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8 658 bytes (8.46K)
File date:
2012-07-30 23:02:54
Download count:
all-time: 325


                  =important message!#  %                  +important message!#  $                  <the giants belgium 
no longer exist                    = we repeat :   # &                  +$ the giants belgium no longer exist            
      >our new name in the future will be : #&                  +    questor!     #  &                  =  we repeat :   
 # %                  *     questor!     #  $            <    why changing the name ?  well, unfortunately there are a lot
 of people who liked the name   the giants  , and to avoid any confusion we enter the last decade of the 20th century with
 a new name :                  >     questor     #  &                  $<our goal is to provide you with demo's , music 
productions and programs of a serious quality standard. the members stay the same :                  *      climax     #  
$                 > coding main gfx  # %                  *    cyclone      #  $                  >main music, packer# %  
                *         slice      #  $                  > music  gfx  p.r # %                  *      cyborg      #  $ 
                >      swapper     # %                  *      equalizer    #  $                  >spreader  packer # $   
                < well, that's it for the 5  members. if you are interested in our productions, let us know :             
      *   our adress :   # %                   +     no name ! !    # %                  =   p.o. box 42    #   %         
                 =2638 rumst belgium#  $                 <        if you send your products, always insert a letter mentioning
 the person you contact ! and don't forget : mention your adress and contact person.  now : credits for this demo : coding and
 gfx were done by  climax  , the high quality rock'n roll music was written by cyclone , and the scroll, as usual, is provided
 by me,slice. it is a usual sunday evening, except the fact that climax's wife is still pregnant. climax is writing a new demo
, and cyclone is checking out the weekly supply of discs. benjy, the guardian of the palace is probably licking his dick, 
outside.                  *       info   :   # &                  >$benjy is a siberian huskee who likes to meet people.  
problem is that people don't want to meet him because of his biting way of saying hello.                  %=the doorbell 
rings !                  <$ i'm going through the hallway, passing the cellar. i see that there is a fog creeping under the
 front door . i immediately call climax and cyclone for backup &                  $*miiiillljaaaaarde!#  &                 
 $that was a curse in the belgian language ! yes, understandable ! cyclone, who's wrist is broken gave a big hit on climax's
 head with his plaster.  you can probably see the picture : climax's head is a little bit %                $*     deformed  
  #  &                  <$ for the moment his head is looking like the back of a camel ! yes ! between the eyes you can see 
a big crater which stops just above his mouth. the nose is split, the nose wings are dripping blood and slime,the eyes are 
turning round like hell,and because of the impact his  brains are hanging on his shoulders, looking like a jellypudding.   
we can't find his ears %                  +were are his ears!#$                  $> ooh yes, now we see : climax is talking
 : the ears function like an opening door. cyclone remembers me of the p.s.i.r. : the persons sexual instrument repairbox : 
this time we can use it on his mouth, because it looks like a woman's pussy. after twisting and turning the ears are now back
 on the side of his head, and speaking in a normal way is now possible. next operation : putting the brains in there place. 
we take a vacuum cleaner and suck all the brainwork.  after doing that we take the empty head and heap up the skin around it. 
we now put the vacuum cleaner in reverse and blow the brains into the head. to finish off, we use sicomet glue to close  the 
whole thing. climax is happy again, smiling and  chatting, the only thing unnatural about his head : the eyes are still 
spinning like a  record on 78 rpm, but that will pass when he wakes up tomorrow. well, well, well, we almost lost our coder, 
but were glad he's back in shape.  i hope you liked reading this truly happened science-fiction story. time to take a leak. 
see you in the next episode of our series :%                  *$ the amazing adventures of questor                  =greetings
       slice  out              and now the great mega greetings list (in alfabetical order) goes to                    *a.c.u
   -abakus    -accession    -accumulators    -aces    -a.c.i    -acid    -acme factories    -alcatraz    -alive    -alpha flight
    -amiga force    -amiga industries    -amiga lords    -amigaze team    -amitech    -animate    -antitrax    -aragon    
-arcane    -armada    -astatic    -atnas    -atomic    -atomix (hi dudes!!)    -avenger    -avirex    -beastie boys    -beer hunters
    -belga live    -berlin plutons    -black division    -black monks    -bloodsuckers    -blue    -born to win    -bounty    
-brainbug    -brainstorm    -bs1 and cybertech    -byterapers    -cascade    -celtic    -classic crew    -coca cola crew    
-cool lazer (nice sendings!!)    -cosmos    -crack force 5    -cracker force    -creator    -critical    -critters    
-crusaders    -cryptoburners    -cult    -d-mob    -d.o.c    -dark terminal    -darklight    -darkness    -deathstar    
-defcon one    -delta force    -deltaline    -depeche    -destiny and zigag    -diabolics    -digital force    -digitech    
-digiwars    -double density crew    -dream vision    -dtect and shining    -dueco    -E and L Belgium (cool sendings!)eclipse    
-electronic artists    -energy    -epsilon    -escape    -eternity    -exodus    -extreme    -fashion    -final frontiers    
-finnish gold    -first wave    -flash    -forcefield    -fraxion    -freedom force    -freestyle u.k    -fusion    -future mirror 
-gate    -gemini    -ghostriders    -go-go    -helloween    -humanoids (hi dudes keep up the cool sendings)    -hurricane    
-impact inc.    -invisible crime    -ipec elite    -it (walkman, your music is supreme!!)   -italian bad boys    -ivory    
-jungle command    -kawajoe and geier    -kefrens    -kns-crew and fastteam    -los bamigos    -maffia    -mechanix    
-mgf and joy and dfi    -mindwalkers    -napalm    -neutron dance    -new order    -no name team    -northstar and the silents    
-odyssey    -omega 5    -omsala sector and top swap    -oracle    -oth    -outsider    -paramount (cool sendings!!)    
-paranoimia    -phalanx    -phaze 101    -phenomena    -phoenix    -piranhas    -plexus    -poisen    -power point    
-powerslaves    -powerstation    -prism    -pseudo-ops    -public enemies    -pure byte    -quadlite    -quartex    -quest    
-quicksilver (hi kris !!)    -random access    -raw force    -razor 1911    -rebels belgium div.(nice sendings)    
-red and black    -replica copy crew    -rising force    -romrunner    -routte 66    -royal amiga force    -rozorback    
-sargon    -science 451    -science frontiers    -scoopex    -secret force    -shape (great sendings!!)slipstream    
-softrunner    -software of sweden    -space group    -spectre    -sphinx    -spreadpoint and defjam and ccs    -stack    
-star    -starline    -steel pulse    -storm    -strikeforce    -subsoftware    -subway    -success    -sun connection (great
 music sendings)    -supervisors    -supreme    -system 5    -system z    -tarkus team    -team-x    -the asylum freaks    
-the bad dudes    -the band    -the cartel    -the connection    -the dual crew    -the enemies    -the fast guys    
-the fire starters    -the flashteam    -the gang    -the giants norway div.(thanx for the letter hope you will change your 
name to!!)the goonies    -the hellraisers (thanx for your letter)    -the lightforce    -the link    -the magnum force    
-the new masters    -the outlaws    -the panthers    -the powerslaves    -the prophets ag    -the round circle    -the sunriders
    -the supply team    -the time circle (hi guys!!)    -the time lords    -the unborn group    -the undertakers    -the web    
-the wizards inc.    -thorax    -threat    -titanics    -tommy knockers    traitors    -trash and ttb    -triangle    -trilogy   
 -tristar    -tronic    -unicorn    -unique    -united forces    -vision    -vision factory and the bencor brothers    -vortex 42
    -wantom    -wild copper    -wizzcat    -world of wonders    -x-men    -xpo    -ydex and hi-tech    -zaphod    -zark    -