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Oh... I need memory ! MORE memory !!

          ...the end again...

...or not ?
...sadly yep !

         But first, let's have 
           the creds agaaaaain !

       ...curt cool of depth
       ...raven of nuance
       ...kill'o'byte of nuance

       This issue was
     released at the
      03rd of january 99 !

  just one fucking week after
     The fucking Party 98 !!

                 ...rules !

Wanna take part in one
 of the next issues ?

     So why not sending your
        best chippies to raven...?

          But keep in mind that
they should use vblank-timing !

      nuance in 1999

...we just think we started !

 ...and we will possibly break promisses !

for joining or trading
           matters, just restart
trilobyte and look in the
       text-area for the addys !

no more lyrics...
         over !

trilobyte - chapter twelve
      nuance in 1999

.o0o.  C h a p t e r  12  .o0o.
! StarChip Troopers !

~Sqrk:...cURTCOOL CHIPPIEs 1...
~Sqr2:...cURTCOOL CHIPPIEs 2...
~Sqr3:...cURTCOOL CHIPPIEs 3...
~Sqr4:...cURTCOOL CHIPPIEs 4...
~Icre:...wHO DID WHAt...
~Inew:...nCE NEWS'N INFOs...
~Exit:                                         ...eXIt!
...CurtCool Chippies 1...

~T001:Master Of Mess 1
~T002:Master of Mess 2
~T004:Pas paa sm0lfen!
~T005:prophet of sound
~T006:prophet of sound 2

~Ich0:Curt's Lyrics
~Sack:                                           ...bACk
...CurtCool Chippies 2...

~T007:Unsuspected 1D
~T008:Unsuspected 1E
~T009:Unsuspected 1F
~T010:Unsuspected 1G
~T011:Unsuspected 1H
~T012:Unsuspected 1I
~T013:Unsuspected 1J

~Sack:                                           ...bACk
...CurtCool Chippies 3...

~T014:Unsuspected 1K
~T015:Unsuspected 1L
~T016:Unsuspected 1M
~T017:Unsuspected 1N
~T018:Unsuspected 1O
~T019:Unsuspected 1P


~Sack:                                           ...bACk
...CurtCool Chippies 4...

~T020:Unsuspected 1Q
~T021:Unsuspected 1R
~T022:Unsuspected 1S
~T023:Unsuspected 1T
~T024:Unsuspected 1W
~T025:Unsuspected 1X


~Sack:                                           ...bACk
TRILOBYTE - Chapter 12<
<"! StarChip Troopers !"<
<After a long time of silence, your favourite team
returns with another fine issue of Trilobyte ! This time
we feature some excellent tunes by CurtCool/Depth.<
<As some people told me TheParty98 was pure shit, I
thank JayMiner I was not there ! Well...anyway...I really
hope you enjoy this new issue of Trilobyte..and BTW start
this piece of demoart WITHOUT setpatch ! Thanks !<
<Have phun !<
<                                             click
Hello there guys, and in case you didn't know me already  - and though I dare
say I'm sure that most of the Amiga Scene have seen the Eurochart and the
Depth demos I have composed the music for, I'm not quite sure that everyone
remember my name - so I'd better present myself. I'm Curt Cool/Depth, editor 
at the Eurochart, organizer and musician in DEPTH for 5 years now, maker of
countless chiptunes (no, I didn't start at no. 230 just to impress you ;) as
well as modules of bigger size. I'm 22 years old, been on the scene since
1992, and is just about to become a university student, studying
Danish/Nordic languages at the University of Odense, DK - I sincerely hope
this will not mean that I will have to cut down on my scene activity as I
have always enjoyed hanging around and being part of a production or two,
meeting all the cool guys and all the little lamers... erm... not many of
those left on the Amiga scene I suppose, but then, just throw a paperclip
down some Quaker's pc, I'm sure it's fun. Hmmm, perhaps not... Or?<
<This presentation turned out a bit chaotic - a pretty good picture of my
mind at the moment, because I'm going to move soon, yet I don't know where I
am moving, and due to suddenly moving to a new city. Also due to love,
booze, heat and several other things not to mention here.<
<Best regards to all of the Amiga Scene, especially everyone who have
supported me and the Eurochart over the years, everyone who will do so in
the future and everyone who can honestly say that they enjoy my 
compositions and our work in general. T h a n k s.<
<Curt Cool/Depth<
<                                             click
<Master of Mess 1:<
<Isn't this quite weird? Well, I think it's nice... Anyhow it was finished on
the 22nd of April '98 - and the end sounds a bit Hubbard-ish - c64lovers
will know what I mean. Chiptune no. 261.<
<Master of Mess 2:<
<I really like the harmonies of this one, yet it's a bit too short...
Finished on the 1st of June '98 - Chiptune no. 262.<
<Just a small experiment with some harmonies - very small in fact - take care
of your ears, and danes could read the sample-txt if you bother ripping...
Chiptune no. 256, 23rd of October 1997. Also known as Unsuspected 1V.<
<Pas Paa Sm0lfen:<
<The title means 'Watch Out For the Smurf' - and I think it suits the tune
rather well... Typical Cool-ish insanity at its worst or best, depending o
taste. Originally made for an intro by Presence of which nothing became - so
now you guys can listen to it here. Chiptune no. 256, 29th of September
1997. Also known as Unsuspected 1U.<
<Prophet of Sound:<
<The title means that the tune is meant to sound like the old chiptunes made
by Subject/ex. Balance - now Prophet/Scoopex - did I succeed? Anyhow, I
think it's a rather good tune, enjoy... Chiptune no. 259, 21st of December
1997. Also known as Unsuspected 1Y.<
<Prophet of Sound 2:<
<Another tune in the Subject mould - but mind you, I actually 'borrowed' some
harmonies from an old musician called 'DJ von Munchhausen' as I really fell
for his mod 'The Fearyland' (which is not at all chippy) - but to be frank
with you (and some of you might know that I always am), my conscious is
clear, and I really like this module as well. Chiptune no. 260, 27th of
January 1998. And it also marks the end of the Unsuspected series, which has
been going on since 1995, but now I'm tired of the mess the series are, and
have now started a new series which you'll soon hear some of.<
<                                             click
<Unsuspected 1D:<
<I started a chipserie called 'Unsuspected' after I made 200 chiptunes,
because I intended to stop there, and so no one suspected more chiptunes.
Anyhow, this one is quite disco-ish, featuring dance-drums and all, and was
originally intended for World of Chips by IRIS, which died before it
happened. Chiptune no. 239, 13th of January 1997.<
<Unsuspected 1E:<
<This tune was also released in a local chipcompetition at the FidoNet like
net, SubNet - I remember that Cytron/Depth won that compo, but I don't
remember which position this got... so... It was also intended for WOC, 
look above for explanation... Chiptune no. 240, 21st of January 1997.<
<Unsuspected 1F:<
<Also intended for WOC - and a bit in the same style as 'Pas Paa Sm0lfen' -
guess this is some kind of chip-crazy-ska or whatever - if you don't know
what ska is, it is a fast kind of reggae, represented by bands like Madness
and The Specials. I like this kind of music, and... Yes, it's chiptune no.
241, 10th of February 1997.<
<Unsuspected 1G:<
<Also intended for WOC - and once again in the usual crazy style. Finished
after returning from morning work after a giant boozing trip during the
night... hmmm... Chiptune no. 242, 13th of February 1997.<
<Unsuspected 1H:<
<The last tune for WOC, made very quickly since I wanted to finish 5 tunes for
it - a bit inspirated by The Doors / Kurt Weill 'Whisky Bar' - but you
probably can't hear it anyway... Chiptune no. 243, 21st of February 1997.<
<Unsuspected 1I:<
<A tune almost weird enough to be Cytron-ish... Ah, perhaps not ;)... Anyhow,
3/4 rhythm, kind of messy tune, and not one of my best. Chiptune no. 244,
15th of March 1997.<
<Unsuspected 1J:<
<Really sad chiptune with really pathetic, or really romantic harmonies,
depending on taste. Anyhow, it's Chiptune no. 245, on the 9th of April 1997.<
<                                             click
<Unsuspected 1K:<
<A quite original chiptune I think, what do you think? Perhaps a bit Nao-ish?
Dunno... I kinda like it I must admit... Chiptune no. 246, 12th of April
<Unsuspected 1L:<
<Kinda weird as well, dunno what to say about it - perhaps some of it is
inspired by some old Danish folksong I had on my mind at the time...
Chiptune no. 247, 14th of April 1997.<
<Unsuspected 1M:<
<Woooooow, discochip, perhaps inspired by Azazel's 3rd tune in 'Tint' (though
it's quite hard to hear?). Anyhow, it's an allround happy tune, featuring
all the nice cliches we all like to hear ;). Chiptune no. 248, 23rd of April
<Unsuspected 1N:<
<This is quite slow and relaxed, and some of the lead sounds a bit like the
organsolos by Ray Manzarek on several Doors-records I think... Hmmm, nothing
special though... Chiptune no. 249, 3rd of May 1997 (two days before my 21st
birthday! ;)<
<Unsuspected 1O:<
<Is is possible to make 1 chipsound sound like a waterfall? That's the
association I got when I loaded it this time, anyhow, I think this is a good
module, so listen to it guys&girls! No. 250, 10th of May 1997.<
<Unsuspected 1P:<
<Some of you have probably heard this one before, and perhaps you even wonder
where?! Well, thx.curt won a 1541 bytes THX-competition held by Pink/Abyss,
and when I entered the compo, I just converted this (though it was before
the mod.import function was implemented in THX) and I WON the compo - over
people like Pink, Vim, Oxide - I was quite proud of it really... :) Chiptune
no. 251, 18th of May 1997.<
<                                             click
<Unsuspected 1Q:<
<Quite weird or? Anyhow, it sounds pretty well, so you don't mind, do you?
Chiptune no. 252, 22nd of May 1997.<
<Unsuspected 1R:<
<The latest 10 Unsuspected's should actually have been used in a chippack by
Depth Sweden, but as I haven't heard from the coder, Legionary for half a
year now, they will be released here. This features too little melody, but
is nice anyway I think... No. 253, 25th of May 1997.<
<Unsuspected 1S:<
<Guess there's a few false notes in this one - shit happens when you're half
drunk, but it has some redeeming features as well I suppose... No. 254, 16th
of July 1997.<
<Unsuspected 1T:<
<The intro is highly inspired by Coma/Mantra's modules, but you probably
can't hear - and the melody sounds a bit too much like Unsuspected 1O...
hehe... Shit happens... 10th of August 1997, no. 255 (guess I haven't been
too good at looking at the latest one to find out which number I had
actually reached...  hmmmm...<
<Unsuspected 1W:<
<Very simple, elegant and stylish - ... Chiptune no. 257, 9th of November
<Unsuspected 1X:<
<- ...but this was what it was supposed to sound like. Which is also the
reason why the beginning of 1W and 1X sound (almost) exactly the same.
Chiptune no. 258, somewhere in November 1997.<
<                                             click
...tHE CREDITs...<
<This issues sounds are composed by:<
<CurtCool of Depth<
<The graphics and design is developed by:<
<The original soundtrack was done by our friend:<
<Coding was done as ever by:<
<Compiling and texts as always:<
<                                             click
...nUANCE INFO and NEWs...<
<- Trifox (coder) joined !<<
<Actual Members are:<
<Andy (msx,edit)<
Axon (cdx)<
big-rat (X-Files)<
Bisnoid (ascii)<
Evrimsson (msx)<
Grace (cdx)<
kill'o'byte (cdx)<
MerlinM! (msx)<
Miao (thx-msx)<
Odin (gfx)<
Raven (gfx,ORG)<
Ray (cdx,gfx)<
Sniper (cdx)<
Snow (gfx)<
Sunny (Editress)<
Switch (cdx)<
Trifox (cdx)<
<                                             click
this sucks !
page not found

~Sack:go back !

this sucks !
page not found !