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4 410 bytes (4.31K)
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2010-07-18 23:08:10
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all-time: 312


  Q   Q                  watch out......          a new group is born......          supreme MQ      we are ten guys and we come from a town called karstadt. our average age is 12 years and we spend the most of our spare time in front of our amiga 500 eating chio chips and drinking kinder kola.....           now lets enjoy some cubes...  V        nice, but how about a bit bigger?     I         here now a detailed list of our members:         the god of our great group is <triple-density-master>, he organizes all the  spreading and cracking. . . . .      the second member is <copper-shopper>, also called O <prozesser-fresser>... heV NiVsI the coder of this little intro, together with our 2nd coder <blitter-shitter>, which made the 3d-vector-graphics (with dpaint...) our first graphic-wizard , which made absolutely nothing in this demo, but this is great, isnt it???          our second graphicOman is <the great viruVsN ViInfector>, he drawed the dots of the spectrum analyzer.   virus infector says :  hey cool guys ... something wonderful has happened .... your drive is alive  D(hahahahahahehehehehehohohohohuhuhuhuhuF)  O hope your source-code dViNsVkIs were write protected .......    our 5th member is <pitchbender>, not a mere wizard  , a sound wizard extraordinaire. this song is called <rocking heino volume 17283b> (still burning sll-song-disks?) . . . now the keyboard belongs to pitchbender, let him speak a few wise words to you:              O ashu  akdduw dcvvmsa,  aehV N:V I  first,  burn your st-00:      then     burn your st-01:      burn your st-02:         burn your st-03:         burn your st-04:     burn your st-xx: . . . . burn your df0:    burn your df1:   burn your df2:   burn your ram:  burn your nil:  burn your amiga , burn aaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllll            O      schade, er war einV NgVuIter mann... now again writing <heckmeck, the pec men> , laming you with literaric art ...      at least some technical information about this intro:    it uses 11 bitplanes and 64-color-bobbels (count them.)    the calculating of all objects on the screen needs 4 complete rasterscans (zuWckWel WzuWckWel WzWucWkel).  now at the end of this text comes, what you are all waiting for.... yeah.... yeah.... yeah???? the mega-mighty-hyper-giga-tetra-density-greetings to all our many many many   contacts (like amigo, do you remember??):        O    zeronine Q on the waesVcNhVeIleine         unknown  Qin the bettentruhe        major rom Q(haaremann)     section 8 Q (aids)      headbangerQ and snake plisken        1 mark,  mark ii Q,  3 mark...and so on...    tgm-crew Q     phr-crew Q   thrust  Q       traitors Q    threat  Q  (the legend continues...) . . . . . last but not least our special features for theO next demo:       V N V I    horizontal interlace               8192 colors      16384 word supermegahyperbitmap         128 voices      etc. . . .       and now the source of this intro:        ruckWeWlW sWcWrWoWlWlteWxt      beweg bobbels          spiel song     move.l fc0000,3d-grafik. sorry, no   rastertime for checking the left mousebutton, instead of this use f11.        now the word to sunday, written by our last member pfarrer doktor doktor med wurst:        - - - - - - - -  O    oh, where is he?? V N V I     aaaah, unfortunately he was burned by pitchbender under a pack of 18273644 sounddisks. burned to death (da warens nur noch 9, hehe) . . . . . see you later, alligator, watch us next time, and do not forget:     stichtag fuer den grossen scheiss,   samstag in 3 tagen . . . .                  end-of-nonsense  - - -                   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - just kidding - - - - - -   this intro was coded in the interest of entertaining you, Oeverthing mentioned bVeNfVoIre was just nonsense.     coding by   equalizer Q.  and      l.p.a   Q of  -supreme-Q    song by lord performer, named <siren>.   the great vector-graphix were designed by a good friend who calls himself  stranger 7Q     the instructions for controlling the movement of the vector graphics are     arrow-keys and numeric pad 4 and 6 for axis rotation        esc to reset the object       z, x and c to stop a single axis rotation    q,w and e to negate a single axis movement     have fun.......                 please dont ripp anything of our routines, graphics, sound or scrolltext. . .  bye bye.....O........ see ya.        V N             Q Q Q Q