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                         MOD428 V1.0 : Documentation


Coding          : Christian Fiott / Pantheon SoftWorks
Additional Code : Torgeir Dingsoyr / Pantheon SoftWorks
Documentations  : Christian Fiott / Pantheon SoftWorks


 MOD428 is a convertor for 31 instrument 4 channel modules which are produced
by a soundtracker (eg. DOC, Noisetracker etc.). The output file is a song, or
rather, a module which is compatible with Voices8, the 8 channel soundtracker
produced by Shining.

 Although the version of Voices8 which is available till this date (Nov89) is
only a 99% version, I hope that things will not change drastically so it will
remain 100% compatible with the current version. (I'd hate to do a V2.0) This
little util was necessary , since it would be a shame to have to write a song
from the beginning.  Voices8 playrutine has some heavy disadvantages over the
other 4 channel playrutines since it produces sound with less quality (due to
harware limitations) and consumes much raster time. However I think that some
nice music will be made using the advantage of the 8 channels.


 This program runs from CLI. When the program has loaded , a window is opened
in the middle of the screen.  This window contains 2 string gadgets. You must
click in these to edit the LOAD filename ( the name of the 4 channel module )
and the SAVE filename ( the name of the 8 channel module ). Then click on the
START gadget to start the conversion and saving.


 To understand the following part you must have used a bit both soundtrackers
or at least the 4 channel one !

 The 4 channels of the source module are split in channel 1,3,5 and 7 of the
destination module. The other channels are left empty. ( Whaddaya expect ? )
Some  commands which exist in both  soundtrackers will be converted, but the
rest are ignored. I must excuse myself if I have skipped any commands  which
might exist in the Voices_8 tracker, but I have had  this tracker since less
than 24 hours , so I have had no time to use it much ! Besides I had to code
this util so I did not have time to experiment my Mozart talent (hmmm) using
this tracker. Come to think of it, I have NO Mozart talent whatsoever !!

 The following is a list of commands which will be converted if they exist :

               Doc Tracker Command             Voices_8 Command

               1XX (Slide Up)                  UXX
               2XX (Slide Down)                DXX
               EXX (Filter Control A500/2000)  FXX
               FXX (Speed Control)             SXX


 MOD428 is shareware, so you can spread it as long as these docs are included
with the program and as long as you charge NO fee for it. Feel free to submit
any contributions if you use this program !!  Any comments , bug reports etc.
are welcome too.

                             PANTHEON SOFTWORKS
                             PO BOX 2049 HOLLEN
                                 4641 SOGNE

                             FAX (047) 42 66647
