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16 049 bytes (15.67K)
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2024-09-05 01:10:26
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1. the halls?
2. the date of the party?
3. the length of the party?
4. the amount of information during the party?
5. the competition rules?
6. the party including both Amiga, PC and C-64?
7. the cleaning?
8. arranging two different gfx-compos - one
for computer generated pictures and one for
hand-drawed pictures?
9. the entertainment?
10. the organisers at the Information?
11. the organisers in general?
12. the conferences?
13. the RAVE-party?
14. the Laser Matic - the laser game?
15. the Magic Card tournament?
16. the T-shirts?
17. the vote system?
18. the Official Info Mag?

Vote on demo competitions
You cannot use the same number twice!

Vote on intro competitions

Vote on music & gfx competitions

Vote on surprise competitions












RAW:////Vote Program
Press any key to exit.

Vote Program request

Vote Program
$VER: Vote_Program (22-Dec-95)


1 - Give your vote
2 - Questionnaire
3 - Competition Rules
4 - How to behave
5 - The Party Programme
6 - Credits
1 - Demo competitions
2 - Intro competitions
3 - Music & gfx compos
4 - Surprise competitions
Help Page

What do you think about...

If you have any @{TextColor 200}comments @{TextColor}to
@{TextColor 212}The Party 1995 @{TextColor}you are very welcome
to place an ASCII- textfile on the votedisk with the specifik
name: @{TextColor 240}"comments.txt". @{TextColor}Only textfiles
with the above mentioned name will be reconized by the program
which counts the votes and collects the comments.

If you have any @{TextColor 200}questions @{TextColor}to
@{TextColor 212}The Party 1995 @{TextColor}then please go to the
@{TextColor 200}Information.

Competition Rules:

@{TextColor 212}General Rules: @{TextColor}

- All contributions must be delivered at the Information
@{TextColor 240}before deadline. @{TextColor}
Deadlines for the different competitions can not be moved be- cause
of the many competitions.

- All contributions must be delivered on 3,5" DD or HD floppy disks.

- The contributor will be asked for a statement that he/she agrees in the

- The disks will not be returned, so you'd better remember to
@{TextColor 240}make backups. @{TextColor}

- To contribute, you must actually be present at
@{TextColor 200}The Party. @{TextColor}

- If the production needs interactive control, it must be mentioned when

- Surprise competitions will be announced at the
beginning of @{TextColor 200}The Party. @{TextColor}

- A contribution can only participate in one competition.

- A competent @{TextColor 240}jury @{TextColor}consisting of
both orga- nizers and guests will be performing
a selection if too many entries are delivered for a competition.

@{TextColor 212}Amiga Demo Competition: @{TextColor}

- A group can contribute with as many demos as they want to, but only one from
each coder.

- A maximum of @{TextColor 240}20 minutes @{TextColor}will be shown
of each demo. Maximum size is @{TextColor 240}5 MB/4 disks. @{TextColor}

- The demo must be able to run on a @{TextColor 240}Amiga 1200
with a 50 MHz 68030, 2 MB chip and 4 MB fast.
@{TextColor}The demo must be able to boot from floppy
or from harddisk.

- We recommend that the demo is able to run on a
"standard" Amiga 1200 with 68020 and 4 MB fast.
But this is not required.

@{TextColor 212}PC Demo: @{TextColor}

- A group can contribute with as many demos as they want to but only one
from each coder.

- A maximum of @{TextColor 240}20 minutes @{TextColor}will be
shown of each demo. Maximum size is @{TextColor 240}5 MB. @{TextColor}

- The demo must be able to run on a @{TextColor 240}Pentium 90 MHz with
8 MB RAM. @{TextColor}

- Sound cards are optional @{TextColor 240}Soundblaster 16
@{TextColor}or @{TextColor 240}Gravis Ultra Sound (1 MB).

@{TextColor}- Video output must be @{TextColor 240}VGA
@{TextColor}or @{TextColor 240}SVGA
@{TextColor}register compatible and @{TextColor 240}VGA
@{TextColor}or @{TextColor 240}SVGA

- The demo must be @{TextColor 240}harddisk installable.
@{TextColor}Include installation scripts for
harddisk and configuration on the supply disks.

@{TextColor 212}WiLD Demo: @{TextColor}

- In this competion there are @{TextColor 240}no hardware restrictions.
@{TextColor}You can contribute
with whatever machine and configuration you like. This include pocket
calculators, Cray computers, Amigas with expansion cards or anything else.

- If your contribution can take part in other competitions or if it is not
exceptional special it cannot participate in the @{TextColor 240}WiLD
competition. @{TextColor}

- The machine and configuration will be clearly
@{TextColor}announced during the presentation.

- A maximum of @{TextColor 240}20 minutes @{TextColor}will
be shown of each demo.

- You will have to lend us your equipment during the competition.

- Video output must be @{TextColor 240}PAL RGB, VGA, SVGA
@{TextColor}or @{TextColor 240}Pal Composite.

@{TextColor}- Acceptable video connectors are: @{TextColor 240}Scart
(PAL Composite/RGB), phono (PAL Composite), VGA (15 pin SUB-D)
@{TextColor} and @{TextColor 240}Amiga (23 pin SUB-D).

@{TextColor}- Acceptable audio connectors are: @{TextColor 240}Scart
(un- balanced), phono (unbalanced), mini-jack ste- reo (unbalanced)
@{TextColor}and @{TextColor 240}XLR (balanced).

@{TextColor 212}Graphics Competition: @{TextColor}

- The picture must be delivered in @{TextColor 240}IFF-ILBM, GIF
@{TextColor}or @{TextColor 240}TGA @{TextColor}format.

- Max size is @{TextColor 240}800 x 600 pixels @{TextColor}and
@{TextColor 240}maximum 24 bitplanes.

@{TextColor}- Each artist is allowed to contribute with one picture.

@{TextColor 212}Multi-channel Music Competition: @{TextColor}

- A maximum of @{TextColor 240}5 minutes @{TextColor}per
tune will be played.

- About @{TextColor 240}20 tunes @{TextColor}will be played
at the big screen.

- The tune must be delivered in @{TextColor 240}Screamtracker
@{TextColor} or @{TextColor 240}Fasttracker @{TextColor}format.

- Maximum size is @{TextColor 240}720 K.

@{TextColor 212}4-Channel Music Competition:

@{TextColor}- A maximum of @{TextColor 240}5 minutes @{TextColor}per
tune will be played.

- About @{TextColor 240}20 tunes @{TextColor}will
be played at the big screen.

- The tune must be delivered in @{TextColor 240}4-Channel Protracker
mod.-format. @{TextColor}

- Maximum size is @{TextColor 240}720 K.

@{TextColor 212}Amiga Intro Competition: @{TextColor}

- The maximum size of intros is @{TextColor 240}40K = 40960 bytes.

@{TextColor}- A group can contribute with as many intros as they want to, but only one from
each coder.

- The intro must be able to run on a @{TextColor 240}Amiga 1200
with a 50 MHz 68030, 2 MB chip and 4 MB fast.

@{TextColor}- The intro must run from boot on floppy disk.

- The intro must be right mousebutton exitable.

- Harddisk installation must be possible.

- We recommend that the intro is able to run on a
"standard" Amiga 1200 with 68020 and 4 MB fast.
But this is not required.

@{TextColor 212}PC Intro: @{TextColor}

- The maximum size of intros is @{TextColor 240}64K = 65536 bytes.

@{TextColor}- A group can contribute with as many intros
@{TextColor}as they want to but only one from each coder.

- The intro must be able to run on a @{TextColor 240}Pentium 90 MHz
with 8MB RAM.

@{TextColor}- Soundcards are optional @{TextColor 240}Soundblaster 16
@{TextColor}or @{TextColor 240}Gravis Ultra Sound (1 MB).

@{TextColor}- Video output must be @{TextColor 240}VGA
@{TextColor}or @{TextColor 240}SVGA
@{TextColor}register compatible and VGA or SVGA resolution.

@{TextColor 212}How the contributions will be executed: @{TextColor}

- Interactive control will be done with mouse/keyboard.

- We decide in which order the contributions will be executed.

- The execution will if possible be done from
@{TextColor}harddisk and in the full length of the prod- uction.

- Every production will have an @{TextColor 240}associated number,
@{TextColor}to be used for voting
and counting afterwards. Lists with numbers and associated contributions
will be displayed on the big screen and on the infochannel during the
competition and occasionally after the com- petition.

@{TextColor 212}How to vote: @{TextColor}

- The voting is public, and votes must be given on the
@{TextColor 240}votedisk.

@{TextColor}- Votes should be given and delivered before deadline for the voting or not
later than one hour after the last demo in the last demo competition
is run, if the program for @{TextColor 200}The Party
@{TextColor}is exceeded.

- The votedisk will be handed over when you register at The Information.

- @{TextColor 240}Three votes @{TextColor}must be given to
every com- petition. The votes have priority
accordingly to the the following values:

@{TextColor 240}1.) 5 points

2.) 3 points

3.) 1 point

@{TextColor}- It's possible to vote in several turns, and regret previous votes.

@{TextColor 212}Prizes:

@{TextColor}- The prizes will be handed over in extension of the counting.

@{TextColor}- The prizes will only be handed over if the person/group
is present at @{TextColor 200}The Party.

@{TextColor}- Contributions which are disqualified after the presentation
will not be awarded.

@{TextColor 212}Copyrights: @{TextColor}

- All contributions delivered for the compe- titions will be considered
@{TextColor 240}public domain.

@{TextColor}- We will copy and spread all contributions.

- All contributions will be available in extension of the last competition.

How to behave

In order to give everybody a great party experience and make that special
party feeling, there are some @{TextColor 200}simple rules @{TextColor}we
all have to respect. They are as follows:

- We will not accept any racist signs or acting.

- No firework at the party place.

- No open fire in any way.

- Neither drugs nor alcohol is allowed at
the party place.

- Walkies and spraycans are not allowed at the
party place.

- Tables may not be moved due to firedepart-
ment rules.

- Puke and paintball - not accepted.

- Weapons are not allowed.

- No banners on power-wires.

If we all respect these rules, everybody will have a
great party!

The Party 1995 Programme

@{TextColor 212}Wednesday 27th of December

@{TextColor 240}10.00 @{TextColor}Official opening

@{TextColor 240}12.00 @{TextColor}The Party 1995 Opening Ceremony

@{TextColor 240}18.00 @{TextColor}Deadline: Party Games

@{TextColor 240}20.00 @{TextColor}Deadline: 4-channel Music

@{TextColor 240}22.00 @{TextColor}Deadline: McBody (Crashing)

@{TextColor 240}23.00 @{TextColor}Deadline: Multi-channel Music

@{TextColor 240}00.00 @{TextColor}Deadline: Wild

@{TextColor 240}00.00 @{TextColor}McBody Crashing

@{TextColor 212}Thursday 28th of December

@{TextColor 240}01.00 @{TextColor}Party Games Final

@{TextColor 240}02.00 @{TextColor}4-channel Music

@{TextColor 240}04.00 @{TextColor}Deadline: Amiga Intro

@{TextColor 240}05.00 @{TextColor}Multi-channel Music

@{TextColor 240}07.00 @{TextColor}Deadline: Graphics

@{TextColor 240}08.00 @{TextColor}Amiga Intro

@{TextColor 240}08.00 @{TextColor}Deadline: Fast Intro

@{TextColor 240}09.00 @{TextColor}DiskOS

@{TextColor 240}10.00 @{TextColor}Deadline: PC Intro

@{TextColor 240}11.00 @{TextColor}Fast Intro

@{TextColor 240}13.00 @{TextColor}Graphics

@{TextColor 240}13.00 @{TextColor}Deadline: C-64 Demo

@{TextColor 240}14.00 @{TextColor}Deadline: Coca Cola Crashing

@{TextColor 240}15.00 @{TextColor}Coca Cola Crashing

@{TextColor 240}16.00 @{TextColor}PC Intro

@{TextColor 240}18.00 @{TextColor}Deadline: PC Demo

@{TextColor 240}19.00 @{TextColor}C-64 Demo

@{TextColor 240}21.00 @{TextColor}Wild

@{TextColor 240}22.00 @{TextColor}Deadline: Amiga Demo

@{TextColor 212}Friday 29th of December

@{TextColor 240}00.00 @{TextColor}PC Demo

@{TextColor 240}04.00 @{TextColor}Amiga Demo

@{TextColor 240}10.00 @{TextColor}Deadline: Votes

@{TextColor 240}12.00 @{TextColor}Prizes

@{TextColor 240}14.00 @{TextColor}Official Closing


@{TextColor 240}Texts.......... @{TextColor 200}The Party Organizers

@{TextColor 240}Design.......  @{TextColor 200}Subsonic/Spoon (Ruben Borup)

@{TextColor 240}Layout....... @{TextColor 200}Subsonic/Spoon (Ruben Borup) &

Mad Smiley/Nuts

@{TextColor 240}3D-gfx....... @{TextColor 200}Subsonic/Spoon (Ruben Borup).

@{TextColor 240}Coding...... @{TextColor 200}Mad Smiley/Nuts

@{TextColor 240}Font........... @{TextColor 200}Mad Smiley/Nuts

@{TextColor 240}Music......... @{TextColor 200}Tricktrax/PZL

@{TextColor 212}Message to Cisum: @{TextColor}

Please contact us as we do not have your telephone number or adress!

@{TextColor 212}Thanks goes to: @{TextColor}

@{TextColor 240}Euromancer/Nuts @{TextColor}- for testing this vote
pro- gram on his A4000 with CyberVision etc. and good guideness in
how to make programs run on Amigas with gfx-card using the CyberGfx

@{TextColor 212}Wanna contact the coder (any reason)? Then write to the
following address: @{TextColor 240}

Flemming N. Larsen (Mad Smiley)

Støttrupvej 20

9640 Farsø


@{TextColor 212}or call: @{TextColor 240}

(+45) 98 63 35 97

@{TextColor 212}Wanna contact the gfx-artist? Then write to the
following address: @{TextColor 240}

Ruben Borup (Subsonic/Spoon)

Eriksvej 16

9000 Aalborg

@{TextColor 212}or call: @{TextColor 240} (+45) 98 14 29 26

@{TextColor 212}Wanna contact the musician? Then write to the
following address: @{TextColor 240}

Martin Buch

Gravervænget 9, 4. dør 1.

2400 København NV


@{TextColor 212}or try fidonet: @{TextColor 240}2:238/100.15

Help page

Instead of clicking on the gadgets using the mouse you can choose
to use the keyboard which is a faster method of getting around in
the vote program.

@{TextColor 212}Here are the keys listed:

@{TextColor 240}"Esc" @{TextColor}quits the vote program.

@{TextColor 240}"Space" @{TextColor}gives you the Main Menu.

@{TextColor 240}"Help" @{TextColor}gives you the Help Page.

@{TextColor 240}"Cursor up/down" @{TextColor}let you go to the
previous or next page of a text, question or vote page.

@{TextColor 240}"Cursor left/right" @{TextColor}gives you the
previous or next option from the Main Menu.

@{TextColor 240}"0" @{TextColor}- @{TextColor 200}"6"
@{TextColor}let you jump to option number X with the
Main Menu and the Vote Menu. You can also use
@{TextColor 240}"1" @{TextColor}- @{TextColor 240}"5"
@{TextColor}when answering the ques- tions in the

@{TextColor 212}Questionnaire

@{TextColor}This is the place where you are asked for your
@{TextColor 240}opinion @{TextColor}of
@{TextColor 200}The Party 1995. @{TextColor}You can give
marks from 1 to 5 - "1" for best and "5" for worst. If
you do not have any opinion on a topic or do not know what
to mark you can simply skip the question by going to the next.
Please answer the questions as honest as you can as we will
use this questionnaire to improve @{TextColor 200}The Party.