File Archive

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File size:
20 001 bytes (19.53K)
File date:
2004-04-19 23:06:29
Download count:
all-time: 499


(sof)                                                            \   \
      _                                                          /    /
   __| |__        _                                             \\   //
  |  | |  |    __| \|              :       :                     |   |
 _|__| |__|__ |  |  |              :.     ::                     |   |
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   | | |__|   :  :  :   |         ::oO::                        \\    |
 __| | |                |   :     ::::::                          \   |
   | | |      Rock The  :___|      ::::     - --------------------|   |----
   |_| |                |           ..,::::.        unkle  vouck! |   |
  :  |_|  Wild Rock The |       ,::::::'. :::. - -----------------|   |----
 _|__:                  |     ,:::: ....:: ::::                   |   |
  |    Wikked Rock The  |    ::::: ::::::: :::::.                 /   |
  |                    /    :::::: ::::::: :::::::              //    /
  |  Weird Rock The :  |   :::::: ,::::::':::::::::.             \  _/
  |                 |  |  ::::::: ::::::'::::' ... ::            |   |
  |     vOuckster   |  | ,:::::::,:::::: ::: ::::::.             |   |
  | :             __|__| ::::::: ::::::: :: :::::::::            |   //
  | |_________    | |    ,...... ::::::' : ::::::::::           /   /
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\__   /     /_________/\   !    ________/   /   ___/__\       \ -----------'
  /________/         /_____._____\     /_______________________\

                                front erstmal

                         u n c l e  v o u c k s t e r

                              on the turntables
                              . . . . . . . . .

                           //    \
                          |       |       OH
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                           \     / \     //\
                             \ /     \ //    \
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                              |  \ /     \\/   C5H11
                             CH3  O

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__ |   __|______
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   \   |  _____|__
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_|_|___|  |     |
          |     |     Hey du vogel, ich hab schon jungle gehoert,
   als nicht mal|geklaert was das fuer kranke toene sind ...)
_________ |___  |
 __|   |  |  |  |
 |_|___|__|  |__|
   |   |_____|

 ___| ________ |
 | ___| __  |  |
_| |  | ¶/  |  |___ _
                               distributed in the united states of
 __|____________________________________  .e u r o p e. ____________________
__ |  |_____|  __________ _
 | |__| _______|

                     ''  ding dong die russen kommen ''

                                  a k a

                     deutsch - sowjetische freundschaft

                         an offer that you can't deny
                         - ------------------------ -

                .-------. _ _ _/         \_ _ _  .-------.
- -:-----------//// ----- \ \\\_ ___ ___ _/// / ------ \\\\-----------:- -
   |_                          _\\_( )_//_                           _|
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         \      /    |    _//       |      _//   |     _/    //
          \    /     |              :            |     \           _ _
          |\  //________________________________________\          /// /
          | \/-ntr!                                      \________/
   _______|____|__| i n d e x.
___|      |____| ___________________________________________________________ _
   | for       |/                                                          \/
  simonkingster|         simonking
  simonkingster|         lop
  carnifexer   |         damones diz
  carnifexer   |         damones
  carnifexer   |         dying degree
  apuster      |         hoodlum
  apuster      |         animators
  bird         |         shroom ascii prod

/\ /\ /\ /\ .
  \  \  \  \|_
___\__\  \  \/_______________________________________________________ _ _____

 ho! fuck you!

 unsigned vouckster / phaseD / arcade
____________________________________________________ _ ______________________

_____                     .
    |                   .   .
 o  |______           . ____  .
 .  |   _ |_____________|__|. _________________________ __ _  X O x o .
    :   / |           __|__|_________________________________________________
_____     ____________|_|   s i m o n k I n g        ____
    |_____|           |______________________________|__| _________________ _
    _______                               |_______|  |__|

         ___    ____ ____    __ ______ _ ____|_____
        /  /___ /   \/   \  / \ /  _  \/   __|__  |
     __ \     /      \   _ /   \   \(  \    \|/   |
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                                      ____   | vK |________ ____
           simOnkingster             /  /___ |    |/  __  \ /  /____ _
           - --------- -            /  /    \|    |   \/   \   \|  \
                                   /___\_____\    |____\____\_______\
                                   ----------|    |-------------------

_____                     .
    |                   .   .
 o  |______           . ____  .
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    :   / |           __|__|_________________________________________________
_____     ____________|_|   l o p                    ____
    |_____|           |______________________________|__| _________________ _
    _______                               |_______|  |__|

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              | | /    /|    \    \(  \     \/____\ l O p
              | |/____________\________\_____\
              | | vK   |
              | |______|

_____                     .
    |                   .   .
 o  |______           . ____  .
 .  |   _ |_____________|__|. _________________________ __ _  X O x o .
    :   / |           __|__|_________________________________________________
_____     ____________|_|   d a m o n e s - d i z    ____
    |_____|           |______________________________|__| _________________ _
    _______                               |_______|  |__|

BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ  ____ ______ __ __  ______ ________ ____
__|__\ / _  \/ _\/ \ / _  \ / ____ \ /  /__
  | / \  \/  \ \/   \  \(  \   \/   \\    \
-:- dAmones ------------------------------:-

-:---------------------------- --- - --vK-:-

_____                     .
    |                   .   .
 o  |______           . ____  .
 .  |   _ |_____________|__|. _________________________ __ _  X O x o .
    :   / |           __|__|_________________________________________________
_____     ____________|_|   d a m o n e s            ____
    |_____|           |______________________________|__| _________________ _
    _______                               |_______|  |__|

             |   \  |
             |  / \ |
        _____| /   \|      _____ _________ __________ _____     _____
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    /   | /  \   Oo  \   \/  vK \    \/   \    \/    \  __\    \\      \
   /__________\  -    \ _________\_________\____\_____\_________\_______\
 - --------/___________\-(dAmones)------------------------------------ -
             |.     |
             ||     |
             |      |

_____                     .
    |                   .   .
 o  |______           . ____  .
 .  |   _ |_____________|__|. _________________________ __ _  X O x o .
    :   / |           __|__|_________________________________________________
_____     ____________|_|   d a m o n e s            ____
    |_____|           |______________________________|__| _________________ _
    _______                               |_______|  |__|

         _____ _____     ________ __________ ____        _________|
     ____|__ \ /   /_____|      \ |  ___   \ /  /____    |        |______
 - --/   | /  \    \|   \|  vK   \    \/    \   \|  \----|  __ _  |/    |---- -
    /__________\____     \ _______\____\_____\_______\   |  |//|  |     |
                    \_____\                              |        |     |
      kinda cold!     _____ ____     ____       ________ |___    _|_    |
                  ____|__ \ /  /____ /  /______ / ____ \ /  /___ / /___ |
 - -------------- /   | /  \ __\   \    \|    \    \/___\ __\  \ __\  \-|---- -
     d Y i n g   /__________\_______\__________\____\ __________\______\|
                                                         |________|     |
             d e G r e e                                          |_____|

_____                     .
    |                   .   .
 o  |______           . ____  .
 .  |   _ |_____________|__|. _________________________ __ _  X O x o .
    :   / |           __|__|_________________________________________________
_____     ____________|_|   h o o d l u m            ____
    |_____|           |______________________________|__| _________________ _
    _______                               |_______|  |__|

         ______  _______ ________    ______ ____|_        ____ _____
    ____ /   \   /  _  \ /   _  \ ___|__  \ /   | ________/  \ /   |____
   /   |/ vK  \ /  \\/  \   \//  \   | /   \    |______  /    \    |_   \
  /____|_______\_________\________\_________\___|/    |________\___\/____\
 - ---------------------------------(.hOOdlum.)-|_____|--------------------

_____                     .
    |                   .   .
 o  |______           . ____  .
 .  |   _ |_____________|__|. _________________________ __ _  X O x o .
    :   / |           __|__|_________________________________________________
_____     ____________|_|   s h r o o m a s c i i p  ____
    |_____|           |______________________________|__| _________________ _
    _______                               |_______|  |__|

               .    |
         ____  |    |________  _______ ________ _____
         /  /__|    |/ ___   \ /  _  \ /   _  \ |   |____
         \     /    |   \|____\  \//  \   \\/  \    |   |____
        _______\    |____\ ____________\________\___|   |   |
        _______|    \ _____________________________ |   |   |
              _____ ____    ______ _____|_         \____|   |
            __|__ \ / _/___ /    / |    |____               |
            /   \  \\____  \      \    \|   |               |
           /________\_______\______\    |   |  pRoduction   |
                                   |____|   |  _ ________   |

_____                     .
    |                   .   .
 o  |______           . ____  .
 .  |   _ |_____________|__|. _________________________ __ _  X O x o .
    :   / |           __|__|_________________________________________________
_____     ____________|_|   s h r o o m a s c i i p  ____
    |_____|           |______________________________|__| _________________ _net:

    _______                               |_______|  |__|

 _ _______|_________ _
 I can't afford any sense in my texts. So you better fuck me. Eat my image!
 _ _______|________________ _

                              - -------------------- -
                       kennst du wayne? wayne interessierts!
                              - -------------------- -
                                  good to know ...)

                        .---------- | . | ---------.
                        | _     ____|___|____      |
                        | (     |           |      |
                        |       |  |     |  |   vK |
                        |       |__|     |__|      |
                        |          |  y  |         |
                        ^--------- |  |  | --------|-

                          one-eyed-jack in action !

   thats a picture of me - our beloved black afroboy. i was born in africa.
                               i am my best friend.

                              irc   : youknowwhere

                              email :

 vOuckster got dressed by

                                ntr ( thx thx thx )

                           lopro ppl ( mortimsta?!?!?! )

                                blue ( where the heck are you? )

        huh? carding? hacking? nooo i'm playin life without cheats


            . . :..............                        ·
                :             :    _______            .:.......
     .          :             :   |   .   |            :      :           ·
                :             :   |   ¦   |       .....:      :           .
  . .:..........:......       :   |   |   |       :       ....:...........:.
     :          :.....:.......: . |   |   |       :       :   :           :
     :    ____________:       :   |   .   |       :       :...:.....      :
     :    \       ___/_______ .   |______ _______ :   _____   :    :      :
     :.....\      \_   _    /______\    //   ___/____/    /___:___.:......:
            \      /   /    \_     /    \    \     _/    /       / ·
             \    /\________//__________/__________\\_   \_______\
             :\  /    :           |       |          /____\-B-:
             : \/     :           |   :   |       :           :
             :        :           |   |   |      .:...........:. .
          . .:........:           |   |   |       :           :
             ·                    |_  ·  _|

 |    |
/     |  |
      |  |
      |  |
      |  |
     _|  | greetings :
     \/  |
     |   |ymmot - avenger - zorro - carnifex - exon - slapshot - blue - acorn
     |   bird - threaz - trivial - exile - dezibel - simonking - zaner - punk
     |   | tango - daeron - folar - vouck - siegel - taxi - gdm - lord chaos
     |   | linus - teis - boheme - folar - uyanik - apu - netguru - korthi
     |   |
___  |   |                      and especially
  |  |   |
  |  |   |                      garlent greene
__|  |___|_
  |  |   |
  |__|   |                           and
  ____   |                   mandy (aka das luder)
  |  |   |
  |  |   |
  |  |   |
  |      |
 i. didnt|start the fire
 --------|--------------- - oOØo -

 v o u c k s t e r

 i n

 t h e

 y e a r

 o f

 a s c i i

 1 9 9 9

 --------|--------------- - oOØo -
 i. didnt|start the fire
  |  |   |
  |  |   |
__|  |   |
  |  |   |_
  |__|   |
     |   |
    \|   music support by :
     |   |                         studio 2
     |   |                         traveling man
     |   |
     |   |                 surreal madrid    downset
     |   |                 girls of the nite 'do we speak a dead language'
     |   |
     |   |                 offspring         smash mouth
_____|   |
     |   |                 die arschgeficken gummizofen
     |   |                 ferien auf dem bauernhof
     |   |
    _|___|_______________  prodigy           propellerhead
     |   |
                                  electric funk 4

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ   ___   _____   ___    ___   _____   ____
  / _ \__\_   \_/ _/___/ _ \__\__  \_/ _  \
_/     \_ /  _/   \   \     \_  /  /   /__/_
\___|___/_\   \_______/__|___/____/________/
:----------\___/-------[sTZ!/sE ©'98]------:
: ' john has trippper '                    :
: subtitled : do we speak a dead language? :
: unklevouckilioniwashkillirocklapopposexa :