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Marion Leather

Freak of NFA is back with...
»»» B O D Y S H O P   6 a   A G A «««

Why version 6a?  Well BS6 was stolen before I had chance to send
it to anybody, and so I've called this 6a to avoid any confusion
that may arise, usually me confusing myself actually...         
Thanks to Elf/NFA for acting as a supply man on this one, and to
Deck the Ripper/NFA for the cool music used this time round.    
The pics on here are all in 256 colour Hires/Laced format, and
are in my favourite N-Krypted format, my apologies to the guys
who had honourable  intentions for these pics, but some people
were not content with leaving things  as they are, and decided
to create their own slideshow, naughty boys...                
The pics on this slideshow cannot be loaded into anything other
than BoDYSHoP 6a, non-N-Krypted versions will be available at
a later date, but only when BS6a has been around long enough
to works it's way into the PD circuit.
Can you find the hidden routine ? Is there one ???
Contact NFA at:                                   
P.O.Box 323    
Campbell Street
LE1 5XP        
We are seeking a UK BBS to fly the NFA banner, write to
Deck the Ripper at this addy if yours is available...
For completely *LEGAL* titles, write to our new, improved
official distributor, CPPD at the following addy:
3 Dunedin Crescent
Burton upon Trent
DE15 0EJ
All NFA Releases go straight to CPPD - Get them FAST !
NFA are looking for the following:
Need:                                      Spec:
UK BBS Site             Will Support EVERYTHING!
Coders                    Anythng but AmigaBASIC
Artists                          Original Styles
Musicians                 For Intros/Demos/Games
Swappers                   In the 50-100+ league
Pack Makers                For Demos/Utils/Games
What's life REALLY like in the freezer ?
Do Eskimos have Weather Forecasts?
What does the Bush Tucker Man have for Sunday Lunch?
What makes RSA-II standard so bloody good anyway?

Why the stupid questions?

Why not get on with the slideshow eh?
And now...                                       ...a poem !
Kathy Beale
Had a meal
While her bloke
Was at the wheel
The copper saw
It in her jaw
As she knelt
Upon the floor
                                                   ...cont ->
So off to court
The pair of them went
But she lost her case
Cos the copper was bent

So the lesson to learn
When you're suckin a tool
The man from the Sun
is no f*ck*n' fool
                                             by Gaspipe Prod.
Why do computer magazines only review stuff sent to them by
PD-Houses?  Surely if someone sends them a release telling them
where it can be found they might consider reviewing it?
Oh BOY! Amiga Format actually reviewed a BoDYSHoP disk, even a
bloody Swedish PD house (Softler Software, Box 242, S-124 02,
Bandhagen) can manage that and it takes ages to get there...
PD is an essential part of the Amiga's life, look how many
Coders/Gfxers/Musicians have come from the PD world into
the Commercial world, Mags should actively promote PD!
Stuff used in the produkkshun of BoDYSHoP 6a...
A pair of extremely SMART A1200s
A couple of so-so PCs that were around
Somebody's modem
Cloanto Personal Paint 2.1 (demo version ;-)
 Pro 2.0 by Europress S/Ware
ZGIF v0.4 by Michael Zucchi
Les Sunglasses de Mr.Video/iNDi
A Lump of Blu-Tac (Don't Ask!)
A Pair of Tweasers (!)
NFA are currently undergoing a re-structuring which may
take some time, the deadwood has been removed and the
remaining members are shuffled and sorted, and new tasks
being appointed to help run things more smoothly
During this time replys from some of the members, especially
the 'hi-ups' may take a while to materialise, as they will
be snowed under with work within the group itself.
To all those people I promised disk-list programs to: They will
be done, it's all a matter of time, sit patiently !
And so we come to the final pic,  I saved this one for last
because it's the most artistic (In my opinion), it has the best
range of colours and - almost - the best subject matter.
That's it then!  Watch out for BoDYSHoP 7 in the not-too-distant
future, it'll contain more of the same no doubt, I think I'll
throw in a few extra 'stars' on it as well, my best to you all...

»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» Freak of NFA ««««««««««««««««««««««
31st January 1994

      Hehaaayyyyy !!! Hi Kids !...   You found the hidden part to this little slideshow, a nice little infinite bobs demo with a kewl bitto muzak and a nice scrolly to all my friends and contacts.   First off I want to say a big thanks to Elf/NFA for kicking my butt into gear with regards to getting another BoDYSHoP out, it was just the start I needed (Mind you, with the lovely Claudia Schiffer pic he sent me, how the hell could I refuse?).         (Almost) Full Greets and Messages List ---->         Deck the Ripper/NFA:   Work must start on the re-structuring soon, I'm honoured that you chose me for a senior!     Elf/NFA:   Many thanks for the pictures dude, I've found a good enough supplier now but anything you can pass my way will be greatfully accepted!     Firebird/NFA:   Welcome Home George, we missed you...     Mattias "Mate" Johansson:   Diskar Kommer Snart! (My Swedish sucks no?)     Jockeeeee/er, um... Left your job so you play with your pooter eh?  Now THAT's what I call style...     Mr.Video/iNDi:   We ought to spend more time together (oo-er!), look what happens when we do eh?     Lamaman/ex-Amiga owner:   Sorry to lose you to the P.C. my good friend...     To everybody else who wrote to me after seeing a BoDY disk (Hi Dean/T.F.Y/James/James and the rest!)... HELLO WORLD !!!     To Flash (and Dad):   I forgot to get in touch again, I shall rectify this awesome boo-boo shortly, did Fla$h like the "Vacuum Cleaner" :-)        To Copex/Gaspipe:   Nice to hear that the Dutchess is back in one piece, don't you think "Keemo" is a bit cruel though?        Phil'94:   Sorry for the delay, AGAPD is so thin on the ground that I have to produce my own to satisfy you (fnaar!)...     Chris Price/CPPD:   Seems I hear nothing but praise about you!  Nice to see a PD house that puts the people first, even better that it's our official distributor!  All the best...        Jokerman/Mimik UK...   Tarragon/NFA...   Smiler...   Cab0ch0n...   Madman/Dengue...   Dillinger/P.I.C...   TWW/???...   Gunslinger...   Jedi & Axe of Eclipse...   Mac-X...   Lister...   The Bradder Fan...   and anybody else I "cancelled" with, I am still at the same address as before because I didn't move after all, my apologies to you all for not getting back to you, but time is money so to speak!  Write either to the same addy (In Grimsby) or to the P.O.Box with a jiffy of your latest and we'll resume the swapping!        That's all for this scrolly, hope you like the groovy effect above, I personally can sit and watch it for hours! (but then I wrote it) I'm always on the lookout for new effects to try in AMOS, if you've done any or want some advice on AMOS, DOS, AGA etc, then drop me a line at the P.O.Box and I'll do my damndest to help you out:        Scrolltext loops (he says!)...