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279 012 bytes (272.47K)
File date:
2011-03-03 23:04:14
Download count:
all-time: 377


>ADVERTS<                 >MESSAGES<                >NEWS<                    >VARIOUS<                 searching, be patient ... sorry, not found in this section ! ...  found !... continue (Y/N) enter string to be found !German keymap active !USA keymap active !   Go to page No. :     Page doesn't exists in this section !..Displaying Page HELP-PAGE, Press mouse or key to go on!TRSI brings you NEVER MIND ISSUE 62    

         .__..__.______.__.   ._____      ._____.______._____..______.
         |::||  |::____|::|   |::_  \     |::_  \::__  |:: __||::____|
         |  __  | .__|_|  |___|  |\  \    |  |\  \ ||  |  |___| .__|_.
         |  ||  | |    |  |   |   ___/    |   ___/ __  | |__  | |    | 
         |__||__|______|______|__/        |__/  |__||__|____. |______|  


           ^   ånð nøw $øm3 ¡n§Trµçt¿øn$ føR ð¿z k3w£ mÅgaz¡n3!   ^    

             F1 =  Advertisements      Cursor up     =  Volume up
             F2 =  Messages            Cursor down   =  Volume down
             F3 =  News                Cursor left   =  Page down
             F4 =  Various             Cursor right  =  Page up
             M  =  Music on/off        Shift+C.left  =  5 Pages down
             K  =  Change Keymap       Shift+C.right =  5 Pages up
             G  =  Goto Page           HELP          =  This Page
             S  =  Search String       ESC           =  Quit Mag

   .  .           .          .                  .           .      .     .
   :   ______/\___:______/\_____________ /\_________/\______:_/\__ :   * .
   .   \________________/  \_______    //  \_____________________/   .   :
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      .  \\`      :   \`     :   |  \/  //      |      '/   :    '// : . :
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      .  . \\/____:_____\/___.________\/________.____\/_____:__\// CONtR0L
   .  .  .  \/    :     \/   :        \/   :    :    \/     :  \/    .
   .  .  .        .          .             .    .           .      . .   .

	    Welcome to another issue of the cool Never Mind series
		 	  packed by Mr.King of TRSI.


              If you want to support the cool Pack-Mag NEVER MIND 

                than contact Mr.King of TRSI under diz address
           Joerg Goedden   Postfach 3143   46434 Emmerich   Germany

      For more information about Never Mind read the Advertisment Info and
                     Diskback Service in the Various Menu

             _,\_.                     _,\_.
_ _ _,\__    ): ¬¦   _,\____  _,\__    ): ¬¦  _,\____  _,\__  _,\_____  _ _
_ / )· _¬\  / · _!   )· _  ¬\ )· _¬\  / ·__!__)· _  ¬\ )· _¬\ )·  _  ¬\ \ _
//// : Y  \/  : Y ¬\/ : Y___// : Y  \/  :Y  _/ : Y  _// : Y  \\:  Y  _/\\\\
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        ¯¯\/¯                     ¯¯\/¯           ¯¯\/¯    ¯¯\/¯
               Write to the one and only Swapper of Alcatraz

                               Dirk Dallmann
                            45884 Gelsenkirchen

   You can also send me Flyers and Poster of Tekkno or Rave Parties !!!

    ___  ___           _____        	     ||||||             |||||||
+--/ _ \/ _ \/\/\deus-/ / _ \/\/\---+	     | O-O| Flyski will |O\/O |
|:/ / _/ _  /    \:/\/ / _  /    \::|	     |   \\ be your next/     |
|:\/\ \_// (_/\/\ \\__/ //_/ /\/\_):|	     |) \__)  contact  /__/   |
|::::\_):\/::::::\/:::\/:::\/:::::::|	     | ~ |or I kick your| ==\ |
|:+»    Taste the difference     «+:|	    _|__/_      asss     \    |
+------+---------------------+------+	   ||Rave||             __|___|__
|If you think to deserve to join us:|	   ||cool||        _   /        /\
| Try this address:                 |	   ||____||     _/A \  |_|__A__|\/|
|                   RAM JAM WHQ     |	   \\____//    \_. V/ /  |____/_//
|                   P.O.BOX 23      |	    \\  //      /___\/  / =_____/
|You can try also   I-07040 FERTILIA|	     V /V       V  \/\_/ |_____|
|4 swapping if you  ITALY           |	     |/\|           //\  |/  \_|
|are in the scene                   |	     |\ |            \ \ |_|___|
|from at least 2  years......       |	     | \|Flyski/Orbital/ | |  \|
|   ___  ___           _____        |	     | /|ul.Su£kowskiego |/|/  |
+--/ _ \/ _ \/\/\deus-/ / _ \/\/\---+	     |/\|           54/5 ( (  (
|:/ / _/ _  /    \:/\/ / _  /    \::|	     |\/|64-100 Leszno   | | /|
|:\/\ \_// (_/\/\ \\__/ //_/ /\/\_):|	     | \|Poland         _|_|__|
|::::\_):\/::::::\/:::\/:::\/:::::::|	     \__/              ////____)
+------+---------------------+------+	   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

					   * | fAsT sWaPpIng - nEw wArEz | *
					   l |::::::/° \ ( (/ .\ /°):::::| m
          - F R E E Z E R S -   	   O |:::::/    \/ /  __) /::::::| O
					   o |:::::\_/\___(\_( (___):::::| d
					   O |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::| U
					   n |                           | l
					   G |  jµ$T åNøTh3® $wŶ¶3® ¡$  | E
					     |                           |
           Kazz of Freezers		     | $3å®çH¡N´4 n3w ÇøNtÅ×.... |
            Silakkatie 232		   l |                           | s
            43170 Hakkila		   E |   <Y8Ø®G øF /\/3ض£Å$!å   | W
              Funlandia			   t |   aN dEr kRäHeNhArDt 14   | a
					   T |    51674 WiEhL/gErMaNy    | P
					   a |___________________________|
           For swapping !!!!		   S |:::::::__:::__:__:::_::::::|
					     |::::::/° \ ( (/ .\ /°):::::| 2
           [Joining too !!!]		   ! |:::::/    \/ /  __) /::::::|
					   ! |:::::\_/\___(\_( (___):::::| !
					   * | =- pLeEzE nO bEgInNeRs -= | *

                        ./\______  ______/\../\.
                        |°    : .\|       °||. |
                        |.    : .||:::::  _||. |
    §¡®  J¡n×/N¶£      *|. :  : .||   .__/**|  |___/\.*      Ç¥bø®g/N¶£
    Ingo  Winkler    ***|. :     ||   |*****|  ...  .|***   Helge Ruland
   Antoniusplatz 1   ***|__:___ .||  _|*****|______ °|***  Krähenhardt 14
  49661 Cloppenburg  **********\/***\/***©Y8*******\/****   51674  Wiehl
   __                ************************************          __
  /\ \               ************************************         /\_\
  \/_/                                                            \/_/
                ÇøNtÅçT ص® E£¡tE-§wŶ¶e®§ µnÐe® СZ ÅðСEs :

      Ånt¡/Neø¶£å§¡å          Hø®®å/Neø¶£å§¡å          ¶hå§e/Neø¶£å§¡å
      Kai  Reinhardt          Thomas  Horacek          Stephan  Cremer
     Hutmachergasse 3         Hauptstraße  39        Dankwartstraße  61a
 09456  Annaberg-Buchholz     95173 Schönwald           23966  Wismar

   ....all in Germany !                 __
 Fø® Jø¡n¡ng çøntåçt Çybø®g !

          ,,,                         	 ____________________________________
         (o o)                        	| ___________       _______tHe       |
 -+---ooO-(_)-Ooo---+-                	| \____  ____\  /\/\\  ____\         |
                                      	|      \ \     /    \\ \   __mAgIc   |
                                      	|       \ \   / /\/\ \\ \__\ \       |
                                      	|        \_\ /_/    \_\\______\gUiLd |
     THE TRENDY DEALER / RAM-JAM      	|                                    |
                                      	| Y0, MAN! DO YA WANNA SWAP HOT      |
             Eugenio Gori             	| AND LEGAl STUFF? 0-10 DAYS!        |
        Via P.della Valle 12/5        	| AGA STUFF, TOO! FRIENDSHIP RULEZ!  |
            50127 Firenze             	| THEN LET'S SWAP!!!!!!!!            |
               Italy                  	| CONTACT:                           |
                                      	| jAvAiR/TMG            FOREIGNERS   |
 [100% back guaranteed to disksenders]	| Jan Christoph Meyer                |
                                      	| Lehmsiek 1             WELCOME !!  |
                                      	| 25876 Schwabstedt                  |
                          ,,,         	| Germany                            |
                         (o o)        	| LETTER + DISK = 1000% ANSWER       |
                 -+---ooO-(_)-Ooo---+-	|                                    |
                                      	|Please, no Stamps-Faking! Thanx!    |

        /                                                             \
        \ +   111  2222    33333  44444  5555   666    777777   88888 /
        /    1  1  2   2  3         4    5   5  6  6 + 7    7     8   \
        \   1   1  2222    3333     4 +  5   5  6   6   7      +  8   /
        /  111111  2   2       3    4    5555   666666   7        8   \
        \ 1     1  2222   33333  +  4    5   5  6     6   77777   8 + /
        / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \
        \- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -/
        /                                              also AGA stuff \
        \    BOOGER / ABSTRACT                                        /
        /                     ul.RYSZKI 57/23                         \
        \                                     41-500 CHORZOW          /
        / 100% ANSWER! really!                                POLAND  \
        \ ----------------------------------------------------------- /
        /  --  3 E N D L Y   &   K W I C K L Y   S W A P P I N G  --  \
        \ ----------------------------------------------------------- /
        /  G r e e t i n g s   t o   a l l   m y   c o n t a c t s !  \

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-	 _____/\_ ___/\_____  /\_______ _/\_
+   ___/\_____ ______/\ ______/\      +	 \  _   _X  ____    \/  ____  _X_   \
+   \__  .___/ \_   . \\\_   . \\     +	  \_/    \\/  _/   _/\____  \/\/ \__/
+    //  |______|   |  \\|   |  \\    +	   /      \   \     \    /    /    /
+   //   |      \   |   \\   |   \\   +	   \ _____/___j\    /________/\___/
+  //    ¦       \  ¦     \  ¦     \  +	    \/    Y     \  /\/e!
+  \_____________/________/________/  +	          :      \/
+                                     +
+       Stujace/The Dark Demon        +	       .o BacK To ThE RootS o.
+           Anders Risvik             +
+               Bukta                 +
+           N-6410 Midsund            +	       contact Mr.King of TRSI
+               Norway                +		 for the latest crap
+                                     +
+     For Cool Frendly swapping       +		    Joerg Goedden
+          Loooooong letters          +		    Postfach 3143
+      100% Answer to everybody       +		   46434  Emmerich
+                                     +		       Germany
+         f33l tHe ðårKn3$$ !         +
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-		Don't forget to support
						     NEVER   MIND

F          ______    _____  _____ ________________________  ________        F
R         /      \ /|     ||     |\      ||      /        \/        \       R
I        /        \ |     ||     | \     ||     /          |         |      I
E       /         / |     ||     |\ \          /|    ||    |       _/       E
N      /        _/| |            | \ \   ||   /||    ||    |        \       N
D     /\         \| |            |  \ \      / ||    ||    |\_       |      D
S     \ \         \ |     ||     |   \ \    /  ||    ||    |/        |      S
H      \ \        / |     ||     |    \ \  /   ||          |         |      H
I       \ \______/| |_____||_____|     \ \/    |/\________/\________/       I
P        \/_____/ |/______//____/       \/      \/_______/\/_______/        P

    Are U a beginner, nuts, drunk, stupid, a dog, god or even Napoleon?
                            Do U like hamsters?
Wait no longer! Contact Chaos D·Sign right now for swapping or even joining
    ___                Do it now, before U get sober!
   /  | ___  ___
  /   |/   \/   \                ICE/CHA0S D·Sign    Beggars and
  \/| |  |  | |  |                Oliemolen 156      Beginners welcome!
    | |  |  | |  | O/             1622 JS Hoorn      (Well, forget about
    |_|\___/\___/  /O Answer      The Neverlands      the beggars..)
    (Even if you ARE a Dog!)

  /                       ___ __ __ \
 | /  //\  //	/ /\  /\ \ \ \\_ \ \ |
 | \_/ \ \/ \__	\ \ \/ / / /  /_ /_/ |
 |                                   |	       |:::::_Chosen By the_/|#
 |                                   |	       |:::/     Gods!       |4
 |  Yo dudes ! Are you looking for a |	       |::/ --·=--- -- ---  -·6
 |  new dynamic group to join ?      |	       |:/Supporting D.I.S.C |-
 |  So, why not sending some samples |	       |/n' friendly trading :8
 |  of your work to us.              |	       |- --- - ·=---- - -- -|5
 |  We are especially searching for  |	       |   ..please,known    |9
 |  Graphicians and Musicians.       |	       |_groups_only!__sorry.|0
 |  But everyone else is free to     |	       :                     |9
 |  contact us of course !!!         |	       | Pantera/Gods        |3
 |·                                 ·|	       | Hovslagarg.64  ²tr  :2
 |··   Write to : SUICIDAL/UNLIMITED·|	       | 19431 Uppl.Vasby   /|0
 |···              REBLAUB Matthieu··|	       : Sweden            /:|6
 |····              3 rue Bel-Air····|	       | __.___ _.________/::|
 |····             67310 WASSELONNE··|	       |/friendly el!te..::::|
 |······               FRANCE  ······|
 |··French are especially welcomed !·|

               /\_                     /\_
        /\_    \_ \  ____     ____    / _ \_    ____     ____
        \_ \    / /_/ _  \_ _/ _  \_ / / \_ \ _/ _  \_ _/ _  \_
          \ \  / // _/ \  // _/ \  // /   / // _/ \  // _/ \  /\
           \ \/ // /___/ // /___/ // /___/ // /___/ // /___/ / /
            \  / \______/ \______/ \  ____/ \______/ \______/ /
             \/ / \______/ \______/ \/ ____/ \______/ \______/ [Kazz]
              \/                     \/

                         How about some magic...

                          Gummibear of Voodoo
                            Silakkatie 232
                            43170 Hakkila

                          [For swapping!!]

          __________________		     _____ \/_/ /\____ __ _  _
         /     _ ____   _   \		     |    \____/
        /   /\/¬\\  ¬\ //    \		     |
        \  /  \ // \_// \/\  /		     |  contact Beeblebrox/Orion
         \ \/\_/ \_/  \___/ /		     |
          \________________/		     |        Rene Rummel
          known guys can try		     |    Hutschenreutherkol.5
					     |        95100 Selb
        × Phase of Neoplasia ×		     |          Germany
            Stephan Cremer		     |
           Dankwartstr. 61a		     |  Disk       = 1Oo % aNswa
             23966 Wismar		     |  Foreigners = 200 % aNswa
              in Germany		     :           .
					     ·  __ _____:::.  __ ___ ____
        X×X×X×X×X×X×X×X×X×X×X×		     . /  \|    |__  /  \|  \|  |
					      /  | \ . _|  \/  | \ . ·  |

           _________ _____  __________________________________
           \__  _   \  _ .\/  _____   ______/\__/     \   _   \
     __     |.  /___/  |__\\____  .\____  .\ / .\  |  \\  |   \\      __
_ ___\//\ _ ||  | //  ___/  \  \   \\  \   \\   \\ |   \\ |    \\ _ /\\/___ _
     \/  \\\l___| \____|____/_______/_______/____/______/_|_____////  \/

                  For wild and passionate swapping contact:

          Decoy of Passion, Ekkodalen 17, DK-6000 Kolding, Denmark!

                          Love to these fine crews:

    Abyss, Accession, Alchemy, Analog, Avalon, Banal Projects, Black Jack,
      C-Lous, Cadaver, Chrome, Compact, Complex, Control, Cryptoburners
    Damones, Decnite, Depth, Desire, Destiny, Diffusion, Disaster, Energy
  Equinox, Eremation, Essence, Facet's Pussy/Desire, Fanatic, Fear, Freezers
  Giants, Giga Productions, Humane, Infect, Intense, Iris, Jewels, Mad Elks
 Myth, Necropolis, Nova, Nuance, Oblivion, Obsession, Orient, Orion, Outlaws
  Polka Brothers, Pushkin, Quick Design, Ram Jam, Razor 1911, Rebels, Retire
  RGB, S!P, Sanity, Sardonyx, Saturne, Scoopex, Silents, Spaceballs, Speedy
   Spoon, Static Bytes, Stellar, Stone Arts, Stormtroopers, The Dark Demon
       Tom/Python Design, TRSI, Vacuum, Vision, Vixen, Wartec, Wizzcat!
     ||||||             |||||||		.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.
     | O-O| Radzik will |O\/O |		:::::::::|¯¯\|¯| |¯¯¯¯¯\|¯|::::::::::::
     |   \\ be your next/     |		::       | \ | | | __¯ /| |          ::
     |) \__)  contact  /__/   |		::       | |\  | | \ \/ | |_/\       ::
     | ~ |or I kick your| ==\ |		:::::::::|_|:\ |:| /::::|____ \::::::::
    _|__/_      ass      \    |		`:::::::::::::\|:|/::::::::::\/:::::::'
   ||Rave||             __|___|__	 `:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'
   ||cool||        _   /        /\	::::::try to get in contact with:::::::
   ||____||     _/A \  |_|__A__|\/|	:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
   \\____//    \_. V/ /  |____/_//	:::::::::::  ANTI/NEOPLASIA :::::::::::
    \\  //      /___\/  / =_____/	:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
     V /V       V  \/\_/ |_____|	:::::::::::  kai reinhardt  :::::::::::
     |/\|           //\  |/  \_|	::::::::::: hutmachergasse 3:::::::::::
     |\ |            \ \ |_|___|	:::::::::::annaberg-buchholz:::::::::::
     | \|RADZIK/ORBITAL/ | |  \|	::::::::::: 09456 (germany) :::::::::::
     | /|ul. PARKOWA 20/10/|/  |	`:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'
     |/\|64-100 LESZNO   ( (  (		.::   my money to some members of   ::.
     |\/|POLAND          | | /|		:bls-defiance-eskimos-fear-fci-illegal:
     | \|               _|_|__|		:latex-mad elks-mador-mystic-orion-   :
     \__/              ////____)	:outlaws-retire-savage-shrimps design-:
   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~	:tfd-unlimited-x treme-all npl members:

                      ___/\_____ ________/\ ________/\
-----------^-------  -\__   .__/ \_    .  o\\_    .  o\---------------------
                       /o   |_____|    |   \\|    |   \\
                      //    |     \    |    \\    |    \\
                     //     ¦      \   ¦      \   ¦      \
200% Answer                                                    200% Answer
                            - FEEL THE DARKNESS -
             For super, cool, frendly, elite , fast , funny , mega


            you should try out:
                                  Stujace/The dark demon
                                  Anders Risvik
                                  N-6410 midsund

                    Greetings to members of The Dark Demon

      ·                 __
      :  U /\ L | /\/\ | | E |>
. ..  | ...  ..   .			    *¤°~¬¯¬~°¤*¤°~¬¯¬~°¤*¤°~¬¯¬~°¤*
      | Are you looking for		    ----------->support<-----------
      : an Elite swapmachine ?		    -------->JURASSIC PACK<--------
      . if Yes, then....		    ------------>with<-------------
      .  F U C K   O F F !!!		    ----->news,addys,articles,<----
					    ------->votes & intro's<-------
         only friendly guys		    *¤°~¬¯¬~°¤*¤°~¬¯¬~°¤*¤°~¬¯¬~°¤*
       and girls are welcomed		    ------->if you have many<------
     If FRIENDSHIP is more than		    ------->contact's, don't<------
       a fucking word for you,		    ------>hesitate, become a<-----
        write me sOOn !!!!		    --------->spreader for<--------
        SUICIDAL/UNLIMITED       	    -------->JURASSIC PACK<--------
          REBLAUB MATTHIEU       	    -------->right away!!!<--------
           3 rue Bel Air      ·		    *¤°~¬¯¬~°¤*¤°~¬¯¬~°¤*¤°~¬¯¬~°¤*
          67310 WASSELONNE    ·		    ----->addy:JP-STAFF<-----------
              FRANCE          :		    ---------->Dregseth v.4<-------
                  .   ..  ... |  .. .	    ---------->N-7500 Stjordal<----
                     __       |		    ---------->NORWAY<-------------
      U /\ L | /\/\ | | E |>  :		    *¤°~¬¯¬~°¤*¤°~¬¯¬~°¤*¤°~¬¯¬~°¤*

              __        ___      __         __     __
       ______|  \______/   |____/  \_______/  \___/  \__________________
       \__   |     ___    ______     ______      _  _____________     _/
        /    :     \_/     |   |\    \    |\    /   __)__  /    |\    \
       /     |      /\     |    /     \    /    \   |/   \/     |/     \_
    __/      A_____/  \___ |______    /_____    /\____    \_____A_______/
    \_______/            |_|     \___/     \___/     \____/      mr.vain
      ___      __      __  :                         __               __
  ___/   |____/  \____/  | .  ______________________/  \_____________/  \___
  \_      _   _______    |____\__________    ____________      ______     _/
   /     |_____    \/    |    \  /      |\   \  __/     |\      \   |\    \
  /      |    |     \    |     \/       _/    \ \       |/       \   /     \_
  \_____ |   _______/_______    ________A      \_\_ ____A________/_______ __/
       \_|\ _/             \__ _/        \_ ____/  V                     V
         | V                  V            V       :                     :
         : .                  |            :       .                     .
         .                    :            .
                          GODS World HeadQuarter

     Running o3o 25 , 1GB ,  Node 2  + 47 71670793  B 14400 V42 , 24H
                          Sysøp > D.Z.G of GODS

         __				 !
        /\ \   Come on and swap		 ! FOR SWAPPING THE LATEST!
       /  \ \  with............		 @ OR TEKKKNO TAPES,STICKER
      /    \_\				 ? SWEETS,COASTERS AND
     /     /\ \				 # OTHERS CRASY THINGS!!
     \  / /  \ \  SIR JINX		 #
      \/ / /\ \_\  of Neoplasia		 Å!!!!!!!!!!?@@@@#$#!!%?)Å°!??
       \/  \/ /\_\  Ingo Winkler	         WRITE NOW!!         #
        \/\  / / /   Antoniuspl. 1	                             Å
           \/ / / __  49661		     MOGUL OF RAM JAM(fhq)
           / /_/ /\_\  Cloppenburg	     16 BIS RUE J.JUGAN
    RAP    \ \ \/ / /   Germany		      35590 L'HERMITAGE
    TAPE    \ \/ / /			          -FRANCE-
    SWAP !!! \/\/_/  Modules 2 !
              \/_/			    >>FRIENDSHIP REQUIRED<<

 Do you want to trade   .° |\ _ _ ___/\_____ ___)\ _     Do you like
 -hot Stuff     ?      /\ +|.\ _ ___   ___ __ _   \\\\   -Neoplasia        ?
 -funny Letters ?     /  \ | \\  /    __/  /   _   \     -Friendship       ?
 -Rap Tapes     ?    / __ \|  .\/     |___/    |    \    -Stamp Back 100 % ?
 -Funky Modules ?  _/   \  \ .  \     ¦   \_   |    \\   -Cool Phonecalls  ?
 -Dope/Beer     ? \\     \ ¯¯!   \    .    /   ¯    //   -crazyness        ?
                 .  \_____\  ¦    \_____  /\_____  ./ .
 so dont wait    |   XXXXXX\ .     \XX\__/XXXXXX\__/  |     so dont wait
 to contact     -+----------\_______\--^rave^---/\----+-    to contact
 NOW  !!       _ !      _           _         _/  ¯\_ !     NOW  !!
           _ _/(___ ___/|  .__ _ ___)\_/\_____)\ _ _/_ ___)\ _
          _ _____  \ _  | °  ______  /  _______/   ______  //// SIR JINX
 call       /   |  \\/  | . + /   !  \____.  \/    |    !  \   OF NEOPLASIA
 +49    _ _/    !   .\  !____/.   _   \   !   \    |    _   \  INGO WINKLER
       \\\\    ______/  :    \_   |    \_ :    \_  |    |    \  ANTONIUSPL.1
 04471  + °\    | \\         //   |     /       /  |    |     /    49661
 879166 .+ .\_  |   \_____  ./\___|    /_____  /   |\___|° . /. CLOPPENBURG
        °  |  \ |XXXXXXXX\__/XXXXX|   /XXXX|  /\   |XX  |   / |   GERMANY
 for      -+---\|-----------------|  /-----| /--\  |----|° /--+-
 Voice     !    ¯                 | //     |/   _\ |    |+/   !
                                  |//      ¯   \\\\|    |/
                                  ¯                ¯    ¯
.                                    .	             /\__  /\__  /\___
. Do you want to trade with a Girl ? .	            /   ¬\/   ¬\/    ¬\
o                                    o	  T        /  /  /  /  /  / / /
o           just contact             o	  w       /    \/     /  / / /     t
o                                    o	  o      /  /  /  /  /  / / /      h
o                                    o	        /  /  /  /  /  / / /       e
o           NAUGHTY ANGEL            o	  B  P  \_/  /\_/  /\_/_/ /     M
o                                    o	  r  O     \/    \/     \/      .  f
o           Melanie Preuß            o	  o  S     Cristiano & Danilo   A  i
o           Nordstrasse 14           o	  t  D            Micoli        .  f
0           49661 Cloppenburg        o	  h  N      Via G.D'Aragona 12  S  t
0           Germany                  0	  e  U     66100 Chieti - Italy .  h
0                                    0	  r  O      /\__  /\__  /\___   E
0     Greetings :                    0	  s  S      \  ¬\/   ¬\/    ¬\  .  f
0     TRSI, Neoplasia, Interactive,  0	          /\/\  /  /  /  / / /     l
0     Unlimited, Polka Brothers,     0	  o      /  \  /     /  / / /      o
0     Mad Elks, Pearl, Bronx ......  0	  n     /   / /  /  /  / / /       o
0                                    0	       /   / /  /  /  / / /        r
0     I AM SEARCHING FOR A NEW       0	       \__· /\_/  /\_/_/ /
0     CREW ...................       0	          \/    \/   cj\/
0                                    0

  +                            ________   _____ ______
    + +            /\/\     /\ \__     \ /     \      \              +
  +     +         /    \   /  \  |      |       | |)   \          + + +
     + +         /      \ /    \ |   \  |   /\  |      /        +   +
   +  ____      /        /  /\  \|   /  |   \/  |      \       +  +  +
     /   /\    /   /\/\ /  /  \  \      |       |___|   \    ____   +
    /___/  \   \  /    (__________)____/ \_____/    |   /   /   /\
    \   \  /    \/vader \/ -beyond the mind eyes-   |__/   /___/  \
     \___\/                                                \   \  /
                    4 faSt aNd FrIendLY sWaPpiNg wRitE+2 :
                                                + + +
      4 swapping             4 swapping      + +   + +  4 GFX swapping
      VAdER/MDR              DOOMSDAY/MDR   ____ +  +   CROMATIC/MDR
      Ulrich Becker          Boris Badasch /   /\  +    Markus Mueller
      Weserstr.48            Lahnstr.62   /___/  \      Poznanerstr.23
      49661 Cloppenburg      56130 Bad Ems\   \  /      03048 Cottbus
      -GERMANY-              -GERMANY-     \___\/       -GERMANY-


       -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-    	| ___________       _______tHe       |
         TaStE ThE DiFfErEnCe!          | \____  ____\  /\/\\  ____\         |
       -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-	|      \ \     /    \\ \   __mAgIc   |
         FoR fRiEnDsHiP SwApp 		|       \ \   / /\/\ \\ \__\ \       |
       CoNtAcT thE Co-LeAdEr Of		|        \_\ /_/    \_\\______\gUiLd |
           RaM jAm FrAnCe    		|                                    |
             				| Y0, MAN! DO YA WANNA SWAP HOT      |
           JiBe / RaM jAM		| AND LEGAl STUFF? 0-10 DAYS!        |
       4 Place Aristide Briand  	| AGA STUFF, TOO! FRIENDSHIP RULEZ!  |
         35590 L'Hermitage		| THEN LET'S SWAP!!!!!!!!            |
       					| CONTACT:                           |
       I'm AlSo InTeReStEd In		| jAvAiR/TMG            FOREIGNERS   |
           GfX cOnTaCt...		| Jan Christoph Meyer                |
       -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-		| Lehmsiek 1             WELCOME !!  |
         .RaM jAM fRaNcE.            	| 25876 Schwabstedt                  |
       -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-		| Germany                            |
					| LETTER + DISK = 1000% ANSWER       |

                .....  ......  ...     ... ...     .....  ...
               ::: ::: ::: ::: :::...  ::: :::..  ::: ::: :::
               ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::    ::: ::: :::
               ::: ::: :::     ::: ::: ::: :::    ::: ::: :::
               ::::::: :::     ::::::  :::  ::... :::::::: ::...
                         . An 3rection with p3rfection!!

                             Just swap and be happy!!
               Flyski/Orbital                Radzik/Orbital
               ul.Sulkowskiego 54/5          ul.Parkowa 20/10
               64-100 Leszno                 64-100 Leszno
               Poland                        Poland

          ___________________________________  ________________________.
         /      //  //      //  /           /\/       //      //      /|
       ./______//__//______//__/___________/  \______//______//______/ |
       |       Y   Y       Y   \           \  /      Y       Y       | |
       |   _   |   |   _   |   _\____    ___\/   _   |   _   |   _   | |
       |   Y   |   |   Y   |   Y   | \   \   \   Y   |   Y   |___Y   | |
       |       |   |   |___|       | |\   \   \    -<|       |       | |
       |   _   |   |   |   |   _   | | \   \   \ _   |   _   |   ____| |
       |   Y   |   |   !   |   Y   | |  \   \  / Y   |   Y   |   Y   | |
       |   |   |   |       |   |   | |   \___\/  |   |   |   |       | |
       |___!___|___|_______|___!___|/:       |___!___|___!___|_______|/:
       :   ·   :   :       :   ·   :         :   ·   :   ·   :  ppX! :

              Contact da one and only Swapper of Alcatraz...

                               Dirk Dallmann
                            45884 Gelsenkirchen

  _________________   _   _____   ______________       __ __   _   _
 /         \_   _  \_/ \_/     \_/    /         \_   _/  |  \_/ \_/ \_
 \      ___  \__|   |   |   _   |     \      ___  \  |   |   |   |   /
M \       \  /  _   |   |   |   |___  _\       \  /  |   |   |    __/
a /\___    \/   |   |   |   |   | |   |/\___    \/ /\|   |   |      \_
F/   /      \   |   |   |   |   | |   /   /      \ \/|   |   |   |   |
/   /        \  |   |   |   |   | |  /   /        \  |   ~   |   |   |
\            /      |   |   |   | |  \            /  |       |   |   |
 \__|_______/\_____/~\_/~\__|__/~ ~\_/\__________/   ~\_____/~\_/~\_/~
  | |
  | | R LøøK¿NG 4 K£WL Nu M£MB£R$ ¶A®T¿ÇULÆ®L¥ ÆN ÆGÆ ÇØD£®
  | | ¿F U R ¿NT£®$T£D ¿N JØ¿N¿NG ØR $Wƶ¶¿NG TH£N WR¿T£ 2
- --ø------------------------------------ ----- - -- - -- -  -
  | |

					  |                _  _              \
					 -0?*+---- -- -   (/\/\)             /
             ___/\			  |   _____   ___ __oO__  ____ ____  \
 /\_______/\ \_  /__________/|/\_____ 	  !   \___ \ / _ \\ \/ / / / // __/  /
 \  _____ __\  \/ \___ __  _ __  ___/	  :    / / // ___/_)__(_/ /_/_\__ \  \
  \__  \/ \/ \/\/\/  /\ \\/  | \__  \	  .    \/\/ \___/ \_/\_/\_________/  /
  /o \  \____ \   \  \/  \   | /o    \	                                     \
 / !____/    \/ __/ _/___/__ |/ !____/	  W      - If you are interested in  /
 \/.          \/  \/        \|\/WooBER	  E        spreading our pack disks  \
    Swappers should try to contact	    W      called Turbo Transfer.    /
					    A    - If you are interested in  \
         Domain / Saints DKHQ		    N      supporting us with daily  /
              Myntevei 34		    T      hot warez for the packs.  \
             8900 Randers		      Y  - If you are interested in  /
                Denmark			      O    joining Nexus as swapper  \
					      U    and spreader.             /
 /-----------------------------------\	                                     \
  Also for joining the Danish Section	  If so, then write to this adress:  /
               of SAINTS		                                     \
 \-----------------------------------/	    ___ _  Janne Warnstam            /
      C H E C K  Y O U R  M I N D	   /\_\_ _ Stallmästaregatan 28      \
					   \/_/_   S-582 63 Linköping        /
					           Phone: +46(0)13-159966    \

                     /\____/\  __________  /\  ____/\_______
                    /     /  \/   /\____ \/  \/   /\   |   /
                   /  |__/\   \  /¦/  |/_/\   \  /¦¦\_ | _/
              ÷----\  |  \¦\    /¦/   /  \¦\    /¦¦¦/     \----÷
              |    /  '   \¦\  /\/   /    \¦\  /\¦_/   |   \_  |
              |    \______ \/___ \___\__  /¦/___ \\____|__  /  |
           ÷--|           \/¯   \/   ¯  \/  ¯   \/        \/   |--÷
           |  |                                                |  |
           |  `------------</><\> EREMATION </><\>-------------'  |
           |                                                      |
           |   What does the name of Cyryx to ya? Nothing,then    |
           |   write to me for swapping "Ascii'logo",demos,pack,  |
           |   intros,girls or for supporting my pack...........  |
           |                                                      |
           |   <º> Cyryx of Eremation  <º>   Hellos to: VDI, SCX  |
           |   <º>   Vignolants 29     <º>   HMD,SLC,CRB,Ram Jam  |
           |   <º> CH-2000 Neuchatel   <º>   Ceades,Iris,NHD,CCL  |
           |   <º>      SUISSE         <º>   ERM & Locust.......  |

            _/  __________   __  _____   \____   _    ______/
            \_____   |o _|   |o  |o  |   | \__   |\_____   |
            .||  |   || \_   ||  ||  |   |.:.|o  |:||  |   |
          .::|:  |   |:  |   |:  |:  |   |:::|:  |:|:  |   |
           ::l____   l___|   l   l___|   l:::|   l:l____   l
                    -==: CALL THESE SAINTS BOARDS :==-

            Absolute Floppy Disco (WHQ): NODE#1: +47-784-63344
            SysOp Noble Man            : NODE#2: +47-784-63345
            Piranha (HQ)               : NODE#1: +47-769-40114
            SysOp Kriz                 : ---------------------
            Last Action (HQ)           : NODE#1: +47-62-578514
            SysOp Yoummy               : ---------------------
            Living Underworld (HQ)     : NODE#1: +47-53-761374
            SysOp Seagull              : ---------------------
            Firehall (23-07) (HQ)      : NODE#1: +47-66-794923
            SysOp Instant              : ---------------------

					            __________  _______
    ___________ _ ______  ________ __ 	           /  ___/__  \/ _   _ \
   /    ______/_ __  __ _/    ____ _	          /  ___/  /  /  /  /  /\
   \/\  .\   |    /. \  |\/\  .\	         / _/  /     /  /  /  / /
   /. \  \\  :   //   \ :/  \  \\	        /     /  /  /  /  /  / /
   \      \\ .  //    .\.\      \\	      ÷/___  /__/  /__/  /__/ /÷
    \ ______\  /________\ \ ______\	      |\___\/\_/__/\_/__/\__\/ |
     \\_ __ \\//__ _  _ \\_\\_ __ \\	      |cyryx\/ \__\/ \__\/     |
					      |                        |
              Contact SAINtS		      |For sWappIng,aScii,TekNo|
        for Trading the latest at:	      |taPeS,mAnGaS wRite to dA|
					      |        OnLy OnE:       |
            Dr.Dweep of SAINtS		      |                        !
          Incirli cd. K.Tepe mh.	      |     Cyryx/EREMATION    :
       S.Kormac sk. Bektasoglu apt.	      |      Vignolants 29     :
           D:9 Bakirkoy-Istanbul	      |    CH-2000 Neuchatel   .
                  TURKEY!		      |       Switzerland      .
					      |                        |
      Also for AGA stuffs prefered!.	      |  DiSk & FrIeNdlY=100%  |

                _______  ________________________________________
               /   \   \/   /        /        /        /     PsS/\
              /     \      /   _____/   _____/    ____/    ____/ /
             /   ¯¯¯¯\    /   /\___/        /        /        / /
            /   _____/    \  /_/__/   _____/____    /____    / /
           /        /      \     /        /        /        / /
          /________/___/\___\___/________/________/________/ /
         BeYoND yOuR iMagInAtiOn <=--=> BeYoND yOuR iMagInAtiOn

               We SeEkS fOr MoRe CoNtAcTs ArOuNd ThE GlObE.

                  LeOn Of ExCeSs       InFeRnO oF eXcEsS
                  JiMmY HeDkViSt       RoGeR AnDeRsSoN
                  GaRdEsV.15           NoRuMsHoJdd 89
                  33393 SkEpPsHuLt     41745 GoTeBoRg
                  SwEdEn               SwEdEn

                     100% AnSwEr To AlL sTuFf SeNdErS!

              ___________/\/\__ _______/\_ _  __________________/\
              \    _______/\   \\_____/\  \|\/       \    _______/
              /\_______   \/    \______/     \/\   /\/\_______   \
             /       _/    \  :  \     \  :   \/   \/       _/    \
            /              /  |   \    /  |    \    \             /
            \_____________/___|    \__/___|     \___/____________/
          |        To join the Norwegian section of Saints or       |
          |            just swap friendly then write to :           |
          |                                                         |
          |                    WooBER / Saints NHQ                  |
          |                       Goran Myrland                     |
          |                          Gamnes                         |
          |                       9130 Hansnes                      |
          |                          NORWAY                         |
          |                                                         |
          |                Letter or disk = 101% Answer             |
          |                   I hate diskstealers!!!                |
          |Fast greets to: ABS!, TMX, THG, Beta Team, Cadaver, CPT. |

    ___________ _______   __________  	             E X C E S S
   /   _______ (__   __) /   _______) 	        -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
   \____   \     /   \   \_____   \   	            (For joining)
   /  |     \   /     \   /  |     \
  /   :      \ /       \ /   :      \ 	             Leon/Excess
  \   _______/ \_______/ \   _______/ 	             Gardesv.15
   \  /                   \  /        	             33393 Skeppshult
 ---\/---------------------\/---------	             Sweden
      SAINTS - Check your mind
 -------------------------------------	    Hello 2: CyberGod/Ram jam
  For fast & friendly ELITE swapping:		     Snowfire/Daylight
            Enzyme/Saints			     Wildcat/Scania
            Juuso Simola			     Skyhawk/Orion
          Koelentajankatu 1			     Baloo/Zidra
           33900 Tampere			     Alex/Twilightzone
              FINLAND				     Flaver

              _____________  ___   __  __ ___________________
             /    __  /    \(   ) /. \/  \\         /   __  /
             \___  .\/  |__.\  ||//   \_ .\\_/.  \_/___  .\/
             /. .\  \\  __/ \\ !|    _    \\//   .\/. .\  \\
      _ _ __//   \\  \\ |    \\:|    /     \\\    \\   \\  \\__ _  _
            \ ________/_|_____/_)___/\______/______/________/eXe
             \/              Check your mind.      \/

     Contact the Designer and Swapper of Saints for nice swapping at:

                       eXe / SaInts.................
                       Cennet mh.Hurriyet cd.76/11..

        Also contact for support SIGN with articles and photos...

            ___/\__/\_   _/\_____/\_______/\________/\________/\____
           /  _____   \ / ____  ______   ______    ______    ______/
          /   __/_ \   l   / /   |  \/   __/_  \__.   \  \__.   \
         /    |   \/       \/    |   \   |   \/   |    \/   |    \
        /     l    \        \    l    \  l    \   l     \   l     \
        \        __/   |    /     ____/     __/     ____/     ____/
         \______/  \__/¯\__/\____/  \______/  \____/    \____/+PsS+

         Leon needs some new swapmates.If you are one then write to

                              Leon of Excess
                              Jimmy Hedkvist
                             33393 Skeppshult

 Greeting: Steffen/Speedy,Baloo/Zidra,Mars/Mystic,Wilcat/Scania,Crazyd/C-lous,
           Trushhead/Mystic,Pozz/C-lous,C-quence/Gods,Masterix/Supreme,Dj cat/
	   Keno,Miko63/Iris,Mike/Dlt,Payday/X-trade,Snowfire/Daylight and to
	   all i forgott!.

                         _     _      _ _  _     _
                         \   ___/      /   \ ___   \
                         /\___  \ |___/  /\ \\_/ __/
                        /    /   \ _|_   ¬¬  \_    \
                        \        /|   \__|    /\    \_
                     +---\____  /_____ \ |_  /__\     \---+
                     |        \/      \/   \/    \____/   |
                     |                                    |
                     |   whaT do3s GRAFFITI meAnS to Ya?  |
                     |     for Pur3 graffiti trading...   |
                     | phOtos,skeTchEs,inTerviews,sparVaR,|
                     |sNoup/sKiNnY/fAT caPs,sCanNed StYleS|
                     | & fOr aGa/eCs gFx,writE noW to mE. |
                     |                                    |
                     |    1      sear/kreators      1     |
                     |    0        mulets 13        0     |
                     |    0     2000  neuchatel     0     |
                     |    %       switzerland       %     |
                     |                                    |

                  /\______________  _____________
                  \        ____   \/   _________/   TRiSTAR
                   \/    \/   _  _/\____  \/    \ RED SECTOR!
                 +-/RtX!  \   |   \_   |   \     \----------+
                 | \  ____/___|__  /_____  / ____/ Qba/TRSI |
                 4 fast'n'friendly swap write to:

                 QBA/TRSI        gtz to:Norby,Qwerty,Python,
                 P.O. BOX 105    KR'33,Zinko,Trash Head,Sky,
                 12-100 SZCZYTNO Radavi,Dreamer,XTD,Tropper,
                 POLAND          Magor,Blast,Dodger,Stan,Zibi

         /. _______   __/. ____/     	         ______________________
         \/\  \   /. .\ \/\ .\         	        /. __  /__   __/. __  /
         /. \  \ //   \\/. \ \\        	        \/\  \/  /. .\ \/\  \/
        //    _///    _//    _/    	        /. \  \ //   \\/. \  \
        \____/  \____/ \____/     	       //      //     //      \
       Saints - Check your mind.      	       \_______\______\_______/
        For musicians swappers 		     Purple Haze / Saints seeking
               write to:		      some cool contacts, try to
					         swapping with me at:
         MikromissioN / Saints
             Aspeveien 14		            ..Sletta 41..
              8200 Fauske		            ..1800 Askim.
                NORWAY			            ..Norway!....

  -/- FOR SWAPPING MODS, SAMPLES -\-	   ...Legal or Illegal who cares?...

:              ___________ __________    ________    _______                 :
+--------------\___   _ _/-\______   \--/    ___/---( ______)----------------+
:               /~    ~Y\  _/~ _ /   / _\      ~Y\  /Y     ~\                :
|              /       . \/   / Y    \/~Y\___   . \/ :       \               |
:              \____      \___\ :     \ .    _____/      ____/               :
:                                                                            :

                   Do you like modules? Yes?!?!  Write to:

           P.O. Box 105
			                             12-100 Szczytno

		   I have about 250 disks with modules!!!!

      /\______/\________/\    /\______	 __/\ ___/\ ___/\_ _/\ __/\____/\___k
     /  _    /\          /   /  _    /	 \_ .\\_ __)\_  __)\__)\ .__ \ ____/a
  /\/   .\  /  \  /. \  / /\/    \  /	  / | \/ ._|_/_.  \/  \/ |  _/ ._|_ o
 /. \    \\/    \//  .\/ /. \    .\/	 /  |  \ |   \ |   \   \ |   \ |   \z
//   \_    \    /     \\//   \_   \\	/   :   \:    \:    \   \!    \     \
\__________/    \______/\__________/	\        \     \     \   \     \     \
					 \  _____/_____/_____/___/_____/_____/
          Contact The Saints 		  \/
     for ELITE AGA Stuffs Trading	 -------------------------------------
    and joining, you can try this:	 to swap modules, graphics and demos..
             NoP of SAINTS		              Loony/Desire
             Serkan Akkaya		            58 Nethercote Rd
        PK:10 Cennet PTT. 34640		                Tackley
        KucukCekmece - ISTANBUL		             OXON - OX5 3AT
                TURKEY!			                England
     Graphicians join us or die!., foreign group members only!..

      ____ ___    _______    ________    _______    ________    ___ _____
      \   \  /    \     /    \    _ .\   \     /    \  ____/    \  /   _/
      /.   \.\    /. __.\    /.  /_  \\  /. _ .\    /. \        /.   //
     //      \\  // /_/ \\  //  ______/ // /_  \\  //   ¯¯¯¯\  //  \_/
    //   /    \\//       \\//   |      //   |   \\//        \\//    .\
    \___/______/\_________/\____|      \____|____/\__________/\__\   \\_

  Send some own productions 'n filled voteforms 4 thIs cOol cHaRt-pAck at:

                        ......sErKaN aKkAyA........
                       .....pK:1o cEnNeT pTt.3464o..

                yA KaN gEt lAteSt iSsuE oF nOPaCk fRom mE!.

           __________ ________   _______ ______
          |          |        \ /       \\____/
          |  |o   |  |o   |    \\\ _____/ ____
          |__||   |__||        //\____  \|o   |
             |:   |  |:   |    //       \\|   |
             |.   |  |.   |    \\       //:   |
             |____|  |____|____|\_______/|____|


                     TRISTAR and RED SECTOR INC. 1994

         You would like to swap with a totally mad organiser ?
                      No problem, just write to :

                          Stefan-Jaeger Str. 12
                           A-8605  Kapfenberg
                             (only legal)

\____ \____ \____ \____ \____ \____ \_
 T  T  T  T  T  T  T  T  T  T__T  T__|
 |  |--|  |  |  _ -|  ___|___  |  ___|
 |  |  |  |  |  T  |  T \_  T  |  T  |	      /¯¯
 |  ¯  |  ¯  |  |  |  |  T  ¯  |  ¯  T	        facet's pussy burgers
 |   __|   __|  l__|  |  |   __|   __|	            for sale at:
 l__/  l__/  l__/  l_/¯  l__/  l__/  |
 |                                   |	          N.E.O.N. C.I.T.Y.
 |                                   |	      +31(0)4780-12733 (node 1)
 |          PAYDAY / CORPSE          |	      +31(0)4780-14014 (nodes 2+3)
 |           BADSTRANDSV.6           |
 |         S-136 49  HANINGE         |	                               __/
 |              SWEDEN               |
 |                                   |

                                 _ _|___
          ________________  _______ |___\_________________
         /     ____       \/       \|              /   |  \
         \___     \   |    \   |    \     \_|   \_/_____   \
         /         \        \  :     \     \|    \          \
        /__________/  |________|_____/_____/:     \_________/
               \______!                     |_____/fade1

                   for legal elite swap write to...

                          Trasher / Sanity
                            Oliver Plink
                            Im Kirchen.6
                           89155 Erbach 2

                         ...demo or die !!!

                 for everybody -> No faked stamps
                 for germans   -> Keine Warensendungen

.ø·°¬¯¬°·ø.     .ø·°¬¯¬°·ø.     .ø·°¬¯
          ¬°*ø*°¬         ¬°*ø*°¬	 *************************************
					 *                                   *
					 *  -------------------------------  *
    .··  bEACHy .··. dELIGHt ··.	 *         TRASHER OF SANITY         *
    ·..·°¬¬¯¯¬¬°·..·°¬¬¯¯¬¬°·..·	 *        -------------------        *
					 *           Oliver Plink            *
					 *           Im Kirchen.6            *
            mARQUIs dAVId		 *          89155 Erbach 2           *
         53,rUe sAINt hENRi      	 *             Germany.              *
        57350 sTIRINg-wENDEl		 *                                   *
             -fRANCe-			 *   WANTED: gfx, sfx, legal stuff   *
					 *                                   *
					 *     only the best can survive     *
					 *    --- no beginners please ---    *
wELl kNOWn gROUPs' cODERs, gRAPHISTs	 *                                   *
					 *                                   *
.ø·°¬¯¬°·ø.     .ø·°¬¯¬°·ø.     .ø·°¬¯	 *************************************
          ¬°*ø*°¬         ¬°*ø*°¬

          |                                                       |
          |                     /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\                     |
          |      __       /¯¯¯¯¯| - SINCE - |¯¯¯¯¯\               |
          |_____/_/ _____/   ___|    ____  _|______\ _________  __|_
         _/  __  | /   _ |_ /   ¯\  /    \/        \/   _ |_  \/  ¯|©
         |   \\  |/   /|__//   /| \/   /| \_  /|   /   /| ¯/  /    /\
         ¯\ O \¯¯/ o /|/ // o //¯ / o //¯o / //¯o /)o__)\¯¯\  O  /¯\/
       /¯¯¯¯|  \/   //¯¯¯¯\  //      //      ¯___/¯ /  ¯¯\  /    \¯¯
      /    ¯°   \  °¯¯   _/_ ¯   /   ¯   /   /\/         /_/      \
      \_________/\________¯/____/\______/___/ /\_________¯/   /\   \
       \_______/\/_______//____/|\|_____|___|/  \________/   / /\___\
          |              ¯\     |           |      /    /___/ /  \___\
          |                \____|  1 9 8 8  |_____/     \___\/MåÐ@|
          |                     \___________/                     |
          |                                                       |
          |            Contact your favorit demo-group!!!         |
          |               (Only ELITE n'LEGAL Swap.)              |
          | ¡               oO CHRI$ of $COOPEX Oo                |
          | |                 6/4, Rue Lavoisier                  |
          | ||                    02000 LAON                      |
          --++--                    FRANCE                        |
          --++------            (DISK+LTR 100%)                   |

     ___ _  ______ ___ ___ ___  _
    (  _\ \(  _\ _) _ \ _ \  \\/ )  	    __
     |  /- \|  / _)   / _ / - ) /    	  _/  \___________________________ __ _
     |_|_|__\_|___)_|_\___)__/_/     	  \    /_______       / __     _
     PioNeeR oF THe RaDiCaL CooL!    	 /¯ ¯¯¯¯\    __\_____/__/      |_____ _
                                     	/        \   |         /       |
     WaNNa SWaP THe LaTeST WaReS?    	\  ______/   |-INFECT!-\  _____|zorro!
                                        ,\/____ |    : _________\/____________,
            PaPeRBoy/Simplex            |       :                             |
            JaRKKo TaRNaNeN          	| So ya wanna be nasty ?? Then ya`ve  |
            HaRaKaNKaTu 5B           	| to contact ZoRrO of da gotdamn IFT  |
            SF-15610 LaHTi           	| PoSsE. Send ya stuph to: __         |
            FiNLaND,euRoPe           	|                     /     /\   ___
                                     	| Sebastian Tretbar  /_____/  \ /\__\
    LeGaL = Cool! iLLeGaL = CooLeST! 	| Goettingerbogen 11 \     \  / \/__/
                                     	| 06126 Halle/S.      \_____\/
   GReeTS To aLL CoNTaCTS'N'FRieNDS! 	| Germany
					:           --> ELITE PREFERED !!

          ·\           _             ·\                 ·\             _
 __________\\  ________)\/\_______/\__)\  ________  _____)\   _________)\
 \_______    \/         /  ________/    \/  ______\/  __   \_/          /
  /   \__\    \    |   /\   \_   _/    \ \   \     \__\ \   \_    |    /\
 /       Y     \   : _/  \    \ / \     \ \   \     \   /     \   :  _/  \
<    __________/__________\    ~  _\_____\ ·   \____/Oo.\______)__________\
 \____/=-------~---------=\\_____/ !\     \_____\=-------.uloste.--------=\\
                            \      ·            ~

                          +CONTACT DECNITE+

  NO DISK=NO FUN      ÐeCeIvEr/[-÷D÷E÷C÷N÷I÷T÷E÷-]    NO AGA STUFF!!!!!
                          40270 PaLoKkA


                    YOUR GROUP IS YOUR ANSWER...=)

					_|______:_______  |________ ________|_
					o:  __  \  __/ _|_:   __/  |\   _   :o
					 . __/__/  _|\_\__\   _|\_ |_\__ \__:
					 : \   \: /   / |/ \ /   / |   /  \ |
   Ya are searching for HQ-GFX for  	_:__\  /:____/_____/____/_____/_  /-rS!
        yar productions?		+|---\/-|-----------------------\/---+
            No problem!			+------------------------------------+
        I paint it for you!
           Write to me:			          sWAPPING cONTACT:

    ToXiC oF aBySs aNd ReBeLs		          - eXCITER/rEBELS -
            Sven Dedek
          Gruenewaldstr.6		              iNGO kAMPS
          84453 Muehldorf		          bODELSCHWINGHSTR. 7
           G E R M A N Y		            48527 nORDHORN


         . .·..:...:.: .:·:·. :.·:.: ·.·:.·::..· .: ·.:·:..:.·..:·
           :·:·.: ·________.________·______:______:________·:.:·...:·
       .:.:·.:.:·.·\  ____/ \  ____/·\  _  \\ __  \\  ____/:.:·.:·
      ·· .:·.:.:·.:/__  \·.·/  /·___./  /  //  ¯  //  __/_:.:·.::.·
    .. .:.:·.:.:·./   \  \./   \/  //  /  //  \__//      /:.:·.:.:·.
       ·:  ·.: ·. \______/·\______/.\____/:\__/::.\_____/[Gd/dFn]:·.
       . .:.:·.:.:·.:.:·.:.:·.:.:·.:.:·.:.:·.:.:·.:.:·.:.:·.:.:·.


                                  ADRIAN DOLNY
                                 62-850  LISKOW


  Are you looking for a new contact.
  Offcourse you are because you are	             __
  reading the advertisement section. 	  _ ________/  \_________________ _ _
  Then I think you should try the 	/_//  _____/   / \______ \______ \_\\
  addy below.				  _\__   \/   /   / \__   / \_____/
         				 /   /   /   /\  /   /   /   /
           Al Bundy/Jewels		 \______/\______/\______/\__/-Sd
            Allan Hansen
        Knivholtvej 16 ST. TH.		       sKINDIVEr oFz .aBYSs.
            2720 Vanloese		 -- - +---------------------+ - --
               Denmark			       aNDREAs       sCHWARz
  I am not 100% but if you send some	       854o2       kRANZBERg
  good stuff and you are a great 	           g E R M A N y
  person NO problems there.		 -- - +---------------------+ - --
					      oNLy lEGAl ^ cOOl sTUFf
      Getting bigger everyday

     ____________   ______________
    /__   _____  \ /  ______   __/\	    _________________  ____________
    \_/  /\/    _/\\_  \___/  /\_\/	  1 \  .   ___.___._¬\/  ____/_____)
     /__/ /__/\________/\/_____/\  	  0  \/|  .|  |  ¬| _/_____¬\|    ¬|
     \__\/\__\/\_______\/\_____\/ *	  0    |  ||  |   : ¬\   ¬V \\    ||
                                  *	  %    |___|  |___|___\______/_____|
      If you`re looking for more  *
      friendly contacts write to: *	              leviathan
           Bald Horse/TRSI       **	           26-220 staporkow
                Box 4            **	           zeromskiego 3/67
        43-316 Bielsko Biala     **	                  PL
               POLAND           ***
   *                         ******
   *  (AGA too)        ************
   ***          *******************

          _ __ __  _     .     \/_________:_ _  /  \
                     .___:     /\       __:   \/    \        aBOVE
_ __ _______   _____ |   |__  / _____  /  |   ______/__ _
 _ ______   \ /  _  \|   _  \/ /  _  \/   |  /   _____ _         tHE
    /  _/  _//   |   \   |   \/   |   \   |__\___.  \
   /   \   \/    ____/   |    \   ____/   |  /   |   \             lIMITS!
   \____\   \________\___,____/_______\_____(________/RD

                     fOR pURE eLITE mAILSWAPPING cONTACT:

            eXCITER/rEBELS                             mELVIN/rEBELS
              iNGO kAMPS                               p.O. bOX 5044
          bODELSCHWINGHSTR. 7                          d-48419 rHEINE
           d-48527 nORDHORN                               gERMANY.


					      _________/\__/         /
					      \               ______/
					       \___________     \
					            /    /     _/____
					           /    /            \_
                 NoIsE			           \    \             /
					            \____\_________  /
     - Reach Out And Touch Faith -	                   Pinhead \/

           TrIcKsTeR//\/oi$e		  AND FEEL FREE TO SEND WITH A DISK.
              Per  Sommer
            Bynkevaenget 32		         MR. X / TEAM EXTREME
            5210  Odense NV		            TUNVOLLVEIEN 3
                Denmark    		           3057 SOLBERGELVA

					          LAMERS=0,001% REPLY
					            DISK=100% REPLY
					          AGA WAREZ=110% REPLY

           tHE nEW -^- tERROR pACK mAGAZINE -^- ... oUT sOON ...
   \________    \____    \______    \______    \______    \______     /
   ._/     /_____/_ /     /__ \/    /    \/    /     /     /   \/    /
   |\        /    \/_____/  /  \_   \     \_   \    /     /     \    \
   | \______/\___________  /____/____\_____/____\________/______/_____\
   `-zorro---------------\/---[·aN iNFECT pRODUCTION·]------------------+
    - thiz time with only the best intros of da month and some kind of -
    - a real mag included with articles `bout the REAL rave scene and  -
    - all the usual stuff like adverts, messages etc.!  *support it!*  -

          #*+-- INFECT - LEGENDS WILL NEVER DIE - INFECT --+*#

					:::::::: /\__  /\__  /\__  /\__    :::
					::::::: /    \/  / \/    \/    \  ::::
              __			:::::: /  / _/  /  /\/\  /\/\  / :::::
   _ ________/  \_________________ _ _	::::: // /  // /  //  __//  __/ ::::::
 /_//  _____/   / \______ \______ \_\\	::::  \____/\____/\____/\____/ :::::::
   _\__   \/   /   / \__   / \_____/	:------------------------------------:
  /   /   /   /\  /   /   /   /		|rEACH MiKE fOR sUM eLITE mAILTRADING|
  \______/\______/\______/\__/-Sd	| aLSO fOR rEACHING tHE bESTS >bUZZ< |
        dUKe    oFz   .aBYSs.		| \    /                      \    / |
  -- - +---------------------+ - --	| __/\__  -MiKE oF dEFiANCE-  __/\__ |
        mARKUS         kNAUEr		_ \    / _----MiKKO kAiLA--- _\    /_
        fRITz-bENDEr-sTr.   9		 ¯/    \¯ --kAPTEENINTIE 4--¯ /    \ ¯
        854o2       kRANZBERg		| ¯¯\/¯¯  -fIN- 20810 tURKU-  ¯¯\/¯¯ |
            g E R M A N y		| /    \  -----fINLAND------  /    \ |
  -- - +---------------------+ - --	:___/\____/\__/\________/\  __/\__/\_:
       oNLy lEGAl ^ cOOl sTUFf		¦\___ \  ______/___  ____ \/ _______(¦
					i_/ |  \ _)_ _) | _  |  |  \_| \_ _):i
					S\_____/___ \|__|_|  |__|  _/___/_  )S

.Karsten L. Fischer -->   I'll try to send back    <-- Oo.          __
.GML.Hovseterv2d.   -->        to everyone         <-- o. ____   ____ \
.0768 Oslo.      .  -->                            <-- . /\   \ /   /\
.Norway...      .o  --> My trademark is friendship <--  /  \   \   /  \
.........      .oO  -->              ____          <--  \   \   \ /   /
.......__                           _\__ \               \   \   \   /
....../ _____________  __________  _\__ \_\    _________  \ / \   \ /
.....  /   _________/\/   ______/\/   /\_\    /_     __/\  /   \   \
....  /   /_____    \/   /_     \/   /  \     \/    /\ \ \/   / \   \
...  /   ______/\___/   __/\____/   /   /     /    /  \_\/   /   \   \
..  /   /\     \ \ /   /__\/_  /   /___/_  __/    /__ / /   /   / \   \
.  /___/  \_____\//_________/\/_________/\/_________/\ /___/   /   \___\
  _\__ \  /       \         \ \         \ \         \ \\   \  / \  / __/_
 _\__ \_\/         \_________\/\_________\/\_________\/ \___\/   \/_/ __/_
 \   \_\                                                           /_/   /
  \___\           <---- ** FeLiX Of SpEeDy ** ----->    -»FeLiX«-   /___/
  ___________________________________  __________________________________

 *                                   *	           _
 *      ---> CODERS WANTED <---      *	      _ __\/______ ___ __ _
 *                                   *	          \/
 *                                   *
 *  Searching for a new group ???    *	         sKINDIVEr oFz .aBYSs.
 *  Perhaps we can need you !!!      *	         - -- ----------- -- -
 *  Sanity is searching for a cool   *	         PfARRer-zILLer-StR.15
 *  coder. Give us a sign...         *	            854o2 kRANZBErG
 *                                   *	                gERMoNY
 *          Cougar of Sanity         *
 *       Christian Reissmueller      *	              -(-lEGAl-)-
 *         Lindauerstrasse 53        *	                           _
 *       87435 Kempten--Germany      *	            _ __ ___ ______\/__ _
 *                                   *	                           \/

                 _______ ______  ___      ___    ____
                /.  ___//. --· \/  .\  __/  .\  / --·\
               //    ·\//   _  //   \\/·     \\/. _   \
               \____  \\  _/ \/·  |  \\   ¦ _ ·\   \__/
               /.    _//     .\   !   ·\  |____/   / .\
               \______/\______/________/__!    \______/[Gd/dFn]


                             QWERTY OF SCOPE
      			      ADRIAN DOLNY
			     62-850  LISKOW




                     )\_______)\  )\_____  _______)/ )\
                     \\ __¬__ // /.  __ ¬\/.____ ./ _\/
                      \/¬/ \¬\/ //  / / /X \\___\/  \\_
                        /ø /   //__/_/ // \____o\   / /
                       //: \  /  \  ¬__/ /\___/:\\ //:\_
                      // .  \/   /\\  \ //\¬   .//// . ¬\
                      \_____/\__/  \___\\_______/ \_____/

                           °¤° bA©K t0 tHe ®00t$ °¤°

                                   TRSI NHQ:

                       Shade / Tristar & Red Sector Inc.
                                Anders Haakens
                              2074 Eidsvoll Verk


  __________|_ |    _________   /\____
 |____  \ ___/_|___/  ___/ _/  /  _  /
 | _|/ _/___| \__  \ ___|  |__/\___\/\	-               /\/oiSe              -
 | \_  \_\|  \ |/  / \|  \ |  \  \/  /
 |  |\__/____/____/\_____/____/\____/ 	   ...Reach Out And Touch Faith...
  nEWS, aDVERTS, vOTES eTC. cONTACT:	           WaRnEr//\/Oi$e
   					       Laerkevej 10, Moensted
          - eXCiTER/rEBELS - 		            8800  Viborg
              iNGO kAMPS		              Denmark!
          bODELSCHWiNGHSTR. 7
           d-48527 nORDHORN		- Support VOICES - Feels Like Flying -

       rEBELS - oVER tHE lIMITS

           _________ _________ _________ __ _________ _________
           \   ___  \~    ___ \_  ___   \_ \~  ___   \_~   ___ \_
            \  ~ !   \    ¡ ___/    ¡ ___/  \    ¡ ___/    ¡ ___/
            /    :    \      ~\______   \    \   _   \         \
           /     .    /        \    !    \    \  !    \         \
                føR sOm3 fR¡3Ndly'n'L3gåL, bR3åKbeAt sWåPp¡nG :

                       nøOdl3 / fåC37's pµSs¥ oF d3S¡rE!
           Stephan Schipper , Tym 20 , NL-1273 EC HUIZEN , HOLLAND!

                    [100% r3plY aNd LønG l3t7erS pRefEred]

					\____    _________,  \_________   ____/
					   /      \/         _/     |)   _/
 _____/\_ ___/\_____  /\_______ _/\_	  /        \_   |    ¬\     |)    \_
 \  _   _X  ____    \/  ____  _X_   \	  \_______  /___A      \_________  /
  \_/    \\/  _/   _/\____  \/\/ \__/	          \/     \______/ Snuffy \/
   /      \   \     \    /    /    /
   \ _____/___j\    /________/\___/	                ·tRIBe·
    \/    Y     \  /\/e!
          :      \/			                hEPTAGOn
  ! for grafitti and rave trading !	             sTEFAn sWAFINg
              write to:			             wEIDENSTr.  29
					             48531 nORDHORn
                python			                 gERMANy
              po box 105
           43-200  pszczyna		                ·tRIBe·
					              sHOUTs oUt to:
     ! also for normal swapping !	      ·aBSOLUTe!·aLCATRAz·bALANCe·
					       ·mYSTIc·pLATIn·pOLKa bROs·

   LIKES TO PLAY A GOOD GAME?,     ###þ  )long,short(THATS
   SOME WORDS TO ME.              J####   LIST ON A DISK AND
                                  ##N##Þ  SEND IT TO ME.
          _                      J#####ß  ==VALCRYN==           _
          ¬qw_ MORTEN BOLSTAD    ¢##H##Ñ  STIAN SOLLIE       _ùw"
           ¬##æ_ TUNVOLLVEIEN 3  Ø######L SVANEVEIEN 5     sµ##
             9##ѵ_3057          4##E###Þ 3O57 SOLBERGELVAæd#Ø°
  IS ALSO FOR  "H####æ_NORWAY    Ø##A###L         _æ####H°
  AGA STUFF      ¬¶#####Ww_      #######þ      _gW#####K
  AND MODULES.     'N######w_   ¬###D###P    _w######H`
                    ¬¶#######p   d#OF###K   g######ØK
                      ¬M######Wµ ¶##T##ع jW######M"

\____ \____ \____ \____ \____ \____ \_	  <------** FeLiX Of SpEeDy **------>
 T  T  T  T  T  T  T  T  T  T__T  T__|	  /\\                             //\
 |  |--|  |  |  _ -|  ___|___  |  ___|	  \/\\    Karsten L. Fischer     //\/
 |  |  |  |  |  T  |  T \_  T  |  T  |	   \//     GML.Hovseterv.2d      \\/
 |  ¯  |  ¯  |  |  |  |  T  ¯  |  ¯  T	              0768  Oslo
 |   __|   __|  l__|  |  |   __|   __|	   _            Norway             _
 l__/  l__/  l__/  l_/¯  l__/  l__/  |	  /\\                             //\
 |                                   |	  \/\\    Get in touch with a    //\/
 |    FOR PURE ELITE TRADING TRY!    |	   \//        Speedy dude        \\/
 |                                   |
 |          PAYDAY / CORPSE          |	   _  No Elite without friendship  _
 |           BADSTRANDSV.6           |	  /\\  Get our productions first  //\
 |         S-136 49  HANINGE         |	  \/\\                           //\/
 |              SWEDEN               |	   \//           Greets          \\/
 |-----------------------------------|	        Steffen, Mr.king, Zenit
 |   FOR GETTING THE LATEST CORPSE   |	   _   _   _   _       _   _   _   _
 |    TRAINERS AND RELEASES FIRST    |	  /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\ 100 //\ //\ //\ //\
 |-----------------------------------|	  \/\\\/\\\/\\\/\\ % //\///\///\///\/
 |  CORPSE - WE KILL FOR PLEASURE!!  |	   \// \// \// \// ! \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/

                    ___________         _________
                   /\          \       /         \n
                 N \ \__    ____\     /\    \__  / o
                  o \/_/\   \ \_/_____\/\  __  \/\
                     r \ \     \/        \/  \    \/\F_u_N
                      I \ \  ___\  _/    /\  _____/_____/\
                       S \ \/___/       / /\/____//    /\/
                        K \/ /    \    / /\/[ST]/     / /
                         !  /___  /\  / /      /___  / /
                          ! \___\/ /\/ /       \___\/ /
                                 \/  \/             \/
                       enjoy this taste of feeling.....


                              THE SWATCH-MAN

                               PLK 094402 E
                              D- 49509 RECKE


  \| |     ________________     OOO/
  /¯¯|  - /  _  \    \\\   \--   oo\	    Do you have an A4000 and wants
  \¯| -- // // //\  __/\  //\-- - ./	    to swap everything from tools
  /¯ -- // _¯  / ///\_\/  /_/--- - \	    to crazy letters then read on
  \ -- /__//__/ /_/ /-/____/\--- _ /	    because here is an address you
  / - -\__\\__\/\_\/- \____\/--_|_|\	    could try for this kind of
  \           Å£çÅt®Åz        |_|_|/	    magic.
  \| |::::::::::::::::::::::::| | |/	              Write to:
  \¯|:::::::Sting/Alcatraz:::::::¯:/	          Al Bundy / Jewels
  /¯:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\	            Allan Hansen
  \:::::::::Dirk Dallmann::::::::::/	        Knivholtvej 16 St. TH.
  /::::::: Steinfurthstr.12::::::::\	           2720 Vanloese
  \_:::::45884 Gelsenkirchen:::::::/	              Denmark
  / | _:::..oO Germany Oo..::: _:_:\
  \¯¯|_|::::::::::::::::::::::|_|_|/	    I think it is great to have
  /|¯|::::::::::::::::::::::::::|_|\	    a HD drev.

          /   /   /   /       /   /       /    /  /\
         /   /   /   /   ____/   /   /   /    /  / /
        /   /   /   /____   /   /   /   /  / /  / /  SysOp:Eksec/Infect
       /   /   /   /       /   /   /   /  /    / /
       \______/___/_______/___/_______/__/____/ /  NuMßA:+49-(Ø)345-663914
        · 4030/6Mb         /      /   /   /   /    /  /      /\
        · 340 Mb Latest   /___   /   /   /   /    /  /   ___/ /
        · Demos,Utils     \__/  /       /   /  / /  /   /  /\/
        · 20-7 Online       /  /   /   /   /  /    /   /  / /
        · Infect BBS       /__/___/___/___/__/____/______/ /
        · ¿Çµ¿Ç п$TR.$¿ÐE \__\___\___\___\__\____\______\/p$ß/çÐr

              -   b  E  A  C  H  y   ·    d  E  L  I  G  H  t   -

                        m A R Q U I S     d A V I d
                  5 3 ,   r U e    s A I N t    h E N R i
                 5 7 3 5 0     s T I R I N g - w E N D E l
                               f R A N C e

                      "fOREIGn eLITe mATEs wANTED"

\____ \____ \____ \____ \____ \____ \_
 T  T  T  T  T  T  T  T  T  T__T  T__|	     ____                      ____
 |  |--|  |  |  _ -|  ___|___  |  ___|	         \ føR fRi3NdlY,cRåZy /
 |  |  |  |  |  T  |  T \_  T  |  T  |	     ____ l3GAl åNd rAP trade! ____
 |  ¯  |  ¯  |  |  |  |  T  ¯  |  ¯  T	      D  \____________________/  D
 |   __|   __|  l__|  |  |   __|   __|	     ____                      ____
 l__/  l__/  l__/  l_/¯  l__/  l__/	      E  \r3åç7/fåC37's PµSs¥!/  E
					     ____ -==================- ____
        CODER SEEKS CONTACTS:        	      S  \                    /  S
					     ____      Joeri  Tan     ____
  FOR LONG LETTERS AND FUN MAILSWAP!  	      I  \      Fauna 17      /  I
      					     ____    1273 GV HUIZEN    ____
     >>>  KLORATHY / CORPSE  <<<     	      R  \   ·H·O·L·L·A·N·D·  /  R
            BADSTRANDSV.8  		     ____                      ____
          S-136 49  HANINGE		      E  \____________________/  E
               SWEDEN 			     ____                      ____
					         \Send Graffiti Stuff!/	`


 ...................THIS ADVERT IS ALSO FOR GAME SWAPPING.....................
 :   ____________  _______ ____________  /\__________________  /\_________   :
 :   \           \/       \\           \/        \           \/           \  :
 :    \______|    \    |   \\______|    \______   \______     \_______     \ :
 :     |     |     \   _    \|     |     \   \_____/    /    _/     |/    _/ :
 :     |     ______/   |     \     ______/        \     \     \     |\     \ :
 :     |_____| \_______|      \____|  \_______     \____|\     \_   |______/ :
 :                    |_______/               \_____/     \_____/___|[PpB]   :
 :..........................................................     /\_____     :
 :I AM LOOKING FOR MORE CooL CONTACTS!  Letter+Disk(s)=100%:    /       \    :
 :·························································:   /    |    \   :
 : GREETS TO: Abyss-Alchemy-Amnesty-Black Fishy-Black Jack :  /     |     \  :
 :··················.  Bronx-Cadaver-Chilblains-Chrome     : /      |      \ :
 : CONTACT ADDRESS: :  Decnite-Defiance-DTE-Diffusion      : \_____________/ :
 : PaperBoy/Simplex :  Epilogue-Freezers-GAC-Illegal-Iris  :  /\___    _____ :
 :                  :  ISCH-Crew-Ladybird Design-Legacy    :  \    \  /    / :
 : Jarkko Tarnanen  :  Mad Elks-Orion-Ram Jam-Razor 1911   :   \    \/    /  :
 : Harakankatu 5 B  :  Sacred-Scoopex-all Independents...  :    \_      _/   :
 : SF-15610  Lahti  :······································:      |    |     :
 : Finland, Europe  :   LEGAL=COOL!     ilLEGAL=COOLEST!   :      |____|     :
 :         -P-I-O-N-E-E-R- -O-F- -T-H-E- -R-A-D-I-C-A-L- -C-O-O-L-!-         :

					      |          /\/oi$e
       For friendly swapping		                  Swap?
             & RAVE tape trading 	                  Join?

          Duke of Abyss			               BIRD/NOISE
          Fr. Bender Str. 9		              Kaare  Hansen
          85402 Kranzberg		          Rodegaardsvej 79, 1th
          Germany			              5000 Odense C
					                 Denmark       |
       Hardcore will never die		                            ---+

					      Also For Supporting VOICES

>>>> AMIGA EP. çoNtA× Dj mElLoW nOiSe oF dA iNFECT PoSsE !  AMIGA EP. <<<<
   __\_____________     \  ________     /____      /___        /             /
 _/         |     |      \/     __7____/  __7_____/_  7_______/__    _______/
 \         _|     |      _|      | _/              /          _/       \_
  \________\      |______\       | \________      /\__________\_________/
            \_____|       \______|[·ZORRO·]\_____/
 >>>> AMIGA EP. çoNtA× Dj mElLoW nOiSe oF dA iNfEcT PoSsE !  AMIGA EP. <<<<
       100% rEPLAY ... 100% fRIENDSHIP ... 100% rAVE ... 100% uNDERGROUND
=====] wRITE tO: D_E_N_N_I_S  M_U_N_D_T · W_O_L_F_S_B_U_G_E_R_S_T_R_. 4_2 ·
                         0_6_1_2_6  H_A_L_L_E · G_E_R_M_A_N_Y
        sAVE tHE uNDERGROUND ... sAVE vINYL ... sAVE tHE cLUBS aND
   D_J  M_L_N_O   ![=  dON't fORGET yA fUNKIE rOOTS =]!   D_J  M_L_N_O

___/\_____  _______ ________________________ .----.______/\__________
\______   \/  ___  \\     __/__)   _   \____\|   :|   _______/  ___  \
_/    \)   \  \____/_·  ___)  :|   _    \   \\    |   |/    \_  \____/_
\__________/________/____||____|___|____/  :|\____|__________/________/

                                                   _    __/\\__
          mike / defiance       [AGA!]     _    __/\\__ \   ¯//
          mikko kaila              _    __/\\__ \   ¯// /    \\
          kapteenintie 4        __/\\__ \   ¯// /    \\ ¯¯\//¯¯
          2o81o turku           \   ¯// /    \\ ¯¯\//¯¯    ¯
          finland               /    \\ ¯¯\//¯¯    ¯
                                ¯¯\//¯¯    ¯
                  pACKSERiE oN eARTH ->tRADEpACK<-

     \/                      \/  \                   \/
     //\    _/\ ¿ /\______  /\\  _\\____/\  ______   //\  /\____\___
     /~.\  /~\ \ /\.....\/ //.\ /~~\\    °\/~  _  \  /~ \ \~  _ \\\/ c0nT®0[
    /°  \\/  / //  \..__/ //~ \\\  _\  ___/___//  \\/°  \\ \\ /. \/____    /
   //    /_./ /_/\  \.\__/\   \ \\/_/\ \_  /.    __//    \\ \//  //  °/  |/
  //   * \\  //  \\  \..../   °\ \ \ \\\/ / : \  ~\  !  * \\// ø \  // --+--
 //______.\_____ //__.\../______.|: \ \\  \__ |\  /._|.____/   __.\ /   /|
 \/             \/    \\//       :.  \/ \  V\ | \/   |:    \ _/   (/:  /
                       \/          .     \   \|      :    . \/    · !.
            C                                                        :.
             o             ______________________
              n           /:::::::::::::::::::::/     __
               t          \::::::Sting/ATZ::::::\    /\_\
                a         /::::Dirk Dallmann::::/    \/_/
                 c        \:::Steinfurthstr.12::\
                  t       /:45884:Gelsenkirchen:/         >
                   !      \::::-Germany-::::::::\         /<
 Hi to: Pride,Exumer,Mr.King,Ragman,MDB,Dahaul,Solid,Jazy,Colorbird,Ghandy,
 The Illusionist,Automan,X-Poole,Andy,Obelix,Mindphaser,Norby,Chris,Cocoon,
    Rocketeer,Growl,Iron,Poseidon,Loony,MSW,Chaos!,Blaze and the Rest !!!

    -----------------------------	 _____/\_ ___/\_____  /\_______ _/\_
   |  E  R  E  M  A  T  I  O  N  |	 \  _   _X  ____    \/  ____  _X_   \
    -----------------------------    	  \_/    \\/  _/   _/\____  \/\/ \__/
        				   /      \   \     \    /    /    /
    ``''        WANNA HAVE SOME     	   \ _____/___j\    /________/\___/
     °°   +     COOL SWAPPING		    \/    Y     \  /\/e!
     (-) /      WITH US ...  		          :      \/
     + \/       AND WITHOUT DISKS
      \/\  /\   STEALERS ...  		       .o BacK To ThE RootS o.
         \/  \:
         /      HERE'S JUST FUN
        /       AND FRIENDSHIP .	       contact Mr.King of TRSI
        \       SO IF THE ADVERT		 for the latest crap
         \      ON THE OTHER SIDE
          :     SUCKS THEN WRITE AT:		    Joerg Goedden
   ^             				    Postfach 3143
   |________   SKULL / EREMATION		   46434  Emmerich
            \   41 AV. A. BRIAND		       Germany
             \   14800  TOUQUES
              \     FRANCE    			Don't forget to support
               \___________________		     NEVER   MIND		

                j   __:_________________________________      j
                u     l_ ______l___  _  \___   \_  ____/// /  u
                r      | \___  \_/  /   /   \   /____  \      r
                a    .:l    l   / _/   /    /  /   _/  /:.    a
                s  .::::\______/\_____/\______/\______/::::.  s
                s  |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|  s
                i  `sear-----------<G o D S>----------cyryx'  i
                c                                             c
                     fOr sWaPpInG, cOnTaCt ThIs AdDy...:-)
                p                                             p
                a               sIxPaCk/GoDs                  a
                c               DrEgSeTh V.4                  c
                k             n-7500  StJoRdAl                k
                HaI 2:
                -mAd ElKs-TrSi-CoMpAcT-dIfFuSiOn-eOn-SaInTs-
                sTeLlAr-InTeNsE-c LoUs-OuLaWs-SpEeDy aNd ThE
                rEsT oF gOdS......
                ThOsE cAn FeEl ThEm SeLf GrEeTeD...;-Q

                         ···GODS - HEAVEN HELP US···

 _____/\_ ___/\_____  /\_______ _/\_       .
 \  _   _X  ____    \/  ____  _X_   \    __:_________________________________
  \_/    \\/  _/   _/\____  \/\/ \__/      l_ ______l___  _ ¬\___  ¬\_  ___ ///
   /      \   \     \    /    /    /       | \___ ¬\_/  /   /   \   /____ ¬\
   \ _____/___j\    /________/\___/      .:l    l   / _/   /    /  /   _/  /:.
    \/    Y     \  /\/e!	       .::::\______/\_____/\______/\______/:::.
          :      \/		       |ø::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ø|
       .o BacK To ThE RootS o.	       |        Latest and Friendship!       ¬|
            Overdose/TRSI	       ::::::\                          \:::::|
            3 Apreece Way	       |::::::\  -+»  Pantera/Gods  «+-  \::·:|
               Stilton		       |:::·:::\    Janne Parkkisen.      \::::
            Peterborough	       ::::::::/     Hovslagarg.64        /:::|
               PE7 3XG		       :::::·:/     19431 Upp.Vasby      /::·::
               ENGLAND		       |:::::/          Sweden          /:::::|
				       |::::/___ ______ _____ _ _ _____/:::·::|
    Here`s another chance for you      |¯¯¯¯    Greets:Razor.M12.Essence¯¯¯¯¯¬|
           to swap with me	       :__.Rebels.Sanity.Trsi.Scoopex.Jormas._:

            \     \   \  \     \   _/\  \     \THORIN/M&M's\___
             \___  \   \/ \  \/ \ /__/\_/\___  \Bertrand Floury\_
                 \  \  /\  \ /\  \   \_\  \  \  \4 Square Alboni/
             [MeM]\_/\___\_/\____/\_\__/\_/\__\_/75016 Paris___/
             MOVEMENT AND MELON DESIGN NOW!   /_______/
              __________________________      Y
             | Elite Crews Is Preferable\     :
             | But I will try to answer /     :
             | to every one.. _________/      .

					  E R E M A T I O N     |
     _____/\________   _________/\              ----------------|--->
     \____  ______  \ / _________ \	- WHAT ABOUT SWAPPIN'   |
        /   //  _  _//\___  \ /   /	  WITH THEM ?           |  TIME
       / .:// . /..\/    /..//..:/	                        |   FOR
      /::.//.:./:.:/:.::.:.//::./	- WHY NOT !             | SEEKING
      \__/ \__/   /\______/ \__/	                        | LOCKING
              \__/             		- THEN JUST WRITE HERE  | CONTACTING
    - --==:bAcK tO tHe RoOtS:==-- -	   SKULL / EREMATION
					   41 AV.  A. BRIAND
             Overdose/Trsi		    14800   TOUQUES      __________
             3 Apreece Way		        FRANCE
                Stilton			     __ _  __     __ ___° __
             Peterborough		    /_ |_)/_ |\/||__| | ||  ||\ |
                PE7 3XG			    \__| \\__|  ||  | | ||__|| \|
       The best can`t get better	   COMPLETELY DISKS STEALERS FREE

					 YA KNOW ME ...?  LUCKY GUY ...!

             ______________  ____________  ___   ____     +
     +       \___          \/            \/   \ /    \
             /   \_________/   _/\       /     Y      \ +
        +   /         \    /\     \_____/    _   _     \     +
            \       __/___/  \_ \_      \     \_/       \
             \   __/          /   \      \     |        /\
      ++------\_/            /     \      \_   |  /\   /  \-----++
      +         \____/      /\____/ \      /\__|_/  \_/   /      +
      |            \_______/    \___/\____/    \_________/       |
      |                                                          |
      |   Hi! if you want get in touch with a fast & friendly    |
      | dude for swapping,ascii,mangas,tekno and for supporting  |
      !            DRAGON PACK write to da only one:             |
      .            Cyryx of Eremation (ex-Kreators)              .
      .                      Vignolants 29
      |                    CH-2000 Neuchâtel                     :
      |                       Switzerland                        .
      | Besos to:                                                :
      |     Hemoroïds,VDI,NHD,Scoopex,Tarkus,Silicon,Cyclone,    ¡
      |     Mambo,Cryptoburners,RamJam,Gods,DTE,Pagan,Exalis,    |
      |     Iris,Solitude,Saturne,Obsession,Sear,Bacalao,Pogo    |
      +     and of course all EREMATION membas...............    +
   _______________________________/        \________________________________
   \          \         \         \        /          \         \          /
    \______    \  ___    \  ____   \______/ ______     \  ___    \    ____/
      /   /    /    \\___/   /  \__/      \/ /   /     /    \\___/     /
     /    _ __/ ____/\/     /     /        \/     _ __/ ____/\  \_____/
    /     |   \__ !   \__   \____/          \     |   \__ !   \_/     \
    \_____!_____/_______/_______/            \____!_____/_______\_____/-mp0

         -  -  -  - -- - --- TH3 M3D!(!N3 AGA!NST --- - -- -  - - -

     FoR hOt FrIeNdShIp-SwApPiNg               FoR jOiNiNg ReAsOnS

          MePhIsTo/ReTiRe                           ToDi/ReTiRe
          MiChAeL  aBlAsS                           ThOmAs WoLf
         BaHnHoFsTrAsSe 18                     MiNsLeBeNeR-sTrAsSe 79
          06729 TrOeGlItZ                        38855 WeRnIgErOdE
              GeRmAnY                                 GeRmAnY

        No DiSc = BiG rIsC!               InClUdE aN ExAmPle Of YoUr WoRk!

  _/  \___________________________ __ _
  \    /_______       / __     _     	       CONTACT *FUNKY JORMAS* for
 /¯ ¯¯¯¯\    __\_____/__/      |_____ _	       FUNNY&PURE ELITE SWAPPING
/        \   |         /       |
\  ______/   |-INFECT!-\  _____|zorro!            -FUNKY JORMAS-
,\/____ |    : _________\/____________,           Aittoniementie.18
|       :                             |           40270 Palokka
| So ya wanna be nasty ?? Then ya`ve  |            Finland
| to contact ZoRrO of da gotdamn IFT  |
| PoSsE. Send ya stuph to: __         |
|                     /     /\   ___	       !!! 0-3 DAYS WAREZ !!!
| Sebastian Tretbar  /_____/  \ /\__\
| Goettingerbogen 11 \     \  / \/__/	         NO DISK=NO ASS...
| 06126 Halle/S.      \_____\/
| Germany
:           --> ELITE PREFERED !!  	        !!NO BEGINNERS!!

      ______     ______     ______     ______     ______     ______
     /\ ____\   /\     \   /\     \   /\  __ \   /\     \   /\  ___\
    /  \\    \ /  \ ___ \ /  \\    \ /  \\   \\ /  \\   \\ /  \\    \
    \   \\    \\   \     \\   \\    \\   \\   \\\   \\   \\\   \\____\
     \   \\    \\   \ ___ \\   \\    \\   \\   \\\   \\   \\\   \    \\
      \   \\____\\   \     \\   \\____\\   \\ __\\\   \\ __\\\   \ ___\\
       \   \_____\\   \_____\\   \_____\\   \_____\\   \_____\\   \_____\
        \  /     / \  /     / \  /     / \  /     / \  /     / \  /     /
         \/_____/   \/_____/   \/_____/   \/_____/   \/_____/   \/_____/
                           .oOo. CRAZYD/C-LOUS .oOo.

 DANSAREGATAN 3-2                                  CALD
 603 67 NORRKOPING                              CRAZY BUNCH
 SWEDEN                                    WITH YOUR L8 RELESES


     ----------------------------	        _    _   _____  _______
         D.U.A.L  F.O.R.M.A.T		       | |  | | |  _  | \___  /
     ----------------------------	        ._\/_.  | |_| |  | / /
      IF  YOU WANT TO SWAP WITH		       |_|  |_| |_____|  | \_\
      A COOL ENGLISH FREAK THEN		               [·H·O·O·K·E·R·]
              				        çOnTa× mE fOr sWaP aLl
          cOMA\DUAL FORMAT		           kInD oF rAvE sTuFf...
           128 HIGH ROAD
        CARLTON-in-LINDRICK		        wRiTe tO :   (DJ HOOKER)
          NOTTINGHAMSHIRE		           tIbOr jAkAb
              S81 9DT			                Am bRuChSeE 12
           E.N.G.L.A.N.D		        06122 hAlLe/gErMaNy
      DF WHEN FRIENDSHIP COUNTS		       gReEts tO aLl fRiEnDs ...

        ____/\_ ____    /\_____  /\         /\       /\__  /\___
  1    /      | |   \__/  \   | /  \_______/  \___  /    \/     \   Feel
  0    \|     | |    \  __ \  |/               _  \ \     \      \  Da
  0     |     | | __ | / / /  !    /_____  !  | \  \ \  \  \  \  /  Power
  %     |  ___| | \/ | \/ /     __/| __ !  |  |_/  /  \  \  \  \/   Of
        |  ! !|_|__  | __/\_  !   \|  |    !   ___//\  \  \  \  \   The
  A     |  | ||   |  |      \ |    \  |    |   |  /  \_/  /\  \  \  Dark-
  n     |  | ||   :  \ |_    \|     \ |    !   |_/\      /  \_/   \ Side
  s    /|  !_!|      / | \   /|\    / |    |       \    /         / !!!!
  w    \______|___/\/\_|  \_/_| \  /\_|\___!_______/\  /\  ______/
  e                    :         \/   !    .         \/  \/
  r                    .              .    .
  !             Tos/Darkness              Estrayk/Darkness
                Fabre Pascal              Po.Box 6078
                22 Rue du Printemps       46080 Valencia
                75017 Paris                   Spain

					  __/\______ __/\    __/\______
					  \   _____/ \   \ _ \   _____/
					  /   |/  \  /   |/ \/_____  \
					 /    /    \/    /   \    |   \
    -------------------------------	/___________\_________\________\
      CONTACT cOMA of Dual Format	°           °         °        °
    -------------------------------	#################################
                                 .	#    .oOo.CRAZYD/C-LOUS.oOo.    #
            128 HIGH ROAD  ·.·.·o0o    	#################################
         CARLTON-in-LINDRICK     O	 SeEkS nEw AnD cOoL cOnTaCtZ sO
      :        WORKSOP           :	wRiTe 2:
      .    NOTTINGHAMSHIRE       ·
      :        S81 9DT           :	CrAzY d Of C-lOuS
    .o0o.·. E.N.G.L.A.N.D		Fredrik Johansson
      O					Dansaregatan 3-2
    -------------------------------	603 67 Norrkoping
    -------------------------------	      |-----------------|
					      |NO  DISK  NO  FUN|
					      Gretz to all i know


 ... DiFfUsIoN nEeDs MoRe NoRwEgIaN mEmBeRs.

 So if you are into coding,graphics,music,swapping or modemtrading maybe.
 Then write to the norwegian HQ. The addy below is also for swapping the
 latest in demo(stuff), utils, sources, graphics, VHS movies.

 Remeber all disk,vhs tapes and joining questions are = 100% answer.
 If you want to join pleaze send sume examples.

 Write to:   Ripper / Diffusion NHQ
             3500 Hønefoss
             Norway (where else (-: )

 -  zUmE sPc GrEeTz To: Balance, Desire, Decnite, Dynamic, Angelica Prod,  -
 -  Crap!, Panacea, Laser Dance, Bld, Pls, Black Jack, Nuance, Unlimited,  -
 -  Wartec, Virtual Design, Team Extreme, GrEeTz To AlL dIfFuSiOn MeMbErS  -
 -                  - aNd AlL tHe ReSt, Of CoUrSe. -                       -

              /\____ /\___ __   /\_ /\____ /\ /\___ /\___ /\____
             (_  |~ Y   :~Y~ 7 (_ ~Y     ~Y  Y  ___Y  ___Y    ~7
              |  | :|:  . |: |__| ¦|:   : | :|  |  |: _)_|:  | |
              |: | .|. |  |. |  | :|. ||. | .|: |  |. |  |.  |:|
              |.    |  |  |    :| .|  ¦|  |  |. ¦  |  |  |   |.|
              |_____|  |__|__  .|__|__:|  |__|__:  |_____|_____|
                rave`--'     `--'      `--'

                        FOR ELITE SWAPPING AND JOINING:

              100% ELITE          HYSTERIC
              100% FRIENDSHIP     PHILIPP VEIT
              100% FUN            WINTERERSTR.7
                                  79104 FREIBURG
              GREETS TO:

					    ____    _____  ______  _______
       -------------------------	   /   .\  /    .\/     .\ \___  .\
       ····D·I·F·F·U·S·I·O·N····	  /    //_/   .  \\   . //_/   \  \\
       -------------------------	 /     / .\       \\    / .\   /   \\
               We NuKeD:		 \       //   .   //  .   //       //
        Stockholm,Paris,Bryssel		  \______/\___|___/___|___/\_______/
       Moscow,Lillehammer,London	            DESIGN SWEDEN
         New York and Tokyo...		  Is looking for new members, so
       Tomorrow it could be your	  if you are : a coder, a musician
                turn...			               a gfx man, or sysop
					  Then send me some samples and I
               CoNtAcT!!		  I will judge your work, all disks
        Grand Duke of Diffusion		  will be returned, so now there's
            Meijerintie  11		  no reason for you to not contact
            FiN62310 Voltti		  Our friendly division! my addy:
             Suomi/Finland		  Spectral of lard
					  Ostra Tulegatan 23   Thanks to
       -------------------------	  S-733 33 Sala        cyborg for
       ····D·I·F·F·U·S·I·O·N····	  SWEDEN               da logo!!
       -------------------------	  Also for cool and friendly swap

     ____              _______________
    /    \            /  ____   _____/\   __  ____            _____   _  _
   / _    \  ________/  /\  /  /\    \/  / /\/    \_______   / _  /\ / \/ \
  / /\\   /\/_______    ¯¯¯¯   ¯¯¯¯¯¯\  / / /\_ \________/\ / // / //      \
 / / //  / /\      /  /¯¯¯/  /¯¯¯\   /\/ / /   \ \_     _\// // / //  /\   /\
/  ¯¯¯  / //¯¯¯/\¯/__/ /¯/__/ /¯¯/   ¯¯ / /¯¯¯¯¯ /\/¯¯¯/\ /  ¯ / //  / /  / /
\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\/ \¯¯¯\/ \  \/  \  \/   \¯¯¯¯¯¯\/\¯¯¯¯¯¯\/\¯¯¯\/ \¯¯¯¯\/ \¯¯\/\¯¯\/
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯   ¯¯¯¯   ¯¯¯    ¯¯¯     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯  ¯¯¯¯   ¯¯¯¯¯   ¯¯¯  ¯¯¯

        Grand Duke/Diffusion
        Meijerintie 11                               Taxman/Diffusion
        FiN-62310 Voltti                          Vuorenmaanrinne 34a
        Suomi/Finnland                            FiN-60220 Seinäjoki
        Vuorenmaanrinne 34b                        Beholder/Diffusion
        FiN-60220 Seinäjoki                       Vuorenmaanrinne 34b
        Suomi/Finnland                            FiN-60220 Seinäjoki
                           NamNam for every day!

      o                         o
      O                         O	  **********************************
   oO< >OOOooo...     ...oooOOO< >Oo	  *                                *
      O                         O	  * if ya wanna contact........... *
      O  Do you have a contact  O	  *                                *
      o  in Diffusion? ...No?!  o	  *         ==>DARKNESS<==         *
      o  After this you have.   o	  *                                *
      .                         .	  * just write to:                 *
      .  Da Address:            .	  *                                *
       					  * TOS/DARKNESS                   *
          Viper/Diffusion		  * FABRE PASCAL           100%    *
      .   Kalliokuja 3 A 4      .	  * 22 RUE DU PRINTEMPS            *
      .   07800 Lapinjarvi      .	  * 75017 PARIS           Answer   *
      o        FINLAND          o	  * FRANCE                         *
      o                         o	  *                                *
      O     Elites Only!!!      O	  **********************************
      O                         O
   oO< >OOOooo...     ...oooOOO< >Oo
      O                         O	  FEEL THE POWER OF THE DARKSIDE!
      o                         o

                 ___   ___   ___   ___   ___   ___   ___   __
                /   \ /   \ /   \ /   \ /   \ /   \ /   \ /  \
               |     Y  .  Y     Y     Y     Y  |  Y     Y    |
               |  i__|   __|   __|     |__   |    _|  |  |    |
               |__   |    ||   __|   --||    |     |     |    |
               |  !  |    ||     |     ||    |     |     |    ¯|
               |     l    ||     l     ||    |  ¡  l  ¡  l     |
                \___/ \__/  \___/ \___/  \__/ \_|_/ \_|_/ \___/Ç¥ß!
                        Cowabunga Everybody out there!
       Spectral/lard! design is looking for some new friendly contacts
       long letters just rules these days, dont they? So write me one
       and also include a disk for a 100% answer. Everybody is welcome
        to write, including you beginners out there. You got to start
       somewhere, so why not here? Friendship truly rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!
       Greets to my friends worldwide, especially freeman and Bad cat!
       Contact me at    >Spectral of lard<
                        Ostra tulegatan 23     Write me now!!!!
                          S-733 33 Sala

         /\______/\______ /\_____/\___/\_____/\_____________/\
        // ~     \\ ____/// . ~~\_  _// ~  \ \\ ____/        \\
        \_________\____.\·  |   / \/.\      · \____ \_________/
                  /. /  ·\     //    .\      //. /  \\
                 // /    \\ ! /. __   \\     // /    .\
 4 the best of    :..Airhead..:/.        \\            Longer letters that
 swapping                      \__________/            you could EVER imagine !
 and the very    ======================================
 best of                    AIRHEAD / SAINTS
 FRIENDSHIP !!       0      Tommy Mortensen      0
                    /           Duelia 9          \
                   7          2170 Fenstad         7
                                                         Crazy'n'long letter
                      All sorts of crazy swapping !     +          hot stuff
Fast greetinx 2 :                                       --------------------
-----------------                                       =         ANSWER !!!
-Fanatic-Front 242-Grotesticle-Iris-Isch Crew               SAINTS
-Orion-Pulse-Scania-Scoopex-Speedy                 -Check your mind !

                                       	.........oO ABOVE THE LAW Oo..........
   Are you looking for a new group ?   	......................................
        Or maybe cool contacts?        	.._/\__/\__/\____/\___/\__/\___/\_....
                                       	..\  /   /   /   ___/    /   /   /....
 If the answer is yes you should write 	../  \  /   /    _/_  /¯¯ _|_\  /.....
         to following address:         	./    \ ¯¯¯\¯¯¯\ \/ \ \/¯\\__ \ ¯¯¯\..
                                       	/TXC!  \    \   \    \    \|   \    \.
        -----------------------        	¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
        --Beholder/Diffusion!--        	CONTAXX WANTED FOR TRADING DA LATEZT:
        --Vuorenmaanrinne 34b--
        ----60220 Seinajoki----        	     -==>> TøX¿C/ILLEGAL <<==-
        --------FINLAND--------        	        PROF.ZYLSTRASTR. 14
        -----------------------        	          5463 BC VEGHEL
         - D I F F U S I O N -         	        COOL STUFF 'N LETTER
         NamNam for every day!         	                 =

                        /\   GEr/\/\å/\/ SEktiø/\/  /\
                        \ \        /\    /\        / /
       ©åll då UnlimitEd \ \      /  \  /  \      / / /\  lEgAl øf©øz!
        GHQ BBS >DEåddy<  \ \    / /\ \/ /\ \    / /  \ \ ånd iLlEgål!
                           \ \  / /  \  /  \ \  / /    \ \
         ULD prød. /\       \/ / /    \/    \ \ \/     /  \ ©øøl Sysøp
           frEE    \ \    /\  / /  ULD GHQ   \ \      / /\ \is wåiting
          d/løåd!/\ \ \  / / / / >>>DEADDY<<< \ \    / /  \/ før yøur
                 \ \ \ \/ / / /                \ \  / /     /\ ©åll!
                  \ \ \  / / /   låtEst wårEz   \ \ \/     /  \
              /\___\ \ \/ / /    24 h ønlinE     \ \      / /\ \
              \  ____ \  / /                      \ \    /  \ \/
            /\ \ \   \/ / /       då PøssE:        \ \  / /\/   /\
            \ \ \ \    / /  yøur Sysøp: The ErEmit  \ \ \ \    /  \
             \ \ \ \  / /     ©øsys: ©hEssmæstEr     \ \ \ \  / /\ )
         /\   \ \ \/ / /     2nd ©øsys: AddErly       \ \ \/ / / (T)A
         \ \   \ \  / /                                \ \  / /  (B)D
          \ \  / / / /    jøin the dEmø-©ønfErEn©e      \ \ \ \  /N)D
             \ \/ / / /     with 120 MEgs ©øøl stuff!      \ \ \ \/ /
            \  / / /   gåtE tø ånøthEr dimEnsiøn undEr:   \ \ \  /
             \/ /_/          +49 (0) 461-78448             \_\ \/

- - A T H E N A / D I F F U S I O N - -
---------------------------------------	 /\____/\__/\_/\____/\____/\____
                                       	/\   _ \   \  \   \ \     \   _ \
                                       	\ \   \/ \  \  \     \    _\   \/

                                       	 ( bad ascii-logos makes life worth
           Paula Lehtisaari            	   livin', eh ?! )
         Vuorenmaanrinne  34b
           60220  Seinäjoki            	     Contact Airhead / Saints
                                       	         Airhead / Saints
                                       	         Tommy Mortensen
                                       	            Duelia 9
                                       	          2170 Fenstad
                                       	           N O R W A Y

---------------------------------------	    Only 0-7 dayz and ELITE !!!!
- - A T H E N A / D I F F U S I O N - -

    __  __  ______  __      __  __________  __  _______ ____    ______
    \ \ \ \ \  __ \ \ \     \ \ \  __  __ \ \ \ \__  _/ \  /    \  __ \
     \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \  /\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \/  \ \   \ \   \ \/\   \ \ \ \
      \ \/ /  \ \ \/  \ \/ /  \ \ \ \ \/      \ \   \ \   \  / /\ \ \/ /
       \  /    \ \     \  /    \ \ \ \         \ \   \ \   \ \/ /  \  /
        \/      \/      \/      \/  \/          \/    \/    \__/    \/[PO]

                            G3R/X\A/\ S3CtIo/\

                      Co/\tAcT oUr 3lIt3 mAiLtRaId3r

        Poseidon                 Hysteric                  Adderly
      Simon Ohlsen             Philipp Veit              Andre Ohlsen
      Bahnhofstr.31            Wintererstr.7             Bahnhofstr.31
       24966 Sörup            79104 Freiburg              24966 Sörup

                            AlL i/\ G3R/X\A/\Y!

                     FoR joI/\i/\g Co/\tAcT aDd3rLy !!!

        _    _    _    _    _    _
      / // /  \\/  \\/  \\/  \\/ //
     / //\\ /\ \\/\ \\/\ \\/\ \\//    	   ÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷
    /   _// \/ //// //// //\/ ///     	   ÷ -- [ ANDY of TRANCE INC. ] -- ÷
   / /\ \\/\  /// \//// //\  ///_     	   ÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷
   \/// //\\\///  \/// // / //\/\\    	   - lOOkiNG fOR C00l MAil-SWAPPiN'-
     / //\ \\ çhåø$ / // / //\  //    	   -                               -
   ==\//==\//=======\//==\//==\//=-   	   -           CONtACtS....        -
                                      	   -                               -
       Contact Kernal of Desire       	   -      Andy Of Trance Inc.      -
                                      	   -      -------------------      -
  *¤°¬¯¬°¤*  Mario Hoehne  *¤°¬¯¬°¤*  	   -     Lahtomäenkatu 12 A 11     -
       Magdeburger Landstr. 130       	   -        33580 Tampere          -
      14770  Brandenburg / Havel      	   -           FINLAND             -
            United Germany            	   -           EUROPE              -
                                      	   -                               -
    Write me for a nice coder chat    	   - Greetz goes to everybody ! :) -
  and/or amazing A4000 stuff a.s.o.!  	   ÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷

  gR33tZ 2 åLl m¥ fR¡EnD$ wørLÐW¡D3!
    dE$¡r3 - tE$T3Ð øN åN¡MåL$ ...

                 /\   ___
                / /  |   |  ___  [ABOVE THE LAW]     ___
                \//\ |   |_|   |  _____  /\    _____|   |
                 /  \|   |  \  |_|   __|/  \/\|     |   |__
                :\   \      /  |  \  _|/   /  \   | |   |  \:::.
                ::\   \    /      /    |   \   \    |      /::.
                :::\  /___/\     /     |       /  | |     /::.
              .:::::\/      \___/|_____|\___/\/   |_|\___/::.
          TøX¿C of ILLEGAL is searchin' for more
          ELITE 'n FRIENDLY contaXx.

          TOXIC / ILLEGAL      You can try to reach me at this
          P.ZYLSTRASTR.14      addy but only disksenders will get
          5463 BC VEGHEL       answer!

             ...and remember...Don't fool with the COOL!!!

           /\/\  /   \    \  		 · you love cruel standardletters? ·
          /    \/  _  \ |  \ 		 · you  agree  with a  guy  called ·
         /  \/  \  \  /    / 		 · messerschmitt   about  fascism? ·
         ~~~~~~~~~~~\/~~~~~  		 · you are more than 63 years old? ·
         ____  __   __________		 · you don`t like the amazing cool ·
        / __/ / |__/ |  /  __/		 · never-mind-packmag?..impossible · 
       /  _]_/  |  \    \__  \		 · you can`t  identify ya with the ·
       \     \_____/_|  / ___/		 · sentence  "make love  not war"? ·
        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\/__/[H]		 · you  really don`t like animals? ·
         swapping the latest		 · you dislike trance`n`rave crap? ·
         Legal wares:			 · and you think you are megacool? ·

         Kalliokuja 3A3			   BORING ADDRESS! OTHER MATES ARE
         07800 Lapinjarvi		WELCOME TO CELEBRATE THE LIFE WITH ME
					__/\__    CHAOS!·OF·DESIRE     __/\__
         Short letter Rulez!		\ øo /       Dirk Wiemer       \ oø /
       don't worry, be... elk!		/ ~~ \   Thueringer Str. 150   / ~~ \
					¯¯\/¯¯14770 Brandenburg/Germany¯¯\/¯¯

  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-E×pErIeNçE f0R yA bRåIN !-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
A_M_I_G_A  E_P  !_!_!  çOnTaX dA fUcKiN hARdCoRe dJ mElLoW nOiSe oF dA
                      uLtImAtE sHrImPs uNdA tHiZ aDdY >>>
         D_E_N_N_I_S  M_U_N_D_T - W_O_L_F_S_B_U_R_G_E_R_S_T_R_._4_2 -
     0_6_1_2_6  h_A_L_L_E / g_E_R_M_A_N_Y  oR çAlL >>> +49(0)345 662626

      _________    ¡______________  _/X\_________ __________________________
    _/  ______/    |  \_______    \_\___________ Y _____/_____    _/ ______/
  __\_____    \_   |    \_   /    /       \_    \_/    |     /    \_____   \_
         /     /   _     /   \    \_       /     |     |    _____/     /    /
    _ ________/    |____/____|\____/______/\_____!     |_____|   \_________/
             \_____|[zOrRo/iNfEcT]                     !
 gReEtS tO >>> zOrRo & EkSEC oF dA InFeCt kLaN ! - rEVAL oF dA pUlSe pOSSE -
 dAGRAZ oF lImE/sAiNtS/UnLImItEd - sASCHA oF aPpLaUsE - SuBsTaNcE oF InFlOW
 oFcOz aLl In sHrImPs 'n rEcAlL<>çaLl EnDoR +49 (0)345 656332 20.00-8.00 onl.
 sYsOp iS dA zOrRo/iNfEcT ... HpA sTuPh iHr nAsEn !_!_! mUnDmaUl rUlz !_!_!

             _______    _____   _______   _______   _______
        +   /.      \  /.    \ (.      ) /.      \ (.      )   +
    |      _\_____   \// ____/ //      \//   .    \//      \           |
   -*-  . /.         /   __)__/         \    |     \        \ .       -*-
    |    //   ______//        \    |     \   |     /   |     \____     |
         \         /           \   |     /        /    |     /BSH \
                     --*. Only the dead are cooler! .*--

   Module+Sample swapping:           Friendly Elite swapping:

     - Buzzer of Zenon -     - Bishop of Zenon -     - Duq of Zenon -
         Mikko Hyyti          Tuomas  Latvatalo         Kim Pukero
         Kakkulainen           Porvoontie  127         Maarintie 20
       32800  Kokemaki         07150 Laukkoski       49220  Siltakyla
           Finland                 Finland               Finland

    _________    _________ _________
    \____  _/FnM \_  _  _/ \____  _/
    /   |  ¬\    /   |   \ /   |  ¬\
   / /  !    \  //   !\___/ /  !    \       ______
  / //  |     \/o    |   / //  |     \     /.  _ o\____  _____  ____  ______
 (_____________)_____|  (_____________)	   \\ // :/.   \/. _  \/.   \/.  _  \
					   /¯¯ __// \__// //  //     \: //  /
   Wanna make your dream comes true ?	  /. // .\  / .\  \\ .\     //. \\ .\
					  \o ¯  //:   //  // //\   :/   // //
     Drop a bottle in the big ocean	  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^db
            or just write to		      Contact Tohe/Zenon for Pure
        NaPoLeOn / DREAMDEALERS		          Friendship Swapping
               Po Box 56
         F.13153 TARASCON CEDEX		            Tohe of Zenon
                 FRANCE			          Tapio Koivuniemi
        Voice:(+33)		           Karikatu 8 C 2
           (Ask for Emmanuel)		             94830 KEMI
              Only Elite !

                    __________________  __________________
                   /   __________     \/     __      ____/
                  /     \       |_____/      \ \_____    \
                 /       \      _     \       \/    |     \
                /         \     |      \       \           \
                \_____    /_____|__    /___    /   ________/
                     \   /        \   /   \   /\   /
                      \_/          \_/     \_/  \_/
                   ---=*>FRIENDSHIP, WHAT ELSE?<*=---

                      Contact Me For Swapping And Joining:

                               D-REAM of IRIS
                             49001 OSNABRUECK 12
                               UNITED GERMANY

       Contact Me Also For Swapping The Latest PC Warez (3.5" & 5.25")

					   _________    _________ _________
					   \____  _/FnM \_  _  _/ \____  _/
   +---					   /   |  ¬\    /   |   \ /   |  ¬\
   |					  / /  !    \  //   !\___/ /  !    \
   |  For Module'n'Sample Swapping	 / //  |     \/o    |   / //  |     \
   |					(_____________)_____|  (_____________)
   |            Contact
 					       NaPoLeOn / DREAMDEALERS
           BUZZER  OF  ZENON		              Po Box 56
 					        F.13153 TARASCON CEDEX
              Mikko Hyyti		                FRANCE
            32800  Kokemaki		Greetz 2: Trasher/Sanity,Zinko/Kefrens
                Finland             |	   Nighthawk/Rebels,Astro/Movement,
                                    |	    Chaos/Desire,Mr King/Scoopex,
         ! Disk = 100% Answer !     |	  Melvin/Skandal,Rocketeer/Ram Jam,
                                    |	     Vodka/Saturne,Skull/Jetset,
                                 ---+  	   Lord/Absolute!, Steffen/Speedy,
					       Wolfman & Blaze/Balance,
					        and all the others...

   ·  ________/\    /\______  _______/\__________/\____________________
   :  \_______  \/\/ _____/ \/   /  /  ______/___  \_____   /   ______/\
   |   __/  /   /  _____/  _____/  /       /   /   /   /___/   ____/\ \ \
   +--/        /       / ____/\/  /   /   /   /   /   /   /       /\ \_\/
     /____/\  /\______/   /\ \/__/___/   /___/___/\______/_______/  \/
     \    \ \/  \    /___/  \_\  \  /___/\   \   \ \     \       \  / ---+
      \____\/\  /\___\   \  /  \__\_\   \ \___\___\/\_____\_______\/     |
              \/      \___\/         \___\/                              :

                          The Finnish Division


   If you can code almost everythink or/and you      MIKE/DEFIANCE (SFHQ)
   are  able to  make some very nice gfx's then      KAPTEENINTIE 4
   please send examples of your  work via mail.      20810 TURKU

   Also for elite mailtrading or supporting Buzz or Tradepack.
   >Diskback to all<                                           (c) Defiance
            ¦                                                  ¦
 - - --- ---+--------------------------------------------------+--- ----- - -

            |     _______  ________|___¦______________         |
            |     \_____ \/  ___________   ___ ____  |__       |
            |      /  _/  \  ___|_ |  _/   //   \/   |_ \      |
            |     /   |    \ \_   \|  \___//     \   _/  \     |
            |__ _/    |     \_     \_  | _/       \_ |    \_ __|
            |_ \\____________/______/  | \_________/_|_____// _|
            |                      ¦ÇÐR¦                       |
 - -- ------+---------+------------------------------+---------+------ --- --
      Ç°NTÆÇT:        |        B¿G B££RS T°          |      Ç°NTÆÇT:
    Tomas Mortenson   |$ÇØØP£×.У$¿R£.PÆRÆ$¿T£.M¥$T¿Ç|    Janne Kotta
    Hagergatan 140    |RÆM JÆM.£R£MÆT¿ØN.MÆÐ £LK$.HÇÇ|    Arbygatan 1A
     692 36 Kumla     |ÇØMPÆÇT ¿NÇ.PLÆT¿N.УÇN¿T£.TFF|  633 45 Eskilstuna
       Sweden         |£FF£ÇT.$P££Ð¥.FR££Z£R$.ÇÆÐÆV£R|       Sweden
     F°R J°INING      |.MÆN¿TØU.BLÆÇK JÆÇK.УF¿ÆNÇ£. |        F°R
         °R           |W¿ZZÇÆT.FÆNÆT¿Ç.ØB$Ç£N£.£×TÆÇ¥|       £LIT£
 - ----- -------------+------------------------------+------------------ -- -

                 ______ _________ /\ ____ _ ._ ____.______
     __/\__      \___  Y ____/   \_ \  . Y \| Y    | ____/<e>      __/\__
     \ øø /       | |  | ___| |___/_/ _| | .\ | |__| ___|   .      \ øø /
     /    \      :| | :| \  |  __|  | \_ |  \ | |  | \  |:.::      /    \
     ¯¯\/¯¯      :|   ||    |  | |  |  | |  | |    |    |::::      ¯¯\/¯¯
     ¯¯\/¯¯       |____|---\|--' `--^--|_|--|_|----^---\|          ¯¯\/¯¯

            the høly motherfucker is seeking for some more contacts

    [ øfficial spreader of:[ +                  + ]    før friendship    ]
    ]                      ]   MIKE OF DEFIANCE   [    elite trading..   [
    [ Buzz (Defiance)      [    KAPTEENINTIE 4
    ] Live (Dreamdealers)  ]     20810 TURKU      [   rEply tO aLL wHo   [
                                   FINLAND        ]   sEnd a nEW wARe    ]
    [  and author of the   [ +                  +
    ]  --> TRADEPACK <--   ]   modem/mailtrader   [     C0NTACT NOW!     [

  CRU$ÆУR ØF УPTH  /  ________    Ç\
     Janne Kotta     \  \_____  \   Ð/	     _______
     Arbygatan 1A    /   /  _/   \  R\	     \___  /\____/\_  /\___/\_
  633 45 Eskilstuna  \ _/   |     \_ /	  /     / / ____/ _ \/ _  / _ \     \
       SWEDEN        / \___________/ \	 +-----/ / __/_/ // / // / // /\-----+
                     \    /  ____/   /	 |\   / /\____/_//_/____/_//_/ /    /|
    B¿G B££R$ TØ:    /   /  __|___   \	 |   /______________________/\/      |
.TR$¿.$ÆN¿T¥.K£FR£N$.\ _/         \_ /	 :   \______________________\/       :
.RAZØR ¹9¹¹.$ÇØØP£×. / \___________/ \	 :                                   :
RÆM JÆM.У$¿R£.M¥$T¿Ç\ -_______   \  /	    Duq needs some new swapmates !
.PÆRÆ$¿T£.£R£MÆT¿ØN. /   |   _/   /  \	 .   If you are one then write to :  .
.ÇØMPÆÇT.ЩÇN¿T£.HÇÇ.\   |   \___/   /	 .   |                           |   .
PLÆT¿N.£FF£ÇT.$P££Ð¥./ __L____L____  \	    -+-       DUQ / ZENON       -+-
M£Ð¿Ç¿N£.PUL$£.пV¿N£\ \___    ___/  /	 .   |       Kim  Pukero         |   .
TH£ FUN FÆÇTØR¥.L¿NGØ/   /      \    \	     |      Maarintie 20         |
MÆN¿TØU.¿NSÆN£.V¿$¿ØN\ _/        \_  /	 .         49220 Siltakyla           .
W¿ZZÇÆT.$ÆRÐØN¥×.R£$T/ \__________/  \	 .            Finland!               .
                     \     / |__     /	 : 100% answer to cool stuff senders :
      - FÆ$T -       /    /  |_ \    \	 +-----------------------------------+
     - £L¿T£  -      \   /   _/  \   /
   - FR¿£NÐ$H¿P -    / _/    |    \_ \

               ______.      _|\  /._____    _. __________
               \__   |      \__\/ |\__  \  /  \\__ _    /
                /    |____.  /    |  \   \/   / /   \__/__.
              _/   __/    |_/     | _/       /_/   __/    |
              \___________|\______| \_______/ \___________|
                         A DreamDealers Production

          Send your articles, messages, chiptunes, cliparts, news,
        photos, party reports/infos, money, condoms, girlfriends...
                      to one of our official dealer...

Zinko/KEFRENS    Astro/MOVEMENT    Napoleon/DREAMDEALERS Messiah/BDZ & EQX
Jack DANDANELL   Prinsengracht 63b Po Box 56             Nordaastraet 60
Columbiavej 1    1015 DL Amsterdam F-13153 Tarascon Cdex 5041 Nordaas
DK-4200 Slagelse Holland           France                Norway

               ______.      _|\  /._____    _. __________
               \__   |      \__\/ |\__  \  /  \\__ _    /
                /    |____.  /    |  \   \/   / /   \__/__.
              _/   __/    |_/     | _/       /_/   __/    |
              \___________|\______| \_______/ \___________|
                         A DreamDealers Production

          Send your articles, messages, chiptunes, cliparts, news,
        photos, party reports/infos, money, condoms, girlfriends...
                      to one of our official dealer...

Sca/MAD ELKS        2Fast/TAURUS     Napoleon/DRD        Nighthawk/REBELS
Wojtek SZCZESNY     Po Box 248       Po Box 56           Steffen KARSTOFT
Os.Zwyciestwa 24/40 78473 Allensbach 13153 Tarascon Cdex Vestparken 44
61651 Poznan        Germany          France              6840 Oksb0l

              _________    __________     _________     _____
             /__  ____/\ _/      ___/\  _/    ____/\  _/____/\
             \_/    \_\///   __    \\/ //____    \\/ //   \_\/
             /       \_/      /     \_/           \_/      \_
             \________/\_____/\      /\______      /\_______/\
              \_______\/\____\/\____/ /\_____\____/ /\______\/
               back to the roots\___\/ .pTh.  \___\/1984-1994

                              contact TRSI under

	              norby  		           python
	            po box 20        		 po box 105
	          56-300 milicz 	       43-200 pszczyna
	           (join,swap)        		 (swap,gfx)

        answer is guaranteed if sendin' new stuff and cool letter

              greetings fly out to our friends in the scene

 \_____    \_				     ___________  __  _____  __  __
 /    |_____/				    /     \     \|  |/     \/  \|  |
 \_______  .\-------- ------  ----   --	    |  :  |  _  ||  ||  :  ||      |
 /      |   \\::::::: ::::::  ::::   ::	    |  .  | | \ \|  ||  .  ||      |
/       !    \\ A - T - U - R - N - E	    \_____/_|  \_|__|\_____/|__|\__|
\            //:::::: ::::::  ::::   ::	    *                              *
 \          //------- ------  ----   --	    *     Contact E-moon of Orion  *
  \_____   ./				    *      for fast mailtrading    *
   ln!\____/				    *                              *
					    *     !! NO STAMP FAKEING !!   *
          For cool'n'elite swapping	    *                              *
                Then  contact		    *         E-moon of Orion      *
             >>He!nZ \ SaTuRnE<<	    *          Daniel Collin       *
                 Mele Patrick		    *           Slörvägen 5        *
               2 rue de l'eglise	    *       S-691 48 Karlskoga     *
               77450 TRILBARDOU		    *             Sweden           *
                         FRANCE		    *                              *
					    *     !! NO DISK STEALING !!   *
          **  No disk = No answer  **	    *                              *
Fast greetz:Mr King,Jazy,Exumer,Speedy

     ___    ___     _______
     \  \  /  /\   /   ___/\
      \  \/  / /  /   /\__\/
      /     / /   \   \/      We are looking for more members.
     /      \/     \   \     So if it someone who want to join
    /  /\    \  /\__\   \     Excess then send your works to:
   /__/ /\___/\/________/\
   \__\/  \__\/\________\/    Minstrel/Excess
    If you want to swapp     S-441 56 Alingsås
    the latest on A500/A1200      Sweden
    Then write to:

    Excite/Excess, Fläderg 8,S-441 56 Alingsås, Sweden..
      ______  __ __    _____  ______  _____  _____
     /  ___/\/ // /\  / ___/\/  ___/\/ ___/\/ ___/\
    /  ___/\/  _  \/ / /__ \/  ___/\/__  /\/__  /\/
   /_____/\/__//  /\/____/\/_____/\/____/ /____/ /
    |       ¦        :           |             |
    :       .        .           :             .

					 ¡      ¡______ ~°¤©Ø©¤°~~°¤©Ø©¤°~~°¤
					 |   ___|   |  ¡ ____
     ____/\   _____/\   ____/\		 |      |   |  |/    \ ______
    /      \ /       \ /      \		 |____  | _ |  |      ¡      ¡______
  ==\   ___ \\   __   \\   __  \=====	 |      | | ¯  | \ /  |   ___;      ¡
  ===\   \=\/=\   \\ \/=\   \\  \====	 |      | |    |  Y   |     ||   ___;
  =/\_\_  \=/\_\   __//\_\   __  \===	 `------| |    |  |   |     ;|     |
  =\       \\       \=\       \\  \==	        `-·----|  |   |   ¡¯ |     ;
  ==\  ____/=\  _____\=\  _____\\__\=	               `--·---|   |  |   ¡¯
     \/       \/        \/		                      `---'  |   |
           Felix of Suspiria		 ~°¤©Ø©¤°~~°¤©Ø©¤°~~°¤       `---'
           Bjorknesveien  22		
              1925 Blaker		           »»»»»SNAFF«««««
                 Norway			     ×-------------------------×
					     |      Ulf Andersson      |
            Only Musicans!!		     |     Plommon vägen 4     |
					     |       22355 Lund        |
					     |         SWEDEN          |

     !					   //\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\\
     ! FOR SWAPPING THE LATEST!		   \\                          //
     @ OR TEKKKNO TAPES,STICKER		   //      .oO CoNtaCT Oo.     \\
     ? SWEETS,COASTERS AND		   \\                          //
     # OTHERS CRASY THINGS!!		   //    .oO 4 SwaPPiNG ! Oo.  \\
     #					   \\                           \\
     Å!!!!!!!!!!?@@@@#$#!!%?)Å°!??	    \\                          //
             WRITE NOW!!         #	    //       SkY / BLAZE        \\
                                 Å	    \\   Radoslaw Gulczynski    //
         MOGUL OF RAM JAM(fhq)       	    //     62-591 KAWNICE       \\
         16 BIS RUE J.JUGAN 		    \\         POLAND           //
          35590 L'HERMITAGE		     \\                         \\
              -FRANCE-  		     //                          \\
      					     \\  disk(x) = 101.1% answer //
        >>FRIENDSHIP REQUIRED<<		     //                          \\
        -TASTE THE DIFFERENCE-               \\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//

       -- - [ - ----. --------------. -----.-------. ----- ------ ] - --
           ¡     __/|__/\____/\/\__/|_  __/|______/|________/\      ¡
      - --×X×--  \_   __/_ ___/\____  \ \_ | _/\_     /\_ ___/   --×X×-- -
           !    _/__   \/  _)____/  \  \/  |  \/  |__/ /  _)____    ¦
                \   l   \  |    /   |\  \  |   \  |  \/   l    /    !
   ---- -- ---- ---- ------- ------ ------ --------------- RpT ------------


    -×-×-×»«×«×»×«×»«×»·CøNTACt sÈdUCE^íNDÈPÉNDéNt aT·»×«×»×«×»×«×-×-×-

           <«×»> TAGGSVAMPSV.143 ^ 14160 ^ HUDDINGE ^ SWEDEN <«×»>

                       <«×»> nO DiSK íS nO aNSwER <«×»>

               ×»»> wELLKNOWN mAIL^mODEMTRADERS pREFERED! <««×

            ________     __         _________   _______     ______
           / ____   \   / /\       / _____   \ /______ \   /  ___/\
           \ \___\  /\ / / /      / / ____\  /\\_____/ /\ /  /___\/
           / /\  / / / \ \/       \ \ \   / / /_____/ / / \  \___
          / / /_/ / /  / /\       / /_/__/ / //  ____/ /  /  ___/\
         / / /  \ \/  / / /      /  ___   / //  /____\/  /  /___\/
        / / /   / /\ / /_/____  /  / //  / //  /_____   /  /______
       /  \/___/ / //        /\/  / //  / //        /\ /         /\
       \________/ / \_______/ /\_/ //__/ / \_______/ / \________/ /
        \_______\/   \______\/  \\/ \__\/<> \______\/ * \_______\/

                  For friendly and fast swapping write 2:

      D.John of Blaze          Slayer of Blaze        Sky of Blaze
      Janusz  Ballarin          Tomasz Pacyna      Radoslaw Gulczynski
       Kopernika 85/3            Poznanska 3         62-591 KAWNICE
       44-117 Gliwice          64-200 Wolsztyn       woj. koninskie
          POLAND                   POLAND                POLAND

					     ______________ ______________
     ___  ___           _____        	   _/        _/    Y   _/    _    \_
 +--/ _ \/ _ \/\/\deus-/ / _ \/\/\---+	   \______   \__   |   \__   !    _/
 : / / _/ _  /    \ /\/ / _  /    \  :	    |~   !    |~   !    |~   |    |
 : \/\ \_// (_/\/\ \\__/ //_/ /\/\_) :	    l____     l____     l____|    |
 :    \_) \/      \/   \/   \/       :	   <-----\____j-Lo!\____j----l____j>
 +-----------------------------------+	             -jealously wont help!-
  \       __                        /	    ___                       ___
   \      |_)                      /	   /__/\ ..cALL tHESE kEWL.. /\__\
    \     | \ O C K E T E E R     /	   \__\/  .. bOARDS nOW! ..  \/__/
     \                           /
      \    Franco  La Cioppa    /	        -> aLTERED rEALITY <-
       \   Via Arniense  156   /	        Sysob is GtOne/Divine
        \   66100 - Chieti    /		       Trsi & Zenith Dist Site
         \      ITALY        /		       +1 305 581 7934 (16.8DS)
          \                 /     	       +1 305 581 5936 (21.8DS)
   /                               \	          -> wELSH cOAST <-
  /      No Disk(s) = No Answer     \	        Sysob is Sonny/Divine
 (___________________________________)	     +44 (0)792 586225 (16.8 DS)

      _____________  _________  _______
     /\____________\/\________\/\_____/\     FOR FRIENDLY ,HOT AND COOL
    / /  _     _   / /  ___   / /  _  \ \    SWAPPING YOU SHOULD CONTACT
   / /  / /  / /  / /  /  /  / /  / \  \/
  / /  /\/__/ /  / /  /__/  / /  /  /  /    R E D M A N / M A D  E L K S
 / /  /    / /  / /  ___   / /  /__/  /
 \/__/     \/__/\/__/ \/__/\/________/
                          __________   ___       _   ___    __________
  REDMAN/MAD ELKS        /\_________\ /\__\     /\\ /\__\  /\ ________\
                        / /  _______// /  /    / / | /  / / /  _______/
  ROBERT ZABIEGALA     / /  /_\     / /  /    / /  |/  / / /  /_____\
    WESOLA 2A/22      / /  ___/__  / /  /____/ /  _   / _\/______   /
  41-200 SOSNOWIEC   / /  /______\/ /  /_____\/  / \  \/\_______/  /
       POLAND        \/__________/\/_________/__/   \__\/_________/

                   D O N ' T   W O R R Y  -  B E  E L K

                       .                         :
                   - --+-------------------------+- -
                       |   _	         _   _   |
                       |  (   /\ \  / | / \ |_)  |
                       |  _) /--\ \/  | \_/ | \  |
                       | ----------------------- |
                    - -+-------------------------+-- -
                       :			 :

      A new Finnish group is looking for more members from everywhere.
     Contact us also for swapping everything between legal and illegal.

                            Try one of these:

	         MC Spicy / Savior           Dace / Savior
	           Timo Oksanen               Jani Honko
                Sammontorpantie 2 G         Mäenkyläntie 56
	         13500 Hämeenlinna           60550 Nurmo
		     Finland                   Finland

                        PS. Disk(s) is 100% answer

                                  /\    /\                        __/\__
                                 / \\/\/ \\/\                    \\   ://
        ________________________/_  \\\\  \\\\_____________      //_  _\\
        |           |            |          .\\       |    \        \/
        |     ·    :|           .|           // ·    ||    \\      /.|
        |     :    ||           ||___________/  :    ||     \\    / ||
        |    ||    ||   ·       ||________|___ ||    ||      \\  /  ||
        |    ||    ||   ·       ||           / ||    ||       \\/   ||
        |    ||    ||   :       ||         //  ||    || .|     ·\   //
        |     |    ||   |  ._____|        //    |    || ||\        //
        |     :    :|   |    \\ |        //     :    :| || \      ·/
        |___________|   |\    \\|____   //|___________| ||  |_____/
                 |     | |_____\    \ ·/         |      |
                /_____/              \/         /______/

                         -+- wE MovE Da sTarS -+-

Are you unhappy with your current       EXODUS/ORION         NATAS/ORION
group? The new German division of       Alexander Deak       " OUTSIDE "
Orion seeks qualitiy members!           Hausherrenstr.5      POSTE RESTANTE
                                        78315 Radolfzell     78315 Radolfzell
Are you interested than contact:                  Both in Germoney

    ________  ________  ________________  ___    _____.... ... . ...
   /_______/\/\______/\/\____/\________/\/\__\  /\___/.. ..... .. . .
  /   __   \ \/   _  \ \/    \/   __   \ \/   \/ /  /... ..  ...  .. .
 /  _/_/\_  \_\ _/ \_ \_\_  _/  _/  \_  \_\    \/  /... .. ..... .
 \   \_\/   / /  \_/  / /    \   \__/   / /       /..... ... .. . .
  \        / /        \ \     \        / /   /\  /.... .... .. ..  . .
   \______/ /____/\____\_\____/\______/ /___/\ \/.... .. . ... ... .
    \_____\/____/  \____\/____\/______\/___/  \/.. ......  .. . ... .
 \					         		     /
  \   ContaCt sKyhawK of OriOn for swaPPing or joInIng write to:    /
   \                         _  ___   ___                          /
    \   Skyhawk of Orion    /| ¡.-.¡ ¡.-.¡  O  /                  /
     \	S.Promenaden  16    || || || ||	||    /	    ANSWER TO    /
      \	697 32  Pålsboda    || ||_|| ||_||   /  O   EVERYONE!   /
       \     Sweden         `' `---' `---'  / 	   	       /

	       	HADES			     ______________ ______________
	    (InDePenDeNt)		   _/        _/    Y   _/    _    \_
					   \______   \__   |   \__   !    _/
	  WaNt CoNtAcTS wITh		    |~   !    |~   !    |~   |    |
	   MuSiCiAns Of AlL 		    l____     l____     l____|    |
	        KinDs!			   <-----\____j-Lo!\____j----l____j>
					       ___                   ___
	  I'Ll AnsWeR 99+1 %		      /\__\...for joining.../__/\
	   Of yoUr LeTteRs!		      \/__/   ...Divine...  \__\/

	    mY AdDrEsS Is:		         .::::::::::::::::::::.
					         :  Aquafresh/Divine  :
	MaRcuS "hAdEs" BLoMbErG 	         : 18 Croffers Meadow :
					         :     Basingstoke    :
	    LiNerOvAgeN 53		         :      RG24  0RX     :
					         :       England      :
	    S-224 75  LunD		         `::::::::::::::::::::'


					 ___/  _   //  _\ /  _ \ /  _  \ / \/\
 ###        SWAP WITH ME !!!      ###	 \  \  \\_//  __//  _  /_\  \\_//   _ \
 ###                              ###	  \  \  \ /  /  /  /  // \\  \ / /\// /
 ### /-/-/ ALI/INTER/\CTIVE \-\-\ ###	   \____/_\_/___\_/\_/_\_____/_\/__/_/
 ###   O                          ###
 ###   N    Guido  Eckers         ###	             Da ya search :
 ###   L   Westerburgstr.12  L    ###
 ###   Y    41541 Dormagen   E    ###	 FrIeNdShIp ' N 0 <-> 7 DaYs StUfFs ?¡?
 ###           Germany       G    ###
 ###                         A    ###	      WoUlD yOu LiKe tO rEiCeIvE :
 ###                              ###	   [ ] 0-7 DaYs StUfFs + ShOrT lEtTeR
 ####################################	   [ ] 0-7 DaYs StUfFs + LoOnG lEtTeR
 ####################################	   [ ] OwN    PrOdUcTiOnS    sWaPpInG
 #########          __     ##########	         TiCk wHaT yA R lOoKiNg 4 !
 #########  ####   /_//\   ##########
 #########  ####  __ /__\  ##########	   NoJoKe           AdDy :
 #########  #### / // __ \ ########I#	     \/     OxStOnE /  SpAsM  AlSo   4
 #########  ####/ // / / / ########V#	   1o1  %   NiCoLaS MaUfRaIS  BiM  BaM
  ########______\___/__\_\_##########	   AnSwEr   RoUtE  dE MaUvEs  (dA mAg)
					   ======   61400   CoUrGeOn  ArTiClEs
					            F  r  A  n  C  e  (AsK mE)

     °  MMMMM MMMMM YYYY   YYYY SSSS           TTTTT    III CCCCC        °
     °  MMMM   MMMM        YYYY        SSSS     TTT     III CCCCC        °
     °                                                                   °
     °           HEY ! MARS of MYSTIC looks for more contacts.           °
     °        If you are kewl swapper when write to me for really        °
     °                    friendly and fast swapping.                    °
     °                                                                   °
     °                           MARS / MYSTIC                           °
     °                         ANDRZEJ MARCJASZ     DISK = 100% ANSWER   °
     °                          ul.NA STOKU 2a            for all        °
     °                           84-230 RUMIA                            °
     °                              POLAND                               °
     °                  Support my new pack ( soon )                     °
     °                                                                   °

					A··\ \  /\//__  -- ·················f.
					····\ \/ //| _\ || || ||\   |\ ·····o.
fast swapping ???			s····\ \// \|_|\|| || || \  | \ ····r.
                   real friendship ???	w····/\_/  |\  /|| || |||\\ ||\\ ····.
					a···/______|_\/ ||  \\||| \\|| \\ ··a.
        !!!  write to:  !!!		p····································.
                              H		p······ ¿s st¿ll se宩h¿ng  4 ······n.
     ANDRZEJ KOTLEGA          O		e¤········  mo®e ©ontåx ! ·ECS·STUFFe.
    UL.CISZEWSKIEGO 3/5       G		r¤¤·I························100%···w.
     78-200 BIALOGARD   H U M A N S	¤¤¤¤N····· Çontå©t me fo®: ···BACK···.
        P O L A N D           N		i¤¤¤T¤¤ - F®¿endsh¿pswåpp¿ng - ·····g.
					s¤¤¤E¤¤¤¤¤ - Legål Swåp - ··········r.
  ...or...				¤¤¤¤L¤¤ - Ø-7 dæys olÐ stµff - ·····o.
                              C		l¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ - ÆGÆ stµff - ··········u.
      TOMASZ SZYMIK     H U M A N S	o¤¤¤O¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤·········A1200···p.
     UL.DZIALKOWA 23          T		o¤¤¤U¤¤¤¤¤¤  W®ite to... ·····RULEZZ!.
      42-750 KALETY           i		k¤¤¤T¤¤¤   VaпµM/EpILoGUE  ········tj
       P O L A N D            O		i¤¤¤S¤¤¤¤¤ ÅleXanÐer ÐeAk ¤¤········oo
                              N		n¤¤¤I¤¤¤¤ HaµsHeRrEnsTr. 5 ¤AGA·STUFFi
					g¤¤¤D¤¤¤¤ 78³15 RaÐoLfZeLl ¤¤¤150%···n
 nice letter+disk(s)=100% answer !!!	¤¤¤¤E¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Germany ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤BACK¤¤!
					©øøl letter&Ðisk(s) = 1ØØ% båck ®eÆl!!
					   ---> Nø disk(s) = Big risk <---

 |:/\_____/\/\___/\/\__/\:/\  /\::/\__/\::/\/\::/\:::::/\/\::/\___/\/\::/\:|
 |:\  _ _  /\ ____/\ ___/:\ \/ /::\ __ /::\  /::\ \::::\  /::\  _  /\ \/ /:|
 |::\// \\/:/___/:://__::://__\\:://::\\:://\\::/ /_::://\\::/ /_\/:/   /::|
 |:::/   \:/    \:/    \:/ ____ \/ \::/ \/ \/ \/    \:/ \/ \/  \ \:/   /:::|
 |:::\   /:\  ___\\  ___\\ \::/ /\  \/  /\  __/\  ___\\__  /\  ___\\  /::::|

    The new Norwegian division of TECHNOLOGY seeks more quality members
   we are looking for Coders, Musicans, Graphicans, Modemtraders, Sysops,
     Swappers. If you want to be a part of a group based on friendship
                     and have a lot of fun then contact
                               Technology NHQ
                                Tommy Olsen
                                9130 Hansnes
                            TEL +47 77 74 86 97

!					            @¾¼°    ½ @¼° @  ð³@
! S O L I T U D E ...			           @@  £³ ®«  ß   𺠰
!					          @@@    ³@   ð³· ¾  ð¾×
+-------------------------------------+	         @@ @@  §$³  ³   ¹  ¼@
! FOR SWAPPING LATEST LEGAL STUFF ... !	      @@@  @@@@³  @³@ªð×ß@ð° ³ @
!                                     !	      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
!               PEACE OF SOLITUDE     !	       2 gEt cOnNeCteD 2 OnE oF
!                  POSTE RESTANTE     !	      dA mIGhTy rEtIRe sWapPeRs
!                     45127 ESSEN     !	                wR8 2:
!                         GERMANY     !
!                                     !	           /\×@l £./rEtIrE
!     GREETINX TO ALL CONTACTS IN:    !	           aLeXanDer wEisE
!                                     !	            eLpEr wEg 116
! TRSI, Applause, Vision, Parasite,   !	         45657 rEcKlInGhAuSeN
! BananaDezign, Platin, Xtrade, Iris, !	               gErmaNy
! Speedy, Intense, Alchemy, Nuance,   !
! Jewels, Energy, Interactive, Foda,  !	       u cAn aLsO gEt iN cOntAx
! Chrome, Defiance, Pulse, Effect ... !	          wItH n-fAcToR dA
!                                     !	             PC dIvIsIon
                                      !	        oF cAuzE 4 sWappInG da
                  ... S O L I T U D E !	         lAdEsT -7 -} 7 daYz
                                      !	          2 dIsX = nO rIsK
                     Send something made by you under this address :
            /\    /\    ( of course all disks will be returned )
           /  \  /  \
          / /  \/    \  /\ also for swapping :   IMMORTAL OF TECHNOLOGY
         / / _______  \/  \  /\                -+----------------------+-
        / / /__  __/\____  \/  \  /\               Tomasz Chmielewski
       / /  \_/ /\_\/ __/\___   \/  \  /\          ul.KASPROWICZA 28E
      / /    /_/ / / __/\/ __/\__ __ \/  \  /\     31-523      KRAKOW
      \      \_\/ /___/\/ /__\/ // /\_____\/  \  /\      POLAND
       \  /\      \___\/___/\/ _~ / / _  /\____\/  \  /\
        \/  \  /\      \___\/_//_/ / // / /__ /\__  \/  \  /\
             \/  \  /\      \_\\_\/_//_/ //\// / /\  ____\/  \  /\
                  \/  \  /\       \_\\_\/___/ / /_/ /__ /\____\/  \  /\
                       \/  \  /\        \___\/___/\//\// / __/\_  _\/  \
                            \/  \  /\        \___\/___/ / /\/\/\\|/\   /
 WE ARE SEARCHING FOR            \/  \  /\        \___\/___/\  / / /  /
 NEW MEMBERS ...                      \/  \  /\        \___\/ /_/ /  /
                                           \/  \  /\          \_\/  /
 . in POLAND we need more coders ...            \/  \  /\          /
 . also we need all kind of members all over         \/  \  /\    /
   the world ... like swappers , musicians , gfx-artists  \/  \  /
                                                      & coders \/

            _____  __       _   __
      _____/\____\ \_\ ____|\\ |\_\	 * FeD uP w!tH aSShØlE d!sK sTeAlErS !
     / ___ \/ ___ \¡ ¡/ __ \¡ \|¡ ¡	 *   WaNNa GeT 1 mØrE (ØØl (ØnTa(T ?
    / /__/\ \ \_/ /| | /\_\ \  \| | 	 * WaNNa SwAp: LeGaL,!llEgAl,TaPeS,...
   /\ \  \/ /  __ \| | \/ / /   ' |	 *  U wAnT 2 bE sUrE 2 gEt An AnSwEr !
   \ \ \_/ /| |  \ \-'\ \/ /| ¡\  |	 *   U wAnT 2 sUppØrT STREET-PA(KS !
    \ \___/ `-'   \/   \__/ `-' `-'	 *  U wAnT 2 sUppØrT tHe MYØP(HART !
     \/__/  A Light In  \_\/
             The Dark			     sø U'll JuSt HaVe 2 Wr!tE 2:

    Contact OrIoN HQ for Joining or 	       ---> TUNER/HEMØRØIDS <---
    Swapping. Write To ----------->	            DUREUX  LAURENT
     |					           5,RUE JEAN MERMØZ
    -+-      Braindead/OrioN  |		            741ØØ ANNEMASSE
     |  |     Eklovsvagen 25 -+-	              F R A N C E
       -+-   443 50 Lerum     | |
        |       Sweden         -+-	       ©©©   ©© ©©©© ©©© ©©©©©©©
                                |	 ©©©   ©©©©©©©© ©©© © ©©  ©©   ©©   ©©©
    Grettings goes to all contacts	       ©©©   ©© ©©©   ©© ©©©©©©©
     and friends around the world	    When Preparat!Øn  H !sn't EnØugh

               e x c e l
                  o f			    *******************************
            f r e e z e r s		    *                             *
    -------------------------------	    *        A N A H E I M        *
              JANI OINONEN 		    *                             *
               KUNGSG. 9L		    *     FOR FAST AND FRIENDLY   *
           S-55331  JONKOPING		    *         S W A P P I N G     *
                 SWEDEN           	    *         W R I T E   T O     *
					    *                             *
     for some elite mailtrading ...	    *      Dr.Matrix / Anaheim    *
					    *          Kuusitie 17        *
    greets: Sanity Dcs Trsi Parasite	    *         28400 Ulvila        *
    Equinox Desire Balance Razor1911	    *            FINLAND          *
    Banal Projects Stellar  Mad Elks	    *                             *
    Accession Infect Obscene Scoopex	    *******************************
    Stone Arts Pulse Hardcore Design
    Vision Energy Bronx Chrome .....

           +    © HEMØRØ!DS  WHEN PREPARAT!ØN H !SN'T ENØUGH ©     +
           +      ------------------------------------------       +
           +                                                       +
           +    ©©©    HAVE YØU EVER SEEN THE NEW MENU ØF MY PACK  +                                 +
           +   ©   ©   ------>>>  S T R E E T - P A C K <<<------  +
           +   ©©©©©   SØ DØN'T HES!TATE , WRITE NØW (1ØØ% REPLY)  +
           +           ALSØ 4 SUPPØRT DA GREAT HMD MYØPCHART !!!!  +
           +   ©©©©©   (REMEMBER: ØNLY ØNE 38*19 OR 8Ø*19 ADVERT)  +
           +    ©                                                  +
           +   ©©©©©   TUNER/HEMØRØIDS   + NØ ASSHØLE FUCKER !!!!  +
           +           DUREUX LAURENT    + NØ NEED TØ BE AN EL!TE  +
           +   ©©©©©   5,RUE JEAN MERMØZ + -> ØNLY CØØL DUDES! <-  +
           +     ©     741ØØ ANNEMASSE   + SUPPØRT STREET-PACKS !  +
           +   ©©©©©   FRANCE            + FR!ENDSH!P RULEZ DUDES  +
           +                                                       +
           +      -----------------------------------------        +
           +      -HMD-HMD-HMD-HMD-HMD-HMD-HMD-HMD-HMD-HMD-        +

    °¤°¤°  ___ _____   ____    °¤°¤°	_____________________________________
    ¤°¤°   \ // _ _ \ / __ \    ¤°¤°	\___ | __| __| __| __| __| | . | ___/
    ¤°¤    / \\// \\// /_ \/     ¤°¤	 | . | | | | | __!__ |__ | | | | | |
    °¤    /   \ \ /  \__ \        ¤°	 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
    ¤     \   / / \ /\__\ \        ¤	 |_|_|___|___|___|___|___|_|___|_|_|
           \_/ /___\\_____/
     F                            F	      fOR fRiENdSHiP ANd LAtESt
     A   »HARDFIRE of INTENSE!«   A	      ACCESSiON PROdS WRitE tO:
     S                            S
     T      Johan Roirand         T	            SAMU kOUkONEN
         35 rue de la Comete		           tURjANViRRANt.3
    ° 44230 St SEBASTIEN-SUR-LOIRE °	            78850 VARkAUS
    ¤°                            ¤°	             -fiNLANdiA-
    °¤°    MUSICIANS PREFERRED!  °¤°
    ¤°¤°     Disk=100% Answer   ¤°¤°	          SOiTA! 972-161693
    °¤°¤°                      °¤°¤°

         .                      :
     .___:_                 .___:_         InTeResTEd In JoiNiNg DCS?!
   __|   |  __.__   ______  |   |
  /  _   | /  |  \  \___  \ |   |       iF YeS, GraP yOuR PeN aNd WriTe tO:
 /   |   |/   |   \/   _   \|   |
/    |   /    |   /    |    \   |  .                 VoYagE/DcS
\____,___\________\____,____/___|  :                BrUnNeNsTR.2
      ___:__________   _____  __.  |\              48531 NoRdHoRn
     /  _________   \ /  _  \/  |/\| \                gErManY
    /   |___/  _/  _//   |   \  /  \  \
   /    |  /   \   \/    ____/         \   bE SuRe To Get A FaSt aNsWeR!
   \_______\____\   \________\___/\____/
         .___:   \___\          .  |           :
  _______|   |___  __   ___ .___: __   ___ :___|_ ______
 /   _____   |   |(__) /   \|   |(__) /   \|   | / .___/_
 \___.  \|   _   |/  \/  \  \   |/  \/  \  \   |/  |   _/
 /   |   \   |   /    \   \  \  /    \   \  \  /   |   |
(________/   |   \____/___|\____\____/___|\____\___,__ |RD
         `---|___|        '     :              :      \|
                 :                             .       |

¤   /    \   /  __//      \      \ /  / \   ____________________________°    ¤
¤  /  __  \ /  /__ \  <>  /   ___//  /  /  / /       _               /o/     ¤
¤  \ /  \/\\\   _/ / ____//  / / /__/  /  / / /| //\|°)\  / //\ \/  /l/   °  ¤
¤  / \____///  /  / /    /  / / __    /  / / / |/ \/| \ \/\//\/\/  /o/ __ _  ¤
¤  \      //  /_ / /    /  / / /  /  /  / /-----------------------/s/ /\°__ _¤
¤  /_____//____//__/   /__/ /__/ /__/   \/ __  __                 \/  \/__  _¤
¤__ __  __  __ __ ____  _ ____  °___      /_/\/\_\                       °   ¤
¤\ \\ \/ / / //  \|   \| | ___\ / __\     \ \/ / /__              °   °    ° ¤
¤ \ \\/ /_/ // __ \ |\ \ |\ \   \ \        \ \/ //\_\     /\    ° DEPTH...   ¤
¤  \___/\__//_/  \_\| \__| \_\__/ /        /\  // /  \   /\/        add some ¤
¤   /____________________________/        / / // / /\ \ / / /\ °    meaning  ¤
¤                                         \/_/ \ \ \/ // / /\/   °  to your  ¤
¤     TALENTED CODERS  AND                      \_\__// /\/ /         life. °¤
¤     GFX DUDEZ FROM NORWAY WANTED. SO JOIN A COOL    \ \/ / _ _ °           ¤
¤     CREW, AND ADD A LITTLE DEPTH TO YOUR LIFE.       \  / /\_ _    °    °  ¤
¤     SEND SAMPLES TO                                   \/  \/__ _ °     °   ¤
¤                                                                      ° °   ¤
¤     OLE J0RGEN KJELDEN            __/\__                        °   ° ° °  ¤
¤     7490 ROGNES                   \    /                          °    °   ¤
¤     NORWAY.                       /_  _\                         °  ° °    ¤
¤                                     \/                            °° °     ¤
					|                                     |
					|    write 4 the l8es legal stuff     |
              __/\____/\___   __	|                                     |
       /\/\  / __/ _  _/ _ \ /  \  	|            to:                      |
      /    \/ __/\// //   _// / /	|                                     |
     / /\/\ \  /  / //_/\ \/ / /	|   _______     ______        ______  |
     \/    \/\/   \/     \/\__/(he	|  /       \__/\\     \  __/\_\     \ |
					| /  .  :  |  . \| |\  \/  _  \| |) / |
					|/   :  |  |  _  | |_)    (_)  |  _ \ |
        We´re looking for new		|\   |__|_/   |__|_____/\_  __/|__|_ \|
         people, write now:		| \__|    \___/  :    o   \/_  .   |_/|
     					|    o     .     .    :             o |
					|    :                .             : |
               Metro			|    . -) BEYOND THE MIND EYES (-   . |
              Apd. 16			|                                     |
        41100.Coria del Rio		|   VAdER / MADOR           DISC(s)   |
             (Sevilla)			|   ULRICH BECKER                     |
             - Spain -			|   WESERSTR.48           100% REPLAY |
					|   49661 CLOPPENBURG                 |
					|                       GERMANY       |
					|                                     |

              __/\____/\___   __	     ----------------------------
       /\/\  / __/ _  _/ _ \ /  \	         Read da kewlest mag
      /    \/ __/\// //   _// / /	            in da scene!!!
     / /\/\ \  /  / //_/\ \/ / /
     \/    \/\/   \/     \/\__/(he
					             OEPIR RISTI

        For friendly swapping		         c/o Alvar Andersson
					              Halliden 2
           Krusen / Metro		             436 39 Askim
              Apd. 16			                SWEDEN
        41100.Coria del Rio
             (Sevilla)			          All we want is your
             - Spain -			           support and ideas

              __/\____/\___   __
       /\/\  / __/ _  _/ _ \ /  \	      ______________________
      /    \/ __/\// //   _// / /	      \_____ ¬\  ___ \   _ ¬\
     / /\/\ \  /  / //_/\ \/ / /	       |   |   \  | \/   |   \
     \/    \/\/   \/     \/\__/(he	       |   |    \ l____  |    \
					       |______  /___  /__l__  /
					              \/    \/      \/º!
         For friendly swapping:		  How's about sum Elite trading???

           Ultrassur / Metro		        DECEIVER/DECNITE
      Javier Rodriguez Rodriguez	        40270 PALOKKA
      Plz. del Puente, 7-4 dcha.	        FINLAND
           48930.Las Arenas
              (Vizcaya)			    ALSO OWN PROD SWAPPING!!
              - Spain -

Messages from Major Bandit of NEOPLASIA ------>


Bullet / Lego : Hi Marcus, was isn los, warst auch schon mal schneller!
                Schafft Dich Deine Freundin so ??? Naja auf der
                WOC werden wir uns schon wieder sehen, oder?

Mr. King / Scoopex : Schon lange nix mehr von Dir gehoert, melde dich
                     mal wieder !

Rave / Fear : Hoffe das es Dir in Fear gut geht, sehen wir uns auf
              der WOC wieder, kannst mich ja wieder vom Zug abholen,
              war ja ganz goil letztes Jahr !

Peace / Iris: Now you are a Member of Iris, cool hope to see more
              nice Productions from Iris. Euere German-Section is
              aber nicht gerade die groesste oder ??? Aber was solls!

Obelix / Platin : He, man when du you release the new Generation ??

Willy / Ozone 3 : Hope to see soon Production from your group. Please
                  tell me some facts about Ozone 3
Sonic Flash / Shrimps Design : Was kann man von Euch in naechster Zeit
                              erwarten, naja mit MTU war ja ein reinfall
                              aber vielleicht wird ja bei dir in
                              Shrimps Design alles besser!

Blaster / Eremation : Hello, Daniel.. he what is wrong why do you dont
                      write back, for some days you was my fastest foreign
                      contact !!

Dexy / Enemy : I hope that my messy will reach you computer, i can only wish
               you peace, peace and peace !!

Lord / Absulute : Yes, the last Sledge Hammer was a greate Production, hope
                  to see more good Productions from you, do you will come
                  to the WOC. Last year we havent meat us, shit !!

Raven / Fanatic: Hope to see more fantastic Intros from your group !!

Hemlock / ind. : Na Hemlock, haste deinen Compi aufgeruestet ?? Wie schaut
                 es aus, haste schon eine neue Gruppe, wenn nicht bewerbe
                 Dich doch irgendwo mal, du kannst doch ganz gut Ansi-

Plugster / Defiance : Heh, man when can i read the new issue of 'Buzz'
                      i think it is a good mag !

Crazy D / C-Lous : Hi Frederik, you are a very fast contact, thanks for
                   your cool productions. C-Lous is a very productiviti

Gentleman / Shrimps Design & Bonzai : Warum bist Du ein doppel Member?
                                      Ist dir wohl eine Gruppe zu wenig?
            Naja, hauptsache es macht Spass, kommst Du zur WOC, wuerde
            dich mal kennen lernen, wie wir in MTU waren hat es ja nicht

Onix / Illegal : I thought Illegal is one of Hollands best groups ??
                 Where a the Productions??? Hope to see soon!!

Reval / Orion: Aha, du hast also die ganze Mail von Monsun uebernommen,
               hoffe das wir viel freude am swappen haben .

to all Members of NEOPLASIA : I will greet you all.... my friends and
                              hope that we meet us in Koeln !!

August/September 94

Messys from SIR JINX of Neoplasia to:

Hi, altes Haus!Ich wette während du dies liest bist du mal wieder voll.
Ich glaube ausserhalb der Schule hab ich dich bisher noch keine 5mal
nüchtern irgendwo angetroffen...hehe. Haste es schon gehört ? Wir bekommen
jetzt doch n Mc Donalds. Yeahhhhh !!!! (to everyone: Mc.D.Hamburger +
Western Sauce extra RULEZ)....see ya in School!!

Twillight Zone/Gothic
Echt, Ich würde mir an deiner Stelle echt genau überlegen ob ich die
Scene schon wieder verlasse. Bedenke, du hast dir den ganzen Kram erst
wieder neu anschaffen müssen und beim nächsten Mal wird es noch teurer.....
Komm, stay in tha Scene !!!

Moin, Freund.... Ich wundere mich immer wieder über dich. Wie kann man nur
soooo viel Wissen über EDV haben? Mann, gibt es überhaupt ein
Compi-Fachgebiet über das du NICHTS weisst? Nun ja, ich halte es"wie immer"
und werde dich weiterhin mit Fragen überschütten......

Na, haben dich deine Eltern schon wegen der Telefonrechnung auf kleiner
Flamme gegrillt? Wenn nicht, gibt es KEINEN Grund weshalb du nicht mal
wieder Durchcallen könntest. Ausserdem.....I ve got sum cooooool News!!!
What about "Neoplasia......condemned to Death" ??????

Nun los, was is nu mit GERMAN CHARTS ? Schon vor Wochen habe ich dir
meinen Support geschickt.... Wann kommt nu der Stuff? Ich warte schon
sehnsüchtig. Mann kann ja wohl einiges erwarten ....oder? call doch mal
wieder durch! ***New Number +49 (0) 4471/8879166***

What s up Dude? I am waiting 4 ya Sending. Is there a new Issue of your
Pack? send soon....What about Rap-Tape-swap? Interrested? I have got more
than 10 filles Vote-sheets 4 Auschwitz here. What should i do?

Please dont send me a Tape from Dj Ba. His Music sounds cool, but i can not
hear that Hardcore-Tekkno Style for longer thabn 1 hour. Please just send
a cool Rap- Tape ( Like mine ). Thanks.

Na siehste, wie ich es mir dachte... du wolltest nur "Fresh Flavour"
spreaden. Du bist echt ein S**ker. Dabei fand ich das Demo noch
nicht mal gut. Schreib mir nicht mehr, spar dir die Marke.

Hi,Friend What about Backpack? I hope that you doe it in Speedy too. There
is no Reason,  Why not!  I m really waiting for the next Issue... its cool! you know the Leader of Neoplasias Polish Section "PET/Neoplasia"?

So kann es gehen...nun, MTU war wohl n absoluter Reinfall. Hmm Mittlerweile
ist die ganze Gruppe auf midestens 5 Gruppen verteilt. Vielleicht ist es
besser so. MTU/Austria ist jedenfalls für mich AUF IMMER gestorben. Ich will
mit keinem von der Gruppe jemals wieder was zu tun haben. Viel Glück mitFEAR

Nun, Freund.... Was hälst du eigentlich von "The Verdict"? Guck dir doch mal
die Sources an....Nun, Ich bin kein Coder, aber irgendwie ähneln die SEHR
dem wohl "bekanntesten" deutschen Pack. Du weisst was ich meine. Ruf doch
mal wieder an! Hast du schon meine neue (eigene)Nummer? O4471/879166

Nun, jetzt hast du das Sending von mir. Jetzt liegt es an dir. Neuanfang?
We will see. If possible send.....TEKKNO TRAXX. byte........

Major Bandit/Neoplasia
Hi, Herzlich Willkommen in Neoplasia! Ich hoffe du fühlst dich in dieser
Gruppe genauso wohl wie ich! Wie dem auch sei, wir haben das nötige
Potential um wirklich gute Productions auf die Beine zu stellen.Eine
so gesunde Zahl an Codern/Musicans/Graphicans hatten wir weder in X-Treme
noch in Manitou.... ich verspreche mir da echt ne Menge!

Yeps, It is always very nice to get Letter from you. Because we dont talk
about Scene. We talk about Politics, Books and other things and i think
that this is really cool. It really seems that you are somebody who thinks
like ME. Same Books, Same Interrests, Same Political Attidude......

Death Angel/Illusion
Ich glaube du tust gut daran wenn du die Telekom verlässt, denn die
Zukunftsaussichten dort sind alles andere als gut.Ich wünsche dir viel Glück
bei der Suche nach einer neuen Lehrstelle. Du wirst schon was finden!

Tja solltst du diese Zeilen jetzt lesen können, so kann es eigentlich nur
der Fall sein das du ne neue Schleuder hast. Ich hoffe es ist ein 1200er.
AGA rulez!!!! Du wirst sehen. Hat man es einmal erlebt kommt man nicht
mehr davon los......

Grand Duke/Diffusion?
Whats up Dude? I am waiting for your Sending. I think that it is no
Reason to stop swapping because somebody wont join a Crew.
I joined Neoplasia. I think that that is a good Step. They are 28 People
in 4 Countries.

Tedric/Dual Crew Shining
Hi alter Freund...... Ich hoffe du findest noch genug interessanten
Kram in meiner Liste. Sie ist jetzt erweitert und hat 186 verschiedene
Cds/Mcs/Lps..... send sooon.

Yeahh.... Post really suxx! Your last Sending taked more than 3 Weeks
of Delivering to me. Real Bad. I certainly fixed it on the Day i became it.
So, sorry for Deelay....but, It wasnt my Fault!

Nun, der Gruppenname ist ja echt ausgefallen. Ich hoffe das eure Pro-
ductions ebenso spectaculär werden. Ihr habt ja einige sehr gute Leute
in der Gruppe. Ich glaube man kann da einiges erwarten...oder?
Was ist denn so geplant??

Tja, wenn ihr unbedingt wollt könnt ihr ja cracken. Ich jedoch mache da
auf keinen Fall mit. Ich will wetten ihr reitet euch TIEF in die Scheisse.
Nun ja, ich hoffe wir swappen trotzdem noch (legal)!!!! Byte!

Ähhhh ich habe da son Rumour gehört das du gar nicht mehr bei Interactive
bist....stimmt das? Und wenn ja.... supportest du BB dann trotzdem noch?
Ich hoffe doch...oder?

Was ist mit meinem Tape? Du bist dran!Ich warte und warte und nix passiert.
Vader hast du seit unserem Meeting auch nicht mehr geantwortet..das du
soo verlogen bist hätte ich echt nicht von dir gedacht.S**ker!!

I reaaly hope that we stay in contact during your Army-Time... Neoplasia
is really rising like the Sun! Now we are 28 People in 4 Countries.
We have got enough Coders a.s.o. And I rejoined the Crew too.
It is really MEGACOOL!!

Sorry, but momentanly there is no Time ( and Money ) to fix your Sending.
You certainly will getthe Stuff and the 10 DM soon.

Yeahh... We will rule! Ich schätze mal das Neoplasia jetzt genug Leute hat
um echt gut Productionen rauszuhauen. Aber... wir werden sehen.

Lord/Isch Crew
I really hope that you like my Stuff. I think that we can have a funny
swapping Time together! byte........

Redman/Mad Elks
Do you like my Tapes? I think that the new House of Pain LP (same as
it ever was) is really Megacool Do you like the Tape? Please write
about your Opinion. A few Days ago, i was on a Concedrt of HOUSE OF PAIN!
The coolest Musicconcert i ever was........
Wie, du unterstützt das ????? Ich kann dich ech5t nicht verstehen. Du bist
doch wirklich jemand der was in der Birne hat! Als ICH davon hörte war es
für mich erste Konsequenz die Gruppe zu verlassen. Ausserdem hört sich der
Gruppenname "Gothic" ja wohl alles andere als cool an ... oder? call me!

Yep, mach nur weiter so in Neoplasia, dein Undercover ist wirklich gut!
Ausserdem gelobe ich hiermit feierlich dich öftrer mal zu callen......
allerdings beruht das AUSSCHLIESSLICH auf Gegenseitigkeit..nech!

Nun , Ivh wünsche dir viel Spass beim  **acken. Aber... lasst euch nicht
du bist ja ganz wild auF Games ( wie kann man nur )

Yo, sorry but i will certainly contact you in the next weeks..joke!
I really hope that NPL/Poland will be a success.

Floppy Man/ Neoplasia
Yes, you are organizing the biggest Section out of the WHQ.
You are having enough Coders, GFXer, Musicans.... so, do your Best!
I will write soonn.
Hi, Friend... nu rück schon raus, was hat es mit DOOMSDAY religiöses
auf sich? Das will ich jetzt echt wissen! Nu los....hehe..
Wann hört man eigentlich endlich wieder mal was von Mador? Ausser
dem Intro vor zwei Monaten habe ich da noch nix gesehen! Bad organizing?
Oder einfach nur....Keine Lust? send soon. byte

Thanks 4 contacting me.... I hope to have a great swapping Time with you!

Axel F./Retire
Ruf doch mal wieder an, nach dem teuren Gespräch meinerseits ( das
ich übrigens noch nicht bezahlt habe) wärst DU mal dran mich zu callen.
Die Nummer hast du ja. Also, RUF AN!

Ja, hast du das Sending nun endlich erhalten?  Wenn ich mal so auf den
Taschenkamin gucke müsste das Sending 5 Tage unterwegs gewesen sein... das
ist eine Frechheit! send soon Friend!

Whats up? Wanna swap? I contacted ya on 17.07.94! send soon Dude...
Is there any forthcoming Sanity-Production?   I hope so!
Yo, Here is the Sir Jinx.... Wanna swap? I think that my sending (with Disx)
arrived at your Homebase on 17.07..... right? Come on.. send sooon!

Wanna swap? I wrote a Mess (and a Disc) but you didnt refuse !!!
Write me...pleeeeze....

Fashion/Static Bytes
Yeahh, I really like Eurocharts. Do you want to trade with me ?

Yeps, really a big Name to Contact.... but Maybe... wanna swap?

                    l_ ______l___  _  \___   \_  ____/// /
                     | \___  \_/  /   /   \   /____  \
                   .:l    l   / _/   /    /  /   _/  /:.
                 `sear-----------<G o D S>----------cyryx'

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Macno / ABNORMALIA Mag
Howdy Alexandro!!!! How the studies are going on??? and of course,
Abnormalia??? Everybody is waiting for the next issue..... Anyway,
if you want to visit PARIS a new time, just tell it to me.... I'll
be so glad to meet you again!!! Valerie too, I think!!!!

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Booger / ABSTRACT
Always nice sendings from you... I especially love the latest col-
lection of polish modules that you've send me and, of course, your
cool and long letters!!
Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Skindiver / ABYSS
Yoho Andreas.... You send always nice own-made productions. I hope
you will not forget to send me, next time the ansi for the BBS and
why not... another one for my new team!!!

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Loulou Becane / ANALOG
I love your BBS.... more things will come for it regularly, do not

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Revolution / ANALOG
You make a nice job with 'French Kiss' and, of course, with ANALOG
I think i will call you soon to give you GoDS or iRiS newdies!!!

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Michael / ANATHEMA
Howdy Michael... I'm waiting for your soon coming MusicDisk... I'm
sure that you've got with ANATHEMA the right crew,  I wish you all
the best with it!

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Ripper / BANANA DEZIGN
Yo Ivan!!! How is life as 'Carabiner' (right word in english?????)
I hope that you will be able to release soon your dreaming mag  or
you have to kick ass of the lazy coder!!! All of the scene want da
new issue of The Outer Limits.
Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Slayer / BLAZE
Hello my good polish friend... How is life in your country???? I'm
waiting for fastest answer from you... I know, school is back, the
beers are so good, techno is so trance so... you answer as you can
but.... it's the same thing for everybody and i must tell you that
in Paris, we have less luck because girls are... some weeks ago, I
met a polish girl but, it's another story!!!!

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Turbo / BRONX
Yup, 'up Turbo! one of my oldest contact but also the laziest one.
I cannot understand why all my turkish contacts are so slow to an-
swer back.... but it doesn't matter, send Cemetary News as soon as
it is ready. Hello to Sam, Max, Vigo & Ghost.

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Chimera / CADAVER
Yo Peter..... sometimes you are so fast; sometimes, i have no news
from you during 2/3 months... but it doesn't worry. Stay CooL!

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Le Chien / CRAP
So, as you have notice some weeks ago... my friends and i have not
raided on Vikings Land.... we have discover another one called the
country of the AMAZONE... do you know it????

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Calvin / Gfx Twins / DIGITAL
Yop Calvin... School is back... so hard... less time for swapping,
less time for drawing... see you in a party soon!!! no?

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Rahiem / DIGITAL
Howdy Frank...... I hope you have enjoyed the musics from Doh that
i send you.... if you need some other ones, let me know it.

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Napoleon / DREAMDEALERS
I think that you will have soon finished your military service!!!!
But, you have a harder job to do now...... you have to make up the
french biggest party !!! But, you have still 10 months to organize

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Horror / DUAL 4MAT
It's nice to start swapping with you..... I hope that we will have
lotsa fun together and, why not, meet you someday!!

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Msw / EFFECT
I don't know what happen to you, but, it seems that your delay are
longer and longer... I hope to get some news from you soon.

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Nightmare / ELICMA
Hello Manfred... it's nice to see that you are back to your swapp'
activity.... it was a long time without you and i thought that you
had completely left the scene, but i was wrong!!!

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Skull / EREMATION
So Didier, what's happen?!?!?!? Some contacts of mine who know you
asked me if I know what you are making.... is it holidays, school,
a girl or a complete good bye to the scene!!!

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Photos / EREMATION
Mon dessinateur francais prefere..... j'espere avoir l'occasion de
te revoir a une prochaine party et avec une image gagnante!!!

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Brainwasher / EREMATION
I wish you a good luck for your next issue of your magz >>ouTLaW<<
and i really hope that it will be a great success... Also for GASP
of course.

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Danny Kane / ESKIMOS
Happy to see that you are back in the scene...... your letters are
always so crazy... what about your pack????

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to to P$ / ESSENCE
It was a great thing to have finally some news from you.... I will
not tell you what i think about ROM because lotsa people must have
tell you yet a hundred time 'WONDERFULL'!!!

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Rotox / FACET'S PUSSY / DESIRE
Yo Rene.... Still in Desire??? with you, the big problem is that u
change your crew 2 times or more between 2 letters so it is always
hard to know where you are!!!

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Yoyo / FIFTH GENERATION
Quite happy to meet you in my place...... I hope that we will have
more time to discover Paris next year... and remember, you told me
that you will send me a girlie from Malaga 'cause they are the ni-
cest... as I can't believe you... you have to do it!!!!

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Pantera / GoDS
Nice sending from you, Janne, lately.... I hope to have still some
news from you regularly! Good luck for you in Sweden with GODS!

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Bridgeclaw / GoDS
I know.... we asked you lotsa thing from you but, don't worry, you
will discover how it will be used at The Party 4 or before.
Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Zer0x / GoDS
Howdy Frode... today, i got 3 letters from you... crazy... i don't
know which post is lazy (norgevian or frenchie one?) but, perhaps,
it is the both one... in fact, it doesn't matter..... Good luck in
organizing GODS and for DISC....  but, do not forget your studies,
they are more important!

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Ufo / IDK
Hello J. Seb... nice pack from you.... when will you come in Paris
to visit us..... perhaps we will be able to visit a football match
with the PSG!!!

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Gigabyte
Hello Gigabyte... it's harder and harder to get some news from you

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Naughty Angel
Hello Melanie, let's start a good time of swapping together.......
you  want german words from me but i know only a few ones,  i know
only a few ones as 'Ich spreche nicht deutsch'... GooD?!?

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Sylicon / INTENSE
So Fabrice, thanks for you friendly offer but, as you have noticed
i finally choosed GoDS as new crew..... I hope to be able to check
soon the new issue of Hexagones or The Gallery.

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Daffy / iRiS
Darkhawk told me that i can expect soon the new musicdisk from you
soon... i'm really waiting for it.... anyway, stay cool and a good

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Darkhawk / iRiS
Ok...... i'm sure that it won't be a problem to you, Christian, to
continue to take iRiS up... We... hmmm, i mean, they believe in u,
so, continue the great work that you've started.

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to D:ReaM / iRiS
Hello Gunnar..... I'm sure that things will be easier for you that
you've find, now, somebody to help you in Germany to organize iRiS
I hope the pictures that i've send you will be usefull and do  not
forget to contact UlrIck.

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Miko 63 / iRiS
Hello Michael...... Ooohhh, you can't imagine how lucky you are to
leave in Greece... In Paris, it's raining all the times and so on.
Do not you want to make an exchange with me... I give you my place
in Paris and takes yours in Piraeus.

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to MJ / iRiS
It's great that you will be soon totally back to the Amiga scene &
i really hope to have, soon, some good news from you!!!

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Franz / ITALIAN BAD BOYS
Yoyo Franz... Always nice to get sum news from you, keep your work
up and great... and, of course, try to keep alive IBB!

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Oriens / LES SHADOCKS
I'm waiting for your next visit.... of course, come with a preview
of your next production!

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Dozer / LISENCE
Yo... nice to swap with you again..... i hope that we will have no
more breaks!

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Dnv / MIRROR
Nice to see that you are back in you business swapping....... Keep
c00l and continue your great sendings!

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Thorin / MOVEMENT
So, after Silicon, you have joined Movement & Melon. ... Good Luck
in your new crew... and remember this.... it's not because you are
in a well-known crew that you are an 'elite' dude.

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Gaza R / NEBULA
What's happen to you, Garry..... Do you leave the scene or are you
making a BIG break!

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Zuhl / NGC
Opus Mag is quite great...... but NGC swappin' machines seem to be
totally out of order!!!

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Matrix / NGC
Yo Frank!!! how things are going on in NGC!!!!! Can we expect soon
something new from your crew? And, of course, try to be faster!

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Clary / NOVA
Nice to swap with you, Claire..... I hope that we will have a nice
and great swapping time together and, of course,  meet you one day
at a party... next Saturne one or Party 4!?

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Mr Keel / NOVA
Hello Alex!! Nice to have some news from you, but one letter every
6 months... i think it's not very fast !!

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Flynn / OUTLAWS
Howdy Damien... nice to see that you have not finally left OUTLAWS
I hope to meet you at another party diz year or the next one......
But, be careful, your PC is not to be used but just to laugh at it
when you see it.

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Jef / OUTLAWS
Yo Jef... nice to have some news from you... I hope to meet you at
the next Saturne Party.

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Toxic / OUTLAWS
Hello Toxic!! your BBS is cool... but, i think that i should visit
it soon... just to say you, 'hello!'.

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to FlasherJack / PARADOX
Hello FlasherJack..... i'm really happy to see that you've won the
intro compet at Saturne Party and, of course, it was great to talk
with you and finally met you after 4 years!

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Ninja / PARADOX
How is your trip in London, Ninja? I'm waiting for your next prod!

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Mic / PRINCIPES
Hello Michael... I hope it's not too hard to go back to school....
but, you must not forget that as long as you are in school, you've
a cool life... i regret when i was a student!!!

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to J M C / PUBLIC ENEMY
Hello Jay!!!! How is going on your military service???? And how is
going on your new life????

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Mike / PULSAR
Hello Michael, how is going on the life in RSA ?? I think that now
your country have no more problems with the International  Opinion
as all of them and especially the USA are happy to see that you've
a new President!

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Posdnuos / RAM JAM
I like your ChartMag... I'm really waiting for your new issue with
the totally new design!!!

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Robert / RAM JAM
Hello Robert!!! You are moving a lot.... I hope that you have find
with RamJam your dreaming crew.

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Trasher / SANITY
Hello Oli.... Tell me more about your travel to Paris..... I still
say it to you and i'll say it again and again,  you are welcome at
my place!!!

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Gunjah / SATURNE
Hello my new contact... I hope that we will have lotsa fun !!!

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Vodka / SATURNE
Yo Vincent!! What about you... You forget swapping to code all the

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Tos / SILICON
Salut Pascal... a little break in your swapping activity... we are
waiting for you.... be back soon!
Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Alhazred / SPASM
We want 'BiM BaM'... send it to me as soon as you get it, ok!

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Christine / SPOON
Hello my dear Queen.... I think that i'll probably meet you at The
Party4... I hope it... I like your 'SouND' disks... give us more &
more of them... and why not... the issue 3 for The Party!!

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Bloodworth / THE FUN FACTORY
Hello Michael... how is life in Austria... You see, you will be in
some months a part of the European Nation... i mean EEC... Welcome

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Javair / THE MAGIC GUILD
Hello Christoph... this is Christophe writing you... nice to be in
touch... I hope that we will have lotsa friendship!!!

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Zarch / TRIFLEX & ADDONIC
The Amiga Scene is waitin for the new issue of 'MeSSaGe CeNTeR'...
When do you expect to give it to us??? I hope to meet you and your
friend at the next Summer Holidays.

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Monty / US
Hi Monty.... nice to speak with you at the previous Saturne Party.
And Good Luck to you and Schmoov(y) to your new crew.

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Denis / VIRTUAL DESIGN
Hello Denis... what about you... you try to be laziest than me!!!!

Messages from CHRiS / GoDS to Dr Poison / VIXEN
Nice to see that you're back to swapping... no more break, i hope.

    Some messages from Pantera/Gods:

    Nastro/Agency:    Are you dead???Or extremely lazy.
                      Anyway,thanks for the postcard half a year ago..

    Calvin/Diffusion: So,you have joined diffusion.....Good luck..
                      What's up since your speed has slowed down?
                      Try to wake up from the coma and write a letter..

    Virus/Arise:      Still waiting for Arise wares?Seems so...Anyway,
                      too bad the card fucked up all the time,but few
                      days later it worked fine again.But now it's too
                      risky to call cause 2 guys got caught week ago.
                      Were you watching Cycle WC in Palermo?

    Overdose/Trsi:    Hello.Thanks for the nice pack,and good luck in
                      Trsi.yes,i joined the new crew Gods together
                      with C-Quence from Defiance...Be well and write.
    Helloween/Bronx:  Thanks for the postcard from er....Poland.
                      How was it?Ain't it great now when the Schools have
                      started?It's not so awful after all,you get bored
                      being home day by day,at least i got...Ok,cheers.

    Kazz/?Bronx:      Ootko vaihtanu tiimia viela?Vai etko tieda osotetta
                      pomolle?En ainakaan nahny sita nitten lehdessa...
                      Toivottavasti kaikki jarjestyy...Ai niin,oli muuten
                      kiva tapaa Assyilla.. Morjes.

    Pozz/C-Lous:      Yellow...Tyckte du om Disc?Hoppas det..
                      hur gar det i skolan nu fortiden?Eller ar du
                      arbetslos?Jag sag ert intro URBAN nyligen och den
                      var ganska bra..Snygg logo i borjan.Du blir battre
                      och battre hela tiden.har det sa bra...

    Qba/Trsi:         Hello there.. Where have you been?Your speed was
                      like banana before...Write faster if you want our
                      wares in time...write soon

    Mac/Stellar:      yellow..minkaslainen paiva oli tanaan?
                      no kuitenkin,yrita olla nopeempi jos et haluu
                      missaa mitaan meidan produja.ørk!....
    S.M.D/Speedy:     Peter o Lotte!What's going on?Out of pens?
                      I heard from Steffen that you had joined..
                      If you still want to have some kind of contact then
                      write!Do it...Either Lotte or Peter..

    Siracon/Defiance: Antti hyva!Bajs,Megashwett!
                      Synd men Gods behovde inte nan musiker i alla fall
                      Vi har ju redan 3..Men du kanner ju alla i DFC sa
                      bra,sa det e ingen fara...Hoppas du gillade Disc.
                      Hmm..har det sa bra o halsa Mellon...

    Size/Scoopex:     Was hast du macht?few german words.
                      Have you managed to get some members in Norway?
                      You probably have heard of Gods by now..Oh yes you
                      have,i sent you week ago.So,your truth opinion of
                      DISC is? If you really want to write articles for
                      disc then do it.okay,What's the news in SCX?

    Nighthawk/Rebels: Hi cashier!huh..Still working or was it just a
                      summer job?Summer's over schools have begun..Great
                      Do you happen to know if Party 4 will take
                      place this year?Maybe Rebels are one of the
                      organizers?!?! Or maybe not..Be well and write...
    Wildcat/Scania:   Haloo Henrik (Henke kanske?!?)Som du ser sa har
                      jag lamnat Defiance for nya gruppen Gods..
                      Jag kande bara nara stycken i Dfc men nastan alla
                      i Gods,sa det var darfor jag lamnade tillsammans
                      med C-Quence...Jaa,vi hores....

    2Fast/Trsi/Zenith.:And Taurus!I read in Thing that you had lost some
                      of your addresses or something...Well,You can find
                      my address somewhere in this mag/pack...That's if
                      i haven't sent to you.Well,have you seen disc yet?
                      hope to meet you at the Party 4 if there will be

   Mindphaser/Freezers:Hejsan..Hur ar det med dej da?Du har inte hort av
                      dig pa lange...Ar Skepp med i Freezers eller
                      Defiance?Joo,som du ser sa har jag joinat nya
                      gruppen Gods..Jag var i Dfc innan dess.Hor av dig
                      snart..Och spara pengar till Party 4 om det blir

    Zuffel/Accession: hellou..Mites meni partylla?mikas siina..
                      ei tullu mitaan introa teilta kuitenkaan..heh
                      Joo...toivottavasti pidit Discista,morjes!
    Cyan/Destiny:     Send soon or stay lazy...

    Jackpot/Desire:   Haloo..Missas on sendisi?Sendi joku uus manager
                      peli jos loytyy...Sain pari uutta mutta ne on
                      pure garbage...Olitko muuten Assylla?
                      Ja kirjota pari artikkelii meidan lehteen..morjes!
                      Liverpool rulez...6-1 against Crystal Palace...
                      Everton lost yesterday with 2-0 against Man.U

    Mike/Defiance:    Terve!Aijotko lahtee kans Defiancesta vai??
                      ihan okei ryhma,mutta kun suomessa ei oo toisia
                      membereita niin se mahtaa olla vaha tylsaa...
                      Tee niinko tykkaat mutta pidetaan viela yhteytta!

    Fugazi/Taurus:    Jellou..Hittat nan jobb an?Horro du,borja spara
                      pengar till Party 4 alltso om det blir nan..
                      Nan 64 grupp kommer att hyra nara bussar tror jag
                      som forra aret...Har du annu sett DISC?Jag kanske
                      borde ha sent den till dej,men jag hade massor med
                      andra brev..Och det e ju din tur att skicka..
                      Visste DU att X-Trade letar efter en swapper!

    Suhu/Banal P.     Haloo.No ei oo nakyny sun sendii,miks viipyy?
                      Posti on nakojaan pidattany mun paketit missa
                      oli feikatut postimerkit,great.Pista vauhtii.

    Core/Disaster:    Thanks for contacting and i will deliver the
                      letter to Frode,if he hasn't sent to you..
                      Cause he will spare some of his contacs..
                      Yes,please do send an intro by Disaster if you
                      want..It's not so important but i'd like to
                      see your work... Write soon and be well ..

    Diesel/Razor 1911: Hejsan Mats..Sa du har flyttat till Nykoping..
                      Flyttar du hemifran eller?Vem e forresten
                      ledaren i Razor nufortiden?Vet du vad,du ska
                      skriva nara artiklar till Disc..right?hehe..
                      Vad kul..Ingen braska.Okej,skicka Propaganda
                      nar den e fardig...cheers!

    Zerox/Gods:       hellou frode.thanks for the once again.i'm just
                      writing some messages since I didn't get any new
                      stuff to spread.Argh..I'm so angry.i had prepared
                      everything,but i didn't get well.

    Pgl/Gods:         Terve...Egentligen har jag ingenting att saga
                      men,BAJS.Du har inte ringt an,nu ar det Sondag..
                      Err..Hoppas jag far ditt brev imorn..Vi hores.
                      (dina favorit handler ar: Darknight,Mr.Sex,

    Chris/Gods:       Hi Christophe.I just heard that you and the company
                      had joined.Great!Sorry but since Only 2 of you
                      French guys speak English I decided not to call.
                      But I will call you some weekend.Read letter and
                      be well...

    C-Quence/Gods:    Haloo.Ma vaha Fresh uppailen tata Message file:a.
                      Ja silleen,ei kai tas mitaan kummempaa..Wir h0ren!

    Mosher/Speedy:    Thanks for contacting mate.Pardon for not answering
                      fast,my swapping has slowed down but I have to do
                      something cause it's killing me.When our next prod
                      comes out I will probably send to all my contacts
                      which are many.Arg,hundreds of Krønes! well!

    Core/Disaster:    hello!Also thanks for contacting.I delivered the
                      letter to Frode.Actually I haven't seen any of
                      your prods.but I'm sure they are good.Feel free to
                      send if you like it's always nice to see.
                      Also pardon for not answering fast.Don't be angry!
                      Be well and be fast if you don't wanna miss
                      anything..I'm the wrong person to say so.Peace!
                      Ooops..this is my 2:nd note to you.Ooh,no ProBs.

    Zytrox/Gods:      yellow Morten!when Henning is ready with the menu
                      he will send it to you.code it when you have time.
                      After the other prods..thanks!Do you still know if
                      you will get free from work for the Party 4?bye...

    Thrasher/Sanity:  hi oliver.nice to know that disc got spread.
                      yes,it had far too many articles.From now on we
                      will put average amount of articles.
                      No low quality would be much appreciated
                      if you Oliver could send some news etc..
                      Be well and rest!?!!?

    Mop/Essence:      Hi Noel.R.O.M seem to take alot of your time.
                      Well,behind a good mag is a lot of hard work.
                      but try to send a bit faster,the letter is more
                      important to me than the stuff you send.

    Rest:             Sorry,nothing to special to say then be well
                      and send now (!!!),get your medium ass of the
                      chair and mail a letter.And remember to support
                      d.i.s.c with Articles,news,adverts...Thanks!

    Rest2:            I just found out that our local post office seem to
                      have been taking my parcels with faked stamps on
                      them.Great,could the ones who haven't heard from me
                      in a while do a big favour by recontacting me.Cause
                      i'm broke right now.I will make it up somehow.Thanks!

                     l_ ______l___  _  \___   \_  ____/// /
                     | \___  \_/  /   /   \   /____  \
                   .:l    l   / _/   /    /  /   _/  /:.
                 `sear-----------<G o D S>----------cyryx'

Some messages to my dear friends..

To Ripper/Diffusion:
How's the school going? Great I guess!!ehh..  Just send me some articles
whenever you feel like..!!!

To Zerox/Gods:
Sorry for not entering your little house party.. If it have been a week
later, I've been able to enter..

To Acen/Compact: are you, and how's the job? Waitng for your letta soon!!
See Yaa.. Laban og gutta er kjempe tøff!!Bleier og ting!!
To Lucifer/Technology:
Well, well, have you consumed enough alcohol lately.. guess so?
Are you going to The Party 4? Well, if you are, I'll see ya. talking to ya on the telephone...

To Avenger/Giants:
So, you liked JP!! I know, It's the best(ehhh), and it will be better..
Just wait to I get the new code and gfx. See Yaa!!!

To Yaffle/Insane:
Sorry for the big delay, but I did manage to lose your addy. Until I saw
one of your fab demos... Send some rad stuff back next time...

To Backfire/Applause:
How are you my dear friend..Ehhh!! So, are Applause releasing some hot
stuff soon? Hope so..  Waiting for your letta soon..:-)

To Joint/Tonic Inc.:
Hello my dear friend!! How is it going on that fæl school..??
No chicks..hehe. Why don't you come over to my school and check it out over
there.? Let's get serious.. We'll have to write sume articles soon for the
4'th issue of Jurassic Pack.. BTW: how is the secret project going..?

To KillJoy/Tonic Inc.:
So, Scratchy, how is the scratching doing??? Maybe I'll just drop by one
day to get laid with your sister..NOT!!!  With your mother..YES!!NOT well,
OK.. Maybe not!!!! Ok, enough bullshit, what about some asm coding soon?

To Zack/Saints:
Hello my friend.. Bye my friend!!! Nahh just kødding! So are you gonna be
at The Party 4.. Hey, heard some rumours about you getting sponsored!!
Well, you lucky fucker.. Why not fix something for me!!hehehe..

To Solo/Depth:
School in the USA isn't bad is it? Try to make some articles for me over
there.. Tell me about the american demo scene?(ain't big I guess)

To Ghandy/Rebels:
Hay Lars, having a god time? So, you are moving to Dusseldorf, ai!??
Tell me about the new place in the next letta.
Ps.nice picture you sent me..

To MSW/Effect, DBPP, GZ:
Thanks for those awesome modules. Looking forward to the next package..

To Pozz/C-Lous:
Thanks 4 your lettas... Mike is a productive man, isn't he? Cool pack you
got mike!!! But then again, just wait...I'm releasing a new Jurassic PAck
soon... It's gonna be smashing...    So Patrik, you are going to The Party4,
so nice... I will probably find my way down to Denmark this year!!

To Fate/Outlaws:
Hey, thanks for contacting me.. Cool!! Yes I have seen you guys on BBS's
around the clobe. Beware, JP will hit your mailbox soon..
See Yaa..

To CPS/Tonic Inc.
How is it in the force... cool I hope??!! When you get back, I hope you can
make some of your fancy tunes...hehehe!!!

How is your BBS going? Very well I guess. Why not starting a JP con. on
your BBS. (Zerox's idea)
Hidden Island got 1 gigabyte
capacity, so why don't you give
it it a call...? +47 7160793.

Hmmm, long time since I've heard from you.. Why not send some hot stuff

Hallo!! Please try to send me some hot stuff.. I'm not interested in old
stuff...see!!! Well, anyway..I'll maybe see on the next party around.

Hello Viper...!!ehh.. Thanks for ya letta.. Nice!! So, are you going to
TP4... I am..

Miko 63/Iris:
Hello.. Send something new! not old stuff.. See Yaa!!

Stratos/Quick Design:
So you hate my packmag.. Well, that's your problem... Infact, you are the
only one that have that kind of opinion. And please stop those treat's
about cutting me of as a swapper....?

Thanx for the summerholiday card I got from you.. Hope to see you letta's
Thanks for contacting me and for the article.. News & addy's included.
Great... Send me more nect time...Maybe a vote or something.

Thanks for those modules. Keep up the kewl swapping.. And write some fancy
articles for JP..

Hallo!! Hmm, thanx for contacting me.  Anyway, hope you know that you are
also writing with one of my pals.. Joint/TNC.. We both got a letter from
you on the very same day.!  See Yaa.

Hai AGAin.. Nice stuff I got from you last time..ehh!  Cool that you have
joined up with Retire...

Thanx 4 contacting me...! Your little beloved demo didn't run up here in
cold Norway. Sorry...! Send some rad stuff back soon.

So you have joined up with speedy!!! ain't that nice?? Keep on supporting
my pack!!

Hello my English friend.. Great pack you got.. Hope you like my pack-mag.
Maybe I'll see you at TP4..

Messages from QBA od TRSI:

Norby/TRSI:   Podylaj  jak  zawsze  nowe  ITy!  I jak zwykle pozdrowienia dla
mojego najlepszego kumpla na scenie czyli Ciebie!

Qwerty/Scope:   Qrva  jaka  szkoda ze wtedy do mnie nizajechaîes ale przeciez
niemiales mojego domowego adresu.  Teraz jakby co to juz go masz.

Trash Head/Mystic:  Szkoda ze sobie dzluzej na party niepogadalismy.

Zinko/Kefrens  &  Polka Brothers:  Mega thanx for mega cool modules send more
modules by Heatbeat, Slide, Blue Fox & Subject.

Python/TPD:  Powodzenia w TPD mam nadziej ze bedziecie wydawac conajmniej tak
dobra produkcje jak kiedys.

Bald Horse/TRSI:  Jak zwykle dzieki za giery!  Ostatnie byîy extra!!!

Redman/Applause:   Czemu  sie  nie odzywasz.  Telefon do Cibie jest caly czas

Blast/Energy:  Buble gum rulez! 

Tropper/Analog:  Thanx for cool product from ANALOG.

Radavi/Effect:  Thanx for cool modules.  5.25 RULEZ!!!

Mr.King/TRSI:  I wait long time for your letter!

KR'33/Spaceballs:   Thanx  for answer & cooool stuff.  I send you some 24 bit

Backfire/Applause:   Wielkie  dzieki  za  te  kontakty.   Narazie  mi  wiecej
niepodsylaj  bo  Norby  tez mi w kaûdej przesyîce troche podsyla wiëc by byîo
tego za duûo.

Kratka/Mayhem:   Ostatnie  modulki  ktore  mi podeslales byly na serio bardzo
fajne podsylaj wiecej jak masz.  I co z tym mazakiem o ktory Cie prosilem?

Dreamer/TPD:   I  jak  tam  z tym modulikiem dla mnie?  Fajnie by byîo jakbyô
zkoûystaî z moich pomysîów!

SKY/Blaze:   QRVA  i  co  jest nieprzysylasz listu.  Postaraj sie zadzwonic i
powiedz co z tymi kartami bo sâ mi potrzebne na gwalt!!

Sting/Alcatraz:  Thanx for nice stuff.  Modules by Dreamer rulezzzzz!!!
Thorin/Melon  Dezign  &  Movement:   Congratulations!!!  Cool groups!!!  Your
last stuff is realy COOOOOOL! BOOO 2 is COOOOOOOOL!

Trasher/Sanity:  Thanx for answer.  I send you some modules.  Write soom.

Reset/Mystic:   Sorry  resetku  ale  jestem  zmuszony zrobis sobie tygodniowy
deley, mam nadziejë ze sie niewqrvisz co?

XTD/Mystic & TRSI:  QRVA miaec napisac i co?  Chociaz zadzwon.  Votka do NZTB
juz  jest  i  ja  spreadujemy  (narazie tâ chujowa), wiec chartsy w nastepnym
numerze beda na 100%.

Mike/Defiance:   Thanx for fast answer.  Tradepack is realy nice, send me new
issue.  Write soon.

Lenny/Scope:   Fajnie  ze zadzwoniles.  Tak jak mowilem Votke wysylam.  I jak
sië  podoba co?  Niestety narazie ta pojebana wersa z MAgami, obiecuje ûe jak
bede mia dostep do drukari to odrazu wysylam dobra.

Sigge/Illusion  &  PIL:  Co jest QRVA czemu niepiszesz, ja Ci list wyslalem!!
A tak naserio to co jest z ta koszulka?

Splatterhead/Analog:  Thanx for stuff & letter!
Mars/Mystic:   Jak  juz  pewnie  wiesz  Votka  juz  jest i Ci ja zaraz wysle.
Wielke dzieki za modulki z party coool.  Ostatnie moduliki Exteda sa super.

Lenin/Freezers:   I  co?   QRVA QRVA QRVA QRVA!!!  Odpisz wkoncu, wakacje juû
sie przeciez zkonczyly.

Alice/Mad  Elks:  Czemu nieodpisujesz.  Iron pisal ze juz sie za to zabralas,
a tu nic.

Zibi/FCI:  Czemu niepiszesz czyûby znow poczta?  Co tam nowego w FCI!

Bodzio/The   Edge:    Czemu   sie   nieodzywasz.    Mam   sporo  supportu  do

Dalthon/Joker:  I co jest z tymi filmami, a wogule to mogîbys wreszcie wyslac

Dodger/Essence:  ROM is realy cool.  I must pay to your letters!!!!!

Tetsuo/Illusion:  Good luck in Illusion!  Thanx for greate modules.

Iron/Scope:   Musialem  doplacac do Twojego letterku.  Uwazaj z fakowaniem bo
na mojej poczie znow zaczyna sie bonanza!!
Codan/Rebels:  Why do not send letters?!?!

Magor/PIL:   I  co  z  tym party raportem?  Sorry za moj deley ale cos mi sie
pojebalo i myslalem ze wyslalem Ci list.

Alis/Mad Elks:  Kiedy wreszcie odpiszesz.  Odeslij moja instrukcje od Reala!

Break Beat/Speedy:  Thanx for cool tune to my pack.  I stop my pack!!!!!!

Prodigy/Trance:  Thanx for cool stuff last time!

Pagan/FCI:   Gratulacje  z powodu przejôcia do FCI.  Podeslij mi jakisô swoje
nowe rusuneczki.

Coroner/Picco:  Czemu niepiszesz?!?!?!?  Przekaz ta sama wiadomosc Malemu!!!

Fate/Outlaws:  Always hot stuff but always slow!!!

Daddy Freddy/Delicious:  Send me new your modules!!

Me'Firr/TMG:  Thanx for stuff, stay cool.

Onyx/IND:  Powodzenia na egzaminach!!!
Immortal/Freezers:  Gratulacje z powodu przejscia do Freezersow.

Bartesek/Casyopea:   Czemu  niepiszesz.   Podeslij  jak  zwykle  jakies swoje
moduliki.  Pozdrowienia dla EDIego!

Kursen/Metro:  Thanx for hot stuff.  Your intro is realy nice!

Ranger/LBD:  Kiedy nowy nuer PMM.  Zalatwilem wreszcie to "demko"!!

Irek P./Union:  Dzieki za Pd Paradise.  Podeslij nowy numer jak wyjdzie.

Paperboy/Simplex:  Your pack is realy cool!!  Spread my adverts!!

Pepe & Moody/TRSI:  Fajnie ûe przeszliscie do TRSI, mam nadzieje ze z naszymi
planami wypali!!

Mogul/Ram Jam:  Why do no write to me & SIGGE??!!?!?

Bicker/IND:  Postaraj sië zalatwiê te dyski od Marcina!!

Booger/Abstarct:  Czekam na liscik!

Steave Jones/Anathema:  Dzieki za zkontaktowanie.  Moduliki rulez!
Woober/Saints:  Cool product form Saints!

Gold Dragon/Unlimited:  Hello my friend!  I wait for your send!

Dragon/Duplo & Insane:  Thanx for contacting me!!

Warhawk/Obsession:   Niewiem  kiedy  SIGGE  zeskanuje  Ci te zdjecia moze juz
teraz beda, dzieki za fajne ASCII logosy

Curt  Cool/Depth:   I  wait  for letters from you.  Send me new your modules.
Make some mod for IT.

Alhazred/Spasm:  Thanx for greate ols production to IT, send more.

Dreamkiller/Unlimited:  Thanx for contacting me.  Write soon!

Roberts/Applause:  Wielkie dzieki za zajebiste moduliki do ITa!!!

Lloyd/Generation:   Czemu  niepiszesz?   Sorry  ze Ci tak puzno odpisalem ale
jakos niechcialo mi sie nagrywac tylu dyskow.

Heptagon/FCI:  I wait..........

Stan/Illusion:   Siemasz  Stasiu,  Dzieki za telefon dobrze wiedziec ze pocta
znow  podjebala  list,  wysle  jeszcze  raz, a SIGGEmu juz powiedzialem to co

Kipers/Amnesty:  Jak tam przygotowaniado party, postaraj sië odpisac szybko.

Avenger/Mad Elks:  Wake up man!!!!!

The Brain/Unlimited:  Thanx for cool modules, send more:

UFO/IDK:  Thanx for stuff.  On your disk READ errors.

Ultra Sonic/Sardox & Obsession:  Thanx for cool stuff!

Kurczak/FCI:  Czemu niepiszesz.  Ja Ci odpisalem, pewnie znów poczta?

Skindiver/Abyss:  Thanx for use my adverts.  Write soon.

Larry/Skulls:   Wielkie  sorry za moj deley, ale cckekalem na ten stuff co mi
napisales.  Kiedy nastepna Hujoza?

Lovely/Applause:   Jak  zwykle  dzieki  za extra modulki!  Postraj sie szybciej
Skycland/Compact:  I wait for your letter!

Slayer/Blaze:  Czemu niepiszesz?

Beholder/Diffusion:  Please don't send me polish stuff!

QQlek/Fun Factory:  Wreszcie kupiles sobie A1200.

The King/Illusion:  I kiedy twoj pack?

Acid/DYT:  Rember to send my stamps back!!!!!!!

Chris/Scoopex:  Why do no write to me.  I send letter to You 2 month ago!

Akiro/Black Jack:  Thanx for contacting me!

Omega/Ind:   Postaraj  sie  jak najszybciej znalezc sobie jakas grupe.  Twoje
rysunki sa naprawde fajne.

Exolon/Tilt:  SHORT letter rulez & panienki tez!

Roger/PIL:   Dzieki za fajne moduliki, zrob cos do ITa.  Twoj music dysk jest
na serio cool.
Andreas/IND:  Sorry za deley ale chyba rozumiesz?!

Regulator/???:  Thanx for nice modules!  Good luck in serch new group!

ESC/Appendix:  Czemu niepiszesz?  Twoje interko jest naprawde fajne!

Ender/INQ:  Dzieki za fajny modulik.

Mac/Beton Dezign:  Dzieki za zkontaktowanie sië zemnâ!

    Some messages from Pantera/Gods:

    Nastro/Agency:     Are you dead???Or extremely lazy.
                       Anyway,thanks for the postcard half a year ago..

    Hitcher/Diffusion: So,you have joined diffusion.....Good luck..
                       What's up since your speed has slowed down?
                       Try to wake up from the coma and write a letter..

    Virus/Arise:       Still waiting for Arise wares?Seems so...Anyway,
                       too bad the card fucked up all the time,but few
                       days later it worked fine again.But now it's too
                       risky to call cause 2 guys got caught week ago.
                       Were you watching Cycle WC in Palermo?

    Overdose/Balance:  You probably are waiting for Upstream to get
                       released,or?Yes,i joined the new crew Gods together
                       with C-Quence from Defiance...Be well and write.

    Helloween/Bronx:   Thanks for the postcard from er....Poland.
                       How was it?Ain't it great now when the Schools have
                       started?It's not so awful after all,you get bored
                       being home day by day,at least i got...Ok,cheers.
    Kazz/?Bronx:       Ootko vaihtanu tiimia viela?Vai etko tieda osotetta
                       pomolle?En ainakaan nahny sita nitten lehdessa...
                       Toivottavasti kaikki jarjestyy...Ai niin,oli muuten
                       kiva tapaa Assyilla.. Morjes.

    Pozz/C-Lous:       Yellow...Tyckte du om Disc?Hoppas det..
                       hur gar det i skolan nu fortiden?Eller ar du
                       arbetslos?Jag sag ert intro URBAN nyligen och den
                       var ganska bra..Snygg logo i borjan.Du blir battre
                       och battre hela tiden.har det sa bra...

    Qba/Illusion:      Hello there.. Where have you been?Your speed was
                       like banana before...Write faster if you want our
                       wares in time...write soon

    S.M.D/Speedy:      Peter o Lotte!What's going on?Out of pens?
                       I heard from Steffen that you had joined..
                       If you still want to have some kind of contact then
                       write!Do it...Either Lotte or Peter..

    Zuffel/Accession:  hellou..Mites meni partylla?mikas siina..
                       ei tullu mitaan introa teilta kuitenkaan..heh
                       Joo...toivottavasti pidit Discista,morjes!
    Mac/Stellar:       Tosi upee demo teilta...Mikas oli muuten palkinto?
                       mitas pidit partysta?mikas siina..pida hauskaa ja
                       yrita olla vaha nopeempi..Ehka ma on vaara ihminen
                       sanoo niin...

    Siracon/Defiance:  Antti hyva!!!Bajs,Megashwett!!
                       Synd men Gods behovde inte nan musiker i alla fall
                       Vi har ju redan 2..Men du kanner ju alla i DFC sa
                       bra,sa det e ingen fara...Hoppas du gillade Disc.
                       Hmm..har det sa bra o halsa Mellon...

    Size/Scoopex:      Was hast du macht?hihih...few german words.
                       Have you managed to get some members in Norway?
                       You probably have heard of Gods by now..Oh yes you
                       have,i sent you week ago..So,your truth opinion of
                       DISC is? If you really want to write articles for
                       disc then do it.heh.okay...What's the news in SCX?

    Nighthawk/Rebels:  Hi cashier!huh..Still working or was it just a
                       summer job?Summer's over schools have begun..Great
                       Do you happen to know if Party 4 will take
                       place this year?Maybe Rebels are one of the
                       organizers?!?! Or maybe not..Be well and write...
    Wildcat/Scania:    Haloo Henrik (Henke kanske?!?)Som du ser sa har
                       jag lamnat Defiance for nya gruppen Gods..
                       Jag kande bara nara stycken i Dfc men nastan alla
                       i Gods,sa det var darfor jag lamnade tillsammans
                       med C-Quence...Jaa,vi hores....

    2Fast/Trsi/Zenith.:And Taurus!I read in Thing that you had lost some
                       of your addresses or something...Well,You can find
                       my address somewhere in this mag/pack...That's if
                       i haven't sent to you.Well,have you seen disc yet?
                       hope to meet you at the Party 4 if there will be

   Mindphaser/Freezers:Hejsan..Hur ar det med dej da?Du har inte hort av
                       dig pa lange...Ar Skepp med i Freezers eller
                       Defiance?Joo,som du ser sa har jag joinat nya
                       gruppen Gods..Jag var i Dfc innan dess.Hor av dig
                       snart..Och spara pengar till Party 4 om det blir

    Cyan/Destiny:      Send soon or stay lazy...

    Jackpot/Desire:    Haloo..Missas on sendisi?Sendi joku uus manager
                       peli jos loytyy...Sain pari uutta mutta ne on
                       pure garbage...Olitko muuten Assylla?
                       Ja kirjota pari artikkelii meidan lehteen..morjes!
                       Liverpool rulez...6-1 against Crystal Palace...

    Mike/Defiance:     Terve!Aijotko lahtee kans Defiancesta vai??
                       ihan hyva ryhma,mutta kun suomessa ei oo toisia
                       membereita niin se mahtaa olla vaha tylsaa...
                       Tee niinko tykkaat mutta pidetaan viela yhteytta!

    Fugazi/Taurus:     Jellou..Hittat nan jobb an?Horro du,borja spara
                       pengar till Party 4 alltso om det blir nan..
                       Nan 64 grupp kommer att hyra nara bussar tror jag
                       som forra aret...Har du annu sett DISC?Jag kanske
                       borde ha sent den till dej,men jag hade massor med
                       andra brev..Och det e ju din tur att skicka..
                       Visste DU att X-Trade letar efter en swapper!

    Suhu/Banal P.      Mita mies?miten meni futis kilpailu?Kavin
                       kattomassa mutta ei kukaan pelannu vaan seiso vaan
                       Jees..Sendaile kohta ja muista Liverpool Rules!

    Core/Disaster:     Thanks for contacting and i will deliver the
                       letter to Frode,if he hasn't sent to you..
                       Cause he will spare some of his contacs..
                       Yes,please do send an intro by Disaster if you
                       want..It's not so important but i'd like to
                       see your work... Write soon and be well ..

    Diesel/Razor 1911: Hejsan Mats..Sa du ska flytta till Nykoping..
                       Varfor?Flyttar du hemifran eller?Vem e forresten
                       ledaren i Razor nufortiden?Vet du vad,du ska
                       skriva nara artiklar till Disc..right?hehe..
                       Vad kul..Ingen braska.Okej,skicka nar Propaganda
                       e fardig...cheers!

    Zerox/Gods:        Jellou Frode!Thanks for the postcards from Denmark
                       I'm waiting for your near 20kb letter,heh..
                       If you will break the record then i guess i'll
                       have to break it again but..Not immediately..
                       Now when school has begun i only can write in the
                       weekends..Well,Thanks for the letter which i
                       haven't read yet...Later Frodegator...

    Pgl/Gods:          Terve...Egentligen har jag ingenting att saga
                       men,BAJS.Du har inte ringt an,nu ar det Sondag..
                       Err..Hoppas jag far ditt brev imorn..Vi hores.
                       (dina favorit handler ar: Darknight,Mr.Sex,

    Chris/iris:        Hi Christophe.Have you found a coder?And what
                       about that M12 musician?Please write when you
                       can...I havent heard from you in months..
                       Write soon...

    C-Quence/Gods:     (Sekvensen)Terve MIES!Pgl (nothing bad) keksi ton
                       nimen...Oon kirjottanu aika kauon niin kakka.
                       Joku pitka hiuksinen (sexy) Mies Joggas ikkunan
                       ohi..Ei helevetti..Saa riittaa,Kuullaan.

    Rest:              Sorry,nothing to special to say then be well...

                  -----(messages for you out there)-----

                      NøøD£e øf fåçet'§ pµ§§¥/ðe§¡Re
                        Says holladiyo to these...

Hmmm, 'k weet niet wat ik met jou aan moet... Ach ik call je nog wel eens
denk ik.. Zal wel niet... 'K zie je nog eens...

Assembly gaat voor mij niet door dus ik hoop echt eens een tape op te
sturen, voordat jij mij bij de binnenlandse veiligheidsdienst aangeeft..

He Chiel enjoy jij nu je holidays?? Zal wel, nou zoals je ziet ben hier
issue troi van RuB-A-DuB.. Ik hope jij support it?

As you can see i've forced your intro onto my pack, i hope you enjoy it...
And maybe vote for it?? Well i hope to see you around... And while your at
it... Call NEON CITY (DSR DHQ) at +31 04780-12733 or +31 04780-14014.. (No
NUP needed)...

Can you send quicker, please.. Cos waiting for a month orso isn't nice
considering that i take time to send back within a week.. So please

'K denk dat jij dit messy wel bij Sascha ziet.. Ik heb gehoord dat jij
alles met Rene hebt gecleared.. Maar hoe kwam je er bij dat ik 10 contacts
heb... Ach doet er niet toe...

Het is volledig cleared.. De problems met Magic.. Maar het was dan ook best
schrikken, als je eerst van een contact van je moet horen dat je "gekickt"
bent.. Maar zoals je ziet zit ik er nog in.. In da pussy i mean...

What a delay... Last sending i got from you was your demo "Jehova" and that
must be 2 months by now.. Well do send back.. Please...

Bill, this time just a quickie... Enjoy yar holidays....

How were the "Mentos"?? Nice i hope... I like Mentos a lot... Well i hope
to get some Norwegian candy from you next time...

                    -----(splatterhead/black jack)-----
Longer letters rules... What about this pack... Enjoy it m8!..

Are you still in England or are you enjoying your holidays.. Well send

O.K. so corpse cracks games... But i hate games... Please don't send me any
more games... I won't spread them or even play them... Sorry!!

                  -----(blade runner/cosmic pirates)-----
Your demo-list rulez, und ich hoffe das du etwas schones fur mich
aussucht.. Or something like that..

                       -----(john peel/desire)-----
Are you in the same army as Chipper, cos it seems he won't come back for a
while, will you?? I hope so... BTW Punk really rulez but Skate-core is
better.... Offspring nr. 1...
	                -----(ramon b5/desire)-----
Hmmm.. Alweer een issue... Gaat goed denk ik zo... Als het goed is stuur ik
je alle issues die worden gereleased als jij terug bent van je holiday in
Greece.. En daarbovenop een cassette-tape met de nieuwe Offspring CD...

Wabba wabba wab... Jaja op jou (en mijn) pakje ook een messy voor jou...

Tell me if you like this pack, and read the article... Enjoy life...

Well i have the newest cd by the prodigy.. If you are interested i send it
to you... Can you then send me... (Kaos theory 4) or (Force Mass Motion)..

Emanuel... How are you, or better were are you.. Please send fast...

Ik ben bang dat ik geen mods van Fabian aan jou kan/mag geven, anders wordt
ome Ramon boos... Sorry, maar alsnog thanks voor de GFX van Danny...

Didier, will you attend the Party 4, cos that will be the ONLY party i will
visit this year... Too bad cos i really wanted to go to Finland...

My Polish boozer... Were are you?? Please send fast....

Leuke warez laatste keer, keep it up.. Alleen dat cheaten ligt mij niet
zo.. Doe er wat aan A.U.B.

Koele letter..  Goh Toffe mod van jou.. Not!! Sorry maar dat Gabber is echt
niets voor mij.. Ik hou het bij Skate-core (Hardcore metal) en niet bij
House... Oh ja, wat ik tegen Onix zei geldt ook voor jou... Dat gezeik met

Too bad you are now indy, but i'm sure you can find a new group very soon..

So, you won't pay money to the guys in Gothic... Well i don't blame you,
cos i wouldn't do it either... And games suck...
When will Jewels release something?? I'm told we can expect some nice prods
from your group... I can't wait...

                       -----(marvin/lasol 1911)-----
Sorry for delay, but the summer causes me to be a little lazy... I know we
will have a splendid swap-time together...

                       -----(dr. crazy/legacy)-----
Nice sends keep it up... Sorry for short messy, but it's so fucking hot and
late.. It's 24:40 and the sweat keeps coming...

Nice prods from your crew, keep it up... Well i know you will... See ya!

Holidays... I know, but i hope to hear from you as soon as possible...

                        -----(oden/razor 1911)-----
Were are you... I heard you and Diesel (+ some more) are the only members
left in Razor... Is this true... Well write soon..

Too bad Paragon thought i was kicked, cos i'm not.. Well i hope he
understands that it is all a misunderstanding...

Send soon m8!! When will Sanity come up with something new... At the
Assembly? or at the Party 4? Or never? Let's not hope that...

Nice sending last time.. Keep it up, cos i'm looking out for your new
sending... Kewl... I'll try to visit your party this October.. But i'm not
sure.. It's my birthday in that month...

It has been a long time since i last got a letter from you.. I'm waiting
for your next sending... So please send soon..

Nice pack... What about mine... I think it's o.k. but just wait till we
release a new one in a couple of months (i hope)...

Send soon cos i want to hear what beautifull tunes you have put upon a
tape, wich i will get from you... Rave on..

Hi man with the same name... I think Steffen is a cool name, but not as
cool as Stephan... hehehe...

When will Stellar release some new intro's (at the Assembly??)... I hope to
hear from you soon...

                       -----(mystra/stone arts)-----
Kjell, i hope you enjoy your holidays, cos i don't... First no SIH and now
i can't go to the Assembly... Well i will go to the Party 4 instead..

Nice sendings as always, keep it up mister dirty-pictures... :-)

                    -----(terminator/trance inc.)-----
All well down under? I hope so cos i can't imagine you not sending me...
Send soon..

                       -----(dr. poison/vixen)-----
What's up in Vixen, is it still alive... I hope that if it dies that you
will find a new group quickly...

When will Goo-Goo 3 be out, cos i want to hear new mods by Buzzer, he's
great at it....

I got your letter like this... œ››¤¡¡¤þ©¡øµµµ››££µµ¤ so all i could read
was your handle, not your group or your address... So would like it if you
re-contact me... Or if anybody else knows him tell me his addy...

                       -----(No more messages)-----

                      NøøD£e øf fåçet'§ pµ§§¥/ðe§¡Re
                                  Tijm 20
                              1273 EC Huizen

                     Før 壣 ¥øµr §wåpp¡ng prøb£em§...

Messages from Paperboy/Simplex to:

Mr.King/Scoopex: I heard  that you were busted for using faked stamps.
 Hopefully you can still continue swapping. I`m looking forward to
 hear from you. Is it true that you gave some addresses to german so
 that they can catch others too for faking?

Jay Master/Indep.: Did the post lost my sending? Or are you a disk-
 stealer? When you tried to contact me there were no disks. That
 gives me a reason why to think that you are a diskstealer if you
 are not a disk- stealer then, please recontact me.

House-A-Holic/Sacred: Having a delay? It has been over 5 months since
 I sended a package to you. I know that you have over 100 contact and
 you are in hurry but I don`t think that you need 5 months to answer

Vortex/Bronx: Mikä hätänä kun et oo vastannu? Toi Dave kyllä sano, että
 sulla on välillä vähän delayta mutta yritä nyt sendiä jotain.

Swift/Mystic: FUCK YOU!! This is message from all Simplex members.
Rapper/Isch- Crew: I`m waiting for your sending. It has been over
 2 months since I heart of you last time. Send something!

Michael Lorentz: Did your faking system fall down? Has the postman been
 fired. Anyway, I`d like to hear something of you as soon as possible.

Krusen/?: Are you still alive? I don`t even know the name of group,
 where you are at this moment. Try to sent something.

Gurgle/Mad Elks: I know that you are a football fan, but could you
 still sent something? Maybe you have also some other reasons for
 your delay but anyway I`d like to receive a package from you (soon).

Danny Kane/Eskimos: Vai jäit kiinni feikeistä? Onhan tässä jo nyt 3
 kuukautta kulunut, joten voisit lähettää jotain. Mare kertoi saaneensa
 sulta paketin mutta mulle ei oo tullu mitään. Saattaahan toki olla,
 että se sun pakettis on tuolla postissa. Sain tossa äskettäin sellasen
 lunastus lapun mutta mulla ei yleensä oo tapana hakea toisten paketteja

Viper/Diffusion: Oli kiva nähä Assyillä mutta ois kans kiva jos viittisit
 lähettääkin mulle jotain. Voishan sitä tietty soittaakin sulle.
 Toivottavasti jaksasit taas ruveta swappaamaan.

Blitzer/F.C.I: Where are you? I haven`t heard of you in a long time. Have
 you quitted swapping? Please, give me a sign that you are still alive.

Hacksaw/Chrome: Missä mun paketti viipyy? Ois pitäny tulla jo aikaa sitten.
 Täytyy vissiin soittaa sulle.

Onix/Illegal: Are you again too busy to swap? It`s been a quite long time
 now. How is Illegal doing? Are you going to release any productions soon?
 Send something!!!

Gold Dragon/Unlimited: Did you drop me? Did you quit swapping? I know that
 you were busted for fakes, but it would still be fun to continue
 swapping with you.

Blazer/Fanatic: Oli ihan kiva nähä Assyilla. Olihan se tosin aika pikainen
 tapaaminen mutta silti. Sähän lupasit lähettää ja mä oon vieläkin oottele-
 massa sun pakettias. Lähetä pian!!!

Mike/Defiance: Mikäs on hätänä ku et oo lähetelly? Ois ihan kiva saada
 sultakin taas paketti pitkästä aikaa. CU!

 MESSAGES From Coma Dual Format


 Hallo there my only Spanish friend youre sendings are most exalent keep up
 the good work my friend. You should have a tape from me soon. Bye.


 Hallo there my friend keep up Da quality sends Pal. Look 4word to da l8'est
 Swapp & dance charts. Send Soon m8 c ya.


 Yeah nice one pal love da goodies from ya. You should have my package by da
 time you read dis. Why not write more on da letters eh? Soon my friend.


 Hey my new friend thanks for getting in contact with me,dat was a cool letter
 you sent us m8, dat dentro was cool, I look 4ward to some exalent Swap times
 with ya.


 Once again pal tanks for getting in contact,I look 4ward to most exalent swapp
 times with ya, ya should have my jif by now, Keep da quality high my friend.


 It was nice to have a chat with ya on da phone my friend, when do you came
 back to England for a break. You should have my package by da time you read
 dis. Sorry bout dat delay. Soon m8. C ya.


 Hey sorry bout da mix up m8'y hope we can continu with da quality sends
 hows da coding coming along. Nice Previews ya sent me look 4ward to da
 final versions.


 Hey m8 long time no send, you havnt died on me have ya. Get in touch soon m8.


 Hello m8'y always cool chatting to ya on da phone, how much did ya say ya
 bill was? Keep up da quality sends m8, How bout sending us more of ya
 quality Modules. Chat with ya soon m8.


 Hnm I hope you havnt left da country with my disks, send soon.

 Yeah Atom m8'y thanks for letting us join ya Funky Crew, I look 4ward to da
 gfx ya doin for me thanks m8. Be on a phone near you soon.


 Wel my friend also a big thanks to you for lettin us join. Hope da Idias
 will come to life m8. It was good chatting with ya m8. I'll send soon.


 Hello pal bet you though I 4got you.Keep up da exalent sends my friend.
 Also thanks for da source u sent us, It all helps. Chatt with you soon m8.


 Hello my new friend thanks for da quality sends you should have my jiff
 by da time you read dis. Kewl m8.

 Hello m8, well I hope you can send us dem modules you spoke about look
 4ward to ya new Channel 4 music production. Keep up da exalent work my
 friend. Bye.

ABYSS:		- MOLE joined from AGOA .
		- TOXIC is now a Member of ABYSS & REBELS .
		- All Members of PYRODEX joined ABYSS .
		- ABYSS - Memberlist :
			   Bartman ..........Code & Modem
			   Cazal ............Music & Modem
			   Dexter ...........Code & Modem
			   Duke .............Swap
			   Jumping Pixel.....Gfx
			   Mem'o'ree ........Gfx , Music & Modem
			   Mole .............Gfx , Swap
			   Moon .............Code
			   Neurodancer ......Music & Sysop
			   Pink .............Music & Modem
			   Poet .............Code
			   Skindiver ........Swap , Ascii & Modem
			   SMC ..............Code & Music
			   Toxic ............Gfx & Swap
		- SANITARIUM BBS is kicked out.

AGOA:		- MOLE left for ABYSS.

ALCATRAZ:	- The German Charts will be an ALCATRAZ & NUANCE
		  Production from Issue 3 on.
		  Main-Ed is X-POOLE/NUANCE and Co-Ed is STING/ALCATRAZ.
		  The German Charts will get an completly new Design
		  and new Source.

ANALOG:		- Ex.Psycho members built up Turkish Section.
		- Stranger joined from SAINTS.


		- PHANTOM left to be independant.
		  He wont be editing THING anymore but you can send your
		  support to him anyway and he will give it to those who are
		  responsible for the mag!

AVANTGARDE:	- Got built up by 2FAST/TRSI and DONK/PULSE in the middle of
		  August and they released after 1 day their first production,
		  a born-tro.
		- 2FAST renamed into THE CROW and DONK into KNUCKLES.
		- DEAD END, the planed disc-mag under the Pulse-lable will now
		  get released in the near future... around x-mas, maybe at
		- ^cAscAy^/PULSE^ENDLESS PIRACY joined them as graphic-artist.
		- CHILL OUT will be the new pack from THE CROW/AVANTGARDE.
		  Code     by: Knuckles,
		  Graphics by: ^CASCAY^ and THE CROW
		  Music    by: MG
		- BOOM DESIGN of PULSE just joined up the AVANTGARGE-part
		  and let BOOM DESIGN die.
		- SONIC (graphic-artist/musician/swapper) joined from PLATIN as
		- VADIUM/PRIMUS joined as sysop/swapper/trader.
		- DAHAUL/PRIMUS joined as composer.
		- TSI/PRIMUS joined as coder.
		- PENTAGRAM/PRIMUS joined as coder.


		- NIK left for DESIRE.
		- SUBJECT/BALANCE (SFX) joined PASSION as double-member.
		- A trackmo will be released at The Party 4, main coded by

BETA TEAM:	- CBM80 and LARSEN left for MYSTIC.

BOMB:		- A new group formed by GENGIS and CLAWZ of COMPLEX.
		- SUNY joined from MOVEMENT.

BONZAI:		- SPYRITS Home BBS was busted.
		- LOVE LIKE BLOOD BBS was busted.
		- FUN DA MENTAL BBS have make a little break.
		- GENTLEMAN renamed to Galahad.
		- COCOON and MDB left.
		- STING/ATZ and SIGMA/ATZ left
		- DAHAUL overtake the organizing.
		- OZON joined to build up a PC Section.

BRONX:		- MIX left for SAINTS.
		- KAZZ left for FREEZERS.


COMPLEX:	- GENGIS and CLAWZ left to build BOMB.
		- SHMOOVY SHMOOV left for US.
		- AUDIOMONSTER and TITAN and the rest of the french division
		  got kicked.
		- PACE joined from REBELS.

CONTROL:	- Despite all rumours SCORPION has never been a member of S!P!
		- DUNE (ex.TECH) joined as a graphician!
		- PIXL (ex.EXTACY) joined as a graphician in Sweden!
		- SCORPION and HELLRAZOR/TRSI won the surprise music compo at
		  "The South Sealand Party 94" in Denmark with a co-op tune!
		- SILENTS DK & CONTROL held a little meeting in Viborg,Denmark!
		  These groups were present: NOISE, DISASTER, REBELS,
		- ANTEX changed handle to DECOY!
		- CODAN joined from REBELS as a swapper!
		- DECOY left to join PASSION!
		- SCORPION left to join MYTH!
		- Comming soon an Intro and A trackmo called "Trance Mission".
		- Current memberlist:
			  Sidewinder - code
			  Kris       - code
			  Evade      - code
			  Joy-Boy    - code
			  Sniper     - graphics
			  Dune       - graphics
			  Pixl       - graphics
			  Codan      - swapping
			  Munk       - raytracing

CORPSE:		- PAYDAY joined from X-TRADE.




DEPTH:		- RAZE joined from FANATIC.

DESIRE:		- LOONY joined from DIVINE.
		- FACET'S PUSSY/DESIRE will release a musicdisk called
		  'King's Blood' coded by SACHA and music by FABIAN.
		- FACET'S PUSSY/DESIRE will release a pack menu for NOODLE
		  coded by ROTOX.
		- FACET'S PUSSY/DESIRE will release a trackmo called
		  'Slave to the System' coded by SACHA and GFX by THD.
		- The German HQ will release a trackmo called
		  'True Performance' coded by KERNAL and GFX by CHAOS!.
		- ROTOX left MOTIVE to join F.P./DESIRE as a coder.
		- REACT left ABNORMAL to jojn F.P./DESIRE as a graphician..
		- NEON CITY joined as DHQ (+31 (0)4780 14014 and
		  +31 (0)4780 12733).
		- HOLLYWOOD joined from AXIS.
		- NIK joined from BALANCE.
		- BASSLINE quit the scene.
		- SCHITZO quit the scene.
		- TWILIGHT is working for GRAFTGOLD.
		- CHAOS renamed to CHAOS!
		- PHANTOM renamed to PANHADLIN
		- Members List (05.09.94):
			Ramon B5   -   Facet's Pussy Organiser
			THD        -   Graphician
			Fabian     -   Musician
			Sacha      -   Coder
			Riox       -   Coder
			Zoef       -   Musician and Graphician
			Ratbone    -   Musician
			Noodle     -   Mailtrader
			Rotox      -   Coder
			React      -   Graphician
			Bip        -   Graphician
			Chipper    -   Musician
			Venture    -   Coder
			NSA        -   Mailtrader
			Dwel       -   Graphician
			Phloyd     -   Sysop
			Jackpot    -   Mailtrader
			John Peel  -   Modem & Mailtrader
			Breeze     -   Musician
			Electro    -   Coder
			Paragon    -   Modem & Mailtrader
			Kernal     -   Coder
			Chaos!     -   Graphician
			Wildstyle! -   Sysop
			Talisman   -   Main Organiser
			Twilight   -   Musician
			Subi       -   Musician
			Giz        -   Graphician
			Nik        -   Coder
			Panhandlin -   Coder
			Hollywood  -   Musician
			Loony      -   Mailtrader

ESSENCE:	- DODGER (Swapper) joined from INTERACTIVE.
		- FADE ONE joined from LEGO.

EXCESS:		- ADMAN joined as swapper.
		- AG joined as modemtrader.
		- BLOOD joined as musician.
		- CLAW joined as swapper.
		- INFERNO joined as swapper.
		- MATE joined as pc coder.
		- MANIA (swapper) got kicked.
		- MEMBERSLIST 941004 -
			Adman - swapper
			Ag - modemtrader
			Blood - musician
			Claw - swapper
			Excite - coder
			Inferno - swapper
			Leon - musician
			Mate - pc coder
			Minstreal - graphician,comanager
			Powerslave - musician
			Psychic santa - anci logger,modemtrader
			Zec - graphician

		- RAZE left to join DEPTH.

FREEZERS:	- KAZZ joined from BRONX.

HOTLINE:	- The Legend from the good old C-64er are back.
		- They will start again to crack games on Amiga and PC.
		- A megademo is also planed for Amiga and PC.
		- They want to make two parties every year in Austria, Germany
		  or Holland.
		- Nearly all old Members are back with new handles.
		- It tooks them over three years to rebuild Hotline
		- Hotline a elite Crew from 1986.

ILLUSION:	- QBA left for TRSI as swapper.

INFECT:		- PGL joined them.
		- REVAl joined from ORION.



IRIS:		- BRIDGECLAW (gfx) joined TRSI in NORWAY.
		- The entire swedish division was kicked.
		- WARNER and CHROME left to join NOISE.
		- ILLUSION left to join NOISE.
		- GUYBRUSH left for PASSION.


JEWELS:		- FUTUREMIND/ex.RAZOR 1911 has joined.
		- Jewels Memberslist 8/9 94:
			Ricky      /   Code
			Futuremind /   Code
			Knox       /   Graphics
			Chorus     /   Music
			Sid        /   Music
			Condor     /   Swap
			Al Bundy   /   organizer,swap



LSD:		- DARK left LSD and joined TRSI as UK division organizer.

MAD ELKS:	- XENOS and IRON left for SCOPE.

		- THORIN  join from SILICON.

MOVEMENT:	- THORIN joined from SILICON but he is also a MELON DEZIGN
		- SUNY left for BOMB.

MYSTIC:		- JEZO and TRASH HEAD joined from SCOPE.
		- RESET joined from TRSI.
		- CBM80 and LARSEN joined from BETA TEAM as coders.
		- YOGA joined as graphican. Hi won a gfx-competition!
		- Actually memberlist MYSTIC - Polish Section:
			        XTD - musician, organizer
			      NINJA - swapper
			       MARS - swapper
			 TRASH HEAD - swapper
			     CHARON - coder
			     KATANI - coder
			 DARK ANGEL - coder
			        MSS - coder
			     LARSEN - coder
			      CBM80 - coder
			       YOGA - graphican
			     JACKAL - graphican
			        CIA - graphican
			       JEZO - graphican
			      RESET - graphican
			     GUNMAN - graphican, swap

MYTH:		- A new crew started by BIRD/NOISE.
		- TRICKSTER and PRIS joined from NOISE.
		- KEFNER joined from OBLIVION.
		- SCORPION joined from CONTROL.
		- VOICES is a co-operation between PASSION and MYTH.

NEXUS:		- NEMO dropped his handle and now calls himself Staffan, which
		  is his real name. He also decided not to quit the scene, and
		  instead he took up the old Turbo Transfer pack series
		  together with Scanner. Issue 8 and 9 where released.
		- BINKLEY decided to leave NOICE and rejoin NEXUS as a PC
		- Two other old members are also thinking about rejoining the
		- Cyborg has opened his BBS again after a long time of silence.
		- An original kind of diskmag is also discussed, wait and see!
		- The following are the present members of Nexus:
			    - Byte    (coder)
			    - Binkley (PC coder)
			    - Cyborg  (music, sysop)
			    - Gnauph  (gfx)
			    - Nemo    (coder)
			    - Scanner (music & gfx)
			    - Trazzon (gfx & raytracing)

NOISE:		- ILLUSION got kicked.
		- JAKE & SILICON left for PASSION.
		- WARNER left the scene!
		- BIRD, TRICKSTER and PRIS left and formed MYTH!
		- They are dead !!!

NUANCE:		- The German Charts will be an ALCATRAZ & NUANCE
		  Production from Issue 3 on.
		  Main-Ed is X-POOLE/NUANCE and Co-Ed is STING/ALCATRAZ.
		  The German Charts will get an completly new Design
		  and new Source.
		- THOR left the scene.

		- KEFNER left and joined MYTH!
		- DRAIN is the only Member at the moment.

ORION:		- REVAL left for INFECT.

		- The BBS Nerve Centre have been kicked out for lazyness.
		- SLOBO & WHALE left and joined FAIRLIGHT.
		- MIKE & DAVE left and joined CLASSIC.
		- SiNTAX and his Board SIN CITY joined.
		  SiN CiTY +32 38 252274  (OUTLAWS BHQ)
		- SNAKE DEN'S WHQ Has been BUSTED !!!!!!!!


PASSION:	- PEARL left RAZOR 1911, to build up this cool group.
		- THE WHISTLE joined from PARASITE as Coder&Musican.
		- BOOGEYMAN joined from OBLIVION as Coder.
		- RAZTA joined from OBLIVION as Coder.
		- BLIZZART joined from KEFRENS as Graphician.
		- SILICON joined from NOISE as Graphician.
		- GUYBRUSH joined from IRIS as Graphician.
		- SUBJECT/BALANCE joined them as double-member as Musican.
		- RAMOSA joined from OBLIVION as Musican.
		- JAKE joined from  NOISE as Musican.
		- DECOY joined from CONTROL as Swapper.
		- BLACK ANGEL joined them as Sysop&Trader.
		  (board> PLATINUM +45 5767-5960. Try to call it!!!)
		- THE COLONEL joined them as Trader.
		- DANSKTOPPEN is now a fully PASSION production.
		- VOICES is a NOICE/PASSION production.

PLATIN:		- OBELIX left the scene.

PRIMUS:		- DAHAUL (SFX) an some other left for AVANTGARDE.
		- Also some others joined OBSSESION.
		- MONSUM and SUNNY left the scene.

RAM JAM:	- PSEUDONYM (coder) joined in Finland.
		- MESSERSCHMITT joined from Damones.
		- A new music-disk called SONGS RACK will be out soon:
		   	 Code by USUL and ACBS
			 Gfx by Flender
			 Musics by DHS and N-JOY
			 (Both independent Italian GREAT Musicians)
		- EXECUTOR is working at a new Trackmo for a Party in
		  Winter 94-95.
		- A dentro coded by PSEUDONYM will be out soon.
		- TECHNO-SHIT, a crazy music-disk by BloodyFuckers design will
		  be out in late October.

RAZOR 1911:	- THE PRIDE left to join STELLAR.
		- COLORBIRD rejoined together with other members.
		- PEARL of PARASITE joined together with DANSKTOPPEN.
		- PEARL left to build up a new crew called PASSION.
		- DANsKTOPPEN is now a PASSION Production.

REBELS:		- FIVER never left TRSI and joined them.
		- PACE, LUSSAR'N and MORROW joined from MEDICINE.
		- ZADDO joined as a modemtrader.
		- PROPHET is now in Rebels under his real handle Chromag!
		- DRACULA [sysop on Transylvania] was kicked out.
		- The whole group DEFIANCE asked to join as a team!
		  They were refused!
		- The LOVE LIKE BLOOB BBS got busted and kicked.
		- PACE left to join up with COMPLEX.

SAINTS:		- ENZYME (Swap, Music) joined.
		- YAK (Gfx, Swap) joined.
		- D-70 (Music) joined.
		- MIX (Swap) joined from BRONX.
		- STRANGER (Swap) left for ANALOG.
		- SHARP left the scene.
		- Nah!. Nah!. Nah!. the AGA trackmo will be out soon.
		- Fantastic Dream II the musicdisk will be out soon.
		- Memberstatus (10.10.94):
		   - TURKEY
		   	Nop           : Code, Swap, WHQ.
		   	Victory       : Code.
		   	Klenye        : Code.
		   	Dr.Dweep      : Gfx.
		   	Exe           : Designer, Swap.
		   	D-70          : Music.
		   	Mix           : Gfx, Swap.
		   - NORWAY
			Nail          : Code, Gfx, Co-Organizer.
			Woober        : Music, Swap, Ansi, NHQ.
			Isaac         : Music, Gfx.
			Kriz          : Music.
			Mikromission  : Music.
			Tranze        : Gfx, Swap.
			The Confuser  : Gfx.
			Wiz           : Raytracer.
			Noble Man     : Sysop
			Yoummy        : Sysop
			Seagull       : Sysop
			Instant       : Sysop
		   - DENMARK
			Domain        : Swap, DKHQ.
		   - SWEDEN
			Phuture       : Code, Swap, SHQ.
		   - FINLAND
			Enzyme        : Swap, Music, SFHQ.
		   - ENGLAND
			Yak           : Gfx, Swap.
			Shock         : Music, ANSI.
			Ajax          : Modemtrader.
			Stussy        : Gfx, Music, ANSI.
			Numb          : Swap, Gfx.
			Dagraz        : Gfx.
			Groggy        : Swap.
			Ciccone       : Organizer, Code.
			Wire          : Main-Organizer, ASCII, Programmer.
			Care Beer     : Music.
			Alien         : Gfx, Music.
			NoneDos       : Music.
			Mozart        : Music.

SANITY:		- RA is back from USA !!!
		- MOBY works on sounds for different games
		- DISNEY (ex-Alcatraz) joined SANITY.
		- COMPASS is now a SANITY production.
		- COUGAR works on gfx for a console game.
		- MICROFORCE is still in SANITY/Scene but he is very lazy.
		- TFG was kicked out coz of too bad work.
		- RA works on gfx for a V.D. production
		- McDeal left the scene !!!
		- DISNEY was kicked out, coz he made trouble with the
		  Compass mag. It was a law for him to have the code from the
		  Compass mag, to join into Sanity. But now the Alcatraz
		  members don`t give us the code...
		  The Compass-Project is dead now !!!
		- Exumer (swap) left the Amiga scene.
		- Havok (gfx) is back in Sanity
		- Tron (code) left Sanity to be at the first time independant
    		- Sanity memberstatus'94
			Microforce      Coder
			Mr.Pet          Coder
			Chaos           Coder
			Cougar          Graphican
			Ra              Graphican
			Havok		Graphican
			Moby            Musican
			Jester          Musican
			Trasher         Swapper

SCOOPEX:	- MR.KING left them and later he joined TRSI with his NEVER
		  MIND pack.

		- XENOS and IRON joined from MAD ELKS.
		- Memeberlist:
			 Bob	-	inactive coder
			 Iron	-	coder
			 Lenny	-	coder
			 Qwerty	-	swapper
			 Snoopy	-	musician
			 Xenos	-	graphician


SILENTS:	- SILENTS are NOT dead as many claim.
		  They still have three divisions!
		- SILENTS DK are soon going to release a new trackmo!
		- SILENTS DK & CONTROL held a little meeting in Viborg,Denmark!
		  These groups were present: NOISE, DISASTER, REBELS,
		- SILENTS DK Amiga Members:
			  The Master - code, sfx, gfx, hq
			  Bionic     - code
			  Crush      - code
			  Ricky      - code
			  Dize       - gfx, trace
			  John Doe   - gfx
			  Scortia    - sfx

SILICON:	- SILICON is a new group created by ex members of DARKNESS
		  and ANTARKOS.
		- DIESEL left for NGC.
		- LOCUST joined in Sweden as a Swapper.
		- da menberlist:
			Mad Axe            Organiser,Swap
			Tos                Swap
			Locust             Swap
			Artis              Gfx
			Pendragon          Gfx
			Thug               Gfx
			Zoon               Gfx,Musician
			Ibanez             Musician
			Scorpion           Code
			Hellflip           Code
			Seca               Code
			Pepe               Raytrace



SPOON:		- GROWL joined from Fanatic.

STELLAR:	- THE PRIDE joined them.

SUSPIRIA:	- PREED and SCALE joined in Sweden.
		- Kudo Joined as a coder
		- Memberlist of SUSPIRIA:
			Tdh Design.....Raytracer,Graphician

TRIBE:		- A new german group formed by HEPTAGON and ECSTACY of FCI.
		- Members are:	 - Ecstacy	-Code
				 - Heptagon	-GFX,Organize,Swap
TRSI:		- FIVER never left for REBELS.
		- TRASH HEAD got kicked and joined later SCOPE.
		- MR.KING joined from SCOOPEX, with his famous packserie
		- TOM (one of the best polish coders) is back to the scene.
		  Welcome in TRSI again!
		- RESET left TRSI and joined MYSTIC.
		- Polish division members are: Bald Horse, Dr.D, Elis, GS,
				Leviathan, Norby, Python, Seq, Tap, Tees, Tom,
				Walt, Xtd (13 members).
		- ZINKFLOID renamed to UYANIK.
		- BLAU renamed to ERROX.
		- TENSION renamed to J.L.PICARD.
		- DREAM WARRIOR (coder) was put to the inactive section.
		- DARK left LSD and joined TRSI as UK division organizer.
		- DITTO and RICH left DELICIOUS and joined TRSI.
		- OVERDOSE, QUADREX and JOZZ left BALANCE and joined TRSI.
		- BRIDGECLAW (gfx) joined from IRIS in NORWAY.
		- MADISON is still coding on SUICID issue 7, it is is SURE to
		- QBA joined from ILLUSION as swapper.

VOODOO:		- A new group formed by some double members like as :
		   Elwood of Quartex      			CODING
		   Barks of ???           			GFX, MUSIC
		   Gummibear (better known as Kazz of Freezers) SWAPPING
		- GUMMIBEAR will soon start his great packserie called :
		  And just this for all...


   .  .           .          .                  .           .      .     .
   :   ______/\___:______/\_____________ /\_________/\______:_/\__ :   * .
   .   \________________/  \_______    //  \_____________________/   .   :
   :  :   _/      .   _/     .   | \  /\__ ______      \_   .    \_    .
      .  \\`      :   \`     :   |  \/  //      |      '/   :    '// : . :
   *  .   \\  _________\  _______|____ //____________  /_______  //
      .  . \\/____:_____\/___.________\/________.____\/_____:__\// CONtR0L
   .  .  .  \/    :     \/   :        \/   :    :    \/     :  \/    .
   .  .  .        .          .             .    .           .      . .   .

			Never Mind Various Menu

		Page	Articale
	       ------- ----------
		[002]   Never Mind Credits
		[003]   Never Mind Supporter List
		[004]   Never Mind Advertisment Info
		[005]	Never Mind Diskback Service
		[006]   Identities from Chaos of Desire
		[008]   Identities from Sting of Alcatraz
		[010]   Reaction to the Article "Swapper War"
		[013]   GASP Party Info by Eremation & Dream Dealers

            _______/\  __/\____________:_/\  __/\_________/\______
            \_   .   \ \_  ______/\_   ¦   \ \_  ______/\_   .    \
            /    |    \/     __)__/    |    \/     __)__/    ¦  __/
           /     __/\_________  __/\  _______/\  ________/\. .    \_
          /      \__  .    .  \ \__.\ \_   .   \ \_    .   \ |      \
----^-----\______¦/   |    |   \/    \/    |    \ |    |    \¦______/©håø$-^---
                 /    |    |    \     \    |     \|    |     \
                /     |    |     \     \   |      \    ¦      \
                        :    :               :

		          >>>>>>>> Credits: <<<<<<<<

	Never Mind Menu:   Coding:  	     Kernal of Desire
			   Gfx&Design:	     Chaos of Desire
			   Additional Gfx:   Fiver of TRSI
			   Music:            Jezo of TRSI

	Never Mind Mag:	   Coding:	     Slash of Rebels
			   Gfx&Design:	     Chaos of Desire
			   Music:            Technix of Anathema

            _______/\  __/\____________:_/\  __/\_________/\______
            \_   .   \ \_  ______/\_   ¦   \ \_  ______/\_   .    \
            /    |    \/     __)__/    |    \/     __)__/    ¦  __/
           /     __/\_________  __/\  _______/\  ________/\. .    \_
          /      \__  .    .  \ \__.\ \_   .   \ \_    .   \ |      \
----^-----\______¦/   |    |   \/    \/    |    \ |    |    \¦______/©håø$-^---
                 /    |    |    \     \    |     \|    |     \
                /     |    |     \     \   |      \    ¦      \
                        :    :               :

		      >>>>>>>> Supporter List: <<<<<<<<

 .oO File support: Bullet of Lego, Sir Jinx & Cyborg of Neoplasia,
                   Pearl of Passion, Chaos of Desire, Bird of Myth

 .oO News support: Mephisto/Retire, Pace/Complex, Crusader of Depth,
		   Spectral/Lard Design, Heptagon/Tribe, Qwerty/Scope,
		   Noodle/Desire, Beachy/Delight, Trasher/Sanity,
		   Skindiver/Abyss, Bird/Noise, Paperboy/Simplex,
		   Al Bundy/Jewels, Sting/Alcatraz, Mindphaser/Freezers,
                   Nop/Saints, Leon/Excite, Pearl/Passion, Sting/Alcatraz,
		   Decoy/Passion, Mogul/Ram Jam, Bird/Myth, Kazz/Freezers
               __________ _|_ ___________________________________
              |            |                                    /____.
     .________|            :     __                 ___        /     |s
     |        |_________________/  \_______________/   |      .      |c
     |        |\__     _________    \_     _______/    |_            |
     :           /     |/     |/    _/_____.    \_______/  TR¡STAR   |
     .         _/     _/      |      \__   |     \_    |  REDSECTOR  |
     :         \____  \_______A________/  ________/__  |    1994! _ __ _.
     |             \___|             \____/         \__|    _ _ _/      |
     |		    							|
     | The Advertisments in NEVER MIND are and will ever be for FREE !!	|
     |     Please send your advert in one of the following format:	|
     |		    							|
     |		    H A L F  P A G E    Advert:   39 x 23		|
     |		    F U L L  P A G E    Advert:   78 x 23		|
     |		    							|
     |     You are not allowed to send more then 2 adverts person.  .	|
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                       A                               A
                      (_)                             (_)
               __________ _|_ ___________________________________
              |            |                                    /____.
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     |        |_________________/  \_______________/   |      .      |c
     |        |\__     _________    \_     _______/    |_            |
     :           /     |/     |/    _/_____.    \_______/  TR¡STAR   |
     .         _/     _/      |      \__   |     \_    |  REDSECTOR  |
     :         \____  \_______A________/  ________/__  |    1994! _ __ _.
     |             \___|             \____/         \__|    _ _ _/      |
     |		          						|
     | From now  on I  can't manage the  free diskback service, because	|
     | of the high postages. Therefor if you want the latest issue sent |
     | back to you  when you send me  some adverts, news  and messages,	|
     | just send  two extra quality  disks. One  for sending the latest	|
     | issue  of Never Mind  back  and one  for the costs  of postages.	|
     | Of course  everdody sending  a own  Production  will  still  get	|
     | their disk back with the latest issue.	  		    .   |
     |                                 .                           /____|
    s|                                /________________.__________/
    c|_________________._____________/                 |
                       :                               :
                       A                               A
                      (_)                             (_)

Name/Group : chaos!/KnC-label/desire            Favorites
Real Name:   dirk wiemer                        - Drink: baccardi
Address:     thueringer str. 150                - Food:  italian food
             14770 brandenburg/h.               - Movie: forrest gump
             germany                            - TV-Channel: viva, mtv
Phone:       not available yet                  - Joke: "i`m a looser!"
                                                - Advertisement: -
Age:         (dawn) 23                          - Computer: A1200/030
Eye-Color:   lovely blue                        - Music: rave-trance-house
Hair-Color:  darkblond                          - Game: my life!
Profession:  working at the railways
             as signal-mechanic. boah!          Scene Favorites
School: history for me!              - Coder: dr.skull
Car:         honda civic (captiva blue)         - Composer: daeron & artie
Girl:        is the reverse of a boy, isn`t it? - Graphician: ra & teevaan
Hobbies:     music, cinema, table-tennis        - Production: nothing special
on Amiga:    mailtrader, ansi, layout & design  - Group: virtual dreams
Last words:  sorry for no detailed scene        - Magazine: midnite mess
             greetings, but the free space is   - Contact: no comment!
             too small. when i should greet,
             i like to greet all my friends.
Greetings:   to all the heros which fight against racialism and of course
             to all ravers out there for keeping this culture alive.

IDENTITIES				Favorites
					- Drink: Krings Orange Juice
Name/Group :STING/ALCATRAZ              - Food: Pizza
Real Name: Dirk Dallmann                - Movie: Highlander
Address: Steinfurtstr.12		- TV-Channel: MTV
Phone:	+49-(0)209-ELITE		- Joke: =:-)
					- Advertisement: my ones
Age: 21 Years				- Computer: Amiga 1200
Eye-Color: blue				- Real Music-Group: Alphaville
Hair-Color: dark blond			- Game: Dynablasters
School:	Civil-Service			Scene Favorites
Car: VW Golf 2				- Coder: Quedex
Girl: Nadine,Tanja,Susanne		- Composer: Lizardking
Hobbies: Girls,Raves,Party`s,		- Graphician: Cougar
	 Comps,Sport			- Production: Love by VD/FLT
Last words: Keep on Movin`		- Group: Virtual Dreams of FLT
	    what else, hehe !		- Magazine: Propaganda
					- Contact: all

Greetings: X-Poole,Raven,Killo`Byte/Nuance,Solid,PVC,Galahad/Shrimps Design,
Toxic/Abyss,Virus/Arise,Purple Haze/Speedy,Chaos!,Kernal,Noodle,Loony/Desire,
Zinko/Polka Brothers,Pride/Stellar,Colorbird/Razor 1911,Melvin,Ghandy,Exciter,
Scoopex,Blaze/Balance,Rocketeer/Ram Jam,Growl/Spoon,Danny Kane/Eskimos,
Twilight Zone/X-Treme,Gunman/Mystic,Lord/Absolute!,Deceiver/Decnite,Dragon,
Jazy/Incal,Hunter/Boom Design,Ultra Sonic/Sardonyx,Stimpy/Disorder,Pantera/
Gods. And all the rest...

       SAINTS presents....
           DeckCopy Information File of Additional Functions....


 - You can copy 84 tracks as possible.
 - You can copy any track(s) to any track(s).
 - You can edit everything when DeckCopy request Target Disk.
 - You can change SYNC number when DeckCopy request Target Disk.
 - DeckCopy automatic select RAM and DISK when you've started copy.
 - You never wait a long time for calculate reading and writing errors.
                                                         (don't like X-Copy)
 - You can listening a slow tune when you've selected following icons:
   .. Format
   .. CheckDisk
   .. DiskCopy


 - You can copy track 10 to 20 (both sides) to track 40 (upper or lower side).
  So it calculate 20 tracks in both sides to write 20 tracks to upper or lower
           _________/\    _________/\    ___________/\  _______/\
       ___/     .     \__/     .     \__/   _________/_(_________)__
      |_/       |       \__    |       \___________  ¬\__        ¬\_|
      \_________;         /    |_________/        |     /           /
      |-tRSi-|           /        |   \           ·    /       -911/|
  . .:|______:__________/_________:____\______________/___________/_|:. .

  		    REACTION to the Article "SWAPPER WAR"

Hello, this is me, Mr. King, who wants	(the one I sent to Steffen)  and  told
to  give a statement  to the published	me   that   the   danish   post    got
Article in Upstream Issue 9. 		information by him that the stamps are
First I want to say that my letter was	faked  and they sent  it to the german
not  quoted  entirely,  but only  some	post. They  had a further  look on the
phrases  out  of  it. So  bad that the	stamps and  got sure that I faked them
most  important  parts of  the  letter	 -- all because Speedy told the danish
were missing:  I explained WHY I could	post so.  The words told to me by  the
know that it was  Steffen / Speedy who	officer  in the  local postoffice  are
accused me for stamp faking... 		enough  prove for  me that  Steffen is
And  because this  was missing in this	the only  person who is  guilt for the
Article, I  want to  explain  it  now.	things that happened...
Well, the postmen showed me one letter	Steffen  himself  wrote some  lines in

the  article, too, but  these lines do	Speedy  mentioned  that NOBBY of  TRSI
say nothing  about the matter -  but I	also  has about  200 contacts and that
can  understand his behaviour, because	Nobby   could  also  reach   the   top
he  would  not   out  himself  as  the	position - Well, my comment on this is
"bad guy"... 				that Norby  recently entered the scene
As  I already wrote in a past letter I	and is  surely not  that qualified  in
believe that  the reason for Speedy to	swapping as any of us two, Speedy, but
accuse  me for  stamp faking  was  the	if Nobby would be  such strong that he
reaching  of  the  number one position	has a slight chance  to the number one
in THE CHARTS by RAN JAM. I kicked him	position, you would accuse him, too !
from the top, and if he would not have
done  the whole thing, I surely  would
have  reached  the  top  in most other
charts  -  but as he seems to lose his	To Nobby I wish  all the best and hope
title,  he chose  to  accuse me, which	that you  will never  get any  contact
really HAD  the effect that I went out	like Speedy who will accuse you...
of  the scene and  lost some places...
That  was the only chance  for him not	Signed, Mr. King of TRSI
to get down.

  _/\_______/\______/\_______/\_______/\_______/\______/\____/\____/\_  ___
  \       /\   _   _       /\       /\       /\       /    /\    /\   \/  /
  /   ___/ /  |/  //   ___/ /      / /  _  _/ / _  __/ \__/ /  _ \/   |  |
 /     |  /   ___//     |  /       \/  |/  | /_//  |   /  |/  |/  \    \  \
/   __ /_/     \_/    __/_/   >  >          \  /    \ /    \  |    \ \  \  \
\      |    |\   |      |    /  /  |   |    /  \    / \    /       /  \    /
 \_____/\___> \__/\_____/\__/\_/\__/\__/\__/    \__/   \__/\______/__ /\__/
                                    A N D
               _________________ ._________ _________ _____    /\
              /  _______   __   \\_ _     / \__  .   \\__  \  /  \
             /   |\   \/  __/  _/ /  \___/_. /   |___ \/  \ \/ /  \
           _/    !/   /   \     \/  __/    |/   ____/  \_  \  /    \_ ·/\  _
           \_________/\____\____/__________|_____|______/___\/______///  \/
    ________._________ _________  ______.    ._________ _________  _________
   /  _______  _     / \__  .   \ \__   |    \_ _     / \   __   \/   _____/
  /   |\   \/   \___/_. /   |___ \  /   |___. /  \___/_./  __/   /\____  \
_/    !/   /   __/    |/   ____/  \/  __/   |/  __/    |   \     \/  _\   \_

                                P R E S E N T


                        Gainful Awesome Summer Party

                          "We'll make you Gasp !!!"

This legal party will take place in August 1995 in Montpellier, south of
France.  We expect this party to be one of the biggest ever organised in
Europe.  The entry price will be about 150FF (30$), which will give you
access to the party place for four days.

1. The Place :

Montpellier, Parc des Expositions.  A huge center of 20.000 m2 , with room
for more than 4.000 people and parking for everyone.  The party place is
situated on the road to the Mediterranean beaches (less than 10 kms), in
front of the international airport (2 kms), near the motorway (4 kms) and the
train station (10 kms).  A McDonald's and a commercial center is situated
very close to the place.  A bus will drive around every two hours.  A full
time cleaning staff and electrician will be present.  A 24 hours a day
cafeteria will be opened with low price food.

2. The Competitions :

Organizers reserve themself the right to select productions.
(All kind of racism or such will be excluded)

120.000 FF (approx. 24.000$) of prizes will be dispatched as :

2.1 AMIGA Competitions:

Prizes:	       Demo :          Gfx :       Music :       40kb Intro:
+++++++	       1: 3.000$       1: 600$	    1: 600$       1: 900$
	       2: 2.000$	2: 400$	    2: 400$       2: 700$
	       3: 1.400$	3: 200$	    3: 200$       3: 500$
	       4:   800$
	       5:   400$
Amiga demo:   - Must run on a A1200 standard (OS3.0, 2Mo of ChipRam, 68020)
                It doesn't have to need Fastmem. Of course demos can also
                work on A500, but it isn't necessary... 1 demo per coder,
                anyway a group can compete with as many demos as they want.
                Time limit: 20mn!
Amiga intro:  - Same rules as demos, i.e must run on A1200 standard, 1 intro
                per coder. Lenght limit: 40kb (40960 bytes!). No need of
                library to work.
Amiga gfx:    - 1 picture per graphist. Must be shown with the lastest
                version of Deluxe Paint. Format have to be IFF. Scan and
                raytraced pictures will be excluded!
Amiga music:  - 1 module per musician. Duration: 6mn maximum!
                Format protracker.

Real time competitions on Amiga (Code, Gfx and Music) will be organised too.

Real Time Code:     Real Time Gfx:     Real Time Music:
   1: 400$            1: 400$            1: 400$
   2: 200$            2: 200$            2: 200$
   3: 100$            3: 100$            3: 100$

Code:  - 6 hours to release something.
Gfx:   - 6 hours to draw a picture with a special topic.
         Same technilimite a 6h theme compet gfx.
Music: - 4 hours to compose a module on protracker with a serie
         of samples given by the organizers...

                            Total Amiga : 14.000$ !

2.2 PC and Falcon Competitions:

       PC Demo :                             Falcon Demo :
       1: 1.200$                             1: 1.200$
       2:   800$                             2:   800$
       3:   600$                             3:   600$

PC Demo: - Must run on a 486DX2/33Mhz with 4meg of ram.
           Length is max 3HD Discs.
Falcon Demo: - Must run on a standard Falcon... (Simple eh?)

                          Total PC/Falcon : 5.200$ !

2.3 Other competitions:

                   Ray-Traced animations ( all computers )
                                   1:  800$
                                   2:  600$
                                   3:  400$
                         Rules: duration 10 min. max.

                              Games competition
                                   1:  300$
                                   2:  200$
                                   3:  100$
                       Rules: Just move your joystick!

                              Video Competition
                                   1:  600$
                                   2:  400$
                                   3:  200$

                        Rules: duration 15 min. max.
                  You can make clips, gags, computer films
                           (like Global Trash!)...

                          Surprise Competitions !!!
                   Rules: Just be there! It's a surprise...

                     Total other competitions : 4.800$ !

3. Other Attractions :

A professionnal exposition will be organised in one of the halls where you
will be able to buy disks, games and other computer stuffs (software and

4. How to contact us :

If you wanna get more infos, just a drop a message to...

   Eremation                       DreamDealers
   B.P. 5                          B.P. 56
   12740 Sebazac                   13153 Tarascon Cedex
   France                          France

   Bal GASP                        DreamLands BBS
   36.15 RTEL (French users)       (+33) 32 39 79 23

More informations will be spread during the following months, in ASCII files,
intros and complete paper sheets.

             _____                                           _/\_
   AMIGA/PC /    / dREAMdEAlERS WORld hEAdQUARtER.       =/\/ oO \/\=
      _____/  __/_______  __________/\  .  _   /\_____   /    \/    \
  (o)/       /  V _     \/         /  \-o-/ \ / \ ___]  this system is
   ./     _  \   |/     /     ____/    \|/   Y   \ _]  running on A2000
   /     //  /   /   __/      __/_  |   X         \]  GfORCE 040/33,9 MB
  /     //  /    \    \          /     /           \ MAXtOR PANtHER 1.2GO
  \______ _/\___ |\____X________/   T  \_____T     / QuANtUM l.P.S 105 MO
        \/      \| dreamlands \ ____|_____/  |____/  CnEt-BBS*REGISTERED*
 ______/\     /\ :   ___  ____ \/    /    X_______   .\                /
 [___    \   /  \.  /   \/    \_____/    /       /  -o-------------------+
  [_/    /  /    \ /     \    /         /    _  /    | []sysop GElfliNG  |
  _/    Y__/_  |  X_   _     /     _   X     \_/o)   |                   |
  \    /     \      \  /    /     //  / \     \ .    | []cosysop SUN     |
   \         /_T     \/    /     //  /         \.    |           kOUGAR  |
    \/\_____/  |_____/\___/\______ _/\_________/.    |           ANtONY  |
                                -\/-           -o----+-------------------|-
   +- There's a life after download! call now --|------------------------o-
   | node 1 -(+33) 3239 7923 USR v32 Terbo 21.6 |  Open 24 hours a day   |
     node 2 -(+33) 3231 0077 ZyXEl u1496e+ 19.2 |  Hot & soft Pictures   |s
     node 3 -(+33) 3231 0061 ZyXEl u1496e  16.8 |  Music, GFX, coding,   |u
   . node 4 -(+33) 3231 0075 Tornado II     2.4 | Public Domain & Demos! |n