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<root>­/­mirrors­/­amigascne­/­Scrollers­/­T-Groupstext­/­Traders Dream/TRD-CrClassicBoardGames.txt

File size:
566 bytes (566B)
File date:
2018-08-31 11:57:18
Download count:
all-time: 351


traders dream proudly presents
* classic board games *
original supplied by
--** frosty **--
deprotected by
--** rebel **--

why not call the following cool trd bbs
devils express [ehq] - 44-[0]823-326948
satans hollow [ukhq] - 44-[0]find it
the mansion   [ukhq] - 44-[0]ask 4it
q.e.d         [ukhq] - 44-[0]913-721911
and also these independant bbs
robin hoods          - 44-[0]pri-vate
scouse house         - 44-[0]51-9286610
phantasm             - 44-coming soon