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File size:
126 989 bytes (124.01K)
File date:
2024-09-05 01:10:38
Download count:
all-time: 1


                 ------    ______________                        
               ------     !              ! +------------------+  
             -------      !       ____   ! ReLaSe DaTe:14.02.95  
           -------        !_     /___ !__! +------------------+    
         -------            !       !___  ___  ______  ______    
          -------           !    ___!   !!   !/      \/      \
           -------         _!    !_ !   !!   !\   ___/\   ___/
            -------       !        !!   ""   ! \  \    \  \ !
             -------      !________!¡\______/__/  / ___/  / ¡
              -------     ¡ ! ! ! ¡ ! ! ¡ ! \    /! \    /¡ !
               -------    ! ¡ : . ! : · : ¡ ¡\__/ ¡ ¡\__/ ! ·
                -------   : . :   ·   . · : ! ! ¡ ! ! ! ! : ·
                 -------  .       ·       . · : : : : . · . .
                  -------   FUSS PACK -   : · . .   .
                   -------                    .   ·
                    -------    - ISSUE #.1.

                            The Fuss Credits:

       Main Editors......................................KLAF/SKULLS
       Code Pack.........................................OMEN/SKULLS
       Music Pack........................................TIMER/S.A.S

       Graphics Pack.....................................OMEN/SKULLS
       Design Pack.......................................KLAF/SKULLS

       Zone......................Amnezja#4Intro by SKULLS and DAMAGE

                            Support To Fuss Pack

        Czeõç qurwa,tu My. PrzedstawiaMy Wam nowego packa wydawanego
        przez  czîonków(bez  gîupich skoja
eñ)grupy SKULLS.Postaramy
        siê  aby ten pack wydawany  byî regularnie, czyli co miesiæc
        lub czêõciej.To jednak zale
y od Was moi drodzy.Przysyîajcie
        co tylko  chcecie,modulesy,adv ,newsy, messagi and many many
        more and beer.

        - modules - do 120 KB
        - chip modules - do 20 KB
        - gfx - no Ham,only reszta
        - adv,messages,news - ile wlezie
        - intra i inne bzdety do part zone - ty
 co chceta
        To wszystko õlijcie na  nasze adresy. Znajdziecie je gdzieõ
        w packu.
        To tyle.....
                               OMEN/SKULLS  &  KLAF/SKULLS

       ___________________________     ____ ___  ______________ ___
      Oo  __ __ ___   ___ _______ O   /    \¡  \/  !¡  ___!!   \! |K   
      o  ¡  ¡ /!  !  / _ \!   __¡ o  |   O  ! _  _ ¡!  !O__¡  ¡ \ |L
      :  !  !/\¡  ¡_/ /_\ \  !¡   ¡   \____/¡_!\/!_!¡__!__¡!__!\_\|A
      ¡  ¡__¡\_!____!_¡ ¡_¡__¡  A .   Hey You!If U Search New Fast F
      !                         n .    Contact Then Write To Me... 
      .  Friendship & Swap....  S !     ¡   OMEN/S K U L L S    ¡     
      ¡  my addy:               w ¡     !  Kotarbiñskiego11B/8  !     
      !   ¡  KLAF/SKULLS  ¡     E :     ¡    82-200 Malbork     ¡     
      :  Kotarbinskiego11d/3    r .     !· ·· ·· ··· ·· ···· ·· !    
      .    82-200 MaLbOrK       1 ¡     ¡  3.5 and 5.25 DISK"s  ¡
      ¡                         0 !     !cool letta=fast answer!!
      ¡ SuPpOrT FUSS PaCk.......0 ¡     +·· ···· ·· ·· ··· ·· · +
      O__________________ _ _ _ % !     !  FrIeNdScHiP RuLeZ !  !
                         ! ! ! o !:     ¡  TaNiE WiNa I DzIwKi  ¡
                         · ¡ : ! ¡      :     TyÞ RuLeZ !!!     ·
                           .   ¡ ·      ·                            
                               : ·

                    PsEuDo MuS¡C D¡Sk !!!
        K®®®   ®®® ®®  ®® ®®®®® ®   ® ®®  ®  ®®®®   PrzYsYîAjTa
        L®® ® ® ®® ®®  ®®    ®   ® ®  ®® ®  ®®   ®  QuRwA MoDkI
        A®®  ®  ®® ®®  ®®   ®     ®   ®®®®  ®®®® ®  Do 5o  K¡lo
        F®®     ®®  ®®®®   ®®®®®  ®   ®®  ® ®®   ®  aNd  
                                                    AlKoChoL TyÞ
         ®®®®  ®®    ®®®®      Dr.M¡KE of SKULLS    Do 5o %.....
         ®®  ® ®®   ®®   ®      Staromiejska 9a     and  KoBiEtY
         ®®  ® ®®   ®®®® ®     57 - 100 Strzegom    Do 5o  LaT !
         ®®®®  ®®®® ®®   ®                           
         ®®  ®  ®®®®  ®®   ® ®®®®®  ®®®  ®®®®® ®®®®   ®®®®   ®®®
         ®® ®  ®®  ®® ®®®  ® ®®    ®   ® ®®    ®®  ® ®®   ®  ®®® 
         ®®®®  ®®  ®® ®® ® ® ®®¢¢  ®®®   ®®¢¢  ®®®®  ®®®® ®  ®®® 
         ®®  ®  ®®®®  ®®  ®® ®®®®®    ®  ®®®®® ®®  ® ®®   ®    
                                  ®®®®                       ®®®
        .                          +------------------------------+
                 /\                |  _________ _______/\____     |
        .     /\/  \               |  |~ ·|  :|/~ ___/|  \  ¬\_   |
           /\/      \  /\    /\    |__l  :|  .|  :|   |  :Y  ·|___|
        + /          \/  \  /  \   |···\  `  /|  .l---|  !|  :|···|
          \ conTACT 4     \/    \  |····\___/·l_______|___|  !|···|
        B /                     /  |······················`---'···|
          \swaPPinG dA L8357!  /   +------------------------------+
        L  \                   \   |                              |
           / SkY / BLAZE        \  | Are you crazy? Do you search |
        A  \ Radoslaw Gulczynski/  | new contacts? Yes?  So, feel |
           / 62-591 KAWnicE    /   |    free to use this addy:    |
        Z /  woj. koninskie   /    |                              |
          \  POLAND          /     |          Dave/Vacuum         |
        E  \                /      |         -------------        |
            \ letteR+disk(x)\      |....... Dawid Nabialek .......|
        +    \ 1oo% answER  /      |...... ul.Gajcego 14/22 ......|
        .     \          /\/       |..... 42-224 Czestochowa .....|
               \      /\/          |        ))) Poland (((        |
        .       \  /\/             |                              |
                 \/                +------------------------------+

     \_____   /_  _____/_  _____/   /_        /_  \     /_ _____/_ _____/_.
     /   /  __/  ______/_ ___/    __/  _l_  __/ \ \   __/ \   __/ ______/_:
    /   /    \          /  | \     \   __/   \   \ \   \   \   \         /¦
    \_________\________/___|  \_____\___\     \___\     \_______\_______/ |
    -- ---- ----------------- -----------\_____\---\_____\---------- -çdr-'
    contact me for trading the very latest 0-day old high quality wares!!
    also for swapping cool older productions, modules, graphics and tapes
               __/\__          MiKE/dEfiANCE            __/\__
         _ __\\\    ///__ _    MiKkO kAiLa        _ __\\\    ///__ _
             ///_  _\\\        kAPtEENiNtiE  4        ///_  _\\\
                 \/            20810 tURkU                \/
                               fiNLANd           : asc² by çdr&frm! :

    remember to support one of the finest scene magazines around >buzz<
               and the fastest packserie on earth >tradepack<

             ___ ___  ___ ___  _ __ _  _______  _____ _  _________
            /   |   \/   |   \/ |  | \/       \/     | \/        /
           //   ¦    \   |    \ ¦  ¦  \   !    \     ¦  \   ____/
          /           \  ¦     \       \        \        \      \
          \\          /        /       /        / ¦      /      /
           \____¦____/________/_|__|__/___¦____/__|_____/___   /
            \                                                 /
                                              //\/Dezign 1994

             FoR s0m3 mAgN!f!c3nT AnD h!lAr!oUS sWaPp!nG c0ntAct

                  th0Se cRaZy dUd3S (aLl iN POLAND oFc0z):

             Scraby/Humans      Mutagen/Humans      Wiper/Humans
          Krzysztof Siedlecki   Jaroslaw Janota     Pawel Subocz
              ul.Waska 2/19      ul.Kubicy 1/11     ul.Magazynowa 3
            78-100 Kolobrzeg     43-100 Tychy     78-200 Bialogard

                      We SecUr3 100% r3pLy f0R 3v3ryb0Dy!

            _____ _____  _____  _  _________ ______ _____  _____    
            \   /\\   /\ \ __ \/ \ \  /\ ___\\_  _/\\ ___\ \ __ \D
            /  / //___\/ / \_\ \ /_/ / / \_//\ \ \\// \_//\/ \_\ \E
           /  / // \_/ \/  /\/ /\  _/ /  /\ \/ / /\/  /\ \/  /\/ /\S    
          /   \_/_ /\\  \ /_/ / / /\\/  /_/ /\/ /_/  / / /  /_/ / /I
          \______// / \__\___/ /__\//______/______\_/ / /______/ /G
           \_____\\/Rng\__\__\/\___\\______\_______\\/ /\______\/N
                                Set ladybird free!!!/_/ /
         TrY ThOsE GuYs FoR FaSt & FrIeNdLy SwApPiNg!

            Ranger HQ               Vasyl                  Hogan
        Christopher  Gil     Radoslaw Wasilewski     Andrzej  Kotlega
        Zascianska 149/2       Gorczyna  56/17       Ciszewskiego 3/5
        15-546 Bialystok    67-407  Szlichtyngowa    78-200 Bialogard
             Poland                Poland                 Poland

               SeNd HoT StUfF & CooL LeTtEr FoR 100% rEpLy!

      Support Fuss Pack !!! 
     ___   _______     ___   ______
    (   ) /  (    )   /\ /\ (      )  ×X×x×X×x×X×x×X×x×X×x×X×x×X×x×X×x×X×x
    (   )/  /(\  /)  /  +  \(  ___/  /\______  for friendly swapping try
    (      / ( \/ )_/_  _   \  )_/  /        \                          
    (   )\  \(\  /    )/ \   \ _(   \__/  \\_/  FIIRH of THE DARK DEMON 
    (___) \__(_\/____//   \  / )|    _|____/    SIMON BRODERSEN         
    |          \/          \/__)|     |___ \    KATTREPPEL 4            
    |  For Fast And Friendly   .|    !|  // \   25876 SCHWABSTEDT       
    | ... Swap write to:  .. .. |    -|_____/   GERMANY                 
    |.      KLAF/SKULLS  .. .  .|    _|___ \                            
    |..Ul:Kotarbinskiego 11d/3..|    :|  // \  no faked stamps at all   
    |....  82-200 MaLbOrK ......|    :|____ /  and only hot stuff       
    +---------------------------+    !|ScR\/   also AGA warez available 
    | cool letter = 999% answer |    ×X×x×X×x×X×x×X×x×X×x×X×x×X×x×X×x×X×x  

                       ____       \\     //
             /---|--\--\__/   ----\||   //| 
            / -- | || ||_| \  ||| |||\ // |
           / __  | _/ _/__|\\ |||||||\\/  :     
          / /  | || ||||_|| \\|||||||/ \  :  
         /_/   |_|| |||___\  \\|| |||/ \\ .      (Floppy/Vision Soft) 
         |             |    |\ |-///  |\\              ------
         : I`m watching:    .    //   : \\             Marcin
         . for friendship        |    .               Wachowiak
               Ctx     :   Everybody
                       .        welcome!              Przedmoôê
           wRiTe NoW             |                   ul. Dîuga 4
           Walec/APPENDIx   ("COOL eLITE"          67-220 Grëbocice
          Grzegorz Walczak         outside)       ------------------   
          Lotnikow 1/11          |
         78-520 Zlocieniec  Disk=100% reply
             POLAND         AGA=200% reply
         > NoDisk-NoFish <       :
         > AGA  Prefered <       .

                         ¦::::·              ·::::¦
                         :::·      SCRABY      ·:::
                         |·          of          ·|                                             
               _      _ _|         _________      |   _/\_______
              / |__  / Y \  /\     \_____ _/ _____¦   \__ _____/
             /  |  \/  |  \/  \  /\  /  |  \/     |_  /  \_   \
           _/   |   \  ¦   \_  \/  \/   ¦   \_  ¦ | \/    |    \_      
           \    ¦    \_     / \ \   \   |    /  | |  \_   ¦     /
            \ __|     /___ /___\  /  \__|__ /___| ¦   /_______ /
             \/ l___ /   \/     \/___ /   \/    l___ /       \/
                   \/    |          \/            |\/
                         :.      WASKA 2/19      .:
                         |::. 78-100 KOLOBRZEG .::|
                         ¦::::.    POLAND    .::::¦
                          You always get the reply!
                       This addy is also for joining.

       ____________   ______________          S W A P P I N G ! ! !
      /__   _____  \ /  ______   __/\     +----------------------------+ 
      \_/  /\/    _/\\_  \___/  /\_\/      \  _____________   _______  |
       /__/ /__/\________/\/_____/\        / (  _____) ___ \ (  _____) |
       \__\/\__\/\_______\/\_____\/ *      \__\ \   / (___) \ \ \      |
                                    *      /   \ \  >  _____<  \ \   + |
        If you`re looking for more  *     /____/ /__\ \___/ /__/ /   S |
        friendly contacts write to: *    /((____/____\ \_/ /____/    W |
                                   **    \__          \/ \/          A |
             Bald Horse/TRSI       **    /    If You Search for      P |
                  Box 4            **    \_ new friendship contact?  P |
          43-316 Bielsko Biala     **    / my addy:Gizbern/SCALARIS  I |
                 POLAND           ***    \         Szymon Kocinski   N |
                                  ***     \___\    Ul:Glowna 53a     G |
     *                         ******     /   /    89-500 Tuchola    + |
     *  (AGA too)        ************    +-----------------------------+
     ***          *******************     \ Funny and loong letter =   |
     ********************************     / .....999.99.99% answer !   |

                              _                   ..:::::.             
                        ___  / |_____/\_____________.:::::::::.        
            /\  /\  /\ |   |/  |\    __/       /     \::::/\::®::::.. 
           /  \/  \/  \|   /   |/   __/___    /______ \::/  \::::      
          /    \       \       |        \   _/__/   |  \/    \:::.     
         /      \       \      |        /      |        \     \:::::.  
        /   |    \ |     \  /  |       /       |        /  |   \::::::.
      :           |           |                       ...:::::::::::..
      ::...       .Larry/Skulls                 ..::Sitek/Damage.v.1.0
      :..        =-=-=-=-=-=-
      :::::::.   Ul.Floriana 3/12.
      ::::::::.  57-100 Strzelin
      ::::::  :.

      | _   ____ ____ _ __  _   _     /     |
      +| | |   |    | |/  \| \ | |   //     +
      || | | __| ___| |    |  \| |  ///\\ \ |
      +| | |   \|  _  | /\ |   | |/=///\\\=\+      ______________ 
      || |_| __/|_| | | \/ | |   |\=\\\///=/|     /      \   \   \
      +|   |   |    | |    | |\  |  \\\///  +     \ /  \_/ |> >|> )
      ||___|___|____|_|\__/|_| \_|     //   |      Y\__/ \___/___/
      +                               /     +      :          ScR 
      | Jesli chcesz troche poswappiç       |      :    +--------+
      +   _to u
yj tego adresu:       ---   +      !   Fiirh/TDD :
      |  /+\                          -L-   |      :S. Brodersen !
      + /---\       LAC/LEGION        -E-   +      !Kattreppel 4 !
      |  -L-   Ul:Zarankiewicza9/28   -G-   |      :25876 Schwab-:
      +  -E-     02-152 WARSZAWA      -I-   +      |       stedt !
      |  -G-   +-----------------+    -O-   |      |    G0R3MANY |
      +  -I-    Szybka odpowiedz     _-N-_  +      +------^------+  
      |  -O-    GWARANTOWANA !!!     \-+-/  |
      +  -N-   +-----------------+    \_/   +

      //\ __  /\ ___  /\ _________|   -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
     //  Y  \/  Y   \/  Y   ______/   +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
    //       \       \  |____   \\|   SUPPORT QqrooqQ PACKSERIE BY
    \\   :   / | |   /      /    \\      SENDING THE LATEST FILE
     \\__|  /__|_|  /__________  //  PRODUCTIONS AND MODULES(MAX.50KB) 
     +----\/------\/ ------ScR!\//|      
     |                            |          GOOCIOO/MAYHEM
     |    For some magnificent,   |            RAFAL GUT
     |      friendly swapping     |       AL.SLOWACKIEGO 15/4
     |      contact diz dude:     |       63-400 OSTROW WLKP.
     |                            |             POLAND
     |        Mutagen/Humans      | 
     |         Kubicy 1/11        |    Free disk back service 4 all   
     |         43-100 Tychy       |            supporters
     |         P-O-L-A-N-D        |  
     |                            |    !GREETINGS TO ALL CONTACTS!
     |     100% reply for all!    |   /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/     
     |  Also for modules/samples  | 
     |         swapping...        | 
  --/\-Appendix----------o------/\--    _____/\_ ___/\_____  /\_______ _/\_
  |***  ---      -  4 Fast & Friend|    \  _   _X  ____    \/  ____  _X_   \
  /**   //\PpE|\|d|x _ /  /   .   l\     \_/    \\/  _/   _/\____  \/\/ \__/
  \*  -/-\/------------\/--  . .  y/     /      \   \     \    /    /    /
  | F./          | /   | /       . |     \ _____/___j\    /________/\___/
  | R/.      |     | |   /   . .|.s|      \/    Y     \  /\/e!
  | /.. _  __VIP/APX__ _ ..\  | . w|            :      \/
  |/I... Tomasz Adamczuk   /  .|  a|
  | E... Zawadzkiego 129/10\   /\ p|          .o BacK To ThE RootS o.
  | N....71-246 Szczecin   /  /..\p|
  | D... 0(91)593-784      \  \../w| 
  | S...    /  | |       also  \/ r|           contact Mr.King of TRSI
  | H..  / o   . o|  |  /-\g/-\   i|             for the latest crap
  | I..100%  / o     .     /      t|
  | P. reply.    |  |.     \      e|                Joerg Goedden
  /  /  /  o   | .   o     /    n *\                Postfach 3143
  \ R  o /  /   |o   /|\   \   o **/               46434  Emmerich
  | ULEZ 4ever  . |   |--- !! w ***|                   Germany
                                               Don't forget to support
                                                    NEVER   MIND

           _________/\    _________/\    ___________/\  _______/\
       ___/     .     \__/     .     \__/   _________/_(_________)__
      |_/       |       \__    |       \___________  ¬\__        ¬\_|
      \_________;         /    |_________/        |     /           /
      |-tRSi-|           /        |   \           ·    /       -911/|   

                         Tristar and Red Sector Inc.
                                Norby of TRSI
                                  Po Box 20
                                56-300 Milicz
                  Friendship!   Elite dudez!   Old swappers!

                  ( *··                               )
                  ( ·  /<<<\               /<<<       )
                  (    <| |< <<< /<</ <\ < <    F     )
                  (    <| |<  /< <||< <<\< <<   ®     )
                  (    <| |< /<  <||< <\<< <    E     )
                  (    \<<</ <<< \<</ < \< \<<< E  ·  )
                  (                              ··*  )
                  (  ©øntact for swapping and jøining )
                  (        (©ODE®S WANTED!!!):        )
                  (                                   )
                  (        Waterhead/Ozone Free       )
                  (          Maciej Orchowicz         )
                  (          Ul.Krzyzowa 5/7          )
                  (        61-545 Poznan Poland       )
                  (                                   )
                  (         1oo % AnSWeR !¡!¡         )

                 _______           ______    ______
          ______/      /\  _____  /     /___/     /  ___  ___
          \   /__    //  \/     \/     /    /    /__/_  \/   \
           \    /   //    \   ___\   _/    /    /    /        \
           ·\      //      \  \ ___ /     /    /    /      _\  \
           : \    //   /_   \      \     /   _/    /   \__/     \
           :  \  //     /____\      \___/         /_____\/       \
           :   \//_____/ ____________\  \________/      /_________\      
           ¦                                                   ·
           ¦                               White/VACUUM        :
           ¦  Are you graphician?         --------------       :
           ¦  Do you search contacts?   Grzegorz Studzinski    ¦
           |                             ul.Kosciuszki 2a      ¦
           |                            42-440 Ogrodzieniec    |
           |                                                   |
     P                         P       //\ __  /\ ___  /\ _________| 
     X  4 FAST & FRIENDLY      X      //  Y  \/  Y   \/  Y   ______/ 
     !  SWAPPING WITH LONG     !     //       \       \  |____   \\| 
     A  LETTERS & NICE STUFF   A     \\   :   / | |   /      /    \\ 
     P      WRITE 2:           P      \\__|  /__|_|  /__________  // 
     X                         X      +----\/------\/ ------ScR!\//| 
     !    Esc/Appendix         !      |                            | 
     A    Marcin Kubiak        A      |    For some magnificent,   | 
     P    Zawadzkiego 21/19    P      |      friendly swapping     | 
     X    71-246 SZCZECIN      X      |      contact diz dude:     | 
     !    POLAND               !      |                            | 
     !                         !      |        Mutagen/Humans      | 
     *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*      |         Kubicy 1/11        | 
     Letter + Disk(s) - YoU           |         43-100 Tychy       | 
     get new contact !!!!!!!!!        |         P-O-L-A-N-D        | 
     100% Answer for everybody!!      |                            | 
     *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*      |      100% reply for all!   | 
            WrItE nOw !!!             |  Also for modules/samples  | 
     *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*      |         swapping...        | 

          | _________/\____   _______/\ _____________/\____    |
          | |~ ·|   |  \_ ¬\_/~ ___/|  \|  :|   |  .|  \  ¬\_  |
          |_l  :|  !|   |  :|  :|   |   |  !|   |  !|  :Y  ·|__|
          |··\  `  /|   `  !|  .l---|   `  .|   `  ·|  !|  :|··|
          |···\___/·l___|  .|_______|_______|_______|___|  !|··|
          |  4 cool msx swap (your own mods prefered) write 2  |
          |                                                    |
          |                   Bartman/Vacuum                   |
          |                Ul.Bialostocka 38/55                |
          |                  41-219 Sosnowiec                  |
          |                       Poland                       |

                             ___________________  ________________
         /\/\/\_  _/\/\/\   /                   \ \    / _ /   /  \
         \_____ \/ _____/  / lONG lEttErS RULE:) \ \/ / / /\ \/\/\/
          ___/. ¤° ¯\     /\_____________________/ / / /\ \/\ \/  \
         / _//   ..  \  _/                         \/\/  \/\__/\__/
         \  :\_______/\
          \/·______    \    fOr nEw fRiendShiP (nO oRdINAry sWaP!)
          / /   _  \_/ /     aNd lATesT hOmE pROducTioN wRitE tO:
          \/    °  (__/                *  PePe/tRSi *
           \__ ____/_/                 uL.rOZAna 4/20
           `----'`---'             11-400 kEtRzYn,pOlANd

                  ®o..                            ..o®                     
                  o                                  o  
                  ·        The King /iLLuSiOn        ·    
                              PAWEL WITEK                 
                            KARLOWICZA 45/55           
                          JELENIA GORA 58-506        
                           - swap (AGA also)
                       ONLY HOT STUFF  (0-7 days!)
                        --> support my pack <--
                            aLwAyS rEMeMbEr:         
                  .                                  . 
                  o      STANDARD LETTER SUXX ײ     o
                  ®o..                            ..o®

          !                                                      ¡
   ___ _ _:_/\___________ ______/\__________________/\___________¦_ __ __
   \__\ \\_/  \ _ ¬\_   ¬Y~ ¬\_/  \______/~  ______/  \_/~  ______//_//
          |:   Y   ·|_____   :|_____   ¬|:   |    |!   |:   |_____
          |·   |   !|~  ¬|   !|~  ¬|   !|·   |    |·   |!   |~  ¬7
   _ _ _ _i____|   .|_________|:   _____|.   |  __|·   |_____   :|__ _ _ 
          ¦    `----'         `----'    `----'    `----'    `----¦-Sd
          :                                                      ·
                  Hey.If you looks for more kewl contacts
                       for fast'n'friendly swapping 
                             then write to me:
                               Mars of Mystic
                              Andrzej Marcjasz 
                                Na Stoku 2a
                                84230 Rumia
                         aspecially foreginers guyz
                               and only ELITE        disk = answer 
                        no independents and unknown

        _________________________________        _  _                  
       /   _   _   _ ___  _   _   _ ___  \      / _           /\ \   
       \  (_) |_) (   |  |_) (_) (   |   /      \_/ I Z B E R \ \/
       /  ( ) |_) _)  |  | \ ( ) (_  |   \            O F
       \_________________________________/       S C A L A R I S
       /                                 \      If u search 4 new,
       \  Write to me for 3endly&kwickly /    friedship contacs then
       /      hot-stuff swapping or      \         write to 2:
       \         module swapping!        /  
       /                                 \     G  I  Z  B  E  R  N
       \        Booger / Abstract        / 
       / ul.Ryszki 57/23, 41-500 Chorzow \       Szymon Kociïski
       \          P O L A N D            /       ul.Gîówna   53a
       /\_______________________________/\       89-500  TUCHOLA
       \/                               \/ 
       /   Also for support "42" mag by  \     Letter = 99% reply
       \  Talent with articles, adverts, /       
       /         news & modules!         \       Funny and long
       \_________________________________/    letter = 99.9%  reply

       +---------------------------+      _____  _____   _____
       | _________ _______/\____   |      \   /\ \ ___\  \ __ \(Rng)    
       | |~ ·|  :|/~ ___/|  \  ¬\_ |      /  / / / \_//\ / \ \ \
       |_l  :|  .|  :|   |  :Y  ·|_|     /  / / /  /\ \//  /\/ /\
       |··\  `  /|  .l---|  !|  :|·|    /   \/_/__/_/ //__/_/_/_/_
       |···\___/·l_______|___|  !|·|    \________________________/\
       |·····················`---'·|     \_______________________\/
       +---------------------------+       Set ladybird free!!!
       |    4 cool swapping you    |
       |.      should try 2:      .|       Vasyl/Ladybird Design
       |                           |        Radoslaw Wasielewski
       |.     DaVe of VaCuUm      .|           Gorczyna 56/17
       |.    ul.Gajcego 14/22     .|        67-407 Szlichtyngowa     
       |..  42-224 Czestochowa   ..|               Poland             
       |.. .    » Poland «     ....|
       |..... . .. .     . . ......|

                                          4 fast & friendly swapping
                                          write 2:
    _  _                                  
   | || |      _____   ___   ___   ___    Rafaî Gut (GOOCIOO)/MAYHEM
   | __ || | || | | ) | - ) | | ) ( _/    Al.Sîowackiego 15 b/4
   |_||_||___||_|_|_L (___L (_|_L /__)    63-400 Ostrów Wlkp.
   FoR FaSt`N`fRieNdLy swap write to:     tel.36-44-02 wew.529
  Scraby of HuManS       Wiper of HuManS  And remember:no lamers,no
  Krzysztof Siedlecki       Pawel Subocz   old stuffs,no bad disks.
    Ul Waska 2/19        Ul.Magazynowa 3  3,5" & 5,25" disks ok!
  78-100  Kolobrzeg     78-200  Bialogard letta+disk = 100 % answ
     P O L A N D           P O L A N D    cool letta+disk=200 % answ
               100% ANSWER !              Its not a dream,its...MAYHEM

              / _______/   Support FUSS Pack At This Addy:
             / /__        
            / ___/        KLAF/SKULLS               OMEN/SKULLS
       ____/ /____       K.Lewandowski                K.Mulcan
        --------     Ul:Kotarbinskiego11d/3    Ul:Kotarbinskiego11b/8
       FUSS PACK       82 - 200 MaLbOrK          82 - 200 MaLbOrK
                            (swap!)                (code,gfx,ray)
                                  >- P O L A N D -<

     ®o..                              ..o®     
     o       THE KING of ILLUSION         o    
     ·                                    ·      --------------------
        Lubisz  dlugie  listy?,  nie  maa         |~|~~|~~ ~|~~|\ ||
        sprawy!!!.  WARUNEK;  twoj  listg         | | ~||~| |||||\||
        musi byc dlugi i na papierze!!!.a         |__|_|__|_|__||\_| 
     only                            also          SZUKASZ KONTAKTU?
     hot         PAWEL WITEK          AGA        =>=>=>=>>><<<=<=<=<=  
       stuff!   KARLOWICZA 45/55                      ++ STURM ++
              JELENIA GORA 58-506                     Paweî Maîys
     also           POLAND         only          ul.Dybowskiego 3 m64  
       AGA                          hot            02-776  Warszawa
                                     stuff!      =>=>=>=******=<=<=<=
        Lubisz  dlugie  listy?,  nie  ma          100% ODPOWIEDZ !!!
        sprawy!!!.  WARUNEK;  twoj  list         *** GWARANTOWANA ***
        musi byc dlugi i na papierze!!!.         -------------------- 
     .                                    . 
     o       THE KING of ILLUSION         o
     ®o..                              ..o®

         _____/\  ___  _/\ ____/\           -------------------- 
         \  ___/ /  / /  / \ /  / \         a|~|~~|~~ ~|~~|\ ||
         /\/|   /  / /  /   /  /   |        g| | ~||~| |||||\||
        /   |___\  \/  /   /  / \  |        a|__|_|__|_|__||\_| 
        \___   / \_/  /   /__/\  \ |        --------------------
            \_/    \_/    :    \_/ |         SZUKASZ KONTAKTU?
             !      !     .     !  |        =>=>=>=>>><<<=<=<=<=
             :      : Write 2:  :  |            ++ SHADOW ++
             .      :      t r  :  |           Adam Wâsowicz
                    .      e u     |        ul.Magellana 14 m.52
          Stasi/Convex     k l     |           02-777 Warszawa
          ul. Kluzika 22   k e     |        =>=>=>=******=<=<=<=
          40-583 Katowice  n z!    |          100% ODPOWIEDZ !!!
          Poland!          o       |        *** GWARANTOWANA ***
       ---------------------------\/        --------------------
        I'll reply 2 all, but     /
        I prefer elites...       /

                           |~|~~|~~ ~|~~|\ ||
                           | | ~||~| |||||\||
                          ***   NOWY MAG   ***
                Jesli chcesz aby byl| **  ODPOWIEDZ!  **
                 to rowniez Twoj mag|*** GWARANTOWANA ***
                   SKONTAKTUJ SIE ZE|--------------------
                                MNA!|  LAC/LEGION
                 lub z ktorymkolwiek|  Zarankiewicza 9/28
                 z naszych swapperow|  02-152 Warszawa

 /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\     ·   ·    ···
 \             __ __  __ __  __ ________  ____  __  () \    slijta ludziska
 /             \_|··\/· |··||··|__···/\·\/ /··|/ /  /\ ·\        ·· ···
 \Dr.MiKe/SkuLLs |··    |· ||· | /··/  \· /|·   /  /[]\··\   artykuly i
 /^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |··\/ ·|  ÷÷ ·|/··/    :; |··. \ /·· ·\··\  moduly do 50kb.
 \Staromiejska9a |· ||__| _____/ ·/__/\ || |_ |\_/ _/\__\··\      ··· ···
 /57-100Strzelin |·/    _V    /______  \.    V  /_/  · ·V···\    ····  ··
 \               |/     |)|_A V_     \__\ _/\   V   ·  ·····/      · ··· ·
  \/\/\/\/\       __  ____    /·\   ___ V/  / ___ ___ · ···/  KONESERZY
     :  :  \     |··|/ /  \  /__·| /··/ /· / /  /|· ·\· /\·\        RULEZ!
     .  ;   \    |··  /·[] \/·|| |/· |_ \ ·\/ ·|_| []/ /[]\·\            .
        . /\ \   |·· ·\··· /··|| |·· __|/· /·· __|·. \/·  ·\ \     ·· ····
   pSeUdO \/  \  |_|\__\__/___||_|____\/__/_____\|_|\_\_/\__\ \     ··· ···
  mUsIc /\/\/  \                                   neuromancer \   · ····
 dIsK  /. \/\/  \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/    ·

 CODE *** CODE *** CODE *** CODE *** CODE *** CODE *** CODE *** CODE *** CODE

 W         ®®®®®®                                                            1
 R       ®®®®®®®®®             --> ASEMBLER RULEZ!!! <--                     0
 I      ®®®®®   ®®®                                                          0
 T      ®®®®     ®®                                                          %
 E      ®®®           ®®®®®  ®®®®®®  ®®®®®  ®®  ®®®
        ®®®  ®®®®®®  ®®®® ®®   ®®®  ®®®  ®®  ®®®®     __  ________           A
 N      ®®®      ®®® ®®®®  ®  ®®®   ®®®® ®   ®®®      OF  SCALARIS           N
 O      ®®®®®   ®®®®  ®®®® ® ®®      ®®®®    ®®                              S
 W       ®®®®®®®®®®®    ®®®  ®®®®®®    ®®®®  ®®                              W
      <«««««««««« ®® »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»>                         E
        <«««««««« ® »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»>                           R

Wymiana: -doswiadczen     -uzytkow                        Rafal Baczek
~~~~~~~  -algorytmow      -magow                    Ul.Michalowskiego 25a/3
         -sourcesow       -demek                         82-200 MALBORK

 CODE *** CODE *** CODE *** CODE *** CODE *** CODE *** CODE *** CODE *** CODE
     ..................   ___/\          /\________/\  /\             
     :::::::'''          / -_  \\__/\   //  ____/\ _/ // \            
     ::::/\             // //  / --  \ //  /_  // \  //  /     /\     
     :::/  \    /\  __ // //  /       \/  __/ //   \//  /_/\  /  \    /S
     ::/    \  /  \/  // //  /  /\/\\  \ /___/_  /\    /    \/    \  / U
     ::      \/       \  ___/  /    \\ /____  / /  \\ /            \/  P
     :                 \/    \/      \/     \/\/    \/                 P
     :                                                                 O
     :                          O F  S K U L L S                    F :R
                                                                    A :T
                    IF U SEARCH NEW CONTACT THEN                    A::S
                    WRITE TO ME:                                    N::S
            Krzysztof Mulcan              LETTER = 100% ANSWER      W::!
         ul.Kotarbiñskiego 11b/8   DISK + LETTER = 101% ANSWER    .:E::!
             82-200 MALBORK        3.5 and 5.25 DISK's.......:::::::R::!

                 / _______/   FUSS NEWS !!!
                / /__      <--------------------------->
               / ___/        1............SKULLS
          ____/ /____        2............VACUUM
           --------          3............PICCO
       +-> FUSS PACK <-+     4............TRSI
            ISSUE#1          5............HUMANS
                             8............VISION SOFTWARE
                             9............PHUTURE 303


          ____   ______  /__  _ ____ ________  __\_    ______   ____
        ____    /      \!  ! / \!\ ! ! /!!  !  !  !   /      \    ____   
         ___    \   \__/!  !/  /! \! !/ !!  !  !  !\  \   \__/    ___
          __    /\___  \!      \!  \_/  !!  !__!  !_\_/\___  \    __
            __  \______/!__!\__/ \_____/ !_____/_____/\______/  __     
                    /                                 \  
                     !! ! !! ! 
                     :: . :: . 
                     .    :

                     S K U L L S   m e m b e r l i s t:

              Dr.Mike..........................Coder, Musician

               Neuromancer......Graphician, Swapper, Musician

                Ted Juggler............................Coder


                  Elessar.......Raytracer, Coder, Musician

                   Omen......Coder, Raytracer, Graphician



                      Rom............Scenery Generator


                                  N e W s

    1. AMNEZJA #4 nieco ugrzëzîa, dlatego prosimy o jeszcze parë miesiëcy
    2. Nowy pseudo music disk MUZYKA DLA KONESERA II juû na wydaniu.
    3. Trwajâ prace nad music dyskiem NOISE OF THE SILENCE.
    4. Amosowskie trackmo EUPHORIA prawdopodobnie wyjdzie na Amos Party.
    5. Slideshow IMAGINARY ILLUSIONS II niedîugo bëdzie gotowy.
    6. Wyszedî  music  disk  Kashana  Rulez!   (co prawda pod innâ nazwâ
       grupy, ale nasz).
    7. Trwajâ prace nad najnowszym produktem Roma, Neuromancera i Seby,
       ale na razie cicho sza.
    8. Wydany zostaî nowy pack o cudownej nazwie FUSS.
    9. Opracowywany jest wîaõnie tajny projekt nowego packa.Niestety
       zbyt du
o nie mo
na na ten temat jeszcze powiedzieç.
   10. Na next party postaramy siê wystawiç interko.Jakie bêdzie....
       ...of coz jajcarskie !!!


  *** vACUUM nEWS ***

- Draw (swapper) joined from Vega.
- Soon file-demo "C.A.S.C" code by Jogurt.
- We still waiting for new quality members worldwide!
  Especially good swappers graphicians and coders!
  Yours offers please send to dAVE...
                            bARTMAN - musician
                            dAVE    - swapper, musician, HQ
                            dEUTER  - coder, swapper
                            dRAW    - swapper
                            jAM     - graphician
                            jOGURT  - coder
                            wHITE   - graphician

                 /\   \
  _ __  /\    __/  \___\_  /\    __ _  _
      \/  \  /  \  /   / \/  \  /
           \/    \/___/       \/
                                     _____ _____  ______    ___ ___
            here's my addy:         /     Y     \/   ___)  /   Y   \
                                   //     ¦     \\   |    //   |    \
             dAVE/vACUUM           \\     :     //   ¦____     ¦    \\
            --------------          \     ·     /    :    \    :      \
            dAWID nABIALEK           \\   .   //     ·    \\          \\
           uL.gAJCEGo 14/22           \\      /           //          //
          42-224 cZESTOCHOWA           \_____/ \__________/____|      /

PiCCO news . 

* Scorpik left for Independent
* Coroner left for Obssesion
* Actual (1994.12.25) memberlist : 

        Dan - musician
        Ziemniak - coder
        MAly - swapper
        Alien - coder
        Walt - coder
        Tap - coder
        Dr.D - GFX 
        Primek - GFX
        Alice - mascott , friendship swapper


                    |_  _|              .           ___
                    ._\/_.    ·  _____  .  _____  _/~ ~\_
              Pø$$3 | \/ |    · /_____\ : /_____\ \_____/
              . _  _|    |____:/~     ~\¦/~     ~\·/~ ~\:_  _ _
          .  _ - \/ V    .___/V    |    V    |    V     V \/ -  .
            .  _ -  |    |    | ___|  __|    |____|     |  _  -_ .
             .  _   |    |____| \__.    |____.    |  :: |    .
           .  _  -  |    |    |    |    |    |    |  :: |   - _ .
             _  _-  | :::|::::|::::|::::|::::|::::|:::: |  _    _ .
            . -     | :: |    |    |    |    |    |     |    -_  .
             _ _/\__A_________A____|____A_________A_____A__/\_ .
                    ¦         :         ¦         ¦     :çhåø$!ðsr
                    ·         .         ·         :     ·
                    .                   ·         .     .

                          NEWS FILE BY NORBY/TRSI!

- Tap, Walt (coders) and Dr.D (graphician) was kicked out of TRSI!

- Pepe & Moody (coders) joined TRSI from ILLUSION!
- Stealth (graphician) joined TRSI from STORM!
- Qba (swapper) joined TRSI from ILLUSION!
- Tom and Python left TRSI and make new polish group called: TPD!
                               Bald Horse       - coder
                               Elis             - coder
                               GS               - graphician
                               Leviathan        - coder
                               Moody            - coder
                               Norby            - swapper, POLISH HQ
                               Pepe             - coder
                               Qba              - swapper
                               Seq              - graphician
                               Stealth          - graphician
                               Tees             - graphician
                               Xtd              - musician

- Dark (graphician) joined TRSI from LSD as UK division organizer.
- Overdose (swapper) and Jozz (musician) joined TRSI from BALANCE.

- Rich (coder) joined TRSI from DELICIOUS.
                              Dark             - graphician, UK HQ
                              Da Jozz          - musician
                              Overdose         - swapper
                              Rich             - coder
                              Vinh             - coder

- Shade joined in Norway and he is now one and only SUICID main-ed.!
- Air (swapper) joined TRSI from OBSCENE. He is new NEWS-EDITOR in Suicid mag!
- Bridgeclaw (graphician) left TRSI and joined GODS.
- Mr.King (swapper) left SCOOPEX and joined TRSI with his pack 'Newer mind'!
- Hunter (musician) joined TRSI in Germany and renamed to REANIMATOR.
- Dream Warrior was now totally kicked out of TRSI.
- Zinkfloid renamed to UYANIK!
- Blau renamed to ERROX.
- Sketch renamed to REWIRED.
- Madison is still coding on SUICID! New design by Navy! Suicid #7 soon!
      _  _                               
     | || |       _____   ___   ___   ___ 
   -=| __ | | | | | | | ) | - ) | | ) ( _/=- 
     |_||_| |___| |_|_|_L (___L (_|_L /__) 

   -Human left Highlanders and joined Humans.
   -Human renamed to Mutagen
   -Falcon renamed to Socky

              - ALFSKY................raytracker,gfx
              - JUTU............................code
              - MUTAGEN.....................msx,swap
              - SCRABY................swap,organizer
              - SOCKY.....................raytracker
              - WIPER..................swap,gfx,code

   -They are searching for new members (musicians!,coders,graphicians)

   For joining and/or swapping write to:

            Scraby of Humans
            ul. Waska 2/19
            78-100 Kolobrzeg
            phone: (0-965) 234-08


|     <>- S C A L A R I S -<>                         |
|     _______ _____   _______     +-+ WoNtEd +-+      |
|    (  _____) ___ \ (  _____)     - editors          |
|     \ \   / /___\ \ \ \          - graphican        |
|      \ \ (  _____  ) \ \         - musician         |
|   ___/ /__\ \___/ /__/ /         - swappers         |
|  (____/____\_\_/_/____/          - killers          |
|                                                     |
|   SCALARIS NEWS 1995 January !                      |
|                                                     |
| - OMEN (code,gfx,ray)joined to SKULLS               |
| - KLAF (swapper) joined to SKULLS                   |
| - SEEKER (swapper and gfx) joined from Scalaris.    |
| - GIZBERN (swapper) joined from Scalaris.           |
| - VIPER (swapper)joined from Scalaris.              |
| - DEVOTH (code)joined from Scalaris.                |
| - Soon disc magazine "Bigoz" issue 6 code by Gozer. |
| - Actual SCALARIS memberlist.                    ___|
|                                                ____/

|                                              _____/
|    GOZER.........GFX,CODE,EDITOR              ____\
|    TIMER.......MUSIC,SWAP,EDITOR               ____\
|    SABAT.........WHQ,SWAP,EDITOR                ___/
|    SEEKER........GFX,SWAP,EDITOR                 __\
|    GIZBERN...........SWAP,EDITOR                  _/
|    DIM....................EDITOR                   \
|    VIPER.............SWAP,EDITOR                   |
|    DEVOTH............CODE,EDITOR                   /               
                         ________________      ______  ___
                        /  ____/  ___/  /\    /  /  /\/  /\
                       / ___/ / ___/   / /   /  /   \/  / /
                      /  \__\/     \   \/_  /   \       \/
                     /   /\ /      /      \/    /  /\   /\
                     \__/ / \_____/\______/\___/\_/ /\_/ /
                      \_\/Wea\____\/\_____\/\__\/\\/  \\/

                                ««<< OF >>»»
        __________________________________________    __________________   
    _ _/   _______/__ __     /_ __     /_ __     /___/    \    /      _ _  
     ___ __ ___  \     /    /    /    /    /    /     __   \______   /  
     \        /   \    ____/     ____/_    ____/_    /    /      /  /

                    <<< BRINGS SOME SMALL'N HOT NEWS >>>


- exxON -

  All members from Behind Bars joined
  Mr.X joined from Sepulura as a swapper.
  Mr.X changed his handle to St.Eagle.
  Terminator changed his handle to
  Whizzclaw. He is the sysop at 
  Total Destruction BBS.
  Criminalis changed his handle to 
  Techno left exxON to join another
  crew in Sweden.
  Sonic joined as an musician.
  Dr.Octave joined from Ozone
  as an musician.
  Dr.Ice joined as a coder and a
  sysop with his board Key Stroke BBS.
  Preacher joined from Angelica prod as

  a graphician and coder.
  Splash joined from Angelica prod as
  a coder with hes board Flame Strike BBS.
  Mr.Anonym quited the Amiga scene.
  Stranger got kicket because he have
  broken the rules of exxON!
  Cyberdyne Systems is now a support
  BBS for exxON. Sysop is Shakeel.
  Soon coming from exxON are Digital Chips,
  a chippack packed by Maze. A new issue
  with cool chip`s EVERY week.
  exxON has now startet a PC divisjon.
  Organizer is Biggus.
  Biggus Joined with his board 
  The Death off Miss Marple, he is also
  the Organizer of exxON PC division.
  Skinner left exxON to form hes
  own crew, so  Maze took the job as 

  Memberlist :

  Dr.Deo     - Organizer, Ray-tracer, 
               swapp, code.
  Dr.Octave  - Music.
  Dr.Ice     - Sysop, coder
  Emkay      - Gfx.
  Kurgan     - Gfx, code, swapp.
  Maze       - CoOrganizer, Music.
  Preacher   - Gfx & coding.
  Splash     - Sysop & coder.
  Sheela     - Gfx, code, swapp/trader.
  St.Eagle   - Swapp.
  Sonic      - Music.
  Whizzclaw  - Sysop.

  Memberlist PC :

  Biggus     - Organizer
  Slobber    - Co-organizer

-Human left Highlanders and joined Humans.
-Human renamed to Mutagen
-Falcon renamed to Socky

   - ALFSKY................raytracker,gfx
   - JUTU............................code
   - MUTAGEN.....................msx,swap
   - SCRABY................swap,organizer
   - SOCKY.....................raytracker
   - WIPER..................swap,gfx,code

-They are searching for new members


  Felix         Swapper, Friendship maker
  Jummen        Swapper
  Mosher        Swapper
  Purple Haze   Swapper
  Steffen       Modemtrader, Friendship Maker, Amiga & PC
  Saint Halo    Modemtrader
  Butt-Head     Small Code
  Mind          Coder
  Bjørn         Coder
  Scoop         Coder
  Tropic        Gfx
  Energizer     Gfx
  Germic        Gfx
  Magz          Gfx
  R.M.D.        Gfx
  S.M.D.        Gfx
  Yabbo         Sfx
  Breakbeat     Sfx
  Chronic       Sfx

  Eagle         System & Stuff

  -Another very talented Gfx dude joined.
  -Magz joined as Gfx & Swapper.
  -Mosher left Eon and joined Speedy.
  -A gfx man joined in Sweden.
  -A Coder called Scoop joined.
  -Jummen joined as the last swapper.
  -Steffen cutted down his swapping to concentrade more on friendship.


   _ ________ _ _ ____ _ _ ______ _ _______ _ ___________ __ ___ __ _ __
    Y                                                       YoooOOOOoooT
    |            .                                          |          |
    |            |\                                         |  __/\__  |
    |            | \ ____ ___________  ______________       | _\ oO /_\|
    :      ______|  \\__~\\__  ____ ~\/~  _________ ~\      |/ /_- _\  |
    :      \__   |   \/   \/ __  \/   \   \ ~\/   |   \     :  __/\__  |
    :       /    |    \    \   \  \    \   \  \   |    \    :          |
    .       \    |     \_   \_  \  \_   \_     \_ | soft\_  :          :
    .        \__________/____/______/____/______/_|______/  :  BIGMAN  .
    .         Y~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Y~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Y~  :          .
   _._____ _ _.___ _______ __.__ _ __ _ ________________.___.oooOOOOooo.
    :                                                       :          .
    :                    P R E S E N T S :                  .          .
    .                                                                  :
    . M E M B E R S   F R O M   N E W   G R O U P S   OR  P O L A N D  :
   _._____________________________ ______________________________ _____:
    .                             Y                              Y     :
    : BIGMAN  - swap, modem,      | IF YOU WANT SWAP OR V.S      |     .

    .           gfx ascii         | WRITE NOW :                  :     .
                                  |                              .     .
    : BELAMY  - code, modem       : BIGMAN / V.S                       .
    :                             : IRENEUSZ KAMINSKI                  .
    : CZESIO  - musician,         : UL.LABENDZINSKIEGO 2/4             .
    .           organizer         : 85-796 BYDGOSZCZ                   .
    .                             . >>>> POLAND >>>>                   .
    . THE NAT - gfx, all..        .                                    .
    :                             . WARNING:                           :
    : ASTERIX - gfx, ray          .                                    :
    .                             . LETTER + DISK = 101%               :
    . HOTJOY  - swap              . FAST ANSWER FOR YOU....            .
    :                             .                                    .
    . REXIO   - gfx & music    ))^*^((                                 :
    .                                                                  .
    . FLOPPY  - swap                                                   .
    .                                    REMEMBER 4 EVER BIGMAN        .
   _._____ _____ _ _ _ __ ____ ____________ _____ ______________ _ _ __.

   _______                       .\!/
   \  __  \ /\_____________________*-    ______  ___ ______
LFø/\/ __ //__/_        ___\ _ \  _:\    \__ _/ / _ \\__ _/
  / __/ /// \  /___ ____\  /  \ \ \_      _//  / // / _//
 /  // /_/  / / / / / / / / /   /  _\     \  \/ // /  \  \
/__// __   /  \/ / /  \/ / /\  \  /__ /\__/  /\ ~ /\__/  /
   /_/ /__/ \___/ /\____/_/  \__\___/ \_____/  \_/\_____/

-BADGER joined as a GFX artist.

-RAGE was kicked for being too slow!!

-SEEKER joined as a sysop,his BBS will open soon and will probally be

-MALAKI joined as an Ultra-Fast swapper in Norway.

-PHUTURE 303 MUSICPACK will have a new code and will be in a Disk-Mag 
 format.we need your support!!So send ARTICLES/NEWS/ADDYS/ASC²/VOTES etc.

-MALAKAI got kicked/left and joined EXCESS

-PHUTURE 303 seeks new members,all types needed.Especially ultra-fast 
 swappers and coders so contact LFO for joining.





Poland division

 Esc     - code, swap
 Lynx    - code
 MadBart - modem-trader,ray-tracer
 Maf     - ray-tracer
 Mental  - swap
 Pike    - gfx, organizer
 Shadow  - gfx
 Walec   - swap
 Vip     - gfx, swap
 Voice   - music
Germany division

 Hansa  - swap, Germany HQ

-Shadow joined from Genetic as gfx-man
-MadBart joined as modem-trader and ray-tracer

-We still look for some members (prefered coders and gfx-men)!

-Coming soon cool productions from Apx
 -Next non AGA tracmo "Contagion"  (next party...)
 -AGA slide-show "Refraction"  (we have some internal problems with it)
 -Intro "Intel Inside"
 -BBS Intro [+98 0(91)879493 SOON! SYSOP'S - MadBart, Vip]
 -Next Partro (?)

We released:

"Agony"              slide-show     09.1992
"Wave Sounds"        music-disk     06.1993
"Firehose"           intro          11.1993  (6 place)
"Unjust Sentence"    trackmo        04.1994  (4 place)
"Primavera Partro"   partro         07.1994
"40k Intro"          intro          08.1994  (? place)

News from Vip/APPENDIX





- They are looking for coders, graphicians and divisions.
- Carlo and Chmiel were kicked out.
- Dreamer left for TPD.
- Pagan (graphician) joined in Poland.
- German section left to form Tribe.
- Magnum renamed to McCoy
- Skyhawk joined in Sweden.
- Pippen  kicked out.
- Aron,  Axmar,  Chaser,  Gdf,  Havoc, Hornet, Lc, Roy, Trapez, Weed, Wow,
  Sauron, Stean and Seba joined from R.S.T.D.
- Axmar, Gdf, Hornet, Trapez, Weed and Wow left.
- Skyhawk renamed to Beaver Master.
- Splatterhead joined from Triflex^Addonic.

- OFFICIAL Memberlist (12.12.94):

 »»»»»»»» POLAND «««««««««

Kurczak..........coder, gfx, swapper
Zibi.............swapper, editor, hq

 »»»»»»»» FINLAND «««««««««


 »»»»»»»» SWEDEN «««««««««

Beaver Master....graphician

 »»»»»»»» NORWAY «««««««««

Roy Batty........raytracer


========================= iLLUSiON NEWS -> BEGIN =====================

         _____/\____________/\______  ___/\____________/\_
        (    /  \             /     /\     \             /
        /        \  _________/     /  \     \   \_______/
.------/  __      \  \_______)         \     \_______  \-AwE---.
|     /    |       \         \                \      \  \      |
|    /_____!________\_________\_____!!________/__________\     |
|    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     |


- CLO!  it's a first girl in ILLUSION.
- HERETIA is dead now !!!!
- DARK renamed to DAReK.
- WARHAWK joined as double member ILLUSION^OBSESSION.

- BLOCK HEAD (Norway) joined as musician.
- TRASTOR (Poland) joined as article writer.
- UFO (France) is also an IRIS Member.
- Soon will be realised SILESIA #10 with new design. 
- We are working at some projects.
- We search talented graphicians in Poland.
- We search boards and modem traders-> write to AWESON
- PENTAGON PLACE is the new iLLUSiON GHQ; sysop is MONTY
  it is a single-line BBS.
  NUP: VIRUS     #1...: (+49) 202-304406.



- WILD      CODER.
 (17 members)


- MICK        TRADER.

- ALEPH       CODER.
  (13 members)



 (13 members)


  (2 members)

- Finaly is 45 members.

=============================== iLLUSiON NEWS END ==================

                 / _______/   FUSS MESSAGES !!!
                / /__      <--------------------------->
               / ___/      1............SCRABY of HUMANS
          ____/ /____      2............DAVE of VACUUM
           --------        3............THE KING of ILLUSION
       +-> FUSS PACK <-+   4............HOGAN of LADYBIRD DESIGN
            ISSUE#1        5............FELIX of SPEEDY                           
                           6............CURT COOL of DEPTH

Messages from Scraby/Humans to:

Hi  man!   Fajnie  sie  gadalo  na  party tylko szkoda, ze tak krotko, ale jakos
ciagle  mi  gdzies  uciekales...   Jak tam sie miewa Twoj twardziel?  Wydobrzal?
Jak  cos  zrobisz to fastem podeslij do mnie or dzwon (0-965) 234-08.  Bye!  Jak
wypadla wizyta Humana ???

-Captain Bo/Orbital
Only two words:  post suxxxxx!  I can`t understand why my sendings go so long to
your  country.   Last  time I sent a sending as expres...  Something is wrong in
Polish  post.   I  hope  You  will get my letter at last.  Write then as fast as
possibly because the filled vote-sheets are waiting.  CU!

Thnx  za kontakt!  Widze, ze mozna do Ciebie pisac po polsku wiec tak bede pisal
next  letterki  (choc po angielsku tez moge).  Hmm..cos czuje, ze na BBSach masz
niezle  dojscie  do Ascii/Ansi.  Jesli mozesz podeslij mi pare.  I swappmy tylko
na dwa dyski (zeby pOCZTA nie kradla nam przesylek).  Odpisz wkrotce.

Hi  my  new  German  friend!  I hope U will pass the exams or U have passed them
already.   Sorry  I  haven't  got games at all bcoz I haven't got enough time to
play  (I  constantly  write  letters  2 my pen-pals he,he).  And...  let's start
tapes swapping!  Sayonara!

-Coul & Mr.Ko/Drakkar
Ooops  szkoda  chlopaki, ze nie byliscie na party w Bydgoszczy...  Swapujemy juz
tak  dlugo  (?) a do tej pory nie mialem okazji Was osobiscie poznac...  Moze na
nastepnym party?  pC suxx !

-Curt Cool/Depth
Hi my friend!  Thnx 4 Your great sending from The Party IV.  I don't know what I
can  write  to U about here in general.  Maybe this:  fgnl pbby zl sevraq.  What
does  it mean?  About this I'll write U in next letter but I am sure U know what
have I done?  Sayonara!

Hey!   Thnx  za  big, big letter !!!  He, he w koncu znow bedziemy mogli ze soba

troche  popisac tym bardziej, ze tematow sie troche nazbieralo.Z gory  sorry  za
male  delaye,  ale  sam  wiesz, ze dlugi list sam sie nie napisze. Powodzenia w
szkolce...  Ciao!

No  witam,  witam...  Musze Ci szczerze powiedziec, ze Twoj wiek w niczym mi nie
przeszkadza choc jestes najmlodszym z moich kontaktow.  Ale spojrz na to z innej
strony:   przed  Toba jesli bedziesz chcial jest cale 5-6 lat scenowania Odpisuj

-Dialer/D-Version Team
Thnx  for  your reply!  And sorry for the stamps.  In last sending I sent U them
all.   Thnx  for  explain me political situation in Yugoslawia.  Write something
about yourself, your girlfriend and so on.  Write soon...  Adios!

Hipohej  Studencie!   Jak  tam nauka leci w Poznaniu?  Zapewne text ten czytsz u
kogos  w  Poznaniu  lub  u  mnie  w  domciu (jak ostatnio...).  Wiec po co ja to
pisze???  Niech Wielki Wodz Lesnikow bedzie z Toba!

Yep  zaluj, ze nie byles na party w Bydgoszczy, bo pod wzgledem friendsipu to to
party  bylo  dla  mnie  cool (mnostwo kumpli itd.). Szkoda, ze Walec tak troche
namotal i z tej sprzedazy nic nie wyszlo.  Adios!

Czesc my Spanish friend!  Thnx for Your nice sendings.  I love to get them!  How
are  things  going  in  Spain?   Are there still lotsa summer girlz?  Write back
soon.  Bye!

-Drac/Tomato Dreams&Defiance
Thnx  for next very long & friendly letter.  Keep on writing such letters as the
last!   I detain 2 disks for me coz I don't want to make problems with the pOST.
Polish  pOST  very  often steals so bog sendings.  Please spread my addy & news.
Keep smiling!

Czesc!   Jak tam zdrowko po party???  Duzo kolo nas siedziales, ale dlaczego nie
pogadales  ze mna dluzej?  Widze, ze mamy wiele wspolnych tematow...  i w prawie
wszystkim sie zgadzamy.  Writnij niedlugo...  Ciao!

-Dziulas/Saint Group
Hi  my  friend!  Co tam u Ciebie slychac nowego?  Ostatnio cos od Ciebie pusto w
mojej  skrzynce...czyzby  znowu  pOCZTA  ???  Byles na party? Szukalem Cie, ale
nigdzie nie znalazlem.

-Excell/Ozone Free
Hi  my  scene  friend!  Mila pogawedka na party...thnx za to!  Ciekaw jestem czy
juz  sprawdziles  moduly  z  party?   I  hope  wsio ist OK <- Scraby's language!
Hmmm...  to teraz gdzie sie spotkamy nastepnym razem ???

Hi  guy!   Dzieki  za  Twoje prace, skrzetnie gromadze...  Jak tam po podrozy do
Bydgoszczy?   A  tak  w  ogole  to  gdzie  sie  zgubiles  Hoganowi  i  Qixowi  w

Thnx for Your reply!  I hope we will have great friendly mailtrading.  Yep, your
point  of  view  about  elite is very interesting, it is true that only friendly
guys can be called elite.  Write back soon my pal!

-Fiirh/The Dark Demon
Hi  dude!  Thnx for Your usually paper letters.  I have great time reading them!
Now  when  we  finished  X&0  game  maybe  we can start another?  Do U have some
proposals?  Write back soon...

What's  going  man?   Dawno  nic  od  Ciebie nie dostalem...mysle, ze to pOCZTA.
Jesli to jest pOCZTA to zrekontaktuj sie ze mna pliz!  Jak byla na RPG meetingu?

Hi  Lars!   Big  THNX  for  your  sendings.   I  was very glad to hear U like my
letters.   Remember  about  my The Charts vote...  I hope to hear from U soon...

The  rumours  say U left Amiga scene and joined PC scene...  Is it true?  I hope
it  isn`t.   If  U  left  Amiga scene please send me back my disk.  I need it...
Best regards on Your new way!

Hi my Dannish friend!  How are things going in Denmark after TPIV?  Big THNX for
Your  cool  sending  from  The  Party  IV.I really like these demos.  Write back

-Hiv/Fuckus Pokus
No  tak  pOCZTA suxx!  Cholera, ze tez ta bezczelna poczta moze nas tak okradac.
Ale na szczescie znowu razem swappimy (na dwa dyski hehe).  Writnij back soon!

-Hogan/Ladybird Design
Hi  Hogi,  stary fraktalowcu.  Widze, ze ostatnio zaczales cos filozofowac.  Czy
to  nie  przypadkiem  wplym  TRB.  wielkiego filozofa sceny?  No i jeszcze jedna
rada:  nie placz tak nad scena tylko sprobuj to zmienic!  Sayonara!

Hi!   I  hope  that  Manio  has  written 2 U and you will have a great swap time
together.  Very best regards!

Czesc  koderze!   Szczegoly  dotyczace trackma dostaniesz w sendingu (niebawem).

Super  sie  z  Toba gadalo na party - tak trzymaj!  Angazujesz sie w organizacje

Dzien  dobry  panu?   Jak  sie czuje nasz swiezo upieczony magister inzynier?  I
hope,  ze  zdrowko  dopisuje...   Mam nadzieje, ze teraz po obronie Twojej pracy
dyplomowej  nasz swap bedzie szedl juz jak po masle. Aha i bym zapomnial:  moje
serdeczne  gratulacje  z  okazji zdania tego wszystkiego!  Niech Ci zycie bedzie
latwe i przyjemne...  CU!

Hi  man!   Dzieki  za  lizdek  tylko...  dlaczego nie podeslales dysku???  Musze
szczerze  powiedziec, ze jest to dla mnie conajmniej dziwne...  Ale odpisalem Ci
wiec mnie teraz nie zawiedz.  Keep smiling!

Tiesc chlopie!  I co kolejna "szybka" odpowiedz.  Juz sie do tego Twojego "fast"
swapu przyzwyczailem so no problem.  Koleda Rulez!  Napisz "fastem"!


Hi!   Co  by tu napisac???  No tak w okresie swiatecznym listy zawsze dluzej ida
ale mi to bynajmniej nie przeszkadza.  A Tobie?  OK.  Odpisuj szybo.  CU!

-LFO/Phuture 303
Thnx  for  contacting!  I hope U have got my letter already...  It's funny but I
also  wanted  to contact with You.  So if You hadn't written to me, I would have
written to U...Ok.Nevermind...  Stay cool in your cold country!

Hi!   Thnx  za  sending...   I hope, ze bedzie nam sie super-hiper swappowalo...
Przeciw   pisaniu  listow  po  angielsku  to  nie  mam  nic  przeciwko  tylko...
(szczegoly w liscie).  Dzieki za mile spedzony czas na party!

Hi  my  scene  friend!  Minal juz Twoj "kryzys"?  Czekam na music disc by Picco.
Jak znajdziesz chwile czasu w tej ciaglej gonitwie to odpisz.  CU!

Czesc  Marcin.   Co  tam  u  Ciebie  slychac ?  Yep w koncu znalazles grupke dla
siebie.  No coz wypada zyczyc jedynie powodzenia (na nowej drodze zycia?).

Hello Leo!  Thanks for your nice letter.  I hope U like mine...  Thnx for Jungle
Strike,  I really like diz game coz I didn't play any games lately so now then I
am tired after a hard day in my school I sit and kill all the terrorists.  I can
really blow off steam myself!  Okidoki.  Let's play now...  Bye my Dutch friend.
FRIENDSHIP RULEZ!!!  Thnx for X-mas greetings!

Just big thnx and hellos for U, an Internet Trader...

-Messerschmit/Ram Jam
Hi  my  pal!  Thnx for your last sending...  but this issue oh The Charts I have
got  many  times before yours.  I think your post is really slow.  I hope U like
my Ascii which I have made specially for U.  Sayonara!

Howdy my penfriend!  After a little delay we still swap together...  Last time 2
German  guyz  have  written  2  me  so  now  U aren`t my one and only contact in
Germany.  But don`t worry...  U can always expect nice stuff & long letters from

me...  Ciao!

Hi  Mike!   Thnx  for  your  reply  and  some nice words for me in your standart
letter.   I  must say I really like your work with TradePack...  But please also
send  me  some  utilities once in a while because I haven't got other way to get
new utilities.  Thanks!  Bye my friend!

Hi  dude!  Thnx za sending i Twoje prace. Troche Ci o nich posmece w listach bo
tego messagesa moga czytac osoby niepowolane so U know...

Hi!   Dzieki  za  sendy...   tak  trzymaj.   Czekam  na Wasze produkcje, wkrotce
wyjdzie tez cos pewnie od nas.  Keep smiling and be fast!

Hi Monica!  Thnx za Twoj fajny listek.  Ofcoz mozemy swapic golymi babkami tylko
nie   wiem  czy  bede  takowe  mial.   Pozyjemy,  zobaczymy...   Moze  bys  mnie
korespondencyjnie  nauczyla grac na gitarze ???  Ja w zamian moge przypomniec Ci

kilka krokow tanecznych...  Sayonara!

Czesc  przyjacielu  Misi!   Naprawde  swietny  z  Ciebie  muzyk  i na pewno soon
bedziesz  tak dobry jak ...(tutaj wstaw swojego ulubionego muzyka).  Podsylaj mi
swoje  kolejne wspaniale modulki...  No i zeby w nowym roku powodzilo Ci sie jak
najlepiej.  Bye!

Napisz  w  koncu  cos  do  mnie  bo  ostatnio  niczego  od  Ciebie nie dostalem.
Przylaczyles sie juz do jakiejs grupy?

Thnx  for  your  answer and Your cool pack.  I am going to support your pack and
spread it in Poland.  I hope U will write to me soon...  Adios!

Hi  Qba !  Niezle przekrety wyprawia ta nasz pOCZTA.  Ostatni Twij send szedl do
mnie tylko 2,5 tygodnia, stad ten moj maly delay.  Jak bylo w Danii?  Write back
fast (as always)...

-Qqlek/Fun Factory
Hi  Zorowianinie!   Dzieki  za  always  fast  odpowiedzi.   Napisz  jak  bylo na
koncercie Beastie Boys w Pradze...  I hope, ze nie zamierzasz opuscic sceny?

Hi my friend!  I think U write really friendly letters and it is OK.  I like it!
Thnx  for  some nice words about Polish scene.  It seems foreign people like our
scene.  I hope 2 hear from U soon!  Ciao!

Hi  dude!  Thnx za kontakt!  He,he a wiec jestes grafikiem? Moze bys next razem
podeslal  mi  jakies  swoje  prace?   No  i  w  ogole to chetnie bym jeszcze raz
obejrzal Wasze demo.  So CUL8R!

Yep w koncu po 4 miesiacach cos dostalem od Ciebie...  mam nadzieje, ze wykryles
na  pOCZCIE  tych  palantow, ktorzy kradli sendy i odpowiednio ich potraktowales
palka.  Czekam na nastepny list.

-Raze/Tomato Dreams
Hi  my new Danish friend!  I have heard from Zap U've stopped your swap activity
bcoz of modules.  If U could please return me my disk and stamps by Zap.  I hope
I'll get soon next issue of your great pack.  Ciao!

Hi  Mika!   Thnx  for  Hate  - Fanatic great demo.  I have seen it on my friends
Amiga  and  I  must say it looks very ql.  Will your group prepare something for
The Party IV?  I hope U will...  Write back soon.

Witam,  witam!  Dzieki za kontakt.  Na pewno dostales juz moj letterek, a tam na
pewno  juz  poczytales  sobie  male co nieco.  Dzieki za stuff. Tak 3maj!  Stay
cool i w kaloszach!

-Sagrael/Fucker Fucktor
Witka!  Co tam u Ciebie nowego slychac?  Dzieki za always cool letterki.  Hmm...
nie  wiem  co wiecej tu Ci napisac?  Moze juz tylko pozdrowionka:  stay cool i w

Welcome  again  after  half year...  I spread Sound#1 as well as I could.  Maybe
have  U  got  some  modules  from  Poland  already?   Send me next issue of this
sounddisk.  So U`ve got your own band...  Write me a few lines about it.  I hope
to hear from You soon!  Sayonara!

Hi  Janusz!   Really  cool meeting in Bydgoszcz.  Szkoda tylko, ze takie imprezy
nie  sa  tansze  i czesciej organizowane.  Bedziemy sie mogli spotkac dopiero na
Intel  Outside  II  bo  wczesniej raczej nie wyjade na zadne party.  I hope ze w
pracy  powodzi Ci sie coraz lepiej i soon zostaniesz dyrektorem (he,he).  Czekam
na list.

Thnx for your always hot&nice stuff.  Big thnx for lha files, if U can pliz send
more  &  more.   I  hope the comming winter will be as cold as it is just now in
Finland...  OK write back soon my Finnish friend!  Ciao!

Hi Adam!  Jak tam po podrozy do i z Bydgoszczy.  Mysle, ze z niektorymi nie bylo

najgorzej  (w  kazdym badz razie moglo byc gorzej).  Write back soon!  (he,he to
taki maly zart!)

Hi  Piotr!   Thnx  za contact (pozdrow Waterhead'a!  ode mnie)...  A wiec lubisz
dlugie,no  zobaczymy.   Hmm...chyba  w  liscie  nie wyzywalem Cie od
lamerow,  a jesli tak bylo to big sorry (chyba musialem byc najebany).  3maj sie
cieplo i pamietaj o welnianych skarpetach na zime.

Thnx  for contacting!  U R my first contact in Illusion so I hope U will send me
some new productions from Your group.  Pozdrowienia od ludzi z Polandii!

Hi  Tos!   Thanx  for Pikaboo Pack, it looks great. I sent U lately some Polish
productions, please use them in Your cool pack.  Stay cool!

Co  pniemy  sie  w  gore,  pniemy?  Od kilku gostkow slyszalem juz, ze zawsze do
wszystkich  piszesz  zarypiste letterki.  Oby tak dalej!  Niech Ci zycie latwe i

optymistyczne bedzie!

-Twilight Zone
It  was  very  bad  news  that  You left the scene.  And remember:  AMIGA IS NOT

-Unholy/The Edge
Jak  zawsze  (drugi  raz?)  cool  mi sie z Toba gadalo.  He,he ciekaw jestem czy
zejdziesz  kiedys ponizej 10kb.  A pamietasz swoje stare listy (oj niewiele tego
bylo).  Czekam na Contact Boxa #3!  CU!

-Vasyl/Ladybird Design
Hi  Carze!!!   Thnx  za  prezenty  (he,he  zebys  widzial  jak  sie  cieszylem).
Niestety, ale pOCZTA wjebala chyba Twoj poprzedni list co jest bardzo dziwne tym
bardziej,  ze Ty nie fekujesz.  Just pOCZTA SUXX!!!  Ale I hope, ze teraz bedzie
juz dobrze.  Podeslij mi produkcje z Tarnowa please!  Write back sooooooon.

Witka!   Szkoda,  ûe nie byîeô na Biedronka Kombat Party I w Kolobrzegu.  Niezle
sie bawilismy...  Pamietaj, ze teraz swappimy na dwa dyski!  CUL8R!

-Waterhead/Ozone Free
Hi Maciek!  Nice production from your crew on da party!  No i rowniez jak zwykle
przy  tego  typu  imprezach  sobie  pogadalismy...  Kiedy Wasza next produkcja z
efektami wymyslonymi na party?  Z niecierpliwoscia czekam!

Thnx  za  list!   Ciekaw  jestem  jak  ludzie  zareaguja na ten troche spozniony
raport...  Ale nie martw sie koduj dalej.  Wiecej o produkcjach poczytaj sobie w
letterku...  A t3raz ciao!

Hi  Zderzak!   He,he  sorki za taaaak mile powitanie, ale slyszalem, za baaardzo
spodobala  Ci  sie  Twoja  nowa ksywka.  A tak poza tym to nie chcialbym w ogole
wspominac  Twojego  bolacego  zeba  z  Wigili  bo  i  po  co  skazywac Ciebie na
cierpienia?  Big THNX za adresy!  3maj sie cool!

To all my contacts:


Fast greetz to: Norby/Trsi, Smile/Turnips, Bodzio/The Edge, Plexa/FCI,
                Magiel/FCI, Kurczak/FCI, Many/Ozone Free, Slash/Ind.,
                Scorpic/Picco, Ranger/Ladybird Design, Jerry/Ind.,

 Blitzer/Black Jack (?)
 Cadance/The Dridge
 Deceiver/Decnite (?)

I`m  still  waiting  for  answer from you guys.If U don`t want 2 have me as your
contact just send me my disk(s) back with a short note.  Thnx!!!

We  are  still  searching for new members(musicins,coders, graphicians,swapper)!

For joining and/or magnificent swapping write to:

     Scraby of Humans
    Krzysztof Siedlecki
      ul. Waska 2/19
     78-100 Kolobrzeg
   phone:(0-048) (0-965) 234-08 (ask Kris)



    -   -  - --- ------------------------------------------ --- --  -    -

- CATION/TTN:        Cos dlugo od Was nie dostaje odpowiedzi, wiec chyba
- CRON/GENETIC:      cos jest niewporzadku, albo Wy zawalacie, albo po
- NIUNIEK/ILS:       prostu zaginely listy.Jezeli wydaje Ci sie, ze dlugo
- SER/STATUS OK:     odemnie nie dostajesz odpowiedzi, to chyba poczta
- BLACHA/STATUS OK:  zawalila... Jezeli mozesz, to daj szybko znac, bede
- DICK/IND.:         bardzo wdzieczny! Thx!

    -   -  - --- ------------------------------------------ --- --  -    -

- RADZIK/ORBITAL:    Tak, jak gadaliõmy na Gelloween, wcielo nasze listy.
- SCRABY/HUMANS:     Wiec, jezeli znajdziecie troche czasu, to napiszcie
- STASI/CONVEX:      jak najszybciej, bede dzwieczny!

    -   -  - --- ------------------------------------------ --- --  -    -

- Lazarus/AZH: Napisales do mnie niedawno, ja Ci odpisalem, lecz okazalo
               sie, ze nie ma adresu!!! Wiec daj szybko znac...
               Do moich kontaktow: jezeli macie adres LAZARUSa to dajcie
               znac... Thanx...

    -   -  - --- ------------------------------------------ --- --  -  -

    _   _      _      _    _    _      _     _      _    _
    )\_ )\_    )\_    )\_  )\_  )\____ )\_   )\__   )\_  )\_
   (___)~~~)  (~~~)  (~~~)(~~~)/~~~_~~)___) /~~~~\ (~~~)(~~~)
   (:::):::|  |::.|  |:::||  :|:::(_)/(:::)/:::  :\|::::\  :|
   |::.| ::|_ |:::|_ | ::|| ::|\__: V\|.:.| ::():: ) ::\  ::|
   |:. |  :|)\|:: |)\|  :()  :|/(_) : ) : |\:. :::/|  :|\:::|
   (. _)  ____)  ____)  ____  )____ O/(  _) \. __/ (  _)(_  )
    \(  \(     \(     \(    )/     )/  \(    \(     \(    )/
     V   V      V      V    V      V    V     V      V    V
     :   :      :      :    :      :    :     :      :    :
     o   :      |      O    :      o    o     :      O    :
         o      O           o           O     O (ktr/tns) O
 THE KING /ILS  <-- not on envelope! .                     :
 PAWEL WITEK                         o                     .
 KARLOWICZA 45/55      :                       FAST GREETS o
 JELENIA GORA 58-506   o      :              :   TO ALL MY

 POLAND                       .          :   .      CTX
                              o          .   o            :
 - 4 swap (A G A rulez)                  o        :       .
                                                  .       o
  ??? MeSsAgEs tHiS TiMe (In aLpHaBeTiCaL OrDeR)       


Tak,  tak  fajnie,  ze  gdzies tam przeczytales moj message do Ciebie, wiec tak,
trescia  listu dzielic sie nie wypada, czyz nie?.  Napisalem do Ciebie dokladnie
w  Swieto  Zmarlych  roku 93, dziwne, ale jakos to pamietam!.  I co, ze list byl
kiepski,  podobaly  mi  sie  twoje  mody  wiec napisalem i juz!!!.  Mialem wtedy
zaledwie  7  kontaktow!.   Teraz  to  juz  nic  od Ciebie nie chce, moduly coraz
gorsze,  a ten twoj kodeks dla muzykow, smieszne, ty to masz chyba jakas obsesje
na  tle  rippowania  sampli,  co?.   Cos  ostatnio  zadnej  selekcji przejsc nie

mozesz!.  I dobrze!!!  Tak trzymac!!!.

ACE /DELUXE TEAM      - dlugo bez wiesci, poczta?.
ARROW /TANGRAM        - have you got my answer?.
BARTMANEK /IMPOTENCI  - co sie z toba dzieje?.
BICKER /FLASHBACK     - patrz wyzej!.
BIGMAN /VISION SOFT.  - list napisalem juz kolejny a tu nic
                        i nic i nic!. 
BLACK ANGEL /G.E.L.   - Co jest???.
BOOGER /ABSTRACT      - Ostatnio poslalem packa, dostales
                        moj list???.
BRAINDEAD /ex. ORION  - have you got my answer?.
CHMIEL /NEOPLASIA     - dostales packa?.
CRON /GENETIC         - a miales zrobic modulasa!. Delay???.
D.E.F. /INDEPENDENT   - dlugo bez wiesci!.
DICK /INDEPENDENT     - ktos mi mowil, `e odchodzisz ze sceny!.
DISTORTION /STORM     - dostales list?.
DYNIO /THE SILICON A. - nam to zawsze listy gina!.

FREYON /STORM         - zyjesz jeszcze?.
FRYZJER /ORBITAL      - pieprzona poczta!.
GANGSTA /OBSESSION    - little delay?.
GOODMAN /P.I.L.       - kiedy napiszesz?.
GUYBRUSH /EASTSTAR    - delay czy poczta?.
JAZY /SHINING 8'n'M.  - where are you?.
JERULL /SPHINCTERS    - one year delay?!!!.
KATAREK /TURNIPS      - chyba poczta?!. 
LITTLE HORROR /IND.   - SILESIE 10 posle jak tylko sie ukaze.
LOZINGOT LAURENT      - have you got my answer?.
MAC FIGHT /DELIRATUM  - where are you?.
MANIEQ /INDEPENDENT   - delay rulez?.
MEPHI /DAMAGE         - ty juz chyba odeszles ze sceny?.
MR.DOOM /EXCALIBUR    - delay!.
MR.WOLF /INQ          - podobno zmieniles adres!.
NAPOLEON /DRD         - where are you?.
NOP /SAINTS           - always delay?, always hot stuff!!!.
OXSTONE /SPASM        - have you got my answer?.
PAGAN /FLYING COWS I. - chyba poczta?!.
PIT /TERMOS           - czyzby znowy list wcielo?!!!!!!!.

PYTHON /TPD           - co jest?.
RYGAR /ILLUSION       - ???.
SCA /???              - napisze soon BTW jestes mi winny 4 dyski
SHATTERHAND /SAVIOR   - don't send so many disks, please!!!.
SKY /BLAZE            - cos ostatnio sie nie uklada (poczta?).
SMILE /CASYOPEA       - ankiete wypelnilem!!!.
STAN /ILLUSION        - przechodzimy na polecone!!!.
STASI /CONVEX         - czekaj zgadne; POCZTA?. 
TAKE /Dta/EFFECT      - long delay?.
TIMER /SCALARIS       - zobacz wyzej!.
TOMEK /INDEPENDENT    - nie! Delay czy moze znowu... 
TOXIC /ILLEGAL        - delay?

                                         THE KING /ILLUSION


     For friendly swapping  you
          can contact me...
      Oo.                  .oO
      o      Hogan /LBD      o
      .   Andrzej  Kotlega   .
         Ciszewskiego 3/5   
      .   78-200 Bialogard   .
      o        Poland        o
      Oo.                  .oO

            Messages from
      Hogan of Ladybird Design

Ace /Deluxe Team
Thanx for contacting me.  Soon you'll get an answer.  CU.


Hi!   Agin  delay  or  post???  Anyway write to me very soon!  ps.  Don't forget
about A1200.B fast...

Yep!   Your mag is realy cool.  I'm waiting for next R.O.M.'s issue and for your
letter ofcoz!  CU.

Bald  Horse/TRSI
Hey Baldi!  Agin delay?  Hm, I think that U should write to me soon.  ps.  Don't
send me Universe!  I have this game...

So, U made a VBS, but now the scheme is in Amiga magazine.

Bigman/Vision Soft.
Hello Irek!  Fajnie, ze sie spotkalismy... ale nie pogadalismy se za duzo.  Eh.

Smialo  mozez  zapierdolic  tym dwum zgredom (wiadomo o kogo chodzi?) -> pojeby.
CU on next party...

Black Angel/G.E.L. Design
Hey!   I  was  at  gelloween  party.  But you???  Really, I don't know...  Write

Hey  Arek!   Long  time  I haven't answer from you.  Yep!  Now I'm waiting for a
letter...  what about your mag?  CU.

Sorry  for  delay!!!  Now I have some photos (yours).  But Walec also have some!
He told that send it to Verox of ILS!  Write to me soon.

Thanx  for  contacting  me!   It's great that you are Polish guy!  So I'll write
letters in Polish.  Bye.

What  is going on with you?!  Why you don't write to me?!  I think that U should
send my 10 disks back!!!!  Write soon.
 ps.   I  heard that you was fuck out
from F.C.I.  It's true?

Clever /TFD
Thanx for contacting me!  Yep!  Your English is good!  But mine...  hehe.

Hi Friderik!  Good swap with you.  When Tutti Frutti???  Stay cool&CU.


Very good that you are going to make gfx for LBD's intro.  Write to me soon!

Hey!  Thanx for contacting me!  I'm waiting for a next sending from U.  Bye.

Thanx  for contacting me!  So, I'm waiting for next Prawda's (Telesphor?) issue.

Sux!   I  heard  that  you was on Gelloween Party (?).  But I didn't meet you...
ps.  Thanx for the postcard!

I'm  waiting  for  a letta from you!  Big delay lately!  Or post?!  Anyway write
fast.  Girlz rules!

Hi Flakon!  He,he!  I'll call soon...

Floppy/Vision Soft.
Hey  Floppy!   Nice meeting in Bydgoszcz.  Beer was cool.  But you was death (in
night).  He, he.

Witaj.  Thanx for an answer.  Next letter soon, so stay cool.

Fantasy  book's  rules!  Yep!  Now I read "Lord of the rings".  Yep!  It's quite
well book.  I hope that was cool at RPG's meeting.  ps.When your game?


Thanx  for  contacting me!  You made realy cool ASCIIs, so maybe U can make some
for me and my new group?  Tangz.

Now is okay - you get an answer...  Uh!  You have got many work with your mag.

Hudinsky/Ladybird Design
Fajnie ze sie spotkalismy.  Ale dlaczego jak ja pilem z Regnarem Ciebie nie bylo
w poblizu?  A moze tylko tak mi sie wydawalo?  Hehe!  Z reszta chuj z tym.  Aha,
soon  bedzie  mi potrzebne pare modulow...  Ranger Ci napewno powie o co chodzi.
CU soon (?).  ps.  Beavis&Butt-Head rzondzom!

Infant /FP /Desire
Yep.   Hello  to  my new friend!  Next letter soon and don't forget about second
disk.  That's all in this short message.

Inikep /Ind.
Hello Kiep!  Hehe.  Thanx for cool Cindy's photos.  Nice grilz rules!

Now  all  should  be  okay.  I hope that we'll meet at however party!  He.  Next
letter soon, CU.

Jack /Ind.
Hey Jack.  Thanx for contacting me.  If you want just include a second disk.

Hello  to  the best coder in Szczytno!  Hehe.  If you want send to me more 5.25"
disks -> Falcon/Humans have 5.25" disk drive!  I haven't answer from You lately.
post?   or  delay?   ps.Thanx that you give me my stamps and disks in Bydgoszcz!
ps2.  When "Dentka", hehe ??!!

Thanx for a book!  It's cool.  Maybe we'll agin meet at party?  Write to me back
soon.   When  your party?!  ps.Greets for your girlfriend.  ps2.Kurde, co Ci sie
stalo???  Bo slyszalem, ze odsedles ze sceny?!

Now you needn't make gfx...

So,  Krzycho  it's  your  handle?   I think that yes!  It's not bad handle.  See

Hi  Bernard!   It's  great that we're friends.  My next letter soon ofcoz I hope
that  it  will  be  very long.  He!  It's cool that you was in Bydgoszcz!  Maybe
we'll meet at our Libation Camp '95?  Stay coool.

Witajcie  towarzyszu!  Cool that you was at gelloween party.  Now I know what is
with you...  write soon!

Hi  Peter!  Your new handle is quite well.  Hehe!  Sorry for all fucking delays.
Now  should  be  better.   I  hope that you enjoying yourself at holidays!  STAY
COOL!  ps.  pc suxxx 4ever!  He!

Thanx  for  contacting  me!  I'm waiting for a next letter.  Long letters rules?
Well, it's very good.  Stay cool.

Hi  brother!   Lately no answer from you.  Yep!  Is it a little delay?  Or pOST?

Can you make some asciis for me?  Okay?!  Thangz.

Mik/The Interceptors
Hey  guy!   Delays  sux!  Write to me back soon!!!  Isn't good that you don't be
present at gellowen party.  Bye.

Hi!   Well,  I don't "teach" you anymore!  And don't forget about this:Amiga and
Friendship ruleS forever!!!  C Ya soon.  ps.When next issue of your mag?

So,  you  have a little problems with pOST?  BTW:  Delay?  Or pOST?  Write to me
back soon.

Thanx for contacting me!  You'll get an answer very soon -> spoko.  He!

Czesc  Norbert!   Szkoda,  ze  se  nie  pogadalismy  (za  duzo)  w Bydgoszczy...
szczeguly  w  liscie.   A na nastepnym party odrobimy zaleglosci -> vodka rules!

Czesc Macieju!  Ale sie najebales...  a na dworcu w Bialogardzie bylo COOL.  ps.
Send greets to Andrzej!

It's  great  that you like vodka and other stuff like this.  So maybe we'll meet
and also drink something (he!) at a next party?  Who know?  Bye.

Ranger/Ladybird Design
Hello  to  my  friend!  It's cool that you like long letters.  It's cool that we

meet  in  Bydgoszcz!   And  also it's cool that our trackmo was released.  See U

Saddam/Single Density Software
Thanx for contacting me.  You'll get an answer soon.  So, one more Saddam at the
scene?  Greets for C64 scene.

Hi  Obi!  Isn't  good  that you don't be present at gelloween party!Long time I
don't see you...

Hugh!   Great  travel  to  Gelloween Party.  Hehe.  Send greets to Maniek.  Jutu
must (ofcoz) do for you a boot.  Pa,pa.

Thanx  for  contacting  me!   Yep!   Tolkien rules, "Lord Of The Rings" is realy
cool!  Write fast becouse I don't have an answer lately.  post sux.

Skowron /Suspect
Thanx  for  contacting  me.  Phones rules.  You're good graphician, but don't be
angry if Ranger don't use your panels.  CU.

 Spec/Ladybird Design
Alo  alo!   Nice  meet  in  Bydgoszcz.  Mo
e byõ siê skontaktowaî ze mnæ or ja z
Tobæ?   Cio?  Jak  by  co to drynknij do mnie - w koñcu do Biaîogardu masz very
blizko.  Aha, a na biwaku masz siê stawiç obowiæzkowo (o szczeguîy pytaj Rangera
lub dzwoñ do mnie!).  He!

Speed Devil/Far Side
Hejho Devil!  When you release someting?  Ofcoz negzt sending soon.


Hogwh!   So, now you are in Analog...  no, in Triflex and...  Addonic.  Yes.  So
I'm  waiting  for  some  yours productions.  Ofcoz, if you want just write to me
longer letters.  Okay?

Star  Trep  it's  a  good  idea!  Okay.  I can make a code.  Call or write to me

Steve Jones/Anathema
Hello  my  friend!   Long letters rulez forever and it is realy cool! Okay it's
all  in  this  short  message because now I have to write a realy long letter to
you.  Hehe!  Delay?  Or not delay?

Vasyl/Ladybird Design
Hi!   Thanx  for nice letters.  Cool that you take Latro to Bydgoszcz.  But what
is with you?  Where letter for you?

Hi  friend!   Thanx  for  tune for Humans' swaptro.  As you know now I am i LBD.
Write to me back soon.  Stay cool!  ps.  delay?  or post?

The King/Illusioin
Hi Pawel!  Wow, cool that you write now not so short letters!  Okay, I'll spread
votesheets  for  your  mag-pack --> but you also spread PMM' votes!  Okay?!  ps.
lAC - fuck off!!!

Well, we can swapping...  see ya.

TRB /Ind.
Alwayz  nice  letters  from  you.   It's  really important for me, never mind...
Maybe you write something to PMM?  hehe!

Hi!   Now  you  aren't  "belciarz".   Hehe.  Vodka rulz.  And don't forget about
Cation's photos.  Just send it to Verox.  Bye.  Thanx for nice postcard.

So,  Wipus  when  will be Vacations Report???  He,he!  This is all in this short
message becouse now I'll call to you.

Zibi /F.C.I.
Siema  Zderzak  (slyszalem,  ze bardzo lubisz to przezwisko, hehe)!  Oki...  juz
sie  na  Ciebie  nie  gniewam. Mozliwe ze soon getniesz cos ode mnie.  Kto wie?

When you will go to me?  B fast...  thanx for rocks.

Oo.                               .oO
 I'm waiting for an answer from these

           Fugazi /Taurus
            Monsun /Pulse
          Lovely /Applause
          Sebax /Obsession
           Blaze /Balance
             J.F.K /Veto(?)
           Tap / ex.- TRSI
         Carlo / ex.- F.C.I.
          Phantom /Applause
          M.A.S.E. /Ram Jam
         D.John /ex.- Blaze(?)
          Yahoo /Old Bulls
            Virus /Arise
          Skyckad /Compact
           Blitter /Damian

           Mac Fight /DTE
           Radavi /Effect
            Sca /Mad Elks
            Bishop /Zenon

So,  if  you have contact with any of
these  guys,  please ask why he don't
write  to  me  back!  Big THANX!  And
remember:    fuck  off  to  all  disk

.                                 .oO
o    greets to all of my friends    o
Oo.                                 .

                         ________________      ______  ___
                        /  ____/  ___/  /\    /  /  /\/  /\
                       / ___/ / ___/   / /   /  /   \/  / /
                      /  \__\/     \   \/_  /   \       \/
                     /   /\ /      /      \/    /  /\   /\
                     \__/ / \_____/\______/\___/\_/ /\_/ /
                      \_\/Wea\____\/\_____\/\__\/\\/  \\/

                                ««<< OF >>»»
        __________________________________________    __________________   
    _ _/   _______/__ __     /_ __     /_ __     /___/    \    /      _ _  
     ___ __ ___  \     /    /    /    /    /    /     __   \______   /  
     \        /   \    ____/     ____/_    ____/_    /    /      /  /

       Here's some messys from da world's best friend FeLiX oF SpEeDy


To: Andy/Essence

Sorry 4 the little D-lay, but I have just mooved some blocks again.  you finally
got  your  picture  in  the  famous  Eurochart  eh, mr.  mustash !  See you soon
Andreas, your very best friend FeLiX !

To: Core/Disaster

Hi  Core,  thanks  for  contacting.   I'm  everybody's friend so, welcome my new
friend, Send soon !

To: Gizmoduck/Depth

We  haven't  swapped  for long, but you are always sending me great stuff.  Send
soon to your best friend FeLiX !

To: Growl/Fanatic

Woff  again  Growl  !   Realy nice knowing you Groff and sorry for the d-lay.  I
have mooved again, see you soon, your very best friend FeLiX !

To: Lucifer/Technology

Yo Lucifer and sorry 4 the d-lay, I've bin mooving again.  Please send something
nice very soon, your friend FeLiX !

To: Maze/Exxon

Hi  there  new friend Maze.  kewl of you to take contact with me, send Something
hot and nice very soon to your very best friend FeLiX !

To: MDB/Rebels & Bonzai

Hi  there  best  friend, sorry for the little d-lay but I have mooved back to my
old  add  again.   Hope  you'll  get past the copper shit in a hurry, just think
about  beautiful women  and  hot wather.  Please send soon back 2 me, your very
best friend FeLiX !!

To: Messerschmitt/Ram Jam

Ho  Ho  Messer !  I'm very sorry that I didn't answer at the speed that I Should
have, bute I hope it doesn't matter.  You see, I have mooved a couple of blocks,
be awere * new add *.  Anyway, please send soon to your very best friend FeLiX !

To: Moon/Abyss

Hey  there  moon,  my best pal !  Thanx for amazing sendings every time, there's
allmost  always  some own productions on the disks, thanks !  Well I sorry 4 the
D-lay,  but  I've  bin  mooving  for  some time, new add.  Your very best m8 and
friend FeLiX !!

To: Mr.King/ex Scoopex

Sorry  about  the D-lay kingy, I've bin mooving around a bit,new add and stuff.
We'll sort the rest out eh, your very best friend FeLiX

To: MSW/Effect

FeLiX  here,  I saw your messy to me in some mag, thanks.  I'll be sending soon.
Your best friend FeLiX !

To: Pantera/Gods

Hi Speedy lover, Felix here wishing you the very best in life.  Please send some
stuff  soon  to  your  best  friend FeLiX !  BTW :  I have lost your add, please
recontact or make somebody else give the add to me.

To: Paperboy/Simplex

It's always nice to hear from you paperdude, nice stuff and really nice letters.
Send soon to your very best friend FeLiX !

To: Reval/Infect

Hi  friend,  sorry  for  everything,  let's  continue  swapping  some frindship.
Sending some nice crap soon, your friend FeLiX !

To: Sixpack/Gods

Hi  friend,  your a pretty kewl dude man and thanx for always sending nice stuff
and letters.  Always send soon to your very best friend FeLiX !!

To: Sky/Blaze

Thanx  for contacting (again) and for nice everything.  I really hope that we'll
have nice and long swapptime together, your very best friend FeLiX !

To: Splatterhead/Black Jack

Nice  of  you  to take contact with me and sorry for the slow re-sending, I have
resently mooved.  Your best friend FeLiX !

To: Substance/Ind

I'm  sorry  that  I  haven't  returned  your letter sooner, but I have lost your
Adress.  So please recontact me or call me, tell me you add again please !  Your
friend FeLiX !

To: Voyage/DCS

I  sendt a letter to you 30/8 -94, so please send something fast to me again.  I
thought we re-opened our swapping again ?!  Your best friend FeLiX !!

To: Shatterhand/Savior

Hi  Shatterdude,  thanx  for  contacting  I  hope  will  have  some kewl letters
together, I know we will.  Your best friend FeLiX !!

To: The Mule/Score

Hi  my old pal, welcome back to the flase world again, I will always be here for
you, Your very best friend FeLiX !!

To: Wolf/Equinoxe

Hi and thanx for contacting foreign friend.  Your best friend FeLiX.

To: Waterhead/Ozone Free

Hi  waterbrian,  hehe.   By  all  means  thank  you  4  contacting  me far away.
Friendship rules, your best friend FeLiX !!

To: Scraby/Humans

Hi  scraby  friend,  thanx  for  the  contacting letter, I really appreciate it.
Friends  from Poland are always welcome here far in the North,but please use my
new add the next time.  The one and only...your very best friend FeLiX !!

Messages from Curt Cool / Depth...

To everybody talented: Join Depth!

To  everybody in general:  I'm lazy!  And have you got any idea how boring it is
to write 430 lines of messages???

To  all  girls:   Contact  me!   I'd like to swap with some girls too, as all my
contacts are male!  Yep!  More girls in the scene, that's what I'd like...

To  all  my  contacts:   See you at THE PARTY IV, sorry for too short letters, I
guess  it  has  something  to do with too many letters/too much school/ too much
boozing (can you get too much of that????)...  i.e.  not enough time...

Akiro?/Indy:   Good  luck  with  your  new group, I'll try to write a bit longer
letters in the future!

Minor/Ind.:  Well...  It seems you don't like the EEC, well then look at it from
another side, it's easier to defeat something from the inside...

Chronic/HSE^Speedy:  Er vi overmennesker eller hva'?

Growl/Spoon etc.:  Moduler, hva'?  Og send snart til Gizzen også!

Sinister/Maniacs:  You contacted me...  Now send something!

Mike B./Magic:  Well good luck with all your projects...  I'm looking forward to

Doomsday/Mador:  Stay cool'n'fast'n'friendly dude!  Any great Mador-prods coming

Dire/TDD:   A  pity  you  had to give some contacts away, but hey, personal life
comes  before  swapping.   And  while  we're at it, good luck with finding a new
girlfriend.!  Stay cool!

LFO/Phuture 303:  Well, let's see, if you can join as subdivision...

TNT/Indep.:  Ha' det godt i Odense, fedt job du har fået dig!

Gordon/Depth:  Jeg  ringer  til  dig idag...  Håber du får vores 40k færdig til

Curmudgeon/Depth:   Trippet  musik  du  laver.   Fortsæt med det m8ey.  Og du er
medlem af flere grupper end Growl...  hehe!

Matrix/NGC:   Hello namebrother...  Frank is a great name!  Send me some new top
NGC-production some day?!

Me'Fiir/TDD?:   I  heard  you joined up with The Dark Demon?!  Good luck with it

Tricktrax/Depth:   Du  sagde  du  ville sende nogle flere geniale moduler?!  Gør
det, så er den bare helt fin (skod-udtryk!).

Reval/Infect:  Nice BBS-intro from you guys...  Stay cool!

Immortal/Technology^Freezers:   Well...  Wit Premium is pretty fantastic, and so
are  both  Technology's and Freezers' 40k's!  I guess Gelloween must have been a

pretty cool party!

Blockhead/Ind.:   Well, keep making crazy'n'great techno... Thunderdome rules?!
(although  it's  not quite my cup of tea...).  Hope you'll find a new group soon
too!!!  (Anybody out there wanting a pretty good musician?)

Mohd Zaman/Ind.:  Hello my American friend...  Please send something?!

Grapic/Ind?:   Nå,  hvis du ikke får svar fra Noise, eller ikke får lov at joine
dem,  så join us, eh?  Vi kunne godt bruge en grafiker til (også kodere, ligesom
alle andre...)

Blaster/ex.   Eremation:   Pity you quit swapping.  Have a nice time outside the

Darkhawk/Iris:  Hvornår kommer det næste DISC?  Og hvornår sender du???

Exit/Overlords:   Well...  Enjoy the mods, do some more Ghettopacks, and, and...
yes...  Stay cool!  (Hope you can use these messages!)

Deceiver/Decnite:  Well...  How about sending something??!

Denis/Excess:  Hello my only swiss contact!  And keep sending great stuffz, eh?

MacFight/Mador?:   When  will  you send to me?  Hope to hear from you soon!  And
how is Magna Chartsa coming along?

Jozz/TRSI:  Hope to hear some of your absolutely fantastic chipmodules soon!

Dust  Devil/Ind.:   Cheers my scottish friend...  Keep sending those goodies eh?
Maybe I should even offer you to join?  Tell me!

Toby/Sardonyx:  Well, I think you've quit swapping, but...  stay cool anyway!

Ripper/Diffusion:   How about sending something?  Or are you waiting for the new
Diffusion-mag to come out?  Well, tell me soon m8!

Eniac/The Omen:  Nå Nå...  Du skulle vel ikke savne kørelejlighed til THE PARTY,
vel???   For  vi er tilfældigvis ved at arrangere bus!  (275 kr.  t/r)...  Ja...
Stay cool m8!

Illusionist/The  Fun Factory:  Well...  Send something m8!  Hope to see a letter
from you soon, m8!

Estrayk/Darkness: Nice receiving a letter from you!  Stay cool dude!

King Arthur/TMG:  Hei.  Bra moduler fra deg...  eller sådan noget (mit norske er
noget rustent, for ikke at sige aldrigeksisterende).

Device/Infect:   Glad  you  had a nice time with that german girl...  And I hope
the discos in your city are cool, hehe...  CU M8!

CIE/Appendix:   Keep  making great modules'n'samples m8!  Hope your school isn't
troubling you too much!

Chip-Ram/ex.   Digital:   Well,  thx  for your always great modules.  And BTW, I
found a little bug in ModuleMaster, so I guess I'll tell you next time!

Blind/VIPs:  Well, long time no C...  Write soon or what???

Ranger/Ladybird  Design:   Great  demo  you've coded...  Seems it won a prize at
Gelloween or what?  Keep doing 'em m8!

Mr.   King/Scoopex:   Thx for the great TRSI-demo!  Seems you guys are back with
the  switch  on  ACTIVE!  And send me some great issues of NEVER MIND, because I
really  like  it  (I  also  quite  like  IT, but I think Never Mind is a little
better...  ahem...).

Cry-Baby/Ind.:   That's a bloody large dancemix you've sampled there...  Well...
hope you'll find a new group soon, and stay cool m8!

Delirium/ex.   Trance:   Pity  you quit swapping, but...  I guess you can't swap
for your whole life!

Roscoe/Bomb:  Hej Steen, din dovne...  en!  Nå men...  send snart, forbliv smart

Alhazred/Spasm:  Hi dude...  Keep those nice Spasm-prods coming.  And...  Yep...
Stay cool, m8!

Shayera/Spoon:   Hvornår  kommer  det  næste issue af Sound???  Jeg venter!  (Og
forbliv smart, send snart!)...

Huk/Perspex:  Hope you're having a nice time at university, lots of pretty girls
etc.  etc.  And hope to see you guys new musicdisk soon too!!!

Buzzer/Zenon:   Well,  congratulations  with the car, keep doing great mods,and
stay fool...  ehe cool...

Fiction/Intense:   I  guess post suxx!  Well thx for your letter, let's continue
our swapping m8!

Receiver/Ind.:   Hejsa...   Det  bli'r fedt på THE PARTY IV, hva'...  Og ta' dig
godt af den norske kontakt, eh?

The  Pride/Stellar:   Hvad  sker  der?  Hvor bli'r du af?  Send nogle flere fede
moduler,  hva'?   Og  forbliv Kaj ahem Sej (dårlig joke, som kommer af at skrive
for mange messages...  hmmm?!)...

Neurotic/Ind.:  Well...  Hope to see some codeworks from you soon, let's see, if

you can maybe join Depth...  hehe!  CU S00N m8!

XXL/Nexus  7:   Håber  du  må  få  fest og fede tider i din nye gruppe!  Ses til
festen 4!

Masterix/Supreme:   Sorry  for  my  incredibly crap letters, I'll try to improve
that  (instead  of  writing  these  boring  messages...)...   And good luck with
contacting new people!

Double  R/Bronx:   Good  luck  in your new group my friend, hope to see some new
productions from you soon!

DeeJay  Jones/???:   Well,  how about sending me some modules or sumthing soon?!
Stay kewl m8!

Floppyman/Gothic:   Hope  you'll  get  your economical problems solved soon, and
maybe find some new contacts m8!

Splatterhead/Triflex+Addonic:   Well,  keep  those  fast  sending coming, always
really  cool  stuff from you!  You could easily come in the charts (I'd vote for

you at least...)

Solo/Depth:   Hope  you're  having a great time in the US!  Find us some US BBS,

Carcass/Dimension X:  What's up?  Try send something pal!

Allanon/Depth:  I'll send you a good letter really soon!  So wait for it m8!

Krusen/Metro:   Well,  you're  quite a good coder I think, so I hope to see some
great new productions from you soon pal!

Iron/Scope:   Sorry  for  those short letters, I'll try to improve 'em...  And I
hope to see some new Scope (the group, not the BLC-coder) soon!

The  Glow/Ind.:   Seems  you're  getting  an  almost  normal  life these days...
hehe...  Well, keep sending these cool'n'long letters.

Gizmoduck/Depth:   Du  kan  nok  godt  li' å få messages hva'?  Det er rigtignok
fedt, hva'?  Og husk...  Ole-Bent-Povl er en jubelsvinger!

MDB/Alcatraz:   Hope  you'll  get your BBS up again soon!  Yep...  And say hi to
Ghandy for me, eh lad?

Einstein/Craze:  I'd really appreciate if you sent something soon, eh?  And stay
cool, m8!

Blazer/ex.   Fanatic:   Well, I don't know, if you've gone over to the BBS-scene
completely now, but...  Stay at the top anyway!

Lovely/Applause:    Well,   hope   you're   having   a   nice   time  with  your
girlfriend'n'everything.  See ya, m8!

fMotion/Balance:   Keep  doing  all those great modules'n'traces, good luck with
your  new  JD-800,  sample some samples from it for me, eh?  And hope you'll get
that '060 card for your 4000 soon, eh?

Dalamar/Ind.:  Send something m8!  Yep!  See ya!

Madsen/Suspiria:   Thx  for  your  always great sendings...  A pity you won't be
coming to Copenhagen with your class, but at least we'll meet again at the Party

IV pal!

Wasi/Amiga  Circle:   Send  me  some  of your production, so I can spread 'em on
Under The Surface pal!

Oxstone/Spasm:   Hope  you're not having too much trouble after being busted for

Megaman/Unlimited:  So you want to be a cracker???  Well...  Good luck m8!  Hope
you'll  be  able  to  correct  the crappy  mistakes  in my Packmenu, I'd really
appreciate that...  Stay cool, m8!

Thug/Etilik:   How  about sending me some letter, eh?  After all it was you, who
contacted me!

Michael/Anathema:   Well,  hope  to see all those new Anathema productions soon,
and thanx for letting me contribute to CHIP ATTACK!  Gr8 m8!

TSI/Avantgarde:  Well...  Keep sending cool stuff m8, hope to see some codeworks

from you too soon!  Cheers m8!

Mister E/???:  Well...  Very long time, no C...  Send if you can!

D-Coy/Giants:   Nice Braindamage although it was a little bugged I think...  But
who cares...  Stay cool, pal!

Bon/Powerage:   When  will  you send me that Dentro you guys were going to make?
I'm really looking forward to it!  Well...  See you, pal!

Viper/Diffusion:  Looking forward to all those cool new Diffusion productions...
And Beathawk's a great musician!  Yep...  Stay cool, m8!

Grimlock/Ind.:  So you're going to beat me in modulecollecting...  Well...  Feel
free to try to beat about 6500-7000 modules...  hehe!  Stay LEGO, man!

Pantera/Gods:  Well...  A short message to you!  STAY COOL!  (hehe)...

Goozer/Giants:   Keep  doing  great  GFX,  and  send me a letter soon, eh?  Keep
going, m8!

Peace/Iris:   Pity  you  didn't get your TV interview recorded, but at least you
had quite a nice time at WOC?!  Keep up the good work, dewd!

Baizon/Defiance:  Hej der!  Er gymnasiet hårdt?  Hvis du skulle finde tid til at
skrive, så gør det?!  (Forbliv sej, Kaj!).

Mystra/Stone Arts:  What's going on with you?  Send me a letter, eh?

Raze/Tomato Dreams:  Nå...  Ja...  Jo...  Nå...  Alt er vist godt...  Ja...  Sig
hej til Growl fra mig!

N.N!/Insanity:   Kodylklubber  Tue!   Lasse  og Ævendyret regler! Herning er en
overvægtig under partydagene...  OSV!  Flips, etam!

Pinki/Illusion:   So  you  really  enjoy  writing  your  handle all over peoples
disks?!  Well, stay cool m8!

Quedax&Nightsight/Depth:  I'll visit ya one of those days!

Squirrel/Maximum:  A pity I weren't able to visit you while I was in Berlin, but
maybe we'll meet at TPIV?  Stay cool m8!

Psycho/Tritec:    Having  lots  of  school,  are  you?   Well,  until  now  your
"swap-slaves" are doing fine!

QBA/TRSI:   Well  I  really  like  IT,  hope  you guys will use the modules I've
supported you with!  Maybe I'll send you some modules by Tricktrax some day too!
Hope to see the latest issue of IT soon!  l8r m8!

Ramosa/Passion:   Er Super Stardust det bedste spil nogensinde?  Ser sangerinden
fra 2 uendelige godt ud?  Nå...  Håber du får glæde, kærlighed, sex og passion i
din nye gruppe!

Mazzachre/Focus Design:  Hej Mads!  SOUTH SEALAND REGLER!

Ravana/Necropolis:   Thanks  for the great picture, the always great stuff, long
letters and whatever other good things I can think of!

Suicidal/Unlimited:  Hope you're having a nice time at university! And...And...

Keep calm, eh?

Black Wulf/Ind.:  How are things going in New Zealand?  Guess you're doing fine,
eh?  Hope so m8!

Monsun/Avantgarde:   Hope  you're  having fun as a modemtrader, hope to meet you
someday, eh?

Bro/Acme Projects:  Hmmm...  Send soon dude!  Stay cool etc.  etc.

Sascha/Mirage:  I'm really looking forward to Chit-Chat #14, although I've never
seen   issue   #13...    Hope  to  find  it  at  TPIV,  where  you,  sadly,  but
understandably, are not coming!  Stay cool m8!

Scraby/Humans:  Hey!   Thanx  for the cool Gelloween stuff!  Keep that fast m8!
Gr8!  Hope to see some new Humans-prodz soon!

POW/Iris:   Always  cool  modules'n'stuff  from  you!   Pity about your brother,
though!  Give him my best wishes...  And stay cool!

Kors/Obsession:   Where  are  you?   How about sending some great new OBS- prodz
together  with  some  nice  letters...  And find yourself a girlfriend, eh?  And
stay calm!

Ghandy/Rebels:   Well,  Horrorpack rulez, and thanks for always great wares too!
See ya m8!

Volcryn/Technology:  Hey lad, stay cool, keep sending nice wares etc.!!!

Trickster/Noise:   Hejsa!   Hvornår  kommer  næste  issue  af Voices...  Og hvad
kommer i med til TPIV?  Nå men...  Forbliv kold!

Dialer/DVT:   Long  time,  no  C!  Maybe the post stole our letter, or maybe the
situation in Yugoslavia is to blame?!  Tell me, m8!

Mo/Speedy:  Hope you'll send to me soon!  That would be great!  Yep! Stay cool,

Quaid/Mad   Elks:   Have  you  quit  the  scene  or  what?   How  about  sending
something???  Thanks m8!

Easy/Focus Design:  Nå da!  Er den lokale pub skummel?  Eller hva'?  Nå...  Send
noget  på  et  eller andet tidspunkt, Focus Design (og GFB) er jo ret aktive for
tiden!  Yepz!  Forbliv kæwl, ven!

UFO/Iris&Heretia:   Well...   Enough  strange  letters  for this time, don't you
think?  Well...  Tell me, pal!

Illusion/Noise:   Hvad  med at sende noget?  Eller er du holdt op med at swappe?
Fortæl mig om det, min ven!

Messerschmitt/Ram  Jam:   Well...   Seems  you've  had  a  hard  time  with  the
mail&police dudes.  Hope you're doing fine!!!  Stay cool!

Taxman/Diffusion:   Hope  to see all those new Diffusion productions soon!  Send
'em to me m8!!

Tetsuo/Illusion:   Send  soon!  Although you've become a modemtrader, you should
be able to swap anyway, r8 m8?

The  Crow/Avantgarde:   Hey, send something...  Oh...  Maybe I'm just to used to
your fast answers, but...  stay cool, CU at TPIV etc.  etc.

The  Heavyweight/Devious:   How's  it  going OZ?  Hope your great new group will
release some more cool stuff soon, eh?  Stay cool!

The  Ripper/Ind.:   Hey, Abnormalia rules...  I really laughed while reading it!
Hope  you  won't  get too stressed with all the things you're doing!  Stay cool,

Tristate/Boom/Krafted:   How  about  sending  something?   I'd really appreciate
that!  Yep, m8!

Nuno/Quadriga:   Seems  you're  having  a quite nice time in the military!  Yep!
Say hello to Tero for me, will ya!  Great, mate!

Substance/Saints:   Always nice modules&stuff from you!  Keep sending 'em!  Stay
calm, dude!

Infant/Facets Pussy/Desire:  Cool new handle!  Great!  And...  You're also quite

good at coding I have to say!

Radavi/Effect:   Hope  you'll  be able to attend TPIV anyway, because I'd really
like to meet you there!  Yep!  And thanx for always great stuff'n' stuff?!  Stay
cool m8!  English humour rulz!

DeHydrator/Obsession^Savage:   Hello  dude!   Great modules'n'stuff from you all
the time!  Yep!  Stay cool m8!

Wolverine/Myth:   Sorry for my short letters, I'll try to improve in the future!
And hope you can use these messages for Greyscale!

X-Man/Triflex+Addonic:  Hej med dig, og tak for kontaktningen!  Jaja!  Det er jo
helt fedt, det her!

Loony/Desire:   Hi  there!   Stay  cool!   Yep!   Keep  sending  all those great
Desire-productions!  YepYepYepYepYepYepYepYepYepYepYepYepYepYep!

Wolfman/Balance:  Ses på onsdag!  Opstrøm regler!  Og sådan noget!

Nina:  I think I love you...


                   / _______/   FUSS EDITORIAL !!!
                  / /__      <--------------------------->
                 / ___/        1.........Gelloween Party
            ____/ /____        2.........Visual Party
         +-> FUSS PACK <-+   

    +-------------  GELLOWEEN '94'  wyniki oficjalne  ------------------+
    +------------         TILT & Gel Dezign          -------------------+
    +------------  12-13 listopada 1994 / Bydgoszcz  -------------------+
  +-------- Demo competition -------------+
   1. "Noxema" - Damage                                           425
   2. "Wit premium" - Freezers                                    371
   3. "Traitor" - LBD                                             313
   4. "PowROOT do korzeni #2" - DTS inc.                          258
   5. "Annaliza" - PIL                                            201
   6. "Amused to death" - FCI                                     182
   7. "Perplexed" - RSTD                                          147
   8. "Unsorted ideas" - ILS                                      132
   9. "Walk over" - RSTD                                          118
  10. "California ..." - LAMERS                                   92
  11. "Human violation" - FCI                                     75
  12. "Impulse 3.09" - ???                                        31
  13. "SINS" - Error Team                                         22
  14. "Love me Daddy" - Polska Brothers                          

  +-------- Graphics competition ---------+

   1. "Papieros" - Yoga/Mystic                                    426
   2. "Farfenda" - Seq/TRSI                                       401
   3. "Krzysio" - Zefir/GEL Dezign                                390
   4. "Fight" - Lazur/Union                                       379
   5. "Dragont" - Seq/TRSI                                        357

  +-------- Intro competition ------------+
   1. "Faza" - Freezers                                           417
   2. "Party-zanci 3" - Joker                                     378
   3. "Spice" - Technology                                        369
   4. "Yom Kippur" - RSTD                                         266
   5. "The Mask" - Mystic                                         262

  +-------- Music competition ------------+

   1. Dreamer - "Cigarette smoke"                                 328(!!!)
   2. Mercury - "Corrida"                                         288
   3. Snoopy - "Temptation"                                       273
   4. Chaze/RSTD - "Got to keep on dancing"                       264
   5. Priest/Genetic Brothers - "T2"                              260

  +-------- Ray cometition ---------------+

   1. "Art House" - Hires/Union                                   361
   2. "Snap Tracks" - Dragon                                      321
   3. "Nirvana" - Dragon                                          294
   4. "Toilet" - Tinner/SAF                                       250
   5. "Poroniony Pokój" - PAF/Silicon Art                         241

     G R E E T I N G S  T O  : 

          ------ -- --   ------    --       ----    --   -- -----
          ------ -- --   ------    --      ------   --- --- -- -
            --   -- -----  --      -----  -- -- --  -- - -- -----
            --   -- -----  --      ----- --      -- --   -- -----
              _______ _______           _____ _____     ______
              \      |      /    ______ |    Y    | ___ \_   |
               \     ¦     ___  /  ___/ |    ¦    |/   \ |   |
                \    ¦    |   | \_ |  \ |    ¦    /     \|   |<D>
                 \   :   /|   |/   :   \|    :   /   ·   |   ¦_____
                  \     / |   /    ·    |       /    :   |   ·     \
                   \___/  |  /          `------/     ¦   |__________\
                          | /_____________\   /______|______\
                             ___                   ______ ______
                 ________   /   \     ___          \     Y     /
                 |       \ /     \   /   \  ________\    ¦    /
                 |   ___  /   ·   \ /  ·  \|         \   :   /
                 |       /    :    /   :   |____   ___\_ . _/  4.0
                 |    __/     ¦   /    ¦____\  |   |   |   |
                 |   | /      |  /     |       |   |   |   |
                 |   |/_______|_/      |       |   |   |___|
                 |___|         /_______|       |   |

                          28-30 GRUDNIA, TARNÓW 1994



  1.'Delirium V' by Bartesek/Casyopea
  2. ? by Ramzes/??? 
  3.'Colonnade' by Dave/Vacuum
  4.'Overlander' by Bethoven/Technology
  5.'Raveolution part I' by Dave/Vacuum  
  6.'Victory Land' by Bethoven/Technology



    DEMO COMPO: (?)
  1.'Kropelki #176' by Damage