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10 899 bytes (10.64K)
File date:
2024-09-05 01:10:24
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all-time: 0


            Produced  By

              ïð ñò óô
              õö ÷ø ùú

         Copyright MCMXCIII

  Code by


                           Music by

                SOUND AESTESIS

  GFX by


          The memberlist of
              NGC AMIGA

    BLACKBIRD                Code
    CYBORG                   Code
    FIXION                   Code
    LIONEL                   Code
    VIPER                    Code

    CRISIS                    Gfx
    HST                       Gfx
    SUNRAF                    Gfx
    YOLAN                     Gfx
    XULAX                     Gfx
    ZALTOR                    Gfx

    BADSNAIL                Music
    MUSHIES                 Music
    SOUND AESTESIS          Music

    MATRIX             Swap & Gfx


     If you wanna contact N.G.C
           then write to :

         31 rue des plantes
            44100 NANTES

            or write to :

                BP 1
           33028 BORDEAUX


 Ok now let's go for

                 MATRIX's greetings :

Greetings fly to in no order :


    Be  careful,  I  will make a
pack  very soon.  Yours are very
great.  I love Titan's gfx.

                   ^ BigM/HEMOROIDS ^

             One   of   my   favorite
     swappers.   He  married,  had  a
     little  pretty  girl.   Hard job
     but  still  cool.  Your pack are
     mad !!

^ Photos/EREMATION ^

        Send  some  of your gfx,
some  told  me that some of them
were really nice.

                  ^ Kopara/MAD ELKS ^

             I'm  waiting  4  another
     productions    from   you.    My
     favourite Poland's crew.

^ Napoleon/Independant ^

        You   are  hesitating  4
which crew.  Go with VODKA.

             ^ Reverse/MELON DEZIGN ^

             Last time, VODKA told me
     that  you left DIGITAL for MELON
     DEZIGN ???  But strangely you're
     now  a  coder...   Where  is the
     mistake ???


        Don't  be  so impatient,
the   slide  will  be  available
soon.   Read the End to for more
info about the next productions.

              ^ Skywise/Independant ^

             Alors  vieux,  je  ne te
     manque pas trop ???

^ Coronal/ex-ANALOG ^

        Ca y est, c'est fini, tu
quittes la scene.  Dommage...

                     ^ Emerson/TRSI ^

             Les   affaires  marchent
     bien  ??   Alors  tu  vois,  une
     seconde demo !

^ Goofy/IRIS ^

        Not  so  hard  the army.
Don't  stop to make your amazing
graphics.  Write me sometimes.

    ^ StreetShaman/ITALIAN BAD BOYS ^

             Hey  man, Slaine told me
     that  you were really a cool man
     so please answer me.

^ Joker/THE SILENTS ? ^

        Are  you  still alive ??
I  have  tried  to  contact  you
again  but  I never recieved any

                    ^ Kaoz/INTERPOL ^

             You see, it's our second
     demo.   I  can  depend on you to
     spread it.


        Hey, je sais que tu n'es
pas  le plus rapide swapper dans
le  monde  mais essaye de sortir
ton   mag   et  ecris  moi  plus

                     ^ Cash/MENTASM ^

             You   will  surely  make
     another trip to THE PARTY ?  You
     told  me that you would write to
     me again after THE PARTY II.

^ Zuhl/THE END ^

        I have no answer since a
long time send me a message.

                     ^ Sinister/??? ^

             Sorry  I  can't remember
     your  crew and I have stopped my
     activities 4 a time but now it's
     ok.  Contact me back please.

^ Shad/HYPNOS ^

        Hey   I've  sent  you  a
marvellous   laser  reproduction
and  I've never had another news
from you ?

                      ^ Elf/Intense ^

             Sorry guy, I will try to
     answer you soon.

^ Dylance/HEADWAY ^

        No  production  from you
since  a long time.  Send me the

                    ^ Geist/INTENSE ^

             Your  last gfx aren't so
     bad.   I'm  waiting for the next

^ Eldorado/EREMATION ^

        Hey are you dead ?  .  I
have   lost   your  new  adress.
Contact me again please.

                     ^ Dark/NOXIOUS ^

             KAOZ had say that I will
     got  an  answer from you but ...
     I'm waiting.


        Please  send  me  a disk
plenty  of your gfx.  They're so
fantastic.  Very good job.

             ^ Hardfire/Independant ^

             Sorry  4  my  delays.  I
     will try to do better.

^ Mogul/CARTEL ^

        I will contact you soon.

                  ^ Apeman/REGALITY ^

             Will  you  release other
     productions soon ?


        Hope  to  have some good
sendings together.

                         ^ XIII/CDS ^

             Sorry  4  the article, I
     will send it soon.  It's will be
     4 the next issue.

^ Gryzor/Independant ^

        BigM    give   me   your
adress, I will contact you soon.
Your Pro-Wizard is very useful.

                  ^ Jibe/TRANCE INC ^

              I will contact you soon.

^ Splatterhead/BLACK JACK ^

        I  hope  to have a great
swapping with you .

 Ok  that's all, now prepare for

     And  now ladies and gentlemen
    ..Sound  Aestesis..  takes the
    keyboard   for   your  greater

            I  want  to  say first
    that  the  samples used in the
    module  you're  hearing at the
    moment were taken from a great
    module    from    Audiomonster
    called     Hard    Feelings...
    Sorry...   all the musics were
    composed  with  the protracker
    and    are   played   with   a
    noisetracker normalreplay...
    Thanks to their creators.

       Some  hellos  fly to :

^ Chrylian ^

 Good  work,  I  like your music
style    (since   Organix,   HS,
etc...)    contact   me   please
(Matrix will give you my adress)

                          ^ SUSPECT ^

       Je   ne    sais   pas   encore
     comment  je   viendrai   l'annee
     prochaine mais  attendez vous au
     pire   (j'ai  essaye   le  porte
     jartelles  mais ca  me va pas du
     tout   et   j'ai  pas  envie  de
     m'epiler  )  . Encore bravo pour
     votre party C'etait tres cool.

^ JAZZ ^

    Great x-perience !

^ Demoniacs ^

  J'espere  vous   voir  l'annee
prochaine    et   bon    service
militaire les gars...

                      ^ Brainwasher ^

       OUTLAW  est  vraiment  un  mag
     sympa  mais c'est pas une raison
     pour  ecrire  tous  les  3  mois
     (t'as  vu  je  fais  encore  des
     rimes vive la poesie!  (hehe...)

^ Trident ^

  Ben t'es ou ?   Ecris un jour .

                          ^ Gandbox ^

       Je  t'oublie pas rassure toi .
     Nice chip tunes .

^ NAM ^

  Petit a  petit  l'oiseau  fait
son   nid ...   Envoie  moi  tes
nouvelles prods un jour.

                      ^ Mushies/NGC ^

       On se le fait  ce sound disk ?


  DRRRIIINNNG!!!. . . . .  On se
reveille!  MUSH  et moi on s'est
pas fait  chier a  te  faire une
musique pour rien  .  Ca fait un
mois que  t'aurais du  sortir la
versoin  finale  et  ca  fait un
mois  que  t'as  pas donne signe
de  vie.  Well  that's  all  for
today...SEE YOU LATER!.

  Hello,  le  jour  ou on fera sauter
tf1 avec les flacons, les mussards et
autres  Micro  vide  et eau, ha..  ca
sera  une  bonne  action,  hein?  Moi
j'dis  ca,  je repete jusque ce qu'on
dit..   C'est bien NGC, hein?  Y l'ai
fort ze coder, hein?  AABRGWRAAH!  je
vais etre coupe grkbzzzpouet

     I  prepare  another demo  for
  december     and    perhaps    a
  Sound-Disk but I don't know when
  it  will be released.  My hellos
  to  SUSPECT  :   Hey I'm waiting
  next  year  for your cool Coding
  Party, I will present you my C64
  competition    (   See   for   a
  C64coding    dual   Fred   )   ;
  Demoniacs  :  Good luck for your
  disk collection , and contact me
  if  you  have   any  problem  of
  codes ; Gadget of ???  ( I don't
  know )  :   Remember me, Contact

     DeMo'S ThEcHnIcAl ReFeReNcE

  |                               |
  |  Object depacked  :    760 k  |
  |  Object code      :     27 k  |
  |  First Music      :    110 k  |
  |  Second Music     :     64 k  |
  |  Graphics         :    210 k  |
  `. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

        FeW WoRds On ThE CoDe        

-6 Balls in one vbl , nice but
classic (No comment) .


       -Mapping 16384 points in 2 vbl
       ( Optimized , yet ; Now 22500 
       in 2 vbl ) .


-8192 Points  scrolling in one
vbl ( Hard  to read , but very
funny ) .


       -Zoom ,  rotation , distorsion
       on Zigo-fractals in 16 colors,
       all 26880 points calculed in 3
       vbl .

          NeXt  PrOdUcTiOnS :

    ( Which can be lauch when they
    finished ) .


        TFMX-TRACKER ; Utility
          (CoDeR  BLACKBIRD)


            RYOKO ; Slide
            (CoDeR LIONEL)


        Satanic Dreams ; Dentro
            (CoDeR VIPER)


          AnD ThE GhOst DeMo :

         First Crime ; Dentro .
        (CoDeR I think VIPER ? )


           LET'S GET NGC ...

             END OF TEXT ;
             END OF DEMO !