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File size:
2 239 bytes (2.19K)
File date:
2018-08-31 11:53:38
Download count:
all-time: 200


  Muffbusters presents : Funtro   the true sequel for NOP and the second part in our Save the Scene series.     Credits :  JAR - code , JEVA - Gfx , ANDY - Rendering , JESTER - Music      If you like this product please consider contacting us : Muffbusters WHQ - Pecs   P.O. Box 58 7617   Hungary      And now some words on this zoomroutine : it is 192 pixel wide and 230 pixel high ( more than 11000 pixels ) running on 50 frames per second. Did you like it ?    And now sum information on Muffbusters boardz : As our WHQ , AGA Inn will change number soon, for the new number please call Muffbusters Ghq - The Hole +49-7681-6306 .     And now our hellos and messages are coming :  Crash and Mincer of Complex ( Thanks guys for the charset, hope to talk you soon !), Randy of Comax ( World of Manga rulez ! Hope to chat with ya soon ! ) , Ronny of 2000AD ( Leech is the best ! ) , Templeton of Radiance ( Hope you call soon !) , Liberator of Movement ( Thanks for liking my music ) , Grey of Cryptoburners ( woww, nice to hear from you ! ) , Kiwi of Digital Implosion ( Did you called Felix ? Hope you join us soon...) , Pride of Lemon.( where is the promised chiptune disk, man ? ) , Metal Cracker of Temple of Light ( Mano, espero verte en febrero o marzo. Punto del Este rulez ! ) , Giant and Myxin of Paradox , Bezzerk of Skid Row , Andy of Motion , all in Dreamdealers ( Dreamlands is the best in France ) , all in Grotesticle , all in Black Legend Software , Kopara of Mad Elks , Phantom of Applause ( Thing rulez ! Hope I will send sum articles soon ) , Easy Rider and Sokrates of Mystic , Jarri of Union , DJ Tofke , all in Creator , all in Absolute! , Nexus 6 ( Hope you will return to the scene soon ) , Absurd , Boomby and McMaster , Brazil and Stilla of Republic , The GURU team , all in Amnesty , Lord of Vision , Frank Einstein and a lot of friends I forgot to mention ...         By the way , Muffbusters is in permanent search for new members to set up new divisions worldwide. Please consider sending us samples of your work to Muffbusters WHQ .    OK , thanks for looking at this production, hope to see you soon on Sidmania 2 ! Gyu of Muffbusters is signing off and text restarts.......