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5 035 bytes (4.92K)
File date:
2024-09-05 01:10:23
Download count:
all-time: 4


this is the megascroller from afl...     i give the keyboard over to selim now     greetings to the following crews     vision factory     scoopex     the magic arts     abandom     cyborgs     exceptions     web inc.     system z     tristar     accumulators     ƒparanoimia     it     defjam ccs spreadpoint     quartex     black monks     doctor mabuse orgasm crackings 1998     hurricane     fairlight     oracle holland     and all the other friends in the scene ....       and now here's maximillian at the k'board writing some silly words !!!   i hope you like this little piece of code...     i've done it in about 2 hours...    i must send my personal greetings to some friends and cool guyz     doctor mabuse of afl (hello eric - i hope we make a coder conference i essen or duesseldorf again !!!)     chris of vision factory (really cool codes !!!) - unknown of d.o.c (what's up with you - we wait for a new d.o.c demo - where's it ???)     and now some megalightnings from max to     tristar - vf - ufo - defjam ccs spreadpoint - complex - scoopex - all others alpha flighters - black monks and sensor (cool kickstart and kicksaver - can you creat an utility that fixes the fastram at a selectable configuration ???)...    oh - i forgot mat of hurricane - hallo du kleiner dicker du - du lebst ja nun mit deinen laeppischen 100 bobs ziemlich hinter dem mond !  ich weiss ja dass du 3 planes fuer deine baelle genommen hast und dass scoopex bei den 180 bobs nur 2 planes verwendete. deshalb ist der rekord aber trotzdem 135 oder 136 bobs in einem frame (die 135 sind von setrox (135 bubble bobbles - shame on those ball animators) - also hau rein du lst essensrest. hey nimm mir bloss meinen ton nicht uebel aber du hast auf der vision factory party wo wir uns gesehen haben ziemlich auf die kacke gehauen.  ich bitte dich um einen tip und die labberst mich bloed an. du kannst mit losern so reden aber nicht mit uns von afl. ich habe mich ziemlich ueber deine source-codes gefreut - ich habe dann allerdings feststellen muessen dass alles was du so programmierst auch nicht viel besser ist als meins (juhu ich code besser als mat haehaehae).     ich habe deshalb meine eigene bobroutine entwickelt - diese routine ist noch nicht ganz fertiggestellt aber ich blitte bereits 35 doc-balls (dass ist gleichzusetzen mit ca.115-120 16 x 16 objekten in 3planes - lame weg die 7 !!!) ich wuensche dir noch alles gute und viel spass mit deiner unheimlichen ausserirdischen intelligenz !!!!     eeehhmmm !!  my brain is empty now - i've written so many scrollers - brrrr - i hate scrolltextwriting !!!          text restarts      

  hello guyz in front of your screen - do you hate these micro-scrollers ???   don't you think that 4 of a kind could satisfy you more ???   ok you answered with - no - !!! here you get the most enlarged scroller ever seen on the amiga !!!     that's really true -  razor coded such a megascroller once too but it was not that high as my - afl did it again...   we're soon reaching the 200th compacted disk - show me any other group that created a compacted disk series of that kind !   i will say there is none - competition was none - competition is none - competition will be none !!!    there will soon be many cracks from alpha flight - just hunt for them...   dr.detroit and me will now slow down our activities for the group - nevertheless we will make a new demo or little intro for alpha flight sometimes...   spaceship 'afl three' is now near to neptun and his satelittes - please fasten your seatbelts and stop smoking...   we welcome the first crackers spreaders coders gfx-artists and musicians on neptun - and our spreader selim will provide you with the newest stuff via hyper-modem with 4915200 baud - and you can call him on the top-secret nasa-line. 'space-spreader-selim' or shorter 'spaceselim' will be there for you - and if he's not personally online then one of his 100 secretaries will do the work for you (and sure for him too !!??!!??!???!??!)...    sorry selim - was a silly joke - that last bits in () - ok !???!   and you can exchange the newest space-stuff with the colonies on mars and uranus.  in about 12 months there will be some space-mail-boxes on pluto and his moon too...   yeah you lame astronomical hero - pluto has a small moon too !!!   and now contact us for newest stuff - spaceselim - mwp - afl  -  plk 0335188486199293 abc  -  18848 neptun-city  -  (and for sure it's on neptun - hae !!!)     but now let's stop this nonsense at all.  this complete megademo has only one more part and it was coded by dr.detroit - some gfx by maximillian (because i have more memory (ha - dr.detroit ist ein speicherlamer seit selim ihm die 2 megabyte-erweiterung weggenommen hat !!)) the complete megademo was coded by maximillian and dr.detroit of the afl-section mindwarp - its alpha flight again !!!     our flight will never stop - parsecs ahead of all lamers looooosers and schleimbeutels - bye yours max...