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File size:
1 174 bytes (1.15K)
File date:
2018-08-31 11:55:05
Download count:
all-time: 87


This little R|WOnStRatIoN was coded by
ZWinX/rAgE & Dr.}Ke/KampfGruppe
Eminent X-mas muZz@xxDRRcx by
FuCkup's & mOraL sUppoRt fRom
sUg R|W iNc.

x3mly iMPortanT inFo from sUg R|W iNc:
dA mEmberZ of sUg r|w iNc. has dEciDed to
B mOre sEriOuzZ 'n wAreZy toWarDz OuR
zWappiN' cOnTaCtz wOrLdwiDe. wHy dOn't
ya tRay tO zWaPp wiTh uz 2? cUmon 'n
jOinT tO tHiZ bUllEtiN boArD zYzTem:
R|WtRaDe's nEzT +46-31-14WAREZ

How to contact rAge?
DaGcEnTraL 9o21o +46/31-7955479

Det var en g}ng en liten ful j{vla onge
som hette Klas. Han var s} j{vla ful att
hans morsa brukade l}sa in fanskapet i
k{llarhelvetet om dom fick g{ster eller
n}tt. R|tten var han iallafall.
En g}ng rymde lille {cklige Klas ut
f|r att f|rs|ka skaffa sej lite f|da.
Klas fick n{mligen bara bark och n|tter
till mat hemma. Klas m|tte dock n}gra
stora feta basketnegrer som slog ihj{l
den lille fan. Det gjorde inget, f|r
hans mor blev s} glader att hon testa-
menterade hela sin f|rm|genhet p} 14kr
till dom stora fula basketnegrerna.

KampfGruppe/rAge/sUg R|W wish you all
a merry X-mas & a happy new year!