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<root>­/­mirrors­/­amigascne­/­Scrollers­/­T-Groupstext­/­Traders Dream/TRD-CrJungleStrikeECS.txt

File size:
892 bytes (892B)
File date:
2018-08-31 11:57:18
Download count:
all-time: 419


why not call the following cool trd bbs
devils express [ehq] - 44-[0]823-326-948
satans hollow [ukhq] - 44-[0]812-241-458
fantasia             - 44-[0]find it
mad dans             - 44-[0]ask-4-it
pontys express       - 44-[0]443-408-142
q.e.d         [ukhq] - 44-[0]913-721-911
mind warp     [dist] - 44-[0]376-500-092

and also these non trd bbs
robin hood           - 44-[0]pri-vate
scouse house         - 44-[0]51-9286610
phantasm             - 44-[0]coming soon

traders dream proudly presents
* jungle strike ecs *
original supplied by

--** freeman/speed and the lawnmower man **--

disk protection removed by
--** rebel **--

traders dream is looking for talented new members to
join the kewlest group on the scene. if you have
what it takes to join the elite, leave mail to
frosty on any of the traders dream bbs.