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         .__..__.______.__.   ._____      ._____.______._____..______.
         |::||  |::____|::|   |::_  \     |::_  \::__  |:: __||::____|
         |  __  | .__|_|  |___|  |\  \    |  |\  \ ||  |  |___| .__|_.
         |  ||  | |    |  |   |   ___/    |   ___/ __  | |__  | |    | 
         |__||__|______|______|__/        |__/  |__||__|____. |______|  


           ^   ånð nøw $øm3 ¡n§Trµçt¿øn$ føR ð¿z k3w£ mÅgaz¡n3!   ^    

             F1 =  Advertisements      Cursor up     =  Volume up
             F2 =  Messages            Cursor down   =  Volume down
             F3 =  News                Cursor left   =  Page down
             F4 =  Various             Cursor right  =  Page up
             M  =  Music on/off        Shift+C.left  =  5 Pages down
             K  =  Change Keymap       Shift+C.right =  5 Pages up
             G  =  Goto Page           HELP          =  This Page
             S  =  Search String       ESC           =  Quit Mag

           ___________________________________________________ _____
         _/   _____________  /_____________/_____  /______/   |    /
         \________  \_  /___/_\  _ \_ \  _ \_   / / ___)__\_  _  _/
          |      /   /  |    / \/   /  \/   / ___/  \     /   |   \
          |   ______/_______/______/_______/___|_________/____|    \


	    Welcome to another issue of the cool Never Mind series
			packed by Mr.King of Scoopex.


              If you want to support the cool Pack-Mag NEVER MIND 

               than contact Mr.King of Scoopex under diz address
           Joerg Goedden   Postfach 3143   46434 Emmerich   Germany

      For more information about Never Mind read the Advertisment Info and
                     Diskback Service in the Various Menu

            _______/\  __/\____________:_/\  __/\_________/\______
            \_   .   \ \_  ______/\_   ¦   \ \_  ______/\_   .    \
            /    |    \/     __)__/    |    \/     __)__/    ¦  __/
           /     __/\_________  __/\  _______/\  ________/\. .    \_
          /      \__  .    .  \ \__.\ \_   .   \ \_    .   \ |      \
----^-----\______¦/   |    |   \/    \/    |    \ |    |    \¦______/©håø$-^---
                 /    |    |    \     \    |     \|    |     \
                /     |    |     \     \   |      \    ¦      \
                        :    :               :

		 >>>>>>>> Advertisment Information : <<<<<<<<

	PAGE 002 - 060 : All Advertisment are the first time included !!

	PAGE 061 - 108 : All Advertisment are included since issue 57 !!

	PAGE 109 - 147 : All Advertisment are included since issue 56 !!

     *   Taurus - Horned Gods!   *
     *                           *	      /\/\  /\  /\  /\  /\    /\
     *  >  FUGAZI OF TAURUS <    *	  °°°/  \ \/  \/  \/  \/  \°°/  \°att®
     *                           *	 °°°/   / /   /    \   \   \/   /°°°°
     *      ROBIN FORSBERG       *	   /   / /   /    \ \   \   \  /
     *  NORRTULLSGATAN 37 B III  *	  /   / /\  /\   \/\/ /\/ / / /\
     *    S-826 37 SOEDERHAMN    *	 /   /    \   \   \  / /   /    \
     *         SWEDEN            * 	 \  /     /   /   /   / / /     /
     *                           *	  \/\    /   /   /   / / /\    /
     *  - Pornopic exchanging    *	     \  /\  /\  /\  /\/ /  \  /
     *  - Symphony rock trading  *	      \/  \/  \/  \/  \/    \/
     *  - Stamp donations        *	 Ya sTiLl SeArChIn' fOr CtX????
     *  - JERKY swapping         *
     *                           *	 DISK(S)        TøX¿C / ILLEGAL
     * Freshly-baked buns to:    *	        +       P.zylstrastr.14
     * Artie, Silencer, D-Zire,  *	 LETTER         5463 BC VEGHEL
     * Lawnmoverman, Pantera,    *	        =      THE NETHERLANDS!
     * Darkside and my other fans*	 100% REPLY!

       ±¯¬°ª§©®©§§ª°¬¯¬°ª§¢o. .o¢°ª.    ±¯¬°ª§¢o. .o¢°ª.    ±¯¬°ª§§ª°¬±
     :     §®§          §©§ ©©±  .¢o.       §©§ ©©±  .¢o. ©®±  .ªo. :
     .     §®§    ±¯¬°ª§§©® ©®§ °¬©ª§ ±¯¬°ª§§©  ©®§ °¬©ª§ ©®§ª°¬°ª§ .
     .     ª®ª    ®©±   §©® ©®©   ©®© ®©±   §©© ©®©   ©®©       ©®© .
           ©®±    ª©ª   ©®± ©®©   ©®± ª©ª   ©®± ©®©   ©®± .     ©®
          §©®ª    ©®§ª §©®ª ®ªo. §©®ª ©®§ª §©®ª ®ªo. §©®ª ®ªo. §©®ª
        .ª°¬¯        .ª°¬¯  ¬°ª§ª°¬¯     .ª°¬¯  ¬°ª§ª°¬¯  ¬°ª§ª°¬¯az7i@

    For module-, picture- or simply normal Amiga or C64 swapping, try:

                             FUGAZI of TAURUS
                          (On C64: Incubus/Antic)
                              Robin Forsberg
         - 100% reply!     Norrtullsgatan 37B III    - 100% reply!
                            S-82637 Soederhamn

    Some MOOOH's to:  TRSI, Silents, Crystal, X-Trade, Obscene, Energy,
    Paralax, Talent, Fairlight, Septic, Xanadu, Infect, Defiance, Iris,
    Angelica, Dynamic, Mystic, Illusion, Intense and Majic 12.

            __      _____  __ __
           / /\    / ___/\/ // /\
          / / /   / /___\/ // / /
         / / /   / // /\ \_  / /	   ---------------------------------
        / /_/_  / // / /  / / /		   A V A L O N
       /_____/\/____/ /  /_/ /
       \_____\/\____\/   \_\/		   For swapping try this adress:
       The Limit Of Perfection
					   ZAK of AVALON
					   7500  STJORDAL

              WRITE TO:			   Greets to all contacts & friends!

        AYYILDIZ PASAJI NO:22		                         A V A L O N
         GAYRETTEPE/ISTANBUL		   ---------------------------------
            T U R K E Y

      LETTER + DISK = %100 ANSWER

             || ___  ___   _______________________  __________ ||
             || \  \/  /   |      |      |   __|  \/   |   __| ||
             ||  \    / /\ |      |  o   |  __|_       |  __|_ ||
             ||  /    \ \/ |__  __| .  __|     | .  .  |     | ||
             || /__/\__\     |__||__|\__\|_____|_|\/|__|_____| ||
                 .oOo.   S-U-B-W-A-Y   T-O   H-E-L-L   .oOo.

              Are ya one of da kind who always wants da newest
              and da best ? Do you happen to be un-satisfied with
              your lame Cntx then do NOT hesitate writing to ...

                 MAJOR BANDIT of X-TREME       ...and always
                 P.O.Box 395097               remember:
                 95097 Selb              KILL ONKEL DITTMAYER !


     ------------------------------	            !Support Buzz!
        > TRAP of INDEPENDENT <
      is looking a nice good team	     Send your Stuff to:
      for joining as Coder.
      If you wanna contact with me	       Gyllenhammarsv.17
      then you can should write at:	     302 41 halmstad
                   TRAP			    Sweden
               ERKAN AKKAYA
          Cennet mh.Hurriyet cd.	       ! Also for swapping !
         Ahmetseker apt.No:76/11
      34640 KucukCekmece - ISTANBUL	  Greets to:
                TURKIYE			 Razor, Depth,Scoopex,Vision,Desire,
      Please send me disk with your	 Unlimited, Score,RamJam  and to the
     members's works or productions	   other i dont fear to write...!
         >No disk = Big risk<		   .oO.DEFIANCE.Oo..oO.DEFIANCE.Oo.
     ------------------------------	   .oO.DEFIANCE.Oo..oO.DEFIANCE.Oo.

     |  > SCUOT / INDEPENDENT <  |	     ___  ___           _____
     |                           |	 +--/ _ \/ _ \/\/\deus-/ / _ \/\/\---+
     |   I'm searching 4 a new   |	 |:/ / _/ _  /    \:/\/ / _  /    \::|
     |  group 4 joining.         |	 |:\/\ \_// (_/\/\ \\__/ //_/ /\/\_):|
     |   My job is: Coding.      |	 |::::\_):\/::::::\/:::\/:::\/:::::::|
     |  If you wanna need cool   |	 |:+»    Taste the difference     «+:|
     |  TALENTED Coder to your   |	 +------+---------------------+------+
     |  GROUP then don't wait.   |	 |\Oo.                    \..........|
     |        My address:        |	 |.\    For ELITE trading: \.........|
     |                           |	 |..\                       \........|
     |        ZiYA GUNES         |	 |...\        POSDNUOS       \.......|
     |  Merkez mah.Ataturk cad.  |	 |....\                       \......|
     |  Mezbaa yolu.YunusMarket  |	 |.....\   Cristiano Micoli    \.....|
     |   ustu. No:04 Yenibosna   |	 |......\   Via D'Aragona 12    \....|
     |    Istanbul - TURKiYE     |	 |.......\   66100  -  Chieti    \...|
     |                           |	 |........\       ITALY           \..|
     |    No Disk = No answer    |	 |.........\                       \.|
     |    Only joining offers    |	 |..........\                    .oO\|
     -----------------------------	 +-----------------------------------+

   ·  ________/\    /\______  _______/\__________/\____________________
   :  \_______  \/\/ _____/ \/   /  /  ______/___  \_____   /   ______/\
   |   __/  /   /  _____/  _____/  /       /   /   /   /___/   ____/\ \ \
   +--/        /       / ____/\/  /   /   /   /   /   /   /       /\ \_\/
     /____/\  /\______/   /\ \/__/___/   /___/___/\______/_______/  \/
     \    \ \/  \    /___/  \_\  \  /___/\   \   \ \     \       \  / ---+
      \____\/\  /\___\   \  /  \__\_\   \ \___\___\/\_____\_______\/     |
              \/      \___\/         \___\/                              :

                          The Finnish Division


   If you can code almost everythink or/and you      MIKE/DEFIANCE (SFHQ)
   are  able to  make some very nice gfx's then      KAPTEENINTIE 4
   please send examples of your  work via mail.      20810 TURKU

   Also for elite mailtrading or supporting Buzz or Tradepack.
   >Diskback to all<                                           (c) Defiance

     |       ---------------      |
     |      +  CAUS/LEGACY  +     |
     |                            |	     -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
     |   FOR SWAPPING AND JOINED  |           A V A L O N
     |                            |
     |       WRITE TO ADDY:       |	          For legal Swap!
     |                            |	          Try this addy:
     |                            |
     |   ADDY:  CAUS/LEGACY       |	        Zak
     |                            | 	         Juloyveien 50
     |         BAHADIR CAPRAZ     |	          7500  stjordal
     |       MERKEZ MAH.CAMI SOK. |	           Norway
     |         EMEK APT.NO:3/10   |
     |        AVCILAR/ISTANBUL    |	       Yum-Yums to all contacts!
     |            TURKIYE         |
     |                            |	                      A V A L O N
     |    DISK(S)=%100 ANSWER     |          -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
     |                            |

      /\   _____                                               __
     / /  |     |   _____   [ABOVE THE LAW]                _____ |
    / //\ |     |  |     |  _________    /\     __________|     |:att®
    \//  \|     |__|_    | |         |  /  \   |          |     |
     /    \     |    \   |_|__     __| /    \/\|          |     |____
    :\     \    |     \  |    \   __|_/     /  \      |   |     |    \::.
   .::\     \   |     /  |     \      |    /    \         |     |     \::.
 .:::::\     \       /   |     /      |    \     \        |     |     /:.
   .::::\    /      /         /       |           \   |   |          /:::.
      .::\  /      /         /        |           /   |   |         /:::
     . :::\/______/\        /         |          /    |   |        /:::::.
                    \______/__________|\______/\/     |___|\______/
     Try to reach us at:                       |______|

           5463 BC VEGHEL     5463 BA VEGHEL      5463 CP VEGHEL
           (musician/swap)    (organiser/swap)      (coder/swap)

       ________ /\______      ________ 	     ___  ___           _____
  _/\_/  ___  //__   __/ _/\_/  ___  /	 +--/ _ \/ _ \/\/\deus-/ / _ \/\/\---+
  \_  _   \_\/   /   \   \_  _   \_\/  	 : / / _/ _  /    \ /\/ / _  /    \  :
   /\/ \_   \   /     \   /\/ \_   \  	 : \/\ \_// (_/\/\ \\__/ //_/ /\/\_) :
 _/          \_/       \_/          \_ 	 :    \_) \/      \/   \/   \/       :
 :\    _/\_/\/:\__/\_/\/:\    _/\_/\/:	 +-----------------------------------+
 ::\__/:::::::::::::::::::\__/:::::NoP	  \       __                        /
 -------------------------------------     \      |_)                      /
      SAINTS - Check your mind		    \     | \ O C K E T E E R     /
 -------------------------------------	     \                           /
    Try to contact with WooBER for,	      \    Franco  La Cioppa    /
 trading & joining Norway Division at:	       \   Via Arniense  156   /
					        \   66100 - Chieti    /
          Woober / Saints NHQ        	         \      ITALY        /
              Goran Myrland   		          \                 /
                 Gamnes   		    /~~~~~~\_______________/~~~~~~\
              9130 Hansnes		   /                               \
                 NORWAY 		  /      No Disk(s) = No Answer     \

                  ____     _______  ________ _ _______ ___  ___
                 /   /\   /      /\/       // \\      \\  \/\  \
                /   / /  /   ___/ /  _____// . \\    __\\  \_\  \
               /   / /  /   /__ \/  /\____/  .  \\   \_/ \   ____\
              /   / /  /   ___/\/  / /  //   |   \\   \ \ \  \___/
             /   /_/_ /   /___\/  / /  //    |    \\   \_\_\  \
            /       //       //  /_/  //     |\    \\      \\  \
           /_______//_______//_______//______| \    \\______\\  \
           \_______\\_______\\_______\\______|\ \____\______/ \__\ ©razy
     |                                                                  |
     |                          DR.CRAZY OF LEGACY                      |
     |                                                                  |
     |         S E A R C H I N G  F O R  C O O L  C O N T A C T S       |
     |                                                                  |
     |                          ! IF ONE OF THEM !                      |
     |                                                                  |
     |                               WRITE TO:                          |
     |                                                                  |
     |                                                                  |
     |           NO LAMER ! ! NO OLD STUFF! ! NO SHORT LETTER! |\       |
     |_________________________________________________________| \______|

        Wanna get in touch with        	!  cOnTaCt deFiAnCe sFhQ fOr rEaLLy  !
					o fAst & fRieNdlY eLiTe mAiLtrAdInG! o
              S A I N T S
					! ..Support Tradepack with your      !
         then try contacting!          	o   latest ownprods!..               o

                with                   	! ..Support Buzz with articles,      !
					o    news, messages, votes etc.!..   o
          ViCTORY / SAINTS
                                       	o                           ___   °  o
            at thiz addy:              	   MIKE/DEFIANCE SFHQ _/\  /   \.
                                       	!  KAPTEENINTIE 4     \  \_\   /_    !
          Zafer Altincekic             	o  20810 TURKU         \___      \   o
       Cennet mah.Hurriyet cd.         	   FINLAND               /     \  \_
      Orhangazi sok. 14/7 34640        	!                       /  _   /\__/ !
       KucukCekmece - Istanbul         	o  dIsk = 1oo % reply   \  \   \     o
               TURKEY!                 	                         \  \   \_
                                       	!  (c) Defiance          /__/\   /ßmr!
      SAINTS - Check your mind         	`-----------------------------\_/----'

                 _/\__    _/\_   __   __/\   __/\__   _/\__
                /.    \__/.   \_/  \_/    \_/.     \_/    .\_
               //  __   .\ ___ \    \  __. \__    __//  __  /
               \__  .\  //     .\.  .\   |  \/.  .\ \__   \/
                /.\_ \\_/   :   \\\  \\\ |   \\   \\ /.\_, \
               //     /\.   |    //  /// |   //    ///     /
              /    __/  \___|___/____/___|__/\____// \  __/
              \___/         Check your mind!       \___/

           Reach us for joining and trading the very latest at:
                          |                           |
       NoP of SAINTS      |     VICToRY of SAINTS     |  WooBER of SAINTS
       Serkan Akkaya      |     Zafer Altincekic!     |   Goran Myrland
  PK:10 Cennet PTT. 34640 |  Cennet mah.Hurriyet cd.  |      Gamnes
  KucukCekmece - ISTANBUL : Orhangazi sok. 14/7 34640 :   9130 Hansnes
          TURKEY!         . K.Cekmece-ISTANBUL-TURKEY .      NORWAY

                          Also for you can join SAINTS!

					     ___  ___           _____
    ___________ _ ______  ________ __ 	 +--/ _ \/ _ \/\/\deus-/ / _ \/\/\---+
   /    ______/_ __  __ _/    ____ _	 |:/ / _/ _  /    \:/\/ / _  /    \::|
   \/\  .\   |    /. \  |\/\  .\	 |:\/\ \_// (_/\/\ \\__/ //_/ /\/\_):|
   /. \  \\  :   //   \ :/  \  \\	 |::::\_):\/::::::\/:::\/:::\/:::::::|
   \      \\ .  //    .\.\      \\	 |:+»    Taste the difference     «+:|
    \ ______\  /________\ \ ______\	 +------+---------------------+------+
     \\_ __ \\//__ _  _ \\_\\_ __ \\	 |If you think to deserve to join us:|
					 | Try this address:                 |
              Contact SAINtS		 |                   RAM JAM WHQ     |
        for Trading the latest at:	 |                   P.O.BOX 23      |
					 |You can try also   I-07040 FERTILIA|
            Dr.Dweep of SAINtS		 |4 swapping if you  ITALY           |
          Incirli cd. K.Tepe mh.	 |are in the scene                   |
       S.Kormac sk. Bektasoglu apt.	 |from at least 2  years......       |
           D:9 Bakirkoy-Istanbul	 |   ___  ___           _____        |
                  TURKEY!		 +--/ _ \/ _ \/\/\deus-/ / _ \/\/\---+
					 |:/ / _/ _  /    \:/\/ / _  /    \::|
      Also for Graphicians prefered!	 |:\/\ \_// (_/\/\ \\__/ //_/ /\/\_):|

                 ______ _________ /\ ____ _ ._ ____.______
     __/\__      \___  Y ____/   \_ \  . Y \| Y    | ____/<e>      __/\__
     \ øø /       | |  | ___| |___/_/ _| | .\ | |__| ___|   .      \ øø /
     /    \      :| | :| \  |  __|  | \_ |  \ | |  | \  |:.::      /    \
     ¯¯\/¯¯      :|   ||    |  | |  |  | |  | |    |    |::::      ¯¯\/¯¯
     ¯¯\/¯¯       |____|---\|--' `--^--|_|--|_|----^---\|          ¯¯\/¯¯

            the høly motherfucker is seeking for some more contacts

    [ øfficial spreader of:[ +                  + ]    før friendship    ]
    ]                      ]   MIKE OF DEFIANCE   [    elite trading..   [
    [ Buzz (Defiance)      [    KAPTEENINTIE 4
    ] Live (Dreamdealers)  ]     20810 TURKU      [   rEply tO aLL wHo   [
                                   FINLAND        ]   sEnd a nEW wARe    ]
    [  and author of the   [ +                  +
    ]  --> TRADEPACK <--   ]   modem/mailtrader   [     C0NTACT NOW!     [

       _______   ______    _______	           .oO.DEFIANCE.Oo.
      /._ ____) (__  __)  /._ ____)
      \/ \  .\    /. \    \/ \  .\	            !Support Buzz!
      /.  \  \\  //   \   /.  \  \\
     //    \_ / /      \ //    \_ /	     Send your Stuff to:
     \_______/  \______/ \_______/
              S A I N T S		       Gyllenhammarsv.17
					     302 41 halmstad
      For PURE ELITE MailTrading	    Sweden
     or joining you should contact
					       ! Also for swapping !
             NoP of SAINTS
        PK:10 Cennet PTT. 34640		  Greets to:
        KucukCekmece - ISTANBUL		 Razor, Depth,Scoopex,Vision,Desire,
                TURKEY!			 Platin,Scope,Insane,Yodel,JollyPAd,
					 Unlimited, Score,RamJam  and to the
    Gretz: COMPLEX-FAIRLIGHT-ATZ	   other i dont fear to write...!
       /  ____    __     __     \
      /  /    \  /  \   /  \     \     	              ___ ___  _______  ____
     /__/      \/    \_/   /\____/\ 	        _____/  //  /_/      / /   /
     \_/   /\  /\         / /____\/ 	       /    _ \//  /  \   __/ /___/
       \   \/\/ /  __    / / \ 		      /    /_\ \  /   /\  \  //__
     /\ \   \ \/  /\_\  / /   \     	      \   _____/ /   /__\  \/___/
    /  \/   /\   / / / / /\    \              /  /  //  /   /_     //___
    \      / /  / / / / / /    /\ 	     /  /  //  /      \___/    /
     \____/ /  / / / / / /    / /	    /___\_____/________\ /____/
      \___\/  / / / / / /____/ /                               GeNtLemAN
         /___/ / /_/ /  \____\/
         \___\/  \_\/                        cONtAct 4 SwAppInG tHe L8teSt
        SOME LEGAL SWAPPING!!!		 DeAtH/pUlSe           gENtLemAN/pUlSe
                                       	 ArtUr wILcZeK             jOHN wALter
          THOMAS KOPFMUELLER        	 Im KAtZSIefeN 7            Am bUscH 4
         KOENIGSBERGERSTR. 45       	 53773 HeNNeF             53773 HeNNeF
            87439 KEMPTEN           	 GermANY                       GermANY
                                         DIsK(S)=100% rePLY!StIcKAZ=666% rePLY

   _______________ ______   _____ _____        ___________   _______
  /__________    //_    /\ /   _//   _/\      /          /\ /   ___/\
  \    _____/   / \/   /  /   /\/   /\\ \     \      ___/  /   /_  \ \
   \__/   _____/  /   /  /   / /   /__\\/__  __\     \  \ /   __/\__\/
     /   /\    \ /   /__/   / /           /\/         \__/   /\_\/______
    /___/  \____/__________/ /___________/ /__________/\/______________/\
    \   \  /    \          \ \           \ \          \ \              \ \
     \___\/      \__________\/\___________\/\__________\/\_[gentleman]__\/

gentleman         NOTE:                                           sonic flash
john walter       only pure ELITE guyz will get an answer!       holger heyer
am busch 4        these guyz which send STICKAZ 2 us, will     bismarkstr. 12
53773 hennef      get a sure reply 2. and if you like RAP,     26409 wittmund
germany           like we do, you might receive a reply 2.            germany
 if ya wanna have a nice CHAT with gentleman call after 9pm: +49(0)2248/3804
-hi2: cocoon-reval-donk-exumer-yoyo-pvc-dealer-yop-7up-mdb-solid-death-skull-
-paragon-mindphaser-dive-mellow noise-cie-rave-sir jinx-rapper-radavi-lovely-

            /\           /\
           /  \    _    /  \____
          /    \  / \  /        \    	              ___ ___  _______  ____
         /      \/   \/   _    _ \ 	        _____/  //  /_/      / /   /:.
        /   /\  /        //   / \/  	 ..::::/    _ \//  /  \   __/ /___/::.
        \   \ \/   _    //   /      	 ...::/    /_\ \  /   /\  \  //__:::..
      /\ \   \    //   //   /            ..:::\   _____/ /   /__\  \/___/::...
     /  \/   /   //   //   /             .::::/  /  //  /   /_     //___::::..
     \      /   //   //   /         	 ..::/  /  //  /      \___/    /::....
      \    /\  ///////   /          	 .::/___\_____/________\ /____/::::...
       \  /  \/      \  /
        \/            \/                     4 bUyInG tHe AbSoLuTeLy L8eSt
					                wRiTe 2
         SOME LEGAL SWAPPING!!!		            GeNtLeMaN/pUlSe
                                       	              aM bUsCh  4
           THOMAS KOPFMUELLER        	             53773  HeNnEf
          KOENIGSBERGERSTR. 45       	                GeRmAnY
             87439 KEMPTEN
			 goddamn excuse!
            GFX SWAPPING!!

   _____________________ _____    _____________ __________ _____    ____
   \______    \______   \\_   \  /   /\____.   \\______   \\_   \  /   /
    /   _/    _/    _    \/  _ \/ _  \_____|    \/    _    \/  _ \/ _  \
   /    \      \    Y     \   \  /    \    !     \    Y     \   \  /    \
   \_____\      \_________/____\/_____/__________/__________/____\/_____/

                   --»  THE TRENDY DEALER / RAM-JAM  «--

     [ Eugenio Gori - Via P.della Valle 12/5 - 50127 Firenze - Italy ]

           /\       /\       /\      	O                                   O
          /  \_____/__\_____/  \     	O                                   O
         /           /     /   /     	o           X - T R E M E           o
         \    ______/_____/   /      	o                                   o
         /        / /    /   /       	o    join the mighty Forces and     o
        /   _____/ /    /   /        	.                                   .
       /   /  /   /    /   /         	.    contact:                       .
      /   /  /   /___ /   /          	.                                   .
      \  /   \       \\  /           	.            Sir Jinx / X-Treme     .
       \/     \_______\\/ [ch]       	.            Ingo Winkler           .
                                     	.            Antoniusplatz 01       .
       ...carlo/flying cows...       	.            49661 Cloppenburg      .
            karol silski             	o            Germany                o
        karpicko ul.rolna 29         	o                                   o
          64-200 wolsztyn            	o    only legal  /  only ELITE      o
              poland                 	O                                   O
                                     	O    Disc + Letter = 100% Reply     O
          foreigners only !          	O                                   O

               _/\_____  ___/\______     _____/\______   ___
              /  __    \_\_______   \_  (_____  __  _/__/   \_
             /     \     \/    _|    /  /     \_  \/\/        \
             \     /      \_   \_   /__/       |     \_        \_
              \  _/        /    |      \_      |      /         /
             b \/|        /     |       /      !     /         / j
             a   l_______/\_____|      /\________   /\________/  u
             c                  l_____/    <jhhl___/             s
             k                                                   t
               for fast, elite and friendly swapping write to:
             t                                                   g
             o            norby of trsi (polish hq)              o
                                 p.o. box 2o                     o
             t                  56-3oo milicz                    d
             h                      poland
             e                                                   f
                          _,w=^""à^"¤.    ,-^3                   r
             r           ¬¯ g'   11  ¬L a°   "  ¬J               i
             o              7     1  ,´¬¤-=-w,   #               e
             o              J     1-C         °  #               n
             t               Þ    E  °x     _,¢  #               d
             s                     ¹    ¤`**^".e^°P*             s

  ___________       ___  ____    __  __
 /__ /  _/   \/\   /   \/  _/ /\ | \/ |
( __ )  _)/ \/  \  \/ \/   _)/  \| ,, |
 \___)___\[_]_/__\  [_]\____\_/__\_||_|	        .----------------------.
					        | ..ooO ALCATRAZ Ooo.. |
For friendly and sloooow swapping	        `----------------------´
demos,mags,MODULES !!!,short utils	                Contact:
write to:
					           Sting of Alcatraz
LOVELY / BETA TEAM			             Dirk Dallmann
Krzysztof Gmyr				          45884 Gelsenkirchen
Polna 6/3				             -= Germany =-
33-100 Tarnow
POLAND					        .---------------------.
					        | Take your chance !!!|
or phone:  ++48 (0)14 - 219418		        `---------------------´

Greetings to all my  contacts !!!!

      					         _    _    _    _    _    _
#---- -  -				    -===/\\==/\\==/\\==/\\==/\\==/\\
|                        tIc B		       / // /  \\/  \\/  \\/  \\/ //
|    Wanna contact     tA      y	      / //\\ /\ \\/\ \\/\ \\/\ \\//
|                     S         T	     /   _// \/ //// //// //\/ ///
                                 e	    / /\ \\/\  /// \//// //\  ///_
|                                S	    \/// //\\\///  \/// // / //\/\\
					      / //\ \\       / // / //\ ©//
   Send your legal wares to:      ?	    ==\//==\//=======\//==\//==\//=-
|                                 ?
           [Fashion]			        Contact Kernal of Desire
         Andreas Keirat			   [cød3r, må¡LtRåd3r & pC-$UpPøRt3r]
       Salzburger Str. 12            |
       27574  Bremerhaven		   *¤°¬¯¬°¤*  Mario Hoehne  *¤°¬¯¬°¤*
            Germany			        Magdeburger Landstr. 130
                                     |	       14770  Brandenburg / Havel
					             United Germany
      A4000 owners welcomed !        |
                                     |	   100 % reply 4 funny lettas & disx.
                            -  - ----#	   gR33tZ 2 åLl m¥ fR¡EnD$ wørLÐW¡D3!
					     dE$¡r3 - tE$T3Ð øN åN¡MåL$ ...

                  H                                        H
                 U   _____ _____    _       _       ____    U
                M    \   / \   /   | \     / |     /  _ |    M
               A      | |   | |    |  \   /  |    /  / \|     A
              N       | |___| |    |   \_/   |    \  \         N
             S        |  ___  |    | |\   /| |     \  \         S
                      | |   | |    | | \_/ | |      \  \
                      | |   | |    | |     | |   |\_/  /
                     /___\ /___\  /___\   /___\  |____/ *hogan


           HOGAN / HUMANS                           WIPER / HUMANS
          Andrzej  Kotlega                           Pawel Subocz
        Ul. Ciszewskiego 3/5                       Ul. Magazynowa 3
          78-200 Bialogard                         78-200 Bialogard

             P O L A N D                              P O L A N D
                                1000 %  answer

 We are looking for new members ! Are you a good musican ,
                                  graphican , coder or swapper ? Write now !

   					I don't need this bullshit anymore
     Darkhawk/Iris			I'm stepping out,gonna close the door
     Øsby Nedergade 20			Will I ever reach the point of it
     6100 Haderslev			When I wear a suit that doesn't fit ?
     Denmark				                                 RAGE

 Also for AGA stuff & Technotapes!	Tired of normal contacts ?

 Greetz to: Compact, BLD, Green-	            Then try Donk/Pulse for...
 Cheese, LaserDance, Cadaver,
 MadElks, Jetset, Agoa, Legacy,		- letters with more than 36 words
 Isch Crew, Calibra, Dream- 		- cool (aga-) stuff (0-7 days)
 Dealers, Impact, Intense, Banal 	- coding matters
 Projects, Vision, Razor 1911, 		- metal-tape-swapping
 HyperActive, Obscene, Decnite,
 Damage, Bronx, D-29, Bonzai, 		                           Yann Cebron
 Depth, Medicine, Unlimited, Jewels,	                 Otto-Blesch-Str. 13/1
 Radicals, Black Jack, Perplex,		                      78315 Radolfzell
 LBD, Damage Inc. & Legacy!		                               Germany

 IRIS..When it comes to friendship!	       Sorry,only foreigners !!
 FRIENDSHIP RULEZZ (100% reply)!!
					     PULSE - There's no excuse  !

           ______    ______    ______    ______    __  __
          /\  __ \  /\  __ \  /\  __ \  /\  __ \  /\ \/\ \
          \ \ \_\/__\ \ \_\/__\ \ \_\_\_\ \ \_\_\_\ \ \_\/__
           \ \  \ \ \\ \  \/\ \\ \  \ \ \\ \  \ \ \\/_/ \/\ \
            \ \  \_\ \\ \  \ \ \\ \  \_\ \\ \  \ \ \ /\  \ \ \
             \ \_____/ \ \__\ \_\\ \_____/ \ \__\ \_\\ \__\ \ \
              \/____/   \/__/\/_/ \/____/   \/__/\/_/ \/__/\/_/

           If you are a SPEED or ELITE Swapper then send NOW too:

          NOT ON ENVOLUPE!   Helloween of Bronx   NOT ON ENVOLUPE!

                                Jan Nielsen
                               Bornholmsgade 2
                             7430 Ikast S. East.
                          Denmark, The European Union

                      Also for your owe group t-shirt!
   Price: 1 T-Shirt incl. Colour pic. On front or back + black group logo.
                               200 DKK + Porstage

					o-7 dAy old wAreZ ?
   | ,---.-----------.---, |
   |(    | LOOP/IRIS |    )|
   | \,__|___________|__,/ |		      Support my pack 'The Verdict'
   |_______________________| searching for new VHS-
 contacts all over the world.
 Send a video cassette with 		       ! ! !   L E G A L   ! ! !
 your hottest movie to:

 N-4033  FORUS

 MOVIE -> 100% ANSWER,SO WRITE		                           reval/pulse
 NOW! GREETS TO ALL CONTACTS!		                           nico cebron
					                      78315 radolfzell

Support Necronomicon and Aggression, today!¡!  ___
           ______  ____  ______    _______    /__/__________
           \_ __/  \_  \ \_    \   \_  \  \  / \_ ________  \
           /  (/\  /    \ |  \  \  /    \  \/  /  _)_ | _/  /
 _ __  /\_/   /  \/  /\  \|  (\  \/  /\  \    /   l  \| \  <__/\  __ _
     \/   \_______\_//____\______/__//____\  /\______/l__\___\  \/
                                           \/ Thy shall all become one!
For highest
elite swap,     Tyrant/CADAVER                     (Not only disk-swap!)
joining and     Fiolstien 6                   ])>»Only Famous dudez!«<([
4 supporting    4340 BRYNE                 (Long Letterz rulez, get it?)
our 2 mags:     NORWAY           (own-/contacts- productions-swap ONLY!)
                          (More contacts in cracking-groups are wanted!)

Greetz 2: Achme Projects  Angelica  Anthrox  Apocalypse  Balance  Bronx
Calibra  Compact  Crystal  Decnite  Defekt  Defiance  Destiny  Effect
Enemy  Fanatic  Genocide  Infect  Iris  Lazerdance  Legend  Mad Elks
Majestetic  Midway  Nebulus  Obscene  Parasite  Poorsoft  S!P  ScoopVHS
Slayer  Sonic  Stone Arts  Talent  TBL  Virtual Dreams/Fairlight  Vision
Wartec  WFMH  X-trade and to all Cadaverbeings and forgotten ones!

                          FasT & FrIenDly SwaPpinG

           KLF / FATE         RAYER / FATE        ELIOT / FATE
         Marcin Kaminski   Bartosz Wyspianski     Tomasz Sowa
          Sloneczna 6/1    Mickiewicza 107H/6   Al.Jana Pawla II 34/1
           64-920 Pila        64-920 Pila        37-450 Stalowa Wola
             POLAND             POLAND               POLAND


        >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ReMeMbEr! EvErYbOdY GeT AnSwEr<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

      /\______/\______/\______/\__	     T       THY SHALL ALL BECOME ONE!
     // _____//      /   ____/___/\	    N     R  ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­
    /·  /\__/·  /___/___   ·/   /\/	   A     E    I want even more contax
   /   /\/ /   /\__/   /  //   /\/2	  R  F  V       Highest elite only
  /   / / /   / / /   /   /   / /F	 Y  O  A        0-3 dayz old warez
 /   /\/ /   /\/ /   /   /   /\/a	T     D
/___/ / /___/ / /_______/___/ /$	     A              TRT/CDR
\___\/  \___\/  \_______\___\/t		    C              Fiolstien 6
					                   4340 BRYNE
         trA$H HEaÐ/TRsI!		Illegal elite        NORWAY
 					preferred, but all
            P.O.Box 144			ownprod-swappers will get an answer!
          05822 Milanowek		Addy also for joining and support!
              Poland.			We are especially looking for more
					coders and graphicians!¡!

/\/\/ ||||||||||
\/\/  ||||||||||
/\/   /O* \/O* \
\/   ( **  )**  ) ...oooOOO Kewl Cøntactz Wanted OOOooo...
/    |\___/\___/
     |.  .     \______________________
     | . .      '''''                 \
     | . .         ____                )
     |. .         /___________________/
     |.           \  /\
     |    _________\(__)  Før z\x/apping 1200/600 ztuff 'n' metal tapez!
 ___ |   |*|__| |__|               Nø dizk ør t/\p3, nø anz\x/er
/   \|   |*|    _________________
| \      |*|  _/...____________  \
| o       \*\/ _____________   \  \ \X/RITE TO....
| /        \/ /*/    ___    \   \  \MAGZ <-DON`T WRITE THIZ!
 \__/\      \*\/____/__ \    \   :  \MAGNE P. ZACHRISEN
      \         : . : __/     \      \ASCHEHOUGSGT. 19
       \        ..:..-|---     \     /3183 HORTEN
        \     : . . .\|--       \___/NORWAY
         \    ____\_\/\
          |Magz|     \ \

\ \/ /···æ¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢æ
·\  /····æ¢¢4 sWåPp¿Ng tHe låTe$t¢¢¢¢æ
··/\···I·æ¢¢legål $tµFf wR¿Te tØ..¢¢¢æ	 dJ mElLoW nOiSe AMIGA e.p. !
·/--\··N·æ---------------------------æ	             oF dA rEcAlL pOsSe...
/___ \·T æ    VåÐiµM/EpiLOGue        æ
|   \··E·æ     AlExAnDeR ÐeAk        æ	   HaRthOuSe&mElLoW
| () |·L·æ    HaUsHeRrEnStR. 5       æ	                nO cOmmErCiaL !
|____/···æ    78³15 RaÐoLfZeLl       æ
··_····O·æ        GERMANY            æ	 çOnTaX mE uNdEr :
·| |···U·æ---------------------------æ                     dEnNiS mUnDt
·| |···T·æ°°I $wæPp aLl K¿Nd$ øF°°°°°æ	    wOlFsBuRgErStr.42
·|_|···S·æ°°°°°°°°°$TµFf°°°°°°°°°°°°°æ	                06126 hAlLe/gErMaNy
_ · _··I·æ°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°æ	  (aLsO fOr TaPe,sWaP&fRiEnDsHiP)
 | | |·D·æ > Gøød Stuff      = 120% <æ
 |_| |·E·æ > Fr¿enÐsh¿p      = 110% <æ	 Dj mLnO's nEwEsT sOnG :
_____|···æ > ÆGÆ Stuff       = 150% <æ	                     (oF dIsk!)
|\  |\···æ > ø - 7 Ðays      = 200% <æ	 mElLoW sUmMeR 94 ! - HaRtHoUsE mIx
| \ | \··æ°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°æ	  wItH tHe bEsT sAmPleS oF 1993 !
||\\||\\·æ°°°°Nø п$k = B¿g r¿$K°°°°°æ	          (iNcL.PrOlOG!)
æ°°°°°°°All Diskx 100% reply°°°°°°°°°æ

             G£t iN T0uCH wiTh zu/\/\ of Da ke\/\/l FucK£rZ in
 \_________/O \_____/O \____/O \____/O \____/O \____/O \______/O \_________/
   \______/o  .  \_/o  .  \/o  .  \/o  .  \/o  |  \/o  ____/_/o  .  \____/
     \___/.   |___/.   |   .   |   .   |   .   |   .   __)__/.   |  (__/
        /     |        .    \  |    \  .    \  |    \  |         .    \
        \  _ __    /___|    /___    /__|    /___    /___    /____|    /
         \/ Y  \  /Y    \  /Y   \  /Y   \  /Y   \  /Y   \  /Y     \  /
            :   \/ .     \/ :    \/ ·    \/ :    \/      \/ .      \/
            .               ·                       .
Paulo Ardenghi            Peter Svanqvist  J.Skjefstadmo.  Per Einar Forberg
Miguel Tostes 139 - 1104  Sandangsv. 2     Hamarveien 287  Thor Heyrdalsgt.4
90430 - 061 PORTO ALEGRE  135 49  Tyresø   2400 ELVERUM    3259 LARVIK
BRASIL                    SWEDEN           NORWAY          NORWAY
-SWAP-                    -SWAP/FIGHTER-   -SWAP-         -LONG-LETTER-SWAP-

          _________ ____ __________
    :::M/\\        \\   \\        /\
    ::H/  \\_____   \\   \\  ____/ /
    :R/   //      __//   //\__  \\/:	    _  /\ __ __ ___   _  __ ____ ____
    :/   //   /    //   //      /\::	   / \/ // // // _ \ / \/ // __// __/\
    /___//___/____//___//______/ /::	  /    // // // _  //    // /_ / _/_\/
    \___\\___\\___\\___\\______\/:::	 / /\_/ \___/ \// / \/\_/ \___\\___/\
    ::::::::::...FRANCE...::::::::::	 \/ /\\/ \__\/ \\/ / \/\\/ \___\\__\/
    :is looking 4 friendly contacts:	  \/             \/abs
    :                              :
    :just take a pen and write a ve:	  2 contact the cool'n dark caves  of
    :-ry long letter + disk to me..:	  Nuance  grab your pen and write 2 :
    :                              :
    :        Chris of !R!S         :	          X-Poole of Nuance
    :       34 Rue Dumoncel        :	          Marco   Willemsen
    :         75014 PARIS          :	          Eibenstr.      24
    :                              :	          49828   Neuenhaus
    :         F R A N C E          :	               Germany
    :                              :
    :                              :	       ---=> çøø£ as ¡çe <=---
    :Also for membership...........:
    :                              :
    :: Friendship is our Business ::
|               /     |
|  »  /\ \/|   |/  «  |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|``````````````|
|  » /  \/\|/  |.  «  | greetz to all my contax!!     |    Disk(s)   |
|                     |                               |       =      |
| fOr LeGaL sWapPinG: | see ya in da next long ledda!!|    No rIsK   |
|                     |```````````````````````````````````````````````
|  aLexAnDeR wEiSe    |
|                     | "ein echter Estwing" :-) (aChTUng onLy 4 iNsiDer)
|  eLpEr wEg 116      | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^             /\/\
|                     |    __            °|°             \/\/    \°/
|    » 45657 «        |   /_/\           \_/              \/      |
|  rEcKLiNgHAuSeN     |   \_\/                                   / \
|                     |  a cRimSon pOol sO   -------  wArM & deEp * lulLs
\°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°/  mE To aN eNdLeSS    \     /  sLeEp * yOuR HanD
 \                   /   In MiNe - i WiLl bE  \.../   bRaVe * tAkE mE
  \    hEy Ho       /    fRoM tHiS EaRtH *     \./    aN EnDlEsS nIGhT -
   \               /     ThIs, The eNd oF      / \    LiVe * fRoM ThE
    \  lEt`s gO   /      DaRk i FeEl YoUr     /...\   LiPs * aNd i TaStE
     \           /       YoUr BlOoDy KiSs..  /.....\
      \         /                            -------  -Type O Negative
       \_______/                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

:::::   ___________ ________     ________   ________       ___________
:::::  /           \\      /_____\      /   \      /      /           \
::::: / .   |      //     /¯  . //     /    /     /_____ / .   |______/
::::: \ \   |_____/ \    /   / / \    /_____\____ ¯  / / \ \   |___/__
::::   \ \  |        \  /   / /   \  /¯    / \  /   / /   \ \  ¦   ¯  \
:::     \___|         \_______\    \_______\  \_______\    \___       /
::          ¬                 ¬            ¬          ¬       \______/
.                                                                   ¬
.                              REVAL OF PULSE
:::   nICo cEbROn                    GREETZ 2:TRSI,RAM JAM,CHROME,OBSCENE,DCS
::::: 78315 rADOLFzell               TEAM EXTREME,JEWELS,BLACK JACK,INFECT,
::::: gErMAnY                        MOVEMENT,G.A.C,ANGELICA,BANAL PROJ,S!P,
:::::                                VISION,PRINCIPES,CADAVER,OUTLAWS,INTER-
::::: 0-7 day old warez + legal      ACTIVE,UNLIMITED,BONZAI,FREEZERS,SAVAGE..

.oO0Oo.oO0Oo.oO0Oo.oO0Oo.oO0Oo.oO0Oo.o	 *************************************
o                                    O	 *                                   *
O     Have you already voted in      0	 *            S A N I T Y            *
0    the Eurocharts this month ?     O	 *                                   *
O                                    o	 *************************************
o       So, grap your pen, and       .	 *                                   *
.       send your votes either       o	 *         TRASHER OF SANITY         *
o       on Cheques, Banknotes,       O	 *        -------------------        *
O      Pampers or anything else      0	 *           Oliver Plink            *
0     (A4000s are VERY welcomed)     O	 *           Im Kirchen.6            *
O                 to:                o	 *         W-89155 Erbach 2          *
o                                    .	 *             Germany               *
.                                    o	 *                                   *
o         -x* Eurocharts *x-         O	 * wanted: modules, gfx, legal stuff *
O          Nybrovej 304, s5          0	 *                                   *
0            2800  Lyngby            O	 *   ---- NO BEGINNERS PLEASE ----   *
O              Denmark               o	 *                                   *
o                                    .	 *        ....demo or die !!!        *
.                                    o	 *                                   *
oO0Oo.oO0Oo.oO0Oo.oO0Oo.oO0Oo.oO0Oo.oO	 *************************************

            __/\____________._/\  _______/\  _______/\  __/\_______
            \_   .____/\_   ¦   \ \_   .   \ \_   .   \ \_   _____/
            /    |_____/    :    \/    |    \/    |    \/____.    \
           /     |     \    .     \    .     \    |     \    |     \
          /      ¦      \   |      \   |      \   ¦      \   ¦      \
 ¡F ¥øµ wåNNa pµR3 fr¿3n𣥠tRåð¡nG? tH3n ¥øµ    ···:----^-----------^--------
 ðøn`t h3$t¡tåte tø wR¿t3 m3 nøw!  b3 $µRe tø       ¦   CHAOS OF DESIRE
 g3t å få$t ån$w3r.  çøø£`n`£øng £3ttå$ rµl3$       |     Dirk Wiemer
 øfçøµr$3 ånð ðøn`t førg3t ðå µ$µå£ ð¿$k(s?)!       | Thueringer Str. 150
 ¡ å£$ø pr3f3r a££(!) øth3r çråz¥ $tµff,wh¿çh       <  14770 Brandenburg
 ðø ¥å m3 $enð. 100% ®3p£¥ gµåråntee! ¥ø fø£x       ¦       Germany
 wR¡t3 $øøn & måk3 m¥ ðå¥....ð3$trø¥ få$ç¡$m!      ·:----^-----------^--------
    & aLwAy$ r3/X\3mBeR :    t E s T e D   o N   a N i M a L s    : y3ke!?

          *             ____  ____   ________  ____      *            +
      ¤      #--:>>> * :    \:    \ :.       \: .  \         <<<:--#
  !            /       :.    \    : :.   \    \    :   *    ð    \     *    +
              /    *   :.     \  .: :. ________\.  :___           \
       +     : ¤       :   \     .: :    \    : .  :   \           :  ¤   ð
             :    *****:.   \    .: :.    \   :       . \*****     :
 *           :   ******:____:\____: :_____/   :__________\******   :     +
         !   :  *************************************************  :
    +        : ************** ^ /\/3@¶£æ$!æ ^ ******************** :  !
             :*****************************************************:       *
 !    ¤     >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
                                                                      +  ð
     NEOPLASIA iS hArDlY lOoKiNg 4 sUm nEw kEwL mEmBeRs - eSpEcIaLlY cOdErS !
   !                                                                 *
      *       If you think you are good enuff then contact our GHQ:
 +       Cyborg of Neoplasia   *     For ELITE-swapping write 2 :   ¤
     ¤      Helge Ruland                                                   +
  !     An der Krähenhardt 14    +       Horra of Neoplasia     ð     !
         51674 Wiehl/Germany         +     Thomas Horacek                *
 ð                             !           Hauptstraße 39         +
     *          +     !     ð      ¤   95173 Schönwald/Germany       *
           !                                                               ©Y8

					   _________    _________ _________
					   \____  _/FnM \_  _  _/ \____  _/
					   /   |  ¬\    /   |   \ /   |  ¬\
					  / /  !    \  //   !\___/ /  !    \
 -=TRSI=- /\    RAYTRACED DREAMS?	 / //  |     \/o    |   / //  |     \
         /\/\     IMAGINE RULEZ?	(_____________)_____|  (_____________)
    /\  / /\ \ YES!!! SO, WRITE TO:
   / / /\ dg\/				  Wanna make your dream comes true ?
  /  \/ /\/ /     RESET OF TRSI
  \/\ \ \/ /      1GO MAJA 11/2		    Drop a bottle in the big ocean
     \ \/ /       56-300 MILICZ		           or just write to
      \/_/         P O L A N D		       NaPoLeOn / DREAMDEALERS
					              Po Box 56
					          (Ask for Emmanuel)

					             Only Elite !

                 _________   ______    ________   _________
                /\________\ /\_____\  /\_______\ /\________\
                \/o        \ /o__   \ \/o       \ /o ___    \
                 \__    ___// / /\   \ \_     __//  /_  \___/
                 / /   / / / /_/ /   /  /\   / \/o  \_\
                / /   / / /  \_\/  _/  / /  /   \__    \
            ___/ /   / / /   __    \__/ /  /______/\    \
           /\__\/    \/ /   / /\\  /__\/   \______\/    /
           \/o       /\/o  /  \/o //o    . . .o. . .   /
            \_______/  \__/    \_/ \__________________/ NORWAY

        IRIS Norway are in need of skilled persons to join them.
        If you want to join them,write to one of this addys:

           Spacehawk/IRIS NHQ              Zerox/IRIS WHQ
           JanVidar Meling                 Frode Hansen
           Hogeveien 47                    Grannes Terrasse 37
           N-4026 Stavanger                4044 Hafrsfjord
           Norway                          Norway

              Di/\l zu/V\ øf da ke\X/l C/\dA\/£R BBS' 2Dey!!!

"THE CRYPT"                "GREENHOUSE"             "THE DARK SECRET WHQ"
240 Megs/24H/14.4          14.4/soon 500 megs       14.4/Kewl conferences
Sysop: Mr.T/CADAVER        Ssp: Black Tornado/CDR   Sysop: Pathseeker/CDR
Dial: +47 72 58 10 52      Dial: +47 56 18 45 64    Dial: +47 22 50 85 51

120 Megs/25 Mhz/14.4       24H/14.4/HPA-filez       14.4/500 megs/Porno¡¡
Sysops: Noise Data/CDR     Sysop: Decker/CADAVER    Sysop: Martin/CADAVER
 - and Codeine/ENERGY      Dial: +47 77 07 31 18    Dial: +47 22 37 19 74
Will soon be online again  No password, no aXez     Password needed!¡!

"ANARCHY"                 ]>» MoRe aRe cOmMiN'!¡! «<[  Tyrant/CADAVER WHQ
14.4/ELITE WAREZ              -JOIN US YOU TOO-        Fiolstien 6
Sysops: Dpd/CDR & Msk/CDR         C/\DA\/£R            4340  BRYNE

 -| |______________________________	1oo%  \\|//_      To.Get.Touch.With
_|-|_        \   __ \     _  \_ pl/	    /V\\://V\
| |_    _   _ \_   \ \___  \__/   \	   /   \ /   \  MIKE/DEFIANCE  __/\__
 | _|-__/   \__/   ___/  \   \_    \_	  /\___/ \___/\  KAPTEENINTIE 4\ oO /
|- |_        /       \_       /     /	 / ___________ \  20810 TURKU  /_--_\
 |_| | _____/____\____/______/_____/	 \  \  / \  /  /    FINLAND      \/
|_| |-|                    COLA__-	  \  \/   \/  /
					   \_________/ fØr $wapP!nG dA pHuCkiN
          for swapping write		   /        \  £Ate$t!. .o.aLso AGA.o.
                Python			  /   |      \_
              po box 105		_/    |_______/ support with ownprods,
           43-200  pszczyna		\_____|   o   \  news,adz 'Tradepack'!
                poland			(_____)_______/
					  \      _   \ fAst sEnDs^cOo£ lEtTerS
gretz  2:  ABS!, ACS, AFL, ARISE, BLC,	   7     \\   \
CDR,  CMPCT,  DMS, DCS, FCT, NME, NRG,	   |      Y    \ fOr gEt da fAsTesT
HZD,  ILS,  IFT,  IRIS, JKR, MDE, M12,	   |______|____/  pAcK ->Tradepack<-
OLB, PST, PLS, RJ, S!P, SCT, TNC, UNN,	   |______|____\   a$ 0-dAy wArE!!!!!!
X-TDE and all the forgotten.		:::(______)_____)iSO::::::::::::::::::

*     .                              ..                                      *
*     |         .                                         ..............     *
*   ·-+-·      ..          /\|¯¯¯¯|| || /\ |\    ||       ..........         *
*     |       ...         //\\|¯¯¯|| ||//\\||\   ||       .......            *
*     ·     .....        //  \\   || |//  \\|\\  ||       .....              *
*         .......       ((   |))--|| ((    )) \\ ||       ...                *
*      ..........        \\  //\\    |\\  //|  \\||       ..        |        *
*  ..............         \\//| \\   ||\\//||   \\|       .        _|_       *
*                          \/||  \\  || \/ ||    \|                 |        *
*                                                                            *
*                                                                            *
*        Are you independent or unhappy with your current group ?            *
*        The new German division of ORION seeks more quality members!        *
*                                                                            *
*        We're looking for good coders, musicans, graphicans, etc...         *
*        If you want to be a part of a group based on friendship and         *
*        have lot of fun then contact:                                       *
*                                                                            *
*                 Natas oF OriOn          ExODus oF Ø®¿øN                    *
*                 " OUTSIDE "             aLExAnDer Deak                     *
*                 PoSTe rEStAnTe          HaUsHeRReNsTr.5                    *
*                 78315 rADOLFzell        78315 rADOLFzell                   *
*                 Germany                 Germany                            *

             <>    <>
             _____________    		    _  /\ __ __ ___   _  __ ____ ____
             \ \   \ \  __)  		   / \/ // // // _ \ / \/ // __// __/\
             / / | / / (__		  /    // // // _  //    // /_ / _/_\/
             \ \ ) ) \\__ )		 / /\_/ \___/ \// / \/\_/ \___\\___/\
             /_/_|_|_/___/ 		 \/ /\\/ \__\/ \\/ / \/\\/ \___\\__\/
             Y     V U			  \/             \/abs
             . DK  : |
             :     o .			     4 real cool elite swapping
             o       :			     grab your pen and write 2:
             Contact o
					         X-Poole of Nuance
             IRIS DK HQ				 Marco   Willemsen
         RODEGAARSV.79,1.TH			 Eibenstr.      24
           5000 ODENSE C			 49828   Neuenhaus
              DEMARK			           G e r m a n y

         Joining - Swapping 		       also 4 Samples'n Tunes

              _________    __________     _________     _____
             /__  ____/\ _/      ___/\  _/    ____/\  _/____/\
             \_/    \_\///   __    \\/ //____    \\/ //   \_\/
             /       \_/      /     \_/           \_/      \_
             \________/\_____/\      /\______      /\_______/\
              \_______\/\____\/\____/ /\_____\____/ /\______\/
               back to the roots\___\/ .pTh.  \___\/1984-1994

                             contact TRSI under

              norby             python             trash head
            po box 20         po box 105           po box 144
          56-300 milicz     43-200 pszczyna     05-822 milanowek
           (join,swap)        (swap,gfx)             (swap)

        answer is guaranteed if sendin' new stuff and cool letter

              greetings fly out to our friends in the scene

:        ©Y8ø®G øF /\/3ø¶£æ$¡æ       :
: is lookin 4 sum new kewl contacts! :
:                                    :
:  So if ya think you are kewl and   :	      /------------------------\
: funny enough then contact me,dude! :	      |  FoR FaSt & FrIeNdLy   |
:                                    :	      |  SwAppInG WrItE To:    |
:  +   ¤  Cyborg of Neoplasia   ¤    :	      |                        |
:            Helge  Ruland        +  :	      |       KLF/FATE         |
:   ¤ !  An der Krähenhardt 14       :	      |   ul.Sloneczna 6/1     |
:         51674 Wiehl/Germany      ! :	      |     64-920 Pila        |
: +  (contact also for joining !!)   :	      |        POLAND          |
:                                  ¤ :	      |                        |
: ! ./\______  ______/\../\.  !      :	      |    disk = 100% answa   |
:   |°    : .\|       °||. |      +  :	      |++++++++++++++++++++++++|
:   |.    : .||:::::  _||. | ¤       :	      |EvErYbOdY GeT AnSwEr !!!|
:  *|. :  : .||   .__/**|  |___/\.*  :	      |++++++++++++++++++++++++|
:***|. :     ||   |*****|  ...  .|***:	      \------------------------/
:***|__:___ .||  _|*****|______ °|***:
 \ /    X______  ___________________________________________     *  .
--*--  /|\     \/      |            |           |           |.\|/
 / \  / | \            |            |    ___    |______     |--*--  x
     /  |  \           |     /\     |    |/|____|     /    /  /|\
  . /   |   \          |            |    |_    |     /    /    .   .
 .      |     _  _     |            |    |/|   |    /    /_____ .
 \ /  . |    |\\/\|    |            |          |  /|           |  *    .
  X     |____| \\ |____|_____/\_____|__________| / |___________|     x .
 / \    \    \  \\\    \     \ \    |          //  /           /   .
         \    \  \\\    \     \ \   |         //  /           /x  /
 . *    x \    \ | .\    \     \ \  |        / | /           / \ /.
           \____\|   \____\_____\/\_|_______/  |/___________/   X
      .                                                        / \
             ...IS OUT LOOKING FOR SOME COOL CONTACTS!        /   \

       4 z\/\//\pp¡ng /\1200 & /\600 ztuff + m3t/\£ t/\p3z!!!
              z3nd d¡zk ()r t/\p3 4 100% /\nz\/\/3r!!!
                   z33 y/\ /\t th3 G/\th3r¡ng 94!!!
             NO LAMERS!!! NO FASCISTS!!! NO IDIOTS(!!??)
                          Magne P. Zachrisen
                            Aschehougsgt 19
                             3183 HORTEN
					Oo.  H O G A N   O F  H U M A N S  .oO
					o _____ _____   _       _      ____  o
      _  ____  _   ____			. \   / \   /  | \     / |    /  _ | .
     | ||  _ \| | / __/			   | |   | |   |  \   /  |   /  / \|
     | || \  /| | \_ \			   | |___| |   |   \_/   |   \  \
     |_||_|\_\|_|/___/ Norway     |	   |  ___  |   | |\   /| |    \  \
  --------------------------------*-- 	   | |   | |   | | \_/ | |     \  \
    When it comes to friendship   |	   | |   | |   | |     | |  |\_/  /
					  /___\ /___\ /___\   /___\ |____/
  IRIS Norway are in need of more
  skilled persons.Send example of your	        FoR fAsT AdD FriEnDly
  work to one of the below addresses.	            sWaP wRiTe tO:
  Coders and graphicians are especially
  wanted,but musicians,modemtraders are	        H O G A N / H U M A N S
  also welcome to join our great crew.
					           Andrzej  Kotlega
  Spacehawk/NHQ    Zerox/WHQ		         Ul. Ciszewskiego 3/5
  Hogeveien 47     Grannes Terrasse 37	           78-200 Bialogard
  4026 Stavanger   4044 Stavanger	             P O L A N D
  Norway           Norway		.                                    .
					o  LeTTer + DiSk(S) = fast answer    o
					Oo.                                .oO

     ______  _______    ___  ____       __________  __________  __   __  ______
    / __/_/ /     \ \  / // / / /      / ____  / / /       / / / /  / / / __/_/
   / /___  /  ()  | | / // / / /      / /   / / / / /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ / /  / / / /___
  / __/_/ / _____/_/ / // / / /      / /   / / / / /   ____  / /  / / / __/_/
 / /___  / / /      / // / / /      / /   / / / / /   / / / / /__/ / / /___
/___/_/ / / /      / // /  ¯¯¯¯/¯/ /  ¯¯¯¯ / / /  ¯¯¯¯ / / /      / /___/_/
        ¯¯¯¯       ¯¯¯  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
N                    VADIUM/EPILOGUE                   A1200 Rulezz!!
T            ¿s st¿Ll seåRch¿ng 4 mØre contæx
E                                                      °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°
L                   ©øntæçt mE nøW 4:                  °      Wr¿Te tØ..     °
                                                       °                     °
O     1ØØØ%       - ø-7 ÐåYs øLd sTµ££ -               °   VaDiUM/EpILogUE   °
U     BACK        - ÆGÆ $TµF£          -               °    AlEXanDer DEAk   °
T     REAL!       - LeGål $WaP         -               °   HaUSheRrEnSTr. 5  °
S                 - Fr¿EnÐsH¿PsWaPp¿Ng -               °   78³¹5 rADOLFzell  °
I                                                      °       GErmANy       °
D          --> GO DAWN DISK STEALERS & LAMERS <--      °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°
   Greets 2 my friends in: Depth, Ram Jam, Black Jack, Pulse, Damage, TEDP
                           Mador, Diffusion, Illusions, Hostile, Darkness
                           Mad Elks, Epilogue, Status O.K, Axel F/Ind.

*                                                                           *
*    X - T R E M E              X - T R E M E             X - T R E M E     *
*                                                                           *
*                                                                           *
*    DR. DOOM                   SIR JINX                  HAMLOCK           *
*    Jan Schneider              Ingo Winkler              Thorsten Bastian  *
*    Siriusbogen 58             Antoniusplatz 01          Badallee 10       *
*    24943 Flensburg            49661 Cloppenburg         25832 Tönning     *
*    Germany                    Germany                   Germany           *
*                                                                           *
*    (WHQ+GHQ)                  (WHQ+GHQ)                 (swapping)        *
*                                                                           *
*                                                                           *
*    If -YOU- are a talented Coder, Graphican, Musican or Modemtrader       *
*    then contact Dr.Doom or Sir Jinx with a Piece of your Work !!!!!       *
*                                                                           *

:\\                \         //(_	   _________    _________ _________
::\\       ______   \  /____/(_  )	   \____  _/FnM \_  _  _/ \____  _/
:::\\/     \.__//  _/____  \// \/\	   /   |  ¬\    /   |   \ /   |  ¬\
::://       \\\    \    '   /     \	  / /  !    \  //   !\___/ /  !    \
:://_________\\\____\______/_______\	 / //  |     \/o    |   / //  |     \
··``---------------------------<jz>-'	(_____________)_____|  (_____________)

      fUnNy 3l|t3 $h0u|d wR|t3 4	       NaPoLeOn / DREAMDEALERS
                           _________	              Po Box 56
      * fA$t An$W3R        \::::::::	        F.13153 TARASCON CEDEX
      * cRaP$3nD|n          \:::::::	                FRANCE
      * |0nG |3tta$          \::::::
      * fR|3Nd$h|P            \:::::	Greetz 2: Trasher/Sanity,Zinko/Kefrens
      * 5.25 d|$x $wApP|N      \::::	   Nighthawk/Rebels,Astro/Movement,
      * dR|nk|n p0l|$h w0DkA    \:::	    Chaos/Desire,Mr King/Scoopex,
\     * pAck $uPp0Rt (s00n!)     \::	  Melvin/Skandal,Rocketeer/Ram Jam,
:\                                \:	     Vodka/Saturne,Skull/Jetset,
::\         N0RBY / TRSI		   Lord/Absolute!, Steffen/Speedy,
:::\        P.0. BOX  20		       Wolfman & Blaze/Balance,
::::\      56-300  M|LICZ		        and all the others...
jz:::\      P-0-L-A-N-D!

                    . ..___   _______     ___    ______.
                   ..::/  /\ /  __   )   /  /\ ,' __   )..
                  ..::/  / //  /_/  / ) /  / //  /_/__/ ).
                  .::/  / //  __   ( / /  / //____   )\/...
                  .:/  / //  / /)  /( /  / /,' /_/  / ):.:
                 ../__/ //__/ //__/ //__/ //_______/ /:::.
                  .\__\/ \__\/ \__\/ \__\/ \_______\/:.:.

                         cOnTacT IRIS For sWapPing

        Darkhawk/IRIS            Daffy/IRIS            Adonis/IRIS
       0sby Nedergade 20        Bregnevaenget 7       Stadionvej 21
       6100 Haderslev           3050 humlebaek        6100 Haderslev
          Denmark                  Denmark               Denmark

             Enclose a disk or two to be sure to get an answer

                  /\          T r a u m a    o f         /\
      	         /  \   __ __________ __         ____   /  \
                / /\/  /  \\ ______ //  \\\    \\\__/  / /\ \
               / /    /____\\\    ///____\\\   ///__  /   __/
               \ \___//    \\\\  ////    \\\\_///___ / /\ \
                \____/      \\\\////      \\\_/ \__// /  \_\

    'As The Pagan Winter Brings It's Coldest Days Of Sorrow, We Worship The
     Darkest Black-Metal In Our Cryptic Caves Under Freezing Moonlight... '

   For swapping the best of BLACK/DEATH/DOOM/THRASH-METAL on 90-min. tapes,
 please contact me! If you really want a positive answer from me; SEND A TAPE
            (with music on) AND YOUR COMPLETE LIST TO ME!!!!!!!!!

    TRAUMA / CADAVER                       Norwegian Black-Metal rules!
    HELGE NORVANG                        Hail Burzum, DarkThrone, Emperor
    BOX 730                             Enslaved, Thorns, Immortal, Mayhem
    N-1733 HAFSLUNDSØY                  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

___________________________________________________  ______     ______
\________     \________    \______       /    _    \|      |   |      |
  /     /     /   ____7    /     7______/_    7__   \      |___|_     |______
 /     _   __/    \_______/__            /    __/    \     |     \    |      \
/      |     \_             /           /     |       \    |     /    |      /
\______|______/____________/  _________/______|____   /_____    /_______    /
- -- ---------------------\__/---[·R·E·C·A·L·L·]---\_/------\__/-zorro!-\__/-
          D_J M_E_L_L_O_W N_O_I_S_E O_F D_A R_E_C_A_L_L P_O_S_S_E
                 .....  tHe e×pErIeNçe fOr yOuR bRaIn .....

 A_M_I_G_A  E_P  !_!_!  çOnTa× mE uNdeR : D_E_N_N_I_S  M_U_N_D_T
                                   W_O_L_F_S_B_U_R_G_E_R_S_T_R_. 4_2
                                      0_6_1_2_6  H_A_L_L_E  /  G_E_R_M_A_N_Y
                                     P_H_O_N_E_: +_4_9 (_0_) 3_4_5 6_6_2_6_2_6

     OuT nOw (oF dIsC!) : MELLOW SUMMER 94 + nEw rEmIx Of GaBbLiErO !!!!
  gReEtS : zOrRo & EkSeC Of InFeCt - dAgRaZ/UnLiMitEd - rEvAl/PuLsE -
                hOoKeR - gEnTlEmAn/MaNiToU - ThE bRaIn/ChIlBlAInS

					           /\/\  /   \    \
       +... 				          /    \/  _  \ |  \
       . 				         /  \/  \  \  /    /
       . Flower Child of Iris		         ~~~~~~~~~~~\/~~~~~
       . is searching for 		         ____  __   __________
         more contacts, so		        / __/ / |__/ |  /  __/
         if you want a 			       /  _]_/  |  \    \__  \
         friendship contact,		       \     \_____/_|  / ___/
         write today!			        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\/

         Jydekrogen 2			               WRITE TO:
         5580 Nr. Aaby
         Denmark             .		           IRON OF MAD ELKS
                             .		          Broniewskiego 36/8
         Iris - Pure Energy! .   	          59-700 Boleslawiec
                          ...+		                POLAND

					       Letter + disk(s) = answer

          *             ____  ____   ________  ____      *            +
      ¤      #--:>>> * :    \:    \ :.       \: .  \         <<<:--#
  !            /       :.    \    : :.   \    \    :   *    ð    \     *    +
              /    *   :.     \  .: :. ________\.  :___           \
       +     : ¤       :   \     .: :    \    : .  :   \           :  ¤   ð
             :    *****:.   \    .: :.    \   :       . \*****     :
 *           :   ******:____:\____: :_____/   :__________\******   :  ¤  +
         !   :  *************************************************  :
    +        : ************** ^ /\/3@¶£æ$!æ ^ ******************** :  !
             :*****************************************************:       *
 !    ¤     >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<   +

 A mother held her daughter  ð  *    C   NEOPLASIA needs sum more kewl talen-
 For 15 minutes under water          O   ted members ! Especially Coders wan-
 Not to cause her any troubles     ! D   ted !!! So dont hesitate to contact
 Just to see the funny bubbles...    E   our German Headquarter :
                                     R                               +   *
 ¤    For swapping contact :    !    S  ¤   *    Cyborg of Neoplasia
    !                                               Helge  Ruland       ¤
        Horra of Neoplasia        WANTED!   !   An der Krähenhardt 14       !
  *   +   Thomas Horacek     *                   51674 Wiehl/Germany    +
          Hauptsraße  39             !     +                          ð
     95173  Schönwald/Germany    ¤            ð         *                  ©Y8

              ______  ______ _____    ______   ______   __  ___
The          /  ___/\/  ___//  __ \  /      \ /  __  \ /  \/  /\  //
official    /  /___\/  __/ /     _/\/  / /  //  __   //      / / ///     /
           /  /_/ //  /__\/  /\  \\/  /_/  //  / /  //      / / ////    / /
  / // // /______//_____//__/ /__//__/ /__//__/ /__//__/\__/ / /////   ///
 /// //// \______\\_____\\__\/\__\\__\/\__\\__\/\__\\__\/\_\/ ///////  ///
 //// ///   _____ ___  ___   ______ ________ ________ ________ //////   /
   /////// /____//__/\/__/\ /_____//_______//_______//_______/ ///////
 /// //// /  ___\\  \_\  \ /  __  \\   __  \\__   __\\   ___/\ /////////
 /// //// \  \ \__\   __  \\   __  \\   __ \_\_\  \   \___  \ \ //////////
 //  ////  \  \/___\  \ \  \\  \ \  \\  \ \  \ \\  \ /____\  \/
 /   //     \______\\__\/\__\\__\/\__\\__\/\__\/ \__\\_______/ <raven/nuance>
  Don't be shy and send your votes, messages, adverts, news, articles... TO:

        THOR of NUANCE        X-POOLE of NUANCE       ANDY of NUANCE
      Juergen Kopfmueller      Marco Willemsen        Andreas Dubois
      Koenigsbergerstr.45       Eibenstr. 24           Starenweg 9
        87439  Kempten         49828 Neuenhaus        89584  Ehingen
           Germany                Germany                Germany

      ___     ___  ___ ___
     / - \   / _ \ \_ Y _/
    /  T¯¯¯\/  Y  \/  !  \_____ __ _	      **************************
   /   |    \  |   \  .   \:::: :: :	      *                        *
  /    !     \_!    \_|    \::: :: :	      *      C H R O M E       *
  \____.    ___.   ___|    /¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯	      *                        *
       l____/  l___/e!l___/ .e.q.x.	      **************************

  For ELITE Trading..			        Contact for swapping

  Messiah Of Equinox AND Banana Dzn..	           ****************
  Nordaastraet 60,5041 Nordaas,Norway.	           *   TORNADO    *
					           *  Po Box 20   *
          .___.        .___. _______	           * 55101 IMATRA *
          |   l___  ___|   |(____  /	           *   FINLAND    *
  _ __ ___| _____ \/ _____ |/  .__/\	           ****************
  : :: :::| \/     \    \/ |   |    \
  : :: :::|  \      \_  /  |   !     \	       disk+letter=100% answer
  ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯l_____   __ _____|___.     /
  .b.d.z.      \___/__/      e!l____/

                          _ _____      ___  __  _______ _____
                   /\/\  / \|    \    / _ \/ |__|  |  //  __/
                  /    \/ _ \  |  \  /  __/\ |  \    </\__  \
                 /  \/ /  /  \    /  \     /    /__|  \_____/
                 ¨¨""°^¤*O\  /O*¤^°""¨¨¨¨¨¨""°^¤*O\___/O¤^°~¨

                     IT'S DA REDMAN - DA RAP PHUNKADELIC
                       DA ONLY MC WHO'S GOIN' TO DO IT

                          HIP-HOP OR RAVE TAPES SWAPPING WRITE TO:

                        R E D M A N  /  M A D  E L K S
                               ROBERT ZABIEGALA
                                 WESOLA 2A/22
                               41-200 SOSNOWIEC

 |             BLACK JACK            |
 +-----------------------------------+	        .oO  B A L A N C E  Oo.
 |       Cool Musicians Write To     |
 |                                   |	           get in touch for
 |     Grand Master B / Black Jack   |	      exchanging the very latest
 |           Kivak.6b as 52          |
 |            15210 Lahti            |	            Oo.  BLAZE  .oO
 |              Finland              |
 |                                   |	         Oystein Kristoffersen
 |        Sample + Module Swap       |	            Haga Terrasse 8
 |                                   |	             3500 Honefoss
 |   New Musicians Send Your Works   |                   Norway
 |                                   |
 |       Disk + Letter = Answer      |	       .. non AGA preferably ..
 |                                   |
 +-----------------------------------+	                support
 |   WHEN THE PAST COMES THE STORMS  |	               upstream!

  Hi! Its Domain here again looking for some new contacts around the world.
 So if you, like I, think that FRIENDSHIP is the thing that makes the world
      go around, then write a nice letter to me for FRIENDLY and ELITE

                                  WRITE TO:
                              Domain/Black Jack
                              Lars Bo Løfgreen
                                 Myntevej 34
                                8900 Randers

  Everybody is welcome, whatever you are girl, elite, beginner, grafixian,
               musician, coder, main ed. or even swapper :-).

                        Life will never be the same!

               _______      __
              /   .   \    / .\
             /   /    /   / / /		    _  /\ __ __ ___   _  __ ____ ____
            /   /    /   / / /		   / \/ // // // _ \ / \/ // __// __/\
           /   .  __/   /   /		  /    // // // _  //    // /_ / _/_\/
          /   /   \\___/ . /		 / /\_/ \___/ \// / \/\_/ \___\\___/\
         /   /    /     / /		 \/ /\\/ \__\/ \\/ / \/\\/ \___\\__\/
         \___   //___  / /		  \/             \/abs
          ~~~\ ./~~~~\  /
              \/      \/		  2 contact the cool'n dark caves  of
                                    	  Nuance  grab your pen and write 2 :
    T R A D E  T H E  L A T E S T !
    *¤°~¬¯¬~°¤*¤°~¬¯¬~°¤*¤°~¬¯¬~°¤*  	          X-Poole of Nuance
           AKIRO / BLACK JACK		          Marco   Willemsen
           LEPOLANKATU.3B  22		          Eibenstr.      24
            1521O LAHTI CITY		          49828   Neuenhaus
                 FINLAND		               Germany
    N O  L A M E R Z  A L L O W E D	       ---=> çøø£ as ¡çe <=---

.___.        .__    ___      .__    ___      .__
|   l___  ___|__\  /__ \  ___|__\  /__ \  ___|__\ .b.a.n.a.n.a d.e.z.I.g.n.
| ____  \/   __/ \/  |  \/   __/ \/  |  \/   __/ \
| \/     \   |    \  |   \   |    \  |   \   |    \   · Messiah/Bdz (And Eqx)
|  \      \  |     \ |    \  |     \ |    \  |     \  : Nordaastraet 60
|   \      \_|      \|     \_|      \|     \_¦      \ ¦ 5041 Nordaas
|______   ___|     __|    ___|     __|    ...:      · | Norway
      \___/  ¦     / l____/· l_____/ l____/  :.....·  |
             :    ·    ·   :  ____    _________|      |   _____    ___
             .   ·  ___;   ¦ / -- \  (______  /|      | __) __ \  /__ \
                   /  ____ |/   T¯¯¯\/   .___/\|      |/  \___  \/  |  \
        _ __ _____/     \/ |    |    \   |     \      |     \/   \  |   \
        : :: ::::/      /  |    |     \  |      \     |     /     \ |    \
        : :: :::/      /   |    !      \_!       \_   |    /       \|     \
        ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯\    ______|____.     ___.      __    |_____.     ..¦     ·
                 \___/          l_____/  l______/     |     l_____/ :....·
                                               |      ¦
Fast Greets Goes To:Spaceballs,Lemon.,Kefrens, ¦      :TRSI,Cryptoburners
                    Masque,Complex,VD/Fairlight:      .Movement,Static Bytes,
                    Alpha Flight,Angels,Hazard,.       Razor 1911 + The Rest.

  \      --= X-TRADE SWEDEN =--      /
  /   IT HURTS TO BE THIS G(O)OD!!   \
  /                                  \
  \           MAILTRADING:           /	         For Latest & Fastest
  /                                  \
  \       X-TRADE SWAPPING WHQ       /	       Splatterhead / Black Jack
  /         PAYDAY / X-TRADE         \	            Vesa Kivisilta
  \          BADSTRANDSV. 6          /	         Lepolankatu 3B as. 22
  /         S-136 49 HANINGE         \	           Fin - 15210 Lahti
  \              SWEDEN              /	               Finland
  /                                  \
  \          LEGAL / ILLEGAL         /	             disk = answer
  /                                  \
  \       YES, CRIME DOES PAY!!      /
  /                                  \

					             /\           /\
					            /  \    _    /  \____
  |                                 | 	           /    \  / \  /        \
 -$---------------------------------$-	          /      \/   \/   _    _ \
  |                                 | 	         /   /\  /        //   / \/
  | FoR fAsT aNd  FrIeNdLy SwApPiNg | 	         \   \ \/   _    //   /
  |     WrIt3 tO tHiS aDrEsS :      | 	       /\ \   \    //   //   /
  |                                 |	      /  \/   /   //   //   /
  | l                               | 	      \      /   //   //   /
  | 3       FLYNN/OUTLAWS      L    | 	       \    /\  ///////   /
  | g        P.O. BOX 35       e    | 	        \  /  \/      \  /
  | A         4900  SPA        G    | 	         \/            \/
  | l          BELGIUM         a    |
  |                            L    |	       CONTACT EXUMER OF SANITY FOR
  |                                 |	          SOME LEGAL SWAPPING!!!
  |                                 |
  |  -Greets to ALL my FRIENDS !!-  |	            THOMAS KOPFMUELLER
  |                                 |	           KOENIGSBERGERSTR. 45
 -$---------------------------------$-	              87439 KEMPTEN
  |                                 |	                 GERMANY

					            ALSO MODULES AND
					             GFX SWAPPING!!

              ______  ______ _____    ______   ______   __  ___
The          /  ___/\/  ___//  __ \  /      \ /  __  \ /  \/  /\  //
official    /  /___\/  __/ /     _/\/  / /  //  __   //      / / ///     /
           /  /_/ //  /__\/  /\  \\/  /_/  //  / /  //      / / ////    / /
  / // // /______//_____//__/ /__//__/ /__//__/ /__//__/\__/ / /////   ///
 /// //// \______\\_____\\__\/\__\\__\/\__\\__\/\__\\__\/\_\/ ///////  ///
 //// ///   _____ ___  ___   ______ ________ ________ ________ //////   /
   /////// /____//__/\/__/\ /_____//_______//_______//_______/ ///////
 /// //// /  ___\\  \_\  \ /  __  \\   __  \\__   __\\   ___/\ /////////
 /// //// \  \ \__\   __  \\   __  \\   __ \_\_\  \   \___  \ \ //////////
 //  ////  \  \/___\  \ \  \\  \ \  \\  \ \  \ \\  \ /____\  \/
 /   //     \______\\__\/\__\\__\/\__\\__\/\__\/ \__\\_______/ <raven/nuance>
  Don't be shy and send your votes, messages, adverts, news, articles... TO:

            THOR of NUANCE          or           ANDY of NUANCE
          Juergen Kopfmueller                    Andreas Dubois
          Koenigsbergerstr.45                     Starenweg 9
            87439  Kempten                       89584  Ehingen
               Germany                              Germany

   Hey, you over there! It's time to
   support our soon comming mag-pack	             -(*OUTLAWS*)-
   called SMEGMA by sending:
    Adverts, News and messages...
   And of course own productions!!!	        ATTENTION  -  ATTENTION
					       0uTlAwS iS  l0oKiNg 4 n3W
   And the addy:			          TaLeNt3d MeMb3rS!!!

           Kari Ojanen			          *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
        Kalliokuja 3 A 4		          -                 -
        07800 Lapinjarvi		          *  FLYNN/OUTLAWS  *
            FINLAND			          -   P.O. BOX 35   -
					          *    4900  SPA    *
         Also for swapping!!!		          -     BELGIUM     -
					          *                 *
    Only dudes who calls themselfs	          -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-

     Greetings to all my contacts!	             -(*OUTLAWS*)-

     ____              _______________
    /    \            /  ____   _____/\   __  ____            _____   _  _
   / _    \  ________/  /\  /  /\    \/  / /\/    \_______   / _  /\ / \/ \
  / /\\   /\/_______    ¯¯¯¯   ¯¯¯¯¯¯\  / / /\_ \________/\ / // / //      \
 / / //  / /\      /  /¯¯¯/  /¯¯¯\   /\/ / /   \ \_     _\// // / //  /\   /\
/  ¯¯¯  / //¯¯¯/\¯/__/ /¯/__/ /¯¯/   ¯¯ / /¯¯¯¯¯ /\/¯¯¯/\ /  ¯ / //  / /  / /
\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\/ \¯¯¯\/ \  \/  \  \/   \¯¯¯¯¯¯\/\¯¯¯¯¯¯\/\¯¯¯\/ \¯¯¯¯\/ \¯¯\/\¯¯\/
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯   ¯¯¯¯   ¯¯¯    ¯¯¯     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯  ¯¯¯¯   ¯¯¯¯¯   ¯¯¯  ¯¯¯

        Grand Duke/Diffusion
        Meijerintie 11                               Taxman/Diffusion
        FiN-62310 Voltti                          Vuorenmaanrinne 34a
        Suomi/Finnland                            FiN-60220 Seinäjoki
        Vuorenmaanrinne 34b                        Beholder/Diffusion
        FiN-60220 Seinäjoki                       Vuorenmaanrinne 34b
        Suomi/Finnland                            FiN-60220 Seinäjoki
                           NamNam for every day!

     +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++	- - A T H E N A / D I F F U S I O N - -
     IF THE SCENE IS TO SMALL 4 U!	---------------------------------------

     For pure elite or  just  nice
     friendship    swapping    you
     should  contact  QWERTY    of
     SCOPE!! Here is the addy:

             QWERTY/SCOPE		           Paula Lehtisaari
             ADRIAN DOLNY		         Vuorenmaanrinne  34b
            62-850  LISKOW		           60220  Seinäjoki
                POLAND			               FINLAND!

     No  answer  to: independents,
     not known groups, etc.Greets:
     Sanity,TRSI,Mad Elks,Stellar,
     Razor 1911, Alchemy, Scoopex,
     Fairlight,Movement,Freezers..	---------------------------------------
					- - A T H E N A / D I F F U S I O N - -

_ _________________:_ __ ___ ___________________ ___ __ _:________________ _
                   |                                     |
      ______________  ___________________________  ___  _______________
      \__________   \/   /   /  ____/  /\______  \/  /\/  /  _________/
       \____/   /   /   /   /  /\__/  / /\_/  /  /  / /  /      \____/
           /   /   /   /   /  / / /  / /  /     /  /\/  /\___   /\
          /   /   /   /   /  / / /  /_/__/  /  /       /       / /
          \______/\______/  / / /_______/__/  /\______/_______/ /
           \_____\/\____/__/ /  \_______\_/__/ /\_____\_______\/
                        \__\/             \__\/                        -ToX-
_ _________________|_ __ ___ ___________________ ___ __ _|________________ _


      - FLYNN  .oOo. OUTLAWS .oOo.   P.O. BOX 35   4900 SPA   BELGIUM -

  ___  __  __   _    __ _____  __    _	      _              _      _
 / _/ /_/ /_/  //   /_/ \_ _/ /  \  /o\	 /\__ )\__   /\__   /(__  __)\   __/\
 \ \ //  /_/  //   /_/   //  / o / / _/	/   ~\\  \\ //   \ //   \/~   \ /    \
_/ // \ / \_ / \_ / \_  //  /   / //\\_	\    //  // \    / \    /\    / \    /
\_/ \_/ \__/ \__/ \__/  V   \__/  V  V/	 |  |/   /   |! |   |  |  |  |   |  |
/\                                   /\	 |      /    |. |   |  |  |  |   |  |
\/\     o f   d a   g r o w i n g   /\/	 |      \    |  |   |  |  |  |   |  |
/\/                                 \/\	 |  |\   \   |  |   |  |  |  |   |  |
\/         D E E P   Z O N E         \/	/    \\   \ /    \ /   |/\|   \ //   \
/                                     \	\\ __// __/ \  __/ \\ __/\__  / \__  /
\ is searching for more kewl KoNtÄX!  /	 \/   \/     \/     \/      \/     \/
/\                                   /\	       · D · E · Z · I · G · N ·
\/\    if you are a real swapper    /\/
/\/\ then don`t hesitate and write /\/\	 THUNDERDEMON IS SEEKING NEW CONTACTS
\/  \           fast to           /  \/	  TO SWAP ALL KIND OF LEGAL 0-10 DAYS
/ /\ \                           / /\ \	     STUFF WITH. (ESPECIALLY AGA)
\ \/ /    SCELETOR/DEEP ZONE     \ \/ /
/\  /                             \  /\	       THUNDERDEMON/KIWI DEZIGN
\/\/        Kai Reinhardt          \/\/	           FINLANDSGADE 71
/\/        Hutmachergasse 3         \/\	             7430 IKAST
\/      09456 Annaberg-Buchholz      \/	               DENMARK
					        DISK(S) = 975% ANSWER

    °  MMMMM MMMMM YYYY   YYYY SSSS           TTTTT    III CCCCC        °
    °  MMMM   MMMM        YYYY        SSSS     TTT     III CCCCC        °
    °                                                                   °
    °           HEY ! MARS of MYSTIC looks for more contacts.           °
    °        If you are kewl swapper when write to me for really        °
    °                    friendly and fast swapping.                    °
    °                                                                   °
    °                           MARS / MYSTIC                           °
    °                         ANDRZEJ MARCJASZ     DISK = 100% ANSWER   °
    °                          ul.NA STOKU 2a            for all        °
    °                           84-230 RUMIA                            °
    °                              POLAND                               °
    °                  Support my new pack ( soon )                     °
    °                                                                   °

   |                              \ /
 --+-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-*	 -------------------------------------
   |     ________            ___  /|\	  NO SWAPPING TOO EASY NOR TOO THOUGH
   |    /____   /           /  /   |	 -------------------------------------
   |      / /\ /           /  /    |
   |     /  \/ \     ___  /  /     |	        for swapping the latest
   |    /  ____ \   /  / /  /      |
   |   /  /___/ /   \  \/  /       |
   |   \_______/lack \____/ack     |	  -+-  B L A Z E / B A L A N C E  -+-
   | -A Blaze In The Northern Sky- |
   |                               |	               Haga Terr 8
   | I'm looking for new contacts! |	              3500 Honefoss
   |       JANITOR/BLACK JACK      |	                 Norway!
   |       RUMMELITIE 1B           |
   |       28400 ULVILA            |
   |       FINLAND                 |	 -------------------------------------
  \|/                              |	    ANSWER TO WHO EVER DESERVES ONE
   *-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-+--	 -------------------------------------
  / \                              |

*   _/\__   /\  /\  _    __/\  /\___  *	      o                         o
*  // o \\ /_/ /// / \  // _/ // __\\ *	      O                         O
*  Y ____// \_/ / //o\\ \_ \_ \\/_ \/ *	   oO< >OOOooo...     ...oooOOO< >Oo
*  | \   / ___// / __ / _/ // //\__/\ *	      O                         O
*  ||/  ///  // /// // /___/  \\ ___/ *	      O  Hey, you over there!!  O
*  |/   \/   V  \/  V  V       \/-sct-*	      o  Lack of contacts??!!   o
***************************************	      o  No problem!!           o
					      .  Just contact me in     .
     is searching for more kewl		      .   under this addy:      .
_      C + O + N + T + A + X    !     _
!\                                   /!	           Viper/Diffusion
!!\      so don`t hesitate to       /!!	      .    Kalliokuja 3 A 4     .
!!!\         write fast to         /!!!	      .    07800 Lapinjarvi     .
!   \                             /!!!!	      o        FINLAND          o
!only\   P H A S E / DEEP ZONE   /!!!!!	      o                         o
!legal\                         /     !	      O     Elites Only!!!      O
!      \    Stephan Cremer     / disc !	      O                         O
! also  \  Dankwartstraße 61a /   =   !	   oO< >OOOooo...     ...oooOOO< >Oo
! 4 mod- \   23966 Wismar    /100%    !	      O                         O
! swapping\     Germany     /  answer !	      o                         o
\_________/                 \________/

                       OLD Issues of NEVERMIND wanted !

  Yeah, it`s right ! So look into your Diskboxes and try to find one of the
  following Issues: (If possible 100% Errorfree !)

  2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25,
  27, 33, 37, 38, 40, 42, 43, 46, 47, 48, 50 !

  Everybody will get answer, and plezze send fast !

      Not on the Envelope --->>  Horra/NPL
                                 Thomas Horacek
                                 Hauptstr. 39
                                 95173 Schönwald

   Remember: New Stuff (0 -7 Days) for old Stuff

					   * | fAsT sWaPpIng - nEw wArEz | *
       __________________  ________	    _|___________________________|_
      /         /        \/        \	     |:::::::__:::__:__:::_::::::|
     /    /____/    /    /    /  __/\ 	   l |::::::/  \ ( (/ .\ / ):::::| m
    /    /    /    /    /        \_\/	   O |:::::/    \/ /  __) /::::::| O
   /_________/_________/____/    /\	   o |:::::\_/\___(\_( (___):::::| d
   \_________\_________\___/____/ /	   O |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::| U
                     Slayer\____\/	   n |                           | l
					   G |  jUsT aNoThEr SwApPeR iS  | E
        For Swapping U Can Try:		     |                           | s
					     | sEaRcHiN´4 nEw CoNtAx.... |
           Slayer of Cadaver		   l |                           | s
              J-M Sironen		   E |   <Y80rG 0F /\/30PlA$!a   | W
            Kustaankaari 26		   t |   aN dEr kRäHeNhArDt 14   | a
          SF-07800 Lapinjarvi		   T |    51674 WiEhL/gErMaNy    | P
             F U N L A N D		   a |___________________________| p
					   S |:::::::__:::__:__:::_::::::|
          Also Supportting My		     |::::::/  \ ( (/ .\ / ):::::| 2
					   ! |:::::/    \/ /  __) /::::::|
        Soon Coming Pack Serie		   ! |:::::\_/\___(\_( (___):sf::| !
					   * | =- pLeEzE oNlY ELITE ! -= | *

                          ____      ____
                          \   \    /   /
_____________  ____________\   \  /   /
|  .  \    \ | |  .  \      \   \/   /    Bla, bla, bla ... don`t want to get
| -+-  \+-  \| | -+-  \  .   \      /     anymore of those laaaaaame Leddas ?
|  :   /:   /| |  :   / -+-  |\    /      Want to have the newest Stuff ?
|    \/   \/ | |    \/   :   |/    \      Do you like real Friendships ?
|  .  \    \ | |  .  \    ___|      \     ...then write NOW to BBX / TEDP
| -+-  \+-  \|_|_-+-  \    \/   /\   \          Rene Rummel
|  :   /:   /    |:   / |\  \  /  \   \        Hutschenreutherkol.5
|_____/____/_____|___/__| \__\/    \   \      95100 Selb
                         /___/      \___\    Germany

       /  ____    __     __     \	      .::: ::::::: ::::::: ::  :::
      /  /    \  /  \   /  \     \	     ::::: :::¯::: :::¯::: ¯¯ :::¯
     /__/      \/    \_/   /\____/\ 	     ¯¯::: ::: ::: ::: :::   :::¯
     \_/   /\  /\         / /____\/	       ::: ::: ::: ::: :::  :::¯
       \   \/\/ /  __    / / \		       ::: ::::::: ::::::: :::¯ ::
     /\ \   \ \/  /\_\  / /   \		       ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯  ¯¯
    /  \/   /\   / / / / /\    \	     ANSWER ONLY WITH !MODEMSTUFF!
    \      / /  / / / / / /    /\	     ¯¯¯¯¯¯___        ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
     \____/ /  / / / / / /    / /	          /\__\______________/\
      \___\/  / / / / / /____/ /	         / /  /__\_______\___\/\
         /___/ / /_/ /  \____\/		     t! / /  /   /  _____/     \\
         \___\/  \_\/			     R!:\/  /  //\___  \/   /  //:
     CONTACT EXUMER OF SANITY FOR	     M!::\_____/_______/___/___/::
        SOME LEGAL SWAPPING!!!		     :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
          THOMAS KOPFMUELLER		     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
         KOENIGSBERGERSTR. 45		     ! I     JAZY / VISION     0 L
            87439 KEMPTEN		     N N    ROEPERSBERG  22    N E
               GERMANY			     0 D    23909 RATZEBURG    L G
					     ! Y    GERMANY/EUROPE!    Y L

     ______________________________________  ____________________________
    /         _____    \_____    \_____    \/    /    /    __________    \
   /    /____/    /    /    /    /    /    /    /    /    _____/    /____/\
  /    /    /         /    /    /         /    /    /    /    /        \_\/
  \________/____/    /_________/____/    /\________/\________/____/    /\
   \_______\___/____/\_________\___/____/ /\_______\/\_______\___/____/d/CK
               \____\/             \____\/                       \____\/

    For Swapping And Supporting Our Disk-Mags You Can Try These Addys:

       Slayer/CADAVER        PetShopBoy/CADAVER SFHQ    Maniac/CADAVER
         J-M Sironen           Mikko Virtanen            Lassi Vuokko
       Kustaankaari 26         Urupolku 6A13            Naapurintie 11
      07800 Lapinjarvi         15240 Lahti              28400 Ulvila
       F U N L A N D          F U N L A N D             F U N L A N D


----tradE----				             /\   /\  /\   /\
-thE latEst!-				            /  \  ) )/ o\ / /
-------------				           /    \/ //  __) /
					           \_/\___( \_( (___)
 -oOo- b e a c h y  /  ! v o r y -oOo-
					          is getting into your
         Marquis David			                Brain !
         53,rue saint henri
         57350 Stiring-Wendel		       If you wanna be save of us,
         F.r.a.n.c.E.			      then contact Horra/Neoplasia

 -oOo- b e a c h y  /  ! v o r y -oOo-	             Thomas Horacek
					              Hauptstr. 39
					           9 5 1 7 3 Schönwald


  |Loony                                  |                                |
  |       .   .   .   .   .   .   .       !   Loony/Saturne is looking for !
  |      /|_ /|_ /|_ /|_ /|_ /|_ /|_      |  more top contacts, either for :
  ! ____Y __Y   Y __Y | Y __Y . Y __Y____ ! own production swappin or FAST !
  | \___|__ | | | | | | | . | | | __)___/ :      elite 0-6 day swapping!   |
  |   \_| | | . | | | ~ | | | | |   |_/   !                                |
  :  .oO|___A_|_A_| A___A_|_A_|_A___|Oo.  |   !Your group is your answer!  |
  !                             [!n]      !                                !
  | A dude in a kewl group   = 100% answer! 58 Nethercote Rd | Don't write |
  ! A dude with 50+ contacts = 100% answer| Tackley          |   if you    !
  : A above average artist   = 100% answer| OXON  -  OX5 3AT |   support   |
  ! A chip muscian           = 100% answer! ENGLAND          |   fascism!  |
  |Saturne sends greetz to:-) Absolute,Abyss,Balance,Banana Dezign,Complex,|
  !Decnite,Defekt,Desire ,Dream Dealers ,Dual Crew-Shining ,Effect ,Energy,|
  :Essence,Faith,Infect,Iris ,Isch Crew ,Jetset ,Mad Elks ,Majic 12 ,Melon,!
  !Movement,Nebula,Nuance,Parasite,Platin,Ram Jam,Sanity ,Scoopex ,Stellar,:
  |Stone Arts, The Silents, TRSI, Union, Virtual Dreams, Vision, Wizzcat...|
  |                                                                 Saturne|

					j__/\ ___/\ ___/\_ _/\ __/\____/\___k
					µ\_ .\\_ __)\_  __)\__)\ .__ \ ____/å
          BLITZER/BLACK JACK		$ / | \/ ._|_/_.  \/  \/ |  _/ ._|_ ø
           IS TRYING TO GET		t/  |  \ |   \ |   \   \ |   \ |   \z
            THROUGH TO YA!		/   :   \:    \:    \   \¦    \:    \
					\  _____/_____/_____/___/:____/___  /
      For pure friendship-swap,		 \/t·3·$·t·3·ð  ø·n  å·n·¿·m·å·£·$\/
          try this addy:		«««::«««««««««««««»»»»»»»»»»»»»»::»»»
					 __/\__    CHAOS·OF·DESIRE    __/\__
           THOMAS SKAANING		 \ oo /      Dirk Wiemer      \ oo /
           OLIVENVEJ 6			 /_~~_\  Thueringer Str. 150  /_~~_\
           8900 RANDERS			   \/ 14770 Brandenburg/Germany \/
           D E N M A R K		«««::«««««««««««««»»»/\»»»»»»»»»::»»»
					 ..gRåph!ç¿ån /\ ånð \/ må¿£tRåð3r..
       What did you say? Aren't		 .    /\_____/  )/\  /\/\______    .
      you known? Doesn't matter!	 .    \  ___/ \/(__\/  \__  __/    .
       100% answer to everyone!		_. /\_/ /  \\  \_/ \\(./  )  \__/\ ._
					·\/···\__  / \  /  /\\/ _____/····\/·
      Also for everything concer-	·········\/\_/\(______\/·············
        ning our mag BLAGGY...		··············(_/·····\)·············

 ... DiFfUsIoN nEeDs MoRe NoRwEgIaN mEmBeRs.

 So if you are into coding,graphics,music,swapping or modemtrading maybe.
 Then write to the norwegian HQ. The addy below is also for swapping the
 latest in demo(stuff), utils, sources, graphics, VHS movies.

 Remeber all disk,vhs tapes and joining questions are = 100% answer.
 If you want to join pleaze send sume examples.

 Write to:   Ripper / Diffusion NHQ
             3500 Hønefoss
             Norway (where else (-: )

 -  zUmE sPc GrEeTz To: Balance, Desire, Decnite, Dynamic, Angelica Prod,  -
 -  Crap!, Panacea, Laser Dance, Bld, Pls, Black Jack, Nuance, Unlimited,  -
 -  Wartec, Virtual Design, Team Extreme, GrEeTz To AlL dIfFuSiOn MeMbErS  -
 -                  - aNd AlL tHe ReSt, Of CoUrSe. -                       -

          KYLA LAHTEEE!!		  .........../\...MYSTRA/STONE ARTS..
      ______________________           	  ........../  \.....................
      \_____ ¬\  ___ \   _ ¬\          	  ........./    \.is always looking..
       |   |   \  | \/   |   \         	  ......../      \.for new contacts..
       |   |    \ l____  |    \        	  ......./\   \   \..................
       |______  /___  /__l__  /        	  ....../  \  /    \...For fast and..
              \/    \/      \/º!       	  ...../    \/  \   \......friendly..
					  ..../     /\   \  /..mail-trading..
 TRADING LATEST ANAALI/ULOSTE WARETS!!!	  .../\     \.\    /......write to:..
                              _		  ../  \     \.\  /..................
     ÐECEIVER/DECNITE        /"\	  ./    \/\   \.\/.......Mystra/STA..
     AITTONIEMENTIE.18       \°/	  /  \  /\.\   \.....Kjell Pedersen..
     40270 PALOKKA           /|\ 	  \   \/  \.\  /......Sommerrogt 11..
     FINLAND                  | 	  .\       \.\/......4630 Kr.Sand.S..
                             /¤\	  ..\  /\   \................Norway..
					  ...\/  \  /........................
   SEND SUM PORNO STUFF=ANSWER!!!	  ....\    /.........................
   ==============================	  .....\  /..........................
					  ......\/......REMEMBER TO SUPPORT..
      -OWN PROD SWAPPING TOO-		  ................OUR MAG, HEADLINE..

           ____ __________ ____ ________ ______________ : _______
           |   \|   |    |(    )|     || |      |  ___|-O-      |
           |    \   | ___|     ||  |  || |      |  | ___:|_     |
           |        | |_|_  |  ||  |  || |   |  |  |_|_   |  |  |
           |        | ___|  |  || ____|| |   |  |____ |   |  |  |
           |        | |_|_  |  || | |  |_|_     |___| |   |     |
           |   \    |    |     || | |     | __  |     |   | __  |
           |___|\___|____|_____)__| |_____|_||__|_____|___|_||__|

                          is Searchin` a CODER

 Interested ? Then write to:
                            Helge Ruland
                            An der Krähenhardt 14
                            51674 Wiehl

PS: You`ll get min. 1 Sending a week from another NPL Member (GFX,Sounds)

                 Neoplasia, when Friendship is not enough

					     -----SPEEDWAY AND SCENE------
					     Hello  guys!    Qwerty/Scope
					     here! I would  like  to  swap
					     with  you  some   stuff  from
					     sports like:SPEEDWAY,FOOTBALL
					     BASKETBALL!!! But  I   prefer
       -oOo- beachy/!vory -oOo-		     speedway(magazines, programs,
					     photos...)Im only a  speedway
             Marquis David		     fan not a rider!!! So my addy
             53,rue saint henri
             57350 Stiring-Wendel	             QWERTY/SCOPE
             F.r.a.n.c.E.		             ADRIAN DOLNY
					             62-850 LISKOW
       -oOo- 4 eLite trade-oOo-		             WOJ.KALISKIE

					          !100% answer ofcoz!

                        \                      /
\________ ___   \___ ________ __    \___ __   \\___ ________ ________ ______/
  \___| \/ | \    \\/___/__ \/ |____/  \/ |    \/ \/  \  / \/   \   \/ ___/__
    \_|    | /    /  |     \   |    \     |     \      \/        \     |     \
      |    |/    /   ¦     /   ¦     \    |     /       \   ·hJ·  \    ¦     /
      |____|    /_____    /______    /____|    /___     /____     /_____    /
          \____/     \___/     \\___/   / |   /   \____/    \____/     \___/
                                \      /  |__/
                         ________\    /________
                        (_        \  /        _)
    _!____________________)        \/        (________________________!_
     ¡                                                                ¡

                   NEEKERIT SAAVAT 100% VASTAUKSEN!!! =Þ

					  __________         ______     ___/(
					 /          \ _____  \_    \   |     \
					/____    ____\     \  |     \  |  |\  \
					    /    \      /\  \ |  |\  \ |  |/  /
					   /      \     _____\|__|_\  \|  ___/
					  /        \            /      \  |
		|SCOOPEX		 /__________\__________/________\ |sh
		+--------------+	                               | /
		Generations    |	        - bAcK oUt oF heLL -   |/
		|     Ahead    ¦
		:              :	     For joinin or swappin write 2
		.  P.O. BOX 11 .
		|4387 BJERKREIM¦	             2DD / TEDP
		¦    NORWAY    |	              D.ERNST
		:              :	           Postfach 1144
		.  (SWAPPING)  .	           78091 Triberg
		+--------------+	              Germany
					           =Intel outsidE=
					         =Friendship ruleZ=
					        =Disk <-> 100% replY=

     ___________     ________     ________     _________
    /  _____   /\   /  _____/\   /  _____/\   /  ___   /\     - DeEp ZoNe -
   /  /\___/  / /  /  /\____\/  /  /\____\/  /  /\_/  / /  the marvelous ones
  /  / /  /  / /  /  /_/__     /  /_/__     /  ______/ /     from the east!
 /__/ /  /  / /  /  _____/\   /  _____/\   /  /\_____\/
 \__\/  /  / /  /  /\____\/  /  /\____\/  /  / /         We are searching for
  _____/  / /  /  /_/__     /  /_/__     /  / /          new talented members
  \______/ /  /_______/\   /_______/\   /__/ /           (coders, graficians,
   \_____\/   \_______\/   \_______\/   \__\/                 musicians)!

     ___________     ________     ___  ___     ________    Write to the WHQ:
     \______  _/\   /  __   /\   /  /\/  /\   /  _____/\
      \____/ /\_/  /  / /  / /  /  / /  / /  /  /\____\/   ecstasy/deep zone
     _____/ / /   /  / /  / /  /   \/  / /  /  /_/__       Frank Hauptlorenz
    / _____/ /   /  / /  / /  /       / /  /  _____/\     Karlsbader  Str. 43
   / /\____\/   /  / /  / /  /  /\   / /  /  /\____\/      09456 Annaberg-
 _/ /_/____    /  /_/  / /  /  / /  / /  /  /_/__                  Buchholz
 \________/\  /_______/ /  /__/ /__/ /  /_______/\            !GeRmOnEy!
  \_______\/  \_______\/   \__\/\__\/   \_______\/sCt     Phone#: 03733/66319

 Short Greez to some friends: LATEX - NEOPLASIA - SAVAGE - oh, no space!
                 Big Greets from Ecstasy to Ninja/Paradox!

   Are you looking for a new group ?   	       ····D·I·F·F·U·S·I·O·N····
        Or maybe cool contacts?        	       -------------------------
                                       	               We NuKeD:
 If the answer is yes you should write 	        Stockholm,Paris,Bryssel
         to following address:         	       Moscow,Lillehammer,London
                                       	         New York and Tokyo...
        -----------------------        	       Tomorrow it could be your
        --Beholder/Diffusion!--        	                turn...
        --Vuorenmaanrinne 34b--
        ----60220 Seinajoki----        	               CoNtAcT!!
        --------FINLAND--------        	        Grand Duke of Diffusion
        -----------------------        	            Meijerintie  11
                                       	            FiN62310 Voltti
         - D I F F U S I O N -
         NamNam for every day!         	       -------------------------

                       CaLl ThEsE [AdAv@r BoArDs...

            The Crypt (Nor.HQ):              The Dark Secret:
          SysOp: Mr.T of Cadaver       SysOp: Pathseeker of Cadaver
          Dial: +47 72 58 10 52            Dial: +47 22 50 85 51

           Digital City (Slv.HQ):           Madhouse Enterptise:
         SysOp: NoiseData of Cadaver      SysOp: Martin of Cadaver
          Dial: +38 (0) 63 85 16 61        Dial: +47 22 37 19 74

               Hack 'n' Hard:                   Anarchy:
          SysOp: Decker of Cadaver    SysOps: DPD and MSK of Cadaver
          Dial: +47 (0)8 27 31 18          Dial: +47-Private!!!

                      SysOp: Black Tornado of Cadaver
                           Dial: +47 56 18 45 64

                       CaLl ThEsE [AdAv@r BoArDs...

					  .........../\...MYSTRA/STONE ARTS..
					  ........../  \.....................
					  ........./    \.is always looking..
					  ......../      \.for new contacts..
          *****************		  ......./\   \   \..................
          * S-C-O-O-P-E-X *		  ....../  \  /    \...For fast and..
          *****************		  ...../    \/  \   \......friendly..
 ! g-e-n-e-r-a-t-i-o-n-s  a-h-e-a-d !	  ..../     /\   \  /..mail-trading..
 ------------------------------------	  .../\     \.\    /......write to:..
           LAXICAL/SCOOPEX		  ../  \     \.\  /..................
           Joachim Sobczak		  ./    \/\   \.\/.......Mystra/STA..
            Pallasstr. 53		  /  \  /\.\   \.....Kjell Pedersen..
         44575 Castrop-Rauxel		  \   \/  \.\  /......Sommerrogt 11..
               Germany			  .\       \.\/......4630 Kr.Sand.S..
  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++	  ..\  /\   \................Norway..
  + !!! good musicians prefered !!!+	  ...\/  \  /........................
  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++	  ....\    /.....Special hellos to:..
					  .....\  /....Symbiosis, Andromeda..
					  ......\/...Shamrock, Ram Jam, STR..
					  ..........BLC, SNT, DCS, TLN, BDZ..

                 )\_____/(   )\____/(     /(____    )\__/(
      __        /         \  |   ___ \    \     \   |     \         __
     |  |       \___   ___/  |  |__ \(     |     \  |  /\  \       |  |
  ___|  |___       /   \     |     \       | |\   \ |  \/  /    ___|  |___
 |___ ++ ___|     /     \    |   __/       | | \   \|  ___/    |___ ++ ___|
     |  |        /       \   |  |___/(     | |_/   /| /_           |  |
     |  |        \  ___  /   | ____  /   )\|      / |  /           |  |
     |__|         )/   \(    )/    \(   /________/  | /            |__|sh
                          - BaCK oUT oF hEll -      )/

........for joinin write 2...............for swappin & joinin write 2........
.........Adrian Jaglarz..........................Danny Ernst.................
.......Wuelferoder Str.13.......................Postfach 1144................
.........30880 Laatzen..........................78091 Triberg................
........United Germany..........................United Germany...............

      /\ _    _             /\___/\
  ___/ //_\_ /_\_  ___      \ o o /	+--
 / _  //___//___/ / _ \    __\ | /__	|
/    // \__/ \__ / ___/   /   \=/   \
\___/ \___/\___// /      / /\  V  /\ \	 /\__________________________________
                \/       \/ / ___ \ \/	/ /\_____\__\__\___________\__\______\
_____ __ _______ ____       \ \ / /   |	\/     _  \ | _/  _____  __/__/  __  /
\__ //  \\  ___ \\ _ \    |  \/ \/ |	 \   \/   /   \___  /   /    /   / \/
  // \ \ \\ \  \ \\  /        |		  \   \__/____/____/___/____/__    /
 / \__\ \ \\ \  \ \\ \/\_ |        |	   \__/::::::::::::::::::::::::\__/[B]
 \___/ \__/ \/   \/ \___/  ___________
                          /           \	      If you are a kewl swapper
  to swap with a jumping ossi is easy	     and looks for more contacts
        if you know the address!	           then write to me
|              kai reinhardt		             Mars/MYSTIC
|					          Andrzej Marcjasz
|          hutmachergasse 3           |	             Na Stoku 2a
                                      |	             84-230 RUMIA
       09456 abg-buchholz  (germany)  |	                POLAND
                            ----------+	                                    |
write to this address  and ask sceletor	                                  --+
       please only real swappers!
 \_________/O \_____/O \____/O \____/O \____/O \____/O \______/O \_________/
   \______/o  .  \_/o  .  \/o  .  \/o  .  \/o  |  \/o  ____/_/o  .  \____/
     \___/.   |___/.   |   .   |   .   |   .   |   .   __)__/.   |  (__/
        /     |        .    \  |    \  .    \  |    \  |         .    \
        \  _ __    /___|    /___    /__|    /___    /___    /____|    /
         \/ Y  \  /Y    \  /Y   \  /Y   \  /Y   \  /Y   \  /Y     \  /
            :   \/ .     \/ :    \/ ·    \/ :    \/      \/ .      \/
            .        .oO Thy.Shall All Become One! Oo.

                 For Swapping And Supporting Our Disk-Mags:

                              Slayer of Cadaver
                                 J-M Sironen
                               Kustaankaari 26
                             SF-07800 Lapinjarvi
                                F U N L A N D

                      Also Supporting My New Pack Serie

                            100% ANSWER TO ELITES

					                 / / /
    __________  ___/\__________		 100% answer to / / /
    \_________\/\__\/\___\\____\	 evrybody who  / / /_
     \__   \  / /   \    /¬\    \	 sent a letter/ / / /\
      \/ / / /_/ _/ / __/  / _  /	 and disk(s) /_/ /_/  \ {I}
      / __/ / /    /  //  /  / /	           __\ \ \ \/\ \
     /__//___/__/ /__//__/__/_/kR!	          /_/\\ \ \/ / /
              \/_/			          \ \ \\ \ \/ /
					        __ \_\ \\ \  /
      DaMioN iS LooKiNG FoR MoRe	       /_/\/ /  \\_\/
        ---> eLiTe CoNTaX <---		     __\ \ \/ /\ \ -------------
					    / /\\ \  /\_\/   IMMORTAL
         JeNS-oLiVeR KLoKKeRS		   / / / \ \ \          of
            MaRRiNKSWeG  5		  / / /   \ \ \     TECHNOLOGY
            48531 NoRDHoRN		 / /  \    \_\/---------------------
               GeRMaNY			/ / /\ \        TOMASZ CHMIELEWSKI
					 / /\ \ \       ul KASPROWICZA 28E
					/ /  \ \ \    31-523  KRAKOW  POLAND
         oNLY KNoWN GRouPS!!!		 /    \_\/

  ________  ______   ________   __   __    ______     ______   _______
 /_______/\/_____/\ /_______/\ /_/\ /_/\  /_____/\   /_____/\ /______/\
 \   ____\/\     \ \\_______\/ \ \ \\ \ \ \   _ \ \  \  __ \ \\  ____\/
  \  \ \___ \  __ \ \   \ \ \   \ \ \\ \ \ \  \\ \ \  \ \ \ \ \\ \ \___
   \  \___/\ \ \_\ \ \   \ \ \   \ \ \\ \ \ \  ___\/\_ \ \ \ \ \\ \___/\
    \____ \ \ \  __ \ \   \ \ \   \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \\\_ \ \ \ \ \ \\  __\/_
     /___\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \   \ \ \   \ \/_\ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \___/\
     \______\/  \_\/\_\/    \_\/    \______\/  \_\/ \_\/  \_\/\_\/ \____\/


                          If YoU WaNnA get in touch
                                with SaTurNe

                                   TRY THIS

                              >>He!nZ \ SaturnE<<
                                 Mele  Patrick
                              2 rue de l'eglise
                               77450 Trilbardou

   _________________________________	    _________   __     __    _______
  /                       ___ __ __ \	   /___   __/\ / /\   / /\  / _____/\
 | /  //\  //	/ /\  /\ \ \ \\	 \ \ |	   \__/ /\__\// /_/__/ / / / /\____\/
 | \_/ \ \/ \__	\ \ \/ / / /  /_ /_/ |	     / / /   / _____  / / / / /_____
 |                                   |	    / / /   / /\__ / / / / /_/___/ /\
 |                                   |	   /_/ /   /_/ /  /_/ /  \________/ /
 |  Yo dudes ! Here's SUICIDAL !!    |	   \_\/    \_\/   \_\/    \_______\/
 |  Perhaps would you swap something |
 |   - Kewl stuffs ?	             |
 |   - Heavy Trash tapes             |	  ------ I'm searching for new ------
 |·  - Everything that can be sent !·|	  ------ fast and friendly ctx ------
 |··  My address: SUICIDAL/UNLIMITED·|	  ------ if you think you are  ------
 |···              REBLAUB Matthieu··|	  ------  the one just let me  ------
 |····ONLY          3 rue Bel-Air····|	  -- know it writing at this addy: --
 |····LEGAL        67310 WASSELONNE··|	      _____________________     l  a
 |······|              FRANCE  ······|	     / IMMORTAL/TECHNOLOGY/\  d e 1n
 |·······\                    ·······|	    /Tomasz  Chmielewski / /  i t 0s
 |········¢--->  100 % Answer········|	   / ul KASPROWICZA  28E/ /   s+t=0w
 «««««««««««««««««««»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»	  /31-523 KRAKOW POLAND/ /    k e %e
					  \____________________\/       r  r

					R   ____/\_____  ______  ______  ____
					T  /      \    \/  __  \/ ____ \/    \
					X /   ____/ ___/  / /  / /___/ /  ___/
	 |SCOOPEX			 _\__   \   \_/  / /  /  ~  __/   _/
	 +-------------------+        	/ ~     /     \  \/  /  /\  \/     \
	 Generations         |		\______/\_____/\____/\_/  \_/\_____/
	 |         Ahead     ¦		Oo..______________________________..oO
	 :                   :		o                                    o
	 .Chris              .		:       Contact Rotox of Score       :
	 . 6/4 Rue Lavoisier .		| for very cool 'n legal mailtrading |
	 |  02000 Laon       ¦		|------------------------------------|
	 ¦  FRANCE           |		| R van der Steen   - Legal only     |
	 :                   :		| Gooierserf  230   - No answer gua- |
	 .Only Elite & LEGAL .		| 1276 KZ  Huizen     ranteed but I  |
	 +-------------------+		| The Netherlands     will try to    |
					|                     reply everyone |
					o  Score - A Mindblowing Experience  o

 |:/\_____/\/\___/\/\__/\:/\  /\::/\__/\::/\/\::/\:::::/\/\::/\___/\/\::/\:|
 |:\  _ _  /\ ____/\ ___/:\ \/ /::\ __ /::\  /::\ \::::\  /::\  _  /\ \/ /:|
 |::\// \\/:/___/:://__::://__\\:://::\\:://\\::/ /_::://\\::/ /_\/:/   /::|
 |:::/   \:/    \:/    \:/ ____ \/ \::/ \/ \/ \/    \:/ \/ \/  \ \:/   /:::|
 |:::\   /:\  ___\\  ___\\ \::/ /\  \/  /\  __/\  ___\\__  /\  ___\\  /::::|

    The new Norwegian division of TECHNOLOGY seeks more quality members
   we are looking for Coders, Musicans, Graphicans, Modemtraders, Sysops,
     Swappers. If you want to be a part of a group based on friendship
                     and have a lot of fun then contact
                               Technology NHQ
                                Tommy Olsen
                                9130 Hansnes
                            TEL +47 77 74 86 97

!     /////// ///////////  //////    !	       + -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-+
!      / /        ///     //         !	       + °.°.°.°ScOoPeX°.°.°.°+
!     / /        ///     //////      !	       + -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-+
!   //////      ///         //       !	       + Contact:             +
!                          //        !	       +                      +
!   ////////////////////////         !	       +   CHRIS              +
!                                    !	       +    6/4 Rue Lavoisier +
!   IF YOU WANT A COOL FRIEND TO     !	       +     02000 Laon       +
!    < SWAP AGA OR A500 STUFF >      !	       +     FRANCE           +
!  THEN DON'T HESITATE, WRITE ME     !	       +                      +
!               AT:                  !	       +  For Elite &         +
!      					       +       LEGAL Swapping +
!        SYLICON OF INTENSE          	       +                      +
!       2 LOT DU SACRE COEUR         	       +   Disk+Letter=100%   +
!       56240 BERNE (FRANCE)         	       + -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-+
!                                    	       + °.°.°.°ScOoPeX°.°.°.°+
!     100% REPLY GUARANTED !!!  	       + -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-+

               __			  :         GrOwL Of FaNaTiC         :
              /\_\			  :==================================:
     _ _____/\\/____ ___ _ _ __		  :1. Do YoU LiKe To GeT NeW AnD HoT :
          __/\\/			  :   StUfF EvErY WeEk?              :
          \_\/				  :2. Do YoU LiKe LoNg LeTtErS?      :
					  :3. Do YoU LoVe To BoOzE AlL NiGhT :
            dUKE 0f aBYSs		  :   LoNg?                          :
					  : If YoU HaVe AnSwErEd YeS To AlL  :
         fRITZ-bENDEr-sTr. 9		  : ThEsE QuEsTiOnS, ThEn YoU'Re ThE :
          854o2  kRANZBERg		  : RiGhT OnE To SwAp WiTh Me. GrAp A:
             gERM/\NY			  :  PeN AnD WrItE A LeTtEr To ThIs  :
					  :             AdDrEsS:             :
           (oNLy lEGAl)			  :                                  :
                       __		  :         GrOwL Of FaNaTiC         :
                      /_/\		  :         FlYvErVeJ 12 2Tv         :
         __ _ _ ___ ____\//\_____ _	  :           8900 RaNdErS           :
                        \//\__		  :             DeNmArK.             :
                          \/_/		  :==================================:
					  :    FaNaTiC - FlIgHt To AbYsS!    :

   :         GrOwL Of FaNaTiC         : GoLdEn KiSsEs FrOm GrOwL/FnT To: :
   :1. Do YoU LiKe To GeT NeW AnD HoT : 2000 Ad * AcCeSsIoN * BlAcK JaCk :
   :   StUfF EvErY WeEk?              : CoMpAcT * DaMoNeS * ReBeLs * TdC :
   :2. Do YoU LiKe LoNg LeTtErS?      : CrEeD * DeLiCiOuS * DePtH * D-29 :
   :3. Do YoU LoVe To BoOzE AlL NiGhT : CrYpToBuRnErS * DeSiRe * EqUiNoX :
   :   LoNg?                          : FoCuS DeSiGn * DeStInY * KiNgDoM :
   : If YoU HaVe AnSwErEd YeS To AlL  : InSaNiTy * MoVeMeNt * RaZoR 1911 :
   : ThEsE QuEsTiOnS, ThEn YoU'Re ThE : PaRaMoRpHiZ * SaRdOnYx * ScOoPeX :
   : RiGhT OnE To SwAp WiTh Me. GrAp A: TrAnSoNiC * SpEeDy * CrAfT * LfO :
   :  PeN AnD WrItE A LeTtEr To ThIs  : MaXiMuM * HoTrAm * IrIs * MyStIc :
   :             AdDrEsS:             : SiLeNtS * S!P * InTeNsE * JeWeLs :
   :                                  : AlI BaBa * YrSa * MaD ElKs * GaC :
   :         GrOwL Of FaNaTiC         : GrOtEsTiClE * EnErGy * FaIrLiGhT :
   :         FlYvErVeJ 12 2Tv         :   ItAlIaN BaD BoYs * DeFiAnCe!   :
   :           8900 RaNdErS           :                                  :
   :             DeNmArK.             : AnD OfCoZ AlL ThE OtHeR PhReAkS! :
   :    FaNaTiC - FlIgHt To AbYsS!    :    FaNaTiC - FlIgHt To AbYsS!    :

  _/\________  _/\  ___/\
 (  _______  \(  _)// ___)
 |\/ ||     _/|\/ |\__ .\
 ||  ||. \\  \||  |/    \\
 |·__||__|\· /|:__/______/		         +------------------+
 |/        \/ |/  Y   Elr		         | ________________ |
 :            :   :			         |S|              |S|
					         ¦C¦    DARREN    ¦C¦
  All dudes and dudettes		         :O: P.O. BOX 11  :O:
  can contact me for da			         .O.4387 BJERKREIM.O.
  hottest 0-7 dayz swapping !		         .P.    NORWAY    .P.
  					          E                E
  Airhead / Iris        O		         :X:   FRIENDLY   :X:
  Tommy Mortensen       N   		         ¦ ¦   SWAPPING   ¦ ¦
  Duelia 9             ELITE 		         | |              | |
  2170 Fenstad          Y 		         +------------------+

  Cool dizk + cool and long
  letter = Answer !!

					   ___|_     _|_____    _|_____
					   |  |       |  __ \    |     \
                  /\\    /\\		   |  |       | _|_| |   | _|_  |
            /\/\\/  \\\ /  \\		   |  |       |  |  /    |  | \ |
           /    \\/ //\\\ \ \\		   |  |       |  ___\    |  |  ||
          / /\/ // //\ \\\ \ \\		   |  |_____  |  |_| |   |  |_/ |
       [D] /// //\//\  /// /\//		   |______ /  |_____/    |_____/
       ~~\// \ \\~~~~\// \// ~~~~ 	         |/
     ~  ~ ~~~ \//MoOn/ObSeSSiON~	         |
         iS waTcHinG 4 NeW CTX		          Ranger of Ladybird design
      ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~	          Christopher Gil
          MARCIN LUCZKIEWICZ		          Zascianska 149/2
           WrOclAWsKa 43/10		          15-546 Bialystok
          44-335  JAsTrZEbIE		          Poland
            100% AnsWeR ±99		  For friendly  and elite swapping
					        also for AGA stuff

					  LBD... Freedom for ladybirds !!!

           ______  __ __    _____  ______  _____  _____
          /  ___/\/ // /\  / ___/\/  ___/\/ ___/\/ ___/\
         /  ___/\/  _  \/ / /__ \/  ___/\/__  /\/__  /\/
        /_____/\/__//  /\/____/\/_____/\/____/ /____/ /
         |       ¦        :           |             |
         :       .        .           :             .
           If you want to swapp the latest on A500/A1200
                          Then write to:
       Excite/Excess, Flädergatan 8, S-441 56 Alingsås,Sweden.

    Greeting: Depth,Scoopex,Parasite,Exceed,Niklas/Depth,Mr King
              Speedy,Curt cool/Depth,Thomas Palm,Daffy D-29 and
              to TBM/Lcg and to all I forgotte........

       ____     _____      ________	 -=-=- ________________________ -=-=-=
      /___/\   /____/\    /_______/	 =  __//_____  //___  // ____//\_    -
     / __ \ \ /     \ \  / ____  /	 -    \___ __| \___/ /\____  \eSsIoN =
    / /V \ \/ \  /\  \/ / /\__V\/	 =      | |\_| | |< <_<____| |[D]    -
   / /\__/ /\ |\/|/  /\ \ \/_/\		 - _____|      |     //      ||_____ =
  /  \/__\ \/ |  |\  \/ /\__ \ \   	 =//____|______|_____\\______|/___//\-
  \________/  |  |/  / /\/__| \/ __	 -\Xx/\_\\Xx.__\\Xx.__\\Xx.__\\_/\_\/=
    V    V    V\//  /  \______/  \/	 =  //\\ -= ConTacT me FoR =-  //\\  -
     V          V\_/     V   V    V    	 -  \\Fr!ENdlY AnD LeGaL SwApP!Ng//  =
                  V    V   V     V	 =   \\ \\ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- // //   -
         				 -  ~// //      DeRk/ObS     \\ \\~  =
         Latro of Obsession		 = ~// //   /KrAkOWsKA 3/15   \\ \\~ -
          Bernard  Kupczak		 - ~\\ \\  44-335 JaStRzEBiE  // //~ =
           Gorczyna 54/13		 =  ~\\ \\// // POLAND  \\ \\// //~  -
       67-407 Szlichtyngowa		 -   ~\\//\\//  ~~~~~~   \\//\\//~   =
       V   V  POLAND V  V		 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=
         V       V    V

##| TECHNOKING OF UNLIMITED |################################################
##|-------------|##O#O#O##O##O#O#####| WRITE ME A LETTER IF YA INTRESTED |###
##| THE ADRESS: |###O##O##O##########| IN SWAPPING DISKS, STICKERS OR    |###
##|-------------|###O##OOOO##O#O#####| SOMETHING OTHER INTRESTING STUFF! |###
##| MICHAEL BRÄUTIGAM |######################################################
##|    RIEDSTR. 50    |######################################################
##| 71634 LUDWIGSBURG |##|------------------------------------------------|##
##···#···#···#·##·#·###·#····#·##·#·#·###·#····###### ##×##×#×###×#×#### # ##
##·###·###·###·##·#··##·#·##·#·#·##·#··##·#·######## ###×##×#××##×#×#### # ##
##·###··##·###····#·#·#·#·##·#··###·#·#·#·#·#··#### ####×##×#×#×#×#×#### # ##
##·###·###·###·##·#·##··#·##·#·#·##·#·##··#·##·### #####×##×#×##××#×#########
##·###···#···#·##·#·###·#····#·##·#·#·###·#····## ######××××#×###×#×××## # ##

					        //\\      //    / /    /
					   //  //  \\  /     /      //   /
	-----------------------		      // /> \\     4 SoMe fRiEnDsHiP
	|      ALEX / OBS     |		  /  // </   \\ // 'n' swAp u sHouLd
	|    ARTUR SKORUPA    |		   / \\ _____//      tRy tHis oNe:
	| UL. WROCLAWSKA 43/8 |		      \\_ _ /\\     /    //  /
	|  44-335 JASTRZEBIE  |		  //   >>    // //     deRk/ObS/ /
	|    --- POLAND ---   |		      //  \\ \\      WaLdEk ZajAc
	|                     |		    / \\_____ \\ /  kRaKowSka 3/15
	-----------------------		      //\_ _/ // 44-335 JaStrzeBie
					  //  \\___ \//        POLAND   //
					      //  /  \\ //  /             /
					  /  <<______//eSsIoN   //    /

              _____  _____  ________   ________  ________  _____
             /+-__/\/+-__ \/+-__ \+-\  | +-__  \/+-__/-_ \/+-__ \
            //  /\\// /_/ \\//\\\ \\ \_| |/_// \\  / /_// \//\\\ \
           //  / ///____  /// /// /\\ / //___ __/ //   ___// /// /\
          // _/_/// \_//  //_/// / //  _/__// \  // /\ \\//_/// / /
         //   --//--//-  //---/ / //- //---  // //-/ /-///---/ / /
        /_______/__//___/______/ /___/_______/_/__/ /__/______/ /Rng
                      ... Freedom for ladybirds ...

                         Ranger / Ladybird design
                             Christopher  Gil
                             Zascianska 149/2
                             15-546 Bialystok

Hello  2:   Mad  Elks,  Trsi,  Ozone, Alchemy, Casyopea, Damage, The Edge,
Abstract,  Razor  1911,  D-29,  Zenon, Obsession, Insane, Sanity, Funzine,
Nova,  Bronx,  Humans, Union, D.N.A., Veto, Freezers, TG, Beta team, Fear,
Damage,  S!P, The Dark Demon, Proxis, Crystal, Joker, Unlimited, Illusion,
Isch Crew, Bolek & Lolek Dezign, Ram Jam, Vega, Eremation, Blaze, Manitou,
Iris, Vision, Destiny, C-Lous,Applause, Defiance, Paralax, Angelica prod.

                    \  ________    Ç\
\  CRUSADER/DEPTH   /  \_____  \   Ð/
/   Janne Kotta     \   /  _/   \  R\
\   Arbygatan 1A    / _/   |     \_ /	__   ___________
/ 633 45 Eskilstuna \ \___________/ \	| \  |  ||  ___ \
\                   /   /  ____/    /	|  \ |  ||   ___/
/    B££R$ TØ:      \  /  __|___    \	|   \|  ||  || | +
\ -RÆM JÆM-У$¿R£-  / /         \_  /	|       ||  || |___
/ -TR$¿-RÆZØR ¹9¹¹- \ \__________/  \	| |\    ||  ||     |
\ -$ÇØØP£X-M¥$T¿Ç-  / -_______   \  /	|_| \___||__||_____|
/ -PÆRÆ$¿T£-PLÆT¿N- \   |   _/   /  \
\-ÇØMPÆÇT ¿NÇ-PUL$£-/   |   \___/   /	Contact Horra/Neoplasia
/ -УÇN¿T£-£FF£ÇT-  \ __L____L____  \	for fast swapping
\ -M£Ð¿Ç¿N£-$P££Ð¥- / \___    ___/  /	under
/ -W¿ZZÇÆT-MÆN¿TØU- \   /      \    \	      Thomas Horacek
\ -TH£ FUN FÆÇTØR¥- / _/        \_  /	      Hauptstr.39
/  -пV¿N£-¿N$ÆN£-  \ \__________/  \	      95173 Schönwald
\  -L¿NGØ-£XÇ£$$-   /     / |__     /
/ -FUTURÆ-$ÆRÐØN¥x- \    /  |_ \    \	100%- Kewl letters+Disx
\                   /   /   _/  \   /	Greetz to my Contacts
/   -£L¿T£$ ØNL¥-   \ _/    |    \_ \
\                   / \_____|_____/ /

            ¦          - ¥ØU WØNT R£ÆÇH TH£ $URFÆC£ -          ¦
 - - --- ---+--------------------------------------------------+--- ----- - -
            |     _______  ________|___¦______________         |
            |     \_____ \/  ___________   ___ ____  |__       |
            |      /  _/  \  ___|_ |  _/   //   \/   |_ \      |
            |     /   |    \ \_   \|  \___//     \   _/  \     |
            |__ _/    |     \_     \_  | _/       \_ |    \_ __|
            |_ \\____________/______/  | \_________/_|_____// _|
            |                      ¦ÇÐR¦                       |
 - -- ------+---------+------------------------------+---------+------ --- --
      Ç°NTÆÇT:        |        B¿G B££RS T°          |      Ç°NTÆÇT:
   Tomas Mortenson    |$ÇØØP£X,M¥$T¿Ç,PÆRÆ$¿T£,PLÆT¿N|    Janne Kotta
    Hagergatan 140    |£R£MÆT¿ØN,MÆÐ £LK$,£FF£ÇT,¿R¿$|    Arbygatan 1A
     692 36 Kumla     |$P££Ð¥,УÇN¿T£,FR££Z£R$,£XTÆÇ¥|  633 45 Eskilstuna
       Sweden         |M£Ð¿Ç¿N£,PUL$£,MÆN¿TØU,ÇÆÐÆV£R|      Sweden
                      |ÇØMPÆÇT ¿NÇ,W¿ZZÇÆT,BLÆÇK JÆÇK|
   F°R J°INING [$W£]  |TH£ FUN FÆÇTØR¥,¿LLU$¿ØN,L¿NGØ|        F°R
         °R           |пV¿N£,¿N$ÆN£,£XT£N$¿ØN,FUTURÆ|       £LIT£
                      |ØB$Ç£N£,FUNZ¿N£,FÆNÆT¿Ç. +R£$T|
 - ----- -------------+------------------------------+------------------ -- -

                _____    _____
          ___  //    \  /     \	       ****************************************
         /   \ \\ /\  \ \  ___/        * Minstrel seeks for more member to do *
        //    \ \/ /  /  \ \\	       * Future Amiga games.Artist,Coders,    *
        || |\  \   \  \ __\ \\	       * musicians. No Basic or Amos coder.   *
        || | \  \  /  //     \\	       ****************************************
        |  |_/  / /  / \Latro_/	       * Send your work to :                  *
         \_____/  \_/  		       * ____________________________________ *
				       * \            Minstrel              / *
          Latro/Obsession	       *  \        Flädergatan 8           /  *
          Bernard Kupczak	       *   \      S-441 56 Alingsås       /   *
          Gorczyna 54/13	       *    \         SWEDEN             /    *
          67-407 Szlichtyngowa	       *     \__________________________/     *
          woj.leszczynskie	       *                                      *
              POLAND		       ****************************************

	¹,      1FFF1"    'Y8B4+   FF¹	                    __
	&*      &ÑÑÑÑÑ7  ,0ÑB4#Ñ*  ÑÑ1	   I'm             / /\
       1Ñѹ     &ÑF;7ÑÑ, ]Ñ5  'Y'  ÑÑ1	   WaThInG        /_/  \   364 ALL!!!
      ,#ÑÑ&     &Ñ1  ÑÑ" FѾ.      ÑÑ1	   FoR           _\ \ \ \
      *ÑF4Ñ1    &Ñ*+*Ñ%  "#Ñ#$!    ÑÑ1	   FrIeNdLy     / /\ \ \/     l     a
     ¹Ñ@."Ñ#,   &ÑÑÑÑÑ4¹  "4ÑÑÑ@(  ÑÑ1	   SwApInG     /_/  \_\/ d   e   1 n
     &Ñ(  FÑ*   &ÑF;¹YÑ#,   ,1¾ÑÑ( ÑÑ1	   AnD        _\ \ \ \  i   t   0 s
    1ÑÑÑÑÑÑÑѹ  &Ñ1   @Ñ+ '    %Ѿ BB+	   CtX       / /\ \  / s + t = 0 w
   ,#ÑYFFFF%Ñ&  &Ñ1  'ÑÑ(&Ñ"   ]Ѿ	            /_/  \_\/ k   e   % e
   *Ñ*      &Ñ1 &Ñ&54#Ñ8 YÑ0F+FÑÑ(,@Ñ?	           _\ \ \ \      r     r
  ¹Ñ#,      ¹Ñ#,&ÑÑÑÑBY.  ]ÑÑÑÑ#+ 'ÑÑ]            /_/\ \  /
					        _|_|  \_\/ MOON/OBS
	    LoRd oF ABSOLUTE!		       /_/ _|\ \  MaRcIn LuCzKiEwIcZ
	       PETER LABOS		       \ \ \\_\/ Ul. WrOcLaWsKa 43/10
	      1181 BUDAPEST		        \ \ \   44-335 JaStRzEbIe
	      DARUS 10 II/3		         \_\/  PoLaNd

                        _______ _   ______ __ _   _____
                       /       \__/\\     \  __/\_\     \
                      /  .  :  |  . \| |\  \/  _  \| |) /
-------------------- /   :  |  |  _  | |_)  | (_)  |  _ \ --------------------
                     \   |__|_/   |__|_____/\_  __/|__|_ \
                      \__|    \___/  :    o   \/_  .   |_/
                         o     .     .    :             o
                         :                .             :
                         . -) BEYOND THE MIND EYES (-   .

        4 swapping           d                            4 gfx
        write to :            i                           write to:
                               s  1
        VAdER / MADOR           c  0  r                  CROMATIC/MADOR
                                    0  e
        Ulrich Becker                %  p                MARKUS MUELLER
        Weserstr.48                      l               POZNANERSTR.23
        49661 Cloppenburg                  y             03048 Cottbus

                               ALL IN GERMANY

./     /./  /./    //  //     \/     /	    ________________________________
.\ \__/./  /./ _  /.\_/.\___  |   __/.	   /           / /    /    /  /     /
./\__ \/  /_/ __ /./  \./  /  |  /\...	   \__   __   / /  / /  / /\_/__   /
/   / /\   /  / /./   //  /   | /_/...	     /  / /  / /  / /  __/  /  /  /
\    /..\_/\_/ /..\  /.\  \___/ \___..	    /  / /    /  / /    /  /  /  /
.\  /........\/....\/...\  /\      /..	   /  / /  / /  / /  / /  /  /  /
..\/.[MeM]...............\/..\____/...	   \_/  \_/\/\___/\_/\/\_/\_/\_/
 ____________________________________	  [MeM]
/                                    \	           -=>Darkness<=-      1a
					   for                         0n
   Contact Me For Graphix Exchanges	  cool     Thorin/Darkness     0s
					  swap.    bertrand Floury     %w
--- ! Then Contact Me At Diz Addy ! ---	           4 Square Alboni      e
					           75016 Paris          r
        *** SlAiNe / IVORY. ***		           FRANCE
            (Marfesi  Yann)
	    33, Rue Claude TERRASSE
	    75016 - PARIS  (France)

                   ______    _________________ ____  ____ ____
                  / __ / \  / /_  _/ __ /   _// / / /__ // __/
                 / /_// /\\/ / / // /_// /\ \/ /\ \//_/// /__
                /_/_//_/__\_/_/_//_/_//_/__\_\/_/_/___/_\_  /

                               ==>Mr SKULL<==

               /  __________________________________________  \
               \ !                                          ! /
               / !           Mr Skull/Antarkos              ! \
               \ !           Revelant Nicolas               ! /
               / !           4 bis rue de la Foret          ! \
               \ !           78140 Velizy                   ! /
               / !           France                         ! \
               \ !__________________________________________! /
               /                                              \

                          Support Atk Pack......

......................................	|                                     |
....../\/\__/\/\/\__/\__/\__/\__/\....	|    write 4 the l8es legal stuff     |
...../ / /   / / /   /__ / / /   /....	|                                     |
..../ / / /\/ / / / /_\_/ / //\_/.....	|            to:                      |
.../   /   /   / / / / /\  /\_ /......	|                                     |
../ \// /\/ \// / / / /./ /   /.......	|   _______     ______        ______  |
..\/\/\  /\/\/\  /\/\/./ / __/........	|  /       \__/\\     \  __/\_\     \ |
.......\/[MeM].\/......\/\/...........	| /  .  :  |  . \| |\  \/  _  \| |) / |
					|/   :  |  |  _  | |_)    (_)  |  _ \ |
Contact Me 2 Swapp MusicStuff On Amiga	|\   |__|_/   |__|_____/\_  __/|__|_ \|
Like Modules, Samples, Rippers etc...	| \__|    \___/  :    o   \/_  .   |_/|
					|    o     .     .    :             o |
           Try Diz Adress :		|    :                .             : |
					|    . -) BEYOND THE MIND EYES (-   . |
        * MEMORYS from IVORY *		|                                     |
					|   VAdER / MADOR           DISC(s)   |
  39, Rue Pierre BIGLE - 94320 THIAIS	|   ULRICH BECKER                     |
					|   WESERSTR.48           100% REPLAY |
             -> FraNce <-		|   49661 CLOPPENBURG                 |
					|                       GERMANY       |
  !!! Foreigners Are Very Welcome !!!	|                                     |

         ________  ____________________  ________  __________________
 ,      /       _\/    /  _ /         _\/  ___   \/_   __________    \
       /    /   //    /   //   /   /  //  ___    //   _____/       __/\
      /____/__  /_______  /___/___/_  / ________/_________/____/__ \_\/
      \____\__\/\_______\/\___\___\_\/\/ _______\/ _______\____\__\/\
               \/        \/          \/\/        \/[CyߣrBrAiN]    \/    *
               +               .   oF tHe                   .
       .       ________  __________________  _________________
              /  ____  \/_   __________    \/   ___________   \  +
         -   /  ____   //   _____/         /______  \_____/   /\
    .       / ________/ ________/____/__  / ________/\   /_  / /
            \/ _______\/ _______\____\__\/\/ _______\/   \_\/ /
             \/        \/                \/\/               \/      ^

                   a * ABSOLUTE! * bUlLEt¡n BøArD sYsTeM ...

         SyStEm OpErAtOr: LoRd / AbSoLutE! - CoSySoP: CyBeRbrAiN/zLk
        14400/v32bis/v42bis - 120 Mb OnLiNe (SySoP oN oFF liNe - hehe)
                      CaLL tHe BeAsT oN +36-1-291-4029

        ____/\_ ____    /\_____  /\         /\       /\__  /\___
  1    /      | |   \__/  \   | /  \_______/  \___  /    \/     \   Feel
  0    \|     | |    \  __ \  |/               _  \ \     \      \  Da
  0     |     | | __ | / / /  !    /_____  !  | \  \ \  \  \  \  /  Power
  %     |  ___| | \/ | \/ /     __/| __ !  |  |_/  /  \  \  \  \/   Of
        |  ! !|_|__  | __/\_  !   \|  |    !   ___//\  \  \  \  \   The
  A     |  | ||   |  |      \ |    \  |    |   |  /  \_/  /\  \  \  Dark-
  n     |  | ||   :  \ |_    \|     \ |    !   |_/\      /  \_/   \ Side
  s    /|  !_!|      / | \   /|\    / |    |       \    /         / !!!!
  w    \______|___/\/\_|  \_/_| \  /\_|\___!_______/\  /\  ______/
  e                    :         \/   !    .         \/  \/
  r                    .              .    .
  !     Tos/Darkness         Thorin/Darkness     Estrayk/Darkness
        Fabre Pascal         Bertrand Floury     Po.Box 6078
        22 Rue du Printemps  4 Square Alboni     46080 Valencia
        75017 Paris          75016 Paris         Spain
        France               France

          ©©   © ©©©©©© ©©©©©		      /\_..__  /\__. .  /\__. .
          ©©   © ©© © ©  ©   ©		    .//\_____\//\_____\//\_____ \
          ©©©©©© ©© © ©  ©   ©		   /  \____  \ \____  \ \____ ·\ \..
          ©©   © ©©   ©  ©   ©		   \.:/  ø|   \/  ½|___\/  ¦|  \\.: \
      ... ©©   © ©©   © ©©©©© ...    	  . \/   ¦|   ·\____   ·\  :    /_  /
					 ___/    :|    \\  |    \\ °|    ·\ \
      -*-*-*---> TuNeR <---*-*-*-	\\_      °:     ·\ |     ·\_|     \\ \
					 \ \_____________/______  / |____  / /
        c0nTaCt Me f0r AnYtHiNg		  \__. . :.[c]Pr!.:. ___\/_.  .__\/_/
        SeNd aDvErTs,NeWs,.....		                        \/       \/
        f0r the  ! s00nc0ming !
        HEM0R0IDS MY0PCHART !!?		      /X\ john PeeL / DeSiRe /X\
          AlS0 f0r OUTLAW/ERM
           & HEXAGONE/INTENSE			     Saavikatu 1
						    20780 Kaarina
      °°°°° DUREUX  LAURENT °°°°°	            F I N L A N D
       °°° 5,Rue Jean Mermoz °°°
        °°° 74100 ANNEMASSE °°°		     !greetz to .dead Kennedys.!
         °°°°°° FRANCE °°°°°°°

   /\________________________________________________________________|      /
 _/   ____________    /________ \________  \______     /  ________   |     /
 \______    \_  _/___/_/    _ / _/    _ /   \_   /    /   ___)___    _    /
 |     /     /  \     \     \/  \     \/     / ______/    \     /    |    \
 |__________/__________\_________\__________/     | \__________/     |_____\
+-Mo!/f^I- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -/_______|- -- - -- -/______|-- - -+
            PlAsMa of ScOoPeX
            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^              CoNtAcT mE fOr HoT fRiEnDsHiP(!)
               Lee  Wijant                 sWaPpInG aNd AlSo FoR pUrE
         Lautenthaler Strasse 44           > GFX < tRaDiNg ...
              38723  Seesen
                 Germany              > g.e.n.e.r.a.t.i.o.n.s.  a.h.e.a.d.!. <

                         $mall friend$hip greet$ to:
      SkUl,SlAm,SpEeDy,StEaRo,TrAsHeR,TuRbO and all ScOoPeX members ..._______
    /\________________________________________________________________|      /
  _/   ____________    /________ \________  \______     /  ________   |     /
  \______    \_  _/___/_/    _ / _/    _ /   \_   /    /   ___)___    _    /
  |     /     /  \     \     \/  \     \/     / ______/    \     /    |    \
  |__________/__________\_________\__________/     | \__________/     |_____\
 +-Mo!/f^I- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -/_______|- -- - -- -/______|-- - -+
          ,0&?"   ¹1%Ñ%.				 HEY GIRLS!!!!
          $&         '&4             "(,
          &(          "Ñ' .;"        ¹¾00¾Y("	      ARE YOU FED UP WITH
          &¹           B7*Ñ8@#*;        ,/]5BÑ85    ORDINARY COMPUTER GUYZ??
          &(           *Ñ4"  ;$Ñ]    ¹?Y5/ ¹4Ñ%+     Aren't you Satisfied?
          $¾           F*      !Ñ7$8Ñ&*7/"$ÑY,    Is your boyfriend impotent?
          "Ñ%              5%.+&ÑÑ]!.   ¹0¾;	  Or Just you wanna trade all
           '#]   LoRd      '&Ñ@1¹Ñ     7ÑF	kind of USED-CONDOMS ???!!!!!
     1¹     +#,             ,#+ (@     Y/
     ]Ñ+     84              (¹.&$	       Then don't hesitate to contact
      +ÑF    "Ñ(              ¹08,		         my DICK at :
 ;     ¹04'¹%Ñ@#,           .FÑF
 #4¹    '8###/ &Y         ,]#8!			      LORD of ABSOLUTE!
 'YÑ%. .FÑ*.8? (Ñ,      ¹%Ñ4/				 PETER LABOS
   '&@]##4  *1  @?    /&#Y"				1181 BUDAPEST
     4Ñ+/&  *1  F5  .8#7.				DARUS 10 II/3
     !& ¹&  (¹  /# .&&.					   HUNGaRY
     ¹& ¹&       #/]@.
     ¹& ¹&       *&@?		or Call my SEX-HOTLINE at: +36-1-291-4029
     ¹& ¹&       ,BÑ,
     +& ,/        ,;	     ONLY 4 REAL GIRLS!!!! GAYS CAN'T CONTACT ME!!!

          ©©   © ©©©©©© ©©©©©
          ©©   © ©© © ©  ©   ©		     ___  _____  __  ___  __  __
          ©©©©©© ©© © ©  ©   ©		    /   \/     \/  \/   \/  \/  \a
          ©©   © ©©   ©  ©   ©		   /  |  \  |  /    \ |  \   \   \T
      ... ©©   © ©©   © ©©©©© ...	  /   |   \    \_    \|   \       \o
      -*-*-*---> BiGm  <---*-*-*-	      - a liGhT iN tHe da®k...

            KeEp 0n SeNdInG		     Orion is searching 4 assembler
            c00l InTr0s f0r		     coders. Send xsamples 2:
       Turlututu Chapeau P0intu
          PaCk Fr0m HEM0R0IDS		           Atomic / Orion
           AlS0 f0r SwApPiNg		          Skalbygatan 157
           (n0 fAkEd StAmPs)		         S-724 76 Vasteras
      °°°°°°°°°° SANA  °°°°°°°°°°
       °°°°°°°°° BP 54 °°°°°°°°°	   U don't have 2 b an elite coder.
        °°°°° 57157 MARLY °°°°°		    We will nearly except anyone.
         °°°°°° FRANCE °°°°°°°

             _              _____
            /(___________  /¬ _ ¬\   /\
            \___ __ ¬/__¬\// /_\__\  \/_
               / | )/ l/ /\_____ .\ __/|
              /  | ¬| |  \/ . \_\ \\|¬ |
             /___|  l_|\__\________/l__| [HK]

                      ====           ====
   Contact one of the completely stoned organisers of   T R S I....!!

Did  you  know  that  Techno,  Hip  Hop, Rap and Dancehall are boring me to
death?   If  you  have  the  same musicial taste as I have - SOUL, REAGGAE,

then try to come in contact with me at this addy:
                         Stefan-Jaeger Str. 12
                          A-8605  Kapfenberg

          ©©   © ©©©©©© ©©©©©
          ©©   © ©© © ©  ©   ©		          ©©   © ©©©©©© ©©©©©
          ©©©©©© ©© © ©  ©   ©		          ©©   © ©© © ©  ©   ©
          ©©   © ©©   ©  ©   ©		          ©©©©©© ©© © ©  ©   ©
      ... ©©   © ©©   © ©©©©© ...	          ©©   © ©©   ©  ©   ©
					      ... ©©   © ©©   © ©©©©© ...
       -*-*-*---> NeC <---*-*-*-
					       -*-*-*---> STC <---*-*-*-
          c0nTaCt Me f0r GFX
               & SWAPPING		         c0nTaCt Me f0r CODING
					               & JOINING
           WHEN PREPARATION H		               HEM0R0IDS
              ISN'T ENOUGH		           WHEN PREPARATION H
					              ISN'T ENOUGH
      °°°°° HURTAUX LUDOVIC °°°°°
       °°°° 8,RUE DU DANUBE °°°°	      °°° HARDIBO PIERRE-JEAN °°°
        °°°°° 51100 REIMS °°°°°		       °CLOS FLEURI,BAT A,APP13°
         °°°°°° FRANCE °°°°°°°		        °°°° 74190 LE FAYET °°°
         °°°°°° FRANCE °°°°°°°

> X×x×xxX×X××Xxx×X×xX×x×xxX×X××Xxx×X×xX×x×xxX×X××Xxx×X×xX×x×xxX×X××Xxx×X×xX <
> O    _______  _____________  ____   ______  ___________________________ O <
> O    \   ___)_\      \     \ \  /   \     \ \   ____/  ______/  ______/ O <
> O    /        \   |   \ |   \/  \_/\/  |   \/    __)\___   \ \___   \   O <
> O   /          \       \     \      \  |    \      \/       \/       \  O <
> O  /            \       \     \      \ |     \      \        \        \ O <
> O /             /       /     /      / |     /      /        /        / O <
> O \____________/_______/_____/______/__|____/______/________/________/  O <
> O                                                                   -TK-O <
> X×x×xxX×X××Xxx×X×xX×x×xxX×X××Xxx×X×xX×x×xxX×X××Xxx×X×xX×x×xxX×X××Xxx×X×xX <
> × xX×x×    X    ×X  X x×xx××  ×    × Xxx× X     x    ×x×xX×x×xxX×X××Xxx×X <
> X ×x xx ×X ×Xxx X x × ×x X× x × Xxx× X×xX ××x xX× X××Xxx  UNLIMITED!  X×X <
> x     ×    X×X ×Xxx X     ×Xx X   ×X ××Xx xxX ×x×   xxxx   WHQ  BBS   ×X× <
> ×xxX ×x×xx ×X ×Xxx× ×xX× ×Xxx × X××X xx×X ×X× x×x xX×Xx× WILL BE OPEN X×x <
> ×xxX ×x    × ××Xxx× ×xX× ×xXx ×    X    × ×Xx xX×    xx×    SOON!!    X×X <
> Xxx×X×x×xxX×X××Xxx×X×xX×x×xxX×X××Xxx×X×xX×x×xxX×X××Xxx×X    SYSOP:    Xxx <
> ×X×x×xxX×X××Xxx×X×xX×x×xxX×X××Xxx×X×xX×x×xxX×X××Xxx×X×xX  TECHNOKING  ×X× <
> XxXxX×x×xxX×X××Xxx×X×xX×x×xxX×X××Xxx×X×xX×x×xxX×X××Xxx×X×xX×x×xxX×X××Xxx× <
> XX×x×xxX×X××Xxx×X×xX×x×xxX×X××Xxx×X×xX×x×xxX×X××Xxx×X×xX×x×xxX×X××Xxx×X×x <

    *                                    |                                  *
    + I'm looking for some more contacts |       Regards fly out to:        +
    * for swapping the latest LEGAL &    |                                  *
    + ILLEGAL. Long letter if possible.. |  Vision - Damage - D-29 - TRSI   +
    *                                    |  Bronx - Parasite - Scoopex      *
    + Write to:                          |  Angelica - Cadaver - Accession  +
    *                                    |  Intense - Transonic - Sardonyx  *
    +  Skyclad/Compact  <- Don't write   |  Destiny - Applause - Freezers   +
    *  Michael Onarheim                  |  Psycho - Bitchsuckers - Metro   *
    +  Lyngvn. 3A                        |  Razor 1911 - Trance Inc - BLI   +
    *  N-5460 Husnes                     |  Obscene - Illusion - Decnite    *
    +  Norway                            |  Isch Crew - Extacy - Black Jack +
    *                                    |  Unlimited - Iris - Emotion      *
    +                                    |  Legacy - Avalon - Talent - TMG  +
    *   --> Friendship Rulez!!! <--      |  Majic 12 - Stellar - Hangover   *
    +                                    |  and all forgotten.....          +
    *                                    |                                  *
    + Also for swapping DeathMetal Tapes |     .o0 Party on dudes!! 0o.     +
    *                                    |                                  *

          __________________________________         For a cool trade...
  100%    \     \   \  \     \   _/\  \     \
           \___  \   \/ \  \/ \ /__/\_/\___  \      \  Thorin/Darkness  /
  Answer       \  \  /\  \ /\  \   \_\  \  \  \     /  Bertrand Floury  \
           [MeM]\_/\___\_/\____/\_\__/\_/\__\_/     \  4 Square Alboni  /
                                                    /  75016 Paris      \
                         FrØm                       \  France       !!! /
 ____/\_ ____    /\_____  /\         /\       /\__  /\_________________/
/      | |   \__/  \   | /  \_______/  \___  /    \/     \
\|     | |    \  __ \  |/               _  \ \     \      \  Feel Da Power
 |     | | __ | / / /  !    /_____  !  | \  \ \  \  \  \  /
 |  ___| | \/ | \/ /     __/| __ !  |  |_/  /  \  \     \/  Of The Darkside
 |  ! !|_|__  | __/\_  !   \|  |    !   ___//\  \  \  \  \
 |  | ||   |  |      \ |    \  |    |   |  /  \_/  /\  \  \     !!!!!!!
 |  | ||   :  \ |_    \|     \ |    !   |_/\      /  \_/   \
/|  !_!|      / | \   /|\    / |    |       \    /         /
\______|___/\/\_|  \_/_| \  /\_|\___!_______/\  /\  ______/
                :         \/   !    .         \/  \/
                .              .    .

          ©©   © ©©©©©© ©©©©©		     /\___
          ©©   © ©© © ©  ©   ©		    /  _  \
          ©©©©©© ©© © ©  ©   ©		   /__//  //\___  /\___  ____ /\___
          ©©   © ©©   ©  ©   ©		     _/ _//  __ \ \    \/    \\    \
      ... ©©   © ©©   © ©©©©© ...	    /  /_ \  \ \/ /_/\  \ /\  \_/\  \
					   /     \/  /___/\  /  / \/  /  /  /
     -*-*-*---> d0cKeRs <---*-*-*-	  /___  _/\____  _/ /  /\  __/  /  /
					      \/       \/   \_/  \/     \_/
          c0nTaCt Me 0nLy f0r
            !!! M0DULES !!!		    oO Only The Dead Are cooler Oo

               HEM0R0IDS		         SwAp ThE LaTeSt WiTh
              ISN'T ENOUGH		            DUQ / ZENON
					            MaaRiNtiE 20
      °°°°°° DROUSSE ALAIN °°°°°°	            49220 SiLtaKyLa
       °° 26, RUE DU PONTREAU °°	            Finland!
        °° 79130 AZAY/THOUET °°
         °°°°°° FRANCE °°°°°°°		        Cool Stuff = Answer !

           ________________        ___    __________ ___    _______
          /_______________/   /\  /__/\  /__________\\__\  /\______\
         /               /\  /\ \/   \/ /           //   \/ /   __  \
         \      _       /\ \/  \ \   /\/      _____//\   / /   /\ \  \
          \      \_____/  \ \   \/\_/\ \      \ \/\/ /\_/\/   /  \ \  \
          /\___       \    \/    \    \ \      \/\ \/     \  /   / /  /
         /     \__     \          \    \/         \ \      \/___/_/  /
        /               \          \   /           \/      /        /

             ----------> ThE MaGaZiNE FoR REadEr`s <------------


       ISSUE SEVEN will be out in February/March feat. new design and new
                         code so give it a hot support!!

                    T H E   M A G   F O R   R E A D E R S  !!!

   _______________________________     "           ,           :     o
  / _____________________________ \ :                     "
 (_(_                           _)_)    Beeblebrox wants YOU for cool Contact !
  _)_)   _   _      _   _    / (_(_                        .      "     .
 ( (    |_) |_) |  |_) |_| \/    ) )  *       .    :
  \ \   |_) |_) |__|_) | \ /\   / /     oOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo
   \ \  __________________/__  / /   .  O                                     O
    \ \ --------------------- / /       o       If ya are interested in       o
 .  .\ \   Fun - Fun - Fun   / /        O                                     O
  .   \ \  ---------------  / /      o  o fast , friendly Swapping da newest  o
       \ \                 / /          O                                     O
        \ \  Have a nice  / /           o   legal Scene-Warez , Metaltapes ,  o
 "       \ \             / /      #     O                                     O
     o    \ \    Day    / /  .          o  Modules , Tools ... then write to  o
           \ \         / /              O                                     O
   .     .  \ \  !!!  / /     *   :     o         B º º b | º b ® 0 ×         o
      %      \ \     / /    .           O             Rene Rummel             O
 #            \ \   / /                 o        Hutschenreutherkol. 5        o
       "       \ \ / /         o        O             95100  Selb             O
  ,        .    \ | /     +          .  o                                     o
                 \_/                .   OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO

          ©©   © ©©©©©© ©©©©©		          _           __  _____
          ©©   © ©© © ©  ©   ©		         (_)_______  / /\/____/\
          ©©©©©© ©© © ©  ©   ©		        /_ _______/\(  )/ ____)/
          ©©   © ©©   ©  ©   ©		       /  | ____  \ |  ( (_/\__
      ... ©©   © ©©   © ©©©©© ...	      /  /| | | \  )|  |\__\/_/\
					     (  (-| |/|  \/\|  | |__\ \ \
     -*-*-*---> StRaNgEr <---*-*-*-	      \  \| | )  /\_)  (/___/  )/
					       \____)/DK \____________/
          c0nTaCt Me 0nLy f0r		    - When It Comes To Friendship -
            !!! SWAPPING !!!
					    - Contact IRIS DK For Joining -
              ISN'T ENOUGH		       Rodegaardsvej 79,
					           5000 Odense C
      °°°°°° CEDRIC CHANAL °°°°°°	              Denmark
       ° 145 AV COMTE DE NICE °°
        °° 34000 MONTPELLIER °°		      Also For ELITE Swapping
         °°°°°° FRANCE °°°°°°°

   .           .     .     .    !
  /|___ __ __ /l___ /l___ /l___/l___   -  We seeks for more members  -
 |  ___Y  Y  Y     Y  ___Y  _  \ _  \        so are you a good
 |  ___|     |  ___|  ___|  \  / \  /            musician
 |  |  |>   <|     |  |  |/\_\/\\_\/\             swapper
 |  |  |     |     |  |  |  /   \/   \             coder
 (  __________  ____  ____  ____  ____)
  \|          \|    \|    \|    \|PLG W. Then why not join excess!!!
   !           !     !     !     !       Send your works to:
   :           :           :     :
   .                             .

                               Fläderg. 8
                           S- 441 56 Alingsås

               NO Amos and no Basic only assembly coders
           We shall do Amiga Games,Intros,Demos with more
        Hej till:Alla svenska excess medlemar och annat folk
    Hello to:all swedish Excess members and to all other people

         ___________________________________________________ _____
       _/   _____________  /_____________/_____  /______/   |    /
       \________  \_  /___/_\  _ \_ \  _ \_   / / ___)__\_  _  _/
        |      /   /  |    / \/   /  \/   / ___/  \     /   |   \
        |   ______/_______/______/_______/___|_________/____|    \

           Contact us right now for the latest stuff under:

                           Joachim Sobczak
                            Pallasstr. 53
                         44575 Castrop-Rauxel

Fast greets to my friends in: Razor 1911, Dreamdealers, Sanity, Digital
Alcatraz, Fairlight, Virtual Dreams, DCS, Static Bytes, Polka Brothers,
Andromeda, Majic 12, Absolute!, Crusaders, Miracle, Infect, Talent,etc.

					   * | fAsT sWaPpIng - nEw wArEz | *
					   l |::::::/  \ ( (/ .\ / ):::::| m
        _____  _____   _____		   O |:::::/    \/ /  __) /::::::| O
        \   /\ \ ___\  \ __ \(Rng)	   o |:::::\_/\___(\_( (___):::::| d
        /  / / / \_//\ / \ \ \		   O |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::| U
       /  / / /  /\ \//  /\/ /\		   n |                           | l
      /   \/_/__/_/ //__/_/_/_/_	   G |  jUsT aNoThEr SwApPeR iS  | E
      \________________________/\	     |                           | s
       \_______________________\/	     | sEaRcHiN´4 nEw CoNtAx.... |
        Freedom for Ladybirds!!!	   l |                           | s
					   E |   <Y80rG 0F /\/30PlA$!a   | W
        Ranger / Ladybird design      	   t |   aN dEr kRäHeNhArDt 14   | a
            Christopher  Gil		   T |    51674 WiEhL/gErMaNy    | P
            Zascianska 149/2		   a |___________________________| p
            15-546 Bialystok		   S |:::::::__:::__:__:::_::::::|
                 Poland			     |::::::/  \ ( (/ .\ / ):::::| 2
					   ! |:::::/    \/ /  __) /::::::|
					   ! |:::::\_/\___(\_( (___):sf::| !
					   * | =- pLeEzE oNlY ELITE ! -= | *
           +    © HEM0R0IDS  WHEN PREPARATI0N H ISN'T EN0UGH ©     +
           +                                                       +
           +       ©   CONTACT US :                                +
           +                               DOCKERS/HMD             +
           +    ©©©    TUNER/HMD           DROUSSE ALAIN           +
           +   ©   ©   DUREUX LAURENT      26,RUE DU PONTREAU      +
           +   ©©©©©   5,RUE JEAN MERMOZ   79130 AZAY SUR THOUET   +
           +           74100 ANNEMASSE     FRANCE                  +
           +   ©©©©©   FRANCE                                      +
           +    ©                          STC/HMD                 +
           +   ©©©©©   NEC/HMD             HARDIBO PIERRE-JEAN     +
           +           HURTAUX LUDOVIC     CLOS FLEURI             +
           +   ©©©©©   8,RUE DU DANUBE     BAT A APP 13            +
           +     ©     51100 REIMS         74190 LE FAYET          +
           +   ©©©©©   FRANCE              FRANCE                  +
           +                                                       +
           +  SLEDGEHAMMER°ELF°...                                 +
           +      -----------------------------------------        +
           +      -HMD-HMD-HMD-HMD-HMD-HMD-HMD-HMD-HMD-HMD-        +
                         /(____________  ___/\___________
                         \____/\_____ ~\ \____/\_____   ~\___ _ __
                         /    \/  __/   \/    \/    /____/
                      __/     /   \_  __/     /____     /
                      \      /    /   \      /    /    /
                      /     /    /   //     /    /    /
             __ _ ___/     /    /   ·/     /    /    /
                     \____/\___/    /\____/\_______ /
                   ===========/    /==============|/[SHK]
                             /    /               :
          Yøu hAve f¡NaLly FøuNð S0mEøne Whø CårE$ åBøuT
       tHe dY¡nG BµlGar¡ån Squ¡RreL$!?!!AnyTh¡nG
    çøNcern!nG SqµiRreL$,Yøu Shøulð çøntaçt:       Søme tåsty HoT-Døgs to:
                          /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\      Alçatraz,Ar¡se,Dåmøne$,
   -+) PaNteRa/IrIs (+-  / Alsø før Fr¡enðly)    PaRas¡tE,InTeråçt¡Ve,VsN,
      Janne Parkkis.     \ EL!TE $wappinG../    VD/FLT,Sçøope×,tr$i,AlPha,
      Hovslagarg.64       \    /\/\  / \  /    ReBeLs,BalånçE,Brønx,IRIS,
      19431 Uppl.Vasby     \/\/..  \/.. \/    StaT¡ç BytEs,LED,Mað Elk$,
      Sweden                                 And Tø rEst oF My Frienðs!
   -)Just wr¡te a fµnny letter tø GeT a sµrE answer......sun perseessa! (-

                   _    _         _    _     _      _      _
           \__      /    /\__      / __ /  __ /\ \   /\  ___/       ¡
   ¡         / / / /  __/   / / / / / //  ___/  \_/ /_/\___ \     --o--
 --o--      / /\/ /  __/   / /\/ /  \// /\  \    / / \       \      !
   !        \/  \/\___/    \/  \/\___/\/  \_[MeM]\/   \______/

MeMoRyS/IVORY   ¡        ___  __  F.R.O.M           Greetz Goes 2:
39 Rue BIGLE  --o--    _/   \/  \________/\______   Axe/BOSS - Baby/MAD ELKS
94320 THIAIS    !     /  /\  \ /    ]  __ /  \  |   Gryzor/INDEP - IVORY TEAM
FrAnCe               /\_/  \  /|   !|  __/\  __ |   Vodka/HAZARD - Hexogen/??
                    /  / |  \/ |   :| |  \ \/ | |   YoYo/5TH GENERATION and
                    \_/ -o-    [____] |   \   ! !   all my Contax & Friends..
                         |         |__|\__/   :

  If You Want 2 SwApp Some Music'Stuff With Me Then Grab A Pen And Send Me A

         Cool Letter And A Disk (with Some Stuff ! Not Empty !!) !

    Foreigners are very Welcome ! Disk=100% Reply ! The Post is Too Slow !

          ©©   © ©©©©©© ©©©©©		     _______
          ©©   © ©© © ©  ©   ©		     \___  /\____/\_  /\___/\_
          ©©©©©© ©© © ©  ©   ©		  /     / / ____/ _ \/ _  / _ \     \
          ©©   © ©©   ©  ©   ©		 +-----/ / __/_/ // / // / // /\-----+
      ... ©©   © ©©   © ©©©©© ...	 |\   / /\____/_//_/____/_//_/ /    /|
					 |   /______________________/\/      |
      -*-*-*---> GrYz0r <---*-*-*-	 :   \______________________\/       :
					 :                                   :
          c0nTaCt Me 0nLy f0r		    Duq needs some new swapmates !
            !!! M0DULES !!!		 .   If you are one then write to :  .
					 .   |                           |   .
               HEM0R0IDS		    -+-       DUQ / ZENON       -+-
           WHEN PREPARATION H		 .   |       Kim  Pukero         |   .
              ISN'T ENOUGH		     |      Maarintie 20         |
					 .         49220 Siltakyla           .
      °°°°° NICOLAS FRANCK °°°°°°	 .            Finland!               .
       ° 157,RUE DE STRASBOURG °	 : 100% answer to cool stuff senders :
        °  77350 LE MEE/SEINE °		 +-----------------------------------+
         °°°°°° FRANCE °°°°°°°

             ____ __________ ____ ________ ______________ : _______
             |   \|   |    |/    \|     || |      |  ___|-O-      |
             |    \   | ___|      |  |  || |      |  | ___:|_     |
             |        | |_|_  |   |  |  || |   |  |  |_|_   |  |  |
             |        | ___|  |   | ____|| |   |  |____ |   |  |  |
             |        | |_|_  |   | | |  |_|_     |___| |   |     |
             |   \    |    |      | | |     | __  |     |   | __  |
             |___|\___|____|_____/__| |_____|_||__|_____|___|_||__|

                               contact us under:

     Horra/Npl                 only legal !              Cyborg/Npl
     Thomas Horacek            Also for Modules  --->    Helge Ruland
     Hauptstr. 39        <---  0-7 Days                  An der Krähenhardt 14
     95173 Schönwald           FAST ANSWER to everyone   51674 Wiehl

Thanks to Beeblebrox/Indy for the nice logo !

      ...      ...   ......     ......   ...    ...  FaSt PeRsOnAl GrEtZ tO:
      ....    ....  ........   ........  ....   ...  ALICE/STATUS OK.
      .....  ..... ....  .... ....  .... .....  ...  DISTORTION/CYBERDYNE S.
      ............ ...    ... ...    ... ...... ...  FLAVOR/CYBERDYNE S.
      ... .... ... ...    ... ...    ... ... ......  METAL/FUNZINE
      ...  ..  ... ....  .... ....  .... ...  .....  PLASTUS/BETON DZG.
      ...      ...  ........   ........  ...   ....  UNHOLY/THE EDGE
      ...      ...   ......     ......   ...    ...

      CoNtAcT mE fOr HoT cOoL       ..   ....    mOoN  oF  oBsEsSiOn
      aNd FrIeNdShIp SwApPiNg      .  .  .       MaRtIn  LuCzKiEwIcZ
      CrAzY-mAd  ShOrT & lOnG      .  .  ...     uL.wRoClAwSkA 43/10
               lEtTs               .  .  .       44-335   jAsTrZeBiE
         0-7 DaY oLd WaReZ          ..   .             pOlAnD
      365-1825 dAy HoT sTuFfS
                              cOdErS pReFeReD
  nO DiSk=No AnSwEr ..   ...    ..  ....   ..  ....   ..   ..  .   ..   .  .
  LeTtEr=50% AnSw  .  .  .  .  .    .     .    .     .    .    .  .  .  .. .
  DiSk(S)\   100   .  .  ...    .   ...    .   ...    .    .   .  .  .  . ..
  lOnG    =   %    .  .  .  .    .  .       .  .       .    .  .  .  .  .  .
  lEtTer /   AnS    ..   ...   ..   ....  ..   ....  ..   ..   .   ..   .  .

            _______/\  __/\____________:_/\  __/\_________/\______
            \_   .   \ \_  ______/\_   ¦   \ \_  ______/\_   .    \
            /    |    \/     __)__/    |    \/     __)__/    ¦  __/
           /     __/\_________  __/\  _______/\  ________/\. .    \_
          /      \__  .    .  \ \__.\ \_   .   \ \_    .   \ |      \
----^-----\______¦/   |    |   \/    \/    |    \ |    |    \¦______/©håø$-^---
                 /    |    |    \     \    |     \|    |     \
                /     |    |     \     \   |      \    ¦      \
                        :    :               :

		    >>>>>>>> Messages Information : <<<<<<<<

	  PAGE 002 - 047 : All Messages are the first time included !!

	  PAGE 048 - 057 : All Messages are included since issue 57 !!

	  PAGE 058 - 088 : All Messages are included since issue 56 !!


Ich hoffe du meldest dich demnächst mal wieder, oder läst dir das Modemtraden
keine Zeit mehr ??

Hi Jack !! What's goinig up... I hope Kefrens will release a nice AGA Demo
soon. AGA reules for ever ...

Echt cool das es nun Rebels auch in Deutschland vertreten ist. Ich hoffe von
Rebels kommt demnächst was cooles.

Thanks for contacting me and the second Sending with HEADLINES Issue 2.
I hope you will published all the support in the next issue. If you need
more news, please tell it me !!
Hi Dirk, was macht dein Modem ?? Schreib doch mal wieder öfteres !!!

Thanks for the nice Phone call. It would be nice when you call me again.
To bad I don't have your number !! Ach scheiße ich kann doch deutsch
schrieben. Ich hoffe die nächste issue of SUICID ist schon fast fertig.
Was du mir darüber erzählt hast, wird der code wirklich einmalig sein.

I hope you will got soon your own Pack menu.
What's going up thair in Norway ??

Was ist los Dirk ??? Diesmal ein richtiges langes delay ?? Ich hoffe du machst
warum ich dich beim letztenmal gebeten hatte.

It was realy nice to meet you on the second Saturne Party. It would be very
cool when you visit germany this year.

Thanks for contacting me and the cool stuff. I hope we will have a nice swap
time together. When will be the next issue of PROPAGANDA released ???

Danke für Scoopex Melodies. Habe sie natürlich gut gespreaded. Mußte sogar
noch Disks kaufen, da ich normalerweise nur 2 Disks swappe.

Thanks for the ascii's and the long Letters you wrote all the time.
Upstream issue 8 was very cool. I hope issue 9 will be good as the other

Hi Yann !!!  Immer noch fleißig am coden ??? Ich hoffe demnächst mal wieder
etwas von dir zusehen.

Thanks für die Chip Tunes. Wenn du willst kannst du mir wieder welche schicken.
Falls mir welche gefallen werde ich sie natürlich auch im Never Mind verwenden.

Thanks for the Chip tune. I hope you will send me soon another one, because
I like your Tunes. I'm waiting for your next Letter.

Thanks for your answer after the long time.
Nice to hear that you back in scene now.

Was macht denn dein Board nun ?? Könnst auch mal wieder schreiben !!
Thanks for the own warez.... I think we will have a nice swap-time

Echt cooler Move von Arise zu Fairlight. Irgendwie steigen alle meiner alten
Contacts in die Modemscene ein. Vielleicht schaffe ich mir demnächst auch mal
wieder ein Modem an.

Thanks for contacting me and the third issue of BUZZ.
Keep up this cool work.

Es freut mich das du nicht ganz in die Mailscene verlassen hast. Wirst du
demnächst wieder ein Pack machen oder lohnt es sich nicht mehr da du doch
den gröstteil deiner Contacts gedropt hast.

It was really cool to meet you on the second Saturne Party. Cool Production
from Dream Dealers which was released their.

Na du möchte gern-LEADER !!! Ich hoffe ihr bringt demnächst mal was eigenes
heraus und nimmt nicht wieder den nächst Besten source den ihr in die
Finger bekommt.

Great that you back in scene after this big delay. I think we will have
a nice swap time again.

Was ist los Richard !! Ich dachte du wolltest noch mal schrieben. War echt
cool dich auf der Cebit zutreffen, nur schade das bei der Competion ein
kleiner War ausgebrochen ist.

Thanks for the latest issue of Upstream. Please use my Adverts I have send
you. I will publish your adverts !!

Danke fürs Never Mind support. Dein Disk werde ich dir nicht zurück schicken,
da ich beim Postamt Nachgebühren für dein Sending zahlen mußte. Ich hoffe
du verstehst das. Außerdem habe ich auch kein interesse daran mit dir zu
swappen. Sorry !!!!

Thanks for the first issue of AGGRESSION. The code & design are very good,
but you have include many old articles, I have allready read in some other

Was ist los mit dir ?? Den Dodger hatte ich ja auf der Eastern Party ge-
troffen. Echt schade das du nicht mit gekommen bist. Vielleicht trifft man
sicj ein anderes mal.
Thanks for recontactinge me. I think on the Post way, my or your Sending
got lost. I hope we will have a nice time again.

Hey altes Haus !! Machst wieder ein delay, oder liegt was neues bei ABYSS
an. Der neue code der Swap and Dance Chart war schon viel besser !!!

I will wish you all the best with your new crew. In my opionen ABSOLUTE!
are one of the best groups in HUNGARY.

Hi Thomas !! Cooles Pack haste nun... Eigentlich dachte ich es wäre mehr
Coding drin. Aber der Cougar entschädigt dies ja mit einem echt scharfen
Picture. Wie ich gehört habe willst du öfters das Loader Pic andern !!
Echt cool Idee !!! Ich hoffe du bekommst auch dolle Pictures...

Ich hoffe die 2 YEARS INFECT PARTY wird cool. Am diesem Wochenende werde ich
zur Saturne Party 2 fahren. Wird sicherlich cooler (he,he) !!!

I will wish you all the best for you and your new team. I hope MAJIC 12 will
release something very soon.

Echt cooler move von dir. Nur schade ist das die anderen nun Bonzai nicht
mehr weiter machen wollen. Gerade wo ihr so Productive gestartet hattet.

Hi Mario !! Was macht den dein trackmo ??? Wie der PARAGON mir auf der
Eastern Party erzählt hat, ist es schon fast fertig, oder hat er ein
bischen übertrieben ??

Thanks for the latest issue of 'THE CHARTS'. I hope you have got all my
collected votesheets. I'm waiting for the next issue.

Hi Lee, thanks für die GFX. Ich hoffe das ich dein Letter-Intro in einem
Monat fertig gecoded habe. Macht echt Spass mal wieder etwas anderes zu tun.

Thanks for the Letter from Elmore. What's going up in SUSPIRA ?? I hope you
will relaese something very soon.

Thanks für den coolen Never Mind support, obwohl ich nur selten den stuff
von dir genommen habe. Aber mach nur weiter so !!!

To bad, that you have stopped swapping. We have a nice swapping time.
Was ist los mit dir ??? Habe schon seit einigen Wochen nichts mehr von dir
gehört. Raff dich mal auf und schick mir mal wieder einige modules von dir.

Thanks for the cool stuff all the time. Short Letter rules and short
Messages are rules, too.

Thanks for the own Productions. Im augenblick ist FCI recht Productive.
Ich hoffe ihr macht weiter so. Wie sieht es denn mit FCI hier in
Deutschland aus ???

I will wish you all the best with your new team Essence. I hope RAW will be
finished soon.

EH, thanks für die Phone-bills !! Es freut mich zu hören das Du die Music-
Slide disk gespreaded hast. Thanks !!!

Was ist los ??? Hast mein Sending nicht bekommen, oder machst im augenblick
ein keines !??! delay ????

Thanks for the special sendings. Ach ja du kannst ja deutsch. Ich hoffe die
neusten Never Minds habe dir gefallen.

Thanks for the latest release by MOVEMENT. I hope their will be more in the

Thanks for Cooltunes #1. I have got it allready from Crusader/Depth faster
and I have packed it on my Never Mind series.
You don't have wrote your addresse in your letter and I can't return your
disk as I promised it in my Never Mind packs.

Danke fürs Never Mind support. Dein Disk werde ich dir nicht zurück schicken,
da ich beim Postamt Nachgebühren für dein Sending zahlen mußte. Ich hoffe
du verstehst das. Außerdem habe ich auch kein interesse daran mit dir zu
swappen. Sorry !!!!

War mal wieder echt cool dich zu treffen. Ich dachte du wolltest mal wieder
Schreiben. Ist schon scheisse wenn die Post zweimal hinter einander das
Sending einbehält. Vielleicht schicke ich dir demnächst mal wieder ein
own Production.

      ____ .___.      _______   ____ ________________    ____  _________
     /  _ \|:  l___  /   ___/  / _  \\___   ______   \  / _  \ \____    \
    /  /|  \¡  |   \/   /  \  /  |\  \  l   | |: /  _/ /  |\  \  / :    /
   /.  __   \  ¡   .\      .\/   __  .\ |  .| |¡ \  .\/   __  .\/  ¡   /\
  //   ||    \_     \\      \\   ||   \\|  || |   \  \\   ||   \\     /  \_
_/     |l_____/______/_______/___l|     \___l |___l\   \__l|     \________/
\______l[Stz]=====================l______/==========\___/==l______/=--- --

                       Messages from Sting of Alcatraz

 To:   Mr.King/Scoopex

 Hi Jörg !!! Coole Phone Talks die letzten Zeiten !!! O.k am Wochende sehen
 wir uns ja wenn wir zur Saturne Party fahren... Und dann noch kurz ein
 Abstecher nach Paris um ein Mädels anzubaggern mit unseren französisch
 Kenntnissen, hehehe !!!

 To:   Ragman/Vision

 Hi Mark !!! Tja, ist echt schade das es mit unserer alten Gruppe nicht so
 ganz geklappt hat... Aber mit Vision scheint es ja wieder Berg auf zu gehen.
 Was soll schon schief gehen wenn Ragman da ist,hehehe !!! O.k mal sehen
 welchen Platz Du so bei der Gfx Comp. in Frankreich machst...
 To:   Jazy/Vision

 Hi Timo !!! Na alles klar... Tja, schade das Du nicht zur Saturne Party
 mitkommen kannst... Und coole Aktion von Dir das Du das alles so gut
 geregelt hast... Ich glaube Du weißt was ich meine... Fuck the Post !!!

 To:   Melvin/Rebels

 Hi Claus !!! Alles im Lot... Jaja das ist schon so ne Sache mit den Mädels,
 wobei ich das bei Dir nicht verstehe, Du hast doch schon so wenig Contacts?
 Oder bist Du soviel mit Deinem Modem am werkeln ??? Die Zeit sollte man aber
 trotzdem nicht nur am Comp verbringen oder ??? O.k wir sehen uns ja mal
 bestimmt wieder auf ner Party... Vielleicht schon auf der SIH II.

 To:   X-Poole/Nuance

 Hi Marco !!! Hey man, alles klar ??? Ich hoffe doch mal... Na ja, wie ich
 schon gesagt hatte schade das es mit der alten Gruppe nicht mehr so ganz
 hingehauen hat, aber wir telefonieren und swappen ja sowieso miteinander...
 Friendship ruled eben !!! O.k viel Spaß in Nuance !!!

 To:   Exciter/Rebels

 Hallo Ingo !!! Dich sieht man ja auch mal öfters auf Partys... Ich wollte
 Dir eigentlich nur viel Spaß mit Deiner neuen Crew wünschen und das es
 nicht alles zu chaotisch wird wie in DCS. C U

 To:   Mop/Essence

 Hi Noel my friend !!! As you can see I am now in Alcatraz and thanks a lot
 for all your help in every way. You are a real Contact. I hope that you
 will have a good time in Essence and that you can realize all your ideas.

 To:   Virus/Arise

 Yoho !!! Another of my real friendship contacts... It makes really fun
 to swap with people like you... I hope that we can continue our swapping
 affair a very long time !!!

 To:   Colorbird/Razor1911

 Hi Johan !!! What`s up with you... I have nothing received from you for
 a long time !!! Get one sending lost to the way to me or you ??? It would
 be nice if you can give me a sign !!!
 To:   Pride/Razor1911

 Hey Palle !!! I have heard that you have joined the forces of Razor !!!
 Thats cool... I think that Razor is a very good and productive group in
 the moment... When the friendship is also that good in Razor than I am
 sure that you will have a great time in your new team...

 To:   Decadence/Vision

 Hi man !!! Hey was is los Decci ??? Von Dir hört man ja auch nichts mehr,
 hast wohl wieder im Moment keine Lust mehr auf swapping was !!! Hab
 letztens mal versucht dich zu callen aber da tat sich auch nichts !!! Na
 ja melde Dich mal wieder...

 To:   Stranger/Vision

 Na altes Haus !!! Dich sieht man aber auch nicht mehr... Das Du zur Saturne
 Party fährst glaube ich auch kaum... Aber vielleicht sehen wir uns ja auf
 der SIH II... Die is ja nun ehrlich nicht so weit !!! O.k Grüß mal den
 Walker von mir... Ich habe irgendwie seine Addy verloren !!!

 To:   Exumer/Sanity

 Hi Thomas !!! Super cooles Pack von Dir und dem Cougar... Ich hoffe mal
 das das Teil auch bei anderen Leuten gut ankommt, aber was kommt bei
 Sanity nicht gut an ??? O.k keep on with your good work !!! Weißt Du
 eigentlich was mit dem Nightmare los ist habe schon lange nichts mehr
 von ihm gehört... Swapt er überhaupt noch oder is er nur noch Modem
 mäßig zugange !!! Wenn Du ihn mal siehst frag mal nach !!!

 To:   Andy/Nuance

 Hallo Andreas !!! Ich denke Du hast jetzt wieder mehr Zeit zum swappen ???
 Habe aber trotzdem schon lange nicht mehr von Dir gehört... Die Post hat
 ja wohl nicht wieder... oder ??? Falls doch melde Dich mal wieder hast ja
 mein Nummer !!!

 To:   Toxic/Abyss

 Na Sven... Was macht den der Dragan,hehehe !!! Tja, wie Du siehst bin ich
 nun doch zu ATZ... Was macht euer Trackmo habt ihr ne Party in Aussicht ???
 Oder wartet ihr nun doch noch was ??? Na ja, wir werden ja sehen !!!

 To:   Loony/Saturne

 Hi !!! Thanks a lot for contacting me and for your invitations... I have
 spread them well... As you maybe have noticed I am now a member of
 Alcatraz... I hope that we will have a nice time...

 To:   The Illusionist/The Fun Factory

 Oh Oh... Mir schwant böses, ich habe heute nämlich Deine Message gelesen
 und erfahren das Du ein paar Problems mit der Post hast... Ich hoffe mal
 mein letztes sending ist angekommen, weil ich nämlich einen 3 Seiten
 langen Letter geschrieben hatte und wäre schade wenn der nicht angekommen
 wäre... Na ja, wenn ich demnächst nichts von Dir höre werde ich mich mal
 wieder melden... C U

 To:   Zinko/Kefrens

 Hi Jack !!! Thanks for your help to find a new name for my old crew, but
 as you can see we didn`t form a new group. I joined now Alcatraz and
 my other team mates are also going into other groups. O.k C U

 To:   Amon/Mystic

 Hi Robert !!! I have nothing heard from you a long time... What`s up,
 please give me a sign cause I want to continue to swap with you.

 To:   Iron/Mad Elks

 Hi man !!! Thanks for contacting me... As you maybe have noticed I am
 now a Member of Alcatraz... I hope that we will have a cool time...

 To:   Dahaul/Bonzai

 Hi Paul !!! Thanx for allways nice calls... Na ja... hoffentlich findest
 Du demnächst ne coole Gruppe...

 Greets to the Rest of my friends, Hi to:

 Solid,Mave,Cocoon,ZeroFlag,Buster,Automan and MDB/ex.Bonzai,MSW/Effect,
 Backfire and Steffen/Speedy,Chaos/Desire,Nightmare/Elicma,
 Obelix/Platin,Chmiel/Flying Cows,D.Z.G.,Darkhawk and Guybriush/Iris,
 Poseidon/Unlimited,Mindphaser and Dragon/Vision,BBLBRX/TEDP,
 Purple Haze and all the rest...

  ________     _____     _____   ____   _____     _____     _____     _____
  \_____  \_ _/  _  \_ _/  _  \_|____|_/  _  \_ _/  _  \_ _/  _  \_ _/  _  \_
  |    |    |    |____|    |____|____|    |    |    |    |    |____|    |____|
  |    |    |    |__  |    |__  |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |__
  |    |    |     __| |     __| |    |    _    |    |    |    |    |     __|
  |    |    |    |____|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |____|    |____
  |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
  |        _|_       _|    |    |    |    |    |    |    !_       _|_       _|
  |_______/   \_____/ |____|    |____|____|____|____!    : \_____/   \_____/
                                                    :    . [y!]
For everybody who lost my address....               .
    Dont forget to send stamps!        Gyllenhammarsv.17
                                      302 41 halmstad
Message from Siracon/Defiance
To: Zombie/Defiance
Hej din lurk....Hoppas du kan se eller lesa dett dumma messy.
Kul att du joinade oss....Even om vissa tycks tro att vi e' lejmers.

Hej! Skriv artiklar.....

To:Limbo/Razor 1911
Du skickade entligen. WOOOOW!!. Kul, du far diskarna pa meetinget. Om
du kommer.......

To:John Peel/Desire
Thanx for answering.....Cool Desire production!!! Send support to
buzz 4...

Sorry for my delay, At last I found yer address.... Send soon!

Dim fjant.....Har faktiskt inget kul att skriva...Men men....Det blir kul
med ett "litet" meeting i HALMSTAD!

What do ya like my support?.....Nice hey??
Ok, hope you will write some lines about buzz as I wrote in the letter...

Hej och hallo...Du har dina delayer....But, your letter is long and
(almost) entertaining...He,he....Hope to hear from ya soon...

To:Colorbird/Razor 1911
Hej Johan....Tack for supporten till Buzz 3...Men den blir anvend i 4
istellet.. Hur e' det med codandet?...Vi synes....

     Messages from Nop/SAINTS to:	 Oden/RAZOR  1911:  Hey!  Hope you like
					our  latest production.  Write me about
 501/TRSI:  Hey!  Hope you will send me	it!  Write back soon.
more latest prods from TRSI.  Extra, as
you  can  see  i  have  built up a cool	 Chaos/DESIRE:   Send soon good friend!
crew.  I don't join any cool group now.	And  don't  forget  keep  up  your good
Best regards.				sendings!!

 Mr.King/SCOOPEX: Never Mind rullaz..It	 Paragon/DESIRE:    Do  you  need  more
was  cool..   But why you don't publish	disks?  Ooohh shit....Back my disk.
some   intros   about   don't  work  on
A1200.??  Ohhh..			 Astro/MOVEMENT:   Hey!   Where is your
					sending?   I'm  still waiting your last
 Device/INFECT:   Hoo!   Fast  Swapper.	letter!
Hope  you and me will elite swapping in
many  good  years.   Send  soon.   Best	 Virus/ARISE:   Hi.  Include some addys
regards to you,too.			on  your  disk  please..Keep  on  ARISE
					prods.   Good  luck  in  your  good new
 Zinko/POLKA BROTHERS:        Yoo   new	crew!  Send soon.
friend!..   Hope you will don't send me
AGA  stuffs,  becoz  i  haven't  got an	 Subject/BALANCE:  Hi..  Cool swapper..
AGA...  Send soon..			Reply soon.  Because i'm in a hurry..

 Jackpot/DESIRE:  Pleaze fast send your	 Exumer/SANITY:   Are  you really happy
package.....  Are you dead?  ..		now!   Back  my  disk please...or reply
 Razorblade/MAJIC12:   Maybe  you  will
can't  write  me back.  But i trust you	 Shadow/STELLAR:   Are  you dead?  Back
will.  Reply soon.			my disks.  Why you don't reply..

 Darren/SCOOPEX:   Hello dude!  Keep up	 Boby-B/PULSE:   Hey  man!   Where  are
your  kewl  sendings!   You are right!.	you?  Write me soon.
Best  wishes!   Good  luck  in your new
group.!					 Backfire/ALCHEMY:   Hi my good friend.
					I  love BackPack.  So I have support it
 Pearl/PARASITE:    Dasktoppen  rullaz.	and  you  will  include  my support for
it  was a bit bugged!  But cool..  Send	BackPack.   Send  soon.   By the way, i
me   latest   issue   of  it  in  every	saw  some  news  about  you.   it  says
sendings.				"BackFire  left  ALCHEMY  and joined to
					SPEEDY"....   Please  write about it as
 Mac/STELLAR:    Keep   up   your  good	looong letter..
sendings and write soon as long letters
please...Because   i   don't  like  any	 Airhead/D-29:   Thanx  for  contacting
standart letters..  Ok?  good friend...	and  cool  words  about  letter.   Best
					regards.   Keep  on your lettars.  Send
 Purple   Haze/D-29:   The  cool  dude.	 Lord/ABSOLUTE:   Hope  you  will reply
What  is  up??   Good  luck in your new	very soon..
group.   but  why  you  are still write
me..  Write soon about it...		 Chris/IRIS:    Where  is  E!FFEL  last
					issue...??   Send  it  to  me..  See ya
 Andy/NUANCE:    Oh...   Keep  on  your	soon.
supports  for SPIDY.  Write soon.  Best
regards to OCEAN/NUANCE ,too.  Where is	 Napoleon/DREAMDEALERS:   Oh..  Send me
he??					latest  issue of LIVE.Hope good luck in
					your editoring for LIVE..
 The Ripper/POLARIS:  Hi..  Cool man ..
Do  you  need  some turkish stuffs.?  I	 Poseidon/UNLIMITED:   Send a photo and
will  send  you Cemetery News #3 nearly	enjoy...  Send soon.
future.  Good luck in your new group.
					 FATE/OUTLAWS:   Good  luck in your new
 Psyche/KRONICAL:  You are very slow...	group!  Send me prods.  from OTL!
Slow  SLow.......   Why???   Write soon
please...				 Norby/TRSI:   I'm  still  waiting you.
					Hope you will reply soon.
 Tbm/LED:   Are  you  dead?   I'm still
waiting  you!   I haven't a letter from	 Salat/IRIS:   Hope  you  like your new
you since 4 months ago.  Write soon.	group..  Keep on kewl sendings..

 Falken/TRANCE:   What's  up man?  Hope	 Ocean/NUANCE:  hey!  Your last package
you  are good.!  Keep on good sendings!	was  opened  from  postman!!   Your all
And Write soon.				disks   were  lost...   Hope  you  will
					recontact with me, becoz i haven't more
 Domain/BLACKJACK:    Yooo!   Hope  you	money this time ...  And Next time send
like  my  sendings.   Hope to hear from	as  fast...   By the way, i cannot join
you about STS Dk!  Best regards friend.	to NUANCE ..  as you can see....

 Dna/FANATIC:   Hey.   I'm really happy	 Hardfire/DIFFUSION:   Good  Musician..
now.   Because  you  left  from a lamer	You  are  Good.   Hope  to hear from ya
group  and join a cool group..  Hope to	soon, because i'm in a hurry...  By the
hear from ya very soon.			way, sorry for big delay!!

 Cypress/FALVOUR:  Hope you and me will	 Vodka/TSB:  Are you a diskstealer or a
elite  TRADING.   Please  don't send me	stampstealer??    Back   my  disk.   or
AGA stuffs!  Ok?!			die!!!

 Rapper/ISCH CREW:  Cool stuffs from ya	 Duffy/INSANE:   Hope  your  new  group
dude...  Keep on ISCH prods.		filled with happy..  But Send me latest
					INSANE  productions..  And don't forget
 Mercus/FANATIC:   Oh  no.  But TRADING	i will send ya a little sticker!
with me Ok?  Write soon..

 Kopara/MDE/MYSTIC:    Are   you   slow	 Fate/FACULTY:   Yo!   Send  soon dude.
swapper?  send as fast..  Hope ya enjoy	Are you left the scene or die?..  Where
my stuffs.				are you??

 Epix/242/SAINTS:  Hey dude!  Good luck	 Bishop/ZENON:   Thanx  for  contacting
and keep on your works..		and   cool  stuffs..   Write  me  about
					ZENON..    Becoz   i  don't  know  this
 SplatterHead/BLACKJACK:  Why don't you	group..   Hope  you  send  prods.  from
send to me some adverts!  Write soon.	ZENON.

 Prick/[L]EGEND:   Where  are you.  I'm	 Primer/INTENSE:   Hope  you will reply
still  waiting you..  Hope you like our	soon   becoz   i  think  we  will  good
little  first  production.   Reply soon	swapping..
and   you   will  be  see  more  SAINTS
productions..				 Cobra/MANIACS:     Yo!     Thanx   for
					contacting  with  me  and  offer, but i
 Mase/RAMJAM:   The Charts #10 is cool.	can't join.  But we can TRADING!..
Hope  you publish my latest support for
The Charts to #11.			 Victory/SAINTS:    Yoo!    Cool  dude.
					Hope your new year filled with joy.
 Flynn/OUTLAWS:     Yo!     The    cool
friend...   How are you??  Hope to hear	 Ace/TRANCE:   I've  substract one disk
from ya very soon.			coz' i haven't more disk yet.
 Klenye/SAINTS:   The cool CODER!  What	 Dark/PSYCHO:   I  hope  you'll  try to
is  up?   I'm waiting you about come us	made cool musics than others.
and writing some coderoutines!
					 Sam/BRONX:   Where  are you!.  Why you
 Subject/BALANCE:   Hey.  Hope you like	don't call me.?  Call soon.
our intro.  Wanna more productions from
SAINTS.  Yes..				 Turbo/BRONX:   Cemetery  News rullaz..
					Hope    you'll    like    our    coming
 Dr.Dweep/SAINTS:  Keep up good working	productions.
on   DeluxePaint!   We  hope  your  new
telephone will crash..			 Trap/IND:   Hey brother!  You're still
					IND.!  Oh shit..
 The  King/ILLUSION:  Please don't send
me  1 month old stuffs!.  Hope you like	 Gart/BRONX:    Hope  you'll  like  our
our cool productions..			coming  prods.  Good luck for Auschwitz
 Woober/SAINTS:    Ok!   The  swappers!
You can offer with norwegian swappers..	 Conque/IND.:  Yoo!  Cool dude!..  Call
Hope you will find some!!  Don't forget	soon.
keep up your works.
					 Yoummy/SAINTS:    Yep!    Cool  Sysop!
 Wea/PSYCHO:   Hey!   Are  you still in	Good luck!
PSYCHO?  Call about this reason.
 Deathangel/SAINTS:   Yoo.  Graphician!
Hope you'll send me some x-amples.

 Damion/PLATIN:    Thanx  for  back  my
disk!  You're cool!  Best regards!

 KR'33/SPACEBALLS:   Hope  you like our

 Forgottens:   You  know  i'm not lazy,
but i'm very tired now..  I can't write
messages  to  other dudes!  this time i
write  more  than  60  messages!  Sorry
other contacts!  Perhaps next time!

Messys from Victory/SAINTS fly to:

Virus of ARISE:  Send soon good friend.  \   Dr.Dweep of SAINTS: Keep on yar
Mr.King  of  SCX:   Hey.   Hope  you'll  /  good gfx works..
include our adverts to yar NM.           \   Klenye of SAINTS: Like you.
Poseidon  of  UNLIMITED:   Do  you like  /   Wea of ???: SPIDY rulessa..
mags.?                                   \   Woober of SAINTS: Good worker.!
Nop  of  SAINTS:   .ORTNI-SBB is cool..  /   Falken of TRANCE: How are you?
Keep on your best coding on TRASH.       \   Turbo of BRONX:  Cemetery #3 !!

Some messages from Napoleon/DreamDealers:

- To Zinko/Kefrens: Hello Jack! Thank for nice letters and stuffs...
            What's up in Kefrens ? Hope you'll find sometime
            to visit me...
- To Astro/Movement: Yo delightman ! Hope to catch you this time
            at The Saturne Party...
- To Trasher/Sanity: Hi friend! I really like your letter...
            You're some kind of ideal swapper!
- To Redman/Digital: Yo man! So what will Digital release soon?
- To Melvin/Scandal: Hi friend! I'm back... And i hope to be
            fastest than in the past. Is it possible? I also hope to
            meet you again at The Saturne Party...
- To Mr King/Scoopex: Hello Joerg... Scoopex seems to release nice
            prod in this moment.
- To Nighthawk/Rebels: Yo Steffen. How is the life in Rebels?
- To Messiah/Banana Dez & Equinox: Hi pal! How was the Gathering?
            Tell me all about it...
- To Chaos/Desire: Hello Dirk! Hey you seem so crazy... Hope to
            meet you soon...
- To 2Fast/Taurus: Yo! I heard that you got some troubles...
            Is it really true?

- To Clawz/Complex: Hehe... Bientot la Saturne... On va tous les
            niquer... Hehe je serai la...
- To Qwerty/???: Hey you seem to change often of group now...
- To Damion/Platin: Yep, you're right Live 4 got many bugs, but
            i think Live 5 will be powerfull...
- To Shadow/Stellar: Alors Phil? On revient...
- To Vodka/Saturne: Bonne chance dans ton groupe...
- To Heinz/Saturne: Finallement je pense que vous avez reussi votre
            pari... La party devrait etre superbe...
- To Christine De La Queen/Transonic: Sorry for this delay... But
            you can expect a very long letter from me soon...
- To Rocketeer/Ram Jam: Sorry for this delay... But wait for my
            soon coming letter...
- To all the others: sorry i have less time since i joined the
            army, anyway be sure that i think about you and you'll
            get the next productions from Dreamdealers soon...
            I wish you all the best...

Messages from Sir Jinx of X-Treme to:

Du alte Ratte .....wie kann man nur so viel Glück haben? Verkaufst du das
CD32? Ich geb dir einen 128D dafür...du weisst was ich meine.....

Und? Willste joinen? du wärst herzlich willkommen...come on, join tha
Forces of Power! FREUND..!

Regnet oder schneit es heute bei euch? Du weisst was ich meine !

Mr King/Scoopex
Wanna swap? Ich hatte dich schon mal contacted ( glaube ich ) abe das ist
schon 1,5 Jahre her.Nun...What^s up Dude?

Kein Kommentar...LAMER!

Also echt, aus dir werde ich nicht schlau . Ruf doch mal an.......

Andy/ Nuance
Yo, Nice call a few weeks ago. Wenn du wieder mal ne K..... hast kannste
mich ja mal wieder callen. Fun rulez!

Do you like my Tape ? I really like yours. DJ Ba is megacool! Do you
have more Stuff like this.....send soon!

Go on with your cool Packmag! Ireally like it. Please put my Addys
in the Advertisment Section and support my Adverts.

Blind Guard/???????
Whats up Dude? Where are the Girls? send, send, send.....

Please send me the next Issue of Backpack soon. What about Kellogs?
Please send soon.

Redman/Mad Elks
Sorry Guy, but I have to Deelay your Sending because i dont have
enough Money...Tapes, Books, will get them as soon as
Sonic Flash/Pulse
1.2.3 thats the Magic are falling back in Trance....

Nun gut, Dive hört sich auch besser an als Lasardo, ob wohl Lasardo auch
cool war. stay cool Friend!

Major Bandit/X-TREME
ich möchte ja gern wissen wer mich da aus Rehau contacted hat. Kein Letter,
keine Messy. weder auf Disc noch auf Papier. Na ja ....More next Letter

Whats up ? Send me one of your Tekkno Disx! They are cooool!

It is really difficult for me to talk with you about Politics because
my English isn^t perfect enough. I can not really say what I mean. But..
....I will try!

Na Gut, P-Bomb war nicht sooo geil, aber es war wenigstens eine Idee!
Send soon!

Death Angel / Illusion
O.K. du arbeitest nicht bei der Post. Aber du must zugeben das die Telekom
der Post sehr nahe steht.

Wo bleibt dein Sending? Ist echt komisch, mal bist du turboschnell, das
nächste Mal wieder Megalangsam....whats up?

Grand Duke/Diffusion
You are really fast, and your stuff is cool. Do you have COMICBOOK II ?

Pudding of Grotecticle
Try to send me a Photo! Do you want to join X-Treme? Your Gfx are GREAT!
Greetings to Bracus!

Bracus/ Ind.
Do you want to join x-treme? I think your Modules are cool!

Tedric of Dual Crew Shining
Come on Brother, send my Tape! Britcore rulez Rap rulez. I have lotsa new

Chmiel/Flying Cows Inc.
Your German is getting better with every sending. I think you are learning
really fast. Hental Mangover war echt gut. Wann kommt eure nächste Production
dieser art?

Dr. Doom/X-Treme
Yo wir werden das Kind schon schaukeln! X-Treme the Leaders of the Scene
in 1995!!! Yo!

Wanna swap? Bouncing Bytes ist echt cool. Send me tha freshest Issue!
Bitte hau meine Ads in die Advertisment-Section.

I hope that we stay in Contact during your Army Time. I Hate the Army,
but I think that your Country got a difficult Problem with their Neigh-

Heptagon/Flying Cows Inc.
Was ist los? Wollten wir nicht Tapes swappen? Bitte verwende meine Adverts
in Generation. Es kann übrigens sein das ich bald nach Nordhorn komme
(Walker, Sranger, Heptagon, Vader, Sir Jinx Party)!!!!!

siehe oben......HeHe! Wenn alles stimmt was der Veader so erzaehlt wird
es lustig werden in Nordhorn!

Sorry ! Aber die nächsten Sendings werden problemlos bei dir eintreffen!

Lord/Isch Crew
Do you know that your last sending arrived me after 23 Days of Delivering?
Post suxxxx!

Sorry Friend, maybe i join your Crew next Time....ok?!  Joke!

Twillight Zone/ Ind.
Willste X-Treme joinen ?
Du kannst jederzeit kommen.

Bei dir merkt man immer wieder das du ein echter Freund bist. Deine kleinen
Hilfestellungen haben mich schon oft weitergebracht. See ya!

      MESSAGES FROM RAYER/FATE:		TO    BLACHA/NDM:     Fajowe    listy!
					Niedlugo    postaram   sie   przegonic
TO RANGER/LBD:  Hum, pum, dum!  Pracuj	Alicje!  No i mam nadzieje, ze w koncu
nad   Kill   The  Dutchman  3!!!   Ale	podeslesz mi ta kasete Kyda!
najpierw  zakoduj  mi tego selektora i
popraw  kod  do  PMM!!!  No i niech Ci	TO   STEFF/DEMAGOGIC:   Plum,  plim...
Bozia zdrowko da!			Jak tam w Borach Tucholskich???

you!!!   Sorry,  ale  nie odpisze Ci w	Zycze  Ci jak najszybszego znalezienia
najblizszym czasie na 100KB.  Niestety	grupy  i  tego  kogos,  kto  Ci  listy
out of time.  Ale w wakacje to Ci moze	podjebal.   Lutnij  mu plombe ode mnie
walne lettera na 200KB!			tez!!!

TO  LATRO/OBSESSION:   Jak  tam  leci?	TO   THE   KING/ILLUSION:    Co   jest
Beda  dzieci?   A  jak  tam problemy z	doktorku?   Juz  od  dwoch tygodni nie
poczta?   Mam nadzieje, ze jeszcze nie	widze  answeru, a zawsze go dostawalem
odchodzisz   ze  sceny!   Breloczki  z	po  tygodniu.   Poza  tym to pamietaj,
termometrami rule!			zebys  nie  podsylal mi nigdy Silesii,
					bo  mam  ja  zawsze troche szybciej od
TO  SLAYER/BLAZE:   Domestos  rulez!!!	ART  Z.,  bo  on  chodzi  do  klasy  z
CED letters rulez too!			DARKiem i AXELem.

TO  ART  Z./DEMAGOGIC:   Slyszalem, ze	TO  WATERHEAD/OZONE  FREE:   Czy  masz
wydajecie  40k intro na party???  Moze	kontakt  z WILLYm/EPILOGUE?  Napisz mi
podasz mi szcegoly???  Zawsze podsylaj	co o nim sadzisz, bo to moj kumpel!
mi SILESIE, bo masz bliski (ale nie az
tak!) kontakt z wydawcami.		TO  QWERTY/FREEZERS:   Ciekawe jak tam
					bedzie  w  tym  sezonie???  A moze sie
TO   BOOGER/ABSTRACT:    Postaraj  sie	zrzucisz   do   Pily,   zobaczyc,  jak
namierzyc   jak   najwiecej  managerow	Iskierka   bedzie   tu  pomykac?   Jak
pilkarskich!   Bede Ci very wdzieczny.	znajde  kesz,  to pojade do Ostrowa na
Poza   tym   to  zacznij  juzpisac  na	ten mecz, ale nie wiem jeszcze.
					TO   MIKLESZ/DAMAGE:    Ty  tez  sobie
TO  BODZIO/THE  EDGE:  Fajne letterki!	delaye   robisz.    I   nie   zapomnij
No  i  dzieki za ten list-info, bo bym	podeslac  mi  dobrych  dyskow!   Twoje
sie  pograzyl  w  rozpaczy  po  fajnym	listy sa krotkie, ale dosc fajne, wiec
kontakcie.				jest ok.  Tylko te dyski...

TO UNHOLY/THE EDGE:  No co tu napisac?	TO   BLACK   ANGEL/FATE:   Zrob  sobie
Chyba  nic, bo nie mam nic specjalnego	spisik  modulow  razem  z autorami, bo
do powiedzenia Tobie.			tytuly  mi  nic  nie  mowia.   Pracuj,
					pracuj,  co bys wydal niedlugo chociaz
TO  TORMENTOR/CREDO:  Cos delaye sobie	jakies male interko!
TO  MAGOR/ILLUSION:   Mam nadzieje, ze	TO  HARDFIRE/DIFFUSION:   Hi my french
Primavera'94 bedzie cool!		friend!  Nice swapping with you!  This
					fuckin'  polish  pOST stole our disks!
TO   CATION/INDEP.:   Sorry,  ale  nie	Add  second one and it'll be cool.
poszukujemy juz swapperow.  Ale mozemy
zostac  oczywiscie w kontakcie.  Tylko	TO    GIZMODUCK/DEPTH:     Thanx   for
nie  zapomnij,  ze  naklejasz 5tys.  a	contacting  me!   I  hope  that you'll
nie 3.5tys.				have nice swapping time with me!

TO  KLF/FATE:   No  kurde, mieszkamy w	TO  BLITTER/DAMIAN:   Write soon coz I
tym  samym miescie, ale masz messaga i	have  some  filled vote-sheets for THE
sie ciesz!				JUNGLE!

TO CDX/GENERATION:  Slyszalem, ze masz	TO  D.Z.G/IRIS:   Yooooo!  Modules are
jakies   problemy  z  poczta.   Napisz	cool!   You have cool configuration of
koniecznie  jakies info do mnie, zebym	your Amiga (1001MB HD...)!
mogl  sie rozeznac w sytuacji i wzowic
kontakt!!!				TO  AVENGER/MAD  ELKS:   Short lettas?
					Ok...   Sorry  for  last  stuff but my
TO  RIPPER/DIFFUSION:   I  heard  that	contacts did some delays and I had not
norwish  division  of  DFN got kicked!	any  cool  stuffs.   Hope  you're  not
Is it true?  Write soon!		angry at me!

TO  MORROW/MEDICINE:   You  make  cool	TO   DOMAIN/BLACK   JACK:   Thanx  for
tunes!   And  maybe  you will make any	contacting  me!   Long  letters rulzt!
tune for us???  Write soon!		Write  soon coz I have some new polish
TO    DARKHAWK/D-29:    Kewl   lettas!
Friendship rules!!!  Hope that we will	TO   ROKDAZONE/INFECT&AA:   Thanx  for
be  good  friends  for long months and	answering!    Your  letter  was  cool!
years!  Send me list of your modules!	Hope you'll be support my group coz we
					haven't any musician.
TO  DR.RANDY/CADAVER:  Wow!  You did a
one   big   delay.   But  now  is  ok!	TO KINGPIN/SPACEBALLS:  I wrote to you
Friendship & long lettas rules!!!	some  days  ago!   I  hope that you'll
					answer  me coz we have the same hobby:
TO  TRIACE/PLATIN:  Your GENERATION is	modules!  Modules are cool!
cool!   Sorry for my last letter (only
2.5KB...)  but I really couldn't write	TO   SEBAX/OBSESSION,  ALIS/MAD  ELKS,
more!   Next  time I'll write you much	KODI/ex.QUAZAR,     DARIOOSH/APPLAUSE,
more!					TEES/FEAR:   Hey  you!!!  If you don't
					want to swap with me then send me disk
TO CADENCE/THE DRIGE:  Seems you don't	back!!!   Hope  that  you are not disk
like  long  letters.   Ok, we can swap	stealers!
without much words.

TO  ODEN/RAZOR  1911,  DEADBEAT/BRONX,	            A.Slowikowska
THE    BRAIN/UNLIMITED,   MACE/TALENT,	          Mickiewicza 109e/3
FAZER/NOVA     (or    RAZOR    1911?),	             64-920 Pila
DYNAMITE/ANALOG,        CONDOR/QUARTZ,	                Poland
MR.LIGHTFOOD/WIZZCAT:  I wrote to yoou	These  are  addys of my frineds and be
some  days  (or weeks) ago.  So please	sure  that postman will not steal your
answer  me  if you wanna be in contact	letters.  Now please send your letters
with  me  or  send my disk back if you	on  these  addys!!!   I will soon lend
don't!					out po box!

ANSWER:  Send me info-letter coz it is	na  tamte adresy jakies pocztowki albo
possible that post stole your disk(s).	listy,  co  bym  wiedzial, komu wcielo
Send it on one of these addys:		list,  a  komu nie.  No i uwazajcie ze
					znaczkami,   bo   ostatnio   mam  duzo
            L.Januszewski		doplat.
          Mickiewicza 133/10
             64-920 Pila




Hi na hast Du die Fahrt überlebt, ruf doch mal an, die NR. hast Du ja
hoffentlich! (SAUSTALL)

Was soll ich da viel schreiben!! Ich hoffe wir treffen uns an ner Party!

Gurgle/Ram Jam
What is Dude? Why you not write back? Are you a Diskstealer?

Yo I join to Epilogue!!

Ich wollte doch gar nix reassemblieren!!! Wie kommst Du darauf?

Axel F/Ind.
Thanx 4 contacting, aber schick nächstes mal ein Demo all right?

Blitzer/Black Jack
Have you now an A1200? It's a great Computer!!

Thanx for the long long letter! 

Splatterhead/Black Jack
Send me the new Blaggy#2! Thanx!!

               _ _/\____/\_ ___/\__/\_ __/\__ _/\____/\__ _
               _____  __  / __   __  /_____  \__/ /   ____
               :/  /  /  /  //  //  /__/  ¬  / / / /\_  \::
               /  /  /  /  //  //  /  / _/  / / / /  /  /::
               \__  /\__  //  //___  /__\  /\__  /___  /:::
               FLYNN/OUTLAWS  P.O.BOX 35  4900 SPA  BELGIUM

First of all,welcome in OUTLAWS to: FATE,NTCS,ACT,COLORBOY,MiKE & DAVE,
                                    TROPEDUFT,GHOST,ELRiC,iRONMAN !!!!!

tO jEf/OUtlAws:
Hi Jean-Francois! Thanx for this nice work !!!!

tO pAcIfIc/UnlImItEd:
Coucou David...J'espere que tu as encore de bon jeux de Foot US sur ta neNES

tO thE cOllEctOr/thE mAgIc gUIld:
Patriiiick !!!! J'ai ete ravis de te voir a la party!Mais tu t'es encore
sauve comme un voleur ou quoi?hihi
tO fAlkEn/trAncE:
Bizou ma biche! Alors pas encore a l'armee? N'oublie pas ce que je t'ai dis!

tO zAk/kOOl:
H! Michael ... On se voit a la Saturne 2 ?

tO stIx/IntEnsE:
Aloha Olivier ... heuuu et le code ca va fort?

tO lOrImAr/trAncE:
Hi Papa Smurf! mhhh that's shit that you close already your BBS !

tO msw/EffEct:
Yo Edwin! I call again your BBS soon!

tO hIgh tEnsION/IndY:
Hey Raul,don't forget to send back my video tape please!

tO mIc/prIncIpEs:
Hello Michael! That's cool that you like Dead Can Dance!Strange but cool

tO chrIs/IrIs:
He ben ok,on se voit a la party et on discutera modem! hehehe

tO scUd/UnlImItEd:
Heula ! Salut brotheeer ! Depuis que tu as ta bagnole,on n'a plus l'occasion
de te voir tres souvent hein? hela ho hein bon alors comment ca?

tO rEvAl/pUlsE:
Hey Nico,by the hell where are ya????

tO tOxIc/OUtlAws:
Tudieux!Cette derniere party n'etait pas terrible mais on a bien rit
encore! hehehe

tO blAster/ErEmAtIOn:
Enfin le voici mon pack! Depuis le temps que j'en parle!On se voit a Paris?

tO tIlt/IndY:
Hi Ulf my friend! please write me soon coz nothing since a too long time !!

tO chAOs/dEsIrE:
Yeahhhh Dirk!how are ya? hey send my a lot of german beer please! burp

tO rEd mAn/mAd Elks:
Konnichiwa Robert ! Hope you like my lame tekkno tape !!!hihihihi

tO phOtOs/ErEmAtIOn:
Salut Nicolas,je sais que tu as un boulot monstre mais essaye de m'ecrire un
ch'tit peu tout de meme!Thanx et continue tes superbes toute facon
je te vois a Paris bientot!

tO pAnkOw/ErEmAtIOn:
Hu Hu Mario here's Luigi! yeah that's a remake of this funny Beavis & Butt
Head! hu hu  yeah Rock Rock cuuuuuuuuuul !!! Death metal Rulez!

tO bAckfIrE/AlchEmY:
Yohoho Adam da Tekkno fan! Do you like again my agressive tekkno mix ? hihi

tO mEssErschmItt/s!p:
Ola Robert my cool friend ! hope you like my gifts!

tO 501/trsI(?):
Yep I think that you stop a time your swap,hope you write me soon!

tO hYstErIc/UnlImItEd:
Hello Philipp ! Hope to see ya at the Saturne Party 2 !???!
tO dEAth AngEl/IllUsIOn:
Hi Michael ! Hahaha yep when you come in Belgium,don't forget to drink some
belgian beer like :Felix,Van Malder,Mort Subite,Breughel,De Neve,Wieze,
Belle-Vue,Vieux Bruges,Saints Louis,Echte,Lindemans,La Foudroyante,Campus,
Timmermans,Jacobins,Eylenboch,Detroch,Stim,Des Ardennes,Cantillon,Crombe,
Vieux Foudre,Pecheresse,Delirium tremens,Pertotal,Lambic,Faro,.....
Yep we've a lot of kind of beer! buuuurp

tO sOnIc flAsh/mAnItOU:
Thanx for your nice modules mate!Sure,I'll use it on a next pack!

tO rAvAnA/sEpUltUrA:
Yeah death is just the begining! Thanx for your nice send my friend!

tO OrAk/IntEnsE:
Bon ben j'attend tjrs tes stuffs mon ch'tit pepere! heula !

tO UltrAs sUr/mEtrO:
Geee Javier! thanx for this cool friendship!

tO x-pOOl/nUAncE:
hello Marco,so I'm waiting for your modules,but I think that you don't have
much free time for make one! isn't ?
tO nOp/sAInts:
Hey Pal,please write a little bit faster!

tO gOld drAgOn/UnlImItEd:
Aloha Christian ! good luck for your driving licence!

tO vOdkA/sAtUrnE:
hehehe c'est cool que tu sois monte en Belgique pour la Low Density,ca ma
fait plaisir de te revoir meme dans d'aussi pietre condition! De toute facon
on se revois bientot encore!

tO AssAIlAnt/grAvItY:
Ola mate...where are you???? Please write soon!

tO fAte/OUtlAws:
Hi Erwin! First of all,I wish you welcome in your crew!Mhhh perhaps that I'll
come at the SIH 2 and hope to see ya !

tO thrIll/IllEgAl:
Yohooo my friend! Sorry for these some technical prob ! Hope it's right now!

tO ActIOn/IndY:
Hi my Polish friend,please write a little bit faster! thanx
tO d-Orb/tElEphOnIkA:
Ola Jose,thanx for your MCI card but with 10 Digits that's impossible to call

tO mAxI swAppEr/Isch crEw:
Hey Sylvestre,merci pour ta proposition mais tu connais deja la reponse...
Mais je suis tout de meme content que tu aies pense a moi!

tO dEnIs/vIrtUAl dEsIgn:
Thanx for da contacting,hope we'll have a cool friendship!

tO trOpEdUft/OUtlAws:
Hello Jan ! Welcome in your Crew ! Your graphics was very nice and cool!

tO dInk/OrIOn:
Hi Thomas,thanx for da contacting,hope we'll have a cool friendship!

tO fIctIOn/IntEnsE:
Ola Albert!Hope to see your intro soon!

tO All/OUtlAws:
J'ai ete ravis de voir enfin les membres de OTL belgique au complet,
a l'occasion de la LOW DENSITY party,meme si je n'ai pas pu parler avec tout
le monde,c'etait sympas!
Je salue particulierement:ALCiD le comique,GANDALF & son frere le-serial-
killer-coupeur-de-doigts!,SiGMA 909 le-francais-fiere-de-l'etre,He-Man le-gfx
-winner,AKiRA le sympa,et tout les autres que j'ai oublie !sorry


tO All/whErEvEr yOU mAY bE:

                    For a cool friendship write me at
               _ _/\____/\_ ___/\__/\_ __/\__ _/\____/\__ _
               _____  __  / __   __  /_____  \__/ /   ____
               :/  /  /  /  //  //  /__/  ¬  / / / /\_  \::
               /  /  /  /  //  //  /  / _/  / / / /  /  /::
               \__  /\__  //  //___  /__\  /\__  /___  /:::
               FLYNN/OUTLAWS  P.O.BOX 35  4900 SPA  BELGIUM
Messages from Beebelebrox/TEDP to...	Psycho/Tritec:
					Danke fuer Deinen Support. Was geht
Horra/Neoplasia:			denn jetzt so bei Euch ab - Magmaessig?
Was geht`n ab? Thanx 4 our big Friend-	Nice Telephonecallz ! Naechstes Mal
ship!  Hoffentlich stirbt bald die alte	ruf ich mal wieder an, o.k. ?
FRITSCH ! (He, He, He !)		C ya
Wann kommt jetzt endlich Euer neuer
NPL-Release ???				Mr.King/Scoopex:
Hoffentlich bekomm ich ihn mit als 	Ganz schoen beschaeftigt, was? Na ja,
erster, oder ? C ya soon ...		Nevermind 4 Evr kann man bloss sagen.
					Vielleicht bekommst mal wieder Post
Major Bandit/X-Treme:			von mir. Pack on !!!
Wie gefaellt Dir meine Logo fuer Dich ?
geht schon, oder ? Euer Gruppenlogo is	Backfire/Alchemy:
total bloed zum designen !		What`s goin`on dude ? Don`t ya like me
C ya					, or what ? What was wrong `bout my
					newest Stuff (4 dayz old!) ?
Blitzer/Black Jack:			I hate guyz who are just like you !!!
Thanx 4 delivering me da Stuff !
Keep on sending ! Nice Gfx.		Vadium/Indy:
Hitchhiker 4 Evr !!!			Thanx 4 contacting me. Hoffentlich hoer
					ich bald mal wieder was von Dir.
					C U
M+J Urschey = Space Bytes:		Chung Mu/Indy:
Yo, wie geht`s denn so ? Wir swappen	Ebenfalls Danke fuers Anschreiben.
ja mittlerweilen schon `ne halbe 	Sending in da way !
Ewigkeit miteinander, gelle ?		C U
Was haltet Ihr von meinem Mega-Sending?
C U					Sting/Bonzai:
					Thanx 4 Stuff. Longer letters would be
Domain/Blackjack:			nice. Vor allem wenn Du schneller
Keek on tool-packin man !!! I like your	waerst. Innerhalb einer Woche sollte
tool`o`packs very much, so don`t dare	das schon wenigstens drin sein, oder ?
stopping them !I loved the sound of	C ya
the Issue #03 !!! Perhaps you`ll soon
get some artworks or ideas from me;	Greetz to all my other CNTX that I
please write back !			didn`t mentioned...

Habe d`Ehre Alter! Hab das Gefuehl wie
wenn ich Dich scho ewig kennen wuerde.
Weiss auch net warum ! Danke
fuer den kewlen Stuff. Bald kommt
das naechste Sending.
Schoen Gruesse vom Horra! C ya

                             Messages  from
                       Ranger of Ladybird design

Darkhawk  /  D-29 - Hello my friend!  Always cool letters and nice stuff
from  ya!   Sorry  again  for your menu selector, I hope you understand!
Send me more modules!

Exumer  /  Sanity - Modules swap rull, but what's happened with you, you
are dead?  Wake up man and write fast!

Axel  /  Ozone - Well, what's happened with you?  Delays sucxx, I think!
he he!  Write fast!

Sonic  flash  /  Manitou - Thanx for contacting!  Let's swap!  Sorry for
long  delay,  but  I  lost  your addy, hope ya understand!  Long letters
rules?   Well...   yes,  I think!  he he!  I'm sure we spend really nice
swap time together!

Colorbird / Razor 1911 - Well, always fast, always hot stuff, but always
short letters!  he he!

Yaffle  /  C-Lous - Thanx for contacting!  Let's swap, and please try to
write longers letters!  he he!  I waiting for more C-Lous releases!

Messershmitt  /  S!P  -  Well, I don't understand you, really!  You drop
swapping or what?  Five months delays sucxx!  Write fast!

Header  / Nova - Hey guy, what's happened with you?  Look for message to

Rapper  /  Isch  Crew  -  Hello  Krisztian!  Well, I'll try to find this
source code for you!

Spacehawk / Iris - What's happened with you?  Well, I think that you are
sleep, wake up man and write fast to me!  he he!

Penthagon / Crystal?  - Hey guy!  What's happened with you?  Wake up and
write fast!

Duffy  /  Insane - Hi guy!  Source swapp rulez, but no more long delays!

Skull / Eremation - Hello Didier!  Always nice stuff, but try to writing
longers letters!  he he!
Deadbeat  /  Zenon - Well, thanx a lot for very cool samples, send more!
You know, you are slow, be faster!  he he!

Stranger / DCS - I don't know what's happened with us!  Write back fast!

Rocketter / Ram Jam - What's happened with you?  You are dead?

Helloween / Bronx - Thanx for contacting!  Well, you don't swap modules?
It's bad, but nothing happened, just send me something else!  he he!

Poseidon  /  Unlimited - Well, thanx for contacting!  Let's swap!  Sorry
for delay, but...  sorry guy!  he he!

Nightstalker  /  TDD - Thanx for contacting!  You like role-playing too?
Well...  it's cool!  he he!

The  Nerd  /  Destiny - Thanx for contacting, let's swap!  Well, I don't
swap games, but if you like then just send me games, but don't expect to
get any games from me!

The  Hither  /  Angelica  prod.   -  Thanx for reply!  I'm sure we spend
really nice swap time together!
Miklesz / Damage - Czeôê Mikolaj!  Co to za chujowy delay, co?  Postaraj
sië  szybciej  odpisywaê!   A  poza  tym  to co do chuja z tym zdjëciem!
Miaîeô mi je wysîaê, no i co?  Postaraj sië zrobiê to szybko!  Dziëki!

Alis  /  Mad  Elks  -  Czeôê  Piotrek!  Znowu ci zbrzydî sîoping czy co?
Ostatnio  sobie  nieúle  go  olewasz!  Ja wiem, jesteô ûadko w domu, ale
chociaû postaraj sië, okay?

Latro  /  Obsession  - Czeôê Bernard!  Dîugie lizdy rules!  Ostatnio coô
trochë  nawalasz  z  szybkoôciâ,  podciâgnij  sië!   he  he!  A objëtoôê
naszych listów teû powoli idzie w dóî, trzeba to naprawiê!

Bednar  /  Damage  -  Czeôê  Darek!   Na list od ciebie to trzeba czekaê
latami!   A  moûe  nie?   W  Poznaniu Miklesz pstryknâî nam zdjëcie i ja
CHCEM  to  zdjëcie!!!   Zîap  za dupë Miklesza i niech któryô z was mi w
koïcu wyôle to zdjëcie!  he he!

Tap  /  Investation  -  Czeôê  Tomek!   Jak  tam w nowej grupie?  he he!
Naprawdë  lubisz  delajce?   Wiesz,  ja ci nie bëdë ich robiî, jeôli nie
moûesz szybciej odpisywaê to trudno, ale nie przesadzaj zbytnio i staraj

Lenin / Freezers - Czeôê Jabolku!  he he!  No nawet fajne to opowiadanko
byîo,  czekam  niecierpliwie  na  dokoïczenie!   he he!  Znowu mi robisz
zajebisty delay, co sië dzieje?  Pisz szybciej niû szybko!

Qba  /  Illusion - Czeôê Jakub!  Coô sië nam popsóî nasz kontakt, ale to
przez  tâ  pojebanâ  pocztë!   Wcieîo  mi  pod rzâd dwa listy do ciebie!
Poczta sucxx!!!  he he!

The  King / Illusion - Czeôc Paweî!  Silesia jest nawet fajna, ale czemu
do  chuja  nie  uûyîeô  mego  advertu,  co?   Nadrób  to!  A poza tym to
napisaîem jakieô artykuîy do Silesi!  he he!

J.F.K.   /  Veto - Sam nie wiem co sië z tobâ dzieje, tyle czasu juû nie
dajesz  ûadnych  odznak ûycia!  Moûe któremuô z nas wciëîo list?  Napisz
coô, okay?

Lovely  /  Beta team - Czeôê Krzysiek!  Od ciebie to teû juû dîugo listu
nie dostaîem!  Co sië dzieje?  Napisz czasem!

Peters / Joker - Czeôê Piotrek!  Starocie rules!  he he!  Wyôlij chociaû
raz  coô  nowego!   Albo  nie, wyôlij lepiej jakieô swoje moduîki, o ile
masz coô takiego!

Gustek / Funzine - Umarîeô czy co?  Podobno zrobiîeô prawko i szalejesz,
ale odpisywaê na lizdy teû by sië czasami przydaîo, niesâdzisz?  he he!

Fli  /  Mad  Elks  -  Czeôê  Paweî!  Co sië dzieje?  Daj znak, najlepiej
czytelny!  To juû chyba ze trzy miesiâce jak mi nic nie napisaîeô!

Jarko  /  DNA  -  Witam,  witam!  Ja wiem, ûe buda rules, ale pisnâî byô
czasem, bo nudno jest!  he he!

Irek P.  / Union - Ûyjesz jeszcze?  Napisz czasem!  Co tam z Zig-Zagiem,
kto  go  bëdzie  teraz  wydawaî?  (O ile ktoô go bedzie wydawaî!) Napisz
coô!  he he!

Derk  /  Obsession  -  Czeôê  Waldek!   No  nawet fajny jest ten wasz PL
newsWeek!  Czekam niecierpliwie na nastëpne wasze produkcje!  he he!

Mephi / Damage - Niech ûyjâ delay'e!  To juû ze trzy miesiâce, co?  Moûe
któremuô z nas wciëîo list?  Napisz coô!

Sebax  /  Obsession  -  Ty  to  juû  napewno umarîeô, tyle czasu nic nie
napisaîeô!  Ale jeôli jescze jakoô ciâgniesz, to daj czytelny znak!

Slayer  /  Blaze  -  Dîugie  listy  rules?   No  cóû jeôli uwaûasz je za
dîugie...!  he he!

Trash  Head  /  TRSI - Ziu Ômieciu!  he he!  Dupy rules!  he he!  Zawsze
moûesz  liczyê  na coô fajnego ode mnie!  W kóîko i krzyûyk remis, a nie
mówiîem ci juû tego na poczâtku, co?  Zastanówmy sië w co teraz by sobie
zagraê!  he he!  Wiem, moûe w statki, co o tym myôlisz?  he he!

Backfire  /  Alchemy  -  Niech  ûyjâ  shorty!  Postaraj sië pisaê trochë
wiëcej!  I nie przepraszaj juû mnie za te shorty!  he he!

Rayer  / Bolek & Lolek dezign - Dîugie listy to to co lubië najbardziej!
he he!  Jak znajdziesz trochë czasu to popisz jeszcze trochë do Pmm!

Metal / Funzine - Czeôê Metylku!  Nie pisz mi wiëcej tyle bzdur na raz w
liôcie,  bo  nastëpnym  razem umrë!  A te patataje to mogîeô sobie spoko
darowaê!  No i îachudro, podpalaczu jeden podpisuj sië pod listami!!!  A
poza  tym to jak ci sië podobaî tampax w liôcie?  Niedîugo powinenem cië
zaszachowaê!  he he!

Bartesek  /  Casyopea  -  Nawet  fajne  moduîki robisz!  Podeôlij mi ich
wiëcej!  he he!

Cadence / Independent - Pisz wiëcej artykuîów do Poczytaj Mi Mamo!  Moûe
masz jakâô nowâ gierë?

Bodzio  / The Edge - Dîugie listy rull!  he he!  Pisz wiëcej do Poczytaj
Mi Mamo, wiem, ûe cië na to staê!  he he!

R.G.   /  Vega - Fajnie, ûe napisaîeô!  Takiego starego stuff'u to chyba
jeszcze nikt mi nie wysyîaî!!!  he he!

Rambo / Independent - Tyle kawaîów do Pmm to jeszcze chyba nikt nie daî,
nie  wiem  czy  uûyjemy  wszystkie, byê moûe trochë wytniemy, bo 60 kilo
kawaîów  to...   chyba  trochë  za  duûo!  he he!  Moûe napiszesz jakieô

Hogan  /  Humans - Fajnie, ûe napisaîeô!  Ale staraj sië o stuff, bo ten
co mi wysîaîeô to byî naprawdë juû bardzo stary!

Maîy  /  Fear  Courier  -  Ôlij  mi  wiëcej  modulasków!   Dziëki!  Moûe
naskrobiesz coô do Pmm?  Postaraj sië!  he he!

Kratka  / Vega - Fajnie, ûe napisaîeô!  Wiesz, Prawda mi sië caîkowicie
nie podoba, ale to nic!  he he!

Lifter  /  TG  -  Co  tam  z  Fatkiem  sië  dzieje?  Juû nie mogë sië go
doczekaê!  Fat rull!  he he!

Macho  / Independent - Wiesz, takich ômiesznych pomysîów to ja nigdy nie
miaîem!  he he!  Pisz wiëcej artykuîów do Pmm!

The  Trader  / Fear - Co, nie podobaîa ci sië moja votka do Pmm?  Wiesz,
chyba tylko tobie przeszkadzaîo, ûe jest ona taka dîuga!  he he!

Sabe / Tilt - Mam nadziejë, ûe Horror daî ci juû swój adres!

Dr.Pac / ???  - Sorry, ûe w tedy tak wyszîo, ale mam nadziejë, ûe sië na
mnie  nie gniewasz!  A poza tym to moûesz coô skrobnâê jeôli chcesz!  he

Dick  /  Independent - Czy ty pamiëtasz, ûe w Poznaniu obiecaîeô do mnie
napisaê  i  podesîaê  mi...,  wiesz  co!   A co do twej propozycji to...
napisz, pogadamy!

Phantom / Applause - Dziëki za answerek!  Kiedy Thing?  Juû nie mogë sië
doczekaê!  he he!

Dodger  /  Independent - Sîyszaîem, ûe wykopali cië z Obsession!  Wiesz,
to  juû  póî  roku  jak  mi odpisujesz, moûe byô chociaû odesîaî mi moje
dyski, co o tym myôlisz?  he he!

Norby  / Trsi - Moûe byô tak w koïcu odesîaî mi mój dysk, co?  Obiecaîeô
i zawaliîeô!  Ale to nic, postaraj sië!  he he!


  LATRO/OBS   Hej Latro !!! Mam nadzieje ze wsazili PN do packa.
              W kazdym razie wyprobowuje ten sposob przekazywania
              masajgesow (pisownia rodem od Dick-a). Pozostale
              sa do moich kontakow co by predzej odpisali.
              Mam nadzieje ze poskutkuje. STAY COOL !!!

  DICK/IND   Co sadzisz o tym ?? Idiotyczny posob (powolny) ale
             mozna wyprobowac. COOLnie  bedzie  jesli PN znajdzie sie
             w NM . TRZYMAJ SIE !!!

  DERK/OBS   Hej trzymanko !!! Obecnie pracuje nad ta wybieraczka
             ale cos mi nie idzie. DO NASTEPNEGO mikroCOPY u ciebie.

  MOON/OBS   To chyba przesada slac masajgesy do kodera mieszkajacego
             pietro wyzej !?!?!?. Ciekawe czy twoje advertsy pojawia
             sie w NM. Ale skoro czytasz ten tekst to zapewne gdzies
             sa .(ale glupi text)

  MOGUL/CARTEL    I'm awaiting for your letter. I'm afraid about it
             because I don't believe postmans, but maybe everything
             is OK. STAY COOL !! (AS ALWAYS)
  COMRADE/ENERGY   Hi !! I still  awaiting for your answer ,then
             HURRY UP !! and OF couse STAY COOL

             AND   STAY COOL AS YOU ARE !!!

Hey Trickster, u don't write your Adress at the last Sending on the
Envelope and i don't have collect your Adress. Please send me your
Adress that i can send back to you! I'am not a Diskstealer! =#8-)

Was is los? Willste nich mer Swappen? Ich warte auf dein nächstes
Sending. =#8-9

Schwächelste ab? oder warum haste den LeaderJob an den Nagel gehängt?
Na Was solls. Ich hoffe dir hat das letzte Sending von mir gefallen,
viel Spass beim Pizza backen und send back soon!! =#8-)

!Yo Party On! It's nice to swapp with you and I thank you for
the nice Letters and for the cool Stuff you send to me all the Time.
Friendship Rules !! =#8-) XXx×xX×xX

Thanx for contacting me! I hope we have a long and nice Friendship!
Noch ein kleiner Tip! Wenn du jemanden contactest schreib irgendwo
dein Absender hin. Bei mir hast du es nämlich vergessen. =#8-?

Lebst du noch? Ich warte auf das Sending! Haste mal wieder mal wieder
ein paar neue geile Tekkno Mods zusammen komponiert? Ich könnt mal
wieder ein paar neue Tunes vertragen. Das HTJ Deathtro is fast fertig
und du könntest noch ein paar Zeilen ASCII dazu beisteuern, irgendwas
wie de den Tune zusammengewurschtelt hast und wie dir die Zeiten bei
den Hitecjunkis gefallen haben oder sonst irgendwas. Einzige bedingung
nur 40 Zeichen breit ansonsten ist alles erlaubt. =#8-)

Haste dein 600er wieder verscherbelt? Oder hast du kein bock mehr zu
swappen? Ich warte auf jedenfall auf ein Sending von dir! =#8-)

Here's some messages from Atomic/Orion:

-Astral/Diffusion: Thanx 4 contacting me... Pleez write your address a
                   little clearer next time, coz I don't know if I got
                   it right diz time.

-Braindead/Orion:  Hej Jonas! Hoppas Peters brorsa slår dig riktigt
                   mycket! Bye!

-Chung-Mu:         Hi Marc! Don't forget 2 write me if u wanna form a
                   german division of Orion... ;-)

-Darren / Scoopex: Hi m8! Send soon... Bye!

-Dixy:             Hej! Keep the speed up... Förlåt för att jag skickar
                   lite slött, men vi har haft en hel hög prov i skolan

-Dynamic/Orion:    Hej! Funkar samplern bra? Bra moduler... Vi ska nog
                   släppa Dynamo snart... Allt utom coden är ju klart...
                   Send soon! :-)

-Excel/Vision:     Hej! Inte mycket att skriva... Skicka lite snabbare...
-Flame:            Hi! Thanx 4 contacting me... Kewl with sum new contax.

-Jazy/Vision:      Hi m8! A lost your letter+address n everything... I
                   don't know if that's your handle or anything... I just
                   read your letter a time, n now, I don't know where it
                   is... I must have deleted it my mistake sometime...
                   So if it was u who wrote me, contact me again...
                   I think u live in Razeburg or something like that...

Knoxx/Depth:       Hi! Your a new contact 2! Mer... Nä jag tror väl
                   inte det... CU!

Mr.King/Scoopex:   Hi Joerg! You have got quite good speed... Keep it up!
                   Oh, here's your handle in swedish:
                   Herr Kung
                   Figure out how 2 say it... CU! ;-)

Mr.Shrubelgruber:  Hej Johan! Vad kan jag skriva mer... Swappar du bara el.
                   gör du nåt annat... Du kan gå med i Orion om du vill.
                   Vi syns! :+)

Polygon Window/Depth: Hej! Ganska ovanlig handle eller? Thanx 4 contacting
                      me... CU! ;-+}
Skyhawk/Orion:     Hej ditt lurviga flygplan! 2 bad u got busted... :-(
                   Vi syns! :-=}

Solid/Bonzai:      Hi! There's not much 2 write... CU!

Splatterhead/Black Jack: Hi Vesa! Hope u got da titlepic n da other stuff...
                         Always kewl sendings from u... Heard there was a
                         couple of nasty guys there in Lahti... Hope u sur-
                         vived... Bye! :-)

Threat/Orion:      Hoppas att det inte var du på kortet, för då tycker jag
                   mycket synd om dig... hehe...

Toby/Sardonyx:     Hej! Jasså inget party i vår... Nehä... Då kommer jag
                   i höst istället då... Kan vi börja swappa lite grafik?
                   Nice gfx in Mundgoria #1... CU!

Toxic/Illegal:     Hi Tarkan! Thanx 4 contacting me... Kewl tunes... And
                   as always: HARDCORE RULEZ! CU! :-)

Wildcat/Scania:    Hej! Bra sändningar som vanligt från dig... Tell me more
                   bout Scania! Vi syns!

                  Messages from Skyclad of Extension.

Huba? Bibi? Oki! Hope you will join us in the "BIG" party to celebrate
Jan Roger's birthday!! Boozing is a MUST!! But I don't have to tell YOU that?
Hey, you got my first messy this time. Aren't you proud?!?!?!?
Stay crazy dude!!!

Marianne RULEZ!!!!
"Stygg" liten secret-part på marianne slideshowet!! Hint: Marianne er deilig

Thanks for contacting me. Looking forward to receive more nice stuff from you

Ohhh...what a hangover I have......I don't think I'm able to write more...

Hey man!! Thanks for the nice Suomi Listan!! Hope you will continue the
great work. And what about some adverts, more articles etc. C U L8 Mate

What a name!! It makes my horny...NOT!!! OK, hope to see you at TG 94!!!

Mr. Bacardy/Orion:
Thanks for writing to me. Hope to get some orion prods. soon. C U at TG 94

Hi Marcin!! How is life in Poland?

Hello Timo!! So, have you taken your handle from the Candyman movie? C U soon

You lousy piece of SHIT!!!!!
Hei Jonny!!! Hotshot Rulez, and Anja don't! Right?(Eller var det feil? He he)
Du får hygge dei i Bø, og ha det kjekt på "gutteturen" til Danmark!!!!
Når kommer du hjem???  Vet du hva? Jeg har BARE 22.7 MB med mods. på HD'en!!!

Hygger du deg i det "høye" nord? Det blir i alle fall full rulle når du
kommer hjem til helgen!!! Både jeg, du, Petter, Morten, Kenneth og Tony blir
det i allefall!!!!!! Kanskje Chip-chap og?

Well it was nice to hear from you!!! Send more cool stuff!!!

Always cool sends from you Albert! keep up the good work!!

Christine de la Queen:
Og hva gjør så denne lille danske pigen på? Holder du på fremdeles med denne
"multi media utdannelsen" din? Vel, det er alltid kjekt å høre fra deg igjen.
Håper vi kan treffest på TG 94, det hadde vert kjekt!!!

Well, well..I'm always looking forward to receive something from you!!
You send cool stuff, and you write very cool and long letters.
Jogeir Liljedahl RULEZ!!!

Well, nice postcard you send me! Hope to see more nice prods. from you!!!

Vel, Bjørnar....Norskprøver SUCKS!!

Condor/Razor 1911:
Ja, hei på dei danske drenge.

Too bad you quit swapping. Hope to get the slideshow from Candyman though...

Bald Horse:
Well, what can I say...Always nice sends.......

Roscoe/Razor 1911:
Well, where are you? I hope it's nothing serious! Hope to hear from you soon.

Hope you're having a good time down in Bahrain. What's the temperature? +30?
Here it's -10. :-(    Well, looking forward more cool stuff from you!!!!!

Sorry for my late answer!! You should have heard from me now I hope!!

Nice that you have got a HD!! You just can't live without 'em....
I hope that you will send me nice Trance Prods. soon.

Hei Anders!! Hyggelig liten søtsak du sendte!! :-) Send gjerne mer...Men
husk at jeg godtar bare pakker over 1 kg. :-)

God dag Olav!! Nordaas, er det utenfor Bergen det?  Ja, ja, du har enda ikke
sluttet med å fake i Norge? Det burde du gjøre. Jeg snakker av erfaring! :-(

Hello, where are you? Been a long while since I heard from you! Well, you
are infact my first contact in Spain!!! Have a good time at the beach!!!

The King/Illusion:
The King among contacts? Well, always nice sends from you. But I think you
should make Silesia in English!!!!

Well, howdy!!!! Your new pack was cool!!! Keep sending those!! And send more
votesheets for Mag-Net!!! It's a cool mag!!

Well, about time you answered!! But nice sends!! Please send Cemetary News
and other nice Bronx productions!!!!
Hey man!!! Where are you!!!!!! Please contact me SOON!!!!!!!!

Splatterhead/Black Jack:
Hey man!! Sorry for my delay!!! I think you should have received my letter
now?!?!  As you already know: DEATH/BLACK METAL RULEZ SUPREME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Har du sovna eller??? Jeg hørte rykter om at du var slutta å swappe, stemmer
det???? Ring/skriv RASKT!!!!! TLF:53472771

Jøss, leste en messy nylig at du ventet på brev fra meg?? Jeg har nemlig
gått og ventet på fra deg!!! Men, jeg tror du har fått en liten pakke i
posten nå???  Ja, ja. Jeg har fått det meste av russeutstyret nå. Du får
selvfølgelig Russekort av meg så snart jeg får de!!!!

have received a letter now!?! And yes, ALL postmenn sucks!!!! (Except one!!)

Ehh Tommy, hvor blir det av pakken??? Har gått og ventet en stund nå!!
ANSWER ME NOW!!!!!! I have heard other people complaining about you too!!!!

Well hello my friend! Where is your answer??? It has taken some time now!!

Hei Arild!!! Hvor blir det av deg?!?!?!? Send snart!!! Har du sett "Meet the
Feebles" nå?? Den er KUUUULLLL!!!!!!!!! Peter Jackson rulez!!!!

Hello dude!! Ehh, ser ut som du er enda en kontakt som liksom har blitt vekke
i mengden... Skriv snart hva???!?!?!?!?!?

Well, what can I say? Always cool stuff & letters from you! (Sometimes a bit
short, but....) And as I think you know now: Never Mind is THE BEST pack on
the scene today!!! I can't wait until you get a new code & design!!! Hope you
like Jogeir Liljedahl's music!!!! To bad I wont see you at TG '94!!! C U L8!

Liker du Hubba Bubba?? Hils Jonny fra meg, og si at han må oppføre seg pent!

Du leser kanskje ikke dette, men håper at noen sier ifra i allefall!!
Jeg venter på neste sending med spenning!!! Skynd deg!!!! Ha en fin dag!!!

Ja, ja Gard...Du reklamerer for deg selv (Compact!) i det nyeste Amiga Forum?!
Hva med å vise noen av vinner-introene istedenfor "Hiplash"?!?!?!
Fortsett med å gi ut Toolbox'ene dine!! De er kule!!! Nice move å hoppe over
til lha-pakkede filer!! For mer på disken. :-) Men burde vere mere nye utils!!
Men, jeg er kanskje ikke den rette til å si det siden jeg henter det ned med
modem...?!?!? Skal heller prøve å supporte deg fremover i steden for å klage!!

Merlin/The Magic Guild:
Beklager delay!! Håper du har fått pakken som forklarer det meste!!!!!

Sorry Delay!!!! En pakke er nok underveis!!!

The Clash:
Hvor blir pakken din av? Vi snakka jo på phone'en og avtalte hva du skulle
ha på kassettene og.... Men ingenting kom!!!! Har prøvd å ringe men virker
som jeg har feil tlf nr!! Send snart!!!!!!!!!  Lengter etter flere moduler!!!

Fest på lørdag Petter?? Yes sir!! Det er best du handler til meg nå når du
er i Bergen!! (Les: Polet!!!!) Ellers DREPER jeg A4000 din!!!! (som er
dritt-dårlig!!!!! Du kan bare gi den til meg med EN GANG!!!!! Så kan jeg
kaste den får deg!!!!)   Hils ikke alle kjente!!!!!

DU DIN SYKE FAEN!!!!!! DRA TIL HELVETET!!!!! Eh... Hei Morten!
Skål!! Kjemiøvinger RULEZ!!! Har du hørt den om........Du hadde det?? Trist!
I Kongeparken skal det bli FEST, eller hva?!?!?!?! Og fest med måte til
helga!!! Vi må jo ha noe igjen til nachspiel?!?!?!? Svev videre på den rosa
skyen med spagetti-saus!!!!!!!

Joiner du oss i helga???

To all my contacts:
Hope to see you at The Gathering 94!!! And to forgotten ones:Maybe next time!

To all:
Messys from VADER/MADOR










Messages from Agony of Suspiria.

Le Chien / Crap!
Hallo! Kommer du paa The Gathering?

Curt Cool / Depth!
Eh. Hello. You'r cool. he he. Eh..

Warlock / Hangover!
Sorry, but I lost your addy. Please write again soon.

Tranze / Legacy!
Hallo Tor Kjetil. Skriv snart. Hvordan kan du etterlate meg slik??
Kommer du paa The Gathering??

Stone / Morbid Angels!
Hallo Stein. Er du synket i snoen, eller hva kan ha skjedd med deg?
Skriv iallefall snart.

Elmore / Scoopex!
Hallo. Har du funnet gevertet til Obmar ennaa?? Lag de introene jeg sa
at dere kunne lage. Det blir en suksess, serlig hvis Benjamin coder!!
Naar kommer Dagsrevyen?? Aparat!!
Latro / Obsession!
Hello. Write soon. Waiting realy for some new issues for Chippo.

Acbs / Ram Jam!
Hello. Thanks for letter. Reayl lotto, but who cares. (Not I).

Mozell / Scoopex!
Hei Bestemor, eller var det Drain? Kanskje du heller skal tenke paa
ett navn isteden for fire. Aparat!!!

Mr. King / Scoopex!
Hello. Realy cool pack of yours. Always cool sendings.

Acid / Suspiria!
Hoppy dopy voting collector!! Det blir kuult!!

Felix / Suspiria!
Pan vinner! Ingen tvil!!! Og ikke promp paa deg mer!! Det lukter!

TDH Design / Suspiria!
Start Raytracing! Du har jo 4000/40 så du kan jo raytrace deg ihjel!
Trenger jo litt raytracing til ........! !!
Nic / Symbiosis!
Hallo. Er det noe kult pa Sessvollmoen? Skriv opp en adresse til, saa
jeg kan velge mellom fem stykker.

Pinhead / ???
Hallo. Kan du lage noen ascii til meg?

		- GOOPHY finished his game....It will be published under the
		  label of PSYGNOSIS!
		- They will hold a party in Hungary in April...It will be the
		  biggest hungarian party which has been ever held (in
		  More than 100 girls will be guaranteed!!!! (Disco at night)
		  DATE: 7-9 of April
		  PLACE: Varosmajor 2ndary Grammar School,BUDAPEST, HUNGARY
		- RACK & ASTI are working on a game...
		- The ONE & ONLY division is in HUNGARY
		  (except for Mental - France)
		- TILT is not an ABS! member anymore!
		- DIGIT hasn't been ABS! member!
		- Actual memberlist:
			  Adt	    : coder
			  Archie    : swapper
			  Asti	    : coder
			  Ben	    : editor,swapper
			  Crm	    : coder,gfx
			  Edge	    : coder
			  Erno	    : musician
			  Fester    : maineditor,swapper
			  Goophy    : coder
			  Hamlet    : ray-tracing
			  Hazel	    : gfx,swapper
			  Jean	    : coeditor,swapper
			  Lord	    : swapper,sysop,musician,coeditor
			  Mental    : swapper (France)
			  Petroff   : musician
			  Rack	    : gfx
			  T-Bozz    : musician
			  Viti	    : coder
		- The ABS! is looking for a good musician!



ALCHEMY:	  BOB left for SCOPE.

ANDROMEDA:	- MCS has been being in the army for some months.
		- MR.MAN helps to keep MCS's job.

ANTHROX:	- AGRESSOR joined from RAM JAM as a trader.

AXIS:		- Actual Memberlist
		    Lowlife   - Gfx   (Ex-Elitendo)
		    Librator  - Sysop (Ex-Movement)
		    Anthony   - Code  (Ex-Movement)
		    T'Vaan    - Gfx   (Ex Melody)
		    Iso       - Music (Ex-?)
		    Signe'    - Swap  (Ex-Melody)
		    Steroid   - Music (Ex Melody)
		    Hollywood - Music (Ex-Melody)
		    Dark      - Swap  (Ex-Trsi)

BALANCE:	- Roumors say that NEXUS6 (gfx,swap) got kicked of BALANCE.
		- TRICKTRAX was kicked out of BALANCE.
		- BLUE FOX changed his handle to AYOTTE.

		- CERO (ex.MAJIC 12) joined as a swapper.
		- OPTIC (ex.Shamrock) joined as a musician and graphics artist.
		- BRAINBUG is a lousy air-hockey player.
		- Complete memberlist:
			Diablo			- coder
			Dr. J			- coder
			Elf			- coder
			Necro			- coder
			Alpha			- musician
			Brainbug		- musician
			Jelace			- musician
			Blue Deville		- graphics artist
			Metal			- graphics artist
			Optic			- graphics artist, musician
			Pensplit		- graphics artist
			Cero			- swapper
			Messiah			- swapper
			Rod			- swapper, croatian hq
			Saracen			- swapper, organizer
			Decoy			- sysop at Silverhawk
			It			- sysop at Home Alone
			Tactel			- cosysop, modemtrader
			Znit			- hardware, cosysop
			Bob			- modemtrader
			Satan			- modemtrader
			Teo			- ray-tracer, designer
			The Ripper		- main-editor, swapper

		- MR.BACARDY joined.
		- TOXIC joined handle is now ZANE.
		- LIGHT joined as musician
		- Members are:
			Grand Master B  FIN    Music,Swap
			Domain!         DEN    Swap,Packs,Main-Ed
			G-sus           FIN    Music,Gfx,Code
			Splatterhead    FIN    Swap,Packs,Leader
			Akiro           FIN    Swap,Gfx,ModemTrader
			Janitor         FIN    Swap
			Incognito       FIN    Swap,Packs
			Blitzer         DEN    Gfx,Swap
			Mr.Bacardy      NOR    Swap
			Zane            SWE    Gfx,Swap
			Light           FIN    Music

BLD:		- They renamed to FATE coz they think that old name was bad.

		- The other Members search for a new group to join.
		- Bonzai is dead now.

CADAVER:	- KESSLER tried to join in Finland.
		- SNAPSHOT tried to join in Finland.
		- SLAYER(ex-Kronical) joined in Finland as a trader.
		- SLIPPER joined as coder.
		- SAFE joined as musician.
		- SPLATTER rejoined and renamed to SPLAT!.


CREATOR:	- They are simple CREATOR again...They are not a subgroup of
		  S!P anymore.

CRYSTAL		- Rumours says CRYSTAL are NOT dead !!
		- CRYSTAL kicked MELON DEZIGN from it's subgroup position.

DCS:		- SNUSKBUSKE is back in business.
		  He's trading at the same time from 4-nodes with 21.6k hst's!
		  He uploaded 1-gigabyte in last month!

DEEP ZONE:	- SWEAT CHUCK was kicked.
		- NEFARIA joined as Graphician.
		- PHASE joined as Swapper.
		- ECSTASY is coding on a MusicDisk called "Province" and a Pack
		  called "Dildo Sucker".
		- Official Memberlist: (04.04.94)
			  - Ecstasy    (Coder, Organiser)
			  - Luke               (Musician)
			  - Nefaria          (Graphician)
			  - Phase               (Swapper)
			  - Sceletor            (Swapper)
			  - Viper            (Graphician)
			  - Wargod           (Graphician)

DEFIANCE:	- MIKE joined as the editor of Buzz, modem- and mailtrader.
		  He's also an SFHQ.
		- Buzz Issue 4 will be delayed coz of the new code and dezign.
		- Buzz 4 will be released in june.
		- Buzz will from number 4 only have the SwedishTop9 instead
		  of both Top9 and the ordinary chart!
		- ZOMBIE joined as swapper from MAD ELKS.
		- SIRACON will take over the "Violent Playground pack"!
		- The "Violent Playground" pack will get new dezign.
		- YOGA and MALCOM got Kicked.
		- ZOMBIE will start a new pack soon.


DREAMDEALERS:	- Live 5 should be released 2 weeks after The Saturne Party 2.
		- Pipeline pack will get a new menu soon...

DUAL CREW-SHINING: - ECXITER left to biuld up the german division of REBELS.
		   - ZULU left for REBELS.
		   - EXCESS (raytrace) left for REBELS.
		   - Some other german DCS-members left for REBELS.


ENERGY:         - SNOOPY left for SCOPE.

		- Number of FuckShop BBS has changed to:  +49-0431314844.

FATE (ex.BLD):	- BICKER, DENETHOR joined from VETO.
		- BLACK ANGEL (independent) joined them.
		- They renamed from BLD to FATE.
		- They work at slide-show called BIG MISTAKE.
		- Actual memberlist (1994.03.20)
			  BICKER       - CODE
			  DENETHOR     - GFX
			  ELIOT        - SWAP
			  EYO          - CODE
			  KLF          - SWAP, MAIN ORGANIZER
			  WARLOCK      - GFX
		- They'll soon release BickTris - tetris coded by BICKER.
		- They look for good musicians and graphicians.
		- They'll soon release a first issue of KANSKJE - pack
		  from KLF and RAYER.
		- BLACK ANGEL released his module-player PROPLAYER.
		- RAYER changed his address coz of fuckin' post which steal

FLYING COWS INC.:  - PG (coder) joined.
		   - MAGIEL (musician) joined.
		   - DEVIL (graphician) joined.

FREEZERS: 	- LENNY and QWERTY left them and formed SCOPE.

HOODLUM:	- BYTEMAX left them.

INFECT:		- SMACK (ex. COMEDY) left the Army and joind INFECT.

IRIS:		- PURPLE HAZE (swapper) got kicked.
		- DARK PHOENIX (coder) was kicked out of IRIS.
		- AIRHEAD (swapper) got kicked!
		- SiDEWINDER (Graphician) was kicked!!
		- HR.FLICKER (Raytracer) got kicked out!!
		- ORION isn't, hasn't and never will be a subgroup of IRIS!
		  False news spread by ATOMIC/ORION.
		- DARKHAWK is now co-editor of "D.I.S.C."
		- PYTHON joined in Holland as swapper!!

		- CONDOR/ex.RAZOR 1911 joined them.
		- CHORUS&SID/KEFRENS joined them.

LSD:		- OEDIPUS/NEBULA joined as a modemtrader.



		- the German Section is dead!
		- RAVE left the Scene.

MELON DEZIGN:	- WALT is the leader.
		- They are planning to release a new demo at the Saturne
		  party II in France!

MOVEMENT:	- LIBRATOR (sysop) joined AXIS.
		- They're going to arrange an party with Crystal and Rednex.
		- The trailer is out!

NEBULA:		- OEDIPUS (modemtrader) left for LSD.
		- The new leaders are JINX and ANTICHRIST.

ORION:      	- They got a new division in Germany
                   - Memberlist:
                   - We search more members like Coder, Musican,
                     Swapper, GFX, and some more...

OUTLAWS:	- TROPEDUFT joined from ViSiON as Gfx artist.
		- IRONMAN (INDY) join as modemtrader.
		- ELRIC left ANASTASIA and join as modem trader.
		- GHOST join at the LOW DENSITY PARTY as Gfx artist.
		- Their European HQ is offline coz da important bust action
		  in Germany !!!!!

PARADOX:	- The danish leader got caught by the Police.

POINTLESS: 	- The Complete POINTLESS! memberlist....
		   Coders:  Zod, Incido, Drowsy, S Duvan
		   Graphicians:  Godhead, Prowler, Electron, Valkyrian
		   Musicians: Ache, NRG

PSYCHO:		- Spidy#6 out.
		- They are dead.
		- Some Psycho members left the scene.
		- But spidy not dead.

PULSE:		- MONSUN (Swap&Modem) joined together with his -girlfriend-
		  SUNNY (Swap&Gfx).
		- CHIPSI (Gfx&SysOp) and MACHO (Gfx) joined.
		- STEVE (Modemtrader) joined.
		- CHIPSI and MACHO left again.
		- MONSUN & SUNNY got kicked.
		- GENTLEMAN,SONIC FLASH,DIVE and CIE joined from MTU/Germany.
		- PULSE will start a diskmag called 'DEAD END'
		  Send support and filled votesheets to REVAL

RAM JAM:	- JOZEF joined as musician in SWEDEN.
		- SNOTLING joined as trader in SWEDEN.
		- AGRESSOR left in Sweden and joined ANTHROX as a trader.
		- GURGLE was kicked.

REBELS:		- The Amiga section is reformed by three old members, the
		  Danish division of Angels, Majic 12 and some others!
		- Memberlist in Denmark looks like this:
			   Bozo          Organizer, Trader, WHQ
			   Boomerang     Musician, gfx & Trader
			   Devil'N'Angel Trader, Modem Organizer
			   Pac-Man       Trader
			   Nighthawk     Swapper, (gfx)
			   Xod           Graphician
			   Yobbo         Sysop - The Larch
			   Ice Lord      Graphician
			   Conan	 Coder
		    	   Newton 	 Coder
			   Static        Musician
			   Yoyo          Musician
			   Weird Dream   Trader
			   Janitor       Trader
			   Xariun        Coder
			   Ozone         Coder
			   Shiva         Graphician
		- An intro is coming soon! Other projects are under
		- SLASH joined from DCS.

SAINTS:		- 242 joined as a subgroup.
		- YOUMMY joined as Sysop.
		- DEATHANGEL joined as Gfxman.
		- SAINTS France and SAINTS Denmark will born.
		- FANTASTIC DREAM (the music disk) is ready.
		- Members list:
			   Nop       : Coder,Swapper,Ansi,Leader.
			   Victory   : Coder,Swapper.
			   Klenye    : Coder.
			   Dr.Dweep  : Gfx.
			   Woober    : Musician.
			   Yoummy    : Sysop.
			   Deathangel: Gfx.
			   Epix      : Musician,ansi/ascii,Swapper.    (242)
			   Ajax      : Modemtrader,ansi/ascii.         (242)
			   Stussy    : Gfx,Music,ansi/ascii.           (242)
			   Numb      : Swapper,Gfx.                    (242)
			   Adix      : Sysop at "From hell to heaven"! (242)
			   Dagraz    : Gfx.                            (242)

SCOPE:		- SCOPE is a brand new group formed by ex.FREEZERS members:
		- SNOOPY joined from Energy.
		  BOB joined from ALCHEMY!
		  JEZO joined from TRSI.
		- Members list:
		- The members list is closed! Yes its true, small is better
		   (the best!).

SCOOPEX:	- Memberlist of Scoopex (legal) Norway!
			Elmore...........Gfx, NHQ
			Snuffy...........Gfx- and Ansi- artist,swapper
                - Memberlist of Scoopex (legal) Germany!
			Mr.King..........Swapper, Never Mind packs
		- Memberlist of Scoopex (legal) France!
			Kid..............AGA Grafician

SKID ROW:	- SILENT left the scene.
		- They aren't dead as the roumors said!

SUSPIRIA:	- Memberlist of SUSPIRIA.
			TDH Design.....Raytracer,Graphician

SURPRISE!PRODS: - CREATOR (subgroup) left.

TEDP:		- BEEBLEBROX joined TEDP (Swapper/Logo-Designer/Idea-Supporter/
		- EAGER BEAGER (gfx) joined them. He`s now a double-member of
		- PEACEMAKER(T.S.G.) + BILLY THE KID(T.S.G.) tried to join, but
		  they refused
		- They need more members ! (gfx, code)
		- incomplete memberlist: (05.04.94)
		 	Shithead     (organizer, code, gfx)
		  	2DD          (mainswap, idea-supporter)
		  	Eager Beager (sfx)
			Beeblebrox   (see above)
			Chucky       (code)
			Puma         (gfx)


TRSI:		- JEZO left for SCOPE.
		- TEES joined from FEAR as graphician!
		- RESET joined from INVESTATION as raytracer!
		- LEVIATHAN joined from INVESTATION as coder!
		- ANIMAL rejoined UNION.
		- TAP (coder) STOPPED swapping activity!
		- TRASH HEAD is NOT an organizer, anymore!
		- NORBY is one'n'only polish division organizer!
		- Memberlist - TRSI - POLISH DIVISION (01.04.1994):
			  DR.D       - graphician
			  LEVIATHAN  - coder
			  NORBY      - swapper, organizer
			  PLUTON     - graphician
			  PYTHON     - swapper, graphician
			  RESET      - raytracer
			  SEQ        - graphician
			  TAP        - coder
			  TEES       - graphician
			  TOM        - coder
			  TRASH HEAD - swapper
			  WALT       - coder
			  XTD        - musician

		- GOLD DRAGON and BIONIC left and joined the new CHILBLAINS.


X-TRADE:	- ADDER got kicked out.
		- There are no divisions outside Sweden and Germany.
		- 'COLOR CRIME 2' will be delayed b-coz the german police has
		  taken SCUBA'S computer for a while (WE HOPE!)
		- OUTPOST now got 5 nodez.

X-TREME:	- MAJOR BANDIT joined from MANITOU Germany.
		- SIR JINX joined from MANITOU Germany.
		- Their new WHQ is DR. DOOM & SIR JINX.
		- They will release a Intro soon.
		- They opened their 4th Devision in Sweden.
		- They are searching 4 Members.

         ___________________________________________________ _____
       _/   _____________  /_____________/_____  /______/   |    /
       \________  \_  /___/_\  _ \_ \  _ \_   / / ___)__\_  _  _/
        |      /   /  |    / \/   /  \/   / ___/  \     /   |   \
        |   ______/_______/______/_______/___|_________/____|    \

			Never Mind Various Menu

	Page	Articale			       Autor
       ------- ----------                      	      -------
	[002]   Never Mind Credits                     Mr.King/Scoopex
	[003]   Never Mind Supporter List              Mr.King/Scoopex
	[004]   Never Mind Advertisment Info	       Mr.King/Scoopex
	[005]	Never Mind Diskback Service	       Mr.King/Scoopex
	[006]   The Gathering Results                  ???
	[006]   Vision is lame !!!		       Laxical/Scoopex
	[008]   South Sealand Demoparty 1994           Focus Design

            _______/\  __/\____________:_/\  __/\_________/\______
            \_   .   \ \_  ______/\_   ¦   \ \_  ______/\_   .    \
            /    |    \/     __)__/    |    \/     __)__/    ¦  __/
           /     __/\_________  __/\  _______/\  ________/\. .    \_
          /      \__  .    .  \ \__.\ \_   .   \ \_    .   \ |      \
----^-----\______¦/   |    |   \/    \/    |    \ |    |    \¦______/©håø$-^---
                 /    |    |    \     \    |     \|    |     \
                /     |    |     \     \   |      \    ¦      \
                        :    :               :

		          >>>>>>>> Credits: <<<<<<<<

	Never Mind Menu:   Coding:  	Kernal of Desire
			   Gfx&Design:	Chaos of Desire
			   Music:       Estrayk of Darkness

	Never Mind Mag:	   Coding:	Slash of Dual Crew - Shining
			   Gfx&Design:	Chaos of Desire
			   Music:       Sir&Mel Prods. of Defiance

            _______/\  __/\____________:_/\  __/\_________/\______
            \_   .   \ \_  ______/\_   ¦   \ \_  ______/\_   .    \
            /    |    \/     __)__/    |    \/     __)__/    ¦  __/
           /     __/\_________  __/\  _______/\  ________/\. .    \_
          /      \__  .    .  \ \__.\ \_   .   \ \_    .   \ |      \
----^-----\______¦/   |    |   \/    \/    |    \ |    |    \¦______/©håø$-^---
                 /    |    |    \     \    |     \|    |     \
                /     |    |     \     \   |      \    ¦      \
                        :    :               :

		      >>>>>>>> Supporter List: <<<<<<<<

 .oO File support: all Intros were released on the Saturne Party II

 .oO News support: Mike of Defiance, Nop of Saints, Mike of Defiance,
		   Lord of Absolute!, Donk of Pulse, Heptagon of FCI,

            + - -:- - -                                 
            |    ·                                         
            ·     _____ _____ ____ ____ _______ ________ /  _    
            |    /  __/_   _/_    \    \  ___  \  ___   /   /  
            ·    \____  \ /   \ /  \ /  \  _/  /  _)_\  _  /   
                    _/ ///   ///   //   /   __/ _/   \  \  \     
                 ______/_____/____/____/_____\________\ /___\    ·
                 +---------------------------------/___/-gEm+    |
                    Never Mind Advertisment Info                 ·
                                                            .    |
                                                      - - - :- - +

       The Advertisments in NEVER MIND are and will ever be for FREE !!

           Please send your advert in one of the following format:

		    H A L F  P A G E    Advert:   39 x 23
		    F U L L  P A G E    Advert:   78 x 23

           You are not allowed to send more then 2 adverts person.

							sign Mr.King/Scoopex
            + - -:- - -                                 
            |    ·                                         
            ·     _____ _____ ____ ____ _______ ________ /  _    
            |    /  __/_   _/_    \    \  ___  \  ___   /   /  
            ·    \____  \ /   \ /  \ /  \  _/  /  _)_\  _  /   
                    _/ ///   ///   //   /   __/ _/   \  \  \     
                 ______/_____/____/____/_____\________\ /___\    ·
                 +---------------------------------/___/-gEm+    |
                    Never Mind Diskback Service                  ·
                                                            .    |
                                                      - - - :- - +

	From now on I can't manage the free diskback service, because
        of the high postages.
	Therefor if you want the latest issue sent back to you when you
	send me some adverts, news and messages, just send two extra
	quality disks.
	One for sending the latest issue of Never Mind back and one for
	the costs of postages.

	Of course everdody sending a own Production will still get
	their disk back with the latest issue.
							sign Mr.King/Scoopex
Subject: Party results!

Here are the results from TG '94 :

Points : 1st/ 2nd / 3rd votes.
4 points for 1st vote
2 points for 2nd vote.
1 point  for 3rd vote.


  26 :    1/   4/  14 Equinox "Closed Apart"
  33 :    2/   5/  15 Sector T  "Runaway brain"
  38 :    4/   8/   6 Moonshine "Distant"
  59 :    8/   7/  13 Banana Dezign
  65 :   11/   6/   9 Paramount
  74 :    6/  12/  26 Razor 1911  "Quite Unusual"
  80 :    8/  13/  22 Cryptoburners "Flashtest"
 265 :   26/  48/  65 Talent "Q.E.D. 2"
 347 :   46/  57/  49 Polka Brothers "Friday at eight"
 371 :   38/  89/  41 Cryptoburners "Brain State In A Box"
 829 :  173/  54/  29 Andromeda "Sequential"


  40 :    6/   4/   8 Humane & Vanity "Sleepless"
  67 :   14/   3/   5 Balance, Coca "Orgasmatron"
  72 :    4/  13/  30 Isvektor "Efkisvek"
  72 :    7/  15/  14 Movement "Old School"
  82 :   14/   9/   8 Equalizer, Cadaver "Testiclo"
  83 :   11/  11/  17 Firehawk, Hoaxers
 121 :   20/   9/  23 Odeon/Hammer, Razor 1911 "ChaosMaze"
 138 :   16/  23/  28 Compact "Hiplash 2"
 151 :   18/  24/  31 Darkman, Triumph "Invention"
 195 :   27/  30/  27 Offence "No Sleeping"
 227 :   28/  45/  25 Stone Arts "Rush"
 321 :   46/  48/  41 Lone Starr/Vinnie, Spaceballs "FunkyP
 564 :  102/  61/  34 Stone Arts "Bjarne"


   6 :    0/   1/   4 Bad votes
  26 :    1/   7/   8 Bad votes
 193 :   13/  40/  61 Back to basic  by The Interiors
 297 :   36/  39/  75 Icefever       by Xpose
 383 :   25/ 105/  73 E:XTRA         by The Serpent
 815 :  180/  44/   7 Superunknown   by Five


  51 :    9/   1/  13 Bad Votes
 181 :   22/  29/  35 Psychotic Dream              by Sorrox
 185 :   32/  19/  19 ...?                         by Xenogenesis
 210 :   24/  30/  54 Zap!                         by Map
 216 :   28/  37/  30 Outta time                   by Select
 219 :   29/  37/  29 The king of the round table  by Zwilight Tone
 544 :   94/  70/  28 Das Grelle                   by Gollum


  17 :    1/   5/   3 Fresh by Thomas Soliman
  29 :    4/   3/   7 Digital Insult by DJ Svinebog (Kimbo)
  33 :    2/   8/   9 1 step further by Jogeir Liljedahl
  33 :    5/   5/   3 Anus by DJ Horse (Duck)
  39 :    2/   9/  13 Sexy Sinner by Don Cato/Talent
  40 :    4/   7/  10 Bangin' Cindy by Winnie/Spaceballs
  50 :    7/   6/  10 Out of control by Ramosa/Oblivion
  53 :    4/  12/  13 Performance by Boo/Talent
  53 :    7/   7/  11 Quiet Evening by Lizard/Spaceballs
  66 :    6/  18/   6 Sux o'phone by Lane/Banana Dezign
  82 :    9/   9/  28 Decibel Overload by Loco & SunDanceKid/Talent
  93 :    7/  22/  21 Japtique by Braintoumor & Heywood/Stone Arts
 112 :   17/  10/  24 Harbour Bizarre by Brainbug/Alcatraz
 140 :   24/  17/  10 Acid Flashback by Outzider/DarkZone
 143 :   22/  20/  15 Shock by Omen
 165 :   25/  22/  21 Orthank by Lizardking/Razor 1911
 167 :   25/  26/  15 Funk it up by Syntex/Stone Arts
 207 :   32/  22/  35 Det ska' nok gaa by Dice/Polka Brothers
 257 :   40/  36/  25 Late Nights by Mr Man/Andromeda
 472 :   86/  50/  28 Sound o' da lunatic Svolkraq/Gollum


  14 :    2/   1/   4 TG94 flic file by Ice-Martin Bµkheli
  28 :    2/   5/  10 Ku by The Kre prod 94
  34 :    5/   5/   4 The Twin Engine by Idar og Roger
  66 :    0/  18/  30 Cujo, Avalon "AvalChess"
  94 :   15/   9/  16 Fredrik Bergesen, Lillwapa "At_TG`94"
  97 :   12/  18/  13 Goman "GÃMEN"
 145 :   18/  23/  27 2 Real by Xirix/Trinity
 239 :   41/  30/  15 The Flames by Colombus
 279 :   12/  91/  49 Ivan Moen, Triumph "Unknown-Distraction"
 285 :   27/  48/  81 Equex, Avalon "Bjarne og Kjell Tar Kvelden"
 818 :  175/  46/  26 Triumph LARGE anim


   4 :    1/   0/   0                   Land by AqA/Salmon
   4 :    1/   0/   0             Gath94.iff by Jonny B/MAD
   6 :    1/   0/   2             Death3.lbm by Eradikate
   7 :    0/   1/   5                 Sheepy by Bimbo (Jason)
   7 :    1/   0/   3                    Fly by Pyrex (Sea Hawk)
   8 :    0/   3/   2         Bt_I_Havn.ham by Ad Astra (Sea Hawk)
   8 :    0/   4/   0 kuler.m-solbriller.ham by Henning M.Larsen/Sea Hawk
   9 :    0/   3/   3            No_Fantasy! by Turrican/Compact
  10 :    1/   2/   2         HenrikHest.aga by Raz/Crap!
  11 :    1/   3/   1              EarthDawn by Manowar
  12 :    3/   0/   0             Tubule.iff by Xirix/Trinity
  12 :    3/   0/   0            Rudolph.iff by Rubber/TKP
  13 :    1/   2/   5   Video_on_demand.ham8 by Daniel Senn
  15 :    3/   1/   1              fear.ham8 by Trionyx/Spetsnaz
  16 :    2/   3/   2           DiskInFlames by The Cyborg/Grotesticle
  18 :    4/   1/   0            Fiorile.iff by Wolf/Evacue
  20 :    1/   6/   4         Love takes.iff by Metal/Banana Dezign
  22 :    2/   3/   8              Alien.lbm by Shitkicker
  22 :    4/   2/   2              Two Moons by Absurd/Scoopex
  22 :    4/   2/   2 Connor.FiskFiskFisk.Fi by John Connor/Balance
  25 :    2/   5/   7             Comp28.iff by Cassiopeia/Rave Nation
  25 :    5/   2/   1          Highlands.iff by Styx/Compact
  26 :    2/   7/   4                Bigitte by O-Pepper (Rank)
  27 :    4/   4/   3              Theresa!! by X-Tazy
  29 :    3/   3/  11              Peace.iff by Pensplit/Banana Dezign
  30 :    3/   7/   4           FruSmith.iff by Tom Mobvik/Illusion
  31 :    5/   2/   7              Eagle.iff by Solid/Cryptoburners
  41 :    8/   2/   5                   Vote by Torgrim Nµrland
  47 :    5/  12/   3             Spellbound by Jerry Dark
  55 :    7/  10/   7         Wild Horse.iff by Toastmaster/Movement
  57 :    9/   8/   5           Julekake.iff by Devilstar/Virtual Dreams
  58 :    8/   9/   8 Pure Magic - No Redraw by Pixie/Polka Brothers
  58 :    9/  11/   0         Silicon Valley by Zytron (Martin Skulstad)
  63 :    9/   9/   9          BlackRobe.iff by Pudding/Grotesticle
  68 :    9/   7/  18                BadTrip by Pal/Offence
 129 :   15/  25/  19             Illusionia by Bridgeclaw/Iris
 133 :   26/   8/  13           Dentist.ham8 by TiEDYE/Darkzone
 140 :   21/  21/  14              Conan.iff by Blue Devil/Banana Dezign
 150 :   21/  20/  26                  Julia by Decker/Andromeda
 177 :   32/  14/  21     Space_guardian.aga by BCR_Stone Arts
 184 :   22/  37/  22           In_your_face by Archmage/Andromeda
 240 :   42/  23/  26    Tony of Razor.FINAL by Tony/Razor 
 349 :   47/  54/  53              ZZ.Madman by Fairfax/Andromeda

       /\_______/\_______/\________/\________/\________/\___________ _____
      /   _________     ______   \______   \______   \    _____/    |    /
     _\____    \_  \___/__ _ /    \_ _ /    \_  _____/    __)__\__  _  _/
    /     /     / _/     / \/      / \/      /   |  \     \     /   |   \_
    \_________ /_______ /________ /________ /____|   \________ /____|    /

     Am I dreaming or is it true ? That was my question when I remember
     the big videoscreen at the Cebit computer show. Well, running was
     an old and canceled project that was done for pure friendship bet
     ween me and another cool dude of Alcatraz. At that point of time,
     I was the organiser of Vision and we voted in our internal mag
     against the release of that intro (Vision now called it: 2 B Shaded).
     Then I left the group and joined up with Scoopex. All members of
     Vision had the source of that into at this point of time. Well, I
     left and now the into was released with my old handle in the coding
     credits. Now I have to apologize that I never coded that intro. I
     only learned from that source and did a few changes in it, but that
     was all ! I am not responsible for that lame release, but the lamest
     thing in my opinion is that Vision won a competition with a pro-
     duction that was not even designed and coded by them. The, so
     called optimizer of the sourcecode, only changed the colors as the
     intro was alleady AGA-compatible as it was coded on A1200 and only
     a bit on A2000. It was tested on A1200, 2000 and 500 so you can not
     claim that it is a Vision production as there is nothing their so
     called coder coded ! I am really pissed off, because of my pal in
     Alcatraz whom I asked to code the intro for us and whom I told that
     Vision (under my organising) will not release the intro so long as
     I am the organiser. Well, as I said before, all members of Vision
     agreed not to release it and then I left them. Now, they released it
     and they wanted to get the prize for it without doing anything from
     the code ! You are suckers (nicht war Herr Broemme !! LAMER !!!!!).


                    THE SOUTH SEALAND DEMOPARTY 1994

           - This is the first official info about the party! -
                           Released : 27/3-'94

                    THE SOUTH SEALAND DEMOPARTY 1994

Is happening at the 3rd. to the 6th. of August 1994 in Vordingborg (Denmark).
Vordingborg is a small town with 10000 inhabitants only an hour and a half
from Copenhagen, or two hours with train from Putgarten in Germany.

The entrance will cost 	120 DKK.
	      or about	 20 US$
	      or about	 15 £

The prizes for the competitions will be calculated when we know more about
our budget - BUT they will NOT be small, I promise.

		AMIGA DEMO	Should run on a normal A1200
				MC68020, 2mb chip RAM

		PC DEMO		Should run on a 486sx
				SVGA, Soundblaster, ad-lib

		C64 DEMO	Should run on a normal C64
				(disk only!!!!!!)

		GRAFIX		Should be able in Amiga IFF standard

		MUSIC		Should be executeable or, if mentioned
				on the disk, ready in PTformat

If not....       IT IS TOO BAD!!!!!

                                DRINKING & EATING
                                    Coca Cola
Can be bought on the party quite cheap. You can also buy some chips (for
eating your fool!!:-)) and breakfast (some warm bread, butter, jam and Danish
from the locale baker!!!). Further more you can buy good pizzas from us (we

There will be a special "Hall of sleeping" ;-) were no noise (exept from the
others who are snorreing) will disturb you. But it is of course allowed to 
sleep anywere (even out side :-{ )


It is of course NOT! permitted to drink any alcohol (neither wine nor beer)
at the party place. And drunk people will not be led in, or if inside the
party thrown out!!

We cannot suport crackers, and if someone is caught in cracking they will 
be thrown out, or even turned in to the police!!!

And keep in mind: WINNERS DO NOT USE DRUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  EVENT T-SHIRTS
the event T-shirts will cost about 50 DKK

Event T-shirts can be ordered from now on and until the party ends and we 
will send it to you or you can get it on the party we hope...

For ordering:
                Mazzachre of Focus Design
                Skerrisvej 29
                4840 Nr. Alslev

                Allan Jørgensen
                Fiskebækparken 35
                4760 Vordigborg


To reservate a table or a classroom, you can contact:

                Focus Design Dist. Site:
                Metal Connextion (+45) 74 43 59 49 
                3 Nodes Ringdown!


                Mazzachre / Focus Design
                Skerrisvej 29
                4840 Nr. Alslev
                Tlf. (+45) 53 83 47 69 (Voice)

                                  MORE INFO???
Wait for our Partyinvitationdemo (long word eh??)

or contact
                 Mazzachre of Focus Design
                 Skerrisvej 29         (not moved since last adressing)
                 4840 Nr. Alslev
                 Tlf. (+45) 53 83 47 69 (Voice)