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File size:
3 914 bytes (3.82K)
File date:
2018-08-31 11:55:55
Download count:
all-time: 187


Jack The Ripper 1.0
Written 1991,92 by
converting is none!

By Mr.Urk / Shining 1991,92

Contact me at:	Björn Arkenfall
		Sångvägen 8
		S-703 76 Örebro
		 S W E D E N

Jack -=> Try <?> for help!
Sorry, Not implemented yet...
Save what?
Saving Error!
Can't allocate memory for operation!
Try to move the module to a lower memory!
Hunting for ProTracker modules between $00000000 - $00000000
Hunting for NoisePacker2 modules between $00000000 - $00000000
Hunting for NoisePacker3 modules between $00000000 - $00000000
Hunting for KRIS/4MatTracker modules between $00000000 - $00000000
Hunting for UNIC-Tracker modules between $00000000 - $00000000
Hunting for Wanton-Packer modules between $00000000 - $00000000
Hunting for ProPacker2 modules between $00000000 - $00000000
Sorry, But Jack didn't find anything...
Sorry, But the module must be in chipmemory
Continue what?
Information on what module?
The module IS already in PT-Format!
Convert what?
Jack have allocated some memory. Starting to CONVERT the module!!!
Move what?
Moving module...
I haven't found any module to play
I'm playing!
Sorry, But I can't allocate CIA interrupt.
Sorry, but this isn't a ProTracker module
I'm not playing...
Filter is now ON!
Filter is now OFF!
CIA Replay.
VBL Replay.

Jack found a ProTracker/NoiseTracker/StarTrekker module!

Module name:	'--------------------'
Location:	$00000000		Length:		$00000000
Instruments:	$00000000		Poslength:	$00000000

Nr	Sample Name		Nr	Sample Name
---- ----------------------	---- ----------------------
$01  ----------------------	$11  ----------------------
$02  ----------------------	$12  ----------------------
$03  ----------------------	$13  ----------------------
$04  ----------------------	$14  ----------------------
$05  ----------------------	$15  ----------------------
$06  ----------------------	$16  ----------------------
$07  ----------------------	$17  ----------------------
$08  ----------------------	$18  ----------------------
$09  ----------------------	$19  ----------------------
$0A  ----------------------	$1A  ----------------------
$0B  ----------------------	$1B  ----------------------
$0C  ----------------------	$1C  ----------------------
$0D  ----------------------	$1D  ----------------------
$0E  ----------------------	$1E  ----------------------
$0F  ----------------------	$1F  ----------------------
$10  ----------------------	

Jack found a KRIS/4Mat-Tracker module!

Module name:	'----------------------'

Jack found a UNIC-Tracker module!

Module name:	'--------------------'

Jack found a Wanton-Packer module!

Jack found a NoisePacker2 module!

Location:	$00000000		Length:		$00000000
Instruments:	$00000000		Poslength:	$00000000

Jack found a NoisePacker3 module!

Location:	$00000000		Length:		$00000000
Instruments:	$00000000		Poslength:	$00000000

Jack found a ProPacker2 module!

Location:	$00000000		Length:		$00000000
Instruments:	$00000000		Poslength:	$00000000

Listing directory ''
FileName				FileLength

Dirs: $00000000  Files: $00000000  Blocks: $00000000  Bytes: $00000000
Bytes free on volume:   $00000000

Dir Error!
Can't delete file!

Help Meny !

Command				Function

?				Displaying this help meny
X				Exit this program
M <address>			Move the module
H <format> <start> <end>	Hunt with Jack!
C				Continue the hunt
D				Convert the module to PT-format!
I				Information about the module
F				Turn audio-filter on/off
R				Change replay-routine (CIA <-> VBL)
SAVE <filename>			Save module
DIR <directory>			Show directory
DEL <filename>			Delete file
P				Play the module
S				Stop the module

Ripped with 'Jack The Ripper v1.0'

CON:0/20/640/230/Jack The Ripper v0.99  (18 Apr 92)      PREVIEW!