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Oh... I need memory ! MORE memory !!

  Every good thing
            has to end !
         So does this fifth
          issue of trilobyte !!
       ...teacon of planet.jazz
       ...kill'o'byte of nuance
       ...raven of nuance
       This issue was
     released at the
   21st of june 1997 !
      nuance in 1997
   extreme releasing !!
for joining or trading
           matters, just restart
trilobyte and look in the
       text-area for the addys !
brain's empty...
        over !

 TRILOBYTE - Chapter Five
      nuance  in 1997

Chapter 5 - No Desert !

~Sqrk:TeCoN/PlAnEt.JaZz Chippies
~Sqr2:MoRe Of TeCoN's Chippies

~Ichi:...TeCoN's LyRiCs...
~Idoy:...CoNtaCt NUANCE NoW...
~Icre:...wHO dId WhAt...

~Exit:                                  ...EnD PArT!
TeCoN/PlAnEt.JaZz Chippies

~T004:It's a pity!
~T005:Mind a Supreme
~T006:Moi Belle

~Sack:                                           ...bACk


MoRe Of TeCoN's Chippies

~T011:Short - Part 2


~Sack:                                           ...bACk

TRILOBYTE - Chapter 5<
<"No Desert !"<
<You're watching the latest issue of our
hopefully favourite chippack in your
hands and this issue has the name:<
<Why no desert ?<
<Just because we had quite a lot of releases
in the amiga-scene the last weeks and it
seems as we can see a bit more light at
our scene-sky !<
<New groups, more releases AND:<
<This new issue of Trilobyte !!<
<Shortly after Symposium, we were really
surprised about the huge echos to our
releases and we already have chiptunes
for another issue !<
<This chapters superb tunes were done
<And now enjoy the show...<
<                                             click
Hi there everyone!<
<I'm honoured to be the guest composer of this issues TriloByte.<
<Now how did THAT happen?<
<Well Raven asked for some chiptunes in the amigascne-IRC-channel one 
day and it seemed I was the only one reacting.
So I sent him some of the few chippies I've composed through all
these years. They're growing abit old some of'em aswell, see it's been
quite some time since I finished one. Only in beetween other projects these
last weeks I managed to finish some brand new ones, exclusively for this
pack, as Raven thought it would be nice.<
<OKi well, that's how it happened anyway, me having a whole production
dedicated to chipmusic for myself ;) Certainly I must give thankings to
Raven and Kill'O'byte for realizing TriloByte every now and then.
It's truly nice designed and even though "chapter four" was my first in
the serie I surely hope I get to see more of these! Also Okeanos of Syndrome
and Digital deserves being mentioned here for his nice tunes making the last
issue such a good experience. I hope I somehow manage(d) to give you, the
listener, a similar feeling running TriloByte this time too. As for greets
I'd like to say hello to the few I still swap with the old way, to all new
friends gained thru #amigascne and all other lifelong pals. My work is done
<Keep the chipmadness alive!<
<                                             click
Birth -<
I think I started with this on TG94, but my God what a shock it was
listening it when home again! Who haven't been thru that? And so there was
some recomposing and we lived happily ever after.<
<F.D.E -<
Ordered for a Proxima (PC) intro, `Gutgut`, released at the Icing'95.
It was supposed to be timed into the production, and I think it all turned
out quite ok (if you run it with the right config that is =).<
<IRC -<
`I rescued Curt` was done for Norks IRC onesample compo the 27th of april
this very year. The shortness of it can be explained with a not very
successful first attempt, so I had 30 minutes to try again, which should
be enough for every musician, just as 1541 should be :)
Additional info: I was ofcourse disqualified for editing the sample
(routine check, deleting spare size of looped sample, doh!).<
<It's A Pity! -<
Listening Pet Shop Boys' "It's a sin" on the radio I got a sudden urge
to do this one. The original is such a fabulous tune and the g-d#-d notes
in the end of the bassline is just magic. This little remix here ain't
that fabulous, but still's cute don't you think? Heh.<
<Mind A Supreme -<
This is one of my first chips done some ages ago. It's one of my personal
favourites and I'd with no doubt put it on an "Absolute Tecon" compact disk.
There's also two slightly different endings in there to suit your needs :)<
<Moi Belle -<
Sad lovetune, ment for the occasions when you recall the wonderful memories
of your boy-/girlfriend, the moments you had before breaking up.. kinda.
Or when you're crying over that handsome guy/beautiful girl you'll
never get.. kinda. Yes, a sceners lovelife, a tragic affair ;)<
<Olympiade -<
The chords was realised by accident one could say.. not that they're so
very complicated though. Anyhow, now I had that sound which reminded me
of those good old track and field games for C64 and I was curious to see
if I could call the spirits of Daley Thompson.
<                                             click
Pepperkakebakersang -<
I won't even try and translate. It's a coop tune with Optic, we did it
at TG94 when Hoaxers came asking for a tune to use in their
introcontribution. Sitting infront of the big screen watching the
competition finding out they didn't use it afterall made us pissed, more
or less.<
<Pzett -<
I can't think of any special reason for doing this one, except for having
some fun with a few samples, and it being my first tune while in Supreme.
Anyway, for some strange reason a few Contraz seemed to enjoy it :D<
<Short -<
Started for a long time ago as a happyhardcore project actually. Heh, well
I removed some samples and `recomposed` it abit :>
As I said allready, the coolest of the newest I did for this pack together
with `Fanfare`, not that I'm 100 percent satisfied with though. Hope it
brings you joy (should it??).<
<Short Part 2 -<
Originally a part of the same happyhardcore project as `Short`, also
recomposed abit. I guess I could've called it `Underwater` or similar
(to bad both `Underwater` and `Undersea` was allready `taken` ;) just
to point out what I think the sound is like. Consider it a subtitle.
A bonuspart thingy kinda. Also, if you listen carefully, or just listen,
you'll recognize the same chords is used in `F.D.E.`, that's because
this was also a part of that tune before it (FDE) was arranged to fit
`GutGut` :)<
<Ungen -<
Now THIS is a melody line I love.. A converted friend of mine, may his Amiga
RIP., did a pattern with the main melodyline in this and I made a little
remix out of it. This friend of mine is actually THE reason for me being a
musician today, so I guess I owe him. His name used to be Axe, but wasn't
much of a swapper so hardly any of you would know him, however he introduced
me to this pacemaker of mine called Protracker (apart from the fact it was
Soundtracker). BTW: Ungen in other languages would be as follows..
<english: The child<
german:  Das Kind<
french:  L'enfant<
Not sure 'bout the german one though, perhaps the Trilobyte staff could
do something about that ;D (We did ! :)
<                                             click
Don't be shy and contact one of the following
guys for one of the following reasons:<
<<For swapping and much more simply write to...<
<Marco Willemsen
<49828 Neuenhaus
<Or send some eMail to:<
<...Now for some news:<
<HBe (Coder) joined (Welcome mate) and Wusel (Coder) was kicked !<
<                                             click
...ThE CrEdItS...<
<The code was still done by:<
<The gfx are created by:<
<The original soundtrack (not available on CD) was done by:<
<This issues sounds are composed by:<
<                                             click
this sucks !
page not found

~Sack:go back !

this sucks !
page not found !