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 3d vektors reel 1  
 it was the year of 
 our lord 1990 and  
someone promised to 
the scene something 
about maths and gfxs
      he was :      
    p h a s o r     
    and it was :    
 the first selfmade 
 3d vektors reel 2  
     credits :      
  code and gfxs by  
    p h a s o r     
     music by :     
   moby of angels   
  thanks to slayer  
 because here i use 
a performed version 
of his blit octants 
 routine . cooool ! 
    diamond 7497    
was a big spaceship 
used by the murajik 
people to do long   
trips ....          
  and we are near   
   to reach the :   
   blue time zone   
a strange zone were 
everything you see  
or touch becomes    
 that was our ship  
 we are travelling  
 with a speed of    
 3.000 raster miles 
 for second !!!     
 a similar speed is 
 reachable only with
 this kind of ship  
 the . voyager one .
 now i will show to 
 you the fast brain 
 of voyager one ... 
oh yeeaahh !! it was
an amiga 500 v 1.999
built in taiwan in  
the year 3410 a.c.  
it is the only one  
able to control all 
the circuits of the 
voyager !!          
it uses a particular
microprocessor able 
 to elaborate easly 
  r.g.b. molecules  
 but sometimes it   
 can be dangerous   
       as a         
nuclear explosion !!
we hope to have not 
surprises during the
way to the blue zone
.. one moment i can 
see a space police  
ship what hell is   
 h a p p e n e d ?! 
   oh my god !!!!   
 there is something 
wrong in the systems
maybe one lamer has 
infiltrated our a500
 the alarm is red ! 
the r.g.b. molecules
are becoming hot and
  radioactive !!!   
  aaarrrghhhh !!!!  
our ships have been 
  hit by radiatons  
  an ambulance is   
 required as soon as
  possible because  
  someone could be  
  dead under the :  
 radiations attack  
oh finally the space
ambulance is arrived
   to save us !!!   
mayday.mayday we are
on x.120 y.300 z.114
we have reached the 
b l u e    z o n e  
but all is affected 
 by radiations !!!  
now waiting for the 
ambulance we can see
some strange objects
of the blue zone and
sometimes spaceships
doing this way .    
  phasor and eniac  
monsters of lm code 
or something else !?
are on this spaceway
to say :            
   h  e  l  l  o !  
 see you again on : 
 m e g a d e m o  2 
 because this trip  
 around 3d vektors  
    ends here !!!   
 friendship rules !!
o   o ooo   oo   oo 
oo oo oo   o    o  o
o o o o    o oo oooo
o   o oooo  ooo o  o
ooo  ooo  o   o  oo 
o  o oo   oo oo o  o
o  o o    o o o o  o
ooo  oooo o   o  oo 
      oo  oo        
        oo    very  
      oooooo  soon !

hello guyz ! how are you ?  
i hope very well !!         
hey what do ya think about  
this megademo ?             
do ya think it's coooooool ?
i do !                      
hey ! modesty seems to be   
poor here ! he he he  !     
what about some messages to 
someone of my cool friends !
melkor of centurion :       
what about this vektors ?   
keep cool waiting for smau !
                    of i.c.s :           
bye mr.unknown !! he he !   
hoping to meet you too !    
storm of divina :           
hey storm do ya have your   
iron horse always with you ?
photon of centurion :       
don't pain einstein ! ! !   
terminator of zerodefects : 
ok cool . but sometimes your
scroll routines are laxative
e.n.i.a.c. of chronos :     
what a friend are you ?!    
i'm sorry for your decision 
because you are enough cool 
   to be one of the bests   
blackwood of centurion :    
   little english lesson    
can she erotize you !       
pronunce : kenshiro tizeiu ?
bitmap brothers :           
thanks for the god's monster
and greet the raster sisters
he he ! you are the bests   
zoomera of centurion :      
don't cry if blackwood      
dislike to make sex with you
zuuuum . aaaarrrgghh ! . era
italian message for lo gnugo
non estrubaminare con rabbia
la slicostura di ricambio ! 
sono gia' le cinque !!!     
pitagora of h.b.t. :        
melkor talked to me about   
your cool actions so i hope 
to meet you to the smau 91  
pure metal coders :         
  fractal mania rules !!!   
to you ! :                  
spread this disk around the 
world waiting for the second
       m e g a d e m o      
to be released very soon !! 
     - total credits -      
everything on this disk was 
born on original ideas and  
realized in l.m. code by :  
        p h a s o r         
this music : silhouette     
 was done by lord interface 
         of phantasm        
the musics are not mine     
sorry but for now i am alone
and i am not a good musician
as you can see i am busy now
and i don't have more to say
except an important thing : 
        p h a s o r         
         will join          
       the mega cool        
     c e n t u r i o n      
bye and see you on our next 
     cool  productions      

cooool !!!! mega demoooo !!! yes it is the * phasor megademo 91 *     someone says it is original  oh  i think it is simply an insane scroll texter ! this part was done only for the credits and for some greetings and messages to the cool ones .......