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File size:
1 355 bytes (1.32K)
File date:
2011-06-08 23:03:09
Download count:
all-time: 354


rainbow trioT           9891          mega demo coming up!       yeah ! this is the first demo from rainbow trio in 1989 !!    welcome to this nice vektor demo !!!             rainbow trio consists of the following members :    skull (coding)      mbo (gfx,coding)    psycho(coding,musix)    tc (grafix,musix)    atnas (coding)                last news :   a new member came to rainbow trio !!! :           aragorn (c - coding)  here comes our contact - adress:                       rainbow trio        c 390640 klp       1000 berlin 42     so write us if you want - we await  y o u r  letter soon !    special thanks must go to:    gemini (creator , mr.magic , abul , noco , alf , woody) for the grafix !!!       normal hellos to:      odysseus , whodini (the berlin plutons) , astatic , oth , c-mafia , froebi , stephan , mario !!!    fuck to:   rcs and intersoft  !!!!           and now for the keys to move the vektor-object : esc: quit , f1: rotate x , f2: rotate y , f3: rotate z , f4: zoom, f5: stop all rotations , f6: reset object to orignal position , f7 switch objects - use the keys plus shift to have the same effect in the opposite direction ! the keys are set free  n o w !             e.o.s.    (end of scroll)                         actual object   :
  x-rotation speed:
  y-rotation speed:
  z-rotation speed:
  zooming         :