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58 504 bytes (57.13K)
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2004-04-19 23:06:29
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                        _ _____        ___   ______
                               )_  __ _| (___) _  )_
                              __/__) (_    |   |___/
                       _ ___  |   |___|    |__
    · _____________ _    c!|______|mSS|____| |______ _  _ _____________ ·
 _ _:_\              ____       ____      _____      ____             /_:_ _
    |             ___\  (_   ___\  (_   __\_  (_   __\  (_              |
    |            _) _/   /___)  _   /___) _/   /___)   _ /__            |
    |           /   \      /    \_    /   \      /     /   /            |
    |           \___       \_____/    \____\     \__   \   \            |
    |             \  _______\   /______\    \  ___\ \_______\           |
    |              \/                        \/                         |
    |                                                                   |
    |               ÷  THE YARD BULLETiN BOARD SYSTEM  ÷                |
    |                                                                   |
    |                     - -------------------- -                      |
    |                                                                   |
    |                       WORLD HEADQUARTERS OF                       |
    |                                                                   |
    |      AEROHOLiCS (GRAFFiTi) ÷ ARCADE (ASCii) ÷ B-GiRL (MUSiC)      |
    |          SOUL SURViVORZ (HiPHOP MP3) ÷ THE ASCii CHARTS           |
    |                                                                   |
    |                      GERMAN HEADQUARTERS OF                       |
    |                                                                   |
    |      UP ROUGH (AMiGA) ÷ PHUNK (ASCii) ÷ 1OO PERCENT (AMiGA)       |
    |                         MENACE (DAYDREAM)                         |
    |                                                                   |
    |                     - -------------------- -                      |
    |                                                                   |
    |                CONSOLES/AMiGA/ASCii/LiNUX/DAYDREAM                |
    |             GRAFFiTi/DRUGS/CLASSiCS/HiPHOP/CHiPTUNES              |
    |                                                                   |
    |           2 NODES 33k6 / 2 NODES iSDN / 4 NODES TELNET            |
    |                                                                   |
    |                                                                   |
    |                                                                   |
 _ _|__   " THE iDEA OF STYLE iS THE KEY TO ALL FORMS OF ROCKiNG "    __|_ _
    · /_______________________________________________________________\ ·


 and make ricky martin shut the fuck up while you're reading this collection,



                             møte i verdensrommet

                       menneskeskjæbner er som kloder.
                  som en stjerne der stiger frem fra mørket
                          og møder en annen stjerne
                       for atter at forsvinde i mørket
                       således mødes en mand og kvinde
                             glider med hveranden
                            lyser i en kjærlighed
                       og forsvinder hver til sin kant

                                                - Edvard Munch

    aEROSOl                          |
              - --------------- /    |
                               // ---|--- the breathtaking posse is back ---
  __________  ________   _______ ________   ________    ________   ____.
 _\______  /__\_____ /___\____ /_\____. /___\   ___/____\____. /___\   |_____
/__  ___  / /    |______     |__/    \|   ________    /     \|   __    |    /
 \   \l    /_    l     /_    |  \     l   /_    l/   /_mute  l   /_    l   /_
/___________/___________/____| /___________/__________/___________/_________/
   to set your rythm straight!       | 
                                    -/--- -

                               p R E S E N T S

      ___   _!_____        aN aRTISTIc jAm sESSIOn
     ! _____ |    /_    
      _\    ||      |  : sponsored by the o'most holy :
     |      |·      |
     |     ___     __ /    __      __ /     ._     _   \ __     _.
     |  __\\_ )_ _( _//_ _!_ )__ _( _//_ ___| )_ _!/_ _\\_ )_ _( !___
  o .__[   \|  /[  ____/[  /__ /[  ____/[  __  /[   /[  __  /[  /   //__. o
  _\!_____  ! ______ !   ___ !   ___ !     !  ________  !  _____|    ___!/_
   ---- `-----' -- `-----' `-----' `----------' ---- `-----' -- `-----' --
     |      .|      .
   n7/aSl   ||______|            .jebediah.           iL' pRODUCTION !
     |______|_     ___!

       -/-- |/---.`- -
       //- -|--

            |                                   mADe sTRICtlY fOr tHe
            |                                      fUn oF iT .. bY
            |      ________  ____/___     .__    ________
            |    .-\__    /_-\  /   /_-\  __/___-\_____ /_
 ----- //   |    |   |  |  /_  /_    /_   |    /_  |_____/_     //-----\-
       /-/- | ---|   |  |   /   /mute /   l     /  l      /--- /
            |    `-/_l__|__/-/_______/-/_______/-/_______/

            |                   \\--- -
            |                  / \
          - | -------- ------//--\\               nOW !  cONCENTRATe     
          .-|--/-- -                   //              . aNd .     
     -\---|-'                          /
        _____.     ______   ________   ____._     _______   ________
       _\    |_____\_____)__\    ___)__\   |/___ _\_____ )__\_____  )_
       \_    l    )_ mute  )_\-----,  )__   ___/-\   /_____)_    /_   )_

_______       ____.     ______ /    ____.     ____.    ______             \
\     /      _\   |___ _\___. )_____\   |___ _\   |____\____ )_          / \
-\   /---/   \_   ___/-\   \|   )__\_   ___/-\   ___  )_  /____)_   /---/   \-
  \ /   //  /__________/_________//__________/____l/___/________/ //   /_____\
   \                       /                                        
                          //---------- lISTEn tO tHe bEAt ---- \ .. \

             _____.        ______.       ______.       _____.
          ___\    |________\____ |_______\_____|_______\    |____
        ._\      _|_   )__   |_______)__    _|/    )__      _____)__
    --/ |__       l/     /_  l         /_   \_       /_     l      /_ /--
                 // -- -                                          - ---\-- -

                with the fire from the firework stop above me
            with a gun for another and a shot for the pain at hand
                   you run for cover in the temple of love
                   you run for another, but still the same
               for the wind will blow my name across this land

                                                           .sisters of mercy.

    - -----//------.
            .     `------>      iNTRODUCTION!      <-/-------- -
 'eavning!  |
            |       welcome to my seventeenth ask²-collection. it looks
          .-|       like that my comeback wasn't just a one-colly sensation.
          | |           this colly isn't one of the normal req/gift col
          | |       lections, but rather a theme collection. i've taken
          ' |       my plans back up for a collection i planned to do in
            |       november '97. much is changed, for example the entire
            |       collection is made in a larger scale and i have used
            |       more than one style.
            |           the name of the colly (listen to the beat) may
            |       for some of you sound pretty familiar. it's from a 
            |       tune by london funk allstars. 
            |           what i present here in this collection is the
            |       music wich have made the time since january quite
            |       possible to survive. these musicians have given me
            |       many thoughs and healed my mind many times. notice
            |       that these are not my only favourites.
            |           in the collection you will notice that i've used
            |       4 different (5incl.title ascii) styles. no one of
    ------\ |-- -   these are new. they are all from earlier collections.
            |       some of them i still enjoy. you'll see the similar-
            |       ities of them all and understand how i developed to
            |       the style used in alive. the oldest style shown here
            !       are from Mare Serenitatis made in early 96.
           -|--- -
      - ----'
    _____                   mute^aerosol
    \   /                                                    08.99
 \ --\ /---// 
      \    / 
                          //--------- -  .hAVE a gOOd vIBE.

                            in the next world war
                         in a jackkniffied juggernaut
                               i am born again
                    in the neon sign scrolling up and down
                               i am born again

       ..!! in an interstellar burst i am back to save the universe!!

                     in a deep deep sleep of the innocent
                               i am born again
                             in a fast german car
                          im amazed that i survived
                           an airbag saved my life


                        - ---------/        - --*-technical-music-*------/
                                  //-- -                                //-- -

  ______  _______ _____   _____/___    .____\_ ___. ______      _____  _____
  \_    \/  _   /  ___/__/   _/    \___|_    \_\__|/  ___/______\_   \/    /
   /    /   ___/    /   /    \     /    /    /    /   /    /    _    /    /
  /    /\____\ \________\____/____/____/    /____/\________\________/    /_
 /____/                     /         /_____\                    wk/_______\

 . -----/    technical : my latest favorites in the techno and       .-
       //    triphop genre. some months in this spring i didn't      |
             listen to any of these groups, only jazz and music     -|--/
             like that. but ofcourse i got so fed up by it, and      | // -
    .----'   then some of these groups/artists came to me as saving  ·
 `--|-.      angels. in may i bought dopeOnPlastic6, and i cannot
    |        remember any time when i have needed a record that
    |        much ever. i desperately needed something new, and     ______
    |        with funky beats! . together with most groups/artists  \    /
    |        in this part, it saved my semster. i was down, and    -\\  /
    |        that's not too good when it's pretty close to the         / .
    ·        final exams. :)                                          //-|-
    `--------------/                                                    -\
    .             //-------------------------- . hERe wE gO .
    |_     .
    |/-- -^| 
    |      `
    |   //-
 - ------- and then ? ------- .
                            ` ------- !scratchmological triknology! ----- -

- ----/  dJ nOIZE  /-- -
        _____       _____      ______    ______    __      _____   ______
_______|    /______|    /   __(___. /___(___. /___(_______(__  /__(____ /__
\__  __|_  / \_    |   /\_  \__  \|    \_  \|    \_    \_   _______ |________
_/   \.l      /_   l     /_ _/    |     /_  l     /_    /_  \     /_l       /_
\______________/__________/ \_____l______/_________/_____/_________/_________/

                //   presented to me first at the quart-festival on an
                /   independant hip-hop show. he knows what he's doin'!

                     fun to experience live . unnecessary to say i was
                                         impressed ??

 - ---------  and ?  -------- .
                            ` ------- !scratchmological triknology! ----- -

 ------ /  q-bERt  / ---------- //
          _________         _____        ________    ________  _____
         _\____.  /___     _\    |_______\_____ /____\_____ /__\    |___
        /___  \|     /____/__    |_    /   |_______/      |__/_     ___/__
          \    l    /_      \    l/   /_   l      /_      |         l    /_
         /______     /     /___________/___________/______|  /____________/
                         //    no comment needed.

                                             qbert shadowmixes - rokk !

 - ---------  and ?  -------- .
                            ` ------- !scratchmological triknology! ----- -

       _______   _______  _____     _______   ____
      _\_____ )__\_____ )_\    |____\_____ )__\   |____
     /__  _|/  /__     __/     __ /__  |____/___  |   /__
      _\  \_     /_    | _     |/   /_ l      /_  .  ___/_      /
      \____l______/____| \_____|_____/_________/__|      /   ! / \ aPHEX
                                                  l_____/     /___\
                     _____     ___       ____   _______
                    _\    |____\  |  ____\___)__\____. )_  tWIN  - -------.
                   /__    ___/__  |-|  /__    /__   \|  /__               |
       //           _\    l    /_ l l    /_     /_   |    /_              |
       /            \___________/_________/______/___l_____/          - --'
      // ------- /
                //   ..  one true artist !  ..   //   does what he wants to


                                                  and i love it. the cover
                                                  on his latest: amazing !

                                                       or just sick ?

 - ---------  and ?  -------- .
                            ` ------- !scratchmological triknology! ----- -

      \  .    dJ sHADOW      .
 _____ /\     ___      _____    ____     _____    _____    _____    ____.
_\____)__\___|   )_   _\  __)___\   |____\____)___\____)___\___ )___\   |.___
\_  l/   /_  |    /_  \_____   /_  ___  /_ _|/   /_  l/   /_ \|    /_   ||  /_
 |  /     /  l     /   |  )/    /   |/   / \_     /  /     /  l     /   |/\  /
 |       /_       /_   |       /_   |   /_  |    /_       /_       /_   /   /_
 `--/_____/--/_____/   `--/_____/--/|____/--|_____/--/_____/--/_____/--/_____/
                                 /     entroducing .. an album i want, never
                                ·   bought. but it's smashing ! other releases
                                                  are also a must !

 - ---------  and ?  -------- .
                            ` ------- !scratchmological triknology! ----- -

                " these ninja cuts will scratch your butts "

             _____.     _____.     _____.        .___   ________
          ___\___ |_____\____|_____\___ |________|  /___\_____ /_
         _\    |/    )__        )__  |/    )__   |    )__ __  /  )__
        |__    |       /_ mute    /_ |       /_  l      /_\.       /_

   //              ____.      ____.      _____.     _____.     _____.
  /   have      ___\   |______\   |______\___ |_____\___ |_____\  __|__
//  had bIg // _\_     ____)__    |   )__  |/    )__  |_____)________  )__
  influence / |__      l     /_   l     /_ |       /_ l       /_   )/    /_
 on my m-  //  /______________/__________/_l________/__________/__________/

 // - usic taste .                              nINJa tUNES !

           i a period ninjaT releases was the only thing i bought.
           but ofcourse  i got so  extremely  fed up by  the music
           style  some time ago .  but now  the interest is  back.

           some bands rokk! some actually suck. i think the ninjaT
           have to watch out  not to sign too many bad dj's/bands.
           there're only  coldcut, food, londonFA & herbaliser who
           really manages to make quality records. i think.

 - ---------  and ?  -------- .
                            ` ------- !scratchmological triknology! ----- -

                           |||/|    dj fOOd  < -.
                           ¯|¯\|                |
         ____        ____   |  | ______   ______     ______          ____
 _______|   /_______|   /_    __(   __/__(___. /____(___. /_________|   /_
 \__   _|_    \_    |     \_  \__    ___/   \|     \_  \|     \_   _|_    \_
 _/    \l      /_   l      /_ _/      |      l      /_  l      /_  \l      /_
 \______________/___________/ \_______|mute _________/__________/___________/

         //   my ninja fav together with       |
         /           coldcut .                -'

 - ---------  and ?  -------- .
                            ` ------- !scratchmological triknology! ----- -

      ____._     ______.    ____._     ______.    ______.    ______.
    __\   |/_____\____ |____\   |/_____\_____|____\____ |____\____ |__
    \_    |    )_    _   _)__   |    )__   l/   )__ |______)__   _   _)__
     |    __  ____   |      /   |      /   /      / l        /   |      /
     |    |/    /_   |     /_   l     /_  ·      /_         /_   |     /_
     |    |      /   |      /          /          /          /   |      /

                          &   d O R F M E I S T E r

        //        their latest album is close to perfect !
              experienced them live on quartfestival97 . nICe .

 - ---------  and ?  -------- .
                            ` ------- !scratchmological triknology! ----- -

                      //    tHE  fUTURE   sOUND  oF    //
                      /                               /
     ____.       ______      ______         .____    ______      ______
  __(    |______(___. /_____(___. /_________|   /___(___. /_____(___. /___
  \__    |    \_   \|     \_   \|     \_   _|_    \_   \|     \_   \|     \_
  _/     l     /_   l      /_   |      /_  \l      /_   l      /_   |      /_

               // ---- > some of you may have noticed that many of my
               /           prior collies are named after songs from
              / -- /                the lifeforms album ..
         < ---- //                     my favourites

 - ---------  and ?  -------- .
                            ` ------- !scratchmological triknology! ----- -

     ______    ______    ______    ____.     ____.
    _\___._)___\_____)___\___. )___\   |_____\   |_____
    \_   |/   /_        /_  \|    /_   __   /_   _____/_
 .---|   |     / mute    /   l     /   |/    /   l     /---.
 |   |   |    /_        /_  __    /_   |    /_        /_   |  - > nIGHTMAREs
 |   ______    ______    ______    ______    ______
-// _\__   )___\___._)___\____ )___\____ )___\   __)___    o N   w A X <---//
 /  \_  \  _  /_  _|/   /_   _   _/_ |______/_______  /_                   /
//---|   \/    /  \__    /   |     / l       /    )/   /------------------//
     |    |   /_   |    /_   |    /_        /_        /_
 always knew about them. but it was //
  when i bought  carboot soul that
 their music really took my breath.

                                                   this ascii reminds me of
                                                      my old collections.

 - ---------  and ?  -------- .
                            ` ------- !scratchmological triknology! ----- -

        \ --------      t H E      ----------- -
           .__________       .__________       ._______._
         __|_______. /_______|________ /_______|       |/
        _\        \|       )_        _     __)_        |________
        \__        |        /_       |        /_      _|_      /_
        _/  mute   l         /       |         /       l/       /

        the orb live ! masterpiece !      ------------------- - /
         difficould to find anything                           // - ------ -
                   wich may compare.

 - ---------  and ?  -------- .
                            ` --------- !bristolian triphopnology! ------- -

      ___\\                 //____________\\
      \                     /               \     mASSIVe
   _________    _________  _______    _______    __  ____.      _______
  _\___  . /____\_____  /__\  ___/____\  ___/____\___\   |______\____ /_
 /__  |  |    /  ___   / /______    /______    /   /    _|_   /   |____/_
   \  |  |   /_  \l     /_    l/   /_    l/   /_  /_    \l   /_   l     /_
                    //                             \\    aTTACk
    __________  _____.     _____.     __________  ________    ____.
  __\______  /__\    |_____\    |_____\______  /__\__.   /____\   |____
 /__  ___   / /_     ____/__    ____/_  ___   / /    |______/     |   /_
   \  \l     /_      l    /_    l    /_ \l     /_    l     /_     . _/ /_

               /                                         \
              // ------- t h e -- g r e a t e s t ------ \\

                                  ! but the first album iS the best one !

                                     again experienced live at quart99

(ok .. so i cheated a bit here.
the massive-asc² is from aLIVE!)

 - ---------  and ?  -------- .
                            ` ------- !scratchmological triknology! ----- -

  ½¼      _____.        __________    ________      _____.
  ¾¼  ___(     |_______(_______  /___(___.   /_____(     |_____
  %¼  \___     |     \_  ___    /  \_    |  .    \_      |_    \_
  %¾   _/      l      /_ \.         /_   |  |     /_     l/     /_
  %¾   \_______________/_____________/___l__l______/_____________/
  %¼     4x² dx =  a band i've only heard live at the quart festival this
  ¾¼                    summer. great live. but how's their album ?
 ½¼                             facinating voice, live.

 - ---------  and ?  -------- .
                            ` ------- !scratchmological triknology! ----- -

     . the justified ancients of mu mu .

                       ______.      ______.      ______.
                     __\     |______\     |______\    _|__
      ------.      ._\       _   ___      |    /_     ___/      .-------
           `------ |__       |  '  /      l     /       |  ------'

                              they knew how to make a number one hit !! :)

                                .. and how to make an expensive fire ..

              there is no question . klf was bIg, extremely bIg.
              i have enourmous  respect of their work.  they had
              also  a large  influence  on the  music  industry.

                                and myselves.

                                     --------  /
                                              //  ----- endofpart -----  /

                          i was looking back at you
                        to see you looking back at me
                        to see me looking back at you.


                         but if you hurt what's mine
                         i'll sure as hell retaliate

 sOMe wORDs 'BOUt

               \\------------ pASt . pRESENt . fUTURe --------- -----/ 
 - -------------\                                                   //---- -

                    well. atlast i joined a new ascii crew. and the
  ---//         decission was aerosol. i wasn't entirely sure who to
     /---  -    join, when mr. darkus asked me so nicely :) to let
                him include me in his noughty little project. to be
                ohnest i hoped aerosol wouldn't be restarted, but
                instead we should start a entirely new crew. but ok.
                no problemo. let's make aerosol better then ever!
                soon the semester at my university starts . don't
                look forward to that. it'll be hard, and i'm not sure
                if i'll handle it all. but to something more enjoyable:
                it seems that the education in australia i'm planning
                to take will be approved by the SELF. and then it's
                just to start applying. cheers to that!

                    well. just talked to the self, i hate the self.
                (state educational loan fund) .. 

                    and forthcomming collections? i dunno. it depends
                of the amount of the requests i get, and free time.
                i'll take my amiga up to trondheim this time, so ...

        .     hah! ofcourse it'll all go straight to hell with them plans
   ---- /
       // -         --------/------------.`------/------ -
  - --- |/ ---/                                                 ___
        |    //--- -                                           `%¾%'
        |                                                      ,%¾%,
        |                                                     ½¾¾//½¾
        |                                                     ¾½½½½½¾
        |                                                     `^¤¤¤^'
        |           give me a potion to make me love you
        |           give me a potion to make me care
        |           give me a potion, make it a double, make it a double
        |            below the ocean i make my bed down there
        |            below the ocean i got to live somewhere
        |           maybe the graveyard, or maybe i don't care
        |                  why can't love be blind?
        |            instead of just a blind man crying:
        |       'why can't love be, why can't love be blind?'
        |           thanks for the potion to make me love you
        |           thanks for the potion to make me care
        |          your own prescription, your own devise
        |           your charms are working on me
        |           your charms are working hard
        |                                               potion - morphine
        |                                               ----------/----- -
    \  -|-- tHe cLASSICAl part ----  \
- --\\  ·              .             -\\------- -
           _____       |                                                _____
  ______  /    /  ____ |    _____.    _____.  ___.  ______       ____  /    /
 /  ___/_/_   /___\_  \| /\/    _|_/\/    _|__\__|_/  ___/_______\_  \/    /
/    /    /  /    _    \/  \       \ \       \    /    /    /    _    \   /
\______/__\ /___________\__________/_________/___/\_________\_______/__\ /
                       ·                                         ---- //
                       ooooh. here we go with lot's a old fellas     // ----
   - ----/-       and other artists who are quite elementary to be
        //-- .    im every respectable musiccollection. mine is not
                  respectable. but is about to become :) as mentioned
                  earlier, i had a kick on jazz. miles,john and pat
                  are only a few jazzartists i bought music of at
                  that time. but i became sO fed up. and also in the end
    ·             of may i was tired of the intrumental drum&base and
    |             i needed more vocals. then the rest of these artists
    |             became my close friends. ..
    `------ -
                                                //---- want a peak ? ----/.

 - ------ /  then who's on  / ------ -.
                                    `- ------- -  warm 'n mellow  - ------/-

                     _/\_________________ __ _ ______ _\   _/
                   _ /_                                 \
                  (___/___ ___     tHE kING !      _ ____\
     ___________    _______        ________       ______     ____________
  __|__________/___|      /_______|       /______|_____/____|  _________/_
__\     _________)_      /      )_       /_     _         )___________    )_
\__     \         /_    /_       /_       /     /_         /_       _/     /_
_/                 /     /        /      /       /  mute    /               /

                             there is a reason why
                             he has this nickname!

                                                    and you know it sO well

 - ------ /  then who's on  / ------ -.
                                    `- ------- -  warm 'n mellow  - ------/-

  |          _____.     ____.      _____.     _____.     _____.
  \-----\  __\_.  |_____\   |______\___ |_____\____|_____\  __|__           .
  |      ._\   |_____)__    __  )__    _  _)__        )________  )__        |
  |      |__   l       /_   |/    /_   |     /_  mute   /_   l/    /_       |
  |   .---/_____________/___l______/___l______/__________/__________/---.   |
  \----'                                                               `----/
  |          cHRIS iSAAC !  'have no words .                                |
  ·          _____.     _____.     _____.     _____.     _____.             |
           __\____|_____\  __|_____\___.|_____\___.|_____\_.  |__   \\------/
         ._\         )________  )__   _|/  )__   _|/  )__  |_____)__ \      |
-- //    |__           /_   l/    /_  \_     /_  \_     /_ l       /_ \     |
   / -----/_____________/__________/___l______/___l______/__________/-\\    |

                           .a heartbreaking voice.

 - ------ /  then who's on  / ------ -.
                                    `- ------- -  warm 'n mellow  - ------/-

                                  I S A A C

   ______._       ___________    _______._      _________      _________
__(__    |/______(________  /___(       |/_____(______  /_____(    ____/___
\__     ___    \_   ___    /  \_________,    \_    |________/___________   \_
_/       |/     /_  \.         /_       l     /_   l   mute  /_       l/    /_


                                           hmm . a fella i didn't know much
                                                   about untill this summer.
                                                              liked it aLOt.

 - ------ /  then who's on  / ------ -.
                                    `- ------- -  warm 'n mellow  - ------/-

   ______    ______    _____.    ______    ______
  _\__   )___\_____)___\    |____\____ )___\  ___)___
  \_  \  _  /_        /_    |   /_ |______/_______  /_     mILES DAVIs
   |   \/    / mute    /    l    / l       /     /   /
   |   |    /_        /_        /_        /_        /_   - kind of blue -
                         ______    ______    _____.    ______    ______
                        _\___._)___\___._)___\    |____\_____)___\  ___)___
 - birth of the cool -  \_   |/   /_  _|/   /_   _|   /_        /_______  /_
                         |   /     /  \_     /   \l    /         /     /   /
                         |        /_   |    /_        /_        /_        /_
   - bitches brew! -     `---/_____/---l_____/---/_____/---/_____/---/_____/

                                               .. just another legend!

 - ------ /  then who's on  / ------ -.
                                    `- ------- -  warm 'n mellow  - ------/-

                                 //------------------ -
  -  --  jOHN   ---------------//
  ______    ______    ____.     ____.    ______ _______  ______    ______
_(__.  /___(___. /___(    |____(    |___(   _ /_____  /_(___. /___(____ /___
\_  |_______  \|    \_    |   \__   __/__   |__/___  / \_   |    \_ |________
    l      /_  l     /_   l    /_   l   /_  |   \.      /_  |     /_l       /_

            - --- ----------/          \\------------   legend of jazz music .
                                 - -----\

 - ------ /  then who's on  / ------ -.
                                    `- ------- -  warm 'n mellow  - ------/-

                   _|_______    ___________  ______
                  _\______ /____\_______  /__\     |____
        \----- - /__     _____/   ___    / /__     ____/__  - ------/
        \\         \        |     \l      /_       l     /_        //
                  /_________| /____________/______________/
  _________    _____|_   _____.    _____.      _______   _______    _____.
 _\___.   /____\____ /___\    |____\    |______\____ /___\___. /____\    |____
/__   |  .   /   |________    ___/__    __   /   |_______    |    /______,   /
  \   |  |  /_   l     /_     l    /_   |/  /_   l     /_    |   /_     \l  /_
                    |   a guitar exelence . especially recom. is a coop with
                    ·   charlie haden named 'beyond the missouri sky' .

                                      .. have been into most music genres.

 - ------ /  then who's on  / ------ -.
                                    `- ------- -  warm 'n mellow  - ------/-

    _______   _______   _______   _______   _______ - ----------/
   _\_____ )__\_____ )__\_____ )__\______)__\____  )_     ______|______
  /__   _  _/__  _|/  /__   l/  /__       /__  \|   /__   \___________/
   _\   |     /_ \_     /_  /     /_ mute   /_  l     /_        |
   \____l______/__l______/_________/_________/_________/        \---------/
                           _____     _______   _______   _______         //-.
     radiOHead            _\    |____\_____ )__\_____ )__\_____ )_          |
                         /__   ___ /__  |____/__  _|/  /__   l/  /__        |
                          _\    |/   /_ l      /_ \_     /_  /     /_       |
                - -----  -\_____l_____/_________/__l______/_________/-  ----'

                     exept for creep, i'd heard little from them untill
                     i bought their oK cOMp. album. it's a classic ++ !

 - ------ /  then who's on  / ------ -.
                                    `- ------- -  warm 'n mellow  - ------/-

            _____________    _____________     _____________
         __(___________ /___(__________  /____(________.   /___
         \__         |____/      |_____________        |   .   \_
         _/   mute   |           l            /_       |   |    /_
   ---- -\___________|   /_                    /_______l___l_____/- ----

                          \  it wasn't till the end of my military  \
         <  ------ --------\  service i  got the hang of rem.  they  \--- -  >
                            \  truely  deliver  100%  quality  music  \

                                     --------  /
                                              //  ----- endofpart -----  /

                     darn that dream, i dream each night
                  you say you love me and you hold me tight
                     but when i awake you're out of sight
                              oh darn that dream

                       darn your lips, darn your eyes 
                  they lift me high above the moonlight sky
                        then i tumble out of paradise
                              oh darn that dream

                      darn this one tragic mind of mine
                    it can understand that you don't care
                        just to change the mood i'm in
                       i'd welcome a nice one nightmare

                       darn that dream and bless it to
                  without that dream i never would have you
                    but i haunts me and it wount come true
                             oh darn that dream.

                                                     darn that dream.
                                                E. DeLange/J. van Heusen

             __                                  __
       ______\/______                      ______\/______     .____   ____
  _____\____ \/     /   _____    _____.   _\_.   \/     /_____|___ | /   /__
 /   _     /       /____\_   \  /    _|___\__|_        /   _     / |/   /   |
/    \____/       /     _     \_\_       \   \ |      /    \____/  /   /_   |
\______/  \      /_____________\_________/_____|     /\______/|____\_____   |
         .:\    /:.                            \    /                 wk|___|
 : :::::::::\  /::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\  /::::::::::::::::::::::: :
         ::  \/  ::                              \/
         ::      ::
         ::      ::     ok. why is this part called evasively? well, as
         ::      ::     you might can see, this part contains hiphop
         ::       ·     artists/groups. and i actually don't like hip hop
      .::::::::::.      at all. well, untill the quartfestival this summer.
         ::             (ok, so i have liked some hiphop earlier. but little)
         ·              there i had a kind of revelation or sumthing . and
                        then i became fascinated with some of the groups.
                        that's why these groups are a bit evasively from
             :.:        my usual music taste.
          ·:::::::·                            - ------------\
            ·:::·                                             \\------ -

 ----------- . next mistah ! . -------/ -
                                   - / ----------  a real killer  -------- -

       |                  // ---------------- >     tHE     < ---------------
     _________   _________      _________      ______._       _________
  __(_______ /__(______. /_____(______. /_____(      |/______(     ___/___
  \__      |____      \|     \_      \|     \____    _____/___________    \_
  _/       | mute      l      /_      l      /_      l      /_      l/     /_
  \________|  /________________/______________/______________/______________/

       |                            love their work, after a concert
 - ----|---------------------\      at the quartfestival. incredible      \--
       ·                                         live preformance !!

 ----------- . next mistah ! . -------/ -
                                   - / ----------  a real killer  -------- -

        ____.      _____.     _____.     ____.
     ___\   |______\___.|_____\  __|_____\   |___        - lASt eMPEROr -
   ._\      |   )__  __|/  )________  )__    ____)__
   |__ mute l     /_ \__     /_   ./    /_   l     /_   independant hiphop
    /______________/___l______/__________/__________/      from canada!

     _____.    _____.    _____.    _____.    _____.    _____.    _____.
   __\___ |____\    |____\___ |____\___ |____\___ |____\___.|____\___ |__
 ._\   |_____)__\   _  )__    ___)   |_____)__   _  _)__  \|   )__   _  _)__
 |__   l       /_\  /    /_     |    l       /_  |     /_  l     /_  |     /_

                      -   --  --------------\ presented to me at Quart'99 \--

 ----------- . next mistah ! . -------/ -
                                   - / ----------  a real killer  -------- -

     \\ -------- dINASTy ------- /  indep. eastcoast hiphop  / -------- /
      \                                                                //
   ______.   ______.   ______.   ______.   ______.   _____.    _____.
 __\_____|___\_____|___\___. |___\___._|___\   __|___\    |____\    |___
 \_    l/   )__       )__ \|    )__ _|/   )_______  )__   ____)_____,   )__
  |    /      /_        /_ |      /_\__     /_   /    /_  l     /_  l     /_
  |            /   mute  / |       / |       /         /         /         /

                                                  ----------- \ quart99 \ ---

                                     --------  /
                                              //  ----- endofpart -----  /

                                              liv: farvel

                                     jeg ser en mann rope
                                han skriker av all styrke
                                    men jeg kan ikke høre
                                          jeg kan ikke se
                        jeg vil ikke forstå, men jeg gjør
                                            porten lukkes

                                              det stilner


     .___    _____  ______  ___.          ____           .___  ____.  ____.
 ____|   |___\_   \/  _   \/   |_____    /   _|_ ___ ____|   |_\ _ | /   _|_
 \   _   |   _    /   /   /_   /    /   /\__    \   \\   _   |    _|/\__    \
 /   /   |   /   /    \____|   \    \  /   /    /    /   /   |   |  |  /    /
/________|______/_____| /______|\    \_\_______/|_____\______|___   |______/

                   >  tHe dARk sIDes oF mY mUSIc tASTe ?  <
       --------/                                                        ehhm.
              //-------------- / ------ --  -

  ok . this part contains two groups who are a bit          \     /
  different in style. most of you know sisters,          - --\   /
  a band who has my deepest respect. but faith&m. are        _\//------ /
  quite different. dunno how to explain, it have to           \/
  be experienced. it's kind of dark and mystic.
  these groups makes my music taste more "whole",
  and not too onesided.  .. ?

                                                        \\---- -
                        - --------------\ ------- ------ \

         - ---------------------- - /
                                  // - --------------------------- -

   _________    ____    ________    ____.    ________    ________  ________
  _\   ____/____\_______\   ___/____\   |____\_____ /____\    _ /__\   ___/___
 /________    /       /_______    /_    ___/__  |_______      |__/_______    /
  \     l/   /_ mute /_     l/   /_     l    /_ l     /_      |        l/   /_
 /____________/_______/___________/___________/________/______| /____________/

                               sISTERS OF MERCy

  ________    _______     ________   _______   _______ _______       .____
 _\____. /____\  ___/___ _\__.   /___\____ /___\   _ /_\_.   /_______|   /___
/_    \|    /      ____//_   |  .   /  |______/    |__/  |______/____.      /
 \     l   /_        |   \   |  |  /_  l     /_    |     l     /_   \l     /_
/___________/________|  /_ __l__l___/_________/____|/___________/___________/

                     first last & always 's my fav album

                       but "temple of love" is just so
                         incredibly fucking awsome !

         - --------------------- - /
                                  // - --------------------------- -

               // -
  / ---------//-                                   <] --------- [>
        ________     _________    _______     _____._     _____._
     __(    ___/____(_____   /___(______/____(     |/____(     |/____
     \__       ____   ___   /  \_          \__     ____/__     __    \_
     _/          |    \l        /_  mute    /_     l     /_    |/     /_

                                  aND THe

              _______      _____._      _______      _______
           __(___.  /_____(     |/_____(    __/_____(_____ /___
           \__   |  .   \_      |    \_________   \_   |_________
           _/    |  |    /_     l     /_     l/    /_  l        /_

                                                                \\-------- .
                                  < --------------- \ -----------\

            first time i heard their music was while roleplaying.
            a fighting scene in vampire inside a crurch. intense.

                        - annwyn beneath the waves -

                                     --------  /
                                              //  ----- endofpart -----  /

                    if you take the tears from crying eyes
                         will the hurt just disappear
                put a weapon in the hand of a frightenend man
                             will he show no fear
       so we stand and we watch while the city lights go out one by one
            mother nature sits on the other side with a loaded gun

                          way of the world - genesis

       - --/--------------------/
                               //-------------\      cREDIThOS ! :     -->

            what / who made
                        this ask²collection true . 

                 main  artwork .         mute"asl"jEB"i^g

                 guest artwork .         dezibel"asl
                                         darkus"asl   (diz)

                 software used .         cygnused v3.5 & dIED v2.8
                 hardware used .         a1230 - 50

                 release  date .         14.08.99

                 . audio inspiration .
                                         doh! look above !!.

   \     /                                                     .
 -- \   / -------------------/                                 |
     \ /                    //----------------- \ ----      -. `---\-- -
      \                                                      |
    i det dunkelt grønnet vand ser jeg hendes øines farver   |
                      langt langt derude                     |
            den bløde linie hvor luften møder hav            |
                  den er ufatteli som døden                  |
                      evig som lengselen                     |
                                             - Edvard Much   |
                                  uTTDRAg fRa Månens Kraft   |
    - ------/----\\                                          |
                   \\---------- >   mY rEGARDS .   < ---- \  `-----\- -

       a little bippolai to.

                  snuffy . darkus . folar . vouck . bird . repe
         /        fatal . woober . grimlock . godfather . acorn
         |        4play . acid . aqua . taxi . vegard! . wise-k
         |        dezibel . zaner . b . dipswitch . speed devil
         |          and all you noughty bastards on #ascii :)
         |   and others i was in touch with the past years in scene!
         |                                    hope no one feel forgotten !
         |         \\----- -        
      -\-|----------\           - ---------- / -
         |            mESSAGEs !
darkus   | then i joined. and here's the first collection under asl
         | from me. hope you like it. (oh, ofcourse you do! hehe :)
         | but i cannot promise activity like the last month in the
         | future. oki ? :)
snuffy   | wohA ! jeg er på vei til å ta deg igjen på antallet. hehe.
         | gøy om du og godfather får gjort collyen . god ide!
bird^lsd | where are you, mister ! nor do you answer my mail, or are
         | to see at irc. talk to me babe . ? or perhaps you have to
         | much to do with partying this summer ??
  ---/---|/------- /  -- -
         | u lIKE mY  sTYLE  ??
         |                    feel free to request at the following:
         |                  email  . 
         |                  irc    .   #ascii  
         |                  board  .   message on tHe yARd or nIGHTlINe
         |                                          zaner       4play
    -/ --|-----------/-
         /         -//------------ mY gLORIOUs aSCIi rESPECTs tO . ----- /-

                              mogue  mark ryder  mortimer twang  tango

                                        - --------/------- -

                 like the story that we wish was never ending
                we know sometime we must reach the final page
                       still we cary on just pretending
                  that there'll always be another day to go


                                            · hISTORY ·

       - -----------------/
                         //----------------- -
          fILE ..
                               nAMe ..
  - ----------------/
                   //---------------------------------- -    sIZe.    

 ·01  twow.txt        tERRIBLE wASTE oF wORDS                46.6k 04'94
  02  tnc-1asc.txt    fIRST aSCENSION                        64.8k 07'95
 ·03  tnc-fufs.txt    fUTURE fASHION                        121.5k 08'95
  04  mute-fop.txt    fROZEN oRANGE pROJECT                  65.2k 09'95
 ·05  i^g-nex.txt     nO eXCUSES                             67.8k 12'95
  06  i^g-ICM.txt     iNNER cORE oF mE                       63.0k 02'96
 ·07  i^g-ms.txt      mARE sERENITATIS                       99.3k 03'96
  08  i^g-OM.txt      oLYMPUS mONS                           48.2k 06'96
 ·09  i^g-spj.txt     sPINELESS jELLY                        43.2k 08'96
  10  i^g-dh.txt      dUBAI hAREM                            43.5k 08'96
 ·11  i^g-sfg.txt     eARTHQUAKE iN a sTORMY fLOWER gARDEN  103.2k 10'96
  12  i^g-hop.txt     i lOVE hOPSCOTCH                       64.5k 11'96
 ·13  i^g-elab.txt    eLABORATe bURn                         54.2k 03'97
  14  i^g-room.txt    rOOm 2o8                               51.0k 05'97
 ·15  mute-lf.txt     lIFEFORMs                              51.4k 10'97
  16  mute-al.txt     aLIVE!                                 29.2k 07'99
 ·17  asl-ltb.txt    lISTEn tO tHe bEAt                      54.2k 08'99

    - ----------------------------/- -

     < aEROSOL   -   darkus native devistator mute velikani karlos blue >


                                  S H I T !

                     . i forgot to include bEASTIe bOYs .

                                  S H I T !

                                                       and perhaps rEACT rec.

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ          ____  ____      ____   -dKS!
___.______\_ /__) _/______\  /______.___
¾¾¾|      _.  \ \_____._ \ _/       |¾¾¾
¾¾¾|      \|  /       |/ / \        |¾¾¾
   |  aEROSOl  gives  you  in  '99  |
   |                                |
   |       lISTEn tO tHe bEAt       |
   | by                        mute |.-\

                 another time it might have been so different
                       if only we could do it all again
                   but now it's just another fading memory
               out of focus, thought the outline still remains


                              · future is ours ·

-listen to the beat.
        .                    _____: . O  o                               O
   _____|_____.      _____  .)    |____o [ t . H . E  - y . A . R . d ]_o .
 _|      /   .|_____/_   /_ : _   |                                       :
 \      /    |/      /   _//  \   ahs.bgirl.arcade.srz.tac.dkb.wx.lp!.up  |
  |____/|____/      /__________\  soia.pnk.omn.mce.1oo - headquaters      |
            /______/     _ _:   _____          ______  __________ ________:
                         \\\.  /    /__________\_   /_/  _      //  ._   /.
consoles.amiga.graffiti.req ! /    /|    /   _      \    /     /    |/    | mp3s.chiptunes |/_____     /____\_______\___\________________|
pc classics.linux/dd.drugs! :_  t^/____/   _. zANEr/diPSWiTCH/hAsH/NINjA. |
                             (_____________)| ___________ _______ _ ______:
one of the finest in +49               _ _ ___)         (_)               :
non-24h static telnet ip      #1 33k6.  #2 28k8.  #3 64k isdn #4 64k isdn
  - -        #5 telnet #6 telnet #7 telnet   #8 telnet