File Archive

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File size:
1 627 bytes (1.59K)
File date:
2011-11-20 23:02:59
Download count:
all-time: 321


            ....Hello Dudes!!!! This small intro was coded by *SABBATH* & *VOYAGER(Recall)* And released just after the Magnetic Fields Revenge Party October 27th!!   This intro was supposed to have been released at the party but due to HI lager consumption it never got released...   Special greetz from SABBATH go to * CONQUEROR * JESTER * ADS * RASTAN * JASON(ENERGY)  THE SARGE * PORTA * SAURON * TED * POLO * PORSCHE * HULMERIST * J.DROKK * BANGER * EZY * BIG AL * HAVOK * NIGHTSHADE * CLARKY * DEL * TIGGER * KID VIDEO * SPEEDBIRD * MR.T * PEPE * PHANTASY!!      Other hello's from SABBATH to .. - CASCADE - SKID ROW - REBELS - MAGNETIC FIELDS - ANARCHY - SUPPLEX - LEGEND - IPEC ELITE - ECSTASY - SUBWAY - RECALL - SCIENCE 451 - TMB/SCOOPEX!!! AND THAT'S ALL!!   .... Here's PEPE from *RECALL* ....Just wanna say hi to *Protocol/Scoopex* - *Hawk, Axeman, Maniac/Phantasy* - *Supplex* - *Dreadnought* - *Skynight* - *Dagger*         ....WOW! Here`s VOYAGER to say a quick hello to * The Pride/Flash Production * Rob/Network * Trax/Pirahnas * Saigon/Savage * Spellcaster/Rebels * Angela from New Zealand!!! * Sophia from Sweden * OH! and thanx to THE HULMERIST for the HARDWARE REF !!!! ......  YO SPEEDBIRD hope you get the JOB !!!   ....Sabbath back! O.K. If you can get originals why not call me at +44 (0)744 810742/Jason!!! Please no lame swappers, Unless you're cool and you wanna talk!    For all the people who's asked, my OUT-RUN game will get finished!!    LOOK OUT FOR MY DEMO REVIEWS IN *STOLEN DATA*!!!!!        One last thing for all the lamers.. MIRACLE IS NOT DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!