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53 589 bytes (52.33K)
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2024-09-05 01:10:37
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welcome to pikaboo pack-mag

‘ SILICON   ¬   Aspartame ¯ ‘
‘ SILICON   ¬ Nenephantro ¯ ‘

      ‡ˆ‰ 05/04/1995 ˆ‰Š

     „…† RMB FOR MAG ‚ƒ      


          ThIs Is  PiKabOO. Pack-Mag of Silicon
                  Released on APRIL  1995



                -------->Ansi Art<--------

                ---->How to Contact us<---


                ----->PIKABOO Chart<------

                ------>GATHERING 95<------


          RiGht mOuSe button for InTrO-SelecTor

               _ _  ___  _    _    ___  _    _  __
               | |  | |  |    |    | |  |    |  | \
   CODER       |_|  |_   |    |    |_   |    |  |_/
               | |  |    |    |    |    |    |  |
               | |  |    |    |    |    |    |  |
               | |  | |  | |  | |  |    | |  |  |
               - -  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  -  -

                   _________   __________   ____    _
                   |   / / /  /    \/    \  | \ \   |
                      / / /  /\____/ /\   \ |\ \ \  |
     GFX             / O /   \   \/  \/   / | \ O \ |
                    / / /     \____/\____/  |  \ \ \|
                   / / /   |                |   \ \ |
                   ---------   ----------   -    ----
                                 \/  \/

             ___  ___ ___ ___   ___ _ _ _  _
             | |  | |  |  | |   | | | | |  /
   SFX       |    |    |  | |   | | | | | /
             |_   |__  |  |_|   |_| |_| |/ from DaRkNeSs
             |      |  |  | \   | |  |  |\
             | |  | |  |  |  \  | |  |  | \
             ---  ---  -  -   - - -  -  -  -

 SWAPPER         .:\_____   ____________________/ .:.
                 :. ::.:/\  \:  __/\__.:\_____  \:. :
 PACKER           :.:.:/  \  \.:\    /: /     \  \:.:
                 _____/       \_/    \_/       \  \__
                      \_______/ ¯¯\/¯¯ \__________/

 ___________________ _____________________________________
.\__   __/____  \_  Y  __/ ____/______  \_       / ______/-.
:_/  ¬  \_   /   /  l   \_ _____/_  _/  _/_   \_/_____  \_ |
¦\___T___/______/________/_______/__\_____/____\_________/ |
`------ ----------- - ---- ------------------ ---------cDr-'

            SEND YOUR ADVERT 60*23 FOR THIS


                     FABRE PASCAL
                  22 RUE DU PRINTEMPS
                     75017    PARIS
        \  ______ _____ _/  \  ____  __ ____/.
        :\ \_ \/   \  ¬ \  \ \  \/   _\___ \ :
        `--------->> wE aRe hUGe <<----------'

                   eLITe sWAp/aSCII

           _/\_    cRUSADEr oF gIANTs   _/\_
           \Oo/       jANNe kOTTa       \oO/
           /··\      aRBYGATAn  1A      /··\
            \/     633 45 eSKILSTUNa     \/
       \  ______ _____ _/  \  ____  __ ____/.
       :\ \_ \/   \  ¬ \  \ \  \/   _\___ \ :
       `--------->> wE aRe hUGe <<----------'
      /\_____|_____| ____|__|_____|_____/\
      \____  V  _  V  ____/\____  V  ____/
       |  |  |  ___|__.  |  |    _|  __|.
       |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
       |_____A_____A_____|  |__|__A_____|

           C·H·A·O·S  OF  D·E·S·I·R·E
          Dirk Wiemer  Thueringerstr.150
            14770 Brandenburg  Germany
         <<  FOREIGN CONTAX WANTED!  >>

          mÅ¿£tRåð3r /\     \/  gRåpH!ç¿ån
             /\_____/  )/\  /\/\______
             \  ___/ \/(__\/  \__  __/
             / /  \\  \_/ \\(./  )  \
             \__  / \  /  /\\/ _____/
      __/\_____/\___/ __/\________ __/\_______/\_______/\_______/\________
      \___   __    /  \_____     / \_____   ______   ______   ______     /
        /    /  __/   /    /____/  /    /___/    /   /  __/___/    /____/
      _/   _/   \_  _/    ___/_  _/    ____/   _/  _/   \_  _/    ___/_
 _ _/\\    \    /   \    /    /  \    /   \    _   \    /   \    /    //\__ _
_ __/\\\   /\  /____/\  _____/    \  _____/\  /____/\  /____/\  _____///\_ __
        \__ _  _/ -  Idiocy - Genetic or Environmental?  - \ _  _ __/

            Contact me for happy mailtrading and pure friendship:

                             Bodzio of The Edge
                               Leszek Zabinski
                             ul.1-go Maja 146/4
                               40-236 KATOWICE
                             ==> P O L A N D <==

                    Disk is preferred, but not required!
 \               /___      \_____/_____      \  _______/
  \__/       |__/  _/     _/     \   _/     _/  ___)___
    /        |     \      \_      \_ \      \_  \      \_

                   wHEn fREAKs cOMe rUDe !

        vADEr                hEPTAGOn             dOOMSDAy
    uLRICh bECKEr          sTEFAn sWAFINg       bORIS bADASCh
    wESERSTr.  48          wEIDENSTr.  29       lAHNSTr.   62
  49661 cLOPPENBURg        48531 nORDHORn       56130 bAd eMs
      gERMANy                 gERMANy              gERMANy

   /   ______  ______  ______  ______  ______  ____/
  /    |  \/   |  \/   Y  \/  __  \/      \/____  \
  \    _   \   |   \  ___  \  __   \   |   \   |   \
   \ __|_  / ____  / __|_  / __|_  / __|_  / ____  /

       Humans are looking for more scene friends!
     Just write to diz guys for some friendly swap:

        Scraby/Humans            Wiper/Humans
     Krzysztof Siedlecki         Pawel Subocz
       ul. Waska 2/19          ul. Magazynowa 3
     78-100 Kolobrzeg          78-200 Bialogard
          POLAND                    POLAND

    Thiz addy is also for:     We send greetz to all
    -joining                   our scene friends !!!
    -Ascii/Ansi swap             100% answer ofcoz!
     / \__ _____  ___/\______________/\  /\_________ _ _
  / /     Y     \/  _  \       \       \/  ________/(/(/
  \ \     |     / __|   \____   \____   \_____    \
     \         /  \__    \  /    \  /    \   |     \ \
      \   |___/\____|_   /  \   _/  \   _/____     / /
                     \__                     \__
 .                                          .
   .           .       0--0    .                          .
                       |øF|                  Watts/NEo
                       0--0                 46 Northfield st
                                  .          Bolton,lancs  .
            _     ___ ________________       BL3 5JH
           /\\   / ///  ___ ((    __  \      England
   .      /  \\ / /_// <  \_/\\  / /  \\
         / /\ \Y ////   )  _  \\ \/ /\ \\    LeGaL TrAdE.                   
        / //:\  //:\   (__/ \://   /_/  /:.
       .\//:::\//:::\_______/:\\_______/::::.     .

                    .,_i ,
           ,K_Lssm`. ' g@@@@b-
    ,mWWW@M@*VY-P@@@@@W_ `5M@@[,            Y0!
    i@@@KP ~   '`~+M@8W@mi`M@KL'`iF U L!k@ mY p$yCh()d@L!c
   g@@@Xf       _c  V/@@Ki `+@W[Y  $7yl@ 7THAN Wr!7@ 2 m@:
  g8@MP``   _/W@@W@s. -@@@/i'b@@b
 XA@@\-   ,W@@KM8K@W@i'8m@   VM@\` wA7@rH@aD oF oZoN@ fR@@
  KGb     -W@@ft @Y@@+ ,@@/  'W+D,     p.().BoX 1
iW@@A`    ']WX '  N@*-!\K@A  edGA.  6o-965 PoZnAn 5
,WKM[    .'WKYT    '   !X@+. d@Ab`      PoLanD
-4@@W-   ' W@@ig,   ,  |KA@i'!@K.
 'A@8c     \MdMK2zss7.s@88M 'MWZ`  1oo% aN$W@r 2 @v@rY1
 -D@@b.    ''~K@AZKGtW@@K@P-8@M[    (n0 lAm@rZ pL@aZ@!)
  /M@@@i      '!fZVP@Z@A\' e4@@\
  !~G@W@s,       '`~`'   gm@@A5`     Al$0 4 AgA $7µfF!
    VD@M@Km2`_`   . .'_\_@@A@Pi
    ~ !MW@GWWGgs,c-(smm@@@@V.-
              `~`` `
             /\/\/\/\Woober/\      /\
            / /\ \/\ \/\   \ \    / /
           / /__\ \/\   \   \ \  / /_____
          /___  /\ \ \ \ \/\ \ \/_____  /
             / / /  \ \ \   \/  \    / /
            / / / /\ \ \ \   \/\ \  / /
           / / / ____ \ \ \  /  \ \/ /
          / /  \/    \/\/\_\/    \/ /
         / /   CHECK YOUR MIND   / /
         \/                      \/
        For fast and friendly swapping
                 contact me :

                Woober / Saints
                Gøran Myrland
                9130 Hansnes
        /      \
       /   / / /          -Thorin/M&M's!-
       \__/\/\/           Bertrand Floury
         /¯__¯\           4 Square Alboni
        /  \__/             75016 Paris
        \____/                France.
         / /
        /  \__  &    -->Elite is Preferable<--                                 
  ______\____/  ____  ____  ______  ____  ____  ______
 /      \/   ¯\/   /\/ __ \/      \/ __ \/    \/ ____/
/   / / /   / /\  / /  \__/   / / /  \__/   / /   /
\__/\/\/\____/  \__/\____/\__/\/\/\____/\__/\/\__/
         /   ¯\
        /   / /
        \__/\/ [Thug]


                             ______       _
              ¯¯¯¯¯¯  ------       _____ (_)
             ___  _______ _  _______   _ _ ___
           )))> ) L __)__)_\/  | .\ \ / /_\  _)
            //_¯\/¯)_) (_|_//  ||_/  / (| |)_\
           (_/ \__/___)__)\\__/|| \_(___)_)___)

                         Write to:

           Barman/Necropolis  Ravana/Necropolis
             P.o. Box 4430      P.o. Box 4398
            15080-LA CORUÑA    15080-LA CORUÑA


            Just to have a nice swapping time...
                  :                     :
               __:::._________________ :::__
          //\_/ .:::/ø  __/~ ___/~   ø\:::. \_/\\
     _ __///\\ .:::/  / \   ____)  |   \:::. //\\\__ _
         \\\//   :/  / _/   )   \_ l    \::  \\///
          \\/¯\__:\__\ ~\_______/~ _____/:__/¯\//
          (___ __ :~`~\_/~~`'~~~\_/~`'~~: __ ___)
         _/          fRiEnDlY SwApPiNg          \_
         | Watts/nEo        | Devistator/nEo     |
         | 46 Northfield St | 9 Leaholme Gdns    |
         | Deane            | Whitchurch         |
         | Bolton           | Bristol            |
         | BL3 5JH          | BS14 OLQ           |
         | England          | England            |
         | overseas only.   | overseas welcome.  |
 ___________________  ___________    ______________  ________
/_________     _    |(_________  \  /   _______    |/    ____\
\\  |    /    /|    |   |    ||   \/    |     |    /    /   //
//  |    \    \|    |___|    __    \    |_____|   <    <    \\
\\  |    |>    \    |.   \   ||     \         \    \    \   //
//  |______    /_____|\__/___||_____/_____    /____|\    \_ \\
\\ ________\  /_____ | \    ______________\  /_______\    / //
//(_______  \/__    \|  \  /   ____________\/_____    |  /  \\
\\ |    ||   \ |     \   \/    |____ |    |__ ktr|    |\/   //
// |    __    \|   \      \    /    \|    ___>__ |    |____ \\
\\ |    ||     \    \      \         \          \|    |    \//
// |____||_    /____|\_____/_________/__________/|_____    /\\
\\_________\  /_____________/\  /\_____________________\  /_//
 \ _________\/______________/\\//\______________________\/_ /
  V                           \/                           V
           For fast and friedly swapping write to:
                    Black Angel/GEL Dezign
                       Dominik  Kulawik
                        ul. Tuwima 14a
                       34-500  Zakopane
                        *  FUNNY GIRL       *
                        *  Daria Tobor      *
                        *  Kleinflecken34   *
                        * 24534 Neumunster  *
                        *   --Germany--     *
                        *                   *
                        * 4 Friendly swap   *
                        * With swapper-Girl *
                        *  Know group is    *
                        *   Preferable      *
                        * Elite only        *
                        * Cool letter       *
                        * and cool-hot stuff*
                        * ->100= answer     *

  CANDYMAN / GIANTS                       CRUSADER / GIANTS
     Timo Kotta           Why not            Janne Kotta
    Arbygatan 1A          contact           Arbygatan 1A
   633 45 Eskilstuna      one  of          633 45 Eskilstuna
        Sweden            da real               Sweden
        __/\__             on da                __/\__
        \ 00 /             scene ?              \ 00 /
        /    \                                  /    \
        ¯¯\/¯¯                                  ¯¯\/¯¯
                        Some Hellos...

           /         /            /    \
          /   ______/            /______\
       __/          \      _____/        \__
       \        ____/\    /   \            /
        \      /      \        \          /
        z\____/        \________\________/

          ·F·L·Y·I·N·G· ·C·O·W·S· ·I·N·C·


              ul. Szarych Szeregow 8/39
                  64-600 Oborniki Wlkp.

                !only this name in swapping!

          /\_      /\_        /\_
         /   \    /   \      /   \
         \_   \_  \_   \_____\_   \_____
          /    /   /  :\ .__/ /  :  .__/
         /  ._/___/_  |<   \__>  |\   \
        <             :/     _.  :/    \
         \ _______  /_____\  \ ______\  \
          \/    \  /       \_ \  [Scr]\_ \
                 \/          \/         \/
             I'm looking for new ctx

             Hogan / Ladybird Design
                Andrzej Kotlega
                Ciszewskiego  3/5
               78-200  Bialogard
                  P o l a n d


                        FOR COLD SWAPPING
                            WRITE TO
                        IMMORTAL of FREEZERS
                         tomasz chmielewski
                         ul.KASPROWICZA 28E
                            31-523 KRAKOW

                          LET THE WINTER
                           BE FOREVER !

             _           _         _
           _/\\_____  __/\\___  __/\\___
          (_       ))(____   ))(___.   ))
           / :  :  \\ /  .   \\ /  ¦   \\
          /:.¦  ¦  ///:. ¦   ///:. |   //
          \__|__| // \____  // \____  //
                \//       \//       \//çhåø$!
               : ~         ~        :~
               ¦  Iron of Mad Elks  ¦
               ¦ Broniewskiego 36/8 ¦
               ¦ 59-700 Boleslawiec ¦
               ¦      Poland        ¦
          _    :   _         _      :   _
       __/\\___  _/\\      _/\\____  __/\\___
      (_  ____))(_  |     (_  ¦ __))(_  ____))
       /  ._))__ /  ¦_____ /  |   \\ /__.   \\
      /:. |   ///:. :   ///:. ¦   ///:. |   //
      \____  // \____  // \___:  // \____  //
           \//       \//       \//       \//
            ~         ~         ~         ~

             __ _ _____ ____ ______ ________ _ _
            /\  _/  __//    \\____ \\__.  \
           /  \/ \  _)_\/  \/ / |/  \  |   \
          /       \ \   \   \/  /   /  l   /\_ _
          \___\/  /_____/___/\__\__/\_____/ /
           \__/__/\_____\___\_\__\_\_\____\/__ _
              \__\/__ _  _    excel/vision__ _
                     Ultras Sur/Metro
                                          ____ _ _
                    Javier Rodriguez   /\ \
                   Plaza Del Puente 7  \ \_\__ _
            ____ _  48930  Las Arenas   \/_/__  _
           /\_\_ _      Vizcaya
           \/_/__ _    . Spain .
                _______  /\    ____
                \___  ¬\/ _\  /   ¬\
                |  .  _/  Y \/ / / /
                |__|__ \____/ / / /J¡ße
                ::::::\/::::\/\/\/:.:. ·
             .:::::   :::  ::::::::::::·
              ::::::: :: :: ::: :  ::::::.
            ·  :::::: ::    :: : :: :::::
             .::: ::: :: :: :: : :: :::::::
              ::::   ::: :: :: : :: ::::.
            .:.::::::::::::::: : :: :::::.
         Jibe oF RaM jAm.::::::::::::::.
        4 Place Aristide Briand :::::::::::::
           35590 L'Hermitage ::::::::::::
        ·              France.:::::::::··
          .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.  .
        .:::::::::::::: SwaPPinG +  Jo¡n¡ng
       :::::::: Friendsh!p  +   Advert¡sing
           ::::  Legal oNly    +   Voting
             .:   ->> greetz tø my fr!ends <<=
             _________/  \        _______
             \________/   \  /\  /  ____/
                /  \/      \/  \/   | \
               /    \   \   \   \   |  \
             _/      \_  \    /  \  |   \_
             \_______ /___\  /   /______ /
                    \/     \/\  /      \/
              For FRIENDLY swapping try:

                ME'FIIR/THE MAGIC GUILD
                    SIMON BRODERSEN
                     KATTREPPEL 4
                25876 SCHWABSTEDT, Germany

                 letter & Disk => 100%

              ------/\\/------------ ---- ------

               Gentleman/Shrimps Design & Bonzai

                       John  Walter
                        Am Busch 4
                       53773 Hennef

                 » HARDFIRE of INTENSE «

                     Johan ROIRAND
                  35 rue de la Comete
               44230-ST SEBASTIEN-/-LOIRE

                 Musicians Preferred!
                   Disk=100% Answer
 _________  ____  _______     _____  ____  _______
 \_  __   \/__  \/ \_    \    \___ \/__  \/ \_    \
   \ \ \__/ \__  \   \   _\___  /  / \__  \   \   _\
   /  \   \   |   \_  \_/  \  \/   )   |   \_  \_/  \
  /    \   \__|    /  /    /   \  /____|    /  /    /
 +\  __/\___/ |_  /___\_  /\___  /cyryx|_  /___\_  /=-+
 | \/           \/      \/     \/        \/      \/   |
 +                                                    +
 | FoR SwApPiNg dA LatEsT,TekNo tApEs,sTiCkeR,SwEeTs, |
 +        cOasTeRs aNd oThErS CrAzY ThInGs!!!         +
 |               WRiTe tO dA oNlY oNe:                |
 +                                                    +
 |               MOGUL OF RAM JAM(FHQ)                |
 +                16 bis RUE J.JUGAN                  +
 |                35590  L'HERMITAGE                  |
 +                    - FRANCE -                      +
 |                                                    |
 +        xx×X×x FrIeNDsHiP ReQuIrED x×X×xx           +
 |        ××xXx× TaStE dA DiFfErEnCe ×xXx××           |

           \____    _________,  \_________   ____/
             /      \/         _/     |)   _/
            /        \_   |    ¬\     |)    \_
            \_______  /___A      \_________  /
                    \/     \______/ Snuffy \/

                       sTEFAn sWAFINg
                       wEIDENSTr.  29
                       48531 nORDHORn


                        sHOUTs oUt to:
                  ·mYSTIc·pLATIn·pOLKa bROs·
       _________________ __ _________________ __
       \____  ¬\___¬\   Y ¬\\____  7____¬\   Y ¬\
        /  /  _/  ¬  \ \ /  \/  |  |   ¬  \ \ /  \
       /   \  \   |   \ Y    \  |  |   |   \ Y    \
      /    |\  \  |   / |    /     |   |   / |    /
      \____| \__\_l__/__|___/______|___l__/__|___/ lev

         Contact PSEUDONYM / RAM JAM for legal
         trading at :

                    Janne Heinonen
                   Talolankatu 14 a1
                     20460 TURKU

           Disk = answer.... No beginners !!
        ___________    · TrSi ·        \\ \/
        \___      /_________            \ |
            \    /_\___    /___________   |
             \__/    _/  _/_\____     /_______
              \      \    \_    /____/_\___  /
       ________\      \    /\____   \_     \/:
       f^i.   _ _ _____\  /     /    /
         _|             \/_ _ ______/|    H2o!
         \/ \                        |_______
          | \\ QBA/TRSI                   .
          |    P.O.BOX 105                |
          |    12-100 SZCZYTNO   back to  |
          |    POLAND           the roots |
           +   ___/\_____ ______/\ ______/\      +
           +   \__  .___/ \_   . \\\_   . \\     +
           +    //  |______|   |  \\|   |  \\    +
           +   //   |      \   |   \\   |   \\   +
           +  //    ¦       \  ¦     \  ¦     \  +
           +  \_____________/________/________/  +
           +                                     +
           +        Dire / The Dark Demon        +
           +            Nico  Barbat             +
           +           Weberstrasse 5            +
           +         42477 Radevormwald          +
           +           United Germany            +
           +                                     +
           +      Elite means  100% answer,      +
           +   everything else is a pure shit!   +
           +    (list-  or ownprods-swapping)    +
           +         f33l tHe ðårKn3$$ !         +
           +                                     +

                  ___  ___
      Also 4    _/   \/   \_ Magnificent
     joining!   \_(\ :: /)_/     swap!
           /\ _ _.        ._ _ /\
        /\/  \\ SCRABY/HUMANS//  \/\
       /. \   \ul. Waska 2/19/.     \
     _//  /   .\  Kolobrzeg //      /\_
    /     ¯    \\  78-100  //  ¯¯¯¯¯   \
    \_.   _    //\ POLAND /\\ _____  ._/
      \\  \   //  \¯¯¯¯¯¯/  \/      //
       \\ /   /   .\.  ./    \     //
        \/\  /     \\\//      \  /\/
           \/       \\/        \/
            \/\    _    _   ./\/
      100%    S\   \    /  //    Phone:
     reply!    c\   \  /  // (0-965)23408
     ~~~~~~     ®\___\/___/  ~~~~~~~~~~~~

        Foreigners are very welcome!!!
·····/  ___/__  ___/|   \····------------------------------ 
····/__   \  /  \   :    \···                                      
···/  :    \/    \:   :   \··    a lot of pictures...      
··/   :     \     \   |    \·  ....including AGA pixels    
·····························      mine of inspirations      
      one more contact ?        for graphics swapping....     
      well.... why not ?                                             
      Groggy of Storm              Distortion/Storm        
      Tommy Johansson          ul. Koszalinska 32i/20     
      Pilvagen 18 c                78-105 Kolobrzeg        
      34176 Ryssby                     Poland             
      Sweden                 ------------------------------ 
                               There's no reason for me to   
 answer ? You know the rules        stole Your disk's.....     
                   __          __         __
                  / /\        / /\       / /\
                 / /  \      /_/  \     / / /
                / /   /    __\ \   \   / / / /\
               / /   /    / /\\ \   \ / / / /  \
         _    / /    \   /_/  ¯¯¯   //_/  \/   /  _
  ______//\__/_/      \__\ \    _  /_\ \      /__//\______
  =     \\/  \ \  /\   \  \ \   \\/   \ \    /   \\/     =
  =      ¯    \_\/\ \  /   \ \  /      \ \  /     ¯      =
  = f              \_\/     \_\/        \_\/[Lm]       f =
  = R                                                  R =
  = I            The Spanish Scene returns...          I =
  = E                                                  E =
  = N               .oO FoR SwappinG Oo..              N =
  = D  .oO CooL StufF, Mods, Mags, Intros, Demos Oo.   D =
  = s                                                  s =
  = H                Writte me! NOW!:                  H =
  = I  100% Answer                      NORK / TNC     I =
  = p  No Disk=Big Risk              León XIII, 5-3ºC  p =
  =    Long Letter+Disk's:           41009 -  SEVILLA    =
  =    10000000000000000%!                SPAIN          =
     / \__ _____  ___/\______________/\  /\_________ _ _
  / /     Y     \/  _  \       \       \/  ________/(/(/
  \ \     |     / __|   \____   \____   \_____    \
     \         /  \__    \  /    \  /    \   |     \ \
      \   |___/\____|_   /  \   _/  \   _/____     / /
                     \__                     \__
 .                                          .
   .           .       o--o    .                          .
                       |oF|                 Watts/NEo
                       o--o                46 Northfield st
                                  .         Bolton,lancs
            _     ___ ________________      BL3 5JH
           /\\   / ///  ___ ((    __  \    .England
   .      /  \\ / /_// <  \_/\\  / /  \\
         / /\ \Y ////   )  _  \\ \/ /\ \\   LeGaL TrAdE.                   
        / //:\  //:\   (__/ \://   /_/  /:.
       .\//:::\//:::\_______/:\\_______/::::.     .
             /\/\/\/\Woober/\      /\
            / /\ \/\ \/\   \ \    / /
           / /__\ \/\   \   \ \  / /_____
          /___  /\ \ \ \ \/\ \ \/_____  /
             / / /  \ \ \   \/  \    / /
            / / / /\ \ \ \   \/\ \  / /
           / / / ____ \ \ \  /  \ \/ /
          / /  \/    \/\/\_\/    \/ /
         / /   CHECK YOUR MIND   / /
         \/                      \/
        For fast and friendly swapping
                 contact me :

                Woober / Saints
                Gøran Myrland
                9130 Hansnes
             -=//   ___/__   __/   ___//=-
                \/\..\   /. .\ \/\..\
               _/  | \\ //   \\/  | \\__ _
                \____// \____//\____//
             _  _ __//_  _ _// _ __//
                    \\__ _  \\_ _ _\\__ _

                       the SAINTS
                tH@ p0iNt 0f k3wl TrAdiNg.
                C0nTacT tH3 @liT3 TrAdEr!

                   (YAK Of SA!NTS UKhq)
                    Steven`s Rd, Cromer
                        NR27 OHZ
                U aR3 We11com@ 2 J0iN uS!

@@@@`P@@@@[ V@@@@@@A[!@@@@@@@@@v/`__
@@@@.i!@@@b  V@@@@@[t '@@@@@@@WW@@@@@
@KM@['iY@@@   Y@@@@ ! ,Y@@@@@@@@@@@@@
@@ '@WWs@@@   '@@@P iW@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@   WELCOME TO THE ANSI-
@@b]@@@@@@@[   Y@@`g@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@   ART SECTION...
@@@/~~~@A@@W.  ]@!d@@f`8@@@@@@@@@@*~
@VPV  /`  ~*@s ]fd@f~t'8Y@@@@@@Af`      SEND YOUR PRODUCTION
@t`   [     'V! i*`  ],P]@@@@@f
@4    [    ii   ,s   [dPd@@@@@@@@@*f
@M    -.   M[   ]P  /`@[@@@@@@*f`       TO:
@..  ,_\           '` @i@@@*~
@\/   ~~`      '+  += N@Af                   TOS/SILICON
@c_g.       ,__.      d~
   ' '\c_    `   `   _z`
   _ A  ~+m______g=f`
@~~~Vt.   'VM@@@@_.
@     ~Mzc.   '`~+K~=e_
@       'c'=  ,  =4[   ~=.
@s        8s  X   W      "o.
@Zx        Mz.#  M"       "O.

 For fast and frienship swap and for support PIKABOO:  

              WRITE TO:   TOS/SILICON             
                          FABRE PASCAL         
                     chez ANAIS ARSOUZE
                       16 BLD   RASPAIL
                          75007   PARIS

 for joining and fast swapping:

              WRITE TO:   MAD AXE/SILICON
                          REVELANT NICOLAS
                        4 bis RUE DE LA FORET
                           78140    VELIZY



                     2dd of tsg
                     Dr doom/x-trem
                     bart/isch crew
                     doc d/gtc
                       gold dragon/unlimited
                       gentleman/shd bnz
                       jibe/ram jam
                       mogul/ram jam
                       mystra/stone arts
                       pseudonym/ram jam
                       polka brother


           _______ ___
_  __ ___ /  ____/ \  \
         Y___  \    \  \
         |      \ ___\  \ ___ _______________ _______ ___ __
         |       Y   Y   Y   Y  ______/ ___  Y   _   Y
         |       |   |   |   |       |       |   |   |
         |       |   |   |   |       |       |   |   |
         |       |   |   |   |       |       |   |   |
         |       |   |   |   |       |       |   |   |
         |       |   |   |   |       |       |   |   |
-  -- ---^-------^---^---^---^-------^-------^---^---^--- --

You can find on disk the vote file....

You don't vote for yourself,your group....


                BEST DEMO GROUP

     1. VD/FLT             33 Points
     2. SANITY             32 Points
     3. COMPLEX            21 Points
     4. ANDROMEDA          21 Points
     5. POLKA BROTHERS     19 Points
     6. SPACEBALLS         17 Points
     7. RAZOR 1911         13 Points
     8. ALCATRAZ           10 Points
     9. TRSI                7 Points
    10. FCI                 6 Points

                BEST CODER

     1. CHAOS/SANITY           34 Points
     2. DR SKULL               23 Points
     3. GENGIS/BOMB            21 Points
     4. MR PET/SANITY          20 Points
     5. TSUNAMI/VD-FLT         19 Points
     6. HEADX/ANDROMEDA        18 Points
     7. WITNESS/CRB            16 Points
     9. LONE STAR/SPACEBALLS    9 Points
    10. TRON/SANITY             5 Points


     1. FADEONE/ESSENCE          27 Points
     2. COUGAR/SANITY            24 Points
     3. FACET/SPACEBALLS         20 Points
     4. DEVILSTAR/VD             17 Points
     5. RA/SANITY                12 Points
     6. FAIRFAX/ANDROMEDA        12 Points
     7. DANNY/SPACEBALLS          7 Points
     8. FASHION/STATIC BYTES      6 Points
     9. HOF/DRD                   4 Points
    10. SEQ/TRSI                  3 points

              BEST SWAPPER

     1. MR KING/TRSI          23 Points
     2. TRASHER/SANITY        18 Points
     3. QBA/TRSI              17 Points
     4. GHANDY/REBELS         15 Points
     5. FASHION/STATIC BYTES  15 Points
     6. SPLATTERHEAD/ANALOG   13 Points
     7. MIKE/DEFIANCE         12 Points
     8. DIRE/TDD              10 Points
     9. BULLET/LEGO            7 Points
    10. ZIBI/FCI               5 Points

              BEST ANSI ARTIST

     1. CHAOS/DESIRE           28 Points
     2. RAVE/RIOT              20 Points
     3. CRUSADER/GIANTS        18 Points
     4. TURBO/BRONX            18 Points
     5. FRAME/C-LOUS           15 Points
     6. GANGSTA/OBSESSION      12 Points
     7. CIA/MYSTIC             10 Points
     8. WATERHEAD/OZONE        10 Points
     9. CYRYX/EREMATION         6 Points
    10. CURT COOL/DEPTH         4 Points

              BEST TRACKMO

     1. ARTE/SANITY              34 Points
     2. LOVE/VD                  25 Points
     3. SEQUENTIAL/ANDROMEDA     21 Points
     4. SWITCHBACK/REBELS        20 Points
     5. ORIGIN/COMPLEX           15 Points
     6. IT CAN'T BE DONE/RAM JAM 12 Points
     7. 9 FINGERS/SPACEBALLS     10 Points
     9. PSYCHEDELIC/VD            5 Points
    10. ARTIFICE/TRSI             5 Points

              BEST PACK

     1. IT/TRSI           35 Points
     2. NEVERMIND/TRSI    31 Points
     3. MOVEMENT          18 Points
     4. SADDLE/FCI        17 Points
     5. SANITY            15 Points
     6. TADEPACK/DEFIANCE 13 Points
     7. PACK OF FUN       12 Points
     8. IRIS               9 Points
     9. HND                6 Points
    10. NUANCE             4 Points

              BEST DISKMAG

     1. ROM/ESSENCE           26 Points
     2. RAW/SPACEBALLS        23 Points
     3. THE CHARTS            20 Points
     4. PROPAGANDA/RAZOR 1911 20 Points
     5. UPSTREAM/BALANCE      19 Points
     6. ABNORMALIA            17 Points
     7. MIDNITE MESS          16 Points
     8. HEADLINE/STONES ARTS  14 Points
     9. TOP SECRET/MAJIC 12   10 Points
    10. THE JUNGLE             7 Points

              BEST ONE FILE DEMO

     1. FULLMOON/VD             24 Points
     2. REAL/COMPLEX            22 Points
     3. WE SHAVE ASS/RAZOR 1911 19 Points
     4. MINDFLOW/STELLAR        17 Points
     5. FRIDAY AT EIGHT         12 Points
     6. CREAM/ABSOLUTE          10 Points
     8. NEXUS 7/ANDROMEDA        5 Points
     9. BOGGLEDOP/SANITY         5 Points
    10. JAIMMIN/HAUJOBB          3 Points


     1. VD/FLT          25  Points
     2. STELLAR         22  Points
     3. MELON DESIGN    21  Points
     4. RAZOR 1911      19  Points
     5. TRSI            18  Points
     6. SANITY          16  Points
     7. BALANCE         12  Points
     8. C-LOUS          10  Points
     9. PARADOX          7 Points
    10. ESSENCE          3 Points

              BEST MUSICIAN

     1. JESTER/SANITY          24 Points
     2. MOBY/SANITY            23 Points
     3. XTD/MYSTIC             21 Points
     4. JOGEIR/VD              20 Points
     5. HEATBEAT               20 Points
     6. CLAWZ/BOMB             17 Points
     7. Mr MAN/ANDROMEDA       14 Points
     8. DIZZY/CNCD             13 Points
     9. RANDALL/SUBERBAN       10 Points
    10. LIZARD KING/RAZOR 1911  7 Points

   **   G  a  t  h  e  r  i  n  g   '  9  5   **

                Stavanger, Norway
                11. - 15. April

   W  h  e  n   -   W  h  e  r  e   -   W  h  o

    Gathering '95 will be presented to you by:


           Safe Hex International

            L o c a t i o n s :

           Stavanger Idrettshall

           in Stavanger, Norway

2 minutes drive from downtown Stavanger

               W h e n :

        Tuesday,   April  11th

        Wedneday,  April  12th

        Thursday,  April  13th

        Friday,    April  14th
           Saturday,  April  15th

             M a i n  H a l l :


Area: 6000 Square meters divided into:

4000 square meters - Main party area!

2000 square meters - Cafeteria, Cinema,

                      Stands, Toiliets,

                     showers & warderobes
           S l e e p i n g  H a l l s :


There will be one or two seperate sleeping-halls

which of both are right next door to the main hall.

Theese halls has electricity and are fully heated.

                C a t e r i n g :

The food and catering will most likely be organized

by the local Mc Donalds or Dolly Dimple's.

More accurate info will follow in later info-files.
               G e n e r a l   i n f o:

- There will, as tradition, be software-releases and

CD-releases during the party.

- There will be a cinema-room as in previous years.

- As always, the will be big-screens placed in the hall,

which on info, demos, intros etc will be shown.

- The organizers will not take responsibility for

illegal swapping or software-piracy, nor for

stolen properties.

- Alcohol, illegal drugs and/or intoxicated people will not

be allowed anywhere in the complex.

All kinds of Weapons and fireworks are ofcourse not allowed.


             T  h  e    C  o  m  p  e  t  i  t  i  o  n
             The computer for the PC DEMO/INTRO will be:

                            i486 DX2 66Mhz

                        (perhaps a Pentium 90)

                    Cirrus Logic SVGA graphics card

                    Soundblaster PRO/16/16ASP/AWE32

                      Gravis Ultrasound MAX 512Kb

                        Roland SCC-1 / MT-32

                        Pro Audio Spectrum 16

             The computer for the Amiga DEMO/INTRO will be:

               Amiga 4000-68040 with standard equipment.

  All sound will be played through a 25.000 watt soundsystem

                 for optimum sound quality and pleasure.

                           1.Prize      2.Prize     3.Prize

              PC - demo :  15.000,-     5.000,-     1.000,-

           Amiga - demo :  15.000,-     5.000,-     1.000,-

              PC - 64kb :   2.500,-     1.000,-       500,-

           Amiga - 64kb :   2.500,-     1.000,-       500,-

               PC - 4kb :   1.000,-       500,-       250,-

            Amiga - 4kb :   1.000,-       500,-       250,-

      Music - 4 channel :   2.500,-     1.000,-       500,-
     Music - Multi/MIDI :   2.500,-     1.000,-       500,-

     Graphics - Drawing :   2.500,-     1.000,-       500,-

    Graphics - Raytrace :   2.500,-     1.000,-       500,-

              Animation :   1.500,-       500,-       250,-

             Wild Compo :   1.500,-       500,-       250,-

            (All prizes are in NOK and are not 100% decided)


                          P  a  y  m  e  n  t

             Full entrance fee.: 250 NOK if payed on entry
                      200 NOK if payed in advance

             Visitors..........:  75 NOK for one day.

             None-europeans....: FREE!

             Girls.............: FREE!

           Payment can be payed in advance to the following:

       (PostGiro-slips will also be included in the leaflet)

             Postgiro-account..: 0826 0912829

           Address...........: GATHERING -95  v/Kurt Hansen

                               Langxyvn. 13
                          4026 Stavanger

 Please make sure your full name and address is on the giro.


                      C  o  n  t  a  c  t    u  s:

                  1)   Scoop BBS:   5175 8535  &  5174 8572

                  2)   e-mail:

                  3)   snail-mail: Kurt Hansen
                                   Langxyvn 13
                                   4026 Stavanger

             -  J U N C T I O N ' 9 5  -

                    presented by:

                  R A Z O R   1 9 1 1

          V I R T U A L   D R E A M S / F L T

                     T R I T O N

                      - ----- -

         1 .............. Where and When
         2 ................... Facilties
         3 ................ At the party
         4 ....... Competitions & Prices
         5 ........... How to contact us
                       - --- -

                     - -- 1 -- -

           - ---[ WHERE AND WHEN? ]--- -

                       - --- -

Junction'95 will be held in a huge conference centre in
 Linköping called Collegium. If you travel by bus or train
 there will be a non-stop party bus which will take you to
 the Party place very cheap. If you travel to Linköping by
 car you just follow the "Junction'95" signs.

The party starts Friday 16 June at 12:00 CET and ends Sunday
 18 June at 12:00 CET
                   - -- 2 -- -

             - ---[ FACILTIES ]--- -

                     - --- -

- A huge main party area (about 5000 square meters),
 including tables and chairs for everybody and room for your

- Swimmingpool, sauna, jacuzzi, lots of HOT showers etc.

- Audiotorium (Cinema!) with about 500 seats where we will
 show lots of fresh movies.

- Enough electricity for everyone of course.

- There will be a large bulletin board near the information

 where you can put your own important messages and adverts.

- There will always be fresh info available at the big
 screen in the main party hall.

- You can follow all competitions, events, winners etc. from
 the main hall or from the audiotorium.

- A separate sleeping-hall but you are free to sleep where
 ever you want to.

- If you want to sleep comfortable you can check in to the
 Hotel which is connected to the Party complex. Fair prices
 for all party visitors!

- One or two cafeterias/restaurantes (hopefully open 24h!).

- Party T-Shirts will be sold at the information.

- Free parking just outside the party place.

                   - -- 3 -- -

           - ---[ AT THE PARTY! ]--- -

                     - --- -

Rules to follow at the party:

- You are not allowed to sell food, disks etc. without our

- Alcohol and illegal drugs are not allowed anywhere near
 the party place.

- Intoxicated people and those who cannot behave will be
 thrown out.

- The organizers take no responsibility for illegal swapping,
  software-piracy, video etc.

- We will not accept any Weapons, fireworks, spraycans,
 racist signs etc.

When you arrive:

At the entrance there will be a information desk where you
 can register and pay the entrance fee. When you register
 you will recieve a personal vote disk (Amiga or PC) and a
 badge which will show that you have payed the entrance fee.

Entrance fee:

If you want to pay when you arrive at the party the entrance
 fee will be 240 SEK and 220 SEK if you want to pay in

 advance (more about this in some other Junction info text or
 demo released soon).

Group conferences:

If you and your group wants to have a internal meeting at
 the party you must contact us before the party and we'll
 give you an own room.

Party CD-ROM:

We will gather all competition entries on a CD-ROM, which
 will be released soon after the party. Since it's a limited
 edition you can reserve your copyat the information desk.

                    - -- 4 -- -

      - ---[ COMPETITIONS & PRICES ]--- -

                      - --- -

Competition Prices:

Pos:  Amiga demo .. :   Amiga intro . :   PC demo ..... :

1 ..  ......... 3000$   .......... 600$   ......... 2000$
2 ..  ......... 1000$   .......... 300$   .......... 800$
3 ..  .......... 600$   .......... 150$   .......... 400$
4 ..  .......... 300$   ............. -   .......... 150$
5 ..  .......... 150$   ............. -   ............. -

Pos:  Wild compo .. :   Graphics .... :   4-CH Music .. :

1 ..  ......... 1000$   .......... 500$   .......... 500$
2 ..  .......... 500$   .......... 300$   .......... 300$
3 ..  .......... 250$   .......... 200$   .......... 200$
4 ..  ............. -   .......... 100$   .......... 100$
5 ..  ............. -   ........... 50$   ........... 50$

                   ( 1 USD = 7.5 SEK )

    (The prices are depending on our worldwide sponsors,
                so they probably be raised!)

General rules for all competitions:

- At least one of the competitors must be present at the

- Only one contribution from each coder/composer/artist.

- All contributions must be 100% finished.

- All entries must be delivered IN TIME at the information
 counter near the entrance.

- The contestants for any of the competitions must go to the
 information before the deadline to recieve a envelope and a
 sheet that is to be filled out before entering the

- If a demo or intro includes some interactive parts, we want
 ONE of the competitors to run the demo in the control room.

- Disks that contain the production will not be returned.

- All contributions will be looked at by a committée, and the
 best ones will be shown/played on the big screen/sound
 equipment if there is more than a certain number of

 contributions to a competiton.

- We will accept contributions that are delivered to us a
 short while after
  the deadlines, but try to finish your productions in time!

- All demos and intros will be shown in full length.

Amiga demo:

- We will run the demos on a A1200 2Mb chip, 4Mb fast.

Amiga intro:

- Maximum size 40448 bytes.

- We will run the demos on a A1200 2Mb chip, 4Mb fast.

- We advise you to make the intro able to exit to DOS
 anywhere in the intro.

PC demo:

- You will be allowed to test your demo on the competition
 machine connected to the bigscreen before we show them to
 the audience.

- We will run the demos on: 486 DX2 66Mhz
                            Soundblaster 16 PRO
                            Gravis Ultrasound 1024Kb

PC intro:

- Maximum size 65512 bytes.

- We will run the intros on: 486 DX2 66Mhz
                             Soundblaster 16 PRO
                             Gravis Ultrasound 1024Kb


- The pictures will be shown on a A4000 or a PC and can be
 in ILMB/IFF, GIF or JPEG format.

- Pictures must be entered on a 3.5" AmigaDOS or MS-DOS
 formatted disk.

4-channel music:

- The tune must be delivered as a mod.-file.

- The module will be played for 5 min.

- Modules must be entered on a 3.5" AmigaDOS or MS-DOS
 formatted disk.

Multichannel music:

<Rules not finished yet, available soon!>

Wild competition:

- You can enter this competition with everything from a
 Vic-20 to a Silicon Graphics. You must of course lend us
 the equipment during the competition and we want ONE of the
 competitors to be present in the control room while the
 demo is running and to help us install the equipment.

- The organizers takes no responsabilty for your equipment
 during the  party.

Surprise compos?:

There will be a lot of surprise competitions that will be
 announced at the big-screen during the party and some money
 to be won!

                      - -- 5 -- -

           - ---[ HOW TO CONTACT US ]--- -

                         - --- -

ACE OF SPADES #2 (BBS) ... : +46-(0)340-27740 (Login: Party,
 Passw: Party)
TORBJÖRN MALMER (VOICE) .. : +46-(0)33-120903

E-MAIL ................... :

FIDONET .................. : 2:203/424.23 (Shade)

SNAIL-MAIL ............... : Torbjörn Malmer
                             Torgilsgatan 14B
                             S-502 40 Borås

SNAIL-MAIL ............... : Mats Johansson
                             Rydsvagen 306A
                             S-582 50 Linköping

THE PARTY PLACE .......... : Collegium
                             Mjärdevi Science park
                             Teknikringen 7-9
                             S-583 30 Linköping