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                            ³HhOoWw TtOo VvOoTtEe
                            ¢HhOoWw TtOo VvOoTtEe

                     ³NnOoTtEe TtOo FfOoRrEeIiGgNnEeRrSs
                     ¢NnOoTtEe TtOo FfOoRrEeIiGgNnEeRrSs






'Execute' for presenting another feble issue of²Dansktoppen,¹after reading ROM
I am almost ashame of even releasing it. But as long as I know that ²Christine
/ Spoon ¹and other girls won't be reading my wise word, I feel a little better.

I hate girls, (as you can read in Rom issue 2 & 3) but at the same time I'm
somekind of witchdoctor - you see every time I meet a female, I'm turning her
into a MONSTER. Christine can assure you all that they havn't always been like

The huge vicious hate I feel, is also the reason why I have decited to become
gay, I'm afraid of women you see, therefor I have selected to propose marrige
to the most masculine scener, which my lucky lot also made a Dane. Ladies and
Gentelmen, very soon you can read about my soon to come engagement with
²CHRISTINE DE LA KING, the most masculine scener ever!

DET VAR cirka 2000 år efter at en fyr blev naglet til et stykke træ, for at
sige noget om hvor forfærdelig fint det hele ville være, hvis alle var flinke
imod hinanden til en forveksling. Der udkom det Danske diskette-blad
Dansktoppen for femte gang, under det klingfulde navn: Dansktoppen4½.

Der var mange grunde til at det hed 4½ istedet for 5, som de fleste jo ville
mene var mere narturligt - og det var det også. En af grundede kunne være at vi
ikke havde modtaget nogen af ²Christine De La King's ¹UUNDVÆRLIGE artikler - og
uden dem kan det umuligt være et HELT issue af Dansktoppen. En anden grund som
nogen forskere hælder mere til end andre, kunne være at Tato Pearl (formand for
Pearls Against Girls) ville skuffe The Charts, der efter sigende glædede sig
til issue 5. Endnu en mulig kunne være et latterligt reklamefremstød - ligesom
visse grupper og mags har mærkelige bogstaver, som folk selv skal gætte hvad
står for. (Rom, Raw, Ram, Rim, Rusk..) Find selv på flere grunde og se med i
næste nummer!

Så er vi jo også kommet på The Charts, som (et af de 20) bedste mags. Dermed
tror jeg at festen med The Charts gutterne er holdt op, de skrev faktisk også
noget PÆNT om os i #14.. Men det betyder jo ikke at i skal lade være med at
stemme på os (-:> men mange tak for de alligevel!

PÅ SELVE layout'et er der ikke sket det vilde, det er nu muligt at vælge et af
modulerne fra alle menuerne. Bare brug F1 & F2! Vi har også fået produceret
nogle små smarte tegn, lidt alá RAW, så de lettere debile kan se hvilken
artikler de allerede HAR læst. (-: Denne gang har vi endelig fået flere stemmer
end sidst, hvilket jo varmer mit store hjerte. Der er også en masse katagorier
som er blevet fjernet, nye man kan stemme på etc. Læs mere om det i ²»HOW TO

For næste issue af DANSKTOPPEN er der indtil videre ikke planlagt det ville,
med hensyn til omstrukturering af design eller lign. Pride of Stellar vil måske
tage sig af at tælle stemmerne op i fremtiden, da jeg selv har tem'lig meget at
lave for tiden. I næste issue vil der for første gang være NEWS i Dansktoppen.
Der er en masse der gerne har ville se news, og her kommer de så. Men det er
ikke news som i andre mags; for det første er det kun news om den Danske scene,
og for det andet kun news fra de 10 grupper der ligger på BEST GROUPS -

  Men måske vil der være et nyt spil i næste issue...

SÅ ER DER OGSÅ en del der har haft problemer med den hærgende og grusomme
Commander-Virus for nylig, derfor har vi lagt Comannder-killer på disken, da
den ikke er særlig godt spredt. Vi håber i kan bruge den til noget.

Men nu er det ved at være tid til at nyde resten af det overdrevent ophidsende
mag. Sidste deadline for votes er D.20/8 (1995...)

³OoTtHhEeRr HhEeAaDdLlIiNnEeSs:
¢OoTtHhEeRr HhEeAaDdLlIiNnEeSs:

²Jørn Ørn går til gud ¹* Modtageren af Jørn Ørn i dette issue har vist sig at
være en ren gud med Amiga'en.

²VoldsVision ¹* William Olesen og Martin Serup har bla. været til bogmesse, for
at snuse til tidens tone-klang.

²Danish Shopping ¹* Cybergod of RamJam fortæller os hvordan det er at gå på
indkøb i Danmark som Svensker.

²Faker of The Issue ¹* Går meget overraskende til ærligheden selv!



Yet a issue of DANSKTOPPEN have seen the light, this is directly caused by the
people listed below's effort. So now you know who made what, and can't blame me
(Tato Pearl) for it all.

Thanks go out to:->

²      Intro picture was drawn by:

                Pixie of Polka Brothers

²      Menu graphics was pixeled by:

                The Pride of Stellar

²      Add. graphics was fumpled by:

                The Whistle of Passion

²      The first Module entitled "Dansktoppen#5 ", was conducted by:

                Merge of Polka Brothers

²      The second Module entitled "I play the Blues!", was conducted by:

                Chorus of Jewels

²      The third Module entitled "FunkiTune ", featuring the game,
       was conducted by:

                The Whistle of Passion

²      The mag code and layout was performed by:

                The Whistle of Passion

²      The endpicture was drawn by:

                Guybrush of Passion


²      Main editor of this issue:

                Pearl of Passion

²      Other articles were written by:

                Cybergod of Ramjam
                NightHawk of Rebels
                Scorpion of Edge
                Skunk & Trip of Cannabis
                Substance of Illusion
                Picasso & Curmugedon of Depth
                Wolfman of Balance


      A tremendous thanks must also go to²GARGOYLE¹of²POLKA BROTHERS
      for making the intro of this issue.


²      Thanks to :

                The Pride of Stellar
                Stan of Illusion
                Nighthawk of Rebels

      for the vote sheet spreading they have done.

      And to the sysop at :

                Electronic Confusion
                The Larch

      for installing our vote-door.


³                            HhOoWw TtOo VvOoTtEe
¢                            HhOoWw TtOo VvOoTtEe

Remember you may ONLY vote for Danish crews, Productions etc. But not on your
own crew or any divisions of your crew!

You MAY vote for Passion and every PSN prods., persons etc.

And we need your votes before the 20th october 1995.

                       For the issue 6 you can vote on:

²                                BEST DANISH:

The following Charts will no longer be present in DANSKTOPPEN:

                         ->   THE FUNIEST PERSON   <-
                         ->    MOST DRUNK DANE!    <-

Just send your votes to:

²                                 DANSKTOPPEN
                                 Martin Serup
                               Elefantens kvt 7e
                               2620 Albertslund
                            -> Denmark <-(ofcause)

 You can also send all the addvertisments you want to, they are for free. We
 do also accept gfx-adverts, but only the best will be published because of
 the limited disk-space!


                     ³NnOoTtEe TtOo FfOoRrEeIiGgNnEeRrSs
                     ¢NnOoTtEe TtOo FfOoRrEeIiGgNnEeRrSs

This is a chart for the Danish scene only. But you ARE welcome to vote for
"Dansktoppen", just remember these rules: You may not vote for people or groups
outside Denmark (quite obvious!), or persons in your own group/division.

We do also publish articles in²DANSKTOPPEN,¹short-stories, humor and really
serious stuff. So if you feel like it you are very welcome to write something
for us and send it! you can ofcoursee also send advertisement, which are for
free. But we won't publish news etc. so enjoy yourself and we are looking
forward to YOUR letter.


³                              DdIiSsKkBbAaCcKk
¢                              DdIiSsKkBbAaCcKk

Yep, in the previous issue of²DANSKTOPPEN¹we introduced a whole new a faboules
opption; DISKBACK. Unfortunely it was only on Danes, for this issue all of you
nice ('n wise) foreginers have a chance too!

You ought to do THIS if you come from another country than Denmark:

Send 3(!) disk's to (tato)Pearl - remember to include votes,adds or whatsoever
you feel like. You know the adds are still for free! Then it would proberly be
smart to include your address too!

If you wan't to have a diskback service for more than one issue you can just
send more disk in the same package. Then you'll ofcause recieve it abit
                           ->                    <-
                              1 issue  > 3 disks
                              2 issues > 5 disks
                            * 3 issues > 7 disks *

The reason for the high amount of disks i wan't as a payment, is because i
don't have THAT much money. That's actullay why i have decited to quit half of
my contacts - It have become more or less imposible to fake stamps these days.
And i don't know any people who are willing to give me a 5 kroners stamp if i
give him one disk. Therefore this is some kind of compensation for the money i
spend on the stamps!

For Danes it's the same as last issue; for the (few) one who havn't read the
corner in issue 3 & 4, i'll be glad to take it once more.

²                            D A N S K T O P P E N
                        - Svin i Aarhus lugter skidt!!

I få forvirrede Danskere sender mig bare et frimærke og en disk! MEN fordi i
slipper så billigt i forhold til alle de grumme mennesker der kommer 'afar'
SKAL i enten ligge et fyldt vote-sheet med ELLER en ekstra diskette. (Den var
ny, måske kunne Nyrup have lært lidt af vores stemme fiskeri...)


I have previously send people's disk back, with the new edition of²DANSKTOPPEN
when someone were sending me SOMETHING. I won't do it anymore, UNLESS people
send me a (or more) printable articles!


²                            D A N S K T O P P E N
                       - Der er lys i lygten store far!


³                          CcOoDdEeRrSs-CcOoRrNnEeRr
¢                          CcOoDdEeRrSs-CcOoRrNnEeRr

Jep,²DanskToppen¹was once again released right on time!

This time we have changed²DT¹to AGA-Only. So the poor NON-AGA owners are no
longer able to see it. I'm sorry about that, but it was getting a pain in the
arse to make all sort of strange tests.

(Strange, but the title picture is for the first time in a very long time NON-
AGA!!) hmmm...

BTW, I was to lazy to remove the music-load-rutine. (Allthoug there is plenty
of mem on the std.AGA)

²Anyway here is some info on this issue:

²                  Source: 231K¹(Spread out on 11283 lines)

²                   Music: 403K¹(162+181+60)

²                  Grafix: 540K¹(Including gfx.adverts)

²                    Text: 177K¹(Including adverts)

²          CHIP-playfield: 188K



You can mail in your support to one of the following adds:

² Main-editor>

               Pearl / Passion
               Martin Serup
               Elefantens kvt 7e
               DK-2620 Albertslund.

² Vote-sheet collectors>

               Stan / Illusion                        Nighthawk / Rebels
               Staludstav Zielosko                    Steffen Gris
               Al.T.Kulika 11                         Vestparken 44
               90-424 Katowice 16                     6840 Oksbøl
               Poland                                 Denmark

                                    Pride / Stellar
                                    Palle Jensen
                                    Mellemgade 4
                                    5800 Nyborg

Or call one of these fine boards:


                             ---Electronic Confusion---


                             ---The Larch---


                         Thats it and thats that!!!

                      ¼)*+,-./012345678 ¹and ¼!"#$%&'(
