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$VER: NewsUntold v4.00 by Json (17.6.94)


 Welcome to Hydra Issue #1... 

So is this just another Disk Magazine?     Like all magazines, we can always use
I hope not! this should be THE diskmag    more people writing articles!  so feel
including interesting articles for all    free to drop of some of  your work  at
people  in  the  modem-scene, not just    my board.
the danish SysOps and traders!
 This  magazine  is  not  released  to     SysOps who wants to  support this mag
compete with other  existing mags! the    can contact me  for the vote door, and
reason  why  this mag  is released, is    will then be assigned a  courier, that
that we  don't feel like any other mag    will come around and pick up the votes
covers enough!                            around the  1. day of a new month.
 This mag should work on all (I hope!)     The Code for this Mag was done  on  a
Amiga  configurations,  and  shouldn't    A4o4o, so let me know if any  problems
have problems with DBLPAL resolutions,    arise! tested on AGA... so let me know
The controls are straight forward: use  
     Enjoy, and have PHUN!

the mouse, or  use the cursor keys for
new page/article, M  for toggle MUSIC,
I for INDEX, and Q for QUIT!

The dudes at Hydra staff

 Well... I did this, and he did that, and then we
did hm...

       All code by:      Json
            Gfx by:      Devilstar
          Clip Art:      Relief
         The Sound:      Spacebrain

Counting, Editing
    and Organizing:      Mr.Hyde

Writing, well find out by yourself scan through the
Mag, and read the interesting articles...
Main organizer (the dude you want to contact to get
your board in this Mag!       MR.HYDE
and all the SysOps making this possible. -->
Officiel VOTE SITES:

    Belgium:     Consolia.

    Denmark:     Body Count, Cyclone Zone, Gridpoint,
                 Mainline, Mental Insanity, Mercyful Fate,
                 Metal Connextion, Platinum, Sky Tower, Static Chaos,
                 The Cave, The Judge, The Larch, The Nothern Palace,
                 The Wild Side, X-Files, Zone 7.

    Finland:     Throne Chamber.

    Holland:     World of Elite.

    Norway:      Imperial Waste.

    Sweden:      Sanctuary.

    Switzerland: Castle Rock, Civil War, Dial Hard.

    USA:         Digital Extacy, Megalomania, Road to Nowhere, Sanctuary,
                 The Edge, Tower of Sorcery, Uzi Suicide, Zion's Hideout.

What to do...

 So another Mag is out!! a two-parted             

Scene/Chart Mag mainly for the modem-
scene! and what do you do to  support
this Mag (and thereby your own board/
business/group) ? well you send some-
body to my board, or contact  one  of
the couriers on the support boards!

 If this No. 1 end up being a success      Being  a 'Count'-site, means that you
(it's bound to be! :) ), then you can     will have the Votes/Logs of boards  in
expect No. 2 around the  1.  October,     your country uploaded around the first
with even more charts/votes/articles,     and then (with the help  of some tools
and probably a lot of changes!! being     I've made!) make  a  complete list  of
the first ever released DiskMag by me     the action in your country!  of course
there're bound to be some bug reports     this means we need a reliable SysOp to
and critisism!                            do the job!
 To get the CHARTS  of this Mag ready
every month,  we'll need some 'Count'      If  a  SysOp wants his board to  be a
sites in a few countries!  so  please     vote-site,  he should contact my staff
let us know if YOU are interested!        or me!  and  I'll supply him with  the
                                          Vote tools for the AmiExpress System!!

Then  we, at  the  staff, will figure      These people are 'connected' to me:
out who will pick up the votes!
                                          Nsl/Mr.Hyde         (Hoodlum & KRL)
 Another way  of  telling the rest of     Deature             (Kingdom & Humans)
world that you exist, is by getting a     Spacebrain          (Kingdom)
logo/add/something in the mag!  (read
about this in the ADVERTISEMENT part)     and most other danes will do too!  8)

 To get a magazine like this running,     so leave a message to one of these and
we also need fresh ideas!  that means     your work/question/etc will reach me!
all Gfx and music that is send to me,
will be checked out, and will be used
if we like it!!                           or call my board:


                                                 +45 864 395 14 16k8 DHST
                                                 +45 864 185 02 16k8 DHST

                                          No NUP! just call...


Votes  - Boards...


   NO.   BOARD NAME            GROUP            SYSOP          POINTS   LAST


    1.   BOONDOCKS             TRSI             SAL-1           13.4%    (-)

    2.   FAR OUT               CLS & COMPLEX    OZONE            6.2%    (-)

    3.   PLASTIC PASSION       CRYSTAL          TARZAN           4.8%    (-)

    4.   NONSTOP UP'N'DOWN     2OOO AD          ENERGY           4.1%    (-)

    5.   PET SEMETARY          HOODLUM          KID CURRY        3.6%    (-)
         CONSOLIA              HMS & ATX        LITHIUM          3.6%    (-)

    7.   INTERCHANGE           DELIRIUM         PRINCIP          3.3%    (-)
    8.   MERCYFUL FATE         PRODIGY          METAL FORCE      2.6%    (-)
         CASTLE ROCK           HOODLUM          IRONCODE         2.6%    (-)
   10.   ASYLUM                TRSI             JUAN             2.1%    (-)
         WORLD OF ELITE        KRL              DEATHKNIGHT      2.1%    (-)
   12.   BLOODY DECISION       DELIRIUM         MAZ!             1.9%    (-)
         METAL CONNEXTION      DELIGHT          WOZZY            1.9%    (-)
   14.   SUSPERIA              VANITY           ZANY             1.7%    (-)
   15.   FLASHBACK             ORIGIN & DCS     TWISTER          1.4%    (-)
         NIGHTFALL             KRONICAL         WHOOSH           1.4%    (-)
         SKARA BRAE                             AMICON           1.4%    (-)



   NO.   BOARD NAME            GROUP            SYSOP          POINTS   LAST


    1.   GATES OF ASGARD       PRESTIGE         ROTOR           14.5%    (-)

    2.   MORTUARY                               BLOODWOLF       13.7%    (-)

    3.   MIRAGE                FAIRLIGHT        BIG BOSS         8.4%    (-)

    4.   ZIONS HIDEOUT         GOD & PSG        ZION             7.7%    (-)

    5.   USS ENTERPRISE        ANTHROX          PICARD           7.4%    (-)

    6.   THE GHETTO            FAIRLIGHT        GHETTO BOYZ      6.9%    (-)
    7.   DIGITAL EXTACY        SXI & DLM & HLM  CIRCUIT BREAKER  6.3%    (-)
    8.   PIRATE'S HAVEN        CLASSIC          NITRO            5.9%    (-)
    9.   UNLAWFUL ENTRY        SKID ROW         MAJOR THEFT      4.0%    (-)
   10.   FASTRAX               HMS & RBS & MED  SNOW QUEEN       2.9%    (-)
   11.   SANCTUARY             HOODLUM          SPEED MASTER     2.7%    (-)
   12.   DANSE MACABRE                          NOSFERATU        1.9%    (-)
   13.   DAWN OF ETERNITY      GOD              THE SKELETON     1.7%    (-)
         TOWER OF SORCERY                       ARCH-MAGI        1.7%    (-)
   15.   MASTURBATION STATION  MST & PDY        BLACK BEARD      1.5%    (-)
         THE EDGE              THE SILENTS      PLANET MASTER    1.5%    (-)



   NO.   SYSOP             GROUP            BOARD              POINTS   LAST


    1.   DEVILSTAR         VD/FLT & KRL     BODY COUNT          4.21%

    2.   SANDMAN           FAIRLIGHT        SANCTUARY           3.63%

    3.   ENZO              PRESTIGE         SKY TOWER           3.44%
         WOZZY             DELIGHT          METAL CONNEXTION    3.44%

    5.   YOBBO             REBELS           THE LARCH           2.68%

    6.   FURY              PRESTIGE         DIAL HARD           2.49%
         LITHIUM           ANTHROX & HMS    CONSOLIA            2.49%

    8.   G.O.D                                                  2.29%
         GUARDIAN                           UNICORN BBS         2.29%
   10.   DEXTER            COMAKIDS & AFL   TOTAL DISASTER      2.10%
   11.   JSON              KINGDOM          STATIC CHAOS        1.91%
   12.   METAL FORCE       PRODIGY          MERCYFUL FATE       1.72%
         DUX               VANITY           MAINLINE            1.72%
         JUAN              TRSI & DUPLO     ASYLUM              1.72%



   NO.   SYSOP             GROUP            BOARD              POINTS   LAST


    1.   SANDMAN           FAIRLIGHT        SANCTUARY           7.37%

    2.   DEVILSTAR         VD/FLT & KRL     BODY COUNT          3.27%

    3.   LITHIUM           ANTHROX & HMS    CONSOLIA            3.07%
         ENZO              PRESTIGE         SKY TOWER           3.07%

    5.   WOZZY             DELIGHT          METAL CONNEXTION    2.86%

    6.   IRONCODE          HOODLUM          CASTLE ROCK         2.66%
         GUARDIAN                           UNICORN BBS         2.66%

    8.   BIG BOSS          FAIRLIGHT        MIRAGE              2.25%
         DUX               VANITY           MAINLINE            2.25%
         JSON              KINGDOM          STATIC CHAOS        2.25%
   12.   YOBBO             REBELS           THE LARCH           1.63%
         ZANY              VANITY           SUSPERIA            1.63%
         NASHUA            OUTLAWS          MEGABYTE            1.63%
         METAL FORCE       PRODIGY          MERCYFUL FATE       1.63%


Votes  - Traders...


   NO.   TRADER                  GROUP                         POINTS   LAST


    1.   MARIO                   TRSI                           6.77%
         NEIL                    FAIRLIGHT                      6.77%

    3.   CAESAR                                                 4.80%

    4.   JUAN&HARPOON                                           3.38%
         THE FREAK               PRESTIGE                       3.38%

    6.   BLACKEYE                SKID ROW                       2.82%

    7.   M/\GMA                  IFFTIC                         2.54%
         MARC                    SKID ROW                       2.54%
         FURY                    PRESTIGE                       2.54%

   10.   LECTOR                  CRYSTAL                        2.25%
   11.   MARK&POLARIS            PRESTIGE                       1.98%
         YOGI                    IFFTIC                         1.98%
   12.   APOLLO                  CLASSIC                        1.69%
         POISON                                                 1.69%
         TROLL                   PRESTIGE                       1.69%



   NO.   TRADER                  GROUP                         POINTS   LAST


    1.   DEATHKNIGHT             PRESTIGE                       5.91%

    2.   BIOTECH                                                4.73%

    3.   SIGMA SEVEN                                            4.14%

    4.   LITHIUM                 ATX & HMS                      3.55%

         FURY                    PRESTIGE                       3.55%
         ECS                     TRSI                           3.55%



   NO.   TRADER                  GROUP                         POINTS   LAST


    1.   MARIO                   TRSI                            8.0%

    2.   SHANE                                                   3.0%
         YOGI                    IFFTIC                          3.0%
         MARC                    SKID ROW                        3.0%
         LECTOR                  CRYSTAL                         3.0%


Votes  - Groups...


   NO.       GROUP                                             POINTS   LAST


      1.        FAIRLIGHT                                       20.4%    (-)

      2.        PRESTIGE                                        18.5%    (-)

      3.        PARADOX                                         16.0%    (-)

      4.        CLASSIC                                         14.6%    (-)

      5.        HOODLUM                                          5.2%    (-)

      6.        PRODIGY                                          4.6%    (-)
      7.        TRSI                                             3.3%    (-)
      8.        DELIRIUM                                         3.1%    (-)
      9.        CRYSTAL                                          2.3%    (-)
     10.        SKID ROW                                         1.2%    (-)
                DELIGHT                                          1.2%    (-)
                GLOBAL OVERDOSE                                  1.2%    (-)
                LSD                                              1.2%    (-)
     11.        ANTHROX                                          1.0%    (-)



     NO.     GROUP                                             POINTS   LAST


      1.        VIRTUAL DREAMS                                  23.8%    (-)

      2.        COMPLEX                                         10.4%    (-)

      3.        POLKA BROS.                                      9.9%    (-)

      4.        KEFRENS                                          8.1%    (-)

      5.        SPACEBALLS                                       6.8%    (-)

      6.        SANITY                                           6.3%    (-)
      7.        ANDROMEDA                                        3.5%    (-)
      8.        MELON DEZIGN                                     3.0%    (-)
                RAGE                                             3.0%    (-)
                TRSI                                             3.0%    (-)
     11.        THE SILENTS                                      2.8%    (-)
                STELLAR                                          2.8%    (-)
     13.        REBELS                                           2.0%    (-)
     14.        ALCATRAZ                                         1.5%    (-)


Votes  - The rest...


   NO.   CODER                   GROUP                         POINTS   LAST


    1.   DUX                     VANITY                         12.6%    (-)

    2.   JSON                    KINGDOM                        11.0%    (-)

    3.   BIG BOSS                FAIRLIGHT                       9.7%    (-)

    4.   NOCTURNE                ORIGIN                          9.4%    (-)

    5.   BYTEANDI                TRSI                            9.0%    (-)

    6.   CONAN&NEWTON            REBELS                          5.8%    (-)
    7.   BOBO                    MYSTIC                          5.5%    (-)
    8.   KILLRAVEN               MYSTIC                          2.9%    (-)
    9.   IRONCODE                HOODLUM                         2.3%    (-)
   10.   AQAURIUS                OUTLAWS                         1.9%    (-)
         DR.DRE                  TRSI                            1.9%    (-)
         POT NOODLE              ANTHROX                         1.9%    (-)
         TANGO                   DUPLO                           1.9%    (-)
   14.   CALYPSO                 GOD                             1.6%    (-)



   NO.   ARTIST                  GROUP                         POINTS   LAST


    1.   SKIN                                                   6.66%    (-)

    2.   SEVEN /Y\                                              4.80%    (-)

    3.   SANDMAN                 FAIRLIGHT                      4.00%    (-)

    4.   JANITOR                 KGD & HMS & RBS                3.46%    (-)

    5.   DANZIG                                                 3.20%    (-)
         ZANY                    VANITY                         3.20%    (-)

    7.   RELIEF                  THE LOWLIFES                   2.93%    (-)
    8.   STZ                                                    2.66%    (-)
         SPLATT!                                                2.66%    (-)
   10.   GEM                                                    2.40%    (-)
         MOUGE                                                  2.40%    (-)
         RED SKIN                                               2.40%    (-)
   13.   RED DEVIL               DCS                            2.13%    (-)
         MARC                    SKID ROW                       2.13%    (-)
   14.   MAZ!                    DELIRIUM                       1.86%    (-)
         RAD!                                                   1.86%    (-)



   NO.   ARTIST                  GROUP                         POINTS   LAST


    1.   DEVILSTAR               VD/FLT & KRL                  25.92%    (-)

    2.   PEACHY                                                 7.40%    (-)

    3.   FACET                   LEMON                          5.76%    (-)

    4.   RA                                                     4.11%    (-)

    5.   UNO                     SCOOPEX                        2.88%    (-)

    6.   HAVOK                   SANITY                         2.46%    (-)
         R.W.O                   POLKA BROS.                    2.46%    (-)
         RED DEVIL               DCS                            2.46%    (-)
         SPELLBINDER             THE OMEN                       2.46%    (-)
   10.   J.A.D.E                                                2.05%    (-)
         MARC                    SKID ROW                       2.05%    (-)
         ROOKIE                  KINGDOM                        2.05%    (-)



   NO.   CODER                   GROUP                         POINTS   LAST


    1.   JESTER                  SANITY                         9.75%    (-)

    2.   MOBY                                                   6.91%    (-)

    3.   HEATBEAT                CNCD                           6.50%    (-)

    4.   LIZARDKING              RAZOR 1911                     4.06%    (-)

    5.   LAXITY                  POLKA BROS.                    3.65%    (-)

    6.   AUDIOMONSTER            MELON DEZIGN                   3.25%    (-)



   NO.   CODER                   GROUP                         POINTS   LAST


    1.   LAXITY                  POLKA BROS.                    9.25%    (-)

    2.   BLACKHAWK               PARADOX                        7.48%    (-)

    3.   CONAN&NEWTON            REBELS                         5.28%    (-)

    4.   DR. SKULL               VD/FLT                         4.84%    (-)

    5.   CHAOS                   SANITY                         4.40%    (-)



   NO.   SUPPLIER                GROUP                         POINTS   LAST


    1.   MR.AT&T                                               14.97%    (-)

    2.   D-SIYA                  THE VIKINGS                    8.37%    (-)

    3.   ENERGY                  2OOO AD                        5.72%    (-)

    4.   LITHIUM                                                4.84%    (-)

    5.   TARZAN                  CRYSTAL                        4.40%    (-)



   NO.   SUPPLIER                GROUP                         POINTS   LAST


    1.   STYLE                                                 11.26%    (-)

    2.   D-SIYA                  THE VIKINGS                    6.57%    (-)

         TARZAN                  CRYSTAL                        6.57%    (-)

    4.   KILLERETTE                                             5.16%    (-)

    5.   MAXIMILIEN                                             4.69%    (-)



   NO.   PROGRAM                GROUP                         POINTS   LAST


    1.   DIRECTORY OPUS          MULTI-FUNCTION-FILE-TOOL      25.98%    (-)

    2.   TERMINUS                COMMUNICATION PROGRAM          8.82%    (-)

    3.   AMIEXPRESS              BULLETIN BOARD SYSTEM          6.86%    (-)

    4.   NCOMM                   COMMUNICATION PROGRAM          6.61%    (-)

    5.   CYGNUS EDITOR           FILE EDITOR/MULTI EDITOR       6.37%    (-)



   NO.   SUPPLIER                GROUP                         POINTS   LAST


    1.   TROOPS&TROLL            PRESTIGE                      26.27%    (-)

    2.   APOLLO                  CLASSIC                       13.13%    (-)

    3.   HOT TUNA                PARADOX                        9.48%    (-)

    4.   BOMBERMAN & WILLY       PRESTIGE                       8.02%    (-)

    5.   HOGSTER                 FAIRLIGHT                      7.29%    (-)


Charts  - Uploads...

                          T   ·   H   ·   E
    __________    ______ ___    __________    __________   ______________
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  _\    |/     "/\            /\     :      /\     :\     /\            /\ \
  \\\___:      /  \___ :     /  \___       /  \___ | \   /  \___       // \
     \  \_____/    \  \|____/    \  \|____/    \  \|  \_/    \  \_____/    \
      \  \    \     \  \    \     \  \    \     \  \   \[rLf] \  \    \
       \  \    \     \  \    \     \  \    \     \  \   \      \  \    \
           \    \        \    \        \    \        \   \         \    \

 Yes... this where you find the facts of the modem-scene today! check out here
which board gets the most bytes, active calls, etc... 
 For the time being, the online boards in this part are danish, I hope to expand
this with more boards, and more countries. So interested in getting your board
in the charts? then get in contact with the HYDRA Staff and we'll find out if
there's a HYDRA Hq in your country!

Part 1: 
Xternal Uploads & Active Calls

Part 2: 
Online Bytes

Part 3: 
Local Upload & Legal Votes

Part 4: 
Fastest board (worked out based on the UDlog)


Bytes externally uploaded and active calls.

   NO.   BOARD NAME           GROUP           SYSOP           XTERN    CALLS


    1.   SKY TOWER            PRESTIGE        ENZO            249 MB     405

    2.   MERCYFUL FATE        PRODIGY         METAL FORCE     234 MB    1058

    3.   THE LARCH            REBELS          YOBBO           223 MB     824

    4.   BODY COUNT           VD/FLT & KRL    DEVILSTAR       211 MB     667

    5.   STATIC CHAOS         KINGDOM         JSON            199 MB     689

    6.   WAREZ UNLIMITED      HUMANS          GILTHANAS       141 MB     621
    7.   METAL CONNEXTION     DUPLO/DELIGHT   WOZZY           128 MB     920
    8.   ZONE 7                               HRBERG          105 MB     244
    9.   THE WILD SIDE        UNIVEGA & DDP   DIZE             54 MB     132
   10.   GRIDPOINT            BLACK ICE       ZAPHOD            6 MB     152



Bytes online and downloaded.

   NO.   BOARD NAME         GROUP          SYSOP          ONLINE      LAST


    1.   METAL CONNEXTION   DUPLO/DELIGHT  WOZZY          276 MB       (-)

    2.   SKY TOWER          PRESTIGE       ENZO           271 MB       (-)

    3.   MERCYFUL FATE      PRODIGY        METAL FORCE    257 MB       (-)

    4.   BODY COUNT         VD/FLT & KRL   DEVILSTAR      227 MB       (-)

    5.   THE LARCH          REBELS         YOBBO          226 MB       (-)

    6.   STATIC CHAOS       KINGDOM        JSON           201 MB       (-)
    7.   WAREZ UNLIMITED    HUMANS         GILTHANAS      180 MB       (-)
    8.   ZONE 7                            HRBERG         119 MB       (-)
    9.   THE WILD SIDE      UNIVEGA & DDP  DIZE            58 MB       (-)
   10.   GRIDPOINT          BLACK ICE      ZAPHOD          10 MB       (-)



Local Upload and counted votes for Hydra Mag.

   NO.   BOARD NAME         GROUP          SYSOP          LOCALS      VOTE


    1.   METAL CONNEXTION   DUPLO/DELIGHT  WOZZY          148 MB           6

    2.   WAREZ UNLIMITED    HUMANS         GILTHANAS       39 MB         UPS!

    3.   MERCYFUL FATE      PRODIGY        METAL FORCE     23 MB           2

    4.   SKY TOWER          PRESTIGE       ENZO            22 MB           1

    5.   BODY COUNT         VD/FLT & KRL   DEVILSTAR       16 MB          10

    6.   ZONE 7                            HRBERG          14 MB           2
    7.   THE WILD SIDE      UNIVEGA & DDP  DIZE             4 MB           2
         GRIDPOINT          BLACK ICE      ZAPHOD           4 MB           2
    9.   THE LARCH          REBELS         YOBBO            3 MB           5
   10.   STATIC CHAOS       KINGDOM        JSON             2 MB          11


 Sorry to Gilthanas! seems like I fucked up your votes....


   NO.   BOARD NAME         GROUP          SYSOP          POINTS      LAST


    1.   SKY TOWER          PRESTIGE       ENZO            21          (-)

    2.   STATIC CHAOS       KINGDOM        JSON            12          (-)

    3.   METAL CONNEXTION   DUPLO/DELIGHT  WOZZY            9          (-)

    4.   BODY COUNT         VD/FLT & KRL   DEVILSTAR        7          (-)
         THE LARCH          REBELS         YOBBO            7          (-)
         WAREZ UNLIMITED    HUMANS         GILTHANAS        7          (-)

    7.   MERCYFUL FATE      PRODIGY        METAL FORCE      6          (-)
         ZONE 7                            HRBERG           6          (-)


 To make this chart, I check the UDLogs to see when each board got a complete
uploaded release, the releases that are checked, are 5 major releases selected
by top-traders in the country the chart is from! The traders asked from Denmark
are not connected with any of the boards on the charts!

Selected releases:
 Bump'n'Burn, Universe, Benefactor, Body Blows AGA, and
                   Detroit AGA

Charts  - More charts...

 Votes for the Hydra Mag! and this means that the Hydra Staff will upload

   NO.   BOARD NAME            GROUP            SYSOP           VOTES   LAST


    1.   SANCTUARY             FAIRLIGHT        SANDMAN        15.06%    (-)

    2.   THRONE CHAMBER                                        11.64%    (-)

    3.   DIGITAL EXTASY        OUTLAWS          CIRCUIT BRE.   10.27%    (-)

    4.   CASTLE ROCK                            IRONCODE        7.53%    (-)
         CONSOLIA              HMS & ATX        LITHIUM         7.53%    (-)
         STATIC CHAOS          KINGDOM          JSON            7.53%    (-)

    7.   BODY COUNT            VD/FLT & KRL     DEVILSTAR       6.84%    (-)

    8.   GRIDPOINT             BLACK ICE        ZAPHOD          6.16%    (-)
    9.   MEGA LO MANIA         LSD              RAD!            4.79%    (-)
   10.   METAL CONNEXTION      DELIGHT          WOZZY           4.10%    (-)
         CIVIL WAR                                              4.10%    (-)
   12.   THE LARCH             REBELS           YOBBO           3.42%    (-)
   13.   DIAL HARD             PRESTIGE         FURY            2.73%    (-)


Previews  - Movies...
MAJOR LEAGUE II  (Charlie Cheen)                        
* * * 
* *

 Jeps...  being the second movie (and     INTERSECTION  (Sharon Stone          
not  having seen no.  1), I feel like                    & Richard Gere)       
I'm   not   completely  getting  this
picture  right!   It's a really funny      The  macho  dude and the babe in the
movie  about  a  baseball team with a     same movie...  I was already enjoying
lot of strange characters.  Of course     this movie before it started...
Charlie  Cheen  is  the  hero  of the      BUT...     Richard    Gere    is   a
team,  and  real  wild person (in the     successfull architect and his EX-wife
first  movie),  but  like the rest of     (played  by Sharon Stone, how can the
the  team  he  has  changed since the     dude  leave  her!?)  is his secretary
first movie.  In the first movie this     (get  real!).   The movie starts with
team  of  rookies  is  very  close to     Richard  Gere  driving  his  Mercedes
winning  the  championship,  but  the     down  a  very  wet  road, and for the
owner  of  the  team  (a real bitch!)     rest  of the movie (except the end!),
somehow  messed  it  up  (that what I     he  looks back on what has been going
think  anyway....),  and  now  in the     on  with  his  former  wife,  and his
second  part...   well  of course she     affair     with    some    red-haired
plays  a  part  here  too!  but check     journalist, and what can I say, watch
this movie out for yourself!              this movie with your girl-friend, not
                                          with  the  guys!  This is a very good
movie, but a more romantic movie, and     and  what  a  HERO  he is!  he can do
very messy movie with all the jumping     anything   from  riding  a  horse  to
around in time.                           flying   a  VTOL/STOL  aircraft  (the
                                          Harrier!)...   what  can  I say...  I
* * 
* * * 
                  LIKE THIS MOVIE!  and like any 'James
                                          Bond'  type  movie,  there  has to be
TRUE LIES   (Arnold!)                     babes,  and YES!  Arnold meets a VERY
                                          attractive  girl  of  course, and his
 Yes!  this is the kind of movie I've     wife  look  great too (with her cloth
been  waiting  for, (and I can see on     off!),  so  this  movie ha it all!  2
the  charts  the alot of you liked it     hours  of  action and jokes, GO WATCH
too!), if you haven't seen it yet, go     IT!                                  
see  it  now!   and  go see it in the
cinema.   Arnold  is a happily maried                   
* * * * *

man,  with a VERY exciting job.  This
is  a real JAMES BOND type movie, and      The movies Major League II, and
if  the new James Bond movie is going     Intersection was sponsored by VideoMan
to   be  a  success,  it  has  to  be
something  like  this.   Through  the     Top quality movies!
movie,   Arnold   get   all  kind  of
exciting  mission as a FBI agent, and
meets  a  lot  of nice people (NOT!),


   NO.   MOVIE                                                  VOTES   LAST


    1.      SPEED                                              12.20%

    2.      ACE VENTURA                                         8.81%

    3.      TRUE LIES                                           8.47%

    4.      THE FLINTSTONES                                     6.44%

    5.      DEMOLITIAN MAN                                      6.10%

    6.      THE CROW                                            5.76%
    7.      BEVERLY HILLS COP III                               3.38%
    8.      JURASSIC PARK                                       2.71%
    9.      WAYNES WORLD II                                     2.37%
            4 WEDDINGS & A FUNERAL                              2.37%
            ABSOLUM 2021                                        2.37%
            NAKED GUN 33 1/3                                    2.37%
            SCHINDLERS LIST                                     2.37%
            THE FUGITIVE                                        2.37%


Previews  - Hard'n'soft...
Hi! freaks!

 Well, this part  is  for all the guys    MAC program! well back to the feel and
who keep expanding their Amiga, and we    power of the program, ofcourse when it
will bring some software reviews too!     comes to the power of WW, it lacks the
 This month I was hoping to  bring you    experience  that  comes  with  dealing
a test of the CYBERSTORM 040 card, but    with big firms! too bad the program is
it seems  like  they're  taking  their    as expensive as it is!
time! so next month! maybe....             This is a very powerful wordprocessor
                                          and the only thing that keeps  me from
 A little bit of software review then:    buying it is the price! (ofcourse!)...
                                          not that the price is to high when you
WordWorth 3.                              look at what you get, and if  I  had a
                                          company that could use it, it would be
 After being used to working with Word    alright! but I only use it for school-
Perfect 5.0, this is a nice change! of    work... conclution: A real great tool,
course WP 6 is  a lot better, but what    but it seems like Digita forgets  it's
should you expect when there are 10 of    the Amiga they're working on!
1000s paying users of WP. This program
is the most professional I  have tried     'A game/tool worth using, is worth
on the Amiga! and running it in DBLPAL      buying!'    sometimes....
Hires no flicker, makes it look like a


Finally a movieguide with 16.000 titels, as soon as I got it, I installed
it, I was totally estatic, but only to be let down, the installer had deleted
all my files in RAM. 
But I went on (had them on disc also hehe), and saw a nice layout, and a lot of
possibilities, I ofcourse, started looking for my favourit actors, but only to
find, that I had quite a few movies that wasn't in the movieguide.
I ofcourse started seeking on titels and found the movies, it had not found
these movies because of typing errors by the people behind the movieguide. This
was not the only time I had those problems, actually quite a few times.
Well just to look a bit objective on it, it's a good guide, with quite a lot of
titels and plots for movies, even some series are included.

I would have rated it (4/5), was it not for the many typing errors and because
of the lack of some essential movies


July 1994

MADE BY:          


The Party '94

TP 94, no TP 94, TP 94, ..


 Hm... Thinking back, I must have been    What can have caused this? I search my
too much  in  the  sun that week, what    god-like brain for an answer! but it's
other excuse is there!! or maybe I had    nowhere to be found... strange... this
been half asleep, no way I  could have    has never happen before! (or after for
agreed on doing this Mag otherwise..      that matter!)... for a brief nano-sec.
anyway, what  is  it that has happened    I panick! but NO!! this can't be!!
every august, for the last 3 years?!       Well... better  do  something!  can't
 Oh! yes.... the mortals have recieved    have another 100.000 text files thrown
the invitations for the greatest event    around with rumors! (like the AMIGA IS
in   the  Amiga's! history,  not  just    DEAD boom!)  and  as  far as my memory
'another' party..  NO!!  THE PARTY!...    goes, there should be another 7 of THE
 The main event in  every mortal AMIGA    PARTY before IBM and INTL bombs the HQ
owners life!!...  but  where  are  the    of AMIGA to put and end to this !only!
intros and stuff!?!?                      real computer! hm... no way I had that
  From my vantage point, high  in  the    much sun that day! well...  better  go
sky,  I  can see all the mortal freaks    and have a chat with one of the freaks
panicking,  running around with terror    behind this party...
striken faces and without a purpose...    what's his name... oh yeah! Dux...
 First  some  background  information:    the  other  years there will be Amiga,
In  the  weekend  13.-14.  Aug.  there    PC, and C64 sections!
was a main-organizer meeting.  All the     Another  rumor  about the 'EXPO' with
information  in  this article are from    the danish hardware deals in TP3, that
this meeting.                             they  took  half  the entrance fee was
                                          just  a  rumor!   and  plans have been
 First  of all, there is going to be a    made  to  include  a similar 'EXPO' in
THE  PARTY  4, the reason this meeting    TP4,   but   this   time   the   party
was  called  is  that  there have been    organizers  will arrange this to avoid
some  financial  problems  (tax, etc),    problems.
and   people  always  expects  a  big,     A   major   attraction  will  be  the
better  thing!   The rumors about some    competitions,  which  like  any  other
of  the  organizer  not willing to put    COMPUTER   PARTY  will  be  the  usual
time into another TP were just rumors!    DEMO-compo  for  Amiga,  PC,  C64, the
 So  where will TP4 be held?  well, at    music competition, the graphics compo,
the  momemt of this interview, nothing    etc.  BUT something new in TP4 will be
had  been  decided, but the organizers    the  'WILD!'  competition,  where  the
are   negotiating   with  several  big    rules are simple:  create something on
places!                                   your   machine!   wether  a  PC,  C64,
 Like the other TPs, TP4 will be a big    Amiga,  CRAY-1,  etc...   IMPRESS  the
arrangement  with invitations for ALL,    audiens!    this   looks   to   be   a
not a smaller closed party!  also like    competition  between the GIANTS of the
business,  and  I  for  one is looking    question:   Who  are  the groups being
forward   to   some  MAJOR  impressive    TP4?   well  to  be  precise no groups
animated ray-tracings!                    will  be  mentioned!   this is a party
 Well, back to the where and when!  to    held  by  some  Computer  freaks!  not
make  this party even bigger than last    some BIG-BUSINESS-GROUPS!
year,  the  organizers have decided to     And  a piece of info:  like last year
end  the  party  a  day later, so this    there  are planed a LASER-DISC room in
years  WHEN  is  answered  by:  27-30.    TP4!  8)
December.   This  should also ease the
pressure  on the last day with all the     Well  that's  it, and that's that!  I
compo's  and  maybe  even do something    am  absolutly crazy about this!  I can
about    the    much-yelled-at   music    hardly  wait!   so  be  there!   or be
competition.                              SQUARE!   more  info  coming up!  stay
 A  little  note  to the PC/C64 people    tuned on this channel!
who  might  have  been a little pissed
after  last  year, I can tell you that                   Json
the  organizers from the AMIGA section
(the  real Main-organizers) will be in
control  of  the  PC/C64 sections too!
so  no  problems  with  the organizers
being   connected   with  some  PC/C64
group!   and  that  brings  up another

                                          PD  boards),  TelNet (Not available at

Getting onto the InterNet 
                PD  baords,  an account a a university

                or  access  providing  company needed)
                                          and FTP (available to some PD baords),

 What is the InterNet...
                beside  from these there is many other
                                          resources  like  WWW, WAIS, Finger and
The  InterNet  is a worldwide computer    BitNet available through the network.
network  stretching  as  far  as  from
Russia  to  South Africa.  It has over    
 What is the 'main' resources...

20  million users and over 700000 host
sites available.
                          Ok,   the  main  resources  is  Email,
                                          UseNet, TelNet and FTP

   Is  just  another  'stupid'  mail
network (like FidoNet)... 
 What is EMail... 

No  it  is  not, many people will have    EMail  is  like  private mail, you use
encountered the mail parts of InterNet    the editor at the host system at which
on  PD boards offering access to them,    you  have  an  account  or  your point
but  the InterNet is so much more than    software  (if  its a PD board you have
just  mail,  the  net  consists of the    access  through), to write the message
following things:  EMail (available at    to the intended reciever, VERY similar
many  PD boards), UseNet (also on many    to   NetMail  on  FidoNet  except  the
adresses, but more about that later on    playing   the  much  heard  about  MUD
:).                                       games,  but  we'll deal with the MUD's
                                          later  on.  Finally, it should be said

 What is UseNet...
                    that   nearly  all  systems  reachable
                                          through  TelNet is naturally protected
UseNet  is  a  gigantic  collection of    like they would be off the net.
newsgroups   warying   from   computer
related   topics   to   fan  areas  of    
 What is FTP... 

Metallica,  in short this is also like
the  FidoNet  conferences except there    FTP  or  File Transfer Protocol is the
is  quite  a  bit  more conferences at    thing  you  use to transfer files from
UseNet.                                   remote  hosts.   FTP  is  usable  in 2
                                          ways,  the  first (and the easist, and

 What is TelNet...
                    most  quick way) is if you have direct
                                          InterNet  access meaning that you just
TelNet  is  the terminal access of the    have to enter the host name to be able
InterNet   network,  meaning  that  it    to    browse   the   hosts   archives,
functions  as  if  your local terminal    naturally there is always some sort of
(be  it  at a university or your amiga    security so you wont be able to access
through  a  dialup)  had  been  to the    companies     top-secret    automobile
remote  host  whose  adress  you  have    designs.   The  other way of using FTP
entered,  it is through this people is    is  by  EMail, this, however, requires
that there is a host somewhere at hand    the  cursor  keys, and you are also in
that can provide you with the service,    that  case limited to text, but if you
in  short,  you  write  a  letter to a    have  a terminal (in some situations a
specific  address  giving  of  the FTP    ISDN line is enough), you will in many
site name which you want to access and    cases  be  able  to  recieve  graphics
then   giving   variable  commands  to    also.
catalog   and   get   files  from  the
archieve,  not  as  nice as the direct    

                                          A  gopher  is  actually just a program

 Sounds good, is there more...
        that  uses  menues  for  the  user  to
                                          choose  the  program to run or file to
Yes,  there  is  quite  a  bit more to    view,   quite  simple  and  very  user
InterNet than that.                       friendly,  is  also in some cases used
                                          with FTP to spare the user of the mess

                                  having  to deal with the different FTP
                                          commands   (with  a  gopered  FTP  you
WWW  or  World  Wide Web (Mosaic) is a    choose  the  subdirectory  or file and
hyper-text  based  system  that allows    press return to enter the directory or
users  to  point  and  click their way    view the file).
through  the network, if you are using
a  dial-up you (naturally) have to use

                                just  one to play the game at the same
                                          time,  making it possible for users to
The  talk  program  is  a  program for    go on adventures together, and to have
chatting   from   host  to  host,  you    a 'meaningfull' talks about the latest
activate  the  talk  program and enter    slaying.
the  users  whom you want to chat with
address,  seconds later a message will
appear at his console telling him that
you  want  to get in contact with him,    Thats  it  for  now,  the next article
and  a  chat  can then be established.    about the InterNet will be in the next
Note  that  this  requires  that  both    issue  of  Hydra,  will feature how to
machines   have   the   talk  software    get   onto   the   InterNet,   who  is
installed.                                providing  access,  and there is still
                                          another  couple  of resurces available

                                that  have  to  be discussed, a bit of
                                          the more technical stuff is also going
MUD  or  Multiuser  Dungeon  system is    to be there.
available at many sites via TelNet, in
short   is  an  adventure  game  in  a
specified  time-line (good old Merlin,                        

or  a  big  bad  cyborg), the trick is
that  the  MUD  allows more users than

Local Vote section...

                           The plans for this section are that we'll cover
                          as many countries as possible, but to reach that

                          goal we need i.e. a german SysOp/trader to
                          manage the german section, because it's impossible
                          for us to do all this work, and nobody is more into
                          the german modem scene than a german! so are you
                          interested in managing the charts for your country?!
                          then give me a call, or contact one of the people
                          involved in this magazine.

                           This month we have selected to include, not only the
                          danish votes, but also the swedish votes. The reason
                          for including the swedish votes is the massive support
                          on Sandman's board! WAY TO GO!

                           Plans are made to change the Voting door, so that it
                          is easier to change the vote-sheet! so in the future
                          we might change the sheet from month to month to make
                          it a lot more interesting!

Votes  - Local...



   NO.   BOARD NAME            GROUP            SYSOP          POINTS   LAST


    1.   METAL CONNEXTION      DELIGHT          WOZZY           15.7%    (-)

    2.   BODY COUNT            VD/FLT & KRL     DEVILSTAR       12.2%    (-)
         NONSTOP UP'N'DOWN     2OOO AD          ENERGY          12.2%    (-)

    4.   MERCYFUL FATE         PRODIGY          METAL FORCE      9.8%    (-)

    5.   PLASTIC PASSION       CRYSTAL          TARZAN           8.8%    (-)

    6.   STATIC CHAOS          KINGDOM          JSON             8.3%    (-)

    7.   THE LARCH             REBELS           YOBBO            7.4%    (-)
    8.   SUSPERIA              VANITY           ZANY             5.9%    (-)
    9.   SKY TOWER             PRESTIGE         ENZO             4.9%    (-)
   10.   THE JUDGE                              HOTBIER          2.9%    (-)
   11.   MEGABYTE              OUTLAWS          NASHUA           2.5%    (-)



   NO.   SYSOP                 BOARD              GROUP        POINTS   LAST


    1.   DEVILSTAR             BODY COUNT         VD/FLT        13.6%    (-)

    2.   WOZZY                 METAL CONNEXTION   DELIGHT       10.1%    (-)

    3.   JSON                  STATIC CHAOS       KINGDOM        9.6%    (-)

    4.   ZANY                  SUSPERIA           VANITY         8.6%    (-)

    5.   ENZO                  SKY TOWER          PRESTIGE       8.1%    (-)

    6.   METAL FORCE           MERCYFUL FATE      PRODIGY        7.1%    (-)



   NO.   TRADER                      GROUP                     POINTS   LAST


    1.   NEIL                        FAIRLIGHT                  18.5%    (-)

    2.   THE FREAK                   PRESTIGE                   13.4%    (-)

    3.   CAESAR                                                 11.8%    (-)

    4.   MARC                        SKID ROW                   10.1%    (-)

    5.   NSL/MR.HYDE                 HLM & KRL                   9.2%    (-)


Votes  - Local...



   NO.   BOARD NAME            GROUP            SYSOP          POINTS   LAST


    1.   SANCTUARY             FAIRLIGHT        SANDMAN         20.6%    (-)

    2.   ASYLUM                TRSI/DUPLO       JUAN            19.0%    (-)

    3.   PET SEMETARY          HOODLUM          KID CURRY        9.1%    (-)

    4.   UNICORN BBS                            GUARDIAN         7.4%    (-)

    5.   PROPHETS HOLD                                           5.8%    (-)

    6.   TOTAL ECLIPSE         COMAX/DUPLO      ZCANDALER        5.0%    (-)

    7.   TRANCENTRAL           FAIRLIGHT        REBEL            4.1%    (-)
         WEST BBS                               THE BARON        4.1%    (-)
     9.  CRIME ZONE            TRIAD            BLADE            2.8%    (-)
         INTERCHANGE           INSANE           PRINCIP          2.8%    (-)
         TARGET TRADING        THE VIKINGS      ZEPHYR           2.8%    (-)
         TRANCELAND            SINERAVE         ANGEST           2.8%    (-)



   NO.   SYSOP                 BOARD              GROUP        POINTS   LAST


    1.   SANDMAN               SANCTUARY          FAIRLIGHT     24.2%    (-)

    2.   JUAN                  ASYLUM             TRSI/DUPLO    12.1%    (-)

    3.   ZCANDALER             TOTAL ECLIPSE      COMAX/DUPLO    6.5%    (-)

    4.   GUARDIAN              UNICORN BBS                       4.7%    (-)
         DEXTER                TOTAL DISASTER     COMAKIDS/AFL   4.7%    (-)
         KID CURRY                                               4.7%    (-)



   NO.   TRADER                      GROUP                     POINTS   LAST


    1.   M/\GMA                      IFFTIC                     17.5%    (-)

    2.   JUAN&HARPOON                                           11.1%    (-)

    3.   YOGI                        IFFTIC                     11.1%    (-)

    4.   CRUEGER                     SKID ROW                    9.5%    (-)

    5.   HIJACKER                    CLASSIC                     7.9%    (-)


Board Adds...
                          -!- kICKING aRSE iN ¹994 -!-
                           ___________ ___________
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            |      l_______l___l___|:  |___l_______l________j      |
            |                      l___j                           |
            |                                                      _
            | [yEKO, dEATURE, wARDANCER, bOZO/rEBELS, nSL/mR.hYDE] |
            _                 [hYDRA vOTESITE & hQ]                |
            |        [+45 864 395 14]  ^^  [+45 864 185 02]        |
                        REBELS AMIGA WHQ
                _________  _________ _ ________
 SYSOP : YOBBO  \_    | _\\\_    |  \ \\_      \   RUNNING ON A2000/030/82
                 |.   |_    |.   !   \  |.  \___\         AT 25 MHZ
  COSYSOP'S :    |    __\___|         \ |   __\___
                 |    |     \    :     \|   |     \       SUPPORT'S
  BOZO           |    |    -o\   |    -o\   |    -o\  _     AMIGA
  [-GHANDY-]   _ |    !      /   |      /   !      ///        &       /\
  WEIRD DREAM   \\\_________/\___|_____/\_________///__     SNES.    (OO)
                                 ^                                    \/
R      ____________________  ________  _________ __________ _
E      \_    | _\\\_       \ \_      \ \_       \\\_    |  \\\      /\
B       |.   |     |.   !   \ |. ----<_ |.   \___\ |.   !   \      (OO)
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W      \\\_________/\___|_____/\___|____/\_________/\___|_____/[rLf]    \/
H                       ^          ^                    ^
Q                RINGDOWN NUMBER: +45 98 19 14 54  = 28k8 V.FAST
                  HST USERS CALL: +45 98 19 17 06  =  16k8 DUAL

       .|       .               |.   aMiGa 3OOO · uSr 16.8 dS · 6OO MEGs Hd
       :|      .::___:_         |:.
     _::|____ ::/·   | _________|::____  tRiStAR & rEd sECtoR dANiSh HQ
   _/·   ___/__/     |/·    /·  \:/   ¬\
 __\_______   ¬\_    /    _/     Y      \__     sTAFF: eNZO/tRS¡
 \___     /    __    \     ____  :  ______/       bOROM¡R/tRS¡
   \___________/_____|\_____/ \_   _/ mANDRAKE/vANITY - tHE fREAK/pREST¡GE
      __|___________________  /·   |_____________     _________
      \____     ___/·  ___ ¬\/     |   ¬\·   ___/_____\____   ¬\_
    ___/·     \/ ¬\_   \ /   \_   /¯\    \_  ___)  ¬\_· __/    _/___
    \___          __ _  Y    ___   .     __  \      __  \_      ___/
     ·:\_____    ./__________/_____|    ./__________/____|      ./:·
     ·::|                       |::·
       :|                       |:·    2 NoDeS RiNGDoWn! · +45-74-833-886

cALL dIZ!               _   _  ______________  __.
                       / \ / \/  ____   ____ \/  |    NUP NEEDED!!
 AMiGa                /   Y  \\  __)/  \\/ | \\  |__
 PC                 _/  \   / \\_(. \_  \\_.  \\_(. \_
 ConSoLe            \    \ /  / /|   /  / /|  / /|   /
 CaRds               \____Y    /____/____/_|___/____/
     ___                  :___/M\
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                              +45  74 43 59 49     DeLIgHt ScAN HQ.
                              rINGDOWN nUMBER      DUpLO   EuROpA HQ.
                                                   FaNAtiC DiSt. SiTeS
                                                   FoCuS DeSiGn DiSt. SiTeS
    hARDWARE: - aMIGA 4000  -  68040 25mHZ - 8 mB rAM - 500 mB hD sPACE
              - 3 nODEZ rINGDOWN - 3 uSR dUAL & hST - aMIEXPRESS

     sTAFF: wOZZY & vIOLATOR   -   bLACKEYE & mARC / sKID rOW


Advertising in HYDRA


 So! this is where the SysOps, groups,     BUT!! I would prefer if you upload  2
and business-men in the scene can  get    Mb at the HYDRA Hq instead!! for every
their adds spread to  all parts of the    5$ of ADDS you want!! this has to be 2
world!                                    Mb of AMIGA ELITE 0-1 day!
 To make sure this Mag doesn't end  up     If you, as a SysOp, don't call around
with 100 pages of ADDS,  you will have    you can always sent  a  CoSys and make
to 'pay' for having a ADD in this Mag!    sure he drop off the ADD! and leaves a
 Some of you might say: He's trying to    msg to the SysOp
make money on us!! but NO! I just want
to cover the BILL  I  get from calling    (how to call Hydra Hq... next page!)
around collecting votes, logs, etc...

 So here's the deal:               1 page BBS ADD   :  5$ (25 D.Kr.)
(1 page = 22x80 chars)             ½ page BUSINESS  :  5$ (25 D.Kr.)
                                   ½ page GROUP ADD :  5$ (25 D.Kr.)
                                         Other ADDS :  Contact me!

                         cONTACT tHE hYDRA sTAFF aT:

     O ----------o-------------------------o----------oo--------------- O
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