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39 570 bytes (38.64K)
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2013-12-22 23:05:40
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all-time: 179


!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!                                WELCOME!
!              Release Date 21/06-92   !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!Another Issue Of PAC-MAG Has Reached Your Screen...  Again Filled With The     !
!Hottest Charts Of The Danish Modem Scene And Lots Of News, Gossip & Info....   !
!                                                                               !
!The Idea With This MAG Is To Make The Danish Scene More Enjoyable, We Believe  !
!That The Danish MODEM Scene Is Somewhat Slow. We Hope That This Magazine Will  !
!Motivate Traders & Sysops To Get On The CHARTS In This Magazine!
!!             !
!                                                                               !
!If You Have News, Gossip And/Or Info For This Magazine. Call HOUSE OF GAMES,   !
!And Leave A Message To ZanY Or Write It In The Vote Text...                    !
!                                                                               !
!This Report WILL Contain Advertisments, So If Youre Opening A New ELITE Board  !
!Or If You Just Want To Make Some More Advertisment For Your Board, Feel Free   !
!To Give Us Your Board Number Or Board Add. To Make It More Public....          !
!                                                                               !
!If You Have Any Suggestions To Make This Magazine Better, Feel Free To Contact !
!Us (Leave A Message To Zany) At Our Danish Board......                         !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!                  HOUSE OF GAMES/PALACE DHQ - 43 63 63 87                      !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!Press that RIGHT mouse...                                                      !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!RULES....                                                                      !
!                                                                               !
!Things That Will Be Counted...                                                 !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!  At The End Of The Month I Will Count ALL Uploads On The DK Elite Boards      !
!                                                                               !
! > If We Have Forgotten Any That Could Qualifie, We Are SORRY But Call Us <    !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!  To "JOIN" This Contest You Will Have To Write Your Handle At Your Uploads!!  !
!  At The End Of The Month I Will Count All Uploads For Each Person.   And      !
!  Files With No Handle or No Sent By.. WILL NOT BE COUNTED!!!!                 !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!VOTE STUFF:                                                                    !
!                                                                               !
!  Two Weeks Before Releasing Date Of This Magazine A Vote Form Will Surface.   !
!  Fill It Out And U/L Or Leave It As A Message To Me (ZanY) The Voting Text Is !
!  Available On Most Danish Elite Boards... (We Try To Get It On All! But..)    !
!       -  You Can Only Vote On Danish People And Danish Boards  -              !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  !
!                        B O A R D  T O P  F I V E                              !
!-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  !
!                                                                               !
!Fastest:                                                                       !
!                                                                               !
!NR.    BOARD NAME       GROUP          SYSOP         POINTS    LAST MONTH      !
!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------  !
! 1     PLASTIC PASSION  2000 A.D.      TARZAN          16        (-)           !
! 2     PROMISED LAND    2000 A.D.      OZZY            14        (-)           !
! 3     HOUSE OF GAMES   PALACE         ZOONIE           9        (-)           !
! 4     REBELS HIDEOUT   REBELS         MALCOLM X        6        (-)           !
! 5     STATIC CHAOS     INDEPENT.      MARSHAL          3        (-)           !
!                                                                               !
!Coolest:                                                                       !
!                                                                               !
!NR.    BOARD NAME       GROUP          SYSOP         POINTS    LAST MONTH      !
!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------  !
! 1     HOUSE OF GAMES   PALACE         ZOONIE          17        (-)           !
! 2     REBELS HIDEOUT   REBELS         MALCOLM X       11        (-)           !
! 3     PROMISED LAND    2000 A.D.      OZZY            10        (-)           !
! 4     PLASTIC PASSION  2000 A.D.      TARZAN           9        (-)           !
! 5     MAINLINE         SONIC          DUX              3        (-)           !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  !
!                        S Y S O P S  T O P  F I V E                            !
!-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  !
!                                                                               !
!Nicest:                                                                        !
!                                                                               !
! NR.     NAME         GROUP       BOARD NAME      POINTS      LAST MONTH       !
!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------  !
! 1       OZZY         2000 A.D.   PROMISED LAND     13          (-)            !
! 2       DUX          SONIC       MAINLINE          10          (-)            !
! 3       ZOONIE       PALACE      HOUSE OF GAMES     8          (-)            !
! 4       MALCOLM X    REBELS      REBELS HIDEOUT     7          (-)            !
! 5       TARZAN       2000 A.D.   PLASTIC PASSION    6          (-)            !
!                                                                               !
!Coolest:                                                                       !
!                                                                               !
! NR.     NAME         GROUP       BOARD NAME      POINTS      LAST MONTH       !
!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------  !
! 1       OZZY         2000 A.D.   PROMISED LAND     14          (-)            !
! 2       ZOONIE       PALACE      HOUSE OF GAMES    10          (-)            !
! 3       MALCOLM X    REBELS      REBELS HIDEOUT     9          (-)            !
! 4       MARSHAL      INDEPENT.   STATIC CHAOS       6          (-)            !
! 5       RAMIREZ      BALENCE     SUFFOCATION        5          (-)            !
! 5       TARZAN       2000 A.D.   PLASTIC PASSION    5          (-)            !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  !
!                   M O S T  P O P U L A R  T R A D E R S                       !
!-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  !
!                                                                               !
!Fastest:                                                                       !
!                                                                               !
! NR.     NAME            GROUP           POINTS          LAST MONTH            !
!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------  !
! 1       ENERGY          2000 A.D.         16              (-)                 !
! 2       OZZY            2000 A.D.         15              (-)                 !
! 3       FROSTIE & DEF   SONIC             12              (-)                 !
! 4       SHOCK           SONIC              4              (-)                 !
! 5       CAT MAN         SCOOPEX            3              (-)                 !
!                                                                               !
!Coolest:                                                                       !
!                                                                               !
! NR.     NAME            GROUP           POINTS          LAST MONTH            !
!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------  !
! 1       OZZY            2000 A.D.         15              (-)                 !
! 2       FROSTIE & DEF   SONIC              9              (-)                 !
! 3       ENERGY          2000 A.D.          8              (-)                 !
! 4       CAT MAN         SCOOPEX            6              (-)                 !
! 4       ZOONIE          PALACE             6              (-)                 !
! 5       MARSHAL         INDEPENT.          5              (-)                 !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  !
!                                                                               !
!                       B O A R D S  U P L O A D  T O P                         !
!                                                                               !
!-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  !
!                                                                               !
! NR.     NAME            GROUP           MONTHLY U/L         LAST MONTH        !
!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------  !
! 1   PLASTIC PASSION     2000 A.D.       141.920.000            (3)            !
! 2   REBELS HIDEOUT      REBELS          122.572.000            (1)            !
! 3   HOUSE OF GAMES      PALACE          112.073.000            (2)            !
! 4   MAINLINE            SONIC            33.424.000            (-)            !
! 5   SUFFOCATION         BALANCE          24.855.000            (-)            !
! 6                                                                             !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!Some Notes:                                                                    !
!   PROMISED LAND was down when I counted boards...                             !
!                                                                               !
!   If We Have Forgotten Any That Could Qualifie, We Are SORRY But Call Us!     !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  !
!                    T R A D E R S  U P L O A D  T O P  20                      !
!-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  !
!                                                                               !
! NR.      NAME             GROUP           MONTHLY U/L       LAST MONTH        !
!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------  !
! 1     FROSTIE & DEF       SONIC            63.069.223          (4)            !
! 2     ENERGY              2000 A.D.        56.665.994          (1)            !
! 3     OZZY                2000 A.D.        53.224.866         (NEW)           !
! 4     RADISH              SILENTS          28.430.349          (5)            !
! 5     COP KILLER          INDEPENT.        27.087.379         (15)            !
! 6     SHOCK               SONIC            12.863.266         (NEW)           !
! 7     FLEX                SCROOGE          10.247.036          (7)            !
! 8     RAMIREZ             BALANCE           8.239.111         (NEW)           !
! 9     CAT MAN             SCOOPEX           7.357.317         (20)            !
!10     DUX                 SONIC             7.281.773         (17)            !
!11     ZOONIE              PALACE            4.008.253         (NEW)           !
!12     PAC                 INDEPENT.         3.419.445         (12)            !
!13     CIRCULATOR          SILENTS           3.225.708         (NEW)           !
!14     XTAZY/VIRUS         NXS/NST           3.203.190         (NEW)           !
!15     MINDPHASER          INDEPENT.         2.984.630         (13)            !
!16     COCOON              ANOXIA            2.350.962          (9)            !
!17     ZANY                PALACE            1.753.714         (10)            !
!18     SLAINE              PALACE            1.746.175         (NEW)           !
!19     MICRO-PAL           ALCATRAZ          1.392.414         (NEW)           !
!20     PENNEWISE           INDEPENT.         1.196.096         (NEW)           !
!                                                                               !
!                    NEWS & INFOS ABOUT THE DANISH SCENE                        !
!                    -----------------------------------                        !
!                                                                               !
!--* The HST modem at Mainline is now working 100%                              !
!                                                                               !
!--* Babykiller changed his name to The Violator... he will be back in August   !
!                                                                               !
!--* Fantasia is now a PC board...                                              !
!                                                                               !
!--* A new Elite board has opened in DK, it is called - Metal Connextion -      !
!    Sysops are - Wozzy/Trash - and - The Violator/Trash - so remember to       !
!    give it a call... +45 74 look in bbs adds                                  !
!                                                                               !
!--* Metal Force joined Scoopex, Cuz of low action in Atlantis.                 !
!                                                                               !
!--* A demo called "The Red Roses" made by a lame group that call them self     !
!    "GOONIES", They have NO permition to use that name so I think that its     !
!    some french lamers that wanna score free credits around the world by       !
!    using our old name. - signed Metal Force!                                  !
!                                                                               !
!--* Mindphaser is now co-sysop at Promised Land....                            !
!                                                                               !
!--* The Silents will soon open their Danish board called - Virtual Reality -   !
!    Sysop will be Circulator and might myz will be co-sysop...                 !
!    call it at... +45 751-62855                                                !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!               MORE NEWS & INFOS ABOUT THE DANISH MODEM SCENE.....             !
!               ---------------------------------------------------             !
!                                                                               !
!--* Promised Land is down due to a computer mallfunction.                      !
!                                                                               !
!--* Chrome & Ghost are back in biz.                                            !
!                                                                               !
!--* The ex-skid row board - Static Chaos - is up and running again...          !
!                                                                               !
!--* Omar of Sonic is now co-sysop at Mainline....                              !
!                                                                               !
!--* The old Cult board - Plastic Passion - joined 2000 A.D.                    !
!                                                                               !
!--* The House Of Games will soon become bigger and faster.. as it will change  !
!    to a 250Mb HD and a 16.8 real soon..                                       !
!                                                                               !
!--* Energy also joined 2000 A.D.                                               !
!                                                                               !
!--* Shock is now a co-sysop at Static Chaos...                                 !
!                                                                               !
!--* Frostie and Def (Ex-Fraxion) Joined Sonic...                               !
!                                                                               !
!--* 2000 A.D. Will be running the Hurricane Party board..  It will be running  !
!    from 25.06 to 29.06 and the number is +45 865-90033                        !
!                                                                               !
!--* Dux (ex-Direct) also joined Sonic so Mainline is now Sonic DHQ..           !
!                                                                               !
!               MORE NEWS & INFOS ABOUT THE DANISH MODEM SCENE.....             !
!               ---------------------------------------------------             !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!--* Kruger & Raxor are now also co-sysops at Static Chaos                      !
!                                                                               !
!--* Suffocation And The House Of Games have been visited by a hacker (Maybe    !
!    SAP trying to bring the Dk scene to an end?!?)                             !
!                                                                               !
!--* A new Elite board will soon open in DK, it is called - Susperia - and the  !
!    Sysops will be - Lynx/indepent. - and - Zany/Palace - so remember to give  !
!    it a call when it opens... +45 434-soon!                                   !
!                                                                               !
!--* Just 4 days left before the hurricane party and already 1400 persons have  !
!    reserved places at the party...                                            !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!------------                                                                   !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  !
!                                                                               !
!---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------   !
!                                                                               !
!-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!       - All Counting Is Made For FUN And For BENEFIT Of The Scene. -          !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!  The Nice People That Voted...  (THANX!!)                                     !
!                                                                               !
!  Dux, Wozzy, Metal Force, Marshal, Mindphaser, Ramirez, Tarzan, Energy, Omar  !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!                  The Next Issue Of PAC-MAG Will Be Out On...                  !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!                 ----->  SUNDAY THE 12TH OF JULY 1992.  <-----                 !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!FEEL FREE TO CALL...                                                           !
!      ___ __   ______   ___ __  ______    _____                                !
!     /  // /  /  _  /  /  // / /  ___/   /  __/                                !
!   _/  // / _/  // / _/  // / /  /____ _/  /_                                  !
!  /   _¯  //   //  //   //  /_\___   //   __/_ P A L A C E  D A N I S H  HQ    !
! /   //  //   //  //   //  //   //  //   //  /                                 !
!/___//__//_______//_______//_______//_______/     + 4 5 - 4 3 6 - 3 6 3 8 7    !
!                                                                               !
!         SySoP:                 ______   ______                                !
!         ZOONIE                /  _  /  /  ___/                                !
!                             _/  // / _/  /_                                   !
!       Co-SySoPs:           /   //  //   __/          105MB ONLINE             !
!      ZANY/PALACE          /   //  //   /          ONLY 9600 OR ABOVE          !
!  FROSTIE & DEF/SONIC     /_______//___/          0-1 DAYZ AMIGA WARES         !
!                                        [ZanY]                                 !
!                                  _____    ______   ___ __   _____   ______    !
!  + 4 5 - 4 3 6 - 3 6 3 8 7      /  __/   /  _  /  /  // /  /  __/  /  ___/    !
!                               _/  /___ _/  // / _/  _¯ / _/  /_   /  /____    !
! P A L A C E  D A N I S H  HQ /   /¯  //   _¯  //   //  //   __/_ _\___   /    !
!                             /   //  //   //  //   //  //   //  //   //  /     !
!                            /_______//___//__//___//__//_______//_______/      !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!RMB: EXIT, LMB: NEXT BBS ADVERT...                                             !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!  ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::     !
!  ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::     !
!  ::::####::#:::#:::###:::###::###::::###:::###:::#####::#:::###:::#:::#::     !
!  :::##:::::#:::#::#:::::#::::#:::#::#:::::#:::#::::#::::#::#:::#::##::#::     !
!  ::::###:::#:::#::##::::##:::#:::#::#:::::#####::::#::::#::#:::#::#:#:#::     !
!  ::::::##::#:::#::#:::::#::::#:::#::#:::::#:::#::::#::::#::#:::#::#::##::     !
!  :::####::::###:::#:::::#:::::###::::###::#:::#::::#::::#:::###:::#:::#::     !
!  ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::     !
!  ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::     !
!                                                                               !
!                                 BALANCE DHQ                                   !
!                                                                               !
!            >> CoOl ImPoRtS << >> cOoL UsErS << >> cOoL sYsOp <<               !
!               ^^^^^^^^^^^^       ^^^^^^^^^^       ^^^^^^^^^^                  !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!                            SySoP: RaMiReZ/BaLaNcE                             !
!                                                                               !
!      +45-491-807-60        >> 0-2 DaYs StUff <<         +45-491-807-60        !
!                                                                               !
!                                UsR 14.400, AsL                                !
!                                ^^^^^^^^^^  ^^^                                !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!       ___         ___    ___          ___     ___     ___                     !
!  ____/__/___ ____/__/___/__/____ ____/__/___ /  /____/__/___                  !
!  \______    \\_______   \____   \\_______   \\  \\______    \                 !
!    /  /_\___/  /  /  \\///__/___/_ /  /  \\/X \_/  /  / \___/                 !
!  __\____    \ /   \  /\/  _______//   \  /\//\    /   \       IS BACK         !
! / \\_  //   // ___/ /    //    / /    / /   \/   /    /  _                    !
!// / / //   // /  / //   //    / /\   / //   /   //   /__/ \   ONLINE!         !
!\\ \//¯    /// \_/  \\  //   _/ / /  /  \\  /    \\  // \__/\                  !
! \_/ \____/ \\  /    \_/ \__//  \/  /    \_/      \_/ \_____/                  !
!             \_/  [ZanY]  \_/    \_/                                           !
!              ___       ___        ___          ___          ___               !
!         ____/__/___   /  /  _____/__/____ ____/__/___  ____/__/___            !
!         \______    \ /\_/  /  /_______   \\______    \ \______    \           !
!           /  / \___//   \_/___\/_ /__/___/_ /  / \  _/\  /  /_\___/           !
!          /   \     //   ________/  _______//   \ / /  /__\____    \           !
!         /    /  _ //   //    /    //    / /\_  /// \_//  \_  // __/           !
!        //   /__/ X    //    //   //\   / /  / ///   ///   /_// / /            !
!        \\  //  ¯\/\  ///   /\\  // /  /  \_/  ¯    / \\  //    \/             !
!         \_/ \_____X_/ \\  /  \_/ \ \_/    \_______/   \_/ \____/              !
!                        \_/        \_/                                         !
!                                                                               !
!                         YOUR SYSOP: /Y\aRsHal                                 !
!            CoHEADS: MindPhaser, Wozzy, Shock, Krueger&Raxor                   !
!                                                                               !
!           Node1: +45 86403104          Node2: +45 8640(SOON)                  !
!                                                                               !
!                 Call Now For Fast KickaSS WareZZZZzzz                        
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!            ______       ___________  ___________  ____  __________            !
!           /  ___/ Omar /    _      )/    _      )/    )/    _     )           !
!          /  (_______  /    / )    //    / )    //    //    / )___/            !
!         (_____      )/    / /    //    / /    //    //    /                   !
!        _____  )    //    / /    //    / /    //    //    / ____               !
!       /    / /    //    / /    //    / /    //    //    / /    )              !
!      /    (_/    //    (_/    //    / /    //    //    (_/    /               !
!     (___________/(___________/(____/ (____/(____/(___________/                !
!                                                                               !
!                         USR HST - 0-1 day warez                               !
!                                                                               !
!                   Files smaller than 50Kb is FREEDOWNLOAD!                    !
!             __   __  ______ __ _______ __      __ _______ _______             !
!       ____ / /\// / /_/ / // // /  / // /     / // /  / // /  / /             !
!  - - ---- / /  / /_____/ // // /  / // /     / // /  / // /__/_/              !
!    _ ___ / /  / // /  / // // /  / // /  __ / // /  / // /  __                !
!  - ---- /_/  /_//_/__/_//_//_/  /_//_/__/_//_//_/  /_//_/__/_/                !
!                                                                               !
!                      SysOp: Dux & Co-SysOp: Omar                              !
!               ___     ___  ___  _     ___ ___  ___  ___  ___                  !
!         (___/(___  _ (___)(___)/ l _ (___  __)( _ )(___  ___)                 !
!            / ____)   ____)(___)  l   ____)___)(___)(___)(____                 !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!                           H e A v Y  D u D E s  ! !                           !
!                                                                               !
!OnLy HsT !!                     C a L L  U p ! !    OnLy 0-1 DaYs WaReZ !!     !
!                                                                               !
!24 HoUrS !!                 }} +45(0)7443 5949 {{   RuNnInG On A2000 Hd !!     !
!                          ____   _______   _   _                               !
!380 Mb OnLiNe !!         /    \ / __/\_ \ /_\ l l    HoME Of TrAsH-CrAp !!     !
!                        / /// // _/_  / // _ \l l___                           !
!MaNy COOl UsErS ??    _/ /  \/ \___/  \/ \/ \/l____/RuNnInG AmI-ExPrEsS !!     !
!                     l__/                              ___                     !
!            _____    ___   ____   ____   ______  _____ \_/  ___   ____         !
!B A R T !  / ___/   / _ \ / __ \ / __ \ / __/\ \/ /\_ \ _  / _ \ / __ \        !
!l\/\/\/l  / /_____ / // // / / // / / // _/_  >  <  / /l l/ // // / / /        !
!l      l  \______/ \___/ \/ /_/ \/ /_/ \___/ /_/\_\/_/ l_l\___/ \/ / /         !
!l  _  _l               __    ___       _     __ _     _           /_/          !
!l (o)(o)      _l_ l_l l_       /l_ll_l _l   l_ l_ll_ll_l                       !
!(      _)      l    l __l     /   l  l _l   __l  l  l  l                       !
!l ,____l                                                                       !
!l "   /                  }}-   T R A S H - W H Q   -{{                         !
!l_____\                                                                        !
!                             }} +45(0)7443 5949 {{                             !
!                                                                               !
!SysOps:               }}-  WOZZY and The Violator  -{{   KILL YOUR IDOL !!     !
!                                                                               !
!L o W  C a L L - P r I c E  f O r  G e R m A n S  i N  0 4 6 - A r E a . .     !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  !
!                                                                               !
!                       L I S T  O F  C R E D I T S                             !
!                                                                               !
!-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  !
!                                                                               !
!                                                                               !
!-->  Coding, De-buging, Design, Typing And A Lot Of Other Things....           !
!                                                                               !
!                          Z A N Y / P A L A C E                                !
!                                                                               !
!-->  Most Graphiex By......                                                    !
!                                                                               !
!                     H E L L R A Z O R / P A L A C E                           !
!                                                                               !
!-->  Stunning Music By......                                                   !
!                                                                               !
!                      V I R U S / N O R T H  S T A R                           !
!                                                                               !
!-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  !
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!The Next Issue Of PAC-MAG Will Be Out On....                                   !
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!                 ----->  SUNDAY THE 12TH OF JULY 1992.  <-----                 !
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