37 | speed          |  qba / nah-kolor         | personal request
| 38 | strawberry m.  |  segoy / ils^dct         | global request
| 39 | sunshine prod. |  rooster / ssp^h!        | personal request
| 40 | twilight       |  nicko / twilight        | global request
| 41 | wares'r'us     |  slurry / intense        | personal request
| 42 | /X-bôs         |  slurry / intense        | personal request

____                              .                                 __.
\_ /___ ___ _                 _ __: _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _/  |
  /          \___ ___ _ ___ _/    |          .                        |
_/ · MEANS ·                   o1 . RECEIVER : sLURRY / INTENSE      _|
\_ ___ ___ _  aMIGA eLITE      _ _:___ _ ___ · ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___/ ·
            \___ _ ___ _ ___ _/   :          .

                      __  __                             _____
            _____-----\_\/_/____   _____       _____-----\__ /____
     - -----\__ /____   \/     /---\___/___----\ __/___   _/     /
             _/     /    \    /           /     /_    /         /
                   /______\__/           /       /   /_________/
     _ ___________/   ____ /------------/___________/  _____
            _____-----\  /____   _____       ____------\ __/____
     - -----\ __/____   /    /---\___/___----\  /____    _\    /
              _\    /  /    /           /      _____/   /     /
             /     /_______/           /      /     /________/
     _ ___________/      /------------/____________/

____                              .                                 __.
\_ /___ ___ _                 _ __: _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _/  |
  /          \___ ___ _ ___ _/    |          .                        |
_/ · MEANS ·                   o2 . RECEIVER : sLURRY / INTENSE      _|
\_ ___ ___ _  cONFS            _ _:___ _ ___ · ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___/ ·
            \___ _ ___ _ ___ _/   :          .

                      _____                           _____
            _____-----\ _ /___   _____      _____-----\ __/____
      - ----\ __/____   /    /---\__ /___---\ __/____ ___     /
              /     /  /    /      /    /     ______/   /    /
             /     /_______/      /             |___________/
      _ __________/      /-------/______________|

____                              .                                 __.
\_ /___ ___ _                 _ __: _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _/  |
  /          \___ ___ _ ___ _/    |          .                        |
_/ · MEANS ·                   o3 . RECEIVER : sLURRY / INTENSE      _|
\_ ___ ___ _  cONSOLE          _ _:___ _ ___ · ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___/ ·
            \___ _ ___ _ ___ _/   :          .

              _____                             _____              _____
    _____-----\ _ /____   _____       _____-----\ _ /___  ____-----\ __/____
----\ __/____   /     /---\__ /___----\ __/___    /    /--\  /_____  _\    /
      /     /  /     /      /    / _____     /   /    /     /     / /     /
     /     /________/      /    /      /    /________/     /     /_______/
__________/       /-------/____/___________/        /-----------/

____                              .                                 __.
\_ /___ ___ _                 _ __: _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _/  |
  /          \___ ___ _ ___ _/    |          .                        |
_/ · MEANS ·                   o4 . RECEIVER : sLURRY / INTENSE      _|
\_ ___ ___ _  dAYDREAM         _ _:___ _ ___ · ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___/ ·
            \___ _ ___ _ ___ _/   :          .

            _____                        _____              _____
   _____----\__ /___  _____     _____----\__ /___  _____----\__ /___  __  __
---\__ /___  _/    /--\ / /___--\__ /___  _/____/--\ __/___  _/    /--\_\/_/___
     /    /       / ____     /    /    /  \     /    _\   /       /     \/    /
    /    /_______/     /    /    /    /----\___/    /    /_______/       \   /
________/      /-----------/_________/      /-----------/       /_________\-/

____                              .                                 __.
\_ /___ ___ _                 _ __: _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _/  |
  /          \___ ___ _ ___ _/    |          .                        |
_/ · MEANS ·                   o5 . RECEIVER : dAVE / fRS^aZK        _|
\_ ___ ___ _  dAVE             _ _:___ _ ___ · ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___/ ·
            \___ _ ___ _ ___ _/   :          .

                   _____-----\__ /____   _____       _____
             - ----\__ /____  _/     /---\ / /___----\ __/___
                     /     /        /     /     /      _\   /
                    /     /________/           /      /    /
             _ __________/       /------------/___________/

____                              .                                 __.
\_ /___ ___ _                 _ __: _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _/  |
  /          \___ ___ _ ___ _/    |          .                        |
_/ · MEANS ·                   o6 . RECEIVER : kALIKONE / dYM        _|
\_ ___ ___ _  dYLEM            _ _:___ _ ___ · ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___/ ·
            \___ _ ___ _ ___ _/   :          .

                     _____                              __  ___
           _____-----\ / /____   ____         _____-----\_\/__/____
     - ----\__ /______       /---\  /_____----\ __/____   \/      /
             /       /      /      /     /      _\    /    \     /
            /    __________/      /     /      /     /______\---/
     _ __________/       /-------------/____________/

____                              .                                 __.
\_ /___ ___ _                 _ __: _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _/  |
  /          \___ ___ _ ___ _/    |          .                        |
_/ · MEANS ·                   o7 . RECEIVER : eXL / mHD             _|
\_ ___ ___ _  eXL              _ _:___ _ ___ · ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___/ ·
            \___ _ ___ _ ___ _/   :          .

                       _____-----\ _/_/____   ____
                 - ----\ __/____   \__    /---\  /_____
                         _\    /    /    /      /     /
                        /     /____/____/      /     /
                 _ __________/        /-------------/

____                              .                                 __.
\_ /___ ___ _                 _ __: _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _/  |
  /          \___ ___ _ ___ _/    |          .                        |
_/ · MEANS ·                   o8 . RECEIVER : dAVE / fRS^aZK        _|
\_ ___ ___ _  fREEZERS         _ _:___ _ ___ · ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___/ ·
            \___ _ ___ _ ___ _/   :          .

            _____                                  _____             _____
   ______---\__ /___  _____     _____     _____----\ __/___  _____---\ __/___
---\ ______  _/____/--\ __/___--\ __/___--\__ /___   _\   /--\__ /___ ___
     _____/  \          _\   /    _\   /    _____/  /    /    _/____/_  /
       |------\_____   /    /    /         /     /____________\       _______
_______|         __________/____________________/              \______|

____                              .                                 __.
\_ /___ ___ _                 _ __: _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _/  |
  /          \___ ___ _ ___ _/    |          .                        |
_/ · MEANS ·                   o9 . RECEIVER : dAVE / fRS^aZK        _|
\_ ___ ___ _  fRS              _ _:___ _ ___ · ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___/ ·
            \___ _ ___ _ ___ _/   :          .

   _______---\__ /____   _____
---\ _______  _/_____/---\ __/___
     ______/  \        ____     /
       |-------\_____     /    /
_______|          /-----------/

____                              .                                 __.
\_ /___ ___ _                 _ __: _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _/  |
  /          \___ ___ _ ___ _/    |          .                        |
_/ · MEANS ·                   1o . RECEIVER : qBA / nAH-kOLOR       _|
\_ ___ ___ _  fUCK sHIT        _ _:___ _ ___ · ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___/ ·
            \___ _ ___ _ ___ _/   :          .

    _______---\   /____   _____       ____
----\ _______  \      /---\ __/___----\  /____
      ______/  |\    /      /    /     _/____/_
        |___________/      /    /      \
________|     _____/-----------/________\______
    _____-----\ __/____   _____       _____
----\ __/____   \__   /---\___/___----\   /____
 ______     /    /   /           /      ______/_
      /    /____/---/                  /       /
__________/        /--------------------------/

____                              .                                 __.
\_ /___ ___ _                 _ __: _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _/  |
  /          \___ ___ _ ___ _/    |          .                        |
_/ · MEANS ·                   11 . RECEIVER : gANGSTA / sCX^hEAD!   _|
\_ ___ ___ _  gANGSTA          _ _:___ _ ___ · ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___/ ·
            \___ _ ___ _ ___ _/   :          .

              _____                             _____              _____
    _____-----\__ /____   _____       _____-----\ __/___  ____-----\__ /____
----\ __/____  _/     /---\__ /___----\ __/___ ____    /--\  /_____ _/     /
     /_     /        /      /    /     /_    /    /   /     ______/       /
      /    /________/      /    /       /   /________/     /     /_______/
__________/       /-------/----/___________/        /-----------/

____                              .                                 __.
\_ /___ ___ _                 _ __: _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _/  |
  /          \___ ___ _ ___ _/    |          .                        |
_/ · MEANS ·                   12 . RECEIVER : sLURRY / INTENSE      _|
\_ ___ ___ _  hARDCORE pORNO   _ _:___ _ ___ · ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___/ ·
            \___ _ ___ _ ___ _/   :          .

            _____                        _____              _____
   _____----\__ /___  _____     _____----\ __/___  _____----\__ /___  _____
---\ / /___  _/    /--\__ /___--\__ /___   /    /--\ _ /___  _/____/--\ __/___
   _/_    /       /    _/____/    /    /  /    /     /    /  \     /    _\   /
   \     /_______/     \     /   /    /-------/     /    /____\___/    /    /
----\___/      /--------\___/________/       /----------/       /__________/
              _____                             _____
    _____-----\ _ /___   _____       _____ -----\ _ /____
----\__ /____   /    /---\__ /___----\__ /____    /     /
      /_____/  /    /     _/____/      /     /   /     /
        |__________/      \     /     /     /_________/
________|        /---------\___/-----/_____/

____                              .                                 __.
\_ /___ ___ _                 _ __: _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _/  |
  /          \___ ___ _ ___ _/    |          .                        |
_/ · MEANS ·                   13 . RECEIVER : hOTSTEPPER / rKM^sCS  _|
\_ ___ ___ _  hOTSTEPPER       _ _:___ _ ___ · ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___/ ·
            \___ _ ___ _ ___ _/   :          .

    _____-----\ __ /____   ____
----\ / /____    /     /---\  /_____
    _/_     /   /     /      ______/
    \      /_________/      /      /
_____\----/        /--------------/
              ____                              _____               _____
    _____-----\  /_____   _____       _____-----\__ /___  _____-----\__ /___
----\ __/____   ______/---\ __/___----\__ /___    /____/--\ __/____  _/____/_
 ______     /  /     /      _\   /      /____/      | /     _\    /  \      /
      /    /________/      /    /         |_________|/     /     /----\____/
__________/       /------------/__________|         /-----------/

____                              .                                 __.
\_ /___ ___ _                 _ __: _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _/  |
  /          \___ ___ _ ___ _/    |          .                        |
_/ · MEANS ·                   14 . RECEIVER : ???? / ???            _|
\_ ___ ___ _  iMPULSE          _ _:___ _ ___ · ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___/ ·
            \___ _ ___ _ ___ _/   :          .

              __  __                             ____                _____
    _____-----\_\/_/____   _____       _____-----\  /____  _____-----\ __/____
----\___/____   \/     /---\__ /___----\   /___    /    /--\ __/____   _\    /
            /    \    /      /____/     \     /   /    /  ____     /  /     /
           /______\__/         | /      |\   /________/      /    /________/
__________/        /-----------!/___________/        /-----------/

____                              .                                 __.
\_ /___ ___ _                 _ __: _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _/  |
  /          \___ ___ _ ___ _/    |          .                        |
_/ · MEANS ·                   15 . RECEIVER : gANGSTA / sCX^hEAD!   _|
\_ ___ ___ _  iNFESTATION      _ _:___ _ ___ · ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___/ ·
            \___ _ ___ _ ___ _/   :          .
    ____----\___ /____
.---\__/____   /     /
!          /  /     /  i n f e s t a t i o n   i s s u e  # xx
|         /--/_____/
|________/_____                             ____
   _____--\ __/__  _____    ____    _____---\  /__  ____   _____    _____
.--\ ____   _\  /--\ __/__--\  /__--\__ /__  ____/--\__/_--\ _ /__--\__ /___
!    ___/  /   / ____    /   ____/_  _/   / /    /      /    /   /    /    /
|     |_______/     /   /   /            /______/      /    /   /    /    /
l_____!     /----------/________________/     /_______/________/----/____/

____                              .                                 __.
\_ /___ ___ _                 _ __: _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _/  |
  /          \___ ___ _ ___ _/    |          .                        |
_/ · MEANS ·                   16 . RECEIVER : sLURRY / iNTENSE      _|
\_ ___ ___ _  iNTENSE          _ _:___ _ ___ · ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___/ ·
            \___ _ ___ _ ___ _/   :          .

              ______                              _____                _____
    _____-----\___ /____   ____         _____-----\__ /____  _____-----\ __/____
----\___/____    /     /---\  /_____----\ __/___    /     /--\ __/____   _\    /
            /   /     /      ______/      _\   /   /     /  ____     /  /     /
           /---/_____/       \    /      /    /---/_____/      /    /________/
__________/       /--------------/___________/         /-----------/

____                              .                                 __.
\_ /___ ___ _                 _ __: _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _/  |
  /          \___ ___ _ ___ _/    |          .                        |
_/ · MEANS ·                   17 . RECEIVER : jUMMEN / mASSIVE      _|
\_ ___ ___ _  jUMMEN           _ _:___ _ ___ · ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___/ ·
            \___ _ ___ _ ___ _/   :          .

              _____                                _____
    _____-----\   /____   __  __        __  __-----\ __/____  _____
----\   /____  \      /---\_\/_/____----\_\/_/____   _\    /--\__ /____
    _\      /  |\    /      \/     /      \/     /  /     /     /     /
           /________/        \    /        \    /________/     /     /
__________/       /-----------\__/__________\__/        /-----/_____/

____                              .                                 __.
\_ /___ ___ _                 _ __: _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _/  |
  /          \___ ___ _ ___ _/    |          .                        |
_/ · MEANS ·                   18 . RECEIVER : sLURRY / iNTENSE      _|
\_ ___ ___ _  jUNGLE nEST      _ _:___ _ ___ · ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___/ ·
            \___ _ ___ _ ___ _/   :          .

              _____                              ____
    _____-----\   /____   _____        _____-----\  /_____  _____
----\   /____  \      /---\__ /____----\ __/____   /     /--\ __/____
    _\      /  |\    /      /     /     /_     /  /     /     _\    /
           /________/      /     /       /    /________/     /     /
__________/       /-------/_____/____________/        /___________/
    _____-----\ __/____   _____        ____
----\__ /____   _\    /---\ __/____----\  /_____
      /     /  /     / _____      /      ______/
     /     /________/      /     /      /      /
----/_____/       /-------------/_____________/

____                              .                                 __.
\_ /___ ___ _                 _ __: _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _/  |
  /          \___ ___ _ ___ _/    |          .                        |
_/ · MEANS ·                   19 . RECEIVER : kALIKONE / dYM        _|
\_ ___ ___ _  kALIKONE         _ _:___ _ ___ · ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___/ ·
            \___ _ ___ _ ___ _/   :          .

            _____                                 _____             _____
   ____-----\__ /___  ____      _____    ____ ----\ _ /___  _____---\ __/___
---\  /____  _/    /--\  /____--\___/__--\_ /____   /    /--\__ /___  _\   /
    _/____/_      /     /    /        /   _/____/_ /    /     /    / /    /
    \      /_____/     /    /             \      /_____/     /    /______/
_____\____/    /___________/_______________\____/     /-----/____/

____                              .                                 __.
\_ /___ ___ _                 _ __: _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _/  |
  /          \___ ___ _ ___ _/    |          .                        |
_/ · MEANS ·                   2o . RECEIVER : jUMMEN / mASSIVE      _|
\_ ___ ___ _  mASSIVE          _ _:___ _ ___ · ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___/ ·
            \___ _ ___ _ ___ _/   :          .

               _____                             _____              _____
    __  __-----\__ /____   _____       _____-----\___/___  _____----\ __/____
----\_\/_/____  _/     /---\ __/___----\ __/___         /--\ / /____  _\    /
      \/     /        / _____     / _____     /        /    /      / /     /
       \    /________/      /    /      /    /________/           /_______/
________\__/       /------------/___________/        /-----------/

____                              .                                 __.
\_ /___ ___ _                 _ __: _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _/  |
  /          \___ ___ _ ___ _/    |          .                        |
_/ · MEANS ·                   21 . RECEIVER : eXL / mHD             _|
\_ ___ ___ _  mEGAHEAD         _ _:___ _ ___ · ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___/ ·
            \___ _ ___ _ ___ _/   :          .

             _____                                  _____             _____
   __  __----\ __/___  _____     _____     _____----\ __/___  _____---\__ /___
---\_\/_/___   _\   /--\ __/___--\__ /___--\ / /____  _\   /--\__ /___  /    /
     \/    /  /    /    /_    /   _/    /  _/_     / /    /    _/    / /    /
      \   /_______/      /             /   \      /______/          /______/
_______\-/       /____________________/_____\____/     /-----------/

____                              .                                 __.
\_ /___ ___ _                 _ __: _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _/  |
  /          \___ ___ _ ___ _/    |          .                        |
_/ · MEANS ·                   22 . RECEIVER : sLURRY / iNTENSE      _|
\_ ___ ___ _  mODULES          _ _:___ _ ___ · ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___/ ·
            \___ _ ___ _ ___ _/   :          .

               _____                             ____                _____
    __  __-----\ _ /____   _____       _____-----\  /____  _____-----\ __/____
----\_\/_/____   /     /---\__ /___----\   /___    /    /--\ __/____ ___     /
      \/     /  /     /      /    /     \     /   /    /     _\    /   /    /
       \    /________/      /    /      |\   /________/     /     /________/
________\__/       /------------/___________/        /-----------/

____                              .                                 __.
\_ /___ ___ _                 _ __: _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _/  |
  /          \___ ___ _ ___ _/    |          .                        |
_/ · MEANS ·                   23 . RECEIVER : qBA / nAH-kOLOR       _|
\_ ___ ___ _  nAH-kOLOr        _ _:___ _ ___ · ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___/ ·
            \___ _ ___ _ ___ _/   :          .
    _____-----\__ /____   _____
----\__ /____  _/     /---\ __/_____
      /     /        /      \__    /
     /     /________/        /    /
----/_____/       /---------/____/
              _____                             _____
    ____ -----\ _ /____   ____        _____-----\__ /____
----\  /_____   /     /---\  /____----\ _ /____  _/_____/_
     _/_____/_ /     /      /    /      /     /  \
     \      ________/      /    /      /     /----\______
------\_______    /------------/____________/

____                              .                                 __.
\_ /___ ___ _                 _ __: _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _/  |
  /          \___ ___ _ ___ _/    |          .                        |
_/ · MEANS ·                   24 . RECEIVER : sLURRY / iNTENSE      _|
\_ ___ ___ _  nEW uSER         _ _:___ _ ___ · ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___/ ·
            \___ _ ___ _ ___ _/   :          .

    _____-----\ __/____    ____
----\__ /____   _\    /----\  /____
      /     /  /     /     /\     /
     /     /________/     /  \   /
----/_____/        /-------/\___/
    _____-----\ __/____   _____       _____
----\   /____ ___     /---\ __/___----\__ /___
     \      /   /    /      _\   /     _/____/
     |\    /________/      /    /      \     /
__________/       /------------/--------\___/

____                              .                                 __.
\_ /___ ___ _                 _ __: _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _/  |
  /          \___ ___ _ ___ _/    |          .                        |
_/ · MEANS ·                   25 . RECEIVER : nICKO / tWILIGHT      _|
\_ ___ ___ _  nICKO            _ _:___ _ ___ · ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___/ ·
            \___ _ ___ _ ___ _/   :          .

              _____                            _____
    _____-----\___/___   _____       ____ -----\ _ /____
----\__ /____        /---\ __/___----\  /____    /     /
      /     /       /      /    /     _/____/_  /     /
     /     /_______/      /    /      \      /_______/
----/_____/      /------------/________\____/

____                              .                                 __.
\_ /___ ___ _                 _ __: _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _/  |
  /          \___ ___ _ ___ _/    |          .                        |
_/ · MEANS ·                   26 . RECEIVER : eXON / rIOT^jRM       _|
\_ ___ ___ _  nIGHTLIFE        _ _:___ _ ___ · ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___/ ·
            \___ _ ___ _ ___ _/   :          .

              _____                            ____
    _____-----\___/___   _____       _____-----\  /_____
----\__ /____        /---\ __/___----\ / /____   ______/
      /     /       /     /_    /    _/_     /  /     /
     /     /_______/       /   /     \      /________/
----/_____/      /------------/_______\____/
    ____------\___/____   _____      _____
----\  /_____         /---\ __/___---\ __/___
      /     /        /      _____/     _\   /
     /     /________/        | /      /    /
__________/       /----------!/___________/

____                              .                                 __.
\_ /___ ___ _                 _ __: _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _/  |
  /          \___ ___ _ ___ _/    |          .                        |
_/ · MEANS ·                   27 . RECEIVER : sLURRY / iNTENSE      _|
\_ ___ ___ _  pHILOSOPHIZER    _ _:___ _ ___ · ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___/ ·
            \___ _ ___ _ ___ _/   :          .

              _____                           _____
    _____-----\ / /____   ____       ____-----\ _ /____
----\__ /____ _/_     /---\__/____---\  /_____  /     /
      /_____/ \      /           /     /     / /     /
         |_____\____/           /     /     /_______/
_________|  _____ /------------/___________/       _____             _____
   _____----\ _ /___  _____     _____     _____----\__ /___  _____---\__ /___
---\ __/___   /    /--\__ /___--\ /_/___--\___/___   _____/--\ __/___ _/____/_
 ____     /  /    /     /____/  _/_    /         /  /     /    _\   / \      /
    /    /_______/        | /   \               /________/    /    /---\____/
________/       /---------|/_____\_____________/        /_________/

____                              .                                 __.
\_ /___ ___ _                 _ __: _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _/  |
  /          \___ ___ _ ___ _/    |          .                        |
_/ · MEANS ·                   28 . RECEIVER : qBA / nAH-kOLOR       _|
\_ ___ ___ _  pIL              _ _:___ _ ___ · ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___/ ·
            \___ _ ___ _ ___ _/   :          .

    _____-----\___/____   ____
----\__ /____         /---\  /_____
      /_____/        /      /     /
        |___________/      /     /
________|         /-------------/

____                              .                                 __.
\_ /___ ___ _                 _ __: _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _/  |
  /          \___ ___ _ ___ _/    |          .                        |
_/ · MEANS ·                   29 . RECEIVER : qBA / nAH-kOLOR       _|
\_ ___ ___ _  pUBLIC IMAGE L.  _ _:___ _ ___ · ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___/ ·
            \___ _ ___ _ ___ _/   :          .

              _____                             _____
    _____-----\ / /____   ____        ____------\___/___  _____
----\__ /____  /      /---\ _/____----\  /____         /--\ __/____
      /_____/ /      /      \__  /      /    /        /     /     /
        |___________/       /   /      /    /________/     /     /
________|         /------------/___________/        /-----------/
              __  __                             _____
    _____-----\_\/_/____   _____       _____-----\ __/____
----\___/____   \/     /---\__ /___----\ __/___    _\    /
            /    \    /     _/    /      \_   /   /     /
           /______\__/           /       /   /_________/
__________/        /------------/___________/
              _____                              ____                _____
    _____-----\___/____   __  __       _____-----\  /_____  _____----\__ /____
----\   /____         /---\_\/_/___----\___/___    ______/--\ __/____  /     /
       /    /        /      \/    /           /    \    /     _\    / /     /
      /    /________/        \   /           /_________/     /     /_______/
__________/       /-----------\_____________/         /-----------/

____                              .                                 __.
\_ /___ ___ _                 _ __: _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _/  |
  /          \___ ___ _ ___ _/    |          .                        |
_/ · MEANS ·                   3o . RECEIVER : qBA / nAH-kOLOR       _|
\_ ___ ___ _  qBA              _ _:___ _ ___ · ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___/ ·
            \___ _ ___ _ ___ _/   :          .

    _____-----\ _/_____   _____
----\ _ /____   \__   /---\__ /_____
      /     /    /   /     _/      /
           /________/             /
-----/____/       /--------------/

____                              .                                 __.
\_ /___ ___ _                 _ __: _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _/  |
  /          \___ ___ _ ___ _/    |          .                        |
_/ · MEANS ·                   31 . RECEIVER : sLURRY / INTENSE      _|
\_ ___ ___ _  rAVE nETWORK o.  _ _:___ _ ___ · ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___/ ·
            \___ _ ___ _ ___ _/   :          .

    _____-----\__ /____   _____       _____
----\__ /____  _/     /---\ / /___----\ __/___
     _/_____/        /     /     /      _\   /
     \      /_______/           /      /    /
------\____/       /-----------/___________/
              _____                             _____               ____
    _____-----\ __/____   ____        _____-----\ _ /___  _____-----\  /_____
----\__ /____   _\    /---\  /____----\   /___    /    /--\__ /____  _/_____/_
      /     /  /     /      _____/    /\     /   /    /    _/_____/  \       /
     /     /________/      /    /    /  \   /________/     \      /___\_____/
----/_____/       /------------/______/\___/        /-------\____/
            _____                                  _____             _____
   _____----\ / /___  _____     _____     _____----\ __/___  _____---\__ /___
---\ _ /___  /     /--\ __/___--\__ /___--\ __/___   /    /--\__ /___  /    /
     /    /       /     _\   /   _/____/ ___     /  /    /    _/    / /    /
    /    /_______/     /    /    \         /    /_______/          /-/____/
________/      /-----------/------\____________/      /-----------/

____                              .                                 __.
\_ /___ ___ _                 _ __: _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _/  |
  /          \___ ___ _ ___ _/    |          .                        |
_/ · MEANS ·                   32 . RECEIVER : rOOSTER / sSP^hEAD!   _|
\_ ___ ___ _  rOOSTER          _ _:___ _ ___ · ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___/ ·
            \___ _ ___ _ ___ _/   :          .

              _____                             ____               _____
    _____-----\ _ /____   _____       _____-----\  /____  _____----\__ /___
----\__ /____   /     /---\ _ /___----\ __/___    _____/--\ __/____ _/____/_
     _/_____/_ /     /      /    / _____     /   /    /     _\    / \      /
     \       /______/      /    /      /    /________/     /     /---\____/
------\_____/     /------------/___________/        /-----------/

____                              .                                 __.
\_ /___ ___ _                 _ __: _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _/  |
  /          \___ ___ _ ___ _/    |          .                        |
_/ · MEANS ·                   33 . RECEIVER : gANGSTA / sCX^hEAD!   _|
\_ ___ ___ _  sCOOPEX          _ _:___ _ ___ · ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___/ ·
            \___ _ ___ _ ___ _/   :          .

              _____                             _____              ______
    _____-----\ __/____   _____       _____-----\__ /___  _____----\ \_ /____
----\ __/____   /     /---\ _ /___----\ _ /___    /____/--\ __/____  \_     /
 ______     /  /     /      /    /      /    /      | /     _\    /   /    /
      /    /________/      /    /      /    /_______|/     /     /___/----/
__________/       /------------/___________/        /-----------/

____                              .                                 __.
\_ /___ ___ _                 _ __: _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _/  |
  /          \___ ___ _ ___ _/    |          .                        |
_/ · MEANS ·                   34 . RECEIVER : hOTSTEPPEr / rKM^sCS  _|
\_ ___ ___ _  sINISTER pACk    _ _:___ _ ___ · ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___/ ·
            \___ _ ___ _ ___ _/   :          .

            _____                         _____              _____
   _____----\___/___  _____     _____-----\ __/___  ____-----\ __/___  _____
---\ __/___        /--\__ /___--\___/___ ____    /--\  /____   _\   /--\__ /___
 _____    /       /     /    /         /    /   /     _____/  /    /    _/____/
     /   /_______/     /    /         /________/     /    /_______/     \     /
________/      /------/____/---------/       /-----------/       /-------\___/
    _____-----\__ /____   _____       ____
----\__ /____  _/     /---\ __/____---\  /_____
      /_____/        /      /     /    _/_____/
         |__________/      /     /     \      /
_________|        /-------------/_______\____/

____                              .                                 __.
\_ /___ ___ _                 _ __: _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _/  |
  /          \___ ___ _ ___ _/    |          .                        |
_/ · MEANS ·                   35 . RECEIVER : sLURRY / iNTENSE      _|
\_ ___ ___ _  sLURRY           _ _:___ _ ___ · ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___/ ·
            \___ _ ___ _ ___ _/   :          .

    _____-----\  /_____   _____       _____       _____
----\ __/____   /     /---\   /___----\__ /___----\__ /___    _____
 ______     /  /     /     \     /     _/____/__   _/____/----\ / /___
      /    /________/      |\   /      \           \       _____     /
__________/       /------------/--------\___________\_____     /    /
-pnk!                                                   /__________/

____                              .                                 __.
\_ /___ ___ _                 _ __: _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _/  |
  /          \___ ___ _ ___ _/    |          .                        |
_/ · MEANS ·                   36 . RECEIVER : sOKRATES / ???        _|
\_ ___ ___ _  sOKRATES         _ _:___ _ ___ · ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___/ ·
            \___ _ ___ _ ___ _/   :          .

            _____                        _____              _____
   _____----\ _ /___  ____     _____-----\__ /___  ____-----\ __/___  _____
---\ __/___   /    /--\  /___--\__ /___   _/    /--\  /____   _\   /--\ __/___
 _____    /  /    /    _/___/   _/____/        /     _____/  /    / _____    /
     /   /_______/     \    /   \     /_______/     /    /_______/      /   /
________/      /--------\__/-----\___/      /-----------/       /__________/

____                              .                                 __.
\_ /___ ___ _                 _ __: _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _/  |
  /          \___ ___ _ ___ _/    |          .                        |
_/ · MEANS ·                   37 . RECEIVER : qBA / nAH-kOLOR       _|
\_ ___ ___ _  sPEED            _ _:___ _ ___ · ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___/ ·
            \___ _ ___ _ ___ _/   :          .

              _____                             _____
    _____-----\__ /____   _____       _____-----\__ /___
----\ __/____   /_____/---\ __/___----\ __/___    /    /
 ______     /     | /       _\   /      _\   /   /    /
      /    /______|/       /    /      /    /________/
__________/       /------------/___________/

____                              .                                 __.
\_ /___ ___ _                 _ __: _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _/  |
  /          \___ ___ _ ___ _/    |          .                        |
_/ · MEANS ·                   38 . RECEIVER : sEGOY / ILS^DCT       _|
\_ ___ ___ _  stRAWBERRY mAZE  _ _:___ _ ___ · ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___/ ·
            \___ _ ___ _ ___ _/   :          .

              ____                                 ____
    _____-----\  /_____   _____       _____-------/\  /___
----\ __/____   ______/---\__ /___----\__ /___   /  \    / /-----/
 ______     /  /     /     _/____/_    _/    /  /    \  / /_____/
      /    /________/      \                /-----/\___/
__________/       /---------\______________/
              _____                             _____
    ____ -----\ __/____   _____       _____-----\ / /____
----\ _/_____   _\    /---\__ /___----\__ /___ ___      /
      \__   /  /     /     _/____/_    _/____/_  /     /
       /   /________/      \           \      /_______/
__________/       /---------\___________\____/
    __  __-----\__ /____   _____        _____
----\_\/_/____  _/     /---\__ /___-----\ __/___
      \/     /        /     ______/       _\   /
       \    /________/     /      /      /    /
________\--/       /-------------/___________/

____                              .                                 __.
\_ /___ ___ _                 _ __: _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _/  |
  /          \___ ___ _ ___ _/    |          .                        |
_/ · MEANS ·                   39 . RECEIVER : rOOSTER / sSP^hEAD!   _|
\_ ___ ___ _  sUNSHINE pRODS.  _ _:___ _ ___ · ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___/ ·
            \___ _ ___ _ ___ _/   :          .

    _____-----\   /____   _____
----\ __/____  \      /---\__ /____
 ______     /  |\    /      /     /
      /    /________/      /     /  sUnsHINE pROdUCTIONs
__________/       /-------/_____/
-pnk!         _____                             _____
    _____-----\ / /____   _____       _____-----\ __/____
----\ __/____ _/_     /---\___/___----\__ /____   _\    /
 ______     / \      /           /      /     /  /     /
      /    /---\____/                  /     /________/
__________/        /------------------/_____/

____                              .                                 __.
\_ /___ ___ _                 _ __: _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _/  |
  /          \___ ___ _ ___ _/    |          .                        |
_/ · MEANS ·                   4o . RECEIVER : nICKO / tWILIGHT      _|
\_ ___ ___ _  tWILIGHT         _ _:___ _ ___ · ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___/ ·
            \___ _ ___ _ ___ _/   :          .

             _____                      _____             _____
   ____ -----\   /___  _____    ____----\___/__  _____----\ / /____  ____
---\  /_____ /\     /--\___/__--\  /____      /--\ __/___ _/_     /--\  /_____
     ______//  \   /         /    /    /     /    /_    / \      /     ______/
    /     /__/\___/         /    /    /_____/      /   /---\____/     /     /
_________/       /---------/_________/     /----------/        /___________/

____                              .                                 __.
\_ /___ ___ _                 _ __: _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _/  |
  /          \___ ___ _ ___ _/    |          .                        |
_/ · MEANS ·                   41 . RECEIVER : sLURRY / iNTENSE      _|
\_ ___ ___ _  wAREs'r'uS       _ _:___ _ ___ · ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___/ ·
            \___ _ ___ _ ___ _/   :          .

               _____                           _____
      _____----\__ /___   _____      _____-----\ __/___
.-----\   /____ _/    /---\__ /___---\ __/___ ____    /
|     /\      /      /     _/____/_    _\   /    /   /
|    /  \    /_____ /      \          /    /________/
|-----/\____/     /---------\_____________/
!              __               __                 _____
               \_\     _____   /_/       _____-----\ __/___
                   .---\__ /___    - ----\   /___ ____    /
                   !    _/____/_          \     /    /   /
                   |    \                 |\   /________/
                   `-----\______   _ _________/

____                              .                                 __.
\_ /___ ___ _                 _ __: _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _/  |
  /          \___ ___ _ ___ _/    |          .                        |
_/ · MEANS ·                   42 . RECEIVER : sLURRY / iNTENSE      _|
\_ ___ ___ _  /X-bôs           _ _:___ _ ___ · ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___/ ·
            \___ _ ___ _ ___ _/   :          .

                                              / _____ /
         ____   ______                 ____-----\ _ /____   _____
        /   /---\ _/ /___ _       - ---\ _/_____  /     /---\ __/___
       /   /|     \__       _____        \__   / /     / _____     /
      /   / |     /        |_____|        /   /_______/      /    /
     /___/  |____/______ _        _ _________/       /___________/

                                     ::: :::
                                    :::  ·::                    .:.
                                   .::    ::                 .:::·
                                  .::·    ::             ..::::·
                                  ::·     :::        ..::::::·
                                 :::      :::    ..::::··.::
                                :::       :::..::::::·  .::
                               .::      .:::::· ::::   .::
                              .::·  ..:::··::  ::::   .::
                               ..::::··    ::.:::·    ::·
                          ..::::··         ::::::    :::
                     ..::::··           .:::::::    :::
               ...::::··            ..:::·  :::·   .::
          ..:::::··             .::::··     :::    ::·
       .::::··          ....:::::··         :::   :::
      ::::........:::::::::···              ::::.:::
      ·:::::::::::·····                    .:::::::
                                           ::: ···
                                           :::      .:.
                                           ::     .::::·
                                          .:: ..::::::·
                                          ::::::· .::·
                                        .::::·    ::·
                                    ..:::·:::    ::·
                                ..:::··   ::    :::
                            ..:::··       ::   :::
                         .:::··           :::.:::
                      .:::··              ·::::·

   ______.  ____________ ___|__  /__ |___    ____
   \  ___|__. __   / __/__ ___/ / _/ ___/__./ __/___.
.-- \  \    | _/ _/_.\___/_ \  /  |   \_   |\_____  | ----------------------.
|_cRb\______|_\_____|______/__/___|________|________|e^D. __________________|
|                                                                           |
|    main ascii:   - punk! / ils^ozf^h!^up                                  |
|                                                                           |
| guest artistz:   - gangsta / h!                                           |
|                  -  treach / c!                                           |
|                  -   zorro / dg
|                  -   ramon / hos                                          |
|                  - chromb. / e^d                                          |
|                  -   2fast / c!
|                  -    dino / ds!
|                  -  desoto / mo's

              d e t a i l e d   c o l l e c t i o n   i n f o !
   __________               ______________________________________________
  /         /--------------/         /         __/       ------          /
`----------  name Of colly :  pleasure trip  ----------.
          !         artIst :  punk!
          !          group :  hEAD!
          |       colly no.:  14
          !   no. of logos :    o42 logos
          !         o.size :  73ooo bytes
          !   no. of lines :   1901 lines
          | :  28 may 1996
          |  guest paintaz :  2fast
          |                   dino
          |                   gangsta
          |                   chrombacher
          |                   ramon
          |                   treach
          |                   desoto
          |                   zorro
          |  music support :  slime
          |  (yez,punk/hc     59 times the pain
          |  rulez big time   raised fist
          |  especially the   kOrn
          |  swedish bands,   propaghandi
          |  but straight     refused
          |  edge suckz big   snapcase
          |  time)            slapshot
          |                   mindjive
          |                   thrashcan trasher
          |                   the notwist
          |  hardware used :  a12oo / 420 mb hd
          |  software used :  ced v.2
          |(ced-the best?!)
          |     drugz used :  kld , l&m , jhg , or.b
          |(yez könig ludw.
          | dunkel rulez -
          | the best beer
          | avaible...
          | jack herer
          | rulez,also got
          | some orange bud
          | at home
          | still smokin'
          | l&m cigarettes)



                        p L E A S U R E   t R I P !

   ___   ___/_ __            ------------------------------------------------
  /   \_/ _/__/  \_/\  /\
 /    /\_   /  /__/  \/2F\    a Z K I I  ·  r E S p E C t S
/____/_ /  /_ /  /____\___\
       \__/  \__/             __    ___   ___   __    ___   __   __     ___/_
                            _/  \__/ _/ _/ _/__/  \__/ _/ _/  \_/ /_  _/ _/_
   pUnk! / hEAd!           /  /__/  _/_/\_   /  /  /  _/_/  /__/  _/_/\_   /
                          /__/  /_ /  /_ /  /  ___/_ /  /_ /  /_ /  /_ /  /
                                  \__/  \__/___\    \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/

       |        tHESE pERSONS lISTEd hERE i rEALLY rESpECt,         |
       |       tHEY aRE sIMPLY tHE fUCKIN' bESt aSC²-aRTISTz:       |
        |          mOGUE! · fLI7e! · tREACH! · 2fASt ·            |
        |      gANGSTA · eXOCET · sTEZOTEHIC · sHAPECHANGEr       |
        |    mORTIMER tWANg · cRUSADEr · gRAVEdANCEr · dRAKAR     |
        |                     kARMA · nUP!                        |

                   aLSO gREEINGS tO tHIS cOOL aSC²-dOODz:

             | dEVISTAtOr · tANgO · h²0 · zORRO · mEPHISTO!  |
             | rAMON · rOOStER · pASCZAK · mARk rYDER · qBA  |
             | rAVE · xCLUZIWE · hOtSTEPPEr · dAVE · mISFIt  |
             |  bASTARd · zAPHOD · fRAME · sTRATOS · u-mAn   |
             |  rAPID · mESS · bEHEMOTH · sCRABY · gRIMLOCK  |
             |   fATAl · aDOn · dANZIg · sAL1 · rELIEF · c0  |
             |   hAUSFRAU! · qEn · sTYLEZ · rEACT · vINZI    |
             |     sHELtER · dINO · sLAB · tANGO · mANTA     |
             |  cHROMBACHER · dATA · eLVIS · jUAN · hARpOOn  |

                         %  aND tO tHIZ gROUPZ  %

               aRCLITE · aZKINESS · cONTRA! · dIVINE sTYLERS
           ePSILON^dEZIGN · hONEY · hOUSE oF sTYLE · mO's sOUL
                     oMA · sAVE oUR sOULS ·  tWISTED

    ____    ____    ____    ____    __      _____/_   2F
  _/    \__/    \__/  _/  _/  _/  _/ /_   _/  __/_
 /   /   /   /___/   _/__/   _/__/   _/__/\__    /     pUNK! / hEAD!
/__  ___/___/   /__ /   /__ /   /__ /   /__ /   /
   \___/           \___/   \___/   \___/   \___/

fast greetz from punk! to some people outta there in the wide world :


··· aND tO aLL fORGOTTEN oNES / aLL ILS · OZF · h! · UP - mEMBERS wORLdwIDe


                                     ::: :::
                                    :::  ·::                    .:.
                                   .::    ::                 .:::·
                                  .::·    ::             ..::::·
                                  ::·     :::        ..::::::·
                                 :::      :::    ..::::··.::
                                :::       :::..::::::·  .::
                               .::      .:::::· ::::   .::
                              .::·  ..:::··::  ::::   .::
                               ..::::··    ::.:::·    ::·
                          ..::::··         ::::::    :::
                     ..::::··           .:::::::    :::
               ...::::··            ..:::·  :::·   .::
          ..:::::··             .::::··     :::    ::·
       .::::··          ....:::::··         :::   :::
      ::::........:::::::::···              ::::.:::
      ·:::::::::::·····                    .:::::::
                                           ::: ···
                                           :::      .:.
                                           ::     .::::·
                                          .:: ..::::::·
                                          ::::::· .::·
                                        .::::·    ::·
                                    ..:::·:::    ::·
                                ..:::··   ::    :::
                            ..:::··       ::   :::
                         .:::··           :::.:::
                      .:::··              ·::::·

   _!_____    _____                                               _____
    |    /__  \   /______  ___   ____    _!____       ___    ___  \   /__
    |   /  /\_/  /  /  _/ /   \_/  _/     |   /__/\   / /_  /   \_/  /  /
    |  /  /  /     /  _/_/  /__/  _/_     |  \  /2F\ /  _/_/  /__/     /
    |_______/__/  /_ /  /__/  /_ /  /  2  |____/____\_ /  /_ /  /__/  /  me
              /___\ \__/        \__/                  \__/  \__/  /___\

    cATCH mE oN thESE bOARDZ: .-------------------------------------------'
         hOMelESS (pInkI) · pLAnet lOve (pUnk!) · tHE pUb (pUnk!)         |
                 pArALYsIS (pInkI) · lOS eNDOS (pUnk!)....                |
             and on some more german boardz...(pUnk! or pInkI)            |
     yOu cAn cOntact mE via snaIl-mAil: .---------------------------------'
     pUnk! / hEAD!^iLS^oZf^uP!                                            |
     find my addy in some mad diskmagz                                    |
     fuckin' germany                                                      |

            a L S O    d O N ' t    f O r g E t   t O   c A L L

           s O m E   o F   t H E s E   c O O L  -  b O A R D Z !

                 ________                                 ·Mo!/(!·
       _    ____|___   _/ ____                   _
     __\\__|      _/   |      |______ __________//__  _________  ________
    |   \  |      |    |      \      /      _.  /   |/         \|__      \_
    |      |      |   _|_     |\     \      \|     _/          \\_/       /
    |______|      |___\ /_________ _ _\      \____ \___________._/       /
           |______|    /          ///________/                 |________/

           c A L L   t H E S E   c O O L   I L S - b O A R D Z :

             CANNADiAN MiST  +1-xxx d O W n!  uSHQ sYSOP:fLUX

              cOSMIC cIRCUS +49-b U S T E d!   wHQ sYSOP:gENERAtION
                  bOONDOCKS +31-xxx-xxx-aSK!   eHQ sYSOP:sAL-oNE
           tEMPLE oF dREAMS +49-xxx-xxx-aSK!   gHQ sYSOP:lENNY dEE
            vIRTUAL tHEATRE +49-xxx-xxx-aSK!   gHQ sYSOP:rAMIREZ
                     rUSSIA +48-xxx-xxx-aSK!   pHQ sYSOP:sPOONmAN

               lOST cARRIER +49-xxx-d O W n!   d.S sYSOP:tROOPER
                 oVERVISION +48-xxx-xxx-aSK!   d.S sYSOP:sKY

                         _ ______- - - -
   _ _________     _ ___/_____     _ ________     _ ________     _____
 .-\\\  _____/____-\\\ / ____/____-\\\_____ /___.-\\\_____ /____|     |
 |      \____         ·  ___\           __/     !        /      |     |
 |        |________      \             .________|       /       `-----'
         c A L L   t H E S E   c O O L   h E A D ! - b O A R D Z :

                aCID aTTACK +46-xxx-xxx-aSK!   d.S sYSOP:aMON

         ___      ________          _____      _______       _______
 .-----_/  /___---\____  /____---__/    /___---\  ___/____---\____ /_____
 !     \      /       /      /   \         /      _/     /      _/      /
  ______   ______   ______   ______   ______       __   ______   ______
|-\___ /__-\___ /__-\ ___/__-\ ___/__-\ ___/__---_/ /__-\___ /__-\ ___/__:
!    /___/   _/   /   _/   / ----   / ----   /   \    /   _/   /_  _/    !
l_____! /----\_______/____/________/________/________/----\_______/______|
           c A L L   t H E S E   c O O L   u P ! - b O A R D Z :

               aCID aTTACK +46-xxx-xxx-aSK!   d.S sYSOP:aMON

                        % - © hEAD! pRODs. '96 - %

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ            ______
  ______----\ ___/___  ______
--\ ___/___   __\   /--\___ /___  ______
    \__      /     /     _/    /--\___ /___
     /    ________/           /      /    /
____/________   _____________/      /    /
.----released a new piece of art called:---.
  p l e a s u r e   t r i p
                              by punk!/head!

  ____________/_______  _______________/    /                 ____________
  \         ______    \_\____    /   _     /_________/_______/        ___/
  //        /    /    /_   _    /    /    /    __________   _\_        \
_/_________/_____\     /_______/_________//   _____/    /  /___________/
            <-rS!-\___/---------------->/_________/_____\     / 5 NoDeS!
         _______ CHief:CapsLockMan CO:GremLin,RH+        \___/ USR 33.6!
         \     /_________________/_______         _____/    / IsDn?sHurE!
         /    /\      /   _    ______    \_______/   _     /  ~~~~~~~~~~~
        /_____/\    //    /    /    /    /_     /    /    /   RuNNiN oN
                \___/\________/_____\     /   _/_________/ A3000/33/14MB
                               <-----\___/________/-------> /X4.xx1.2GIg


   << AMIGA / ADULTS / /X-TOOLs / ConSoLe / HpA / MaC / tEchno-basE >>

                           CLOSED USER SYSTEM

         -*- This file passed through the hands of : -*-
              __________/          /____________
            __\    ____/_     \___/_\     _____/_____
      .-----\\   ____/___\     \    _\________     //-dA!.
      |      \   \       /`---------\        /     /     |
      |       `---------'            `------------'      |
  -- -|------(- tRISTAR & rED sECTOR iNC. & sIOn -)------|- --
    --|--------------(- aM¡GA & cONSØLE -)---------------|--
      |            Give these boards a call:             |
      |         Spirit of Soul - trSi aMiga & sIOn       |
      |         Boondoks       - trSi aMiga              |
      |         The Chameleon  - trSi aMiga              |
      |         USS Enterprise - aNTHROx                 |
      ·                                                  ·
      `--- --(- 28-Mai-96 -)-- --- --(- 21:43:13 -)-- ---'