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2024-09-05 01:10:26
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LOGIN MICHEL     PASSWORD XXXXXX   Welcome Michel, your stuff is waiting... beep!!! Michel online...   (.....YEAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!.....     )*  Welcome to Oradions first product, finally finished. Hakkuh! is the ultimate hardcore compilation. We were fed up with all that commercial shit so we decided to do some major booming now !!! Short instructions... Use right mouse button to switch tune gadgets on and off. Try to select a tune by pressing the left button on top of a gadget.  The credits are....    &Code and Gfx by Michel, Music by Michel and Sinusoid, and a usefull hint to get rid of a bug...actually it was an error in asmone Maniac.    *I would like to send some messages to some but I will let sinusoid and maniac first after my address and I have apollogised to all my contacts for the enormous delay. Yes I know, Its allmost worth mentioning this to the guinness book of records. I am sorry, I will send soon.  To contact me write to... &Michel Vissers, Hobbendonkseweg 100, 5283 HL Boxtel, Holland...      (Ok, next patient....     &Sinusoid on the keys and that means... no fancy text !! *   Just some small hellos and some other unimportant stuff    First of all a BIG hello to Michel, sitting beside me eating pizza!   And then some nice summer hellos to the following...     Erik, how are YOU doing, din perversa tankbil !!!   Nicholas, having a great time on Alno ? Hehehe!!! Fungerar baten som den ska ?    Andre, maybe I will meet you more in the future when you are on Hedbergska, too.    Frantic, how do you like this kind of music...    Rahiem of Wizzcat, I am not dead... just lazy ! I will write faster, hehehe ! You have probably heard that before from me, hehehe !!        Ok, no more hellos...    Upcoming is      My address ofcourse !      Contact me at...   &Mattias Lindblom     Sondagsv.222     863 00 Sundsbruk     Sweden...    (Or call me at    &060 536379 in SWEDEN!!   *My mind can not come up with anything more to write, so I will end it here... but remember...      (To rave or not to rave,         )thats the question.          )*   jippie yo, MANIAC on the kies here, I am fuckin tired and wanna go to sleep, but no...Michel asked me to write some words in this scrolltext so that I can be immortalized writing. ok joke now ... three men won the lottery and were argueing what to do with the money, all three decided to give it to a good religious cause. One man drew a circle on the ground and said, we will throw all the money up in the air and all the money that falls within the circle we will give to church ...... no no no no said one of the other two men and said that all that would fall outside the circle we will give to gods desciples... no no no no no said the last man. I dont wanna hear anything about circles, lets draw a line and all the money that falls on the line and shows the bills face to the upper side or falls on its side we will give to the church !! ok ok ok its a stupid joke if you can call it a joke, but I am sleepy and Michel too and he now tells me he wants at least 5kb and no spellingerrors...jezis!!! you call this normal for just an ordinary underground hardcore house musicdisk scroller.....  and I am not even a particular fan of this kind of music. It gives me an headache but you have to admit its excellent dance music. It should be used in callanetics and earobics classes and you would train all that excessive fat and love handles away. *Yeah, well Oprah winfrey shake your butt on) this one. I bet you would have a few pound less of that yelly like flesh within a few days of shaking....or we could tie her to 20 horsepower vibrators and stick it up her cunt ... yeah really getting disgusting here .... but who cares.... there are even rumours that the reason why americans would like HDTV is that Oprah could finally fit on the screen for a change... you know what I really really really hate about the Oprah winfrey show?  No?   Its those fucking socalled experts that have all the answers for all your problems, and telling you what you should do or shouldnt do.... its doctors , shrinks, physicists, treesurgeons and all that shit, they really like that attention.. And it is a great oportunity for them to get even more clients etc so they can squeeze even more money out of your already economical critically imbalanced bankaccount and spending it on some nice fucking porsche or some sadomoasochistic stuff so that they can have the things they say you should not do. They are all a bunch of hypocrites and cinical, evil fuckin bloodsucking moneyvultures. A few years back around the eighties, there were still a few good doctors etc. but now all those high educated fucking bastards are only interested what your bloody last paycheck was. What also thinks it know everything best is the puking vatican ...  it is truely ultra rediculous that only a few years back the vatican... Whooow, Michel droppin in, this piece by Maniac is rediculous !!!! just dont pay any attention to it, or you will end up in a madhouse like him !! ....Maniac back... as I was saying the vatican only recently admitted that some guy...cant remember his name...around the eleventh century was probably right when he said the earth was round in stead of bad he ended up as a fried sate when they burned him up when they said he was possesed by the devil .... only now after about 800 fucking years they admit he was right .... and another thing ..... the church should butt out of each and everybodies personal life.....  and they wonder why they get less and less popular .... I dont blame people not being interested in church because the only thing they do is telling you what you should and should not do.... just like those fucking shrinks and doctors and all those other damn fucking experts. ahhhhhaaaa and we should not forget all our voted for presidents and officials when they say ..... read my .... what he really wanted to say is ...... read my lips We cant handle the stream of unwanted babies and the endlessly expanding global family .. lets take an example of JAPAN. They like to fuck just as much as we all do but a limit is a limit so I will sponsor and support all major condom companies .....yeah that is what he would and should say .......... life is a bitch .... death is a bitch .... nowhere to go ....nowhere to hide .... thy are dead wen thy are living and free when thy are dead  ...... its 2 33 am here at Michels place and I am still not sleepy .. Michel by the way is ... aha he is awake now ...come on Mickey and lets make up some words of wisdom mystery and sometimes of utter nonsense...... Michel in between...Maniac,I dont think you have a problem with that !!! Back to you Maniac... Ok, lets start with this .... Life is Life , Death is Death. Between life and death there is ... evolution... love ... SEX!!!! cant miss that .... hate ... puberty ... devirginization ... depressions ... getting your first teeth and gray hair ... getting some uncontrolled growth of pubic hair ... midlifecrisis ... menopause or penopause ..impotence ... love ... more gray hair ... less SEX ... uncontrolled release of shit,farts,pisses,erections,and wet dreams ... ohh horney as a bull or a virgin cow .... reduced eyesight 10 20 vision ....reading glasses ... nomore interests in anything that has to do with SEX, dumb blonds, cunts or dicks..... seeying everything red for your eyes ..... and then you die ........ between death and rebirth an undescribable pleasure and orgy you will later not be able to remember or reproduce .. until you die again that is .... at the same time hoping not to be reincarnated as the fly you squashed yesterday ....... is god yust one big traffic officer in charge of transporting one soul into a new born organism, and somethimes making a mistake of directing the traffic to the wrong way .... that is where satanism was created , it will always be around us at all times trying to redirect your soul into directions it shouldnt be going like that fatal left turn of the third vortex of the gate of existence. I speak my son because lucifer and satan are my errors , thats why I take all blem onto my self, I will be anysouls marter I will show you the way to light, yet you must do the trip by yourself because as big as I am I am just a stupid traffic warden making mistakes sometimes. If somebody would like to add something to this bullshit contact me at this adress .... & P.O. BOX 1950  2280 DZ Rijswijk    Holland  ... *I am only a Coder and a phylosopher and sextherapist, so if you have some good looking blond chick that has some problems, come see me and I give her some plumming she will not forget so easily..... this is sex perverted MANIAC signing off bidding you goodbye andsaying what I always say at the end ....... AAHAHHHHHHMMMMMM YEAAHHHHH that was great honey lets do it again ...... have a nice day .... or night ...... ...... . . . . .   .  .  .Ok, its Michel back again. First I like to get your attention on upcoming products of Oradion. To appear sometime is the looooooong delayed Rotterdam Records Compilation, a 24 min remix of some tunes published by Rotterdam Records. Then theres also Trancexual, with trance house by Sinusoid and maybe a few by me.    *  Now I like to thank Sinusoid and his mother for letting me stay at their place for a week. So thank you, I had a great time. See you next year in Holland ???   Right now I am sitting here behind my thrusty 1200...everybody should buy one...without any inspiration. Damn!!! Oh, as I am talking about a 1200 anyway, I like to give you some advice. NEVER buy one with hardisk !!! Just buy a plane 1200 and buy a seperate 3.5 inch IDE HD and built it in yourself. Ok, you will lose warrenty BUT it saves a lot of money AND the 3.5 inch HD is MUCH faster then a 2.5 inch. I did this and I am really glad with it !!! It works really well. I have a performance of 700K per second, compared to the 300K of an 2.5 inch. A friend of mine, did it aswell, with a conner and he has about 800K per second transfer rate !!! So think about....             ( AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaarrrrggggg!!!!!         * I am out of line right now.   (  Hhmm, lets do some messages then.         * CJ, maybe I will send some more text for HTC !  ...  Cryptoburners, I love PT3.1 but I hope the final will be shipped soon, as this one isnt bugless...yet!  ...  Euphoria, we are going to start on a game, so tell me when your software house is all set up !!!  ...  Andrew of Graftgold, when will you send me a letter back ??? Was the AGA doc any good by the way ?  ...  Nosferatu, yo!!! Are you dead orso ???  ...  SAM of Xentrix, same goes for you, are you dead ??? havent heard a thing from you lately.  ...  Sure, what group are you in NOW ??? I forgot the name. Say hi to your girlfriend for me will ya...hehehehe  ...  Troop, are you stoned again ???  ...  Turbo of Infect, havent seen any new rippers from ya. Sorry for not sending anything for a while.  ...  And hellos to everyone I forgot. Hmmm, I wonder if you still read this shit. Thats why I will end here. Bye Bye !!!!         LOGOUT             )  Oradion, for those with mangled brains...  And dont forget, rave till you die !!!!                       (               Text restarts