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2024-09-05 01:10:25
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Ok, this is the end of this scrolltext, if you missed something, it will all be replayed in a few seconds.   Goodbye, and remember:                      Life is hard ...                                                     

    Yo!, call NorthStar's
      BBS in Sweden...
   StarBase: +46 42 112714
 Dragon BBS: +46 42 155708
Both running up to 14400 baud.

To give you a taste of our infinite
wisdom, try some of these keycodes:

4 dl vetemj}l
3 dl socker
2 tsk bakpulver
4 tsk vaniljsocker
2-3 msk kakao
100 g sm}r eller margarin

1 dl vatten
1 dl gr|dde
Blanda och h|ll i pappersformar.
175 grader i ca 20 minuter.

Fiat Lux:
1E-24 seconds is the time for the light
to pass through a proton.
1E-12 seconds is the time for the light
to move 0.03 cm.
0.001 seconds is the time for a lightning
to move from the ground to a cloud.

The first of January in the year of
2000 is a Sunday!
My 28th birthday! - Kaktus

  ` Welcome to the `
Right button to go on ...

 Glue Master: 14400 bauds to paradise ...
Zymox: Zymbox-Zyntbox-Zynthbox?
Odie: Arf-arf-voff-gnurp!
Friday: Mute^101 = 1/Mute^-101
Atom: USA or not USA, that's intact?
Jazze: St-03:distorted-guitar or what?
Niall Mc G.: Yours rainbowfully.

 Sine: 1 Farad, we're talking big!
Exolon: Fairlight rules, majs {t folket!
Celebrandil: Datormagazin e fin ...
Boerni: Pump up the Defjam.
RedHead: Dedicated to Sofia.
Mega: 1000000 ways to play Xenon 2.
Mr.Mac: Kan f}r fan inte kasta lim p{ mej...

 Spexhane: Wanted: Spexhona.
Godbrain: Play it again Sam.
Blackie: Eh?
Ixion: No way to get a name without Triad?
Dmx: I've heard sad things ...
Moppe: Sold some music? That's nice.
Zizyphus: Zzzzzzizyphus.

 Photon: Aren't you the best in Sweden yet?
Eagle: No please, go home!
Richard S.: Still that musicmachine?
Foetus: Swedisc is it!
Panther: Maybe I will send that disk.
Neumann: Smaga disco musig, dookted!
Smirnoff: 276 sampledisks or what?

 Slimer: Have a nice night.
The Unicorn: I AM lazy ...
Wiz: Another joystick missing?
Zike: 3 disks please ...
Ron: We kan acid TOO!
Sal: What about basketball?
Piq: MegaSt}vel.

 Mr.Pinge: Hejhopp. Lever du fortfarande?
Datormagazin: Thank you!
Watchman: Here it is! v2.0
Promax: V3.2 is good. How about hunks?
Chris K: Oktalyzing forever?
Spike: Enjoy the Silents.
Red Sector: Does the colour make any sense?

 Silents: Danish Dynamite!
Defjam: Crackelicrackcrack
AFL: Rippelirippripp
Phoenix: Flaxeliflaxflax
Omega: Muckelimuckmuck ...
Bacchus: Hackelicrunchcrack
Jan Palmer: From my brother ...

 Awcy: Depeche Mode is it!
Nicklas L: U r in the army soon ... good luck!
Maria H: Happy birthday!
Mogwai: Remote-controlled fireworks!
Link: Bit f}r bit |r skit.
Grums: Burned your sub? Enjoy the silence!
Landereth: Half human, half Danish?

 Bogge: Sp|nn av..
Raistlin: Thanks for your nice calls!
DeltaX: Wanted: DeltaY?
Fortress: Nice postcards.
The Crux: Sooon...
Anna H: Mahoney-fr|ken?
Aris: A letter is on its way!!

@@@ Jessica L. @@@

Analys av ett hallon ...
Ett hallon inneh{ller f}ljande:
Myrsyra - Fr|tande
\ttiksyra - Fr|tande

Metanol - Giftig
Etylalkohol - H|lsoskadlig
2Butylalkohol - H|lsoskadlig
Isobutylalkohol - H|lsoskadlig
Bensylalkohol - H|lsoskadlig
m.fl.    (Det blir v|rre ...)

 Aldehyder, Ketoner:
Acetaldehyd - H|lsoskadlig
Aceton - H|lsoskadlig
Akrolein - Giftig
Isobutyraldehyd - H|lsoskadlig
m.fl.  Se upp med hallonsaften!!!
V{r saft-ware |r h|lsobefr|mjande!!!

  ` Welcome to the `
Right button to go on ...

 Love is found in unexpected places....
It is there in the quiet moment
when we first discover
a beautiful thing...
when we watch a bird
soar high against
a pale blue sky...

 Sn|lla du g}r det igen,
jag vill inget hellre nu.
Kanske vi aldrig ses mer sen,
jag och min leksaksgnu.

 Love is a special way of feeling....
It is the safe way we feel
when we sit on our mother's
lap with her arms around us
tight and close.

 Welcome to Noisetracker v2.0 programmed by Mahoney & Kaktus August 1989 - February 1990 ...          Functions included:   Full Midi-options, sampler, PLST-editor, fast-replay, diskspace, key-repeat, PLST-screen, drum-editor, fastmem and 1Mb chipmem fully used, new commands, print-routines, song-record, short-cuts, colours and infinite joy!!!           ÆE Well, hello friends ...  This is Mahoney tapping on a boring Wednesday the 4th of April 1990.    What's happening in the world right now?    I see a lot of îew groups popping up everywhere, those groups happy to soon release their first megademo.    Forget it!   Megademos are just crap!    A megademo shows only that the group is out of inspiration and has to do 5 ugly demos instead of one good.   And most new megademos are made by one, maximum two persons, newly beginning to understand how to use this machine.    Go home!   We don't want your crap.   Do something different, not those bloody disks filled up with shit!           Happy now?         As you may know, we (M&K) started programming Amiga less than two years ago.    By the release of NorthStar's Megademo 3 late summer 1988, most people got to know us.   Those days megademos were attractive, most of the time showing something new and incredible.    Later on we made the "Sounds of Gnome" music-disk.  We worked half a man-year on that disk.  It took me four (4) months to code everything, and about a month of composing for all the three of us, Mahoney, Kaktus and one of our best friends, Glue Master.       Many people have written to us asking for music-disk 3, 4, 5, megademo 4, demos, Noisetrackers and whatever else we might have done.   We haven't done anything at all, except coding this Noisetracker.        We will not do anything for anybody else.  We do what we want to do, most of the time nothing, and nobody is going to tell us what we are going to do.      Both Kaktus and I are now the leading force behind NorthStar, once upon a time a very productive group, but now things have changed.     Instead of just producing boring demos, we've all started to do other things, f.ex. we've done this Noisetracker, our friends Atom and Jazze (who made a lot on megademo 1-3) are producing a new game and Omega (made the loader of megademo 3 and the coding of our former magazine Exceller 8) is totally dissecting the shitty rom.      Then we've got Odie, Zymox and the Germ, together they are doing an adventure with a marvellous hardware-loader and they have recently started the coding of a new music-disk.    Glue Master, who has done some title-music to this Noisetracker, is working on a shoot'em-up-game, not very serious though, but so what?     Foetus, once the father of this group, has started a company, Swedisc, in Helsingborg. Mainly to produce advertising for other companies, as an example Scandinavian Ferry Lines, who got a nice little common gull, flying across the screen, all coded and drawn by Crab.         Sine is making an assembler named McAsm.           Together we form a group where we all can do what we want to, nobody has to do a shitty demo just to keep up our reputation as one of the most active groups in Sweden.      Understand that?    We're not dead just because we haven't released anything for about 6 months.                   By the way, here's the phone-number to two of our BBS in Sweden ...  (Right button to continue.)       §D     ÆE And now, let's go for our happy hellos to most of our friends ...       §A ÆC So, that's it!       ÆD  If you want something to do, type "KEYCODES" on your keyboard ...           If you don't want to do that (or if you can't spell it right!), just keep on reading ...         On Friday, I, Kaktus, Glue Master and Exolon are going to G}teborg, to a party!    We're also going to Liseberg, a big amusement park with a big arcade-hall.    That's real nice ...          What else?        We would also like to thank the following persons for their music on the Amiga:       Oberheim, Dr. Awesome, Karsten Obarski, SCS/Red Sector, Titan, Godbrain, Zymox, Odie, Jazze, Martin Galway, Chris Huelsbeck, Chris Korte and last but not least Jesper Kyd, member of the Silents (Hi there!).        Other musicians we would like to thank:      The Art of Noise, Pet Shop Boys, Depeche Mode, Yazoo, Erasure, Camoflage, Paul Young, Paul Hardcastle, Harold Feltermeyer, Jan Hammer, Vangelis and Ratata ...            As you might know, both this demo and the Noisetracker are dedicated to the Art of Noise for all their wonderful music.      You should really get something from them ...                    ÆD And now to the serious part of this scroll, the poetry-section ...     §B ÆC So, that was the poetry-section.    If you think that was a bit silly, then you're not a happy man whatsoever.                          ÆA@                       ÆD  This is boring, isn't it?         This font was drawn by me, so if you're going to borrow it, you better make sure that I won't see the result ...    0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]     abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}         The last three letters are Swedish, and very important!!!   Otherwise, I would not have the possibility to write this:          Socialdemokrater |r det v|rsta jag vet, Ingvar Carlsson |r en j|ttemes ...    Ni kan ta er f}rbannade momsh}jning och stoppa upp n{gonstans ...                 Nope, this isn't interesting, so why not stop at once?                                 §C