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97 593 bytes (95.31K)
File date:
2024-09-05 01:10:43
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   /\_________  _____      Send your adverts to __/\__ IT MAG-PACK!
  /     \___  \// __/ /\                        \    /
  \//  \// _  /\___ \// \   sMALL (38x18)       /_  _\       ADVERTS SECTION!
  //    \  |  \/     \   \  bIG (79x18)      _____\/______/\__________________
  \  ___/__|_  /___  /_  /                   \_____ \_____  ____/       _____/
   \/        \/Ømg \/  \/   FREE !!!             /   \  /    \   \        /
                                                /     \/      \   \      /
   NORBY/TRSI     or   QBA/TRSI                /       \       \   \____/
   PO BOX 20           PO BOX 105            _/         \_      \_ __/\__
   56-300 MILICZ       12-100 SZCZYTNO       \_________  /_____  / \    /
   POLAND              POLAND                        \  /    \  /  /_  _\ .BBX.
                                                      \/      \/     \/
  Sorry, but I can use only one addy for one person!
                       Please, try to send your adverts in correct size! Thanx!
                _________    __________     _________     _____
               /__  ____/\ _/      ___/\  _/    ____/\  _/____/\
               \_/    \_\///   __    \\/ //____    \\/ //   \_\/
               /       \_/      /     \_/           \_/      \_
               \________/\_____/\      /\______      /\_______/\
                \_______\/\____\/\____/ /\_____\____/ /\______\/
                 back to the roots\___\/ .pTh.  \___\/1984-1994
       NORBY             QBA              BALD HORSE           LEVIATHAN
     PO BOX 20        PO BOX 105           PO BOX 4         ZEROMSKIEGO 3/67
   56-300 MILICZ   12-100 SZCZYTNO   43-316 BIELSKO-BIALA   26-220 STAPORKOW
      POLAND           POLAND              POLAND                POLAND
   (Swap, Join PL)     (Swap)           (Swap, Code)          (Swap, Code)
 Fast greetings to our best friends in: * Absolute! * Accession * Alcatraz *
 * Blaze * Complex * Desire * Effect * Essence * Joker Team * Melon Dezign *
 * Movement * Mystic  *  Polka Brothers  *  Razor 1911  * Rebels * Scoopex *
 * Sanity * Spaceballs * Stellar * The Edge * TPD * VD/FLT * All Forgotten *
                    __/   /__ ________ _____ _ ____
                  .\\    ___/__  __   \  __/__ ____) )
                    /    /    /   /   /____   \    \  T R S i
 .S.E.Q.           /    /   //   /___/   _/   /    \\                 .S.E.Q.
                  /_________/_______\________/_______\\. .. .
 SEQ of TRSI - an Amiga-MIDI-Music maniac and very good artist is looking for
 for more MIDI-freaks contacts!  Programs!  MIDI-Mods!  High Quality samples!
 Just write to Skowron, his personal swapper (he! he!) at this addy:

 SKOWRON - nowy grafik  (szkoîa SEQ/TRSI!)  szuka      SKOWRON/SUSPECT
 kontaktow na polskiej scenie!  Tylko przez niego      Janusz Skowronski
 mozesz skontaktowac sie  z jednym  z najlepszych      Skr. Pocz. 113
 grafikow na scenie... SEQ/TRSI! 100% odpowiedzi!      67-210 Glogow - POLAND
               // ___    
  ___/\/\_pth./ \/   \  /\    TPD is recreated, so why not get a contact there
 /---«×» \\_ // //\   >/ø/__
 \\ ___   \/X/  /_/  //     \       for long letters and pure friendship
  \/­\/ | //    V   X// /\   \
     // :// o _____///  /_\   \     python                           tom
    //  ·/  V/_­­­ //     V   /.    po box 105             bursztynowa 4
   /__/\_\__|_/   /_/\___..__/..    43200 pszczyna        43200 pszczyna
   V­­  ­V­­:­    V­  ­­­\/­­...    poland                        poland
   o--------+-----|------/-         known dudes only   only elite coders
  .     /\/  \                   ____ _____ ____ .    .     __  ____
     /\/      \  /\    /\       (____   |  (__   |    |    /__\ .___)
  + /          \/  \  /  \      _____)  l  (____ l___ l___/    \|   \
    \ conTACT 4     \/    \
  B /                     /
    \swaPPinG dA L8357!  /              If you feel lucky....
  L  \                   \
     / SkY / BLAZE        \                PR!DE of Stellar
  A  \ Radoslaw Gulczynski/                  P.O. Box 77
     / 62-591 KAWnicE    /                   5800 Nyborg
  Z /  woj. koninskie   /                      Denmark
    \  POLAND          /
  E  \                /
      \ letteR+disk(x)\          ____ _____ ____ .    .     __  ____
  +    \ 1oo% answER  /         (____   |  (__   |    |    /__\ .___)
  .     \          /\/          _____)  l  (____ l___ l___/    \|   \
         \      /\/             
                                    _ _|___
            ________________  _______ |___\_________________
           /     ____       \/       \|              /   |  \
           \___     \   |    \   |    \     \_|   \_/_____   \
           /         \        \  :     \     \|    \          \
          /__________/  |________|_____/_____/:     \_________/
                 \______!                     |_____/fade1
                     for legal elite swap write to...
                            Trasher / Sanity
                              Oliver Plink
                              Im Kirchen.6
                             89155 Erbach 2
                                Germany.                    ...demo or die !!!
                   for everybody -> No faked stamps
                   for germans   -> Keine Warensendungen
 dA___ _/\    ___/\    ___/\    ___/\    ___ _/\    ___/\    ___/\    ___/\
 _/   V   \__/  .  \__/  |  \__/  _  \__/   V   \__/  _  \__/  .  \__/  .  \_
     _:_    \_  |    \_  |    \_  ____/\_  _:_    \_  ____/\_  |    \_  |    
     \ /     /  |     /  |     /  |     /  \ /     /  |     /  |     /__:    
 _____V     /__ ·    /__ ·    /__ ·    /____V     /__ ·    /___|    /  |  ___
      :                                     :                  :      -:911
        fOr sOMe tRUe mOVEMENt-nEWs aNd sOMe rEAl oLd-sCHOOl-sWAPPINg
   (iF yOu wANt sOMe rEALLy tRIPPIn cLUb-mELLOw-tRANCe sENd aN eMPTy tAPe)
                    (!NO! lAMe hARDCORe/gABBER/rOTTERDAm)
  _/\___       _/\___    /\  /\___/\__________/\__________/\___________/\_
  \_____\_____ \_____\  /  \/  ___  ____/ _________ _______ \____ \   ___/
    /  | \    |__/_ | \/ \  \   \_    \  (___ \/  | \/ ___  _/_ |  \  _|_
  _/   |  \   |   / |  \  \  \   /     \_   |  \_ |  \ \      / |   \_   \_
  \    |   \  |  /  |   \  \    /       /   |   / |   \ \    /  |    /    /
   \ __|___/\   /___|___/___\  /______ /______ /__|___/__\  /______ /___ /
                 ______ _  GANGSTA / AVANTGARDE  _ ______
                |              RENE RUMMEL               |
                ¦          HUTSCHENREUTHERKOL.5          ¦
                |______ _ _    95100 SELB      _ _ ______|
                    _____  /\___  __________________/\______
                    \ __ \/ __  \/  /  _____  ___/ /  ____ /
                     \/ \  / \\_  _/\___  \|  ||  /   |  \/
                     /   \/   \|  | /  |   \  || /    |   \
                  __/    ||___/:  |/_______/  :|_\_____    \__
                           If You Want Any Graphix:
    Logos, Fonts, Pics, Raytracings,       Big Raytracings and Animations,
      Swapping New Demos & Modules            Swapping Hot Warez & Pics
    contact:                               contact:
             GUNMAN / MYSTIC                        RESET / MYSTIC
             Adam Bakalarz                          Piotr Futkal
             Zgoda 8/2                              1-go Maja 11/2
             25-378 Kielce                          56-300 Milicz
             POLAND                                 POLAND
       _______     ___ ___              _ _____  _ _  _____ mRV _  ___ - -- -.
     _/       \___|   \_  l__           ______ \_ ________ \_ ____   /_ _____|
     \_   |   _/  |   _/  __/_          :| __/ /  ___/  |/ /  ___/  /\  ____/¦
      |       |   |   |   |   |         :| \   \_ ___)  l) \_ ___) /  \___ \ :
      |   |   |   |   |   l   |         :l__\___/    \______/    \_____/ |  \_
      l___|   l_______l___    |         :::. _ _  ____/  _ _  ____/ _ _  ____/
          `---'÷2F÷       `---'         `::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'
 a new star appeared at the sky, named   4 rEAL eLITE sWAPPIN` tRY tHIS aDDY:
                                                 -= GHANDY / REBELS =-
 Jens                                                LARS SOBIRAJ 248                                        MINDENER STR. 5
 78473 Allensbach                                  40227 DÜSSELDORF
 United Germany                                        GERMANY
                                               VOICE: ++49-211-785124
 For joining - legal-mailtrade(eLITE!)
  aGA-also.. ... . .   .                   [=- n0 bEGINNERz/lAMERs pLEAZ! -=]
          !                                                      ¡
   ___ _ _:_/\___________ ______/\__________________/\___________¦_ __ ___
   \__\ \\_/  \ _ ¬\_   ¬Y~ ¬\_/  \______/~  ______/  \_/~  ______//_//
          |:   Y   ·|_____   :|_____   ¬|:   |    |!   |:   |_____
          |·   |   !|~  ¬|   !|~  ¬|   !|·   |    |·   |!   |~  ¬7
  __ _ _ _i____|   .|_________|:   _____|.   |  __|·   |_____   :|__ _ _ _
          ¦    `----'         `----'    `----'    `----'    `----¦-Sd
          :                                                      ·
                  Hey.If you looks for more kewl contacts
                       for fast'n'friendly swapping 
                             then write to me:
                               Mars of Mystic
                             Andrzej Marcjasz
                                Na Stoku 2a
                                84230 Rumia
                /      \                           ____
               /   / / /     -Thorin/M&M's!-      /Also\
               \__/\/\/      Bertrand Floury     //AGA!\\
                 /¯__¯\      4 Square Alboni     \///\\\/
                /  \__/        75016 Paris        \//\\/
                \____/           France.           \/\/
                 / /                                \/
                /  \__   -->Elite is Preferable<--
          ______\____/  ____  ____  ______  ____  ____  ______
         /      \/   ¯\/   /\/ __ \/      \/ __ \/    \/ ____/
        /   / / /   / /\  / /  \__/   / / /  \__/   / /   /
        \__/\/\/\____/  \__/\____/\__/\/\/\____/\__/\/\__/
                 /   ¯\
                /   / /
                \__/\/ [Thug]
             _____ _____ _____!~\    _____ _____ ______ _____
            /~  _ \  _ ~\  _  \  :  /~  _ \  : ~\~  __/! ___ \
           /   /  |   \  \  \  \ !_/   /  |  !   \___  \ ____/
           \______|  ____/ ____/___/______| _____/_____/_____\
                  !_~:  !_~:                             [RCT]
                   IT'S DA REDMAN - DA RAP PHUNKADELIC
                      DA ONLY MC WHO'S GOIN' TO DO IT
                      R E D M A N  /  A P P L A U S E 
                             ROBERT ZABIEGALA
                               WESOLA 2A/22
                             41-200 SOSNOWIEC
        ____________________  ____________._______________  ________
   S   (__________/\______  \(____________|\__________    \/   _____)
   U    _______  / /    ||   \___   ______| \  _____ |         \
   P   (___    \/  \    __    \  |_(__    |  \|     ||    \/    \
   P      |         \   ||     \ |    \   |   \_____||    ||_____\__
   O      |    \/    \__||     / |    /   _    \_____|    |_________)
   R      |    ||     \  |    /      /    |     \   ||____||    /
   T      |    ||_____/  |   /|     ||    |_____/   ___)ktr|   /
        __|    |_________|__/_|     ||____|___|     |______|__/_____
   Q   (__|    |______________|     |_________|          \__________)
   Q      |____|         |/   |_____||____|   |__________/ |/
   O    4 Fa$t & Friendly CoNtAcT Write 2       Also 4 AGA stuff!
   O            GOOCIOO of MAYHEM               letta + disk(s) = 100% reply!
   Q                Rafaî Gut                   3.5 & 5.25 disks
   Q          Al.Sîowackiego 15 b/4                     beginners-why not!
   !           63-400 Ostrów Wlkp.                      lamers-go away!
     :  .          /\                          ____     _______/\       .  |
     |  :         /  \  /\  ____  ____        /    | /\/_____    \         |
     |  |        /    \/  \ \   \/   /_____  /     |/  \     \    \     :  |
     |  |       /       /  \ \      /  ___ \/__/   /    \     \___/     |  |
     |  |      /    \  /    \ \_  _/      \/  /    \____/     /   |     |  |
 _ __|__|_ _  /      \/      \ |  |______   \/     |/  \     /    | _ __|__|_
  _ _|__|___ /      |  |      \|  |    \/   /      |    \         |_ ___|__|_
     |  |   /_______|  |_______\__|\_______/_______|_____\________|     !  :
     .  :                                                        -[kAl]-.
                         COntacT UnDeR ThIs aDdReSs:
                             TRa$H HEad/Mystic !
                                  PO BoX 145
                               05822 Milanowek
                    ___     _     _    _____   _____    __   
         F         /  \\   /\\   /\\  /    \\ /    \\  / \\ _      1
         O        /\   \\ /  \\ /  \\/   __///   __// /   \/\\     o
         R       //\\   \\    \/    \\     \\   //   /  /\/ //     o
                / \ \\   \\          \\  __//  //  _/__/_/ //\     %
         S     /   \// /\ \\/\   /\   \\   \\  \\__\  \\  // \\ 
         W    /\    / /  \ \\ \_// \  //   //         //_///  \\   A
         A    \ \  / /    \//       \//___//\________//   /   //   N
         P     \ \/ /     //                              \  //    S
         P      \  /     //                                \//     W
         I       \ \    // Omega/Ind,          I WAIT 4 U          E
         N        \ \  // SIKORSKIEGO 1/16,                        R
         G         \<\// 12-100 SZCZYTNO,
                    \// POLAND
                    ______ __ ______  ________   ._____.
                    \___   _______  \_\_____  \__|_____|
                      :     |/  _|  __/    |____/|     |
                      |     /   \_   \______    \|     :
                      |    /     |   /     |     \     |
                      |    \     |   \     |      \    |
               . .. ..:_____\____|    \_____      /____:.. . ..
  TRSI is searching for ONE new coder in the UK to work on various projects
   If you are a highly qualified and experienced coder, send your work to:
                             |   TRSI UKHQ      |
                             |   56 Tudor Road  :
                             |   Godmanchester  .
                             :   Huntingdon   
                             .   Cambs          .
                                 PE18 8DW 
       for supporting 42 or                   __
        friendship trade...                  /\ \   Come on and swap
                                            /  \ \  with............
            boo/talent                     /    \_\
           skogveien 60                   /     /\ \
          6500 kr.sund n                  \  / /  \ \  SIR JINX
              norway                       \/ / /\ \_\  of Neoplasia
                                            \/  \/ /\_\  Ingo Winkler
 hi to:   di33y,chromag,nighthawk            \/\  / / /   Antoniuspl. 1
 necro,fade one,,lord,flame               \/ / / __  49661
 pride,dolphin,scourger,soul,zone               / /_/ /\_\  Cloppenburg
 el loco,cindy,ghandy,yoyo,noodle        RAP    \ \ \/ / /   Germany
 sundance kid,t'vaan,daddy freddy        TAPE    \ \/ / /
 stripe the gremlin,jukebox,optic        SWAP !!! \/\/_/  Modules 2 !
 lizardking,michael,kr'33,sleeper                  \/_/
 jackass,saracen is a sucker :)         X×X×X×X×X×X×X×X×X×X×X×X×X×X×X×X×
                                               /       /      /   /\
               Support...                     /   ____/  ____/___/ /\
 --------------------------------------      /   /\__/  /\__/   /\/  \
                UPSTREAM                    /   ____/  /_/_/   / /\   .
 --------------------------------------    /   /\__/      /   / /  \ 
                                          /___/ /z/______/___/ /    .
           Wolfman / Balance              \___\/  \______\___\/
             Bronshojvej 64               /   /   /      /   /\
             2700 Bronshoj               /   /   .      /   /  \
                DENMARK                 .   .   .      .   .    .
                                            VERY FAST SWAPPING
 --------------------------------------  LONG LETTERS (IF U WANT)
 --------------------------------------        ZIBI/F.C.I
         Dare you not read it?                 OKRZEI  34
                                              61406 POZNAN
        ._____    ._____    .__       ._____  __.         ._____    ._____
     /\_|  __/_/\_|  __/_/\_| ¬\___/\_|. __/_/ ¬|   ___/\_|    /_/\_|    /
    /  ¬`  ¬\_   \_  ¬\_    _   \_/   |: ¬\_/   |___\_   \____/_   \____/_
   |¦  \_/   |.   |    |.   |    |.   |¦   |.   |   ¬|.   __/ ¬|_____   ¬|
   ||   |    |¦   |    |¦   |    |¦   |`   |¦   |    |¦   |    |   ¬|    |
   |:   |____|:   .____|_________|_________|_________¦____.    |_________|
   |____|-frml____|        -+.M.O.D.U.L.E.S.+-            l____|
                contact me for modules & own productions at...
           chromag/polka brothers - timm albers - sauerlandstr. 49
              48527 nordhorn - germany - chromag/polka brothers
           _________/\    _________/\    ___________/\  _______/\
       ___/     .     \__/     .     \__/   _________/_(_________)__
      |_/       |       \__    |       \___________  ¬\__        ¬\_|
      \_________;         /    |_________/        |     /           /
      |-tRSi-|           /        |   \           ·    /       -911/|
  . .:|______:__________/_________:____\______________/___________/_|:. .
               TRSI - it's not only a group... it's a religion!
           For joining and legal swapping write to one of TRSI WHQ:
             UYANIK!              WARHEAD                CONTROL
           P.O. BOX 47         PLK 043-556 D          PLK 019-944 D
        A-8607 KAPFENBERG    D-49497 METTINGEN    D-49001 OSNABRUECK 12
             AUSTRIA              GERMANY                GERMANY
      --[·»«·-[·tRISTAr & rEd^sECTOr iNc.·]-·»«·]::[·»»««·-[---------
    .  .           .          .                  .           .      .     .
    :   ______/\___:______/\_____________ /\_________/\______:_/\__ :   * .
    .   \________________/  \_______    //  \_____________________/   .   :
    :  :   _/      .   _/     .   | \  /\__ ______      \_   .    \_    .
       .  \\`      :   \`     :   |  \/  //      |      '/   :    '// : . :
    *  .   \\  _________\  _______|____ //____________  /_______  //
       .  . \\/____:_____\/___.________\/________.____\/_____:__\// CONtR0L
    .  .  .  \/    :     \/   :        \/   :    :    \/     :  \/    .
    .  .  .        .          .             .    .           .      . .   .
               If you want to support the cool Pack-Mag NEVER MIND
                 than contact Mr.King of TRSI under diz address
           Joerg Goedden   Postfach 3143   46434 Emmerich   Germany
         _    _    _    _    _    _    j__/\ ___/\ ___/\_ _/\ __/\____/\___k
    -===/\\==/\\==/\\==/\\==/\\==/\\   µ\_ .\\_ __)\_  __)\__)\ .__ \ ____/å
       / // /  \\/  \\/  \\/  \\/ //   $ / | \/ ._|_/_.  \/  \/ |  _/ ._|_ ø
      / //\\ /\ \\/\ \\/\ \\/\ \\//    t/  |  \ |   \ |   \   \ |   \ |   \z
     /   _// \/ //// //// //\/ ///     /   :   \:    \:    \   \¦    \:    \
    / /\ \\/\  /// \//// //\  ///_     \  _____/_____/_____/___/:____/___  /
    \/// //\\\///  \/// // / //\/\\     \/t·3·$·t·3·ð  ø·n  å·n·¿·m·å·£·$\/
      / //\ \\  .^.  / // / //\  //    «««::«««««««««««««»»»»»»»»»»»»»»::»»»
    ==\//==\//=©håø$=\//==\//==\//=-    __/\__    CHAOS·OF·DESIRE    __/\__
                                        \ oo /      Dirk Wiemer      \ oo /
        Contact Kernal of Desire        /_~~_\  Thueringer Str. 150  /_~~_\
   [cød3r, må¡LtRåd3r & pC-$UpPøRt3r]     \/ 14770 Brandenburg/Germany \/
   *¤°¬¯¬°¤*  Mario Hoehne  *¤°¬¯¬°¤*     ..gRåph!ç¿ån  ånð  må¿£tRåð3r..
        Magdeburger Landstr. 130       «««::«««««««««««««»»»»»»»»»»»»»»::»»»
       14770  Brandenburg / Havel      ·føre¿gn·gµ¥$··nø·£øw-£3v3£·$wåpp3r!·
             United Germany            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
           -  - --:---------------------------------------|      ._____
           _______| _/\___  /\  _________________.   _____|  ____|    /
          /  _    //   .  \/  \/    ______   \_  |  _\___  \_\   |   /
         /   |___//    |   \       \/   _/    /  |_/_  _/   /.\_ l _/
        /    l    |    |    \  \/   \   \____/   |   \ \___/ |/  .  \
       /          |    |    /   \    \     |     l    \_     |   |   \
       \__________|________/____/     \____|___________/_____|___|    \_
                  |          \________/                   |      l_____/
                  |                                       |
                  |  - -- ---) Hyde of Complex (--- -- -  |
                  |                                       |
                  | Harri Hytonen, Kauppalankatu 19 b 25  :
                  |        45100 Kouvola, Finland         __
                  |______________________________________/_/\__ __ _
             ::::                     ::::     ........   cRUSADEr / gIANTs
   .:::::::. .... .:::::::. ::::.... .::::..  ::::....       jANNe kOTTa
   :::: :::: :::: .....:::: :::: :::: ::::    .... ::::      aRBYGATAn 1A
   ·:::::::: :::: ::::.:::: :::: :::: :::: :: :::: ::::    633 45 eSKILSTUNa
        :::: ::::                     ·:::.:· :::: ::::         sWEDEn
        ::::      rOMPEr sTOMPERs tO:         :::: ::::
        :::: .tRSi.sANITy.rAZOr 1911.kEFRENs. :::: ::::   cANDYMAn / gIANTs
        :::: .rEBELs.pARASITe.sCOOPEx.tAURUs. ·:::.:::·      tIMo kOTTa
             .sTELLAr.mAJIc 12.aLCATRAz.fEAr.               aRBYGATAn 1A
             .rAm jAm.sTATIc bYTEs.eREMATIOn.             633 45 eSKILSTUNa
             .dESIRe.nUANCe.aRISe.jETSEt.mSt.                  sWEDEn
             .oUTLAWs.aBYSs.sHININg 8.jEWELs.
             .cOMPACt.pLATIn.dAMONEs.iNTENSe.   cONTACt uS fOr eLITe mAILINg
             .eFFECt.sTONe aRTs.sPEEDy.sCOPe.   fOr aSCIIs cONTACt cRUSADEr.
  .___________   ___________:_____:       ______________:       __________
  |///_______/___\__________\_____|_______\__________\  |       \   _____/__
  |   \___     \_   ___/___\________   \___  ___/_|    _|________\______    \
  |     |/      /   \|    \       |/      /  \|   \    \_      \_    \/     /
  |_____|__    /______     \______       /_____    \____        /___       /
           \__/      \______/     \_____/-TRE! \______/ \______/    \_____/
        :                                                             :
        |            _                                  _             |
  -  -- + ------- ---\/-------[ OVER THE LIMITS!]-------\/--- ------- + --  -
        :                                                             :
                     For pure elite mailtrading try these:
          EXCITER/REBELS                               NIGHTHAWK/REBELS
            Ingo Kamps                                 Steffen Karstoft
        Bodelschwinghstr. 7                             Vestparken 44
         D-48527 Nordhorn                               DK-6840 Oksbol
             Germany.                                      Denmark.
        :            _                                  _             :
  -  -- + ------- ---\/------------ ------- ------------\/--- ------- + --  -
  : ___ .       ___ .       ___ .     :
  :/~ ~\:/\ __:/~ ~\:/\___:/~.~\:/\___:
  |  :  V  V  V  .  V  .  V  |__V  ___)  - - - - - D  I  G  I  T  A  L - - - - -
  |  |  |  |  |  !  |  |  |  |  |  ___)         YOUR CHANCE TO PERFECTION
  |  |  |  |  |  .  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 L|  |  |  !  |  !  |  |  |  |  |  :  |                POKE of DTL
 o|  |  A     A  |  A  |  A  !  A  !  |  WRITE THIS-> V - M POIKOLA <-WRITE THIS
 !|  |  |\___/|  |  |\_!_/|  :  |\___/~                KINNIANT. 5
 ~~\_A_/~~~~~~~\_A_/~~~~~~~\___/~~~~~~~~              69950   PERHO
  answers for the masses, newest stuff
      and pure legal friendship...      FAST GREETS:OMEGA.SANITY.ABSOLUTE!.CNCD
                                        ALCATRAZ.ACCESSION. DAMONES.BANAL.LIMBO
             P.O.   Box   30            DLS.RAZOR1911.DCS.ANDROMEDA.STB.ESSENCE
             4900        SPA            SPACEBALLS.STELLAR.PARALLAX.TRSI.REBELS
              B E L G I U M
  \_/  \______  ¬\_/  \_/~  ______/
   |:   |~ \__   _|:   |_____   ¬|          #### #### # ####
   |!   |:   |   ¬|.   |~  ¬|   :|          #  # #    #  # #
   l____;____|   !|____|!   _____;          #### #    #  # #
             `----'    `----'               #  # #### # ####
      Contact For Hot Swap (AGA)
          BREGNEVANGET 7                   AcId/D-VeRsIOn TeaM
          3050  HUMLEBAK                     Milos Sipetic
             DENMARK                     Bulevar Lenjina 147/18
                                             11000 Beograd
 Fast Greetz:Sanity Applause Rebels           Yugoslavia
 Jewels  Abbys Platin  Noice RamJam
 StaticBytes Analog FlyingCows TRSI          4 da best s\x/ap
 Talent  PolkaBrothers   Spaceballs
 Corpse Balance Razor1911  + Others        Ray-Traces \x/elcome
   _______ ______ ___ ___ ___ ______            __;\____;\____;\___
   \____  \_____//  //__/___ \_____/            \_    \_  _ \_     |
    /  /  / _/_ _\  \  /   ¬_/ _/_               |  :  |  |  |  :  |
   / _/  / /  /  /  / /  /  / /  /               |  ¦  |  |__|  ¦  |
  /_____/____/_____/_/__/__/____/[RCT]           |  l__l___  |  |  |
  T E S T E D  O N  A N I M A L S!               |  |  |  |  |  |  |
                                                 |  |  |  ¦  |  |  |
  fOr fASt'n'LeGal tRaDiNG wRitE To :            |  |  |  :  |  |  |
                                                 ¦  ¦  l___  l__|  ¦
           NOoDlE oF dESiRe                      :         \:      :
           Stephan Schipper                    For passionate swapping:
               Tijm 20                   
            1273 EC HUIZEN                         Ðeçoy \ Pa§§ioN
            H O L L A N D!                           DaNNi HaNSeN
                                                     eKKoDaLeN ¹7
     oR gEt iN ToUch wIth Us aT...                 ÐK-6ooo KoLDiNG
                           _____ _ ____ _ __ _ _ 
 -+------------------+-   :  If you want a new     /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
   FOR COLD SWAPPING      : friendship contacts   / 1   For A Friendly   1 \
       WRITE TO           :    write to me:       \ 0     || Swap ||     0 /
 --------------------     :                       / 0     \/  ||  \/     0 \
 IMMORTAL of FREEZERS     :     MAly/Picco        \ %         \/         % /
 --------------------          Pawel Malecki      /    The Finnish Fist    \
  tomasz chmielewski      :  Bulwar Ikara 30/15   \ R  ----------------  R /
  ul.KASPROWICZA 28E      .  54-130 WroclAW 62    / e  Thomas Lassfolk   e \
  31-523 KRAKOW               POLAND - DNALOP     \ p  Centralv. 30      p /
  POLAND                  :                       / l  64250 Pjelax      l \
 --------------------     .  Anarchy Punks not    \ y  FINLAND           y /
                                                  /                        \
    LET THE WINTER        .     D E A D !!!!      \   5,25 Disks and AGA   /
     BE FOREVER !                                 /         Aswell.        \
-+------------------+-         - NAZI fuck -      \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
          __________________________________________    __________________
      _ _/   _______/__ __     /_ __     /_ __     /___/    \    /      _ _
       ___ __ ___  \     /    /    /    /    /    /     __   \______   /  
  "+---\        /   \    ____/     ____/_    ____/_    /    /      /  /----+"
  |     \____________)___|Mø!___________/_________/________/_________/      |
  |      ············ ···    ··········· ········· ········ ·········       |
  |           + O L D    F R I E N D S H I P   L A S T [ S ] +              |
  |             - - -    - - - - - - - - - -   - - - - - - -                |
  |                                                                         |
  |                                                                         |
  |    4 NICE  ___\   PURPLE HAZE/SPEEDY          SteFFen/SPEEdY hQ         |
  |   0-7 DAYZ ___/\  SLETTA 41                   Albanigade 49             |
  |   SWAPPING ___\/  1800 ASKIM                  .5000 Odense C.           |
  |   WRITE TO    /   NORWAY !                    DENMARK                   |
  |                                                                         |
 _¯__/\/¯¯_¯__/\/¯¯_¯_¯\/\__ ¯_¯\/\__¯_ ¯ ¯¯\/¯_¯.__.¯_¯\_¯_/¯_¯.__.¯_¯¯\/\_¯_
    ______._ ___/\__________/\_________/\ AND .__¦ ·:_._  ______¦ ·:___/\_____
   /¯._\ ·¦   _ //¯._\_ ____ \\  ._\___ \\    :·¬\ :¦ |¬\/¯._\ ¬\ :¦ _ // ___/
  // _/ \:|¯¬\¬\/\ _/ \  ¦ ¬  /  _/ \ ¬__/_ _ ¦: \ ¦| ¦ \\ _/ \ \ ¦| ¬\/\ _)__
 /___¦  \\_ //___/_¦  \\_|_¦ ¯¬\_¦  \\____ _  |¦ ¦\_|____/_¦  \\¦\_|____/__  /
 - --|____\\/--- --|____\--|____\|____\-- - - |__|--- --- -|____\yop --- --\/-
                    brings you together the German Charts
     Support it with News, Articles, Adverts and of course with votes !!!
                                 The Editors:
                  Sting/Alcatraz            X-Poole/Nuance
                  Dirk Dallmann             Marco Willemsen
                  Steinfurthstr.12          Eibenstr.24
                  45884 Gelsenkichen        49828 Neuenhaus
                           of course in Germany !!!
                CHRIS/SCOOPEX        OR        DARREN/SCOOPEX
              6/4 RUE LAVOISIER                  P.O. BOX 11
                  0200 LAON                    4387 BJERKREIM
                    FRANCE                         NORWAY
                                              (BOTH AMIGA & PC)
                       PLEASE, REMEMBER ENOUGH STAMPS!
                          AND NO ARROGANTIC SUCKERS!
                               >>> SCOOPEX <<<
                              GENERATIONS AHEAD
   __/\____/\____ __/\____ __/\____/\ __/\____/\  __/\__  __/\___/\__/\___/\
   \__  /\__    / \__    / \__  |   / \__  ____/  \__  /  \__     /\__     /
   /    \/     /__ /    /__ /   |   \ ______   \  /    \  /   :   \/   :   \
  /      \    /    \   /    \   |    Y     |    \/      \/    |    \   |    \
 /        \         \        \  :     \    |     \       \    !     \  |     \
                       FOR FAST & FRENDLY SWAP WRITE TO:
   53785  LOHMAR   40-424 KATOWICE 16   42-750 KALETY     58-506 JELENIA GORA
      GERMANY            POLAND             POLAND               POLAND
                     Letter + Disk(s) = 100 % FAST answer
                   .                 .        .        .        .
             .da __|\___    ___    _/|      __|\___  __|\___  _/|___
              __/  ____/____) / __/  |_____/  _  _/_/  |  _/_/  ___/_______ __ _
   __ ___ ____\__  |  ______ /__\_   | _ \_   | _ \    |   \_____ _  _ __ //
   \ \\  \\        |   \   \/ \      | \      | \  \_          \|       //
    \_\\__\\_______.    \_     \_____.  \_____.  \_____. \___________  //
            -+framel_____/           l_____/  l_____/  l_____/ lng\   //
                                                                   \ //
                      C-Lous - When farting is an art!              \/
              For pure mailtrading concerning the sweet scene!
               Frame                 Crazy D               Pozz
         Joakim Bengtsson       Fredrik Johansson     Patrik Johansson
          Fjallsippev.14          Dansareg. 3-2         Smorkulleg.6
        S-31133 Falkenberg     S-603 67 Norrkoping    S-437 30 Lindome
                          All in da Sweden country!
                      C-Lous - Still 200 years behind!!
           _____ _____  _____  _  _________ ______ _____  _____
           \   /\\   /\ \ __ \/ \ \  /\ ___\\_  _/\\ ___\ \ __ \D
           /  / //___\/ / \_\ \ /_/ / / \_//\ \ \\// \_//\/ \_\ \E
          /  / // \_/ \/  /\/ /\  _/ /  /\ \/ / /\/  /\ \/  /\/ /\S
         /   \_/_ /\\  \ /_/ / / /\\/  /_/ /\/ /_/  / / /  /_/ / /I
         \______// / \__\___/ /__\//______/______\_/ / /______/ /G
          \_____\\/Rng\__\__\/\___\\______\_______\\/ /\______\/N
                               Set ladybird free!!!/_/ /
           Ranger HQ               Vasyl                  Hogan
       Christopher  Gil     Radoslaw Wasilewski     Andrzej  Kotlega
       Zascianska 149/2       Gorczyna  56/17       Ciszewskiego 3/5
       15-546 Bialystok    67-407  Szlichtyngowa    78-200 Bialograd
            Poland                Poland                 Poland
 |------------------------------------| +--------------------------------+
 || _________________________________ | |   \/ I R T U /\ L   Z O N E    |
 ||(  _ \___) ___/      \___  \___.  )| +--------------------------------+
 |:/  _ /   \ \  \ | |   \ _   \  |  \|   ...IT IS TIME... 2 FUCK OFF!!!
 |:\____\___/____/_|_|   / |___/__|  /| for class 1.elite swapping contact
 |:                  |  /  |      |_/ | ze mega-idiot-scene-assssshole at:
 |.                  |_/\__|          | +--------------------------------+
 |. IRENEUSZ KAMINSKI       __/\__   .| |   ORVASKERSA / VIRTUAL ZONE    |
 |o LABENDZINSKIEGO 2/4     \ oO /   .| |     Tero Maki <-don't wrt      |
 |o 85-796 BYDGOSZCZ        /_- _\   .| |       Tennbyntie 42 as9        |
 |  ----  POLAND -----        \/     :| |       SF-21600 Parainen        |
 |                                   .| |         -- FINLAND --          |
 |     FOR FRIENDLY SWAPPING         .| +--------------------------------+
 |   (LEGAL/ILLEGAL) WRITE NOW.      .| No beginners · 0-4 days kewl warez
 |                                   :| Inc. disk'n'some kind of a lettah!
 |    1000000000000000000000 %       || +--------------------------------+
 |O     !!! FAST ANSWER !!!         _|| | MUSICIANS! Contact 4 shwabbing |
 |------------------------------------| | own modules und samples!!!!!!! |
        ___           __         ____ It's not a dream, it's...MAYHEM
       (   ) ____    (  ) ____  (    )____ __   _______  ___  ____    
       /   \/    )   /  \(    ) /   //   /(  \ (   ____)/   \/    )   
      /          \  / /\ \\   \/   //   (_/   \/  (__  /          \   
     /    _  _    \/  \/  \\      //           \     )/    _  _    \  
     \   ( \/ \__ /  ___   \\    //    ___     /   _//    /(__)\    \ 
      \   \  ____/   )  \___))  //     )  )   /   (__\    \____ )   / 
       \   )/       /_______/  /(_____/  /   /\      (_____)   (___/ 
       (__/(_______//         /=kakeen=-(____)(____________________) 
                        For friendly swap write to:

                                Adam Grocki
                                P.O. BOX  9
                          64-600 Oborniki Wlkp. 3
                           Everybody get answer
          __/\         /\__                        __/\                __
 _ __ ______/\\ ____  //\______________._____________/\\  _______._______\
 \\\_\\_____  \ \_ _)_/  ______/  _____|____ ¬\______  \  \  ____|_____ ¬\_
       /  ¬|   \/   \\_____ ¬\/   |  ¬\/   _ __//  ¬|   \/  ___)__/   _ __/
      /    l    \    \  ¬l    \   l    \   |   ¬\   l    \   l   ¬\   |   ¬\
      \        _/    /        /        /   |    /       _/       _/   |   _/
       \__  /\/ \___/\/\  ___/\/\_____/\___|___/\______/ \__/\  / \___| qzn
          \//\/       /\\/__  \/\__          __/\__  __/     \\//   _ |_/
          \/            \/                                    \/     |_
               Grab a tree and a knife and carve a letter to:
                           nORRTULLSGATAN 37B III
                             S-826 37 sOEDERHAMN
      - For normal/module/VHS/JPEG/GIG/IFF/HAM8/progrock tape swapping!
    ____/\   _____/\   ____/\                __      __      __
   /      \ /       \ /      \              //(_____//(_____//(_
 ==\   ___ \\   __   \\   __  \=====     __ \\   _  X\   _  X\  \   __
 ===\   \=\/=\   \\ \/=\   \\  \====    _))\_\\  \\(_\\  \\( \\  \ _))\_
 =/\_\_  \=/\_\   __//\_\   __  \===     \\(  \\   _/ \\  \ __\\  \ \\(
 =\       \\       \=\       \\  \==           \\  \   \\  \))\\\  \
 ==\  ____/=\  _____\=\  _____\\__\=      [pgn] \\__\   \\____/ \\__\
    \/       \/        \/  [Flx/Spa]        _cOn7aCt:________________
                                           |                         |
            For swapping:                  |  PAGAN/Flying Cows Inc. ##
                                           |   Arkadiusz Forstner    ##
          Madsen / Suspiria                |    ul.Pontonierow 7     ##
               Reina 3                     |   66-400 Gorzow Wlkp.   ##
           1920 Sørumsand                  |        POLAND           ##
               Norway                      |                         ##
                                           | -graphicians prefered-  ##
           100% ofcource!!                 |_________________________##
 __/\ ___/\ ___/\_ _/\ __/\____/\___k
 \_ .\\_ __)\_  __)\__)\ .__ \ ____/a  _______________________________________
  / | \/ ._|_/_.  \/  \/ |  _/ ._|_ o  \____    _________,  \_________   ____/
 /  |  \ |   \ |   \   \ |   \ |   \z     /      \/         _/     |)   _/
/   :   \:    \:    \   \!    \     \    /        \_   |    ¬\     |)    \_
\        \     \     \   \     \     \   \_______  /___A      \_________  /
 \  _____/_____/_____/___/_____/_____/           \/     \______/ Snuffy \/
   When the lights go out contact...
             Loony/Desire                           sTEFAn sWAFINg
           58 Nethercote Rd                         wEIDENSTr.  29
               Tackley                              48531 nORDHORn
            Oxon - OX5 3AT                              gERMANy
         Foreign & Elite Only!
            ·\           _             ·\                 ·\            _
   __________\\  ________)\/\_______/\__)\  ________  _____)\   ________)\
   \_______    \/         /  ________/    \/  ______\/  __   \_/         /
    /   \__\    \    |   /\   \_   _/    \ \   \     \__\ \   \_    |   /\
   /       Y     \   : _/  \    \ / \     \ \   \     \   /     \   : _/  \
  <    __________/__________\    ~  _\_____\ ·   \____/Oo.\______)_________\
   \____/=-------~---------=\\_____/ !\     \_____\=-------.uloste.-------=\\
                             \      ·            ~
                       ...TRADING LATEST... 
    Let's just say.     .dEcEiVeR/dEcNiTe.      !!!NO DISK=NO PUSSY!!!
   !!ONLY ELITE!!       .40270 Palokka.
   ___/\_____  _______ ________________________ .----.______/\__________
   \______   \/  ___  \\     __/__)   _   \____\|   :|   _______/  ___  \
   _/    \)   \  \____/_·  ___)  :|   _    \   \\    |   |/    \_  \____/_
   \__________/________/____||____|___|____/  :|\____|__________/________/
                _           .-----------------.           _
             __//\__        |  MiKE/dEFIANCE  |        __/\\__
             \\¯   /        |   MiKKO kAiLA   |        \   ¯//
             //    \        |  kAPTEENINTIE4  |        /    \\
             ¯¯\\/¯¯        | fIN-20810 tURKU |        ¯¯\//¯¯
                ¯           |  F I N L A N D  |           ¯
                    fAST sENDINGS & cOOL lETTER aLWAYS!
    -----------------------   |                     |
    |For nice long letters|   |   FoR Gfx SwAppInG  |  For Source CODE
    | HOT swapping or for |   |   AnD nEw WaReZ--|  |  Programes,utls
    |JOINING the Forces of|   |                  |  |  --------------
    |SPIRIT shake your pen|   |  TONY/SPIRIT <----  |     WRITE TO:
    |and write to:        |   |     Karaba 3        |  --------------
    -----------------------   | Trahoni, Limassol   |  SALINAS/SPIRIT
    Spiderwork/SPIRIT(CHQ)    |      CYPRUS.        |  71 Petrou Tsirou
       Eddessis str.29        | -----------------   |   Swepco Court 8
     Kallithea, Ayia phila    |   DISK = ANSWER     |      Flat M2
       Limassol, CYPRUS.      | -----------------   |  LIMASS0L,CYPRUS.
    ------------------------- | +     (A.1200)  +   | -----------------
    |A1200 STUFF ONLY PLEASE| |    + /------\ +     |    (AMIGA & PC)
    | GFX,UTLS,MODULES AND  | | +   / SPIRIT \    + | -----------------
    |     GROUP PRODS.      | |    /----------\ +   |   Send a disk for 
    ------------------------- | + /-MOVES YOU- \    |   101% of ANSWER!
    Long Letter and disk for  |  /  .!!!!!!!.   \   | -----------------
    100% Answer.              | /----------------\SK|                   
                                                             _--_-_-__-  .
 ______________  _________  Oo........................oO
 \  .  __.__._¬\/ ____/___) o   Contact for Swapping   o .  4 sWApPINg!
  \/| .| | ¬| _/____¬\|  ¬| .  BLACK DRAGON of HERETIA .
    | || |  : ¬\  ¬V \\  || .       PAUL PACHECO       .    Stratos/Qkd
    |__| |__|___\_____/___| .   2 Avenue Paul Brard    .   ------------- .
                            .78700 Conflans st Honorine.
       Leviathan/TRSI       .          FRANCE          .   tOM hAuKLaNd
                            .                          .  SkYSeTvEiEn 1a
      Zeromskiego 3/67      .  Very Long Amazing Big   .    1481 hAgAN
      26-220 Staporkow      o      Letter Rules!!!     o .    nOrWaY
           POLAND           Oo........................oO                 .
                                                          0nLY lEGaL!!   .
                                                                 .  _-__-.
 yOU aRE sEARCHING fOR A nEW gROUP wITH        .   .   .   .   .   .   .
 fUN aND fRIENDSHIP? tHATS gOOD.              /|_ /|_ /|_ /|_ /|_ /|_ /|_
                                         ____Y __Y   Y __Y | Y __Y  |Y __Y____
 yOU aRE A fABOLOUS cODER, A cREATIVE    \___|__ | | | | | | | . | . | __)___/
 gRAPHICIAN oR A fUNKY mUSICIAN? FINE!     \_| | | . | | | ~ | | | | |   |_/
                                          .oO|___A_|_A_| A___A_|_A_|_A___|Oo.
 yOU aRE fROM gERMANY? tHEN I tHINK                                   [!n]
                                                  !For elite swapping!
                                                    He!nZ \ SaturnE
    pEACE oF iRIS                                     Mele Patrick
    pOSTE rESTANTE                                 2 rue de l'eglise
    45127 eSSEN                                     77450 Trilbardou
    gERMANY                                              FRANCE
                                          Fast greets to:Exumer,Jazzy,MrKing,
 aND bE sURE tO gET a fAST aNSWER!        Napoleon,Astro,Redman,Norby,Bigm...
                                  : W E  R E  L I V I N' O N  T H E  E D G E
  __      +         +    +      + |---------------------| YO DUDES !
 /\_\ +         +          +      | Read da kewlest mag |
 \/_/ .o0 HySTeric of InTenSe 0o. |    in da scene!!!   |  4 FAST & FRIENDLY
                                  |                     | PC SWAPPING WRITE 2
  <--o0 LOPEZ  Jean-Francis 0o--> |     OEPIR RISTI     |
                                  |                     | GANDALF/THE EDGE PC
       58, Cite du Chateau d'Eau  | c/o Alvar Andersson | UL.KLODZKA 39A
       62970 Courcelles les lens  |      Halliden 2     | 04-913 WARSZAWA
                FRANCE            |     436 39 Askim    | POLAND
                                  |        SWEDEN       |
       _ __ ___ ____/\  ___ __ _  |                     | ALSO J.R.R. TOLKIEN
                      \/          | All we want is your | BOOKS, GADGETS,
 Cool Stuff'n'letter-100% answer  |  support and ideas  | STORYS & OTHER STUFF
                                  :                       WRITE, DONT WAIT !!!
               _______           _____       ___              /\
      ___     /  ____/   ___    /     \  _  /   \    _______ /  \    ___
     /   |___/   __|__  /   \  /   T   \/ |/     \  /  ____//    \  /   \
    /   ||   \   |    \/  |  \/    |____/ |   T   \/_____ \/      \/     \
  _/    ||    \_ |     \_ |   \    |  /   |__ |    \_   |  \       \_ T   \
  \_____||     /_______ / |    \___|_/    |  \|____ /   |   \______ / |    \_
        l____ /       \/_______ /   \________ /   \/________ /    \/__|____ /
            \/                \/            \/             \/ .bbx.       \/
                    CoNtAcT oUr SwApPeRs uNdEr DiZ aDdIeS :
    -»>>> Anti <<<«-  »Major Bandit«  -->»»Phase««<--   -»>» Sir Jinx «<«-
     Kai  Reinhardt     Postfach 3     Stephan Cremer      Ingo Winkler
    Hutmachergasse 3    95097 Selb    Dankwartstr.61a    Antoniusplatz  1
    09456  Annaberg-      Germany      23966  Wismar    49661 Cloppenburg
    Buchholz/Germany                      Germany            Germany
   ...For joining write 2 : Helge Ruland,Krähenhardt 14,51674 Wiehl/Germany
  _ _____/\\/____ ___ _ _ __
       __/\\/              ______________________________  _________________
       \_\/                \ __    \ __    \ __    \ __ /\ \ __    \ __ ___/\
                           /\/¬_   /\/¬    /\/¬_   /\/¬/ / /\/¬    /\/¬/\__\/
        tOXIC 0f aBYSs    //  / _///  / _///  / _///  /\/_//  / _/// _/_/_
                         //¯    ///¯ /  ///¯    ///¯ /  ///¯    ///¯ \  //\
       gRUENWALDSTR.  6  \______/\__/___/\______/\______/\______/\______/ /
       84453  mUEHLD0Rf   \_____\/\_\\__\/\_____\/\_____\/\_____\/\_____\/[Tp®]
                                   ·  · ··Contact·Trooper·of·Analog·· ·  ·
          (oNLy lEGAl)
                    __                         ··Stefan·Ring··
                   /_/\                 ···Adolf·Butenandt Str·46a···
      __ _ _ ___ ____\//\_____ _             ··27616·Beverstedt··
                     \//\__                       ·Germany·
  Do you like the following musicians ?   /+    \
        - LIZARDKING                     /    __/ _______ _____ ______  _____
         - JESTER                        \___   \/+     /+     \+     \/+    \
          - MOBY                         /       \  .__/   _   /  _   /  \___/
           - ROMEO-KNIGHT               /        /     \\     /      /      \
            - LAXITY                    \_______/\______\\___/   ___/ \______\
             - CHORUS & SID                                     |         irøn
              - NUKE                                          __|
               - XTD
  When you do, you should send a list     4 friendly elite swapping contact:
  of your modules to:
  MODULES ARE COOL                             ./\. Iron of ScOpe ./\.
  P.O.BOX 7143                                  ul.Broniewskiego 36/8
  3430 JC  NIEUWEGEIN                             59700 Boleslawiec
  HOLLAND                                              Poland!
  and you have another module-contact !
                                             disk + cool letter = answer
                  ____  ___   ____ _____ ____  ____  _______  ____
                 /w_  \/ _ \ / __// ___// __/ / __/ /__/ _  \/ _  \
                /a /  / _ _//__  \ ___//__  \/__  \/  /  /  /  /  /
               /r /  /  /  )     /    /     /     /  /  /  /  /  /
       If ya wanna swap with ordinary swappers then you`ve to smash yar
       mousebutton !! But if you are interested in contacting sum crazy
       fast &  of coz friendly german dudez who will answer all letters
       you have to to drop a letter with some hot stuff & a letter to :
 Hyper  Hype         Chucky              Gangsta            Ultra-Sonic
 Danny Ernst         Marc Löffler        Rene Rummel        Adrian Jaglarz
 P.O. Box 1144       Am Herrengarten 12  Hutschenreuther 5  Wuelferoder Str.13
 78091 Triberg       78176 Blumberg      95100 Selb         30880 Laatzen
 Germany             Germany             Germany            Germany
 (Swap+Rave Tapes)   (Swap+Joining)      (Swap+Ansis)       (Swap+Joining)
  . .. ... RETIRE ... .. .
  :. .   .         .. . ::   For swap write 2
  :.. .                . :
  :. .                  .:      ________  _  ___
  . . . for elite swap   .      \____   \/ \/  |
  : .   combined  with   .      /   ____/   \  |__
  .  .  - friendship -         /    |  /     \    \
  .     drop a  (long)   .    °\  __|  \___  /__  /°
  :       letter to:     :    øø\/øøøøøøøøø\/øøø\/øøø
  :   (mephisto/retire)  .
  !    michael ablass    .   Bombel of P.I.L            Goodman of P.I.L
  .   bahnhofstrasse 18  .   Graniczna 5/3              Zawady 33
 (_)   06729 troeglitz  ..   27-200 Starachowice        16-006 Barszczewo
  .       germany     .. :   POLAND!                    POLAND!
  ..  .... ... .....  ...:
    ___   ____/  ______/  _______/ __    _________   _/   ________    _____
     /   ____)_____   \______   \   /   ____)    /   \_   \    \_/   ____)
    /    \  \_    /    \_   /    \_/    \  \_   /     /    \    /    \  \_
  _/    \ \  /   / \    /  / \    /    \ \  /  /\    /    \    /    \ \  /
  \______\ //_______\ //______\ //______\ //_____\ //______\ //______\ //pR$!
              For a funny elite-friendship-mailtrading, you
              should contact that one:
                                             ANDY / ESSENCE
       Andreas Dubois
                                Starenweg 9
                                                              89584 Ehingen
                                Greets to all my contacts and all who know
                                me out there. Keep on being cool, friendly,
                                funny, crazy and whatever you are...
                                   MSW OF        ____
                _______ _______ ______ _____ ____\__ |_____
               | _____/_  ____/_  ___/_ ___/_ _____/  ____/
               |  _____/  _____/ _____/ ____/ \   |  |  |N
               |__    |__   \__   \_ __    |__    |__   |K
                 `----' `----'`----'  `----' `----' `---'
                        !!! IS BACK IN THE SCENE !!!
               After One : Mega HD-Crash / Contact Base Eraser
             Dutch Police Incedent (Tha Dutch Know What We Mean)
           Big Pile Of  Good Looking Girls / Holiday / Vierdaagse
                    Stage Periode / And Much More........
            P.O.BOX 399 / 3430 AJ / NIEUWEGEIN / THE NETHERLANDS
                    -) Effect, No Slogan, Just A Name! (-
                       ======--------- ---------======
    ________   _________________
   _\___   /.__\___   / __  __ /
 _/   /___/_|  ___/  /__/    \/
 \    \     \  \____/ _/      \_
  \__________\____|   \_______ /
 ----------------------------\/---- ---- --- -- -
 maybe one of the best available ... only legal ...
                         Jazy / Concept ^ Shining 8
                                PLK 053667 D
                               23909 Ratzeburg
                                   Germany            ______         _____
                                                    _/ ____/__     _/ ___ \_
                                                   _\________ \_  _\_     _/_
                                                   \        /  /  \   ___   /
                                                    \ ________/dGN!\______ /
                                   - -- --- ---- ----\/------------------\/---
  _ _ _________ _______  __    __________________   ______\_ _ \  _____
  ////  __    / ____   \/  \  /   .____    /    /  /   ____//// \/    /
    /    /___/_. \/    /  \ \/ /  |  _____/    /__/_. ___/_.\__    __/
   /    /_     | /    /    \  /   |    | /    /_    | /_   |/        \
  /____________|_____/______\/____|____|/___________|______|____/\    \_ _ _
        for trading the latest modemwares and kewlest ownproductions
                               pace of complex
                                95055 sangis
           | _________/\____   _______________________/\____    |
           | |~ ·|  ¬|  \_ ¬\_/~ ___/|   |  :|  ¬|  .|  \  ¬\_  |
           | l  :|  !|   |  :|  :|   |·  |  !|·  |  !|  :Y  ·|  |
           |  \  `  /|   `  !|  .l---|:  `  .|:  `  ·|  !|  :|  |
           |   \___/ l___|  .|_______|_______|_______|___|  !|  |
           |             `---'                           `---'  |
           |                                                    |
           |    Do YoU sEaRcH nEw CoNtaCtS? ThEn WrItE nOw 2:   |
           |                                                    |
           |      ·      ·     DaVe / VaCuUm      ·      ·      |
           |      :      :    ----------------    :      :      |
           | .  . ¦.   . ¦     DaWid NaBiAlEk     ¦  . . ¦ .  . |
           |  .  .|  .  .|     Ul.GaJcEgO 14/22   | .   .|.    .|
           |.   . | . . .|   42-224 CzEsToChoWa   |.  . .| .  . |
           |.. ...|. ....|    · ·· POLAND ·· ·    | .. ..|... ..|
                   rEAD thIS!                       \|/
    _________  /\________ /\______________________/\/|\_________ _________
  __\_ _____/_/  \______//  \______/\_ _____/__     \|_\_____  /_\_ _____/
  \   ____)__\______  \_\______  \\   ___)_/_   .  °  \_  / __/\   ____)___
  /\  \      /     /   /      /   /\  \     /   ¦     /   \    /\  \      /\
                /\       /\     _
          /\/\_/  \  /\_/  \___) \___ iS wHaT rEmaIns, wHen yOu fOrgOt __/\
  ------\/         \/   ____              wHaT yOU hAve lEarnEd!       \___ _ _
    ...if You wAnt a nice eliTe SwaPPing dOn`T hEsiTate tO coNtACT:
                                           .                               .
   ÐodGeR of ..eSSENCe.. unDeR thIs:      (   Daniel Koschera bei Lenden    )
                                           )      Wilh.-Buschstr.20        (
   - long letters!  - elite warez!        (  41541 Dormagen-Zons, GERMANY   )
   - mad gimmicks!  - graffiti stuff+Gfx   \_______________________________/
    .:"$(/)            (§"      $&/      __       ~  __    ~      __    __
   %/&§&$§: "$§%%&/§§%   §&%    §%&     ///\  ~~__  ///\   ~__~  /_/\~~///\
  (/(&$       §§$   &"&   §&   )§      /_/ /\  ///\/_/ /\ ~///\  \ \\\/_/ /\
   $%/&$/&$$   $$%   "&%   §% %$       \\\  / /// /\ \   \/// \\~/// \\ \ //\
     §&&%&%§&   $%&   $$(   "§$         \\\\\/_///~ \\\ \/_///\\\_///\/\\\\ /
         :&(%(  §%$    )"§  ($"%§        \_\/\_\/  ~ \_\/\_\/\\\/_\/~   \_\/~
        $)((==  !!"    !"% $&/  $"     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      "!&$"%$  §$%    "§$ §%&    %§     ~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~  ~~~ ~~~  ~ ~~~pi®8~~~
   $"&))%§§"  §%&    %$% §%$      $"     If yer intrested in swapping the
 §$/%&"&%/     %&/"$()  "()       U$     latest'n wildest, don't hesitate
    - thE diAmOnD AmOng st0nEs -                   to conatct:
  4 FrIEnDSHIP N FAst Swap WrITE 2                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      UlTRA-SoniC / SarDonyX                        Jonas Unger
          AdrIAN JAGlARz                        Martagarden Olstorp
        WuELFerODEr StR.13                       570 60 OSTERBYM0
      30880 LAAtzeN - Germany                      S.W.E.D.E.N
     ...i answer all letters...           . .. ..Disk=100% answer.. .. .
                                  ____    ____
 ___ _ __________________________/  _/___/  _/___________________________ _
    \\\\____   \_____  \____   \_  __________  \____   \_______  \____   \\
       /  _    /   /   /  _    /   /___/   /   /\______/   / /   /  _    /
      /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   / /   /   /   /
     /   /  _/   /   /   /  _/  _/   /   /   /  _/   /   / /   /   /  _/
  dZG\_______\__/   /\_______\______/___/   /\______/___/_/___/\_______\G^S!
                \  /                    \  /
                 \/                      \/
                 !!!  GET IN TOUCH WITH POLISH HQ  !!!
                         STEVE JONES / ANATHEMA
                             Marek Stachon        Fast hellos to:
         1 0 0 %           ul.Findera 33/14   Trash Head,Stan,Lenin
       A N S W E R              43-100        Steffen,Ranger,Sascha
          !!!!!                 TYCHY         Mars,Qba,Bodzio,Axel D.
                                POLAND        Bald Horse and all rest.
                                   .       .    .    .             .     .
          __/\____/\___   __      _)\______)\___)\___)\____ _  ____)\____)\\
   /\/\  / __/ _  _/ _ \ /  \     \   /     /    / |     / Y \ \     \_    \_
  /    \/ __/\// //   _// / /    //   \     \    \ | .   \ |  \/   ___/ ____/
 / /\/\ \  /  / //_/\ \/ / /    //  T  \  __/____/ |_)\T  \:   \____ \_ _|·
 \/    \/\/   \/     \/\__/(he ·/   |   \_ |   |   |   \_  \_   \_    /   \_
                                \___| ___/ |   |________/___/____/___/_____//
    For friendly swapping      =====|/=|   :   := =====|/=================BBX·
       Krusen / Metro                  :   ·   ·
          Apd. 16                      .   .   . For friendly swapping write:
    41100.Coria del Rio
         (Sevilla)                         | 1     LOVELY/Applause
         - Spain -                         | 0        Polna 6/3
                                           | 0      33-100 Tarnow
                                           | %         POLAND
    <*> OZONE FREE <*>     .                      .
                           |  __________________  |
 For swapping and joining -+-.  ______ ___   __  -+-    gRAB yOUR cHANCE..
        write to:          |.  /  ___// _ \ / //. |
                           |  _\___ \/  / //   \  |   ____
   Waterhead/Ozone Free    | /______/\_ _/.\_/\/  |  /
     Maciej Orchowicz      |_._._._._._._._._._._.| /
         P.O.BOX 1         |for hot swap write to:|
      60-965 Poznan 5      |  GOÕCIAK/S.O.K       |    mESSIAH / sPACEBALLS
          Poland           |  ul.Piastowska 2/15  |
                           |  11-400 Kêtrzyn      |        tERJE hILDE
     Willy/Ozone Free      |                      |      nORDAASTRAET 60
        Adam Lyszcz        | for gfx & raytracing |       5041 nORDAAS
      Ul.Rozana Droga 8    |     problems too     |          nORWAY
        64-920 Pila       -+- __________________ -+-                        /
           Poland          |                      |                    ____/
                           :   FRIENDSHIP RULEZ   :
    1oo% Reply to ALL !!!  .                      .
           __________                __  __
          /  _______ \              / / / /                          ###
         /  /______/ /    _  _ _ __/ / / /                           ###
        /   _____   /______________ ___ /______________________       # #
        \   \    \  \ __ \ ___ \ / / / ___  /__   /  /   /___  \    #####
         \   \   /  /  / /   / // / / /  / /__/  /  /   /   /  /    # #
         /   /  /  /  /  \__/ // / / /  /  \  __//   /  /__/  /       #
        /   /  /  /  /   /   (__ \__/  /   / /__/   /  /     (__     ###
       /___/  /__/  (___/______/___/  /   /_____/  /__/________/     # #
               _     _   _  _ _______/   /                           # #
                    _    _  _ _ ________/
         Greg/Anathema          For code swap, joining and friendship...
       Ul.Ustronna 24/30
         43-100 Tychy           Or call: (0-3) 117-35-41 ask for Grzegorz
 /================================\    _____/\_ ___/\_____  /\_______ _/\_
 \| |     ________________     OOO/    \  _   _X  ____    \/  ____  _X_   \
 /¯¯|  - /  _  \    \\\   \--   oo\     \_/    \\/  _/   _/\____  \/\/ \__/
 \¯| -- // // //\  __/\  //\-- - ./      /      \   \     \    /    /    /
 /¯ -- // _¯  / ///\_\/  /_/--- - \      \ _____/___j\    /________/\___/
 \ -- /__//__/ /_/ /-/____/\--- _ /       \/    Y     \  /\/e!
 / - -\__\\__\/\_\/- \____\/--_|_|\             :      \/
 \           Å£çÅt®Åz        |_|_|/
 /================================\               Overdose/TRSI
 \   _|::::::::::::::::::::::|    /               3 Apreece Way
 /¯¯|:::::::Contact:now:::::::¯|¯|\                  Stilton
 \¯|:::::::Sting/Alcatraz:::::::¯:/               Peterborough
 /¯:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\                  PE7 3XG
 \:::::::::Dirk Dallmann::::::::::/                  ENGLAND
 /::::::: Steinfurthstr.12::::::::\
 \_:::::45884 Gelsenkirchen:::::::/       Here`s another chance for you
 / |_::::..oO Germany Oo..::::::::\              to swap with me
                       /   _/                     -====================-
  /\_______ /\________ \  /     /\__   /\_______  =  NEWER MIND PACK!  =
 / ____   / \  _     /  \_ \   /    \  \  _    /  -====================-
 \/   / _/_/ \ / ___/__/    \_/    / \/ \  \__/
  /     \/   /    \ /      \______/   \    / \_      Mr.King of TRSI
  \_____/\___\  by \________/\________/_______/
    p r i d e \_____/ k  a  j  e  t  a  n             Joerg Goedden
                                                      Postfach 3143
 "I make letters because twenty-six letters is       46434  Emmerich
  enough to define every single thing that               Germany
  exists in the world" (Bando)
              wanna graffiti to your production?
            ,    Kajetan/Pride                    = NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT =
   Gojawiczynskiej 3d/9  81-587 Gdynia Poland     -====================-
          or better use phone number:
               +048 (0)58 290372
   ______       _________     :                   :
  /  ___/__    _\____   /     :                   :
 /  _____  \  /   ____  \     :                   :
 \_/__  /  /  \  /   /  /     :                   :For some fast'n'elite swap,
   / _\/  /    \ \  /  /      :                   :write to : Alhazred/SPASM !
   \ \/  /      \ \/  /       :For Swap-Ping!     :
    \___/P A C E \___/A L L S :                   :
                              :                   :    Aymeric Hiltenbrand
                              :Splatterhead/ANALOG:      12, R. Du Berry
     - Contact KR'33 at: -    :Vesa Kivisilta     :   59700 Marcq-en-Baroeul
                              :Lepolank. 3 B 22   :          FRANCE
                              :15210 Lahti        :
       Voorste-Gewind 20      :Finland            :       Disk=Answer !
       4161 AC  Heukelum      :                   :
        The Netherlands       :Answer = Disk(s)   :   What to put here ???
                              :                   :
  For swappin' AGA & PC stuff :                   :
                              :                   :
 *                              *
 *   ---> CODERS WANTED! <---   *          .___.                     .___.
 *                              *          |   |      _______________|   |
 ********************************         _|   |____ / ___/\____ _/  "\  |
 *                              *        /     |  _/(  ___)_/  ) \   \   |
 * Searching for a new group?   *        \________|  \_____/______)__|___|
 * Perhaps we can need you...   *
 * SANITY is searching for new  *       (---:::::­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­:::::---)
 * good coder. Give us a sign.. *          :::::: Leon            :::::: 
 *                              *         ::::::: Jimmy Hedkvist  ::::::: 
 *      Cougar of Sanity        *        :::::::: Gardesvagen.15  ::::::::
 *      Christian Reissmueller  *         ::::::: 33393 Skeppshult:::::::
 *      Lindauerstrasse 53      *          :::::: Sweden          ::::::
 *      87435 Kempten           *       (---:::::-----------------:::::---)
 *      Germany                 *
 *                              *
                              ___   ____           _                 :i
       _ __________/\________|   | _\/ /__________/ \  _____.°       :|
       \\\_\\_             _    .|_| \/___   _    .  \ |  ¬|         :|
      i:     /   |\    \   |\___|. \_  | |   |\___|   \|   |___      :|
      |:    /    |/     \  : |   |  /  | |   :/  \_    \   :   \_    :|
      |::.  \___________/__| |_____/___| |___|\___|_____/\______/  .::|
                       -+ An 3reCtioN In P3rFeCTion +-
                 vAXINe / ORBITAL DHQ is still lokking for more
              FRIENDLY 'n ELITE contaXx for swapping 0/7 day warez...
                            vAXINe / ORBITAL DHQ
                              5463 BC  VEGHEL
                              THE NETHERLANDS                     !ELITE ONLY!
      - for swapping write to -                __   _____          _   _
          LoRd oF ABSOLUTE!                   |__| |  _ ¡|        | | |¡|
             Labos Peter                     ____  | | | | _______| | | |
            1181 Budapest                   |__ ¡| | | |_|/  __   ¡|| | |
            Darus 10 II/3                     |  | | |___   |  |___||_| |
               HUNGARY                        |  | |___  |  |     |  _  |
                                              |  | |___  |  |     |  _  |
   ** 100% AnSwEr FoR KnOwN GrOuPs **         |  |  _  | |  |     | | | |
  >>> CaLL tHe NuMbEr oF tHe BeAsT <<<       _|  |_| | | |  |_____| | | |
                    +36-1-291-4029          |______| |_| |________| | | |
 FaSt GrEeTz Go To:                                |_____|  CREW  |_| |_|
   AnDrOMeDa,MoVeMeNt,ScOoPeX,BaLaNcE    :    - BART -   :    - RAPPER -   :
 TrSi,SaNiTy,DiGiTaL,ViRtUaL DrEaMs,CrT  | 1195 BUDAPEST | 1204 BUDAPEST   |
 PaRaDoX,FairLiGhT,S!P,PaRaSiTe,WiZzCaT  | JOKAI 2. X/30 | KOSSUTH 36.V/59 |
 InFeCt,EqUiNoX,StAtIC ByTeS,RaZoR 1911  | HUNGARY       | HUNGARY         |
 JeTsEt,StAtIc ByTeS,MaJiC 12,DeSiRe,IA  |               |                 |
 DrEaMdEaLeRs,LeGo,RaMJaM,PlAtIn,TaLeNt  | GFX,SWAP      | CODE,SWAP,GFX   |
 ScAnDaL,NuAnCe,DuAl CrEw-ShInIng etc..  |          100% REPLY             |
        ___                       ___      ___  ___           _____
       /  /___  ____  ____  _____/  /_ +--/ _ \/ _ \/\/\deus-/ / _ \/\/\---+
      /  /    \/ ___>/    \/ ___   __/ : / / _/ _  /    \ /\/ / _  /    \  :
     /  /  /  / <_  /  /  / /  /  /    : \/\ \_// (_/\/\ \\__/ //_/ /\/\_) :
    /  /  /  / ___>/  ___/ <__/  /     :    \_) \/      \/   \/   \/       :
  _/__/__/__/_/    \____/____/__/___   +-----------------------------------+
 /__________________________Device_/    \       __                        /
                                         \      |_)                      /
 -=+ There's no medicine against! +=-     \     | \ O C K E T E E R     /
                                           \                           /
     Contact DEVICE of INFECT at:           \    Franco  La Cioppa    /
                                             \   Via Arniense  156   /
           GIANLUCA FOGLIA                    \   66100 - Chieti    /
          VIA P.FALCO  N.12                    \      ITALY        /
            66100  CHIETI                       \                 /
                ITALY                            \_______________/
 for crazy swapping and long letters!         No Disk(s) = No Answer
  __:_________________________________                  ___  ___
    l_ ______l___  _ ¬\___  ¬\_  ___ /// /  Also 4    _/   \/   \_ Magnificent
     | \___ ¬\_/  /   /   \   /____ ¬\     joining!   \_(\ :: /)_/     swap!
   .:l    l   / _/   /    /  /   _/  /:.   ~~~~~~~________)vv(________~~~~~~
 .::::\______/\_____/\______/\______/::::.       /\ _ _.        ._ _ /\
 |ø:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ø|    /\/  \\ SCRABY/HUMANS//  \/\
 :sear-----------<G-o-D-S>----------cyryx:   /. \   \ul. Waska 2/19/.     \
 |        Latest and Friendship!        ¬| _//  /   .\  Kolobrzeg //      /\_
 |_____But_known_groups_only,sorry.______¦/     ¯    \\  78-100  //  ¯¯¯¯¯   \
 ::::::\                          \::::::|\_.   _    //\ POLAND /\\ _____  ._/
 |::::::\  -+»  Pantera/Gods  «+-  \::·::|  \\  \   //  \¯¯¯¯¯¯/  \/      //
 |:::·:::\    Janne Parkkisen.      \:::::   \\ /   /   .\.  ./    \     //
 ::::::::/     Hovslagarg.64        /::::|    \/\  /     \\\//      \  /\/
 :::::·:/     19431 Upp.Vasby      /::·:::       \/       \\/        \/
 |:::::/          Sweden          /::::::|        \/\    _    _   ./\/
 |::::/___ ______ _____ _ _ _____/:::·:::|  100%    S\   \    /  //    Phone:
 |¯¯¯¯    Greets:Trsi.M12.Essence¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¬| reply!    c\   \  /  // (0-965)23408
 :_.Rebels.Sanity.Razor.Scoopex.Balance._: ~~~~~~     ®\___\/___/  ~~~~~~~~~~~~
      .::::.::::::.     .::::..:::::. .:::: .:. :. ___.::.     .::::. .:.
  .::::::::: ____::.  ______:::: _______::: _:::::/  /\______:::::______::.
    .::.____/   /_::_/  __  \::_/ __    \:_/ \::_/  /_/  ___/\::_/  ___/\::.
 .:::::.\__    __/\/   /_/ _/\/  /_/    //    \/   //   /\/\\/:/   __/\\/::::.
   :::::.\/   /\_\/   __   \\/   __    //         //    \/  \:/    \/  \::::
     .:::/    \/\/   /\/   //   /\/   //   /\    //         //         /\:::.
  ::::::/        \__/ /   //   / /\__//   / /\__/ \________/ \________/ /::::.
 :::::::\________/\_\/\__/ \__/ /:.\_\\__/ /::\_\/:\_______\/:\_______\/:[TrM]
     ::::\_______\/::. \_\/ \_\/.:::.:.\_\/::. .:::: .     :::::.   ::::::
          ArE yOu lOoKiNg fOr a kOoL CoNtAcT??  DoN'T LoOk fUrThEr!!!!
                  WrItE To: DeLiRiUm/tRaNcE InC. (WhQ)
                                    Po.bOx  64
                                  8090 Ab  WeZeP
                                 ThE  NeThErLaNdS
                       1 DiSk + LoNg lEtTeR = 100 % AnSwEr
  Are you looking for a new contact.
  Offcourse you are because you are     ___________._____/\.______.______
  reading the advertisement section.    \________ "\____   \____ "\_____/
  Then I think you should try the         \__/ _|\  |  |\___/  |\_____/
  addy below.                               /  \__  |  |/   \  !/   \
           Al Bundy/Jewels                 __                       __
            Allan Hansen                    - CONtACt ACCESSiON At: -
        Knivholtvej 16 ST. TH.
            2720 Vanloese                        SAMU kOUkONEN
               Denmark                          tURjANViRRANt.3
             78850 VARkAUS
  I am not 100% but if you send some               -fiNLANd-
  good stuff and you are a great
  person NO problems there.                    fiNNS: 972-161693
      Getting bigger everyday
           _______  _____  _______  _______ ______ _______ _____ _______
          (       \/     \(_      \|   ____)      \_      \     \   |   )
           |   |   )  |   \|   |   )   ___)|   |   )  |  _/  |   \  |  /
           |    __/        \    __/|   |  \|      /   |   \  |   /|   |
           |___| \____|____/___|   |_______\___|__\_______/_____/ |___|
                    I`m looking for more cool contacts
                             JaRKKo TaRNaNeN
                             HaRaKaNKaTu 5B
                             15610 LaHTi
                       LeGaL-CooL! iLLeGaL-CooLeST!
            GReeTiNGS GoeS THiS TiMe To aLL My FRieNDS aND CoNTaCTS!
  ,                        ,
 ·+------------------------+·                 -=  DISCOVERY = -
  |  for  elite  swapping: |
  !                        !          ...a magazine ONLY about graphics !
  : pudding / bananadezIgn :
  ·      Po.Box   13       ·           Main  editor            Co-editor
  .      5701   Voss       .
         n o r w a y                 Distortion/STORM         Stealth/TRSI
                                  ul. Koszalinska 32i/20   ul. Warszawska 17
  graphicians are especially         78-105 Kolobrzeg      78-100  Kolobrzeg
  welcome  for own  graphics              POLAND                 POLAND
  :       swapping.        :
  !                        !          Full disks back service guaranteed !
  ´                        ´                 We need Your support!
  ************************************      ___________________________
  *                                  *     /         /            /    \
  *     Are you looking for more     *    /   ______/            /______\
  *  contacts.  Do you like swapping * __/          \      _____/        \__
  *  anything.  Then write to me:    * \        ____/\    /   \            /
  *                                  *  \      /      \        \          /
  *        ACE / TRANCE INC.         *  z\____/        \________\________/
  *        84 VERITY AVENUE          * 
  *            MONTCLAIR             *    ·F·L·Y·I·N·G· ·C·O·W·S· ·I·N·C·
  *             DURBAN               * 
  *              4001                *               swapping:
  *          SOUTH AFRICA            * 
  *                                  *              Kurczak/FCI
  *   I DON'T STEAL DISKS SO I WILL  *       ul. Szarych Szeregow 8/39
  *   SAY NO MORE.                   *         64-600 Oborniki Wlkp.
  *    NON-ELITES WELCOME BECAUSE    *                 Poland
  *    FRIENDSHIP RULZZZZZZ!         * 
  ************************************      !only this name in swapping!
  :  Fanatic - Flight 2 Abyss  :
  :     Why.. Thats Why...     :  .      __()__
  :        JUST DO IT..        :        |)    .|         .oO BRONX! Oo.    .
  :                            :  . ____||   ==(                           .
  :      Growl Of Fanatic      :  .(______/\/\_|            dOuBlE ®       :
  :        Kim Andersen        :  :     \|(oo)|/                           |
  :      Flyvervej 12 2tv      :  :     (  --  )          jOsE JoRdAn      |
  :        8900 Randers        :  |    __\ () /__       PlZ MaGaDaLeNa 5   |
  :          Denmark.          :  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \      14002 CoRdObA      |
  :                            :  |_/  (_      _) \         sPaIn          |
  :                            :  /  __ /      / __\_                      |
  :     Disk+Letter = 100%     :  \_/  X       )(___ \                     |
  :   Greetz 2 All Friends..   :  `-\ /==BNX===\_(___/---------------------'
  :  Fanatic - Flight 2 Abyss  :
               /\                  ************************************
     _________/  \        _______  *  If you wanna swap with  a cool  *
     \________/   \  /\  /  ____/  *  and friendly  spanish swapper,  *
        /  \/      \/  \/   | \    *  What are you doing in front of  *
       /    \   \   \   \   |  \   *  the monitor? Take pen n' paper  *
     _/      \_  \    /  \  |   \_ *      and send a  letter to:      *
     \_______ /___\  /   /______ / *                                  *
            \/     \/\  /      \/  *          SKORPIO / LLFB          *
                      \/           *       AMERICO VESPUCIO, 48       *
 For FRIENDLY swapping try:        *     35009  - LAS PALMAS G.C.     *
                                   *              SPAIN               *
         ME'FIIR/THE MAGIC GUILD   *                                  *
             SIMON BRODERSEN       *100% reply to all own productions!*
               KATTREPPEL 4        * 1000% reply to all intro-senders *
        25876 SCHWABSTEDT, Germany *   0% reply to non-disk-senders   *
                                   *               LLFB               *
 Letter & Disk => 100%             *      PURE SPANISH QUALITY ?      *
    ____________   ______________    ___________  ____ ______  ___________
   /__   _____  \ /  ______   __/\   \___    ___>|____|\_  **| \___    ___>
   \_/  /\/    _/\\_  \___/  /\_\/      |  ##|    ____  |   *|    |  ##|
    /__/ /__/\________/\/_____/\        |*  #|   /*   \ |*   |___ |*  #|
    \__\/\__\/\_______\/\_____\/ *      |**  |  / **   \|**  |   \|**  |
                                 *      |____|  \______/|________/|____|
     If you`re looking for more  *   ...                             ......
     friendly contacts write to: *   ..           For swapping:       .....
                                **   .                                 ....
          Bald Horse/TRSI       **   ..            EXOLON/TILT          ...
               Box 4            **   ...        MACIEJ TURCZYNIN         ..
       43-316 Bielsko Biala     **   ..          WIOSENNA  25/6           .
              POLAND           ***   .           57-300 KLODZKO          ..
                               ***   ..              POLAND             ...
  *                         ******   .                                 ....
  *  (AGA too)        ************   .   - 100 % reply!               .....
  ***          *******************   ..  - short letter rulez!       ......
  ********************************   ... - hard core tekkno rulez!  .......
  /                             \
 /\   CONTACT ONE OF THE MOST   /\      jak ktos jest gîupi, to niech
 \/' INSANE ASSHOLES ON SCENE! `\/      napisze. No f sumie nie musi byc
 /\     DON'T LOSE A CHANCE     /\      glupi. Co dalej? Nie pisz
 \/'        OF LIFETIME        `\/      wszystkiego co ja mowie! No bes
 /\                             /\      pszesady! Nie, nie chce tego! Co z
 \/'                           `\/      tego wynika? Nie no! To juz nic
 /\        METAL/FUNZINe        /\      nie powiem. Nie pisz tego, kurwa
 \/'       OFIARNA  2/18       `\/      mac!
 /\         93-380 LODZ         /\                MONICA/FUNZINe
 \/'          POLAND           `\/               Monica Rutkowska
 /\                             /\            ul. Budowlana 2/4 m.23
 \/'    REMEMBER:              `\/                 93-356 LUC.
 /\                             /\
 \/'  - ONLY LAMERS            `\/      Koniec.
 /\   - FRENTSZIP SUXX          /\
 \/'  - YOUR DISK = BIG RISK   `\/      (soport by Metal)
  \                             /
 |                                                                          |
 X                !!! SPRZEDAM !!! SPRZEDAM !!! SPRZEDAM !!!                X
 |                            .                      .                      |
 X Cartridge ACTION REPLAY    | Kickstart 2.0        | Dysk Twardy          X
 | MK II (do AMIGI 500, 500+) |         do AMIGI 500 |         do AMIGI 500 |
 X na gwarancji z instrukcja  | *** Cena:            | SUPRA DRIVE - 40 MB! X
 | w jezyku polskim i niem.   |       600.000 zl *** |   (kontroler SCSI)   |
 X *** Cena: 1 mln. zl        | (mozna sie targowac) |   + 2 MB REAL FAST   X
 |   .   .   .   .   .  .   . | .   .   .   .   .   .|  .   .   .   .   .   |
 X Adres: TEES/TRSI   .   .   | JARKO/DNA .   .   .  | NORBY/TRSI .   .   . X
 |. . . . Tomasz Szatewicz. . | Jaroslaw Lysak. . . .|.Norbert Konieczny . .|
 X . . . .os. Mazurskie 18/17 |.Miedzynarodowa 43/59 | Po Box 20. . . . . . X
 |. . . . 11-700 Mragowo. . . | 03-922 Warszawa . . .| 56-300 Milicz. . . . |
 X: : : : : : : : : : : : : : | : : : : : : : : : : :|: : : : : : : : : : : X
 ®o..                            ..o®  +------------------------------+
 o                                  o  | fRIENDSHIP sWAPPING!         |
 ·       The King /iLLuSiOn         ·  |                              |
         ------------------            | tHREAT oF dISORDER           |
             PAWEL WITEK               | aNGSV.16                     |
           KARLOWICZA 45/55            | 820 75 hARMANGER             |
         JELENIA GORA 58-506           | sWEDEN                       |
               POLAND                  |                              |
                                       | cALL oUR bOARD pREMIUM:      |
          - swap (AGA also)            | +46-(0)243-87645             |
      ONLY HOT STUFF  (0-7 days!)      | 0-2 dAYZ wAREZ               |
                                       |                              |
        --> support my pack <--        | hI tO:                       |
                                       | kEFRENS, cOMPLEX, rAZOR 1911 |
           aLwAyS rEMeMbEr:            | sTATIC bYTES, pOLKA bROTHERS |
 .                                  .  | oUTLAWS,mYSTIC,sTELLAR,bRONX |
 ®o..                            ..o®  +------------------------------+
 ________  ___  _________ ____         ______        _______     _______
 \  .//// /ø- \/ø--   --( \/\/         \___ /________\___  / ____\_    /
  \ '/// // .  \/\ _____/  \/        _/   \/\____   \_ /__/__\__\     /__
   \'// //  |  / / ___j  /\          \       / |/    / \    \ !/ \  _/  /
    \/ //   |  \/\_ |e  //'\          \____ /  |    /________\    \_\  /
  /\  //    ·  ___/ |f ///' \             \/___|___/    /____/     \ \/dGN
 /\/\ \________l____lx////'  \       -----------------------/_______\-----
 ¯¯¯¯                 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
     D-u-A-l <-4->  m-A-T.           For Pure Elite Trading combined with
 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-       Fun and Friendship mail to ...
     46 Northfield St                            Dragon / Incal
     Deane,Bolton                                Richard Backhaus
     Lancs,BL3 5JH                               Doktorhofweg 13
     ENGLAND                                     23879 Moelln
 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-                   Germany
    Cøøl Friendly Swap!
    LetTa & Disks:Ya know            -------------------------------------
            /\     /\     /\    /\     /\     /\    /\    /\     /\
           /° \   /° \   /° \  /° \   /° \   /° \  /°\\  /° \   /° \
          /° / \_/° / \_/\\_/ /° / \_/\\_/  /\\_/ /°/_\_/° / \_/° _ \\
         /° //  /° //__//_   X° //__//_   \//_   X°    /° //  /° // //
        /° _/  /° _/ //° // // _/_//° //  /° // //   //° _/  /° // //
        \__   /\__   /\__   X__   /\__   /\__   X_  //\__   /\__/ //
         ¦ \_/  ¦ \w/  : \a/ ¦ \r/  : \h/  ¦ \a/  \w/  : \k/  ¦ \_/
         :  ¦   :  ¦   .  ¦  :  ¦   ·  ¦   ·  :    ¦   .  ¦   :  :
            :   .  :      :  ·  :   .  ·      .    :      .   ·  .
            .                   ·                  ·             .
          If YoU SeArCh FoR CoOl AnD FrIeNdLy CoNtAX ThEn WrItE To:
                             WARHAWK of OBSESSION
                                PrZeMySlAw JeZ
                              uL. KoRfAnTeGo 9/1             CoOl LeTtEr
                               43-200  PsZcZyNa                + DiSks
   No PoLiSh!!!                     PoLaNd                   100% AnSwEr
        +----------------------------+    Friendship...
        | _________ _______/\____    |    Love... shit, no way!
        | |~ ·|  :|/~ ___/|  \  ¬\_  |
        |_l  :|  .|  :|   |  :Y  ·|__|         Sigge / Illusion & PIL
        |··\  `  /|  .l---|  !|  :|··|         ul.Lipperta 3a/3
        |···\___/·l_______|___|  !|··|         12-100 Szczytno
        |·····················`---'··|         Poland
        |  Musicians 4 Mods Swappin' |        Any disks, Any people,
        |  should try 2 contact me:  |         Any beautiful girls!
        |  >    Bartman/Vacuum    <  |          Answer is gwaranted!
        |  > Ul.Bialostocka 38/55 <  |
        |  >   41-219 Sosnowiec   <  |              * AGA too *
        |  >      » Poland «      <  |
        +----------------------{LDz}-+     Greets to all my contact's
                                                             and friend's!
    ____ ___ ____ ___ _ _ _ ____
    7   Y | Y ___Y   Y Y Y Y   7          .   .   .   .   .   .   .
    | | | | |  | | | | | | | __|F        /|_ /|_ /|_ /|_ /|_ /|_ /|_
    | | | | |  | |   | | | |   |æ   ____Y __Y   Y __Y | Y __Y  |Y __Y____
    | | | | |  | |_| | | | |__ |t   \___|__ | | | | | | | . | . | __)___/
    | | |   |  |   | |     |   |©     \_| | | . | | | ~ | | | | |   |_/
    |___A___A__A___A_A_____A___A     .oO|___A_|_A_| A___A_|_A_|_A___|Oo.
  |OUTLAWS: FRIENDS IN CRIME  '94|           !For elite swapping!
  |                              |             TeTsUo \ SaturnE
  |        [FATE/OUTLAWS]        |            Guillaume  BELLIDO
  |        ERWIN  KERSTEN        |           7 rue  des alouettes
  |       THORBECKESTR. 13       |               77410 CHARNY
  |       6971 DA  BRUMMEN       |                  FRANCE
  |            HOLLAND           |              !KNOWN GROUPS!
               _     _     _             _           _     _
              /\\   /\\   /\\           /\\         /\\   /\\
             / //  _\ \\ / //          / //  _____ /  \\ / //
            /  \\ /\\\ \\ //_         / //_ / __ \\ /\//_ //_
            \/\ \\\ \/  \\\/\\ _      \ \/\\\ \\\ \\\\ /\\\/\\ _
               \ \\\  /\ \\ ///\\      \  ///\\\\\ \\\|_ \\ ///\\
                \ \\\ \\\// \/ //       \ \/ // \/ // \/ // \/ //
                 \// \ \\  \  //         \  // \  // \  // \  //
                Unholy\//   \//           \//   \//   \//   \//
   For those, seeking a nice, friendly group to join there is an alternative.
  You can join The Edge! We are looking for coders, musicians and graphicians.
       Send your offers with examples of your creativity to this address:
                               UNHOLY of THE EDGE
                                 RAPHAEL MOUCKA
                               OS. XXX-LECIA 70/8
                              44-286 WODZISLAW SL.
     ...  T  .  E  .  C  .  H  .  N  .  O  .  L  .  O  .  G  .  Y  ...
  We are looking for more nice contacts & members ...
                                                 so why not write to us ...
           ZoLTAR of TECHNoLoGY                LUCIFER of TECHNoLoGY
               Pawel  Machaj                        Tommy  Olsen
               MALBORSKA  37                           GAMNES
               30-646 KRAKOW                        9130 HANSNES
                   POLAND                              NORWAY
             . also AGA stuffs                    . answer to all
             . also 5'25 disk                     . joining in NORWAY
             . 100% answer to foreigners          . samples swapping
   DONT FORGET TO WRITE TO LFO OF .\:/  >------------------------------------<
      /\________/\__________/\______*-  >     ____  ___________________  __  <
     / __  / / /           / _  /  /:\  >    / __ \/ ___/__  /__  __/ /_/ /  <
    /   / / / /\___  _ ___/  / /__/ |   >   / / / / /_ ___/ /  / / / __  /   <
   / ____/   / // / / // /   _/_/_\/    >  / /_/ / /__/ ___/  / / / / / /    <
  / /\__/ / /  ~ / /  ~ / /\ /   /\     > /_____/____/_/     /_/ /_/ /_/ -CC <
 /_/ / /_/_/\___/_/\___/_/ //___/ /     >                                    <
 \_\/  \_\_\ \__\_\/\__\_\/\____\/LFO   >   IS IN NEED OF MORE MEMBERS!      <
                    _____ _____ _____   >                                    <
    0-10 DAYZ      /__  // _  //__  /\  > ALL FRIENDSHIP MINDED SWAPPERS-    <
 DISK=100% REPLY  _/_  //  / /_/_  / /  > CODERS-TRADERS-MUSICIANS, PLEASE   <
  SEND ADDYS FOR /____//____//____/ /   > CONSIDER JOINING...      TO JOIN,  <
  OUR PACKSERIE  \____\\____\\____\/    > SEND A SAMPLE OF YOUR WORK TO:     <
         LFO/PHUTURE 303 WHQ            >       - CURT COOL / DEPTH -        <
            PAUL BARKER                 >          Frank E. Larsen           <
         ÖSTRASTORGATAN 2A              >             Fruevej 29             <
         633 42 ESKILSTUNA              >            2860 Søborg             <
              SWEDEN                    >______________Denmark_______________<
   _mmWgWGmW[       .
  iK~Y@@@@@@\  ggWms=_ -v      Here they come....
  (@@.'@@@@Z2W@@@@@@@@@@P  Da banana freakz from East!
  Y@@@K]@@*_@AX ~*@@@@@@.    
   @@@@PMK(@@M['!  !@@@+   Fernandez of Saint Group
   ~V@@WW@NMD@)~`   4@@       MaRcIn SuLiKoWsKi           RAY SWAP!!!
   g.Y@@@@=@@@@D.   /Mt, .    ul. Traugutta 3a/22     Aragorn of Saint Group
  @@@s'@@@W8@@@,, ]msdWWA     66-400 Gorzów Wlkp.        MaRcIn KaCzMaReK
   @@@Wd@@!@@@@2WYM@@@@@!        POOLAANDD!!!            ul.Traugutta 1/11
   V@@@PW*'4@@@@z_]K*A*T.                               66-400 Gorzów Wlkp.
     ~*=`  ,@@@@@WdWW/]'      Ps. Swap of coz!             POOLAANDD!!!
                '~VV*        Ps2. Bye, bye and see you soon in ...hell!
                                       Oh, sorry - in heaven!
           _______ .°_______ . ___ ___°. _º_ . _______ . _______ °
       - -/~~   ~~\-/~.   ~~\-/~ ~|~ ~\:/~ ~\-/~~ . ~~\./~~   ~~\--
     -  --\·.  ---/:\·· :   /-\   : ../-\   /-\.. |   /-\··  -- /-  -
          /---   ·\·/·.     \·/   .  ·\·/   \·/.  :   \·/.·. .  \
          \____ __/:\___|___/.\_____ _/·\___/·\_____ _/·\____|__/
               :     .:·   °       ·:.       .      .
               .      .·            ·      °
                     .We are løøking før møre members.
                            . ..Cøntact u·s.. .
                           ..try øne ø·f these..
            · Dace øf Saviør ·           · MC Spicy øf Saviør ·
                Jani Hønkø                    Timø Oksanen
              Maenkylant. 56               Sammøntørpant. 2 G
               60550  Nurmø                13500  Hameenlinna
                 Finland                        Finland
                   /\________/\__/|_ ___  _______/\________
                 _/      \___  \___ \\_ \| ____    \ _____/
                 \__/  \__/ | _/ _|  \/ \\  \/  |__/  _|_
                  _/    \_     \ \_   \  \   \_ |  \ '   \
                  \______/__|   \_|    \_(____/__   \__   \
                     Prodigy|____\|_____/      |_____/_____)
            Contact me if you're interested in Elite mail-swapping
               or joining the norwegian section of  Trance Inc.
        Just write a letter (please no  standard letter) to this addy:
                     Prodigy/Trance Inc.,  Carsten Engh,
                      Groosevn. 246,   N-4890 Grimstad,
                                N O R W A Y !
                A very few 'n stupido greetz goes to  Scoopex,
         Avantgarde, Defiance, Scope, TRSI, Ram Jam, Mystic, etc....
      Support IT!     |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|
                    ___________    · TrSi ·        \\ \/
                    \___      /_________            \ |
                        \    /_\___    /___________   |
                         \__/    _/  _/_\____     /_______
                          \      \    \_    /____/_\___  /
                   ________\      \    /\____   \_     \/:
                   f^i.   _ _ _____\  /     /    /
                     _|             \/_ _ ______/|    H2o!
                     \/ \  NORBY/TRSI            |_______
                      | \\ P.O.BOX 20                 .
                      |    56-300 MILICZ     back to  |
                      |    POLAND           the roots |
                      |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|     Support IT!