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$VER:.:Plastic Flavour:. .:4/1996:.

Rock Ting
Pop lort???
Ambient Jungle
Plastic Flavour
Ambient Jungle
Splif Acid
Ambient Jungle
Ambient Triphop
Out Of Memory
Already Playing
General information
Relief's words
Mickey's blahhs
Tactica mumbles
Poetic Phonetic
Greets from Relief
Soundsources used
Get in contact

        Hi and welcome to this nice music disk from splif productions  you might ask who is splif productions and then ill tell you a short story....splif prods. was started in 1993,cant remmber when it was exactly but anyways, me (relief) and 2 of my friends (karsten and jimmy) was playing around with protracker,jimmy had done it for quite some time so he knew it all...but then we got hooked on it and decided to call us splif prods instead of writting eachothers names becasue we almost always made all out music together and we had big plans at that point...but these days jimmy have left splif prods. hes gone proffesonel..but then another friend joined us making music,but hes on the pc when you see splif prods. in our tunes is deosnt have to be all of us who made maby just one or 2,but easyer to write splif prods. thats what we think at least.....uhh that was quite borring eh?   so our music style isnt exacly amiga style we can agree on that for sure  but hopefully you'll like them as much as we do   theres some jungle tunes some trip hop tunes which rocks  and some more "normal" tunes  adn some other styles is also featuring total theres 35 modules  composed over a long period of time   some of them  eg. "da teddy style 2" is from 1993 but never released and thought what the hell just put in here for the hell of it  its pretty okay (if you consider the year it was made, that is)   quite a few of these mods where composed with in the last couple of months    you can probably notice that,much better made etc than the old ones very simple    doh!!...we still got alot of unreleased tunes but 35 tunes in one music disk is far enough dont you agree? i must tell you that we've been very active lately so some of the older tunes have been taken out and some new and much better tunes have replaced them but you wont notice it only the older tunes which is on this music disk some of them i dont like as much as some of the more recent tunes  but its been a realy pain picking the right tunes for this project we got so many tunes whice we've made so we tried our best to give you the best we've made  thers more tunes which maby is just as great as some of them your listening to right now but they doesnt really fit in term of lenght or maby they suit a demo much better.....hum what should i write now??.......its funny that in the last couple of months not a singe mag have written *anything* about our group puzzle  pretty wired if you ask me..i had even passed some official news to one of my friends in both essence and to astro but not a single thing appired and even if we got like 3-4 releases out where i had personaly made sure that ther where a news letter included in the archive but still nobody thinks that they should mention us 8(  and then i just whent through show time issue 1 and you could find news about all kinds of not so known or maby very unknown groups but still no sign of puzzle as a group  then i remember some guys from royal told me if we (puzzle) where the same as some old "puzzle"  i really dindt know what he meant about that but he then told me that citruz which is in royal was a member of some other group which also where called puzzle but they (the old puzzle) had teamed up with royal so maby this is the reason for nobodys writting anything about it? i dont know but if someone is reading this part of this rather pore text then why drop me a line if you know anything or maby you could pass something one to someonw or something like that 8)        ..wrap..
    .. Say what?? Well.. I guess i have to write a couple of lines about this musicdisc... I really hate the first module, Always On Da Run.. Picture this.. Everytime you do some coding, you get yo hear the first module.. It dosn't take long, before you get really tired of it.. But while we worked on it, we kept on putting new modules in it, and alot of those are really cool modules.. But anyhow.. Listen to it, and let's have some respons.. That's the only way we can know how you feel about it.. In the future we are planning on doing something like dA Jormas.. A lot of small productions where we focus on the music and a cool design.. And i guess that i will also have some of my own modules in them prods, due to the fact that we plan on having a kind of subject/style in them, and i guess my style is weird enough to be represented... Sooo.. See you all in the future.. Signing of.. Mickey...  
I hate these goddamn scrolltexts but I guess I have to write something worth reading. This music disk have been undergoing some dramaticaly changes both on the visual side but surely also on the coding side. A long time ago (when we first started to make this) the graphics were more artistic like. It really didn't fit the style of the music, but I finished what you could call a full-screen picture though I had the feeling that maybe it should've been done in another way. So now you're looking at the result of that. Like it or not. I tried my best doing what I felt fitted the style of the music - giving it a more straight-lined/boxed look (plastic even :-). Enough about the graphics. Respects fly out to :   Alias, Antibyte, Boogeyman, Cesium, Cyclone, Decoy, E-Moon, Excel, Eracore, Flow, Hollywood, I-GO, Jazz/hjb, Majkel (the swede ;), Melomaniac, Pearl, Phase, ppl (a special hello!), Psycho, Rodney, Scope, Swoop, TNT, Vesuri, Warre, Zinko.... and of course the Puzzle dudettes.    I didn't forget anyone did I? Sure I did - that's just me :)  It seems like the Danish scene is starting to get more active. Lately many releases have seen the daylight - and that's great.  Let's hope this continues.   So that was that. I'm not up for writing very much more so.. Adios until next time - and remember Perkele Vittu rulz ;))

        Relief's greetings text   hellos to  wolfman/blc..held og lykke med dit nye project   fazion/pzl/imp..ugh ja nu maa jeg vel snart lave nogle flere mods i den stil du kan lide :)   archangel/pzl..hi there..hope you like most of these tunes,i think you got most of them anyways...please write me soon and get that bbs thingy going soon would be great   sca/pzl/pb..060 uha du kan naesten ikke vente hva? :)   selector/plz/lsd..come one mand  lav nu den flush 3 code!!! like min md??   tactica/pzl..hey makker fed gfx ting du fik sving i!..saa fik de endelig lidt mere power i svinet fedt ik?   zinko/pb..hey doode jeg maa sgu lige faa suget nogle flere mods fra dig snart og jeg maa vel oxo snar faa laved noget cypriss ting som du jo gerne ville havde mig til   playmate..hey champ din lede luder!!!    karsten/sp/pzl..slips min sut dit svin!! 8)))   duff/ryl  detron/ryl  webster/psn/ryl   mr.hyde   rahiem/esc   pride   astro   sal-one  unison  puzzle gutterne  impact gutterne  goy/pb  slide/bp  hotwire..hey mate like any of my tunes?   scarface/-t!  kingpin/spb..hi there king eric hows life?  uman/wl  jedi like?   android..hey man are you dead?  dreamfish heres some more wicked tunes 8)  subacid luderne  fury  blasie..ja du har jo nok h0rt alle de her mods  mortimer please write me soon  blue fox/blc..hum du maa vare d0d.??  vocal/rbs?..ja jeg fik sgu aldrig skrevet til dig haaber at m0de dig endag  motion..jeg syntes du er total arrogant og h0jr0vet!!!  scqeech  lizard/spb guess these tunes arent really you. ;)  swoop  chris  the whistle  kreon    and to all those i cant remmebr right now  ........choose another text
        For those who want to know what equipment that was used for making the music then here's some info...    The Following equipment have been used  :  Roland jx3p, Roland Jd-800, Roland Jv-1080, Roland Xp-50, Yamaha Pss-680, Yamaha Qy 20 and ALOT of cd's and samples from some of my friends.......

        Respect from Puzzle to the following  :   Artwork  C-lous  Depth  Essence  Impact DK  Jormas  Lemon  Passion  Polka B.  Rebels  Scoopex  Session  Spaceballs  Stellar  The Black Lotus      ..wrap..     

        Contact text   -   To contact Splif Prods write to :   D. Botschinsky  Aaboulevarden 34e 1tv 2200 Copennhagen N. Denmark  or E-mail to     To get in touch with Puzzle   E-mail to :    -www-     for joinnng contact me (Relief) or our norwigian hq (archangel)  White Room Studios, Ronny Nilsen, 5079 Olsvik, Norway          ..wrap..          

        Welcome to the music disk from Splif Productions called Plastic Flavour....   Credits:  Music by Splif Prods. Graphics by Tactica. Coding by Mickey.    Quick instructions: Use the left mouse button on the arrows to scroll up'n'down in the modulelist.. Use right mouse button to scroll an entire page..  -ESC button- to quit the show.  Nothing much more to say - just navigate your mouse around.    Each time a module have finished playing another is randomly picked.  If a module is intended for looping a new one will be loaded after 7 minutes.        ..wrap..
       Hello and welcome to this awesome and huge production. This Is Phonetic writing some quick words and a few hellos... firstly let me start off with tell you all I'm personally not involve directly with this great production, just got the opportunity to write something to friends and associates. This has been under way for at least a year now, so as you read this, it's hopefully out and done with... look forward to coming Puzzle productions at The South Sealand III Party... Now a big hello to all Euphoria members... Hiya Stranger... Thanx for help setting up our ruling bots on IRC ;).. and thanx for always offering great company when the whole net's lagging ... WizzBit, Hi mate. Did you finish your latest production, or is it still in the preview phase ;) ... U-man, one of the coolest and friendliest Sysop's know to man ;).. thanx mate, for always having efficient telnet nodes available ... Deature..c'mon man, get of the net break, you're missed.... Speeddevil, yo... latest colly was superb... and Boheme, the weirdest and sickest humour on IRC... Great chatting with you man ;)... Also Greets to all Mystic Members... Hi Mike.... than for always keeping me busy doing graphics... hehh.. without you as a motivating factor, I would probably never get anything finished ;).. SHD, Coder supreme.. thanx for the testing tools. Really makes a whole lotta difference.. thanx.. And Quartz.. I'm still VERY impressed with the way things are organized....  Now some hellos to the IRC Buddies.. Hiya GREATNES .... Stay alert, bro ;) .. Dusty, hi mate... please finish that infamous script that I've been waiting for ;)... Wraith ... yo say hi to Archangel for me... shit I'm running outta time, so now some greets in shortened form... aLLaH, Radavi, Numen, opel, Fury, Mario, Baserevil, Baffle, TCB, Hamlet, Agony., Jokke .. and all I forgot... See you in the very near future.... 

This small rock/funk tune was made in 1993, we just loved the guitar from Lenny Kravitz so we had to do some kinda remix and thats what your hearing now...

This is kinda mellow listening just lean back and relax and let it take you far away...  made in the late summer of 1995...

This song was made in 1993 one of the first "great" songs we made...  we were going to use this at the melon party in Denmark but we didn't make the deadline because we were to stoned and sleept through the competition...

Made in 1996 so it's pretty new and pretty cool sounds'n'drums...  Ambient jungle 8)

Kinda a remix of a real life song but I can't remember the name of the original composer right now but I remember that Nuke also made a cover of this song...  made in 1995 also inspired by some tricky thingy

This is the long version of this compo tune which again didn't get played at 'THE' party 5, but that's the usual thing with the compos at TP... oh well... this version is just a little bit longer not much though.. the long version got lost somewhere but a great jungle tune here...  took quite some time to finish..  I heard that the version from TP5 went on some cover cd-rom on some lame uk-pcmag.....

Argh! This tune is also a bit hard to explain.  A pretty new one and rather strange again...  just listen to it and judge for yourself

Jungle time comming at cha....  Not much to say about this tune...  made last summer....

A reguler funk tune with some nice sax over it....

Our first strictly drum and bass tune...

JumJum jungle again and we love it!  Made last year sometime...  great synth sounds - and some prodigy feel to it

Another old tune and again it's a r&b / swing styled tune..  made back in 1994.  We had some big plans with this tune but it never went into action so here you go...

Some ambient jungle...  pretty old tune...  Now don't fall asleep

Buuhuu......  a funky jungle tune kicking your speakers...  turn it up and fly away

This one is a pretty normal techno track which one of my friends (jedi) just loved so much that it's included here.... enjoy

There is a short version of this tune in Puzzle's first production called  "GAP"  but this is the full version enjoy

Erhm....  well what can I tell you about this ? Made in 1995 -  it's different oh yes 8) ..... try to really listen it

Another nice jungle tune made in 1995 with an excellent sequence which makes you wanna dream away....

More excellent triphop....  really neat stuff here.  Took quite a long time to finish

Ahh yeah...  A rather nice triphop tune here which just tells the story by itself...  now dont fall asleep

A pretty wired tune I'd say....  some Future Sound of London samples which sound excellent and some weird sounds and well mayby it's getting just a tad to hardcore with the drums towards the end

Made right after we sampled a lot of jd-800 sounds...  I think it's only the drums which isn't from it.  Pretty weird tune because of the sounds - but cool though

Most of this was made at the South Sealand party 2 in Denmark last year... I was so unbelievable tired and this is what came out of it...  call it eg. ambient.  It won 1st price in a music compo at Digital Candy BBS in the uk... 10 quid :)

Erhm....  don't got a clue of what to call this style of music....  maybe some techno/hiphop/jungle/mixture..  dunno but it's great....

Some kinda Prodigy remix I guess....  This version didn't get played at The Remedy '95 music compo.  I really don't understand them when you listen to what they actually played there

A swing tune made in 1994 with some okay lead thingy.  Pretty cool at the time...

Now this is something cool here.  A triphop vs. swing...  really great I think

Some kinda portishead cover numba...  blah

Kinda strange tune here...  It starts off with some triphop then it suddenly cuts over to some jungle but it still keeps it's strange feel. Either like it or not.

You could call it ambient I guess....  not sure though - but it's very nice listening

This is our latest tune..  A pretty cool triphop tune..  not much to tell

Yahoo....  Jazz meets triphop with it's heavy and thick beat and the noize sounds and the great piano....

Jungle time ohhhh yes...  This is a very new tune you're hearing made in 1996 and it's slamming...

This is also made in the early morning where we again had been smoking too much.  Karsten was to wasted so I sat down and tried to compose a track. That really does it...

WOW!  This is a REALLY old one....  made in '94/'95 at the time pretty ok if you remember?   Synth styles techno/jungle..... blah

PROGDIR:MOD.Da Teddy Style2.
PROGDIR:MOD.Just Another Day
PROGDIR:MOD.Kist Citrus!
PROGDIR:MOD.Netto Ambient
PROGDIR:MOD.Neuro Shamanix
PROGDIR:MOD.Out 4 The Trip.Long
PROGDIR:MOD.Plain Ambient
PROGDIR:MOD.Rude Fuckers
PROGDIR:MOD.Scientific Shit
PROGDIR:MOD.Silver Vs Gold
PROGDIR:MOD.Stepping Faces.Comp
PROGDIR:MOD.The Playground
PROGDIR:MOD.Things Never Heard
PROGDIR:MOD.Under Pressure
PROGDIR:MOD.Undulat Seven
PROGDIR:MOD.Wild Pitch.fin
Plastic Flavour