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                            Main Menu  Page 1                            
¼1¢6     Editorial
¼0¢8         --------------------
¢2               Welcome
       Pacmag Staff - Credits!
        How to make color ads

¼1¢6    Games'n'Fun
¼0¢8       ------------------------
¢2              Valhalla
          SubWar 2050 CD32
         All Terrain Racing
            Shadow Fighter
            Skeleton Krew
          Pinball Illusions
          Soccer Superstars

¢1       Release date : 09-03-95 ¼1¢6    The Movies
¼0¢8       ------------------------
¢2            Pret-a-porter
              Quiz Show
             Nobodys Fool

¼1¢6    Vote Charts
¼0¢8       ------------------------
¢2            Board Top 10
            Sysop Top 10
      Most Popular Trader Top 10

¼1¢6 Upload Statistics
¼0¢8 ------------------------------------
¢2           Board Upload Top
          Board Callers Top
          Board Download Top
        Traders Upload Top 150
    Traders Overall Upload Top 150

¢4       -> Turn Page for more!! 

                            Main Menu  Page 2                            
¼1¢6     Board Adds
¼0¢8         ----------------------
¢2              Battle Field
             Critical Zone
           Illegal Connextion
            Metal Connextion
               Ravers Inn
               Sky Tower
            Somewhere Online
              Static Chaos
          Electronic Confusion
          The Land Of Frosties
           The Northern Palace
            Nonstop Up'n'Down
             Warez Unlimited
¼0¢8         ----------------------

      Welcome to Pacmag issue 36.
YEP! Believe it or not, we have a new
editorial text.. and thats not the
only thing that has changed over the
last month.. we in VANITY decided the
magazine needed a complete overhaul,
to make it worthy of the label 'mag'.
¢7so this issue has a somewhat changed
graphical design and features some
new stuff like game reviews and movie
reviews - as well as the ever-present


¢8It's been a good month, showing that
there's still life left in the Amiga,
with quite a few nice releases. But
unfortunately, 'THE CIRCUS IS OVER!
C='S BEEN BOUGHT!'-farce is getting a
bit out of hand, with lame texts all
over the place, saying NOTHING about
C= being bought! STOP THE RUMOURS,
and let's just wait and see (and hope
for the best), shall we?

¢5 That's about it, so until next issue..

¼1¢6        See Ya!
              and keep trading!

                             Pacmag Staff                                
¼1¢5                Credits
¼0¢8                         ---------------------------
¢5                                    Coding:
¢1                               Robotnik - Vanity

¢5                                 Main Graphics:
¢1                                Tactica - Vanity

¢5                                 Startup Logo:
¢1                               Devilstar - VD/FLT

¢5                                     Music:
¢1                          MeloManiac & Marty - Vanity

¢5                                    Editors:
¢1                            Robotnik & Zany - Vanity

¢5                                  Co-Editors:
¢1           Melomaniac, Nookman, Kronion, Mickey & Mandrake - Vanity

¢5                            Counting & Voting Tools:
¢1                              Caesar - Independent

Info On How To get Color In The Board Ads...                             
¼1¢5    C¢1o¢8l¢9o¢3r
¼0¢8        -----------

¢6   Want color in you ads..  ok this is how it works...
   there are 10 colors to choose among, they are :

¢0   0 is dark blue,  ¢1  1 is blue,  ¢2  2 is light blue  
¢3   3 is dark red,   ¢4  4 is red,   ¢5  5 is light red   
¢6   6 is pink,       ¢7  7 is green  ¢8  8 is light green 
¢9   9 is white... 

¢2   how to change color?..  you change colors with the use of : @  

   so in order to make a line go like this : ¢5C¢1o¢8l¢9o¢3r¢2 
              you would have to write this : @5C@1o@8l@9o@3r@2 
   the last >@2< was to get the color back to what it was when we began..

   in order to ¢6highlight¢2 some thing you would write : @6highlight@2

   ok!..  got the hang of it yet?... great!.. 
   then lets see som colorsful board ads for next issue

                            News and Rumors                               
¼0¢1There has been CC-compos at ¢3Bodycount¢1 and ¢3Metal¢1 Connextion, hence Bodycount
got some major support and for a time was the number one board in DK.
Unfortunenatly the cool support slowly faded out, and ¢3Sky Tower¢1 got the
possition as THE board in DK back.

¢3DevilStar¢1 is now working as a graphician for ¢3Brainbug¢1, a label under
Rainbow Arts. This means that he will be in Germany most of the time,
though still home in the weekends. Bodycount is still running, but now
¢3SCA¢1 will be the maindude.

¢3Neil¢1 opened his own board ¢3Danelaw¢1, with some rather strange upload rules.
Only majors will be allowed. Lets se how this will work out.

¢3Mercyful Fate got BUSTED!¢1 due to a lame and unprofessional PC-game-selling-dude
called Helge. Helge had a policevisit at his house, where he kept his
customerfiles and a WORM. How stupid are you allowed to be ?!?!

¢3Blackhawk¢1 released a new BBS-system. Though its still pretty buggy, it looks
very promising. It is 100% coded in Assembler, which makes it very fast, and it
should be compatible with 95% of the X\-doors arround.

¢3The Loop¢1 is offline because of hardware crash!

¢3Illegal Connection¢1 is now ¢3Jewels¢1 dist site.


                       Valhalla - Before the war                         
¢3¼1     Valhalla
   before the war¼0

¢2--------------------------- ¢0NOOKMAN¢2 ---

¢5Here is a nice game from Vulcan with
a lot of effort put into it !!!
The name of the game is 'Valhalla
before the war' the preguel to
'Valhalla and the lord of infinity'.
If you play this game ones you are
hucked for hours and hours !

¢2This game is a so called speech-
adventure ! Why ? Well there's over
1000 words and trough the game you will
meet about 50 characters with speech.
The game have cinematic graphics and it
is seen from above (Nice move I think!)
The game is very userfriendly !! nice
icons for everything and of course a
save da' game option :)¢3 In the beginning of the game you can
 choose between playing the game with
 intro or not. If you are playing the
 game for the first time you got to see
 the COOL intro ! It's very nice made
 and with speech and a lot of humour! :)
 In the intro you first hear a little
 about what happened in the last game
 and how to help your character through
 this game.

¢7 Well, the intro is finished and the
 game can begin !
 The game consist of four levels.
   Level 1. The Servants Hall.
   Level 2. The Dungeons.
   Level 3. The Gallery.
   Level 4. The Chamber.

¢5 The passwords for the levels are :>
 2.Pumel 3.Bomal 4.Samol .
 You got to have a little brain to play
 this game!! :) Already in the first
 room you have your first puzzle to get
 over the bridge with out burning your
 feed. When this first puzzle is solved

¢5¼0the game gets much easier !

¢4Well, not much more to say about
this COOL adventure, just play da'
fucker :) and let's hope there's a
sequel to this NICE game !!!!!

¢8Graphics: ¢990%        ¢8Sound  : ¢985%
¢8Gameplay: ¢993%        ¢8Overall: ¢990%


                            SubWar 2050 CD32                          
¢3¼1 SubWar 2050 CD32¼0

¢2--------------------------- ¢0Robotnik¢2 --

¢5Do you like playing simulation games
for hours? And did you love to watch
the TV-serie Das Boot? And dont you 
care about nice graphics? Then this is
surely a game for you.
¢3You are the leader of a mercenary
squad, consisting of 8 pilots. The
battlefield is quite unusual under
¢4In the beginning you have to go through
several training missions, before the
real fun start. When you have learned
the basic skills of a submariner, you
can start making more or less dangerous
contracts with companys around the
world. The missions vary from saving
a few wales from blowing up, to making the water safe for bussiness (= getting
 rid of other companies crew&equipment.)
 The battle is fought with torpedos,
 rockets and decoys.
 ¢3There are some pretty nice graphics and
 animations in the game, but most of the
 time you are watching boring vectorgfx.
 This is a bit dissapointing, since the 
 PC-version, contains EXTREMELY nice
 texturemapping. We know from lots of
 demos that this is possible on amiga
 too, so why didnt the producers make
 this ? :-(
 ¢4The music and soundeffects are ok, but
 a bit boring.
 ¢3You can't save since this is a CD32
 game, so you allways have to start from
 scratch, but all in all this is a 
 pretty cool game, and worth
    ¢8Graphics: ¢982%       ¢8Sound  : ¢975%
    ¢8Gameplay: ¢989%       ¢8Overall: ¢985%

                           All Terrain Racing                         
¢3¼1All Terrain Racing¼0

¢7¼0----------------------------¢8 Kronion ¢7--

¢1Racing along the Forrest, Canyon or
Sporty formel One tracks, in a little
car. If thats what you've allways been
dreaming off, this might just be the
game you've been looking for.
You view all of it from above, so the
perspective is similar to the ove found
in Skid Marks, Overdrive and so on.

¢7You have 3 different cars to choose
from, and depending on the type of race
you choose you can upgrade it with a
better engine, grip, steering and so
forth. This is a nice aspect added to
the game, and enables you to get that
important edge on you opponents, when
you want to win an entire season.

¢1The game is very colorfull, though
it's 'only' ECS, though you can play it
on an AGA mashine too.¢7 You can choose between an entire
 racing season, a league and a head to
 head battle. It's possible to play the
 battle to Humans against eachother, and
 this is ¢3great fun¢7. So this is your
 chance to invite your friends over for
 a little 'racing session'.

¢1 The only bad thing about this game is
 the fact that I think it's ¢3way too
 difficult¢1, though I've played it for
 a couple of hours I simple can't find a
 way to beat the CPU, even in the
 easiest mode. Now you think that I'm
 just poor at driving and you might be
 right, so if you think you can master
 it, add a few percent to the scores.

¢8    Disks   :   ¢92  ¢8HDinst.:  ¢9no
¢8    Graphics: ¢985%  ¢8Sound  : ¢982%
¢8    Gameplay: ¢975%  ¢8Overall: ¢982%


¢7¼0----------------------------¢8 Kronion¢7 --

¢1This is another Arkanoid type of game,
but enchanted with some great grapics,
sound and music effects. You can even
invite one of your friends and play 
head to head agains him or her. This
is in fact the ¢3very best¢1 option in 
the game.

¢7When playing two players you get
to control your 'pin' either in the
top or the bottom of the screen. At
the beginning you just clear out the
bricks in the middle area, but then 
when you make a passage from the top
to the bottom it gets interesting. Now 
you have to try and shoot the ball past
your opponent, and this part is 
¢3extremely¢7 fun.

¢1The options screen of the game enables
you to select for either player if you want to use mouse or joystick to
 control the game. The best way to 
 control your 'pin' is by mouse, but
 the joystick handling is quite okay
 too. With this in mind, anyone should
 be able to start a two player game.
 You can also set the difficulty, turn
 the music and sound-effects on or off,
 well, what more could you wish.

¢7 All in all a very good Arkanoid clone,
 and as far as I'm concerned the best
 I've seen on the Amiga so far. So if
 you liked Arkanoid you are going to
 ¢3love Cypersphere.¢7

¢8    Disks   :¢91File ¢8HDinst.: ¢9yes
¢8    Graphics: ¢985%  ¢8Sound  : ¢980%
¢8    Gameplay: ¢990%  ¢8Overall: ¢988%

                           Shadow Fighter AGA                         
¢3¼1Shadow Fighter AGA¼0

¢7¼0----------------------------¢8 Kronion¢7 --

¢1If you have allways thought that Smack
'em up games are the best thing on this
planet, this game might just be
something for you. It's a rather nice
mixture of it's sequels, it has the
gameplay of Street Fighter, the
graphics of Elfmania, and the fun of
Mortal Kombat, though not as violent.
To express it in one word ¢3EXELENT¢1.

¢7It has some very nice animated
characters and specialmoves. The fact
that it's aga might point in this
direction, but as we all know, some
games don't really live up to the
label as they are supposed to. The game
allso has some great backgrounds, some
of them have trains mooving arround,
and in general they scroll arround
smootly as you smack you opponent, a
really nice feaure in my oppinion. The combination of both soundeffects
 and music while playing allso adds to
 the gameplay, so for that part I can't
 come up with something bad.

¢1 You can choose between 6 different
 characters in Championship mode, these
 are the 'normal' Playerchars. If you
 select Training, Single Battle or Human
 vs. Human mode you can select froom a
 furter range of 10 chars. This is great
 fun when playing with your friends, as
 you can get some total destruction
 battle mashines.....

¢6 All in all, I can't find anything bad
 about this game, it's ¢3simply COOL¢7.

¢8    Disks   :   ¢94  ¢8HDinst.: ¢9yes
¢8    Graphics: ¢992%  ¢8Sound  : ¢990%
¢8    Gameplay: ¢993%  ¢8Overall: ¢992%

                            Skeleton Krew AGA                         
¢3¼1Skeleton Krew AGA¼0

¢7¼0----------------------------¢8 Kronion¢7 --

¢0The best way to explain this nice game
is by describing it as a mix between
Golden Axe and D-Generation. It has the
view and graphical feel if D-generation
in most sequences, and has the 'total'
destruction mission as in Golden Axe.

¢7As I'm not the type who buys the game
so I can't say what the original plot 
is, but the way I see it it has to be
something as follows.

¢0You're droped one or two players on 
an alien infected space station:
          ¢3CLEAR ALL AREAS.
¢0It's nothing fancy in the idea of
gamelay, but the nice graphics,
sound and feel of it, makes it one of 
my favourites in this area of games.

¢7As said before you can play it as a one- or twoplayergame. As far as I'm
 concerned it's a lot more fun to play
 along with your friend, so invite him
 to a little ¢8gameplaying¢7 at yours.

¢0 It's not the best game ever made,
 but it has a solid feel throughout.
 The nice smooth 3D graphics and sound,
 makes it a good game worth playing.

¢7 So if you get sick and bored of playing
 playing Alien Breed xyz-version, but
 still want to go arround with your
 plasmagun, then this is a good choice
 A whole different feel and look, but
 not bad at all.

¢8    Disks   :   ¢93  ¢8HDinst.:  ¢9No
¢8    Graphics: ¢980%  ¢8Sound  : ¢980%
¢8    Gameplay: ¢983%  ¢8Overall: ¢981%

                          Pinball Illusions AGA                       
¢3¼1 Pinball Illusions

¢1¼0----------------------------- ¢9Mickey¢1 --

¢4 At last the final version of this nice
game showed up. After having played the
amazing demo of this game, I could
hardly imagine the final version 2 be
any better. But i was WRONG...

¢5 If you belong to those people who
have played the 2 previous Pinball
games, Pinball Fantasies and Pinball
Dreams, you know what it's all about

¢8 This time there are 3 tables called,
Law 'n Justice, Babe Watch and Extreme
Sports, each one with it's very own
graphic and sound, ranging from the
Heavy Metal style, through the BeachBoys
style, ending up with the spooky crime
style on the Law 'n Justice table..¢7  But what's new??
 Well.. The first thing I noticed was
 the great sound. Whenever you enter a
 new mode, a new soundtrack begins,
 accompanied by a nice speech-sample
  And a common feature from the REAL
 pinball-tables, MultiBall, has been
 added.. When you enter Mulitball-mode,
 the screen switches into Hires-Lace, so
 you are able to follow the balls..
 Or at least has a chance to see what's
 going on..

¢4  The last new thing is the graphics in
 the display, which is quite awesome..
 Up here you see Bungee Jumping, a man
 pumping iron and lots of other things,
 that you can only enjoy when you see
 one of your friends playing..

¢8    Graphics: ¢993%  ¢8Sound  : ¢994%
¢8    Gameplay: ¢997%  ¢8Overall: ¢996%

                              Reunion AGA                             
¢3¼1    REUNION AGA¼0

¢2--------------------------- ¢0Mandrake¢2 --

¢6If You'r one that enjoy space and
if you enjoy going on an adventure
then this is the game to play!

¢3Your task is to get back to good old
mother earth , and you start way out
in space.

¢7You start from a planet called new
earth were you can build all kinds
of buildings,weapons and space ships.

¢9To help you out on these things you
have to make a panel of advisors who
can invent all kinds of stuff and
help you on your quest fighting these
nasty aliens :)

¢8These aliens will do anything to make¢4 your journey as painfull as possible
 but some of them might just help you
 out on something , so take care on
 who you destroy.

¢2 This game might just be one of
 those who can make you play for hours
 and hours as you fight your way from
 planet to planet and solar system to
 solar system killing these shitty
 alien battlefleets.

¢5 The music and sound fx are quit ok
 and most of the gfx looks nice , but
 some of the pictures looks extremely
 good and makes you feel in outerspace

¢3 The only thing i can say is that im
 looking forward to Reunion 2 late in
 95' , lets see what you think ?

¢8    Graphics: ¢990%  ¢8Sound  : ¢984%
¢8    Gameplay: ¢996%  ¢8Overall: ¢990%

                          Soccer Superstars AGA                       

¢3¼1        AGA¼0

¢2--------------------------- ¢0Mandrake¢2 --

¢7First of all there is't mutch to say
about Soccer Superstars other than
something is missing.
So many companys have tried to make
a soccer game with large players ,
but no one are able to make these
games worth playing.

¢4Maby it's becourse of the way things
move around the screen or maby it's
becourse i just enjoy playing with
smaller players ??

¢6You start as allways with a menu and
there is nothing more to say other than
there not mutch to do here.
Then we move on to the picking of your
team , I Chose Denmark and what a joke non of the names are right!
 We move on to the match and all the
 players lines up , Here we GO!!
 This cant be true , why can't they make
 a soccer game any better than this on
 a AGA machine , it looks like something
 running on a old A500 :(
 Wake up Flair and smell the 90's and we
 got AGA chipsets.

¢8    Graphics: ¢964%  ¢8Sound  : ¢962%
¢8    Gameplay: ¢951%  ¢8Overall: ¢959%


¼1¢3           PRET-A-PORTER¼0

¢7Yeah, right! The title of this movie is FRENCH, but the film
is American, so read on!;-) ¢2Robert Altman ¢7who's been really
great lately with films like ¢3The Player ¢7and ¢3Short Cuts¢7,
disappoints with this movie about the fashion business.

We've alle heard about the ¢2Helena Christensen ¢7add for the movie,
but what's the movie like? Well, for starters, the movie is a mess
in the beginning. We're introduced to a lot of people in a short
time, and that's fine, but when there's NO POINT in having
these characters in the movie, it becomes annoying and boring.
There's also a murder-story with no relevance to the film what-so-ever
- it would fit much better in a movie about the television-business!

We watch a lot of designers new collections beeing 'catwalked',
and all that is done really well. Also the scenes with ¢2Julia Roberts
¢7and ¢2Tim Robbins¢7, accidentally sharing a hotel-room, makes sense,
when you think about them, and as in all ¢2Altman ¢7films, he's managed
to get EVERYBODY to star in his movie: ¢2Teri Garr¢7, ¢2Harry Belafonte¢7,
¢2Tony Aiello ¢7and a host of other actors I can't remember, has smaller
parts - and ¢2Kim Basinger ¢7fits in her role for a change, as a hysterical
TV-reporter. The 'I know him - who is it? Oooh, it's....' part of
watching the movie is actually the most rewarding!

¼0¢7But it's the ending of the movie that really makes you wonder what
¢2Altman ¢7wants with this movie. If the message is simply 'fashion sucks -
boycot it and be yourself', it could've been told much more interesting
than this. As it is, it's ok to watch, but you won't have fun alle the
time, and the movie will leave you as one big question-mark!

¢4** ¢7/ ¢1*****¢7, (¢42¢7/¢15¢7)

Opens March 31.

¢1by MeloManiac

                               Quiz Show                              
¼1¢3             QUIZ SHOW¼0

¢7This great movie, directed by ¢2Robert Redford¢7, is about the power
of television, and how we can be seduced by it!

The popular tv show, 'Twenty-One' where two competitors have to
reach 21 points by answering all sorts of trivia questions,
turns out to be a scam. When a competitor makes good ratings for
the tv company, they make sure he stays in the quiz, by giving
him the answers before the show! When the ratings go down, he's
forced to give the wrong answer, so he can quit the show, and make
room for the next 'star' competitor! ¢2John Turturro ¢7plays Herbie Stempel,
who's forced out of the show, and ¢2Ralph Fiennes ¢7(from ¢3Schindlers List¢7)
plays the intellectual Charles Van Doren, who enters, to give the
americans what they want: Entertainment, and a smart and charming man
to look up to.

The movie is based on a real story that schocked america in the 1950's
because television, until then, was considered pure and innocent -
I guess we all know better by now;-) Anyway, it's an exciting, smart,
old-fashioned thriller, you HAVE to see, if you love a good movie!!

¢4**** ¢7/ ¢1***** ¢7(¢44¢7/¢15¢7)                     Opened February 24, 1995.

                              Nobodys Fool                            
¼1¢3             Nobodys Fool¼0

¢7The words ¢3'common'¢7, ¢3'ordinary'¢7, ¢3'plain'¢7 and ¢3'familiar'¢7 are the most
describing for the characters in this movie. When you have to desribe
the quality of the movie however, you have to use words like
¢3'easygoing'¢7, ¢3'interesting'¢7 and ¢3'wonderful'¢7. ¢2Paul Newman¢7
plays the role of common-man Donald Sullivan, whose life is nothing
special - he hasn't seen his son for many many years, but when
he comes to town, bringing his wife and children, Sullivan
finds someone to care for, and be responsible to.

I won't say too much about the movie, except that it also stars
¢2Jessica Tandy¢7 (may she rest in peace), ¢2Bruce Willis¢7 and ¢2Melanie
Griffith¢7 - and everybody's just great! Especially ¢2Paul Newman¢7!
It's a movie you HAVE to see - it's a very profound experience,
because really - there's nothing special about the story or any
flashy effects etc. It's just wonderful, and my bet for best
movie at the Oscar show! It deserves it! And don't 'Gump' me!!;-)

¢4**** ¢7/ ¢1***** ¢7(¢44¢7/¢15¢7)

Opened March 3.

¢1/ MeloManiac


 Vote Charts : The Board Section...                                      

¼1¢0T O P  T E N  F A S T E S T  B O A R D S¼0


¢3   NR.   BOARD NAME          GROUP          SYSOP         POINTS  LAST MONTH    
¢9    1.   BODYCOUNT           VD/POLKA BROS. DEVILSTAR       51       (2)        
¢6    2.   SKY TOWER           PRESTIGE       ENZO            47       (1)        
¢5    3.   SUSPERIA            VANITY         ZANY            43       (4)        
¢4    4.   METAL CONNEXTION    DELIGHT/SR     WOZZY           40       (3)        
¢4    5.   WAREZ UNLIMITED     HUMANS         GILTHANAS       26       (5)        
¢4    6.   MERCYFUL FATE       PRODIGY        METAL FORCE     22       (6)        
¢4    7.   STATIC CHAOS        KINGDOM        JSON            20       (-)        
¢4    8.   NONSTOP UP'N'DOWN   2000 A.D.      ENERGY          19       (-)        
¢4    9.   CYCLONE ZONE        EXC/POS/CLS    JOSHUA          15      (10)        
¢4    9.   THE LOOP            THE LOWLIFES   RAVEN           15       (8)        


¼1¢0T O P  T E N  C O O L E S T  B O A R D S¼0


¢3   NR.   BOARD NAME          GROUP          SYSOP         POINTS  LAST MONTH    
¢9    1.   BODYCOUNT           VD/POLKA BROS. DEVILSTAR       51       (1)        
¢6    2.   SUSPERIA            VANITY         ZANY            41       (4)        
¢5    3.   SKY TOWER           PRESTIGE       ENZO            38       (2)        
¢4    4.   METAL CONNEXTION    DELIGHT/DUPLO  WOZZY           30       (3)        
¢4    5.   STATIC CHAOS        KINGDOM        JSON            26       (8)        
¢4    6.   MERCYFUL FATE       PRODIGY        METAL FORCE     18       (-)        
¢4    7.   PLASTIC PASSION     CRYSTAL        TARZAN          14       (8)        
¢4    8.   NONSTOP UP'N'DOWN   2OOO A.D.      ENERGY          13      (10)        
¢4    9.   THE NORTHERN PALACE ACCESS         PLAYMATE        11       (-)        
¢4    9.   THE LOOP            THE LOWLIFES   RAVEN           11       (5)        



 Vote Charts : The Sysop Section...                                      

¼1¢0  T O P  T E N  N I C E S T  S Y S O P¼0


¢3   NR.    NAME         GROUP           BOARD NAME         POINTS  LAST MONTH    
¢9    1.    DEVILSTAR    VD/POLKA BROS.  BODYCOUNT            39        (1)       
¢6    2.    ENZO         PRESTIGE        SKY TOWER            34        (2)       
¢5    3.    ZANY         VANITY          SUSPERIA             32        (4)       
¢4    4.    WOZZY        DELIGHT/SR      METAL CONNEXTION     30        (3)       
¢4    5.    JSON         KINGDOM         STATIC CHAOS         28        (-)       
¢4    6.    GILTHANAS    HUMANS          WAREZ UNLIMITED      24        (8)       
¢4    7.    METAL FORCE  PRODIGY         MERCYFUL FATE        17        (9)       
¢4    8.    RAVEN        THE LOWLIFES    THE LOOP             17        (6)       
¢4    9.    FLOZZY       SHOCK           BATTLEFIELD          13        (9)       
¢4   10.    JOSHUA       EXC/POS/CLS     CYCLONE ZONE         11        (7)       


¼1¢0 T O P  T E N  C O O L E S T  S Y S O P¼0


¢3   NR.    NAME         GROUP           BOARD NAME         POINTS  LAST MONTH    
¢9    1.    ENZO         PRESTIGE        SKY TOWER            56        (2)       
¢6    2.    DEVILSTAR    VD/POLKA BROS.  BODYCOUNT            43        (1)       
¢5    3.    WOZZY        DELIGHT/SR      METAL CONNEXTION     30        (3)       
¢4    4.    ZANY         VANITY          SUSPERIA             28        (4)       
¢4    5.    JSON         KINGDOM         STATIC CHAOS         27        (7)       
¢4    6.    METAL FORCE  PRODIGY         MERCYFUL FATE        19        (5)       
¢4    7.    GILTHANAS    HUMANS          WAREZ UNLIMITED      17        (-)       
¢4    8.    FLOZZY       SHOCK           BATTLEFIELD          16        (7)       
¢4    8.    RAVEN        THE LOWLIFES    THE LOOP             16        (9)       
¢4   10.    JOSHUA       EXC/POS/CLS     CYCLONE ZONE         12        (6)       


 Vote Charts : Most Popular Traders Section...                           

¼1¢0  T E N  F A S T E S T  T R A D E R S¼0


¢3   NR.     NAME             GROUP            POINTS           LAST MONTH        
¢9    1.     MICKEY           VANITY             25                 (2)           
¢6    2.     MARC             SKID ROW           23                 (1)           
¢5    3.     BLACKEYE         SKID ROW           17                 (3)           
¢4    4.     THE FREAK        VANITY/PRESTIGE    16                 (5)           
¢4    5.     SCA              POLKA BROTHERS     13                 (6)           
¢4    6.     D-SIYA           CLASSIC            12                 (-)           
¢4    7.     BLACK DEATH      INDEPENDENT        11                 (-)           
¢4    8.     DEATHKNIGHT      PRESTIGE           10                 (4)           
¢4    8.     GILTHANAS        HUMANS             10                 (-)           
¢4    8.     MR. HYDE         PRESTIGE           10                 (6)           


¼1¢0  T E N  C O O L E S T  T R A D E R S¼0


¢3   NR.     NAME             GROUP            POINTS           LAST MONTH        
¢9    1.     MARC             SKID ROW           24                 (1)           
¢6    2.     MICKEY           VANITY             24                 (3)           
¢5    3.     BLACKEYE         SKID ROW           20                 (2)           
¢4    4.     CAESAR           INDEPENDENT        14                 (5)           
¢4    5.     GILTHANAS        HUMANS             12                 (-)           
¢4    6.     D-SIYA           CLASSIC            11                 (-)           
¢4    6.     MR. HYDE         PRESTIGE           11                 (7)           
¢4    6.     SCA              POLKA BROTHERS     11                 (6)           
¢4    9.     THE FREAK        VANITY/PRESTIGE    10                 (8)           
¢4   10.     BLACK DEATH      INDEPENDENT         9                 (9)           


 Upload Statistics : The Board Upload Top...                             

¼1¢0      B O A R D  U P L O A D  T O P¼0


¢3   NR. BOARDNAME          GROUP            MONTHLY U/L     LOCAL U/L LAST MONTH 
¢9    1  SKY TOWER           PRESTIGE             361344K             0K      (1) 
¢6    2  SUSPERIA            VANITY               223726K          9648K      (3) 
¢5    3  WAREZ UNLIMITED     HUMANS               216748K         33239K      (4) 
¢4    4  CYCLONE ZONE        EXCALIBUR/CLASSIC    186088K             0K     (12) 
¢4    5  CRITICAL ZONE       THE LOWLIFES         182200K          5084K      (8) 
¢4    6  NONSTOP UP'N'DOWN   2000 A.D.            170741K             0K      (-) 
¢4    7  METAL CONNEXTION    SKID ROW/DELIGHT     164143K         12132K      (7) 
¢4    8  SOMEWHERE ONLINE    VANITY               160507K             0K     (10) 
¢4    9  STATIC CHAOS        KINGDOM              158529K         11006K     (11) 
¢4   10  THE NORTHERN PALACE ACCESS               154047K          1551K      (5) 


¼1¢0      B O A R D  U P L O A D  T O P¼0


¢3   NR. BOARDNAME          GROUP            MONTHLY U/L     LOCAL U/L LAST MONTH 
¢4   11  ELECTRON. CONFUSION BALANCE/REFLECTION   146321K          1719K      (-) 
¢4   12  ILLEGAL CONNECTION  INDEPENDENT          145322K         29850K     (16) 
¢4   13  BATTLE FIELD        SHOCK                128123K          6942K      (9) 
¢4   14  RAVERS INN          THE OMEN              60994K         20817K     (13) 
¢4   15  LAND OF FROSTIES    NEXUS 7               50691K           377K     (16) 
¢4   16  PHENOMENA           THE OMEN              42618K             0K     (15) 
¢1  - The rest of the boards are missing becoz their sysops were to slow to       
¢1    upload their lists...  or they have closed etc...                           



 Upload Statistics : The Board Callers Top...                            

¼1¢0     B O A R D  C A L L E R S  T O P¼0


¢3    NR.   BOARDNAME             GROUP            MONTHLY CALLS     LAST MONTH   
¢9      1    SKY TOWER             PRESTIGE                1276            (1)    
¢6      2    SUSPERIA              VANITY                   902            (3)    
¢5      3    WAREZ UNLIMITED       HUMANS                   642            (5)    
¢4      4    SOMEWHERE ONLINE      VANITY                   589            (7)    
¢4      5    METAL CONNEXTION      SKID ROW/DELIGHT         568            (6)    
¢4      6    NONSTOP UP'N'DOWN     2000 A.D.                493            (-)    
¢4      7    STATIC CHAOS          KINGDOM                  491            (8)    
¢4      8    THE NORTHERN PALACE   ACCESS                   460            (4)    
¢4      9    ELECTRONIC CONFUSION  BALANCE/REFLECTION       396            (-)    
¢4     10    CYCLONE ZONE          EXCALIBUR/CLASSIC        387            (9)    


¼1¢0     B O A R D  C A L L E R S  T O P¼0


¢3    NR.   BOARDNAME             GROUP            MONTHLY CALLS     LAST MONTH   
¢4     11    BATTLE FIELD          SHOCK                    311           (11)    
¢4     12    CRITICAL ZONE         THE LOWLIFES             269           (14)    
¢4     13    RAVERS INN            THE OMEN                 186           (13)    
¢4     14    ILLEGAL CONNECTION    INDEPENDENT              159           (17)    
¢4     15    PHENOMENA             THE OMEN                 149           (15)    
¢4     16    LAND OF FROSTIES      NEXUS 7                  131           (16)    


 Upload Statistics : The Board Download Top...                           

¼1¢0    B O A R D  D O W N L O A D  T O P¼0


¢3   NR. BOARDNAME          GROUP                    MONTHLY D/L       LAST MONTH 
¢9    1  SKY TOWER                PRESTIGE               878447K             (1)  
¢6    2  METAL CONNEXTION         SKID ROW/DELIGHT       293955K             (3)  
¢5    3  SUSPERIA                 VANITY                 275256K             (5)  
¢4    4  WAREZ UNLIMITED          HUMANS                 231714K             (4)  
¢4    5  NONSTOP UP'N'DOWN        2000 A.D.              172435K             (-)  
¢4    6  THE NORTHERN PALACE      ACCESS                 145783K             (6)  
¢4    7  SOMEWHERE ONLINE         VANITY                 139964K             (8)  
¢4    8  CYCLONE ZONE             EXCALIBUR/CLASSIC      139123K            (10)  
¢4    9  STATIC CHAOS             KINGDOM                114628K             (9)  
¢4   10  BATTLE FIELD             SHOCK                   77192K            (11)  


¼1¢0    B O A R D  D O W N L O A D  T O P¼0


¢3   NR. BOARDNAME          GROUP                    MONTHLY D/L       LAST MONTH 
¢4   11  ELECTRONIC CONFUSION     BALANCE/REFLECTION      67348K             (-)  
¢4   12  ILLEGAL CONNECTION       INDEPENDENT             26411K            (13)  
¢4   13  CRITICAL ZONE            THE LOWLIFES            13779K            (17)  
¢4   14  RAVERS INN               THE OMEN                13764K            (12)  
¢4   15  PHENOMENA                THE OMEN                13299K            (14)  
¢4   16  LAND OF FROSTIES         NEXUS 7                  9536K            (16)  









 Upload Statistics : Traders Upload Top For The Month Of FEBUARY '95...     

¼1¢0    T R A D E R S  U P L O A D  T O P¼0


¢3   NR.   NAME              GROUP                     MONTHLY U/L     LAST MONTH 
¢9     1   CAESAR            ARE THERE ANY LEFT?????       121170K        (32)    
¢6     2   RAVEN             7HE LO\/\/LIFES               111241K        (13)    
¢5     3   MANDRAKE          -=*» VA/\/ITY «*=-            108350K         (3)    
¢4     4   DELIVERYMAN       PRIMAL RAGE                    99478K        (30)    
¢4     5   NOOKMAN           << VANITY 95' >>               92334K         (4)    
¢4     6   MICKEY            !% V^A^N^I^T^Y %!              80815K         (2)    
¢4     7   ACOMA             ILLEGAL CONNECTION             77649K       (115)    
¢4     8   MTZ&TBL           OO 7HE LOWLIFES OO             73465K        (25)    
¢4     9   SNAKE & DELBOY    (*) PRESTIGE (*)               69030K        (14)    
¢4    10   CARRERA           HORSENS BY NIGHT               65167K        (41)    


¢3   NR.   NAME              GROUP                     MONTHLY U/L     LAST MONTH 
¢4    11   ROBOTNIK          (*) VANITY (*)                 57995K        (15)    
¢4    12   SCQEECH           (O) CRITICAL ZONE (O)          57202K        (24)    
¢4    13   METAL MAN         .O0O. REFLECTION .O0O.O        52085K         (-)    
¢4    14   EXOTIC            *  D E L I G H T  *            51974K        (19)    
¢4    15   AL BUNDY          JEWELS                         51041K         (-)    
¢4    16   JABO              (*) PRESTIGE (*)               48959K        (31)    
¢4    17   SUBLOGIC          -=-=- A((E$$ -=-=-             44056K        (43)    
¢4    18   RAM&VAZ           CLASSIC/ACCESS                 42002K         (6)    
¢4    19   DEATHKNIGHT       \X/0RL|) 0F ELITE!.            39307K         (8)    
¢4    20   TRAITOR           [·MYSTIC SF!·]                 38282K         (-)    
¢4    21   GILTHANAS         »»WAREZ UNLIMITED««            37555K        (12)    
¢4    22   MC ZIPLIB         I'AM COOL LIKE ICE             36953K        (45)    
¢4    23   MELODY            [--( 7H3 0M3N )--]             34703K        (88)    
¢4    24   DIZY              EXCALIBUR^REFLECTION           34214K        (17)    
¢4    25   N-GIN             -=-=-=- A((E$$ -=-=-=-         33506K        (94)    
¢4    26   ZANY              SUSP@RIA BBS · 28.8            33000K        (11)    
¢4    27   THE BRAIN         UNCATCHABLES                   31689K         (-)    
¢4    28   LABEL             «×» A((E$$ «×»                 29663K        (10)    
¢4    29   UNDERTAKERS       ù)> DEVIL`S DRAIN <(ù          29387K        (57)    
¢4    30   YEKO              [*] BAD TO THE BONE! [*        28518K        (33)    


¢3   NR.   NAME              GROUP                     MONTHLY U/L     LAST MONTH 
¢4    31   THE DANCING DUC   -* ()/V\@|\| LEADER *-         26455K        (18)    
¢4    32   LONG JOHN         ®þ©DPS©®þ                      25073K        (87)    
¢4    33   TRANCE            ù)> DEVIL`S DRAIN <(ù          24643K         (-)    
¢4    34   HARDCORE          |-.-/ SUMPEN \-.-|             21932K        (40)    
¢4    35   PSYCHLOP          »»» THE LABYRINTH «««          21899K         (-)    
¢4    36   D-SIYA            [» C L A S S I C «]            21291K        (44)    
¢4    37   PRESENCE          EXC / UNTKZ / ATL              20251K         (-)    
¢4    38   CONAN&NEWTON      URSA MINOR!                    18023K        (65)    
¢4    39   WEZ               ( © ) VANITY ( ® )             17196K       (106)    
¢4    40   RAJ                [ A((ESS & MYTH ]             15881K        (50)    
¢4    41   DAFFY                -*- WAITING -*-             15870K        (35)    
¢4    42   KRALLE            GLADSAXE, DENMARK              15476K       (105)    
¢4    43   FURY              (*) PRESTIGE (*)               15447K        (23)    
¢4    44   SPEEDY            PRAESTOE                       15016K         (1)    
¢4    45   RAMOSYS           .OO /|\Y$T^< '95 OO. 2         12281K         (5)    
¢4    46   DARKWING          NINO                           12017K       (145)    
¢4    47   RELIEF            LOS LOWLIFES                   11124K         (-)    
¢4    48   PLAYMATE          . /\ . (. (. $ . $.            10826K        (26)    
¢4    49   JUNIOR            BRONDBY                        10825K         (-)    
¢4    50   XXL               ]\[EXUS 7                      10777K        (63)    


¢3   NR.   NAME              GROUP                     MONTHLY U/L     LAST MONTH 
¢4    51   FLOZZY            (·) BATTLEFIELD (·)             9718K        (61)    
¢4    52   JMF               DEEPTHOUGHTPOSSE!               9669K         (-)    
¢4    53   JLK               DOWNTOWN                        9457K        (74)    
¢4    54   DARKELF           <(·CHAMELEON^BS^SRE·)>          9427K         (-)    
¢4    55   GANDALF           FAELLESKOEKNET                  9258K        (51)    
¢4    56   SHANE             (*) PRESTIGE (*)                9114K        (85)    
¢4    57   DEATURE           [*] KINGDOM! [*]                8535K        (54)    
¢4    58   HAWK              --==>>)) UNTS ((<<==--          8384K        (73)    
¢4    59   MASS              DON'T MESS WITH THE MAS         8250K         (-)    
¢4    60   TBJ               -  --> SECRET FILES <--         8057K       (141)    
¢4    61   AMPLIFIER         ::>] TRY TO BEAT ME! [<         7622K         (-)    
¢4    62   JANITOR           -/ KING OF DENMARK -/           7348K        (86)    
¢4    63   NEIL              FAIRLIGHT * REDNEX              7178K        (27)    
¢4    64   BOYSCOUT          - () INDEPENTET () -            7042K         (-)    
¢4    65   SPEEDY2           ->> SPEEDY WHQ <<--             6975K         (-)    
¢4    66   T2                ( YEAR 2001 )                   6859K         (-)    
¢4    67   DIZZY             GLOSTRUP                        6743K         (-)    
¢4    68   MORPH             *WANT*ASCII*MAIL*               6038K        (95)    
¢4    69   WISEMAN           HERBTOWN                        5906K         (-)    
¢4    70   NICKO             .OO SUP ^ RST OO.               5884K         (-)    


¢3   NR.   NAME              GROUP                     MONTHLY U/L     LAST MONTH 
¢4    71   KRONION           VANITY '95 LEADER               5544K         (-)    
¢4    72   ULTIMATE WARRIO   REFLEX AND TENSION              5490K        (36)    
¢4    73   BLACK VIRUS       =====>> BRONX <<=====           5431K        (93)    
¢4    74   MAGOO             TWL/ANTHROX                     5298K         (9)    
¢4    75   DETRON            /-/ D & D PRODUCTIONS \         5279K         (-)    
¢4    76   XMAN              HADERSLEV                       4949K         (-)    
¢4    77   NIKE              EXCALIBUR                       4826K        (77)    
¢4    78   ACID              -( SUSPIRIA^CARAMBA)-           4826K        (55)    
¢4    79   FUZZBOX           !(*×-LOWLIF3S-×*)!              4742K        (46)    
¢4    80   PRIDE             STELLAR LAND                    4597K         (-)    
¢4    81   TERRA             MANDEN MED DE 2400!             4549K        (48)    
¢4    82   BLACKEYE          (<>) SKID ROW (<>)              4515K        (16)    
¢4    83   BEAVIS            [>> THE LOW LIFES <<]           4481K         (-)    
¢4    84   STRATOS           [^SUPERNOVA^]                   4406K         (-)    
¢4    85   DRIZZT            >>>ACCESS<<<                    4311K        (38)    
¢4    86   VOSTOK            INDEPENDENT                     4304K       (113)    
¢4    87   SPUTNIK           FREAK OF NATURE!!!              3763K         (-)    
¢4    88   CONE              MALLING, DENMARK                3756K         (-)    
¢4    89   ICON              -/- LSD -/-                     3666K         (-)    
¢4    90   AFRO              ODENSE, DK                      3538K        (84)    


¢3   NR.   NAME              GROUP                     MONTHLY U/L     LAST MONTH 
¢4    91   DUX               VANITY '95                      3371K         (-)    
¢4    92   THE BLACK LORD    -  --> SECRET FILES <--         3343K        (69)    
¢4    93   MR. BIG           -< DENMARK >-                   3339K        (53)    
¢4    94   PHAHP             H0000000HURM                    3335K        (75)    
¢4    95   SUNSCREAM         -7HE LOWLIFES-                  3257K        (72)    
¢4    96   MARC              DA CHANNEL                      3225K        (39)    
¢4    97   MANIAC.KC         פ°~`-{ ACCESS }-'~°¤×          3195K         (7)    
¢4    98   MR.HYDE           (*) PRESTIGE (*)                3143K        (22)    
¢4    99   LUPUS             SøREN POULSEN / KARLEMO         3010K         (-)    
¢4   100   WENIX             <(· OTL & OMN ·)>               2963K        (20)    
¢4   101   WEBSTER           OO 7HE LOWLIFES OO              2803K        (66)    
¢4   102   INDY              -*-INDEPENDENT-*-               2699K         (-)    
¢4   103   BIRD              INCASSO OFFICE                  2651K       (150)    
¢4   104   FATMAN            (=) EXCALIBUR (=)               2621K         (-)    
¢4   105   KREON             THE LOWLIFES DK                 2520K       (104)    
¢4   106   TACTICA           >X< VANITY '94 >X<              2330K         (-)    
¢4   107   NSL               (==) EXCAL|BUR (==)             2307K         (-)    
¢4   108   DRIVER            FAAREVRJLE,DENMARK              2233K        (70)    
¢4   109   MAD               -+#/EXCALIBUR\#+-               2093K        (60)    
¢4   110   THE FREAK         >PRESTIGE'N'VANITY<             2057K         (-)    


¢3   NR.   NAME              GROUP                     MONTHLY U/L     LAST MONTH 
¢4   111   THB               4300 HOLBAEK                    1997K         (-)    
¢4   112   SELECTOR          \X/ · TLL · \X/                 1955K        (96)    
¢4   113   MASTURBA          *****> A((ESS <*****            1951K        (28)    
¢4   114   SAMIR             -*- PRESTIGE -*-                1850K         (-)    
¢4   115   FIREBIRD          A.X.X.I.O.N                     1794K       (134)    
¢4   116   FUZZY             DEATH ROW                       1763K         (-)    
¢4   117   RIOT              NOWHERE                         1716K         (-)    
¢4   118   CLOCK             FAELLES KOEKNET                 1622K       (143)    
¢4   119   NIGEL             /*\ CAMELOT WHQ /*\             1616K         (-)    
¢4   120   AZLAN             -== 7HE 0MEN ==-                1596K        (62)    
¢4   121   ICARUS            CONNECT ISDN                    1578K       (100)    
¢4   122   TECNOKID          GOBLERS                         1576K        (78)    
¢4   123   SPELLBINDER       -2=HARDCORE=4-U-                1528K        (91)    
¢4   124   WIZE              A.C.C.E.S.S S.W.E.D.E.N         1469K         (-)    
¢4   125   PLEXER            ->|< H·U·M·A·N·S >|<-           1366K        (92)    
¢4   126   PONTON            SOMEWHERE IN POLAND             1350K         (-)    
¢4   127   ZULU GULA         > ZULULANDIA <                  1337K         (-)    
¢4   128   ENZO              [» P R E S T ¡ G E «]           1285K        (98)    
¢4   129   MIC FLAIR         ELTECH/ROM TEAM!                1284K         (-)    
¢4   130   SEALAPEX          GODS!                           1149K        (89)    


¢3   NR.   NAME              GROUP                     MONTHLY U/L     LAST MONTH 
¢4   131   MAD MAN           BUBBERS BADEKAR                 1142K        (67)    
¢4   132   SHOCK             KRONION WAS HERE!               1047K         (-)    
¢4   133   CHRISTIAN MOELL   NR. NEBEL, DK                   1007K         (-)    
¢4   134   MAESTRO           COPENHAGEN                      1006K       (129)    
¢4   135   PHAXMAN           HVOR ER MIN KO!?!?!              998K       (111)    
¢4   136   ZARCH             TRIFLEX+ADDONIC                  992K        (52)    
¢4   137   OZ                SOMEWHERE                        981K       (107)    
¢4   138   DJ                0+-SUBACID-+0                    919K       (149)    
¢4   139   SNEAKER           KOBENHAVN                        910K         (-)    
¢4   140   DEVILSTAR         >> VIRTUAL DREAMS/FLT <          890K         (-)    
¢4   141   VIRANIA           <O>-->PRODIGY<--<O>              885K         (-)    
¢4   142   THE PANTHER       UMF LEADER / TRSI HP             885K         (-)    
¢4   143   DEAMON            SKATTEFORVALTNINGEN              826K         (-)    
¢4   144   TECON             :SUPREME:                        808K         (-)    
¢4   145   PHILIX            :*: INDEPENDENT :*:              768K         (-)    
¢4   146   MIGHTY THOR       - V I K I N G S -                722K         (-)    
¢4   147   MICROPEN          -: TDK :-                        718K         (-)    
¢4   148   ZWITEX            =>) NOIZEVISION (<=              681K         (-)    
¢4   149   MR.NOBRAIN        - SUBACID -                      665K         (-)    
¢4   150   MR.Z              - ACCESS -                       555K         (-)    


¼0¢4     Total U/L'ed Bytes:¼1¢1 2417305k¼0



¢6                FEEL LIKE SOME OF YOUR UPLOADS WAS MISSING?!?                   


¢8                     SUPPORT THE BOARDS THAT SUPPORT YOU                         









 Upload Statistics : Traders Overall Upload Top, Since... Jan '93 

¼1¢0   T R A D E R S  O V E R A L L  T O P¼0


¢3   NR.   NAME              GROUP                     MONTHLY U/L     LAST MONTH 
¢9     1   CAESAR            ARE THERE ANY LEFT?????      2154701K         (1)    
¢6     2   NEIL              -*- FAIRLIGHT -*-            1849144K         (2)    
¢5     3   D-SIYA            [» C L A S S I C «]          1462790K         (3)    
¢4     4   GILTHANAS         (*) H-U-M-A-N-S (*)          1261647K         (4)    
¢4     5   MICKEY            !% V^A^N^I^T^Y %!            1196019K         (7)    
¢4     6   BLACKEYE          (<>) SKID ROW (<>)           1175974K         (5)    
¢4     7   NSL/MR.HYDE       [-- HLM --][-KRL-]           1150107K         (6)    
¢4     8   MANDRAKE          -=*»·VA/\/ITY·«*=-           1004180K         (9)    
¢4     9   KRONION           VANITY '94 LEADER             968795K         (8)    
¢4    10   MARC              THE CHANNEL / SKID ROW        833507K        (10)    


¢3   NR.   NAME              GROUP                     MONTHLY U/L     LAST MONTH 
¢4    11   PLEXER            ->|< H·U·M·A·N·S >|<-         758058K        (11)    
¢4    12   BOZO              RéBéLS WóRLD LéÁDéR ÁMÍ       752322K        (12)    
¢4    13   RAIST             REBELS PC!                    732574K        (13)    
¢4    14   THE FREAK         HUMANE&VANITY!                722806K        (14)    
¢4    15   ROBOTNIK          (*) VANITY (*)                676976K        (16)    
¢4    16   RICKY ROCK        -*-PRODIGY-*- DK.             660854K        (15)    
¢4    17   RAVEN             >--< PASSION >--<             620296K        (24)    
¢4    18   WARDANCER         -(VANITY)-(HUMANS)-           605387K        (17)    
¢4    19   ZANY              SUSP@RIA BBS · 28.8           604455K        (20)    
¢4    20   IRONMAN           INDY WORLDLEADER              588653K        (18)    
¢4    21   STORM             >> CRYSTAL <<                 579488K        (19)    
¢4    22   CROMER            FRACTION                      561193K        (21)    
¢4    23   THE MIGHTY ODIN   »» VANITY '94 ««              555208K        (22)    
¢4    24   SEARCHER          LAND OF LOVE!                 539851K        (23)    
¢4    25   NOOKMAN           << VANITY 95' >>              481897K        (30)    
¢4    26   SHOCK             <*> CRYSTAL <*>               461003K        (25)    
¢4    27   O.B.1.            -(*)- HUMANS -(*)-            458261K        (26)    
¢4    28   MANIAC.KC         //\\ ACCESS //\\              457911K        (27)    
¢4    29   RAM&VAZ           CLASSIC/ACCESS                455104K        (28)    
¢4    30   ACOMA             ILLEGAL CONNECTION            439200K        (33)    


¢3   NR.   NAME              GROUP                     MONTHLY U/L     LAST MONTH 
¢4    31   LECTOR            ..OO| CRYSTAL |OO..           405349K        (29)    
¢4    32   DEATHKNIGHT       \X/0RL|) 0F ELITE!.           396810K        (35)    
¢4    33   ENZO              [» P R E S T ¡ G E «]         384407K        (31)    
¢4    34   PAXDEI            SOMEWHERE                     368463K        (32)    
¢4    35   PHILIX            INDEPENDENT                   358273K        (34)    
¢4    36   PSYKO             *- C R Y S T A L -*           348916K        (36)    
¢4    37   DEATURE           -*- K.I.N.G.D.O.M -*-         334149K        (40)    
¢4    38   SHARK             (*) PRESTIGE (*)              333045K        (37)    
¢4    39   BLACKANGEL        INDEPENDENT                   331783K        (38)    
¢4    40   JACK THE ZIPPER   HUMANE                        328932K        (39)    
¢4    41   SCQEECH           (O) CRITICAL ZONE (O)         327221K        (51)    
¢4    42   LONG JOHN         ®þ©DPS©®þ                     323752K        (43)    
¢4    43   ZANTHOR           <-+-> ACCESS <-+->            318033K        (41)    
¢4    44   MASTURBA          *****> A((ESS <*****          312630K        (42)    
¢4    45   SPEEDY            ODENSE, SPEEDY WHQ            303585K        (46)    
¢4    46   PLAYMATE          A((ESS 4 EVER 95 :>           299508K        (45)    
¢4    47   MEAN              INDEPENDANT LEADER            298518K        (44)    
¢4    48   RELIEF            -7LL ORGINAIZER-              295399K        (47)    
¢4    49   VENGER            TECHNOBRAINS                  283932K        (48)    
¢4    50   RAMOSYS           /|\Y$7^< '95                  279117K        (52)    


¢3   NR.   NAME              GROUP                     MONTHLY U/L     LAST MONTH 
¢4    51   MR.ORION          MENTAL INSANITY               273843K        (50)    
¢4    52   ZACO              -------[*]-------             273793K        (49)    
¢4    53   KRIZ              INDEPENDENT                   264051K        (53)    
¢4    54   HRBERG            ZONE-7 : FNT                  263397K        (54)    
¢4    55   WEZ               ( © ) VANITY ( ® )            259385K        (58)    
¢4    56   PENNYWISE         -DK- Q U A R T E X -DK-       252890K        (55)    
¢4    57   CONAN&NEWTON      URSA MINOR!                   249406K        (61)    
¢4    58   ICE Q             INDEPENDENT                   247359K        (56)    
¢4    59   GAZZER            PRODIGY                       245638K        (57)    
¢4    60   LABEL             A.C.C.E.S.S [DK DIV]          240378K        (67)    
¢4    61   DEATURE&JANITOR   ]<INGDOM & ]REBELS            239221K        (59)    
¢4    62   PARANOID          =+=+=> HUMANS <=+=+=          236904K        (60)    
¢4    63   DELIVERYMAN       HOME IN BED                   231579K        (90)    
¢4    64   SPELLBINDER       -=--=RESTLESS-=--=-           224067K        (63)    
¢4    65   THE VIRGIN        VIRGIN'S LAND                 223756K        (62)    
¢4    66   BLACK VIRUS       >> HOSTILE BEHAVIOR <<        220007K        (64)    
¢4    67   HOTMILK           NEMESIS WHQ. / SBS. DHQ       214559K        (65)    
¢4    68   PASO              INDEPENDENT                   211296K        (66)    
¢4    69   YEKO              -^- GLOBAL OVERDOSE -^-       208852K        (74)    
¢4    70   SCA               + |'OLKA |3ROTHERS +          208272K        (68)    


¢3   NR.   NAME              GROUP                     MONTHLY U/L     LAST MONTH 
¢4    71   THE DANCING DUC   -* ()/V\@|\| LEADER *-        207698K        (73)    
¢4    72   JUGGLER           INDEPENDENT                   206378K        (69)    
¢4    73   DIZE              SUBAGENTS                     194076K        (70)    
¢4    74   SNAKE & DELBOY    > DIAMONDS & RUST <           193516K        (96)    
¢4    75   DEVILSTAR         \/IRTUAL DREA/\/\S - FL       188324K        (71)    
¢4    76   SLAZER            2000 A.D.                     183984K        (72)    
¢4    77   OZZY              2000 A.D.                     177647K        (75)    
¢4    78   BLACK DEATH       ·»              «·            176614K        (76)    
¢4    79   METAL FORCE        %P%R%O%D%I%G%Y%              170252K        (77)    
¢4    80   ECHO&GUIDO        ·DTL·                         168055K        (78)    
¢4    81   NIGHTHAWK         REBELS WHQ                    163838K        (79)    
¢4    82   FURY              (*) PRESTIGE (*)              159221K        (83)    
¢4    83   DRIZZT            >>>ACCESS<<<                  154937K        (81)    
¢4    84   FLOZZY            --/ TDK INC. \--              153249K        (84)    
¢4    85   KREON             THE LOWLIFES DK               153057K        (82)    
¢4    86   ZETIX             MYSTIC                        152748K        (80)    
¢4    87   ELECTROHOLIC      ***** SUMPEN *****            142594K        (85)    
¢4    88   FLASH             CONNECT 300 BAUD...           139240K        (86)    
¢4    89   NASHUA            >X< MEGABYTE BBS >X<          137508K        (87)    
¢4    90   FRANTIK           <-=»= ¬T.|R.S.I. =«=->        135063K        (88)    


¢3   NR.   NAME              GROUP                     MONTHLY U/L     LAST MONTH 
¢4    91   EXOTIC            *  D E L I G H T  *           134324K       (119)    
¢4    92   BLACK PANTHER     -[·A·C·C·E·S·S·]-             133366K        (89)    
¢4    93   D-TRADE           DELIGHT                       131554K        (91)    
¢4    94   MORPHEUS          DA JUNGLE                     130532K        (92)    
¢4    95   LORD SAURON       INSANE                        130264K        (93)    
¢4    96   STRIKER           *+* LOOKIN 4 GROUP *+*        128677K        (94)    
¢4    97   DEA&SPB           >> AT&T SECURITY <<           125972K        (95)    
¢4    98   OMAR&URBAN        SONIC                         124141K        (97)    
¢4    99   PAX&SHA           PARAMORPHIZ                   124138K        (98)    
¢4   100   WILD VAN DAMME    ÄðDðAðRðKðLðAðNðDðÄ           122207K        (99)    
¢4   101   YOBBO             REBELS!                       118747K       (100)    
¢4   102   DIZY              ª·, EXCALIBUR^SHOCK ,·ª       116450K       (120)    
¢4   103   HOTBIER           NEMESIS                       108559K       (101)    
¢4   104   ZEUS              KEFRENS                       108226K       (102)    
¢4   105   DELIRIUM&KICK     HUMANE/VANITY                 107732K       (103)    
¢4   106   ZOONIE            FAITH                         107170K       (104)    
¢4   107   SDD               SCEPTIC GHQ                   106767K       (105)    
¢4   108   BEAST             PSICHODELIQ HC/RUSSIA         106670K       (106)    
¢4   109   BEAVIS            <> A((E$$ <>                  105967K       (108)    
¢4   110   JABO              (*) PRESTIGE (*)              105442K         (-)    


¢3   NR.   NAME              GROUP                     MONTHLY U/L     LAST MONTH 
¢4   111   DRIVER            FAAREVRJLE,DENMARK            104436K       (107)    
¢4   112   CARRERA           HORSENS BY NIGHT              102424K         (-)    
¢4   113   MTZ&TBL           --> SECRET TOO CALL <--       102193K         (-)    
¢4   114   ZADDO             [*]ORIGIN/REBELS[*]            99544K       (109)    
¢4   115   ALF               .OO TOMBSTONE OO.              94511K       (110)    
¢4   116   JAN               2000 A.D.                      94209K       (111)    
¢4   117   BOROMIR           [> TRSI^2KAD^DPL <]            93746K       (112)    
¢4   118   ROPPE             JUSTICE                        93546K       (113)    
¢4   119   GHANDY            REBELS & PROGRESS              92789K       (114)    
¢4   120   SAXMAN            FROSTIES.                      91825K       (115)    
¢4   121   MANIAC            SOMEWHERE :-)                  89922K       (116)    
¢4   122   WEIRD DREAM       STRIKES BACK !                 89419K       (117)    
¢4   123   THE COLONEL       --» PASSION «--                83437K       (118)    
¢4   124   OMAR&RAM          SONIC                          79518K       (121)    
¢4   125   BOUNCER           ()/V\@|\|                      75712K       (122)    
¢4   126   VICIOUS           DECADE                         74868K       (123)    
¢4   127   SHADOW & MCI      --= SYNERGY BBS! =--           74560K       (124)    
¢4   128   WENIX             .XX OUTLAWS XX.                74540K       (130)    
¢4   129   TERMINATOR        OMN/PSN ORGANIZER              74388K       (125)    
¢4   130   RANCOR            /7THE LOWLIFES/7--\/\          74109K       (126)    


¢3   NR.   NAME              GROUP                     MONTHLY U/L     LAST MONTH 
¢4   131   OXID              ¦-¦PER/\CTIVE                  72639K       (127)    
¢4   132   JSON              × STATIC CHAOS × KGD^^C        72283K       (128)    
¢4   133   TARZAN            JEG ER PSYKOPAT!!!             71748K       (129)    
¢4   134   ICE MAN           HOMEBOY                        71282K       (132)    
¢4   135   HITMAN            (*) PRESTIGE (*)               71235K       (131)    
¢4   136   JAY               INDEPENDENT                    68679K       (133)    
¢4   137   MAINFRAME         INDEPENDENT                    68591K       (134)    
¢4   138   FREEDOM           INDEPENDENT                    68383K       (135)    
¢4   139   EASY              NR. ALSLEV, DK                 68350K       (136)    
¢4   140   MEAT-CLEEVER      OO<                            67910K       (137)    
¢4   141   RAMIREZ           CRYSTAL                        67634K       (138)    
¢4   142   PIONEER           INDEPENDENT                    67580K       (139)    
¢4   143   INFECTION         <SAY NO MORE>                  67244K       (140)    
¢4   144   HELLFIRE          // ALPHA FLIGHT DKHQ \\        67069K       (141)    
¢4   145   THUNDERKID        ->INDEPENDENT<-                66784K       (142)    
¢4   146   DYSIG             ½^ INDEP3NDENT ^½              66711K       (143)    
¢4   147   SUBLOGIC          -=-=- A((E$$ -=-=-             66549K         (-)    
¢4   148   TERRA             MANDEN MED DE 2400!            66034K         (-)    
¢4   149   SPIKE             THE FAST LANE                  66004K       (144)    
¢4   150   PHAHP             HIMMERLAND                     65867K       (150)    


                               Board Add                              
                 A fIeLd oF bLoOd!.. .A FiElD oF dES7InY
  _________. __        ____.      ._____._____.______. __
  \_       l \/   ____/____l______l   __l     l__    l \/   ________________
   l_______l______\_________    \__   \__     __/    l______\__     _______/
   l\_______      \ /      l      l     l     l      l      l/      ____)__.
   l       l       \       _      l     l     l      l      l       l      l
   l       l       /       l      l     l     l      l      l       l      l
   !________      /\,      l______l     l     l_______      l       _______l
   __      `-----'  `------'  /\_\`-----`-----'      `------'-------'[rLf]
   \/                ______   \/_/       ________.   __        _________
      ______________(______)_____________\_      l   \/        l      _/
      \__       ___________\__     ________      l_______ _____l______l_
     _ /        ___/l      l/      ____)__l      l      l/     _________ _
     //          l  l      l       l      l      l     _/      l      l
     /           l  l      l       l      l      !     \       !      l
     \,          l  l      l       _______!_______      \,      ______!
      `----------'  l      l-------'             `------'`------'
                         <>bOmMINg sYstEm oN :<>            
               <>A4ooo/o3o - 18mb ram - 1.2G hd - /X.4.XX<>
               <>uZiNG A bLaS7InG USR V.eVeRy7hInG mOdEm!<>
                        <>SuRPOrTz VhYDRa/pACmAg<>
                        Co-staff: Exotic / Delight
     _      _  _                                          _   _   _
                 \  ____ ____ _+45 3646 3360 _ ____ ___  /                  


                               Board Add                              
        ____                ____                                        ____
    ___/   /_  ______  ____/  _/_____________  ______      ____________/   /_
    \_____   \/  __  \/  ______\  /   / ____/ /   _  \____/  \__ _   \_  ___/
     /   /   /   /   /   /   /  _/   / //    /   / ___/  /   /   /   /   /___
    /   /   /   /   /   /   /\__  __/  /____/   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /
  _/  _/   /  _/   /  _/   /   /  \    Y   /  _/   /  _/   /   /   /  _/   /
  \_______/\______/\______/  _/   /\______/\______/\______/___/\  /\_______\
   \      \ \     \ \     \______/  l    / /     / /     /   /  \/ /       /
    \______\/\_____\/\_____\     \  l___/\/_____/\/_____/___/\  /\/_______/
                          dS\_____\/¯                         \/           
                       ZANTHOR/ACCESS - BOZO/REBELS
                  +4598103807   +4598133857   +459PRIVATE
                    NODE1^        NODE2^        NODE3^
                           >> NUP IS NEEDED!! <<


                               Board Add                              
¼0¢0¢0           ¢2___________________________________________________
    ¢5______¢2/   ¢5______   ____ ______________   ______    ______ ¢2\ ¢5___.
  _/     /_ _/   _ /_ (___/_\____ ___(___/__/     /_ _/   _ _/_/   l___
__\   ____/_\   _______ _   \/   Y __/     \   ______ _   _  \¢6_    ¢5l   \
¢6\     \     \_   !  \        \_    \        \_ \   \      7    \_  !   \\_
 \ __________/___:___\ _______/_____\ _______/______\ ____:_____/________/
 -¢3\¢4/¢6-¢3uAa¢6-- -¢3\¢4/¢6---- - -¢3\¢4/¢6--- -¢3\¢4/¢5_____¢6-¢3\¢4/¢6- --¢3\¢4/¢6-- - -- ¢3\¢4/¢6-- - --¢3\¢4/¢6----- -- -
    ¢2/             ¢5____.      _/  _ /_     ____.                ¢1_    ¢2\
   /¢1__          ¢5_/    l___ __\   l   \_ _/    l___    ______  ¢3\¢4/     ¢2\
  /¢1_¢3\¢4/¢1_       ¢6__¢5\¢6_____    ¢5\¢6_     ¢5l     \¢6_______   ¢5\ _/  ¢6___¢5/¢6_         ¢2\
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/              ¢6\ _________ ./\/        \ _____l_____/  !     \\_        ¢2\
\             ¢6--¢3\¢4/¢6--- --¢3\ ¢4//¢6- -- -- - --¢3\¢4/ ¢6--- - --¢3\ ¢6__________/        ¢2/
 \                       ¢3\¢4/                         ¢3\¢4/¢6[¢3rLf¢6]            ¢2/
  \                                                                   /
    ¢2\         ¢5C ¢2* ¢5R ¢2* ¢5I ¢2* ¢5T ¢2* ¢5I ¢2* ¢5C ¢2* ¢5A ¢2* ¢5L ¢2* ¢5Z ¢2* ¢5O ¢2* ¢5N ¢2* ¢5E         ¢2/
      ¢2\                                                           /
     ¢4.....¢1bUrNInG oN:¢4.......¢6[ ¢5a 7LL bOaRD   ¢6]¢4.....¢10-0 sECoNDs¢4.......
     ......¢1A4000/040¢4........¢6[               ]¢4....¢1a/\/\IGa wAReZ¢4.....
     .....¢11.1 gIG hD¢4........¢6[  ¢5yOuR sYsoP   ¢6]¢4.....¢1nICE stAfF¢4........
     .......................¢6[   ¢5Scqeech     ¢6]¢4.......................
            ¢2\                                               /¢2 
¢0             ¢2\¢5bAy oNe - +4556632610   bAy tWo - +45-PRIVATE¢2/


                               Board Add                              
       ___________ ___ _______________ ____ ___:_:________ ___ ___________
      Y   _____/  Y   Y   ____/____   Y   l \_______/X\@! Y   Y  \ ____   Y
      l    ___/   l   l   l   Y   7   l   l___l/X\l   l   l   l   Y   l   l
      l   Y   Y   l   l   l   l   _   l   l   7\X/l   l   l   l   l   l   l
      l   l  _l_  :  _l_  l   l   7   l   l   l  .l   l   l   l   l   l   l
      l   l  \ /     \ /  l   l   l   l   l   l  ll   ____'   l   l   l --'
      l   l   Y   l   Y   l   l   l   l   l   l  ll   7   Y   l   l   l   Y
      l   l   l   l   l   l   l   l   l   l   l  ll   l   l   l   l   l   l
      l   l   l   l   l   l   l   l   l   l   l  ll   l   l   l   l   l   l
      l   l   l   :   :   :   l   :   l   :   l  ll   :   l   :   l   l   l
      l   l   :   :   :   :   l   :   :   :   l  :l   :   l       l   l   l
      l   l   `---'---'       :   :   .       l   l       `-------'   :   l
      :       l       :       :       :       :   .       :       :WHQ:   :
      `-------'       .               .       :: ::       :       `---`---'
                                               :::   .oO fREe yEUr mINd Oo.
       */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/ cALL dA nUMBa aTZ tHESe tWE nEDEs \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*
           AMIGA 4000/30/30/10 2NDS 28.8-USR V.EVER! SEX CDROM SALES!
                NODE WANE +456538-2929 NODE TWA +456538-2955
       */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/  aLL yEu nEED to hAVE iS tHE nUP  \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*


                               Board Add                              
          ...ooOO 43 OOo...oOO 62 OOo...oOO 29 OOo...oOO 66 OOoo...
         /\ .____.   .____.      ______ ________ _____ .____.
        /  \l:   l___l:   l___  / ____//  _____//     \l:   l___
        \__/l¡   l  .\¡   l  .\/ __l__/   \_ ¦\/   l   \¡   l  .\
        /  \l    l   \\   l   \\ ¡   .\    l : \        \   l   \\
       /    \         \\       \\     \\   ¡    \_ l     \       \\
       \____/__________/________/______/_________/_l.    /________/
       ============================================ll   /==========
                                   Ra!st           ll  /     
       StafF : AcomA     CoStafF : Zanthor         l  /      DKs    
                                   The Mighty Odin l_/     FASTEST  
  28k8 V.Fast /X 4.8 -(HYDRA)-     Maniac.Kc            ONE-NODE BOARD! 
      __________ ____  _ ____  _    ______ ____________ ______ _____ _ 
     /  ______  \\_  \l \\_  \l \  /  ___//  _____  ___/\___  \\_  \l \
    /¦ / \/  /\ .\/\  \  \/\  \  \/  __l_/¦ / \ l.  l\__/  /\ .\/\  \  \
   / :/  .\  \/  \\¡\. \  \¡\. \  \  ¡  .\:/  .\ll  l/  \  \/  \\¡\. \  \
  /       \\     //  \\ \  \ \\ \  \     \\    \\l  l    \     //  \\ \  \
  \________/_____/\__l\    /_l\    /______/_____/___l____/_____/\__l\    /
  =====================\__/====\__/================[Ra!st / Rebels]==\__/
              !Kolde Amiga, Snes/Console, Musix & PeeCee Confs! 
          ...ooOO 43 OOo...oOO 62 OOo...oOO 29 OOo...oOO 66 OOoo...


                               Board Add                              
¼0¢2                    __   ____________________________.
  Life Suxx!       /  \ /  \     ______  ____.  \    l
  So Call it!     //   Y    \   __)_  /  \   l   \   l____
  ooor Die!!    _//   \ /   \\_ l   \_   \\_     \\_ l    \_
                \      Y     o/ !   o/    o/ ¡    o/ !    o/
                 \ ____!_____/______/\____/__!____/______ /
                  Y                                      Y
                  l     SKID ROW DANISH HEADQUARTER!     l
    /  _  \_     \  __.  \  __.  \     ____ l    ___ __.___.    \  __.  \
   //  l___/  ¡   \   l   \   l   \   __)_  l  _/  / \ l   l ¡   \   l   \
 _//   l   \_ l   \\_ l   \\_ l   \\_ l   \_.   \_/  \\_   l l   \\_ l   \\_
 \     !   o/ !    o/ l    o/ l    o/ !   o/l   o\    o/  ll !    o/ l    o/
  \ _______/_______/__!____/__!____/______/_!_____\___/l  .l______/__!___ /
   Y                                                   l___l             Y
   :                                                                     :
   l HARDWARE: - AMIGA 4000 -  68040 25MHZ - 18 MB RAM - 1 GIGA HD SPACE l
   l           - 3 NODEZ RINGDOWN - Dual 28.8 - AMIEXPRESS REG.          l
   l                                                                     l
   l The Suckers:   WOZZY/SR - BLACKEYE/SR - MARC/SR - RAM&VAZ CLS/ACC   l


                               Board Add                              
      _____ ____    _____   ____    ____    _ __    _____   ____   ____
   __/    (/ l ( __/    (__/   ( __/   ( __/ Y ( __/    (__/   (__/   (
   \    l  \ l_ \\   l__/\   l  \\   l  \\      \\   l__/\   l  \  _l_ \
   /   .___/ _/  \   __l_/   l   \   l   \   Y   \   __l_/   l   \ \__  \
  /    l/    l    \  l   \   l    \  l    \  l    \  l   \   l    \ l    \
  \____l\____l     \__    \__l     \______/__l     \__    \__l     \l     \
           IS CLOSED DOWN! - Thanks to the few who supported me..


                               Board Add                              
 ¢9 __________________________________________________   ____________________
 l       l        l    l   l       l       l        l l  l        l        l
 l___    l    l   l    l   l   ____l___    l    ____l l__l___     l___     l
 l       l        l    l   l    l  l       l        l l  l   l    l   l    l
 : ___   :    :   :    :   :   _:__:  ___  :____    : :  :   :    :   :    :
 :    :  :    :   ::       :       :    :  :        : :  :   :    :   :    :
 :____:___:___:___: :_____::_______:____:___:_______: :__:___:____:___:____:
                            l-> ¢0+45 TUFF-LUCK¢3 <-l


                               Board Add                              
                             _ __ ____
      ____________       _______      /__    USR 28.8 DS * 1.0GB * 2 GB DAT
     /    _____  /______/      /     /   \
    _\______   \/     _/     _/     /     \    PRESTiGE DANiSH HEADQUARTER
  _/       /    \_    \       \_________   \_  WiLd STYLE EURO HEADQUARTER
  \______________/_____\       /____________/
  l    ___________.________ _        ______ ___________.  ______________   l
  ¦  __\____      l     .___ _  _____\__   \ ______    l__. ______     /___l
  : /      /      l     l     \/       /    \     /    l  l     _/   _/   /l
  _/      /_______l     l      \_     /\     \_  /_____l  l     \        / l
  \_____________l_______________/_____/\      /___________l______\      /  l
  - -- --- ---- ----- ------------------\____/--------------------\____/---'
            * RUNNiNG HYDRA * 2 NODES RiNGDOWN! - +45-74-833-886 *


                               Board Add                              
¼0¢2                                WHAT CAN U FIND
      [---------------l S o m e w h e r e   O n l i n e l----------------]
           ____________/\_______________  ___________________________
          /  ______ _ /____ _ /. ___/  /\/  /  /  /. _______  /. ___/\
         _\__ \/  / //  / / /// ___/  /\/  /     // ___/    _// ___/\ \l_
        /_____/_____/__/_/__/_____/___/\__/__/__/_____/__/__/____ /\ \/l
        \     \    _\__\_\__\_____\__ \/__\__\__\_____\  \  \   \/  \/
       _l\_____\__/_____   /__ _ /  /__/__/__   /. ___/\__\__\___\  /
        l    __   \ /  /  /  / //  /  /  /  /  // ___/\ \    __   \/
            /_/\   /_____/__/__/____ /__/__/__/____ /\ \/   /\_\
            \_\/   \     \  \  \   \/\  \  \  \   \/  \/    \/_/
      [------------l\__ __\__\__\___\ \__\__\__\___\  /l-----------------]
                   :   Y             \/        Sk!n \/ :
                   .   :                               .
    STaff: HELLHOUND/Vty Kronion/Vty Robotnik/Vty Mandrake/Vty Hellfire/AFL
               A2000/030/25 8 Megz 1.5 GIG ONLINE 5+ GIGs Offline
          Supporting:    Amiga PC ANd X-Rated WarreZ   ALL PURE ELITE
                 ISDN: +45 5964 1042     2 nodes isdn-master
           NODE 1 USR 16k8/dual st.     NODE 2 USR 28k8/V.everything
        Ami             ___   ___ __  ___ ___ ___  __  __          PC
       VANITY  _l_ l__l(__  _(__ (__)(__ (__   __)(__)l  l l   - Intense-
        DKHQ    l     l___)  ___)___)(__)___) ___)(__)l__l l      dkHQ
            28k8 UzerZ Call *+45 5965 4155* 28k8 ONLY, NOBODY ELSE


                               Board Add                              
              _.     ._     _.     ._ ._    _.
         _ __/ ¦_____¦ \ __/ ¦_____¦ \¦ \__/ ¦____
         _ _   ___/  _  \\_  _ \   _  \  \_  _   /   __ _  _
          __\___  \__l   \/  _  \__l   \  \  l__/   /_/_  _
          \    l   \_l    \_ l   \_l    \_ \_l   \_ \_\ _  _    jSON
          /_____    /l_____/_l    /l_____/__/_    /
            CRbl___/e^D      l__./     ._    l_._/   _.     _.   dEATURE
                            __/ ¦______¦ \ __/ ¦_ __/ ¦_   / ¦___ wARDANCER
                  _  _ __   \_  _   /  l  \\_  _ \\_  _ \_/  ___/  yEKO
               _    _ _\_\   /  l__/   _   \/  _  \/  l  \____  \
                  _  _ /_/ _/   l   \_ l    \_ l   \_ l   \_ l   \_
                           \_____    /_l     /_l    /__    /__    /
                                l___/  l____/  l___/  l___/  l___/
             2 nODES uS rOBOTICS, a3o3o 25MHz/6RAM/1.2GB HD/2GB DAT


                               Board Add                              
  ¢0                    _______________________________________
  ¢4         ______ __  ¢0\                                     /
  ¢4 _ _ ____)    o\\/  _¢0\¢4_____  _______________   __________¢0/¢4____  ___________
  ¢4_ _ ______     /____)   o /__)   oX______  o\__)     o/___   o\_)   o/___ o\
  ¢4   /     /____//    /    // _____/  /___/    /_      / __/  __/ ____/___/   \_
  ¢4  _\_____   \ /    /    /___     \_/ \      / /_____/  \__  \     _/ \__     /
  ¢4 /      /    \_   /    /   /      /   \____/ __/__ /    /    \_   \   /     /
  ¢4/      /      /  /    /   /      /      /   /     X_   /      /    \_/     /
  ¢4\______      /____   X____      /      /____       /__/      /      /     /
  ¢1[rLf]¢4/______/   /___/   /______/______/   /_______/  /______/______/_____/
  ¢0                            \                    /
  ¢0                             \                  /
  ¢6                       - VANITY SCANDINAVIEN AMIGA HQ -
  ¢0                               \              /
  ¢8                  STAFF: ¢6ZANY ¢8* ¢6MICKEY/VANITY ¢8* ¢6MANDRAKE/VTY
  ¢0                                 \          /
  ¢8               NODE 1: +45 4343-¢6HST!¢8      NODE 2: +45 4343-¢628.8
  ¢0                                   \      /
  ¢6                 (get the numbers from Staff or Vty member!!)
  ¢0                                     \  /
  ¢0                                      \/


                               Board Add                              
     _________   ____________________________________________  ____________
    /\______\_\ /\______\______\_______\______\________\_____\/\___\_______\
   / /     ./.// /     ./     ./      ./      .\      ./     .\/___/      ./
  / /  ____////_/  ____/ _____/__  ___/    -- // ./  //  ./  //__/   _____/
 / /  __/_ // ./  __/_ ./  .// /  ./ /     ___/ //  //  //  //  ./  /  ./
 \/     ./// //     ./    /// /  // /  ./  .\  //  //  //  //  //     //
  \_____/____/______/_____/ \/___/\/___/   //______/___/  //___/______/
                                     \/____/    DiZY!\/___/
         ______________________  ___________    ______ __________________
       / /       ./      /     .\/      ./ ./__\/    .//____/     ./     .\
      / /   _____/ ./   /  ./  //   ____/ //  ./  ___/\___/  ./  //  ./  //
     / /   /  ./  //   /  //  //  ___//  //  //____   .\ ./ //  //  //  //
    / /      //  //   /  //  //  .// /  //  //    /   //// //  //  //  //
    \/_______/_______/___/  //___/ \/_______/_________/_/______/___/  //
                       \/___/                                    \/___/
                               [^] BaLanCe  WhQ [^]
                             [^]  RefleCtioN WhQ  [^]
                          [^]    0-Sec aMigA WareZ   [^]
                       [^]   SuPpOr7 HyDrA aNd PaCmAg   [^]
                    [^] 7h3 /X\aGiC NuMba iS +45 3160-9550 [^]
                 [^] RuNnIng On a 28k8 DuAl UsR CoUriER MoDEm [^]


                               Board Add                              
   ___________________ _________________          .  .
   \________  _/_     Y   \__   _______/          :  l       Running:
       l      l l          ll     _l____          l  l
       l      l l     l    ll     l     l         l  :  A3000 - 030 - 25 MHz
       l______j l_____l    ll___________j         l  :  USR 28K8 V.Everything
                      l    :                      ¦  ¦  545 Mb HD - /X 4.8
                      :    .                      l  ¦
  _________     ____ _.____________________       l  .      Supports:
  \__     l    /    \\__   __   \__    __  \      :
    l     l___/_     \l     l    ll     l   \     .       AMiGA - PeeCee
    l     l     l     \     l    ll     l    \       l    PACMAG + ?
    l___________j______\____l    ll___________)   l  l
                            l    l                l  l   Sysop:
      _____ ______________  :    l    ____        :  l      SAXMAN/Nexus 7
     /     \\__   _______/  .    ;  /Y\   \       .  l
    /       \ l     _l             / l \___\            CoSyS's:
   /         \l     l              \ : /   /      .  LABEL/ACCESS,XXl/NEXUS 7
   \_________/l_____l               \_/___/             XMan/Triflex+Addonic
                                                  :          Bird/Edge
      +45-66113061  +45-66113061  +45-66113061    .  :
  ____________________  __________________________:  ._______________________
  \__   ______/   _   \/     \__   ____________  _/  l   ________   ________/
    l     _ll        _/_      \------.   \l      ll  l     _l___\-----.   \
    l     l l     l    l       \     l    \      l   l     l     l    l    \
    l_____l l_____l    l_______/__________/______jl  l___________j_________/
                  l____jMeNaCe                    l  l
                                                  :  : Nexus 7 - Headquarters


                               Board Add                              
                               7  -  H  -  E
   ____/\___________      ___     ___    ___ _     _____   ____     ___
   \\___ \  ____/   \_____)  \____)  \___)  V \____)    \__)   \____)  \___
    /   \ \_________ ________ _____  ____   l  ___  __________  ______    //
  _/     \_  \     l /     _l__/       /        /  ___) \/  _l __/   l   /
  \______:    \_   ! \    \    \       \    l   \  /     \  \    \   l   \
   -[rLf]l     /___   \____\    \____   \___l    \_____   \__\    \__l    \_
    __   l    /---\____/----\    /--\____/--l_____/---\_____/-\    /-l_____/
   /\_\  l___/               \  /                        __    \  /
   \/_/     _______    _____  \/____     _____    _____  \/     \/___
    ________)      \___)    \___)  l_ ___)    \___)    \________)    \______
    \\__________    _______    _   l_________   _______ ______   _________//
      /       _l\    /    !   /    l   /    !   /     l__/      ___) \
    _/        \_____/         \        \        \     !  \      /     \
    \_______     \_\______l    \____    \___l    \____    \_________   \__
                ^A2000/040/28mZh/1GIg/USR 28k8 V.eVErY7HiNg^
                        ^AcCeSs EUROPEAN dIvISiOn hQ^
                           -^! +45-39-619-420 !^-
                           -^! +45-39-619-421 !^-


                               Board Add                              
  - --- - ---- --- ---- -- - ----   ------- - --------- - - - --- -- ----   -
  +                   CALL THE FASTEST BOARD IN DENMARK!                    +
  -  -- - ----ll\_--__ --____ll\_--_---____-_____--____--_____--- --  --- - -
  ::::::::::::ll  \l  l//o-  \l  \l Yl/    l__   \/o-  \l     \::::::::::::::
  ::::::::::::llo  \  l//     \   \ ll  l__l// /\ \     \  l\  \:::::::::::::
  :2000 AD::::ll:     l   /\   )    :l__   l/ / /\/ /\   ) l/  /::::TRSI:::::
  ::AMIGA:::::ll  \   l\     //  \  .l  l  l\, /\\     //   __/::::CONSOLE:::
  :::EHQ::::::ll__l\_ l\\____/l__l\_ l____/:\\/::\\____/l _l::::::::DKHQ:::::
  :::::::______:___:___:: __   _:ll l: __ : _______::::____::__::__: _:ll l::
  ::::::/. /\  \\  \\. \:l_ l:l \l: l:l_ l ll  __  \::/o-  \/  \/ .\l \ll l::
  :::::// /::\  \\\ \\\ \://::ll  . l:://::l: l::\\ \/__/\ \\\ /\  \\.    l::
  :::::\\ \__/  /// //__/:::::l:  . l::::::l. l__/\\ \___/ ///     //:   ll::
  ::::::\______//__/::::::::::l. l__l::::::l______/\_______/\__/\__/ll l__l::
  :::::::::::SYSOP : ENERGY ::::::::::::::HELPERS : VENGER , SPIKE & CAESAR :
  - --- - ---- --- ---- -- - ----   ------- - --------- - - - --- -- -----  -
  +   * 0-1 DAYS WAREZ * 2.5 GIGA ONLINE * 3 NODES * A4000 68040/25 MHZ *   +
  - --- - ---- --- ---- -- - ----   ------- - --------- - - - --- -- ----   -
                     THE RINGDOWN NUMBER FOR ALL 3 NODES :   
                               +45 - 3833 5432 
                                  CALL NOW!


                               Board Add                              
                              H-U-M-A-N-S DKHQ
         __/\__    _/\___ _____ ____________    ______________
         \___  \/\/  ___//     \\_______    \  /  _________   \
          /    /  \    \/   l  .\ l:   /   _/ /  __l__  /.    /
          \\          ///       \\l¡   \   .\/   ¡    \//    /\
           \o   /\   o/o    l    \\     \   \\        \\       \_
            \__/  \__/\_____l      \____l\   \\__.     o\_______/
    ___.  ______  __  .___.     /\_____  _____ /\_______________________
   /  ¦l__\__   \l :\ l:  l__  /  \__  \/  ___/  \__  ____  ___/\____   \
  /   :l  \/ \   \ ¡ \l¡  l .\ \__/ /\    /\  \__/ l.  l / __l__ l: l\  .\
 /     ¡  \\  \\  \   \   ¡  \\/ .\/. \  / :\ /  \ ll  l/  ¡   .\l¡ l/   \\
 \         \\  \\  \   \       \  \\   \/  ¡ /    \ll  l        \\        \\
  \____.    o\_l\o     /_______/___/   ll____\____/l___l___.     \\________/
  =====l_____/===\    /=========\______l====================l______/[ra!st]=
                     sTAFF: GiLTHANAS - rAM&VAz - pLEXER
                   A4000-040 30 mHZ sPEED + 1 gIG hD-fUN!
               0-1 aMiGA + gAMEBOY + /X 4.x + nEWEST /X uTILS
                    .--x×X×x 28800 uSR v34 dUALS x×X×x--.
                    l    .-------------------------.    l
                    l    l Node 1: +45- 44946208   l    l
                    l    l Node 2: +45-rING-dOWN   l    l