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488 242 bytes (476.80K)
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2024-09-05 01:10:42
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Syndrome-NL V2  
Hlor Dezing-Zgon

---- KickDown#21 ---- ...brought to you by Syndrome in the year of 1996!! ... Credits are comming up.... Code&GFX by Codac ... Packing by Kestrel and Angelwings ... Module called 'Syndromenu-06' by Angelwings of Syndrome ... ... Moin! ... wir haben heute keinen Bock auf einen Scroller... Tschuesss!!!!          Text Restarts!!!!                                   

                                            --- NEWS --- NEWS ---               
                               - Sting left the scene                           
                               - Neurodancer left the scene                     
                               - Toxic is back again                            
                              - Losiu (swapper) joined from Megapoint           
                              - Andy (modemtrader) joined from Megapoint        
                              - BlackWine (msxman) joined from Megapoint        
                              - Sharp (gfxman) joined from Megapoint            
                              - Spoonman (sysop of Russia BBS) joined           
                              - Mario has been kicked out for total lazyness    
                              - Robson (coder) joined from Scalaris             

                              - Mr.Acryl ...... Coder                           
                              - Dr.Greg ....... Coder                           
                              - BlackWine ..... Coder, Msxman                   
                              - Kazik ......... Gfxman                          
                              - Sharp ......... Gfxman, Swapper, AsciiArtist    
                              - Green. ........ Raytracer                       
                              - Zeebi ......... Msxman                          
                              - Andy .......... Modemtrader                     
                              - Losiu ......... Sysop, Organizer                
                              - Norman ........ Swapper, PackMaker              
                              - Spoonman ...... Sysop                           
                              - Robson ........ Coder                           

                              - FIVER is not any longer a member of TRSI        
                              - THE TWINS are not any longer members of TRSI    
                              - SMT joined them from Haujobb                    
                              - JIVE got kicked                                 
                              - THE LOOP is still a member                      
                              Members are:                                      
                               Azure               Coder                        
                               Cockroach           Coder                        
                               Detector            Coder                        
                               The Twins           Coder                        
                               Tron                Coder                        
                               Fiver               Graphician                   
                               jMS                 Graphician                   
                               Noogman             Graphician                   
                               SMT                 Musician                     
                               The Loop            Musician                     
                               Virgill             Musician                     
                               Damion              Editor,Organizer,Swapper     

                               Voyage              Sysop,Organizer              
                               Trasher             Swapper                      
                               RockDaZone          Editor                       
                              Memberlist (all in Germany):                      
                              Midnight - Code                                   
                              THCM - Code                                       
                              Cyborg - Music                                    
                              Doc Holiday - Gfx                                 
                              Nefaria - Gfx                                     
                              Phase - Swap                                      
                              Technoking - Trade                                

                              New german Group build by Risk (ex. Bonzai Bros.) 
                              Toaster (ex.Gods) joined as Graphician/Raytracer  
                              Hardy (ex. Bonzai Bros.) joined as Coder/Musician 
                              They will do a Grafitty-Mag in cooperation with   
                                   Scoopex soon. Send support!                  
                              Memberlist:     Hardy - Code/Music                
                                              Toaster - Gfx/Raytracing          
                                              Risk - HQ/Swap/Music              
                              The following members are still in Desire:        
                              - Riox    : Coder                                 
                              - Dave    : Coder                                 
                              - THD     : Graphician                            
                              - Ratbone : Musician                              
                              - Noodle  : Swapper                               

                              - Bip     : Graphician                            
                                Noodle is also a member of Haujobb.             
                                They are working on a demo to be released at the
                                   SIH'96, worktitle is  'Homoney' ...          
                              EROTIC DESIGN:                                    
                              New KING PACK for your pleasure is realised!!!    
                              MICE joined in Finland as a musician and swapper! 
                              MISHA drop swapping!                              
                              We are going to release (at the next Polish party)
                              our first big intro  called  'EUROTICA'!  Code:   
                              MISHA, Music:  ELMEK, Design: MISHA, IKE,THE KING,
                              Gfx: CADMUS, ASTAROTH, BRECKY, KRZYSIO...         

                               - Rooster(swapper) left for Sunshine Productions 
                               - Cope(musician) is now also a member of Apathy  
                               - Xanth(graphician) has been kicked              
                               - The Loop left for Artwork                      
                               - Mc Whilch was never a Gods member              
                              GRASSHOPPER D:                                    
                               - DLF wAS kICKED!..                              
                               - mOOKYMOO #2 is out soon with new features and  
                                 many changes!..                                

                               - rEFLEX's wILL sTART a bBS, iT wILL bE uKHQ!..  
                               - bLISS jOINED aS gRAPHICIAN aND mODEMTRADER!..  
                               - IMMORTAL get kicked and kicked and become a PC-
                               - MYNOK joined as SYSOP                          
                               COMPLETE MEBERLIST:                              
                               PLASMA       -ORGANIZATION,GFX,ANSIPAINTING,SWAPP
                               LORD LECH    -ORGANIZATION,CODING,SWAPP,         
                               RAZ VAN OP   -MUSICIAN                           
                               MYNOK        -SYSOP                              

                               - Opal and RacOne are back.                      
                               - Perfie lost his phoneline and is not productive
                                 at the moment.                                 
                               - Jazy and Dragon wrote their A-level exams, so  
                                 that both have to do a civil or military ser-  
                                 vice from Summer on.                           
                               - Jazy will go online again soon, stay tuned !   
                               - Paralyze and Incal, the Producers of the Brain-
                                 fart Magazine, will soon present an Online-WWW 
                               - Planned for this Summer:                       
                                 Happy Hippo Liberation II - another music-disk.
                                 another Dragon and Perfie releases.            
                               - Astro left to be member of Sonik Clique, VD,   
                                 and CNCD only.                                 

                               - Danny left for The Black Lotus                 
                               - Nah-Kolor is not any longer a sub-group of TRSI
                               - Nah-Kolor is now independent                   
                               - Norby stays in TRSI and left Nah-Kolor         
                              NEW AGE:                                          
                               - Infant joined New Age                          
                               - Infant is also a member of Session             
                               - memberlist:                                    
                                 CALLADIN      : Graphician                     
                                 FENDER        : Musician                       
                                 INFANT        : Coder                          

                                 IZ            : Graphician                     
                                 MAXIPHLI      : Coder                          
                                 NOTE          : Musician                       
                                 SPOT          : Graphician                     
                                 SVERKER       : Coder                          
                              - RED CHEESE joined from Rebels                   
                              - ADONIS joined from Mad Elks                     
                              - TSAR1 (ex. Balance) joined in Norway            
                              - TRONIC joined from Access                       
                              RAM JAM:                                          
                              - Kaosmaster joined from Technology               
                              - ACBS got his E-MAil. REach him at:              
                              - Soon on your screens Spaceman an HD Musicdisk by

                              - RAM JAM has got his web page at:                
                                With online the charts of SHOWTIME !!           
                              The official Memberlist:                          
                              ACBS           Coder,Editor,Organizer             
                              ATHEIST                      Musician             
                              DARKMAN                         Coder             
                              DR.G                            Sysop             
                              FASHION                       Swapper             
                              KAOSMASTER         Swapper, Raytracer             
                              KLORATHY               Musician,Coder             
                              KREEX                    Raytrace,Gfx             
                              LOOP                              Gfx             
                              MYSTRA               Musician,Swapper             
                              NIGHTSHADE                      Sysop             

                              N-JOY                        Musician             
                              PAYDAY                 Swapper,Trader             
                              RANDY                Coder,Editor,Gfx             
                              THE TRENDY DEALER             Swapper             
                              VEGA                   Editor,Swapper             
                               - Frontier joined as modem trader                
                               - Sonikk left the scene                          
                                Rally     code                                  
                                Reset     gfx                                   
                                Darkman   music                                 
                                Frontier  trade                                 
                                Exon      swapp,gfx,trade,sysop,org.            

                              - MADE left for Bomb in France                    
                              - VEGARD and BENJAMIN left for Melon Dezign       
                              - ELOY joined in France from Complex as graphician
                              - JAZZ (musician) and TNT (raytracer) joined in DK
                              - DR.FEELGOOD left the scene                      
                              - DADDY FREDDY left the scene                     
                              - ABSURD left more or less the scene              
                              - SPLATTERHEAD left the finish division of Scoopex
                                for Fanatic                                     
                              - MOTION joined from Balance as graphician        
                              - MCCOY renamed to DEEP                           
                              - The whole modem section has been kicked out !   
                              - JCS(graphician) left for Syndrome               
                              - Marc(musician) left for Syndrome                

                              SECTOR 7:                                         
                              - MSC joined as a PC-Coder                        
                              - Sector 7 has now a PC-Section                   
                              - DJ HORST joined as a musician                   
                              - BOLLHAUS has been kicked due to inactivity      
                              - The Sector 7 PC-Section is now independent      
                              - Tom Joined the SC7-PC Section as a musician     
                              - SC7 searches for coders                         
                              - NoName has now the Sector 7 WHQ                 
                              Memberstatus February 1996 Amiga Section :        
                               NoName - Code,WHQ                                
                                  CDK - Graphics (Raytrace), Musics             
                              Skylord - Musics                                  
                              Memberstatus February 1996 PC-Section :           
                                  MSC - Code, PC-HQ                             
                                  CDK - Musics, Graphics (Raytrace)             

                              DJHorst - Musics                                  
                                  Tom - Musics                                  
                               - Infant/New Age joined as a doublemember        
                               - Ramses/Scoop joined as a doublemember          
                               - Terrox/RAW staff joined as a doublemember      
                               - Terrox will soon release an own discmag        
                               - Psycho joined Session from TBL                 
                               - Boosta joined from TRSI                        
                               - Session is looking for graphicians and mail-   
                               - memberlist:                                    
                                 ACE         : Mailtrader                       
                                 BOOSTA      : Musician                         
                                 CESIUM      : Organizer, Mailtrader, Editor    

                                 CRUDE       : Sysop (Mordor)                   
                                 E-MOON      : Coder                            
                                 INFANT      : Coder                            
                                 JUSTIN CASE : Raytracer, Coder                 
                                 PSYCHO      : Musician                         
                                 RAMSES      : Coder                            
                                 TERROX      : Sysop, Mailtrader, Graphician,   
                                 TOMAS       : Musician                         
                                 WOWBAGGER   : Coder                            
                                 ZALO        : Sysop, Graphician                
                               - Tim left for The Black Lotus                   

                               - JCS joined from Scoopex as a graphician.       
                               - Marc joined from Scoopex as a musician.        
                               - Zaac joined as a graphician.                   
                               - Eagle joined as a swapper.                     
                               - Maf(musician) joined but stays as a double-    
                                 member in Silicon, too.                        
                               - Shen(coder, graphician) has been kicked.       
                               - Yogi(graphician) has been kicked.              
                               - Blue Silence(musician) left due to the fact    
                                 that he is working for Psygnosis now!          
                               - Nitrik(graphician) joined but stays as a dou-  
                                 blemember in Synaps(Falcon), too.              
                               - Syndrome is searching for coders in Germany!   
                               - official memberlist:                           

                              THE BLACK LOTUS:                                  
                               - Facet joined from Lemon as a doublemember      
                               - Supernao joined from Lemon as a doublemember   
                               - Danny joined from Nah-Kolor                    

                              THREE LITTLE ELKS:                                
                               - Android/ex Subspace joined with his board      
                                 'Nostromo'. Number: +46-(O)522-76O6O.          
                               - Laz/ex Sunshine Productions joined as a graphi-
                                 cian and musician.                             
                               - Coma joined as a musician. He is a doublemember
                                 of 3LE and Strange.                            
                               - C-Lous, New Age, Sardonyx and Three Little Elks
                                 have formed a co-operation club called Kinder- 
                               - Nah-Kolor is no longer a TRSI subgroup.        

                               - Vacuum is searching for a good coder and a     
                                 good musician(poland)                          
                               - more members outside poland wanted             
                               - no swappers wanted!                            
                                insert...............graphician, organizer      
                                jacool...............swapper, packmaker         
                              - SKINNER left Void to concentrate on Eltech      
                              - KAA joined as a coder                           
                              - Zany(musician) joined from Phuture 303          

                              - Raptor(coder) joined from ZM8 and Sector 5      
                              - Styles(swapper, musician) joind from S2         
                              - Scandal(coder, gfx, swapper) joined from S2     
                              - F.G.S. was kicked out due to lazyness           
                              - musician in the U.K. wanted!                    
                              DT214   : Organiser, Musician, swapper            
                              GRIZ    : Gfx                                     
                              JAY     : Organiser, Coder and swapper            
                              KAA     : Coder and swapper                       
                              KILLIT  : Coder and swapper                       
                              SNOOPY  : Coder and swapper                       

                              RABL    : Organiser, swapper                      
                              STYLES  : Musician                                
                              SCANDAL : Coder, Gfx                              
                              ZANY    : Musician, swapper                       
                              RAPTOR  : Coder, swapper                          
                               - Their quote is: X-Plore your limits!           
                               - Their first production, an intro, 'INCOME' will
                                 be out soon! GFX: Luthor/Gelmir,  Code: Kortex,
                                 Music: Djamm or Memorys                        
                               - To get their releases, just dial Equalizer, our

                                 new WHQ. Ask us for our FHQ!                   
                               - We are in the fucking need of a coder!!!       
                               - CYBORG has changed his pseudo! He's now KORTEX 
                               - KORTEX has done an utility called Selector for 
                                 HD users                                       
                               - DEAN is now Shogun on PC, trader/musician!     
                               - MEMORYS(ex Ivory & Darkness) joined as musician
                               - GELMIR is NOT in X-Plora but helps us a lot!!! 
                                    S U P P O R T    K I C K D O W N !!!!!!!    

                                    ^Syndrome^  .............                   
                                         ___    :           :                   
                                        /   \  _:           :                   
                                       / ___/ |  \          :                   
                                       \  ·\¯¯¯¯7 \'¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯7                   
                                      /¯¯7 \\ \ ! \\ ¬\  ¬\ ·\                  
                                      \_____/______ \ _\  /___\                 
                                                :       \/  :                   
                                                :           :                   
                                  .oO to get in touch with Syndrome Oo.         
                                   ·.   .···>write to<··········.   .·          
                                     ·.·                         ·.·            
                                           Jan Christoph Meyer                  
                                               Lehmsiek 1                       
                                            25876 Schwabstedt                   

                                         /.| __/  _____/        /    __/        
                                        // |  \   |   \__¡ ____/____  \         
                                       /   !  .\  !   .\   | .\    !   \        
                                      /        \\      \\  !  \\        \       
                                      \_______  /_____  /____  /______  /       
                                      \/      \/      \/     \/[k!^CBtK]        
                                       OpEn YoUr MiNd + LeT uS iNsIdE           
                                         FoR JoInInG VoId CoNtAcT >             
                                              37 HAYFELL AVE                    
                                                HERON HILL                      
                                             CUMBRIA  LA9 7JH                   
                                                ENGLAND UK                      
                                CoDeRs,GfX,MuSiCiAnS & DoUbLe MeMbeRs WeLcOmE.. 
                                     AlSo FoR SwApPiNg - OvErSeA's OnLy!!       

                                     _____  /   / __// / /   /   / / /          
                                       / / / /_/ // / / / / / /_/ /_/           
                                      /   /   / //_/_/ / / /   /   /            
                                     /_/_/_/ /_//_____/___/_/ /_/_/             
                                    ------/_/--- artwork --/_/---               
                                      For legal reasons write to...             
                                           Trasher of Artwork                   
                                              Oliver Plink                      
                                             Bricciusweg  3                     
                                               89079  Ulm                       

                                             -+-> !SUPPORT! <-+-                
                                         Support my soon coming pack            
                                         called 'ASYLUM' with messys            
                                         advertisments, news and of-            
                                          course some hot releases!!            
                                                Johan Asperyd                   
                                                 Furuvagen 9                    
                                               923 32 Storuman                  
                                             Also for joining and               
                                             -+-> !ASYLUM! <-+-                 

                                   .·········[ SYNdROME ]····/\···········.     
                                       ____/\ _ _____/\ __  /  \    no    :     
                                    __/  _ //___ ___  \\  \/   \\  faked  ·     
                                      \__ \/    \  /    \ \/     \  stamps·     
                                    ____________/_______/_||      \   !!  .     
                                    ------ ---- -- - - yop l_______\            
                                   a n g e l w i n g s / s y n d r o m e  ·     
                                       s i m o n   b r o d e r s e n            
                                          k a t t r e p p e l   4               
                                     2 5 8 7 6   s c h w a b s t e d t          
                                                g e r m a n y                   
                                     - long letters only                        
                                     - kickdown staff (send your support)       
                                     - hq mod-swap (send a list!)         .     
                                     - you can order chipmusic from me          
                                     - i don't care about your status     ·     
                                     - slow, friendly mailtrading         :     

                                        _____ _____ _____ ______ __ __          
                                       |     )     Y     Y      Y  |  |         
                                       |  |  |  ___|  |  |_    _|  |  |         
                                       |  |  |  __)|   __| |  | |     |         
                                       |  |  |     |  |    |  | |  |  |         
                                       |_____)_____|__|MDS |__| |__|__|         
                                          fAst EliTe aNd\FrieNdsHip             
                                              \                /                
                                               RecEIveR / dEptH                 
                                        »->     kResTeN JenSeN     <-«          
                                        »-> BybAekTeRrasSeRnE\164F <-«          
                                        »->     / 3520 fAruM  \    <-«          
                                        »->    /    DeNmArK    \   <-«          
                                               ¯¯¯¯¯ \   /¯¯¯¯¯¯                

                                          /\ /\                                 
                                         / // /\_  /\_  /\_  /\_                
                                        / _  /\_ \/ _ \/\_ \/\_ \               
                                       / // / // / // / // / // /               
                                       \// /\_  /\// /\_  /\_  /B.D             
                                        / /___\/___\/___\/___\/___              
                                        \________________________ \             
                                         Contact me if you Love: \/             
                                        Long letters,Flyers,Nice                
                                        paper Pics,Chewing Gums                 
                                        ,Hot Stuffs & Surprise!!                
                                               Write to:                        
                                       Black Dragon / Honoo                     
                                       Paul Pacheco                             
                                       2 Av. Paul Brard                         
                                       78700 Conflans St Honorine               

                               <---------[ SYNdROME ]----/\------------------.  
                                   ____/\ _ _____/\ __  /  \    ....LOS....  |  
                                __/  _ //___ ___  \\  \/   \\  ....ENDOS.... |  
                                  \__ \/    \  /    \ \/     \  ....BBS....  |  
                                ____________/_______/_||      \    .....     |  
                               .------ ---- -- - - yop l_______\             |  
                                lEECH dA lATEST sYNDROME rELEASE hERE 4 fREE |  
                               ^                                             |  
                               ^             ++49-0-2103-52440               |  
                               |                                             |  
                               |     tHE pLACE wHERE fRIENDSHIP rOOLEZ       |  

                                 ____________ ___  ___  ________\  ¬|___        
                                 \_  ___) .__) .¬\/ .¬\/ ._ \ ___)  |  /----.   
                                 ||___ ¬\ ¦ ¬\ ¦  \ ¦  \ ¦__/ _)_/     \    !   
                                 !(___  /____/____/____/ |¬¦_____)__|   \   ¡   
                                 ¡   ¬\/              ¬\_|         ¬¦____\  |   
                                 for swapping modules, pictures (jpegs,gif),    
                                 animations, tapes, and of course da latest     
                                       G a n g s t a / S c o o p e x            
                                           R e n e   R u m m e l                
                                  H u t s c h e n r e u t h e r k o l . 5       
                                            9 5 1 0 0   S e l b                 
                                               G e r m a n y                    
                                  short greets: Norby,Sting,Steffen,Trasher     
                                 Sascha, Iron, Daffy, Chaos!, Noodle, Payday    
                                 Mike, Naopleon, Ghandy, Decoy, Snoop, Boo      

                                             _________ ________  ______________ 
                                            _)       ((_      (_)              )
                                           /  /\      /(       (              / 
                                          /   )/     / /       /             /  
                                         /          / /    ___()____     ___/   
                                      __/   /\     / /    / ___    /    /       
                                      \   __)/    / /     \(  (   /    /        
                                      /   \      / /          /  /    /         
                                     /     \    / /  ____    /  /    /          
                                     \_   / \  / /  /    \  /   \_  /           
                                       )_/   \(  )_/      )/      )/            
                              We need some more Members to our crew so please   
                              dont hesitate !!!                                 
                              Write to:           MONSUN/ACT                    
                                                Poste Restante                  
                                               78315 Radolfzell                 

                                   : If you wanna send some food to my  :       
                                   :  A4000 then contact this address   :       
                                   : CLEVER/PHUTURE 303 | He like demos :       
                                   : postlagernd        | diskmags,mods :       
                                   : 09557 Floeha 1     | pics,slides,  :       
                                   : GERMANY            | musicdisks... :       
                                   :    Greetz goes 2 my friends in     :       
                                   : TRASHER,GANGSTA,TECHNOKING,CYCLONE :       
                                   : BIG BOOST,CHUCKY,ANGELWINGS,SCRABY :       
                                   : KESTREL,THE KING,LFO,LORD LECH,DRAC:       
                                   : MR.X,CHRIS,PAPERBOY,TOS,PSYCHO,    :       
                                   : KRATKA,MR.P,RECEIVER,HORROR,BARMAN :       
                                   : ANGELDUST,ROKDAZONE AND ALL IN P303:       
                                   : 100% ANSWER 2 ALL DISKSENDERS      :       
                                   :          ...01.04.1996...          :       

                                            ·     .     :           ·           
                                      ·     :           |     ·     :           
                                      | ____|¯   ¬|_ . ¬|  __|| ____|           
                                      | __!_|  _° _/ !  |  |¯¯|     | .lzd.     
                                     .!   · |  |  |  |  |  |  |     !.          
                                 ..:::| ____|  |__| ____|  |__| ____|:::..      
                                  - ­­|__|­­|__|­­|__|­­|__|­­|__|­­­­ -        
                                         :                       : ·D·          
                                 - -------   tHe kInG /eRoTiC    :  ·E·         
                                  sUpPoRt    Karlowicza 45/55    :   ·S·        
                                     mY      Jelenia Gora 58-506 :  ·I·         
                                    pAcK!    Poland              : ·G·          
                                  - ------                       :  ·N·         
                                         :   - join to EROTIC!   :              

                                       __           \/_\          __            
                                      /_ \   /\\     /_ \   __   /_ \           
                                     //_\ \ /_ _____//_\ \  \ \ //_\ \ ___      
                                     \\\/ //\ \\  _/\\\/ //\ \ \\\\/ /// /\     
                                      \\_//_/ / \\   \\_//\ \ \/ \\_/ \\ \/     
                                         // \_\ // \     \ \ \/     /\ \\       
                                               /___/      \_\       \/_//       
                                            |                      |            
                                            +   OKEANOS/SYNDROME   +            
                                            |       Musician       |            
                                            +    DEGAND Olivier    +            
                                            | 26 Allée de Madrolle |            
                                            +     18120 MEREAU     +            
                                            |        FRANCE        |            
                                            +                      +            

                                             _________ ________  ______________ 
                                            _)       ((_      (_)              )
                                           /  /\      /(       (              / 
                                          /   )/     / /       /             /  
                                         /          / /    ___()____     ___/   
                                      __/   /\     / /    / ___    /    /       
                                      \   __)/    / /     \(  (   /    /        
                                      /   \      / /          /  /    /         
                                     /     \    / /  ____    /  /    /          
                                     \_   / \  / /  /    \  /   \_  /           
                                       )_/   \(  )_/      )/      )/-MNS-       
                              -you need thrill,adventure          contact me:   
                               and fear?                          °SUNNY/ACT°   
                              -you love to risk your live?        Sonja Felber  
                              -you need mystery?                 Alemannenstr.1 
                                                                78315 Radolfzell
                              SO IF YOU DARE...........              GERMANY    
                                        BUT REMEMBER-CURIOSITY KILLED THE CAT!  

                                   |       _                            \       
                                   |      / )   ___      _               \      
                                   |     / /   / __)    / )   __       _  |     
                                   |    / /_  / / _    / _\  /  )     / ) |     
                                   |   / / _)/ _// \/\/ /_\\/ /\\    / /  |     
                                   |  (_/ / / /_/ _   \  _  \/  \\  / /   |     
                                   |   / (_/____)/ \_/\\/ \__)   \\/ /    |     
                                   |  (____)  (_/      \)(_/      \_/     |     
                                   |                                      |     
                                   |  f°r sWaPp!nG...fUcK dA aDdY !       |     
                                   |                                      |     
                                   |           mArT!N Gr@g                |     
                                   |      ( !cEmAn/ Er@mat!on )           |     
                                   |       10, rUe dE lA bRuM@            |     
                                   |        F-68100  mUlHoUs@             |     
                                   |             fRaNc@                   |     
                                   |                                      |     
                                   |        cAlL...33 (89) 460.003        |     

                                           I.N.T.E.N.S.E  -  N.G.C              
                                                Johan ROIRAND                   
                                             35 rue de la Comete                
                                          44230-ST SEBASTIEN-/-LOIRE            
                                        Support `Burnpack` & `Chip's`           
                                              Disk=100% Answer                  
                                           N.G.C  -  I.N.T.E.N.S.E              

                                            _,\__   _,\_____  )·   !            
                                            )· _ \  )·  _   \/ :  _!_           
                                           / : ¥  \/ :  ¥___/    ¥ _/           
                                         _/  ·     \ ·  !   \_·  !/ \_          
                                         \_____¥    \____  __/____  _/          
                                          ¯¯¯¯¯|_  __/¯¯¯\/-MNS-¯¯\/¯           
                                           If u want to contact the             
                                          mainswapper of this group             
                                                  write to:                     
                                             Gold Dragon of ACT                 
                                              Christian Zimmer                  
                                               Glatzer Str. 2                   
                                                57072 Siegen                    
                                            No beginners please!                

                                             \\ //  _______ _    _              
                                              \// _ \_____/| \  | |             
                                              /\\     | |  |  \ | |             
                                             // \\    | |  |   \| |             
                                             :   \\   |/   |_|\___|             
                                             .    :   :     ¡     :             
                                             ¡    ¡   ¡           .             
                                              Please write to this              
                                              addy for cool swap                
                                              and joining.                      
                                               Piotrek Cuch                     
                                                ul.¥okietka 3d/5                
                                                 59-225 Chojnow                 
                                              1000^¹³% answer !!!               

                                         ___/  \                                
                                        /  ¬    \________    ____   ___         
                                       /   _    /       ¬\  /   ¬\_/  ¬\        
                                      /    7   /     _    \/     / \    \       
                                     /         \__   \    /   \_/       /       
                                     \          ¬\     __/     \      _/        
                                     /     _     /|    7/     \/\_    ¬\        
                                     \     |    / |    /       \/       \       
                                      \____l___/  l____\_______/        /       
                                     -==-÷-==-÷-==-÷!KTL!÷-==-÷\   \___/÷       
                                      We are searching for ya...\  /            
                                             write to :          \/             
                                          Nisoli Fabrice                        
                                       6 Rue Frederic Passy                     
                                      93330 Neuilly Sur Marne                   

                                .___.  _ ____/\ _ __/\ - --->  LOS              
                                |   |____     \\  _ //___          ENDOS        
                                |   l    \ |    \_ \/    \--------.      BBS    
                                l______ //______/________/        |             
                                <--- - \/  : .____.                     ...     
                                ___________:_|    |_ __/\ _ __/\ _:__/\         
                                \_._   ___/  \    |___  \\     \\  _ //___ !    
                                  |   __)____\    |  /    \ |    \_ \/    \     
                                  l_______  /|\___|_______/______/________/     
                                <---- - l_\/_|                      - ---->     
                                   SYNDROME GHQ - JORMAS GHQ - ABYSS GHQ        
                                          RIOT WHQ - GODS GHQ                   
                               sYSOP`s: eXON/gHANDY/rAHIEM/lAWNMOWER MAN        

                                            \_    \_  _ \_     |                
                                             |  :  |  |  |  :  |                
                                             |  ¦  |  |__|  ¦  |                
                                             |  l__l___  |  |  |                
                                             |  |  |  |  |  |  |                
                                             |  |  |  ¦  |  |  |                
                                             ¦  ¦  l___  l__|  ¦                
                                             :         \:      :                
                                           For passionate swapping:             
                                               Ðeçoy \ Pa§§ioN                  
                                                 DaNNi HaNSeN                   
                                          VaLDeMaRSGaDe ¹³b St Nr. ¹            
                                               ÐK-7¹oo VeJLe                    

                                   _| __   _       _   _      __  _ |_          
                                   _____\\___ _____/____________\_\__           
                                    |  _    (_\___:_____   _)    _  |           
                                    |  \_____:    |   \(   :_____/  |           
                                    l____|   l____|________|   |____|           
                                    |                            ex!|           
                                    |    fOR sLOWLY`n fAST sWAP:    |           
                                    |                               |           
                                    |           eXON/RIOt           |           
                                    |   __     Maik  Nieke     __   |           
                                    |  _ /    Siemensstr.18    \ _  |           
                                    |_ /      40721  Hilden      \ _|           
                                     /           gERMANY           \            

                                  Want to swap modules/gfx ^ normal wares?      
                                        Noodle - Haujobb - Desire               
                                                 Tijm 20                        
                                             1273 EC Huizen                     
                                          100 % reply to all!!                  

                                    ___ _  ______ ___ ___ ___  _                
                                   (  _\ \(  _\ _) _ \ _ \  \\/ )               
                                    |  /- \|  / _)   / _ / - ) /                
                                    PioNeeR oF THe RaDiCaL CooL!                
                                    WaNNa SWaP THe LaTeST WaReS?                
                                           JaRKKo TaRNaNeN                      
                                           HaRaKaNKaTu 5B                       
                                           SF-15610 LaHTi                       
                                  LeGaL = Cool! iLLeGaL = CooLeST!              
                                  GReeTS To aLL CoNTaCTS'N'FRieNDS!             

                                    __    _____ _____ _____ _____               
                                  _l  l__l  |  Y  _  Y  ___Y  |  l__            
                                 l |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  _  |  l           
                                 | |  |  l  !  |  |  |     |  |  l  |           
                                 | l_____l_____l__l__l_____l__l__l  |           
                                 |   _____ _____ _____              |           
                                 |  |  _  Y  _  Y  |  |             |           
                                 |  |  |  |  _  |  _ _|  iNF^eLt    |           
                                 l__|   __|  |  |  |  |_____________l           
                                    l__l  l__l__l__l__l                         
                                       SeND YeR PaCK SuPPoRT To:                
                                             Wade / eLTeCH                      
                                          'Avoca' King Street                   
                                                WV14 8PQ                        

                                   _________   /\___ ____________________       
                                   \____    \ /____|/  ____    /        /       
                                    |   \    \|    |____   \__/    |___/_       
                                    |   |\    \    |    \     \_   l     \_     
                                   sUPPORT dA aNTIC dISC-mAGAZINE bY GoDS !     
                                            PO BOX 2570 ULLANDHAUG              
                                              N-4004  STAVANGER                 

                                    wAN7 tO sWAP wI7H sOMEONE wHO hAS a         
                                                 N.A.S.A. ?                     
                                      iS i7 a dISEASE?! dANGEROUS!?!            
                                    NO!!! It's a Nice And Safe Attitude.        
                                            [ rEAC7! oF mONK. ]                 
                                                jOERI  7AN                      
                                                 fAUNA 17                       
                                            1273 GV HUIZEN (NH)                 
                                              tHE nE7HERLANDS                   
                                     nO s7AMPCHEA7ING! / nO lOWPAYING!          
                                     100% rEPLY tO cOOL lE77ER + dISC!          

                                            _ __\/______ ___ __ _               
                                                sTINg   oF  .aBYSs.             
                                               - -- ----------- -- -            
                                                   dIRk dALLMANn                
                                               45884 gELSENKIRChEN              
                                                 _ __ ___ ______\/__ _          

                                 \____ \ /  /  /__   __// \___  \_ ___/         
                                 / ____/   /  /  /  /  /  / _  _/ __/_          
                                /__//__/__/_____/__/_____/__/  /_____/          
                                                      _____ _____ _____         
                                   ! MUSICIANS !     /__  // _  //__  /         
                                      CONTACT       _/_  //  / /_/_  /          
                                  CIE/PHUTURE 303  /  / //____//  / /           
                                  4 HIGH QUALITY SAMPLE & MOD - SWAP!           
                                    Also Techno-Tapez & Flyer Swap              
                                 *  CIE / PHUTURE 303  *    M    R              
                                  *   THILO GEERTZEN    *    A    U             
                                   *    RUWERSTR. 8      *    Y    L            
                                    *     50374 ERFTSTADT *    D    E           
                                     *      ERFTSTADT      *    A    Z          
                                      *       GERMANY       *    Y    !         

                                         /.| __/  _____/        /    __/        
                                        // |  \   |   \__¡ ____/____  \         
                                       /   !  .\  !   .\   | .\    !   \        
                                      /        \\      \\  !  \\        \       
                                      \_______  /_____  /____  /______  /       
                                      \/      \/      \/     \/[k!^CBtK]        
                                       OpEn YoUr MiNd + LeT uS iNsIdE           
                                                 27 fALCON cLOSE                
                                                 sOUTH yORKSHIRE                
                                                     DN6 7US                    
                                                  eNGLAND uK                    

                                             /\ /\                              
                                            / // /\_  /\_  /\_  /\_             
                                           / _  /\_ \/ _ \/\_ \/\_ \            
                                          / // / // / // / // / // /            
                                          \// /\_  /\// /\_  /\_  /B.D          
                                           / /___\/___\/___\/___\/___           
                                           \________________________ \          
                                         If Techno is Good for You!!\/          
                                         If You Write letter in French          
                                         If You Write Long Letters!!!           
                                         If You don't Hate Fresh News!          
                                                  Write to:                     
                                                 HP / Honoo                     
                                               Henrique Pacheco                 
                                               2 Av. Paul Brard                 
                                          78700 Conflans St Honorine            

                                       ______/\  /\  /\______/\                 
                                       \____  \\// \/ \\  __ //-_               
                                       _-¦ /   ·\  \/  ·\ \¬\/¬\                
                                        -|______/ _|¦    \___ //--              
                                       - --  /_____-|_____\  \/yop              
                                         for trading da latest :                
                                              Przemek Wozny                     
                                            H.Sawickiej 37/27                   
                                              62-8oo Kalisz                     

                                     .  ...aLSO fOR aNY D.I.S.C sUPPORT !       
                                     l_ ______l___  _ ¬\___  ¬\_  ___ ///       
                                      | \___ ¬\_/  /   /   \   /____ ¬\         
                                    .:l    l   / _/   /    /  /   _/  /:        
                                  |        y0UR sWAPPIN` gRANDPA`      ¬|       
                                  |_____   4 aMIGA & tAPE-tRADING    .__¦       
                                  ::::::\                          \::::|       
                                  |::::::\   mAHADMA GHANDY/GODS    \:·:|       
                                  |:::·:::\     Lars Sobiraj         \:::       
                                  ::::::::/    Mindener Str. 5       /::|       
                                  :::::·:/    40227 Düsseldorf      /:·::       
                                  |:::::/          Germany         /::::|       
                                  |::::/___ ______ _____ _ _ _____/:::::|       
                                  |¯¯¯¯                           ` ¯¯¯¬|       
                                  TRIBE IS NEEDED & FRIENDSHIP IS WANTED!       

                                     Hey dude! Contact with friendly guy        
                                      from Poland for some magnificent          
                                       swapping. Here it is the addy:           
                                               Waska 2/19                       
                                            78-100 Kolobrzeg                    

                                      !x×XdO yA wUNNA nOW hOW fUN X×x!          
                                      !x×X  sWAPPING cAN gET???   X×x!          
                                      !x×X  lONg & pHUNNY lETTAZ  X×x!          
                                      !x×X    iZ gUARANTEED!!!    X×x!          
                                      !x×XdIZ dOOD hAZ gOT iT aLL!X×x!          
                                      !x×XwRITE 2 mE NOOOW!! aT:  X×x!          
                                      !x×X  pSYCHO/mAVERICKS      X×x!          
                                      !x×X    pOSTBOKS 92         X×x!          
                                      !x×X    2o44 fROGNEr        X×x!          
                                      !x×X     noR\X/aY           X×x!          
                                      !x×XfOREIGNERs aRE wELCOME!!X×x!          

                                               .       :       :                
                                           ___/l______/¦   ___/l______          
                                       ·---\__ _______ |---\__ ______/          
                                       ¦    / __/___/  |____/  |____/           
                                       |  _/      ¬\_  !  ¬\_  !  ¬\_           
                                       `--\____._  ÷/__._  ÷/__._  ÷/           
                                           -dV$l___/   l___/   l___/            
                                               Skinner of Eltech                
                                             Kjell Espen Johansen               
                                                  Storgata 5                    
                                                8310 Kabelvag                   
                                            Tel: +47 760-ELT-ECH                
                                         For swapping PD, scene stuff           
                                         and underground information!           
                                        100% reply to all disksenders           

                                           . ______________  .                  
                                       ___/| \____________/ /l_____             
                                     _/    l___ ______ ___ /       \            
                                     \     !   Y      Y   Y____:.   \_          
                                      \\   :  ||    | |  ||    |     /          
                                       \\  :  !|    ! |  !|.  .!   //           
                                        \\    :|  ..: |  :|       //            
                                         \ .___l______l___l____. //             
                                      OpEn YoUr MiNd - LeT uS iNsIdE            
                                     FoR tRaDiNg & 100% FrIeNdShIp...           
                                               rAbL / vOiD                      
                                              nOoRdErIeP 586                    
                                            7876 Eg VaLtHErMoNd                 

                                        _________________  ____ ______          
                                       /    ___________  \/    Y     /          
                                       \        \     |   \    |    /           
                                       /¯¯¯¯T    \    |    \      _/            
                                      /     |     \   |     \_ _   \            
                                      \     |     /   |      / |    \           
                                       \_________/____|     /  |     \          
                                                  STV\_____/¯¯¯|     /          
                                        dO yA lIKE tHE cRAZY wAY oF             
                                       sWAPPIN' . tHEN yOU`rE rEADING           
                                      tHE rIGHT aDVERT. jUST wRITE tO :         
                                             cHUCKY / sARDONYX                  
                                                mARC lÖFFLER                    
                                             aM hERRENGARTEN 12                 
                                               78176 bLUMBERG                   

                                       _______ ________ _______ ________        
                                      .\ ____¬\_____ _/.\  . _/.\____ _/.       
                                      |  \_____/ \___  |   |  ¬|  \___  |       
                                      l_____! !________l_______l________!       
                                        4 fAST aND eLITE sWAPPING wRITE 2       
                                          __   bASE oF pHUTURE 303   __         
                                         _\/_     pOSTFACH 1102     _\/_        
                                         \/\/     24585 nORTORF     \/\/        
                                            fOREIGNERS = 100% aNSWER!           
                                       _______ ________ _______ ________        
                                      .\ ____¬\_____ _/.\  . _/.\____ _/.       
                                      |  \_____/ \___  |   |  ¬|  \__   |       
                                      l_____! !________l_______l________!       

                                         %    ____________       %              
                                         %    \ _/ . /   /__ _   %              
                                         %    / /  _/ / /_ _     %              
                                         %   /_/_/_/___/agd      %              
                                         %                       %              
                                         % 4 friendly swapping   %              
                                         % contact:              %              
                                         %                       %              
                                         % Iro of Depth and Rno  %              
                                         % Bastian Effertz       %              
                                         % Ruwerstr.10           %              
                                         % 50374 Erftstadt       %              
                                         % Germany               %              
                                         %                       %              
                                         %                       %              
                                         % !Answer is sure!      %              
                                         % Respect to all Ravers %              

                                         (o o)                                  
                                      THE TRENDY DEALER / RAM-JAM               
                                               Eugenio Gori                     
                                          Via P.della Valle 12/5                
                                              50127 Firenze                     
                                   [want to increase a lot my swapping]         
                                   [activity so 100% back to everyone!]         
                                                            (o o)               

                                   \  ______ _____ _/  \  ____  __ ____/.       
                                   :\ \_ \/   \  ¬ \  \ \  \/   _\___ \ :       
                                   `--------->> wE aRe hUGe <<------çdr-'       
                                      pURe fRIENDSHIp aWAILABLe hERe            
                                            cANDYMAn of gIANTs                  
                                                Timo Kotta                      
                                               Arbygatan 1A                     
                                             63345 Eskilstuna                   
                                      gREETs to tHESe fRIENDSHIPPERs:           

                                         /.| __/  _____/        /    __/        
                                        // |  \   |   \__¡ ____/____  \         
                                       /   !  .\  !   .\   | .\    !   \        
                                      /        \\      \\  !  \\        \       
                                      \_______  /_____  /____  /______  /       
                                      \/      \/      \/     \/[k!^CBtK]        
                                       OpEn YoUr MiNd + LeT uS iNsIdE           
                                                 6 tREHERN cLOSE                
                                                  wEST mIDLANDS                 
                                                     B93 9HA                    
                                                   eNGLAND uK                   
                                              lEGAL sWAPPING oNLY               

                                       | YO! Do u wanna swap latesz |           
                                       |   on amy + mpegs & othas   |           
                                       |     Also with beginnas!    |           
                                       |                            |           
                                       |           PL 62            |           
                                       |   Fin - 15141 Lahti        |           
                                       |          Finland        '95|           
                                       |                            |           
                                       |    disk(s)+letta = reply   |           

                                         ________    ______   ____              
                                      __/__     /____\  _ /_ (____)___          
                                     /    /____/_ \ _ \ //  \/    \ _ \         
                                     \   /  \\__l \\l \\ _  \\çlø \\l \\        
                                      \\    ¯  /___/___/____¯/____¯/___/        
                                       \____| /            l/    l/             
                                         |  l/ Coolio/GHD                       
                                         |     Henk Wijnholds                   
                                         |     Marktkade 110                    
                                         |:.   9581 AW  Musselkanaal            
                                         |:::. Holland                          
                                      Hi: Ghandy, Mr.King, Qba, Decoy, |        
                                     .General Lee, The Ripper, Noodle, |        
                                     .    Speedy, Malakai + Rest :)   :|        
                                     |                              .::|        
                                              Since 1995, hehe...               

                                                       _ _ __                   
                                             /\   __ _|.---..|_ __              
                                            //\\ |.---.|   ||----.\             
                                           ·/  \··|    \   :|     \·            
                                          //    \ |     \  ·|   .  \\?shp¿      
                                   .::::://  .   \|         |·  :   \·::::.     
                                   :::  ·/   :   ·\   \     |:  |    \\ :::     
                                   ::: //____|    \\___\____||_______// :::     
                                   :::  ~~~~||_____\\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   :::     
                                   :::       ~~~~~~~~                   :::     
                                   ::: 4 fAST aND cOOL sWAP wRITE tO mE::::     
                                   :::  --- - -                         :::     
                                   :::           NoRmAn/AnAdUnE         :::     
                                   :::         PiLsUdSkIeGo 30/77       :::     
                                   :::           43-104 TYCHY           :::     
                                   :::              pOLAND!             :::     
                                   :::                         - - ---  :::     
                                   :::     ·fOREIGNERS aRE wELCOME·     :::     
                                   :::    ·pOLAND-oNLY kNOWS gROUP!·    :::     

                                    ·  _____                                    
                                      /·    |     Raptor / ZM8     - + -        
                                     /  /| ·| ·   ul.M.Konopnickiej 28          
                                     |_/ /  |     17-100 Bielsk Podlaski        
                                        /  /  /|  Poland                        
                                    ·   \ ·\_/ /  .                             
                                      ·      . \/                               

                                     ·  ·  /\  /\· /\  /\  /\  /\· ·            
                                     · __ /  \/  \/  \/  \/  \/ /__·            
                                      /_// / / / / / / /_/ / / //_/             
                                        /__ /\ \/ /\/  //__ / /\  /             
                                       / / / / / / /   \ / / / / /              
                                       \/\/\__/\/  \/\///\/\__/ /               
                                   Contact me for friendship swapping           
                                     on Amiga & SNES, + rave tapes.             
                                   Friendship a must, everyone welcome.         
                                   100% reply! Whatta you waiting for?          
                                               26 McRae Ave                     
                                                Taree, NSW                      

                                        .     .          .      .               
                                       /(___ .)\_.      /(_    /(_.__.          
                                      /  ___)|   |     / _ \  /   |  |          
                                    _/   ¦  \|   |    /  7  \/    ¦  |          
                                    \    :   \   ¦__./   .   \_ : :  |          
                                   ::\   ·   /   :  |    :    / ¦    |::        
                                   :::\ ____/|______|\ __¦___/__|____|::        
                                         -fOR jOINING oR sWAPPING-              
                                               ßUßßA of CLAN                    
                                               3 mAJA 43a/14                    
                                              09-500 gOSTYNIN                   
                                              pOLAND,  eUROPE                   
                                          !!fREEDOM fOR NIGGERS!!               

                                           _____ ___________ ________           
                                          /____//__    ____//  _____/\          
                                         /    /\\ //  /\__// ___   /\/          
                                        //   / / /.  / /  /\/  /  / /           
                                       /.   / / /   / /  /    .  / /            
                                      /____/ / /___/ /  /_______/ /             
                                      \____\/  \___\/   \_______\/              
                                    FOR FAST & FRIENDLY SWAP WRITE TO:          
                                            Sebastian Doniec                    
                                             ul.W.Pola 6/5                      
                                              38-200 Jaslo                      
                                          tel. (0-136) 676-82                   

                                      '' A bird is a thing which                
                                         flyes. I can`t fly, but                
                                         my thoughts does. ''                   
                                        Contact the packer of                   
                                        REMEDY. And live on with                
                                        the scene.                              
                                             BON of GIANTS NHQ                  
                                                R. Nyheim                       
                                               7650 VERDAL                      
                                       GIANTS : We Are Huge !!!!!               

                                             ________   ____________            
                                      .---- /___/    \ /___/       / .          
                                      :    /   /   /  \  _/   /___/  .          
                                      .   /   /   /___/  \____   \   .          
                                      .  /   /   /  /   /    /   /   :          
                                      :  \___/__/   \___/_______/    :          
                                      `'...                      ...`'          
                                        ·:· dET kRÆVER sIN mÆLK! ·:·            
                                      For nice swapping emotions and            
                                      lasting friendship but also for           
                                      joining our Balkanian forces              
                                      write now with a disk or more to          
                                      Miko63/Iris,Propontidos 25,               

                                    /.| __/  _____/        /    __/             
                                   // |  \   |   \__¡ ____/____  \              
                                  /   !  .\  !   .\   | .\    !   \             
                                 /        \\      \\  !  \\        \            
                                 \_______  /_____  /____  /______  /            
                                         \/      \/      \/     \/[k!^CBtK]     
                                   OpEn YoUr MiNd + LeT uS iNsIdE               
                              	          Noorderdiep 586                       
                                        7876 EG Valthermond                     

                                     _________ __ . _______ _:___  _____        
                                   ._\___    /_\/_|_\  ___/__|   |/    /        
                                   |   _/  _/ \/\/|  \____   |   /   _/         
                                   |___/_____\    |__________|___\    \         
                                              RiSK / ANiMAtORS                  
                                                John Walter                     
                                                Am Busch 4                      
                                                53773 Hennef                    

                                        _________   __.  ___/  l___             
                                        \_______ \_/  |  \__   ___/_            
                                        _/   l____/_  |___/_   l    \_          
                                        \____._    /  l    \___._    /          
                                         -dV$l____/___._    /  l____/           
                                         fOR a fAST & fRIENDLY sWAP:            
                                            9 lEAHOLME gARDENS                  
                                                 bS14 oLQ                       
                                         ----> oVERSEAS oNLY! <----             

                                           the future is my friend!             
                                           dvize / devious dezigns              
                                             - 29 Diane Crescent                
                                             - Mooroolbark 3138                 
                                             - Victoria                         
                                             - Australia                        
                                         for swap, ascii, rave flyers           
                                             known groups only!                 

                                      ______  ____) ___/ _____.                 
                                      \____ \/ _______ ¬\     |______           
                                      _/   \  /   \_ |   \_   |     /           
                                      :     mAZE^eLTECH^mASSIVE     :           
                                      :                             :           
                                      :      sTIAN gUDBRANDSEN      :           
                                      :         sAUHAGEN 12         :           
                                      :          285o lENA          :           
                                      :           nORWAY            :           
                                      gET tHE  lATEST 'dIGITAL cHIPS'           
                                           jOINING - uSUAL sWAP                 

                                         |::::::::/GrOOver/PcF /|               
                                         |:::::::/4 Swapping  /:|               
                                         |::::::/ ~~~~~~~~~~ /::|               
                                         |:::::/Martin Soderberg|               
                                         |::::/ SnaPPv.19  /::::|               
                                         |:::/  746 33 Balsta:::|               
                                         |::/   Sweden   /::::::|               
                                         |:/    ======  /:::::::|               
                                         |/            /::::::::|               

                                    ____    / _ _____  _____                    
                                    \_ _\  /____ ._  \. ___ \_ .--------.       
                                   |   \ \/_ _/  |/   | \._ _/_| MORBID ¦       
                                   |____\  /__|_ l    |_ l_    |________:       
                                   | .cRb\/e^D. \_____| \______|        .       
                                   ¦                                    .       
                                   :      Morbid seeks c.o.d.e.r.s      :       
                                   .   to carry out all our projects!   ¦       
                                    Get in touch with me if you want to         
                                   . join a talated and motivated crew          
                                            rooster/morbid^honey        .       
                                   .          82075 harmånger           .       
                                   .    other talents can apply too     .       
                                   :        also for elite swap!        :       

                                  .r·E·K·T·U·m· ·a·N·d· ·s·C·A·L·A·R·I·s.       
                                  : .-----÷----¾¾¾¾¾------------------. :       
                                  · |.    ¡   ¾¾¾'`¾¾¾,______  ______/  ·       
                                  . |°     __ `¾¾¾, `¾¾¾  /__  .|       .       
                                  : |_____//¬  `|¾¾¾¾¾¾¾_//¬¯  °|       :       
                                  .       /-----|        /------|       .       
                                  `····· s · T · E · P · P · E · r ·····'       
                                 contact da hotstepper of rektum^scalaris       
                                              gilles bausch                     
                                          113a route  de treves                 
                                            l-696o senningen                    
                                             !nO mORe 2 sAy!                    

                                      _____    ____ ____    _________           
                                         _ \  / _ _/  _/____\                   
                                        __\ \/ /__\______    \                  
                                    .------\  /-------/______ \_____aN!-.       
                                    |       \/                          |       
                                    |  a n f o b i a  /  m a s s i v e  |       
                                    |                                   |       
                                    |      l i l j e g a t a n  1       |       
                                    |                                   |       
                                    |    5 4 5 3 1  t ö r e b o d a     |       
                                    |                                   |       
                                    |           s w e d e n             |       
                                    | _____    ____ ____    _________   |       
                                    |    _ \  / _ _/  _/____\           |       
                                    |   __\ \/ /__\______    \          |       
                                    `------\  /-------/______ \_____aN!-'       
                                     [- also for supporting messed up -]        

                                  ______   __  __  ______                       
                                 /° ____) /° )( ¬\/° _  ¬\     Hep!: Eltech,TRSi
                                /  (___¬\/   ¯¬ ¯\\ ( \ ¯\\    Massive, Sardonyx
                               /      Y \\   __   \\ ¯¬   \\   Dreamdealers, JD,
                               \_________/___)(____/_______/   Ram Jam, Scoopex,
                                Grasshopper Dev.       (çlø)   NEO, Jewels, GODS
                                                               Strobe, Anathema,
                                WE EAT LEAVES                  all grasshoppers.
                                Hey you - wanna become part of a friendly       
                                active group?  We are looking for some          
                                talented musicians and graphics artists to      
                                hop into GHD. Specimen required, bottle not     
                                provided.  Write:                               
                                Kaneda / GHD, 49 Rannoch Drive, Bearsden,       
                                Glasgow, Scotland, UK, G61 2LF                  
                                (of course, no giraffes please)                 

                                     ____    / _ _____  _____                   
                                     \_ _\  /____ ._  \. ___ \_ .--------.      
                                    |   \ \/_ _/  |/   | \._ _/_| MORBID ¦      
                                    |____\  /__|_ l    |_ l_    |________:      
                                    | .cRb\/e^D. \_____| \______|        .      
                                    ¦                                    .      
                                    :      Morbid seeks c.o.d.e.r.s      :      
                                    .   to carry out all our projects!   ¦      
                                     Get in touch with me if you want to        
                                    . join a talated and motivated crew         
                                             rooster/morbid^honey        .      
                                    .          82075 harmånger           .      
                                    .    other talents can apply too     .      
                                    :        also for nice swap!         :      

                                         RavE NetworK OverscaN                  
                                        (    Fiction.RNo      )                 
                                        (    Albert Jansen    )                 
                                        (    Troelstralaan 66 )                 
                                        (    6971 CT Brummen  )                 
                                        (    Holland          )                 
                                         RavE NetworK OverscaN                  

                                     \_   ___   _/        \_         _/         
                                     .|:    ¬   |:   ______/:        |.         
                                   .::|¦   |:   |¦   .___):|¦   |----|::.       
                                 .::::||   |¦   ||   |:::::||        |::::.     
                                 ­­­­­||   ||   ||   |­­­­­||        |­­­­­     
                                      |    |----|    |HS!  `----|    |          
                                      `----'    `----'          `----'          
                                   WriTe tO mE foR faSt & frIeNdlY swApp :      
                                               FRED of AFC                      
                                          MaRcIn MotYl, MakOwa 1,               
                                          42610 MiaSteCzKo Ôl.                  
                                                POLANd ...                      
                                      fOrEiGneRs aRe vErY weLcOmE !!!!          

                                    wanna contact the seenpoint main ed?        
                                          fIShWAVe  of  Sardonyx                
                                              Adrian Jaglarz                    
                                             Alter Gutshof 15                   
                                              30419 Hannover                    
                                             ...50% answer...                   

                                      ______  ____) ___/ _____.                 
                                      \____ \/ _______ ¬\     |_____`_          
                                      _/   \  /   \_ |   \_   |     /           
                                        fOR sWAPPING bOTH eLITE aND             
                                       fRIENDSHIP, kEWL dUDES sHOULD            
                                             tRY hERE :                         
                                             cATO hAGEN                         
                                             gULLBEKKVEIEN 4                    
                                             4120 tAU                           

                                              mJ oF IrIs NhQ                    
                                               HeLgE BrEdE                      
                                              N-5570 AksDaL                     
                                             Hot'n Cool Swap!                   
                                             Support MIrAcle!                   
                                               For Joining!                     

                                     ############  ####  ###########            
                                     ############  ####  ###########            
                                            ####         ####   ####            
                                          ####     ####  ###########            
                                        ####       ####  ###########            
                                      ####         ####  ####                   
                                     ############  ####  #### -DISK-            
                                     ############  ####  ####                   
                                            -- SWAPPERS --                      
                                             -- WANTED --                       
                                    Wanna swapp 100meg's Zip Disk's?            
                                     Then diz addy is sumthing 4 u.             
                                          Mr.X Apathy^Strange.                  
                                           Solbergterrasse 8                    
                                           3058 Solbergmoen                     

                                     s2, ^      / ______/\wRite uZ fOr>         
                                     +He _(( ^ / /\____ \/FrIeNd bOat <         
                                    NeX+ (..) /_____  /\  SwApPiNg... >         
                                    BeS+  \/ _\____/ / /             -<         
                                    +HiNg   / /\__/ / /<^-^-^-^-^-^-^-<         
                                    Af+Er  / ______/ /  Styles / s2 )^<         
                                    aArD- / /\____ \/   Holleweg 82 )^^         
                                   Beien /_____  /\ 1851 KJ  Heiloo sFx         
                                    VlA!_\____/ / / The Netherlands )^<         
                                       / ______/ /   _               -<         
                                      / /\_____\/   Or: ScanDal/ s2 )^<         
                                     / /_/_/ /\        Holleweg 68 cOde         
                                    /_______/ /     1851 KJ Heiloo &GfX         
                                    \_______\/      The Netherlands )^<         

                                        _______  __  ______________ /   /       
                                       /  \ __ \/  \/      / ! \   Y   /        
                                      / !  \\_  \ ! \_  __/     \    _/         
                                     /      \  _/    \   \       \   \          
                                    /   ¡____\ |__¡   \__/___¡    \___\         
                                   /____|   !  |  |____\ trk |_____\            
                                            !  !                                
                                           - Strife of Apathy -                 
                                    Seeks more fast'n'friendly swappers         
                                     My addy:                                   
                                             glitRegAtA  13                     
                                             3600 kOngSberG                     
                                         Especially Blitz2-coders!              

                                       |                             |          
                                        :  .......................  :           
                                        .  :                     :  .           
                                           :  contact...         :              
                                        .  :                     :  .           
                                       __  :  Marc / Scoopex     :  __          
                                      /\_\ :                     : /\_\         
                                      \/_/ : Marcus Kaluschke    : \/_/         
                                        .  : Ostpreussenstr.30   :  .           
                                           : 31553 Sachsenhagen  :              
                                        |  :    Germany          :  |           
                                           :                     :              
                                        :  : for mod swap,etc.   :  :           
                                        .  :.....................:  .           
                                        |                           |           
                                       |                             |          

                                        skATEBOARDING,tAPES AND                 
                                             2035RH hAARLEM                     
                                                pAYS bAS                        
                                        hELLOS tO:nOODLE,iNFANT,                
                                        hUIB,eROS,mORTIMER TW.,                 
                                        tIM,cINDY,cOMING aRT,                   
                                        nAPOLEON,nINJA,vEGA AND                 
                                          eVERYBODY i fORGOT!                   

                                   . .,*¤°¯°¤*,._.,*¤°¯°¤*,._.,*¤°¯°¤*,.        
                                    Y      Yo live going tired ???     |        
                                    :        Yo have no frends?        ¦        
                                    .  Yo have only 3 years old Warez! :        
                                             Yo Brother has PC !       .        
                                       STOP ! Change the fuck & write  .        
                                          4 long Friendship letter              
                                              & latest warez !                  
                                           Also Grafitti-ART Stuff     .        
                                        and Anti-Pc Killer Service ;)           
                                            Lord Lech/Humbugs WHQ      .        
                                             Lech Wiecierzynski     _           
                                                  Talstr.74      ._(ö)_         
                                               46537 Dinslaken   ~-)+(-¤        
                                                  Joy-Money       (_T_)         

                                      S  E  C  R  E  T  L  Y  !       **        
                                       :----------------------- -- -   *        
                                       !    >> CoNtAcT Us UnDeR: <<   .S        
                                      C!                       ____   .         
                                       ! Mr.Vain / Secretly!  /\   \  :E        
                                      R!  c/o Thorsten Will  /  \___\ !         
                                       !  P.o.Box: 10 17 02  \  /   / !C        
                                      E!   D - 44607 Herne    \/___/  !         
                                       !                              !R        
                                      T!  we are in need of coders!!  !         
                                       ! 100% answer if u send a disk !E        
                                      L!              ,,,             !         
                                       !             (o o)            !T        
                                      Y! -- -+----ooO-(_)-Ooo---+- -- !         
                                       :                              !L        
                                      !.   GrEeTz To AlL OuR CnTx!    !         
                                      *   - -- -----------------------:         
                                      **       S  E  C  R  E  T  L  Y  !        

                                      ___I   You search a Kool Swapper          
                                      II    and a FrienDship foR Funny          
                                      II             letta                      
                                    __II__    But yOu waNNa also a              
                                   /RoBoT \       rAver'adept                   
                                  _| ø  O |_      you fiNd mE                   
                                   |      |                                     
                                   (  c   )     TøFF / SiLiCon                  
                                  |(______)|  Christophe QUERLIER               
                                   \      /      Rue du Canal                   
                                    \____/      64510 MEILLON                   
                                  »»» frenchies: SeEme oN 3615 Rtel Bal         

                                        \___ \ /  / /_  __/\__ \_ __/           
                                        / ___/   / / / / / /  _/ _/_            
                                       /_//__/__/___/_/___/_/ /____/            
                                                    _____ _____ _____           
                                        Write to   /__  // _  //__  /           
                                      LFO for True_/_  //  / /_/_  /            
                                       Ultra-Fast/  / //____//  / /             
                                       Swapping /____/======/____/===           
                                           LFO/PHUTURE 303 WHQ                  
                                             135 STOURTON AVE                   
                                              HANWORTH MIDDX                    
                                                 TW13 6LD                       
                                          !100% to disk senders!                
                                       Also for supporting our kewl             
                                          musicmag `SubCulture'                 

                                         ---- -  ---- -                         
                                           lORD / aBS!^iMS^cJ                   
                                               pETER lABOS                      
                                              1181 BuDaPeSt                     
                                              dARUS 10 II/3                     
                                                   - ----  - ----               
                                      oR cALL tHE nUMBER oF tHE bEAST:          
                                      +36-1-2914029  (NUP nOT rEQUiRED)         
                                             [ aBSoLuTe! wHQ ]                  
                                             [  iMPuLSe wHQ  ]                  
                                             [   cJ distro   ]                  

                                        | wAnNa.C.tHe PhUtUrE?!  |              
                                        | WaNnA.B.ThE rEaLelItE?!|              
                                        | aRe U.A.fRiEnDlY dEwD?!|              
                                        | AnGeLdUsT              |              
                                        | pHuTuRe ³ø³ & r.N.o.   |              
                                       ||                        ||             
                                      ||| MaRkUs NiMtZ           |||            
                                      ||| nOeLlEsTrAsSe 22       |||            
                                       ||                        ||             
                                        | 29646 BiSpInGeN        |              
                                        |       gErMaNy          |              
                                        | nO eNtRy FoR sLiMy     |              
                                        | FuCkErS.. fOrEiGnErS   |              
                                        | vErY wElCoMeD!!...     |              
                                        | FoR tEcHnIcEl PuRpOsEs |              
                                        .                        .              

                                   :... ... . ..            tHE lOOP ...        
                                   ::::.. .                                     
                                   ::::::::.                oF aRTWORK          
                                   ::::::::::::.......  STOP HISTORY AT:        
                                   ::::::::::::...::.    DANIEL LAFRENTZ        
                                   ::::::::::.... R.-BREITSCHEID-STR. 23        
                                   ::::::::::::.. .        35037 MARBURG        
                                   :::.:::... ..  .   .          GERMANY        
                                   :::....   .   . . ..  .   .                  

                                    |     _______________  _ ____. ·zS!·|       
                                    |_____\_  _    /    /___   __|___ __|       
                                    |._  _/   )  _/    /  _/   |    / _.|       
                                    |  \\\____)   \____    \_______///  |       
                                    |  fOR gETTING tHE lATEST bALANCE   |       
                                    |  wARES oN tHE MARKEt..            |       
                                    |                                   |       
                                    |  pANTERA/bALANCE                  |       
                                    |  jANNE PARKKiSEN.                 |       
                                    :  hOVSLAGARG.64                    |       
                                    |  19431 UPPL.VASBY                 :       
                                    |  sWEDEN                           |       
                                    |                                   |       
                                    |  SMEGMAS tO MY pALLES..           |       

                                          I.N.T.E.N.S.E  -  N.G.C               
                                       » HARDFIRE of INTENSE & NGC «            
                                               Johan ROIRAND                    
                                            35 rue de la Comete                 
                                         44230-ST SEBASTIEN-/-LOIRE             
                                       Support 'Burnpack' & 'Chip's'            
                                             Disk=100% Answer                   
                                          N.G.C  -  I.N.T.E.N.S.E               

                                             P H U T U R E                      
                                   _\/________ _________ ________\/_            
                                    /Y       ¬Y        ¬Y       ¬Y\             
                                     |___     | :  T    |___     |              
                                      _|_     |:   |    |_|_     |              
                                     |   |    | :  |    |   |    |              
                                        This girl wants it now                  
                                           and all the time!                    
                                     Trance techno acid house rave              
                                      tapes, letters and flyers..               
                                               Write to:                        
                                           DAZE/PHUTURE 303                     
                                           135 Stourton ave                     
                                               TW13 6LD                         

                                     ______  ____) ___/ _____.                  
                                     \____ \/ _______ ¬\     |______            
                                     _/   \  /   \_ |   \_   |     /            
                                     :      fELIX^mA$$iVE^avc      :            
                                     :                             :            
                                     :       karsten fischer       :            
                                     :      gamle hovseterv2d      :            
                                     :          O768 oslo          :            
                                     :           norway            :            
                                        Massive whq - Avocado nhq               
                                          Joining - usual swap                  

                                    __/\_______ __________ ____  __/\__         
                                    \_   ____ (_\_____   (/    \/    _/         
                                    /.   _    .\         .\   _/\_   .\         
                                    \\   \   __/  _____  //          //         
                                    :\____\   .:\______.:/\____/\__.:/:         
                                             Storleirvn. 19                     
                                    Call up  9310 Soerreisa                     
                                    Service!     NORWAY      Call up            

                                        _______/\____    __  _______            
                                       /     o___  / \  /. \/ _____/            
                                      /___|o   \__/.. \/.. .\ \__  \            
                                        VM|  o  \   . __ .. /, , T''\           
                                        :T| o  o \ .  ||___/  , ,|' /           
                                        .N|______/____|   \___ ,'  /            
                                              Leo de Bruin                      
                                            Noordendijk  777                    
                                           3319 GL  Dordrecht                   

                                              For elite and                     
                                             friendship swapping:               
                                              Speed Devil/ePH^X!                
                                              Morten Martinussen                
                                              Sandsliveien 263                  
                                               5049 SANDSLI                     
                                                201% answer!!!                  
                                              So why not contacT?               

                                    *                                  ·        
                                    ·       -=< OLD WAREZ ?! >=-       *        
                                    ·    Mad musician (ME) wants to    *        
                                    *  swap lots of OLD (and new) ECS  ·        
                                    ·    stuff with everybody (YOU).   *        
                                    *  >150 demo disks and >200 megs   ·        
                                    ·  of modules awaits you so send   *        
                                    *  your disks (up to 10) today!    ·        
                                    ·                                  *        
                                    *        ALMOST ONLY LEGAL!        ·        
                                    ·       NO DISK - NO ANSWER!       *        
                                    ·    Beginners OK but you must     *        
                                    *      have some good stuff!       ·        
                                    ·                                  *        
                                    * Daniel  <COMA/3LE^STR> Johansson ·        
                                    ·          Havsvinden 18           *        
                                    *       681 38 Kristinehamn        ·        
                                    ·           S W E D E N            *        

                                       _____________    _____    ________       
                                      /  |  \_____  \  /  |  \  /  |    /       
                                     /   |   \/ _|_  \/   |   \/   | __/        
                                    /    _    \  _/   \  -^-   \   _  \         
                                    \____|    /__|____/___|____/   |   \        
                                         |                         |¯¯¯¯        
                                   a1200 | 4 Swapping and Joining  |030         
                                         |                         |            
                                   AGA   | Hawk / Str^Why          |Rulez!      
                                         | Niklas Jonsson          |            
                                   Demos | Bittinge                |Intros      
                                         | 715 92 St.Mellosa       |            
                                   Mods  | Sweden                  |Mags        
                                         |             Greetz to:  |            
                                   Mpegs | Apathy, Atomic, Fanatic |Games       
                                         | Giants, Massive, Mobile |            
                                   Pics  | Morbid, Rno, Roots,     |Prg         
                                         | Sardonyx,Scoopex,Visage |            
                                         | Simplex and the Indy's. |            
                                         `- - - - - - - - - - -96 -'            

                                                 _______       ____  ______     
                                 .---------- - ._\_ ___/__.___|    |_\___  \_   
                                 | gRASSHOPPER |    \_    |  _|    |    /   /   
                                 |dEVELOPEMENTS!__________|__\.    |_______/|   
                                  For JOINING gRaSsHoPpEr d!....                
                                  kAnEdA oF gRaSsHoPpEr d //     cOdE sWaP!     
                                  49 Rannoch Drive       /OO      aGa sWaP!     
                                  Bearsden              ( __)   fRiEnDsHiP!     
                                  Glasgow               /,-'       jOiNiNg!     
                                  G61 2LF              //   sPeCtRuM / C16!     
                                  Scotland            //                        
                                  UK           _ ____//     nO gIrAfFeS!!..     
                                 `-----------------  /---------------------'    

                                    ._\ ____  /_____ ________   _______         
                                    |   \____/____ /_.  __ _/_. )____ /_.       
                                    | :.   :__ )__   |  \|    |__ )__   |       
                                    l______¦     /   |        ¦     /   |       
                                    fOr hAPPy sWAPINg...                        
                                               bLAZe/pHUTURe 3o3                
                                               pATRYk kALINOWSKi                
                                                  pOLNa  63/5                   
                                                 21200 pARCZEw                  
                                    nO bEGINERs^lAMERs!                         
                                            2 fOREIGNERs aNSWa gUARANTEd!       
                                    sUPPORt -lAWn- mAGAZINe!!!                  
                                                       nO fUCKINg sTAMPs!       

                                 ____________________  _______                  
                                /._____/    .\______.\/.  ___/                  
                               // \__ \   |  \\|:  | \\____ .\                  
                              //      \\  l   \\   :  \\  |  \\                 
                                Wanna swap with a real 'GOD'?                   
                              Then don't hesitate to contact me                 
                              for REAL hot and cool swapping!!!                 
                                      SixpacK of GodS                           
                                       dregseth  v.4                            
                                      N-7500 Stjordal                           
                               Remember to support our famous                   
                                   diskmag  -> D I S C <-                       
                               and of course my very own prod                   
                               -> J U R A S S I C  P A C K <-                   

                                 If you wanna see your messages here,  then     
                                 do not hesitate to send us some.  The size     
                                 is  50*20 (please avoid using strange sym-     
                                 bols if possible).                             
                                 This time there are messages from the fol-     
                                 lowing dudes,  hope there is something for     
                                 Codac of Syndrome...............PAGE    02     
                                 Skinner of Eltech...............PAGE 03-12     
                                 Strife of Apathy................PAGE 13-19     
                                 Rabl of Void....................PAGE 20-21     
                                 Miko'63 of Iris.................PAGE 22-42     
                                 Coolio of GHD...................PAGE 43-59     
                                 Kestrel of Syndrome.............PAGE 60-75     
                                 Angelwings of Syndrome..........PAGE 76-80     

                              -= MESSAGE FROM CODAC OF  SYNDROME TO EVERYBODY =-
                               HI !!!!!!!!!!                                    
                               I have stoped all my swapping activies           
                               since 3 or 4 months now, and unfortunately I     
                               didn't have the time to answer to many people    
                               because of School,because of coding,because of   
                               many things...                                   
                               So , I would want to say 'SORRY' to all the      
                               persons who wrote to me as Ferdinand/EREMATION,  
                               Zone/PSYKOTROPE,Jura/REDLINE,Dvize/DEVIOUS DESIGN
                               and all the others....                           
                               I'm really sorry that I can't answer to everybody
                               so I just decided to answer to nobody!!!!        
                               It was a quite good solution!!! hehe... *:)      
                               After the Saturne Party, I will send all the     
                               disks I have recieved to their owners with a     
                               fucking standard letter!!!It's the best I can do!

                                   -= MESSAGES FROM SKINNER OF ELTECH =-        
                              RABL OF VOID: vinn kjæm inn fra aust og tårrsken  
                              reinn mot veire! hehe, translate that one dude :) 
                              yeah i got a new ufo now, spaceroof, spacestereo  
                              and a great spacebar =) hehe, send soon my good   
                              COOLIO OF GHD: hi henk, can you please send me    
                              deluxe galaga next time? great! i've some old     
                              stuff waiting for you, so send soon m8ey! by the  
                              way when is mooky moo 2 relesed?                  
                              JAY OF ULTILMA^VOID: hi jay, thanks for your nice 
                              letters and sends, always great to hear from you. 
                              so you're on the modem scene now? well watch that 
                              phonebill, its running expenses you know!         

                              STRIFE OF APATHY: cheers, well i've moved over to 
                              asm now, but thanks for those sources anyway, i'll
                              have a closer look on them later on. yeah, eltech 
                              norway kicks ass :) hehe... l8er!                 
                              BON OF GIANTS: have fun in the army m8ey! i will  
                              soon be there myself... muligens nato irf styrken 
                              på heistadmoen, sender søknaden snart...          
                              HURRICANE: did you have a nice time in london?    
                              saw that smashing pumpkins consert on the 00:00   
                              o'clock news, we should have been there! aough!   
                              BOB ^ FOGGY: i heard from a reliable source that  
                              eric cantona, giggs, butt and the rest of         
                              manchester united plays for swindon town next     
                              year! hehe... say hi to 'NATO ROB' from me,       
                              alright? see ya!                                  

                              WADE OF ELTECH: hello dan! your gfx is brilliant  
                              m8ey! i really enjoyed your last picture! keep on 
                              painting m8ey!                                    
                              DVS OF ELT^TWS: cheers neil, its great being in   
                              touch with you. its a shame phil released the     
                              outcast source, but still you have the charts to  
                              compile at 04:30 in the morning, so... hehe! write
                              soon! l8ers!                                      
                              REALITOR OF ELTECH: blpcon, dma, intena, pc,      
                              stack, movem.l d0-d7/a0-a7, ah, i simply love     
                              assembler =) keep on coding ralph, the only thing 
                              that counts on the scene nowadays!                
                              LITHIUM OF ELTECH: sorry to hear that the girl is 
                              no longer around :( say have you got that viper   
                              card by now? i can't keep my fingers crossed for  
                              so much longer! ah!                               

                              VIM! OF ELTECH: hello keith! yeah i guess we all  
                              fancy a game of doom 2 when it comes to the very  
                              end! send some of your great mods soon m8ey!      
                              DR.D OF ELTECH: hallo yngve, tg'96 modulen din er 
                              virkelig bra! keep on composing m8ey!             
                              MAZE OF ELT^MSV: cheers stian, how's your new car 
                              going? ikke rån for mye da... =) hehe...          
                              CHRIZ OF ELEMENT: hello anders, things are going  
                              alright for you i hope? too bad you didn't get any
                              booze that weekend, though three bottles of beer  
                              should be enough for underage kids like ya :)     
                              TRACKY OF APT^HRM: kjenner nok ikke til noen som  
                              skal selge 16 meg simm'er, men sjekk ut tv2 tekst 
                              tv, der finner du det meste!                      

                              FISHERKING OF MVS: amen...                        
                              HELLRAZOR OF FUN: our mariah carey club is not    
                              doing so well i'm afraid! are we the only pigs    
                              around or what??!?!?! send soon roger'n! oh, and  
                              'hannemor' is pregnant! and no, i'm not the       
                              father! =) i can control my vagina business that's
                              for sure! hadet på badet =)                       
                              KILLIT OF VOID^CRN: have a nice stay in the land  
                              down unda m8!                                     
                              DT214 OF VOID: you have some very nice members in 
                              your team now m8ey! when is your next release due?
                              JESTA/INDY: hello andy, wow a ghost or what?!     
                              hehe, could hardly believe my eyes when i saw your
                              letter in the mailbox! write soon my good friend! 

                              MUSE OF ELTECH: say have you got your finger stuck
                              in the diskdrive or what? i've been looking for ya
                              on the irc, but no luck as yet! what?!            
                              MIC FLAIR OF ELT: 'ello 'ello, expect a           
                              call^letter soon!                                 
                              KESTREL OF SYNDROME: expect some major eltech     
                              releases in your postbox soon! thanks for kd and  
                              your nice letters jan, its great swapping with    
                              ZEROX OF GODS: heisann frode, hvordan står det    
                              til? har ikke hørt fra deg på en stund jeg :(     
                              skriv snart da vel! l8erz!                        
                              SPEED DEVIL OF X: verl, damene står ikke akkurat i
                              kø nå for tiden :( sendte blomster til hun jeg    
                              fortalte deg om sist gang, awe fuck! a major      
                              bummer!!! :(                                      

                              JACOOL OF SKULLS: swappbox is alright, what       
                              further plans do you have for the production? btw 
                              hows vacuum coming along? do you have any members 
                              for your crew?                                    
                              BLAZE OF P303: hello patryk! thanks for contacting
                              me, it'll be a pleasure swapping with you!        
                              NORMAN OF ANADUNE: your cyber space slideshow is  
                              one of the best slides i've ever seen! keep your  
                              great productions coming m8ey!?!                  
                              DECOY OF PASSION: send soon my friend!            
                              KALIKONE OF DYLEM: argh, sorry about that letter  
                              dude! i found the original one an hour after i    
                              sent the jiff off to you :( bugger!               
                              RISK OF CAVALERS: hi john! i found some of the    
                              stuff you requested! have you learned any new     

                              tricks m8ey? tried to pull a 1440° varial on the  
                              mini ramp, but it didn't turn out so well... ARGH!
                              CELTIC OF AXIS: coding books coming up m8ey! btw, 
                              where's st.martin again? please send those coding 
                              mags m8ey as i really long for them... always     
                              fun letters from you m8ey, keep'em coming!        
                              DVIZE OF DEVIOUS D: hello my friend! so, you get  
                              paid for playing football in mooroolbark? wish    
                              somebody payed me for using my amiga, hehe...     
                              looking forward to vision, support coming up!     
                              SPECTOR OF ELTECH: hi peter! sorry to hear that   
                              your bad have no gigs these days, keep on trying  
                              though! see ya soon my good friend!               
                              SYSTEM ERROR/INDY: no, no, i've not missed the    
                              point with X-PHILES... alright? say, how is the   
                              party organizing coming along then? ask microsoft 

                              for money support, you're crazy enough to do that!
                              RHAY MHOND: oih, 450 us marines alright! margrete 
                              is a very beutiful woman, if she knew our dreams  
                              about her she would be even more embarrased =)    
                              she's probably the most good looking teacher we've
                              ever had during those 3 years, though eva is      
                              coming up close... or? well yer program was nice  
                              though i was unable to do anything else than just 
                              register and see the intro screen :( a bug or a   
                              'databudio'? vi snakkes senere raymond!           
                              THE LOOP OF ARTWORK: hello daniel, have you moved 
                              to your new appartment now? i will soon be moving 
                              myself but the way of finding a proper appartment 
                              is a very long and hard one :( send some more of  
                              your music m8ey! i love them modules!             
                              FICTION OF RAM-JAM: thanks for the games m8ey!    
                              hope you enjoy your stay in RAM JAM. why did you  

                              leave R.N.O then m8ey?                            
                              BIP^BIP OF FRESH: let us have a long and friendly 
                              swapping time m8ey!                               
                              FRED OF AFC: thanks for contacting me, i am       
                              looking forward swapping with you m8ey!           
                              GHANDY OF GODS: thanks for contacting me m8ey,    
                              letter coming up soon!                            
                              alright i guess that's it for now, if you want a  
                              fast, reliable and friendly contact then write me!
                              my address should be in the adverts section!      
                              novice asm coders especially welcome! so l8ers    
                               -+- ELTECH - MORE BALLS THAN A SNOOKER TABLE -+- 

                                  -= MESSAGES FROM STRIFE OF APATHY =-          
                              You must never leave the scene my friend!  And    
                              when you're out there fighting for your life in da
                              military, just think of how lovely it will be to  
                              come back to your dear amiga and the scene!  :)   
                              Hey mate!  Else mArit!!  Mareritt!  Yikes!!       
                              Well, be careful so you don't get infected by some
                              pc-virus from those pc-buddy-bastards yar at!!  :)
                              Keep those chips comin!  - We don't care! -  :)   
                              Ouchh!  Eltech nwy - Kicks ass?  Cosher, Preacher,
                              Hellrazor..  hehe.. Ollie till ya die!!  :)       
                              Thanx for trusting me enough to give me the ..... 

                              Ice-boxes are no good!  No wonder your hd's crash!
                              Btw: Did you remember to clean the box for ice? :)
                              Hehe, don't leave the scene coz of your hd mate!  
                              I'm sure it'll be nice to ya from now on!  :)     
                              Tried to join eltech??  ahA!  Well, guess you did 
                              not make it..  :)  Cheer up, why leave Apathy??   
                              Scenelife is for phun, and Apathy is as phun as it
                              gets! :)  Nice moddy's!  Super orange, :-/..   :))
                              Wehweyy!! Know what? My sister is getting married!
                              Right in Lillestrøm,and guess who's heading there?
                              Yupps, maybe I'll see you then  :)                
                              Hey mate!  Wonder how long your chip colly finally
                              will get..  hehe, some are kewl, some are not.. :)

                              Nice lettas!!                                     
                              Lalalala, hmmm..  You fooled me ehh?  On irc!!  :)
                              Case sensitive!!  :))))                           
                              Long time no see!  Guess it's my fault..  Send    
                              comin up, soon. Too bad you leaving Apathy, yes   
                              indeed..  But as long as you have phun!!  That's  
                              what it's all about, isn't it?? Looks like people 
                              like your gfx..  ;)                               
                              Somehow I have the feeling another Implant is     
                              coming soon. Hehe, am I right? They finally forced
                              you to go to the military ehh?  :))  Maybe we'll  
                              see each other on tg'96, or on the way there??    
                              Who knows..                                       

                              Yeps yaps..  Guess I have to send to you soon.    
                              Greetings to Apathy in the Void intro, bet I know 
                              who they came from..  :))) Take care my friend!   
                              Element...  Strange......  Apathy  :)))     Which 
                              is the best??  Well, you just keep on swapping and
                              having phun!  Search, and you will find!  :))     
                              I'm sure there's someone with amiga where you     
                              live..  hehe..                                    
                              Wowh!!  GREAT intro/demo!!  I can barely believe  
                              it's amos..  Whoops! Maybe I shouldn't have said  
                              that!!  :))) Thnx for greetings!!  All the way up 
                              there at the top!!  That was phun!!   See ya!     
                              Hey!  Do some coding on the amiga again!!  That   

                              would rewl!  But swapping is more phun and takes  
                              too much time ehh??  Have phun!  :))              
                              I bet you really enjoyed the back page of se og   
                              hør which i sent!!  :)) Søta bror!!  :))) Double  
                              mems is no phun!!  But who cares..  :)            
                              Ahh Ahh..  Obsession?? Obsession is no phun is it?
                              Well, I bet that was what you had in mind when    
                              talkin bout sub-group  :)  Being independent is   
                              best, isn't?  Yeahh, sure..    Hope your bbs gets 
                              bbs gets bigger and bigger!                       
                              Yes, sources comin up!!  Anything to help future  
                              coders!!  :)  Don't think you'll understand much  
                              of my wacky sources..  hehe..                     

                              Spending lot of time at Vaders bbs ehh? Well,maybe
                              you could write me some day again..  You have been
                              d-laying quite long I think..  But it's not that  
                              important, is it??  nope..                        
                              Send comin up, soon..  Promise!  Until then....   
                              Don't worry bout my d-lays..  I'll send, soon.    
                              But that damn homework!! School kills me!!        
                              Now I wonder, who could it have been that had been
                              been playing around on our blackboard today??     
                              What did it say again??  nAhh, can't remember!! :)
                              Hey, nice mods!!  I'm listening to one of them    

                              right now!  Some of them are really good!  Answer 
                              comin up..  See ya at #amiga or somethin..  :)    
                              Can't say I ever have heard of your group. Norway 
                              rewls!!  Yes, answer comin up!!  Nice piccys!     
                              Keep those nice pics comin!  I'll use em!!  Yes,  
                              that game will come some time..  :)  But I don't  
                              know when..                                       
                              Wowh!!  What a fast reply!!  And you fixed the    
                              intro..  Hehe, bet you've worked more on it than  
                              me..  hehe, thnx mate!!  Nice long letter!!  I    
                              like it!!  yes..  Laters!                         
                              I have the feeling I have forgotten some..  Sorry!

                                      -= MESSAGES FROM RABL OF VOID =-          
                              Hellooow old buddy, how's life in No-way..hehe    
                              Just Joking friend, Hopefully everything is stil  
                              cool with you send soon and be well matey...      
                              Oooh Blimey, I had just another question for you. 
                              hvilken tunnelbane går til kabelvag....Bye        
                              Tabanakel...Ain't it ??...Hmmmm                   
                              I still didn't figure out the meaning of it...    
                              Maybe you could just help me out a little more    
                              I want to win the washing machine...Send soon..!! 
                              hest een beetje ain mooie paasweekeind had kerel. 

                              Komst nog ein moal bie mie, dan kinn we weer wat  
                              cd's uitwissellen. Kalm an d'n mor...Moooii       
                              Nou rekel, eeeh kerel lukt het nog een beetje     
                              met het verwerken van alle materiaal wat ik       
                              gestuurd heb, of kunnen jullie door de bomen      
                              het heiloose bos niet meer zien...tot fax..       
                              Got my postcard allready, Hope to hear soon       
                              from you...Bye..                                  
                              How are things in Finland these days, is it still 
                              cold upthere. Still wearing hot pants? Sorry 'bout
                              that..Send soon my friend and keep cool...bye..   

                                    -= MESSAGES FROM MIKO'63 OF IRIS =-         
                              To: Paperboy of Simplex^Mobile:                   
                               Hmm, a  quite big delay from you! Ok,hope to hear
                               from you the sooner, you see  Im  really  missing
                               your nice sendings.                              
                              To: Lord of Absolute:                             
                               Too  bad  Wildstock  Party is cancelled, but dont
                               worry  you will have again the chance to organize
                               another  party  and this time will be a huge suc-
                              To: Kestrel of Syndrome:                          
                               Your  sendings  rule! And the Kickdown packseries
                               seems to kick ass, so continue all this nice job!
                              To: Fate of Outlaws:                              
                               Long time no see!                                

                              To: Esquire of Legacy:                            
                               Its really a pity that you delay so much. Did you
                               leave mail trading?                              
                              To: Memphisto of Lsd:                             
                               Hope that you will write soon and  if by any case
                               you bring it in your mind please make some Asciis
                               for me.                                          
                              To: Denis of Nihondreamers:                       
                               Salut! Ou est ton  lettre, tu as  decide de faire
                               aussi longues  delais comme avant?  S'il te plait
                               ecrit vite, j'ai besoin de  ton  cool  lettres. A
                               bientot, j'espere!                               
                              To: Enzyme of K!nky:                              
                               Im waiting just  for your return to your swapping
                               duties. Till then have fun and stay cool.        

                              To: Randy of ?:                                   
                               You sent me a card in Christmas time but where is
                               your sending? Im waiting for your  sign  of  life
                               for 14 months now,which is too much i think!     
                              To: The Trendy Dealer of Ram Jam:                 
                               Ciao  Eugenio, your  sendings are always so nice.
                               Keep on this great effort and dont forget to send
                               the postcard you promised me from Firenze.       
                              To: Clary of Axis:                                
                               J'ai  ecoute  que  tu as quitte tes activities et
                               fais le code dans les  Axis productions. Mais  ou
                               est  ton  message  pour  t'annoncer  a moi et mon
                              To: The Finnish Fist:                             
                               Whatever i may say it may sounds so less. You are
                               great and that makes  me  happy and your disk and
                               vhs swap really give me a meaning why i  still do

                              this job.                                         
                              To: The Heavyweight of Devious Designs:           
                               Hi, mate  it seems  that your packs series really
                               rules. Waiting  to  see  more  and more from your
                              To: Kaosmaster of Technology:                     
                               Ciao  my  Italian  megafriend,  hope to  meet you
                               someday  in  Greece  or in Italy and have lots of
                               fun together!                                    
                              To: Cie of Phuture 303:                           
                               Hi, there Thilo your module in the secret part of
                               Fast  96  was  nice. Waiting  to listen from you,
                               stay cool!                                       
                              To: Funny Girl of Mystic:                         
                               Hello, huge delay and that pisses me off. You owe
                               some things i guess, isnt so?                    

                              To: Black Dragon of Honoo:                        
                               Salut Paul mon ami! Tu es sans doute mon meilleur
                               Amiga contact. Ton lettres sont  cool et le stuff
                               aussi. A bientot!                                
                              To: Tft of Rno:                                   
                               Well all i can wish to you is to finally find the
                               ideal  hard   drive  for  your  Amiga.  All these
                               crashes  should drive a normal swapper to retire-
                               ment but as you are not just a normal but a super
                               one you still do the business. Stay Kewl         
                              To: Fugazi of Giants:                             
                               Hello my Rockin friend!  Hope that you overpassed
                               the blessing and came back to  your duties.  Wai-
                               ting for your cool sending!                      
                              To: Salinas of Spirit:                            
                               Hi there! How is it going in sunny Cyprus?       

                              To: Pow of ?:                                     
                               It seems that you  ignore me or what? 9 months of
                               delay isnt that few i guess!                     
                              To: Zany of Rno:                                  
                               Stay cool but please write sooner!               
                              To: Bongmaster of Trackers:                       
                               I can  easily  guess  that you probably left mail
                               trade and now  you  are  only modemtrading? If no
                               then please write back the sooner.               
                              To: Iron:                                         
                               Its  too  bad that you left scene but i hope that
                               you will come and visit me this summer in Greece.
                              To: Soldier of Waveriders:                        
                               Long time no see. Are you lazy or what?          

                              To: Darkhawk of Iris:                             
                               Hiho  Christian  im  impatient  to  see more Iris
                               prods. Till next time stay cool and keep the spi-
                               rits high!                                       
                              To: Johnny Harder of K!nky:                       
                               So you are back in business? If yes where is your
                              To: The Ripper of Da Press:                       
                               Ciao, my great friend! Hope that  you  liked  the
                               idea of this Balkanian division and  please write
                               something about it!                              
                              To: 4T Thieves:                                   
                               Hello Nik, my great dudo! Your modules still take
                               my heart away!                                   
                              To: Speed of Iris:                                
                               Hello Anders, stay cool  and keep  on coding like

                              To: Big Boost of Bcd:                             
                               Hiho whats up with your group? Is it still alive?
                               Stay cool and write the sooner.                  
                              To: Bubba of Clan:                                
                               Hello  Jakub, i  love your nice and long letters.
                               Give my regards also to the lovely Renata, she is
                               so nice. Stay cool and Take care!                
                              To: Kimba of Dusk:                                
                               Surprise,  Happiness  and  Excitement.  These are
                               three of  the basic feelings you cause to me with
                               your sendings. All i have to say is stay great!  
                              To: Hellraiser of Fun:                            
                               Hope  that  by the time you bought an Amiga 1200.
                               Stay cool and keep sending  these lovely tapes, i
                               love em!                                         

                              To: Raze of Ambrosia^Scalaris:                    
                               Hi ho Thomas, your modules are so  nice!  Waiting
                               to meet you one  day in a party or? Stay Cool and
                               such a nice dude!                                
                              To: Zulfie:                                       
                               Hi there! Thanks for nice sendings but i wish you
                               could send a bit faster, but its still Ok!       
                              To: Zapotek of Bcd:                               
                               Big  delay  i  think  and you owe me a videotape.
                               Please write the sooner, i loved your sendings so
                              To: Moon of Abyss:                                
                               Hello  my  hypergreat friend. Thanks for  getting
                               bothered with the code for Miracle, it proves how
                               great friend you are. And our tapes swap seems to

                              To: Raider of Maniacs:                            
                               So  you  changed group?  That  is good as Lsd was
                               rather dead nowadays.  Hope to meet you in Greece
                               this summer! Do you remember?  You  promised that
                               you will come!                                   
                              To: Jay of Ultima^Void:                           
                               Dont press yourself too much with University! And
                               And i have to admit that  i  really like Void, so
                               stay cool and have fun!                          
                              To: Gangsta of Scoopex:                           
                               Hello my  great  mate. Thanks  for all  the  nice
                               stuff i got from  you and all  these  asciis. You
                               are great and cool so keep on!                   
                              To: Scraby:                                       
                               Hello my  magnificent friend. All my best for the
                               moment,have fun and stay cool.                   

                              To: Styles of S2:                                 
                               Hi, ho whatever was nice so hope  to see more out
                               of your group. Have fun and take care.           
                              To: Devistator of Eltech:                         
                               Your  Asciis  seem  great and our friendship too.
                               Keep on doing  this and  its sure that our frien-
                               ship will be alive for many many years. Stay cool
                               and such a great friend!                         
                              To: Harmony:                                      
                               Thanks for stuffs and letters. Stay kewl!        
                              To: Vega of Ram Jam:                              
                               Hi  my  speedy friend, always nice stuff from you
                               and very nice letters. See ya!                   
                              To: Celtic of Axis:                               
                               Hmm,again a delay from you! What happened has the
                               post again lost my sendings or what? Hope to hear

                               from you the sooner cause you have been one of my
                               fave contacts.                                   
                              To: Acid of Dumb:                                 
                               It was so  nice to meet  you in Piraeus, but what
                               happened  after  that  to  you? I have heard that
                               there are some problems with  Serbian Post, but i
                               hope that you  can overpass  it and write me  the
                              To: Substance of K!nky:                           
                               So you reformed  again the beloved K!nky! That is
                               great my man. Stay cool and keep  composing these
                               nice modules!                                    
                              To: Benjo of Nightfall:                           
                               Too big delay  from you. Are  you so busy? I sent
                               you a messy  through Vega, so hope you got it and
                               to write me the sooner.                          

                              To: Cesium of Session                             
                               Hello  my  good friend, i have already made  some
                               articles for Off Piste, so i guess that they will
                               seem usefull to you! Stay Great and Cool!        
                              To: Exolon of Old Bulls:                          
                               Your sendings are great with all those videotapes
                               and nice stuff. Stay cool and dont take too  hard
                               the military service!                            
                              To: Macno of Abnormalia:                          
                               Waiting to see your new production.  Take care of
                               yourself and remember to  have fun, its so impor-
                              To: Ghandy of Gods:                               
                               Ghandy stands for Cool,  or cool stands for Ghan-
                               dy? Both of em. Have fun and take care!          

                              To: Jennie of Diffusion:                          
                               Im  dissapointed  with you  and i guess  you know
                               the reason.  Just remember that  i have been your
                               very  first  contact and  helped you in your  be-
                               gining, but  you have to write me for months now.
                              To: Mikael:                                       
                               Hello my  special  forces soldier. Have fun there
                               and stay cool and keep the fast sendings.        
                              To: Qwerty of Abyss:                              
                               I guess that  you  probably  cant read this messy
                               but anyway i wish you good  luck whenever you may
                               are by  now. You have been one of  my very  first
                               contacts and one of the nicest.                  
                              To: Decoy of Passion:                             
                               Hiho so you are now alone in your new appartment.
                               Lucky you! Thanks for always  nice stuff, bye and

                               see ya soon.                                     
                              To: Gemini of Legacy:                             
                               Oh, the longest address i have ever written in my
                               life. Tanx for your graphics, send out some more.
                               Have fun!                                        
                              To: Action of Damage:                             
                               Thanks  for all  this great  stuff you  sent each
                               time. Have fun take care of  your  girlfriend and
                               give your best at the exams. Bye!                
                              To: Andy of ex-Essence:                           
                               Too bad you left scene, because you have been one
                               of my older contacts and  one of the nicest also.
                               Take care of yourself in whatever you do.        
                              To: Radix of Iris:                                
                               Hello my Asciis supplier. Hope to hear from you a
                               bit more sooner than the usual!                  

                              To: Flower of Iris:                               
                               Thanks  for your  great  modules. By the  way why
                               dont you write some articles for the newest issue
                               of Brainscan? Darkhawk told me that you will till
                               next time have fun and stay cool!                
                              To: Noodle of Desire^Haujobb:                     
                               Thanks for all these nice emotions that you cause
                               to me when  i got your sendings,  stay that  cool
                               and nice. Have fuN!                              
                              To: Mr.P of Rektum:                               
                               Tanks for stuffies but please try not to make any
                               other big delays like the previous ok? Take Care!
                              To: Peace of ex-Iris:                             
                               Bye bye!                                         
                              To: Splatterhead of Fanatic:                      
                               Hello Vesa always  cool and  great  sendings from

                               you. Keep on swapping like this and  let 'Insani-
                               ty' be forever!                                  
                              To: Sir Wok of Iris:                              
                               Hmm, your pictures look good but  try to use more
                               colours on  screen it  would be better  i  think.
                               Thanks also for the tape and have fun!           
                              To: Qba of Nah-Kolor:                             
                               Before two years you used to  do a  better  swap-
                               ping,  faster  and with letters. What  is up now?
                               Big delays and no letters, why? See ya!          
                              To: Claustro:                                     
                               He, he what a big joke is your swapping! Your de-
                               lays  are  over the limits  men! Dont even try to
                               me again, ok?                                    
                              To: Cyan of Excalibur:                            
                               No sign of life from you for a long time now.    

                              To: Exl of Megahead:                              
                               Thanks for the postcards and the nice and friend-
                               ly sends. Life in  Viareggio seems to be interes-
                               ting, or not? Have fun and take care.            
                              To: Hp of Honoo:                                  
                               Merci  beaucoup  pour  le Iris logo. Probablement
                               (mais non sans doute) tu es  le  meilleur  artist
                               dans l'Amiga.                                    
                              To: Dialer of Diversion Team:                     
                               What a nice surpirse to meet  you in Greece. Hope
                               that you will  come  once again over  here, i had
                               such a nice time!                                
                              To: Zerox of Gods:                                
                               Hello, my dearest friend. Soon you  will get more
                               support from me  for  the  famous Disc. Stay cool
                               and such a great guy.                            

                              To: Ital of Saints:                               
                               Hello mate. No problem about  joining my division
                               but you have to work hard or else there is no fu-
                               ture for you in Iris.Keep the dream alive.       
                              To: Dope of Spaceballs:                           
                               Hello Mr 'Somewhere in Holland'. How is it going?
                               Remember me (one of the spreaders...).           
                              To: Angelwings of Syndrome:                       
                               Kickdown rules but also  friendship rules. And as
                               i see you know  perfectly both of them. Stay cool
                               and funky!                                       
                              To: D'Orb of Tpha:                                
                               How is it going in  Sheffield. Sorry for this ex-
                               tremely long delay. Have fun.                    
                              To: Sixpack of Gods:                              
                               Hello, such a  big  delay  from  you. Why? Please

                               write the sooner ok, mate?!                      
                              To: Zuhl of Ngc:                                  
                               I really remember the  good old times of Opus and
                               all the else. Have fun and take care.            
                              To: Trooper of Lego:                              
                               Hello, why  such a  big delay? Are  you  doin now
                               only modemtrade? Hope  not and to write  back the
                              To: Draw of Depth^Azkiness:                       
                               Thanks for  contacting me.  Its for  sure that we
                               will have a nice swapping time. By the way please
                               make some asciis for me!                         
                              To: Cook of Nine Design:                          
                               Danke for contacting.  Hope to  hear from you the

                              To: Dr.Avalanche of Chaos Bros^Trsi Recordz:      
                               Thanks heaps for all the emotions that  you  give
                               me each time i get a sending  from you. Stay cool
                               and haPpy!                                       
                              Kicked out of my swapping list:                   
                              Destroy/Independent, Claustro, Heptagon/Fci, Gart/
                              Bronx,  Limit/Frontieres,   Waterhead/Ozone  Free,
                              Cyan/Excalibur,  Mogul/Ram Jam,  Ace/Trance, Dimi-
                              tris, Pee Wee, Denis/Independent, Tank/Independent
                              Watts/Neo!, Overdose/Trsi, Xenos/Independent, Sho-
                              tokan/Independent, Rascal/Speedy, Spiderwok/Spirit
                              Gigabyte, Frank, Foam/Mad Elks, Franky/Purple Tur-
                              tle, Lard, Radjik/Orbital, Numen/Farside, Ramon B5
                              Facet Pussy Desire,  Python/Trsi, Drago/Duplo, Fe-
                              lon/Devious Designs, Ultras Sur/Metro.            

                                     -= MESSAGES FROM COOLIO OF GHD =-          
                              * to Billy/Zomo^Scalaris:                         
                              Hey Billy, when will your bbS 'fuckshit' be 'on   
                              air'?.. Unfortunately I don't have a modem, so no 
                              calls from me, keep fast, waitin' for some Zomo   
                              * Black Dragon/Honoo:                             
                              Your brother's drawings rule, can you ask him to  
                              make me a nice drawing too?.. What did you think  
                              of the rave flyers?.. Keep those nice letters     
                              coming, bye!..                                    
                              * to Booger/Abstract:                             
                              Hey, you must be OR the slowest swapper in Poland,

                              OR my package didn't arrive, Polish post usually  
                              screws things, when you read, then recontact me,  
                              * to Braindead:                                   
                              Didn't see you at the party, where were you, I    
                              thought that you would come also..Write back soon,
                              haven't heard from you in a while, but I guess    
                              that's the modem's fault, :)..                    
                              to Candyman/Giants:                               
                              Timo, still havin' fun in the army?, thank your   
                              brother for ascii's, Good thing that you keep     
                              being fast, Bye!..                                
                              * to Celtic/Axis:                                 
                              Hey Nielsie!.. Sorry, geen andere disks van Fotaq,

                              stuur nog'es wat naar mij,het duurt al een tijdje,
                              hmpfh!.. Nou, zie je op SIH'96..                  
                              * to Crazywild/gRaSsHoPpEr d:                     
                              Great your pack is being cool, send me your new   
                              adress, last time I sent a package to your old    
                              house.. Hope you got it!.. Bye..                  
                              * to Damion/Artwork:                              
                              Thank you for answering, here's some messy's, keep
                              up the good 'generations' work.. bye!..           
                              * to Decoy/Passion:                               
                              How's your new apartement, big enuff?.. Send a bit
                              more often, I didn't meet you at the party, maybe 
                              next year?.. Send more often!..                   

                              * to Drac/Ambrosia:                               
                              Hi Drac, send me the psycho pack soon, I've never 
                              seen it, wait until my pack is ready.. Stay fast, 
                              * to Dwangi/Pacific:                              
                              Hi Dwangi, you seem to have a rather big delay    
                              after the time we swapped so many mags, send me   
                              soon more old diskmags, you'll get back ALL the   
                              disks. Greetz to Groover, I still got his stamps..
                              See you!..                                        
                              * to Gangsta/Scoopex:                             
                              Hey Rene, Infestation is VERY fast since you have 
                              I didn't get those graffiti sketches of yours, i  
                              DID get a photo of graffiti, mmh, send me next    
                              time the sketches please.. Stay cool OG...        

                              * to General Lee/Independant:                     
                              Found yerself a new group yet?.. Why did you leave
                              Mad Elks?.. Hope you'll get a friendly and active 
                              crew soon, bye!..                                 
                              * to Ghandy/Gods:                                 
                              Finally Jurassic pack got released, I like it a   
                              lot.. Send me soon the pack part, well my German  
                              freund, hope to meet you at SIH'96.. Bye..        
                              * to Hotstepper/Rektum^Scalaris:                  
                              Your ascii is very promising keep going, mmh, yer 
                              3rd colly already in such a short time.. Keep     
                              going, succes with yer pack, bye!..               

                              * to Immortal/Freezers:                           
                              Send me more drug, hehe.. I always get your pack  
                              very late, so I can't spread, but I gotta say it's
                              very cool, bye!..                                 
                              * to Kaneda/gRaSsHoPpEr d:                        
                              Riiiiccckkkkyyyyy!....... Here's a very long messy
                              for  yoooouuuuuu!!!!!........ When  is  there     
                              MMMoooookkkkyyyyymooooooo!???... Is there another 
                             delay, well, just send me soon. What did you think 
                             of the graphics?.. What's up with Crazywild, I     
                             haven't heard from him in weeeeeksssss!... Hey     
                             write soon!..                                      
                             * to Karpow/Scoopex:                               
                             Karpow, where have you been since...??. I haven't  
                             heard from you since ages, write soon.. See you!  

                              * to Kaosmaster/Technology:                       
                              Hello there Italian pal, send me that tape soon,  
                              if you still want the cool tunez.. Are you still  
                              active in the modemscene?.. Send soon!..          
                              * to Kestrel/Syndrome:                            
                              Hallo daar mr.Meyer!.. Show me soon the new Kick- 
                              down graphics.. I hope to make it to the Symposium
                              in Hamburg, but I haven't got too much money..    
                              And I definately wanna go to SIH'96.. But some    
                              rumours say that this party will be held in No-   
                              vember, so...... Write soon, bye....              
                              * to Klaf/Scalaris:                               
                              I saw yer pack, but I haven't heard from you in 3 
                              months, I still saw me on the greetings list, so I
                              think that means that I am still a contact of     

                              yours, right?.. Write soon, and keep up yer pack! 
                              * to Lithium/Eltech:                              
                              Aah, glad yer back.. good to see that lunchpak is 
                              being packed by you again.. Hope we can keep swap-
                              ping as we used to do.. See you!...               
                              * to Mace/independant:                            
                              Hallo daar Klaas, mooie boer dat je bent, loopt de
                              trekker nog 120 jongeman Joy division moet blijven
                              * to Malakai/Sardonyx:                            
                              Is it true that you left for C64 scene again, I   
                              heard some guys say this, pity you couldn't find  
                              any money to send my disks back, grr, well, it was
                              nice being in contact with you. Send my disks back

                              soon.. :)..                                       
                              * to Maverick/gRaSsHoPpEr d:                      
                              Glen!, hello my dear scottish friend.. Still      
                              wearing those weird skirts with no underwear      
                              underneath it?, hehe.. Most of the Scottish peeps 
                              wear those things, don't they?..                  
                              * to Maze/Eltech^Massive:                         
                              jippie!, i'm official spreader of yer pack, keep  
                              those nice chippies comin' and write soon!.....   
                              * to Morino/Thefect:                              
                              A real fast Polish contact, you're the first I    
                              think.. Stay cool my Polish friend..              

                              * to Mr.King/tRSi:                                
                              Hi Joerg, send a bit more often, and write a let- 
                              ter now and then, always nice to get cool stuff   
                              from you, TRSi demo at party 5 was cool.. See you!
                              * to Mr.Uhu/Phuture 303:                          
                              Thank you for contacting, sure we can have a good 
                              swapping time, write soon, and send me some       
                              phuture 303 prods.. See you!..                    
                              * to Noodle/Haujobb^Desire:                       
                              Stuur je die CNCD demo nog'es of hoe zit dat, ik  
                              dat, ik ga je niet nog'es recontacten.. Ga je naar
                              party 6?.. Gezellig in de VW Polo.. Zend snel!..  

                              * to Omega/independant:                           
                              Tristan, nog steeds aan het hanguiten in de modem-
                              scene, ga mee naar sih'96.. Ga je zien!..         
                              * to Pigmy/Kopkoz:                                
                              Thank you for contacting, ofcourse we gonna swap, 
                              but please don't send too much utils or lha packed
                              stuff.. I love diskmags, slideshows, demos etc.   
                              You'll hear from me soon..                        
                              * to Pila/Skulls^Convex:                          
                              Thank you for contacting, send soon some skulls   
                              and convex productions, polish scene rules.. Bye! 
                              * to Purple haze/Saints:                          
                              Since you only do illegal swapping I haven't heard

                              from you again, consider writing back, I liked yer
                              letters.. Bye..                                   
                              * to Rabl/Void:                                   
                              Dag Ronald, mot je die Andre Rieu cee dee nog     
                              terug of niet, komm hem maar haaaale.. Hou stoan  
                              de zoak'n in void mien jong?.. Lop't nog'n beetje?
                              * to Spiff/X-Trade:                               
                              How's the ray-tracer doin'.. coming to Holland    
                              again this summer? SIH was cool, what do you say..
                              * to Stranger/independant:                        
                              Je kunt echt niet coden zonder action replay 3 of 
                              wel?.. Laat es wat van je horen uit Stadskanaal.. 

                              * to Qba/Nah Kolor:                               
                              Qba!, I asked Norby for you but you were asleep   
                              all the time at the party 5 weren't you.. You're  
                              having a delay also, are you sick?.. Or is it the 
                              fact that you are in modem scene also? Write soon!
                              * to React/Monk!:                                 
                              Ik stuur je wel een keer een tapie voor de DJ     
                              Bartje tunes, maar ik heb nu echt te weinig geld, 
                              heb ik een stempel, kan ik hem niet gebruiken,    
                              waaaahh!.. Zie je!..                              
                              * to Sir Maxin/Iris:                              
                              Get a life, get an AMIGA!, hehe.. Bad move to go  
                              to pc, glad we can still swap iff and mods..      
                              Write soon..                                      

                              * to Skinner/Eltech:                              
                              Always mega letters from you man, wish everybody  
                              wrote like you.. Good thing you keep fast also..  
                              Is that because your sock's on fire?.. Don't treat
                              those poor seals like that!.. You!, you deer..    
                              Hey, you renamed to Deer Skinner, why?..          
                              * to Slurry/Intense:                              
                              Cool we keep swapping nice modules, always nice to
                              hear from you, so let me hear from you soon then! 
                              * to Speedy/Jewels:                               
                              You seem to get slower man, haven't heard from you
                              since the party5,first you invited me for drinking
                              beer after the party, and then I never hear from  
                              you again, maybe post screwed up.. Send soon..    

                              * to  Styles/S2:                                  
                              Jarnooooooootje!.. 'Whatever' was heeel stoer..   
                              Zijn julie Void al gejoined?.. Rabl had het over  
                              een dutch Void division, hij dacht dat jullie wel 
                              interesse hebben, laat mij weten!.. Zie je!..     
                              * to The King/Erotic dezign:                      
                              So you went erotic,send me some erotic stuff then,
                              eheh. Still releasing your pack, let me hear some-
                              thing from you after this delay.. Bye!..          
                              * to The Ripper/dA pRESS!:                        
                              You football star, writing for ROM yet? Very good 
                              choice.. I like Rom alot.. write soon, bye..      

                              * to The trendy dealer/Ram Jam:                   
                              Cool you guys keep releasing the charts, the scene
                              would miss it, really.. I think I'll send you a   
                              postcard soon,coz I didn't have time for that when
                              I was in Denmark, sorry.. Bye!...                 
                              * to Thrym/Giants:                                
                              Glad you found a new group to join, pity NEO dies,
                              but most members left, so why stay.. Write me soon
                              one of yer cool letters.. Later!..                
                              * to Trasher/Artwork^Bomb^Sanity:                 
                              Hope you can keep up this speed, always nice sends
                              from you, keep generations alive!.. Later!..      

                              * to Vega/Ram Jam:                                
                              Another Ram Jam memba!, always nice to have fast  
                              contacts like you, when will the new charts charts
                              be out?.. Write soon!..                           
                              * to Wolf/X-Trade:                                
                              Your graphics is real nice, have you released that
                              cool demon yet.. I thought you were planning to   
                              use it in Jungle 8?.. mmh, well, I meet you some- 
                              time I think.. Bye!..                             
                                   !!!!!!    SUPPORT     KICKDOWN    !!!!!!     

                                   -= MESSAGES FROM KESTREL OF SYNDROME =-      
                              * to Action of Damage:                            
                              Hi Action! Still don't got the identification-    
                              mark from Germany. Hope I will get it soon, ok?   
                              C ya...                                           
                              * to Angelwings of Syndrome:                      
                              Na, alter! Flipper spielen rulez, oder was??????  
                              Naja, KARLA is' auch nicht schlecht...hehe!       
                              * to Anfobia of Massive:                          
                              Howdy! Thanx for contacting. Hope we will have    
                              a nice swap-time. C ya...??                       

                              * to Asimov of Mad Dogs:                          
                              Hello Asimov. Well, hope you write soon again,    
                              perhaps with a Mad Dogs-release? However, I will  
                              spread it. Write soon...                          
                              * to Black Dragon of Honoo:                       
                              Yo! Paper-letter rules! Friendship-swap, too!     
                              Hehe, since I have got my new HD I am also col-   
                              lecting mods... so send some, if you want!        
                              * to Bon of Giants:                               
                              Hi Bon! Heard that you left the scene because of  
                              the Army??! Is it true? Hopefully not! I am wait- 
                              ing for your sending, m8!                         

                              * to Candyman of Giants:                          
                              Hey, delaying again because of the fucking army?  
                              Hope you may soon quit this fuck job! Write soon! 
                              * to Chris of Gods:                               
                              Hello Chris! Hey, were is your sending? Still not 
                              back from England? Hope you write soon again.     
                              * to Chucky of Sardonyx:                          
                              Na, schon weiter gekommen mit eurer CD? Hoffe, daß
                              das Teil voll einschlaegt!! Erzaehl' mir von L.A.,
                              wenn du zurueck bist...                           
                              * to Clever of Phuture 303:                       
                              Moin! Hey, warum bist du nicht zur Symposium ge-  
                              kommen? Ist echt cool hier!!! C ya...             

                              * to Codac of Syndrome:                           
                              Hello Codac, thanx for coding the intro for the   
                              Symposium. Have already give it to the organizers!
                              Hope we have a chance...                          
                              * to Coolio of GrasshopperD:                      
                              Hey, hope fucking the wife of the salesman with   
                              clothes was cool... hehe! RTL rules... Milka, too!
                              Daumendick, Easternegg!! With Ganze HAsselnuesse!!
                              * to Decoy of Passion:                            
                              Howdy!Was nice to meet you at the TP5. But why are
                              you delaying? Too busy with your job? Write soon. 
                              * to Devestator of Salamander:                    
                              Hey, du Arschloch!! You have contacted me, and now

                              after I have answered you, you haven't written    
                              again. Sucker!! Die soon...                       
                              * to Denis of NHD:                                
                              Hey Denis! What's up? Quitted the scene, or didn't
                              got my sending? Write soon...                     
                              * to Doomsday of BZR:                             
                              Na, du alter Arsch... hehe! Wie war das? Ich      
                              schreib' bald wieder? Das war vor einem halben    
                              Jahr! Solltest dich vielleicht in Doomsd-el-ay    
                              * to Exon of Riot:                                
                              Moin Maik! Auf Stuehlen schlafen rulez, oder was? 
                              Naja... viel Spass in Jormas...                   

                              * to Fiction of RNO:                              
                              Hi! Thanx for contacting me. Hope we will have a  
                              nice swap-time. Write soon...                     
                              * to Gangsta of Scoopex:                          
                              Moin, alter! Na, is' cool hier auf der Symposium, 
                              was? Thanx nochmal für closer! Hoffe du schreibst 
                              bald mal wieder(nach der Symposium).              
                              * to Ghandy of Gods:                              
                              Howdy Lars! Na, was is' los! Hoffe du spreadest KD
                              auch ordentlich! Ich spreade auch JP! Lass uns die
                              Scene mit dem Kram ueberfluten!!!!                
                              * to Groover of Pacific:                          
                              Howdy Groover! Thx for cool Vodka-drinks-tips!    

                              They rule! But why mix it up with something? With-
                              out it is not so sweet! Hehe...                   
                              * to Guille of Syndrome:                          
                              Hey, Guillaume! Cool preview of your demo! Hope   
                              the music will fit the great effects! And, please 
                              don't forget to code the BBS-tro! C ya...         
                              * to Hotstepper of Rektum:                        
                              Hi Hotstepper! Nochmal thx fürs contacten! Ausser-
                              dem danke fuer die asciis. Werd' ich vielleicht   
                              sogar benutzen... C ya!                           
                              * to Horror(Independent):                         
                              Hey, what happened? Why haven't you written since 
                              4 months now? Hope yu write soon again. C ya...?? 

                              * to Hardfire of NGC^Intense:                     
                              Howdy! Thx for answering finally.Hope we will have
                              a nice swap-time. Stay cool...                    
                              * Immortal of Freezers:                           
                              Hi! Thx for answering. Yep, TP5 wasn't that good, 
                              especially if you compare it with the TP4. Anyway,
                              hope to get some new Freezers-prods from you soon.
                              * to Iro of Depth:                                
                              Na, alter Zocker! Was is' los? Kein Bock mehr auf 
                              swappen? Haengst wohl den ganzen Tag vor der PSX, 
                              hehe. Naja, c ya...                               
                              * to Kaos Master of Techn.:                       
                              Hello! Thanx for contacting me. Hope we will have 

                              nice swap-time. Stay cool... c ya??               
                              * to Marc of Scoopex:                             
                              Yo, dein Symposium-compo-mod ist echt gut! Hoffe  
                              du schneidest damit gut ab(schreibe diese messy   
                              for den compos!)... wir sehen uns ja noch... hehe!
                              * to Maze of Eltech^Massive:                      
                              Howdy! Well, thanx for the nice chip-tunes for KD 
                              again. They are really cool! C ya...              
                              * to McDon of Intruders:                          
                              Hey, delaying, or what? Hope you write soon again.
                              Stay cool... write soon.                          

                              * to Miko'63 of Iris:                             
                              Hi! Hey, what's with your pack? Hope to get the   
                              newest issue soon from you.However, hope you write
                              soon again. Stay cool...                          
                              * to Mr Big of Zoom:                              
                              Howdy! Well, always nice stuff and cool letters.  
                              Keep on doing it! C ya...??                       
                              * to Mr King of TRSI:                             
                              Hi! Haben uns leider nicht auf der TP5 getroffen. 
                              Naja,ich denk mal wir sehen uns auf der Symposium.
                              Und... schreib' mal oefter...                     
                              * to Mike of Mystic:                              
                              Hey, nothing heard from you since... I don't know.

                              Hope you write soon again... stay cool!           
                              * to Noodle of Haujobb:                           
                              Hey, sitting next to me... watching what I write  
                              at the moment. So... ehrrr... what to say??? Hope 
                              you like the Symposium?! Do you? C ya... hoho!    
                              * to Norman of Anadune:                           
                              Hi Norman! Well, Foundation is a cool demo! I like
                              the design. But it isn't much better than Inflic- 
                              tion(was great anyway). Ok, c ya... stay cool!    
                              * to Okeanos of Syndrome:                         
                              Hello!What's going on? Hope your musicdisc is soon
                              ready. Will spread it like hell... hehe! Syndrome 
                              rules!!! C ya...                                  

                              * to Paperboy of Mobile:                          
                              Hey m8! What's up? Haven't heard anything from you
                              since a long time :( !! Hope you write soon again.
                              * to Phase of Crazy:                              
                              Moin! Na, du Seppel! Vergißt du erstmal dein dum- 
                              mes Kabel!! Jaja, man merkt, daß man aelter wird, 
                              was? Naja... kriegst deine 10 discs bald wieder!  
                              * to Rabl of Void:                                
                              Moin Rabl! Hey, why aren't you here at the Sym-   
                              posium??? Anyway, hope you like this issue!       
                              * Infant of New Age^Session:                      
                              Well, your demo is quite... ehhrrr... well, it's  
                              a demo... hehe! Hope to see a divas-prod soon     
                              again... hehe!!! C ya...                          

                              * to Rahow of Les Shadocks:                       
                              Hi! Well, cool idea with this chip-tune-disc. But 
                              we will take all ever released in KD. Anyway,think
                              we should talk about this after the SP96. C ya... 
                              * to Raptor of ZM8:                               
                              Howdy! Thanx for tthe cool Syndrome-logo. Have    
                              sent it to one of the coders. Maybe he will use   
                              it. C ya...??                                     
                              * to React of Monk:                               
                              Hello Joeri! Hey, I am waiting for Trinity. Hope  
                              it's soon ready. Anyway, write soon, stay cool!   
                              * to Rooster of Sunshine Productions:             
                              Howdy Rooster! Wish you good luck in your new     

                              group! I am waiting for stunning prods!!!! What's 
                              now with Morbid and Honey?                        
                              * to Skinner of Eltech:                           
                              Hi! Hehe,have you already begun playing Ambermoon?
                              Hope my clues have helped you, haven't them? Any- 
                              way, if you have problems, ask me!                
                              * to Skull of Eremation:                          
                              Howdy Didier! Sorry that you did not got my last  
                              sending. Post suxx! Anyway, hope you write soon   
                              * to Spawn of Psychotek:                          
                              Hey, what's up dude? Hope you write soon again.   
                              Anyway, stay cool!!! C ya...???                   

                              * to Splatterhead of Fanatic:                     
                              Hi! And, what's the next group you join? Hehe...  
                              Anyway, always cool stuff you send! C ya...       
                              * to Speed Devil of Giants:                       
                              Well, thanx for contacting me. Hope we will have a
                              nice swap-time... C ya!                           
                              * to The King of Illusion:                        
                              So, you like Kickdown. Ok, hope you always spread 
                              it! Anyway, stay cool, write soon!!!! C ya...     
                              * to The Ripper of Da Press:                      
                              Howdy! Well, hope you like it here at the Sympo-  
                              sium! Really cool that you are here! Hope the trip
                              was cool for you... c ya!                         

                              * to Trendy Dealer of RamJam:                     
                              Hey, Showtime is cool. It ruels! But please don't 
                              remove the demo-pack charts! Anyway, write soon...
                              * to Trasher of Bomb:                             
                              Na, wie geht's? Hab' gehört Bomb bringt ein Amiga-
                              demo auf der Saturne raus? Und Artwork eins auf   
                              der Symposium? Na, werd' ich ja bald sehen, da ich
                              hier gerade auf der Symposium bin! C ya...        
                              * to Tos of Silicon:                              
                              Hey, what's up. Recontacting me... and nothing!   
                              Nice joke... hoho! Write or die!!!                
                              To all: Sorry, for those who I have forgotten!    
                                      C ya...???                                

                                  -= MESSAGES FROM ANGELWINGS OF SYNDROME =-    
                                Yo Keith, keep your superb letters coming,  with
                                all the nice stuff! Friendship rulez!!!         
                                Lange nix mehr von Dir gehoert. Biste in irgend-
                                ner Torfgrube versumpft?!                       
                                Salut! It's nice that we are still in contact!!!
                                Got any news from King Arthur, or is he dead?   
                                Handwritten letters ruuule!!! You're always sen-
                                ding cool stuff!                                
                              RECEIVER/LIMITED EDITION:                         
                                Mr. Milk... one day you'll learn it. Believe me!

                              BLACK DRAGON/HONOO:                               
                                Salut Paul!   I love your sendings,   with hand-
                                written letters! Metal rulez! (<-- eh, eh! ;-)) 
                                Wenn Du das hier liest,bist Du wohl schon wieder
                                zu Hause, in Deinem jetzigen Zustand  kannst  Du
                                ja noch nicht mal stehen...                     
                                Cool intro! I'm sure I've heard the music before
                                (hehe...)... Keep up nice sendings!             
                                Haya Kris,  thank  you  for always sending these
                                BIG letters, never stop it...!  Send soon, delay
                                No Love rules, I can't believe it,1 afternoon...

                               Looking forward to all the fine SDM-releases!    
                               Thanx for contacting, okay  let's  swap 4  disks.
                               How's life in sunny Italy? I was in Rome in 1994!
                               Hey Oky, how's it going. Your modules are cool...
                               great to have you in Syndrome! That co-op mod  of
                               ours will become a great one! So we should do sum
                               more of 'em!                                     
                              FIRE/FOKUHILA DEZIGNZ:                            
                               Ob es FDZZ jetzt gibt oder nicht, Fokuhila bleibt
                               Fokuhila, Fire bleibt Fire, und gescannte  Porno-
                               bilder bleiben gescannte Pornobilder...          
                                Nice to see you, when will  you  start  swapping
                                again? That demo looked pretty cool!            

                                Jojooo....  Sorry  wegen  dem  Delay.  Aber  das
                                kennst Du ja schon. Immer coole sendings, techno
                                modules rulen!                                  
                              KLORATHY/RAM JAM:                                 
                                Hello Martin, cool to meet in Fredericia!  Let's
                                meet again next year!!!                         
                                Der Mann den sie auch das Powerkabel nannten....
                                Tja, dumm gelaufen, aber kannst ja ab und zu mal
                                schnorren... Thanx 4 Aspirin...                 
                                Cool letters! But what was this porno-show...???
                                Am I right you're NOT 18 already? Hehe...       
                              TOFF/BROS IN ARMS:                                
                                Hello Uncle Toff, keep on trying to compose,  it

                                will be fun when you learnt it!                 
                              LORD LECH/HUMBUGS:                                
                                Sooo... jetzt delay ich auch mal... Immer schoen
                                am Grafittis sprayen?                           
                                Cool letters, how do you do that? More than  100
                                ctx, long letters AND fast! You rule ;-)        
                              I haven't heard from these guys for a longer time:
                               Sinister/Maniacs, Dire/Eremation^TDD, Angeldust/ 
                               Phuture303, Cobra/Maniacs, King Arthur/TMG,      
                              If you know them please tell them that I'm waiting
                              for a sign of life from them! Thanx a lot!        
                              Looking for a friendship contact? My addy is where
                              all the others are: In the ADVERT SECTION! Yes!   

                                          .oOo. Party Zone .oOo.                
                               This time we  present you following  Invitations 
                               and results. Hope there is something interesting 
                               for you...                                       
                               The Summer Party 1996 Invitation.....PAGE 02-24  
                               Assembly 1996 - Invitation...........PAGE 25-58  
                               Saturne 3 - Report...................PAGE 59-67  
                               Saturne 3 - Results..................PAGE 68-73  
                               Gathering'96 Results.................PAGE 74-80  
                               Somewhere in August - Invitation.....PAGE 81-85  
                               Remedy Pre-Invitation................PAGE 86-88  
                               Compusphere - Results................PAGE 89-90  

                                   XXX   X X X   XUX   X   X   X   X X XXX      
                                   XXXX XX X X XXSXX X X X X X XX XX X XXX      
                                   XXXX XX   X   XXX   X   X   XX XX   XXX      
                                   XXXX XX X X XXXXX XXX X X  XXX XXX XXXX      
                                   XXXX XX X X   XXX XXX X X X XX XXX XXXX      
                                   XXXXXXXXXXXXX X   X   X   XXXXXXXXXXXXX      
                                   XXXXXXXXXXXX  X X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX      
                                   XXXXXXXXXXXXX X   X   X   XXXXXXXXXXXXX      
                                   XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX XXX X X XXXXXXXXXXXXX      
                                   XXXXXXXXXXXXX X   X   X   XXXXXXXXXXXXX      

                              Welcome to a brand new party, THE SUMMER PARTY'96.
                              Though this party  is new, it's still an event you
                              don't wanna  miss. The Summer Party 1996  combines
                              the big events of  The Party 1995  and the relaxed
                              compact atmosphere of the good old parties.       
                              WHERE AND WHEN                                    
                              The summer party 1996  will be held in  the center
                              of Aalborg,  the biggest city in the northern part
                              of Denmark where you walk to the nearest McDonald,
                              BurgerKing and shopping center in under 5 minutes.
                              The party place is located  right beside the rail-
                              way-station and the bus-station.  If you travel by
                              car,  there is a big parking place and if you want
                              to unwind  you  can  dase  in the sun  in the park

                              right beside the party place. The Summer party be-
                              gins the 12th of juli  at 08:00 and ends  the 14th
                              of juli at 15:00 but if you want to spend some ex-
                              tra time with your friends feel free to arrive the
                              night before.                                     
                              Room for more than 3000 guests.                   
                              Free private showers.                             
                              Free parking.                                     
                              Demo, wild, intro, music, graphics, games and sur-
                              prise competitions.                               
                              Computer exhibition,  with local and international
                              Network,  where demos etc. will be available right
                              after the competitions.                           
                              Internet access featuring irc, ftp & www.         

                              Laserdisc & surround movie-demo room.             
                              10 x 8 meter big screen using the newest projector
                              Powerfull  sound  equipment,  that  will blow your
                              brain out.                                        
                              TV monitors, so you can follow the events all over
                              the party place.                                  
                              Quiet sleeping space, no more techno :-)          
                              More than 50 hours non-stop activities.           
                              11 main compos.                                   
                              Computergame competitions.                        
                              Bodycrashing, DiskOS, HarddiskOS.                 
                              Netsufring compo.                                 
                              Live concerts on stage.                           
                              Magic Card tournament.                            

                              Conferences  with Escom about the Amiga,  software
                              houses, etc.                                      
                              ENTRANCE FEE                                      
                              Due to a  few more sponsors we  are able to  lower
                              the entrance fee to DKK 175,-  if you pay when you
                              But if you buy your tickets  in advance either di-
                              rectly  from  The Party or,  if you are  living in
                              Denmark, at the local postoffice through billetnet
                              the price will be DKK 150,-                       
                              Due to overbooking of  tables and seats there will
                              be a reservation  fee of DKK 15,- pr. seat  at the
                              entrance,  but if you pay  in advance directly  to
                              The Party, then the fee will only be DKK 10,-     
                              Please note  that all seat reservations  will only
                              be valid until 14.00 on the 12th of july.         
                              Do also note that if you pay in advance,  you will

                              be  able to  walk  straight into  the party  place
                              without waiting at the registration line.         
                              PLEASE NOTE                                       
                              We will not  accept anybody  selling food,  disks,
                              services etc. without our permission.             
                              Alcohol and drugs are  not allowed inside the par-
                              typlace. If found,  it will be confiscated and NOT
                              given back.  Intoxicated people will be thrown out
                              or handed over  to the police.  This goes for both
                              alcohol as well as drugs.                         
                              We will  not accept  any racist  signs or  acting,
                              weapons, spraycans or firework etc.               
                              People who cause damages of any kind will ofcourse
                              have to pay for it.                               
                              We take no responsibility for illegal swapping, or
                              sale of software, hardware, video etc.            
                              We have made an agreement with the danish anti-pi-

                              racy organization that they will not bust the par-
                              ty,  but instead host a conference on software pi-
                              All  demo's etc.  from The Party  since  1992  are
                              available at our web site  and at The Summer Party
                              1996, both on the net  and a few  hours after  the
                              last  deadline on  CD which will  also include the
                              demo's etc. from The Summer Party 1996.           
                              As a lot  of people thinks  The Party is  a profit
                              party,  we have decided to make the economy of The
                              Party public  and all of  it will be available  on
                              the  web-pages a  few days after  The Summer Party
                              has ended.                                        
                              These are the main competitions and prizes:       

                              PC Demo     Amiga Demo  Wild Demo                 
                              1. $3000    1. $3000    1. $3000                  
                              2. $1500    2. $1500    2. $1500                  
                              3. $750     3. $750     3. $750                   
                              PC 64K      Amiga 40K   Multichannel              
                              1. $600     1. $600     1. $600                   
                              2. $300     2. $300     2. $300                   
                              3. $100     3. $100     3. $100                   
                              PC 4K       Amiga 4K    4 channel                 
                              1. $600     1. $600     1. $600                   
                              2. $300     2. $300     2. $300                   
                              3. $100     3. $100     3. $100                   
                              Pixel Gfx   Traced Gfx                            
                              1. $600     1. $600                               
                              2. $300     2. $300                               
                              3. $100     3. $100                               

                              GENERAL RULES                                     
                              All contributions must be  delivered at The Infor-
                              mation before deadline.                           
                              Bugfixes, problems with bad disk, etc. may be sol-
                              ved after deadline as long as the contribution has
                              not been changed in any way.                      
                              The deadlines are final and will not be moved.    
                              If you want to take part in a competition you must
                              be present at The Party.                          
                              If too many contributions are delivered for a com-
                              petition a  competent  jury,  selected  among  the
                              guests will make a selection.                     
                              All contributions can only participate in one com-
                              All contributions must be free to spread.         
                              PC DEMO                                           

                              Hardware configuration:                           
                              Must run on a 486 DX2/66 MHz with 8 Mb ram.       
                              Will be shown on a Pentium 100 MHz with 16 Mb ram.
                              SVGA by VESA 2.0 Support.                         
                              Soundblaster16 or Gus Max.                        
                              Software configuration:                           
                              The demo must:                                    
                              Be a standalone executeable with or without data  
                              Use no more than 600K of conventional memory.     
                              Exit by pressing ESC-key at any time.             
                              Run from harddisk and CD-rom.                     
                              Support silent mode (-nosound).                   
                              Have a running length of no more than 10 minutes. 
                              Take up no more than 15 Mb on disk.               
                              run while himem.sys & emm386.exe is loaded.       

                              AMIGA DEMO                                        
                              Hardware configuration:                           
                              Amiga 1200 68030 / 50 MHz with 4 Mb fast memory or
                              Amiga 4000 68040 / 25 MHz with 8 Mb fast memory.  
                              Screenmode in either PAL or VGA Multiscan.        
                              Software configuration:                           
                              The demo must:                                    
                              Be a standalone executeable with or without data  
                              Exit by pressing right mouse button at any time.  
                              Run from harddisk, floppydisk is optionally.      
                              Have a running length of no more than 10 minutes. 
                              Take up no more than 15 Mb on disk.               
                              And should be system-friendly.                    

                              WiLD DEMO                                         
                              Hardware configuration:                           
                              Must run on a computer.                           
                              Acceptable Audio connectors are:                  
                                   (mini)Jack (mono/stereo),                    
                              Acceptable Video connectors are:                  
                                   Scart (video or RGB),                        
                                   Phono (video),                               
                                   SVHS (mini-din),                             
                                   SUBD 15 pin (SVGA),                          
                                   SUBD 23 pin (Amiga).                         
                              Software configuration:                           
                              The demo must:                                    

                              Have a running length of no more than 15 minutes. 
                              Not be able to compete in any other competitions. 
                              PC 64K INTRO                                      
                              Hardware configuration:                           
                              Must run on a 486 DX2/66 MHz.                     
                              Will be shown on a Pentium 100 MHz with 16 Mb Ram.
                              SVGA by VESA 2.0 Support.                         
                              Soundblaster16 or Gus Max.                        
                              Software configuration:                           
                              The demo must:                                    
                              Be a standalone executeable with or without data  
                              Use no more than 600K of conventional memory.     
                              Exit by pressing ESC-key at any time.             

                              Run from harddisk and CD-rom.                     
                              Support silent mode (-nosound).                   
                              Have a running length of no more than 10 minutes. 
                              Take up no more than 65536 bytes on disk.         
                              run while himem.sys & emm386.exe is loaded.       
                              PC 4K INTRO                                       
                              Hardware configuration:                           
                              Must run on a 486 DX2/66 MHz.                     
                              Will be shown on a Pentium 100 MHz with 16 Mb Ram.
                              SVGA by VESA 2.0 Support.                         
                              Soundblaster16 or Gus Max.                        
                              Software configuration:                           
                              The demo must:                                    
                              Be a standalone executeable with or without data  

                              Use no more than 600K of conventional memory.     
                              Exit by pressing ESC-key at any time.             
                              Run from harddisk and CD-rom.                     
                              Support silent mode (-nosound).                   
                              Have a running length of no more than 10 minutes. 
                              Take up no more than 4096 bytes on disk.          
                              run while himem.sys & emm386.exe is loaded.       
                              AMIGA 40K INTRO                                   
                              Hardware configuration:                           
                              Amiga 1200 68030 / 50 MHz with 4 Mb fast memory or
                              Amiga 4000 68040 / 25 MHz with 8 Mb fast memory.  
                              Software configuration:                           
                              The demo must:                                    

                              Be a standalone executeable with or without data  
                              Exit by pressing right mouse button at any time.  
                              Run from harddisk, floppydisk is optionally.      
                              Have a running length of no more than 10 minutes. 
                              Take up no more than 40960 bytes on disk.         
                              And should be system-friendly.                    
                              AMIGA 4K INTRO                                    
                              Hardware configuration:                           
                              Amiga 1200 68030 / 50 MHz with 4 Mb fast memory or
                              Amiga 4000 68040 / 25 MHz with 8 Mb fast memory.  
                              Screenmode in either PAL or VGA Multiscan.        
                              Software configuration:                           
                              The demo must:                                    

                              Be a standalone executeable with or without data  
                              Exit by pressing right mouse button at any time.  
                              Run from harddisk, floppydisk is optionally.      
                              Have a running length of no more than 10 minutes. 
                              Take up no more than 4096 bytes on disk.          
                              And should be system-friendly.                    
                              4 CHANNEL MUSIC                                   
                              No more than 5 minutes will be played.            
                              Max. 4 channels.                                  
                              Only 8 bit samples may be used.                   
                              Maximum module size is 1024 kbytes.               
                              Only the ProTracker MOD format is allowed.        
                              Entries  will  be  played on an  Amiga 4000  using
                              Accessible player.                                
                              A jury  consisting of  5 guests will  select 25-30
                              modules which will compete.                       

                              MULTICHANNEL MUSIC                                
                              No more than 5 minutes will be played.            
                              Max. 32 channels.                                 
                              Maximum module size is 1024 kbytes.               
                              Formats allowed are: MOD, S3M, XM & MTM.          
                              Entries will be played on a GUS MAX using Cubic-  
                              A jury  consisting of  5 guests will  select 25-30
                              modules which will compete.                       
                              PIXEL GRAPHICS                                    
                              The image will be shown for 20 seconds.           
                              Only TIFF, GIF, JPG and IFF formats allowed.      
                              Max. 24 bit color depth (16.7M colors).           
                              Max. resolution  1024 x 768,  no  colorcycling ef-
                              fects allowed.                                    
                              No signature on compo picture but a second picture
                              with signature may be included for spreading.     

                              TRACED GRAPHICS                                   
                              The image will be shown for 20 seconds.           
                              Only TIFF, GIF, JPG and IFF formats allowed.      
                              Max. 24 bit color depth (16.7M colors).           
                              Max. resolution  1024 x 768,  no  colorcycling ef-
                              fects allowed.                                    
                              No signature on compo picture but a second picture
                              with signature may be included for spreading.     
                              HOW TO GET THERE                                  
                              By car from Norway/Sweden:                        
                              Use the  ferry to  Frederikshavn, and  follow  the
                              southbound road towards  Aalborg and the E45 road.
                              After driving  through the tunnel,  take the first
                              exit and follow The Party signs.                  

                              By car from Germany:                              
                              Follow the  E45 northbound,  take the exit at Aal-
                              borg S and follow The Party signs.                
                              By Train:                                         
                              Order a  ticket to  Aalborg,  when you get  of the
                              train  at the  railway-station,  follow the tunnel
                              under the tracks away from the railway-station and
                              you're there.                                     
                              By Airplane:                                      
                              Go by airplane to Aalborg airport,  you might have
                              to change airplane in Copenhagen.  When in Aalborg
                              just get  on the airport  bus and ask  for Aalborg
                              kongres og kultur center (in english: Aalborg con-
                              gress and culture center).                        

                              Party place:                                      
                              Aalborg kongres og kulturcenter                   
                              DK-9000 Aalborg                                   
                              phone: +45 99 35 55 55                            
                              The summer party 1996:                            
                              The Party                                         
                              Postbox 755                                       
                              DK-9100 Aalborg                                   
                              Phone: +45 70 2000 96                             
                              Fax: +45 98 15 44 57                              
                              On the net:                                       
                              WWW: <- available from 5th 

                              of may.                                           
                              Fidonet: theparty 2:238/67.1                      
                              REGISTRATION FORM - THE SUMMER PARTY 1996         
                              Computers.: Pc's:     Amiga's:     Other:         
                              Reserve tables.....: Yes / No                     
                              Where in the hall..:                              

                              To sign up,  fill out this slip and mail it to The
                              Party. If you want  to save some  money on the en-
                              trance, then  pay in  advance.  Note: only  danish
                              currency is accepted.  You may also sign up on the
                              internet at our web site, or by E-mail.           
                               -ed: The Registration Form  should be found  as a
                                    text-file in the Bonus-directory on disc.   
                                    Hope to meet you all at the summer Party'96.

                              |            A S S E M B L Y   ' 9 6             |
                              |    read all Amiga relevant information here    |
                                            === WHERE AND WHEN ===              
                              ASSEMBLY  '96  will  be  held in Finland's largest
                              conference  centrum,  called  as the Helsinki Fair
                              Centre.   The  Fair  Centre  is located in central
                              Helsinki.   The  street address of the fair centre
                              is Rautatielaisenkatu 3.                          
                              The  party  will  start at 10:00 am on the 16th of
                              August  (Friday)  and  end 20:00 pm on the 18th of
                              August (Sunday).                                  
                              The  party place is very easy to find, if you take
                              any train from the Central Railway station and get
                              off  on the next stop (Pasila) you will be able to
                              see the building complex.                         

                                         HOW TO GET TO THE PARTYPLACE           
                              You  will either arrive by plane, by boat, by bus,
                              by  train  or  by car.  If you are lucky enough to
                              come  by car, you should be able to find the party
                              place  very easily.  If you come by plane and have
                              lots of stuff with you, we would recommend to take
                              a   taxi,   otherwise   you  should  come  by  bus
                              (cheaper).   And  if you come by boat (to Helsinki
                              sea port) and have lots of luggage, take the taxi,
                              or  take  a  tram  or  walk to the Central Railway
                              station and take any local train from there.      
                              Local area bus tickets in Finland vary from around
                              $2   to  $4  US.   The  taxi  is  of  course  more
                              expensive.  For example to take a normal taxi from
                              the  airport  to  the  party  place  will cost one
                              person  around  $30 - $40 US.  But if you take the
                              Airport Taxi, it will be a lot cheaper (about half
                              the price).                                       

                              If you take a local train from the Central railway
                              station,  get  off  at the first stop (Pasila) and
                              you can see the Helsinki Fair Centre from there.  
                              The  organizers  reserve  the  right  to  make any
                              changes   to   the   competition   rules,  and  to
                              disqualify  any  entry  if  it  is not suitable to
                              attend the competitions for some reason.          
                              Atleast  one  of  the  authors  of  a  competiting
                              product  has  to  be present at the party place in
                              order  to  attend  the competitions and to receive
                              possible  prizes.   In  solo  competitions (music,
                              graphics, 4KB) the author has to be present.      
                              A  jury composed of known scene people (maybe even
                              you!)  will select an amount of 15 entries in each

                              competition  to the finals (to be shown on the big
                              screen  to the audience).  There will be different
                              people in the PC and Amiga jurys.                 
                              In  the  graphics  competition, the raytracing and
                              also  in  the  4KB  intro  competition  on PC, the
                              competition  version of the entry must not display
                              the author's name or group in any way.  This is to
                              prevent the author's name from affecting the vote.
                              After   the   announcement  of  the  results,  the
                              versions which are spread can include the author's
                              signature.  In the music competitions, we will not
                              show  the  author's name while we play the song in
                              the  competition.   We  will  show the size of the
                              tune,  the number of channels used and the tracker
                              used on the screen.                               
                              In  the graphics, music, raytracing, animation and
                              4KB  intro  competitions  we will show the name of
                              the  song/picture,  but  only  if it will not give

                              hints on who has made it.                         
                              'Maximum  running length' below is only the amount
                              of  time we will show a particular piece of art on
                              the big screen.                                   
                              The demos/intros will have to run without ANY user
                              interaction  once started (although there can be a
                              setup screen).                                    
                              The  filenames  of  the productions have to comply
                              with  the  ISO-9660 standard.  This means that the
                              only characters allowed in filenames are 'A-Z' and
                              '0-9'.   The maximum length of the filename is 8+3
                              characters as in MS-DOS standard.                 
                              The  productions  MUST  NOT  save  any  files (for
                              example  configuration  files) on the hard disk or
                              the disk.                                         
                              In  the  music, graphics, raytracing and 4KB intro

                              competitions only one of the authors (if there are
                              more  than  one) can be the official author of the
                              competing  piece  of  art.   For  example,  if two
                              coders  work  on  the  same 4KB intro, only one of
                              them  can  receive  the  prize and his name in the
                              party    results.     After   all,   these   three
                              competitions are meant to be solo competitions.   
                              The  authors  have to have all copyrights to their
                              If  you have any questions about the rules, kindly
                              contact ASSEMBLY Organizing.                      
                                              THE VOTING SYSTEM:                
                              We  will use a disk voting system.  Once you enter
                              the  party  place,  you  will  be given the voting
                              disk,  which  will include the voting program.  We

                              are  going  to have PC formatted DD disk with both
                              Amiga  and  PC  including both Amiga and PC voting
                              You  will be able to give your opinion on The Five
                              Best  in  all competitions,  both on the Amiga and
                              Before  you can give your opinion, a jury composed
                              of known scene people will qualify the products to
                              the  finals.   The members of the jury give points
                              from  1  to 10 for each product and the average of
                              the  points  will  be  its  final  score.  15 best
                              scoring products will qualify to finals.  If there
                              is  more  than  one product that qualified as 15th
                              the  jury  will  commonly decide which one of them
                              will qualify.                                     

                                           AMIGA COMPETITION RULES:             
                              The  competition  machine  is  a A1200 with 2 megs
                              chip + 4 megs fast with 68030 50MHz processor.    
                              One  must  be  able  to  exit from Amiga demos and
                              intros at any time by pressing left mousebutton.  
                              DEMO   - Maximum size is 4 megabytes              
                                     - Must by harddisk installable             
                                     - Maximum running length is 8 minutes      
                                     - The names of the  files have to comply to
                                       the  ISO-9660  standard (i.e. NO  special
                                       characters are allowed).                 
                                     - The maximum length of the file name is 8+
                                       3 characters                             
                                     - The  demo  MUST  NOT save anything on the

                              INTRO   - Maximum size in executable form is 64 KB
                                      - Maximum running length is 5 minutes     
                                      - The  names  of the  files have to comply
                                        to   the  ISO-9660   standard (i. e.  NO
                                        special characters are allowed).        
                                      - The maximum length of the file name is 8
                                        +3 characters                           
                                      - The intro  MUST NOT save anything on the
                                          THE GRAPHICS COMPETITIONS:            
                              GRAPHICS   - The  maximum  resolution  allowed  is
                                         - The  maximum  amount  of simultaneous
                                           onscreen colors is 256               
                                         - The  palette  is  the  standard  16,7
                                           million color true color palette     
                                         - Pictures  drawn  with  Amiga  will be
                                           shown  with Amiga Brilliance (no exe-

                                         - Scanned, ripped or raytraced pictures
                                           will be disqualified                 
                                         - In  addition, you  must submit a ver-
                                           sion   of  the  final  picture  which
                                           doesn't  have  your  signature  on it
                                           (which  will  be  shown  on  the  big
                                         - Only  one  picture  by  one  graphics
                                         - The  names of the  files have to com-
                                           ply  to the  ISO-9660  standard (i.e.
                                           NO special characters are allowed).  
                                         - The  maximum  length of the file name
                                           is 8+3 characters                    
                              RAYTRACING   - The  maximum  resolution allowed is
                                           - The  maximum amount of simultaneous
                                             onscreen colors is 16.7 million    

                                           - Pictures  will be shown  on PC with
                                             true color card (no executables!)  
                                           - Pictures have to be in JPG or TARGA
                                           - In addition, you must submit a ver-
                                             sion  of  the  final  picture which
                                             doesn't  have  your signature on it
                                             (which  will  be  shown  on the big
                                           - Only  one  picture  by one graphics
                                           - The name  of the file has to comply
                                             to  the  ISO-9660 standard (i.e. NO
                                             special characters are allowed).   
                                           - The maximum length of the file name
                                             is 8+3 characters                  
                              ANIMATION   - The  maximum  running  length  is  3
                                          - The  frame  rate  of  the  animation

                                            has to be 12.5 pics/sec             
                                          - The  animation  itself  must  be  in
                                            MPEG-1 format without any sound     
                                          - The  maximum  amount of simultaneous
                                            onscreen colors is 16.7 million     
                                          - The maximum resolution is 320x200   
                                          - Please  use  CMPEG 1.0  for creating
                                            MPEG-file for maximum compatibility.
                                            Use parameters:  -v1 -d0 -m0 ipb.ctl
                                            [list] [mpeg.mpg]                   
                                            (you can download  the file from our
                                            WWW-site on from any major FTP-site)
                                          - The  animation will   be played with
                                            ASSEMBLY Organizing MPEG player (you
                                            can download it from our WWW-site)  
                                          - You  can also  supply an audio track
                                            for  the animation.  The audio track
                                            must have following characteristics:
                                            RAW  (unsigned 8 bit, mono)  format,
                                            playback rate 12288                 

                                          - The  animation  must be delivered to
                                            us on hard drive or on CD-ROM       
                                          - The  name  of the file has to comply
                                            to  the  ISO-9660  standard (i.e. NO
                                            special characters are allowed).    
                                          - The  maximum length of the file name
                                            is 8+3 characters                   
                                           THE MUSIC COMPETITIONS:              
                              We will not show the name of author on the screen,
                              but  we will show the size of the tune, the number
                              of  channels  used  and  the  tracker  used on the
                              screen while playing the tune.                    
                              4CHANNEL   - Maximum  size  is 880 KB (= one Amiga
                                         - Maximum amount of channels is 4      
                                         - Maximum running length is 3 minutes  
                                         - All  songs  will  be  played with the

                                           Amiga ProTracker v2.x (MOD)          
                                         - Entries  must  be  in  MOD-format (no
                                           executables,  no  renamed,  no power-
                                         - Only one song by one musician        
                                         - The name of the file has to comply to
                                           the   ISO-9660   standard  (i. e.  NO
                                           special characters are allowed).     
                                         - The  maximum  length of the file name
                                           is 8+3 characters                    
                              MULTICHANNEL   - Maximum amount of channels is 32 
                                             - Maximum  size of the song is 1024
                                               KB  in a  playable format (inclu-
                                               ding  all  samples, pattern data,
                                             - Maximum   running   length  is  3
                                             - the  format has to be some of the
                                               following:  S3M, MOD, XM, MTM and

                                             - All  songs  will be played with a
                                               PC  compatible player using a 1MB
                                               Gravis UltraSound                
                                             - Only one song by one musician    
                                             - The  name of the file has to com-
                                               ply  to the ISO-9660 standard (i.
                                               e.   NO  special  characters  are
                                             - The  maximum  length  of the file
                                               name is 8+3 characters           
                                               WILD COMPETITION                 
                              - The  productions  can  be anything from computer
                                generated animations, demos on ancient or exotic
                                computers to plain video art.  The only require-
                                ment is that the productions are cool.          
                              - Maximum   showing   time   is  15  minutes,  the
                                production itself can be longer                 

                              - The production has to be delivered on a VHS cas-
                                sette  (european PAL format).  The cassette will
                                not be returned.                                
                              - No  copyrighted  material  or material that vio-
                                lates  Finnish  or international laws is allowed
                                in the production.                              
                              - Maximum  30 productions will be shown on the big
                                screen  during  the  night  between Saturday and
                                            SPECIAL COMPETITIONS:               
                              We  will  have  all  traditional  ASSEMBLY special
                              competitions.    The   competitions   include  for
                              example soccer, disk throwing and modem throwing. 
                              The  total  value  of all the prizes in US dollars
                              will be over US $35.000 (not including software). 

                              All damages to the Fair centre, other surroundings
                              and other damages caused by party visitors will be
                              REDUCED  from  the  prizes  before  any prizes are
                              paid.   This  is  because of previous trouble with
                              people  breaking up places, furniture and spraying
                              the walls and thus causing damage of many thousand
                              The  actual  prizes  may  be software, hardware or
                              pure  cash.   This  depends  on our sponsors.  The
                              following  list includes only the preliminary list
                              of  the  prizes (the final lists will be published
                              at  the  party place).  Also keep in mind that the
                              money exchange rates also affect this list (at the
                              time  of  the  writing  of  this  text file one US
                              dollar was 4.85 finnish marks).                   
                              We  will  try  to  give  cash prizes in the PC and
                              Amiga  demo competitions.  The prizes in the other
                              competitions  may be more or less various hardware

                              and software.                                     
                              All  the  cash  prizes  will  be  paid  in Finnish
                                        AMIGA COMPETITION PRIZE VALUES          
                                          (not including software):             
                                           AMIGA DEMO:        64KB INTRO:       
                                       #:  -----------        -----------       
                                       1.  $4100              $1600             
                                       2.  $1400              $500              
                                       3.  $700               $300              
                                         ART COMPETITION PRIZE VALUES           
                                          (not including software):             

                                MUSIC 4/32 CH:  GFX/RAYTRACE:  ANIMATION:  WILD:
                              #:--------------  -------------  ----------  -----
                              1.  $450           $450           $1600       $450
                              2.  $350           $350           $800        $250
                              3.  $250           $250           $500        $100
                              4.  $150           $150           $300            
                              5.  $100           $100           $200            
                              Next  is  a list of most important features at our
                                             * Audio and Video *                
                              The main hall is is equipped with a powerful sound
                              system.   The  system  supports  stereo output and
                              will  be  a  real kicker with 10.000 watts of pure
                              sound power.                                      
                              The  big  screen in the main hall is over 8 meters

                              wide and supports the 640x480 resolution!         
                                                  * Halls *                     
                              The  party  area  is  composed  of two halls.  The
                              halls  are separated by a heavy curtain.  The main
                              area  is  4500 square meters (equals 1500 computer
                              The  sleeping hall is on the first floor this year
                              (the   sleeping  hall  used  last  year  is  being
                              repaired  this year).  The sound proofing isn't as
                              good as last year, but sleeping isn't mandatory at
                              parties  =).   Sleeping  area  is almost as big as
                              last  year.   Remember  to bring your own sleeping
                              Neither  of  the  halls  have windows so the video
                              screens  will  look  absolutely  fabulous  at  the
                              competitions and it will dark enough to sleep.    

                                                 * Services *                   
                              The  party  place  is  the  biggest fair centre in
                              Finland.   It  will feature 24h food service (yes,
                              we   have  Coke!),  24h  security  personnel,  24h
                              professional electrician, 24h luggage preservation
                              service  and  cleaning  personnel.   Also 24h help
                              desk  with friendly personnel will be available to
                              help   you   out   with  any  problems  you  might
                              Plenty   of  toilets  and  some  showers  will  be
                              available.   Cool  party T-shirts will be sold for
                              low price.                                        
                                               * Parking fee *                  
                              Unfortunately  the  ASSEMBLY  '96 visitors have to
                              pay  for  their  weekend parking.  The cost is not
                              much  thou, it is 40 FIM for weekend parking.  You

                              will  have  a weekend parking ticket and a special
                              Assembly parking area at your use.                
                                           * Network information *              
                              The  network information will be released later on
                              when  the  details  of  the  party network will be
                              The PartyNet will feature full Internet access and
                              a party server with all releases on line.         
                                                ASM'96 CD-ROM                   
                              All  the  participating  pieces  of  art  from the
                              competitions   will   be  assembled  to  a  single
                              ASSEMBLY  '96  CD-ROM.   This  will  be  a  unique
                              possibility   for  everyone  to  get  hundreds  of
                              megabytes data containing ALL demos, intros, pics,
                              mods,  etc.   published  at  ASM  '96.  THERE'S NO

                              OTHER EASY WAY TO COLLECT THEM ALL.               
                              We  will  pay  royalties of the net revenue of the
                              CD-ROM  disks  to  the  winners  (which  sign  the
                              exclusive  CD-ROM  distribution  agreement) in the
                              competitions  (except  for  the  Amiga and C64) as
                              follows (in percents):                            
                                              CODE COMPETITIONS                 
                                  DEMO:           INTRO:              4KB INTRO:
                              #:  -----           ------              ----------
                              1.  2.5%            0.7%                0.4%      
                              2.  2.0%            0.5%                0.3%      
                              2.  2.0%            0.5%                0.3%      
                                               ART COMPETITIONS                 

                                  MUSIC 4/32 CH:  GRAPHICS/RAYTRACE:  ANIMATION:
                              #:  --------------  ------------------  ----------
                              1.  0.4%            0.4%                0.7%      
                              2.  0.3%            0.3%                0.5%      
                              3.  0.1%            0.1%                0.4%      
                              If you do a fix for the production after the party
                              and  you  wish  to include it on the CD-ROM kindly
                              send  it  to  any  places  listed  in  the contact
                              addresses.   In  case  of problems, please contact
                              ASSEMBLY Organizing.                              
                              All  productions which wish to have possibility of
                              receiving  royalties  have  to include a statement
                              that the author(s) retain all copyrights.  See the
                              RIGHTS.TXT  for an adequate copyright license.  We
                              suggest  that  you  include  the copyright license
                              into  the  software  (into  the demo's/intro's end
                              screen,  to  the  pattern  names of music tune for

                              example) to ensure that it is not removed.        
                              The   biggest   reason   for  requiring  exclusive
                              distribution  contracts for winning productions is
                              to   ensure   that   nobody  else  will  sell  the
                              production  on a CD-ROM.  What has happened before
                              is  that  companies just put your productions on a
                              CD-ROM  and  pay  no royalties what so ever to the
                              author.    This  way  they  can  sell  the  CD-ROM
                              cheaper.  Because ASSEMBLY Organizing is dedicated
                              to  work with the scene we want to stop this.  The
                              only  way  to  do  is  to  have adequate copyright
                              licenses  (see  the  RIGHTS.TXT  and INFO.TXT) and
                              exclusive distribution agreements.                
                              The  royalties will be paid twice in the period of
                              one  year  after the release of the CD-ROM disk in
                              the form of a cheque by mail.  This means the last
                              royalties for the ASSEMBLY '96 CD-ROM disk will be
                              paid around ASSEMBLY '97 time.                    

                                   * ASSEMBLY '95 CD-ROM (eRAVE 1) is out *     
                              The   complete  collection  of  ALL  ASSEMBLY  '95
                              releases  is  now  available.  With over 100 great
                              demos,  more  than  350  different music tunes and
                              much  much  more it is the coolest ever production
                              by  ASSEMBLY  Organizing.   And  the CD-ROM is the
                              extremely  easy  to  use:   just active our custom
                              built  GUI  and warp into the world of demos!  The
                              thrilling  ASSEMBLY '95 compilation is cheap!  The
                              price for a single item is only 25 US dollars!    
                              ASSEMBLY  Organizing  is  dedicated to the scene -
                              ASSEMBLY   Organizing  is  the  only  demo  CD-ROM
                              manufacturer  that  gives  royalties  to  the best
                              productions  on  the CD-ROM.  Up to 20% of the net
                              revenue  of the CD-ROM is handed back to the scene
                              as royalties!                                     
                              To   order  your  copy  please  use  some  of  the

                              following methods:                                
                              Finnish  ASSEMBLY Organizing  voice: (90) 777 3741
                              orders:  Läkkisepäntie 13       fax: (90) 757 3115
                                       00620 Helsinki                           
                              Other    Romware GmbH                             
                              orders:  Gottlieb-Daimler Strasse 12              
                                       D-24568 Kaltenkirchen                    
                                       Germany, Europe                          
                                voice: +49-4191-9984-0                          
                                fax  : +49-4191-9984-11                         

                                              * Buying tickets *                
                              There  are  two  kind of tickets for ASSEMBLY '96.
                              Normal  240,-  ($50USD)  ticket and 260,- ($54USD)
                              ticket  which  includes computerplace reservation.
                              You can buy the 240,- ticket either at the door at
                              the  happening  or  you  can  buy  it  in advance.
                              Reservation tickets are only sold in advance.  The
                              sales of the reservation tickets will be closed at
                              8th of August, 1996.                              
                                        * Where can I buy my tickets *          
                              You  can  buy  your  advance  ticket from ASSEMBLY
                              Organizing.   Groups  that  want  to get the group
                              discount and computerplace reservations have to be
                              bought  in  advance  from ASSEMBLY Organizing.  If
                              your  group  buys  10  or more tickets at the same
                              time  you will receive the 10% group discount from
                              the ticket prizes.                                

                              To  order a ticket you have to pay directly to the
                              account of ASSEMBLY Organizing (see contact info).
                              Make  sure,  when  you pay directly to the account
                              that   ASSEMBLY   Organizing   doesn't   get   any
                              additional  costs  and  the amount of money covers
                              the  costs  of the ordered ticket.  Also make sure
                              that we get the information who has sent the money
                              and  where  we can send the tickets.  After making
                              the  payment, please make an official order at our
                              WWW-site           (
                              Groups in Finland can order their tickets directly
                              from                  our                 WWW-site
                              The    tickets    will    be    shipped   as   COD
                              ('postiennakko').  Please allow 20 FIM for postage

                                  * Why I should buy a ticket in advance? *     
                              If  you  buy  your  ticket in advance you have the
                              possibility  to  use  group  discount of 10%.  You
                              have the possibility for group discount if you buy
                              more  than  10  tickets at a time.  Also the table
                              reservation is possible only by buying reservation
                              ticket.   You  don't  have  to  reserve  table for
                              yourself,   but   the   best   places   near   the
                              videoprojector  screen  go  to the reservers.  The
                              earlier  you  reserve  your place the better place
                              you  get.   We  will  organize special door in the
                              first  day  of ASSEMBLY '96 where you can get your
                              computer in most conviniently.                    
                              Partyplace will be open 24 hours / day.           
                              16th of August 1996 (FRIDAY)                      

                               - 1000 ASSEMBLY doors open                       
                               - 1900 C64 competition deadline                  
                               - 2100 C64 competitions                          
                               - 2300 Deadline for all competitions             
                              17th of August 1996 (SATURDAY)                    
                               - 1300 4 channel competition                     
                               - 1400 Graphics competition                      
                               - 1430 32 channel competition                    
                               - 1530 Raytrace competition                      
                               - 1600 PC 4KB intro                              
                               - 1700 AMIGA 64KB intro                          
                               - 1830 PC 64KB INTRO                             
                              18th of August 1996 (SUNDAY)                      
                               - 0900 AMIGA DEMO competition                    
                               - 1130 Animation competition                     
                               - 1230 PC DEMO competition                       
                               - 1500 Vote counting                             
                               - 1600 Announcement  of  winners and prize giving

                               - 1700 Prize giving ceremony ends                
                               - 2000 Doors close - ASSEMBLY '96 is over        
                              We  don't take any responsibility on the safety of
                              the equipment people bring to the party place.  We
                              suggest  you  take an insurance for your equipment
                              from  some  insurance  company.  And remember, you
                              can  store  your  equipment  by  using the luggage
                              preservation  service  which  will be available at
                              the party place.                                  
                              If   you  have  ANY  suggestions  or  ideas  about
                              anything written in this text file, don't hesitate
                              to contact us!                                    
                              All damages to the fair centre, other surroundings
                              and  other  damages will be reduced from the total

                              prize money.                                      
                               >  NO  ALCOHOL/DRUGS/SMOKING  NOR SOFTWARE PIRACY
                              ALLOWED IN THE PARTY PLACE <                      
                                             CONTACT INFORMATION                
                              You  can  reach  us by many means according to the
                              following list:                                   
                              Voice:   ASSEMBLY Org.   +358-0-777 3741          
                              IRC:     #asm96                                   

                              Normal mail:               ASSEMBLY '96           
                                                         Läkkisepäntie 13       
                                                         00620 Helsinki         
                              Bank account for international money transfers:   
                                                          ASSEMBLY Organizing   
                                                          Merita Helsinki-WTC   
                                                          SWIFT CODE: MRITFIHH  
                              Please  include  your  address  with  the payment,
                              where  you want the tickets to be sent.  Also make
                              sure that there are no additional expenses for the
                              receiver of the payment.                          

                              ::            ** FACT PARTY REPORT **            :
                              :       S A T U R N E    P A R T Y   I I I      ::
                              ::     (26-28 April '96 in Chelles, France)      :
                              read everything about the  saturne party III here:
                              THE PARTY PLACE                                   
                              The Party  took place in  Chelles  (ca. 40km) away
                              from  Paris-Centrum.  It was not very difficult to
                              find although there weren't any signs.            
                              The entry fee was 120 Ff,  and you were stamped by
                              the old saturne II stamp (where you want) ;^). The
                              organisers did count 620 people came to the party.

                              THE ORGANISERS                                    
                              At  all,  the  organisers were  very  friendly and
                              helpful.  You  couldn't notice any security guards
                              standing  around  like in other parties and so the
                              people were also very peaceful.                   
                              THE HALL                                          
                              There were two halls. One big, and one not so big.
                              ;^) In the main-hall, there was a 6mx4m screen and
                              a  Barco  8000  Projector.  The Projector was very
                              bright and good to look at!                       
                              Unbelievable  but  true:  Power-Failures  were not
                              PARLEZ VOUZ ENGLESE?                              
                              All the time,  the OPs spoke french! Everybody un-
                              derstood  what happened at the party except people

                              from holland,  austria,  germany, spain and other!
                              (c'est la vie ?????) Also the Info-Sheets for Com-
                              petitions,  Times etc. was written down in french!
                              Maybe,  they should had at least one organizer who
                              could  speak english.  And they even didn't under-
                              stand these magic words: PARLEZ ENGLESE, S'IL VOUS
                              THE RULES                                         
                              Smoking and alcohol (and of course drugs) were not
                              allowed. Nobody despised the rules. The partyplace
                              stayed  clean all the time.  There was an open air
                              place inside the hall to smoke.                   
                              SLEEPING ROOMS                                    
                              For sleeping,  you had to go upstairs and sleep in
                              in  a  little  passage.  It  was too small and not
                              enough  for  everybody  who  wanted to sleep.  And

                              there also was lights in the sleeping places where
                              you hardly could sleep! So, many guys had to sleep
                              in the main-hall in front of their computers.     
                              BON APPETIT!                                      
                              Outdoors there was a pizza-bus where you could buy
                              a  pizza (made in france) without taste for 40 Ff.
                              It  was also possible to buy something in the hall
                              24 hours.                                         
                              THE MORALE                                        
                              Some AMIGA-guys destroyed some pentiums and Ataris
                              with  big sticks & swords outdoors in front of 300
                              One  of  the  guys hurt his hand, but he wasn't to
                              stop hitting the desktop of the PC!               
                              In the night, four really good looking chicks dan-
                              ced  (nearly naked ;^) on the stage for our amuse-
                              ment with cool music! (that was great!)           

                              After  this,  some  scene guys danced on the stage
                              behind  the  curtain with  'spaceballs demo #1' in
                              the front.  But after this, the party was very bo-
                              ring.  Nobody was drunk (no beer), nobody was high
                              (no drugs) ;^) Everything was quiet, no action for
                              the rest of the time!                             
                              WHAT ELSE HAPPENED ?                              
                              - Uyanik/TRSI  won some of his own CD for the Wild
                                Compo! (great)                                  
                              - Merlin-M! and Evrimsson (that's me) joined TRSI.
                                ...  for 3 minutes!  Now,  they are also ex-TRSI
                                members. Then, they were kicked because of inac-
                              - Two PC guys didn't play DOOM - really!!(no, just
                                kidding, they did!)                             

                              THE COMPETITIONS                                  
                              The worst and first competition was the music com-
                              petition.  There  was  a PREVOTING for every tune.
                              The  best tunes (tunes from famous musicians etc.)
                              were SORTED OUT by an unknown jury! Only big tech-
                              no and sampled shit (400K-800K) were played!      
                              Additionally,  Protracker-Tunes  and Multichannel-
                              Tunes  were mixed together. It seemed that the or-
                              ganisers didn't know the difference,  maybe that's
                              why they played every tune on a PC!               
                              All  Powerpacked-AMIGA-Tunes  were not prevoted to
                              to play(because pc)                               
                              Maybe AMIGA-Tunes with weird Filenames didn't pre-
                              vote to play(because pc) We learned: PC SUXX again
                              and: PREVOTING from people with no idea-suxx too! 
                              The Gfx competition came very late (at 5pm).  Many
                              people were already sleeping.  And by a mistake of
                              the operators, one picture was not shown.         

                              The  demo  and other competitions weren't on time,
                              and  all  people  from  other countries but france
                              couldn't  understand  when  the  compos  would  be
                              shown,  because  they used to speak french all the
                              Everybody  got a voting-book at the main entrance.
                              The  voting sheets were collected after every com-
                              petition in big boxes.                            
                              Amiga Demo:                                       
                              1st place: 6000 Ff                                
                              2nd place: 3000 Ff                                
                              3rd place: 2000 Ff                                

                              PC Demo:                                          
                              1st place: 6000 Ff                                
                              2nd place: 3000 Ff                                
                              3rd place: 2000 Ff                                
                              Amiga Intro:                                      
                              1st place: 2000 Ff                                
                              2nd place: 1000 Ff                                
                              3rd place:  500 Ff                                
                              Wild Compo:                                       
                              1st place: 2000 Ff                                
                              2nd place: 1000 Ff                                
                              3rd place:  500 Ff                                
                              1st place: 1000 Ff                                
                              2nd place:  750 Ff                                
                              3rd place:  500 Ff                                

                              1st place: 1000 Ff                                
                              2nd place:  750 Ff                                
                              3rd place:  500 Ff                                
                              ...and many CDs for other places                  
                              credits for this party report:                    
                              - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
                              support kickdown - support kickdown - support kick
                              down - support kickdown - support kickdown - suppo
                              rt kickdown - support kickdown - support kickdown 
                               - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                              ::                                               :
                              : S A T U R N E   I I I  - T H E   R E S U L T S::
                              ::                                               :
                               1st place 3 pts  2nd place 2 pts  3rd place 1 pt 
                              Amiga Demo                                        
                               1.  ATOME           by SKARLA             341 pts
                               2.  DIMENSION       by MGD                318 pts
                               3.  BORN DEAD       by SYNDROME           215 pts
                               4.  2ND WORLD       by SYNDROME           180 pts
                               5.  WORLDS          by GODS               147 pts
                               6.  VERTIGO         by ABYSS              107 pts
                               7.  FADE            by MELTING POT         83 pts
                               8.  HEARTLIGHT      by SOLARIS & SYNDROME  63 pts
                               9.  ELYTS DEPPIR    by SMELLON DESIGN      21 pts

                              Amiga Intro                                       
                               1.  LITTLE FLOOVE   by ABYSS              550 pts
                               2.  INTROGA         by LES SHADOCK        386 pts
                               3.  MYST            by UNIVERSE           240 pts
                               4.  ANNONCE         by AGOA               231 pts
                               1. OXI J'AIME PAS        by TENSGU/SYNDROME      
                               2. NEVIN                 by MADE/BOMB            
                               3. SWEET HOME            by HP/HONOO             
                               4. FUCK MADE             by ZEBIG&SUNY/SPEED     
                               5. LAND OF TUNHUANG      by MOXICA/OSMOSE        
                               6. DEAD END CHUN-LI      by GREG/ARKHAM          
                               7. LADIES                by MACRE/SKARLA         
                               8. BENE BSEWEST          by BEN.E/ILLUSION       
                               9. MIYUKI                by BAD/ARKHAM           
                              10. ASCII                 by BISOUNOURS/TINY TOONS

                              11. BAINZ                 by TRASH/EARTHLORE      
                              12. MAMONO HUNTER YONKO   by BLACK DRAGON/HONOO   
                              12. DANA SCULLY           by GELMIR               
                              12. JANET                 by ZAAC/PSYKOTROPE      
                              15. unknown               by MR. SPLIF/PRIMUS     
                              16. HODGE                 by TITAN/BOMB           
                              16. WILD DREAMS           by THUG/MGD             
                              16. CHASSE                by TWIX/FATAL DESIGN    
                              19. STEPHANIE             by EVIL MANIAC/FATAL J. 
                              19. NO NAME               by RA/NOOON^SANITY      
                              19. TENGOKU               by KAN/ARKHAM           
                              19. MY ROLEX              by DREBIN/DREAMDEALERS  
                               1. UNDER THE SEA         by FBY/SOFT ONE         
                               2. KILLING PARTY         by THUG/MGD             
                               3. PLUGGED IN            by CASH/MENTASM         
                               4. unknown               by EVELRED/CAPSULE&TLOTB
                               5. FOUR PEOPLE           by SUNNY/MOVEMENT       

                               6. LOVE IN LOST JUNGLE   by HP/HONOO             
                               7. URBAN JUNGLE          by OXBOW/SCOOPEX        
                               8. I GIVE IT UP, ...     by TWICE&PHASE/AGOA     
                               9. SOUND OF S.A.         by SNES/PLAYMOBIL       
                              10. FLY OVER THE SEA      by THEO/MDG             
                              11. TRIP OUT              by BLUE DREAMER/ACID D. 
                              12. NO SENSE              by CLO!/HONOO           
                              13. PERK!UCHIONE LOVE     by UNISON/PSYKOTROPE    
                              14. COLD SENSATION        by ALEXEL/DISTORSION    
                              15. HIGHWAY JAM           by HORNET/EDEN          
                              16. PLASTIC RUBY          by HARDFIRE/NGC&INTENSE 
                              17. FIL 246               by FLIP/EARTHLORE       
                              18. OKTAFINK YANNIK       by DOH/DREAMDEALERS     
                              19. SMOKE 2 SMOKE         by YONDER/MAMBO         
                              20. EGOMETRIOSPORAX       by PATRIOT/SCOOPEX      
                              21. LUMBAG GREKO          by GANDBOX/SOLARIS      
                              22. HYPERPARATHYROIDAL    by SHOUT/DREAMDEALERS   
                              23. N.A.C.                by GHOST FELLOW/MWB     
                              24. MILO MISTAKE          by NASTY B/SLS&CODAC/SDM
                              25. VQ3R[V                by NICOLAS              

                              Wild Compo                                        
                               1. unknown               by EAGLE/SYNDROME&HONOO&
                               2. DE L'ART DE PASSER... by DOH/DREAMDEALERS     
                               3. unknown               by GOLMON DESIGN        
                               4. CYBERNET              by HOODLUM              
                               5. AMIGA GO              by IMAGE PER IMAGE      
                               6. NINE                  by JEFFREY              
                               7. STATE O. T. ART 2 RMX by TRSI RECORDS         
                               8. unknown               by unknown              
                               9. unknown               by unknown              
                              10. unknown               by unknown              
                              11. DO PC'S FLY?          by NUKU-NUKU&NAT!       
                              12. VOLVANIC PARTY 2      by MENTASM              
                              13. unknown               by ENTERPRISE           
                              14. DOLPHIN MUSIC         by BRANDO PRODS.        
                              15. KICK BOXER            by SCARFACE             
                              16. - 18. : unknown by unknown                    

                              PC Demo                                           
                               1.  CONTRAST        by OXYGENE            510 pts
                               2.  BOMB            by IMPACT STUDIOS     391 pts
                               3.  CHAPI CHAPO     by AEGIS CORP.        270 pts
                               4.  FLIRT           by IGLOO              130 pts
                               5.  ORION           by FLOWER CORP.        90 pts
                               6.  ANDEMPTI        by MWB                 70 pts
                               7.  GEMINIS         by LORDS OF THE BITS   36 pts
                               8.  BITCH!          by ASYLUM              31 pts
                               9.  DEMO 7          by ARKHAM              30 pts
                              10.  FINAL TRIP      by INSIDE              14 pts
                              PC Intro                                          
                               1.  TEDDY BEAR      by ECLIPSE            734 pts
                               2.  NOP             by OLYMPUS & REALTECH 567 pts
                               3.  PRESSURE        by KLON               217 pts
                               4.  THE WHIRL       by FUNK               133 pts
                               5.  BOMBERMAN ATT.  by DENTRIFICE         121 pts

                                     FINAL RESULTS OF THE GATHERING '96         
                               A500 Nostalgia demo:                             
                               1. 'Dansktoppen 7 intro' by Smurf/Rednex     98  
                               2. 'Guru-Intro' by Blunt/Chaos               38  
                               Amiga 4K Intro:                                  
                               1. 'Gizmo 4K Intro' by TBL                  260  
                               2. 'EQ-4K' by TBL                           218  
                               3. 'DMA Design' by Rednex                   102  
                                  'Depth 4K' by Depth                      102  
                               5. '4K Intro' by Contraz                     72  
                               6. 'Fade to Black' by Giants                 67  
                               7. 'ARRGH!' by Hoaxers                       62  

                               PC 4K Intro:                                     
                               1. 'Waterworld' by Uzul/Scoop               203  
                               2. 'Digestive Hour' by Twaddler/Proxima     149  
                               3. 'Dimension X' by Uzul/Scoop              102  
                               4. 'AscII Mania' by Adept/Scoop              78  
                               5. 'FireK' by Obsession/Orchide/Watchmen     69  
                               6. 'Hope' by Intellius/Bamboosh              53  
                               7. 'Scrolltext Forever' by Lekrist...        29  
                               8. 'I've been roached' by Saus/Maak Design   28  
                               Commodore C64 Demo:                              
                               1. 'Flashback' by Antimon                   133  
                               2. 'Sidsel+Pusur' by Sod                     14  
                               Amiga 40K Intro:                                 
                               1. 'Lights' by Stellar                      209  
                               2. 'BrainBow' by Essence                    205  

                               3. 'Mixed Emotions' by C-Lous               140  
                               4. 'Heat' by Stone Arts                      69  
                               5. 'Disaster' by Apathy                      52  
                               PC/Amiga Fastintro:                              
                               1. 'Trekant med Eli Rygg' by Sorrox         205  
                               2. 'Intel Outside' by Birra Bros            102  
                               3. 'Pese' by TLS                             51  
                               4. 'Fintro' by Rectum Cauda                  49  
                               5. 'Kvikk Lunsji' by Penix                   41  
                               6. 'Amiga.exe' by Braindead                  40  
                               7. 'Choose your weapon' by Tek/Neoscientists 36  
                               8. 'Fast Intro' by Rectum Cauda              30  
                               9. 'Innostalgy' by Enq/Deadnex               27  
                              10. 'Hungry' by Primitivos                    15  
                              11. 'Fast' by The Imp                         11  
                                  'Fast' by Efface                          11  

                               PC 64K Intro:                                    
                               1. 'You Am I You Am The Robot' by Orange    297  
                               2. 'Cartoon' by Mist                        186  
                               3. 'Super Max' by Complex                   141  
                               4. 'Zix' by Peak                             69  
                               5. 'Klima' by Proxima                        51  
                               6. 'Pum' by Proxima                          39  
                               7. 'Napt' by Scoop                           26  
                               8. 'Plugfire' by Foam                        23  
                               9. 'Herring' by TPolm                        21  
                              10. 'Jungle Fever' by Index                   18  
                              11. 'Trip' by Zden & Moske                     7  
                                  'Chunky Salsa' by Hoaxers                  7  
                               Wild Compo:                                      
                               1. 'Air Combat' by Micro & Phlaton/Contraz  268  
                               2. 'Wild' by Jurn Tummeres                  179  
                                  'The Elg Files' The Klostir Brothers     179  

                               4. 'State of the Art 2' by TRSi+...          94  
                               5. 'Kontraster, en tapt kamp' by TLS         52  
                               6. 'Elgsuppe?' by No.12/Excess               29  
                                  'Bam' by Candyman & Tick, E-Team          29  
                               7. 'Jesus Christ' by Dr.Columbus/The Flames  27  
                               8. 'Apocalypse' by Capcore Graphics          23  
                                  'Society is dead' by Legions              23  
                              10. 'Anti-Amiga' by Animaz, Species           21  
                              11. 'Dream Sequence' by HK Design             17  
                                  'Blod' by Gunman                          17  
                              13. 'Terror, System Failure' by FFF           16  
                              14. 'I'm an X-File' by Wazz                   11  
                              15. 'UltraViolence' by Lekrist/Dr.Dyregod      6  
                              16. 'Xclusive' by Peachnut Development         5  
                              17. 'Genetic Species' by Powdi Hacker/Amprosia 4  
                                  'Fantazia (even more)' by Illusion         4  
                              19. 'Kork' by Mental, Overflow                 2  
                              20. 'Markjordbnr' by Sunshine, Overflow        1  
                              21. 'Nostalgic Reflection' by Moonlit/Quirk    0  
                                  'Wild' by Xirix & Dr.Zixus/Trinity         0  

                               Amiga Demo:                                      
                               1. 'Tint' by The Black Lotus                458  
                               2  'Dreamscape' by Triumph                  125  
                               3. 'Pinch' by Spaceballs                     98  
                               4. 'Mystiq' by Contraz                       53  
                               5. 'Sverige' by Bice Twice                   34  
                               6. 'Once upon a time' by Ward                32  
                               7. 'Plump' by Session                        26  
                               8. 'Recycled' by Ephidrena                   15  
                               9. 'Kugalskap' by Ephidrena                   7  
                              10. 'D.U.M' by Syntax                          5  
                              11. 'The Rap Demo' by Virus                    3  
                               PC Demo:                                         
                               1. 'Inside' by CNCD                         173  
                               2. 'Control' by Coma                         69  
                                  'Ninja II' by Scoop Melon Design          69  
                               4. 'Chunder Chunck' by iNF                   38  

                               5. 'Projection' by Sorrox                    35  
                               6. 'Let there be Light' by Sublogic          24  
                               7. 'Timeout' by Excess                       21  
                               8. 'Worlds' by Virtual Rage                  18  
                               9. 'Mind over Matter' by The Lost Souls      17  
                              10. 'Mystic' by Xenogenesis                   13  
                              11. 'Mimi' by Crusaders Girls                  8  
                              12. 'Great lovemachine Pope' by TPolm          7  
                              13. 'Fantazia' by Mise Dezign Nebula           4  
                              14. 'Pingvin' by Always Ultra Prod.            2  
                                  'Fireworks' by Amorphous                   2  
                              16. 'Flat shading forever' by Overflow         1  
                                  'Green Cake Going Insane' by Contraz       1  
                                  '...erhem...' by No Intelligence Inside    1  
                                  'Gunz' by Gunz Prod.                       1  
                                  'Kakefisk' by Hvemsomhelst                 0  

                                    (ZYMOSIS - INU-SOFT - PORO - JORMAS)        
                                       ARE ORGANIZING PARTYS FOR YOU!           
                                                Project Name:                   
                                             Somewhere In August                
                              (Final name not decided, send your suggest to     
                              · AMIGA DEMO                                      
                              - Demo MUST be hd-installable and must NOT require
                                assign to run it.                               
                              - Max. lenght 4096kb.                             
                              - Compo machine is going to be Amiga boosted with 
                              · AMIGA 4okb(?) INTRO                             
                              - Max. lenght is usual 4okb or 64kb not decided   

                              - Compo machine is going to be Amiga boosted with 
                              · c64 DEMO                                        
                              - C64 and 1541 diskdrive or similar.              
                              · GRAPHICS                                        
                              - Will be shown with Amiga or any machine you     
                                bring along.                                    
                              - Max resolution is 640*512                       
                              - IFF, GIF and JPEG allowed.                      
                              - NO RAYTRACED PICTURES TO THIS COMPO!            
                              · MUSIC                                           
                              - PT / XM / S3M ...                               
                              - Played with Amiga or PC we dunno yet.. Maybe XM 
                                and S3Ms with PC and so on.                     

                              · WILD                                            
                              - As name says, limit is on your side! But this   
                                should not be VHS or only animation file.       
                              - CONTACT ORGANIZERS BEFORE IF YOU ARE GOING TO   
                              · VIDEO!                                          
                              - VHS / BETA films, we prefer something computer  
                              · SURPRISE COMPOS                                 
                              - Who knows                                       
                              NOTE!: There is no(!) PC competitions and there   
                                     seems to be lack of interest to organize   
                                     them(at least at the moment).              
                              Reason: There is nothing on party scene on august,
                                      so we thought that maybe we should fix    

                                      this situation arranging partys featuring 
                                      real 80s feeling.                         
                              · raves organized by local rave organizers called 
                              · da jorma5 live!                                 
                              · good audio equipment                            
                              · relaxed athmosphere                             
                              · we are going to fight for so called A-OIKEUDET! 
                               (that will cause a part of hall is over 18 only!)
                              · a lot of surprises - features what you haven't  
                                EVER seen on any partys!                        
                              · all girls and foreigners are free to come in!m  
                              · more to come!                                   
                              When:         August 1996                         
                                    [no exact dates known yet, planned to be    
                                                             on first weekend!] 

                              Jyväskylä, In Central Finland [no exact party     
                                                              place decided yet]
                              How Much:                                         
                              Estimated entrance fee is about 4o-6o Fim         
                              Contact Organizers:                               
                                         *NOT AVAILABLE AT DA MOMENT*           
                               BBS: - jUjU - dA mAGIC bOARD at +358-41-3782685  

                                         REMEDY `96 - PRE-INVITATION            
                                  ( supported by Bon of Giants. Thx dude! )     
                              Organizers: Limited Edition, DCS Graphics (Amiga) 
                                          Candela (PC)                          
                              Opening:  1996-06-14                              
                              Shutdown: 1996-06-17                              
                              Where? Stockholm/Sweden, Solnahallen              
                              Facilities:       - approx. 2500 m2 floorspace    
                                                - lots of tables                
                                                - bigger screen than last year  
                                                - enough power for all          
                                                - big parking space             
                                                - and more to come...           

                              Surroundings:     - Perfect partyplace            
                                                - 24h open gas station          
                                                - McDonalds                     
                                                - subway,...                    
                              Entrance fee:     200 SEK (28$ or 38 DM)          
                              	                Booking advance will lower the   
                                               price to 160 SEK                 
                             Prizes:  be announced.              
                             Rules:            - no alcohol                     
                                               - normal rules...                
                             Reservation:      Gurus Dream #1 ++46-(0)8-282760  

                                                Homepage: ...will be announced. 
                              Bank account:                                     
                                       Postgiro 627 15 68-5 (Frederik Holmqvist)
                                       (name of Group and your Name)            
                                    THE REMEDY 1996 - Be there or stay away!    

                                        RESULTS FROM COMPUSPHERE 6              
                              1. Frums(Mit Kindern) by Three little Elks (AMIGA)
                              2. Tomat by Ward                           (AMIGA)
                              3. Into the Void by SubSpace               (AMIGA)
                                 Ytzkve by Puffsoft                         (pc)
                              5. Hercules by Hercules                       (pc)
                              6. Bill's Confession by Three little Elks  (AMIGA)
                              Music(4 ch. + multichannel):                      
                              1. event horizon by Coma/3LE                      
                              2. Pussys Curf by MadLoc/Latex                    
                              3. Seduce by Beauty and the beast                 

                              1. Ant/Three little Elks                          
                              2. Coma/Three little Elks                         
                              3. MadLoc/Latex                                   
                              4. Ache/?                                         
                              5. Gozek                                          
                              1. SCB                                            
                                      S U P P O R T     K I C K D O W N !!      

                                  If you wanna support Kickdown then don't      
                                  hesitate  to  contact  me. You will find      
                                  my adddy in the adress-section(for elite      
                                  swapping, too).                               
                                  You can send messages, and adverts (size      
                                  is  50*20)  but  also  Party-Reports/Re-      
                                  sults/Invitations(if possible 50*20, but      
                                  not necessary).  But if  possible  avoid      
                                  using strange symbols, thx!                   
                                  If  you  are a musician, don't hestitate      
                                  to  send  us  a (unreleased-) module for      
                                  Kickdown. Of  course, you will be credi-      
                                  ted in the scroller if we include and so      
                                  use your tune.                                
                                  The  best  way to support Kickdown is to      
                                  send  very  new  intros. If  you are the      
                                  first  who  has send us the intro and if      
                                  we  use it you will enter the supporter-      

                                      1. Exon / Riot............2021764         
                                      2. Rabl / Void.............924120         
                                      3. Gangsta / Scoopex.......905384         
                                      4. Rooster / SSP...........820212         
                                      5. EDW / Darkness..........780480         
                                      6. React / Monk............687100         
                                      7  Rahow / Les Shdock......583192         
                                      8. Iro / Depth.............432140         
                                      9. Coolio / GHD............437704         
                                     10. Klorathy / Ram Jam......426404         
                                     11. Action / Damage.........395168         
                                     12. Black Dragon / Honoo....375820         
                                     13. Noodle / Desire^Haujobb.311452         
                                     14. Base / Phuture303.......306840         
                                     15. Bon / Giants............226896         
                                     16. Codac / Syndrome........180516         
                                     17. Mr. King / TRSI.........134380         

                                     18. Skull / Eremation.......124704         
                                     19. Ant / 3LE...............153716         
                                     20. Splatterhead / Fanatic..106280         
                                     21. Skinner / Eltech.........93208         
                                     22. Norman / Anadune.........60928         
                                     23. Beavis / Phuture 303.....35364         
                                     24. Candyman / Giants........31712         
                                     25. Scraby / Independent.....28092         
                                     26. Miko'63 / Iris...........13928         
                                      This issue has been supported by:         
                                            Noodle of Haujobb                   
                                            Ant of Three Little Elks            
                                            Codac of Syndrome                   
                                            Splatterhead of Fanatic             

                                    To support the Kickdown-pack-series         
                                     (intros, adverts, Party-reports &          
                                      results, messages, beer, girls,           
                                        schnapps, modules, stickers,            
                                           all what you want...)                
                                                write to:                       
                                            Kestrel of Syndrome                 
                                            Jan Christoph Meyer                 
                                                Lehmsiek 1                      
                                             25876 Schwabstedt                  
                                          (also for  mailtrading)               

                                          Swappers may write to:                
                                            Eagle of Syndrome                   
                                            Mathieu FONDRETON                   
                                         58-b rue du Cheval Noir                
                                              67720 HOERDT                      

                                          Musicians may write to:               
                                          Angelwings of Syndrome                
                                             Simon Brodersen                    
                                               Katreppel 4                      
                                            25876 Schwabstedt                   
                                         (also for module-swapping)             

                                            Coders may write to:                
                                             Codac of Syndrome                  
                                               Ramdane Hakim                    
                                          37 rue Raymond Poincare               
                                           93110 Rosny-Sous-Bois                

                                         Graphicians may write to:              
                                            Tenshu of Syndrome                  
                                           Romagnoli Christophe                 
                                          57 Route  De St Cheron                
                                             91650 Breuillet                    
                                (please write in french , otherwise no answer)  

                                          Musicians may write to:               
                                            Bosco of Syndrome                   
                                            Devauvre Phillipe                   
                                             22 Place Mozart                    
                                       91180 St Germain Les Arpajon             

                                             Coders may write to:               
                                              Guille of Syndrome                
                                               Guillaume  Werle                 
                                              2 Rue Henri Dunant                
                                                68200 Mulhouse                  
                                       or via email:        

                                            Musicians may write to:             
                                             Okeanos of Syndrome                
                                                Degand Olivier                  
                                            26, Allee de Madrolle               
                                                 18120 Mereau                   