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           * A PARTY?
           * TRAVELLING
           * COMPETITIONS!
           * PARTY-LAWS
           * HOW TO SURVIVE
           * GOOD THINGS!
           * SPORTS?!
           * MORE INFO...
           * CREDITS
           * MAP


{We are going to have a party in}
{[J|rf|lla] [7-9] of August 1992.}
{Organizers: [OXYGEN] and [ABSTRACT.]}
{Sponsors:   [Commodore Sweden] and}
{[HiFi och Data i Vasastan AB]}
{The entrance fee will be 95}
{SEK. We are renting a school and there}
{is room for about 900 people.}
{[Special offer:]}
{A Special Welcome-Disk and the entrance}
{fee together for 100 SEK.}

{It will be in a [SCHOOL], not in the}
{subway, not in a warehouse, not in the}
{police station and absolutely not in an}
{We have, most naturally, a RGB-projector}
{to show all demos and things on.}

{As said earlier it will take place in}
{J|rf|lla, in a school called [Bj`rkeby-]}
{[Skolan]. It is situated a tiny bit}
{north of Stockholm city and you can get}
{there by taking the commuter train,}
{(Swedish: pendeltĀ°g?). From Stockholms}
{Central, take the train to Kungs|ngen,}
{and get off at "[Barkarby Station]". To get}
{to the school, just follow [Ekonomiv|gen]}
{until you hit Byleden, and you will see it.}

{Check the map for more details.}
{If you go there by car, you will}
{propably enter by road [E18]. Check out}
{a map over Stockholm and try to get}
{to the following address:}
{[Bj`rkeby Skolan]}
{[Brasv|gen 2]}
{In the Barkarby - Sk|lby area!}
{The party will begin at 15.00 Friday}
{the 7th of August and end at 12.00}
{Sunday the 9th of August.}

{Naturally, all the usual competitions}
{will be there, such as [Best Demo,]}
{[Best Picture, Best Module] and hopefully}
{some other small competitions (that in}
{fact might turn out to be very}
{profitable) like [Best Bootintro] and}
{[Best RealTime Demo!!]}
{Info follows, read [ALL] pages!}
{All winners will be selected using a}
{[jury], or something...(it will be done}
{[fair] anyway, so dont worry).}

{Any unserious contributions won't be}
{allowed to participate, but they will}
{be showed anyway. There is [no limit] to}
{the amount of demos each group can}
{contribute with, but we doubt that}
{you can press out more than [one]}
{(serious demos, that is).}
{Anyway, do your best, we [LOVE] demos!}

{The prizes in the demo-competition}
{will be as follows:}

{[1st prize:     7,000 SEK.]}
{[2nd prize:     3,000 SEK.]}
{[3rd prize:     1,000 SEK.]}

{Deadline:       Saturday at [21:00.]}
{Showtime:       Saturday at [24.00.]}

{Demos must work on Amigas with 512 kB of}
{chip memory, and 512 kB fast-mem.}

{Contributions to the graphics-}
{competition must be deliviered as IFF-}
{pictures, displayable from any normal}
{program. [Max] 1 picture per group.}
{The winner is selected using a jury}
{here, too. Prizes as follows:}
{[1st prize:    1,000 SEK.]}
{[2nd prize:      500 SEK.]}
{[3rd prize:      200 SEK.]}

{Deadline:     Saturday at [19:00.]}
{Showtime:     Saturday at [22:30.]}

{Music must be left to us as [modules],}
{playable from ProTracker. This is to}
{avoid any "mini-demos" instead of}
{pure music-files. [Max] 1 tune per group,}
{Is there anything worse than neverending}
{music-competitions with 30-40 tunes?!}
{Try to keep your tune-lengths below}
{[4] minutes, since this is the time-}
{limit when we play them... This might}
{be even shorter, if we get too many}
{contributions, but we will guarantee}
{at least [2] minutes.}

{Prizes in music-competetion will be:}

{[1st prize:   1,000 SEK.]}
{[2nd prize:     500 SEK.]}
{[3rd prize:     200 SEK.]}

{Deadline:     Saturday at [19:00.]}
{Showtime:     Saturday at [21:45.]}

{A Realtime demo-competition will also}
{be held. The time-limit will be 8 hrs,}
{and each group may have three members}
{competing, using a maximum of three}
{computers. You are not allowed to}
{bring any programs or disks of your}
{own, but we will supply a couple of}
{disks with neat utilities and stuff.}
{The disks will contain:}
{AsmOne, DevPac, SEKA, DPaint,}
{NoiseTracker and ProTracker,}
 IFFMaster, Replayroutines, and samples.

{A certain amount of notes is allowed,}
{however, they will be checked by us.}
{When you sign up for the competition,}
{you must give us 2 (3?) disks which we}
{will fill with the programs listed}
{earlier. The prizes in the RealTime}
{competition are as follows:}
       [1st prize:    2,000 SEK.]
       [2nd prize:    1,000 SEK.]
       [3rd prize:     400 SEK.]
   Worktime:     Saturday [0:00-08:00.]
   Showtime:     Saturday at [24:00.]

{We will probably have one or more}
{gaming-competitions, but they are}
{not decided yet, so we'll just throw}
{some in...}
{Of course, these prizes [might] very well}
{be changed or redistributed, depending}
{on the level of participation in the}
{different competitions. Especially the}
{[RealTime-Competition], which we know (of}
{own experience) often is too [tough] for}
{most groups, might be taken down if}

{there's only 2-3 groups participating}
{(But these money will be TRANSFERRED to}
{another competition). But we [CAN] }
{guarantee a quite good Entrance/Prize}
{ratio, that is, even if not many people}
{show up, prizes will be high. Chances}
{are that prizes will be [higher] than}
{stated here.}

{The first and most important rule is:}
{That is, leave all beer, liquor, wine}
{and such things AT HOME !  GEDDIT?!!!}
{Also, no drugs, and no smoking (inside}
{the building)!}
{If you think that these are hard rules,}
{try to think about it. It might help...}
{This is a [LEGAL] party, so all violations}
{of any copyrightlaws are [YOUR] fault!}

{And naturally, we don't want to see any}
{vandalism or anything! The police will be called!}

{Don't let these rules bother you, since}
{they are quite obvious!!!!!!}

This will be really easy. If you are
lazy, you can buy lots of food in the
Cafeteria (lika pizza and sandwiches).
The Cafeteria, by the way, is a REAL
Cafeteria, with Tables and chairs
where you can relax and talk.
If you want to buy things outside the
school, there's a [P]izza-[P]lace with
reduced [p]rice for [P]arty-[P]eople ([p]hew,
Lots of [P]:s!), and other stores. Check
out the map for more info on this!

There will be a lot of goodies at the
party, for instance:
* 5-6 phonelines with [HST] and 2400 bps
  modems available for a small sum.
* Normal phones are also available!
* Films shown continously on the RGB-
* Disks, hardware and programs will
  be sold very [cheap].
* Big sleepinghall if you want some
  peace and quiet.

* Showers if you want to freshen up
  (for those who've never tried this,
  try it, it's [great!]).
* Active organizers! (If you want
  something, just talk to us and we'll
  see what we can do!)
* A [GREAT] Cafeteria where we will sell
  most things, to drink and eat.

This is [NOT] all, since we will be
working on this constantly. Many new
things will turn up.

{Next to the schools there's a big}
{football-field, so we will hopefully}
{arrange some sporty-competitions for}
{everyone who wants to have some fun.}
{things like:}
{* Soccer * Disk-throwing * Frisbee}
{* Burnball (=Br|nnboll?!)}
{Just give us suggestions, and we will}
{listen! Of course it's what you want}
{that counts. Let's try breaking the disk-}
{throwing record from [ASSEMBLY'92] !!}

If you want to ask about something,
complain, make suggestions about
improvements, or anything else
concerning the party, dont hesitate,

{Cellov|gen 5F}
{75654 Uppsala}
{(Jesper or Riku)}

{Dikesgatan 5}
{193 32 Sigtuna}

{Or call one of these boards:}
        GALLERY       08/894759
        SKYNET        0753/36187 


{Okay, credits for this invitation:}

All coding      ~JWIZEX / OXYGEN
All graphics    ~JJAMMER / OXYGEN
Music           ~JELF / ABSTRACT
Animation set   ~JQUICK / OXYGEN
Texts and info  ~JSASQUATCH / OXYGEN
                ~JMR.TIX / ABSTRACT
                ~JMR.B / ABSTRACT
First spread    ~JVIET CONG / OXYGEN

  Okay, welcome to this invitation. First, I (WIZEX) have to say, that any bugs in this product depend totally on the stress I'm under right now. Time is 23:35 on the Wednesday 8:th of July, and it really is RELEASE-TIME!                    This is extremely easy to use, simply click on a topic above, and press RIGHT mouse-button to return to the menu.  The <PREV> AND <NEXT> buttons switch pages. Simple!                   Please do come to this party, it is a seriously arranged thing, and NOT arranged in an attempt to earn money.      The prizes listed in here are only possible if at least 250 people show up!  Okay?!   So COME ON AND GET OVER HERE!      If much people show up, prizes will be raised.     Thanx to everyone involved...               We have to wrap this now, sorry for SHORT text!