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Welcome to Pikaboo pack-mag

‘MOVEMENT     ­‘        BOBBY‘
‘POLKAB       ­‘     DANSKTRO‘
‘OLDIES       ®‘       OLDIES‘

    ©RELEASE DATE: 08/12/95©
     „…† RMB FOR MAG ‚ƒ
          ThIs Is  PiKabOO. Pack-Mag of Silicon
                Released on December 1994





                ------>Pikaboo Chart<-----



                ---->How to Contact us<---

          RiGht mOuSe button for InTrO-SelecTor

               _ _  ___  _    _    ___  _    _  __
               | |  | |  |    |    | |  |    |  | \
   CODER       |_|  |_   |    |    |_   |    |  |_/
               | |  |    |    |    |    |    |  |
               | |  |    |    |    |    |    |  |
               | |  | |  | |  | |  |    | |  |  |
               - -  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  -  -

                   _________   __________   ____    _
                   |   / / /  /    \/    \  | \ \   |
                      / / /  /\____/ /\   \ |\ \ \  |
     GFX             / O /   \   \/  \/   / | \ O \ |
                    / / /     \____/\____/  |  \ \ \|
                   / / /   |                |   \ \ |
                   ---------   ----------   -    ----
                                 \/  \/

             ___  ___ ___ ___   ___ _ _ _  _
             | |  | |  |  | |   | | | | |  /
   SFX       |    |    |  | |   | | | | | /
             |_   |__  |  |_|   |_| |_| |/ from DaRkNeSs
             |      |  |  | \   | |  |  |\
             | |  | |  |  |  \  | |  |  | \
             ---  ---  -  -   - - -  -  -  -

 SWAPPER         .:\_____   ____________________/ .:.
                 :. ::.:/\  \:  __/\__.:\_____  \:. :
 PACKER           :.:.:/  \  \.:\    /: /     \  \:.:
                 _____/       \_/    \_/       \  \__
                      \_______/ ¯¯\/¯¯ \__________/

 ___________________ _____________________________________
.\__   __/____  \_  Y  __/ ____/______  \_       / ______/-.
:_/  ¬  \_   /   /  l   \_ _____/_  _/  _/_   \_/_____  \_ |
¦\___T___/______/________/_______/__\_____/____\_________/ |
`------ ----------- - ---- ------------------ ---------cDr-'

            SEND YOUR ADVERT 60*23 FOR THIS


                     FABRE PASCAL
                  22 RUE DU PRINTEMPS
                     75017    PARIS
        /      \
       /   / / /          -Thorin/M&M's!-
       \__/\/\/           Bertrand Floury
         /¯__¯\           4 Square Alboni
        /  \__/             75016 Paris
        \____/                France.
         / /
        /  \__  &    -->Elite is Preferable<--                                 
  ______\____/  ____  ____  ______  ____  ____  ______
 /      \/   ¯\/   /\/ __ \/      \/ __ \/    \/ ____/
/   / / /   / /\  / /  \__/   / / /  \__/   / /   /
\__/\/\/\____/  \__/\____/\__/\/\/\____/\__/\/\__/
         /   ¯\
        /   / /
        \__/\/ [Thug]

                  :                     :
               __:::._________________ :::__
          //\_/ .:::/ø  __/~ ___/~   ø\:::. \_/\\
     _ __///\\ .:::/  / \   ____)  |   \:::. //\\\__ _
         \\\//   :/  / _/   )   \_ l    \::  \\///
          \\/¯\__:\__\ ~\_______/~ _____/:__/¯\//
          (___ __ :~`~\_/~~`'~~~\_/~`'~~: __ ___)
         _/          fRiEnDlY SwApPiNg          \_
         | Watts/nEo        | Devistator/nEo     |
         | 46 Northfield St | 9 Leaholme Gdns    |
         | Deane            | Whitchurch         |
         | Bolton           | Bristol            |
         | BL3 5JH          | BS14 OLQ           |
         | England          | England            |
         | overseas only.   | overseas welcome.  |
             _________/  \        _______
             \________/   \  /\  /  ____/
                /  \/      \/  \/   | \
               /    \   \   \   \   |  \
             _/      \_  \    /  \  |   \_
             \_______ /___\  /   /______ /
                    \/     \/\  /      \/
              For FRIENDLY swapping try:

                ME'FIIR/THE MAGIC GUILD
                    SIMON BRODERSEN
                     KATTREPPEL 4
                25876 SCHWABSTEDT, Germany

                 letter & Disk => 100%
 _________  ____  _______     _____  ____  _______
 \_  __   \/__  \/ \_    \    \___ \/__  \/ \_    \
   \ \ \__/ \__  \   \   _\___  /  / \__  \   \   _\
   /  \   \   |   \_  \_/  \  \/   )   |   \_  \_/  \
  /    \   \__|    /  /    /   \  /____|    /  /    /
 +\  __/\___/ |_  /___\_  /\___  /cyryx|_  /___\_  /=-+
 | \/           \/      \/     \/        \/      \/   |
 +                                                    +
 | FoR SwApPiNg dA LatEsT,TekNo tApEs,sTiCkeR,SwEeTs, |
 +        cOasTeRs aNd oThErS CrAzY ThInGs!!!         +
 |               WRiTe tO dA oNlY oNe:                |
 +                                                    +
 |               MOGUL OF RAM JAM(FHQ)                |
 +                16 bis RUE J.JUGAN                  +
 |                35590  L'HERMITAGE                  |
 +                    - FRANCE -                      +
 |                                                    |
 +        xx×X×x FrIeNDsHiP ReQuIrED x×X×xx           +
 |        ××xXx× TaStE dA DiFfErEnCe ×xXx××           |
                _______  /\    ____
                \___  ¬\/ _\  /   ¬\
                |  .  _/  Y \/ / / /
                |__|__ \____/ / / /J¡ße
                ::::::\/::::\/\/\/:.:. ·
             .:::::   :::  ::::::::::::·
              ::::::: :: :: ::: :  ::::::.
            ·  :::::: ::    :: : :: :::::
             .::: ::: :: :: :: : :: :::::::
              ::::   ::: :: :: : :: ::::.
            .:.::::::::::::::: : :: :::::.
         Jibe oF RaM jAm.::::::::::::::.
        4 Place Aristide Briand :::::::::::::
           35590 L'Hermitage ::::::::::::
        ·              France.:::::::::··
          .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.  .
        .:::::::::::::: SwaPPinG +  Jo¡n¡ng
       :::::::: Friendsh!p  +   Advert¡sing
           ::::  Legal oNly    +   Voting
             .:   ->> greetz tø my fr!ends <<=
       _________________ __ _________________ __
       \____  ¬\___¬\   Y ¬\\____  7____¬\   Y ¬\
        /  /  _/  ¬  \ \ /  \/  |  |   ¬  \ \ /  \
       /   \  \   |   \ Y    \  |  |   |   \ Y    \
      /    |\  \  |   / |    /     |   |   / |    /
      \____| \__\_l__/__|___/______|___l__/__|___/ lev

         Contact PSEUDONYM / RAM JAM for legal
         trading at :

                    Janne Heinonen
                   Talolankatu 14 a1
                     20460 TURKU

           Disk = answer.... No beginners !!
        ___________    · TrSi ·        \\ \/
        \___      /_________            \ |
            \    /_\___    /___________   |
             \__/    _/  _/_\____     /_______
              \      \    \_    /____/_\___  /
       ________\      \    /\____   \_     \/:
       f^i.   _ _ _____\  /     /    /
         _|             \/_ _ ______/|    H2o!
         \/ \                        |_______
          | \\ QBA/TRSI                   .
          |    P.O.BOX 105                |
          |    12-100 SZCZYTNO   back to  |
          |    POLAND           the roots |
      _                    _
     /(____  ___.__  ______)\
    /      \/   |  \/____.   \  /\____  /\______/\______
   /    |   \   |   \  __|    \/      \/   ____/    ___/
  /     |    \  |    \ \__    /   |   /   /___/_   __/_
 /______|     \ `     \__|   /    |  /         /  /___)\
        |     /_______/  |__/_____|  \________/        /
        |____/ ?:raven   `        |____/    \_________/
        '                         '
                            full affect...

         Do you still don't know the meaning of life ???
                    Get the answer from...

         X-POOLE  of NUANCE            THOR of NUANCE
        \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/          \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
          Marco  Willemsen          Juergen  Kopfmueller
            Eibenstr. 24            Koenigsbergerstr. 45
          49828  Neuenhaus             87439  Kempten
              Germany                     Germany

Don't forget to vote in the GERMAN CHARTS and send adverts,
              _______     ______        ______
             /       \__/\\     \  __/\_\     \
            /  .  :  |  . \| |\  \/  _  \| |) /
           /   :  |  |  _  | |_)    (_)  |  _ \
           \   |__|_/   |__|_____/\_  __/|__|_ \
            \__|    \___/           \/       |_/

                -) BEYOND THE MIND EYES (-

       4 swapping       E       1     4 swapping
       write to :        R      0     write to:
       VAdER / MADOR      M     0 r   DOOMSDAY/MADOR
       Ulrich Becker       A    % e   Boris Badasch
       Weserstr.48          N     p   Lahnstr.62
       49661 Cloppenburg     Y    l   56130 Bad Ems
             -=//   ___/__   __/   ___//=-
                \/\..\   /. .\ \/\..\
               _/  | \\ //   \\/  | \\__ _
                \____// \____//\____//
             _  _ __//_  _ _// _ __//
                    \\__ _  \\_ _ _\\__ _

                       the SAINTS
                tH@ p0iNt 0f k3wl TrAdiNg.
                C0nTacT tH3 @liT3 TrAdEr!

                   (YAK Of SA!NTS UKhq)
                    Steven`s Rd, Cromer
                        NR27 OHZ
                U aR3 We11com@ 2 J0iN uS!
        \  ______ _____ _/  \  ____  __ ____/.
        :\ \_ \/   \  ¬ \  \ \  \/   _\___ \ :
        `--------->> wE aRe hUGe <<----------'

                   eLITe sWAp/aSCII

           _/\_    cRUSADEr oF gIANTs   _/\_
           \Oo/       jANNe kOTTa       \oO/
           /··\      aRBYGATAn  1A      /··\
            \/     633 45 eSKILSTUNa     \/
       \  ______ _____ _/  \  ____  __ ____/.
       :\ \_ \/   \  ¬ \  \ \  \/   _\___ \ :
       `--------->> wE aRe hUGe <<----------'

   /   ______  ______  ______  ______  ______  ____/
  /    |  \/   |  \/   Y  \/  __  \/      \/____  \
  \    _   \   |   \  ___  \  __   \   |   \   |   \
   \ __|_  / ____  / __|_  / __|_  / __|_  / ____  /

       Humans are looking for more scene friends!
     Just write to diz guys for some friendly swap:

        Scraby/Humans            Wiper/Humans
     Krzysztof Siedlecki         Pawel Subocz
       ul. Waska 2/19          ul. Magazynowa 3
     78-100 Kolobrzeg          78-200 Bialogard
          POLAND                    POLAND

    Thiz addy is also for:     We send greetz to all
    -joining                   our scene friends !!!
    -Ascii/Ansi swap             100% answer ofcoz!

         )    _____ \  _______ \   _  / _)  __ \
         \/   _(  _).\ | .\  _).\/ .\/\/.\ | .\/
         /   (/  (_  \\|  \\(_  \\  \\  // | ®\\
         \  _/\  _|___/|___/_|___/ __/ _/____  /
          \/   \/   \/    \/     \/  \/      \/
             FoR jOiNiNg AnD sWaPpInG:
       ¦       RaVeN / FaNaTiC
       ¦        MiKa HiLtUnEn
              mUiKkUoJaNkAtU 20 A 6
               18150 HeInOlA        ¦
                  FiNlAnD           ¦

              ------/\\/------------ ---- ------

               Gentleman/Shrimps Design & Bonzai

                       John  Walter
                        Am Busch 4
                       53773 Hennef
         ______________________.  :__________
       _/ ___  ___  ___  ___   \ _/ ___  ___/
       \_ _/\___ \___ \_ _/\_  \\\_ | \_ _/_.
       .| !  | !  | !  | !  |  |\ | !  | !  |
       :l_   l_   l_   l_   l__|  l_   l_   |

       If you NOT want a friendship-elite-
       contact in Essence, you should also
       NOT write to the following addy.
       Otherwise you SHOULD:

              ANDY of ESSENCE
                 Andreas Dubois
                    Starenweg 9
                       89584 Ehingen

       - also for Module'n'Sample-Trading
       - and having fun
       - and spiritual help
       - and of course friendship-swapping
      /\_____|_____| ____|__|_____|_____/\
      \____  V  _  V  ____/\____  V  ____/
       |  |  |  ___|__.  |  |    _|  __|.
       |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
       |_____A_____A_____|  |__|__A_____|

           C·H·A·O·S  OF  D·E·S·I·R·E
          Dirk Wiemer  Thueringerstr.150
            14770 Brandenburg  Germany
         <<  FOREIGN CONTAX WANTED!  >>

          mÅ¿£tRåð3r /\     \/  gRåpH!ç¿ån
             /\_____/  )/\  /\/\______
             \  ___/ \/(__\/  \__  __/
             / /  \\  \_/ \\(./  )  \
             \__  / \  /  /\\/ _____/

           /\____/\  __________  /\  ____/\_______
          /     /  \/   /\____ \/  \/   /\   |   /
         /  |__/\   \  /¦/  |/_/\   \  /¦¦\_ | _/
    ÷----\  |  \¦\    /¦/   /  \¦\    /¦¦¦/     \----÷
    |    /  '   \¦\  /\/   /    \¦\  /\¦_/   |   \_  |
    |    \______ \/___ \___\__  /¦/___ \\____|__  /  |
 ÷--|           \/¯   \/   ¯  \/  ¯   \/        \/   |--÷
 |  |                                                |  |
 |  `------------</><\> EREMATION </><\>-------------'  |
 |                                                      |
 |   What does the name of Cyryx to ya? Nothing,then    |
 |   write to me for swapping "Ascii'logo",demos,pack,  |
 |   intros,girls or for supporting my pack...........  |
 |                                                      |
 |   <º> Cyryx of Eremation  <º>   Hellos to: VDI, SCX  |
 |   <º>   Vignolants 29     <º>   HMD,SLC,CRB,Ram Jam  |
 |   <º> CH-2000 Neuchatel   <º>   Ceades,Iris,NHD,CCL  |
 |   <º>      SUISSE         <º>   ERM & Locust.......  |
         *·········Are You ready ???...········*
         *····I sad, are You ready ???...······*
         *··········LET'S  SWAPP !!!!!!!!······*
         *       /    D_J   of  NLD    \       *
         *      /                       \      *
         *     | ul. Reymonta 8 / p.919  |     *
         *      \                       /      *
         *       \   01-842 WARSAW     /       *
         *               POLAND                *
         *          $  Your move...  $         *

     .      __()__
           |)    .|         .oO BRONX! Oo.    .
     . ____||   ==(                           .
     .(______/\/\_|            dOuBlE ®       :
     :     \|(oo)|/                           |
     :     (  --  )          jOsE JoRdAn      |
     |    __\ () /__       PlZ MaGaDaLeNa 5   |
     |  _/ /"`--'"\ \      14002 CoRdObA      |
     |_/  (_      _) \         sPaIn          |
     /  __ /      / __\_                      |
     \_/  X       )(___ \                     |
     `-\ /==BNX===\_(___/---------------------'

            Also 4     /\    /\     100%
           joining!   // \  / \\   reply!
          ~~~~~~~~~~ //   \/   \\ ~~~~~~~~
                     \_(\    /)_/
                 ________)  (________
                /\ _ _.        ._ _ /\
             /\/  \\ SCRABY/HUMANS//  \/\
            /. \   \ul. Waska 2/19/.     \
         /\//  /   .\  Kolobrzeg //      /\/\
        / \/        \\  78-100  //  ¯¯¯¯¯    \
        \      _    //\ POLAND /\\ _____  .  /
         \/\   \   //  \      /  \/      //\/
            \  /   /   .\.  ./    \     //
             \/\  /     \\\//      \  /\/
                \/       \\/        \/
                 \/\    _    _   ./\/
                   S\   \    /  //
                    c\   \  /  //
           /         /            /    \
          /   ______/            /______\
       __/          \      _____/        \__
       \        ____/\    /   \            /
        \      /      \        \          /
        z\____/        \________\________/

          ·F·L·Y·I·N·G· ·C·O·W·S· ·I·N·C·


              ul. Szarych Szeregow 8/39
                  64-600 Oborniki Wlkp.

                !only this name in swapping!

  CANDYMAN / GIANTS                       CRUSADER / GIANTS
     Timo Kotta           Why not            Janne Kotta
    Arbygatan 1A          contact           Arbygatan 1A
   633 45 Eskilstuna      one  of          633 45 Eskilstuna
        Sweden            da real               Sweden
        __/\__             on da                __/\__
        \ 00 /             scene ?              \ 00 /
        /    \                                  /    \
        ¯¯\/¯¯                                  ¯¯\/¯¯
                        Some Hellos...


                 » HARDFIRE of INTENSE «

                     Johan ROIRAND
                  35 rue de la Comete
               44230-ST SEBASTIEN-/-LOIRE

                 Musicians Preferred!
                   Disk=100% Answer

          /\_      /\_        /\_
         /   \    /   \      /   \
         \_   \_  \_   \_____\_   \_____
          /    /   /  :\ .__/ /  :  .__/
         /  ._/___/_  |<   \__>  |\   \
        <             :/     _.  :/    \
         \ _______  /_____\  \ ______\  \
          \/    \  /       \_ \  [Scr]\_ \
                 \/          \/         \/
             I'm looking for new ctx

             Hogan / Ladybird Design
                Andrzej Kotlega
                Ciszewskiego  3/5
               78-200  Bialogard
                  P o l a n d

           \____    _________,  \_________   ____/
             /      \/         _/     |)   _/
            /        \_   |    ¬\     |)    \_
            \_______  /___A      \_________  /
                    \/     \______/ Snuffy \/

                       sTEFAn sWAFINg
                       wEIDENSTr.  29
                       48531 nORDHORn


                        sHOUTs oUt to:
                  ·mYSTIc·pLATIn·pOLKa bROs·
         /\    ___/\             /\__________
        /  \  /     \__      _  /            \
       /    \/       \ \    / \/    _  ______ \
      /     _\       /  \  /   \   __\/      \/
     /              /    \/     \    \_____
    /        __   _/  _    _     \ _       \
    \       /     /   \    /      \ \__     \
     \  ___/\    /     \  /       /____\    /
      \/___  \  /   ____\/____   /         /
       Sc® \__\/_\/____________\/______\  /
           We are  sEarChiNg 4 nEw CoNtaCtS
               sO tAkE a PeN an write 2:

        Wiper/HuManS            Scraby/HuManS
        Pawel Subocz         Krzysztof Siedlecki
        ul.Magazynowa 3          ul. Waska  2/19
        78-200 Bialogard        78-100  Kolobrzeg
             POLAND                  POLAND
                      100% answer !
         ¦    _         _         _     ¦
         ¦ __/\\___  __/\\___  __/\\___ ¦
         ¦(___.   ))(___. __))(___.   ))¦
         ¦ /  ¦   \\ /  :   \\ /  ¦   \\¦
         ¦/:. |·ð·///:. ¦·r·///:. |·ð·//¦
         ¦\____  // \___|  // \____  // ¦
         ¦     \//       \//çhåo$! \//  ¦
         |- ·   ~         ~         ~· -¦°
         :                              :
         ·   NaPOleOn Of DreAmDEaLerS   ·
                    Po BOx 56
              F-13153 TArAScoN CeDex

             HigH quALiTy MAilTrAdINg

       GreEtS 2: cHaOs-MElvIn-zInkO-tRAshEr
       PacE-MeSSiAh-PEaRl-PrIDe + tHe rESt!
      _                    _
     /(____  ___.__  ______)\
    /      \/   |  \/____.   \  /\____  /\______/\______
   /    |   \   |   \  __|    \/      \/   ____/    ___/
  /     |    \  |    \ \__    /   |   /   /___/_   __/_
 /______|     \ `     \__|   /    |  /         /  /___)\
        |     /_______/  |__/_____|  \________/        /
        |____/ ?:raven   `        |____/    \_________/
        '                         '
                            full affect...

         Do you still don't know the meaning of life ???
                    Get the answer from...

         X-POOLE  of NUANCE            THOR of NUANCE
        \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/          \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
          Marco  Willemsen          Juergen  Kopfmueller
            Eibenstr. 24            Koenigsbergerstr. 45
          49828  Neuenhaus             87439  Kempten
              Germany                     Germany

Don't forget to vote in the GERMAN CHARTS and send adverts,
              .:"$(/)            (§"      $&/
            %/&§&$§: "$§%%&/§§%   §&%    §%&
           (/(&$       §§$   &"&   §&   )§
           $%/&$/&$$   $$%   "&%   §% %$
            §&&%&%§&   $%&   $$(   "§$
                :&(%(  §%$    )"§  ($"%§
               $)((==  !!"    !"% $&/  $"
              "!&$"%$  §$%    "§$ §%&    %§
            $"&))%§§"  §%&    %$% §%$      $"
          §$/%&"&%/     %&/"$()  "()       U$
              - thE diAmOnD AmOng st0nEs -

            ConTAct me FoR SwaPPInG DA l8TEst
            AmIgA N PC StUfF , FoR FriEnDsHiP
            AnD cOol n Long LEtterS ! WrITE 2
                 UlTRA-SoniC / SarDonyX
                    AdrIAN JAGlARz
                   WuELFerODEr StR.13
                    30880 LAAtzeN
·····/  ___/__  ___/|   \····------------------------------ 
····/__   \  /  \   :    \···                                      
···/  :    \/    \:   :   \··    a lot of pictures...      
··/   :     \     \   |    \·  ....including AGA pixels    
·····························      mine of inspirations      
      one more contact ?        for graphics swapping....     
      well.... why not ?                                             
      Groggy of Storm              Distortion/Storm        
      Tommy Johansson          ul. Koszalinska 32i/20     
      Pilvagen 18 c                78-105 Kolobrzeg        
      34176 Ryssby                     Poland             
      Sweden                 ------------------------------ 
                               There's no reason for me to   
 answer ? You know the rules        stole Your disk's.....     
            ___________         _________
           /\          \       /         \n
         N \ \__    ____\     /\    \__  / o
          o \/_/\   \ \_/_____\/\  __  \/\
             r \ \     \/        \/  \    \/\F_u_N
              I \ \  ___\  _/    /\  _____/_____/\
               S \ \/___/       / /\/____//    /\/
                K \/ /    \    / /\/[ST]/     / /
                 !  /___  /\  / /      /___  / /
                  ! \___\/ /\/ /       \___\/ /
                         \/  \/             \/
               enjoy this taste of feeling.....


                      THE SWATCH-MAN

                       PLK 094402 E

                      D- 49509 RECKE

           +   ___/\_____ ______/\ ______/\      +
           +   \__  .___/ \_   . \\\_   . \\     +
           +    //  |______|   |  \\|   |  \\    +
           +   //   |      \   |   \\   |   \\   +
           +  //    ¦       \  ¦     \  ¦     \  +
           +  \_____________/________/________/  +
           +                                     +
           +        Dire / The Dark Demon        +
           +            Nico  Barbat             +
           +           Weberstrasse 5            +
           +         42477 Radevormwald          +
           +           United Germany            +
           +                                     +
           +      Elite means  100% answer,      +
           +   everything else is a pure shit!   +
           +    (list-  or ownprods-swapping)    +
           +         f33l tHe ðårKn3$$ !         +
           +                                     +

               // _____//      /   ____/___/\
              /·  /\__/·  /___/___   ·/   /\/
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                 trA$H HEaÐ/TRsI!

                   P.O.Box 144
                 05822 Milanowek
                    .,_i ,
           ,K_Lssm`. ' g@@@@b-
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     / \__ _____  ___/\______________/\  /\_________ _ _
  / /     Y     \/  _  \       \       \/  ________/(/(/
  \ \     |     / __|   \____   \____   \_____    \
     \         /  \__    \  /    \  /    \   |     \ \
      \   |___/\____|_   /  \   _/  \   _/____     / /
                     \__                     \__
 .                                          .
   .           .       o--o    .                          .
                       |oF|                 Watts/NEo
                       o--o                46 Northfield st
                                  .         Bolton,lancs
            _     ___ ________________      BL3 5JH
           /\\   / ///  ___ ((    __  \    .England
   .      /  \\ / /_// <  \_/\\  / /  \\
         / /\ \Y ////   )  _  \\ \/ /\ \\   LeGaL TrAdE.                   
        / //:\  //:\   (__/ \://   /_/  /:.
       .\//:::\//:::\_______/:\\_______/::::.     .
             /\/\/\/\Woober/\      /\
            / /\ \/\ \/\   \ \    / /
           / /__\ \/\   \   \ \  / /_____
          /___  /\ \ \ \ \/\ \ \/_____  /
             / / /  \ \ \   \/  \    / /
            / / / /\ \ \ \   \/\ \  / /
           / / / ____ \ \ \  /  \ \/ /
          / /  \/    \/\/\_\/    \/ /
         / /   CHECK YOUR MIND   / /
         \/                      \/
        For fast and friendly swapping
                 contact me :

                Woober / Saints
                Gøran Myrland
                9130 Hansnes
  _______/\  __/\____________:_/\  __/\_________/\______
  \_   .   \ \_  ______/\_   ¦   \ \_  ______/\_   .    \
  /    |    \/     __)__/    |    \/     __)__/    ¦  __/
 /     __/\_________  __/\  _______/\  ________/\. .    \_
/      \__  .    .  \ \__.\ \_   .   \ \_    .   \ |      \
\______¦/   |    |   \/    \/    |    \ |    |    \¦______/
       /    |    |    \     \    |     \|    |     \
      /     |    |     \     \   |      \    ¦      \
              :    :                     :
 If you want to support the cool Pack-Mag NEVER MIND with

  ^      L A T E S T  O W N  P R O D U C T I O N S      ^

     than contact Mr.King of TRSI under diz address
 Joerg Goedden   Postfach 3143   46434 Emmerich   Germany

           _________________________ ______________
          .\__   \   __/ _____/_    Y   __/  _____/_..
          :_/   \ \   \_ ______/_  /¯\   \________  |:
          `--- --------- ---- ------------ - ----cDr-'

                    SEND YOUR NEWS FOR THIS


                          FABRE PASCAL
                       22 RUE DU PRINTEMPS
                          75017    PARIS
Abyss :

- Mole joined from AGOA.
- Toxic is now a member of Abyss & Rebels.
- All MembeRZ of PyrodeX joined AbysS.
- Abyss - Memberlist :
   Bartman...........Code & Modem
   Cazal.............Music & Modem
   Dexter............Code & Modem
   Jumping Pixel.....Gfx
   Mem'o'ree.........Gfx, Music & Modem
   Mole..............Gfx, Swap
   Neurodancer.......Music & Sysop
   Pink..............Music & Modem
   Skindiver.........Swap, Ascii & Modem
   SMC...............Code & Music
   Toxic.............Gfx & Swap
- Sanitarium BBS is kicked out !!!!!!!

Accession :

- Eddie left for Damones.

Acid Inc. :

- New Group
- Memberlist :
Dj.Hard Explosion   : Leader, Gfx, Muzak, Swapper
Dj.Icebeat          : Music, Gfx
Dj.Hard Fucker      : Music, Gfx, Swapper
PSK                 : Music, Coder, Gfx, Text, Cracker
Noval               : Music, Trader, Fonts, Gfx
Mile                : Music, Trader, Fonts
Blackstar           : Music, Gfx
Butcher             : Music
Macigo              : Music
TDM                 : Swapper, Gfx, Little code
Mawerick            : Swapper, Music..
MFH                 : Swapper, Gfx
Manager             : Swapper
Dragon              : Swapper
Trooper             : Swapper
Werty               : Swapper
Hellfire            : Swapper
Incognito           : Swapper
Spiral              : Sysop, Coder, Music, Gfx
Entzyme/Inflow      : Swapper, Gfx
Dj.Substance/Inflow : Music, Swapper

Agoa :

- Mole left for Abyss.
Amnesty! :

- They were born in the beginning of 1994. At that
   moment it was called 'The Naturat' but RT! renamed it
  in Amnesty!.
- RT! left for PC.....(maybe he makes a PC section...).
- MS renamed as Dagger.
- Apollo renamed as Ice.
- Actual memberlist :

                CLI        : Coder
                Dagger     : Gfx
                Ice        : Coder
                Hasid      : Coder
                Kipers     : Swapper, Raytracer, Organizer
                Kocur      : Main Raytracer
Analog :
-  Champ left SHINING 8 and joined as a Coder and Sysop in
-  Analog gots a new Board in Germany called -RANDOM ACCESS-
   Sysop is Champ.
   Dial: Node 1  (49) 471 417726
         Node 2  (49) 471 412441
-  The "Rave Line" BBS is not longer a Analog Board
-  McMurphy (Swapper) has left Analog and the Scene
-  Centaury joined as a Musician and internal Mag Editor in
-  Analog got a turkish section with a mag called "Speedy"
-  Wea joined from PSYCHO as a Coder, Trader, Swapper and
   Editor in Turkey
-  MS joined from PSYCHO as a Coder in Turkey
-  Whip joined from PSYCHO as a Musician in Turkey
-  Tango joined from PSYCHO as a Swapper in Turkey
-  Sumo joined as a Musician and Coder in France
-  Frenchkiss joined as a Coder in France
-  Arrakus joined as a Trader in France
-  They are working on some Productions like a Trackmo which
   worked on two linked Amigas, a Slideshow, a Musikdisk and
   many others
-  Splatterhead left Blackjack and joined as a Swapper in

Here is a complete Memberlist:


Spooky          Organizer, Swapper, Cosysop
Revolution      Coder, Sysop of the 'FRENCH KISS' BBS.
Adrion          Coder
Axis            Coder, Gfx
Young Blood     Coder
Erikose         Music
Stone           Gfx
Stingway        Gfx
Ktulo           Raytracing
Frenchkiss      Trader
Sumo            Musician
Arrakis         Trader


Bandit          Coder, Gfx, Organizer
Rick            Music, Organizer
Shiva           Music, Organizer
Trooper         Mainswapper,Trader, Organizer, Gfx
                LOST CARRIER BBS
Warlord         Gfx, Sysop of the LOST CARRIER BBS
Champ           Coder, Sysop of the RANDOM ACCESS
Centaury        Musician

Wea             Thq, Coder, Trader, Cosysop in the
                SplitSeven BBS (Bronx)Ascii Maker, Swapper
Ms              Coder
Whip            Musician
Tango           Swapper

Swan            Musician, Swapper
Splatterhead    Swapper


Melena          Coder

Andromeda :

- Joachim left for Melon Dezign.

Antarkos :

- Raiser left for Ram Jam.

Anthares :
- Mac Fight joined as Swapper.
- Magna Chartsa will now be an Anthares production.
- Memberlist :
        Buffin          : Code, Gfx
        Wolfman         : Code

- Mac Fight has got BIG problems with the post, so please
  don't use Faked-Stamps with him else he has to pay for
  your sendings !!! Thanx !
- Mac Fight left for Mador.

Aphrasia :

- TSI left for Orion.
- Pentagon left for Orion.

Applause :
- SuperMagic turned 19 years old on the 27th of September!
  This made him change is handle back to Magic again...
- Thorgal renamed to Justus
- Justus and Falcon are main organizers
- Backfire and Lovely got kicked
- Lovely is again in Applause ,it was organizer's mistake
  to kick him out ,but it's all good...
- Dutch applausers DIDN'T get kicked as it was stated in
  some news
- Redman joined from Mad Elks
- Phantom left Applause to form new group called Bravo
  Now Magic is the one and only Editor for Thing!
- After 4 months of doeing totally Nothing! (Well only
  visiting his girlfriend, and going on Holiday with Magic)
  started to work again in a do it yourself shop!
- Sascha/Applause is engaging with his girlfriend on the 1st
  of X-mas!
  He will take her to the Party IV. That is, if he goes to!
- Radium changed his handle in SuperRadium.
- Because of a Applause-Game(Tm) some productions like
  Respond and 2Gether (both musicdisks) are delayed...
- Franklin (Coder) Left, Revo (Coder) Joined!
- Fletcher joined with his board NeonCity!
- Vasquez left Applause and the Scene.
- Magic will proberly stop using his Modem.
- The ApplauseGame(Tm) will be a RPG about the Scene!
  Featuring all your favorite scene persons!


Alx          - musician
Roberts      - musician
Justus       - graphician ,organizer
Tolek Banan  - graphician
Falcon       - coder ,modemtrader ,organizer
Chris        - coder
Redman       - swapper
Lovely       - Swapper
Eva          - graphician, fun-member
SuperMagic   - editor ,organizer
SuperRadium  - graphician ,musician
Revo         - coder
Sascha       - swapper ,organizer
Fletcher     - modemtrader

Apple Pie :

- This group is a cooperation between guys from different
- They'll release a music-disk and it should be all !
- Memberlist :
        Dawg    : Music, Gfx    (In Pagan/TMG)
        Olaf    : Code          (In Rien Du Tout)

Ascii Unlimited :
- It's NOT true that Nimrod left AsU!
- It's NOT true that Khul left AsU!
- It's NOT true that Ascii Unlimited is dead !!!

Avant-Garde :

- New Group.
- Donk joined from Pulse and renamed to Knuckles.
- 2 Fast renamed to The Crow.
- Sonic joined.
- Memberlist :
        Knuckles        : Lead, Code
        The Crow        : Lead, Artist, Mailtrader, Code
        Sonic           : Artist, Musician

Axis :

- Signe' left for Damones.
- Both are still in Axis too.

Black Jack :

- Future Products :
  Steelsongs 8, Blaggy #2, Chip Pack #2, Toxic waste Intro,
  Party Slide.
- Latest Prods : Chip Pack #1, Worm War V1.0, Joke.exe.
- Mice left GAC and Joined as Swapper & Musician.
- Stimpy joined as musician.
- Blitzer left for Flying Cows Inc. DK
- The whole GAC joined :
  Raivo as coder & swapper
  Baizon as gfx & swapper
  Grapic as gfx & swapper
- Luukkonen tried to join.
- Stevie was kicked.
- Mare was kicked.
- Mr. Bacardy was kicked.
- Light was kicked.
- Domain! left for Saints.
- Incognito got kicked !
- Splatterhead left for Analog.
- Member list : Finland (6 Members) :
                Akiro               : Swap, Gfx
                Grand Master B      : Music
                G-Sus               : Music, Gfx, Code
                Janitor             : Swap, Gfx
                Mice                : Swap, Music

                Denmark (3 members) :
                Baizon              : Gfx, Swap
                Grapic              : Gfx, Swap
                Raivo               : Code, Swap

                Norway (1 member)   :
                P.O.W               : Music

                Sweden (1 member)   :
                Stimpy              : Music, Swap, Ansi
  Total : 11 members

Bomb :

- A new group formed by Gengis/ex-Complex.
- Clawz joined from Complex.
- Suny joined from Movement.
-TRAJAN join from Dreamdealers

Bonzai :

- Gentleman joined from Shrimps Design as a doublemember.
- He'll soon get a pack called "Bodycount".
- A trackmo is coming. Code : Cocoon, Sfx : Solid, Gfx :

Bravo :
- New group formed by Phantom/Applause.

Bronx :

- Stranger left for Saints.

Classic :

- Mike & Dave joined from Outlaws.

Compact :

- Powerpack (coder) and Tobias (coder) left the scene!
- Skyclad (swapper) joined from Extension.
- Turrican (gfx) joined.
- Scientist holds the party-record in chair-sleeping,record
  assembled at The Gathering'94.
- Van Diemen (coder) joined.
- Howard (musician) joined.
- Memberlist :
  Fizban        : Coder
  Matt          : Coder, Musician
  Scientist     : Coder
  Unix          : Coder (in the army...)
  Van Diemen    : Coder
  Scorpio       : Raytracer
  Shocker       : Gfx
  Styx          : gfx
  Turrican      : Gfx
  Da Vinci      : Musician
  Psimon        : Musician
  Howard        : Musician
  Scud          : Musician
  Omaha Thunder : Sysop
  Online        : Sysop
  Acen          : swapper
  Skyclad       : Swapper
  Zenit         : Organizer & Swapper
Complex :

- The French-section is dead.

Darkness :

- Mezcal left for Mystic.

Damian :

- Blitter, J.Walker and Cobra left with their mag The Jungle
  to join X-Trade.
- They are dead.

Damones :
- Eddie joined from Accession.
- Tormentor (trader) joined Decnite.
- Grim (Musician), Pete (Coder) and Lucas (Trader) joined
  from Tarkus Team.Grim left soon for Sonic.
- Mean joined from Mystic with his Danish board Blood Street.
- G.O.D. joined with his board Cosmo A.D. 2000, which is now
  a Humane, Alpha Flight and Damones board.
- House of Pain, the 6 noded Paradox USHQ is now a Damones
  board instead.
- Svamppen (boozer) joined in Sweden. (What a useful member!
  How did he show his skills through a letter ???? -Al/SPM)
- Mightymuz (ex-Skid Row, 2kAD, etc.) joined in sweden.
- Signe' (mailer, gfx) joined from Axis in Germany.
- Hoffi opened a Lunatic Asylum, it has 5 nodes and invited
- Rakim (mailer, trader) joined from Interpol in Germany.
  By mistake ! He was kicked far away.
- Cobra (trader) joined.
- Messerschmitt joined from Surprise!Productions in Hungary.
- T'Vaan joined from Axis.
- Messerschmitt left for Ram Jam.

Decnite :

- Tormentor joined from Damones.

Defiance :

- Zombie joined from Mad Elks.
- Buzz #4 will be released as soon as possible.It'll contain
  a totally new
  code, new menu and a lot of new options.
- C-Quence (Musician) and Pantera (Swapper) left for Gods.
- There are now 4 packmakers in Defiance !!!

DeliraTum Est :
- Vadium left for Epilogue.
- Shithead joined from TEDP as Coder and German HQ.
- Shithead renamed to : Ultra-$onic.
- Alhazred left for Spasm.
- Mac Fight is now the WHQ and Main-ed of Magna-Chartsa.
- Mac Fight left to be independent.
- Ultra-$onic left for Sardonyx.
- Big Boost (independent) joined.
- Big Boost left to be independent again.
- Memberlist : In France :

  ADL           : Packs, Gfx, Swap
  Asphalt       : Swap

- The only remaining members are both inactive, so you can
  consider DTE as a dead group (it'll be so....)

Depth :
- Coming prods :
        ·CoolTunes #3
        ·Coded menu for Under The Surafce pack-serie
        ·A Slideshow
        ·40 Ko Intro for the Party IV

Desire :

- Chaos changed handle to Chaos! to avoid problems with
  Chaos/Sanity; accept da "stroke-point"!

Diffusion :

- 2 dudes (who ?) left for Quartex.?
- Grand Duke left for Eskimos.
- Viper is the only who continues da great smegma pack
Dreamdealers :

- They'll organise a party called "GASP" in Montpellier/France together
  with Eremation.
-Doh join from cryptoburners

Drinks :

- They renamed to Models.

Dual Crew & Shining :

- They're working on a little friendship-intro together with
  The Dark Demon,code by Grey/DCS, sound by Dire/TDD and gfx
  by Creature/TDD.
- Byte Devil of Principes joined them. He is now a Principes
  and DCS member.
Epilogue :
- Vadium joined from DTE.
- Vadium left for Orion.

Eremation :

- They'll organise a pary called "GASP"in Montpellier/France
  together with Dreamdealers.

Eskimos :

- Grand Duke joined in Finland as a Swapper and Packmaker.
- Grand Duke renamed in Danny Kane.
- Danny Kane will get his new packmenu soon.
- Memberlist :
  In Germany   : Demon            : Coder
                 Taroz            : Musician, Gfx
                 Germanoey        : Gfx
                 Bachus           : Partyman (???)
                 Rusine           : Swapper
                 Crush            : Swapper
                 Boomer           : Sysop
                 Cyclon           : Swap, Gfx
  In Finland   : Dalos            : Musician
                 Danny Kane       : Swapper

- Beeblebrox is now also in Orion (doublemember).

Essence :

- Dodger joined from Interactive.

Exalis :

- Religion 242 changed his handle to Seb.
- They're making an intro about Snoopy.
- Memberlist :
        Cluster : Zik
        Doodle  : Gfx
        Foofur  : Code
        Noons   : Gfx
        Seb     : Swap
        Simons  : Code

Extension :

- Skyclad left for Compact.

Fairlight :

- Slobo & Whale joined from Outlaws.

Fanatic :
- HRBERG joined without permission from any of the other
  members! It was NSL and Mr. Hyde who said he could join!!
- NSL (Trade), Mr. Hyde (Sysop, trade), Ramosys (Gfx(he
  hasn't done any !)),Mr. Orion (Sysop), Mr. Spock (Code),
  Lure (Sysop), HRBERG (Sysop) and Cygnus(Sysop) left, but
  anyway, if they hadn't they'd have been kicked !
- Coming releases :
  .Slideshow    : Louvre
  .Chippack     : Chip Hooray
  .Demopack     : Free Download
  .Musicdisk    : Delirious Dreams
- Memberlist :(DK)
  Growl         : Swap, Edit, Pack
  Dreamer       : Sfx
  Geenie        : Gfx, Sfx
  Raze          : Swap, Dezign, Pack
  Grandma       : Gfx

Fate :
- Sailor joined as swapper.
- Memberlist :
        Bicker          : Code
        Black Angel     : Code, Little swap
        Eyo             : Code
        Caterpillar     : Gfx
        Denethor        : Gfx
        Rayer           : Gfx
        Warlock         : Gfx
        KLF             : Swap, Organizer
        Sailor          : Swap

- They're looking for 1-2 gfx'ers, 2 musicians, 1-2 coders
  and 1 good swapper.

Fear :

- Rave joined from Manitou.
- He is in both Technology and Fear.
- Dr. D joined and renamed to Che!.
Flying Cows Inc. :

- Peacemaker left for Orion.
- Blitzer joined from Black Jack.
- They are looking for new divisions, and especially
  graphicians, coders and sysops (write to Zibi).
- Magnum (ex.Twingo) joined from Iris in Finland.
- PG (coder) got kicked for lazyness.
- Ecstasy joined in Germany.
- Blitzer was kicked.
- Memberlist (30.7.94) :
        Poland :
        Carlo           : Swapper
        Chmiel          : Swapper
        Devil           : Graphician
        Dreamer         : Musician
        Echo            : Coder
        Kurczak         : Coder, Graphician, Swapper
        Magiel          : Musician
        PC              : Raytracer
        Pipen           : Coder
        Plexa           : Coder
        Ufo             : Coder
        Zibi            : Swapper, Editor
                Germany :
        Heptagon        : Swapper
        Ecstasy         : Coder
                Finland :
        Magnum          : Swapper, Musician

Freezers :

- Lenny and Qwerty left for Scope.
- Excel, Atheist, Shock, Skeep left Vision Sweden and joined.
- Mindphaser joined from Vision.
- Pinhead joined from Hardcore Design.
- Shock left to be fulltime-member of Lime/Saints.

  Actual Memberlist :
  Poland :
Alex       : Music
Bart       : Code
Beniamin   : Gfx
Freeman    : Gfx
Gordon     : Code
Joy        : Code
Lenin      : Swap, Organizer, WHQ
Sputnik    : Code

  Sweden :

Excel      : Gfx, Swap, SHQ
Atheist    : Music
Mindphaser : Swap
Pinhead    : Gfx
Skepp      : Sysop

- Mice left for Black Jack.
- The whole team joined Black Jack
- They must be dead.

Gods :

- C-Quence (Musician) & Pantera (Swapper) joined from
- PGL (GFX) joined from Infect.
- Chris & Little joined from Iris.
- Liszt joined from Majic 12.
- Odin joined from Nova.

Gummeli :

- JeeJee!
- They are NOT looking for more members.
- But they ARE looking for a CODER! (and maybe other members
- They will soon release a music-pack called The Venomous
  Touch IV!
- pAhAkEisARi!'s bird, kIkI!, joined from linnunhakki as
  a mascott! and organiser!
- kIkI! renamed TiPu!
- TiPu! renamed HAN-MIES!
- HAN-MIES on SPEEDY!..Keinonen!
- Speedy on sairaaan nopee!
- Bracus renamed Kakko.
- pAhAkEisARi! moved to KANADA!!!!
- Kakko lahti kiittaa!!
- pOrO renamed Mauno Ahonen!
- pAhAkEisARi! is gonna eat everybody's head!!!
- Pahakeisarin NComm teki tekovitun! SAATANA!
- Jonkun olis syyta sendia uus terminaaliohjelma ennen kun
  tulee ruumiita!
- Thanx to Juice for uusista kajareista! ;)

- Official memberlist :
  Kakko         : Musician
  pAhAkEisARi!  : Swapper
  HAN-MIES      : Mascot, Organizer
  Mauno Ahonen  : Musician
  Juize         : Varastetun tavaran supplier, Robber...

- Contact pAhAkEisARi! for some schwapping!.. (and joining..)
  PARAS A-RHYMA (pAhAkEisARi!/gMi wHq)
  Juha Kovanen
  Meijerintie 11
  62310 Vollti

Hemoroids :

- The Myopchart will be out soon (Code : STC, Music :DOCKERS,
- The Giolan United demo will be out soon (Code : STC & WANN,
  Music : DOCKERS, Gfx : ZONE).
- A music-disk is on its way (Code : ROMANTIC, Music :
- A demo is on its way (Code : EXCESS, Music : DOCKERS,
  Gfx : ???).
- Axel will probably rejoin the Amiga Section as Coder.
- Gryzor definitively left some months ago.
- Memberlist :
  BIGM          : Swap, Packs
  Dockers       : Music, Swap
  Eko           : Gfx
  Enzo          : Gfx
  Excess        : Coder
  Nec           : Gfx, Ascii-Designer, Swap
  Romantic      : Coder
  STC           : Leader, Coder
  Stranger      : ?
  Tuner         : Swap, Packs, Myop-Editor
  Wann          : Coder
  Wink          : Ray-Tracer
  Zone          : Gfx, Swap, Ascii-Designer

-JUTU is coding trackmo.
-HOGAN left to join Ladybird Design.
-CATION left Humans.
-KIPPER left the scene.
-Now SCRABY is the new organizer.
-Latest production:SWAPTRO


 - ALFSKY................raytracker,gfx
 - FALCON....................raytracker
 - JUTU............................code
 - SCRABY................swap,organizer
 - WIPER.............swap,gfx,programer

   -They are searching for new members (musician!,coders

   For joining and/or swapping write to:

            Scraby of Humans
            ul. Waska 2/19
            78-100 Kolobrzeg
            phone: (0-965) 234-08

Illusion :

- Stan is main organizer of Illusion (Poland), now.
- Death Angel is main organizer of Illusion (Germany), now.
- Axel D. realised a new slide-show called "Faces".
- Smuggler, Darbie, Sinus, Jazzcat, Spiryt are kicked out.
- A Sound-disk will soon be released.
- Rygar has won gfx-compo at Primavera'94.
- Axel D. has won gfx-compo at Primavera'94.
- Rygar's slide-show will soon be released.
- Wayne's working on a slide.
- Two members in germany are kicked out. (Who???????)
- Danzig left the scene.
- Three coders joined in Poland. (Who??????)
- Mario joined as Ray-Tracer (Germany).
- MTC joined as Musician.
- They're working on several products so be patient.
- Actual slogan is : USE YOUR ILLUSION.
- Executor opened a BBS: The Rising Hope +49(0)228-232284.
- QBA left for TRSI.
- Tetsuo joined from Sygma.
- Tracker joined from The Mutant Team.
- Memberlist :
        Poland :

        Stan               : Main Oragnizer, Swapper
        Axel D.            : Gfx
        Dark               : Coder, raytracer
        Thoron             : Coder
        Patapik            : Coder
        Wayne              : Gfx
        Sigge              : Musician
        Niuniek            : Coder
        Max                : raytracer
        The King           : Swapper
        Verox              : swapper
        Rygar              : Gfx
        MTC                : Musician
        Moody              : Coder
        Pepe               : Coder

        Germany :

        Axxis              : Swapper
        Death Angel        : Swapper, Organizer
        Executor           : Sysop
        Maniace Van Broast : Gfx
        Mario              : Raytracer

        France :

        Tetsuo             : Swapper, Organizer

Indy :

- Dot left for Orion.
- Quickfinger joined from Shrimps Design
Infect :

- DJ Mellow Noise joined as Doublemember from Shrimps Design.
- PGL left for Gods.

Intense :

- Fiction joined Intense Holland as a Swapper & Gfx.
- Emiel left for Infect.
- Jan joined Intense Holland as Musician & Gfx.
- They're looking for a dutch coder.
- Scal (coder + leader) left the scene because he has to
  study in police school (shit ! one more cop !).
- Elf (Gfx) left Amiga Scene for the PC scene.
- Orak joined from Retire.
- Sylicon is the new World leader.
- Sylicon is the most funny swapper of all "Bretagne".
- Double (R) left for Odrusba.
Interactive :

- Dodger left for Essence.

Interpol :

- Rakim left for Damones, it was a mistake, he was kicked
  from Damones...

Iris :

- Haze joined as Graphician in the UK.
- Dawg/Pagan/TMG tried to join in france but was refused!
  Because they only want fulltime members.
- The Swedes got kicked.
- The finns gor kicked.
- Bridgeclaw left for TRSI.
- Some of the danes left to form a new group called Noice
  they were bird, Pris, Illusion, Silicon, Jake.
- Some others got kicked : JFK, Droopy, Warner.
- Goofy joined in France.
- Miko 63 joined in greece.
- And a lot of others got kicked all over Europe. 3 months
  ago they were 78 and now they're 28, so Iris is totally
  reorganized and only the active and productive members are
  still in Iris. To rebuild the old respected Iris.
- Darkhawk is the new WHQ.
- Memberlist :
        Adonis (DK)     : Swap, Gfx
        Arrogance (N)   : Music
        Bifrost (DK)    : Gfx
        Belzebub (DK)   : Music
        Chivaz (DK)     : Coder
        Daffy (DK)      : Swap
        Darkhawk (DK)   : Swap, WHQ
        Drac (DK)       : Music
        D-Ream (D)      : Gfx, Trade & Code
        Dr. Deo (N)     : Raytrace, Trade
        DZG (N)         : Sysop, A Pack Of Fun, Trade
        Eagle (N)       : Music
        Eliot (F)       : Code
        Flower Child (DK: Music
        Gigabyte (Faroe): Swap
        Goofy (F)       : Gfx
        Guybrush (DK)   : Gfx
        Haze (N)        : Gfx
        Highpower (N)   : Music
        Miko 63 (G)     : Swap, Music
        Peace (D)       : Swap, Organizer
        Salat (N)       : Gfx, Code
        Sanctum (DK)    : Gfx
        Sixpack (N)     : Jurassic Pack, Swap
        Zendar (N)      : Code
        Zerda (N)       : Code
        Zerox (N)       : WHQ, Disc Ed. & Hitpack
        Zytrox (N)      : Code
- Peace joined as Mailswapper and Organizer in Germany.
- Chivaz joined from Subagency as coder in Denmark.
- Chris left for Gods.
- Little left for Gods.
Isch Crew :

- Jibe left for Ram Jam.
- Hr Flicker left for Technology.
- Double (R) left for Odrusba.
- 3M (coder) hasn't got any computer anymore. The police
  took all his equipment since he was caught for stealing
  computer-equipment for more than 100.000 Norwegian Krones.
  He's still waiting for getting back his A3000.

Ivory :

- Slaine left for NGC.

Laserdance :

- The only members are Megamaniac and Dr. Mastermind. The
  rest left or got kicked.
- They have a cool diskmag-source + intro, but the editor
  stopped his work,os they need a) more articles or b) a mag
  cooperation. If you are interested
  contact their HQ : Dr.Mastermind
                     PLK 034764 D
                     72764 Reutligen

Legacy :

- Micromission left for Saints.
- Tranze left for Saints.

Lime/Saints :

- Groggy joined as swapper.
- Adix got kicked with his board "From Hell to Heaven".
- Shock left Freezers and is now only a member of Lime.
- Groggy left for Storm.
- Memberlist :
  Ajax          : Modemtrader, Ascii
  Dagraz        : Gfx
  Groggy        : Swap, Mail HQ
  Shock         : Music, Ascii, WHQ
  Stussy        : Gfx, Music, Ascii

Mad Elks :

- Alice is their first girl-swapper! She joined from Status
- R.U.R. left the scene.
- Hooligan 190 joined in England as musician & swapper and
  renamed to Foam.
- Zombie left for Defiance.
- Vocal got kicked because he hasn't contacted the other
- Toxic of Outlaws is Mad Elks BHQ with his "Toxicity BBS".
  He's also Outlaws BHQ. Call at this number (new) :
  +32 6367 5875.
- Call "Silence of the Elks" - try +48 (0-86) 164541.
- Iron left for Scope.
- They're looking for members, especially coders (!!!) &
  sysops !
- Redman left for Applause.
- Actual Memberlist :
        Dak             : Code, Swap
        Alis WHQ        : Gfx, Swap, Organizing
        Valdi           : Code
        Kopara          : Swap - stopped
        SCA             : Swap
        Alice           : swap
        Fli             : Gfx, Swap
        Zielu           : Sysop
        Xenos           : Gfx
        Thieving Magpie : Code
        Z.              : Gfx
        Avenger         : swap - in Finland
        Quaid           : swap - in Norway
        Gurgle          : trade - in Italy
        Foam            : Music, swap - in England
        French Division :
        Baby FHQ        : Music, gfx
        Fabrice         : code
        Dr. Trans       : Music

Mador :

- Mac Fight joined from Anthares.
- Memberlist :
        Cromatic        : WHQ, Organizer, GFX
        Doomsday        : 2HQ, Organizer, Swap, Trade(SOON!)
        Kandor          : Code, Gfx
        Boon            : Code, Gfx
        MC68000         : Code
        Nobleman        : Code
        Pennywise       : Gfx
        Tacital Rainbow : Raytracing
        Daydreamer      : Sfx
        Merlin          : Sfx
        Vader           : Swap, Pack
        Mac Fight       : FHQ, Swap, Main-Ed
- Magna Chartsa will now be a Mador production.

Majic 12 :

- Liszt left for Gods.

Manitou :

- Rave left for Technology and Fear.
- They're dead.

Melon Dezign :

- Schmoovy-schmoove left for US.
- Joachim joined from Andromeda.
- Thorin joined from Silicon.
- Alex & Nam join from Movement

Metro :

- This spanish group won the gfx. compo in Southern Party II
  (July 94).
- They are preparing a trackmo.
- They have got a pack called EVOLUTION.
- Memberlist (Sept 94):

        Krusen      Code, Swap, Leader
        Abigo       Gfx
        Phoenix     Code
        Magic Touch Gfx
        Che         Swap & Ansis
        Ultras Sur  Main Swap
        Hook        Sfx
        Pleyades    Code
Movement :

- Thorin joined from Silicon but he is also a Melon Dezign
- Suny left for Bomb.
- Alex & Nam left for Melon Design

Mystic :

- Easy Rider (modemtrader) joined TRSI and now he is MYTIC &
  TRSI member.(seems to be a fashion to be member of MYSTIC
  & TRSI -Al/SPM)
- At Primavera Pary'94 Mystic (Pl) had released : trackmo
  "Vital"-3rd place in demo compo, intro in cooperation with
  Union and MUSIC DISK (cooperation with TRSI)
- We released slideshow "Imaginations" with Gunman's graphics
  It's both AGA and non-AGA.
- We organize Party in summer in Warsaw/Poland.
- We are looking for two good coders.
- Dark Angel joined from UNION as coder.
- MSS joined as coder.
- Mean left for Damones.
- Actual memberlist MYSTIC - Polish Section:
        XTD - Musician, Organizer ....... (Piotr)
        +48-58- 712598
      NINJA - Swapper ................... (Marek)
        +48-2- 6639155
       MARS - Swapper ................. (Andrezj)
        +48-58- 711624
     CHARON - Coder
     KATANI - Coder
        MSS - Coder
     JACKAL - Gfx
        CIA - Gfx
     GUNMAN - Gfx, Swap
- Trash Head joined from Scope.
- Mezcal joined from Darkness as Sysop.
Narcosis :

- Cyborg will soon release his first ascii-collection called
  Wooden Leper

  - Memberlist :

  Motive        : Coder, Swapper, Organizer
  R-9           : editor, Gfx, Co-Organizer
  Quest         : Modem-trader, coder
  Neotronic     : swapper, modem-trader
  Cyborg        : Swapper, Ascii-Artist
  Jedi          : Swapper
  Trotsky       : Swapper
  Brad          : Musician
  Devoe         : Graphician, Swapper
  Saboteur      : Swapper, Modem-trader
Necropolis :

- They're reborn.
- Memberlist :
        Creator         : Coder, Musician
        Darklord        : Coder
        Goreboy         : Musician
        Eman            : Graphician
        Barman          : Swapper
        Ravana          : Swapper, Modem-trader
        Meigamiga       : Swapper
- They're releasing a mag called Fanzine.
- They're working on a slideshow with photos of Spanish dudes.
- They'll release a pack called Tomb Of Christ.


- Zuhl (swap) was kicked.
- Viper (coder) will go to the Army in February. He was the
  guy behind all NGC's prods.
- Matrix (Swap) has slowed down his activities.
- Diesel (Gfx) joined.
- Slaine (Gfx) joined from Ivory.

Noice :

- A new group formed by some ex-Iris DK members.

Noise Fuzzers :

- Scorpik/Picco and Snoopy/Scope have made a music group.
  They'll compose music together

Nova :

- Odin left for Gods.
Obsession :

- Ultra-$onic/Sardonyx (Swapper) joined as doublemember.
- Chucky joined from Primus.
- 2DD joined from Primus.
- 2DD renamed to Hyper Hype.
- Tonite joined as musician.
- Beeblebrox joined from Primus.
- Beeblebrox renamed to Gangsta.
- Chucky and Ultra-$onic are still learning Assembler.

- Memberlist in Germany :

   Chucky          : Swapper,Organizer
   Gangsta         : Swapper,Gfx-Artist,Raytracer,Ansi-Maker
   Hyper-Hype      : Swapper
   Tonite          : Musician
   Ultra-$onic     : Swapper, Organizer
Odrusba :

- Double (R) joined from Intense & Isch Crew.


- Dalmet left and later joined TRSI.

Orion :

Our actual memberlist:   German Div.


- A pack will soon be released.Watch out for it!
- MONSUN and SUNNY left Pulse finally.
- 2DD,BEEBLEBROX and CHUCKY joined from TEDP.
  BBX is now doublemember of ESKIMOS AND ORION.
- We are still looking for members.Send samples to
- TSI and Pentagon from APHRASIA joined as coders
- Dot joined from Indy.
- MDB left for Rebels.
- Reval joined from Pulse.
- Monsum and Vadium will soon stop swapping and will
  concentrate on trade.
- The long awaited pack will soon be released.
- Sunny will start a new career as Article-Writer
- Monsum's contacts will be divided between Reval and Sunny.
- Joiners are always welcome (also boards). Contact Monsum or
- Reval will continue his cool pack "The Verdict" under the

Outlaws :

- Atomix, Whoosh, Nashua, Moonboot and Sham joined.
- Quantum, Snowman, Skywalker, [Bitstar^Zero!], Dio+Cat,
  Colorboy, Ergun and the BBS Nerve Centre have been kicked
  out for lazyness.
- Slobo & Whale left and joined Fairlight.
- Mike & Dave left and joined Classic.
- Megabyte is the new DHQ, Chaos Line the new GHQ.
- Note that Nightfall is not a HQ but a distribution site.
- Toxicity BBS got a new number : +32 6367 5875
- Tropeduft (gfx) changed his handle to Munk.
- Munk has been kicked out.
Pagan/TMG :

- Landscape changed his handle to Dawg.
- Pagan is a subgroup of The Magic Guild, not the french
- Bass41 joined as musician.
- Trunks joined as swapper.
- Pawl joined as coder.
- They're looking for more members, especially GFXmen and
- Memberlist :
  Bass 41       : Musician
  Dawg          : Leader
  Khalag        : Graphician
  Pawl          : Coder
  Trunks        : Swapper
- Their mag (Link) is delayed.
- Dawg tried to join Iris but they refused. Because they
  only want fulltime members.
- Bass 41 won the second place at the Analog Sun Is A Pacman
  Party musiccompo.
- BIRTH, their first demo will be out soon. Next ones will
  be AGA only.
- Khalag/Ind. joined as Graphician.

Paradox :

- Monty left for US.

Primus :

- Chucky left for Obsession.
- 2DD left for Obsession.
- Beeblebrox left for Obsession.

Principes :

- Stingray (ex-interactive) joined.
- Byte Devil stopped swapping. His ctcs will be taken over
  by Pankow.
- Byte Devil also joined DCS. He's doublemember.
- Tiger will soon release a new PD-game-pack-series together
  with Dire/TDD & ASU called Cypress.

  Memberlist :

  Denmark       :
  Abettor       : Gfx
  Ace           : Music
  Black Artist  : Code
  Byte Devil    : Modem-trader
  Error         : Gfx, Modem-Trader
  Martin        : Code
  Masque        : Gfx
  Mic           : Organizer, Swap
  Pankow        : Swap, Music
  Penguin       : Code
  Proton        : Modem-trader
  Punisher      : Code, Music
  Ritter Roland : Printer
  Ron           : Music
  Stingray      : Ansi, Editor
  Tiger         : Swap, PD library
  XXX           : Designer
  Norway        :
  Bluebird      : Organizer, Swap
  Demonoid      : Code, Gfx, Music
  Xedius        : Packs, Swap

Psycho :

- Wea, MS, Whip and Tango left for Analog.

Psykotrope :

- Coming prods : - Pack serie : Pitchpack...09/94
                 - Demo : Droles-De-Dames...08/94
                 - Intro for Saturne'3 ??...04/95
                - 1 File AGA-Demo for The Party IV ???

Pulse :

- Monsun left for Orion.
- Sunny left for Orion.
- Reval left for Orion.
- Stirke left the scene.
- Drive left the scene.
- CR8Y, Gentleman and Toaster left for Shrimps Design.
- Donk left for Avant-Garde.
- They're dead.

Pyrodex :

- All members joined Abyss.
- They're dead.
Ram Jam :

- Usul joined as coder.
- Ram Jam as now a French Division built by :
- With this french division, they'll rule for sure !
- Jibe left Isch Crew to become co-leader of the French
- Raiser (musician) joined from Antarkos.
- The french section is looking for talented members.
- Messerschmitt joined from Damones.

Retire :

- Dr. Led left the scene.
- Todi is coding a Music-Disk and an Intro called Bar-B-Q.
- Tik is coding an IFF-Converter.
- Mephisto joined as Swapper and Ansi-Artist.
- !Bonzai joined as Graphician.
- Axel F. joined as a Swapper.
- Orak (Belgium) left for Intense.
- Retire has got a new slogan : Retire - Contamination is
  our business.
- They're looking for new talented members and a BBS in
  Germany and Norway.
- N-Factor joined as PC-Subgroup.
- Memberlist :
        Germany :
        Axel F.         : Swap
        !Bonzai         : Gfx
        Caos            : Gfx
        Diesel          : Sfx
        Exit            : Swap
        FK              : Sfx
        Hijack          : Gfx
        Killtech        : Swap
        Mephisto        : Swap, Ansi-Artist
        Rudi            : Gfx, Moral Support
        TIK             : Code
        Todi            : Code
        Norway :
        Erectus         : Swap

Saints :

- Domain! joined from Black Jack.
- He is the DKHQ.
- 242 (subgroup) renamed to Lime.
- Agency (subgroup) joined in Norway.
- Airhead left for Squash.
- Nail (Coder, Gfx) joined from Agency.
- Noble Man joined from Spacemarines.
- Instant (sysop) joined from Agency.
- Sharp joined as Swapper.
- Micromission (Musician) joined from Legacy.
- Kriz (Musician, Sysop) joined.
- Tranze (Swapper, Gfx) joined from Legacy.
- Stranger (Swap) joined from Bronx.
- Purple Haze left for Speedy.
- Exe (Designer, Swap) joined.
- Enzyme (Swap, Music) joined.
- Yak (Gfx, Swap) joined.
- Wiz (Raytracer) joined from Sapphire.
- The Confuser (Gfx) joined.
- Memberlist :
Turkiye :
Nop: Code, Swap, WHQ.
Victory: Code.
Klenye: Code.
Dr. Dweep: Gfx.
Sharp: Swap.
Stranger: Swap.
Exe: Designer, Swap.

Norway :
Nail: Code, Gfx, Co-Organizer.
Woober: Music, Swap, Ansi, NHQ.
Isaac: Music, Gfx.
Kriz		: Music.
Mikromission: Music.
Tranze: Gfx, Swap.
The Confuser: Gfx.
Wiz: Raytracer.
Noble Man: Sysop at "Absolute Floppy Disco" (STS WHQ)
Yoummy: Sysop at "Last Action" (STS HQ)
Seagull: Sysop at "Living Underworld" (STS HQ)
Instant: Sysop at "Firehall" (STS HQ)

        Denmark :
        Domain          : Swap, DKHQ.

        Sweden :
        Phuture         : Code, Swap, SHQ.

        Finland :
        Enzyme          : Swap, Music, SFHQ.

        England :
        Yak             : Gfx, Swap.

        Lime/Saints :
        Shock           : Music, Ansi.
        Ajax            : Modemtrader.
        Stussy          : Gfx, Music, Ansi.
        Numb            : Swap, Gfx.
        Dagraz          : Gfx.
        Droggy          : Swap.

        Agency/Saints :
        Ciccone         : Organizer, Code.
        Wire            : Main-Organizer, Ascii, coder.
        Care Beer       : Music.
        Alien           : Gfx, Music.
        NoneDos         : Music.
        Mozart          : Music.

Sanity :

- Ra (gfx) is back from USA
- Moby (sfx) works on sounds for different games
- Cougar (gfx) works on gfx for a console game
- Microforce (code) is still in Sanity
- TFG (edit) was kicked out coz of too bad work
- RA (gfx) works on gfx for a V.D. production
- McDeal (code) left the Amiga scene
- Disney was kicked out, coz he made trouble with the
  Compass mag.It was a law for him to have the code from
  the Compass mag, to join into Sanity. But now the Alcatraz
  members don`t give us the code...The Compass-Project is
  dead now !!!
- Exumer (swap) left the Amiga scene
- Havok (gfx) is back in Sanity
- Tron (code) left Sanity to be at the first time independant

  Memberlist :

         Microforce      Coder
         Mr.Pet          Coder
         Chaos           Coder
         Cougar          Graphican
         Ra              Graphican
         Havok           Graphican
         Trasher         Swapper
         Moby            Musican
         Jester          Musican

Sardonyx :

- Pinup joined as swapper.
- Kalikone joined as swapper and trader.
- Kalikone will open a BBS at the end of this year.
- Ultra-$onic joined from DTE as swapper and article writer.
- They're working on several prods.
- Ultra-$onic joined Obsession as a double-member.
- Call those boards :
        Riprova+46 (0) 302 173 27
        Mos Esley       +46 (0) 517 785 651
        Devils Toy      +46 (0) 303 249 744
        Crime Zone      +46 (0) 314 489 69
- Memberlist :
        Calladin        : Gfx
        Candyman        : Swap
        Chopper         : Trader
        DuffE           : Gfx
        Fichu           : Sysop
        Flame           : Sysop
        Kalikone        : Swap, Trader
        Mundgor         : Music
        Pinup           : Swap
        Syntax          : Code
        Toby            : Organizer
        Ultra           : Music, Design, Sysop
        Ultra-$onic     : Swap
        Woody           : Code

Saturne :

- Gunjah joined as modemtrader in France.

Scope :
- Iron and Xenos joined from Mad Elks.
- Trash Head left for Mystic.
- Jezo left for Mystic.
- Memberlist :
        Bob     : Coder, Mascott
        Iron    : Swapper, Coder, Musician
        Lenny   : Coder
        Qwerty  : Swapper, Organizer
        Snoopy  : Musician
        Xenos   : Grafician

Sepultura :

- Barman, Ravana, Darklord and MeigAmiga left Sepultura for
- Mr X left and joined Exxos as coder.
- JMC left the scene
- The Fly joined a new group without name
- Agnus Young left Sepultura for Darkness.
- Derethor left.
- They're dead.

Shining 8 :

- Champ left for Analog.

Sign Team :

- Sign (ex. Territory) is a diskmagazine by Saints.
- The WHQ is Nop/Saints.
- Flynn/Outlaws joined.
- Hardfire/Intense joined.
- Fate/Outlaws joined.
- Exe/Saints joined.
- Join SIGN Team, contact : Pk:10 cennet ptt.34640 k.cekmece
istanbul turkey.

Simplex :
- Trooper left.
- Dr. Alban (independent) joined as a swapper.
- Warlock joined.
- Dr. Alban was kicked.
- Nesi changed handle to Cryndzen.
- Official Memberlist (1.6.94) :
  B.P.M         : Music, Swap
  Chipset       : Code
  Cryndzen      : Modemtrader
  Dave          : Gfx, Organizer
  Frank         : Gfx
  Navvie        : Code
  Paperboy      : Mainswapper, Packmaker
  Warlock       : Gfx, Swap

- Dave and Nesi will open a BBS soon but they haven't
  decided the name yet.
- Dr.Alban will also open a BBS called Mental Hospital.
- They're going to release a new intro called Unreal.
- Chipset is now coding magpart for Sleeping Pack.
- Chipset is also going to code new menu for Sleeping Pack.
- Simplex WHQ BBS Voodoo Magic is now OFFLINE coz' of
  Hardware problems...

Shrimps Design :

- A new group founded by PVC/ex-Savage
- Gentleman, CR8Y and Toaster joined from Pulse.
- Yop, Sandman, Shamrock, Eager Beager joined from Savage.
- DJ Mellow Noise joined from Recall.
- Sandman renamed to NEX.
- Eager Beager renamed to Dehydrator.
- Gentleman joined Bonzai as a doublemember.
- DJ Mellow Noise joined Infect as a doublemember.
- Lord Chaos and Sensai got kicked.
- Quickfinger left for Indy.
- Memberlist :
        DJ Mellow Noise : SFX
        Gentleman       : Swap, Asciis
        Yop             : Asciis
        PVC             : Code
        Nex             : Gfx
        Toaster         : Gfx, Swap
        Dehydrator      : Sfx
        Shamrock        : Sfx

Silicon :

- It's a new group formed by ex-members of Darkness and

  Memberlist :

        Mad Axe         : Organiser, Swap
        Tos             : Swap,pack-maker
        Artis           : Gfx
        Pendragon       : Gfx
        Thug            : Gfx
        Zoon            : Gfx, Musician
        Ibanez          : Musician
        Scorpion        : Code
        Hellflip        : Code
        Seca            : Code
        Pepe            : Raytrace
        Weed            : Code

- Thorin left for Movement and Melon Dezign.
- Diesel left for NGC.
- Locust left the amiga scene
- Pepe will present a Video Demo at The Party IV.

Sonic :

- Grim joined from Damones.

Spasm :

- Oxstone got caught by the post because of stamps-faking.
  So, he'll stop swapping.
- Alhazred joined from DTE.
- He'll take over all Oxstone's contacts !
- Jay left to be independent.

  Memberlist :

  Alhazred      : Swapper
  Boomer        : Coder
  Draghan       : Musician
  Oxstone       : Ex-Swapper, Ansi-Artist
  Zac           : Gfx
- Coming productions :
  · Bim Bam #3 - Diskmag
  · Wanted     - Intro made to advertise Bim Bam

Status O.K. :

- They released trackmo called "The Terminator", which had
  first place on Primavera'94.
- Grochu nhas coded demo called "The Sru" for Spring Meeting.
- Sis joined as coder and raytracer.
- Max joined as raytracer.
- Obcy joined as musician.
- Wierza joined as musician.
- Elliot released second issue of "Smierc Stokrotkom".
- They released third issue of polish diskmag called
- Alice left for Mad Elks.
- Memberlist :
  Blacha        : Coder, Swapper
  Eliot         : Swapper
  Czar's        : Coder                 - Still Unactive
  Gosciak       : Swapper
  Grochu        : Coder
  Kyle          : Swapper
  Max           : Raytracer
  Obcy          : Musician
  Schultz       : Coder, Gfx
  Ser           : Coder, Swapper
  Sis           : Coder, Raytracer
  Slangy        : Coder
  TheSM         : Swapper
  Unscrew       : Gfx
  Wierza        : Musician
  Zomo          : Gfx
- A fucktro has been released against "The Terminator":
  Terminator 3/Slutus OB

Storm :

- Groggy joined from Lime/Saints in sweden.
- Memberlist :
        Black           : Gfx
        Distorsion      : Gfx, Organizing
        Freyon          : Swap
        Groggy          : Swap
        Heva            : music
        Stealth         : Gfx, Swap

Subagency :
- Chivaz left for Iris.

Surprise!Productions :

- Messerschmitt left for Damones.

Sygma :

- Tracker left to form The Mutant Team.
- Muadib left to be independent.
- Tetsuo left for Illusion.

Tarkus Team :

- Grim, Pete and Lucas left for Damones.

Technology :
- Rave (Swapper, Ansi-artist) joined from ex.MANITOU in
- Rave also joined Fear, he is a doublemember.
- Markus (Swapper) left.
- Verger (Coder) joined from Intruders in Poland.
- Verger renamed to Jacek P.
- HR Flicker (Raytracer, Swapper) joined from Isch Crew in
  His Masturb utility pack is released under Technology label.
- Pinhead (Swapper) joined in Norway.
- Lucifer has moved, his new adress is :
        DRONNINGENS 65
        1610 KRISTIANSAND S

  Memberlist :

        Poland :
        Alien           : Gfx
        Aro             : Gfx
        Bethoven        : Musician
        Immortal        : Swapper, Organizer
        Jacek P.        : Coder
        Korek           : Musician
        Yark            : Coder
        Zoltar          : Swapper, Raytracer

        Norway :
        HR. Flicker     : Raytracer, swapper
        Lucifer         : Musician, Organizer
        Pinhead         : Swapper

        Germany :
        Rave            : Swapper, Ansi-Artist

- They're looking for more coders in Poland.
- They're looking for more members in their foreign

- 2DD left for Orion.
- Beeblebrox left for Orion.
- Chucky left for Orion.
- Shithead left for DeliraTum Est.

The Dark Demon :

- Memberlist :
        Amducias        : Music, Swap
        Celeborn        : Lead, Gfx, Sysop
        Creature        : Gfx, Music
        Dire            : Main-ed, music, swap
        E-Lixir         : Gfx, Swap
        E-Y             : Code
        Extron          : code
        Fleg            : Code, Gfx
        Leo II          : Music
        Nici            : System-operatoress
        Nightstalker    : swap, gfx
        Pennywise       : Trade, Editor
        Phil            : Sysop
        Suicide         : Swapperess
        Zakko           : Gfx
- It's not true that Amducias left nor was he kicked out!
- Tiger/Principes will soon release a new PD-game-pack-series
  together with Dire called Cypress.

The Edge :

- Fat left the scene.
- They're looking for all kind of members.
- Chlopak renamed to MHL.
- Bodzio got some joining offers from other groups but he

The Mutant Team :
- A new group formed by Tracker/ex-Sygma.
- They're looking for more members.
- Tracker left for Illusion.


- They'll keep on releasing Suicid but with an other
- Dalmet joined from Ohm.
- Bridgeclaw joined from Iris.
- QBA joined from Illusion.
- Norby will give half his contacts to QBA coz' he hasn't
  time to swap with so many dudes !
- Tom (one of the best polish coders) is back to the scene !
  Welcome to TRSI again !
- Bald Horse (Coder) joined. He's coded Norby's pack called
- Reset left for Mystic.
- Pluton renamed to GS
- Zinkfloid renamed to Uyanik.
- Blau renamed to Errox.
- Sketch renamed to Rewired.
- Tension renamed to J.L. Picard
- Dream Warrior (Coder) was put in the inactive section.
- Dark joined from LSD as UK Organizer
- Ditto and Rich joined from Delicious.
- Overdose, Quadrex and Jozz joined from Balance.
- Shade joined in Norway. He's now one and only SUICID
- Madison is still coding Suicid #7, it's sure to come.
- Zibi left. He's now a member of FCI only.
- Mr King join from Scoopex with Nevermind

Union :

- Dark Angel left for Mystic.

Unlimited :
- Suicidal got caught by the post because of stamps-faking,
  so don't use faked-stamps with him !

US :

- Schmoovy-Schmoov joined from Melon.
- Monty joined from Paradox.

- ARQ joined from Emptiness as gfxman.
- JAM joined as gfxman too.
- Soon first release: trackmo C.A.S.C.
- We are waiting for new, talented
  members.  (especially swappers and
  good graphicians)

 actual memberlist (94.09.07)


Vision Software :

- Memberlist :
  Bigman        : Code, Swap, Asciis, Modem
  Belamy        : Code, Modem
  Czesio        : Musician, Organizer
  The Nat       : Gfx, All....
  Asterix       : Gfx
  Hotjoy        : Swap

X-Trade :
- Adder was kicked!
- Blitter, J.Walker and Cobra joined from Damian with The

X-Treme :

- Chuck joined.

Zenon :

- Dominator joined with his board 'Lamers Graveyard'.
- Mr.Zak changed handle to WOODPECKER.
- Lamers Graveyard got da 2nd node and a new HD!
  So dial now this magical number.. 358-0-2922-185



           _______ ___
_  __ ___ /  ____/ \  \
         Y___  \    \  \
         |      \ ___\  \ ___ _______________ _______ ___ __
         |       Y   Y   Y   Y  ______/ ___  Y   _   Y
         |       |   |   |   |       |       |   |   |
         |       |   |   |   |       |       |   |   |
         |       |   |   |   |       |       |   |   |
         |       |   |   |   |       |       |   |   |
         |       |   |   |   |       |       |   |   |
-  -- ---^-------^---^---^---^-------^-------^---^---^--- --

You can find on disk the vote file....

You don't vote for yourself,your group....


       ___   ___  ___    ¦ººº¦   ___     ___     ___
   ___/ _ \_/ _ \/ _ \___/ _ \__/ _ \___/ _ \___/ _ \
  / ____)\  __)\ __)\    __)\ ____)\  ____)\  ____)\ \
 / /  ___/ /  _//  _/   /  _//  ___/ /  __ / /  __ / / T Z
 \ \___  \ \  \ \  \  _ \  \ \  \  _ \  \ \\ \  \ \\ \ h o
 / / \/ S \/ I \/ L \/ \/ I \/ C \/ \/ O \/ \/ N \/ \ \u o
 \ \______/\___/\______/\___/\______/\______/\___/\_/ /g N
  \___________ ___ _ ___________ ___  _ _____________/
   .......... A r t i s  ¦:::¦  Graphist ............
   .... H e l l f l i p  ¦:::¦  C o d e r ...........
   ........ I b a n e z  ¦:::¦  Musician ............
   ...... M a d   A x e  ¦:::¦  Organiser + Swapper .
10 ........ M e z c a l  ¦:::¦  S y s o p ................
/  .. P e n d r a g o n  ¦:::¦  Graphist ............    :
9  ............ P e p e  ¦:::¦  Raytracer ...........    :
4  .... S c o r p i o n  ¦:::¦  C o d e r ...........    :
   ............ S e c a  ¦:::¦  C o d e r ...........    :
   ............ T h u g  ¦:::¦  Graphist ............    :
   .............. T o s  ¦:::¦  Swapper .............    :
   ............ Z o o N  ¦:::¦  Graphist + Musician .    :
Silicon WHQ is The Power Supply BBS, call now +33 99381020

 For fast and frienship swap and for support PIKABOO:  

              WRITE TO:   TOS/SILICON             
                          FABRE PASCAL         
                     chez ANAIS ARSOUZE
                       16 BLD   RASPAIL
                          75007   PARIS

 for joining and fast swapping:

              WRITE TO:   MAD AXE/SILICON
                          REVELANT NICOLAS
                        4 bis RUE DE LA FORET
                           78140    VELIZY


 _____ ___________________________________________________
.\__  Y  __/ ___/_ ____/ ____/    __/______/ ____/_ _____/-.
:_/  \_/  \_ ____/___ \___  \_  ¬  \_\_   \_ _____/____ \_ |
¦\____|____/______/___/______/__T___/______/_______/_____/ |
`-- - ------------------ -------------------------- ---cDr-'


                  TO: TOS/SILICON
                      FABRE PASCAL
                 chez ANAIS ARSOUZE
                   16 BLD    RASPAIL
                      75007    PARIS
Messages from Hogan/Ladybird Design to...
Hi!   Agin  delay  or  post???  Anyway
write to me very soon!
ps. Don't forget about A1200.B fast...

Yep!   Your  mag  is  realy cool.  I'm
waiting  for  next  R.O.M.'s issue and
for your letter ofcoz! CU.

Bald Horse/TRSI
Hey  Baldi!   Agin delay?  Hm, I think
that U should write to me soon.
ps.   Don't  send me Universe!  I have
this game...
So,  U  made a VBS, but now the scheme
is in Amiga magazine.

Bigman/Vision Soft.
Hello    Irek!     Fajnie,    ze   sie
spotkalismy...  ale nie pogadalismy se
za    duzo.     Eh.     Smialo   mozez
zapierdolic  dym dwum zgredom (wiadomo
o kogo chodzi?) -> pojeby.  CU on next

Black Angel/G.E.L. Design
Hey!   I  was at gelloween party.  But
you???  Really, I don't know...  Write
Hey  Arek!  Long time I haven't answer
from  you.   Yep!  Now I'm waiting for
da letter...  When your mag?  CU.

Sorry  for  delay!!!   Now I have some
photos  (yours).   But Walec also have
some!   He  told that send it to Verox
/ILS!   Very  soon  you  will  get  an
answer  from me, so...  don't worry...
be smurf...  or ladybird.  Hehe!

Thanx  for  contacting me!  It's great
that  you  are  Polish  guy!   So I'll
write letters in Polish.  Bye.
What  is  going on with you?!  Why you
don't  write  to  me?!  I think that U
should   send  my  10  disks  back!!!!
Write soon.
ps.   I  heard  that  you was fuck out
from F.C.I.  It's true?

Clever /TFD
Thanx  for  contacting me!  Yep!  Your
English is good!  But mine... hehe.

Hi  Friderik!   Good  swap  with  you.
When Tutti Frutti??? Stay cool&CU.
Very  good  that you are going to make
gfx  for  LBD's  intro.   Write  to me

Hey!   Thanx  for  contacting me!  I'm
waiting  for  da  next sending from U.

Thanx  for  contacting  me!   So,  I'm
waiting  for  next Prawda (Telesphor?)
issue. Pa!
Sux!    I   heard   that  you  was  on
Gelloween Party (?).  But I don't meet

I'm  waiting  for  da  letta from you!
Big  delay  lately!  Or post?!  Anyway
write fast.

Hi  Flakon!   He,he! I call soon...

Floppy/Vision Soft.
Hey    Floppy!     Nice   meeting   in
Bydgoszcz.   Beer  was  cool.  But you
was death (in night).  He, he.
Fantasy  book's  rules!   Yep!   Now I
read  "Lord of the rings".  Yep!  It's
quite well book.  I hope that was cool
at RPG's meeting.
ps.When your game?

Thanx  for  contacting  me!   You made
realy cool ASCIIs, so maybe U can make
some for me and my new group?

Now  is  okay  -  you get an answer...
Uh!   You have got many work with your
Inikep /Ind.
Hello  Kiep!   Hehe.   Thanx  for cool
Cindy's photos.  Nice grilz rules!

Kurwa!  Znowu bylo party (w Bydgoszczy
ofcoz),  ktos  tam  mowil ze Ty byles,
ale  ja  Ciebie  znowu  nie spotkalem.
Chuj z tym!  Odpisuj predko!!!

Jack /Ind.
Hey  Jack.   Thanx  for contacting me.
Soon you'll get an answer.

Hello  to  the best coder in Szczytno!
Hehe.   If  you  want  send to me more
5.25"   disks  ->  Falcon/Humans  have
5.25"  disk  drive!   I haven't answer
from You lately.  post?  or delay?
ps.Thanx  that  you  give me my stamps
and disks in Bydgoszcz!
ps2.  When "Dentka", hehe ??!!

Thanx  for  a book!  It's cool.  Maybe
we'll agin meet at party?  Write to me
back soon. When your party?!
ps.Delay or post?
ps2.When your pack?!

Now you needn't make gfx...
So, Krzycho it's your handle?  I think
that  yes!   It's not bad handle.  See

Hi Bernard!  Are you going to write to
me  once?  Many guys ask me about you.
It's  cool  that you was in Bydgoszcz!
I hope that you write to me soon.

Witajcie  towarzyszu!   Cool  that you
was  at  gelloween  party.  Now I know
what is with you... write soon!
Hi  Peter!   Your  new handle is quite
well.   Hehe!   Sorry  for all fucking
delays.   Now  should be better.  STAY
COOL!   I  hope  that  you delete this
module...  thanx.
ps. pc suxxx 4ever!

Thanx  for contacting me!  I'm waiting
for   a  next  letter.   Long  letters
rules?   Well,  it's  very good.  Stay

Hi  brother!   Lately  no  answer from
you.   Yep!  Is it a little delay?  Or
pOST?   Can  you  make some asciis for
me?  Okay?!  Thangz.

Mik/The Interceptors
Hey  guy!   Delays  sux!   Write to me
back  soon!!!   Isn't  good  that  you
don't  be  present  at gellowen party.

Hi!    Well,   I   don't  "teach"  you
anymore!    And   don't  forget  about
this:Amiga    and   Friendship   ruleS
forever!!!  C Ya soon.
ps.When next issue of your mag?

So,  you  have  a little problems with
pOST?   BTW:   Delay?  Or pOST?  Write
to me back soon.

Czesc  Norbert!   Szkoda,  ze  se  nie
pogadalismy  (za duzo) w Bydgoszczy...
szczeguly  w  liscie.   A na nastepnym
party  odrobimy  zaleglosci  ->  vodka
rules! Hehe.

Czesc  Macieju!   Ale sie najebales...
a na dworcu w Bialogardzie bylo COOL.
ps. Send greets to Andrzej!

Ranger/Ladybird Design
Hello  to  my  friend!  It's cool that
we  meet  in Bydgoszcz!  And also it's
cool  that  our  trackmo was released.
See U zun...

Hi  Obi!  Isn't good that you don't be
present at gelloween party!Long time I
don't see you...

Hugh!    Great   travel  to  Gelloween
Party.   Hehe.  Send greets to Maniek.

Thanx   for   contacting   me!    Yep!
Tolkien  rules, "Lord Of The Rings" is
realy cool!  Write fast...
Speed Devil/Far Side
Hejho   Devil!    When   you   release

Hogwh!   So,  now you are in Analog...
If   you   want  write  to  me  longer
letters.  Okay?

Star  Trep it's a good idea!  Okay.  I
can  make a code.  Call or write to me

Steve Jones/Anathema
Hello  my  good  friend!  Long letters
rulez  forever  and  it is realy cool!
Okay  it's  all  in this short message
because  now  I  have to write a realy
long letter to you.  Hehe!

Vasyl/Ladybird Design
Hi!   Thanx  for  nice  letters.  Cool
that  you  take  Latro  to  Bydgoszcz.

Hi friend!  Thanx for tune for Humans'
swaptro.   As you know now I am i LBD.
Write to me back soon.  Stay cool!
ps. delay? or post?

The King/Illusioin
Hi  Pawel!   Wow,  cool  that  you now
write  not  so  short  letters!  Okay,
I'll   spread   votesheets  for   your
mag-pack  --> but you also spread PMM'
votes!  Okay?!

Well,  I'll  send  VBS-program to you.
Yep!  "Tomek" is your handle?  Realy I
don't  sure this.  So, now if you want
just write to me...

TRB /Ind.
Thanx  for contacting me!  Your letter
was  kewl.   So,  don't  worry...   be

Hi!  Now you aren't "belciarz".  Hehe.
Vodka  rulz.   And  don't forget about
Cation's  photos.   Just  send  it  to
Verox.  Bye.

So,   Wipus  when  will  be  Vacations
Report???  He,he!  This is all in this
short message becouse now I'll call to

When  you  will  go  to me?  B fast...
thanx for rocks.

 I'm  waiting for an answer from these
-Fugazi /Taurus
-Monsun /Pulse
-Lovely /Applause
-Sebax /Obsession
-Blaze /Balance
-J.F.K /Veto
-Tap / ex.- TRSI
-Carlo / ex.- F.C.I.
-Phantom /Applause
-M.A.S.E. /Ram Jam
-D.John /Blaze
-Yahoo /Old Bulls
-Virus /Arise
-Skyckad /Compact
-Blitter /Damian
-Mac Fight /DTE
-Radavi /Effect
-Sca /Mad Elks
-Bishop /Zenon
So,  if  you  have contact with any of
these  guys,  please  ask why he don't
write  to  me  back!   Big THANX!  And
remember:    fuck   off  to  all  disk


Messages from Paperboy/Simplex to:
Mr.King/Scoopex: I heard  that you were busted for using
 faked stamps. Hopefully you can still continue swapping.
 I`m looking forward to  hear from you. Is it true that you
 gave some addresses to german so  that they can catch others
 too for faking?

Jay Master/Indep.: Did the post lost my sending? Or are you
 a disk-stealer? When you tried to contact me there were no
 disks. That gives me a reason why to think that you are a
 diskstealer if you are not a disk- stealer then, please
 recontact me.

House-A-Holic/Sacred: Having a delay? It has been over 5
 months since I sended a package to you. I know that you
 have over 100 contact and you are in hurry but I don`t
 think that you need 5 months to answer someone.

Vortex/Bronx: Mikä hätänä kun et oo vastannu? Toi Dave
 kyllä sano, että sulla on välillä vähän delayta mutta
 yritä nyt sendiä jotain.

Swift/Mystic: FUCK YOU!! This is message from all Simplex

Rapper/Isch-Crew: I`m waiting for your sending. It has been
 over 2 months since I heart of you last time.
 Send something!

Michael Lorentz: Did your faking system fall down? Has the
 postman been fired. Anyway, I`d like to hear something of
 you as soon as possible.

Krusen/?: Are you still alive? I don`t even know the name
 of group, where you are at this moment. Try to send

Gurgle/Mad Elks: I know that you are a football fan, but
 could you still sent something? Maybe you have also some
 other reasons for your delay but anyway I`d like to receive
 a package from you (soon).

Danny Kane/Eskimos: Vai jäit kiinni feikeistä? Onhan tässä
 jo nyt 3 kautta kulunut, joten voisit lähettää jotain. Mare
 kertoi saaneensa sulta paketin mutta mulle ei oo tullu
 mitään. Saattaahan toki olla, että se sun pakettis on tuolla
 postissa. Sain tossa äskettäin sellasen lunastus lapun mutta
 mulla ei yleensä oo tapana hakea toisten paketteja postista.

Viper/Diffusion: Oli kiva nähä Assyillä mutta ois kans kiva
 jos viittisit lähettääkin mulle jotain. Voishan sitä tietty
 soittaakin sulle. Toivottavasti jaksasit taas ruveta

Blitzer/F.C.I: Where are you? I haven`t heard of you in a
 long time. Have you quitted swapping? Please, give me a
 sign that you are still alive.

Hacksaw/Chrome: Missä mun paketti viipyy? Ois pitäny tulla
jo aikaa sitten. Täytyy vissiin soittaa sulle.

Onix/Illegal: Are you again too busy to swap? It`s been a
 quite long time now. How is Illegal doing? Are you going
 to release any productions soon? Send something!!!

Gold Dragon/Unlimited: Did you drop me? Did you quit
 swapping? I know that you were busted for fakes, but
 it would still be fun to continue swapping with you.

Blazer/Fanatic: Oli ihan kiva nähä Assyilla. Olihan se tosin
 aika pikainen tapaaminen mutta silti. Sähän lupasit lähettää
 ja mä oon vieläkin oottele- massa sun pakettias. Lähetä

Mike/Defiance: Mikäs on hätänä ku et oo lähetelly? Ois ihan
 kiva saada sultakin taas paketti pitkästä aikaa. CU!

Messages from Scraby/Humans to:

Hi man! Fajnie sie gadalo na party tylko szkoda, ze tak
 krotko, ale jakos ciagle mi gdzies uciekales... Jak tam
 sie miewa Twoj twardziel? Wydobrzal?Jak cos zrobisz to
 fastem podeslij do mnie or dzwon (0-965) 234-08. Bye!

-Captain Bo/Orbital
Only two words: post suxxxxx! I can`t understand why my
 sendings go so long to your country. Last time I sent a
 sending as expres... Something is wrong in Polish post.
 I hope You will get my letter at last. Write then as fast
 as possibly because the filled vote-sheets are waiting. CU!

Hi my new German friend! Thnx 4 contacting... And what do U
 think about my English??? Yours isn't so bad ,I have
 understood eveything. I hope U like Gelloween Party stuff?
 Write back soon pal...

-Coul & Mr.Ko/Drakkar
Ooops szkoda chlopaki, ze nie byliscie na party w Bydgoszczy.
 Swapujemy juz tak dlugo (?) a do tej pory nie mialem okazji
Was osobiscie poznac...Moze na nastepnym party?

-Curt Cool/Depth
Hi my friend! Thnx 4 recontacting! I hope to hear from U soon
 Send me all Depth productions which I haven't possible to
 see... Ciao!

A jednak to byla ta pieprzona poczta... Wrajtnij do mnie
 niedlugo! Jak tam samopoczucie po party? Fajnie sie z Toba
 gadalo tylko szkoda, ze tak krotko (no ale coz caly czas
 byles zajety). Podeslij mi swoje nowe Ascii, bardzo
 chcialbym je zobaczyc. CU!
-Dialer/D-Version Team
Thnx for your reply! And sorry for the stamps. In last
 sending I sent U them all. Thnx for explain me political
 situation in Yugoslawia. Write something about yourself,
 your girlfriend and so on. Write soon... Adios!

Hipohej Studencie! Jak tam nauka leci w Poznaniu? Zapewne
 text ten czytsz u kogos w Poznaniu lub u mnie w domciu
 (jak ostatnio...). Wiec po co ja to pisze??? Niech Wielki
 Wodz Lesnikow bedzie z Toba!

Yep zaluj, ze nie byles na party w Bydgoszczy, bo pod
 wzgledem friendsipu to to party bylo dla mnie cool
 (mnostwo kumpli itd.). Mam nadzieje, ze sprzedazAmisi
 zakonczyla sie pomyslnie. Adios!

Czesc my Spanish friend! Thnx for Your nice sendings. I love
 to get them!How are things going in Spain? Are there still
 lotsa summer girlz?Write back soon. Bye!

Czesc! Jak tam zdrowko po party??? Duzo kolo nas siedziales,
 ale dlaczego nie pogadales ze mna dluzej? Czekam na Twoj
 kolejny list. Ciao!

-Dziulas/Saint Group
Hi my friend! Co tam u Ciebie slychac nowego? Ostatnio cos
 od Ciebie pusto w mojej skrzynce...czyzby znowu pOCZTA ???
 Byles na party? Szukalem Cie, ale nigdzie nie znalazlem.

-Excell/Ozone Free
Hi my scene friend! Mila pogawedka na party...thnx za to!
 Ciekaw jestem czy juz sprawdziles moduly z party? I hope
 wsio ist OK <- Scraby's language! Hmmm... to teraz gdzie
 sie spotkamy nastepnym razem ???

Hi guy! Dzieki za Twoje prace, skrzetnie gromadze... Jak tam
 po podrozy do Bydgoszczy? A tak w ogole to gdzie sie
 zgubiles w Bialogardzie Hoganowi i Qixowi?

What's going man? Dawno nic od Ciebie nie dostalem...mysle,
 ze to pOCZTA.Jesli to jest pOCZTA to zrekontaktuj sie ze
 mna pliz!  Jak byla na RPG meetingu?

Hi Lars! Big THNX for your sendings. I was very glad to hear
 U like myletters. Please count my vote in Eternal... I hope
 to hear from U soon...Ciao!

The rumours say U left Amiga scene and joined PC scene...
 Is it true?I hope it isn`t. If U left Amiga scene please
 send me back my disk.I need it... Best regards on Your new

Hi my Dannish friend! How are things going in Denmark ? I
 hope your monitor is working ok(OB) now and U will write to
 me soon... Yep:informatics lessons are always veeeery nice
 ( with stupid teacher and on PC-XT ofcoz ). I am waiting 4
 your answer... CU !

-Hiv/Fuckus Pokus
Hi stary ruchaczu! (tylko sie nie obraz). He,he cool z
 Ciebie gosciu!Wiadomo z listow niczego sie dokladnie nie
 dowiedze, a na party to co innego... Polaczyliscie sie juz
 z ta druga grupka? Write back soon!

-Hogan/Ladybird Design
Hi Hogi, stary fraktalowcu. Jak tam trzyma sie glowka?
 Zmeczona? Ja na jej miejscu tez bym byl zmeczony po takich
 ilosciach trunkow. Yep dla mnie party w  Bydgoszczy pod
 wzgledem  friendshipu  bylo udane i nic  nie mam tu do
zarzucenia.. gorzej z organizacja,ale temat ten zostawmy na
 listy. CUL8R!

H3LLO SLAZAK! Szkoda, ze nie bylo Cie na party bo moglismy
 pogadac o tym i o owym. A tak... cisza... Mam nadzieje, ze
 na next party bedziesz (he,he ale ja nie wiem czy ja bede).
 Wrajtnij do mnie soooon.

Czesc koderze! Szczegoly dotyczace trackma dostaniesz w
 sendingu (niebawem).Super sie z Toba gadalo na party - tak
 trzymaj! Angazujesz sie w organizacje Piwaku'94???

No i znowu nie spotkalismy sie na party what a pity! Kiedy
 w koncu sie spotkamy? I hope Twoja praca idzie dobrze i
 niebawem juz na dobre powrocisz do friendly swapu (czyli
 najlepszego z mozliwych). Bye!

Tiesc chlopie! Byles na party, ale jakos sobie duzo nie
 pogaworzylismy. Why?Mydelko (Bambino?) rulez! Odpisuj

Hi! Yep i znow nie spotkalismy sie na party... Nie wiem jak
 to sie dzieje no ale po prostu nie pogadalismy sobie.
 Nastepna szansa dopiero w wakacje na Intel Outside II
 (jesli ofcoz dojdzie do skutku!). Ciao!

Hi! Thnx za sending... I hope ze bedzie nam sie super-hiper
 swappowalo...Przeciw pisaniu listow po angielsku to nie mam
 nic przeciwko tylko...(szczegoly w liscie). Dzieki za mile
 spedzony czas na party!

Hi my scene friend! Naprawde mile spotkanie w Bydgoszczy,
 oby tak dalej!Czekam na ten music disk from Picco! Lodpisz
 jak budziesz miac Zeit (die Zeit ofcoz!)

Czesc Marcin. Co tam u Ciebie slychac ? Yep w koncu
 znalazles grupke dla siebie. No coz wypada zyczyc jedynie
 powodzenia (na nowej drodze zycia?).

Hello Leo! Thanks for your nice letter. I hope U like mine...
 Ooops,I was in Bydgoszcz but I didn`t meet there Walker
 (more infos in the letter!). Stay cool and write back soon.

Just big thnx and hellos for U, an Internet Trader...

Thnx for cotacting... I hope we will have magnificent swap
 time. More infos U can find ofcoz in da letters. And...
 long letters rulez! (I hope U like mine???). CUL8R!

-Messerschmit/Ram Jam
Hi my pal! Thnx for your last sending... but this issue oh
 The Charts I have got many times before yours. I think your
 post is really slow. I hope U like my Ascii which I have
 made specially for U. Sayonara!

Howdy my penfriend! After a little delay we still swap
 together...Last time 2 German guyz have written 2 me so now
 U aren`t my one and only contact in Germany. But don`t
 worry... U can always expect nice stuff & long letters from
 me... Ciao!

Hi Mike! Thnx for your reply and some nice words for me in
 your standart letter. So many backups in our swapptro were
 made just for fun ofcoz.I hope to hear from U soon... Ciao!

Napisz w koncu cos do mnie bo ostatnio niczego od Ciebie nie
 dostalem.Przylaczyles sie juz do jakiejs grupy?

Thnx for your answer and Your cool pack. I am going to
 support your pack and spread it in Poland. I hope U will
 write to me soon... Adios!

Hi Qba ! Nice meeting in Bydgoszcz! Co tam slychac tak
 wogole w Trsi?Zrobilem dla Was pare Ascii, ale uwazam, ze
 sa one bardzo cieniutkie.Ostatnio wqrwila mnie nasza
 kochana pOCZTA bo zajebala kilka przesylekdo mnie (suxx!).
 Write back fast!

-Qqlek/Fun Factory
Hi Zorowian! Wielki rozpacz mnie dotknela kiedy zgodnie z
 Twoja obietnica nie spotkalem Cie na party... Oj zaluj...
 But I hope Beastie Boys will be better. Odpisales

Hi my friend! I think U write really friendly letters and it
 is OK. I like it! Maybe U would like to dance in my
 dance-group ( the trenings are in Wednesdays and Fridays)???
 I hope 2 hear from U soon. Ciao!

Oj nasz swap sie lamie. Gdzies na poczcie kradna nasze
 sendingi. Jesli mozesz to skontaktuj sie ze mna !
Hi my new Danish friend! Thnx for contacting! I hope we will
 be good scene friends soon. Could You teach me Ashihara
 Karate? (ha,ha). Ask Zap/TMD will he answer my letter?
 Write back soon...

Hi Mika! Thnx for Hate - Fanatic great demo. I have seen it
 on my friends Amiga and I must say it looks very ql. Will
 your group prepare something for The Party IV? I hope U
 will... Write back soon.

Welcome again after half year... I spread Sound#1 as well as
 I could.Maybe have U got some modules from Poland already?
 Send me next issue of this sounddisk. So U`ve got your own
 band... Write me a few lines about it. I hope to hear from
 You soon! Sayonara!

Hi Janusz! Really cool meeting in Bydgoszcz. Szkoda tylko,
-ze takie imprezy nie sa tansze i czesciej organizowane.
 Bedziemy sie mogli spotkac dopiero na Intel Outside II bo
 wczesniej raczej nie wyjade na zadne party. Napisz or
 zadzwon soon!

Thnx for your always hot&nice stuff. Big thnx for lha files,
 if U can pliz send more & more. I hope the comming winter
 will be as cold as it is just now in Finland... OK write back
 soon my Finnish friend! Ciao!

Hi Adam! Jak tam po podrozy do i z Bydgoszczy. Mysle, ze z
 niektorymi nie bylo najgorzej (w kazdym badz razie moglo
 byc gorzej). Write back soon!(he,he to taki maly zart!)

Hi Tos! Thanx for Pikaboo Pack, it looks great. I hope U
like my support...What do U think abuot Polish productions
 from Gelloween Party? Please write if it is possible longer
 letters. Servus!
Thnx za contact i really fajny lizdek. Mam nadzieje, ze
 bedzie sie nam nilo swappowalo...i nie narzekaj tak na ta
 swoja Wschowe bo znam ludzi, ktorzy zyja w wiekszych
 zadupiach. Ale Cie pocieszylem co? Write back soon!

-Twilight Zone
It was very bad news that You left the scene. And remember:

-Unholy/The Edge
Jak zawsze (drugi raz?) cool mi sie z Toba gadalo. He,he
 ciekaw jestem czy zejdziesz kiedys ponizej 10kb.
 A pamietasz swoje stare listy (oj niewiele
tego bylo). Czekam na Contact Boxa #3! CU!

-Vasyl/Ladybird Design
Dzieki za always (ultra plus) dlugie listy. Your ostatnie
 letters RULEZ!!!Jeszcze nigdy nie dostalem tak fajnie
 napisanych listow... Tak trzymaj!Jak bedziesz mial jakies
 blizsze info o party w Olkuszu to slij. Co sadzisz o moim
 Ascii? Ciao!

Hi,hi fractale pociagowe rulez! Jak tam zdrowko po party???
 Mam nadzieje,ze na przyszle parties tez bedziemy wszyscy
 razem jezdzic? Adios!

-Waterhead/Ozone Free
Hi Maciek! Nice production from your crew on da party! No
 i rowniez jak zwykle przy tego typu imprezach sobie
 pogadalismy... Kiedy Wasza next produkcja z efektami
 wymyslonymi na party? Z niecierpliwoscia czekam!

No dzieki za list... (w koncu !). Fajnie, ze rozpoczales
 prace nad raportami. Ostatnio uzgadnialem z Jutu,ze on to
 zrobi no ale skoro sie zabrales. W liscie napisze Ci o tym
 wiecej... Ciao! Fast answer pliz!!!Slyszlem cos, ze nie
 przyjeto Twojej gierki. Nie zalamuj sie, dzialaj dalej!
-Zap/Tomato Dreams
Yep thnx for Your answer and really nice & long letter. It
 was first so long paper letter to me from foreign guy! Thnx
 also for DoomsDay Party stuff but... I have got it before
 from Ghandy/Rebels. But nevermind! Please send me some
 other the party stuff. Write back soon! Salut!

Hip! Fajne spotkanko z Toba i Qba na party! Yep ciekawe jak
 to bedzie na Intel Outside Party II? Hmmm... bo to zdaje mi
 sie bedzie moje next party.Wczesniej no mozliwosci (suxx!).
 Lodpisz w wolnej chwili.

Fast greetz to: Norby/Trsi, Smile/Turnips, Bodzio/The Edge,
                Plexa/FCI,Magiel/FCI, Kurczak/FCI, Many/
                Ozone Free, Slash/Ind.Scorpic/Picco,
                Ranger/Ladybird Design, Jerry/Ind.,Seq/Trsi.

 Blitzer/Black Jack (?)
 Cadance/The Dridge
 Deceiver/Decnite (?)
 Triox/Vectors (?)
I`m still waiting for answer from you guys.If U don`t want 2
 have me as your contact just send me my disk(s) back with a
 short note. Thnx!!!

messys from [STIMPY/S!P]:

 gENERAL LEe/s!p - Tjenis Johan! Tack för att jag fick joina!
                   Jag hoppas att samarbetet kommer att pågå
                   en lång tid framöver... Ok, see ya pal!

 sTEVIe/dISORDEr - Yoohoo! Real sorry for the mega-delay,
                   I'll send as soon as possible!
 dOMAIn/sAINTs  - Thanks very much for all the nice sendings!
                  I'll send soon! Sorry 'bout dee-lay though,
                  but I've joined S!P...

 bRAINDEAd/dISORDEr - Yo man! Releasing any Disorder prods.
                      soon?? NHL Hockey ruuules!! (St.Louis
                      Blues suck!) ehehe...

 bROOm/zENOn - Hi Petri! Thanks for the stuff!! I'll send
               some of my modules real soon!  Moi mukulat!!!

 kAZe/dEPTh - Hiya! Haru bytt handle nu igen??? Anyway,
              thanks for the najs sendings! I hope we
              will keep it up.... Ring mig!

 bANDIDo/dISORDEr & sARDONYx  - Hi! Thanks for da great
                                stuff!! Too bad we couldn't
                                continue... Enjoying life in
                                Gothenburg city?

 aNt/uNLIMITEd - Tjena Anton! Jasså, du har joinat Unlimited.
                 Kewl....I'll visit u when I get to "Holmen".
                 Please, send a bit faster, ok?!

 cRAZY d/c-LOUs - Tjena Fredrik! Thanks for the stuff... Keep
                  itcoming. I hope you like my support for
                  Tutti Frutti....bye!

 lEVIATHAn/aMBIENt - HEY! Are you dead or what???!! I really
                      like your letters, so get sending!!!!

 fLOPPYMAn/aNAHEIm - Yupp! So... You've joined Anaheim..
                     NicE!Well, the sendings kick ass so
                     keep 'em up!
                     See ya later!

 kANDYMAn/iFFTIc - Hum, det finns redan en Candyman (Giants)!
                   Byt handle!!! Just kidding... Get me some
                   newstuff...You owe it to me....

 fUGAZi/dISORDEr - Yoho! Min tredje Disorder kontakt
                   nuförtiden,jag vet...delay, men jag
                   skickar snart igen...sorry man!!

 cANDYMAn/gIANTs - Hiya! Oooh yeah, one of the famous Kotta
                   twins!Thanks for letters and always great
                   stuff! Brain-damage was really good!!
                   Continue to improve it and it will become
                   really great! Keep groovy!

 sIRACOn/dEFIANCe - Jasså, du drar ned på tempot din banan.
                    Buzz 4 va iallafall en positiv
                    överraskning(jämfört med trean). Mitt
                    favoritöl är Tetley lager, men det finns
                    inte i Sverige...

 cYBERGOd/rAM JAm - Öööh, inget brev på ett tag nu...Se till
                    att skicka snart för fan...

 cHIMERa/cADAVEr - Thanks for answering... You've been to
                   England too?? Where? Okidoki, I think
                  that's all...bye!

 aMOn/mYSTIc - Thanks for the reply, I hope we will have a
               great swapping time in the future! .bye!.

 oDEn/rAZOR 191¹ - Too bad we couldn't swap, I hope you
                   write back to me when you've finished
                   your military service!

 yAFFLe/iNSANe - Hiya! You're a good contact, but I still
                 don't know your real name... Sorry I lost
                 your stamps,I'll try to find them for ya!

 sPLATTERHEAd/aNALOg - Yumm! I heard you joined Analog.... I
                       hope we can continue to swap, cuz
                       you're a nice  contact....

 iLLUSIOn/nOISe - Howdy you hippie!! Thanks for contacting me
                  We'll have a great swapping time!!!

 sTINg/aLCATRAz & bONZAi - Yips! Thanks for the reply... Send
                           me some nice Alcatraz and Bonzai
                           productions soon....
 mEMPHISTo/rETIRe - Yo Ravedude! Nice cards you sent me...
                    Tell me,did you really like that intro??

 tEDo/tHE MIGS DESIGNs - Yepp!! Ofcourse I want to swap with
                          you,I'll send to ya soon...

 sYNTAx/aTAc - Thanks for contacting me, you'll receive
               a quick answer real soon...

 sLAVEr/tHE EUTHANASIA STAFf - Hi Kristoffer! Howz life in
                               Viskafors???Pretty najs, no??
                               Real pity that u are holding
                               up swapping.... Please
                               recontactwhen u decide to
                               start again..

 AND OFCOURSE TO ALL: Hey! You can ofcourse contact me!
                      Hopefully you'll find my addy in the
                      addysection ofthis mag.....
                      See ya all and peace....

                  -=] S!P - dA SPiRit nEVER dIE! [=-

.\__   __/____  \_       /___)  _____/  _/_ ____/_  _____/-.
:_/  ¬  \_  _/  _/_   \_/    \  \   \_  l  \ ____/_____  \_|
`--- ------------------------- - ----------------------cDr-'


                   TO: TOS/SILICON
                       FABRE PASCAL
                  chez ANAIS ARSOUZE
                    16 BLD    RASPAIL
                       75007    PARIS
FRENCH SCENE REPORT V1.80 (15/11/94) by CHRiS / GoDS.

Howdy French Readers! I made this scene report with the help
 of oneseen on RTEL. help me to update it... Send me all the
 informations you have about all the crews you know in
 France to thiz addy:

 Chris HEDE, 34 rue Dumoncel, 75014 PARIS,  FRANCE.

If I forget somebody or make a mistake.... sorry.... the
 updated version will be right if you remember to tell it to

Thanks for their help to: Sylicon/INTENSE.
                          Ufo/IRIS FRANCE.

2000 AD FRANCE: ! dead !

ABSOLUTE FRANCE: A swapping division of the hungarian team.
* Wellknown members: Mental.

ACROPOLE: ! dead !


AGOA: ? dead ?

ALBEDO DAEMONS: They made a party in September near
 Perpignan/FRANCE (it'sa town near SPAIN!!!). There was
 about 300 dudes.
* Wellknown members: Nasty Demon.



ANALOG: They have many BBS in France & Germany. They made a
 party in july94 in Alsace/FRANCE. BRAINWAVE members joined.
'BIG BUG' BBS      : + 33.1.4963.0439. (ACEEX   28.8)
 Sysop: Loulou Becane.
 Sysop: Revolution.
 Sysop: Xanadu.
* Wellknown members: Arrakis, Ereköse, Revolution.

and two ones in Germany:
'LOST CARRIER' BBS : + 49.471.67.247.     Sysop: Warlord.
'RANDOM ACCESS'BBS : + 49.471.417.726.    Sysop: Champ.
                     + 49.471.412.441.


ANTARKOS: ! dead !

ANTHARES: A little Amos crew.

APPLE PIE: ! dead !
ARKHAM: They released a manga slide at Saturne Party2.
* Wellknown members: Bad, Easy.

ATLANTIS: ! dead !

ATOMIX: ! dead !

BADCAT: ! dead !

BOMB: A new crew on the scene formed by old COMPLEX members.
* Wellknown members: Clawz, Gengis, Suny.

BRAINWAVE: ! dead !

CAEDES: A mag called 'Mute' sould be released one day (one
 day is always the one after!!)
* Wellknown members: 13.

CARTELS: A mag 'Ozone' should be released one day.


CONCEPT: ! dead !

CORPSE: ? dead ?

CRYPTOBURNERS FRANCE: They seem to be dead, the main part
 joined DRD.

CYCLON: Nothing about them!!!!
* Wellknown members: Prince.

CYCLONE: They are back to the scene.
* Wellknown members: FTB.

DARKNESS FRANCE: Some members left to form SILICON but some
 others arestill in it.

'DARK METAL' BBS   : + (USR VFC 28.8)
 Sysop: Flint.
 Sysop: DV8.

and two ones in Spain:
'GODS HOUSE' BBS   : + (USR HST 16.8)
 Sysop: Quijote.

DEFEAT: ! dead !

DELIGHT: They are back with a new coder and graphician.
 They won the introand demo competition at ANALOG Party.
* Wellknown members: Arios, Voices.


DELTALINE: ! dead !
DEMONS: ! dead !

DEVILS: They released some great trackmos a long time ago...
 ? dead ?
* Wellknown members: Cpt Jewel, Jinx.

DIFFUSION FRANCE: A swapping division of the finnish team.


DMACON: ! dead !

DRAGONS: ! dead !

DREAMDEALERS: They have the best french BBS 'Dreamland' and
 they released good designed demo. They released when they
 think about it their message-box: LIVE.
  Sysop: Gelfling.
                     + (USR VFC 28.8)
                     + (ZYXEL   19.2)
                     + (OFFLINE)
* Wellknown members: Antony, Doh, Elmer, Napoleon, Redlight,

and one in Belgium:
'EURO TRADE C' BBS : +   Sysop: Toxic.

DRINKS: ! dead !

END OF CENTURY 1999: ! dead !

EREMATION: A quite active and friendly crew. Their release
 a pack serie called 'Motorhead' and a mag called 'Outlaw'.
* Wellknown members: Brainwasher, Fireblade, Photos, Skull.

EXALIS: A quite little crew...
* Wellknown members: Seb.

EXOD: ? dead ?
* Wellknown members: Keneda.

EXPERIENCE: ! dead !

FAIRLIGHT FRANCE: A division which seems to be alive with

FASTLINE: ! dead !.

GODS: A new crew composed mainly from IRIS members.
'DEC. OVERLOAD' BBS: + 33.1.344.811.45 (USR VFC 28.8)
Sysop: [CaNCeL&WaH].
                     + 33.1.303.636.95 (USR V32 14.4)
* Wellknown members: Chris.

and two in Norway:
'CLIFFHANGER' BBS  : + 47.333.879.55    Sysop: Sealapex.
'HIDDEN ISLAND' BBS: + 47.716.707.93    Sysop: DZG

HAWK: ! dead !
HAZARD: ! dead !

HEMOROIDS: A wellknown crew on ST. They release a chart
  called 'Myop Chart'
* Wellknown members: BigM, Stranger.

HERETIA: A new friendly french group with cool dudes.
* Wellknown members: HP, Mag.

HEXOD: A new crew on the french scene.


HYPNOS: ? dead ?

IDK: ! dead !

ILLUSION FRANCE: A swapping division of the polish crew.
 Sysop: Mad Dwarf.
                     + (USR HST 16.8)

INTENSE: A quite productive crew with their famous mag:
and their new one: THE GALLERY.
* Wellknown members: Doc Manhattan, Hardfire, Sylicon,

INTERACTIVE FRANCE: A swapping division of the german team.
* Wellknown members: Gunhed.

INTRYX: ! dead !

IRIS: One of the oldest Amiga group of the french scene.
 Ufo is the new FHQ.
* Wellknown members: Ace, GooFY, Ufo, Ulrick.
ISCH CREW FRANCE: A swapping division of the hungarian crew.
* Wellknown members: MaxiSwappers, Mickey.

IVORY: They released some cool productions and 2 releases of
 Chippy Tunes.
* Wellknown members: Dgm, Gandbox, Memory, Slaine.

KOOL: A not so active crew.
* Wellknown members: Knice, Stackpointer.

LIMITS: ! dead !

LIQUID: They release times ago some cool designed productions
* Wellknown members: Hiro, Ron, Von Bubble.

LSD FRANCE: ! dead !

MUTUAL ASSURED DESTRUCTION (M.A.D.): It seems that this old
 illegal crew is back in France with less power than before.
MAD ELKS FRANCE: They have lotsa productions ready to be
 released since 1 or 2 years.
* Wellknown members: Baby.

MADOR FRANCE: A swapping division of the german team.

MAJIC 12 FRANCE: ! dead !

MELON DESIGN: No Comments. Everybody know them.
* Wellknown members: Hof, Mack, Walt.

MENTASM: They organized the trip to The Party 3.
* Wellknown members: Cash, Gun.

MODELS: The Old DRINKS members.
* Wellknown members: Coronal, Poison.

MOVEMENT FRANCE: A good division of the famous crew.
Wellknown members: Reflex.
MYSTIC FRANCE: A new division presents with a BBS.
 Sysop: Mezcal.

NGC: They released lately some great things and won the 2d
 placeat the Saturne2 Party. They are also making the paper
 mag: OPUS.
* Wellknown members: Matrix,Mushies,Sound Aertesis,Vyper,

* Wellknown members: Slaine.

NOLEM: They released some different things.

NOVA: A cool crew with well designed productions.
* Wellknown members: Blue Silence, Clary, Mr Keel.

OOPS PRODUCTION of MOVEMENT: A quite productive division
 with a good concept: of design.
* Wellknown members: Alex, Nam.
OUTLAWS FRANCE: A Trading division with a BBS of the belgium
'NO MANS LAND' BBS : +   Sysop: Sygma 909.
* Wellknown members: Sygma 909.

OXYGENE: A new crew which come directly from the ST, they won
 the first place at the 3S party.
* Wellknown members: Oxbab, Smith.

OZONE: They released some packs.
* Wellknown members: Xann.

PAGAN of THE MAGIC GUILD FRANCE: They are working on a
 diskmag called 'OVERFLOW'.

PARADOX: They release the wining intro at Saturne2 Party.
* Wellknown members: Ninja.

PDC: Quite famous with their non-serious mag called 'Pot De
* Wellknown members: Sham.

PHANTOM: ? alive ?

PHOENIX: ! dead !

PROCESS: ? alive ?
'EYE OF DRAGON' BBS: +  Sysop: Dragon.

PROFECY: They released some productions times ago ? dead ?.

PSYKOTROPE: They released some really cool things at Analog

RAM JAM FRANCE: A new french division of the famous
italian crew.
* Wellknown members: Mogul.

REFLEXE: ! dead !
SANITY FRANCE: No comment.
* Wellknown members: Moby, Ra.

SATURNE: They release their 'Fruity' packs and made a party.
* Wellknown members: Ether, Vodka.

SCOOPEX FRANCE: The division of the famous austrian team..
'FLOODLAND' BBS    : + (VFC 28.8)
 Sysop: Patriot.
* Wellknown members: Conquest, Ender, Jazz, Nhp, Zoom.


SILICON: A new crew formed by ex ANTARKOS & DARKNESS members.
* Wellknown members: Tos.

SILVER HAWK: ! dead !

SOLARIS: ! dead !
SPASM: A new crew quite productive with a mag called BIM BAM.
* Wellknown members: Oxstone.

SPECTRE: ! dead !

SPIDER: ! dead !

SPIRIT: A reborn crew by old TRSI members.

STEELERS: A crew that a lot of dudes tell bullshit about but
 lotsa them come from it.

STELLAR FRANCE: A swapping division of the finnish team.
* Wellknown members: Shadow.


SURPRISE PRODUCTION FRANCE: They seem to be dead !!
* Wellknown members: Patriot.
SUSPECT FRANCE: They make every years a party in Brest.
* Wellknown members: Mash.

SYGMA: They released some cheap intros. Nearly dead on Amiga.

SYMBIOSIS: ! dead !

SYNAPS: A new crew, they are working on an AGAdemo

SYNERGY: ! dead !

SYNTEX: An Amos crew which released cool productions.
* Wellknown members: Avoriaz, Dark Knight.


THE DRIFTERS: ? dead ?
* Wellknown members: Mr Bluesky (?)

THE END: Still alive, it seems...
THE MUTANT TEAM: A new crew formed by Tracker/SYGMA.

THE SHADOCK: A new crew with old HAWK and IVORY members.
* Wellknown members: Jobo, Oriens, Tebirod.


THE WAVE: ! dead !

TRAGEDY FRANCE: They released regularly a message box.
* Wellknown members: Shadow.

TRANCE INC FRANCE: A swapping division of the dutch group.
* Wellknown members: Falken.

T.S.F.: ! dead !

UNLIMITED: They released some intros.

URANUS: A new borned crew on the french amiga scene.
US: A new team on the scene.
* Wellknown members: Monty, Schmoov(y).

WILLOW: ! dead !



                     2dd of tsg
                     Dr doom/x-trem
                     bart/isch crew
                     doc d/gtc
                       gold dragon/unlimited
                       gentleman/shd bnz
                       jibe/ram jam
                       mogul/ram jam
                       mystra/stone arts
                       pseudonym/ram jam
                       polka brother