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This demo was co
ded in DevPac 2.
08 by The Beast 
666 of Trauma. -
 12.05.1991 - Al
l my routines ar
e 100% made by m
e, so don't rip 
them. If you wan
t a cool product
ion made by me c
all: ++39-(0)831
-730286 or write
 a letter: Andre
a Epicoco - Via 
Pacinotti, 51 - 
72023 Mesagne (B
R) - Italy. Good
 searching !!!!!

We've done it another time !
Only for your pleasure !!!
A new COOL group is born ...
Isn't it fantastic ??!
What's the MAGIC name ???
IT IS ...
TRAUMA, a new way to be COOL!
Coded by The Beast 666
Artwork by Critter
Music by DeathJester
Release Date: 19.05.1991

         AA trauma AA         
   a new way to be cool !!!   
coded by:                     
                 the beast 666
artwork by:                   
music by:                     

call our bbs. here they are...
         power house:         
       smuggler's cove:       

call our bbs. here they are...
          panic zone:         
    that's all about bbs !    
    have a nice connect !!    

   this is our member-list:   
    assimilator - cyberbit    
    critter - deathjester     
   deathlok - fashion light   
 lucky lawa - marko - nemesis 
   oddwunn - the beast 666    
    trillion - white ninja    

    if you want to contact    
        the beast 666:        
      - only coders !! -      
        andrea epicoco        
     via pacinotti, n. 51     
  72023 mesagne (br) - italy  
  phone:  ++39-(0)831-730286  
(3 pm - 4 pm or 21 pm - 22 pm)

   we are looking for cool    
 coders, gfx-men, & musicians 
    if you are really good    
 call our bbs and join us !!! 

S1 trauma, a new way to be cool !!!      S4                     S2 hi guys! here is the beast 666 typing on the keyboard to fill some bytes and pack this fast demo (only two weeks to code & debug all the routines, half hour a day !!!). i have not so much to say but, to begin, i want to remember you that i & critter leaved resolution 101 italy to join trauma these days. so, a big, big, thank must go to our friends res-101; hi nelson, marco & chris ! sorry, but our ways are, now, differents even if i hope that the game we are planning to code will have an end. nelson, if you want, you can come here just after my school-exams (what a bore !). i must apologize with storm & sledge of divina. sorry, but the resolution 101 megademo was never released and so, our "vogue-demo" with your beautiful music was not released too. i hope that you and us will have the opportunity, in the near future, to make something together (smau-party ???) just for fun (& friendship !!!).      S4                     S2 
ok, at the keys now is cyberbit of trauma. i am here to say enjoy our
 very first production and keep an eye out for future productions from us.
 ok, now some greetings and messages to some friends of mine ... here it
 goes. greetings and regards are going out to: divina (dark angel & storm)
 - endless piracy (fix) - scoopex (trade) - angels (jaffa) - trinomic/tension
 (floyd) - c.a.b.a.l (black knight, scsi & nosferatu) - the company (skeleton)
 and any other friends i have forgotten !!! my normal regards are going out
 to (not in any order): divina, c.a.b.a.l., endless piracy, the company,
 quartex, trinomic/tension, scoopex, trsi, crusaders, anarchy, skid row,
 darkness, silents, rebels, analog, agile, addonic, angels, phenomena,
 animators, budbrain, defcon1, special brothers, utopia productions, prologic,
 magnetic fields, d-tect, skid row, symbiosis, razor, punishers, vertigo,
 alpha flight, anthrox, brainstorm, flash productions, legend, shining and to
 any i have forgotten and, of course, special regards to all trauma members,
 especially to fashion light, the beast 666, white ninja and deathjester.
 that's about it for my scroll text, because i am very quickly running out off
 time and things to say... so i will just say enjoy the demo and see you soon
 in our future productions. cyberbit signing off.
     S4                     S2 here is the beast 666 back on the keyboard ... critter is watching television (as usual !) and i don't know what to write (as usual !) so you must wait for a good idea ... ronf ... ronf, ronf, gurp, splink, spweeeuuuuu ... here i am again to amaze your eyes and your ears (???) with a new great idea ...     S4                     S2 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...     S4                     S2 you have reached the end !!! he, he, he !!! it's too late and i must pack this shit and go to bed (i'm so tired !!!). sorry guys for this shitty demo but i must study very, very much, because this is my last school year. anyway, this is a promise, you will be shocked when my next demo will be released (maybe, at smau '91 - milan - italy). that's all folks ... see ya !!!      S4                     S2 

 Demo coded by:              
               The Beast 666 
 Artwork by:                 
 Music by:                   
   And now, the greets ...   
  Left Mouse Button = Exit.  
 Right Mouse Button = Pause. 
   The Beast 666 & Critter   
    greet these cool guys    
 of Trauma                   
Nelson, Marco & Chris        
 of Resolution 101 Italy     
Storm, Sledge, Dark Angel    
 & Natas of Divina           
        Fashion Light        
    greets these cool guys   
Banditt/Skid Row             
Ollie North/Skid Row         
East Coast/Skid Row          
Al Capone/Skid Row           
MidnightManiac/Skid Row      
Foxi!/The Company            
Skeleton/The Company         
Mr.Video/The Company         
Dark Angel/Divina            
Jabbah/Razor 1911            
Tin Man/DefJam               
Black Knight/C.a.b.a.l.      
Fix/Endless Piracy           
Master Bard                  
Iron Poo                     
       STOOOP THIS !!!       
 Sorry, but this is the end. 
 Hey! guys... do you want to 
see again cool demos from us?
  If the answer is YES, you  
will have to wait me (TB666),
    to end the school ...    
and the exams, of course !!!!
 Bye, from The Beast 666 ...