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----Welcome, all, to my world.    A world of bitmaps and copperlists, blitters and bytes.        And music.                         Lots of music.       Well, seven pieces anyway.       Composed in 1990 by the incredible, irreduceable irreversable but never irrelevant or uninteresting    Bill Hensel     The man with the golden soundtracker.  And I also did the coding and the graphics.               This is     >>>>>---DEEP FRY THE SKY---<<<<<    , a collection of sexy and generally gorgeous music.    Not tunes.     I don't like that word.  So, what shall we talk about, boys and girls?           17-Bit, we could talk about 17-Bit... well, perhaps not.       Everybody knows about 17-Bit anyway. About how lovely they all are, as people, you know ?    And sexy, very sexy.        As people, as human beings of course.      We could talk about     (please make the sign of the cross)      ATARI ST s            Actually, I recently found out what ATARI ST stands for...     Absolutely Terrible And Really Incredibly Shite Toys         HA!      I'd rather own an Oric 1.                                  We could talk about        SEX, DRUGS AND ROCK'n'ROLL               But no, that's no fun is it.                  We could talk about WHY YOU'RE STILL READING THIS SHIT INSTEAD OF LISTENING TO MY BLOODY MUSIC                     Ooh look, there's a rainbow. They're quite pretty, aren't they, rainbows.            We could, if the worst comes to the worst, discuss scrolltexts.      I think it has.       This particular scrolltext is OVERSCAN with a HARDWARE SCROLL of 1 PIXEL and Speed  Control       God, this is boring.             What about algorithms.    I've always liked that word.   Algorithms. Say it now, go on, you know you want to.      AL  GOR RITHM S    Sounds like a breed of earthworm, doesn't it...            You shake my nerves and you rattle my brains.           Too much lovin' drives a man insane.                    You broke my will...        But what a thrill       GOODNESS, GRACIOUS, ALGORITHMIC PARAMETERS.            Perhaps not.                     Anyway, enough shite for one day.    I'll do the greetings now.             Warm, hearty slaps on the back and general regards, cherry bakewells etc. to the following :          The Digital Wizzzard and the whole of THE WEB INC.   --- Hi guys (and girls?).            Steve, who probably won't read this and used to be called THE ALF, but god knows what it is now....             Kris     --- Good luck with your A-Levels.                 Duncan and Stewart who DEFINATELY won't read this because they CAN'T READ!!!!      All the guys from OverToad, who will read this only when Basingstoke freezes over.           Mr Whippy for the ice cream.               Earl Grey for the tea.     Korg for the DS8.                Commodore for the Amiga and for such good after-sales service (HA!)            Bruce Hornsby And The Range for being so BLOODY GOOD.      The sky for being so blue.   The sun for shining so bright.   And all the little animals.                      You CAN Deep Fry The Sky.      If you want to, you CAN Sprinkle Pepper On The Stars             you CAN Chew The Moon           You CAN connect a video to your monitor by plugging it in to the CVBS port at the back and pressing the CVBS button on the front and you CAN then watch a damn fine TV.       And you MUST connect your Amiga to a Hi-Fi.                   This text is now ended, have a nice night, drink and be merry and kill Stock, Aitken AND Waterman.     And don't choke on the deep fried sky.                                                                                                                                                                                    

----Cigar Smoke----         A mellow tune by Bill Hensel, 1990.                Part of the Deep Fry The Sky disk for 17 Bit Software.                           Nothing heavy.                                Relax.                                                 Shut your eyes.                          Actually, you better open them again otherwise you won't be able to read this, will you...                           Ooze.                             The text repeats, but listen to the music.        The music never dies!                                                         

This is the third time I've written this scrolltext. For some unknown reason, the bloody computer kept crashing. It was rather annoying, actually.        Anyway, this song is ---Deep Water---     Rather mellow, don't you think?          Anyway, like wow, concept, man, anyone got any doobies we can spark?         Here I sit, with my foot in a bowl of something that smells like a Chinese swamp, typing scrolltext on my grubby keyboard (does your keyboard get all mucky and horrible...?) and what happens?      What, I ask you, happens?           Which particular events can have been said to have taken place at this juncture in the space-time fabric of this universe, which we can be said to have been inhabiting up to this exact moment in that self-same space-time fabric?                                     Hang, on a minute, I've got it written down here somewhere.                   Damn.                 Oh well, it wasn't very interesting anyway.          Look, I'm going to type 'dc.b 0' in a minute, so just lie back and listen to the music (if it hasn't already finished and started again...)                                                                        

Welcome to ----DENSITY----   (C) Bill Hensel, 1990.      Dramatic stuff, eh?              I really like this song...         It's about six minutes long, and has a really gorgeous piano sample in it.    Please listen to the end of the song.               Well, matey, you really should have an amplifier and speakers attached for this one. It's not fair to have the amazing noises that the Amiga can produce wobbling through that tiny little TV speaker...the Stereo monitor isn't, and even so, the speakers are small.                              Pump up the volume.                           Do you like my starfield?  Shame it repeats, but I couldn't be bothered to do a random one.   Don't really notice it anyway unless someone points it out to you, and I'm certainly not going to do that...                                                Shit.                                        Listen, babe, listen.                                     Shut your eyes and feel the power !                                      

This is       ----Deep Fry The Sky----                  (c) Bill Hensel, 1990.                                                 The title track from the disk-album of the same name.   With added crunchy bits.                  Scroll it on down, baby...                             The bell-like sound is actually a sample from my piano which didn't come out very well. Strange, innit...            The thing about writing scrolltexts  is you can never think of anything to say.............So how about a joke or two?                            --- A man's business had collapsed, his house had been taken away by those nice mortgage people and he only had 5 pounds to his name. Reading through a newspaper he'd found in a bin on Waterloo station, he saw   BUY AN ISLAND FOR ONLY FIVE POUNDS. ACCOMODATION, FOOD AND 1000 POUNDS A MONTH FREE FOR LIFE. YOUR ONLY COMMITTMENT WILL BE TO FEED THE ANIMAL ON THE OTHER ISLAND ONCE A MONTH. APPLY IN PERSON TO --------  'Right', he thought. 'I'm having some of that', and off he went to the address. So, anyway, this bloke's on the island and he's having a great time. A month passes, and it's time to feed the animal. 'What shall I feed it?', he thought. 'I know - a bunch of bananas, that'll do'. Picking up a bunch of bananas, he set off in his little rowing boat to the other island, about a mile off-shore. When he got there, he put the bananas down by a conveniently placed bush, and is just turning to go when he hears a loud rustling sound. He is, to put it bluntly, scared shitless, and leaps back in his boat and rows home as fast as he can...For a month he has nightmares about the horrendous creature waiting to pounce on him in the bush. Then, the fateful day arrives. He has to feed the animal again. Slowly, he rows over to the island. Cautiously, he puts the bananas down.      Then                A BLOODY GREAT GORILLA LEAPS OUT AT HIM!!!                 Screaming loudly, he leaps into the water and swims as fast as he can, hotly pursued by the gorilla. Reaching his home island, he scrambles onto the shore and a chase ensues. The gorilla chases him round and round the island up trees, over hill, over dale, through hedges backwards, through rivers, up mountains, until, finally.....his back is to a wall. The gorilla advances slowly, panting hard and beating it's chest in a tarzanesque fashion.      'This is it', thinks the man. 'I'm going to die'.     The gorilla reaches out a long hairy arm.                  It taps him on the shoulder.                             'IT!', it shouts!.                           I must thank Jeff for that little comedy gem.              Look, I'm really sorry.     I didn't write it...        Anyway, I'm going to bugger off now and leave you alone for a bit.                   So there.                                                                    

---Rock 'n' Roll Blues---            Yeah.    (C) Bill 'Wild Man King Of The Blues' Hensel, 1990.       I thought the Amiga needed a good rock'n'roll song. With a piano and some trills and lots of rolly bits. So here it is.        Oh dear, I think I feel a 'dc.b 0' coming on....                                       

Prepare for ---- Total Frog Syndrome (Revenge Of The Toad Men) ----   Funky, baby.  Funky.           Strut your groove.          Dig the garden.                      Great balls of fire!                       Anyway, what shall I put in THIS scrolltext?            What about some info about this little ditty, then...         No, I don't think so, just listen to the damn thing.                   This is part of the ---Deep Fry The Sky--- disk-album, a new concept in music disks. Well, actually, it's not a new concept at all, but I just thought I'd say it.               So, that's the end of the text --- listen to the music, enjoy,  come on over baby, whole lotta shakin' goin' on.                                                                                     

----WitchDoctor----      Which doctor?       Who?   Doctor who?             DOCTOR WHO????!?!?!          Oh my god, it's a dalek.           Synth sounds captured from my DS8.             Now, just to enthrall you, the text is going to repeat, so you might as well just listen to the music.