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Welcom sceners to a new issue 
of CAS! In this issue we will
have a special hackerinterview
(He wants to remain his anonymous
 of course). I am also proud to
say that the mag is now multitask-
ing and that more improvements are 
to come. If you have something to
say about this Magazine just write
me a line:
or if this adress is down, 
dont hesitate to write to another 

Icing 99 will be the release for
this 2nd mag of CAS, so see you
all at Icing 99!


Interview with Spoon/Nerve Axis Smaugur/NLS........

Hello Spoon! 
it's time for some 
wonderful questions.

Smaugur: First tell me how you 
         became an Amiga musican.

Spoon: Well, 
       me and Jam got our hands on 
some  sound proggy, I think it was 
Sound FX or something like that 
and then sometime later found 
Soundtracker and there was no 
turning back :) that was back 
in 1988.  We had already before 
we got the amiga started to fiddle 
around with some music programs on 
the 64  allthough we didn't finish 
anything.So we kinda started look-
ing around for music progs as soon 
as we got the Amiga.

S: What kind of music 
   are you doing?

Spoon: Dance music, mostly deep 
       jazzy house these days 
though we have done almost 
every kind of dance music 
through the years.

S: What equipment  are you using 
   when you are producing tunes?

Spoon: We use an old  Microdeal
       sampler on the Amiga and 
we sample a bit on the  pc as well 
(great editors on it :)).   In the 
past we have sampled directly from
a Korg Poly800,Roland JX sumthing,
Yamaha DX7  and some other synths, 
we  mainly sample  sounds from CDs 
now though (lazy bastards)

S: And what do you eat for 

Spoon: What kinda question is 
I'm not gonna answer that :)

S: Have you made any covers?

Spoon: Not many no  but we've made 
       I think about 5-6 or so (my 
memory fails me haha)  Even though 
we would  classify them as remixes 
not covers.

S: Can you listen to every kind of 
   music  or do you disslike  some  
musicstyles?, If that is the case, 
tell me then which styles you cant
listen to and why?

Spoon: I can listen to almost 
       anything  more or less
allthough I find most country 
to be extremely boring and I avoid 
it at all costs.  
Also death/black metal is not my

S: Tell me where you get your 
   inspiration from  when you 
compose a song?

Spoon: Spur of the moment things 
       :) Depends on the mood Im 

S: What selfmade tune are 
   you most proud of?

Spoon: Climax, we've never spent 
       as much time  producing a 
tune as much as this one and 3rd 
world  is a tune we are proud of 
because  it was quite  difficult 
to finish properly.

S: Which parties have you 

Spoon: I attended ASM in '94 and 
       Jam went to SIH'95 where 
we got 3rd place in the music 
compo with Climax :)

S: Are you/your group planning any 
   realese you want to tell 
   the readers about?

Spoon: Yes, Nerve Axis is doing 
       another demo :)

S: Do you have any final words 

Spoon: Contrary to rumours that 
       have been spreading, Jam 
has not quit  the scene  and Im 
not going solo!


Interview with Chip/Powerline Browallia/NLS.......

B: How would you like to introduce 
   yourself using pure letters? 

Chip: I'm a twenty year old coder,
      wasting all my spare time 
from work on my amiga ;P naah, 
I try to keep  a small life 
too :)  When I work I write 
code for  steenkin' peecees,
but I have to make a living too.

B: Any strategy for comming prods
   from you?

C: Well, well-designed perhaps? :) 
   We have no imminent release due 
to that  damn  thing called 'life' 
interfering all the time,but I try 
to write  (or update)  my routines 
from time to time, and I 
WILL release one or more 
demos, don't worry    :)  

B: Why are  Powerline 
   influenced by political 
messages in some productions?

C: We didn't want to be "just an-
   other demogroup", so we added 
something that others hadn't done 
before,  and that added some extra 
'feeling' to the demo, as we had a 
message to deliver instead of just 
some darn 3d-objects  rotating on 
screen  (even though we have had 
some 3d in the demos  we didn't 
prioritize it, it was just an-
other part of the presentation).  
By adding  a message to  our pro-
ductions  we  tried to make a dif-
ference, and quite  a few people 
seemed to appreciate it  :) 

B: What about your catch phrase 
   -Hardline against Hardline-?

C: I'm not sure who came up with
   that one(probably someone after 
listening to too much RATM :)  but 
its meaning is more that we if 
someone is hard against us, we 
pay 'em back with just as much. 

B: Any favorite color? 

C: Blue is close to hand :)

..Lets go on with some about your 
 comming party called Icing 1999..

B: I was at Icing 95,  and that
   party sure was specially and a
great success, crowded with compos
activities, groups, etc..
What do you expect from Icing 99?

Chip: Hopefully we will get close 
      to that feeling from  1995, 
but  scene  was a different place 
back then,  with much less gamers 
on  parties like this, and having 
so many sceners and few gamers 
added to the feeling a lot.

B: Does Icing differ from other
   Swedis parties? then..  why?

C: Hm, I'm not sure... 
   Maybe it's  because we  still 
have a  good connection with the 
scene? Even though  we get  more 
and more economical each year,at 
least  I try to keep myself  up-
dated and  involved as much as I 
can :) 

Many parties has degraded 
heavily due to that they  
ignore more and more 
the sceners and 
concentrate on 
the  'gamers'.

B: Can you give me one (very
   special)  reason to visit
Icing this year?

C: I'll be there? ;P    No, but 
   it will be a  fun experience, 
I can (almost :) guarantee that. 

B: So, good luck with this party-
   project. Want to add some last
words Chip? 

C: Hm, Nopes, 
   I better get to work now :P 

Interview with 
 Whizzkid / Oops! 
Smaugur / NLS.

Hello Whizzkid! 
Its time to answer some scene 
          smelling questions!

Smaugur: What Amiga equipment do 
         you have?

Whizzkid: I still have my first 
          A500 which I  unfor-
tunately blew up some years ago, 
next there's my old burnt out 
A2000, I recently bought a CDTV 
and on my desk is my A4000/040

S: Now tell me when and how you
   got interested in the  Amiga 

W: I started off as a computer
   addict ever since my dad bought
a 64 computer. I had one for years
and then a friend in school showed
me his a500,  i was hooked, and we
started a small group.  (never did
anything tho, i was still on the 
c64) Then when i was 15 yrs old 
i bought my first amiga, the all-
mighty a500 with a stonking 1 mb 
of memory. 
I started all sorts of weird stuff 
and partial games..  As i got to 
know more people via bbs'ses we 
got a little more active. and the 
members of our groups changed. I 
split the old group,formed another 
group together with prodigy, which 
later became known as Oops!

S: And how did you come up with 
   your special name Oops! ?

W: Well, 
   Prodigy and i where sitting at 
my place,  going through the dic-
tionary,  trying if we could come 
up with a cool name by picking 
words at random.
After doing that for a while, with 
no 'impressive name' found yet, we 
tried to think of another 'catchy' 
name.. and we figured an everyday 
term would be useful.   Oops! 
immediately  jumped to mind..

S: What are you mostly doing when 
   you are sitting in front of 
your Amiga a late night when 
it's raining outside?

W: I havent been using my amiga 
   lately (shame shame) but I 
usually dabbled with Amos. 
(Yes i think amos is cewl, 
even though its slow,   blitz 
wouldnt run on my computer 
anyway, its not about the 
tool thats used for creating..
its the creating that counts!)
I also used Lightwave quite a lot, 
sometimes play games. and whenever 
i can get my hands on a camera 
i'd make weird movies or stop-
motion animations with my digi-
tizer.And i've spend many a sleep-
less night on IRC

S: Tell me which production 
   in the name of Oops! you 
are most proud of.

W: I think that would be Beeps,our 
   chip-tune pack (its the only
thing we actually made a 2nd part 
for! 8P (plug plug.. all our 
releases are available from our 
(its handy if you work for an 
          internet provider 8)

S: Which parties have you attended 
   during your scene years?

W: I attended 
   Somewhere in Holland II 
and I've been to Bizarre '97 
(as part of the amiga-organizers) 
and i could usually be found on 
the  Interexpo  (which isnt a 
scene-related gig, but its 
good fun 8)

S: Why do you like the 
   Little Mermaid-movie so much?

W: I dont know 8) 
   I havent watched it in ages,
but my page gets lots of  hits,
and since i'm hosting it for 
free, why not? 8)

S: How do you want the new Amiga 
   to be like?

W: Well,  it should kick the pc's 
   arse bigtime, and it should be 
cheap enough for me to be able to 
afford it.

S: Are your group planning any 

W: We're not quite sure yet. There 
   has been talk about a coop 
demo-thingy with Maximum but 
i dont have all the details 
on that...  stay tuned 8)

S: Do you have any final words 

W: Yes if there's anyone out there 
   wou can fix my  a4000 for free. 
drop me a line!!!!!

Interview with a Hacker (He wants
                   to be anonymos)
         by Smaugur/NLS

Its a hackattack interview
coming up!

Smaugur: What make you getting so 
         intrested of hacking?

Hacker: It appeared naturally 
        cause my intrest in 
        Unix and sequrity

S: What about the hackerscene 

H: The hackerreflected scene today 
   actually  has  none of the pure 
knowledge  of  what hacking truely 
is, if you then go and speak about 
them they are in age of 30,already
having wife and children.

S: Describe a hacker.

H: When Media today use the term 
   hacker they usally mean a 
cracker (its the one who hacks 
in networks with a destructive 
occupation, while a hacker has a 
burning interest of computers.

S: Considering to your definition
   what is the difference between 
   a  wannabe-hacker and a hacker 
   "for real"?

H: A real hacker  does not speak 
   very loud about his knowledge, 
while a true wannabe wants to be 
seen, and need attention.

S:    Do you think its okey of the 
   hackingmagazine 2600 to collect
   money for  Kevin Mitrick?

H: I think its alright caus of his 
   crime are not so horrible.

S: Do you think Kevin
   is a competent 

H: According to rumours he should
   not be,I dont think he is that 
   legend media wants to describe 
   him as.

S: How is the hackerscene
influenced by Internet?

H: It establish people toghether
   and the knowledges are float-
ing free and the exchange of in-
formation between humans,hacking
is going turning into a new shape,
before it was pack   intermediary
nets (X25) for        example nets
like datapak,            tymnet,
sprintnet (Swe)        and so on
while all hacking  of today usally
     are related to internet.

Swedis parties in years like today
.(a none-FAQ written by Browallia)

Please observe ;)
The term party includes the prefix
copy- or demo- but is named so for
saving some bytes.

   with this article I want to put
some stuff on what I call it - 
the edge. What the heck do I mean
with parties _today_ ?? Well its
hard to put a line between now and
not now, so lets say the last 4-5
years.  This is the time when I
started to be a paying member of
swedis parties. So, why swedis 
then??  Hurmboah! .. small parties
may be the same over the globe, so
comparing  parties  in Sweden with
other countries can be done! sure!

 Of coz swedis parties differ from
each other,and my own structure in
this article is something like diz
*-advertising for a party

advertising for a party
coolest is of coz, when the party-
crew do an inventation.exe and 
thats it! fenito,schluss,Amen! But
for some people that isnt enough, 
they may be scared to death this 
way, or, if its a big party (in 
Sweden  there are no big  parties
nowadays anyway..) you may use a 
fucking homepage, just for knowing
that all kind of folks will come..
..even the bad guys!

I start with when.  Normally it is
over a weekend, a very local party
can be held any weeekend, but most
popular days are around easter,be-
ginning of summer, or generally; 
- time without school - 
What I mean with ultra-mega-bombi-
fetti partyplace is of coz in a 
gymnastic-hall, where the police
is doing razzias and guys left the
hall through  windows with a bunch
of discs around in jeanspockets...
It's popular to arrange parties in 
sporthalls and its oki too as long
as your  priority is partyschedule
before a basketball.. Personally I
like parties held in classrooms
where each group has one room,
writing stuff on black board, and
each group is responsible for each 

low or high?  hmm.. In the absolut
last years I have seen  very  VERY 
Expansive entrances,and only thing
I can say about that is: you wont 
get the best people for this fee-
system guys!
Even,  a to low entranceticket is
under  suspicios. And this can 
fill your mind: "probably a shitty
hall, organisers,compopri$ers, and 
the total quality-feeling..." etc.
But its oki to pay if you decide 
to go there.
Sometimes its free for girls or
foreigners outside Scandinavia, n'
thats oki,  especially foreigners! 
that  sure is an expansive travel!
This is weird too: 
   with computer  X+Y <$ money $>
without computer:   X <$ money $>

   I know some organisers telling
famous groups like "you dont have
to pay the ticket, but if you win 
some money, you'll pay.. 
A  #?-system just so other groups 
pays for being there with them...
It smells commercial here!

Amiga and PC... PC for these users 
(mayority) shall financing a party
amiga - caus the tradition..   and
outsideguys looking at amiga like 
it was an animal from zoo saying 
"oh, cool I thought it was pre-
But where are the rest? the ab-
solute minority?? the other in-
novaters?? For this I think I am
in love with the MS-parties down 
in Europe.
Game-platforms sucks anyway on a 
party, but if you want the whole 
family represantative on a party,
its oki to mix computers with 
The scene seems to move anyway..!
..and nobody is in action for

people create the atmosphere I 
guess. And I think its always fun-
ny to see new friends, groups and 
there banderolls I have notice be-
fore,  and even the old foxes who 
always just are there ;)
Girls on parties are oki, to see a 
girl coding, painting  or whatever 
is nice indeed!
Just between you and me I can tell
you that I hope my girl want to be 
more intrested too, but my success
is beyond a sunny swedis summer!

like movies on bigscreen, suprise-
compos, videorooms or colacompo...
With a full  program you dont have 
any time for asm,gfx,msx or speak-
ing with friends.. Iam looking for
a party  without  an  enviromental 
programlist,concentrated on tradi-
tional compos,  with  deadlines on
the last day! All productions from
nukleus have been fixed at parties
some have been  coded there before 
deadline and some wasnt in time 
coz of deadlines first day.Anyway,
its important to keep the program 
without to many delays.
   At last, how about networking??
hurmaburrah.. and voting thizz way
A nightmare is a correct answer!
..Votediscs or paperlists forever!

Back here again! If a party has $$
- and keep there words about them,
more people will always go there!!
To release for fun, or for get 1st
price saying XXXX $ that sure is a
question!  Our C64-section  won  a
demo-compo one time, and our coder
got some discs, tshirts and so,but 
that is oki if the time was cool!

what will happend with the demo-
limit? Soon its 10 mb, then even 
more,and then the organizors says:
"ok, put it on a CD-rom..."  well,
then you have a wildcompo instead,
or, then you have your shit there! 
Putting traced  anim-sequences ...
..yuack, that sure rules negative!
   And what is the future for gfx-
compo anyway? How many humans are
doing pixle by pixle nowadays?
Before showing gfx-compo, why not 
include the text:"diz naked woman 
was found on Internet, and I did 
some effects with it so you wont 
recognize a shit! It took 4 days
for me to fix this 16.8 million-
color-pic" !?

at last:
every existing party sure is some-
thing to remember, and every party 
has its own profile.
a party for amiga, atari,c64 with-
out too many sponsors (just caz we
dare to fix that)  smaller prices, 
entrance like 150-200 SEK (25-30$)
and not to forget are the  party-
fixers themselfs... Putting nice 
stuff together creates a
paradisio with 
friends in 
                  blaah blaah...


Here comes a party which definitly
seems to be something to remember!

FuCk-Ya - party #2

1999: 5/6 09.oo - 6/6 09oo

-Amiga demo  8MB
-Amiga intro 64k
-Amiga  hand-gfx
-Amiga 24bit-gfx
-Amiga Music 4ch
-Amiga Music multich

-C64 Demo
-C64 Gfx
-C64 Music

-wild, slamtilt-compo etc..
-no PC compos

homepage for updates:

Please dont remind me, that this 
resultlist is late as fuck.
enjoy this delivery anyway.

Amigacompos and C64 demos from:

MEKKA       &       SYMPOSIUM 2K-1

Amiga Demo #######################
01 Mnemonics...............Haujobb
02 When We Ride.......Jamie/Skarla
   On Our Enemie
03 Smoke Bomb................Ozone
04 Vendetta.................Nuance
05 Quest......................Iris
06 AlpenClüb '52.............Depth
07 Jatsi's big......Jazz & Vesuri/
   Jorma                /Da Jormas
08 InUtero.................SkyTech
09 Heureka...........Puryx, Cupid/ 
10 Sympslide..................Iris
11 The Deep Dentro....After Eights

C64 Demo #########################
01 Driss - 1st Demo III......Driss
02 Ecoute Et Voir............Faque
03 Importance?..............Ninja/ 
                       /The Dreams
04 Contact.....................TUM
05 Brak 2....................GFB64
06 In Booze We Trust.....RamJam 64
07 I can't dance.....Woznak/DMagic
08 Screech Single...........Lubber
   Parts Version
09 10 Years Role..............Role
10 Happy Birthday.....Booze Design
11 850-Pichel-.........The CENTRIC
12 Logodemo!..............Ultimate
13 Black Angle..........Visac/Cult
14 Ficken im Zelt Pt. 2....Seminar
15 Eastereggs...........Brainstorm 
16 Runaway..................Draken
17 4K Chorplasma............Draken

Amiga 40K ########################
1 Grid......................Nature
2 Kryptonite.................Depth
3 Qapmoc...............Black Monks
4 2998z......Modem + Dip / Darkage
5 Poem........................Iris
6 40K to little?.............Cybbe
7 Ines.....................Jack C.
8 Face to Face...............Tulou
9 Faith-Tro...Faith in 1999/2000 ×

Amiga 4K #########################
1 Hyper.....Focus Design & Scoopex
2 Das EFX..................Scoopex
3 Profanity......StingRay/Darkside
4 str8.....Cytron/Depth & Ib/Depth
5 TUPA.....................Zymosis

     a selection included 44 names

1. Tuborg       

2. Budweiser. (US)

3. Sol                  
   Norrlands guld       

4. Ringnes              
   Carlsberg Export     

5. Three towns          
   Lapin kulta          

 The three-choice-individual list

1) George Killion
2) Andersson
3) Sol

1) Königpils
2) Tuborg
3) Sol 

1) Budweiser.  (US)
2) Tuborg Grøn.
3) Danskt Juløl

1) Zeunertz
2) Norrlands guld
3) Ringnes

1) Bjornebrygd
2) Pripps Dark Lager
3) Karlsberg Export

Modem 56&6

Pandora (ECS)
Dragonsbreath (msx or game)
        disc or dms 

A1200 030/50/50/ with Fast
- - - - - - -- - - - - - -
Due sending via post,
heavy stuff are clearly
prefered within the 
Swedis lines...

Credits·.....    :
Cows n Snakefights #2

Writer for CaS just
so your eyes move .
faster as the .....
monitorbeam ....... Smaugur

Fixxing Gfx and Msx
toghether in a ....
runable file ......     
called .exe ....... Joru,SoreX          

Paint and draw with
maximum 32 colors .
may visualize ..... 
something ......... Browallia

A Panflute here and 
a bass-drum there .
can speak clear ...
with your ear ..... dIS

In Universe You Will Not
Understand A Thing..
     .. nUKLEUs ..
- thats what's inside -

    ¦        ¦
 - -C-ONTACT-S- -
    ¦_      _¦
     `·_  _·´ 


           .   · .

Hello sceners

Nerve Axis

Swe parties
M&S 2K-1 res
