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File size:
1 323 bytes (1.29K)
File date:
2013-05-05 23:05:36
Download count:
all-time: 255


  scup is back with another cool sinusintro. this one was released today! coding  
graphics and music by superninja! cool!  this thing is actually the official 
invitation to the piparkakkuparty held in mummo's place 6.12.1991.. be there!  
scup! scup!  spennoskandian united biboys now has a swedish vivisection!   as you 
all propably know   s c u p   is not actually a group  .. it's more!  i have 
counted that atleast 10 of our members are present in the latest crusaders 
eurochart! 4 musicians .. 3 graphicians .. 3 coders .. yeah! unfortunately i can't 
tell you who these people are but all information is for sale: just send lotsa 
money to me:  markku saarinen   anjalankatu 2 as 8   08100 lohja  finlandia... if 
you want to swap  dirty socks .. used condoms .. teabags .. 197x official playboy 
calenders .. broken hst modems or laptop computers you should not contact me..     
now it's runotime..   olipa kerran pikku pekka ..kunnes paalleen tuli rekka .. 
ilmassa lensi suolet ..samassa haihtui kaikki huolet .. loytyi ojasta pekan paa .. 
jota ymparoi paksu jaa .. paan mukaani nappasin .. kotimatkalla sita kepilla 
hakkasin .. kotona sen pataan heitin .. ja todella maukkaan keiton siita keitin!  
jes! that was some poetry eh..   it's time to restart this bullshitterkakkeli ..