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19 553 bytes (19.09K)
File date:
2004-04-19 23:06:29
Download count:
all-time: 535


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: tHIS aREA'S fASTEST    ___________ ___________ ______/_           : .!@@@
: pC sCENE cONFERENCE!  /     __   ¬\_________ ¬\\  __/_____        : @@@@'
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@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ   .--[asc2]-- aµææø -[ d¡V¡NE sTYLERs ]-.
   |           ¬ØØØØø   ________.        |
   ¦  µæØ*ÑØØÑæµØØØØ#ø ØØØØØE      ©Mt   ¦
   ·gØØØ#   ¬¶ØØØØØØØF °¤ØÑØ#ææµµ____    :
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øØØÑÑØØ--'°¬"¯¯  ¬""ÆØØØØØK________.Ø#ÑØ#ØØø
   |  greetings collection by diNO/dS!   ¦
   |   -the true feeling about ascii-    |

    ______/    /______.-[ greetings (c) diNO/dS! ]-------------------------.
  __\__  /___.__      | greetings to: mortimer twang                       |
 /    /      | /______| comment     :                                      |
 `-----------'        `----------------------------------------------------'
	      ___.      ________       ._________   ______
	   __/   |______\    __/_______|   ___   \_/  __  |
	   \_    |      /\    |/  __   |_____/____/\___/  |
	   /     |------------/___\____| dNo \____________|
    ______/    /______.-[ greetings (c) diNO/dS! ]-------------------------.
  __\__  /___.__      | greetings to: trivial / lies unlimited             |
 /    /      | /______| comment     : make me some euphoria logos:)        |
 `-----------'        `----------------------------------------------------'

      ___.     ______    _____
     /   |----/   __/___(____/____. dNo
    /    |___/   __/   /____      |---------------------------------- - - 
   /______/ `----------`----------'  U   N   L   I   M   I   T   E   D
	 `----------------------------------------------------------- - -

    ______/    /______.-[ greetings (c) diNO/dS! ]-------------------------.
  __\__  /___.__      | greetings to: orlingo                              |
 /    /      | /______| comment     : our anti ascii member :)             |
 `-----------'        `----------------------------------------------------'
		   ________     ._______
      __________ __\__    /  ___|      /_________.          _________:
     (_ __      |   _/   /__/   |_    /   __     |_________( __      |
      `---------'---\______/_____/---/`----/_____|__  --   |---------'
				    /__        \___________|
    ______/    /______.-[ greetings (c) diNO/dS! ]-------------------------.
  __\__  /___.__      | greetings to: releif                               |
 /    /      | /______| comment     : thanks for the logo brother!         |
 `-----------'        `----------------------------------------------------'
				     __/\_ _
		  _______        ___|  _______     ._______
	       .__\__   /_______/   |_/  -___/_____|     _/_.
	       |   _/  /__ -___/_____/_________/   |    ____|
	       `---\_____/_______/  presents  /____|___/dNo
    ______/    /______.-[ greetings (c) diNO/dS! ]-------------------------.
  __\__  /___.__      | greetings to: all in twisted                       |
 /    /      | /______| comment     : hope ya like this flie_id            |
 `-----------'        `----------------------------------------------------'
	   _____    ___  .______        .__
______.___/   _/__.(__/__|  ___/___  ___|  |
\___  |  /\   \   |___   |--/  -__/_/ __/  |
dNo`--'--------\__|\_____| /_______/_______|
| t w i s t e d            p r e s e n t s |
|                                          |
|                                          |
|                                    _/\_  |

    ______/    /______.-[ greetings (c) diNO/dS! ]-------------------------.
  __\__  /___.__      | greetings to: scroud                               |
 /    /      | /______| comment     : Angry about my leeching? :)          |
 `-----------'        `----------------------------------------------------'

 ___    _______ __________            .__
(__/___|   ___/_\_   / __ \___________|  |-----------------------------.
____   |_____/  _/ _/______\  /  \  __/  |  main operator on atlantic  |
\______|     `--\_____/dNo`-------\______|-----------------------------'

    ______/    /______.-[ greetings (c) diNO/dS! ]-------------------------.
  __\__  /___.__      | greetings to: melone/classic                       |
 /    /      | /______| comment     : the msg base breakdowner no1         |
 `-----------'        `----------------------------------------------------'

 __________._____ .___________        _|_____
_\_ ____   |  __/_|     / ___ \________|  __/_.---------------------------.
\___\  /___|  \___|    /_______\ __    |  \___|_ MSG-BASE BREAKDOWNER no1 |
     \/    `------|______\ dNo `---'---'----------------------------------'

    ______/    /______.-[ greetings (c) diNO/dS! ]-------------------------.
  __\__  /___.__      | greetings to: tango/led                            |
 /    /      | /______| comment     : Inferno BBS sysop                    |
 `-----------'        `----------------------------------------------------'

                                       .                            .
        ___.        ________   ______.-'----------------------------`-.
     __/   | ______|  ___   \_/  __  |_________                       |
     \_    |/ _    |____/____/\___/  |   ___   \                      |
     /     |__\____|dNo \____________|_________/                      |
     `-----'                         `-.----------------------------.-'
                                       '                            `
    ______/    /______.-[ greetings (c) diNO/dS! ]-------------------------.
  __\__  /___.__      | greetings to: organic/dS!                          |
 /    /      | /______| comment     : welcome 2 ds! brother                |
 `-----------'        `----------------------------------------------------'

                   ________ _______. _________.          ____
      ._________,._\__    //  __   |/  __     |_________/    |________
      |   __     |   /   /_\___/   |___\______|  ___    \_   |    ___/_.
      `----------'---\_____________|dNo       |____/_____/---`---------'

    ______/    /______.-[ greetings (c) diNO/dS! ]-------------------------.
  __\__  /___.__      | greetings to: spenzer                              |

 /    /      | /______| comment     : ugh! bamma, dadda, skwatt..          |
 `-----------'        `----------------------------------------------------'
  .______               ______                  ______  _______   ________
  |  ___/-----.________/   __/_.__________.-----\__   |/    __/_._\__    /
  |______     |  __   /    ____|_  __     \_    ______|     ____|_  /   /__
        \_____|  \___/__________/___/______/_________/___________/--\_____/
    ______/    /______.-[ greetings (c) diNO/dS! ]-------------------------.
  __\__  /___.__      | greetings to: pg/xia                               |
 /    /      | /______| comment     : keep on supportin! :)                |
 `-----------'        `----------------------------------------------------'
    .____________    _______  _____     /    / ___   ________
    |  __   / __/_. /  __   |/  __/_.  /    / _\__)_/  -_    |
    |  \___/   ___|_\___/   |   ____|_/    /x/     |____/____|
    |____|/_________________|________/    /  `-----'

    ______/    /______.-[ greetings (c) diNO/dS! ]-------------------------.
  __\__  /___.__      | greetings to: vietcong                             |
 /    /      | /______| comment     : sad brother.....very sad...          |
 `-----------'        `----------------------------------------------------'

                   ___.______   ____________  ______ ________.
         ___ ,.___/   | - __/__/   ___/  __/_/  _   |   __   |______.
        |________/----|_______/----' /______/-------|____/---'\_ -  |
                                           (c)dNo/dS!    `----------'

                                ::         .:.
                                :::.       :::.                      .
     .       .:::..             :::::.      :::   :::               :'
     ::.   .::''''::            ::::::       ::: .::     .:.      .::
      ':. .:      :: ...        :: ::::      ':::::'    .::::.   :::'
       ':::      .::::::::     ::   ::::       ':::.    ::::'  .:::'
        ::::.   :::''   :::  ..::....:::::'    .:::::.  :::    ::::
        :  '::.:::      ::: :::::'''''::::     :: '::::::::   ::::
             ::::      ::''  ::::      ::::   :::   '':::'  .::::
           .::'::..   ::'   .:::        ::::  :::     ::'   ':::'
           '''  ''::::'     :::'        '::'' :::    ::'      ':
                 :::::::.   '''               :::   ::'     ...
                  :'  '::::'                  '::  :::    .:::::
                        ''                         ':     ::::::
                             **IT SUCKS!**                 ''''

                it all sucks.. Vietcong n' Bo-Ya are leaving
             divine stylers (tm), We wont get (C)Mt back in dS!
      Vietcong took our Whq 'interchange' and made it 2 some Style Whq!
 I don't feel like doin ascii anymore, I don't feel like anything anymore..
     What should I do?! Release some more quality ascii's ?!.. for what?!
     Nothing?!.. that's right! I get nothing back from doing ascii.. so...
       IT SUCKS BIG TIME.. I guess Ascii painting is the most pointless
         thing in the world... I meen it, I realy do.. Well, anyway..
      you don't realy care do you?! You think that my style sux right?! 
     WHY DO I CARE?! bah!.. I don't like it anymore.. Vc! it's all your
       falt.. Hope that you feel that you hurted me alot when you leaved
       us.. Anyhow.. I can't understand people that are complaining about
       my English spellings.. I can't spell on Swidish either, BUT, no one
       is telling me that, and that is worse.. or?! bah.. bl000h.. bahh!

       It's gonig to take a while bfore I releaze a new colly, I'm kind
       of sick about all /'s, \'s  and _'s.. Have a nice one, bye..

       Sorry that I didn't do whole the 'greeting colly'. I don't feel
       like it.. greetings to:

                           g  r  e  e  t  i  n  g  s
        _____                _____.          ____  _____
       / .__/__  ___________/ _   |_________|    \|    /____  _______
    s_/  l_   /__\   / _   /  _}--|_   ._   :     \   /  ._/__\    _/___s
    c\_______/   / _/  _)_/_ _____|/   |/  _|___7____/   l_   /\_      /c
.--------.  /    \__)_____ _      /    l____|.------/________/________/-----.
|        `-/_____|---------------/_____|-----'                              |
|                                                                           |
|     trivial, mortimer twang, dj gizmo, slurry, zync, radavi, orlingo,     |
|      vietcong, ranx, lea, rickz, bill clinton, fatal, u-man, count0,      |
|         nup, tango, kestrel, bea\/is, simpen, xcluziwe, dora mae,         |
|         dash, jucke, stezothic, relief, c-real, nike/hos, taste,          |
|           agressor, scroud, nero, 243, divas, la fayette, bobo,           |
|             killaraven, kru5ty, satans fire, hotwire, tommy,              |
|              juan, phase, demax, cluster, mogue, delite,                  |
|               dondog, data/pdx, hifi, madboy, xXx, tRz,                   |
:                   all friendly people I know (sorry)                      |
.                                                                           |
            and all the friendly dudes I missed and luv so much!            |
                 -    - - --------------------------------------------------'

                    |                                 |     _ /
                    :  d i v i n e        -           :     \/
       _____________._____      ______    -___________:___________
       \_    _     /     |     /     /    |     _     ./     _    |
        |    /    /      |    /     /     |    ./     /      /____|
        |________/|______|\________/|     |____|_____/|________/
 _____________________    _____________   ____________________ __________
 \     _ /____       /  |/     /      /_./     _    |    _   /_\      _ /__
 _\_   \/  |/       /   /    _/      /  |      /____|    /     |\_    \/   |
 |_________|_______/|________|__________|________/ |_____\_____|___________|
            ____    .                                 .         rX/jA!
            \ _/    :                  s t y l e r s  :

                       Available from Divine Records:
    Recorded in MTV live studio's New York. (c) Divine Records^Stylers '95
              PVC - PVC AFFAIR  [- tOPQ hARDtRANCE  - 179 Sek -]
             TRANCED OUT - 777! [- vERY niCE tRANCE - 179 Sek -]

                 Fanclub Email: DS!@Exmandato.Se

             Fanclub snailmail: diNO / Divine Stylers
                                Po box 7143
                 divine stylers inc. merchandise warehouse
                                c/O Trivial
                                Vassgatan 7
                             644 35 Torshalla
                      Divine Stylers Stocks. 14.53 $ / Each
                  Send Money To Divine Stylers^Bank Of Zrich        

                .|   [ T · H · E     O · A · s · E ]
|___ __________||`-------------..-----------------------------------------.
    |`---------.| |            ||                                    dlt  |
    |          || |            || ----------------------------------------'
    |          || |     _______|| ---------------------------------------'
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           .------`---.--------'         /                      /          /
.---------.| l        |        (________/__________________    /          /
|         || _     .--|-----------------------------------.| _/          /
|       l || |     |  |  uPLOADER: aSCII                  |||/          /
`---------'| |     |  |  lOCATiON: fIRESTARTER            ||| _________/__
           `-|     `--|------------------------------------'|____________/
             `--------'                                     `-----------'
   »· eFFECT eQUAL hQ ^ mO[l]EN, WhQ ^ sTOER & nUTTELOOS eUROPEAN hQ ·«

                   »· tONS oF cEWL uPLOADS eVERY dAY ·«
          »· aMIGA ^ pC-sCENE ^ aSCII ^ mUSIC ^ rEQUESTS ^ /X ·«
         »· aLL rUNNING oN a cEWL cOMMODORE 2000/030 28k8 poWER ·«

                            28k8 V.34 /
                         »· +31-[0]-30-6067278 ·«