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5 017 bytes (4.90K)
File date:
2024-09-05 01:10:51
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             International Super-Best - by -  Zymosis Boozing Society

                         come to solskogen 2018 !!       
13th - 15th of july in the sunny norwegian countryside !!              
                               QWR zymosis boozing society QER     
      proudly present           +++ a triple-twister +++ 
        but those are old news, right ?          well, actually ... no!          you have never seen a !real! triple-twister              until now ...        
        this is ...
    QWR international super-best QER     
   aka...           zymosis world record # 367      

                            now, remember to make your plans for solskogen 2018, it is gonna be an absolute blast - as always !!                 now, enjoy the twistiest twister around, together with some long-distance cottagescrolltext from wrekstar !!                     holas mis amigos! it's year 2017 and  QWRQWRQWR  z y m o s i s   b o o z i n g  s o c i e t y  QERQERQER   p r o u d l y   p r e s e n t s    a new ocs intro called    i n t e r n a t i o n a l   s u p e r - b e s t   released at retrokompo-load error 2017 demoparty!      amiga500 ftw! lets party like it was 1990!     we raised the bar for ocs twisters by doing a triple-twister which does !real twisting! and not just lamerstyle around each single bars individual axis...           the effect you see is so f+++ing good that the skulls arent able to resists tears of blood! credits for this super mega elite product goes to the following ultra elites     $ coding by slummy $       $ graphics by b $       $ music by yelm $       $ ascii by dmg $ ... what an amazing crew!    (OFOCS - ONE FRAME OCS - 2017)     greetings fly to all our elite friends and enemies across the globe (this includes .ankkaryhmae for some unknown reason)  cheers mates!  kippis frendit  skol venner    unfortunately we cant be friends with everyone, therefore $$ fucking to all lamers worldwide! $$ we have been very active lately .. well sort of  .. well at least we have been doing something. stay tuned for   $el visios$   brand new the world changing giga astonishing music engine with waveshaping oscillator and shit like that. it will change amiga music market for real! this is the last warning, sell your protracker inc stocks now! unfortunately it isn't finished yet, so we couldnt use that engine for this amazing product. we have also some other plans, but we will see them later on. now we have been busy fixing our maga uncut release from vortex 2016 demoparty. maga seems to crash on the most amigas (other than standard a500). huge special thumbs up for all you active amiga sceners out there! keep scene alive and kicking! we are eager to see competition in ofocs space! only competition we see is spaceballs, who are the only ones who come close to our quality. thumbs up for spaceballs too, try harder. see you all around the parties around europe. come to say hi if you see us around, we do not bite. next party we will attend is moekkistorm located in middle of nowhere, finland.                          at ease! its b on the keys bringing mad steez. $ fuckings to lamers. greetings to the elite in $ wanted team $ outlaws $ dcs $ and the mighty $ ankkaryhmae $ massive.                          ... wrap ...