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File size:
1 796 bytes (1.75K)
File date:
2011-02-10 23:04:08
Download count:
all-time: 293


  *netw$ork       \                    ^presents this dem#o called...         *                 aldri i bergen!    \                    &    a special greet to full force for letting us spend the night in their houses!!      the greetings go to:       abakus, active, actors, alien m#arauders, alive, alphaflight, altair, arcane, avoid, brainstorm#, cartel, celtic, clones, com#plex, crusaders, crypt, cryptoburners, cult, cycron, digitech, direct, doom#, dope, dual crew$, elite, exodus, flash prod. , fraxion, full force, ice, illusion, im#pact inc. , im#p 666, kom#tur, m#egastyle, m#odesty, m#ystix, no lim#its, northstar, nova, oracle, paradox, pow$erlords, prologic, pussy, rebels, red sector, scoopex, scorpions, silents, subw$ay, supplex, team# x, tetragon, the cram#ps, the giants, trium#ph, vision factory, , w$hitesnake, w$izzcat and zoolook.           note: this is only m#ine (alf) and jokers greetz. i have not got blades greetz here..            this sm#all dem#o w$as coded by felix.  the cool m#usic w$as m#ade by sphinx and the font w$as draw$n by agro.      the rest of the gfx w$as m#ade by felix.        just a note about w$hat is going on behind this scroller.    i have not draw$n several pictures, i have just draw$n one single picture (in 2 bitplanes).      som#e m#essys from# alf to...    rastlin of northstar:  i have lost your address!!!        please w$rite back to m#e!!    battletech:   nice to party w$ith you.     sw$einstein of cult: thanx for checking m#y burnt m#achine!!    ram#bo (tec) of crb:  m#ake a new$ (and better) filled vectordem#o as you told m#e!!       this dem#o w$as released at the cryptoburners, full force and contex party in bergen, but i w$ill not bore you w$ith any party reports. i w$ill just end this shit...