File Archive

File download


File size:
7 996 bytes (7.81K)
File date:
2024-09-05 01:10:43
Download count:
all-time: 0


      Musicreplay paused...       

Choose with ya mouse and press LMB

  Insert disk A and choose again  

  Insert disk B and choose again  

  ...waiting for any command      

       loading 'HAPPY DAY'        

      depacking 'HAPPY DAY'       

     now playing: 'HAPPY DAY'     

       loading 'SUNNY ROCK'       

      depacking 'SUNNY ROCK'      

     now playing: 'SUNNY ROCK'    

     loading 'COOL DRUMMING'      

    depacking 'COOL DRUMMING'     

   now playing: 'COOL DRUMMING'   

       loading 'HIGH POWER'       

      depacking 'HIGH POWER'      

     now playing: 'HIGH POWER'    

       loading 'ROMANTIC'         

      depacking 'ROMANTIC'        

     now playing: 'ROMANTIC'      

      loading 'GIVE ME MILK'      

     depacking 'GIVE ME MILK'     

    now playing: 'GIVE ME MILK'   

    loading 'SOUNDREVOLUTION'     

   depacking 'SOUNDREVOLUTION'    

  now playing: 'SOUNDREVOLUTION'  

   loading 'WHY DON'T YOU GO?'    

  depacking 'WHY DON'T YOU GO?'   

 now playing: 'WHY DON'T YOU GO?' 

     loading 'DANCE OF DEATH'     

    depacking 'DANCE OF DEATH'    

   now playing: 'DANCE OF DEATH'  

        loading 'THE STAR'        

       depacking 'THE STAR'       

      now playing: 'THE STAR'     

         loading 'DREAM'          

        depacking 'DREAM'         

       now playing: 'DREAM'       

first you should choose a Song... 

You to a journey into Sound.      
Hi there, this  is  Reinhard,  the
coder  of this crap. I hope You`ll
enjoy these fantastic disks.      
'AMAZING'  should  have  been  re-
leased  four  weeks  ago,  but I`d
some probs  with  the  trackloader
and less time as I thought - sorry


These  musicdisks  should  run  on
every Pal-Amiga - I tried to avoid
There `s   no  rip-protection  in-
stalled (although I know how to do
it), so if You use  one  of  these
Sounds,  feel free to mention any-
thing about the composer & T.u.C.!


We`re always looking for new  mem-
bers and are mainly interested in:
   - Public Domain swapper        
   - Articlewriter ( for our Mag) 
   - Graphic & Music Artists      
   - 'Hottest Demos' swapper      
   - Coders (for Demos & Others)  
   - Modem-Junkies                
   - Legal-Spreader               


The 'amazing' credits.....        
- all GFX by  >> Alexander Carbin 
- Music by    >> Thomas Tscheulin 
- Coding by   >> Reinhard Haslbeck
- All Sounds   >> Thomas Tscheulin
- GFX & Coding >>Reinhard Haslbeck


To contact our soundcomposer,     
write to:                         
          Thomas Tscheulin        
          P.O. Box 1265           
          W-7863 Zell i.W.        

To  contact the coder of Amazing, 
give me a phone call:             
          (in Germany)            

To  contact T.u.C. for any reason,
write to:                         
          c/o Alexander Carbin    
          Birkengangstr. 26       
          W-5190 Stolberg         


Look out for these PD-Series:     
>> Module Mania <<                
 Newest Sound-Noisetracker Modules
>> TV-Stars <<                    
 Digitzed Pics                    
>> TUC-Digis <<                   
 Digitized Music                  
>> Demonia <<                     
 High End Demo-Collection         


Best regards from Reinhard ( some-
were known as Wicked ) to:        
Sandra (coolest female Amigafreak)
Joker and Game Over of Tech       
ALFred of Zenith (ch)             
everyone in Sanity                
all Internet Relay Chatter        
and Mr. Lucky Strike              


Copy`n Spread Amazing all over the
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   / /    / /__/ /    / /__/  /   
  /_/ () /______/ () /_______/ ()